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In what cases do uterine cleaning. How is the recovery after cleaning the uterus? Diagnostic Purpose Purpose

In this article, we will talk about the famous medical and diagnostic gynecological procedure - scraping or cleaning the uterus. We will tell you how to clean the uterus, what may be the indications for the purpose of this procedure, are there complications after cleaning the uterus and how to restore the uterus after cleaning.

Cleaning the uterus

Scraping or cleaning of the uterus Not one decade was one of the most popular diagnostic methods in gynecology. The scraping may be diagnostic - in order to obtain zinc - materials for laboratory research, or therapeutic. To date, diagnostic treatment is appointed rarely. It is increasingly replaced by safer hysteroscopy, but the treatment scraping today is popular, as in previous years.

The reasons for the purpose of cleaning the uterus can be:

  • development of myomatous nodes;
  • pathological processes in endometrial;
  • suspicion of malignant neoplasm;
  • bleeding. In recent years, cleaning the uterine during bleeding is appointed less and less, but a few years ago, this method was quite popular;
  • polyps;
  • treatment of complications after childbirth or abortion;
  • preparation for the operation to remove myoma.

In fact, scraping is the removal of the upper, functional layer of the uterine mucous membrane.

If the scraping of the uterus is carried out in a planned, not an emergency order, the procedure is made before the start of menstruation. This is done in order to minimize the negative impact of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, because menstruation is the process of rejection of the upper layer of the mucous membrane, which means that the stock scattering process.

To improve control over the operation, gynecologists use a hysteroscope, which is injected into the uterus during the operation.

Cleaning the uterus: consequences

The complexity of this procedure is not only the need for a careful and neat conduct, because the slightest negligence or rudeness can damage the walls of the uterus and entail unwanted consequences, in particular, perforation of the walls of the uterus. The fact is that the uterine cavity is quite difficult to scream completely. Some sites remain almost inaccessible to manipulations, and after all, it is at such sites that the development of various kinds of pathological processes is most often observed.

A few days after the procedure, a woman may have minor blood discharges (styling). They can last up to 10 days. If there is no discharge, but there are pain in the abdomen - you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the neck of the uterus was spasped and there was formed - blood was accumulated in the uterus.

There is also the possibility of developing inflammation, myomatous nodes, the development of uterine adhesions or the aggravation of chronic diseases.

If you notice the increase in temperature and pain after cleaning the uterus - consult your doctor.

What to do after cleaning the uterus?

Drozerin (but-shpa) is prescribed as the prevention of the spasm of the cervix, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day is prescribed. Also, after the operation, the course of antibiotics is assigned (not too long). This is done to prevent inflammation of the uterus.

The patient is also shown to peace, it is desirable to reduce physical exertion to a minimum.

In general, scraping is a fairly safe procedure, the effectiveness of which is checked for years. But, as in the case of any other healing procedures, the most important thing is to choose a highly qualified and neat specialist for it.

During surveys and treatments for gynecological diseases, many women are assigned to the operation of the uterus. The procedure this is a small abortion and is carried out on an observation chair. But some women are confused by the name of the operation itself, and they want to be in the essence to understand what cleaning in gynecology is.

Features of the procedure

When a woman is prescribed to clean the uterine cavity, refers to the removal of the upper layer of the mucous membrane - endometrial. It is he who plays a big role in both the health of the woman and in the ability to endure a child.

Endometrium is directly related to menstruation. During the cycle, there is an increase and sealing of its layer - so the conditions for attaching the future fetus are created. If a woman has conceived does not occur, the mucosa is rejected (the uterus is cleared) - this is the monthly.

The uterine cleaning operation is called another term - scraping.

In other words, the gynecologist gentically removes the endometrium layer with all the inner walls with special tools. In addition, the cleaning of the cervix, as well as the washing of pipes in women is prescribed.

Cleaning in women in gynecology is carried out for interrupting unwanted pregnancy. The same procedure is a necessary step after childbirth - the uterine scraping allows you to clean the cavity from the remnants of the placenta. It is especially important to clean the uterus after the cesarean section.

But there are other situations when the scraping operation is performed. And these moments are called diagnostic and therapeutic. Next, we will find out why the uterus is cleaning.

How much is the paid cleaning of the uterus? The price of the operation depends on the purpose of its holding. Thus, the diagnostic separate scraping will cost about 3000 - 5000 rubles, therapeutic - much more expensive. Analyzes, advice of doctors, anesthesia is paid separately.

Indications for scraping

For a woman to send to the procedure, we need appropriate readings for this. The doctor determines which type of cleaning will be held.

For what makes the uterus cleaning:

  1. abspective scraping and postpartum. They are held in order to clean the inner cavity of the left;
  2. through the uterus penetrate the pipes to clean in case of obstruction;
  3. gynecological cleaning is a medical procedure to remove pathological neoplasms from cavity (or neck);
  4. diagnostic cleaning of the uterus is assigned to obtain histological material for research to put the correct diagnosis with the female problems encountered.

To conduct therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, we need good reasons, because it is not an ordinary and quite painful operation, which, with an inepture, can have undesirable consequences.

When the uterine cleaning is done:

  • these may be complications after abortion and childbirth, as well as during miscarriages and frozen pregnancies;
  • polyps on the neck and in the uterus, myomatous nodes;
  • in situations, when cleaning the uterine pipes are needed;
  • pathological processes in endometrials and hyperplasia;
  • abundant and incessant bleeding;
  • suspicions of malignant education.

In such cases, they make the scraping of the uterus, but in some situations the operation can be canceled. Contraindication will be sex and infectious diseases that can move to painful and unprotected endometrium. The exception is except for uterine continuous bleeding, especially if it occurred during the click.

It is not always used in gynecology cleaning of pipes by the operational method, since often the obstruction is infectious diseases that can be struggling in a different way. Therefore, it is first recommended to clean the uterine pipes in women by folk remedies (flax seeds, ravous, sabelnik, borovoy uterus).

Scroll operation

Women's cleaning usually passes under intravenous anesthesia, so that the patient will sleep during the operation, without seeing what they are doing with it. But for starters, gynecological extenders mirrors will be introduced into the vagina. The uterus will be fixed with special tongs so that it remains fixed.

When the patient enters a narcological sleep, the neck is expanded to the sizes necessary for penetrating the inside of the curette - the tool to which scraping is performed. In a well-equipped clinic, this procedure is not done blindly - a hysteroscope is used, allowing the doctor to see the inner cavity.

At the end of the procedure, the curette and hysteroscope are retrieved, exposed to the scraping areas are processed by antiseptic means, and then tongs and extends are removed. A woman is sent to the ward, putting her stomach with ice packing, so that the wound is not bleeding.

How do uterine cleaning during bleeding? In this case, a more sparing method is used - vacuum cleaning. Conduct it under local anesthesia without visual observation. To determine the depth of the cavity, a special probe is used, and the cleansing itself is performed by a rotating catheter, collecting a dismissal material in a special container.

Preparation for the operation

The scraping procedure is appointed at a certain point in the women's cycle - 2-3 days before the start of the alleged menstruation, when the endometrium has already prepared for rejection, and the necrotic tissues is not yet observed.

Stages of preparation for cleaning:

  • at first, the woman passes the examination - rents tests (and first of all to detect infections), coaculogram, bacteriological strokes;
  • 14 days before the procedure, it is necessary to stop taking all nutritional supplements if they are present in the patient's diet. If a woman is forced to take medication drugs due to other diseases, this moment must be adjusted with a doctor who will carry out cleaning;
  • for 3 days before the scraping, all sexual contacts are excluded, vaginal candles, sprays and pills are not used. With intimate hygiene, it is impossible to use any means - to wash only water;
  • so that anesthesia does not give side effects, the last eating and drinking should go over 8-10 hours before the operation.

If a woman is withstanding all the conditions, the scraping (therapeutic or diagnostic) will be held qualitatively and without complications.

After operation

Cleaning the uterus is akin to natural rejection of the mucous meal during menstruation. Therefore, a woman after the procedure will have the same symptoms as during menstruation - pain at the bottom of the abdomen, cutting of the uterus, bleeding.

How much is a mastery after cleaning? The main layer of the epidermis, who had to go out during menstruation, was already scattered. Therefore, after surgery, residual discharges with blood clots will be observed.

It lasts for several hours and is considered the norm. But for 7-10 days a woman can still have a minor mastery.

Within 2 weeks after cleaning, it is desirable to give the body peace, eliminating sex and exercise. It is not worth using tampons and do dick. Baths, saunas and baths are also excluded. From drugs is contraindicated aspirin, which affects blood clotting.

If the situation occurs in life when it is necessary to go through the cleaning procedure, then you should trust a highly qualified specialist. The more equipped with a gynecological clinic with modern medical equipment, the more chances that the operation will pass without complications. At the same time, it is not necessary to choose where cheaper - the bet must be done on professionalism.

When it is necessary to make the uterine cleaning after childbirth, how does it happen and why is it necessary? It is a medical procedure known to many women. It is absolutely similar to removing the fetal egg when measuring pregnancy, abortion, in diagnostic purposes, if suspected, for example, endometrial cancer. And the purge of the uterus after childbirth, most often, is an attempt to avoid a serious inflammatory process if there are prerequisites for it.

What could be these prerequisites? Immediately after the birth of a child, a manual cleaning of the uterus can be carried out if there is doubts about its integrity when inspecting the placenta born (last). That is, the doctor suspects that partially last remained in the uterus cavity. In this case, the woman gives full anesthesia, and the doctor without problems, through the fully opened neck of the uterus, cleans it from the remnants of the placenta. By the way, such cleaning after childbirth is necessary and if the last does not move away at all. It happens when it is dense attached. And again, the doctor helps a woman to finish childbirth. Also manually contains the separation of the lapse during the operation of the cesarean section.

What are possible complications after cleaning the uterus, because it is known that this is a pretty traumatic procedure? In fact, when conducting it in the maternity hospital, any problems arise extremely rarely. Usually in the maternity hospitals before discharge, an ultrasound study is carried out. And sometimes, if necessary, the usual or vacuum cleaning of the uterus is carried out. It is not hazardous if all the conditions of sterility are observed.

By the way, relative to the use of various gynecological tools with this procedure. There are cases from medical practice when the consequences of cleaning the uterus were fatal. It is considered much more secure until the inner ZEV is open, conduct medical manipulations to clean the uterine manually. So it turns out much more careful. And such strong bleeding, which happens when the instrumental scraping of the uterus after delivery is not observed.

But all women have a bunch in the uterus after the birth of a child, but not everyone makes a curetzh, manual or instrumental, uterus. And it is right. In most maternity hospitals, it is absolutely all the births for three days after childbirth put intramuscularly oxytocin. This is a drug that leads to strong contractions of the uterus, helps her empty to empty. Sometimes therapy needs to be extended by this drug. But just abundant allocations after delivery is not always a testimony to such a traumatic procedure, like the purification of the uterus, it should only be performed in extreme cases. Normally, abundant allocations in women are observed in the first 5-7 days after the child's birth. And then decline. But they can persist within 6, and sometimes even 8 weeks.

It is less dangerous to clean the uterine with a vacuum after delivery, since during her the uterus cavity itself is not directly affected. The tube itself is easily introduced into the uterus, thanks to a small diameter. And for this, the doctor does not even need to use the expansion of the cervix, it is so discontinued. And cleaning the uterus after childbirth is thus very rarely carried out under anesthesia, since pain is minimal. A woman feels about the same thing that when menstruation, when a doctor, with a vacuum, removes bunches from the uterine cavity.

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth do not always "guarantee" cleaning, in addition to oxytocin, there are folk remedies to help their reproductive system. For example, you can drink the tincture of water pepper. Also, a good effect has a dream on the stomach and wearing a postpartum bandage.

But if the selection after cleaning the uterus does not end in any way due to the placental polypa formed there, it is nowhere to go, it is necessary to do Cyuptage, and even better, hysteroscopy, since this doctor will be able, not traumating the entire uterus, remove the polyp. Is it painful to clean the uterus in a few weeks after the birth of a child? Yes, this is not performed without good anesthesia, as the cervix has time to close. But it is its instrumental expansion of the most painful.

How do the purge of the uterus after childbirth, what do you need to make a woman? Complete ultrasound and get directed from a doctor to this procedure. Give blood tests and smears. And on the appointed day to arrive in the hospital. The procedure itself lasts no more than 20-30 minutes, make a common or local anesthesia. After a woman, it is recommended to lie about 2 hours and you can go home.

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Many women who born the child are faced with the need to clean the uterus. However, not all types of this procedure are painful. In addition, there are folk methods for cleaning the uterus after delivery.

In which cases require the cleaning of the uterus after childbirth

The most important body responsible for the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a child is the uterus. It is on it that the largest load is assigned during these processes.

After childbirth, the uterus begins to cleanse from the shells, all the pregnancy of the surrounding fruit. This is called the birth of the last. The submission, which includes the umbilical cord and the envelope of the fetus, must come completely. If this did not happen, immediately after the generic process, the obstetrician-gynecologist can hold the uterine hand cleaning to get unreleased residues. Complete purification of the uterus occurs for 7-8 weeks and is a process similar to menstruation.

Before discharge from the hospital, every woman is tested by the ultrasound unit for blood clots in the uterus and, when they are prescribed cleaning. A woman in no way should refuse from her.

Timely control of the postpartum purification of the uterus is important and able to prevent the development of complications:

  • all remnants in the uterus can begin to decompose, creating favorable conditions for the development of bacteria;
  • a clock can increment to the uterus, causing the development of endometriosis.

The purification of the uterus, appointed by the new mom, most likely will move away from the hospital for several days. The procedure in the next three days after delivery makes it less painful, since the neck of the uterus has not yet managed to completely cut down and it is not necessary to expand it.

If in the maternity hospital, the new-minted mother was not checked for the presence of clots in the uterus, then you should contact the clinic at the place of residence or in a paid clinic

If you did not check the ultrasound in the maternity hospital for the presence of clots, contact the uterus to check the uterus to the clinic at the place of residence or in a paid clinic.

How do uterine cleaning after childbirth

The purge of the uterus after delivery is usually carried out according to ultrasound testimony within 3-5 days after delivery:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, a woman is made by a common or local anesthesia.
  2. Then processed the external genital organs and the inner surface of the femoral patient with iodine or another antiseptic, and the vagina and the cervix - ethanol.
  3. With the help of expansors of different sizes, the cervix opens and clean the uterus itself.

All operation lasts no more than 25 minutes. After cleaning, a repeated ultrasound of the uterus is prescribed to control its complete cleansing.

Depending on the type of tools used, uterine cleaning is divided into several types:

  • vacuum cleaning;
  • manual (mechanical) cleaning;
  • washing (lavage).

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

Vacuum cleaning - purification of the uterus from blood clots or the remnants of the placenta with the help of a special apparatus - a vacuum pump. This effective method allows to avoid injury to the neck and walls of the uterus.

The procedure is most often under local anesthesia, so the woman does not experience painful sensations. During operation, the patient can only feel the unpleasant sense of scraping. Before cleaning, the obstetrician gynecologist examines the generic paths of the woman, then processes them with antiseptics. Next, with the help of special expansors, the cervical disclosure is gradually carried out and the body cleansing itself itself.

The principle of operation of the vacuum pump is similar to the action of an ordinary vacuum cleaner. With the help of this apparatus in the uterus, a negative pressure is created, which allows excess elements to go out.

The procedure lasts from twenty minutes to half an hour and is carried out only in a medical institution with experienced personnel.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus is a gentle cleaning method

Purification of the uterus using the vacuum pump is the most painless cleaning method for just gave birth to a woman.

Manual (mechanical) uterine cleaning

When a small number of blood clots are found in the uterus after childbirth, the doctor can try to get rid of them without surgery, pressing his hands on the patient's belly. In other situations, manual (mechanical) cleaning the uterus is prescribed.

The process of manual cleaning of the uterus is made using a special obstetric tool - Curetles

All preoperative measures of manual uterine cleaning are identical to vacuum cleaning events. The process of cleansing the body is made with the help of a special obstetric tool - Cureti. Sometimes an obstetric curette can be with a tooth. Manual cleaning procedure The uterus lasts long, usually no more than twenty minutes. During the operation, blood clots scatter, after which a new healthy mucous layer grows in the uterus.

Three days after childbirth in the maternity hospital, I did an ultrasound, based on the results of which also found the presence of a small amount of blood clots. An obstetrician-gynecologist and part-time uzisser began to clean me with a hand, the second grazing. It lasted this manipulation for a short time - about 1-1.5 minutes. It was painful and unpleasant. Immediately during the procedure, several clots came out. I was left in the maternity hospital for another day. The next day, the procedure was repeated, after which several blood clots came again. Then they checked me again on the ultrasound, they said that everything was fine, and let go home. I did such a miniber in the maternity hospital, rejoicing that I did not have to endure a full-fledged operation.

Video: How to clean the uterus with a doctor's hand

Lavage (washing) uterus

The lavage (washing) of the uterus - the procedure carried out after delivery to purify the bodies of the uterus from the unrequired blood clots or particles of the fruit shells.

A special thin tube is introduced into the uterine cavity, through which the antiseptic solution is introduced:

The lavage of the uterus is carried out by two main methods:

  • washing a self-shot. A rubber tube is inserted into the floor paths, through which antiseptic preparations are poured into the uterus. The contents of the uterus poured outwardly spontaneously. For the best effect of the procedure on the stomach can put the ice compress;
  • aspiration method. A silicone tube is joined to a complex for intravenous injection, through which the disinfecting cold liquid is poured into the body of the uterus. The removal of blood clot and fluid is performed using an electrical parameter.

Washer itself passes through the main stages:

  1. Patient genital organs are treated with antiseptic.
  2. The gynecological mirror is inserted into the vagina and the cervix is \u200b\u200bfound.
  3. In the uterus cavity to achieve a better effect of washing, the tube is as deeply introduced.
  4. The cooling solution of the antiseptics is introduced into the uterine cavity under a slight pressure, so that it turns out. Such a washing lasts no more than 25 minutes.
  5. The pressure of the solution is reduced and continue the procedure for another 100-120 minutes.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to carry out up to 4-5 sessions of washing. It all depends on the degree of stubbornness of the uterus. With a small number of blood clots, there can be enough single session.

Antiseptic preparations are used for lavage:

As used analgesic or Novocaine lidocaine. In one wash session flows into the uterus about three liters of liquid. Antiseptic solution to be cooled to 5 ° C, which creates an additional effect of reducing sensitivity. After the procedure for excluding the development of complications, the patients prescribe an antibiotic.

Consequences of uterine cleaning

If the doctor prescribed the purustion of the uterus, then the passage of the procedure is mandatory, since complications come not due to cleaning, but due to the refusal of its passage. After the operation of the endometrium (the inner mucous membrane of the body of the uterus) will gradually restore. The uterus will cover the new healthy layer of the epithelium.

However, it is impossible to completely exclude the effects of uterine cleaning. In some cases, there may be an occurrence:

  • uterine bleeding. Such a phenomenon occurs infrequently after cleaning. Usually it affects those women who used to have problems with blood intake;
  • hematometers - delays of liquid blood or blood clots in the genitals. Such pathology after cleaning is found quite rarely and arises due to severe clamping or spasmodizing the muscles of the cervix or vagina. To avoid hematometers, gynecologists may write aspirin or but-ships. These drugs help relieve muscle spasm, providing free cleansing the female genital organ;
  • endometritis - the inner layer of the uterus inflammation. It may occur due to penetration into the wounded surface of the uterus of bacteria and microbes. To eliminate the occurrence of endometritis, it is necessary to put the course of antibiotics.

With competent and delicate cleaning, the risk of negative consequences after the procedure is reduced to zero. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the operation and its consequences. Agree to the intervention of doctors.

Folk ways to clean the uterus after delivery

Accelerate the recovery of the female sexual organ, you can use herbs that contribute to the stabilization of hormonal and uterine contractions. The effect of such herbs stimulates muscle tone and increases immunity.

The drinks that contribute to the purification of the uterus include:

  • infusion of nettle. The nettle is very popular as a folk agent due to its availability. For the preparation of infusion, it is necessary to pour 5 tablespoons of dry nettle with 500 ml of boiling water and let it stand before cooling. Drinking liquid can be half a cup 3-4 times a day. Nettle contributes to the cuts of the uterus, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect;

    Nasty nettle has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • infusion of young birch leaves. It must be prepared from young May birch leaves. The tool has an antiseptic effect, and also helps to increase the tone of the uterus. For the preparation of infusion it is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of chopped leaves 600 ml of boiling water and let it brew about three hours. The cooled drink must be strain and take 200 ml 3 times a day. You can start using such a fund only two weeks after childbirth;
  • infusion from the shepherd bag. It contributes to the cuts of the uterus after childbirth, stimulates blood circulation and has an invigorating effect. It is necessary to fill 30 grams of grass 600 ml of boiling water and give it to flow until cooling. After drinking, strain and drink half a cup of 3-4 times a day;
  • kalina's juice. For cooking, you need to use only a fresh berry. Juice must be drunk immediately after cooking, not leaving the next time. To increase the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to drink 3-4 tablespoons of fresh viburnum juice per day.

In addition to herbs, the uterus tone and the removal of bunches contribute:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • frequent emptying of the bladder.

How to avoid cleaning the uterus after delivery

When I was in the maternity hospital, to stimulate the bunch of clots, I was recommended to often go to the toilet to urinate and perform acceptable exercise. To activate the contraction of the uterus, a dropper of oxytocin was put. After discharge, they prescribed to put the course of the pepper of the water extract (Highlander of the Little Grass), which increases the tone of the uterus, stimulating its cuts. Having acted inside 30 drops 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of the reception was 5-7 days.

The yield of blood clots after childbirth is normal and even the necessary phenomenon. However, if there are few clots or by the results of ultrasound, the woman saw stagnation of blood clots, you can perform certain actions that contribute to the exit of unnecessary blood and helping in some cases to avoid cleaning the uterus:

  • apply cold or ice to the belly;
  • more and longer feed the baby with breasts. This contributes to the development of the hormone of oxytocin, which leads to cuts in the uterus;
  • actively move, perform acceptable physical exercises permitted by newly minted mothers;
  • lying on the stomach;
  • more often empty the bladder.

After the cesarean section with the removal of blood clots from the uterus, there may also be problems, as:

  • physical activity is contraindicated;
  • breast milk can arrive slowly.

Therefore, young mothers, moved to the COP, prescribed injections or droppers of oxytocin.


The scraping of the uterus during bleeding is one of the main surgical methods of treating a pathological condition, which allows you to quickly eliminate dangerous bleeding and establish its true cause.

When bleeding, as a rule, is expelled. Although the possibility of a planned operation is also excluded, for example, with endometrial hyperplasia identified on the ultrasound.


In the case when the uterine cavity is carried out in an emergency order, i.e. In the hospital, the woman comes with strong uterine bleeding, which is impossible to stop which is impossible by the drug, preparation includes only multiple analyzes.

The following tests are prescribed before the emergency scattering of the uterus in the patient.

  • General blood analysis. The study allows you to determine the levels of indicators characterizing the current general health: the presence of anemia, acute inflammatory processes, the state of the resultability (hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets).
  • General urine analysis. It helps to give a general evaluation of the operation of the urinary system - the presence of infection of pins, urethra, urinary bubble, and also determine the function of nephrons (red blood cells, protein, relative density, cylinders, sugar). Determination of bacteria in the composition of urins and an increased amount of leukocytes - signs of the inflammatory process occurring in the latent form.
  • Blood coagulation analysis (extended hemostasiogram). This is one of the mandatory studies to determine the rate of blood clotting. It will be necessary in a situation if the patient on the operating table will begin massive bleeding, which will be necessary to eliminate urgently.
  • Blood type. It is determined in the case of an emergency blood transfusion.
  • ECG. Allows the doctors to evaluate the work of the heart, since the scraping of the uterine cavity during bleeding is performed under anesthesia. And it is from the health of the heart muscle that depends on the choice of the drug, which will be used during the purge of the uterine cavity.

Blood fence on HIV and syphilis is required, But the results of the analysis of doctors during emergency cleaning due to massive bleeding are not waited.


The scraping (cleaning) of the uterine cavity about pathological bleeding is performed on a small operating table equipped with holders for legs. The scraping duration is variable and can last from 20 to 60 minutes.

Cleaning the uterus during bleeding is no different from the standard procedure and passes through the following steps.

  • Gynecologist, despite bleeding, conducts a two-handed study of the uterus. It helps doctors to determine the size of the organ and its current position.
  • Before the start of cleaning is the disinfection of large sex lips. Initially, medical alcohol is used, and then the concentrated iodine solution.
  • Placed in the vagina speculum, allowing to expand the vagina and allow access to the cervix.
  • With the help of bullet forceps medic carries lifting her upper lip and pulls it anteriorly. The opening zone is definitely sanitized with antiseptic solution.
  • After the cervix is \u200b\u200bfixed with the help of forceps, the doctor gently introduces a special probe in its cavity. This is a thin rod made of medical metal having a rounding at the end. The tool allows you to determine the depth of the uterus so the doctor could choose to curettage curette desired length.
  • Next, a more complete disclosure of the cervix is \u200b\u200bcarried out. Geger expansion are used - metal cylinders of different sizes. They will change the gynecologist ascending the volume until the cervical canal is revealed to the desired width.
  • After the preparatory stage is completed, the physician starts directly to the cleaning itself. Initially, the scraping of the cervical canal is carried out. For this, the curette is introduced into the uterine cavity to the depth of two - three centimeters - it is this length that corresponds to the length of the cervical channel - and is strongly pressed in the surface of the mucous membrane. Then the gynecologist neatly, applying not too much effort, takes it on himself. The sharp edge of the curette removes the upper layer of the mucous membrane, which is assembled into a special container filled with a solution of formalin. Medic continues to clean the cervical canal up to removal of the entire mucous membrane.
  • The scraping of the uterine cavity is carried out. For this purpose, the largest largest curette is applied. First, the doctor carries out the front wall, and then the rear and side surfaces. During the scraping of the Medic, changes Curetki using a smaller size. Cleaning is considered finished after the entire functional layer of the endometrium is removed from the uterus walls.
  • The resulting material - if there is the necessity of its research to determine the cause of bleeding - is collected in a sterile container and transferred to the laboratory.
  • After completing the scraping, the gynecologist re-saves the vaginal segment of the cervix and the vagina itself with a solution of antiseptics.
  • To stop the bleeding, which develops as a result of cleaning the uterine cavity, a bubble with ice is put on the bottom of the belly of the woman. The cooling duration is 30 minutes. To improve the contractile ability of the uterus after scraping the patient, oxytocin is introduced.
  • A woman is placed in the ward where it will be under medical supervision. It periodically determines the indicators of the blood pressure and control the power of the discharge, inspecting the gasket.

If the scraping of the uterus was performed in a day hospital, then a few hours after the exit of anesthesia, a woman can leave the hospital.


The scraping of the uterus of the uterus during bleeding is carried out under anesthesia. During cleaning, two types of anesthesia can be used:

  • general anesthesia - Before starting manipulation, a woman receives a narcotic drug in an intravenous way;
  • local anesthesia - the injection of the drug is placed directly into the cervix, this method is used if it is impossible to use overall anesthesia.

Local anesthesia when cleaning the uterus for pathological bleeding is relatively rare. Pain from scraping by curette is becoming less tangible, but the woman still feels all the movements. The technique in cases of cardiovascular failure, mental diseases are used.

The most common way of anesthesia when cleaning the uterus of the uterus during bleeding is mask anesthesia. In this case, a woman hears the conversation and can see everything that happens, but pain during scraping does not feel at all.

No less often uses general anesthesia. It is practiced if the duration of the uterine cavity lasts more than 40 minutes.

Anesthetic drug in each The case is selected individually.


One of the modern methods of scraping becomes cleaning using a hysteroscope. If, in the usual removal of the endometrium, the Medic works blindly, relying on rumor and the existing experience, during hysteroscopy in the uterine cavity, a special device is introduced - a hysteroscope.

Thanks to the instrument, the doctor is able to fully control the scraping process, minimizing the risk of uterine damage. In addition, cleaning is carried out better.

The recovery period after the scraping of the uterus is from two weeks to a full calendar month. Throughout the term, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations.

After scraping, a woman has bleeding. Especially strong they remain for the first few hours or days. Then bleeding is weakening. The total duration of "Mazni" is no more than 21 days.

If suddenly, the discharge of blood ceased, but the pains appeared at the bottom of the abdomen - this is a sign of the formation of hematometrs or other dangerous state. The cause becomes spasmodation of the cervical canal, as a result of which the blood accumulates inside the uterus. Pathology is diagnosed only with ultrasound research.

In order to prevent the development of hematometry, a woman is appointed to receive but-shops.

If a woman has a pathology of the resulting blood system, The doctor takes into account this when conducting the postoperative period, controls the hemostasiogram and prescribes the appropriate drugs.

In addition, in order to avoid the development of complications, the coursework is recommended for drugs from the category of antibiotics, which is the prevention of the development of inflammatory processes.

The results of histological research of fabrics are ready after 10 days after the scraping procedure. They will allow a gynecologist to identify the true cause and appoint adequate drug therapy.

Probable complications

The scraping procedure is a routine procedure, but it can be accompanied by certain complications. They are rarely found, but still, they take place.

Complications of uterine cleaning during bleeding can become.

  • Perforation of the walls of the organ. Perforation is nothing more than a gap. It is possible to injure the uterus as a result of non-accurant actions of a doctor who makes too much effort in the endometrium removal process. The reason may wage in the increased loose of the walls of the uterus. As a rule, in the case of perforation requires surgical intervention.
  • Out of the vaginal zone of the cervical canal. The cause of injury becomes a breakdown of tongs as a result of increased flabbing fabrics. Small injuries are heal independently, but with significant damage to the injured region, seams are superimposed.
  • Hematometer. Pathology represents blood cluster inside the uterus as a result of the spasmodation of the cervical canal. The outcome outflow is naturally difficult. Such a complication, if not treated, may cause severe inflammation of the uterus. In severe cases, entry may be required.
  • Infectious inflammatory complications. Pathology develops if the woman had inflammation at the time of cleaning. If the procedure is fulfilled in the background of infection, the probability of complications increases at times. In case of neglecting the rational principles of antibiotic therapy after cleaning, endometrite develops. In some situations, the process extends to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and can lead to chronic infection and adhesive process.
  • Damage to the growth layer endometrial. Complication is developing against the background of too aggressive mucosa removal. Treatment does not exist, absolute infertility is developing.

Cure cavity of the uterus in the development of pathological bleeding is a fairly often conducted gynecological procedure. As a rule, it is not accompanied by the development of complications. But in many respects it depends on the professionalism of the physicians who performed cleaning.