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The man of ancient Russia, the population of ancient Russia. Ancient, the ancient professions of our ancestors

Rus has always attracted foreign invaders with their wealth, and our ancestors also did not miss the seizure of new lands. The whole story of Russia is solid wars with near and long-distance neighbors.

Russian warriors differed in high military mastery and extraordinary courage. But among them, super warriors were highlighted.

Nowadays, such fighters would be called special forces. There are many books, artistic and documentaries, in which martial arts and unique abilities of Japanese ninja, samurai, Shaolin monks of China and other soldiers-Kudesnikov. Possess magical combat capabilities, they were considered invincible.

Unfortunately, a wide circle of readers knows very little about Russian ancient special forces. Although such elite fighters in Russian devices were a lot.

One of the tasks that is assigned to modern special forces is military intelligence. The first intelligence military operation, which was preserved in Russian chronicles, was carried out in 881 during the hike of the troops of Oleg on Kiev.

The name of the first Russian scout remains unknown. He sneaked into Kiev under the guise of a wanderer and found out everything that was needed by Oleg.

Leaving the army on the opposite bank of the Dnieper, Oleg with a small group of the best of his fighters (read - "Spetsnazov") approached the shore near the city. Kiev at that time was ruled by two Varyagov Brothers - Dira and Askold. The messengers were sent to the brothers who assured them that the rooks attracted to the banks belong to the rich merchants.

Under the pretext of the adoption of gifts, Oleg deceived lured the princes on the pier. Both Kiev ruler, together with their few security, were killed by Russian warriors who hid in the rooks.

In almost in Kiev, the state coup was performed, the main role in which military intelligence officers played.

The first sabotage operation, described in detail in the ancient Russian chronicles, was carried out by the great princess Olga. After the murder of Drevlyans in 945, Prince Igor, Olga swore to take revenge on the killers of his husband. Guilty of this death, in her opinion, was all the Trees to know.

The faithful loopholes sent to the razals began to spread rumors that Olga would like to marry a noble prince again. Arrivals Misov met with big honors. As a sign of the greatest respect, they were delivered to the courtyard of the princely terme right in the city, and then alive buried along with the rook in a pre-prepared pit.

But it was not yet the end of the operation. In order for the rallies could not find out what happened in fact, by order of princess on the border with the possessions of the Drevlyan, numerous posts were exhibited, who did not miss anyone across the border. Then they sent a response embassy to the Ridge.

Lazutchiki ambassadors told that previously sent messages were left to be shed in Kiev. And in order for the Kiev residents to let go of his favorite princess, it is necessary to send the most noble arches as the matchmakers.

The Drevlyan believed said and sent their very sanovy nobles to Kiev. Arrived matchmaker was invited to wash off the road in the bath, and then appear before Olga. Bante, after all the arrivals arrived in her, firmly locked and set fire to it. All the raft burned alive.

Modern good special forces fighter, besides excellent possession of adoption of hand-to-hand combat, cold and small arms, must have another number of specific qualities.

Such fighters were also in ancient Russia. There was a whole caste of mysterious sorcerers. People believed that they could turn into wolves and bears. The bear, in the language of ancient prouds, was called "Dlac". Therefore, these wolves warriors received the nickname of the wolf tree.

It was not equal in the root business. Magic strength, as it was believed, Wolfodlakov endowed their patron, the Version Slavic Gode, whose sacred main animal was a bear. This is what explains the second part of the nickname of these supermen.

The most famous waxodlak was Svyatoslav the Great. Svyatoslav, who spent his whole life in battles and military campaigns, perfectly owned the art of wolf models. Always fighting in the first rows of your warrids, he was truly invulnerable.

No one of the opponents managed to defeat him and in martial arts. Svyatoslav organized military trips to the Balkans and the Caucasus, fought with Khazars, Polovtsy and Byzantine. According to the testimonies of the ancient chroniclers, this middle growth person is unrecognizable in battles. Around him grown whole mountains of defeated enemies, and their arrows and swords simply did not take it.

After 988 (the date of the baptism of Russia), the unique combat skill of the Wolvescodlakov began to be forgotten. However, these soldiers did not disappear at all, but continued to live on Don, Dnieper and Kuban.

Later they were joined by Novgorod, who fled from the ruffled Ivan the Terrible city. Among the inhabitants of Veliky Novgorod, there was a special caste of fighters - the characteristics or guests who possess the "carriage" knowledge and skillfully using them in combat battles. They developed such martial arts complexes as a "fist of Perun", "Bruk", "Buza", which were not inferior to the skill of Wolfodlan.

Of course, the characteristics and wolf trees were not shorten. With the ability of mass hypnosis, they could inspire enemies that they were not a man before them, but a bear or a wolf.

Creating its astral twins, they could force the enemy to fight with a non-existent enemy or turned themselves into the fighters of the enemy. Cases are described when such a super warrior has arose before the enemy, which has a lot of hands, each of which was a sword or a saber.

The inability to predict, from which side the blow will be deposited, led enemies into confusion. Such a variety of techniques of mass hypnosis in combat complexes of characterists were called - "Save Son".

The invulnerability of the enemy sword, the arrows and even the bullets were achieved by the magic ability to enter the resciousness in a special state - multiple acceleration of his own time. The time of such a state, the characteristic defined at the following basis - he began to cool the back of the head. The actions of the enemies began to occur as in a slow film, which allowed these super warriors with the ease to leave the blow to a sword or flying arrows.

Although many researchers do not exclude that with the help of internal energy ("healthy"), such wizard warriors have the ability to surround themselves with an invisible field deflecting arrows and blows of cold weapons from them.

Many chronicles tell about the extraordinary abilities of the characteristics for clairvoyance. Special exercises, they brought these abilities to magical perfection, seeing the opponent's enemy for a thousand versts.

Super warriors (ancient special forces) were not susceptible to any diseases, and after the battle the enemies never found them dead. Healing force, perceived from outside and enhanced by permanent special exercises, allowed them to quickly heal the hardest wounds obtained in battles.

One of the famous characterists was Russian General Baklanov (hero of the Caucasian War of the 19th Century). Eyewitnesses say that even in a fixed general could not get any arrows.

It is impossible not to remember about the legendary stains. Their bold babblers brought the real horror on the Golden Horde. In the siege of the Bulgar, the powder cellar was blown up, which forced the defenders of the city to surrender. During the time of Dmitry Donskoy, the Histiki became performers of all his secret designs. It is impossible to overestimate the role of reconnaissance operations of the Troops in the preparation of the invasion of the Russian troops. And the participation of these hectares in the Kulikovsky battle forever covered their unstacked combat glory.

Traditions about Russian girls are preserved. These legendary warriors already in the 4th century before the onset of our era became famous for their combat actions as part of the troops of Alexander Macedonsky.

The chroniclers tell about their most important role in battles at Gavgamelah, Isse and Torik. The group of Jalkysev, as part of the five people, stretched through the dense ranks of the upcoming huge Persian troops, then unfolded, looked back and disappeared without a trace.

Darius's Persian warriors are not able to understand what is happening, they could not resist invisible enemies. All this brought panic fear in their ranks. Between the battles, Dzhanitsy performed permanent audacious raids on the Persian camp, kidding the military units and sentries.

There are also evidence that Dzhantsev's squad at the thirty lands came to the rescue of the legendary three.

Many techniques and tactics of hostilities of the ancient Russian wonder-fighters are successfully applied today with modern special forces. Specific information about this is under the rifle of strictest secrecy.

Words that modern people are used in daily communication, during the times of ancient Russia had a different, and sometimes absolutely opposite meanings, alignment-linguists argue. However, confirmation of this can find even amateur historians, reading barking diplomas.

Paper for the letter appeared on Russia only in the 15th century and quickly displaced Parchment and Beresto. Some linguists believe that the word "paper" came to Russian from Latelatinsky - "Bombacium" meant cotton. Paper in the sense of "Document" and a wallet in the sense of the place of storage of money - the phenomenon is later.

The word "fat" in ancient Russian language was associated with the word "live" and meant "wealth, acquired, luxury, abundance." This word was considered a good omen for the child, so many old-Russian names contained this root: Domasir, fat, ghoslav, magician. In the "Word of the regiment of Igor" it is said that Igor immerses fat (ie, wealth) at the bottom of the Polovtsy River Kaivey.

The ass in Russia was called what a person left his descendants inheritance. The fact that this is the characteristic Slavic social term testifies to the title of the notes in the Russian truth - "A CE about ass". The article says: " Incident brothers rudd up in front of the prince about the ass"(" If the brothers will lead harness before the prince about the inheritance "). The land that was not inherited by anyone, called "unseason".

Ancient consumed the word "healthy" in the context of "successful and prosperous". Etymologically, the word meant "from a good tree." In the Novgorod IV chronicle there is such an example: "Pri-VSI healthy, but wounded, and Ivan Klajachevich was brought to pursuant from Toi Wires". It becomes clear that even the deadly warrior could have been healthy - after all, he came out the winner.

In ancient Russian language, the word "swear" meant only "touch" and "touch". In the meaning "swear in loyalty", this word began to be used already in the 16th century under the influence of the Polish words "przysięgać".

The word "kill" in Russia meant not only to "kill to death", but also "trick". In one of the birchy, where a woman is complaining with an influential relative, says: "Beating (killed) me member and drove me from the courtyard. Do you tell me to the city? Or go here here. I am beaten (Esta killed) "."

In ancient Russia, people lived tribes, the tribe was one big family. All property owned by the tribe was common and indivisible. The father of the kind or family headed the tribe and was his sonor. Younger were obliged to read and respect the elders, as well as perform their instructions. Slavs had good health, their bodies were muscular, they easily tolerated the heat and cold, they also managed to minimize food and clothing. Ancient Slavs externally were very similar to the growth, light skin and long dark-rusia hair. The main value of Slavs was considered freedom and independence.

"All Rusichy are similar in their way of life, in their love for freedom; They should not be inclined to slavery or submission in their own country "- so wrote their ancient Byzantine chronicler.

According to him, Slavs treated friendly to all foreign guests arriving in their land, if they came with friendly intentions. The more advantage of the Slavs was that they did not figure their enemies, and they released them to their homeland for redemption. There were cases when the enemy even left to live in the society of Slavs in the position of a free man.

Rusichi did not strengthen their settlements, but they built them in hard-to-reach places - on the high shores of the lakes and rivers, as well as on the swampy terrain. Slavic tribes were engaged in cattle breeding, agriculture, fishing and hunting, they also collected roots, mushrooms and berries for the winter. During the excavations of the settlements of Slavyan, the archaeologists found grains of wheat, rye, barley, millet, oats, buckwheat, pea, cannabis - it was that cultures were able to domeseen the Slavs of those times. Some tribes were engaged in breeding horses, goats, sheep and cows. There were whole handicraft settlements that were made by pottery and tools of labor from iron. In the Old School Society, trade was well developed, they traded furs, wax, honey, weapons, dishes, as well as various decorations. Slavs mastered not only rivers and lakes, but also learned to go out into the sea.

The ancient Russian state arose in the 9th century in Eastern Europe. Under the rule of the Prince of Dynasty Rurikovich, Finno - Ugric and East Slavic tribes were united. According to historians estimates, about 7,000,000 people lived in the territory of the Old Russian state. 1 000 000 lived in cities, such small towns had about 300.

The population of ancient Russia was divided into several groups.

The outstanding Slavic gifts and tribes began to be known, representatives of the Dynasty of Rurikovich became the main part of it.

They were helped by the squad, it was from such a friend who was formed a boyars. The squads were divided into senior and younger. There were prosperous people, such as merchants, land owners, as well as some artisans.

; It originated at the end of the XVIII century. In the provinces of the Baltic and South-Western. In the first half of the XIX century. V.L. were counted for urban societies; V. l., Set in statements of government lands, appealed to state peasants, and those who were sitting on land in the serfs. See also walking people.

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutsky, A.Ya. Sukhareva. 2003 .

Watch what is "free people" in other dictionaries:

    Free people have a multi-valued term of the Russian language, calling: free people (Moscow state) in the Moscow State of free people who have not worn to state tax. Free people (Russia) appeared at the end of XVIII ... Wikipedia

    In the monuments of the Moscow state, the word liberty corresponded to the word is free. B. People are opposed to holopam. A person who has not worn to state tax, not recognized by any of the Moscow ranks, was called free sovereign ... ...

    Volny people - 1) People are free personally and from state tax; The state fencing their personal security, but they did not recognize any rights; "In the monuments of the Moscow state, the word" free "corresponded to the word" free "" (13). 2) See ... ... Russian statehood in terms. IX - early XX century

    volny people - In Tsarist Russia, a special estate of free, none of anyone fixed and not counted workshop or merchants of people, obliged to pay a special pure salary; It originated at the end of the XVIII century. In the provinces of the Baltic and South Western. In the first… … Big Law Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see free people. Volny people in Russia of the XVIII XIX centuries a special estate in the newly attached provinces, a class of free people, for anyone not attached, and in the workshops, nor in ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see free people. Wolne sovereigns People in the Moscow State Name of people who have not worn to state tax, not found any of the "Moscow ranks" and opposing ... ... Wikipedia

    Thus called in ancient Russia, serve people who enjoyed the right of departure, mostly less noble and powerful of them; The best of them were usually called boyars. The right to departure was in the right of free transition from service ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    In Russia, the peasants freed from the fortress dependence with the earth by decree 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with landowners. By the middle of the XIX century. 151 thousand shower of male is released. * * * Filter blades free bones in ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (units. Lyudin) ancient term. So called half of the XIII century. One part of the free population in Russia, who did not consist in the service of Prince, but I felt in the customs, Dani (another part of the free population of the princess of men). According to the Russian truth ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (or free blades) The category of peasantry in Russia in the XIX century. The history of free blades in official documents were called former privately owner peasants, freed from serf dependence on the basis of the decree from 20 ... Wikipedia


  • The Volos Court: laws, government orders and circulars for peasants (their court, rights, duties and duties). management for all peasants, volost boards, rural and volosts and
  • The Volos Court: laws, government orders and circulars for peasants (their court, rights, duties and duties). Guide for all peasants, volost boards, rural and volost gatherings and officials, A. E. Garnak. 1. The serfdom of peasants placed in the landlord estates, and on the yard people is canceled forever, in the manner indicated in the present situation and in others, together with these published, ...

Today, the word "people" is nothing more than a simple designation of the concept of "man" in the plural. However, once "people" in the singular were the form of "Lyudin". And "Lyudo" considered not every person.


Until the XIV century, the words "peasant" in the meaning in which it is familiar to us now, there was no in Russian. The first mention of the peasant, as an agriculture, appears in the chronicles dating from the 1390s.

Most of the population of ancient Russia amounted to "people" (or "people"). So until the XIII century, they called free citizens, mainly farmers who did not have the prince in service, but were obliged to pay him grant.

People formed communities - Vervi. Philologist E.F. Karasky identified the word "Verve" with the "rope", that is, the Verve is a certain territory, designated (limited) rope. The fact is that for measuring the distance at that time, ropes of a certain length were actually used. Yes, and the community really had its own plot with clear boundaries of the square.

At first, Nervi people were blood relatives, that is, members of one family. But gradually, Lyudinov began to unite the relationship, but only a close neighborhood. This is mentioned by the ancient compilation of legal norms called "Russian True".

This fact was notified by Professor of History O.F. Miller. He wrote that Verves shared at home, soy, tax, and so on, that, according to a scientist, indicates not related relations between members of the community, but for the role, the accuracy of one or another lifestyle in the life of Vervi.

Circular linga

According to the Russian Pravda, all members of the NPV were associated with a collective responsibility. So if the killed was found within the borders of the Nerworthy, the community was obliged to suffer a cash punishment. In other words, people of this Vervey paid the family of the victim to a certain amount. Or if the traces of the escaped thief led to the community, then the people had to independently find the criminal in their ranks or to pay a penalty.

Position in society

Above the people on the social stairs were other free citizens - "Princess of men". Their superiority is especially noticeable in the same "Russian truth". For example, the murder of Lyuba relied on the ordinary virgin, and for killing the prince's husband - already double.