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Indoor flowers unwanted for home cultivation. What plants do not keep at home and why

Indoor plants create an individual inherent in the atmosphere only in any house. They make a dwelling cozy and warm, care for home plants gives pleasure. No one will probably argue that these are living organisms affecting human health and psyche. Knowing what houseplants can not be held at home, you can avoid danger to the health and mood of family members.

Dangerous neighbors

As for the energy sector, the Council on time to get rid of stool and patient plants is psychologically justified. Few people will be easier in the soul at the sight of a dying plant. If for some reason it was not possible to save it healthy and strong, then the best way to give the plant to the one who competently leads it in order.

However, the greatest threat is not sick room flowers - from the point of view of security it is impossible to keep the plants whose leaves and fruits contain poisonous substances. Even if the flower reaches all precautions, these indoor "pets" are dangerous for small children and pets that have a developed sense of danger. Here is some of them.

  • beautiful plant With decorative leaves, on-site cut slices or breakfasts and leaves highlights Milky Juice, able to cause irritation on the skin or the back of the retina. If you get into the mouth of a large amount of juice, a strong burn of mucous membranes appears.

Such properties have: Mokha Poinsettia, Akalif, Codione, Philodendron, Calla ,. Their juice is annoying the skin and mucous membrane of the mouth and eye, when entering the intestines, it becomes the cause of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Especially poisonous in this regard hyacinth, clivia,.

  • Oleander is a decorative flowering plant, highlighting the aroma during flowering capable of bringing to fainting. The juice of stems and leaves of oleander can cause blindness due to the burn of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Other representatives of this satellite family have a similar action: Pahipodium, grades, balquin, adenium. Why don't they be kept at home? These indoor plants contain poison, weakening human and animal cardiac activities.

  • Panlar, Brunfelsia, Brovalia, Clivia - their attractive fruits and berries are so poisonous that, hitting the body, cause drowsiness and expansion of pupils, pain in the abdomen and vomiting.
  • Primula, cyclamen - contraindicated those who suffer from allergies, allergic dermatitis, inflammation of the skin immediately begin with such people.

Very intensely poisonous compounds are highlighted during plant care (watering, spraying, reproduction).

If you still decided to grow these indoor plants in your apartment, remember the first medical care measures.

  • The skin at the site of a poisonous juice should be washed with water with soap.
  • If you get into the mouth of a poisonous juice, take absorbents (activated carbon), cause vomiting.
  • Furious mucous eye washed with running water for about 20 minutes, then turn to the oculist.
  • In the poisoning of children or appearing in adult signs of disruption of nervous, cardiac activity urgently consult a doctor.

Knowing what kind of home plants cannot be kept at home, there are many unpleasant situations associated with the health of family members.

Signs and superstition

Believe or not there are nice signs about what flowers can not be grown at home, - the personal matter of everyone. A simple law is triggered here: if you believe in these superstitions, they will come true if they are indifferent to the signs - the troubles predicted by them will bypass you.

Here are some superstitions associated with indoor plants.

  • Do not keep the houses of Liana or ampel indoor plants - Men in the family will not linger. Having been dangerous in this regard, such "men", like: Szindapsus, Tradesska, Zebrina, Ivy, Rafidofora, REO, ROCISSUS, Campelia.
  • Palms donated by someone, and not sprouting personally bring to the house a big grief.
  • Cacti attract drunkenness in the family. There is one more sign on their account - a girl living in a house where cactuses grow, is doomed to stay with an old Virgin.
  • Ferns, Filodendrons - Energy Vampires, they deprive the inhabitants of forces, sucking life from them. Why did the beautiful Monster got into such disfavor? Maybe because of the name, and maybe because of its air roots, similar to the tentacle.
  • Geranium is a plant of lonely people. This superstition, apparently, arose because of love for this flower of pension grandmothers, that is, the reason was confused with the investigation.

Despite these superstitions, there are great amount Examples, when families growing and cacti, and liana, and geraniums live very happily.

Room Favoris Feng Shui

The popular Eastern teaching of Feng Shui can offer several tips on what flowers cannot be put in an apartment or another person's home.

  • It is impossible to keep the houses of indoor "pets", causing antipathy from the owners, otherwise they will radiate in around negative energy.
  • The same statement refers to patients and drying plants.
  • Cacti or similar to them succulents with spiners and solid leaves can not be placed in places of recreation, in the bedroom.
  • Any flower arrangement using bonsai symbolizes development limit, so it is undesirable to have such negative information translators in the human dwelling.
  • In addition to cacti, heavy energy, Yucca, Sanseviere, or "Picky Tail", Echmea, Neverarel, Orchid are possessed. Being with them a large number of time in one space, you can get not only headache, but also problems in the family and at work.

Look at the bedroom

None in any room at home or apartment does not need a person in positive energy and in clean air, as in the bedroom. From what kind of houseplants he is going to keep and grow and grow, not only a full-fledged vacation from day care, but also health, and intimate relationships.

It is undesirable to put the plants in the bedroom with a large mass of leaves: monster, ficus, fern. In the dark, they will intensively absorb oxygen in which the inhabitants of the house need so much. Inappropriate in the bedroom and flowers with strong flavors (lilies, orchids, hydrangea), as well as those that allocate poisonous evaporations: oleander, and many others listed above. Even geranium can cause headaches if you keep it in the bedroom on the south side window.

If family members suffer from asthma or allergies, from plants in the bedroom it is better to refuse at all. Constantly wet land in flower pots, disputes of some plants, mold fungiPerhaps available in a wet environment, do not better affect the well-being of such patients.

  • high plants with splashing leaves;
  • hard I. spiny cacti and succulents;
  • dropping and sick copies.

What kind of flowers doctrine Feng Shui advises to keep in the bedroom? These are soft and gentle copies with thin leaves, citrus, miniature varieties of ficuses, violets, scarlet.

To flowers in the children's bedroom, the same requirements are only reinforced security measures. There you can not put:

  • poisonous varieties of indoor flowers;
  • copies with a strong smell;
  • cacti, Mokhodi and succulents;
  • liana and ampel plants;
  • flowers stiguously isolated carbon dioxide with large leaves;
  • allergens.

By purchasing or growing indoor flowers, you need to pay attention to their properties: safety, lack of allergic danger in the form of fungi, mold, dispute. It is strictly forbidden to keep poisonous specimens in the house where there are children. Especially carefully pick up green decorations for placing them in the bedroom, in the children's room. If a folk signs And superstitions seem worthy of attention, it is worth choosing flowers, focusing on them. No matter where flowers are placed to decorate the premises - in the kitchen, living room or in the bedroom, - always have big choice Plants that do not represent hazards for health and energy equilibrium.

A list of what flowers should not keep at home: photos and signs are small. But, there are plants from which superstitious people immediately stay away. It is possible that on the very fact the flowers are completely harmless, but when a superstitious person learn a certain will accept, then all problems in life writes off the flower.

There is also a certain group of home plants, in the stems and the leaves of which the poisonous juice flows. If only adults live at home, there is nothing to fear and such plants can be bolder. But if there are small children or animals at home, it is better to give the plant to the family where there are no risk groups.

Flowers that select the energy of love and happiness

In the list, what flowers can not be held at home: photos and signs with photos are always the first to stand any curly plants. Yes, they look indoors effectively and are capable of even the small room of a city apartment Create a real winter Garden. But, with such indoor colors, it is necessary to behave extremely carefully.

A brief list of curly plants that are not suitable for home:

  • Golden mustache;

  • Tradesska;

  • Rafidophore;

  • Epipremnum;

  • Campelia;

The people say that the content of any of this flower at home can lead to the fact that the husband will take away from the family. These are bloody flowers that take away the energy of love and actively absorb the energy of happiness, not giving anything in return.

Interesting! Even the Eastern Philosophy of Feng Shui to any curly colors also relates to fear. On Feng Shui, such flowers in the residential room keep strictly not recommended.

Plants that contain poison

If the previous group of colors is considered dangerous for some unacceptable reason: plants absorb positive energyThis domestic group has clear negative manifestations. In particular, the flowers are considered to be poisonous, unless, of course, taste them. Here you need to highlight a fairly popular diffenbahia . It is characterized by spectacular external species And beautiful big leaves, but if the leaves are broken, you can see the juice that is poisonous. So, if there are kids, cats, dogs and other living creatures, then better at the time of growing this flower to refuse.

Too fragrant plants

Other plants, for example, lily or Geran , have a strong smell. It can affect the human well-being. In particular, the smell of lilies is so strong that annoys nervous system And in the room it is impossible to relax. Moreover, lilies are actively breathing with us oxygen, highlighting carbon dioxide.

As for the smell of Gerani, he often causes headaches. Many people have different allergic reactions for geranium. They talk about a sharp aroma, it is also worth mentioning such a flower as oleander . It is also distinguished by a sharp smell that causes dizziness. The oleander juice is dangerous to such an extent that there are cases when he caused blindness. Now you have even more information about what flowers should not keep at home: photos and signs.

And what about orchids?

Is it worth saying that it is orchids today are the most popular home flowers. They bloom beautifully and extremely simple in care. But, whether orchids include the list, what flowers do not keep at home: photos and signs? Here you can say with confidence that there is no. Nor in the people, nor in science there are no testes or evidence that the orchids negatively affect the space or on the person himself.

Like any blooming indoor plants, orchids are not recommended in the bedroom. But in any other room of residential or office space, they can safely occupy the most beautiful places.

Fortunately, a list of what flowers can not be held at home: photos and signs are small. Moreover, many folk signs do not have at no scientific basis. And if you are not married and do not be afraid that your husband will leave for another woman, then any curly plants can be bolder to grow. But on a group of poisonous colors with a sharp smell you should pay increased attention. Especially if you are inclined to allergies or at your home there are children, pets.

People take care of the purity of the dwelling and that their positive energy is surrounded. Houseplants bring great benefit to man: they clean the air, green color It has a positive effect on the mood and they perfectly decorate the interior.

But there are flowers that are of particular importance for a person.

Useful indoor plants for home

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a certain plant corresponds to each residential premises. But there are also those considered universal - suitable for any room.

Listed plants are considered universal and can be put in any room.

Kitchen plants

For landscaping of this room, resistant temperatures are sustainable, inconsolable to the care that do not need constant spraying and drought-resistant.

Kitchen plants must be hardy and well cleaned air.

Attention! You should not turn the kitchen in the jungle - enough one - two colors to maintain sufficient humidity.

Plants for children

For children, you need to choose plants that first of all will be useful for health. And this means that they should not cause allergies, neyovy, and care for them should be quite simple. After all, how much pleasure can deliver the child a flower growing!

Note! So that the baby is more interesting to care for green friends best if interesting will be selected flower pots. This will make it possible to form a right attitude towards nature.

Bedroom plants

Select bedroom plants, you need to be guided by the same principles as for the children's.

    1. Mirt and Eucalyptus perfectly copble with air purification. They also remove the bronchial spasm, so they will be especially useful for asthmatics.

    1. Spathifylum.
    2. refreshing the relationship between spouses.

    1. lowers the content of harmful substances in the air. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide and sends oxygen.

  1. Kalanchoe.

Attention! According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is best in the bedroom to place plants of red color, symbolizing mutual love and consent.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

All of the above plants have a positive energy, create a favorable home atmosphere. Especially it should be noted:

    • Spathifylum;

  • Hibiscus;

Plants that do not keep home

There are a number of houseplants that are not suitable for the house. This is due to the fact that they allocate poisonous substances that can be dangerous to an animal or man.

Also, many disputes cause some plants negative energy. In this case, we can say that everything is individually, and opinions on positive or negative energy can be subjective.

In addition, poisonous juice The above plants allocate only if they are broken, and the juice is harmful when it is used inside. Those. If there are no children or animals in the house, and you like the flower, you can start.

In general, it is best to focus on your own taste and a feeling of pleasure. Useful plants Houseplants serve not only for air purification, but also to create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere.

Probably there is no such house in which he did not conquer at least one room flower. People have long been convinced that living plants create homemade, improve mood. But not every plant can be grown in your home. Take about it and talk.

Useful colors for home

There are several types of useful colors for home.

Basically, they are used in therapeutic purposesAs well as for cleaning oxygen, they include:

Flowers for individual rooms

Combining himself with nature, each person tries to complement his house with its part. Perennials have the ability of healing and with this feature of everyone.

Scientists brought the capacity of indoor plants not only to decorate apartments, houses and offices, but also to improve the energy background, protect against radiation, filter the air, to the nervous system. Each flower has its own particular feature, so knowing it, you can easily determine in which of the rooms the plant will live and benefit.

For kitchen

The kitchen is a non-ideal place for growing houseplants. Due to the temperature drop, high humidity Many flowers suffer and sick.

But there are several copies that are not only perfectly captured surrounded by the plate and different household appliancesbut also get rid of her negative impact And become an excellent air filter. In addition, the oasis in the kitchen will improve digestion and will excellently complement the interior.

So, creating a mini-garden on the kitchen windowsill, you can choose from such green representatives of nature as:

  1. Aglionm. This plant loves moisture, and cope with the purification of air. Will reduce the presence of harmful substances in the kitchen space, which highlight plastic, furniture items, varnish coatings. The minuses include slow growth and adverse effects on the eyes. Therefore, the plant is better to put higher, so that the child or the animal could not get to it.
  2. SzindapSus. This plant is also able to clean the air. The hostess loved him for unpretentiousness, but, it means that it can be quite grown in the kitchen area. The plant is a liano that can point up to 2 meters long. It is characterized by speed growth, so requires frequency fertilizer.
  3. Teschin Language. The plant is unpretentious and has very beautiful tiger leaves. Can bloom in small flower white color. Well filters air and neutralizes harmful substances. Perfectly carries out anywhere in the kitchen. In the complete shadow, the sheet can darken. Perfectly complements the interior of any style. As for the care, the plant needs constantly wiping the leaves.

For children

Any mother, taking care of his child, wants to protect him from bacteria and negative energyEven at home.

Highly reasonable decision There will be cultivation in the children's room of such blooming vegetation as:

  1. Fuchsia;
  2. Balsam;
  3. Violet;
  4. Decembrist;
  5. Begonia.

All these plants do not belong to the class of non-liberant vegetation, very beautiful outwardly and do not require special care.

Choosing a living decoration for children, you need to give preference to proven plants, surrounded by no one generation of children. These include:

  1. Spathifylum;
  2. Fern;
  3. Kalanchoe;
  4. Chlorophytum;
  5. Coniferous;
  6. Citrus;
  7. Maidenhair.

Such plants neutralize harmful substances in the air, enrich the room with oxygen, normalize the sleep of the baby, and is also absolutely safe.

For bedrooms

After the labor days, it is dreaming of quickly getting to your favorite bedroom and enjoy the native and cozy atmosphere. It is in this place that I would like to create a special interior that will give warmth and pacification.

Naturally, every woman dreams to have a beautiful bedroom flowering flowerwhich you can admire lying on your favorite bed. Choosing a flower for the main place in the house, you can not forget about useful properties plants.

The perfect air purifiers were such flowers:

Universal Flowers Home

Beautiful green flowerYes, and even with gorgeous blooming is able to completely change the interior, and make notes comfort even the most unattractive room. For avid flowerflowers, they become a lifestyle and receive appropriate care and all conditions for growth.

But most of the hosts sometimes just do not have enough time to give the green inhabitant home with due attention and care. Work, family, domestic troubles, lead to the fact that once a woman discovers herbarium on her windowsill and nothing remains how to throw another plant in the trash can.

So that this does not happen, you should choose a great responsibility to choose a room vegetation for the house, which will be useful for all family members and will not require special care. These plants include:

  1. All species. It will be suitable for topics that often forget to pour a plant. They are able to reduce the accumulation of electricity in space, so ideal for apartments, stuffed various household appliances. The plant can get rid of headaches.
  2. Money Tree. Live vegetation representative looks great in any room, emphasizing his style. According to the majority of specialists, in the field of esoteric, the plant can attract money to the house.
  3. Cannes. Such a flower will not only delight eyes with gorgeous flowering, but also perfectly arrived on the windowsill of any housing. Easily tolerate drought and is actively growing even in the shade. Despite the big beautiful flowers, it practically does not smell, so suitable for homes with children and for people prone to allergies.


Most recently entered into fashion to acquire and arrange indoor flowers in the house on the basis of accepting. Therefore, if you and your head went into this idea, it is worth it with accepting from the people:

  • Teschin Language. By popular belief This plant activates positive energy in the dwelling. This is due to the growth of long leafy leaves. It is believed that they are able to be a conductor of energy from space.
  • Begonia. The flower reduces the aggressive attitude in people who live near her. In the family, the frequency of the quarrel decreases and laughter is increasingly heard.
  • Violet. Plant can develop creative skills All family members.
  • Lemon. Flower simple indispensable plant For the house where there are children. Your child will grow a good-natured, calm and restrained child.
  • Dracaena.Flower attracts good luck to the house. Be sure to purchase this room shrub for your home. Success in all spheres of vital activity will be provided.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

As we have already found out from the above, choose vegetation for the home must be based on its utility for one or another room. But this feature is not the main one.

It is very important that perennials filled the house with positive energy, which will benefit from the emotional and physical condition of all the inhabitants of the house.

In each dwelling should be such plants like:

  1. Fern. Reliable protection For each house. It is completely neutralized poor energywhich comes to the house from the street or from negative peopleAnd also reduces adverse emissions from household appliances.
  2. Tradesska. The keeper of the well-being of the dwelling. With its appearance, the flower signals an atmosphere in the house. If the leaves begin to hurt and dry, then you need to pay attention to the family relationship. With proper care, the plant will return to the house positive energy and calm.

Flowers with negative energy

No matter how beautiful the room landscaping, you need to be sure about the need to bring it to the house. The fact is that a lot of vegetation representatives can cause irreparable harm to a person.

You do not need to try to save the patient a perennial who took from work to go out. Such live vegetable pets will not bring anything good to the house, but only take away the entire positive energy of the dwelling.

  • All perennials with spines and needles It is better not to acquire. They bring in the family of disorder.
  • Mokha and Diffenbahia refer to the class of poisonous vegetation.
  • Orchid Passionate Eater Positive Energy. Especially actively it carries it when you sleep, that is, at night.
  • Monster In common, they call the energy vampire, so it is better to avoid long-lasting pastime near this flower.

Vegetation in your home is not only a wonderful natural addition to the interior, but also perfect Help To achieve well-being, wealth and just ordinary family happiness.

Flowers in the pots are published. Modern designers Offer very unusual solutions For plant decoration in the house. Suspended systems, forged stands and whole floral arches - before each mistress is a choice of how to place new flowers. But wanting to decorate your house with plants, do not forget about security. Did you think about what flowers do not keep at home? There are plants that can cause allergies, others are not recommended to be exhibited due to different accepts. We studied what flowers should not keep at home: photos and descriptions in front of you.

(Dieffenbachia) - poisonous plant. Externally, it looks very attractive - lush yellow-green leaves form a bulk crown, thanks to which the flower looks very impressive. But the juice of the leaves of this flower causes severe poisoning of both people and animals. In addition to harm when used inside, the diffenbachy juice can cause irritation and burns on the skin.

(Nerium Oleander). Flowers attract bright fragrant flowers that look exotic. But in fact very harmful - the smell blooming Plants Promotes dizziness and weakness.

Have such a flower like (euphorbia) there are many different shapes And species, some of which are similar to cacti. The prickles of the milk are dangerous for people, as well as stems and leaves - the juice contained in them leads to burns. If the poisonous liquid falls inside the body, it can cause strong poisoning.

As in the case of previous plants, the juice (Croton) causes burns. This is a very inconspicuous plant is a poisonous, so if you see a small tree with a pest stretched leaves, do not hurry to buy it, and specify the name from the seller.

Azalea (Azalea) famous for his lush blossomSo many gardeners will no doubt get this plant into the house. But it is worth knowing that one of the species of this flower - Azalea Sims or Indian Azaleawhen entering the body causes convulsions and intestinal colic.

(Mimosa Pudica) - Plant with thin stems and small leaves. With long-term contact with this flower, a person begins problems with hairpot - possible loss and hair loss.

Bush Ivy evergreen (Heedera) looks like Liana, so attracts cats and other pets. But the color of poisonous bright green leaves, so the owners of cats and other fluffy friends should avoid this plant.

(Monstera) is a very common plant among gardeners. It is just to care for him, besides, he has beautiful large leaves. But you should not keep it in the house, as the flower juice causes burns on the skin, is dangerous when entering the eye and for the digestive system.

It is also worth avoided by plants like adenium (adenium), Philodendron (Philodendron), Primula (PRIMULA), Dwarf Steller (Stella Chamaejasme), Pastor (Solanum) and Trichocereus.

Feng Shui Rules: What flowers can not be kept at home because of accepting?

Fern- Vampire flowers that suck in humans vital energy And cause apathy. Lilies- One more "vampires", which are absolutely not suitable for residential premises. Ils and other curly plants Pushes men, because such pot flowers have a strong aggressive male energy. And here Cacti"Contraindicated" girls and women, since the ancient signs say that such spiker flowers are able to destroy woman's happiness. Teschin Language- Another unsuitable plant for a female house, it takes female strength. Sansevieria or Picky Tailit is considered dangerous for family life - It destroys relations and promotes loneliness.