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Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Various methods of breeding Clematis

Amateur Gardeners and Professional Gardeners special attention It is paid to such an important process as the reproduction of Clematis with cuttings. It is this way that makes it possible to get a few more copies of a beloved plant variety. The process is quite easy and fast, if we take into account some important moments and tips. When the pavement passes well, beautiful young clematics grow.

Clematis reproduction with cuttings at different times of the year

Obtaining new Clematis bushes can be carried out round year: spring and autumn, winter and summer.

Shining Clematis in autumn

For autumn cropping Clematis, well-ridden and long shoots (approximately meter length) are selected. They must be twisted with a ring and bury in loose, wet soil (somewhere on 10 centimeters). This part of the soil after some time takes the crust. As soon as it happened, spray Clematis layer of foliage.

Already by the end of the summer, the young bush of Clematis will grow. It is important to monitor that the land does not drive.

Attention is required temperature regimeso that the plant becomes well.

Winter shutdown Clematis

For winter shutdown, the use of widespread branches is characteristic. It is necessary in order to increase the chance of cuttlens of cuttings in a cold winterWhen sunlight contains less nutrient elements.

The cutlets should be small (less than twenty centimeters) to make it convenient to make a small greenhouse for him. This will provide a young heat and moderate humidity.

The cuttings are less likely to be careful.

Clematis reproduction with cuttings in spring

To get the cuttings, you need to cut off the shoot of a length of at least 70 centimeters. The upper part of the branch is not needed, as this is the unbearable part of the escape, the kidneys in the sinuses of the leaves are not laid here.

It is best to take cuttings from the middle part that have no big green sprouts.

When cutting cuttings is left somewhere 7 centimeters. After that, the cuttings are placed in a solution of heteroacexin or corneum for half an hour. It stimulates the appearance of the root system. This makes the reproduction of Clematis with cuttings more efficient.

Earth can be exploded, add a fruit, so that the earth was fertile and soft. A furrow is created, spilled water. After the water partially absorbed, the hole partially falls asleep the earth. There are also stalks in the most sprouts.

How to trim the cuttings of Clematis:

  1. Use a sharp knife. It can dance and damage tender, thin twigs. Acute knife It will not spoil the cuttings.
  2. Cut at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to cut the escape, ideally, at an angle of 45 degrees. With this trimming, the area appearance of the roots increases.
  3. Retreat 1.5 centimeters. For a successful cutting cutlets, you need to retreat 1.2 - 2 centimeters from the nodal.

The cuttings are well taken from both old and young bushes.

How Clematis is multiplied with cuttings in summer

The reproduction of this plant is very simple. No need to use additional materials.

When staring should be cut half or a third of a piece of leaf, as it is in the summer of Clematis, large leaves bloom.

Video about the stallion of Clematis in the summer will tell you many important moments that would cost you to listen and see your own eyes. There are many tips on the right to care for the plant in the video. Especially many nuances during summer period. It is necessary to ensure that the cuttings do not dry, like the Earth, in which they are.

Shining goes well. By the next season, young and beautiful Clematis are growing.

Clematis reproduction with cuttings in water

This method passes along a similar principle.

It is worth considering several important factorswho prevent possible mistakes (Holding cuttings):

  1. Pure packaging. It is very important that the container in which the cuttings will grow was perfectly clean. it home ErrorAfter which the cuttings are spoiled and puments.
  2. High-quality cut. Smooth and neat slice - a pledge, well-developed root system. Bad slice can spoil the plant.

A sharp tool is used to work.

If you are interested in the question of how to grow Clematis from the cutter, that is, one-selling board.

When rouding, the plants are distinguished by a liquid, which contains the natural substances of the root formation. If the gardener grown cuttings in water and before that, then the liquid from the previous stallows is good to add to new plants. This reduces the time of the formation of Kalyus and the first furrowes of the roots.

As soon as the roots groove appeared, the plant can be transplanted into the ground, and you can wait for a full-fledged root.

The cuttings are transplanted into a small container, which is needed from above something to close to create hermetic packaging. You can take a bottle, cut it into two parts, to one of which is planted with a cutlets, and on the second to make small cuts from below (thanks to this, you can combine bottles with each other). So there is a reproduction of Clematis with cuttings in water.

In the ground, a small deepening is made (it is not necessary to drink the stalks immediately in the ground so as not to damage Kalyuz), where Clematis is put.

It is desirable to keep the plant at a temperature of 22 ° C, since at a smaller temperature of the roots or they do not grow at all, or they grow slowly.

The reproduction of Clematis by challenges

Among the gardeners in a favorite way of increasing the number of plants is the reproduction of Clematis by tanks. In contrast to the shilling, this method gives one hundred percent results, requires less effort.

A twig is taken, some part of which bursts into the ground (attached by a pin or other fastening so as not to flew away).

This method is good because the mother branch will feed the fashion bus until it is growing enough to become independent. From the mother of the chain receives all the necessary useful substances, trace elements. But this does not mean that the bustice itself does not need to fertilize. He needs the same caring as his fellow: sufficient watering And good feeding.

Clematis reproduction with green cuttings has several important features. This method is considered fairly simple. Even a novice gardener will cope with him, but despite this experienced gardeners Also prefer to breed Clematis with cuttings.

This method has several advantages:

  1. Non-essential. With the help of cuttings, you can grow a new plant completely free. Seeing the beautiful Clematis at the neighbor or buddy, you can ask him a stalk. Then you can grow exactly the same plant and at home. At the same time saving and time, and money.
  2. Quantity and quality. Taking a cutlery good varietiesYou will grow a plant identical to those with which the fence was taken. For proper growing Cherenkov, you can grow a whole garden without buying any busta or flower.

Green shilling. Clematis is bred green and weathered cuttings, vaccination, dividing a bush, grain, seeds. Large-flowing species and varieties are typical, as a rule, vegetatively, since most cultivars of hybrid origin practically does not cover seeds. In addition, varietal features are preserved only with vegetative reproduction. However, the relative complexity of the latter (the low percentage of cutting of cuttings in a number of forms and varieties, the laborious process of vaccinations, etc.) is the main cause of the limited spread of large-flowered clematis in landscaping.

When reproduction with green cuttings after spring trimming Plants need to leave more escapes with vegetative kidneys. The hauling is carried out in spring and early summer during active growth and bootonization. Soothes should be cut completely, leaving 1-3 knots with a pair of kidneys. You use a younger (upper) site of escape to vaccine, it is better to cut the middle part on the cuttings. The generative zone (with buds) is not suitable, since there are practically no vegetative kidney on it or they are weakly developed.

The cuttings are taken from well-developed healthy young plants, which are careful care, and with one bush, no more than a third of the shoots are removed. After that, the Musician should be filled with full mineral fertilizer. So that the cuttings are better rooted, it is recommended to carry out extra-greened feeding before removing them.

The shoots will be cut so that every cutlets had one knot, but if there is a shorter of 4-5 cm in short, then leave two, removing the lower leaves. The top straight cut is made at an altitude of 1.5-2 cm above the node (the lower must be oblique). Leaves are cut on 1/3 or 1/2, depending on the size.

A good substrate for rooting cuttings is a mixture of peat with sand (2: 1 or 1: 1), which is pre-recommended to be disinfected. The cutting knot is plugged into the substrate by 2-3 mm. The formation of the roots contributes to the constant humidity of the substrate, increased humidity Air, temperature in the range of 18-22 ° C, regular ventilation. The cuttings are rooted by about 1-2 months depending on the variety. In the first year after landing, it should limit the growth of shoots and not allow flowering.

The cuttings of those varieties and forms of Clematis, which are good and quickly rooted, plant at once 1-2 pieces in plastic bags or pots with substrate and put in a greenhouse. Outpad in this case is no more than 20%.

If the cuttings are planted into a greenhouse or a greenhouse, then the distance between them in a row should be at least 5-8 cm, and between the rows - 10-12 cm. The landing is dialed, spray 2-3 times a day, periodically watered and stole. If the processing of growth regulators were not performed, then heteroacexin (1 tablet by 10 liters) was added to better rooting during the first irrigation.

In the fall, the greenhouse is insulated: fall asleep with sawdust (dry leaf), cover the tone from above and closed with frames to protect from extinction. In the spring, the rooted plants carefully dig and transplanted into containers or on the site. The root system develops significantly better if the plants plant in polyethylene packages or a small volume pots.

For the southern regions of Russia, a production method of vegetative reproduction of large-flowered clematis in open soil under artificial intermittent fog conditions has been developed. First of all, it is necessary to chioretter from which you can remove the cuttings for the 3-4th year after landing for a permanent place. With a good agrotechnology, 4-5-year-old bushes have from 15 to 40 shoots, each of which will give 6-10 cuttings with one node. Using these data, we can approximately calculate the productivity of the Musician, which will vary depending on the variety, the growing region, care.

In the agrotechnology of Motyatnikov great importance has a soil processing and fertilizer system. Frequent watering is needed on a tog with subsequent cultivation of rods and loosening in the ranks. For the growing season, it is necessary to carry out at least 8 irons and 3-4 feeding. Protective measures include a complex of sanitary and chemical treatments, directed mainly against mushroom diseases.

The shifting deadlines are strictly linked to the state of shoots. To green shine in the south, proceed during the bootonization period, that is, in about May-early June (in the more northern regions, the shilling is carried out in ITon-early July.). Escape is considered ready for soothing, if it is elastic and fails with a bend.

For rooting in the ridges, a two-layer substrate is needed: the upper layer (2-3 cm) - sand, lower (15-20 cm) - a mixture of sand, chernozem and peat (neutral or weakness) in equal amounts.

When staring, positive results gives the use of synthetic growth regulators. According to our data, the a-naphthlixus acid (NUC) at a concentration of 12.5 mg / l under the exposition of 16 hours. The good effect gave the processing of cuttings before planting P-indolylmacean, (3-indolyluxusic acid or heteroacexin. In addition, sodium humate (3 g by 0.5 liters of water), succinic acid (2 g by 0.5 l, are used as rooting stimulants Water) and others. However, quite good results are obtained without the use of growth regulators.

AT southern regionsSince the spring, you can roighten the cuttings in the open ground, in the rivers equipped with incentive installations, giving artificial intermittent fog. The rooting lasts 20-30 days. With spring stallion by the end of the growing season, plants are formed with a powerful root system (15-30 roots for each instance) and a well-developed above-ground part.

Another seasonal season is required. It is best to plant rooted cuttings in packages from polyethylene film (20-25 cm height, 9-10 cm diameter) with fertile soil. It provides good plant development and allows them to implement them at any time of the year. Packages with Clematis are installed in the greenhouse, on top Mulch the solid layer (4-5 cm) sawdust and pour themselves. In the spring (March-April), young shoots are growing together and use them for green shuttless. In this case, a very high percentage of rooting is achieved. After the revealation of new shoots, the seedlings planted on a permanent place or sell.

The following varieties were the most promising for mass reproduction with the help of green shuttless: Luther Burbank, "Metamorphosis", "unexpected", "Elehmorfia", "Blue Rain", "Duren" (rooflessness of cuttings - 81-100%); "Alenushka", "Biryuzinka", "Space Melody", "Moonlight", "Nikolai Rubtsov", " Blue flame"," Lilac Star "," Alexandrith "," Nikitsky Pink "," Balkerina "," Kozett "," Serenade of Crimea "," Anastasia Anisimov "," Heart Memory "," Sizai Bird "(61-80%); "Crimean Wave", "Sadko", "Salute Victory", "Glory", "Fantasy", "Ay-Nor", "Dawn", "Nadezhda", "Chaika", "Dzhips Queen", "Ville de Lyon" (41-60%).

For middle strip It is of interest developed in the Central Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The method of green shutdown of Clematis in greenhouses and greenhouses. 4-5 cm long cuttings with one node are cut from April to June. The substrate is made of coarse-grained river sand, fine gravel, perlite, peat (neutral), lightweight earth in a mixture with river sand. The cuttings are planting into a wet substrate under pegs, after 3-4 cm in a row and 7-8 cm between rows. Watering once in 7-10 days, spray 2-3 (in the heat of 4-5) times a day. With this method of landing, the cuttings are well rooted and ready to transplant in 2-2.5 months.

For more northern regions, interest is a promising method of reproduction developed in the Central Botanical Garden of Belarus. The rooting of green cuttings (7-8 cm long with one node), which are removed from May to the end of June, is carried out in a greenhouse (in boxes) or in film greenhouses under artificial intermittent fog conditions. Rooted in a two-layer substrate: top layer - coarse-grained river sand, fine gravel or perlite (4 cm), lower (15-20 cm) - a mixture of sand, chernozem and neutral peat in equal amounts. For stimulation of the root formation, P-indolylmacean, P-indolyluxus, para-aminobenzoic or humic acid is used. Their use increases the rootability of 1.5-2 times compared with the control (untreated material). The cuttings planted obliquely at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other, between the rows - 10-12 cm. After landing, it is plenty. The substrate should not overcoat. The temperature is maintained in the range of 18-20 ° C with high humidity (85-90%). In this case, the cuttings are well rooted and by the end of summer they have a powerful root system And several shoots.

The high percentage of rooting (60-85%) was obtained from such varieties as "Anastasia Anisimov", "Openwork", "Ballerina", "Birzinka", "Ville de Lyon", "Jacmana", "Ernst Markham", "Space Melody "," Lavson "," Luther Burbank "," Mephistofel "," Nadezhda "," satellite "," souvenir "," sisaya bird "," triumph "," Chaika "," Yalta etude ", etc.

Latvian Clematisodes (V.Riekstina, I. Riexins) Recommend to land cuttings in boxes (in greenhouses or greenhouses) with the substrate of the following composition: bottom layer (approximately 20-30 cm) - humid or compost, upper (4-5 cm) - River Sand, sand mix with upper peat in equal parts or perlite. The relative humidity of the air should be no less than 85-90%, for which the boxes are covered with glass or film. The air temperature is in the range of 22-25 ° (not higher than 30 °). So that the landings did not overheat, they are covered with the sun, but it should be remembered that good lighting contributes to the formation of a powerful root system. The rooting lasts about 1.5-2 months, after which the plants gradually teach to fresh air and sunlight.

For the northern and northwestern regions of the country, a Japanese method of reproduction of large-flowered clematis in protected ground, tested in the St. Petersburg Association "Flowers" is also promising. The essence of the method is as follows. From the cuttings rooted in the summer in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, the plant develops, from which in turn takes the cuttings for breeding. From left 2-3. lower nodes New shoots grow, forming an instance that the next year can be implemented. This method does not require the content of specialtymets. In the southern regions, the Japanese technique can be used to reproduce Clematis in the open soil.

In the south, during the breeding of Clematis, we use and weathered cuttings, which are planted in a greenhouse racks, usually during November-December or early spring in open sad. For mass reproduction in this way, small-bedroom varieties are more suitable - "sea splashes", "StarRerades", Fargéseoids (Selection of Nikitsky Botanical Garden), "Alexander", "Wilson", "Juiniana" (foreign selection) and species that do not tie or Almost non-seed seeds, for example, Clematis Mountain, prostrate, pretty, Balearic. If the varieties and types are poorly rooted, they should be vaccinated on the roots, multiply by the division of the bush or with gifts.

M. Bescaravaya "Clematis: Green Shining" // "Floriculture" - 2000 - №1.

How to multiply Clematis

Seeds spread the types of clematis, growing in nature. They can be divided into two groups. Clematis with small seeds enclosed in the fruit size of 3x1.5 mm (Virginian, grape olive, mountain, etc.), germinate relatively quickly. When sowing at the end of April - Mai segregations appear in May - June. Seeds of these Clematis can be immediately sowing in open ground.

Other Clematis (for example, burning, spillway) form more large fruit (up to 10x8 mm), and the seeds in them are larger. They require more time to germinate (120 days) and therefore it is stratified before sowing. To do this, immediately after collecting in October, the seeds are mixed with sand in a 1: 3 ratio.

The mixture is moisturized and put under the snow or placed in the refrigerator, where they are kept at a temperature of about 5 ° C. This technique reduces germination time up to 70 days.

After stratification for 2-2.5 months, the seeds of Clematis are sown in pots or drawers with a mixture of fertile land and sand in a 2: 1 ratio. The crops roll, fall asleep with sand (layer 0.5 cm), rolling again, watered, closed with a film and leave in the warm room. When shoots appear, the film is removed. After formation of 2-3 pairs, leaflets are transplanted into individual pots.

In early June, planted on the opening soil, blocking the root neck by 2-3 cm.

Seeding seedlings in a nutrient mixture consisting of humus, leaf land, sand and peat in a 1: 1: 0.5: 0.5 ratio. In the same soil mixture at the end of May, quickly germinating small seeds are sown.

When forming 2-3 leaves, they are thinned, leaving between plants 5 cm. Clematis seedlings immediately plant after 5 cm, leaving between rows 25-30. After landing is provided.

Further departure is the same as for the seedlings transplanted from the pots, and behind seeds sitting on the bed. Water when dried up the top layer of the soil. After the formation of 5-7 pairs of the leaf of the arson, mulch the semi-saved manure, sprinkled with peat (layer to 3 cm).

At a permanent place, planted next fall or in the spring after overlooking. When transplanting the root neck is deepened by 5-10 cm. By winter, the plants are cut and plunged, then they are covered with snow. For seed reproduction After 2-3 years, you can admire the blooming lianas.

Clematis We multiply two main ways. it vegetative reproduction And seed.
For reproduction of hybrid clematis with large flowers The seed method is not suitable, because the growing plants do not have properties and signs intended for them initially. Clematis with small flowers spread the seed method.
The simplest I. affordable way The reproduction of Clematis is the division of bushes. Bushes are divided into 5th or 6th year after disembarking, in spring or autumn. A bush is digging and divided into several parts. After that, each part is planting for all landing rules.
If the bush is very large, it is drunk on the one hand and the spade is separated from the plants with the root.

The advantage of this method is that Clematis are very quickly blooming. But there are also disadvantages: diseases are transmitted to new seedlings, and in some cases, bushes are poorly leaving due to the fact that the balance of the root system and shoots is broken.
Another way to reproduction of Clematis is a reproduction of tanks. For this, the bush rushes the grooves in which they are stacked side shoots, after which they pressed their wires with their brackets and fall asleep with soil and peat. After a year, the shoots are rooted and subject to independent landing.
The advantages of this method are that the new plant has all the qualities of the maternal bush, including its decorative flowering. And from discharge - Transfer diseases and lack of use of industrial purposes.

Crossis breeding Clematis
For getting large number Seedlings, gardeners are used by the model of clematis.
Shining Clematis
happens in winter, in spring and summer.
For this method, green or weathered cuttings are used. To obtain a good result, growth stimulants are used, such as heteroacexin or anaphthyl loss, or corneser or epin. When the design process, it is necessary to maintain a certain humidity of the air, and the temperature should be no less than 10 degrees and not higher than 20. Very good cuttings are rooted when the fog-forming device is operational. The cuttings must be protected from overheating, direct sunshine, from drying and high humidity.

The main advantage of this method is to obtain healthy seedlings that develop on their own root system.
The reproduction of Clematis Seeds
To begin with, the seeds are sorted, the large seeds are selected and sowing in the fall, as soon as they collected, or in the spring, after conducting stratification for 2.5-3 months at a temperature of 0-5 ° C. If sowing is made in seating boxes or pots, the earthy mixture must contain from 30 to 50% of sand. Seeds are not thickly poured on the earthy mixture and sprinkle with a layer of sand, the sand is adjusted. Comfortable temperature for germination of 25-30 ° C.
Clematis seedlings need timely irrigation, if sowing is made in the ground and in the weeding. After shooting seedlings, it is necessary to provide good lighting, thermal regime and good humidity, but they must be protected from direct sunlight. After the appearance of the first real leaves, the plants need to be chipped. The picking is produced in beds with light soil, in the shading, the distance between Clematis should be somewhere 15-20 cm. As the shoots are growing, it is necessary to add, it contributes to the rise of the root mass and good branchiness of the plant.
In the autumn, the grown seedlings are covered, and with the onset of spring they need to be frozen. To do this, they are transplanted into a prepared trench to a depth of 5-7cm, at a distance of 40-50cm between plants. Soothes need to shorten up to 2-3 knots. For 2-3 years after sowing, Clematis are ready for landing at a permanent place, the disembarkation is made after the first flowering.

Clematis - enough young garden culture, rapidly gaining popularity among gardeners. This is pretty unpretentious plant. With proper care, it can delight with its flowering to deep autumn. Clematis includes many variety of varieties. Such plants are ideal for decorating arbors or pergol in the country area.

Sooner or later, each gardener begins to wonder about increasing the number of plants. How to propagate? Dils most often. This method The most popular.

Consider everything existing options how to propagate Clematis:

. dividing bush;
. Diggers.

Method number 1: How to propagate cuttings

Clematis, from which the cuttings will be cut off, must be well needed, otherwise the transplanted proes will also be hurting and may simply do not fit in a new place. The cuttings are best cut off at that time when buds begin to form.

Typically, the shoots are separated, which are then cut into the cuttings: it is enough for them to have one kidney. For rapid rooting, it is desirable to use special preparations.

Method number 2: How to propagate the division of the bush

In contrast to the plant used in the first method (how to propagate cuttings), Clematis, the breeding of which is performed using a bush dividing, should have age from 4 to 6 years. Plants with which more than yearsIt will be very difficult to divide due to a powerful root system.

The transplant is made in autumn or spring. Old bush Digid, divide into several parts and planted on new places. You can dig a bush partially and separate the necessary part with roots.

Method number 3: how to propagate the decodes

Not a time-consuming method for breeding Clematis. In the spring (it is also possible to apply this option and in the autumn) from the bush to sweat the small grooves depth to 10 cm. The side shoots are placed in them, fixed in the ground and rushing the earth. We preventably watered. And in no case do not allow plant drying in a hot period. You can transplant new Clematis for a permanent place in a year.

Some types of Clematis can be multiplied by seeds. This method is relevant for small-bedroom species. Large large-color hybrids do not multiply seeds, because new seedlings do not retain the properties of the parent plant. Therefore, most often performed the reproduction of Clematis with green cuttings.

Despite the fact that these flowers have become popular in Russia relatively recently, they conquer everything every day. large love Among the gardeners. And it is not surprising. Easy to care and extraordinary beauty of flowers plus unpretentiousness, fitness of the plant to withstand the harsh Russian winters make Clematis every year more and more popular, especially since bushes do not require transplants and can grow in one place under 30 years.

And if there was a question "how to breed", cuttings Clematis dilute, as we found out, very simple. And if familiar or neighbors are fragrant bright colors Such a wonderful flower, then maybe you should ask them a little process?

Many dackets for landscaping their garden sites choose Clematis. These perennial lianas are beautifully blooming throughout summer season and unpretentious to cultivation conditions. Since Clematis Saplings are expensive, many experienced gardeners prefer to multiply this plant alone. There are several effective ways to get a young plant: grow from seeds, apply the shilling, dividing the bush or multiply Liana with letters.

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    Plant Description

    Clematis is a long-term Liana from the Lutikov family. For the unpleasant fragrance of flowers in the people, this plant was called Lomonos. With the age of liana, the length of which can be up to 10 m, decides. This is usually happening on the third year of life. There are also herbaceous forms of Clematis, the length of the shoots of which does not exceed 40 cm. Another species is a shrub form of a plant. In this case, shoots grow up to 140 cm long.

    The birthplace of this plant are countries with a subtropical climate, but now it is successfully grown in european countries. Thanks selection work More than 300 varieties are derived, which are successfully grown in Russia.


    Clematis flowers can be different color. And the shade depends not only on the variety, but also from the climatic characteristics of the region, chemical composition Soil and degree of illumination of the plant. Early varieties Liana begin to bloom in June, the late blooming closer towards the end of summer. Depending on the variety, simple or terry flowers of a variety of shape are sitting on stems, or form lush inflorescences. The flowering period continues from one to three weeks.

    Methods of breeding

    On his own panstone Split Clematis is easy. If the procedure is met, even inexperienced flower water can be carried out. There are two main methods of reproduction of this plant: seed and vegetative.

    In the reproduction of modest species clematis, for example, a buggy, virgin woolly, tangut, violet or white, can be used seed cultivation. Whereas hybrid varieties Seed method will not work. In this case, young plants are not preserved varietal signs. For the reproduction of hybrids, only vegetative reproduction is applicable: shilling, tanks or a division of the bush.

    How to grow clematis from seeds?

    The seed method of growing clematis is used if there is a need to improve the species qualities of the variety or to obtain new varieties. Depending on the grade of seeds can be different size and S. different terms germination. Shoots from small seeds appear very quickly, large germinate much longer.

    Clematis seeds

    Clematis seeds can be bought in a specialized store or collect themselves. It is possible to determine the term of their ripening by the fruits of Clematis. If, when touched to the fruit, it crumbles, then the seeds are ripe and suitable for germination. They can be planted immediately into the ground or plant at home in the seedlings.

    How to properly propagate a violet sheet at home - detailed instructions

    Planting seeds at home

    On condition homemade cultivation Clematis seeds sow autumn. Then during the winter, young plants will grow and develop, and with the onset of spring they can be transplanted into the garden. Before planting seed, material must be stratified to strengthen future seedlings and improving immunity. To this end, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf, where they should fly for three weeks.

    The landing is produced in a soil consisting of an equal amount of garden land, sand and humus. Seeds close to the depth, twice the size exceeding them. From above lay a small layer of sand and slightly compact the soil. Depending on the size of the seed, the first shoots can be expected from three weeks to three months. All this time it is important to keep the soil moisturized, but not to fill with water.

    Further care for seedlings is timely watering and weeding. The first time the rapid sprouts need to be left from direct sunlight. After the first pair of leaves, the seedlings can be divened by separate pots, and in the spring with the onset of heat to transplant into open ground.

    How to plant seeds in the ground?

    Most often, the seeds of Clematis sow directly into the ground. This allows you to get more enduring plants that are rapidly developing. When landing clematis in spring for large and medium size seeds, it is necessary to stratification, withstanding them in the refrigerator at least three months. Before the landing, the material is kept for three days in warm water, changing her daily. Small seeds can be sowed immediately. The landing is produced at the end of April, then the first shoots appear in a month and a half.

    It is much easier to plant large and medium sized seeds from autumn on the garden. In this case, natural stratification occurs, and the first friendly shoots appear in the spring. For the winter, the garden is necessarily closed with straw and film or any other available way.

    When growing in a seed method, small-bedroom clematis blooms bloom in the second year. The remaining varieties bloom only on the third or fourth year of life. After graduating from the first period of flowering, young clematics transplant to their permanent place.

    Greeting green cuttings

    The reproduction of Clematis with green cuttings is considered a long and complex process, but gives a very good result. Young plants grown in this way are leaving in 60-95% of cases. Best time For cutting cuttings, it comes during the boutonization before the first flowers appear. The branches are harvested during this period differ in their resilience and are well rooted.

    Preparation of green cuttings of Clematis

    The workpiece of cuttings is produced in the evening or under cloudy weather to avoid their dehydration.

    Proper preparation of material:

    1. 1. The cuttings are cut from the middle part of the escape, cutting it over the first or second sheet.
    2. 2. Cutting the escape is divided into parts. The lower cut is made at an angle at a distance of 4-6 cm from the node. The upper cut should be perpendicular to run 2 cm above the node.
    3. 3. Large leaves are cut half to reduce moisture evaporation.
    4. 4. To accelerate rooting, the cuttings are treated with special preparations. To do this, use "heteroaceuxin" or "corneumine", placing the bottom-third of the cutting into the finished solution for 10-12 hours.
    5. 5. Before planting into the ground, they are rinsed with running water.

    To root the cuttings, be sure to be placed under the film. This can be done in a greenhouse, a greenhouse or in the usual flower pothovering it polyethylene package. For planting use soil, mixed from equal amount of peat and sand. The cuttings are placed in the ground so that the node is shrouded to 1 cm. The cuttings are planted in a row, observing the distance between them 5 cm. Between the individual rows, the interval should be 10 cm.

    For successful rooting, it is recommended to create scattered lighting. To do this, under the film you need to put a thin fabric white color. Good for this purpose to use gauze. If the cuttings are covered with glass, then it is applied to it thin layer White paint.

    In the first month after landing, caring for cuttings is in daily irrigation, then the irrigation frequency is gradually reduced and adjusted to once every 2 weeks. Clematis prefer high humidityFor which they are sprayed daily and contain at temperatures from +18 to +22 degrees. Once a week for spraying, a solution of "zircon" is used.

    For proper care The rooting of Chenkov occupies from 50 to 60 days. After that, young plants gradually teach to the outdoor, removing the shelter for a short time. When the seedlings are fixed, the film is removed at all. For winter, seedlings are covered with peat or fall asleep with sawdust, and on top of fallen leaves. In the spring, the seedlings are picking, and the autumn plants transplant to a permanent place.

    Woven stalks

    This method is good to use for low-mounted and species clematis. The success of rooting in this case is 60%. The cuttings are cut in the first half of August, using shoots from 7 to 10 cm long with one or two nodes. For successful rooting, the cuttings are placed on a day into a solution of the stimulator of the root formation.

    If the shredding is used strongly with a highly unreserved escape, it is recommended to split along two parts. This greatly increases the likelihood of success.

    Landing is produced in drawers with moisturized soil. The cuttings are placed under the tilt of 45 degrees, blocking top 1 cm, and the bottom is 3 cm.

    AT further care The seedlings are as follows:

    • for the winter, drawers with cuttings are closed with a film and put in a cool room;
    • with the onset of spring plants move to the greenhouse and gradually increase the air temperature to +20 degrees;
    • watering is produced as soil grain;
    • when the shooting length reaches 10 cm, they are plugged over the second node to accelerate rooting;
    • after 3 months produce feeding complex mineral fertilizers;
    • for the winter, the cuttings leave in a greenhouse, falling asleep peat and a film cover;
    • in the spring, young plants are planted for a bed, and in the fall transplanted at a permanent place.


    The rooting of the chains is very simple and effective way Reproduction, allowing to obtain a strong plant, quickly reaching decorativeness and flowering. It does not require a traumatic for the maternal plant to divide the bush. This method is standard for all Lian. Carry out the rooting of the messengers depending on climatic conditions: In the Urals or in Siberia it is recommended to do at the beginning of summer, and in the suburbs, rooting is produced in the late spring.

    The procedure for reproduction is such:

    1. 1. Next to the base of the bush make a groove depth of 7 to 10 cm.
    2. 2. In the groove lays a strong young escape. You can only shook only one node or bury the escape horizontally.
    3. 3. Nodes on the escape neatly sprinkled with soil. In this case, the leaves must remain upstairs.
    4. 4. Fasten shoots in the ground using special brackets.
    5. 5. Abundantly watered the places of rooting.

    Clematis reproduction by tanning

    Then, during the summer, it is necessary to maintain the soil in places of rooting in a wet state and carry out 2-3 feeders with complex mineral fertilizers. Although the rooting of the chains is happening by autumn, young plants from maternal are not separated until next year. The development of new shoots from the nodes begins in the spring, during the summer they are twice feed and provide regular watering. The separation from the maternal bush can be carried out only at the beginning of the fall or at all postpone another year.

    Peresaving young plants can be spent in spring or give them to form a good root system to get strong liaans that do not require reducing. The transplant is made in advance prepared pits, observing the basic rules. Although young plants form buds in the first year after a transplantation to a permanent place, they do not allow to bloom for better rooting and better preparation for wintering.

    Division bush

    Adults strongly increasing Clematis is advisable to propagate the division of the bush. The procedure is better to spend at the end of August or in spring. In August, the plant almost completely formed shoots, they should not be injured or broken. But the complexity during this period is that due to the hot weather, the rooting occurs enough quickly. Therefore, more often the separation of the bush is carried out in the spring, when enough time remains for rooting, and the decens do not require careful care.

    The division of the bush is carried out in this order:

    1. 1. Poly the parent bush from all sides and carefully remove it from the ground.
    2. 2. Acute hacksaw or shovel divide the plant on the part. Each delete must have its own root system and shoots.
    3. 3. Sections are dried and powdered with extractive activated carbon.
    4. 4. Shoot landing pits and wipe them well. In the prepared pits, separated bushes are planted, blocking them a little more than the parent bush was shredded before.
    5. 5. The soil around the plant is mulched and watered as the soil drying.

    Division of Clematis bush

    If the transplant was carried out in the spring, then in early July they make feeding. At this time, the decene will be almost completely rooted. With the autumn division, the feeder does not produce.

    Care for young plants

    After landing for a permanent place, care for young plants is a timely watering, regular tie and periodic feeding. As a feeding during this period of development of plants, it is properly used by humus. Systematically need to loose soil in right Circle Or mulch it moss or humus.

    For the winter period, almost all varieties of Clematis must be stolen. If this is not done, then the plants are due to strong frosts It may crack, and with severe damage, the plant will die. Clematis of frost-resistant varieties are not required or under the condition of a very warm climate in winter in the region.