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The process of the emergence and historical development of the psyche. The emergence and development of the human psyche

During the historical development about 3 million years ago in the region of East Africa, due to geological changes, significant changes took place in the way of existence of animals. Under these conditions, natural selection favored individuals that were most adapted to life in a savanna, devoid of trees. Only creatures that from afar could see the approaching danger and escape from the predator could survive and leave offspring. Natural selection was facilitated by active mutations that occurred in the animal environment, and one of the first mutations is the ability to walk two-legged. Thanks to the transition to a new walk, the hand was freed more and more and turned into a grasping organ capable of manipulating various objects. The second premise is that upright posture promoted a balanced head position with an upright body position, which gave the head the ability to develop in all directions and thus increase the volume of the brain.

2. The main trends in the development of the human psyche.

On the basis of sensitivity and in connection with the complication of the nervous system and physical organization, human ancestors acquired a qualitatively new type of interaction with the environment, or reflection, which means the body's ability to establish and measure objective relationships between the properties of the environment.

Trends in the development of the psyche:

1. Complication of the form of behavior and physical activity.

2. Improving the ability for individual learning.

3. Complication of the forms of reflection or the ability to establish a connection between various phenomena.

It should be noted that the main trends in the development of the psyche are revealed purely hypothetically, since no living creature can be considered as the progenitor of a more organized one, in view of the fact that any creature, even a ciliate shoe, is a product of long evolution.

Stages of development of the psyche:

1.Sensory psyche... This is an elementary stage, which is characterized by the reflection of only individual properties and qualities of the object of the surrounding world.

2.Perceptual psyche... This psyche already has the ability to reflect objects and phenomena of the external world, to see a holistic image. At this stage, the reactions of animals turn into a multi-link chain of actions or operations. An operation is a relatively independent autobehavior that does not correspond to the object itself, intended to satisfy a particular need, but to the conditions in which this object is located.

3.Intelligence stage... It assumes the presence of interaction between individuals of the animal world, the exchange of sound signals, as well as the use of various tools. This stage is a necessary condition for the development of the human psyche, although it also encompasses higher animals.

3. The origin of consciousness

Consciousness means the entire totality of a person with the environment, a person's position in society and nature, a person's understanding of himself. Consciousness is determined by the level of development of a society and oneself in this society.

The role of labor in the emergence of consciousness:

Work is a process of active influence and changes in the environment. Changing nature in accordance with his needs, man began to change himself.

First, the development of the hand led to changes in the whole human body, especially the brain, since the hand has become not only an organ of action, but also an organ of cognition; secondly, labor has become unifying factor leading to collective forms of laborsince labor is not only the use of tools of labor, but also their manufacture, and therefore the problem arose of transferring the experience of using tools in the form of teaching labor. So the development of mankind was facilitated by the improvement of behavior in activity and communication.

All matter has the universal quality of the material world - reflection quality, i.e. the ability to respond to influences. Reflection (from Latin - reflex).

Biological forms of reflection are inherent in living matter, and at a certain stage, the psyche appears as a qualitatively new form of reflection. The psyche is a reflection of the surrounding world in the human brain.

The transition to psychic reflection becomes possible when the brain receives the property of the subjective: experiences, and then cognition of external influences.

The main forms of animal behavior

All living organisms have a biological form of reflection - irritability Is the ability of a living organism to respond to the effects of biologically significant influences.

The ways of responding by peculiar movements in relation to significant factors are called tropisms that are characteristic of the biological form of reflection plants.


    phototropism (the tendency of a living organism to move under the influence of light)

    thermotropism (a tendency to move when exposed to heat)

    chemotropism (the tendency to choose a specific chemical environment)

    topotropism (a tendency to move under the influence of a mechanical stimulus).

Animals develop a new form of irritability - sensitivity Is irritability towards environmental influences, which orients the body in the environment, fulfilling the signal value.

Instinctive behavior is characteristic of Stage 1 - elementary sensory psyche.This stage of the lowest stage of evolutionary development is observed in insects, worms, snails, and some invertebrates. This level of reflection corresponds at the lowest stage of development reticular(in coelenterates) and at the highest stage, the nodular, or ganglionic nervous system(in insects).

Insects have a complex form of behavior on environmental conditions - instincts- innate, automatic behavior. Instinct is limited. Instinctive actions are strictly confined to certain conditions, they lose their purpose as soon as the standard conditions change.For example, a frog catches an insect, if it flashes in front of it, if you move a piece of paper experimentally, it will also rush. Or a spider: as soon as an insect enters the web, the spider goes to it and begins to entangle it with soy thread. What is causing this spider activity? It has been experimentally established that the vibration produced by the wings of the insect, which is transmitted along the web, is important for the spider. As soon as the vibration of the wings stops, the spider stops moving towards its victim.

Types of instincts: protection of offspring, sexual, food, protective.

The development of instincts is facilitated by the experience that is acquired in the process of the individual life of an individual.

The higher the animal is in the evolutionary series, the more complex conditioned connections can become, and the more plastic they turn out to be.

In fish, conditioned connections are formed quickly. In a pike, for example, a conditioned hunting reflex to fish is easily developed. It is difficult to extinguish it. In the experiment, the fish were separated by glass from the pike, but it beat against the glass for a long time until a new temporary connection was formed, which also did not take off for a long time: the glass was removed, and the pike did not react to fish swimming nearby.

The next stage of evolutionperceptual psyche,(perception - perception). Animals that are at this stage of development reflect the world around them not in the form of separate elementary sensations, but in the form of images of integral things. This level of development of the psyche requires a new stage in the development of the nervous system - CNS.

Along with instincts in the behavior of such animals begin to play the main role skillslearned in the process of life.Skill -actions based on conditional links and which function automatically. Explicit skills are observed in animals with a cerebral cortex. For their behavior, an important role is played by the analysis and synthesis not of individual properties of the environment (temperature, light, smell), but of object situations. For example, if you put grain in front of the chicken and put a frame with a net in front of it, then it will hit the net. And more highly developed birds (crow, magpie) in this situation, after unsuccessful attempts, will run around the obstacle and seize prey.

Those. in the case of chicken behavior is determined by an instinctive program based on innate, unconditioned reflexes, and in the case of the crow, the action occurs as a result of the analysis and synthesis of the situation (skills based on acquired, conditioned reflexes).This type of behavior is manifested in mammals when animals analyze situations, adapting to changing environmental conditions. IN the chain dog experience: meat was put in front of her, which she obviously could not reach. The meat was tied to a rope, the end of which the dog could reach with his paw. After unsuccessful attempts, the dog accidentally pulled up the rope and took possession of the meat. This movement was fixed and she confidently pulled the rope with food. Then the rope was put further on a distance unattainable for the front paws. After some unsuccessful movements with the front paws, the dog changed its behavior, it turned over and stepped on the rope with its hind paw. This fact confirms the proposition that the skills learned by the animals can be transferred to an altered situation.

Thus, skills can differ significantly from each other: in one case, in their automatism, they approach instincts, in the other - to intellectual manifestations.

The basis of intellectual behavior is the reflection of complex relationships between individual objects. For example, an instrument consists of 2 hollow tubes with a glass adapter. In front of the crow's eyes, meat was introduced into the first pipe on a rope. The bird saw how the meat entered the tube, appeared in the glass gap between the tubes and again hid in the 2nd tube. The crow immediately ran to pipe 2 and waited for the meat to appear. (Both cats and dogs did this.)

Those. higher animals are able to catch relationships between objects and anticipate (foresee) the result of a given situation,those. take into account where this item will appear if it moves. This behavior is already a type reasonable behavior.

Primates occupy a special place in the highest level of development of the perceptual psyche. They are attracted to manipulating not only food objects (like other mammals), but also with other objects. This activity expands the range of perceptions in monkeys, increases the stock of experience and creates a large base for the formation of skills, for the emergence of complex forms of behavior.

Chimpanzee,receiving a pipe with a bait inside, he chose a tool suitable for use, suitable for pushing into the pipe. At the same time, the animal distinguished the shape, thickness, length of the object. If there was no suitable object, then the monkey would pick off the stems from the branch, straighten the twisted wire, i.e. the monkey was making a "tool". But the animals do not take care of the manufactured tool, they do not manufacture it for future use. The "tool" appears in monkeys in the process of its direct action and immediately disappears, is not transmitted to descendants (in contrast to human activity).

A characteristic feature of the higher monkeys is imitation. For example, a monkeycan sweep the floor or moisten and wring out a rag, but these actions are primitive in nature: they imitate not the result of the action, but the action itself. Therefore, "sweeping", the monkey moves garbage from place to place, and does not remove it from the floor.

So that's all forms of reflection - tropisms, instincts, skills, intellectual actions, are not sharply limited. There is a single line in the animal kingdom: instincts, for example, acquire skills, skills turn into instincts.

The development of the psyche at the human level takes on other forms. It goes through the development of thinking and consciousness.

Psyche of humans and animals

The emergence of the psyche

Stages of development of the psyche

GNI as the basis of mental activity

Consciousness. Subconscious. Unconscious

The main functions of the psyche. Features of mental reflection

Etymologically, the word "psyche" ( greek... soul) has a dual meaning. One meaning carries the semantic load of the essence of a thing. The psyche is an essence, where the externality and diversity of nature gathers to its unity, this is a virtual compression of nature, this is a reflection of the objective world in its connections and relationships.

Mental reflection is not a mirror, mechanically passive copying of the world (like a mirror or a camera), it is associated with a search, a choice, in a mental reflection the incoming information is subjected to specific processing, i.e. mental reflection is an active reflection of the world in connection with some need, with needs, it is a subjective selective reflection of the objective world, since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject, depends on subjective characteristics. The psyche is a "subjective image of the objective world".

The psyche cannot be reduced simply to the nervous system. Mental properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain, however, they contain the characteristics of external objects, and not internal physiological processes with the help of which the mental arises. Transformations of signals that take place in the brain are perceived by a person as events playing out outside him, in external space and the world. The brain secretes the psyche, thought is similar to how the liver secretes bile. The disadvantage of this theory is that they identify the psyche with nervous processes, do not see the qualitative differences between them.

Mental phenomena are not correlated with a separate neurophysiological process, but with organized aggregates of such processes, i.e. psyche is a systemic quality of the brain, realized through the multilevel functional systems of the brain, which are formed in a person in the process of life and mastering the historically established forms of activity and experience of mankind through his own active activity. Thus, specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, labor, etc.), the human psyche are formed in a person only during his lifetime, in the process of assimilating the culture created by previous generations. Thus, the human psyche includes at least three components: external world, nature, its reflection - full-fledged activity of the brain - interaction with people, active transfer to new generations of human culture, human abilities.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

it makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, and the correctness of the reflection is confirmed by practice;

the mental image itself is formed in the process of active human activity;

psychic reflection deepens and improves;

ensures the appropriateness of behavior and activities;

refracted through the individuality of a person;

is forward-looking.

6. The main stages of development of the psyche

The development of the psyche in animals goes through a number of stages.

Fig. 2

At the stage of elementary sensitivity, an animal reacts only to certain properties of objects of the external world and its behavior is determined by innate instincts (nutrition, self-preservation, reproduction, etc.). At the stage of objective perception, reality is reflected in the form of holistic images of objects and the animal is able to learn, individually acquired behavioral skills appear.

The third stage of intelligence is characterized by the animal's ability to reflect intersubject connections, reflect the situation as a whole, as a result, the animal is able to bypass obstacles, "invent" new ways to solve two-phase problems that require preliminary preparatory actions for their solution. The intellectual behavior of animals does not go beyond the biological need; it acts only within the bounds of a visual situation.

The human psyche is a qualitatively higher level than the psyche of animals (Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens). Consciousness, human mind developed in the process of labor activity, which arises out of necessity, the implementation of joint actions for obtaining food with a sharp change in the living conditions of primitive man. And although the specific biological and morphological characteristics of a person have been stable for 40 millennia, the development of the human psyche took place in the process of labor activity. Thus, the material, spiritual culture of mankind is an objective form of embodiment of the achievements of the mental development of mankind.

In the process of the historical development of society, a person changes the methods and techniques of his behavior, transforms natural inclinations and functions into higher mental functions - specifically human, socio-historically conditioned forms of memory, thinking, perception (logical memory, abstract logical thinking), mediated by the use of auxiliary means, speech signs created in the process of historical development. Unity of higher mental functions forms consciousness person.

The structure of the human psyche

The psyche is complex and diverse in its manifestations. Usually, three large groups of mental phenomena are distinguished, namely:

1) mental processes, 2) mental states, 3) mental properties.

Mental processes - a dynamic reflection of reality in various forms of mental phenomena.

The mental process is the course of a mental phenomenon that has a beginning, development and end, manifested in the form of a reaction. It should be borne in mind that the end of the mental process is closely related to the beginning of a new process. Hence the continuity of mental activity in the state of wakefulness of a person.

Mental processes are caused both by external influences and by irritations of the nervous system coming from the internal environment of the body.

All mental processes are subdivided into cognitive - these include sensations and perceptions, representations and memory, thinking and imagination; emotional - active and passive experiences; strong-willed - decision, execution, volitional effort; etc.

Mental processes provide the formation of knowledge and the primary regulation of human behavior and activity.

In complex mental activity, various processes are connected and constitute a single stream of consciousness that provides an adequate reflection of reality and the implementation of various types of activity. Mental processes proceed with varying speed and intensity, depending on the characteristics of external influences and personality states.

A mental state should be understood as a relatively stable level of mental activity that has been determined at a given time, which manifests itself in increased or decreased personality activity.

Every person experiences different mental states on a daily basis. In one mental state, mental or physical work proceeds easily and productively, in the other, it is difficult and ineffective.

Mental states are of a reflex nature: they arise under the influence of the environment, physiological factors, the course of work, time and verbal influences (praise, censure, etc.).

The most studied are: 1) a general mental state, for example, attention, manifested at the level of active concentration or absent-mindedness, 2) emotional states, or moods (cheerful, enthusiastic, sad, sad, angry, irritable, etc.). There are interesting studies about a special, creative, state of personality, which is called inspiration.

The highest and stable regulators of mental activity are personality traits.

The mental properties of a person should be understood as stable formations that provide a certain qualitative and quantitative level of activity and behavior, typical for a given person.

Each mental property is formed gradually in the process of reflection and is fixed in practice. It is, therefore, the result of reflective and practical activities.

The personality traits are diverse, and they need to be classified in accordance with the grouping of mental processes on the basis of which they are formed. So, we can highlight the properties of intellectual, or cognitive, volitional and emotional human activity. For example, we will give some intellectual properties - observation, flexibility of the mind; strong-willed - decisiveness, perseverance; emotional - sensitivity, tenderness, passion, affectivity, etc.

Mental properties do not exist together, they are synthesized and form complex structural formations of the personality, which must be attributed to:

1) the life position of the individual (the system of needs, interests, beliefs, ideals, which determines the selectivity and level of human activity); 2) temperament (a system of natural personality traits - mobility, balance of behavior and tone of activity - characterizing the dynamic side of behavior); 3) abilities (a system of intellectual-volitional and emotional properties that determines the creative potential of an individual) and, finally, 4) character as a system of relationships and ways of behavior.


The development of the psyche and the emergence of consciousness


List of used literature


Man is the highest stage of life on Earth. He is endowed with consciousness as the highest form of psychic reflection.

For many centuries, people have argued whether man is fundamentally different from all other representatives of the animal world, or is he a product of evolution continuing for billions of years? There is still no single answer to this question.

Most modern scientists accept Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory of the origin of species and believe that man originated, separated from animals.

In psychology, this problem is considered in the aspect of the emergence and development of the psyche in phylogenesis... The term "phylogeny" comes from the Greek. phyle (clan, tribe) and genesis (origin) and means a gradual change in various forms of the organic world in the process of evolution, and in relation to the psyche - its study as a product of evolution.

The development of the psyche and the emergence of consciousness

The emergence of the psyche

With the advent of living matter, the nature of the interaction of the organism with the environment has changed. Interaction in the form of metabolism has become a necessary condition for the preservation of life. In the process of evolution, living organisms developed the ability to secrete the necessary substances from the environment and respond to them, which made the organism active in the process of metabolism. Activity is manifested in a special property of living organisms - irritability... Irritability is a pre-psychic form of reflection of the external environment, which manifests itself in response to substances necessary to maintain the existence of the organism.

The living conditions at the stage of pre-psychic reflection are such that the body does not need a special orienting search activity, and, consequently, no need for a special organ that provides orientation. He has developed the ability to reflect only a narrow circle of external influences - those on which his existence depends. Such influences are called biotic... The response is also carried out only to biotic stimuli. Prepsychic reflection takes place in plants and some elementary forms of life, intermediate between the plant and animal world.

At the stage of pre-psychic life, organisms are only capable of a specific type of movement, which are called tropisms. Tropisms - these are movements in a certain direction under the influence of biologically significant stimuli. Examples of tropisms are: movement of plants towards the sun (phytotropism); movement of roots deep into the soil, where there is moisture and substances necessary for life (geotropism); movement towards warmth (thermotropism). Tropisms can be positive - movement towards conditions necessary for life, or negative - movement from conditions harmful to the body.

Organisms possessing irritability live in a strictly defined environment, where there are all the conditions necessary for life. But the environment is constantly undergoing changes that violate the established ways of interaction between the body and the environment. If this or that species begins to lack the conditions necessary for metabolism, it will either die out or change the form of interaction with the environment. The evolution of the psyche and behavior is a series of such changes.

The complication of living conditions (exit from the aquatic environment to land, lack of food resources, etc.) required an improvement in the forms of adaptive behavior, the expansion of reflective functions and the transition from elementary tropisms to more complex behavioral acts that could provide search important for life conditions of existence. Organisms begin to respond not only to biotic stimuli, but also to those that are in themselves indifferent, abiotic, but can signal the appearance of biologically significant agents. They perform signal and orientation functions in the life of organisms. The new form of reflection was named sensitivity... Living organisms acquired the ability to feel as to reflect various kinds of environmental influences in their objective properties and connections with other things. This is how a new property of organic matter arose - psychic reflectioncharacteristic of an animal life form. Emerged psyche as a special property, consisting in the active reflection of objective reality and self-regulation on this basis of their behavior. The world of objects that the body was able to perceive has expanded significantly, which increased the adequacy of its orientation in the environment. A new type of behavior also arises - an active search for a biologically significant object, which is signaled by an abiotic stimulus. Gradually, living organisms acquire the ability to consolidate connections between neutral and significant influences, and subsequently to change them and form new connections.

The emergence of sensitivity determined a higher, qualitatively new level of reflection of objective reality and acts as an objective criterion for the emergence of the psyche. The variety of external conditions of life, their constant change became the reason for the further development of the psyche, the emergence of its new, more perfect forms.

Stages of development of the psyche

There are three main stages in the development of the psyche in animals - elementary sensory psyche and intelligence according to the following criteria: the form of mental reflection, the leading type of behavior and the structure of the nervous system.

Elementary sensory psyche stage... The psychic reflection of animals at this stage has the form of sensitivity only to certain properties of the environment, i.e. form of elementary sensations. Accordingly, the behavior of animals corresponds to one or another individual property.

Taking into account the evolution within the stage, the lower and the higher levels are distinguished in it. At the lowest level, there are organisms that stand on the verge of flora and fauna, for example, flagellates. Representatives of the lower level are also sponges, protozoa, coelenterates, lower worms. At the highest level, there are a large number of multicellular invertebrates and some vertebrate species. They are characterized by a rather complex structure of the nervous system, a complex and highly differentiated organization of the motor apparatus. Their forms of behavior are more complex and varied. However, they are also inherent in the reflection of individual properties of the environment, rather than holistic things.

In the process of evolutionary development of animals at the stage of elementary sensory psyche, many of them developed a rather complex form of behavior - instinct. Instinct - This is behavior that corresponds to hereditarily programmed, stereotyped forms of action, through which the animal without special training adapts to environmental conditions.

Perceptual psyche stage characterized by the ability to reflect external reality no longer in the form of individual elementary sensations caused by individual properties of the environment, but in the form of reflecting a set of qualities, things. At this stage, the lower and higher levels are also distinguished. Most of the vertebrates that exist today are at different levels of the stage of the perceptual psyche. All mammals are located at the highest level.

In animals at the stage of perceptual psyche, a more complex type of plastic individual behavior is formed, the mechanism of which is the analysis and synthesis of environmental conditions, carried out on the basis of a more developed form of mental reflection. The material substrate for a new form of reflection and a new type of behavior was the complication of the structure and functions of the central nervous system and, above all, the development of the cerebral cortex. Significant changes have also taken place in the development of the sense organs, primarily vision. The organs of movement developed at the same time.

At the stage of the perceptual psyche, the animal retains instinctive behavior, but it becomes much more plastic and adapts to the specific living conditions of the individual.

Intelligence stage... At this stage, there is a small number of species of the most highly organized mammals - anthropoid apes. A distinctive ability of the intelligence of animals lies in the fact that in addition to reflecting individual things, they have a reflection of holistic situations and relationships between objects. An even more complex form arises in the behavior of animals - problem solving .

The increasing complexity of the forms of mental reflection and behavior of animals at the stage of intelligence is interconnected with the complication of the structure of the brain, the development of cortical structures. The most radical anatomical and physiological transformations took place in the frontal lobes of the brain, which regulate intellectual behavior.

The stage of intelligence of humanoid apes is the upper limit of the development of the psyche of animals. Further, a qualitatively new stage in the history of the development of the psyche begins - a complex and lengthy process of the historical and evolutionary development of Homosapiens, or "Homo sapiens".

Human consciousness arose and developed during the social period of its existence, and the history of the formation of consciousness probably does not go beyond those tens of thousands of years that we attribute to the history of human society. The main condition for the emergence and development of human consciousness is joint productive speech-mediated tool activity of people... This is an activity that requires cooperation, communication and interaction of people with each other. It presupposes the creation of such a product, which is recognized by all participants in joint activities as the goal of their cooperation.

The productive, creative nature of human activity is of particular importance for the development of human consciousness. Consciousness presupposes a person's awareness of not only the external world, but also himself, his sensations, images, ideas and feelings.

Consciousness as the highest form of the human psyche

A purely qualitative feature of the human psyche is the presence of consciousness, which is a kind of peak of mental reflection. Consciousness Is such a reflection in which objective reality, as it were, separates from the subjective attitude of a person towards it. As a result, in the image of consciousness, two plane: objective, or World, and subjective, or " I », Personal experience, attitude to the subject.

In the psychological structure of consciousness, three conditional components can be distinguished:

- sensual content, which is the "picture" itself, the original image of the reflected world. This is the result of the work of the sensory organs, of all cognition;

- value - This is an objective component of consciousness, which is a system of objective knowledge, interpretations, ways of using a given object or a word that replaces it, which have developed in the historical practice of people. Meaning exists objectively and in two ways: as belonging to all of humanity and as a fact of individual consciousness;

- meaning - this is a subjective, personal, individual meaning that most corresponds to the situation, context, personality as a whole and is born in human activity, i.e. in the relationship of really acting motive and purpose. The meaning is subjective, belongs to the individual consciousness and answers the personal question: "why?".

Like everything in the psyche, consciousness is dynamic, since objective being is changeable, the person himself is changeable. There are two main direction of change (development or, on the contrary, reduction) of consciousness.

1. First, changes circle of objects and phenomena of the perceived world .

2. The second direction of change and development of consciousness is changing attitudes between meaning and meaning, existing in the individual consciousness.

The emerging consciousness does not simply supplement the unconsciously existing mental image. Consciousness qualitatively changes, transforms it, transferring it to a fundamentally new meaningful, actually human level. Conscious mental processes become arbitrary, relatively stable, controllable. Opportunities appear reflections as a reflection, planning and management of their own mental processes, properties and states. In the human psyche is formed self-awareness... That is why consciousness not only reflects the world and being, but to a certain extent creates and transforms them. Between the conscious and unconscious world, between the conscious and the unconscious in the psyche, there are certain, sometimes contradictory relationships, interactions, connections. Consciousness "wanders" in the human psyche, works according to its own, special laws, not always subordinate to objective, material rules. Conscious behavior and the human psyche itself become free .


The psyche is an essence, where the externality and diversity of nature gathers to its unity, this is a virtual compression of nature, this is a reflection of the objective world in its connections and relationships.

The development of the psyche in animals goes through a number of stages:

1. Elementary sensitivity.

2. Objective perception.

3. Reflection of interdisciplinary connections.

With the advent of man, the history of a new stage of the psyche begins - the history of the development of human consciousness.

The transition from animal psyche to human consciousness A.N. Leontiev called the second great turning point in the history of the development of mental reflection. The first break was associated with the transition of living matter, which does not have a psyche, to matter that has this property. The second meant the development of consciousness as a special, higher form of mental reflection, which fundamentally changed the relationship of a person with the environment. Human consciousness, in contrast to the psyche of animals, is a reflection that highlights objective stable properties of objective reality, the formation of knowledge about the world common to all people.

At a given moment in history, the consciousness of people continues to develop, and this development, apparently, is proceeding with a certain acceleration, caused by the accelerated rates of scientific, cultural and technical progress. This conclusion can be made on the basis that all the processes described above in the main directions of the transformation of consciousness exist and are amplified.

List of used literature

1. Nemov, R.S. Psychology: Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions: In 3 kn. - 4th ed. - M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2001. - Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. - 688s.

2. Nurkova, V.V., Berezanskaya, N.B. Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Higher education, 2007. - 484p.

3. General psychology: A course of lectures for the first stage of pedagogical education / Compiled by E.I. Rogov. - M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 1998. - 448p.

4. General psychology: Textbook / Ed. R.Kh. Tugusheva and E.I. Garber. - M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2006 .-- 560s. - (Educational Standard XXI)

5. Petrovsky, A.V., Yaroshevsky, M.G. Psychology: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 512s.

6. Psychology: Textbook for humanitarian universities / Ed. V.N. Druzhinin. - SPb .: Peter, 2003 .-- 651s. - (series "Textbook of the new century")

7. Psychology: Textbook for pedagogical universities / Ed. B.A. Sosnovsky. - M .: Yurayt-Izdat, 2005 .-- 660s.

8. Tikhomirov, O.K. Psychology: Textbook / Ed. O.V. Gordeeva. - M .: Higher education, 2006. - 538p.

PsycheIs a form of active reflection of objective reality, which arises in the process of interaction of highly organized living beings with the outside world. In behavior, it carries out a regulatory function.

The modern understanding of the essence of the psyche was developed in the works of Vygotsky, Leontiev, Luria.

Psychological Dictionary - Psyche - a general concept that unites many subjective phenomena studied by psychology. There are two different understandings of nature and the manifestation of the psyche: materialistic and idealistic.

1) Materialistic - mental phenomena - this is a property of highly organized living matter of self-management by the development of self-knowledge.

2) Idealistic understanding - in the world there is not one, but two principles - material and ideal. They are independent, eternal, irreducible and irreducible from each other. Interacting in development, they develop according to their own laws. At all stages of its development, the ideal is identified with the psychic.

According to the materialistic understanding, mental phenomena arose as a result of a long biological evolution of living matter. In the minds of materialists, mental phenomena arose much later than life appeared on Earth.

In the process of evolutionary self-improvement of living beings, a special organ was allocated in their organisms, which assumed the function of managing development, upbringing and reproduction. This is the nervous system. As it became more complex and improved, forms of behavior were developed and the levels of mental regulation of vital activity were layered: sensation, perception, memory, thinking, etc.

Improving the structure and functions of NS served as the main source of the development of the psyche.

Further development of the psyche is due to memory, speech, thinking, consciousness and the use of sign systems. The invention of tools, the production of objects of material and spiritual culture, and the emergence of speech accelerated the mental development of people.

3) Dualistic understanding.

There are different approaches to understanding the psyche:

1. The psyche is inherent only in man (anthropopsychism Descartes)

2. All nature (French materialism, panpsychism)

3. Property of living nature (biopsychism)

4. It is characteristic only of organisms that have NS. (Darwin neuropsychism)

5. The psyche only in ... ... with a tubular NS, having a brain (Platonov's brain psychism)

6. The presence of sensitivity. The criterion for the appearance of the rudiments of the psyche. The ability to form conditioned reflexes. (Leontiev).

Bekhterev - psyche is energy.

Leont'ev - This is the property of living, material bodies capable of reflecting the surrounding world with their own ..., this is the property of highly organized matter to reflect objective reality.

3 components of the psyche: the actions of the brain, interaction with people, the outside world. The psyche is a special ability.

The origin of the psyche.

The beginnings are material, ideal, dualistic.

The ideal is Pierre de Chardin.

Material - as a result of long biological evolution of living matter.

The concept of Fabri and Leontiev (mater.)

1) Stage of elementary sensory psyche

a) the lowest level - the simplest multicellular living in water. They are characterized by primitive elements of sensitivity, developed irritability, weak motor activity.

b) the highest level - worms, snails. The presence of sensations, the appearance of the organs of manipulation (jaw), a clear reaction to biological stimuli. The ability to form elementary reflexes., Developed motor activity. Ability to escape from adverse environmental conditions.

2) Stage of the perceptual psyche.

a) the lowest level - fish, molluscs, insects. A characteristic is a reflection of external reality in the form of images in the form of objects. Formation of motor skills.

b) the highest level - birds and higher vertebrates. Characteristic - problem solving (elementary forms of thinking). A certain picture of the world is taking shape. Learning ability.

c) the highest level (stage of intelligence) of monkeys, dogs, dolphins.

Characteristic - the ability to solve one problem in different ways. Creation of tools, the ability to learn, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

Leontiev - psyche is a special property of highly organized matter (brain) to reflect the objective world.

Bekhterev - the psyche is an expression of a special tension of the energy of the nerve centers.

Bolshakov- the psyche is a combination of chemical, mechanical, electrical, physiological processes occurring in NS. It is a microcosm where the microcosm contracts, gathers in its own identity. There is a virtual compression of nature. Subjective image of the objective world, which means a special property of the highest organized matter.

The psyche arises only in living bodies and not in everyone, but only in those who are active. And this requires active mental activity.

Special property - not reducibility to physiological processes, anticipation of the future. A special property of highly organized matter (brain), ideal as a product of a material organ, brain.

The image is only in consciousness (in the psyche), in contrast to the material.

The ideal is a reflection of the material.

Reflection is the representation of one reality (world), in another (in a person).

Reflecting reality, a person gets the opportunity to express himself and regulate his behavior. Reflection is not mirrored, it is biased and not objective. A person and his psyche are not two systems, it is a single system. Despite the fact that the psyche is subjective, it is initially social. A subject with a psyche makes history.

The psyche as a process and as a content. The reflection problem is related to activity. In activity, the mental is revealed as a system, and the activity itself forms one of the determinants of mental phenomena.

Forms of mental reflection.

The internal environment is reflected in needs, sensations, pleasure - displeasure.

The external environment is reflected in images and concepts.

Reflection of the internal environment - not stimuli are reflected, but their assessment.

External reflection is associated with the motivation for action.

Reflection of the external environment: internal state, motivation, driving forces.

The world around (images): the basis for orientation in the outside world.

Forms of manifestation of the psyche. The structure of the psyche.

1. Mental processes: cognitive - sensation, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech; emotional - emotions, feelings; strong-willed - the mechanism of volitional actions, volitional qualities.

2. Mental states: rise, decline, confidence, vigor.

3. Personality traits: orientation (interests, needs, motives), abilities, temperament, character.

4. Mental education: knowledge, abilities, skills, habits.

Functionspsyche: reflection, regulation of behavior and activity, foresight (anticipation).

Levels of psychic reflection: direct sensory reflection; level of subject perception; level of abstract theoretical thinking.

The origin and development of the psyche (Severtsev's hypothesis)

Through methods of adaptation of living organisms to changes in environmental conditions: by changing the structure and functioning of organs (common for plants and animals); by changing behavior without changing the organization (only in animals and is associated with the development of the psyche in 2 directions - a slow change in forms (instincts) and the development of the ability to learn).

Leontiev: The emergence of the psyche.

The impetus for the emergence of psychic reflection (sensitivity) could have been the transition from life in a homogeneous environment to a complex environment.

Sensitivity appeared on the basis of irritability, which means that the idea of \u200b\u200breflecting the connections between the properties of the environment.

How the psyche developed: the complication of the forms of behavior, the ability to learn improved, the complication of the forms of mental reflection.

The supremacy of activity in the development of mental reflection.