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How much to soak the seeds of cucumbers in wet fabric. Preparation of cucumber seeds to sowing from A to Z

Kira Tsekolova

The cultivation of various garden crops is a difficult and painstaking task, so gardeners are looking for many ways to achieve maximum results. Soaking seeds of cucumbers before planting in order to improve harvesting rates - one of the well-proven procedures to which they often resort. She has her own nuances, but when proper preparation And the holding is capable of bringing a rich harvest to your hardworking farmers.

What is soaking

Soaking seeds is the immersion of future seedlings into a special solution in order to improve its sowing properties. Usually such a procedure is suitable for seeds before sowing, which have lack of moisture and need additional attention. Thanks to soaking, it is possible to reveal the entire potential of plants, make them work in full force and in some way to strengthen the immune system to various diseases.

The procedure is carried out in glass or plastic containers. Optimal options There will be a bank or container where seeds are folded. It is worth paying attention to that not every seed is suitable for wipe. For example, the grains that have already been fraud and, moreover, are processed, it is better not to soak, as it affects them very detrimental. The proceeding seeds are most often branded, since they do not always germinate after processing. It is believed that it is better not to risk, preserving germinating grains, especially if you are a professional gardener who can choose the most promising seeds from a variety of seeds.

Means for soaking seeds

There are several proven preparations that are involved in wigging grains and perfectly perform the task before sowing. They differ:

  • harmless and security;
  • ease of use;
  • the presence of nutrients and useful substances for seedlings;
  • natural growth stimulants in the composition.

Despite the combining features, no the best system Processing, because each drug has its own individual features.


One of the leading means is epin, which is based on plant components. If the seeds are soaked in it, they will become much stronger and will not be afraid of temperature drops. With epic, future seedlings do not threaten to die from both frosts and as a result of a shortage of sunlight.


The zircon is also a proven tool, the main component of which is chicory acid. It is designed to stimulate growth and speeds up the process of appearance of the roots.


The soaking of cucumber seeds in the center of Gumin based on the humate sodium is also very justified. This solution not only improves germination of grains before planting, but also contains a plurality of nutrients, important for full-fledged development, which cucumbers need.

Some gardens soak seeds in a means containing a number of trace elements. This is necessary if the open soil in which seedlings are planted, has a poor content of substances beneficiaries.

Folk remedies for soaking

Those who seek to use the whole natural, before sowing will be able to use proven methods that have long been used in the people.

With aloe

Aloe juice can be an excellent option, where you can soak seeds by wrapping them into the cloth. The plant has powerful antibacterial properties, as well as stimulates the growth of plants, which will raise faster.

With ash

A tallest solution has proven itself well, thanks to which the treated plants can be saturated with mineral substances and get everything necessary for full-fledged development. Just 2 tbsp. Spoons of ash mixed with 1 spoon of boiled water so that the seeds are appropriate.

With honey

A solution based on honey is another option to saturate future seedlings. It is prepared according to the proportion: 1 tsp. Honey on a glass of water. It is enough to lower the bag of the fabric there, in which the grains of both cucumbers of pure variety and hybrids will be.

With potato juice

Another option from the people is potato juice. You need to take several potatoes, clean them and be sure to leave in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, the fruits need to squeeze, and in the resulting juice put the cucumber seeds.

with Luka husks

For proven method of method with low husky You will need a liter of boiling water in which an oloc solution is located. A manganese (1 g), 0.2 g of boric acid and soda (5 g) is added there. Components are well stirred, and then future cucumbers are added to them.

With peroxide

Very often, hydrogen peroxide is added to the already existing composition. This tool helps to activate the growth of seeds, as well as prepare for sowing. It is enough 3% of the composition to carry out the soaking procedure as efficiently as possible.

The amount of time for soaking

To carry out the procedure qualitatively, you need, no doubt, know many nuances.

It is important to take into account such a moment as preliminary disinfection. If you intend to spend this procedure, you will need a solution of manganese. Just 20 -60 minutes so that the seeds receive their portion of disinfection.

How much time seeds should be misunderstood? As a rule, the time that needs seeds for seeding in a liquid may be different - there is no single rule. If you take finished meansT. middle time Exposures in them seeds will be 2-3 days.

If we talk about solutions prepared at home, then the amount of time that the future seedlings will spend in liquid may vary:

  • So, in the juice of aloe seeds, it is enough to hold only 24 hours. This time is enough to achieve the desired effect, and then gently.
  • For soaking seeds of cucumbers before planting in the ash solution, it will take at least 2 days to ensure that the tool is invested. Only in this case will be able to achieve the desired result. After 3-6 hours, the processed future seedlings - cucumbers are ready for further actions From the Agrarian.
  • When using a solution of honey, you will need only 6 hours, so that the tool has a beneficial effect on plants, and the processing turned out to be high-quality. Potatoes without leather prepared a little longer, as well as sowing material. It will be required at least 8 hours to be fully prepared for further use.
  • When using a solution based on onions, it will take only 5-6 hours, and the seeds will get everything you need to be stronger and more active in growth.

Shooting secrets

Finding out under what conditions and how long it is necessary to pump the seeds, you can safely begin the procedure. To do this, you need a container with a solution and gauze or a cloth. It takes carefully to put seeds, after which it is tightly wrapped. You can use cellophane packagewhere to add sowing material. Some women as rags use the old bra with foam foam cups, which creates a certain percentage of heat, important for seedlings before the landing and germination step.

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Greasing - sowing the quality of seeds. And soaking on it does not affect it, well, maybe a couple of percent. Soaking accelerates germination and appearance of shoots. If, on the passport of seeds, it is 30% for the seed passport, they do not soak, and the divers will not help. Good luck.

The question from our subscriber Romana:


Watering cucumbers warm water. To do this, near the bed with cucumbers is recommended to keep barrel and water to pour into it in the evening or early in the morning so that it warms up for the day. Too abundant irrigation is harmful, since the leaves begin to grow rapidly.


Survey the seeds of cucumbers in the ground is needed with such a calculation so that the shoots do not come under frost. It is too sowing only dry seeds of cucumbers, as germinated seeds can be dried in not breathing soil.


Therefore, the most optimal container for seedlings are peat (peatocking) pots. The porosity of their walls provides a comfortable water-air mode of the soil layer, in which the roots are located. You can plant seedlings right in such pots, avoiding a complex transplant process. When falling into the ground, the roots of cucumbers will freely germinate through the bottom and the walls of the pot. The pots do not contain toxic substances and pathogenic organisms, have sufficient mechanical strength both in the wet and dry state.

Movement processing

Optimal depth Seeding seeds of cucumbers in the ground is the depth of 2 cm. It must be considered when crops and the fact that cucumbers in the process of growth can grow very much, so you should not sow them too often. It is recommended to sow two seeds in the hole (you can lay a little more seeds, if you doubt as, as not everyone can climb) at a distance of 8 to 10 cm. With a row sowing of cucumbers, the recommended distance in the row is 8-10 cm, between the rows - 60 cm.

Planting cucumbers can be made in two ways: sowing cucumber seeds immediately on the garden or landing pre-grown seedlings. With any method of growing cucumbers in open soil, they are planting them when the soil is already enough to warm up and can give plants the necessary nutrients. For example, in middle lane Russia cucumbers plant in late May-early June.

The most effective way to deframe them is to warm in water with a temperature of up to 50 °. Planting material Put in a bag of fabric and omit in boiling water for twenty minutes. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall. Then seeds pass soaking in cold water For three minutes. Such tests are suitable for carrots, cabbage and beets. In the same way, comes with zucchini, eggplants, watermelons and melons. True, they need a longer " hot bath"- within two hours.

Spring - the beginning of the season, when gardeners and gardeners think about the future harvest. Plans are created, seeds and fertilizers in stores are purchased. Some cultures, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, begin to cultivate seedlings from growing. For other plants, such a preparatory period is not required. They are planted immediately into the ground when the earth warms up. But in both cases, gardeners may occupy the question of whether the seeds should be soaked and, if so, how.

Planting seeds and seedlings of cucumbers

Methods of planting cucumbers

It depends on the seeds (small spraying by sowing, the average-3h. -4. H, large-from 8 h. -22ch.) The drug "Zircon", "Epin" or "Gumat +".

Roman, logic in this approach is. If you do not intend to dive seedlings, but you want to sow immediately into separate containers, then preliminary germination really can save space. I do that when we are talking About expired seeds, and you will not understand, whether they can immediately throw them away, whether you can still sow))

Question on seedlings of vegetables (cucumber, tomato, etc.) Is it worth making the seeds before landing on seedlings?

Preparation of seeds

The main care of cucumbers is in timely watering, soil looser, weeding and feeding.

Ideally, you need to choose such a place on which even the previous year did not grow pumpkin cultures (cucumbers, patissons, zucchini, pumpkin). These measures are needed to avoid the accumulation of diseases and pests. But it is allowed to change the place every 5 years. Cucumbers in growing require uniform and permanent supply nutrient substances. These plants react well to the introduction of organic fertilizers that improve the soil structure.

Growing seedlings

Options for how to soak seeds before landing are very similar, but at the same time are not the most basic. Before soaking planting material It may be freezing in the refrigerator. Seeds wrap in a wet cloth and put in freezing Camera. They are stored in low temperatures - from -1 to -3 °. So boil pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers for three days. Withstand such conditions, they will be ready for landing in open ground much earlier than the incomplete hardening.
To prepare material for germination, it must be placed in warm place. For example, put next to the battery. First you need such cultures like pumpkin, cucumbers, patissons, zucchini. The room should be the temperature plus twenty degrees. If the seeds are warming up for a month or one and a half, then later they will take place and will ensure more early yield.​

Watching what seeds. If the package is written. that seeds are processed. then no soaking is necessary !! ! Just make worse. If not, mostly this seeds of colors will suit any growth stimulator, rooting agents. There is "Gumat" - they are of different directions - also very useful.

But there is a nuance. Guaranteed shoots are not guaranteed successful seedlings. At the stage of germination, the seed is not always possible by 100% evaluating the quality of the future sprout. In this sense, the dive - good: SEEM (at least dry, at least inveraged - there is no longer so important) seeds into a common capacity, and then choose the strongest and promising sprouts. And now they are already - in separate containers, to further holly and cherish)

I am interested in this question for the following reason, I want to plant seedlings of many varieties, while I need to know that germs will be guaranteed, because I plan for 1-2 peat pots on the variety.

Sometimes on very hot days of one watering is not enough, then the leaves begin to wither. In this case, it is recommended to make a refreshing shower with cool water on the leaves of the hose. It is necessary to do this spraying quickly, better at 17-18 hours, when less bees. The souls wash off dust from the leaves, increases the humidity of the air and soil, reduces the high daytime temperature, improves photosynthesis.

The feeding of cucumbers is carried out every 10 days. On 10 liters of water takes 1 l thick cowboy and 20-30 g of urea or ammonium nitrate. After the cucumbers bloom, they need to be picked up by the same solution by adding superphosphate and potash salt to it: 40-50 g (at the beginning of fruiting 50-60 g). One liter solution will be enough to pour 4 plants.

Planting cucumbers requires preparation of beds in advance. The soil for the cultivation of cucumbers is recommended to be prepared in autumn on the illuminated and warmth place. The site should be switched to a depth of 22-27 cm, then under the people to make manure, humidia from the calculation of the bucket per 1 sq.m. In the next 2-3 years, organic fertilizers should not be made, then only minerals are applied.

Preparation of soil

The seedling of cucumbers in the ground, along with a pot, provides almost one hundred percent survival rate of seedlings. The pot serves fertilizer, decaying in the ground. Seedlings are good, which allows you to get a good early harvest. Before sowing seeds, the pots are filled with moisturized nutritional soil, which must be moderately sealing. After sowing, pots are installed on pallets, sand, polyethylene film, layer of soil or gravel. Seedlings need to water, maintaining the soil in a wet state. It is impossible to dry out peat pots. When drying, the salt contained in the ground crystallizes and in concentrated form can be dangerous for gentle cucumber sprouts. As the seedlings grow, the pot must be placed more freely to ensure sufficient lighting and preventing the plexus of the roots.

The cultivation of cucumbers can also be made by landing of cucumber seedlings. This method is good because the harvest can be collected earlier, as the seedlings are grown at home even before the soil is ready. But in this method there are difficulties. The cucumbers have a very fragile root system and transplant them without damaging the roots, quite difficult. Therefore, grown cucumbers from seedlings is difficult, there is a risk of getting a poor-quality harvest. But if you have chosen such a way, it should be considered that the seedlings are better grown in peathed pots.

Landing and care for cucumbers require certain knowledge. Below will be considered the basic rules for growing cucumbers and care.

When preparing the planting material, you can safely experiment. For example, this is how to soak seeds before planting with nutritional compositions. It will take a solution of manganese. It is prepared as follows. One gram of manganese-acid potassium dissolves in five liters of water. But it should be borne in mind that such a treatment will slow down the development of plants. Therefore, experts recommend resorting to specially produced mixtures.

Not the entire planting material is suitable for growing strong and healthy plants. Perhaps the seeds purchased long ago were expired if their shelf life was over. Therefore, before processing, you need to go through everything, remove damaged, small.

You can still water + honey, water + juice juice, weak milgantasy solution, 2 hours

In epine or manganese. from 30 minutes

As I suppose, if you dunk the seeds, and they will "score", then shoots from such seeds will already be accurate, and I will not have a "idle" pots, which may be in the case of a "blind" seeding (not soaking).

Growing and care

Fading the leaves of cucumbers in hot weather says that there is not enough soil moisture. If water during watering is poorly seeping into the soil, make carefully punctuated by the pods. With a strong drying of the soil, it is necessary to water in 2-3 receptions: first pour a bit (1-2 cans per 1 sq. M), and after a while, it wiring it, bringing it a total volume to 8-10 l per square m. In The end of the summer cut watering, since the convergence of cold soil contributes to the damage to the bottom of the bottom of the stem and roots. During mass growth of fruits, it should be supported especially high humidity Soil, watering cucumbers every 3-4 days or even every other day. To avoid the backlog in the growth, diseases and death of plants, it is recommended to water with warm water. Http://\u003dublnkegm-ec

Crichet should be sprayed with a solution copper Kaper (For 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of copper vapor), spending 1 sq. M. Grocery 1 L solution. Then you need to remove and burn all plant residues, including roots. Before breaching the beds, add 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 cup dolomite flour or ash per 1 sq.m. Cut up to a depth of 15 cm and leave until spring. In the spring, 10 days before landing, 1 sq. M

Seedlings of cucumbers before landing in open ground should have the following characteristics: Plants should be at least 25 cm in height and have 5 or more leaves. It is very important that seedlings are vertically. For these purposes, the plant must be taught.

Clamps, bags of dairy products or boxes are often used as capacities for seedlings of cucumbers.

The first way - sowing cucumbers in open soil. Growing seeds of cucumbers - painstaking work. Seeds should be large, full. First of all, you need to choose the highest-quality seeds. To do this, treat them one-percent solution of manganese, then hold 20 minutes in warm clean water. At the same time, low-quality seeds should emerge, after that they can be easily removed. The remaining good seeds You can soar directly into the open ground without germination or to germinate about two days in wet sawdust or peat. If the seeds pre-germinate, an additional selection of poor-quality sowing material occurs.

For example, you can use Zircon growth regulators, "Albit", "Energy". Prepare solutions with these drugs you need according to the instructions that are attached to them. A five gram of drinking soda can be used as a replacement of a mortar solution for one liter of water. Processed seeds will continue to disinfect. Any of these solutions is suitable for the preparation of pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, zucchini. They must be withstanding for twelve hours.

So that the process occupy less time is enough to resort to people's way Selection. It will be necessary to dilute in a liter of water from thirty to fifty grams of cook salt. Drain the water to leave the precipitate, and already clean fuel material. Thus, you got acquainted with how to properly soak seeds to identify defective instances. As a result, within an hour you will get the following picture. Those of seeds that are suitable for sowing will be devastated to the bottom of the banks, and empty will rise to the surface. They will need to be thrown. The remaining is washed in running water. So you can sort out the seeds of almost all cultures.

For myself chose "zircon", good root system It turns out after soaking in it.

I experimented last year, the part was soaked, part there is no ... no difference ...

Seeds I bought in the Russian Garden online store (, but after all, the seed acquired even in the store is guaranteed not to give 100% gerbus.

Is it worth making the seeds before landing on seedlings?

At the beginning of flowering, the cucumbers should be watered with a liquid feeding, in which microfertilizers add: 0.1 g of zinc sulfate, 0.3-0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.5 g of boric acid on 10 liters of water.

Looking out the finished seedlings of cucumbers follows only when the soil warms up quite well in the sun.

Landing the seedlings of cucumbers in the boxes will save the place, but when transplanting into open ground, a fragile root system will be damaged and the observing of plants will deteriorate.

Natasha, Russia

There is another option. Prepare the following composition. One matchbox wood ash Dissolve in five liters of water. Insist for two days. In this solution, the seeds need to withstand over four-six hours. They wake up after soaking, swell. If this did not happen, then the entire procedure should be repeated first. It is necessary to hold them in warm water one or two hours. Also suitable for treating the planting material Aloe juice, valerian chamomile, daisy, oak bark.

Irina, Bendery

Immediately consider the process describing how to soak seeds before landing, what needs to be done for this. The planting material is placed in room temperature. Such processing helps to wake up the dormant forces in a small seed. Shoots will be finished. Gardeners are worried about the following problem: how many days to pump seeds so that they are ready for landing. Parsley, beets, peppers, celery, carrots, eggplants, parsnips, onions are enough to withstand in water for forty-eight hours. For cucumbers, radish, cabbage, melons, radish, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkins, patissons are enough and eight - twelve hours.

Vasily, Kostroma

Marina, Nekrasovskoye

Try * Epin *

Personally, I never soak and do not tear the seeds either the peppers or cucumbers ... Some squeezed. Somehow the neighbor gave germinated cucumber seeds and I planted them. I did not notice that they had risen much faster than dry. Well, it personally for me

What are the seeds soak before landing? And for what time?


Cucumbers are collected when the ripeness is reached. The gap between the first fees is 3-5 days, and during the period of mass fruiting - no more than 2 days. Try to remove the fruits so that the fruit remains on the weaves. At the same time, remove the yellow and sick fruits so that they do not contribute to the weakening of the plants and did not detain the formation of new bandy.
Pretty cucumbers exercise better in the evening. It is necessary to avoid the solution to the leaves, since sunny weather It can provoke burns. The solution should be flush from the leaves with water from the watering can with a pitch. After each watering and feeding the cucumbers under them it is recommended to plug the fertile soil, thereby replacing loosening. The roots of the cucumbers are located in the upper layer of the soil, so with ordinary loosening they can easily damage. The soil is loosened only in the aisle.

cat Matroskin

After that, crumple and paint hot (60 ° C) with water (5-6 liters per 1 sq. M). It is possible to climb the solution (1 g per 10 liters of water) by the manganese at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 sq. M or sodium humate (on 10 liters of water 1 tablespoon of liquid humate sodium), 3-4 liters per 1 sq.m. Then the garden coil with a clean film before sowing or planting cucumbers.

Today we will consider such questions - the soil for cucumbers: the composition, how to cook the Earth with your own hands? How to prepare seeds of cucumbers for landing, do you need to soak and how to germinate cucumber seeds to seedlings?

Preparation of soil

Cucumbers love light, nutritious soil. Purchased mixtures will not fit. They have a lot of peat having too sour response.

Finished substrates are not sufficiently nutritionalThey do not provide the normal development of the root cucumber system.

It is better to make the ground for the seedlings of cucumbers alone. It is worth trying one of the proposed options:

  • a mixture of garden or turf with humus, peat and overwhelmed sawdust in equal proportions;
  • cherry land mixed with a recovered compost;
  • garden or ferry land, mixed with humid, vermicult or perlite;
  • peat connected to old wood sawdust, humus, cow and washed river sand.

For a mixture, it is better to use the land in which grown cucumbers will be transferred. Preferred light sandy soil, Heavy land with an admixture of clay will not suit. The substrate should have a neutral or weakly alkaline reaction.

Before mixing the soil you need to sift, and then rolling in the oven or microwave oven. Such a treatment, which is not less than half an hour at a temperature of 90 degrees, kills harmful microorganisms and insect larvae, weakening seedlings.

Another processing option - steaming. The earth is laid out on a finely playful mesh and is placed on a boiling water tank. Processing is carried out 30-45 minutes, then the soil is cooled. If there is no heat treatment? earth can be blockedThis procedure guarantees a good effect.

Sacred soil is laid out in plastic bags or bags of fabric, after which it is placed in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter). The substrate is withstanding in the cold for a few days, then entered into the room and is left for thawing.

Tip! Strengthening the soil nutrition will help mineral supplementscontaining necessary for seedlings nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

The substrate is introduced wood ash, superphosphate, urea, sulfate potassium or potassium sulfate. All components are thoroughly mixed. Soil can be prepared in advance. The part should be left for later plugging into the cups with a seedler.

Preparation of seeds

For one hundred percent germination and reception strong seedlings A number of events are held before sowing seeds.

The preparation process consists of:

  • calibration;
  • disinfection;
  • germination;
  • quenching.

Seeds collected for the landing are suitable for the last 10 years. It should be borne in mind that every year the germination decreases, instances of nine years ago, it can make less than 50%.

The best quality demonstrates the material collected 2-3 years before sowing. To control the process, seeds collected on their own, decompose by sachets indicating the date of the harvest.

First, seeds are sorted by hand, hollow and deformed rejected. In the process of calibration, it is possible to paint the seed material in size (it depends not only on quality, but also from the variety). It is believed that larger specimens are distinguished by the best germination and give viable prospective sprouts.

After hand calibration sowing material poured salted water And thoroughly mixed. Benign seeds will be devastated to the bottom, unsuitable for landing will pop up. Qualitative material remove from salt solution, wash clean water And dry, laying out on a napkin or paper towel.

The next stage of preparation - disinfection.

REFERENCE! Sometimes the seed material passes the necessary processing to the sale (there must be a corresponding mark on the bag).

If disinfection was not made, you will have to make it yourself. Do not risk health seedlings and future harvest.

Seeds are heated at a temperature of 60 degrees about 3 hours. It is impossible to overheating. Then they for 30 minutes, we fall into the aqueous solution of manganese, after which it is thoroughly rushed with clean water.

There are I. alternative disinfection methods. Sowing material is possible treat ultraviolet lamp For 5 minutes. The procedure is done immediately before sowing. If immediately put seeds are impossible, after irradiation, they are packaged in a light-tight package.

Disinfection seeds and at the same time fow their valuable trace elements will help soaking in ash infusion (2 tbsp. Spoons of ash insist in 1 l of warm water for 3 days). Processing lasts 30 minutes, then they dry.

Last but very an important stagequenchingincreasing plant immunity. First, the seeds germinate in a wet fabric. Then they move to the refrigerator for several days.

First, the seeds put in a colder zone, then moved to the bottom shelves. Sowing material during hardening should not be reduced, the fabric in which it is wrapped is often moisturized from the spray gun.

How to germinate seeds of cucumbers to seedlings?

IMPORTANT! Some gardeners prefer to plant dry seeds. Main motivation - sprouted material very vulnerable, gentle young sprouts are easily injuredthat slows down the growth of seedlings.

However, most lovers still soak seeds, trying to speed up the process of developing seedlings and guarantee the sowing of the sowing material. If the shoots do not proceed, they can not, do not take the pot with the substrate and the scarce place on the windowsill.

How to soak the seeds of cucumbers in seedlings? Soft water is used for soaking: Rain, thaia or boiled. You can not use hard chlorinated water water. It is not worth pouring the seeds, a wet cotton fabric is much better.

Some gardeners use wool, but this method is not safe. Gentle sprouts can get confused in long fibers, extract them, not breaking, it will be very difficult.

Seeds wrap in a cotton fabric or a cargo, richly moistened with warm water, and then placed in plastic bag. He will not give moisture to evaporate and ensure the necessary heat. They will germinate for 3 days.

Instead of a package you can use glass jar With a dense lid, creating a greenhouse effect. Bank with seeds is placed in heat. You can not put it on the heating devicestrying to speed up the process of puncture.

To improve the germination before germination of cucumber seeds you can soak in an aqueous solution of growth stimulator. Treatment lasts 10-12 hours. The procedure is especially important for expensive and rare varieties, it guarantees almost one hundred percent germination of the sowing material.

Preparation for sowing may take a lot of time, so it is necessary to start it in advance. The disinfailed soil enriched with nutritional components can be stored long enough, and the seeds must pass required procedures Immediately before sowing. It is impossible to neglect important preparatory measures, because the future harvest depends on them.

Seeds have a lot of drying time, skill can be very strong: they will slowly absorb water, shoots will grow unevenly. Therefore, such seeds in front of landing can, even need to "wake" by soaking.

Pre-sowing treatment for landing material often includes such a procedure as soaking. This method of processing seed helps to wake up all its potential from a small grain, contributes to the speedy germination of many vegetable crops, including cucumbers.

Sometimes the soaking procedure is neglecting: if, then they will warm up pretty quickly without prior water procedures For a couple of days (at a temperature of + 24-27c).

In some cases, soaking can even bring harm to the seeds: if they were already fragrant and processed by a vibrant, the water is simply protective layer with seeds.

That's what exactly needs soak, so these are those in some time before sowing exposed high temperatures Or they themselves contain little moisture, because their storage conditions were violated.

Good to have stocks

By the way, it is not necessary to buy cucumber seeds every year.

Oddly enough, the high percentage of germination is observed just in the branches, which for 2-3 years. Just keep them in a warm, dry place, wrapped in a newspaper or fabric, to their cherished hour.

Which for a long time They waited for their release "to the light" (more precisely, in the soil), give plants with abundant urging.

If, for a number of reasons, it did not work out to "stand out" the seeds of the year - another, the annual cucumber seeds will have to be frightened to the fifty-degree temperature for 2 hours, trying not to cut it out and do not brew.

It is best to take a good dilated water. The ideal option Is rain or melt water. Also use frozen tap water, clean non-carbonated from the store.

Before you do directly soaking the planting material, it is necessary to sort it, warm it, to disinfect.

How much do we have here are superfluous?

At first it is necessary to separate the grains from the whitella, i.e. Select the most promising, dense, large seeds of cucumbers.

In order for them to calmly calibrate, pour our branches with water, we wait a few minutes and drain the seeds that surfaced to the surface.

These hollow "floats" boldly go to the trash can, because For sowing, they will not be used. The seeds remaining at the bottom of the container we send to drying.

Greeting the cucumber seeds makes sense if they are fresh, and it is better to take care of it in advance.

To warm it, it is enough to pour the seeds to the tray or in the bags and put either hang over the battery central heating. At a temperature of +40 degrees, seeds warm up for a week if the temperature is +25 degrees - will need a month.

Warming helps to destroy some viral infections.

Heated seeds with a greater share of the probability will give the life-in-law shoots that will begin to be fron in early deadlineswill give less empty.

It is impossible to root!

Before soaking, it is necessary to make disinfecting of cucumber seeds.

There are two ways: dry drilling and wet disinfection.

In the first case, there are special powdered drugs (NiUF-2, TMTD, Granosan), which are placed together with seeds inside the closing capacity and continuously shake the sort of five minutes.

The wet disinfection method was larger distribution, carried out using a 1% solution of manganese.

How many mangartages need for our purposes? Approximately 1g 1000 ml of water. Seeds are wrapped in a piece of fabric, descend into a container with a solution of manganese and stand in it about half an hour, then it is necessarily washed under running water.

We start water procedures!

For the soaking procedure, it will take a container in the form of a wide plate or saucer, water, gauze and planting material.

A layer of wet canvas is put on the vessel, then the seeds and again layer of the wet canvase (the usual march is suitable).

Seedlings are poured with water, the temperature of which is + 30-35 ° C. Waters need so much that the fabric is barely covered with water. Capacity with clumsy seeds is placed in a dark place.

At this stage, it is important to constantly monitor the level of humidity and not allow drying, otherwise the seeds can just die.

To maintain a permanent moisture level, it will be more reliable if the fabric with seeds lay on top of the material, which perfectly holds water (wool, foam rubber, sponge).

So that the moisture is not evaporated too quickly, you can also resort to such a way: to put a container with seeds in a large package (polyethylene), just not covered it tightly, but leave a slightly a bit.

By time, the soaking procedure takes about 24 hours: here much depends on how quickly the seeds are soaked in moisture. It is for the cucumber seeds that is quite 8-15 hours.

And the driver is not easy ...

Often, information about the fact that allegedly useful to soak the seeds in the liquid, into which or wood ash, or salt is added.

The usual kola harm will not bring - this is a proven Dedov method.

But it is better to refrain from salt solutions, because they still oppress germination slightly.

The use of biostimulants ("epin", "Humat", "", Infusion of Valerian, Aloe Juice) obtained great popularity: they give a high percentage of germination, help reduce the susceptibility of germs to poor cultivation conditions, contribute to increasing the sustainability of vegetable crops to diseases.

The main condition - it is necessary that the solution for soaking with the added biological preparations had a stable room temperature.

The fact is that when the temperature drops below 20 ° C, the effect of the biological products used is significantly reduced.

Check if you want to be healthy!

In order for cucumbers without any problems tolerated cooling, they gave an early harvest, you can conduct an order procedure. This stage is not so much mandatory as useful.

It's great to spend it before sending seeds of cucumbers to germination.

For hardening it is necessary to put a container with swollen grains in a fridge or a cellar for 1-2 days.

The container is additionally immersed in a polyethylene package, which is allowed to be opened, and periodically observe the level of humidity of our seeds.

Such hardening of the planting material will make the future plant strong, hardy, resistant to temperature fluctuations and diseases.

Now the seeds of cucumbers can either immediately search to the ground, having adding them before driving them, or send to germination.

Seeds of cucumbers are recommended before planting to germinate: time before shoots is the most complex and dangerous for the future plant, so all the processes are getting healthy, high-quality seedlings It is necessary to speed up all available ways.

Germination is carried out before the appearance of more Seeds of roots long at least 0.5 cm.

All of the above procedures will help choose the best sowing material, eliminate re-transition, achieve one-time and friendly shoots.

If not be lazy and pay due attention to the preparation of planting material before landing, then a rich harvest delicious cucumbers In the future, provided!

Cucumbers are one of the most sought-after vegetable crops on garden plot. For getting good fruiting You need to make a lot of effort. The correct preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing is key moment From which the germination and further fruiting depends directly.

Growing cucumbers can occur in open soil or greenhouse, so it is necessary to take into account this during the preparation of sowing cucumbers.

Effective processing methods

One of the most simple methods Seed processing can be selected soaking. Unfortunately, not all gardeners know how, therefore make a lot of errors in the implementation of this procedure.

So that the seeds of cucumbers before landing occurred correctly, for this take warm water And the seeds are immersed in it. The duration of the procedure is several hours. This will allow us to make a rejection and find out what raw materials will not bring us any benefit.

The defective seeds (pacifiers) will float on the surface of the fluid. They are not able to give sprouts, so they will need to remove them from the total mass.

Also, to soak the seeds of cucumbers, instead of water take a salt solution. To prepare 50 grams of cook salt dissolved in 1000 ml of water. Those seeds that we have selected for landing must be dried.

If there is no such sowing material, then you will have to provide optimal conditions Contents of fresh sowing material. Need to pick up optimal place For their storage, warm and dry, not cool 25 degrees of heat.

If the execution of this condition was also not implemented, then you will have to warm the seeds about 2 hours in the oven at 60 degree temperatures. The main thing is to do everything correctly so that it does not work out or steaming. After such a procedure, the treated sowing material can be cleaned without any problems.

Preparation of sowing raw materials is not without disinfection. Few gardeners know than to treat seeds of cucumbers, to strengthen their immunity. Make it in several ways:

  • dry drank;
  • wet disinfection.

For dry treatment, the NIUIF-2 (Granosan) is used. It will require 3 grams per 1 kilogram of the sowing material. The TMTD means is also used, which will require 4 grams for 1 kilogram of sowing raw materials. Such powder means need to be stirred in closed containers, shaking every 5 minutes.

The treatment of cucumber seeds before planting the wet method is to dilute 10 grams of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water. In such a solution you need to soak raw materials about 30 minutes, then rinse well with clean water.

Application of sprouted seeds

After we figured out whether to soak the seeds of cucumbers, you need to begin to germinate. The germination of cucumber seeds before landing has never been a priority occupation for gardens and how few people knew this procedure.

Sprouted specimens simply discarded to the side. BUT B. lately, experienced dachas increasingly began to apply sprouted seeds for planting. According to reviews, due to this method, the level of fruiting has significantly increased.

  1. We make a solution of boric acid - on 1000 ml of water weaving 20 mg of substance.
  2. We provide warm temperature mode in room.

For making a solution boric acid It is quite realistic to replace other funds in the following proportions:

  • 7 milligram amber Acid per 1000 ml of water;
  • 5 grams of drinking soda on 1000 ml of water;
  • 300 milligram methylene blue on 1000 ml of water;
  • 2 grams of zinc sulphate per 1000 ml of water.

For those who do not intend to apply chemicalsTo handle the seeds of cucumbers before planting, we prepared one effective recipe with the addition of aloe juice. It must be half diluted with water. Of course, this method is not so effective. The duration of soaking should be reduced to 6 hours, as well as constantly maintain temperature regime about 22 degrees.

Next, the material must be put on a slice of matter with a thin layer, and around them scatter sawdust or sand. Temperature should vary from 20 to 25 degrees. If sawdust was selected, then before use they need to be treated with boiling water to remove resin and other unwanted substances.

How to prepare cucumber seeds for landing? In the event that the cultivation will pass in the open soil, then you need to worry about the stability of cold temperature conditions. Seed germination in this case can increase to 36 hours.

It will not be superfluous. To do this, you need to wet a little cucumber landing material and keep it at a temperature of less -5 for 3 days.

Soil preparation and beds

For planting seeds need to prepare loose soil, fertilized organic fertilizers. In no case do not use acidic soil. For feeding beds, you need to make from 80 to 100 kilograms of manure to every 10 square meters. If there is no such fertilizer, then you need to prepare 400 grams of superphosphate or 250 grams of potash salt.

Also, it will not be superfluous to choose appropriate place For landing. It is best that potatoes, peas or corn are potatoes, peas.

The preparation of the soil in the spring is its regular loosening, as well as making wood ash or ammonium nitrate, in the proportion of 150-200 grams for every 10 square meters. In the prepared ground, you can start landing.

Rows of cucumbers should be 70 centimeters from each other. Seeds should be located with a distance of up to 10 centimeters. Make sure that the temperature regime is within the normal range and did not fall below zero. Land plot May be a bit shaded.

Seeds need to be seen in 2, or even 3 receptions. No need to plant all sowing material immediately. No more than 4 centimeters are considered optimal landing depth. But some experienced gardeners We are confident that when landing to a depth of 7 centimeters, the moisture is preserved better and it turns out a good germination. Therefore, you can experiment a little and put the seeds to different depths in one hole.