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On the sheets of roses black spots. Black spotty: how to deal and how to warn? Biological preparations and folk methods

Like everyone else cultural plantsRoses suffer from diseases and amazed by pests. However, it is not worth perceiving as something inevitable. Harmful organisms are of particular danger, usually roses growing in unfavorable conditions for culture. Sometimes a decisive role is played by certain weather conditions, and more often - a complex of these factors.

From pests the most common are: rosal notes, trips, web tick, rosal cycard; Roses also damage different kinds Pillers, nuts, Khrushchiki, Walkers, Bronzemka, etc.

High temperatures, for example, can promote the reproduction of some pests, and protracted wet weather Causes the spread of mushroom diseases.

If, besides, roses grow on an unsuitable place for them, the diseases are inevitable:

  • Gray rot, for example, in crude weather it is especially quickly distributed, besides, many rose gardeners plant densely, soil under the plants does not quickly breathe after the rain.
  • For a long time, do not graze foliage or cool nights, dew in the morning favors black spotlights.
  • Puffy dew, and from pests - a web tick, on the contrary, love dry and hot weather. Therefore, roses growing from southern walls or fences are especially affected by these harmful organisms.

Pests and diseases of roses with photos, descriptions and methods of treatment - to your attention on this page.

Fungal disease roses mildew and how to get rid of it

To begin, get acquainted with the photo and description of the diseases of the roses, malfunction, developing due to lack of calcium or drying the soil.

Puffy dew. On young leaves, shoots and buds appear mucuded flaw; There are their thickening and curvature.

Puffy dew on roses is a fungal and spioning mushrooms. Wintering causative agent in the form of mycelium in the kidneys. The development of the disease contributes to excess nitrogen fertilizer, lack of calcium in the soil, soil drying, too light sandy or, on the contrary, cold raw soils.

See photo of malical dew on roses below:

In the closed soil, this disease of roses develops especially in premises with insufficient lighting, wet fine air. A sharp change of temperature, drafts, drying land in pots and other conditions that disturb the normal life of plants reduce the resistance of their disease. Especially amazed by this fungal disease of roses tea and varieties with more tender foliage.

How to get rid of pulse dew on roses and prevent re-infection?

With the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to spray the bushes: "Topaz", "Fundazole" or "Sight". You can use the system preparation "Raek" with long prophylactic and therapeutic actions.

Rust on roses: description of the disease and how to treat it

Rust. The affected parts of the shoots are twisted and thicken.

As can be seen in the photo, with this disease of roses in spring on the stems from blooming kidneys and the root cervix appears orange dust:

This is spring sprouting of the mushroom - the pathogen of the rust stem form. Overres mushroom in plants fabrics infected in previous years. Intensively, the rust on roses is developing in years with warm and wet spring.

Rust mushrooms not only take away nutrients At the plant, but also strongly disturbing its physiological functions: enhance the transpiration, lower photosynthesis, it makes it difficult to breathe and worsen the metabolism.

Summer on the bottom of the leaves is formed small, red-yellow pillows of summer dispute, which can give several generations and infect new plants.

In the second half of summer on the bottom of the leaves, winter spiones begins to appear in the form of small rounded black pads. With a strong damage to the disease, the leaves is entirely yellow and prematurely fall.

The spread of the spore of the rust mushroom occurs with the flow of air, water, with the planting material.

How to treat rust on roses and when best to handle plants?

To combat rust, unilateral fertilizer with nitrogen should be avoided. In the fall, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected foliage, and in early spring (before the blooming of the kidneys) spray plants and the soil around them iron Municipality (1 - 1.5%). The soil under the bushes should be loose and mulched in order to reduce the infection.

It is recommended carefully and timely affected by the stem shape of rust. To treat this disease of roses from the moment of the renal dissipation of the kidneys, repeatedly spray plants (1%) or its substitutes ("Oxychich", "Abiga Peak", "Hom", copper oxychloride, "Ordan", "Topaz").

How to deal with the disease of the rose leaves with black spot

Black spotted leaves (Marsonina). In the second half of summer on the leaves are formed dark - brown, almost black, stains different sizes. The leaves will be raised and often falls out. Stains can appear on green kore annual escapes.

Plants with prematurely fallen foliage sometimes bend again into growth, as a result of which they strongly weaken and the next year they bloom badly.

Under the skin of the leaves, the Mizhry Mushroom is developing - the causative agent of the disease forming radiantly growing tramples. This buffission of the disease with black spottedness of roses leaves is well noticeable on the edge of the stains. For a long time, do not graze foliage or cool nights, dew in the morning favors black spotlights.

Roses are stronger with a thickened landing, in shaded places, with poor production of the site.

How to deal with black spottedness on roses leaves and when to start processing plants?

Measures to combat this disease include: Proper agricultural engineering, increasing plant stability; Careful removal of the false leaves and burning them in the fall; Plant spraying during vegetation with drugs containing copper, which are used in the fight against rust. Processing must be started when the first signs of the disease appears and repeat after each rain or abundant grew.

Gray rot on roses: description and how to deal

Below is a disease of Rose Roses, and how to deal with it on the household plot.

Gray GnilFor example, in crude weather, it is especially quickly multiplied, and if we consider that many rose gardeners plant densely, soil under the plants does not quickly breathe after the rain or irrigation. This mushroom disease is amazed primarily buds and flowers. On them there is a whitish-gray fluffy flaw. Buds are not disclosed, boot.

The development of sulfur rotes roses contribute to fogs and morning dews, as well as excess watering sprinkling, especially in the evening. With excessive moisture, getting sick and perhaps the entire bush.

Do not land roses next to the strawberry, with a gray rot, more often than other plants.

How to deal with gray rot on roses using effective means?

At the first signs of the disease, spray the affected by the plant with a solution of the drug "Eupaaren Multi". Also paint the soil under the bushes with a solution of the preparation "Phytosporin-M", "Alin-B" or Gamiir.

Bacterial cancer on roses: photo and how to deal with the disease

Bacterial cancer. On the root neck and roots of plants, various magnitude of the growths are formed. Sometimes they are barely noticeable, but often reach multiple centimeters in diameter.

Look at how bacterial cancer looks like on roses - growths consist of soft fabric, have an uneven tuberculum surface:

In the process of decomposition, bacteria gradually change color from white on brown. There are also solid weathered growths, which are growing every year.

It is less likely to be affected by the above-ground part - trunks and branches, mainly, and stammer repair roses. Here are formed different magnitudes of tuberculous tumors and tumors.

The pathogen causing bacterial cancer on roses is striking many plants belonging to various families. Infection occurs through wounds on the roots of plants, from the soil, where bacteria can be maintained for a very long time.

Development of the disease contribute high humidity Soil, abundant dung fertilizer, root of roots, alkaline soil reaction.

When transplanting a plant with an affected root neck, it is necessary to destroy, and cut the growths on the side roots. Roots after trimming are immersed for 5 minutes in a 1% solution of copper mood, and then washed in water and loose in liquid mixture clay with sand. In a stalking cancer, the depressed necrotic spots appear first, on which the cortex is cracking, then the edges are thicken. The affected stems die if the edges of the stains close.

Burn of the leaves and branches of roses: description and control of the disease

Burn of leaves and branches of roses - mushroom disease. On the branches appear first reddish, later - darkening in the middle of the spots; Red-brown bourgeing is preserved for quite a long time. Running, stains are angry branches. Above the affected places can form cloth influx. Sick branches usually dry in the second half of summer.

The development of the "burn" contributes to excessive humidity under winter shelter.

To avoid a strong lesion of roses, in the spring you should earlier to remove the shelter. Patients and frozen branches must be trimmed in a timely manner and burned, and plants spray with drugs containing copper, as in the fight against rust.

The correct agricultural engineering (timely application of fertilizers, loosening and irrigation) is promoted to reduce the maliciousness of the disease (timely fertilization of fertilizers, loosening and watering).

For the winter of plants, it is necessary to strengthen whenever possible in dry weather in such a way that the increased humidity under the shelter is not created.

Before the shelter, unbearable shoots, and the leaves are removed, and the plants spray with a 3% burglar mixture or 1.5% iron sulfate solution.

Cytosporosis: photo and treatment of roses from illness

Cytosporosis - This mushroom disease is common everywhere. I am striking roses, as well as trees of seed and bone rocks, and a number of decorative shrubs.

Cytospose is called still infectious drying. In some years, it leads not only to the drying of individual branches, but also to the death of plants. This disease is especially susceptible to bushes, weakened as a result of frozen, drought, sun burns, untimely trimming, etc.

At first, the causative agent of the disease is settled on the dying separate sections of the crust. A large, well-visible orange-red tubercles appear on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe affected bark - the picnides of the mushroom, protruding from the skin.

On the border of the affected and healthy tissue are formed cracks. The causative agent of the disease in the tissues and vessels of plants is first advanced, and after drying off the branch - down, killing the cells adjacent to the zone of its toxins.

The cytospose disease should be considered as a secondary phenomenon associated with a common weakening of plants, therefore, choosing control measures, first of all, it is necessary to protect bushes from mechanical and other damage. And also regularly carry out activities that increase the viability of plants - timely and proper trimming, fertilization, soil treatment, watering, protection against solar burns, increase in winter hardiness, cutting and burning branches, having signs of illness with a capture of up to 5 cm of a healthy part of the branch.

How to process roses from this disease to keep the spread of infection?

Early plant trimming, spraying roses 0.5% "Abiga Peak" or 3% burglar liquid on a green cone to some extent constrain the dissemination and development of the disease.

Pest of flowers and buds of roses Green Tl

Tsl Green damages roses and rosehip, harms in greenhouses and open soil. The pest among other types of tri is quite large, brilliant, green, sometimes brown with very long black mustache.

In the spring of overwhelmed eggs, the larvae of these pests of roses buds appear, turning into uncultivated females. Among the subsequent generations, winged female elevators appear, flying to other plants, where they form new colonies. During the year, ten generations are developing and more.

The number of these pests of roses in the open soil usually increases in June, and they harm until the end of the summer. The TLL settles predominantly at the ends of young shoots and buds, on the leaves of Tlima is a bit. Damaged green tools sprouts are often twisted, and the buds are not disclosed.

Treatment of roses from these pests are beginning with the appearance of the first larvae and repeat as needed after two or three weeks before the complete disappearance of the Tly. For this purpose, they use: "Spark Double Effect", "Iskra-M" or "Confident", "Commander", "Test", "Zub".

The essential advantage of the listed drugs from pests of flowers of roses is their high efficiency Even in hot weather, the system mechanism of action, the rapid penetration into the tissue of the plant and the non-waveness of the rain.

In nature, the TRU destroys the zlatprace and ladybug.

Weather tick on roses: photo and how to get rid of it

Cobed tick On rose is especially dangerous roses in dry, hot summer. Optimal conditions For its development is the temperature + 29. .. + 31 ° with air humidity below 35%. Under such conditions, the number of ticks increases rapidly, because every 10-15 days a new generation of pest appears.

As can be seen in the photo, the web tick on a rose sucks cell juice from the leaves, as a result of which small light spots appear on them, the leaves are yellowing, dry and fall:

How to get rid of a spider tick on a rose with spraying?

Most effective in combating by a paustic tick are: "Fufanon" and "Iskra-M". Spraying roses in the presence of a tick must be repeated 10-12 days before reducing its harmfulness. If in the fight against muced dew Apply "Tiovit Jet" or sulfur colloid, then these drugs are oppressing the reproduction of ticks.

Rosal cycard: description and treatment of roses from pest

Below you will find a description of the pest of roses Cycades and find out about combating it in the country area.

Cycadic Rosary. Rosic cycard larvae settle on the bottom of the leaves, suck juice. The top surface of the leaves changes painting, they whites, acquiring marble colors. With a large number of pests, damaged leaves are prematurely falling. Especially from the cycardus suffer roses growing in warm protected places.

The pest itself is a small white-yellow insect with two pairs of wings, which in a calm state fold over the back of the roof. The length of the adult insect is 3.5 mm, the width is 0.7 mm.

Look at the photo - this rose pest resembles an appleneble leafoblushka:

White larvae or pale - yellow with a wedged-like pointed abdomen. Large length - 2 - 3 mm, width - 0.8 mm.

Winter eggs on branches at the base of the kidneys and in developments. The larvae appear during the dissolution of the kidneys. Develop during May-June. In contrast to the larvae and leaf bolts, they are very mobile: disturbed, quickly run away on the opposite side of the sheet.

At the end of June, the larvae appears the rootings of the wings, and they turn into nymph. In early July, cycades occur, adult insects appear. The winged cycards are also like larvae and nymphs, settle on the bottom of the sheet, sucking juice from them. After the insolence, the adult cycard leaves the leaf on which it squeezes, and flies on the grass and other plants or branches.

On the damaged coked - whiten with marble colors - the leaves from the bottom side are white skins after molting of larvae and nymph.

In addition to roses, the cycardium damaged a rosehip and other plants from the rustic family.

How to handle roses from these pests to protect the plants?

In the fight against pest, use the same drugs as when dealing with tool. While spraying roses from pests, make sure that the bottom side of the sheet is thoroughly covered with a fluid solution.

Rose sawdress and bee-leaf roses

Here you can get acquainted with the photo by the description of the pests of roses, a rosal sawwall and bee-leaforez.

Pilliers (Roseny, mucous, comb, descending) eat leaves from the edges or scrape the top skin of the sheet, reserved holes on the leaves. And the downward sawwall, appearing on the top of a young escape, penetrates the escape, pulls the course of up to 4 cm long there, as a result it hangs the escape, the leaves are fading on it. Winter seeds in the soil in cockoons.

To combat these pests, the same drugs are used as against the toll, as well as the high effect gives a spraying of "Lightning".

Bee-leaforez. On the leaves of roses and rosehip at the end of June - July, you can see properly cut out oval or completely round holes.

This is the work of the bee - a leaf of interest, which uses them for the construction of its nest. Choosing a suitable ready-made cavity - the abandoned mink of the bee, the progress of the Usachi or the mink of the rainwater worm - the bee begins to score it carelessly with slices of coarse leaves of oak, grapes, hawthorn. This cork is used to protect the nest.

After the plug is made, the bee begins to cut oval pieces of more gentle roses leaves ,. Sitting on the sheet, she, as scissors, gently "cuts" it, starting from the edge and gradually turning around the circle. At the beginning of the large leaves covering about a third of the channel circle, the outer layer of the cell is made, so that individual pieces come on each other, and their lower ends turn out to be coated, forming the bottom of the cell. After that, more small pieces of leaves, the building closes the gaps remaining between the first slices, and thickens the walls.

In order to seal the filled cell, the bee cuts completely round pieces of leaves. In this case, the diameter of the first of them is exactly equal to the diameter of the cell, and the subsequent are cut into large and turn out to be concave inside, forming the bottom of the next cell. The first cell should be the second and so on.

The largest nest of the bee-leafy is up to 17 cells. Total to build a nest, including a plug, more than 1000 pieces of leaves take place.

The finished bee bee socket is a long cylinder, easily disintegrating into separate cells. Leaves from which each of them is made, easy to disassemble. Later it is harder to do it, since, pumped, the larva produces into the intervals between the pieces of the leaf of the adhesive liquid, which, frozen, bonds them.

Protect roses from this bee. You can spray plants late evenings with one of the drugs that destroy OS ("Super FAS", "Otok"),

A new remedy appeared - a bait from the OS "Adamant". OS scares the preparation "Sovki-F". In the ground, the nest can be poured boiling water.

Beetles on roses: weevils and bronze

The most dangerous beetles on roses are weevil and bronze.

Weighs (leaf). These are pests, brushing the edges of the leaves of all types of roses - beetles of rather large size (up to 1 cm). They are black and gray, fluttering. Active image Life lead at night, and in the afternoon, hide under the soil lumps. That is why we do not see them. But dangerous for roses not only the beetles weevil, but also their legal larvae, the same large, colors ivory. The larvae live exclusively in the ground and eat the roots.

With a large number of pests, rose bushes may die. Because of strong damage to the leaves is reduced by their effective areaAnd the plants are accurate, and there are also weakened roots.

The special danger of weevils is presented for bushes growing in the shade of trees, in thick landings, with poor ventilability, as well as for old bushes, weakened by time and bad agrotechnics.

You can handle the beetles if in the evening at sunset to perform spraying roses with one of the insecticides. Beetles can with the onset of darkness when the flashlight light is collected manually, of course, if there are still not very much.

Bronze of golden. This brilliant green beetle with a copper-golden shade loves yellow and white roses. Beetle is rather large (10-15 mm long and 12-14 mm wide). From the bottom side - bronze-green color with metal glitter. On the hollows there are transverse thin, incorrect formWhite stripes.

Beetles damage flowers, overlooking stamens and pestles, painting the petals.

Gardeners call him "May Beetle." The larva lives in the ground, it is sixth, thick, white, up to 60 mm long, very similar to the larva of the May beetle, but, unlike the latter, it does not damage the root.

At the end of the summer, the larvae is pounded, the beetles come out of them, which in the soil in the soil, and the next summer I pull out.

Beetles fly from May to August, damaging flowers not only roses, but also white lilies, fruit plants.

Since in the period of flowering plants, it is impossible to spray with pesticides, the main measure of the struggle against bronvalone - manual collection of beetles early in the morning, when they do not fly, and motionlessly sit on the flowers.

Walnut and scoop on roses: photo and spraying from pests

Nutholder. These galls form insect pests. They are able to destroy the entire vintage of rosehip, exhaust the bush. In case of severe damage, the increase is reduced, the winter hardiness of plants is reduced. Wam nuts in the form of larvae in damaged fruits. Years of adult insects and the infection of young barring comes at the end of May - early June.

In the fight against the nut-making, it is necessary immediately after flowering twice the robe of the same eradicates as vsi and other pests. Good results gives the use of the drug "Lightning" (2 ml on 10 liters of water).

In parallel, the mechanical struggle should be kept (cut and burn the emerging galls).

Scoop. The caterpillars scoops live in the soil and eat mostly at night, so we often see only traces of their activities.

If there are a lot of damage, use drugs from pests (the same as against aphids), spraying speaken in the evening after sunset.

Depending on the degree of damage, the bud can give a deformed flower, so it is better not to leave it on the plant.

TRIPS on roses: photo and fight against them

TRIPS. Small (up to 1 mm) suction pest. On buds, flowers, leaves and young shoots of roses, larvae feeds, nymphs and adults of this pest.

As can be seen in the photo, trips on roses have a light yellow color:

Trios weaken roses, sucking juices from leaves, buds and flowers. Damaged by pests buds, flowers, especially blond color tones, are covered with characteristic small red spectacles. The flower becomes disheveled and freshet quickly. At the base of petals, pests are well visible to the naked eye. On the leaves appear yellow small spots. They acquire a silver shade, as when damaged by a bypass tick.

Winter insects in the upper layer of soil and under the vegetable residues.

The greatest degrees are the danger of roses growing in warm dry places, for example, at the walls of the house, on the terraces from the south side or near the tracks and sites lined with tiles or asphalt covered.

In the spring, the trips feed on weeds, then the Persians fly on roses bushes.

In the greenhouses, the pest gives up to eight generations per year. One generation is developing within 22 - 30 days.

To combat triples on roses, in case of severe damage to spray roses, the same drugs are used as in the fight against the tool.

If on the leaves of roses black spots, what to do? The process of growing roses is impossible without obstacles. The most frequent plant disease is spotting. The disease is very dangerous for the flower, as it leads to his death. With the appearance of spotting on roses, it should be immediately proceeding with it. How to avoid spotting on roses? Black spots on roses not only spoil aesthetic appearance Flower, but also bring a lot of harm to the plant. Gradually, the disease spreads throughout the bush and can affect the nearest. Cunning disease and difficulty. Best tool - This is the prevention of black spotting on roses. How to prevent the disease: to regularly conduct proper trimming Plants Stems, as the "haircut" increases the resistance of roses; remove damaged leaves, buds, flower stems and be sure to burn them on the site away from the bush; constant weeding of the roasting area; in the rainy period, the soil sprinkles around the bush; plant special means Protection for roses; spraying of bushes in the infusion of a cowboat or a chewing; the correct selection of the area for landing roses: not to plant on black and thickened areas; frequent processing of tools with disinfectants. It is also important to know that there are roses' varieties that are more resistant to black spot. Some on the contrary are predisposed to it genetically. Therefore, purchasing planting material This must be considered. How and how to treat stains on roses leaves? Currently in specialized stores huge selection Preparations that are able to cure spotty. The main thing to buy is not one tool, but a few. Special preparations should contain: triazole; mankucketb. They will need to be used alternately, to efficiency. The first seven days spray the bushes of roses with drugs, which includes mankotheb. For example: "Gold" or "Profit". A week later, the means containing triazole, such as "Topaz" or "Sorrow" begin to apply. Processing bushes needed in the evening so that there is no dew presence. Before disinfection it is worth pouring a plant under root system. After disappearance, the stains on the leaves of roses need to carefully inspect the flower. With the repeated symptoms of the disease, it is worth removing damaged areas of the plant and burn them. Proofilact anti-rose leaves Black spots begin to manifest itself only at the end of summer, and the lesion of the plant occurs in the beginning. Often the disease attacks the flower if it is weakened or does not receive the desired dose of nutrients. Therefore, it is important to fertilize roses. How to define black spotlight: firstly, the plant stops in growth; secondly, the greenery appear dark spots (like pads); thirdly, around the leaves can be seen yellow. experienced gardeners Use environmentally friendly methods of combating the disease. The plot where roses are grown surrounding garlic landings. This vegetable has a prevention property. fungal diseases (Black spottedness refers to the genus Marssonina Rosae). Also for prevention purposes, it is possible to spray bushes with brazers from garlic or tobacco. Infusions do not cause addiction from the causative agent of infection and do not harm the plant. Proper care is very important to regularly trim the roses. This process will strengthen the immune system of the plant to fungal diseases, which include black spot. Then spray bushes chemicals ("Copper Oxychloride", "Vectoi", "Cumulus"). All weak, old and dry branches are better to remove, because they will be the goal of the defeat of black spotting. Says and spring need to carry out stems copper vitriol and Bordeaux liquid. All damaged leaves dry quickly, then fall. They must be assembled and burned. Otherwise, the fungus perimathes, and in the spring will spread to healthy roses bushes. In the growing season, the plant requires free access. fresh air, it's not too close to plant other cultures. It is impossible to allow durable moisture on the leaves of roses. For this you need to trim shoots and spin weeds. The adjacent territory is better to regularly drag on, in the soil to make a fungicide (disinfecting agent). The proliferation of the disease contributes temperature differences and high humidity. But not only environmental conditions can lead to a rose damage by black spot, as well as the wrong agrotechnology. Therefore, before growing these colors, you need to ask how to properly care for them.

During the second period of a growing season, leaflets occurs, sometimes annual shoots. The appearance of black spots is associated with meteorological conditions and varietal features.

How to recognize the disease

Symptoms of Monsnins, or Black Spottedness:

Top on the leaves of plants appear purple, purple or white spots;
- Over time, spots are black, from 50 to 150 mm.

Form, size and location of spots are also dependent on the variety.

On the stains immediately begins to develop a fungus. He resembles black pads. The leaves on which they appeared are yellow and fall. It leads to the death of the plant.

Rose almost ceases to bloom. Typically affected plants rarely can survive winter - they freeze.

How to deal with black spot

The source of the appearance of this disease is the affected fallen leaves and shoots that remained since last year.

Therefore, in order to avoid the development of the disease of the remaining plants, you need to collect fallen leaves and burn them. If spotting appears on new shoots, they must be cut immediately.

Do not be lazy, shelter shrubs to wintering. So that black spots on roses leaves do not appear, take care of the elimination of the sources of the fungus:
- Collect and burn spotted leaves from plants;
- Redorate the ground around roses;
- Process plants with fungicide.

It is best not to forget about constant prevention. It is necessary to spray shrubs with informs of a cowboy or horsetail.

You can still take drugs that increase the stability of plants to diseases. It can be a zircon, immunoicity, "El", "Obereg". Very effectively alternate spraying with drugs that contain mankotheb and triazole.

Spraying can be carried out once a week, and alternate drugs are no more than three times. The effect of such treatment of plants is very positive.

There is another way to get rid of stains - like opponents of various drugs. A shovel can help in the fight against black spot.

If you put the plant correctly and carefully take care of it, then this disease is unlikely to be amazed.

If you want to protect your roses from spotting, then spend the following manipulations:
- Place them more freely;
- Pere in the solar place;
- Remove the density;
- Delete the fallen leaves in a timely manner.

Communicable treatment with copper vigorous, bordlock liquid or similar drugs in spring and autumn.

If the disease still touched the plants, take a strong trimming of the bush in the fall. Slip the shoots at 2/3 of the kidneys from the base.
All this is guaranteed to reduce the defeat of their favorite roses of malicious diseases.

A small speck appeared on the rose. It is easy to skip, not to notice, not to give values. And all, the decorativeness of the rose is lost. How to recognize the disease on time and how to help her?

Views of spotty

The pathogens of all types of spotting on roses are usually different kinds of pathogenic fungi. For a beginner, distinguish one disease from another difficult. In most cases, there is no need, since protective and therapeutic agents usually have wide spectrum actions. But if it is not possible to purchase a universal drug, then the disease would be nice to recognize.

Black spotty (Marsonin)

The causative agent of this disease is Marssonina Rosae Mushroom. It is evidenced by dark spots, which are merged into one solid over time. black spot. It is a bit bloated, the form is wrong. The fungus-pathoger really like cool, rainy weather, characteristic of June and the second half of summer. Then you can see the first signs of this disease.

False torment dew (peronosporosis)

Buuray spotty

This disease is characterized by the appearance of brown rounded spots with a diameter of up to 6 mm. At the edges of the stains there is a black border. Such stains are located on the upper side of the sheet. On the bottom they are without a kayma, and the color of them is light-brown. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease are high temperature and humidity. Her causative agent is Coryneum Confusum Mushroom.

Septorized spot (septorize leaves)

The leaves of roses affected by this disease, from the upper side are covered with small round spots of dark brown color. Over time, they are brighten, but Kaime remains a drone. By autumn, the mushroom matures, in the center of the stains there are small black fruit bodies - picnides. In this stage, they winter on the affected leaves and shoots. Disease cause controversy SEPTORIA ROSAE fungus.

Surprising Spottitude Rose (Cercosposition)

In this disease, the leaf is covered with brown and purple little specks. In the future, the center of the spot is gray, but Kaime remains brown. By autumn, black spherical pads appear in the center of the stains. The leaves are premature yellow and fall. Disease pathogen - Mushroom Cercospora Rosiola.

Fillostatic spotty (Fillostyactom leaf)

This is also a fungal disease. His causative agent is Phyllosticta Rosae. Signs: Dark, brown spots with purple border. Over time, the center spot brightens, becomes ash. But Kaima is still wider, purple color. At the end, small black dots appear in the center.


Leaves are affected by the mushroom Pestalotia Rosae. First, brown spots appear along the edges of the sheet, which apply to the middle. Between a healthy and affected fabric there is a border yellow band. On the spots appear gray pads arguments. On shoots there are depressed necrosis, they also appear gray spores of the pads. Over time, necrosis expands, ulcers appear on shoots, and they dry.

Askochitous spotty

This spotty is characterized by light, yellowish-white spots having a thin brown border. On these stains, the winter mushrooms are formed by autumn in the form of convex brown fruit bodies. They winter on fallen amazed leaves. The name of the mushroom is Ascochyta Rosicola.

Purple spottedness

SPHaceloma Rosarium is excited. With this disease on the upper side of the leaf, many round purple or black spots with a crimping border appear. The color of the kayma does not change over time, but the spot itself brightens, becomes ash. On these upper spots, black fruit bodies are formed - picnides. From the bottom of the sheet of spots brown color Gradually merge. The sheet dries out and falls. If the disease is not treated, the stains go to the stems.

Ramularity leaves

With this disease, the leaves dry, become brown, brittle. It is called by the spores of the Ramularia Banksiana mushroom. On the leaves are formed disputes in the form of small, white, bored beams.

Than dangerous spotty

But not one plant will die. This fate can comprehend the entire rosary. Because the mushroom breeds disputes that are easily moved. They can be transferred from the plant to the plant wind, rain, bees, various insectsEven you yourself. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease, urgent measures need to be taken.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are suitable only for the prevention of spot. To cure the disease with their help will not work, only in vain you lose time.
Extra-root feeders and preventive treatment in dry windless weather in the evening day. Do not store cooked solutions, use them immediately.

For the prevention of fungal diseases, flowers usually use the following means.


  • iodine - 1 ml;
  • water - 400 ml.

Depending on which area you need to be processed, increase the volume of the solution in proportion.

Dairy serum with iodine

  • serum - 1 liter;
  • iodine - 10 drops;
  • water - 10 liters.

Preventive treatment must be carried out twice with a week interval.

Garlic and leek

  • husk - 40 grams;
  • water - 10 liters.

The husks pour water. Boil. Insist for 8 hours. Understand the bush and shed the soil around it. After the appearance of buds, conduct preventive treatment. Try not to get into petals, otherwise they can paint.


After removing the winter shelter, but even before the blooming of the kidneys, we will abundantly take a bush with the infusion of a cowboy.

  • cOROD - 1 part;
  • water - 9 parts.

Fill a coward with water. Give the solution for 3 days. Straighten the solution. Follow them outdoor bushes. This is simultaneously protection against diseases and feeding plants. During the growing season from May to July, you can also twice prophylactic treatments. It is only necessary to use less concentrated infusion.

Treatment of fungicides

Most effective method The treatment of fungal diseases is the use of a combined method. It implies the following:

    First, the patient plant is treated with some system fungicide. For example, Fundazole. Prepare a solution in proportion 1 liter of water / 1 gram of substance. This solution must be evenly pouring the Earth around the bush. Approximately 5 liters. It all depends on the size of the bush. On the same day, in the evening, spray a bush in the same solution. To get a homogeneous solution, you need all the amount of drug to dilute in a small amount of water. Then add the rest of the water.

    After a week, processing is repeated. As a result, the pathogenic microflora will almost completely destroy.

    After 18 days, the plant is treated with any biological fungicide. For example, phytoosporin. The instruction on its use is indicated on the package. The need for its application is caused by the fact that nature does not tolerate emptiness. It is necessary to settle at the place of destroyed pathogenic fungi useful, otherwise the territory will again take harmful mushrooms, and the two types of simplest in one place cannot exist. In this principle, the protective effect of the biofungicide is based.

All fungicides are toxic. Therefore, when working with them, observe precautions. Work in a closed suit, gloves, glasses. It is advisable to have a respirator.

Bordeaux liquid (copper sulfate)

  • preparation - 10 grams;
  • lime - 10 grams;
  • water - 10 liters.

Conduct two processing with a weekly interval.

The drug is very toxic. It must be applied in the difficult stage of the disease. The affected leaves are no longer restored, but the reprimand will be healthy.

Abiga Peak (Copper Chlorine)

  • preparation - 40 grams;
  • water - 10 liters.

Conduct two spraying in two weeks.

Evricul Energy

  • preparation - 1.5 ml;
  • water is 1 liter.

To obtain a homogeneous solution, you first place the entire amount of the drug in a small amount of water, and then bring the volume to one liter. Prepare a solution at a time. Proportionally increase the volume of water and the weight of the drug. This solution splashes the plant and spill the soil with intervals for two weeks. Five treatments are possible.


  • preparation - 4 ml;
  • water - 5 liters.

Interval processing - week. Number - no more than three. The method of preparing the solution and plant processing is the same as for the Energy Preview.


  • preparation - 2 ml;
  • water - 10 liters.

The maximum number of treatments is three. The interval between them is a week.

You can use a domestic analogue under the trade name "Raek" instead of the imported drug.

Profit Gold

  • preparation - 4 grams;
  • water - 10 liters.

The maximum number of treatments is three. The interval between them is from eight to twelve days.

Ridomil Gold

This drug is effective to combat pericor mushrooms. Conduct two treatments in 10 days. Solution proportions:

  • preparation - 25 g;
  • water 10 liters.

It is impossible to store the solution, you need to use immediately.

How to prevent spotty

With a strong and healthy plant of the disease, it is more difficult to cope, the resistance is higher. Therefore, the flower task is to provide correct care Behind the plant.

Provide the desired conditions when landing

    Place flowers in a well-lit place. This will exclude high humiditywhich creates favorable conditions For the development of fungal diseases.

    It is not necessary to plant roses from the south side, as there they love to dwell pests dangerous for it, which spread fungal diseases.

    Do not thicken the landing. Better if the stems of one plant will not touch others. This makes it difficult to spread fungal dispute.

    Do not land roses next to Rosehip. These plants are sick with the same diseases, so the sick rose rose can infect roses.

    The companions of roses can be a lemon-lemon, sage, dubber, lavender. They scare the pests that can spread spot. Bad neighbors for roses are viburnum and lilac.

Regularly examine the plant

The earlier begin treatment, the more successful it will be. Therefore, we regularly examine the leaves and rose stems. Pay attention to the appearing spots, delete the affected shoots. Thicken bushes reserve so that the moisture is better than evaporated.

Remove weeds

Do not allow roses to stand in weeds. They are delayed moisture and mushrooms live, which easily move on your favorite flowers. In addition, nutrients are needed for the growth of weeds. They take them from the soil, uniting your roses.

Provide the desired fertilizer dose

The probability of the appearance of black spots increases when the nitrogen fertilizer is rebupping. In such conditions, the fungus feels comfortable and multiplies at high speed.

Feed nitrogen fertilizers Only in spring. Also, the appearance of spotting on roses contributes to the lack of potassium, so spend regular feeding with this fertilizer. Can use potash salt, potassium sulfate or woodwood. Be sure to hold potash feeding:

  • at the end of May;
  • at the beginning of June;
  • at the end of July;
  • in mid-August.

Process roses with protective drugs

    In the spring, after opening roses, but before the renal dissipation, treat the rose and the ground under it with a single-survive solution of the Bordeaux liquid.

    In May, after the appearance of the leaves, for the prevention of spotting, spray the bush with a systemic fungicide, for example, a strobe. Three treatments are carried out exactly ten days each. The first is 10 g of substance / 10 liters of water. The second is 5 g of substance / 10 liters of water. Third - 2.5 g of substance / 10 liters of water.

    From June to September, spray the plant with growth stimulants (epin, zircon). These tools strengthen the immunity of the plant.

    Before the shelter of roses for the winter, treat it and the ground around a 3% solution of iron vigor.

Protecting a timely manner

    In the spring, immediately after opening roses, it is necessary to carry out a sanitary and forming trimming. Cuts treat with crowded charcoal.

    With a regular examination of bushes, if necessary, remove unnecessary or affected shoots.

    In the fall, before hiding roses for the winter, cut down all the leaves, shorten shoots depending on the variety.

Disinfect tool

The fungus is a black spot pathogen - can be easily transferred from the plant to the plant tool to which trimming is carried out. Therefore, it must be disinfected. To do this, use alcohol-containing or chlorine-containing agents. You can dip in the dark solution of manganese. Some use kerosene.

Autumn remove dry foliage and pump the soil

The pathogens of black spottedness winter on fallen, affected by this disease leaves and in the soil. Therefore, they need to be removed, and the soil is retaining. Leaves are better not to compost, but burn. If this is not done, they will ensure safely and achieve roses.

Initially choose grade resistant

There are no absolutely invulnerable grades, but breeders work in this direction. They developed varieties with less susceptibility to the disease spot. Resistant to spare roses, having ADR marking. In Germany, a system of variety tests was developed. According to it, the best strawy varieties Assigns this marking.

Healthy roses can be bought from German nurseries:

  • Cordes (Kordes);
  • Noahka (Noack);
  • Tantau (Tantau).

Also considered to be endless roses Floribunda and tea-hybrid from the English nursery Fryer (Fryer).

What else do you need to know

In addition to spotting, there are many other diseases that are feared. The most common:

Spotted leaves is not characteristic of decorative plantsthat make up health. If you have noticed the spots of black, yellow, red or rusty shade on roses, most likely, they are contained in adverse conditions or are in a state of stress. Violation of the color of the leaves can also be a sign of the disease. How to find out why stains appeared on your favorites and what measures to take to reanimate the plant?

The occurrence of brown spots can be a sign of drone spot (church-position). With such a disease, they also have a black border. The reasons fungal disease connected with high temperatures and humidity. The presence of dark brown spots may also indicate such fungal infections such as septoriasis, peartalcin, studios.

Signs of all these diseases are similar to each other, so it will be difficult to put the final diagnosis. In this case, you should not puzzle yourself, it is enough to carry out processing chemicals To combat fungal diseases.

Black spots on roses

If June was turned out to be cool and rainy, dark spots can be formed on roses, which soon merge and black. Where they arise can be observed in bloxing (rounded or oblong). The disease of such a plan is called black spot. The causative agent in this case is the Marssonina Rosae mushroom. Soon the leaves fall out, the plant weakens and refuses to bloom. Black spotty can be confused with false torment. However, the latter is characterized by stains. different color (They can be black, red-brown, purple).