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Is it necessary to pump cucumbers before. How much to soak cucumbers before singing, pickling, preservation? We begin water treatments

differ in good germination, high-quality seeds Cucumber should not less than 90%. For correct conditions the shelf life of cucumber seeds is 6-7 years. Optimal storage conditions of cucumber seeds: a dry cool place with a temperature of +10 ... + 12 ° C and relative air humidity not higher than 60%. The seeds of cucumbers take out a dust (lowering the temperature below 0 ° C), but to store them in the garage, in the country, unheated room Anyway, it is impossible: with a sharp decrease in temperature, they are most likely molded and suffer. Do not store the seeds of cucumbers in hot places in the apartment: near heating radiators, in the cabinets under the ceiling. At temperatures above + 25 ° C, they retain the germination of only about a year.

Required conditions for germination of cucumber seeds

The temperature of germination of seeds of cucumbers +20 ... + 28 ° C, time of germination - about 3 days.

Calibration of cucumber seeds

The first thing that is always done with seeds is to calibrate them, that is, the best is selected. It is necessary to do when you buy seeds with hands or get out of yourself. Store seeds of large seeding companies are taking a calibration in production. First of all, the deformed and unnaturally colored seeds (dark or with spots) are subjected to chosen. For landing, large, smooth seeds of cucumbers of uniform light color are selected.

Calibration of cucumber seeds can be calibrated in a 3% salt solution. For the preparation of the solution, they take 3 g of a salt on 100 ml of water or 30 g per liter. 30 grams of salts are about 1.5 tablespoons or 3 teaspoons with a slide.

The seeds are thoroughly stirred in the solution to remove all bubbles from the surface of the seeds and hold for 5-10 minutes. The pop-up seeds are thrown. The rest are rinsed and dried. What is important, only fresh cucumber seeds (1-2-year-old) can be rebeling in the salt solution (1-2-year-old), even if they saved the germination. Therefore, if all the cucumber seeds have emerged, then you do not hurry to throw them away, most likely they are simply pissed. To check the germination, put a trial batch of seeds to germination.

Disinfection of cucumber seeds in a solution of manganese

For disinfection of seeds of cucumbers in front of the sowing is prepared 1% solution of manganese (permanganate potassium - KMNO 4) and plunge into it seeds for 20-30 minutes.

After that, the seeds are washed. However, mangartan is suitable only for the protection of seeds from infections located on the surface of the seed. Also keep in mind that the efficiency of processing is reduced, if soak the surcharges seeds.

How many mangartages need to process cucumber seeds?

In one standard teaspoon, without top contains 6 g. For the preparation of 1% solution, you need a spoon of manganese on 3 glasses of water, or a third of the spoons on the glass. The solution must be saturated purple. Pink, dark pink and light-purple solutions (when through the solution shines the bottom) is almost useless.

Disinfection of cucumber seeds in special preparations

To combat diseases of cucumbers, which are preserved in the nucleation of seeds, choose the method more difficult. Currently, some bacterial preparations are used to drank seeds of cucumbers. However, the processing of them suppresses not only harmful, pathogenic, but also useful microflora, and use it without of course Do not.

For example, preparations of phytoosporin-M, Baccis are used to combat root rotes, bacteriosis and trachemic and fading. The cucumber seeds are soaked in a solution of any of these drugs for 1-2 hours, then dried.

Heating seeds of cucumbers before sowing

In an industrial scale to disinfect seeds, heating is widely used. For this, the seeds of cucumbers are heated for 3 days at a temperature of + 40 ° C or at a temperature of + 80 ° C for one day. You can warm up in the oven, some gardeners adapted to warm the seeds on radiators central heating Or even in increasing lamps. But in any case, the warming is stress for the embryo of the seed, in addition, at home, it is difficult to withstand accurate temperatures. This method is that this method, despite its popularity, is not recommended for home use.

Soaking of cucumber seeds

Soaking is the most popular method of pre-sowing seed treatment. He is known to everyone who at least once landed the cucumbers. Soaking accelerates germination of cucumber seeds, but sheeps protective layerIf the seeds were processed by the manufacturer from infections and reduces the stability of germinating seeds to adverse conditions. A slight cooling or short-term drying can be safe for dry cucumber seeds, and for pre-closed - destructive. Therefore, soaking makes sense when sowing cucumbers in seedlings at home, and when crops in the ground, only in the event that good weather was established.

To soak seeds of cucumbers, it is advisable to choose a transparent container, plastic or glass. It is laid out a napkin into several layers, paper, gauze or cloth, lay the seeds and poured so that the water stands, but did not cover the seeds entirely. Machine seeds 1-2 days before cracking the shell.

Seeding of cucumber seeds

Pre-extension of seeds of cucumbers in front of sowing is used if there are doubts about their gentlemen. In order not to waste the place of water, you can sit only those seeds that have already risen. Their disadvantage is that the glowed seeds of cucumbers after sowing need warmth and frequent watering. And if you allow the drying of the shell of seeds or not enough to burst into the soil, seedlings from germinated seeds sometimes can not easily get rid of the seed peel. We will have to help them: spray the seed shell with water from the spray, and when it is splashing, carefully remove with toothpicks.

Temperature for germination of cucumber seeds +25 ... + 28 ° C. Lay seeds into a container or on a saucer on several layers of wet toilet paperPut in plastic bag And remove B. warm place for 1-2 days. Watts and gauze for germinating cucumbers are better not to use. The cucumber has long fragile roots that quickly grow into fabric and are easily damaged during transplantation. The seeds of cucumber germinate well both in the dark and in the light.

Soaking seeds of cucumbers in nutritional solution

Soaking in the solution of physiologically active substances stimulates the growth of seedlings. Soaking in fertilizers is used when planting cucumbers into poor soils.

The principles of soaking in the nutritional solution are the same as in the water: seeds are put on paper, gauze or fabric are poured with a small amount of solution, covered on top and follow the level of fluid. In the nutritional solution, the seeds hold 12-20 hours. Processing is carried out at a temperature of +20 ... + 28 ° C, at a lower temperature, its efficiency decreases. Then the swollen seeds are shifted on paper, fabric or laid out in a gauze bag and germinate at a temperature of +25 ... + 28 ° C until the root appears.

Epine, zircon, or other drugs, without mixing them with each other, can be used to prepare a nutrient solution, because each of them has its own processing time. In the epined solution, the seeds are withstanding 16-24 hours (2 drops per 100 ml of water (half a compartment); in the zircon solution - 10-12 hours (1 drop to 150 ml of water), in a solution of potassium humate or sodium - exact day (0.005-0 , 01% solution).

Barbing of cucumber seeds

Barbing is the enrichment of seeds with oxygen. It is used only for old cucumber seeds, 6-7 years old, to increase germination energy. Young seeds do not give some noticeable effect. Seeds are laid out in a gauze bag and placed in a room with water room temperature. Then air is served using aquarium compressor, while the tube must be under the bag with seeds so that air bubbles surround it from all sides. In such a state, the seeds hold about a day, but if there are many seeds, then in the middle of the cycle, it is desirable to change water. After the bubbling, the latched seeds are immediately planted into the ground.

Hardening of cucumber seeds

Hardening of cucumber seeds increases their resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Challenged seedlings better tolerate cold soil and resist root rot. Seeds intended for hardening wrapped in a wet cloth, lay out on a saucer or plastic dishes and put in the refrigerator for 2 days ( optimal temperature 0 ... + 2 ° C). For the whole time, the cloth remains wet.

After that, the seeds are immediately evyed or treated in a nutritional solution without drying. According to some lovers, hardening allows you to accelerate the development of cucumbers and even increase the yield of cucumbers to 40%.

Do I need to process inlaid, plasma, precision seeds?

Most seeding firms are required at least minimal complex of treatment of cucumber seeds from infections. The most expensive seeds are often prepared in advance: calibrated, treated with fungicides, stimulants, due to which they have color painting. Such seeds do not need to process anything before sowing.

Cucumbers are one of the popular vegetables whose cultivation is engaged in almost every gardener. Many annoyments are experiencing the owners when the invested time and efforts did not bring the expected results. The main factor in the successful cultivation of Zelentsov is considered proper preparation Seeds of cucumbers to landing, including soaking.

Before eviving, it is necessary to check the seeds for the germination. How many of the old or poor-quality sowing material of the vital stock is unknown, therefore, the sprouts on the surface of the soil can not be waited. In order to save time and means, it is recommended to make testing procedures to the gracials to germinate. This gives hope that seedlings will be viable. During the soaking process, attention pays attention to important factors:

  • seed modification in a humid environment;
  • the intensity of germination;
  • the number of suitable grain of the chosen number.

The easiest way to check the quality is considered to wrap the material for sowing wet fabric (flax, cotton). Almost all gardeners use this method.

The process looks like this: from the total weight of the seed, 10-15 pieces are selected, after which they are laid out on a wipe moistened with warm water, unfolded on a saucer. The top should be covered polyethylene film And put a saucer in a warm place, protected from drafts (temperature range from 20 to 23 degrees). A few times a day you need to check the condition of the seed so as not to miss when the sprouts begin to go. Pay attention to the napkin, in the event of a burden, it will be necessary to moisten it again.. To do this, it is enough to spray with warm water from the spray gun so as not to disturb the grains.

Seeds are considered suitable for sowing, which sprouted in 60% (that is, out of 10 grains 6 copies, the keys were formed). The faster the process happened, the more vitality It has sowing material.

How to soak:

  • the procedure is carried out only after seed disinfecting;
  • the liquid used should be sufficient, the risk in full submersion is no green;
  • when immersing the sowing material in the solution, mix several times with their hand or blade;
  • after soaking, the seed should be immediately put in the ground or postponed to germination;
  • treatment time depends on the solution used.

Right ways of homemade germination for landing in the ground

In the preparation process, one of the known methods of germination is used. The most popular I. effective methods Seven seeds are the following.

Soak in saline

The saline solution is considered universal, it allows you to determine the germination and show which copies will arise, and which is not practically for any culture. Working solution is prepared from 6-10 g of cook salt and incomplete glan warm water. The process itself provides for filling the bowl first by seed material, then filling the container with a prepared liquid. After 6-8 minutes, emerging seeds are collected, as they are detected unsuitable for landing. Those that lasted all the time at the bottom, have a good life potential. This process also allows you to disinfect seed material. After this way Seeds can be safely.

After soaking the grain, you need to rinse clean water and dry B. natural conditions At a temperature of at least 20 ° C.

Pushed in biologically active preparations for rapid germination

Multifunctional is considered to be soaking seeds in a liquid enriched with biologically active drugs. The most famous are:

  • Zircon;
  • Solution of potassium humate or sodium;
  • Ivin;
  • Epin Extra.

The method of treating the sowing material with a zircon involves the preparation of a working solution of 300 ml of water and 2 drops of the drug and takes time. Soaking in it is green lasts for 8-18 hours, during this time sprouts should be bled. The means acts in such directions as stimulation of germination, strengthening immunity.

A good result is obtained if you treat the material of humate. When using it, the powder (1 gram) and 100 ml of water temperature water for the preparation of the mother liquor are taken. Store the tool is needed in a cool place (for example, in the refrigerator on the door). Before use, 1 ml of the solution is divorced by 100 ml of water. Seeds are soaked in the resulting liquid for 24 hours.
The drug Ivin has an excellent stimulating and anti-stress action. For soaking, a solution of 2 drops of means and 2 liters of water room temperature is prepared. Treatment time is 18-24 hours. What drug to choose depends on you.

Soda solutions will help sprouts faster to proceed

The food soda is useful not only in the kitchen, but also for garden work. It has antimicrobial effects, helps extend the period of fruiting. For soaking, a working solution is prepared from 1 liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of soda. We need to be lagging in such a solution for at least a day.
Disputes over the expediency of applying soda are already underway not one year. The only thing that does not cause doubt - this ability to soften the surface of the grain, allowing moisture to be easily penetrated into the seed. To enhance the effect were developed different recipeswhich provide for the addition of other biostimulants:

  • aloe juice (200 ml of water, 5 ml of aloe juice, 1/4 h. soda);
  • Citovitis (5 drops of water, 1/5 h. S soda, 350 ml of water).

Comprehensive impact provides rapid formation of shoots, resistance to various infections and high yield With proper care.

Soaking in Epina will allow faster to germinate cucumber seeds

The drug Epin has wide spectrum actions. It is a regulator and adaptogen capable of controlling the balance of substances in the plant. The active components of the tools provide rapid germination of seeds, strengthen the immunity of culture, resistance to the humid environment, which arises as a result of heavy rains or flooding.
A solution of 100 ml of water and 1-2 drops of the drug are prepared for the extension of the grain of cucumbers and 1-2 drops of the drug. You need to withstand them in a biostimulator at least 18-20 hours at a temperature mode 20-23 ° C, that is, the process is quite long.

Folk Recipes for processing material for seedlings

Predated before planting seeds also germinated for rapid shoots. From generation to generation transmitted perennial proven folk recipesused and donny. Carrots, pumpkin, beets, radishes, zucchini is only part of plants whose seeds can be soaked in these solutions before disembarking. Here are some simple and effective options.

Recipe number 1 - allows to germinate for 6 hours

An excellent stimulator is considered dissolved water honey. For cooking use a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of a sweet component. The procedure is performed by filling the bowl with honey scene and immersion in it. seed material For 6 hours.

Recipe number 2 - Apply the landing

The cucumbers gently germinate in pure potato juice. To get it you need to select several roots and put them in freezing Camera For freezing. After extracting from the refrigerator, potatoes must exhaust. It is necessary to press the juice manually, it is completely simple. The closed seeds in the juice are upset at least 8 hours.

Recipe number 3 - soak in ash

We make an olor solution - 1 teaspoon of ash on a glass of water

Wood ash has a valuable chemical compositionrich in nutritional minerals and microelements. You can use such a component for the germination of cucumber seeds. First prepares infusion of boiled water (1 liter) and ash (2 tablespoons). Fit fluid should be at least 2 days, after which the grains of 6 hours are immersed in it.

Recipe number 4 - to treat aloe juice

The soaking of seed material in Aloe juice not only stimulates growth, but also strengthens the immunity of the plant. After such treatment, it will be easier to resist different diseases and pests. To get juice with home Plants It is necessary to cut the mature leaves from the bottom of the stem. Wheeling them into paper (better parchment), you should put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After that, the juice is very simply extruded manually. The produced liquid is bred by a small amount of water and fall asleep into the seed mortar for a day.

For soaking seeds of cucumbers take outstanding water. but experienced gardeners noticed that the use of rain or melt liquid is much more efficient.

Aloe juice is easily accessible - there is almost every home

The preparation process is not really complicated. It is not necessary when planting cucumbers to be guided only by information about the expiration date indicated on the package. Having spent no more than a few minutes, you can make sure that the material acquired.

What is just gardeners and gardeners do not go to get an amazingly rich harvest on their plot. Various techniques and techniques are used, ranging from the latest developments of agrotechnology and ending with folk conspiractions. To receive you need to excellent yield Cucumbers, their seeds are best pre-grilled. And how to soak the seeds of cucumbers?

Main ways to get germinated seeds for planting are used by several.

  1. Wet the canvas cloth, wrap the cucumbers into it, put into the cellophane package and remove into a warm place. Cucumbers germinate for three days.
  2. Wayed a cloth, and with cucumbers wrapped in it, put in a glass jar. Close the bank with a lid and put in a warm place for two or three days.
  3. The original method is used by many women - a wet cloth with a cucumber seeds wrapped in it ... bra. Thus, they say, the seeds of cucumbers can be planted literally after a few hours.

For soaking seeds of cucumbers, it is best to use resistant, taula or rainwater. Chlorinated water from under the tap is not too suitable for soaking seeds. In addition, water for soaking should be not cold. The optimal water temperature, which should be used for the germination of cucumber seeds - 26-28 degrees. Also before soaking, you can process the cucumber seeds in the growth stimulant.

It is necessary to plant germinated cucumber seeds very carefully, because if the sprouting breaks, then this seed can be thrown away - it will no longer give plants.

So we can conclude that. That the seeds of cucumbers for germination love moisture and warm.

How to soak seeds before landing

In order to create the most optimal conditions For greater germination of seeds, their preparation is preliminarily carried out: calibration, processing, disinfection, soaking, and so on. Soaking planting material (seeds) is carried out in order to increase the likelihood of obtaining large crops. And also - improve its quality. And whether to soak seeds before landing or not - depends on the culture.

Some seedlings of vegetable crops, or colors, have a rather dense shell, which can prevent rapid germination. Soaking is applied to achieve excellent mass searches. At the same time, the faster the sprouts will come, the less likely the probability that the seeds perish in the ground will be eaten by pests, or will begin to refine. Well, in order to increase the percentage of the germination of all seeds, you can apply soaking with the addition of biologically active solutions.

Soaking and preparation

First, it is worth noting that it is necessary to correctly carry out the soaking process only after disinfection of seeds, immediately before planting. Will be needed for the procedure of capacity, water, march and planting material.

As previously indicated, the seeds in a dense shell are soaked. These include: seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, beets, tomatoes, peppers and watermelon. It can also be attributed to the category of crops subject to pre-soaking due to the content of them large number essential oils, seeds of dill, carrots, celery, parsley, parsnips. Seeing such seedlings in water, some of the essential oils will be repeated, and their germination will be easier.

It is possible to use tap water, but nevertheless gardeners are gardens prefer not to apply it. As a capacity you need to use wide plates or saucers.

How to conduct a procedure

This process performed is quite simple. Seeds need to be decomposed on moisturized gauze and to cover the second layer on top. After that, seedlings are poured with water, the temperature of which should be about +30 - +35 degrees. It is worth noting that if the water becomes a brown, then it must be changed until it becomes transparent.

The volume of water required for the procedure is calculated based on the volume of seeds. For specific cultures, the ratio of seeds and water will be as follows:

  • 50% of water for seedlings of zucchini, melons, watermelon, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers;
  • 100% - for parsley, dill, beets, celery, peas and legumes.

Capacities with clumsy seeds put in a dark place. The temperature for the most optimal conditions should be between +20 to +25 degrees. Some gardeners practice a fairly interesting method - put tanks with seedlings wetted in the water in addition to the plastic bag before removing in an unlit place. Thus, providing a greenhouse effect.

In the process of soaking air for seeds is not required, so you can not worry that under the water layer they "suffocate." But at the same time, their long-term stay in water can lead to the death of planting material. Most seeds are needed about 18 hours to swell. This include seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, beets, zucchini, watermelon. Seedlings of carrots, parsley, celery, dill, Luke leave in water for swelling, you need 48 hours. Such cultures that have large tormenting seeds are soaked for 2-4 hours before landing.

How to soak planting material in biologically active solution

Often, biological solutions for stimulating growth (germination) are added to the water for soaking seeds before planting. Used, as a rule, substances such as:

  • "Epin" - Growth stimulator on plant basis. This substance helps to adapt to the sowns to the conditions faster ambient And survive adverse factors (freezing, lack of light).
  • "Zircon" - The drug based on chicorylic acid allocated from Echinacea. This substance is one of the strong growth stimulants, which not only stimulates the growth of shoots, but also helps the formation of roots.
  • "Gumat" - Environmentally safe salt (sodium or potassium) humic acid, resulting from alkaline hydrolysis peat, brown coal.

In general, substances that are added when soaking into the water and contribute to good germination, quite a lot, and their range is diverse.

But it is possible and at home to prepare a biological solution in the form of infusion. So, for example, the infancy of the pharmaceutical chamomile is suitable for soaking cabbage seeds, peas, beans, radish. The best tool for seedlings of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, peppers, celery and dill - Valerian infusion. For beets of the dining room and spinach are used by the infusion from the reassured cowboat. Natural biostimulants are also infusion from wood ash And aloe juice (fresh).

How to carry out the procedure specifically for each culture


Seeds of cucumbers, like the culture of zucchini, pumpkin, patissons, watermelon, cabbage and radish, are first prepared before sowing. For this, approximately 1-1.5, they need to dry, for example, near the battery. After careful inspection by choosing only qualitative material, Cucumbers seeds are soaked. Following the advice of experienced gardens, these cultures need to be mashed not in simple water, but with the addition of stimulants and biological solutions. By the way, using this advice, you can, therefore, immediately and disinfection seeds. Sufficient time For their soaking - about 12 hours. During this time, the seedlings of cucumbers and similar crops will noticeably swell and, perhaps, will even appear signs of germination.

Parsley and dill

Seeds of parsley, dill, carrots, lettuce and pastebooks are soaked before landing in advance. As a rule, sowing of planting material of such plants occurs in April. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare seedlings on time. As previously mentioned, seedlings of these cultures (parsley, salad, etc.) tightly spare due to the content of essential oils. Therefore, they will need more time for swelling. Conduct soaking in water, this procedure can take about 48 hours. Before heating, seeds should be dried in a dark place. Correctly keen, and then dried seeds of parsley, dill, carrots and others will easily crumble.


Seeding material in the form of beet seeds need to be mashed before planting in advance, about 2-3 days earlier. Water can be used to melt, or the usual one, only worth bringing it to a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Seedlings beets for swelling will take about 22-25 hours. A special moment under the procedure with beets sowns is periodicity of 2-3 hours, the first 10 hours should be changed water.

If you bought a package with the sowing material, which indicates that the seeds are processed, with them when landing needs to be somewhat different than with conventional seeds collected from your bed in the fall.


  • Today there are several types of treated seeds. They share according to the processing method on the inlaid, dued and simply disgraced. Inlaid seeds - bright color, have almost a genuine value. They are simply covered with a protective layer of pesticides, which protects them from diseases.
  • Delicated seeds have a form of pea. We usually drive very small seeds, so these people are also microscopic, but still two times in two largest seeds, which is inside. Shell-dragee is designed to facilitate the process of sowing and also protects seeds from diseases.
  • If seeds have natural View And the magnitude, and their shell is nothing multicolored, but they say on the package that they are processed, which means they were processed by disinfecting sprays.
  • All three types of seeds undergoing processing, in no case can not be mashed before planting. They were specifically encrushed and drilled so that they start adaptation to the conditions of growth from the moment of swelling, and this adaptation was the least painful. Maging treated seeds in water, you disturb the protective layer and expose seeds before the appearance of germs to all sorts of dangers.
  • Processed seeds should be sought dry. This is especially true of cucumbers. Other vegetable crops are more resistant. And even if you destroy the protective inlay, 20-30 percent can survive and give stiff shoots. But with cucumbers - if you destroy the protective shell, and the weather immediately spoiled after sowing, it is enough to reduce the temperature by 2-4 ° C or a protracted rain so that they died to one.
  • Disinflected seeds that have a normal view, buyers are soaked anyway, despite the fact that they are already processed. I really want to prepare everything to sow. People do not believe that manufacturers have already prepared everything and took care of them. And the biggest mistake that experienced gardeners make with great experience - soaking seeds first in mangartee, and then in ordinary water before swelling.
  • Manganese kills outdoor microbes. Do not try to kill it something inside the seed. Because if you soak dry seeds in a saturated solution of manganese at least thirty minutes, you can only kill the germ inside. Therefore, first seeds are soaked in the water. And then for twenty minutes, it is kept in manganese and washed with water.

how to soak the seeds of cucumbers so that they proceed?


put in the rag in the plate and pour water, see periodically so that the water has always been.

elena Orlova

i sow dry, after three to five days you spare. In general, in a saucer and how correctly they were told in a rag and warm. You can in the package. what would not dried water

Tatyana Afonina

I agree with Elena, but only water in a saucer does not lie, but we would be well waging a cloth and would also add ventilating, so that the seeds in the bag did not suffocate.

Irina Voloshin

wrap the seeds in the wet cloth, the water should be quite a bit - only the rag was wet, otherwise the seeds suffocate. If the seeds are good, they will turn off in a couple of days

Natalia Trohin

I'm not soaky, soot dry

Nadezhda Nadin

I read: so that the cucumbers were sweet, they are soaked for 2-3 hours in warm milk, then, without washing, germinate on the chest (or body) and in the ground. Herself did not try, I want to try, and so it sow dry

Natalia Litvinova

In the lid from the can, we put the seeds of cucumbers and cover them with a brewed warm water. Then I follow the wool did not dry. If there are several varieties, then you need to sign the lids.


fast way. Put the seeds on the wet fabric, wrap and put in the package, and now the most interesting ... put to the body. For the night will turn around .... If there are several varieties, you sign the rags.


Wrap in a wet straple and wet it as drying.

Behzod Rahmatulloev

soak with manganese to get a clean cucumber put the seed into a wet cotton. Close them with a film put it near the batteries! After how much roots will be like a length of the seeds, plant the cups easily .... Features of growing cucumbers
Cucumbers - the most popular vegetable culture In Russia. This annual herb tropical plant Family of pumpkin, originally from India. The cucumbers are demanding on the conditions of cultivation, but with the observance of some conditions, a rich harvest is given annually.

What the cucumbers love
The cucumbers are demanding to temperature - the temperature of 24-28 ° C is optimal for them, below 15 ° C, the development of plants is suspended, and at 3-4 ° C, the cucumbers die. Especially sensitive root system. Therefore, cucumbers B. middle lane Russia can be extended only in protected ground (tunnels under a captive, warmed steam beds, spring film and glazed greenhouses on solar and technical heating).
Cucumbers require light, but somewhat less than tomatoam. On the sunny Place they develop better and give high yieldAnd fruiting is more proclaiming.
Cucumbers need a fertile soil rich in humophole (humoring), well-drained, air and a permeable, light on mechanical composition and good warmed. Best cucumbers Grow on the soup soils rich in organica. Clay soils Must work well with manure or compost with the addition of sawdust, for a long time. brown color. Sand in this case is less suitable, since with a pixatch and watering it "leaves" into the lower layers, and the soil becomes more carnate, worse conducts water and nutrient solutions.
The soil must be neutral. On acidic soils, the pybent elements of fertilizers are worse. Such soil requires "deoxidation" with lime, dolomite flour, chalk and ash.
Cucumbers require all batteries that are in organic and mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers contribute to the soil in front of the steamer, as well as during the growth throughout the season. Regular liquid adjustments are required due to the fact that the cucumbers begin to fruit early, have powerful stems, well-developed spots and large leaves. But these plants do not oversleep the high doses of fertilizers: they are often feeding and gradually. It is advisable to alternate different kinds Contact. New hybrids are especially needed. Disadvantage individual elements Nutrition in cucumbers are very clear.
The cucumbers impose special requirements for potassium, which regulates the metabolism, increases disease resistance, cool weather, increases the sugar content of the fruits, improves their taste. With a lack of potassium on the edge of the sheet (starting from the lower), a bright border appears, the leaves can be given in the heat, the fruits acquire a pear shape.
Phosphorus accelerates fruiting, activates the growth of the roots, with its lack of leaves become dark green.
Thanks to nitrogen, stems and leaves grow rapidly. With a lack of nitrogen, the growth of the plant is delayed, the Zelentsy acquire a pointed wedge-shaped form (like carrots). On the acidic soils, the cucumbers lack calcium, they are worse assimilated nutrients, the leaves are folded, the fruits are minor and become tasteless.

Ruhshod Dadomatov

soak with the mangartean to put the seed in a rag or cotton after the roots put on the cups after shooting immediately lighting around the clock 3-4 days will be very strong healthy

Lyudmila Eremin

Seeds of cucumbers and not only soak so. I take a cloth, wasting it, press and wrap in her seeds. Then a cloth with seeds put in a glass jar and spinning the lid. Put in a warm place. A cloth practically does not dry and seeds will never suffocate. In the jar of air after all.

Kochieva Polina.

In a rag moisten warm water And in ... bra. After three hours you can sit down!

Natalia Belousova

cucumbers always sow dry into a well-spilled earth and covering the film. On the third day everything is perfectly attached. And so I know that the seeds before sowing in the mouth are put and keep in the language neatly, so as not to swallow, a minute. And then put on the ground right away. supposedly energy and strength to seeds give. what you just won't go for the sake of harvest

tell me the novice gardener of the seeds of cucumbers need to be soaked in front of the seedle


Different seeds in different sow. If they are processed by a special composition, then it is written on the bag - not to soak and the name of this (I do not remember what is called) substance. And if the usual, then you can dock the fucking. Previously, they were generally soaked in the tissue before the appearance of hooked sprouts. Just need carefully then to contact them if it is broken, no longer corrected. Sometimes I sow dry. Strolling grooves hot water, laying out the seeds and sprinkle the earth. From above covering a film or spongund. We will also go well. So do how it is convenient for you. Good luck and good yields!


yes need

sasha Sasha.

i always soak, then what they jarked those and land.


I am not soaky. Just then abundantly irrigating the wells.
But my grandmother did so: in a rag, the seeds of cucumbers were soaked and for several days left them there before punishing.
Then he was already planted. At the same time and rejected those who did not proceed.

Lyudmila Ilchenko

without a difference, sprouts will go faster.

Svetlana Butorina

I always soak. Earlier in a small cloth, and now in sawdust. Sawdust waging boiling water, I give cool and then the face of the seeds of cucumbers on a barrel. Spanted seeds boot faster. They can be seen how many of them are problem and you can find out, you need to start or not.

Very curious

you can not soak ... If the seeds do not feel much, just sow dense and then still


Better germinate.


i'm not soaking - and so beautifully spare. The main thing is that the land loose and wet was


It is not necessary to squeeze the seeds of cucumbers, it is not necessary to shedding well before boarding and planting the film - it will save moisture and provide enough heat. Seeds will germinate in 3-5 days.

Oksana Sedakova

If you have purchased seeds not a hybrid, then soak. And if the package is on the package besides the name, then you should not soak. There are cucumber seeds of green, orange and other paintings. These are inlaid seeds, that is, processed, which allows the best germination and caution of the disease. Good luck.

tatyana Savchenko Siberia

I wake up to sick, regardless of whether they are processed or not. Soak dismissed cucumbers does not mean pour them with water. Just wrap in a wet cloth, better in gauze, a rag in a prison polyeth. Package, and his sunshine. Honestly, I did not come across the sachets of the inscription "not soak."

Lyudmila Chavnikova

for many years, we already have a woman in the market in the spring seeds. She warns her buyers that the seeds of cucumbers are not overwhelmed, since they are processed. Immediately sung in a well-spilled groove. We discussed this question at the club gardeners. In effect, many have no wet seeds. I and now have Packages of the company "Sedk", where there is a warning. These seeds are really multicolored, there are with gray-sized divorces - these plasma processed. What the seeds are treated with that woman, she does not say. Her husband said that in fertilizers, but it is not true. My neighbor trades seeds. I looked, she had many seeds yet, especially cucumber. I asked why. In response he heard: - But how to start the seeds to push, so it will not go out - they will come again. Some firms, it seems to me, do not specifically write: the seeds are expensive.

elena Kurilova

they can be treated and not soak, but if you do not have time with the terms, then you will definitely be so-free.

How do you need to properly process seeds before sowing by manganese?

Nikolai Chelyabinsk

Dear! ... Manganese kills all living things ... He was refused to apply even in medicine .... When processing the soil, even a weak breaking, all useful microorganisms die in it ... Namely they create useful nutrients for plants in the soil. Further, ... about how destroying the manganese for seeds will give only one, but a very convincing example .... Prepare a weak mortar of manganese, tomato seed and the usual sight glass glass ... Look at the seed before soaking in manganese through this magnitude ... and after soaking .... All nutrient hairs on the seed burned .... The seed turns ... After such a procedure, there are practically no germination procedure ... And if the seed of all the same works (and this sometimes happens) ... the seedman will be weak and the patient .... From such a plant, the harvest in the future is good not wait ..
.... What is not advisable to use the manganese in crop production .... If it is necessary to disinfect seeds, it is better to do this in liquor ... Aloe juice .. A good result gives soaking seeds in a biopreparation solution Baikal Em-1 ... Better yet I still do not know ... After Baikal, the seeds are good and quickly shoot ... And in the future they will give a good harvest ... .

Tatyana Maksimenko

if you bought in the store, then they must already be processed. Home: Soak on the day in a weak solution (preferably before landing) sweat

Viktor Gorshkov

Make a weakly pink solution and usually soaked 2-3 hours later you can rinse.
If seeds for seedlings, then it is necessary to pour and the soil by the manganese, the same solution to disinfect the soil.

Natalia Zakharova

Seeds are treated with 1% heatman mortar. 1% solution is 1 gram per 100 ml. Water, or 1 teaspoon without top of 600 ml. water.
Tomato, onions, celery, beans, corn kept in a solution of 45 minutes,
Eggplants, peppers, carrots, dill, pumpkin hold in a 2% solution of 20 minutes.
After that, washed well with running water and dried, if you do not immediately suck, or soaked for sowing.
Seeds are soaked:
Peas - 5 hours,
Cabbage, tomato, cucumbers - 18 hours,
Onions, celery crops - 36 hours.
Machine in water with aloe juice (1: 2) reacts of eggplant seeds, cabbage, tomato-supportion 24 hours. You can not soak in this solution of pumpkin, onion, pepper, celery crops in this solution.
Also soaked in water with the addition of epin and humate.


Comprehensive response from Natalia. It is not necessary to soak in mangartee, now there are a lot of drugs, but I most like the juice of Aloe. Margonal shedding the ground during stallion.


Branded inlaid, dued and treated seeds of cucumber, pepper, tomatoes and other cultures in no case (in general) soak, because in the period of soaking with them the inlay is washed off with pesticides, and after seeding they remain almost defenseless before causative agents various diseases and pests. Such seeds should be suiced dry.
Even their seeds, first soak in the water, and then in manganese, since the dry state of the seed will threaten moisture and they drink what the first is given, and all that in small portions is useful, with overdose -adad.

Oksana Sedakova

Manganese is better to shed the soil before sowing, and the seeds are soot in immunocytophite or in zircon!
Treat! Very please, when preparing seeds to sow, use only one of the listed stimulants! You do not need to process seeds by all stimulants in turn - you will not lead to anything good! Who has a desire - can be different varieties to treat with different stimulants, the entire season is recorded and compared to the fall.
Need to do pre-processing Seeds before sowing?

If you buy seeds from a well-known company, which values \u200b\u200bits reputation, then you can not carry out any processing. But if it is your seeds, or received from lovers, it is better to do prepaiming, To decoke the seeds, since 80% of the disease is transmitted with seeds and only 20% through the soil.

Personally, I am most often using immunocytophite for preparing seeds, which enhances the natural immunity of plants to disease and, moreover, harmless. But it must be remembered that immunocyto is not compatible with biological drugs, alkali-containing preparations and manganese. Produced in the form of blue tablets. One tablet is enough for processing 5g seeds, 20kg potato tubers and for processing 50 square meters Square. Dissolve better in melt water. Seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, carrots, beets (1 tablet + 15 ml of water, seeds to dunk for 3 hours, sow not drying), watermelon (1 tablet + 50ml of water, 20g seeds), pea and sunflower (1TAill + 60ml of water, spray 5 kg seeds), bow-north and planting material of potatoes (1 tablet + 140-160ml water) spray before planting. Twice spray vegetable plants sad strawberry (Before flowering and after 30 days, repeat; 1 tablet + 20 ml of water, then bring to 2 liters).

Pre-sowing material preparation typically implies a soaking procedure. This method Processing makes it possible to maximize the use of the entire potential of the sowing material, helps the rapid growth of vegetables, including. However, exist different opinions Regarding the feasibility of soaking cucumber seeds before landing.

Harm or benefit?

Seeds cucumber good quality germinate quickly and without additional preparation. For this, not more than 3 days from the moment of planting at ambient temperature +25 degrees.

Soaking can only harm the grains if they were processed and processed.This procedure only wipes the protective layer.

If the clumsy material gives a sprout to 5 mm, it will negatively affect its resistance to changes in weather conditions. Freezing or abundant rains will be destructive for him.

This preparation will be useful for grains with a lack of moisture due to improper storage, as well as those plants that will be planted at home on. When preparing seeds of cucumbers to landing in compliance temperature mode Soaking similarly will only benefit.

Important! Store seeds optimally in a dry cool place at a temperature of + 10 ... + 12 degrees and humidity no more than 60%.

Soaking accelerates growth and contributes to the development of culture. The positive characteristic of this procedure is also considered prevention from which amaze vegetables.

Optimal deadlines

The soaking procedure takes 2-3 days at a temperature of + 20 ... + 28 degrees. Before starting first, it is necessary to determine the place of sowing of future cucumbers. This will help you choose the time for this process. If the plants are planted in, the optimal time for soaking is the beginning.
IN open sad Seeds are planted only after the late frosts will be held and warm weather will be installed. As a rule, in the middle lane this period falls on the second half of May. Accordingly, the procedure can be carried out 3 days before disembarkation. When landing, seedlings also need to take into account its age. Usually it is 25 days after germination, it means that it is necessary to prepare seeds 28 days before planting sprouts into the ground.

In order not to miss in the choice of favorable days to plant cucumbers and pick up optimal deadlines soaking, you can take advantage lunar calendar. He will prompt the days that are most suitable for this.

How to soak seeds

Experienced gardeners Go to everything, just to get a high harvest and high-quality fruits. Many are interested in the expediency of the procedure for soaking the cucumbers, as well as the answer to the question, how is it all right? Consider the main stages of this process in more detail.


In order to get the desired result, you need to know how to soak the seeds of cucumbers before landing correctly.

First of all, you need to pick up dishes. Perfect fit glass jar or plastic container. The bottom must be made to the cloth (you can march), put the grains on them and add so much water so that it is only half the coated. Capacity cover with a lid and remove into a warm place for several days.

Important! The fabric in no way should rehabilitate, otherwise seeds may die.

Soaking is best to spend outstanding or melting water, and is also suitable rainwaterbut not chlorinated from under the tap. Suitable water temperature for germination should be + 26 ... + 28 degrees.
It is possible to make soaking in special solutions ("epin", which stimulate growth on initial stages. Before planting germinated cucumber seeds into the poor, it makes sense to soak them in using trace elements, since when landing into a fertilous soil, the effect will not be noticeable.

Many daches are used in soaking. He accelerates germination of grains, and most importantly - completely harmless to people.

How much?

Since the seeds can be soared in several stages, consider how long it takes all the processes. When conducting the disinfection procedure, the planting material is lowered into the solution and is there from 20 minutes to one hour. After that, it is processed in growth stimulants. It takes up to 12 hours. It is at this time that the future fruits of cucumbers get the necessary meals.
Next comes the soaking procedure in water. Seeds wrapped in fabric, half placed in the liquid and are moved to a warm place for 2-3 days. When the spine appears from the seed, another procedure is performed - hardening. For this, the planting material is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, the seeds are ready to explore the pot.

Did you know? From one plant of cucumber, you can collect a crop to 125 fruits.

So, the usual soaking period lasts not more than 3 days before the time as the grain shell cracked. However, if the procedure includes stages of disinfection, stimulation of growth and hardening, this period can stretch over time up to 4-5 days.

Features of the process

Making cucumbers has its own characteristics. Before prepare the seeds of cucumbers to landing, they must be sorted and choose large. With the help of calibration, you can cut down bad grains. To do this, they are poured with water and look at the result. Popular grains will be on the surface. The remaining grain must be dried. Also before soaking, it will be useful to warm up the planting material. For this, the seeds are poured into the fabric or laid out on the plate and put in a warm place (as the option is suitable for the battery). If the temperature holds about +35 degrees, then after a week they will be ready.

The latter, but no less important stage of preparation of grains for soaking is their disinfection. Sowing material need to soak in light solution Magnantages for 30 minutes.

Landing germinated seeds

The question of how to germinate the seeds of cucumbers and put them in the ground correctly, almost every novice gardener is set. Cucumbers can land in the pot immediately after they start germinate. This usually happens on the 2-3rd day of soaking.
When transplanting must be extremely neat so as not to injure the roots.To do this, it is best to choose large containers about 500 ml. Before planting the ground in the pots, it is necessary to pour a manganese solution. Seeds are transferred to the containers, covered with a film and put in a warm place to create an effect.