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Brown dots on indoor plants. Diseases of houseplants: types and treating domestic flowers

There are a variety of roommates, some of them are complex, requiring a special approach in the treatment and preventive measures in the future. Rust - the disease of indoor plants is rare, but dangerous, able to destroy the flower. The name of this color disease is explained by the appearance of lesions: on the leaves of home plants, red and brown spots appear, slightly convex and as if darous. In fact, this is a fungus. Treatment of domestic flowers affected by him, long and complex. Be sure to revise the conditions in which the plant is located and the care scheme.

Ficus, fully infected with rust, cure very difficult.

Rust on plants is not so difficult to recognize, the signs of this disease are specific, they are not confused and not to penetrate.

  1. Initially, rust appears on the leaves and on the stems of domestic flowers. It looks like yellow-brown or red-brown convex stains of various sizes and shapes.
  2. Spots are increasing in size, swell and form upstairs. Leaves of patient plants will hardly evaporate moisture, the pustulas dry quickly, crack and burst. Of these, "rusty" powder is poured, which represents a serious threat to neighboring healthy plants. This spore fungus, which quickly spread through the air throughout the flower bed.
  3. Then the disputes cover completely the entire surface of the sheet and stems, appear on colors. Plants change color, become brown or brown.
  4. Then the room flowers begin to dry and lose the leaves, if not starting treatment, the plants will die.

However, even if you begin to take action, it is not always possible to save room plants from the disease. Therefore, it is better to prevent her appearance and development.

It is important to know: at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees above zero, the incubation period of the disease lasts up to 20 days. If the temperature is above 18 degrees, the incubation period is reduced to 7-14 days.

Causes of appearance

Rust - fungal diseaseAnd the fungus, as you know, loves to settle there, de wet, warm and dark. From this we can conclude - the rust on the plants appears if they are too often and abundantly, they do not, they are carried out and kept in the shade, away from direct sunlight or phytolamba.

Especially dangerously pouring indoor plants with water in the winter. Many flowers in the cold season fall into the state of rest until spring, they do not need frequent watering, like mineral feeding. If in addition to this pot stands near the battery, you should not be surprised at the appearance of such a disease of the plants.

Excessive watering of room colors can lead to a rust infection.

Also, the development of fungus can provoke the abuse of mineral feeders, rich nitrogen. In winter, they are not needed at all. And during the growing season and flowering plants, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and do not make too high fertilizer concentration.

If pots with plants are standing on open terrace, Veranda or on the balcony, the disputes of the fungus can be restored by the wind or insects. Sometimes seeds have already infected with rust. It is difficult to recognize this, it is often impossible at all. This is one of the reasons why the seeds should be treated by manganese. Like tanks with the soil in which they will disembark.

What houseplants suffer more often than others?

In principle, the rust may appear on houseplants of any kind. But certain varieties of fungus love more than others. In addition, there are home flowers that are more sensitive to mushroom disputes, and not able to deal with it. Wrap from moisture and overheating with special care, such decorative cultures follow:

  • camellia;
  • fuchsia;
  • carnation;
  • cyclamen;
  • pelargonium;
  • rose flower;
  • geranium;
  • chrysanthemum.

The chamber sheet, damaged by rust - treatment is no longer subject to treatment.

This fungus likes to settle on such garden crops as asparagus and citrus shrubs, often he is striking palm trees in different types.

We treat and warn the disease

In most cases, the floral garden suffers from rust in the fault of the owners themselves - it means that they are incorrectly care for their plants. In order to prevent the formation and distribution of the fungus in the spring, you should process all the flowers with a single-survive mortar of the bordeaux mixture.

What if on the plant still settled the fungus and his leaves began to rust? First of all, it is important to prevent contamination of neighboring plants, even if the sick flower is no longer able to save. Because the patient flower needs to be immediately carried out in the hotel room. The affected leaves are completely broken, even if they are only a few small specks of rust. Then they need to burn away from the flower garden.

The Bordeaux mixture is used to combat rust on indoor and garden plants.

The flower itself can be treated with the same bordrian mixture. Or use sulfur dust. You can still prepare this disinfectant mixture:

  • warm up 5 liters of purified water;
  • dissolve in water 200 g of green soap;
  • add 15 g of copper mood.

The room in which the plant is located in the pot is, it is necessary to spare well several times a day, and it is better to keep the window constantly open. It is impossible to allow either air drying or high humidity.

It is important to water the plant. The liquid should be added to the pallet or in the ground, but so that the water falls under the root, and not on the leaves and flowers of the plant. If feeding are used, then preference should be given to preparations containing potassium and phosphorus.

Copper vigoros is a spraying preparation that can be prepared independently.

Beginner flowers are often confused with rust with any red stains on the leaves of plants and begin to spray a flower garden with various fungicides. As a result, many plants die from the wrong tool applied. Because if there was suspicion of the damage to the plant with fungus, you should or get acquainted with high quality photos Symptoms and manifestations of the disease, or invite a well-known person for inspection of plants and diagnostics.

In different colors and cultures, rust can also appear in different ways. On some colors it develops faster, others grow up very slowly, weeks and months. In any case, it is necessary to treat the plant, the most important moments In this process - ensuring the constant inflow of fresh air and removing the affected parts of the flower. Processing with disinfectant solution is recommended to be re-conducted 10-12 days after the first spraying.

Of the reasons associated with the depression of the plant, there are a disadvantage or oversaturation of a green pet moisture, light, warm, nutrients, substrate acidity. A number of other reasons caused by room colors are distinguished. Familiarize yourself with the basic causes and subsequent diseases of indoor plants.


Air humidity

Due to the unfavorable microclimate, there is a deterioration in the state and some diseases of indoor plants. So, most of the representatives of the home flora at reduced humidity:

  • dry and fall leaves;
  • darken and dry the tips and edges of leaves, buds and flowers;
  • the stalking of the stems and leaves plates occurs.


Wrong watering can also provoke a number of diseases. Excess moisture leads to the zakining of the substrate, as a result of which the normal vital activity of the plant is broken. As a result - the difficulty of breathing the root system leading to reinstitution and poor absorption substances. At the same time, a healthy plant acquires a disgraced eye, the sheets are covered with stains, and the stems at the base begin to rotate. Look at the photo of the disease of the room plant. How to deal with such a problem? Follow the flower watering system.

Lighting system

Improper lighting often contributes to painful manifestations in room plants. So, the lack of light can contribute to the formation of the wrong crown. If the leaves begin to be blighted and fall out, it means the flower does not receive a sufficient amount of light. If you organize the light of natural origin in the norm, in principle, it turned out to be impossible - the need of plants in the form of an artificial source.

Remember that excess sunlight is no less dangerous as its drawback. On the leaves there may be burns, leaf plates are covered with dry spots, dry out the tips. The correct lighting system is one of the prompts, how to deal with the diseases of indoor plants.

Temperature mode

The temperature for each Flora representative is an important factor, especially for those plants that are grown by flowerfish on the windowsill.

At reduced temperatures, leaves fall and die away, sometimes the flower dies completely. Those plants that suffer from high temperatures begin to fade and also reset the leaves.

Painful manifestations of plants and causes of their occurrence

Causes of plant disease and their external manifestations

Painful manifestation

The reason why the plant weakened

Old leaves yellow

Macroelements and nitrogen are contained in insufficient quantities.

Lack of light in the spring winter period.

Excessively high temperature, especially at night.

The tips of the leaves are yellow

Excess calcium in the substrate.

Dry soil.

Leaves acquire yellow-brown

Water for watering contains an excessive amount of calcium and chlorine.

Plant wish completely

Swimming of soil.

Chronic moisture shortage.

Heavy substrate.

Dense earth com.

Reduced air humidity.

Church of the leaf, the loss of the turgora, sickness of healthy foliage

Watering cold water.

Disruption of the temperature regime of the plant.

Lack of copper.

Foliage twisted, wrinkles, there is a cross-link chlorosis


Premature aging of leaves

Lack of potassium, magnesium, zinc.

Deformation of leaves plates, twisting along the residence

Invasia Cherevtsov, Tley, TRIPS.

Light spots on the leaves

Burn from sunlight.

Traces from water drops.

Reaction to the cold environment.

The formation of brown, oily, gray-white spots on the foliage

Leaf nematodes.

Fungal or bacterial diseases.

Dark green spotty leaves

Sensulation of nitrogen.

Lack of lighting.

Bar Mosaic or Capacity

Defeat by viruses.

White, pale green, yellow color of foliage with green pepper

Lack of CU, FE, S.

Partially dry brown stains and vitreous highlights on leaves

Elevated level humidity.

The problem is in the converted substrate.


Low temperature indoors.

Small injections or specks on leaflets

Defeat by pests: ticks, trips, tool.

Completed edges and holes in the leaves

Defeat beetles, slugs, caterpillars.

The development of fungal diseases.

Lack of buds or laid in small quantities

Incompute plant content conditions during rest.

Adverse ratio of lighting and temperature.

Sensulation of nitrogen.

Insufficient humidity indoors.

Sudden dedication of foliage

Sharp racing temperatures.

Slowing off earth coma

Fungal diseases.

Bacterial withering.

Skuding buds

It may be provoked by sharp fluctuations in temperatures, for example, when conducting.

Reduced air humidity.

Soul drying in a pot.

Insufficient light.

Unbalanced feeding.

Sensulation of nitrogen.

Yellowing and foaming of leaves

Non-normalized and not systematic watering.


Excessively high temperature at low light illumination.

Fading flowers

Power substrate.

Common starvation plants.

Sensulation of nitrogen.

The formation of short floweros

Incorrect mode Pretty plants.

Inappropriate substrate.

Common fasting flower.

Irregular watering.

Temperature fluctuations.

Violation of the cost of detention during rest.

Excess heat during the formation and growth of buds.

Leaves are covered with a torment white bloom

Puffy dew.


Bacteriosis in plants

Bacteriosis - the disease of indoor plants caused by bacterial forms. Today, houseplants are rarely found, but it is better to know in advance about the symptoms of the manifestation of invasion and the methods of eliminating the disease.

Remember that not only garden and bacteriosis suffer from bacteriosis garden cropsBut also floral plants. Onion most often suffer from this disease and, if they sick, then get a huge damage from infection. Interestingly, in the defeat of this disease, cultures of different types of symptoms appear the same, and the disease itself proceeds with the plants or appearance on the leaves of spotting and rot. Sometimes there is a blackery of residents of leaves. So the disease of the leaf of the room plant is manifested.

A typical sign of the disease is the fading of the plant and the appearance on the leaves of rot and spottedness, the blackening of residents of the leaves.

Most often, plants are suffered from bacterial spottedness, which are contained in wet warm rooms.


Often sick citrus. The bark of the trunks is covered by the brown-red spots of the longitudinal shape. When developing the disease in places damage, the bark dies, and from under cracks, the sticky liquid of the yellowish tint is beginning to be frozen - a gum that dries in the air.

Sometimes the disease occurs and without flowing fluid. So, in places of damage, the bark becomes dry, but it does not peel. As a result, form deep cracks With this disease of indoor plants. The photo illustrates how the disease looks like.

Under the influence of homosexis, the plant begins to change the color of the leaves fenoso with greenish in yellowish, and then lose them. Fruit formation is observed, but they are very small.

Chlorosis at home plants

With a deficiency in the substrate, such elements as zinc, manganese, iron plants begin to hurt chlorose leaves. Sometimes a violation of the absorption process of these elements, most of the soils with excessive lime, may cause the disease. In the photo, the disease of the leaf of houseplants caused by the disadvantage of minerals.

As a result of the disease, the lower sides of the leaf plates acquire a yellow color and as a result die. In chlorosis, there is a slow development of such plants such as kidneys, leaves, stalks, root system.

Root rot

Root rot - common plant disease. The main difference between the root rot from other diseases is the property of the destruction of tissue cells, which inevitably leads to the direction of the root system. See how this disease occurs in the photo below.

Roots usually become brown, and after some time completely die away. After the root system died, the disease dramatically spreads, actively killing the cells of the leaves and flowers of plants. So, the root rot - the disease causes the full death of the flower.

Diseases and pests Methods of prevention and methods of protection

What care would you not provide your plant, efforts and efforts may be in vain if room flower Improve pests, provoking diseases.

Green plant suffers for many reasons, and not all of them givend to explain. The most common cause of infection is the transfer of diseases and harmful insects from one fauna representative to another, for example, when buying a plant.

Another bottom reason is the latent state of infection within its carrier.

In favorable conditions for pests (with warm microclimate in your room or incorrect care), diseases and pests are developing and manifested. The first reason for which plants suffer are more common.

So how to treat the diseases of indoor plants and contribute to the savings of any green pets? One of the most popular in flower and effective methods - Preventive disinfection of flowers. As many gardeners say and gardeners - prevention is much more useful and better than treatment. After all, it is better to prevent the problem in advance what then to deal with problems.

Methods of prevention are to spray plants and colors with a weak solution of fungicide or insecticide according to the scheme - 1 time in 20 days in the heat of the year.

From among the facilities for plant treatment, 90% are chemicals that can carry a danger to the plant and the surrounding living organisms in improper use of the means. Therefore, going to carry out prevention for green friends, choose one of the safest options.

No wonder the proverb sounds so loudly: "Warned - armed!". Prevention is the best protection of indoor plants from diseases.

Carefully examining the home plants at least once a week, conducting preventive measures, seriously engaged in the treatment of painful representatives, be sure that guaranteed protection is provided with your favorite room plants.

Very unpleasant when the favorite indoor flower begins to root. Consider the probable reasons for what is happening, we will define pathogens and learn to deal with them. So, what diseases of indoor plants exist, what are drugs to eliminate them, and can the flowers fully recover after treatment?

The main factors for the development of diseases

  1. Watch out for the acidity of the soil and presence nutrients. Insufficient number of their number leads to slow growth, the leaves fall out, the flowers become defective.
  2. Low or high temperature in the room leads to the spinning of the leaves.
  3. Incorrect lighting. The stalks become thin, the leaves dry out, the flowers do not develop.
  4. Purify the vase. Excess moisture contributes to the development of rotted roots, and the disadvantage - the yellowing of the leaves.

Please note that some substances for the destruction of pests are dangerous not only for humans, but also for pets. Consider this and spend therapeutic measures in the fresh air and keep toxic substances away from children and animals.

Consider in more detail the types of diseases and measures to combat it.

Viral diseases

The main feature of this type of occasional plants is slow growthHowever, it is worth noting that a rarely plant dies. This fact does not allow to identify viruses at the beginning of the disease and start fighting pest in time.

Most often tolerances TLL and TRIPS viruses. Treatment of indoor plants cardinal - complete destruction, because there are no drugs for their treatment. External signs of the disease are the appearance of mosaic spots On colors and some leaves.

Bacterial diseases

Chemical preparations in the fight against bacterial infections are not effective. The main thing - carry out preventive measures, follow the humidity of the soil. When reaping roots, it is necessary to reduce the abundance of watering, and during the defeat of the entire room plant, it is necessary to completely destroy it together with the Earth and the pot.

Houseplants subject to attack many pests, such as:

Diseases caused by mushrooms


In order not to spend time and money for the treatment of indoor plants, conduct preventive measures:

It is worth noting that it is better and easier to carry out the prevention of the spread of pests than to treat indoor plants.

Diseases and pests of indoor colors on video.

Of course, houseplants are less likely to suffer from diseases and pests, rather than their gardening congor, as they are usually under closer attention. But if the domestic flowers are still damaged by insects or are subjected to infection, they are much more difficult to treat them, because the "green pets" are more fastened and capricious, they are worse to intervene from the outside and, especially for the use of chemical preparations.

Incorrect location (very dark, too sunny, excessively cold, very warm, low air humidity) as an incorrect care (too much water, lack of moisture, not a fertilizer, an inappropriate substrate), can cause poor plants. Unqualified care also contributes to the damage to indoor colors by pests and diseases, the plants refuse to bloom, get, and, in the end, die.

Enemies, what is called, you need to know in the face. Therefore, read the photos and names of diseases and pests of indoor plants, learn about the causes of the defeat and how to get rid of these insects and infections.

Room Flower Diseases: Photo, Causes and Methods

In this section of the articles you will learn how to fight with some diseases of indoor plants and you can see how the symptoms of the defeat look.

Brown edges of leaves

The reasons: Surplus or lack of water, excess fertilizer, lost soil suitability, dry air.

Measures of struggle: Optimize care, increase air humidity.

Twisted leaves

The reasons: reduced air humidity, dry earth. Also the cause of this disease of plants can be damaged roots.

Measures of struggle: Optimize care, if necessary to transplant.

Pale leaves (chlorosis)

In plants preferring to acid soil, such as Azalea and Mokhokha. The veins of the leaves are still green.

The reasons: Rigid water, iron deficiency.

Measures of struggle: To soften the water, add an iron preparation to water.

Light spots on the leaves

The reasons: Temperature differences, too cold or too warm water. Moisturizing in the sun (for example, at Uzambar violet).

Measures of struggle: Change location, optimize care, water from below.

Puffy dew

Symptoms: Like a sprout from white to a dirty-brown color on both sides of the leaves.

The reasons: Spore mushroom.

As can be seen in the photo, it is possible to fight this disease of houseplants using fungicides:

Measures of struggle: For the prevention of spraying with an infant of the chemistry. Sick leaves delete.

Sea Mold.

Symptoms: SERO-brown raid on leaves, stiff or flowers.

The reasons: Not suitable for spraying or cold water, too high air humidity.

Measures of struggle: Patients of the plant remove, reduce air humidity, put in a lighter place.

Bacteria and viruses

Bacterial wet rot is found at Alpine violet and room calla.

Symptoms: Rota at the base of the stem.

As shown in the photo, with this illness of indoor flowers, if there is no proper treatment, the rot is distributed throughout the plant:

Measures of struggle: Not.

Mosaic virus

Perceed primarily anthurium, orchids, hydrangeas, Gloxinia, Hippeastrum.

Symptoms: Light green and dark green stains.

Measures of struggle: Not.

The reset of the kidney is most often caused by an impaired water balance. Either the plant has lack of moisture, or as a result of excessive irrigation roots, it is so damaged so that they cannot absorb and transport a sufficient amount of moisture. Some plants, such as Gardenia, Stefanotis or Camellia, reset the kidneys and in the case when the location changes dramatically. Premature dumping flowers is also a consequence of shifting place of growth and especially manifests itself when the plant is not ordered enough. Inactive flowering can be due to genetic factors (one varieties are blooming less than others) or a lack of phosphorus, disruption of the time of rest or incorrect wintering. The leaning flowers are considered a consequence of irregular irrigation. This can lead to voltage in tissues and to break the shoots. Running flowers or kidneys indicate a gray mold infection.

These photos show the symptoms of certain illness of indoor plants:

Pest of indoor plants: photos, causes and measures of struggle

The most favorable time for pests of room colors is considered the end of the heating period. The lack of light and dry air of heated premises subjected the risk of pest damage. During this period, sponsoring ticks and tribes appear especially often on plants. Summer and autumn is the whiteflink season. Better prevention will serve to care corresponding to the needs of plants. Choose the most suitable places location. In addition, more time to observe plants should be devoted.

First of all, pay attention to the lower side of the leaves. At the same time, it is often possible to detect the disease or pests in the initial stage of lesion. Sick plants should be isolate to avoid the supply of infection to other instances.

Cute clamps

Symptoms: Website under the leaves and between them.

The reasons: Too dry air.

Measures of struggle: Enhance the humidity of the air, use the warm shower, to hold the predatory ticks. Also, special preparations are used to combat these pests of indoor colors.

Soft pincers

Symptoms: Twisted leaves, cessation of growth.

The reasons: Infection facing heat and increased humidity air.

Measures of struggle: Reduce temperature and humidity. Parts of houseplants affected by this pest should be removed and destroyed.


Symptoms: Silver touches on the leaves.

Look at the photo - when the indoor flowers are defeated by this pest on the bottom of the leaves, brown traces of the introduction of sucking insects appear:

The reasons: Dry air.

Measures of struggle: Warm shower. Traps for insects, predatory mites, insecticides.


Symptoms: On the bottom of the leaves, small white flies.

The reasons: Infection from other plants.

Measures of struggle: Lower the temperature, because the tropical insect does not tolerate the coolness. Also, traps, riders and insecticides are used to combat this pest of indoor plants.

Symptoms: Adhesive leaves, leaf deformation.

The reasons: draft, open windows In the spring, too dry air.

Measures of struggle: Warm shower, gold converts, predatory gallians, riders, insecticides.


Symptoms: Brown panels under which insects are sitting.

Pay attention to the photo - indoor plants affected by these pests, dump the leaves:

The reasons: too dry I. warm air.

Page Control Measures: Indoor plants put in a cooler and bright place. Delete shields. To get rid of these pests of indoor plants as quickly as possible, you need to use insecticides. For brightest homemade crops used white mineral oil or spray for glitter leaves.

Filtments and milders

Symptoms: Similar to Wat Education, primarily in the sinuses and on the underside of the leaves. Bad growth.

The reasons: Too dry air.

Measures of struggle With these insect pests of indoor plants, the same as when fighting with shields.


Symptoms: Glass or brown spots limited by leaf veins. Reset leaves.

The reasons: Infection facing moisture on the leaves.

Measures of struggle: Patients leaves remove and destroy. Leaves keep dry.

Here you can see photos of the main diseases and pests of indoor plants:

Changes in the leaves of plants indicate the presence of pests, diseases or errors in care. A healthy leaf is durable, with flawless edges and tip. Pay attention to the metamorphosis and take action. The leaves are the vital nerve of the plant and together with this best indicator of the presence of pests and diseases.

Sometimes kidneys and flowers are also damaged. The main causes of such damage should be known. Pale flowers paints indicate an excess of sunlight. The deformed or torn flowers signals the presence of pests, for example, aphid.

How to get rid of pests of indoor plants: flower protection methods

There are several ways to deal with pests of indoor plants. Among the most effective are mechanical protection, biotechnical methods and use chemical preparations.

How to get rid of pests on indoor plants using mechanical protection:

  • Remove the affected parts of the plant.
  • To remove pests, including laying them under the shower.
  • Immerse the above-ground parts of the affected plant in warm water With a small amount of detergent. The pot must be pre-put in the plastic bag and tie it from above.

Biological methods of struggle are to use useful insects, eg:

  • Riders against whiteflink
  • Predatory ticks against sputum ticks and bugger,
  • Predatory gallians, gold fees or riders against the tool.

Useful insects are the most effective toolWhen a large number of plants amazed, and the air is not too warm and dry. It is ideal to be considered a temperature of about 20 ° C and at 27 ° C and higher success in question.

Biotechnical methods of struggle use natural pest reactions to physical or chemical irritations:

  • Yellow plates are traps for insects, covered with glue, which attract their bright color Mining flies, whiteflinking, sciarid and other flying pests.
  • In the "plants" bath due to very high humidity, air ticks are destroyed. To do this, it is necessary to pour a plant and put it in a transparent plastic bag. Caution, rot! Plants S. soft leaves Such processing is not transferred.
  • Mastery products, such as white oil, clog the respiratory tract of insects. Similarly, there are also sprays for the brilliance of leaves.

Do not mind immediately for the pesticides. In many cases, the same effect can be obtained by completely harmless.

Chemicals should be used only in extreme cases. If chemicals have to use, then you must comply with the following rules:

  • Adhere to the instructions for use and dosage contained on the package.
  • Observe the recommended intervals between processing to destroy new pest generations.
  • Do not use sprays that cause harm to the environment.
  • Process plants only outdoors.
  • Use gloves and do not breathe sprayed means.
  • Keep plant protection products in a closed original packaging in an inaccessible for children and pets location.
  • Do not store the remains of chemicals, their effectiveness is rapidly lost. Do not throw away chemicals together with the usual economic garbage, and send them to the rates of collective waste.

These photos show how to deal with pests of indoor plants using various methods:

Prevention for protecting indoor plants from diseases and pests

Incorrect care and errors when choosing a location can be very weakened by plants. In such cases, flowers are easily become victims of diseases and pests. therefore best protection Indoor plants from pests and diseases are prevention and correct choice of location.

If avoiding the disease or pests failed, it will help rapid diagnosis and targeted treatment.

Correct care is considered guaranteed protection from diseases and pests.

How to propagate to protect indoor plants from diseases and pests:

  • It is especially important to increase air humidity in the heating season. Dry air is the main reason for the appearance of pests.
  • Avoid too much density of plants.
  • Regularly cut the dried leaves and flowers and contain pots and land clean.
  • Plant fabrics can be strengthened by proper dosage Fertilizers and with special Tools, such as silicic acid containing horsetaves or aromatic sprays.

Plants are living beings, they are also susceptible to diseases. If your favorites come, despite stable care, for sure, the wines of the whole disease. Location plant diseases - online diagnostics with detailed photos. Symptoms, varieties of diseases and methods of their treatment - in this material.

1. Mosaic disease 2. Curlyness of leaves 3. Jaundice ✿ fungal:

1. Puffy dew (including false) 2. Gray rot 3. Senior fungus (mobile) 4. Red burn 5. Antraznosis (pass) 6. Rust 7. Root rot (black leg) 8. Wilt, verticillosis wilt 9. Phytofluorosis ✿ bacterial:

1. Bacterial wet rot 2. Bacterial spot, bacterial burn ✿ Physiological:

1. Watering 2. Chlorosis


The hardest and diagnosis of the disease! Primary signs are often confused with errors in care. The plant can lag in growth, lose decorativeness, the leaves are deformed and disappear. Usually, viral infections do not lead to flower death: it can long and stubbornly fight the disease. Frequent carriers of viruses are all the same pests, especially the tribes, whiteflies and trips!

1. Mosaic disease

Along the veins appear white, light green, or light yellow spots of different shapesThe collapse of chloroplast in the cells of the sheet. Over time, the number of stains increases, as a result, the entire surface of the leaf plate is covered with small-sized spots similar to mosaic and shape.

2. Curlyness of leaves

The result of this virus is the deformation of the leaves. First, there are convex and wrinkled areas, similar to the fiscal, then the sheet loses the form, as it should be twisted. Gardeners often face a problem! So, currant leaves are strongly exposed to curlyness, whose pests are insect pests.

3. Jaundice

This dangerous disease amazes the crown and affects the overall condition of the flower! The first symptoms are similar to chlorosis: the leaves lose the natural greens, gradually yellow, become sluggish and lifeless. Jaundice causes necrosis - fission fabrics in the form of progressive brown spots. In addition, the stalks become fragile by overshafts in them starch! The process becomes massive and affects young shoots and kidneys, and also affects flowering, bleaching petals.

Risk groupfor all viruses: exotic flowering cultures, callas, orchids, pelargoniums, primroses, bougainvillies, Puancetics, Begonias.


One hundred percent warranty for recovery will not give any drug! At the initial stage of viral infection, you can try to save the plant. To begin with, place the flower on quarantine, isolate from others! Disinfect inventory, because the virus can get into the soil with soil particles. Remove all affected parts - leaves, shoots, make a rejuvenating trimming, saving cuts activated coal.

Suggest the soil disinfection with a weak solution of mangartage in proportion of 3 grams of manganese at 10 liters of water. Watch the patient's condition! If the disease does not retreat, with a flower will have to part, in order to avoid infection of the other members of the home collection.


In the case of viral diseases, it is actually easier to prevent, rather than cure! It is enough to comply with the general rules of care (about important rules can be read here): temperature mode, watering mode, prevent the convergence and, of course, protect the plant from pests, at the first signs of which to carry out the processing of fungicides. Use cuttings only from healthy plants! Feed the pets by organica and minerals, observing the dosage, take the fresh air in the summer, increase their immunity. After all, a healthy flower no virus is not afraid!


  • Garden diseases: continue the list.
  • Folk recipes for plant treatment.
  • How to get rid of pests - signs and methods of struggle.


This type of disease is spread more than anyone! Mushrooms are lower creatures that feed on plant juice, falling inside through mechanical damage to the above-ground part, or through the root system, together with water, or dust. Most often, the mushrooms appear in places of cluster sucking insects - Tly, whiteflies, trips, shields, mild cherry! Mushrooms quickly multiply and occupy the surface of the leaves and stalks. Usually this group of diseases manifests itself in the form of spots, or plaque. What fungal diseases are indoor flowers?

1. Puffy dew (including false)

Many lovers of violets and cyclamen are familiar with the fungus favorite delicacy. In addition to them, he also complains Petunia! The name of the disease reflects external signs well, because the flare just resembles flour. It appears first on the outer, then on the inner surface of the leaves, gradually acquiring a brown color. At first, the torment is easily erased with a finger, but it appears again and causes a stop of the growth and death of foliage.

Risk group: Violet, Saintoplia, Geran, Cyclamen, Also, almost all garden flowers are also defeated.

2. Gray rot

This fungus begins his meal not from the leaves, but with stems! First, brown wet points appear with a mossy raid. Running in concentric circles, they excavated the trunk of the plant, overlapping the access of water to the leaves, they darken and die away. The fungus quickly grows, hitting all parts of the plant.

Risk group: Similar to the previous one.

3. Sent fungus (mobile)

External signs correspond to the name of the disease - on the leaves there is a black flaw, similar to South. At the same time, the lesions are increasing, the flare is clogged by the sheet pores, prevents its breathing and absorb sunlight. In the end, he dies.

Risk group:gardenia, citrus, coffee tree, azaleas, Camellia Palma.

4. Red burn

As a result of the activity of this fungus, red spots appear on the leaves, similar to burns, which are subsequently covered with black crust. The stains quickly progress, leading to the deformation of leaves and shoots, especially young, and curvators of the floweros. The fungus usually lives in a bulb.

Risk group: Lukovichny plants, Hippeastrum, Clivia, Amaralis, Euharicis.

5. Antraznosis (pass)

Fungus manifests itself in the form of spots various colors And forms! They usually appear in the center of the sheet, less often - on the tips, gradually turning into large. At the same time, the surface of the sheet at the place of lesion from the smooth becomes a darous, a gray, or yellow cut can be seen around the spot. As a result, the sheet dies.

Risk group: Most often - ficuses and palm trees.

6. Rust

This disease is B. room conditions It is rare, but becomes a real problem for gardeners. On the surface of the sheet clearly seen red, brown, or orange spots similar to Rust, and on inner side - Bugorkas, spores fungus. Quite quickly stains turn into stripes, causing fatty tissues.

Risk group: Asparagus, Pelargonium, Camellia, Citrus and Chrysanthemums, from Gardening This is a rose rose, bell, carnations, peonies, lion zev.

7. Root rot (black leg)

Deadly affects the roots, provoking their posture. Spores of fungi populate the root neck, with the time the roots cease to consume water and nutrients, in the end, die away. Usually, gardeners are faced with this problem during the period of growing seedlings! The patient plant is easily pulling out of the ground.

Risk group: Particularly subject strong cuttings, young rapid plants, more often than others - Pelargonium.

8. Wilt, Verticillotic wilt

The leaves affected by fungus change the color - become brown-green, darken; Segments of tissues between the veins can dry, the tour is reduced, necrosis appears (fading tissues). It shows the cuts that the vessels have a brown color! If the conditions (high temperature and humidity) are promoted, the fungus applies, causing death separate parts Plants starting from the lower ones.

Risk group: More often affects decorative-deciduous species.

9. Phytoftorosa

This is a very dangerous fungal disease, which in most cases leads to the death of the plant! First, spots appear on the leaves - necrosis, purple, or brown, then rotting the base of the stem, root neck, the branches soften and smell safely. Among the likely reasons for the appearance of fungus - excessive watering on a par with a dense, "scored" substrate.

Risk group: Most often - succulents and cacti, as well as orchids and azaleas.


Before proceeding with treatment, the site advises to destroy insect pests, if any! At the first signs, the plant needs to be isolate, because fungi have the ability to spread! Treatment depends on the degree of affectance: if fungal disputes are not very spread, they need to be removed using a soft sponge. To do this, you can use a soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda on floor-liter water), acetic solution (1 teaspoon of table vinegar per liter of water), or beer, slightly diluted with water. Highly affected areas need to cut and throw it away!

Pereure the plant to the new soil, flushing the roots with running water, the old substrate must be disposed of! In the initial stages of the ailments (except for the black leg), it is possible to replace only the top layer of the soil. Reduce watering and spraying, do not create a favorable environment for fungi. If possible, place the plant at the time of quarantine into the cool room.

Fungicides will help to eradicate: "Vectra", "Topaz", "Staters", "Kombosat", "Colloid sulfur", "Bordeos Liquid", "Copper Kumoros". They also apply in garden flower growing. Strictly follow the instructions! Good results gives the use of "green soap", it is harmless, it has vegetable nature and helps to cope with rust, phytoofluoro, a pair, malieving dew. It is also used as prophylaxis during the recovery period!


Even in winter, do not put flowers too close to each other to ensure air circulation. Do not overdo it with spraying, in the desire to add humidity air can be harvested. Spray flowers no more than once a day, making it with the help of a pulverizer, it does not leave the water drops on the leaves! Rules of spraying plants.

More often, carry out the room even in winter, the colors need access fresh air, and in the summer carry them to the balcony, or to the garden (excluding those that do not like temperature drops). For prevention periodically (once in 1-2 months), water all the flowers with a solution "Phytosporin-M". This vegetation preparation prevents the appearance of fungal diseases!


According to symptoms bacterial diseases Similar to fungal, which makes it difficult to diagnose. However, stains in this case have blurred contours like oily, vitreous. Infection can occur through mechanical damage, through tubers, or seeds. Bacteria carriers can be pets, and we ourselves! Bacteria are invisible to the eye, they fall into the soil, and from it in the vascular flower system.

1. Bacterial wet rot

Bacteria cause the decay of the tissues - their softening and rotting! Traces of their activities have a kind of raw shapeless stain. Spots may appear on trunks, roots, tubers, bulbs, but more often on the leaves. Taken in places of damage to the part of the plant become soft, gradually turns into a risk-smelling mass.

Risk group: bulbous and tuber plants.

2. Bacterial spotting, bacterial burn

In this case, small watery spots appear along the leaf veins, gradually acquiring black color, they can be surrounded by yellow, or brown border. Small, or large, they look like a burn - as if the leaf in this place was charred! Spottedness affects the upper young parts of the plant.

Risk group: Dangerous for all plants, but most of all for bulbous and tuber.


If only some parts of the plant underwent the action of bacteria, remove them completely, squeezing the cuts with crowded coal and disinfected the tools. At the same time, it is important to place a plant on quarantine into a bright, dry, cool room, cutting watering and not spray with water. But the spraying of fungicides is worth applying, for these purposes, copper-containing drugs are suitable: "Copper Caporos", "Bordeaux mixture". Also, some flower products are used for watering and spraying familiar to many trichopol preparation, in the calculation of 1 tablet for 2 liters of water.

If the rotor touched the root system of the flower, you will have to resort to surgical intervention! Remove it, rinse the roots under running water, remove all the affected areas, spray cuts with a crowned coal and place in a new dry ground. Make trimming an aboveground part to facilitate the task of roots! For a while do not water the plant, observe its condition.


A favorable environment for the development of bacteria becomes soil, not having to dry. The tubery and bully cultures are generally harmful to the conjunction, it reduces their immunity and provokes the development of different diseases. Therefore, observe irrigation mode!

Bacteria has two ways through the soil, or through damaged parts of the plant. In this regard, it is imperative to disinfect the soil before planting, as well as shrink the sections of plants with a crowded coal after trimming.


Sometimes the cause of indoor colors is not fungi, or viruses, but simply the wrong care! Some plants vividly responds to care errors, others farewell minor crossings, but almost all the colors with a systematic violation of the content conditions, begin to root. Unlike the previous ones, this disease group is not infection!

1. Vodkaka.

Externally, signs of the disease are similar to watery pimples. Education is usually located on the inside of the leaves, therefore are not always noticeable. The cause of such a phenomenon becomes excessive watering under reduced light conditions.

Risk group: Hibiscus, Ficus, Pelargonium, Perverted, Calando, Citrus.

Treatment.Unfortunately, the affected leaves are no longer restored, so they will have to be deleted in the future. Firstly reduce watering, provide a plant more scattered light, or compensate for its flaw artificial lighting. The pot must have holes and pallet so that the excess moisture is not delayed! Also do not forget to put a layer of clay on the bottom of the pot.

2. Chlorosis

A person familiar with many flowers occurs due to the lack of nutrients, namely, magnesium and nitrogen, but mainly iron (most often the iron deficiency chlorosis is observed). Usually chlorosis occurs during the growing season when the plant lacks resources to build a new foliage! At the same time, the lifts of the sheet remain green, while the space between them turns yellow. Sometimes leaves can be deformed at the ends and flame. The disease affects old and young sections.

Risk group: Ficus Benjamin, Hibiscus, Lemon, Gardenia, Azalea, Hortensia.

Treatment. To replenish the iron deficit, you can use microfertres containing iron in chelated form. Such drugs can be made by spraying and under the root! These include: "chelate iron", "Antichlorosis", "Micro-Fe", "Ferrilen".

Choose lightweight, breathable, weakly acid substrates, alkaline soil exacerbate the problem. It is possible to correct the situation by watering water, acidified with lemon juice, or lemon Acid (She neutralizes alkali). Water for watering is definitely necessary to defend, because in tough water there is an excess of calcium salts, and they provoke chlorosis.

Now you know almost all the diseases of indoor plants and you can diagnose them at the first signs.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. ✿ If you like the article, share it in social networks.

Here are described the most common diseases of plants that are found on indoor colors. ATTENTION: On any plants in violation of agrotechnics (bays, supercooling, reinforcing fertilizers) or when landing, signs of several diseases can manifest themselves to non-disabled soil. In the surrounding world, not one and not two types of microorganisms, but millions. We can guess the disease on single characteristic stains. There are specific diseases that do not confuse with anything: gray rot (long threads of gray mold), mildew (the leaves are covered with white dust), the leaves of the leaves in the succulents (green panyoshki, the plant is not oppressed), ring patterns from viruses and some Others.

But very often, plants show several diseases at the same time, for example, in orchids trachemicosis (fusariosis) and at the same time septoria or philosticosis. Root rot and alternariasis. It is pleased with the fungicides that offer us in the store are usually effective against a variety of diseases. But do not forget that for personal farms (i.e. for the house), drugs 3 and 4 hazard classes are allowed.

Alternaria and dry spot

The pathogen - the mushrooms of the genus Alternaria. The mushroom strikes the leaves mainly, sometimes stems and tubers.

Symptoms: First, dry brown spots appear, first of all on the lower, and then on the upper leaves. Typically, concentric circles are visible on the stains. With increasing stain, it gradually drawn, and gray condias become visible on it.

Promote the spread of the disease Frequent temperature differences and moisture change, i.e. Alternation of dry and wet period. But optimal conditions For the development of mushroom at temperatures above about 25-30 ° C and humidity up to 90%.


Avoid the population of plants, while cut out extra branches and leaves. Check the room or greenhouse if the flowers are on the balcony, make sure there is there good ventilation And the mold is not growing along the walls - this is an indicator of microclimate disorders.

Measures of struggle

Used to combat alternariasis of fungicides:

  • abiga peak 50 g per 10 liters of water
  • acrobat MC 20 g on 5 liters of water
  • oxycho 20 g on 10 liters of water
  • xome 40 g per 10 liters of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water


The pathogen - the mushrooms of the COLLETOTRICHUM, GLOEOSPORIUM, KABATIELLA. Palms, ficuses, anthurium, etc. are more often subject to palm trees.

Symptoms: The disease is striking the leaves, stalks, cutters and fruits of plants. Spots on different plants, and depending on the causative agent look differently.

  • Kabatiella Zeae - causes the formation of small rounded or irregular shape of spots, 2-5 mm in diameter with a clear contour. Looks like yellow spot, with brown or black dot inside. If the stain is larger, instead of a black point, a dark rim is formed, and inside it a grayish ring.
  • COLLETOTRICHUM ORBICULARE - Causes education usually reddish brown, often with light yellow bin spots, from 2 to 12 mm. On some plants, the stains are pale green. In the form rounded or elongated. In the affected places, the stains merge, dry, become like parchment, cracks are formed, holes are formed.
  • Colletotrichum Trichellum is large yellowish brown or gray-brown spots on the leaves and stems with dark pillows of spioning. If you look closely, it is noticeable that on the spots on the upper side of the sheet, the surface is not smooth, and the dispute is covered with fluffy hairs, however, the disputes are noticeable with a strong damage to the plant. On the fruits of gray-brown spots with a dark middle, depressed.

Antennosis is rapidly developing in greenhouse conditions, i.e. With high humidity (about 90-100%) and elevated temperatures 22-27 °. And also with frequent (several times a day) spraying plants. Mushroom is frost-resistant - persisted in plant residues, in seeds and spreads with water when watering.


Removal of leaves with suspicious stains, decontamination of land, seed riffling. Suspicious plants purchased in the store put on quarantine. With the signs of manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to stop spraying plants.

Measures of struggle

Conduct spraying, usually three treatments, using fungicides:

  • oxicha 15-20 g per 10 liters of water
  • colloid sulfur: 50-100 g per 10 liters of water
  • fungicide strobe, in a system with other fungicides, 4 g per 10 liters of water
  • abiga Peak: 50 g of suspension on 10 liters of water


The pathogen - the mushrooms of Ascochyta. The most severe lesions causes ascohitosis chrysanthemums, which is most often susceptible to the plant family of complex color.

Symptoms: In the initial stage on the leaves, small, only 1-2 mm are reddish or brown spots, sometimes brown, reddish with a yellowish or brown rim, of different shapes. Spots increase in size and acquire a dark brown necrotic shade with a yellowish chlorose border around the edge. Small black spores of the fungus can be seen only under the magnification of the magnifying glass. If the growing of the fungus on the stem is skewers, then the stem is easily shaped.

Sometimes the disease begins with signs of chickens of the plant - they begin to dry out the tips of the leaves, on the border with a healthy cloth, a dark brown strip is formed. The causative agent is very resistant to deep temperature drops, i.e. It tolerates, both severe drought and the frost. Stored on plant residues, seeds. The disease extends to the wind, non-indinced soil, water drops.

Prevention and treatment, as well as the anthracnose.

Lamanka Leaves (Eden)

The disease caused by not fungus or bacteria, but as a result of the oveurgement of the soil, often with a lack of lighting. It is usually manifested by sucques, typically for peperomies, Tolstyanka, Kalanchoe, possibly on Pelargonium, Schifleria.

Symptoms: at the plant, most often on the bottom of the sheet there are barely noticeable pumens appear, seem watery, but actually dense, sometimes, like cork growths, some look like warts, the sheet color can be saved, i.e. Spots are green, can acquire a gray necrotic color. It is caused by the fact that part of the roots is dying (from pamping, overcoat, hypothermia), the power of the conductive vessels, which supplied precisely these roots. Since the convergence is not strong, the soil managed to dry, the rotting did not apply further, but the stains remained. The affected leaves will not be restored, but if the plant create good conditions, then new leaves will be healthy.

The difference between the dropsy (Eden) from other diseases, root rotors are that the plant is not oppressed, it grows noticeably, and the spots themselves small sites, amazed 1-3 sheets on the bush. The leaves in water do not turn yellow, do not dry and do not fall off!

Treatment and prevention: Adjust watering, do not pour, after heavy irrigation and when the soil is sealing in the pot, we powder the Earth. Make the soil with a high fraction of draining, bass particles - at least 1/5 or 1/4 of the volume of the pot.

False torment dew (peronosporosis)

Patients - Mushrooms of the births of Peronospora, Plasmopara, Pseudoperonospora, Mildew. The disease may affect any room plants, but the disease is quite rare.

Symptoms: On the upper side of the leaves are formed yellow, then brown spots of the wrong shape, with a false milder rose of cucumbers spots angular (the specificity of the structure of the sheet). Gradually, necrosis occurs in these places, and stains become brown. From the bottomside of the leaf - at the beginning of the disease, a light gray raid from the conidial spution of the pathogen, which came to the surface of the sheet through the dust, then this flaw gradually drawn. Sick leaves are yellow, becoming wrinkled or corrugated, withering and dry. The pathogen with a strong degree of lesion can penetrate into the vascular system, which is noticeable on the slice in the form of the darkened vessels (mycelium and disputes).

The disease prevails on heavy acidic soils. Exacels the spread of increased humidity and poor ventilation. The source of infection is not a disinfected soil and seeds.


Maintaining low humidity, regular ventilation, thinning and cleaning of bushes. Soil change and its disinfection. If the signs of the disease have already been discovered, avoid spraying and watering water to fall into the leaves.

Preparation of seeds to sowing:

  • immersion in hot water at 50 ° C for 20 minutes, followed by rapid cooling in cold water for 2-3 minutes
  • paving seeds in the Protrerator, for example, the drug Maxim

Measures of struggle

Removal of patients with leaf and highly affected branches. It is possible to use drugs containing copper: hydroxychic, dubcatch, 1% burgundy fluid solution, ordan. These fungicides are more accessible (cheap and efficient) for the treatment of garden and garden plants. You can get more modern drugs: Quadris, Bravo - but they are not sold in small packaging, they are intended only for agriculture (in canisters and bottles), gardeners acquire them usually in collective procurement.

For a simple flower, fungicides are available:

  • topaz 4 ml on 10 liters of water
  • abiga peak 50 g of suspension on 10 liters of water
  • oxicha 15-20 g per 10 liters of water, three times

Treatment to start at the first signs of the disease and repeat every 7-10 days, especially thoroughly handle the lower side of the leaves. At least 3-4 treatments must be carried out.

Preparations: Cephranium, soon, rayok is ineffective against false mildew.

Puffy dew

A common plant disease caused by the mushrooms of Podosphara Fuliginea, Erysiphe Cichoracearum and Oidium is a mildew on the grapes of Oidium.

Symptoms: In the beginning of the disease on the flowers and leaves, small milded specks appear. They are easily erased, but then appear again and increase in size, becoming saturated gray. Gradually, the fungita is compacted and becomes almost drow. Mucuded flaw Maybe from both sides of the sheet. The leaves are gradually drying, buds and flowers are tremendous, the growth of the plant ceases. The most favorable conditions for the development of the disease - increased humidity - about 60-80% and warm air in the range of 15-26 ° C.

From home plants, mildewing dew is most often striking: LAVR, SENPOLIA, GLOXINE, ROSES, GERBERS, CALANKHE, AND DR.


For the prevention of powdery dew houseplants and colors, it is possible to pollination with gray 3-4 times over the summer. Plugs of plants with nitrogen fertilizers, especially during the bootonization period increases the risk of mildew disease. On the contrary, feeding phosphate and potash fertilizers Increases the resistance of the causative agent of mildew. Also follows often to air the room, avoiding cold drafts. Pay attention to the bushes and trees that grow under your windows if there are signs of the disease, you constantly need to be alert - the mushroom disputes are easily spread by the wind.

In addition to treating sulfur, a prophylactic spraying of whey (rerox) can be carried out. The usual solid milk is suitable, but serum is preferable (less traces on the leaves), you need to dissolve with water in a 1: 3 ratio and spray plants. For prevention, repeat after 2 weeks.

Fighting torment dew at home

If the powdered dew hit the room flowers, and especially violets (SENPOLIA), pot gerberas, house RosesYou can use the same tools as for garden plants, besides high toxic (Bayleton), but preference should be given to such fungicides as a topaz.

It is possible to use the drugs purestone, the raw is all produced in fine packing, contain diphenoconazole, breed 2 ml on 5 liters of water. For fruit trees, vegetables and berries, we break 2 g of water, maximum processing: the first - on a green cone, the rest - after 12-14 days, stop processing 20 days before harvesting.

It is enough to spray from the powdery dew at home with a solution of calcined soda and copper mood: in 1 liter of water, you will distribute 10 g of calcined soda and 2 g of soap (economic, degtyar), separately in a glass of water dissolve 2 g of copper mood. Pour the copper solution into the soda solution, the result of water to the volume of 2 l liquid and spray the plants.

If you heard a recipe for the fight against malieving dew with antibiotics, do not try to repeat, penicillins, tetracyclines and other antibiotics do not act on fungal infections, as a last resort, help from bacteriosis, but not more.

You can use drugs such as topaz, Vectra, Hom, Oxychik, Bordeaux liquid (1%). How to get rid of pulse dew on the gooseberry, currant, roses, etc. Garden crops - Read more: Muced dew.

Helps as prevention and treatment spraying with iodine solution: 1 ml of alcohol pharmacy tincture of iodine dilute in 1 liter of water. Roses can be increased concentration - to dissolve 1 ml per 400 ml of water.


The pathogen - the mushrooms of the genus Septoria.

Symptoms: Dark brown or dark gray spots with yellowish border (on anthurium) or, as on azalia, small reddish or reddish-yellow specks, which gradually increase. Then the spots appear on the spot - the fruiting organs of the fungus, which can even be turned on the leaves at a minus temperature and the disease will begin to spread in the spring. Some forms of septoriasis have different manifestations (depending on the type of plant):

  • The septoria albopunctata causative agent looks like a small 2-5 mm reddish-purple or brown spots with a gray center. With the development of the disease, the stains increase, and in the center of some of them you can see small dark brown or black mushroom spores. Over time, the stains merge, raging, and leaf dries. Perfect conditions For the development of the disease - high humidity and temperature in the range of 28-31 °.
  • The causative agent of Septoria Populi is the so-called white spotty, it first causes the formation of small whitel or gray spots with a brown rim along the edge, round or oval shape.


Removal of leaves with suspicious stains, decontamination of land, seed riffling. In the signs of manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to stop spraying the leaves, improve air circulation (ventilation).

Treatment of septoriosis

When the stains have already manifested themselves and apply further, it is necessary to perform a spraying using chemicals: among them popular in gardening 1% burglar fluid solution (100 g of copper sulfate + 100 g of lime on 10 liters of water to breed strictly according to the instructions), copper chloroksi solution (Xome, oxicha), copper sulphate (100 g per 10 liters of water). As well as:

  • colloidal sulfur 50-100 g per 10 liters of water
  • staters in a system with other fungicides, 4 g per 10 liters of water
  • abiga peak 40-50 g per 10 liters of water
  • fungicides: Clear, Sump, Rajak, Discor, Keeper - Any Detach 4 ml on 5 liters of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water

Repeat spraying in 7-10 days.

Gray Gnil

Pathogene - Mushrooms of Botrytis Mushrooms.

Symptoms: Most often affected places are on the stems in the form of fluffy grayish-olive raids. With further development, the disease passes to the leaves, launching flowers and fruits.

Over time, the defeat takes the type of dry rot with concentric stains. A few days later, the stain grows and skells skelts. The first week there is no sputum of the fungus on the spot, it is pale in the center to straw color, blurred ring-like stripes become visible. Gray rot is similar to a gray loose cotton wool or mold. Inside the stem, tissue necrosis develops, while the vessels die away, and the movement of water ceases. Escape above this zone fades.

The prevention measures include the disinfection of the soil during transplantation (heating in the oven or microwave), regular ventilation of the rooms, removal of dying leaves and the thinning of seedlings, good lighting. Avoid oveurgement of the soil, especially with cool content, if the flowers stand on the balcony early in spring or in the late summer - in the fall. When transplanting can be added to the soil Trehodermine, barrier, barrier or phytosporin (shedding soil).

Measures of struggle

At the first signs of the disease, remove the sick leaves and inflorescences. The affected place spray a powder of charcoal, chalk or wood ash. You can make a paste from the preparation of tripides (a small amount of powder to moisten with water) and also to deceive the affected places. Spraying with topxin-M solution (0.1%) or phytosporin solution (dilute to color of tea). With strong damage, spray:

  • fundazole (0.2%)
  • copper-soap solution: 0.2% copper sulfate and 2% of the household soap
  • fungicides: purestone, soon, rayok - any dilute 4 ml on 5 liters of water

Repeated processing is carried out after 7-10 days.

Senior fungus

Appears in the form of a dry grain film on Aukubach, bundles, laurels. Caused by the Capnopodium fungus, settling on the discharge of tools, whiteflies, mild cherry. By itself, the plaque is not dangerous for the plant, but it clogs the dust on the leaves, thereby disturbing the process of breathing. The plant slows down growth and weakens.

Measures of the struggle: timely spraying from pests forming sweet allocations (Tsi, shields, tripses). After curing from diseases, the affected plants wipe with a sponge dipped in soapy water, to solve warm clean water, To process phytoosporin: take a liquid or paste and dilute in a glass of water to the color of fastening tea. Spray leaves.

Sometimes a sage fungus settles on the surface of leaves affected by other fungi, carefully inspect the character of the stains, put the plant on quarantine.

Rust leaves

The causative agent is rust mushrooms, for example, the genus Phragmidium or Puccinia.

Symptoms: are expressed in the appearance on the upper surface of a sheet of orange-brown tubercles, sometimes yellow or red round spots. From the reverse side of the sheet, the pustulas are clearly visible - the pads (as warts) oval or round form. Gradually, stains are growing into stripes, the leaves are yellow and fall.


Disease provoke uneven watering and high humidity, but even when good care infection is possible at home through garden flowers in cut or with new purchased in the store potted plantsFor example, gerberas. The infection can be hit with garden soil, because rust often affects apple or pear.

Measures of struggle

Remove affected leaves and branches. Apply a spraying of fungicides:

  • abiga Peak 50 g on 10 liters of water
  • bayleton 1 g per 1 liter of water
  • vectre 2-3 ml at 10l water
  • bordeaux mix 1%
  • copper Court 10 g per 1 l of water
  • oxicha 15-20 g per 10 liters of water
  • ordan 20 g on 5 liters of water
  • strobe
  • topaz 4 ml on 10 liters of water
  • xome 40 g per 10 liters of water

Treatment Repeat 2-3 times after 10 days. Do not help from rust biopreparations: phytosporin, bartophit, etc.

Fillostikosis (bright spot)

The causative agent - the mushrooms of the genus Phyllosticta. From domestic flowers are subject to hibiscus, roses, orchids, etc.

Symptoms: On the affected plants, small dark reddish or dark purple dots appear at first. They increase and turn into brown spots with purple, almost black border around the edge. The middle of the spots are thinning, dries up and in plants with some kind of leaves falls out, holes are formed. When considering through a magnifying glass, it can be seen on brown stained areas black rounded disputes. The disease extends to the wind, non-indinced soil, water drops.

The philosticosis of orchids is manifested in small spots of about 2 mm in diameter, dark brown, slightly depressed, holes are not formed, often the disease is called "black spotty", as the sheet is chosen by small specks as a rash - stains are not merged into large, remains But the leaf turns yellow, and then the disputes of the mushroom becomes noticeable. The disease spreads quite quickly, as orchids are often in an atmosphere of high humidity.


Compliance with the rules of care and hygiene is timely watering as needed, but not more often, water is pouring only under the root, water should not fall on the root neck, in the sinuses of the leaves. Use only warm water for watering, without chlorine and salts (iron, calcium). Make sure that the plants are sufficiently light, weakened chlorose leaves are more susceptible to infection. Check the house or room, avoiding drafts. Ventilation must be very good - indicator proper ventilation - no mold in the bathroom, perimeter window Rama, corners of rooms. Observe the temperature regime, consider the species requirements of orchids and other plants - the deviation from the norm and the usual care weakens the immunity.

Treatment of philosticosis

  • fungicide Vectra - Dissolve 2-3 ml of the drug on 10 liters of water
  • abiga Peak - 50 g on 5 liters of water
  • staters - 4 g on 10 liters of water
  • oxycho 20 g on 10 liters of water
  • fungicides: Clear, Sump, Rajak, Diskor, Keeper - Any Detach 1 ml per 1 liter of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water

Spraying when the first signs of the disease or prophylactic, then follow-up with an interval of 7-10 days. Some plants can safely remove the affected leaves (for example, Hibiscus), do not rush to cut the affected areas before a healthy tissue, it can still weaken the plants. Crop can be sheet only when it is already very yellow. Otherwise to process spraying.

Root rot

This is a group of diseases caused by a number of pathogenic genital mushrooms: Pythium, RhizoCtonia, Phytophthora, etc. All these diseases are sooner or later manifest themselves on the crown, the tops of the plants, but infection begins through the root system. If the pathogen is serious, and the plant is a young (stalk, seedling, seedling), then the leaves do not even have time to start yellowing - the roots and the lower part of the stem quickly get the roots.

Most exposed to root rotches orchids, sensipolia, cacti and succulents. The reason is a violation of agrotechnology.

Black leg - Beach seedlings, manifests itself in reducing the bottom of the escape, cutting. Rota is the most typical - blackening, softening fabrics. Very part of the black leg is striking when the soil is overwhelmed, poor aeration, if the lumps of the land are so dense that there is a constantly anaerobic environment around the roots. Source of infection - non-sterilized earthless mixtures, inventory, pots and seating boxes after patient plants.


This variety of root rot. At the same time, the plant first slows the growth, it fades a little, the leaves are losing color, become pale, only then the roots and the plant dies. The first impression of the disease is that the plant lacks water, but after watering the tour is not restored, and the leaves are even more faded. In plants with dense leaves, the leaves do not fade, but are covered with brown extensive stains, which begin with the central vein.


Pick up proper primer For its plants, add more porous, draining materials so that they structure the soil. Do not use small river sand Or sand from the children's sandbox (career) - he cements an earthy mixture! Use fine pebbles with a particle size of 3-4 mm, which can be bought in specialized departments and stores of aquaries, or sift the river pebbles. When landing, add Glyocladin Potted Pot

Make sure that the soil is not overwhelmed, water after the permissible degree of drying: if it is indicated that watering is abundant, it means that in the pot, the Earth should have time to go around for approximately 1/2 or 1/3 of the upper part of the pot. If you immerse your finger into the ground, you will find that the soil is dry from above, and the pot is a slightly wetter (cooler) - then you can pour.

If the plant is recommended for moderate watering, then the soil must sleep completely - if it should be dry in a pot in a pot inside too (the finger does not feel that there is a cooler, wetter). Of course, you do not have to pour fingers into the ground before irrigated. Just wait when the soil dries on top and wait 2-3 days, before irrigation, so that she managed to dry and in depth. And if suddenly it was cold, and the temperature dropped, perhaps you need to wait even longer - 5-7 days before the next watering.

For reproduction of indoor plants, cut off only healthy cuttings and leaves. Be sure to sterilize the land for the landing of the cuttings, especially if you breed the plants very susceptible to phytoophluorosis and root rot (for example, Geesnery, Gardenia, Sheflfler). The old, already used pots, in which the plants died should be scolded with boiling water.

Seeds before landing to soak in the prodser, use, for example, the drug Maxim.

Measures of struggle

With a large development of root rot, when a considerable part of the roots died, and most of the shoots drooped, lost elasticity, treatment is useless. If the cutting on the root in the root of the tip of a cafe or twig, it can be cut off, dripping phytoosporin in the water and put on rooting.

If the plant appeared signs of wilting, the soil at the same time, the raw need to urgently remove the plant from the pot. Rog the root system, remove rot. If healthy roots are still preserved, process them (soak for a few minutes) in a solution of fungicide:

  • alin B - 2 tablets on 10 liters of water
  • gamair - 2 tablets on 1 liter of water
  • order of 5 g per 1 liter of water
  • energy Explosion 3 ml on 2 l of water
  • bactify 10 ml on 5 liters of water
  • oxycho 10 g on 5 l of water
  • xome 20 g on 5 liters of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water


This is a whole group of diseases that have both fungal and bacterial nature.

Pathways - Mushrooms of Generics Ascochyta, Colletotrichum, PhylLosticta, Pestalotia, Septoria, Vermicularia, and others. Spirits are called diseases, the causative agent of which is difficult to identify, it may be an ancronta, septorize, philostose, ascohithosis, but the characteristics of the spots are not expressed. At the same time, brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which are growing with the spread of the disease in size, merge and affect the entire sheet. If the plant is quite strong, sustainable diseases or behind it very well care, the stains grow slowly and the leaves dry also slowly.

Prevention of spidhers

Promote the development of disease disturbances. This overcoat is especially aggravated by the overeaching of the root system (after watering cold water or during transportation from the store home during the cold season). Spotted may develop in warm, wet conditions, especially with poor air circulation and landing into dense clay soil.

Avoid the big crowdability of plants and excess watering. Regularly ventilate the room, greenhouses and ensure good illumination. For prophylaxis, water the plants with a solution of the preparation of phytoosporin-m or bacotophyte. You can add to pots when boarding the tablet of the Glyocladin preparation.

Measures of struggle

IN garden conditions It is necessary to collect and destroy any plant residues with stains from the dead plants. Powers cut off the affected leaves and branches. Use the spraying of fungicides capable of cope with most fungal infections.

  • abiga peak 50 g per 10 liters of water
  • acrobat MC 20 g on 5 liters of water
  • oxycho 20 g on 10 liters of water
  • xome 40 g per 10 liters of water
  • alin-b 2 tablets per 1 liter of water
  • vectra 3 ml on 10 liters of water
  • 1% Bordeaux fluid solution (100 g of copper sulphate + 100 g of lime on 10 liters of water to breed strictly according to the instructions)
  • copper sulphate: 100 g on 10 liters of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water

At home, indoor flowers from spotting should be tried to treat more accessible and simple means: use drugs purely, soon, Rajak - all of them are produced in fine packing, contain the same active substance - Diphenokonazole, it is necessary to breed 2 ml on 5 liters of water. Peel leaves with a solution, repeat after 2 weeks. In the solution of these fungicides, purexvette, the raw, add zircon (6 drops per 1 liter of solution).

Red burn

Staganospora Staganospora Mushroom Mushroom Path. The disease is characteristic of hypipestruyamums and some bulbous.

Symptoms: Red narrow spots appear on the leaves and flowers, which are subsequently formed sporing crusts, the bulbs completely blush scales. The patient plant begins the deformation of leaves and flowers, the flowering does not begin or stops, the bulbs are rotated.


Treatment of bulbs in fungicides. You can use the drug Maxim (soaking bulbs), but it can cause burns of incidents of leaves and flowers - their tips have a very thin epidermis. The third photo is the burns from the drug Maxim, although the bulbs are cured, burns will remain.

To treat the red burn of the hypipersmamum can also be other fungicides:

  • fundakhol (Benomyl) 1 g per 1 liter of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water
  • oxycho 4 g per 1 liter of water

Read more about Treatment of Runyli Hippeastrum and Discussion on the Forum Red Burn

Black spotty

The pathogen - the mushrooms of the genus Rhytisma, Dothidella.


  • Rhytisma Acerinum - causes the formation of large rounded spots, first yellowish and vague. Then black dots appear on them, which gradually merge and form black shiny stromes (influx), surrounded by yellowish border. Sometimes yellowing around black strom can not be.
  • Rhytisma Salicinum - causes such lesions, only spots are more convex, more angular shape, large and small.
  • RHYTISMA PUNCTATUM - causes the appearance of small, point or drop-shaped, shiny-black and convex stroma.
  • Dothidella ULMI - causes the formation of grayish black, rounded strom; They are convex, first brilliant, later - rough, like warts.

Promotes the spread of the disease. Combination of conditions: increased air humidity, shading and high temperatures.

Measures of struggle

Spraying by fungicides:

  • abiga peak 50 g per 10 liters of water
  • acrobat MC 20 g on 5 liters of water
  • benomyl (Fundazole) 1 g per 1 liter of water
  • vectra 3 ml on 10 liters of water
  • oxycho 20 g on 10 liters of water
  • xome 40 g per 10 liters of water
  • alin-b 2 tablets per 1 liter of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water

Spraying three times in 10 days.


Trachemicose is a group of diseases, so-called, vascular fadings - the pathogens fall through the roots and affect the vascular system of plants, clocked their mycelics of vessels, toxins are isolated, the plant does not get water and nutrients and begins to fade.

Tractors include diseases such as:

  • verticillious wilting (verticillosis)
  • fusarious wilting (fusariosis)
  • malsekko in citrusov

Symptomatics is very similar, all diseases are diagnosed only by laboratory, all incurable, are found at that stage when pathogenic fungi has already poisoned the vascular system, it is something like blood infection in animals. Especially suffer from the tracheosicosis of orchids, phalaenopsis, dendrobiuma, cattleia, etc. from other indoor flowers: fuchsia, roses, balsamin, begonia, geranium; From garden: Petunia, carnations, chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias. Tales are prone to trachemic meters: cabbage, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, lettuce, melon, melon, potatoes, pumpkin, radishes, rhubarbies.

There are plants resistant to trachemic member: SENPOLIA, AGENTUM, GIPSFILE, MALVA, BARQUINE, GRAIN, ZINNIA, APARAGUS, FERS, FILLODENDONES. Vegetables can withstand only corn and asparagus.

In foreign practice, all tracheosicose wilts are simply called: Wilt - from Wilt - fade.

Verticillious fading

The pathogen - mushrooms of the genus Verticillium. It propagates exclusively with an exclusive way - conidias, affects the roots of plants and poisoned the Ksil fabrics: grows and multiply systemically throughout the plant.

Symptoms: At the initial stages of the disease, the lower leaves acquire a grayish-greenish color due to the development of mezzhilkov necrosis. The leaf fabric between the veins will raw and dries. Then the wilt begins, most of the leaves, starting below, turn yellow, twisted and dry out. On the context of the stem is noticeably toured vessels. The lumens of the vessels are filled with fine multicellular fungal. Plants are lagging behind in growth, poorly develop, then dying. Sometimes the disease manifests itself on the plant in the drying and the elimination of the individual branches of the bush. If the conditions are favorable, the disease goes to other branches and all the plant dies pretty quickly. If unfavorable conditions are developing for the development of the fungus, the disease can reach the month and part of the plant looks healthy, and the part dies.

The pathogen is maintained in the soil in the form of microslersis for several years. Optimal temperature For germination of sclerocyes 25-27 °, humidity is 60-70%. Most likely the development of the mushroom on the basis with the neutral value of pH \u003d 7-7.5. Spores of the fungus germinate and penetrate the conductive fabric, where the mycelium develops that causing blood closure. Since there is a gradual closure of vessels from the bottom up, then the fading of the leaves begins with the lower leaves and gradually covers the whole plant.


Do not use garden land for indoor plants without preprocessing: pour a layer of 5 cm on a baking sheet, warm at the maximum temperature of 20 minutes. Disinfection of the seed to heating and protectors (for example, Fungicide Maxim)

Measures of struggle

Chemicals due to the peculiar biology of the pathogen (development in the soil and the distribution of conducting vessels) are ineffective. Treatment is possible only in the initial stages, by spraying by the foundazole, vertright (3 ml per 10 liters of water) or topxin-M at a concentration of 0.2%.

Fusariosis (fusarious wilt)

The causative agent - the mushrooms of the genus Fusarium.

Fusariosis is developing only on weakened plants primarily on the dying sites. The course of the disease can pass by the type of trachemic and wilting or with reinforcement of the roots. Plants are affected at any age. The fungus is in the soil and penetrates the plant through the soil and wounds, with water from natural sources, an non-sterile tool during vaccination or trimming. Promotes the spread of the disease. Increased air and soil humidity.

Symptoms: In young plants, the disease is manifested in the form of rotting the roots and root cervix. In these places, the fabric will boil, the stem becomes thinner, the leaves are yellow. At the affected plants, the tops of the shoots (the loss of the turgora), and the whole escape. It happens, as in the case of an infection with a verticillosis, due to the blockage of vessels with toxins and enzymes released by mushrooms. Therefore, the transverse cut also shows the darkening of the vessels. But sometimes the tracheosicose is manifested only on parts of the crown, the rest of the rest remains healthy - then the bush or a tree is depressing, separate branches. If during cut (clean without darkening) cuttings with healthy branches, you can roam and get a healthy plant.

The rate of occurrence depends on how favorably the conditions for the development of the fungus are the conditions. With high humidity of soil and air, as well as temperatures above 18 ° C, the disease can destroy all the plant in a few days. If the humidity is lowered, the disease can move into a chronic form, then the plant slowly fades for 3-4 weeks.

Measures of struggle

Removal and destruction of the plant along with a lump of land. Disinfection of pots with 5% copper mating solution, chlorine lime, or at least screaming with boiling water.

If the wilt has just begun, you can try to treat the plant by fungicides:

  • vectra 3 ml on 10 liters of water
  • benomyl (Fundazole) 1 g per 1 liter of water for orchids can be 1 g per 100 ml
  • alin B 2 Tablets per 1 liter of water
  • vitaros 2 ml per 1 liter of water

Spraying three times, with an interval of 7-10 days.

How to treat orchids: get rid of the old substrate (throw out, or cook the bark is not less than half an hour). Cut rotten roots. Prepare a solution of fungicide, and make a thoroughly root system and leaves. Leave to dry. Plant in a fresh substrate (large pieces of bark, foam, cork). Do not spray, water immersion as needed for a short time (5 minutes). It is advisable to contain patients with orchids at a temperature of 23-24 ° C, without drafts, with very intense, but multiple lighting (under lamps).

The soil for large landings (growing seedlings and transplantation of frame plants) can be prepared, shedding it as it should, with a solution of mangalls (pink color), the preparation of phytoosporin-M, Maxim, or the introduction of tripides. When working, sterilize the tools - a knife, scissors and even the garter material (wire, thread) with alcohol.

Indoor plants all year round glance with leaves, fancy shape and refined colors. Most of these plants were brought to us from distant countries and each of them has their own biological cycle, their microclimate requirements. One need a lot of light, another need tropical humidity. Some do not tolerate the convergence, others need plentiful watering.

These exotic aliens, growing in close pots, in the conditions of urban apartments, will reward you with amazing beauty, feeling care and attention. Every blossomed flower, each sprouted escape raises the mood and gives a new charge of cheerfulness. To fully enjoy the beauty of houseplants, you need to know what diseases your green pets can be amazed.

Diseases of indoor plants may be caused by various factors - incorrect irrigation, violation of lighting, humidity, viral microorganisms or pests.

Each room of the room plant has its own signs. Consider some of them.

1. Yellowing leaves

The yellowing of the leaves at the ficus - the first sign of the disease

The leaves can be shipped for the following reasons:

  • natural aging process. In this case, cropping or removing old leaves;
  • lack of moisture in the soil or in the air. Carry out regular spraying and comply with the correct irrigation mode;
  • from drafts. Most often suffer from drafts tropical plants. It is necessary to rearrange the flower into a protected warm place;
  • insufficient lighting. The leaves are yellowing with a dark side of the room. The plant needs to pick up a lighter place, or further illuminate;
  • lack of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, the flower should be filled with a nitric or organic fertilizer.

2. Spots on the leaves

The appearance of different color spots on the leaves is the first sign of the lesion of the plant with fungus.

Spots and drying of begonia leaves

Camellia, palm, orchid, Anthurium are most often affected. Spots can be of different colors, most often fungal origin, but may be caused by viruses or microorganisms.

It is necessary to spray the plant by fungicide, remove the affected leaves and reduce watering.

3. Puffy Rosa

White bloom on leaves, colors, shoots. At the first signs, white spots are easy to erase your fingers if they appeared again, you should be taken for treatment. Easy removal of leaves will not always help, because The disease can flush into healthy areas of the plant.

The causes of the disease can serve the overalling of the soil and the elevated room temperature.

Creating plants spraying the preparation containing sulfur. Infected leaves are removed. Spray or every day or every other day. Usually doses and time interval of treatment are indicated on the preparation.

Topaz one of the drugs to fight torment dew

Sulfur (akarofongicide) can be sold in the form of powder, paste or finished drug, for example, the most encountered and inexpensive - topaz

4. Gray rot

Leaves, stems, buds are covered with gray mold.

Plants are affected with soft juicy leaves: Gloxinia, Satpolia, cyclamen.

The affected parts of the plant need to be removed and process the flower of fungicide, regularly ventilated the room.

5. Black leg

The stalks of the plant drawn and dies. In this case, the sick cutter must be immediately removed.

With a black leg of a bad thing

The black leg is developing from excess moisture in soil or indoors. To prevent this disease, when landing, make a good drainage, more often ventilate the room.

6. Sticky raid on the leaves

The first sign of the defeat of the tool.

TLL on the leaves home Plants imperceptible at first sight

Spray the plant insecticides - "Fitoferm" or "Aktara".

7. Web tick

Small pest in the form of a web at the bottom of the sheet. The appearance of the tick is often favored by too dry air in the room.

Launched flower requires attention and combat tick

Amazes all the plants, palm trees, ficuses, cactis suffer especially. Preparations of "Mavrik", "Vestimek" help well.

8. Bellenka

Very small, barely noticeable insect, which sues juice from the plant.

The leaves are yellow, begin to dry and fall. To destroy this pest, it is necessary to periodically process the plant insecticide.

Pest, which affects almost all types of indoor plants.

It appears in the form of a solid growth (these are eggs of the shield) on the leaves, stems, buds, colors. To get rid of the shield, you need to rinse the flower several times with the preparation of "Vestimek".

The plant, and is afraid of drafts ... Very strange, - thought the little prince about Rose. What is the difficult character of this flower.

Flowers, like people - live, grow, develop and delight us with lush flowering, if they are related to love and provide them with correct lighting, watering and feeding fertilizers. In the opposite case, they begin to root and are affected by fungal, bacterial, viral diseases that not only reduce their decorativeness, but can also lead to the death of one or all plants in the house, if not to take urgent measures! Diseases of indoor plants caused by fungi can be treated. Amazed by viruses, plants, destroy together with the vase so that the disease does not hit the remaining flowers.

And if you value with your plants, or gathered a large collection of varietal room colors, then checking their health status is necessary regularly to in the event of a disease, do not give it to spread.

Causes of diseases

Lack of moisture, or overcoating, dry or too wet air, as well as a lack or oversupply of lighting - the main reasons for your plant begins to root. Diseases of indoor plants arise and due to poor quality of the soil, which may not be approached by the plant. One diseased plant can "infect" all plants indoors. By purchasing a flower from the greenhouse, you must remember, then it grew in special conditions of the microclimate, and its sparkle makes it not prepared for life at home. Therefore, during the acclimatization period, the flower may hurt, look oppressed and even reset the leaves.

First of all, you need to know the reason that caused a disease, and thus create more healthy living conditions for the plant. If the color of the leaves has changed, it is worth checking the roots of the plant. After making sure that they are healthy and the disease or pest is detected on them, put the flower into a more lit place and adopt it with fertilizers, since it just lacks nutrients. Update the soil. Light-loving flowers can root and turn yellow, with a lack of light, and they need to be transferred to a more illuminated window. Some telebobile plants, such as begonia, aspidistra or fern, on the contrary, can get sick from too bright light, yellowing and getting burns, and it is better to put them on the western, eastern and northern side. Closed drainage, in a vase, or its absence can cause stagnation of water and dropping roots. Drain roots can also lack moisture. The yellowing of the leaves can be connected with sharp fluctuations in the room temperatures. Too dry air is the main cause of the appearance of diseases, and plants damage to dangerous pest insects - by a paustic tick and trips that can contribute to the appearance of a dangerous disease - a sage fungus. Therefore, it is so important to perform a spraying of colors with water from the pulverizer (the exclusion will be plants with darous leaves - SENPOLIA, Aihrison). Watering the plants only we only need to fit the water temperature so that the roots of the plant do not get shock.

List of the most frequent diseases of indoor plants

Fungal diseases

Puffy dew

Puffy dew is one of their most frequent and famous diseases of the plants. It is caused by the appearance of a sphaerotheca Pannosa fungus on the plant. It is not difficult to determine it. On the leaves of plants and colors are formed bellish mildery spots that are easy to remove with their hands. But they appear again and become gray. With an increase in the mushrooms - stains will be boiled and compacted. The fungus is striking the leaves from two sides of the sheet, and they begin to wither, dry out and fall like buds and flowers. The emergence and development of the disease contributes to high humidity (above 80%) and air temperature - 20-22 degrees Celsius.

How to deal?

Initially, the diseases can be removed by the affected parts of the plant and treat it with special drugs intended to combat this disease, or chlorocial of copper - 0.5%, manganese - per grams of 10 liters of water, calcined soda connected to soap (50 grams of soda And as much soap - on the water bucket). Help to fight fungus, such means - soon, dertam, topaz and waterborne antibiotics - Penicillin, streptomycin, terrarsicin, ratio - 50x50. Some indoor plants are very susceptible to this disease, therefore, for the prevention of the disease, the rooms are needed 2 times over the summer to pollinate the powder of sulfur, and feed the potash and phosphoric fertilizers.

False mild dew

False powdery dew (peronosporosis) is a disease from which many indoor plants suffer. Her pathogen is a fungus peronospors sparsa. Basically, the disease is striking the leaves, but in the future it applies to flowers, stems. On the top of the leaves, grayish-yellow spots are formed, which over time increase. On the bottom of the sheet you can see a gray flair - a fungouncing. Over time, the mushroom darkens and compacted. Leaves damaged by false mildew shrinking and dry.

How to deal?

Sick leaves need to be removed. If the plant is strongly affected, it is better to throw it away. Feeding flower and other plants in the house, treat with a solution of 1% copper mood, calcined by soda, not forgetting to rinse and lower leaves. Apply to plant processing and drugs such as dubcatch and oxych. Driveing \u200b\u200bis carried out 5 times, every 7 days.

Gray Gnil

The fungal of Botrytis is settled on the dying parts of plants. But if the conditions are favorable, it can hit and absolutely healthy flower. In high humidity, the fungus appears on the flower and buds of the room plant, in the form of brown or brown specks rot, with a white bloom, similar to mold or cotton. The affected areas soften and wither.

How to deal?

As prevention, and in order to avoid the appearance of a disease, a room in which there are plants, it is necessary to ventilate. Delete dying leaves, and not allow the soil overwhelm. In the soil, preparations such as barrier, barrier or tripidermine contribute before planting the plant. If the flower fell ill, remove contaminated parts from it, and processing with a 0.25% solution of Fundazole, copper-soap solution - a mixture of household soap and copper sulphate - 2% x0.2%) or other antifungal drugs. The number of treatments is at least 4, with interruptions of 10 days.


For spotstiles, there is a whole group of fungal and bacterial diseases. Their pathogens include such types of fungi as - Pestalotia, Septoria, PhylLosticta, Colletotrichum, Vermicularia, Ascochyta, and others. On the leaves of the plant, dry or wet spots are formed, which in time increase and can cause the death of the entire plant. The spots include: septorize, red burn, anthracnose, ascohithosis and philostose.

How to deal?

If plants are strongly infected, they are best destroyed to avoid the disease of all colors. With a small, initial stage of infection, you can try to save the plant by treating it with antifungal drugs - ABIG peak, oxychom, copper vitriol, foundazole, soon, acrobat MC and others. Processing is carried out from 4 to 5 times, with a break per week. To avoid the appearance of spots, it is necessary to give them more light, to air the premises, and not allow a large crowd of flowers. As prevention, plants are watered with phytosporin-M drug.


Rust - fungal disease caused by fungi-puccinia and phragmidium. On the surface of the leaves, brown (rusty) tubercles appear, and on the bottom of the sheet - Pustules. The stains go into stripes, and the leaves dry and disappear.

How to deal?

To reduce the risk of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the air, and do not overflow the plants. If you find that your flower is amazed with rust, remove all parts of infected branches and leaves, and treat the plant with such fungicidal drugs, such as strobe, venture, topaz, copper or kidnosate solution. Drying should be carried out at least 3 times, every 7-10 days.

Senior fungus

The sage fungus even looks like a film of gray-black soot. It causes her fungus - capnopodium, the appearance of which contributes to the release of Tly, milderry and whiteflies. It does not lead to the death of the plant, but clogs the mouth of the leaves, and the plants weakens and stops in growth.

How to deal?

To get rid of a sage fungus, you must first withdraw the pests, and wash off the flower all sticky allocations. Sick plants are washed with soapy water, and conduct treatment with systemic fungicides, against pest insects. Also, the affected plant can be washed with a solution of household soap and vitriol - 2% x0.2%.

Fusariosis or trachemicomykosis

Fusariosis is one of very dangerous diseases, and cause her mushrooms - Fusarium. It also affects both young and adult plants. Mushrooms are in the soil and fall into plants, in the places of its wound or cuts. Young plants are dying earlier, as they get - roots and root cervy. In adult plants, leaves and stems become brown and wither. Weakened plants are most susceptible to fusariosis. The disease may proceed both in chronic and sharp shape, when the flower dies in just one week.

How to deal?

To avoid the appearance of a fusariosis, the room should often be aircraft, not allowing high air humidity, loosen the soil in vases and sterilize the tool when working with plants (pruning, stallion). As prevention, it is possible to apply phytosporin-M preparation, which is treated with the soil before planting the plant. Sick plants are better destroyed, or to preserve a part of a healthy cutter, for its rooting, processing the plant - benomylum or venture.

Root rot and black leg

These diseases are caused by several types of mushrooms - Phytophthora, RhizoCtonia and Pythium. Most of these diseases suffer from Pelargonium. The roots of the flower are black and completely rotated. In SENPOLIA, this disease is first caused by the fading of the leaves, and after that, the roots are reinforced and the flower dies. This is due to water stagnation and too dense koma soil, which is not frustrated. The disease may appear due to the use of non-sterilized land, inventory.

How to deal?

A part of the diseased plant will have to be removed. And try not to overflow the plant to prevent the roting of its root system. You can save the flower by taking a part of its top cutting to re-root it.


Phytoofluorosis is a fungal disease that SENPOLIA often suffer - violets. First, the plant ceases to grow, after that he swept, and its leaves change color. After that, the flower completely rotates the root system, and it dies. Large plants With dense leaves can hold out longer with this disease, and first brown spots appear near the central residences. The main reason The disease is overflowing water, and its stagnation.

How to deal?

With the damage to the plant, phytoofluorosis is better destroyed. In the initial stage, remove the contaminated part and process the flower with copper vigor, a dowel or colloidal gray.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial fading

The disease manifests itself when the turgor plants loses its density and slugg. On the leaves, vitreous or oily spots are developing, which are rapidly increasing, hitting the whole plant. After that, the shoots are wound, and then all plants disappears. Bacteria penetrate the vessels of the plant and distinguish toxins that do not give it to develop and prevent normal water promotion.

How to deal?

Do not allow the moisure of soil, and water stagnation, as well as high humidity. The patient plant is better to destroy, as it will not be able to save it.

Bacterial cancer

Bacterial cancer manifests itself in the form of growths that are similar to healthy fabrics of the plant. They may appear on stems or roots, forming tumors. Sometimes cancer manifests itself on fruits and stalks in the form of spots, which deform the sheet with large warts. A large number of such growths do not give to develop a plant and they may die.

How to deal?

To prevent the appearance of the disease, it is necessary to constantly disinfect the substrate and the entire inventory, the tool, as well as handle the hands of the alcohol, before working with it. But pests of plants can carry cancer. If the roots are damaged when the root is damaged, damage must be sprinkled with charcoal. If the flower fell ill, then at the initial stage you can try to save, removing the affected areas and processing it with copper vitrios. But mostly such plants are better destroyed.

Wasyka leaf

This disease is not caused by bacteria or mushrooms. The plant is dropped by water when he lacks light, and its soil substrate is constantly overwhelmed. On the leaves of the plant, watery growths appear on their lower part.

How to deal?

Provide the right care, and remove patients with leaves. And then a healthy green crown will appear on it again, and it will not be sick.

Viral diseases

Mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of spots and strips similar to a mosaic. They can be concentric patterns on the leaves of plants. Mosaic deforms the leaves, making them curly or wrinkled. Most often, this disease is striking such indoor flowers as Primulus, Calla and Pelargoniums.

How to deal?

The plant is better to destroy, since the viral disease belongs to the group of diseases that are practically incurable, and if you leave the flower, the virus can hit all plants in the house in a short time.

Curlyness of leaves

Curlyness is a virus disease, and it causes the appearance on the leaves of the plants of small dry spots. The leaves are deformed, become curly, and flowers dry. Accompanied by the disease can both gray-white lines and stains. Most often, Pelargoniums, Puancetics and Primories are sick of this disease.

How to deal?

Viral diseases are not amenable to treatment, and the plant must be destroyed, as well as make disinfection in the place where it stood, and treat the rest of the plants in the house with special protective drugs.

Yellowing leaves

Jaundice belongs to viral diseases that paints leaves in green-yellow or yellow. The shoots begin to fall behind in growth, and become very brittle, due to the fact that starch is formed in them. A mosaic pattern appears on the leaves.

How to deal?

To determine what kind of viral disease is affected by the plant, it is very difficult. Today there are no chemicals that could deal with them. Therefore, preventive measures, preventive diseases remain the main methods of the struggle. Transfer these diseases and pests of plants. If the disease was detected, the plant is better to destroy.

Prevention of indoor plant diseases

To retain from buying a new flower is very difficult. Or maybe your familiar birthday brought you not a bouquet of cut flowers, and a plant in a vase? Then you need to decide where it will stand. First of all, look at the flower, for pests and diseases (spots, leaf twisters, web, bright or dark dots, thickening, etc.). Put a flower separately from other plants, on quarantine, no less than a month.

If one or two plants got sick, put them separately from the other vases with flowers and make preventive treatment with special protective equipment of all colors in the house. Highly affected plants are better to throw away.