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Tri-pointed maiden grapes: photo, description, planting and care. Vici grape care and planting

The tri-pointed Vici grape, which is also called the ivy maiden grape, belongs to the tree-like species of the Maiden grape genus. The Veitchii grape variety is quite common among the triacle grapes.

Growing such a plant is not at all difficult.

Species, region of origin and history of breeding

The Vichi grape variety is an ornamental climbing plant from the Vinogradov family, used for vertical gardening of walls, balconies, fences, creating "hedges". This grape is planted near fences, which the plant braids and stretches up .. The fruits of this plant are inedible for humans.

Vici grapes will help green country cottage area, decorate a gazebo, a sheer wall, a fence.

The name Maiden Grape (parthenocissus) comes from the Greek words "virgin" and "ivy", as these grapes can pollinate independently from flower to flower, and the leaves are shaped like ivy.

The homeland of the origin of triangular grapes is Japan, China, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, southwest of Primorye.

It grows in the Carpathian and Transcarpathian regions, as well as in the south of Russia. It was not possible to get accustomed to this variety in St. Petersburg.

The Vici grape is distinguished by its tallness. The plant is a liana, the size of which can reach twenty meters. The vine grows four meters per year.

The vine has antennae and suction cups, with the help of which it so easily attaches to any rough surface (except metal) and holds on to it, releasing a sticky liquid.

Veitchii has green leaves that turn bright orange with the onset of autumn and take on a golden or purple hue.

The leaves of this variety are small, about two or three centimeters, smooth and glossy, dense to the touch, leathery.

The shape and roundness of the leaves acquire a variety of on one plant. They can be round, heart-shaped, resemble ivy with two or three lobes.

Vici's maiden grapes are famous for the beauty of their leaves, especially in the autumn, for which gardeners love it. The "carpet wall" of Vici grapes looks like a tile, due to the leaves, which are neatly arranged one under one.

The plant's vegetative period lasts from mid-May to mid-October.

On the south side, the plant is more lush. In early summer, flowers appear on it. They are inconspicuous in appearance, small in size, have narrow oblong brushes. Petals are white with red dust particles. Bloom lasts from July to October.

Berries in grapes have a bluish bloom, bluish-black color, with a diameter of 6 to 8 millimeters, with 1-2 seeds. They ripen in September and have a rounded shape. The berries are collected in bunches, located on clusters of red color.

Vici's roots spread shallowly into the ground, which makes it possible to grow it at home or on a balcony.


The grapes are sensitive to frost, they can withstand short temperatures down to -30 ° С. Drops foliage for the winter. Requires shelter for the winter, as it can die in the absence of snow.

Vici grapes prefer to grow in sunny or semi-shady places.

Veitchii is highly drought tolerant. Not picky about the type of soil.

Vici grapes are propagated by cuttings, roots or seeds.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests of this grape variety are not scary. Sometimes it is still attacked by aphids, but it is very easy to deal with it.

Vici grows well along roads. Dust, exhaust gases, smoke and other air pollution are not afraid of him. it great advantage for landscape design.

Weeds are practically not afraid of grapes, it is impossible for them to break through its dense "carpet".

Vici grapes will be an excellent decor for a gazebo, fence or wall. In a short period of time, this grape variety will cover a huge area. It will protect the tree from rot, as the raindrops will run down the leaves, preventing them from reaching the wooden structure.

The main thing is to cut off the "obstinate" shoots with pruning shears, giving a graceful shape to the plant, to water in dry weather and to cover the grapes for the winter. Then your landscape will become a work of art.

Photo and video

Photo of Vici grapes:

Video description of Vici grapes:

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Of all the ornamental grapes, the most popular are the maiden trike, coastal and grapevine. All of these vines are very effective and are excellent plants for vertical gardening. Ornamental grape varieties can be grown against building walls, entwined or arches, pergolas and gazebos. If you strengthen such crops on trellises, they will make a beautiful hedge. How to breed and care for decorative grapes different types, is explained in detail in this article.

Girlish triangular ornamental grapes

Have you ever seen the walls of houses, buildings, monumental fences or summer cottages, dressed like a shell with a green carpet of liana, literally biting into the surface of the support and not responding to rain or wind? Its autumn color is absolutely amazing, and just beginning frosts are able to extinguish the fire of colors and shades in order to return them with emerald greens next spring.

This is an ornamental maiden grape, tri-pointed varieties "Vici", known since ancient times, decorating the buildings and supports of Rome, Greece and Egypt.

The "Vici" grape deserves the closest attention, because, despite its indisputable advantages, it is not widespread enough.
Vertical gardening with vines, to which the "Vici" grape belongs, has a number of advantages over other plant species. As practice shows, if you plant this decorative grape near the wall of a building, you get excellent protection from wind and rain. It protects the house from adverse environmental influences, reflects dust and noise. The decorativeness and aesthetic impression of such landscaping is absolutely delightful both in terms of texture and seasonal shade. There is no doubt that lianas are the only living material for decorating high walls. However, along with the laudatory characteristics of vertical gardening of walls with "Vici" grapes, there are very cautious and even negative statements warning against damage by such landscaping of wall surfaces, dampness in the room and premature destruction of buildings.
The falsity and unfoundedness of the version about the dangers of using this grape in vertical gardening is refuted by many years of experience. European countries and, first of all, England.
It would seem that in its foggy, damp climate, vertical gardening should cause irreparable damage to houses. But the lianas have so organically blended into the architecture of this country that they have become an integral part of the national landscape. On the contrary, it has been proven that grapes protect buildings from dampness at the foundation, acting as a pump near the blind areas and "taking over" sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity. It is not for nothing that ancient villas and perennial European buildings, such as the State Library in Berlin, are entwined with the decorative Vici grape.

The maiden triangular grape belongs to the extensive Vinogradov family. He is in natural conditions grows in the Primorsky Territory, Japan. There, on the coastal cliffs, it forms a dense tiled cover.

The height of the liana is up to 30 m. One bush of ornamental grapes "Vici" provides 15-20 m2 of landscaping area. Recommended mainly for landscaping the walls of buildings. Climbs them with the help of clinging tendrils with suction cups, and even on smooth surfaces.
Antennae are short, branched, and have bulges at the end. On contact with a hard surface, a sticky substance is released from the blisters. It is of such high quality that it is possible to separate the antennae from the wall only if they are broken. Swollen antennae appear 60-75 days after sowing. As you can see in the photo, the stem of this decorative grape is flexible, but very strong, which is due to its anatomical structure:

Stem wood consists of a group of fibrous vascular bundles surrounded by soft parenchymal tissue. Leaves are leathery, small, dark green in summer and orange-red in autumn, forming a dense mosaic carpet. Vegetation and the greatest decorativeness - from May to October. The root system is fibrous, less deep than that of other species, which allows it to be planted in containers. When describing this plant, it is worth noting that the ornamental "Vici" grape is resistant to smoke and gases, disease and pests, which makes it especially valuable for vertical gardening in urban conditions. When planting ornamental grapes in the southern regions, it blooms and gives seeds. Another valuable quality of grapes is that it is shade-tolerant and relatively frost-hardy. But in severe winters with little snow, it can freeze slightly, but in spring it recovers well. It is undemanding to the soil, but on fertile, loose and well-drained soils it is distinguished by its special splendor and rapid growth. This decorative grape is propagated by seed, which is the main method, although it is possible also by woody and green cuttings under artificial fog conditions.

Seeds can be sown before winter, but it is better to grow seedlings and plant them in the fall of the second year or in the spring of the third. After planting this decorative grape, care is reduced to weeding and loosening. Water for the first time, during spring planting, 2-3 times a week for a month. The next year, when the grapes begin to grow, that is, in May, it must be fed.

Based on one bush, 10 liters of a solution of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt.

At the end of summer, one more top dressing is carried out from the following components: superphosphate - 80 g, potassium salt - 20 g and 10 g of ammonium nitrate. Caring for these ornamental grapes during the growing season also includes pruning dry doses and harvesting fallen leaves.
For decorative purposes, grapes in the summer can be sprayed with a 0.2% carbamide solution. It does not burn the leaves, while at the same time it is foliar feeding, provides vividness of color. After watering, it is good to mulch the soil with dry humus, peat crumbs, dry grass, or just dry soil. For the winter, young plantings must be insulated with dry foliage, burlap, matting. The main agricultural methods of planting and caring for these decorative grapes are shown in the photo:

Decorative coastal grapes

Coastal grapes- a native of North America

Powerful vine with 3-5-lobed, serrate-toothed, bright green shiny leaves. Flowers are dioecious. Small spherical berries are purple-black, with a thick gray waxy bloom, with colored juice, but sour and having a herbaceous taste, which explains their lack of food demand.

The main purpose of this species is decoration, combined with its unpretentiousness, is of particular interest.

Coastal grape is a powerful high-climbing vine. Antennae intermittent. Large leaves are broadly ovate (8-18 cm), usually three-lobed.

This grape is distinguished by its bright green color of shiny leaves and very fragrant flowers.
Due to the aroma of flowers, the Germans call it "mignonette grape". Dull flowers are collected in inflorescences 8-18 cm long.

Grows along the banks of rivers in North America. A distinctive feature of coastal grapes is significant frost and heat resistance. It tolerates a temperature drop down to -30 ° C and a temperature rise up to + 40 ° C.

In addition, the grape is resistant to phylloxera, grows well when grafted, and is easy to cut. If you use it as a rootstock, then it must be remembered that grapes on it bear fruit earlier and more abundantly when grown on good nutritious soil.

With hybridization and selection in order to obtain new grape varieties, this species is indispensable for the advancement of viticulture to the north and east. I.V. Michurin, by pollination of coastal grapes with the pollen of Amur grapes, received a wonderful frost-resistant grade "Buyur". The varieties originate from the coastal grapes:

"Northern White"

"Northern Black"

"Taiga emerald"("Seedling Minnesota")

This species has been introduced into cultivation since 1656. In the conditions of central Russia it freezes slightly, but recovers well; in the Primorsky Territory it also freezes slightly, but bears fruit.

The berries do not ripen every year, contain little sugar and have a high acidity. Seeds do not lose germination when berries are fully ripe. This type of grape loves moist soils, so in dry years it grows poorly and its shoots ripen poorly.

North American view. Reaches 25 meters in height. Leaves are bright green, shiny, glabrous, broadly oval or ovate, 8-18 cm long, more often three, less often five-lobed with large stipules. Blooms in May with very fragrant flowers.
The berries are purple-black with a thick waxy coating, colored juice and a herbaceous taste. Freezing in Moscow annual shoots but grow back quickly. Photophilous. To care for ornamental grapes in the way that the correct technology suggests, you need to ensure the fertility of the soil. Does not tolerate lime in the soil. It is relatively drought-resistant. Carries urban air pollution. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering.
Coastal grapes are of great decorative value. In autumn, its foliage turns bright red and adorns gazebos, walls, and fences. And during the flowering period, it fills the air with a special aroma.

Ornamental vineyard

This plant got its name for its resemblance to grapes. There are about 20 species growing in Central and East Asia, North America. Deciduous ligneous vines that climb a support with curling tendrils. Shoots with lumpy bark.

Inflorescences are corymbose, correctly forked-branched. Leaves without opposite antennae, less often with terminal ones. The flowers are functionally dioecious, sometimes bisexual. The fruit is a small, inedible berry. They are not damaged at all by phylloxera, but cannot be grafted or crossed with grapes.

Liana is light-requiring, but can put up with partial shade. It is moisture-loving and loves nutritious soils. Do not cover for the winter. Valuable as ornamental plant.
Known species:
  • Aconitol
  • Bodinier
  • Short-pedunculated
  • Variegated
  • Japanese

Aconitol vineyard

A small graceful woody liana (up to 3 m) with deeply dissected, palmate-lobed leaves on long petioles, green, glossy, glabrous above, hairy below along reddish veins, with sparse large teeth along the edges.

Young leaves are very colorful - bright purple or reddish-olive green, shiny. Small greenish flowers in loose inflorescences. The flowering period of this decorative grape is up to 70 days.
Berries up to 0.6 cm in diameter, initially yellow or orange, ripe - blue, sugary sweet. Without loss of viability, seeds can be stored in hermetically sealed vessels for 3-4 years. The plant grows from early May to early October. The growth rate is fast. It blooms and bears fruit from 5 years old. Blooms in late August.
The fruits ripen only in years with a long warm autumn, in October. Average winter hardiness. Propagated by summer cuttings that root well.
In the first years of life, it grows slowly, then very quickly, giving an increase per season up to 3.5 m. Winter-hardy. It is prized for its openwork mosaic of leaves. Suitable for decorating low buildings, trellises, awnings. It has many decorative forms.

Vineyard Bodinier

Liana up to 6 m tall. The plant grows from May to early October. The growth rate is fast. Does not bloom. Quite hardy.

Vineyard short-stemmed, or Ussuri

In nature, it grows in the Primorsky Territory, China, Korea. Woody liana up to 5-7 m long. Stems are covered with light gray or slightly brownish bark; young shoots are yellowish-red; Hard-hairy, three to five-lobed leaves are large (up to 13 cm), dense, leathery, with sharp indentations between the lobes, dark green above, somewhat wrinkled, lighter below.

Dissolved, monoecious flowers are collected in wide corymbose panicles. It blooms later than the Amur grape, for 60 days. Fruits - berries, bright blue, sometimes white, ripen earlier.
Suffers from heat and dry air. Medium frost-resistant, suitable only for indoor and container gardening. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering. Grown in containers, hanging baskets, decorate low walls, trellises in the summer. Recommended for use where continuous wall covering is not required. In autumn, the leaves take on a golden hue. Fruits are pale lilac, when fully ripe they become turquoise.

Variegated vineyard

Grows in river valleys. Interesting with beautifully dissected leaves and light blue berries. It is very close in appearance to the short-stemmed vine, from which it differs in rounded notches between the lobes and the presence of leaves of various shapes in one plant.

It is a powerful vine up to 8-9 m long. Used in vertical gardening.

Japanese vineyard

Small, more often lying than climbing liana, with thin, flexible shoots, clinging with simple, few antennae. Its leaves are very interesting and decorative, long, leathery, shiny above, glaucous below.

The leaf blade is complex of five, less often three leaflets, of which the outer leaflets are trilobate or wedge-shaped incised, and the median and apical are pinnately dissected into three-lobed segments, in addition, the middle leaflet has an intermittently winged axis.
Such a variety of foliage shapes makes this plant very elegant. The flowers are green, about 0.6 cm in diameter, in their inflorescence up to 50. Duration of flowering up to 40 days. It also looks good during ripening of pale bluish-purple berries with black dots. Very bright in autumn time when the foliage turns reddish. Used as a ground cover and climbing plant.

Maiden or Vici grapes are used to form hedges, decorate fences, disguise unsightly buildings, and decorate gazebos and verandas. On a sunny day, there will be a shade in the gazebo entwined with liana foliage on a sunny day, in which you can hide from the hot midday sun. In addition, the plant has attractive flowers and fruits that can beautify any area. In order for Vici grapes to grow well and quickly, they must be properly planted and grown. O correct fit and the nuances of care, we will describe in detail in our article.

Maiden grapes - description

Homeland of deciduous decorative-deciduous liana is the southwest of Primorye, the Korean Peninsula, China, Japan. Best of all, it takes root and grows in temperate climates.

The tree-like plant is distinguished by its beautiful green leaves, which turn purple or red by autumn. The length of the whip of an adult liana can reach twenty-five meters. In the first two years, they grow up to three meters. Young shoots are reddish, while adults are brown-green. Petiolate palmate leaves on the shoots are arranged alternately.

Well-branching thin whiskers grow from the nodal part of the foliage, with the help of which the vine clings to supports and fences. On paniculate inflorescences, small pale yellow or pale green flowers form and bloom, from which small fruits-berries are formed.

Types of maiden grapes

Liana has several species, each of which is represented by varieties with in various shapes leaves.

Ivy or triangular

Plant with cordate, lobed, rounded, three-lobed or triangular leaves of bright red, bronze or golden yellow hue. Also, this type of grape is different big amount suckers and branched antennae. It has oblong clusters of inflorescences on which unattractive flowers and bluish-black fruits are formed.

The tri-pointed vine is not winter hardy, therefore it is rarely grown in the middle lane. Without shelter, she is able to withstand short frosts with temperatures of at least -15 degrees.

The most popular varieties:

  • Vici grapes are characterized by small leafy platinum that can be three-leafed or simple. Under favorable conditions, in one season, the plant can grow up to four meters, and form a thick carpet. In summer, its leaves are green, and in autumn they acquire a bright red-orange color.
  • The golden ivy creeper has marble leaves. On the green plate, golden yellow spots are scattered, as it were.
  • The purple form is distinguished by dark purple leaves that retain their beautiful color throughout the season.
  • All tri-pointed varieties are resistant to exhaust gas and smoke, so they can be grown near the road and used as a hedge.

    Virginian or five-leaf grapes

    A large, shade-tolerant, fast-growing liana grows up to twenty centimeters in length and is distinguished by finger-like complex leaves, which consist of ovoid or oblong leaves with a pointed tip. From above, the leaf plate has a dark green color, and below it has a gray tint. Young reddish shoots of the plant turn green with age. Umbrella inflorescences consist of three to six flowers, of which blue-black fruits with a bluish bloom are formed by autumn.

    Winter-hardy species, therefore it is widely used in all regions of our country. The most common varieties are:

    1. Star Showers features marble foliage. In summer, the leaves are green with white spots, and in autumn they are red with pink spots.
    2. Saint-Paul is a liana with elongated inflorescences, pubescent young shoots and tendrils with twelve branches.
    3. The hairy form of Virginia grapes has reddish shoots and a leafy plate of the same color, which is pubescent underneath.
    4. The wall shape of the vine has a large number of suction cups, thanks to which it is able to climb and hold well even on a smooth vertical surface.
    5. Engelman's variety is distinguished by small leaves.
    6. The five-leafed species is resistant to various insects and diseases, tolerates urban conditions and reproduces different ways.

      Planting Vicha grapes

      The plant will grow well both in the shade and in the sun and is not demanding on the soil. Therefore, you can sow seeds or plant seedlings in any part of the garden. However, the growth of grapes and the color of its leaves directly depends on the light. In the sun, their colors will be much brighter. than in the shade. It is not recommended to plant a plant in an area where a cold wind blows.

      Soil for girlish Vici grapes is suitable loamy, slightly alkaline, slightly acidic or neutral. Before planting seedlings, dig up the soil and remove plant residues from it.

      In prepared holes fill up the drainage in the form of pebbles, rubble or brick breakage. The drainage layer is covered with medium-grained sand and nutrient soil. For vines, you should prepare the soil from the following components:

    7. compost - 2 parts;
    8. garden soil- 2 parts;
    9. sand - 1 part.
    10. After planting in the hole, the seedling is watered abundantly.

      Care features

      Caring for Vici grapes includes regular, timely watering, weed removal, top dressing, and pruning.

      The plant should be watered only three to four times a season. but if the summers are hot and dry, more frequent watering will be needed. You will need one bucket of water for each bush.

      At the beginning of summer, the liana is fed with nitrophos, and at the height of growth in the middle of the season - with complex fertilizers with minerals. After watering, the beds with plants are freed from weeds and loosened. Bare roots are covered with earth.

      Helps to retain moisture, nourish bushes and prevent weeds from developing mulch that can be spread around plants ... You can use peat for this., humus or compost, sprinkling them in a layer six centimeters thick.

      Pruning creepers

      During the care of the Vici grapes, the branches are pruned throughout the season, with the help of which the plant is formed. In the summer, you can prune green shoots, and in the fall, woody branches are pruned.

      When propagating by seeds in the first three years, pruning can be omitted, since the plant is still small at this time. In the future, shoots are removed in order to form a reasonable density and a certain shape of the bushes. The cut with a secateurs should be done over a healthy kidney.

      After the formation the main skeletal branches, in the future, when caring for the vine, it will only be necessary to limit the growth of shoots, and carry out sanitary pruning. The bushes should not be allowed to grow strongly, otherwise they will turn into ugly sloppy thickets.

      Winter care of Vici grapes

      In warm regions, the triangular liana winters well. But in areas with little snow, cold winters, it can die. To protect it from freezing, mulch should be laid under the bush first, and then spruce branches and lashes of the plant. From above, the branches are covered with spruce branches... In this case, you need to make sure that the bush does not come out on warm days.

      Vici grape propagation

      Liana can be propagated in several ways:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • root suckers;
    • layering.
    • Seed reproduction

      Sowing seeds can be done both in spring and autumn. Pre-planting material must be prepared by keeping it for one and a half months at a temperature within +4 degrees. After this procedure, the seeds will sprout together in about three weeks. Stratification is carried out when planting seeds in the spring. And the collected autumn seeds can be sown immediately on the prepared bed.

      Propagation by cuttings

      Cutting from woody last year's cuttings in spring and summer, you can use them to get new plants. For better rooting, cuttings with small outgrowths are used, in which there are already rudiments of future roots. Cuttings with two to four knots can be rooted in water, but the best results will be when planted in the ground.

      Before planting pruning are treated with special preparations that stimulate the formation and growth of roots. The containers are filled with a mixture of peat and sand, into which the cuttings are buried. Spring pruning should be deepened to bottom node, and summer ones are buried so that there are at least two buds underground.

      Caring for new plants is good lighting and timely watering. Until next spring, they are grown in a warm room, after which they are planted in open ground.

      In regions with warm climates grape cuttings can be immediately planted in the garden by digging holes for them seven to ten centimeters deep. The distance between plants should be at least one and a half meters. At first, cuttings that have not yet taken root need shading and timely watering.

      Reproduction by root suckers

      With this method of propagation of grapes, root suckers are dug out of the soil. They are first planted in a temporary bed, where they are grown for a year or two. When planting the offspring, you need to make sure that the neck of the plant remains at the same level as it was. Grown and strengthened bushes are transplanted to their permanent place.

      Reproduction by layering

      Experienced gardeners propagate Vici grapes by layering. To do this, the lash is pressed and fixed to the ground. The place with the buds is sprinkled with nutritious soil. For a short branch, a groove is pulled out into which the whip fits completely. Only the tip, about twenty centimeters long, should remain. As long as the cuttings do not give roots, they need to be watered regularly. When they start new shoots, young plants are separated from the mother bush and planted in a new place.

      Pests and diseases

      The plant is resistant to various pests and diseases. But if on its leaves you find settled insects that feed on plant juices, then insecticidal preparations can be used to destroy them.

      At improper care roots may start to rot. The fact that the plant is sick will be said by diseased leaves and shoots. They need to be removed, the bush must be treated with fungicides and the care of the grapes must be reviewed.

      Vichi maiden grapes, like other species of this plant, do not require special care and are able to reproduce independently. Even a novice gardener will be able to plant and grow this culture on its site, decorating with it a gazebo or veranda, covering a utility block or a shed, decorating a fence or wall of a house.

      Viking grapes: description, planting, cultivation and care

    • View the full image
    • Viking grape

      Characteristics of Viking grapes

      Planting and leaving

      Plant care

      One of the advantages of this variety is its unpretentiousness and the ability to store fruits for a long time on the bushes, as the berries hang down. However, in severe frosts, it is recommended to cover the plant, as there is a risk of freezing.

      Viking grape characteristics

      Viking grapes are very early varieties and is a canteen hybrid form:

    • The ripening period for grapes ranges from 105 to 110 days.
    • The bushes are distinguished by strong and vigorous branches, and the flower has two sexes.
    • The bunches of grapes are large enough, cone-shaped.
    • Fruits of medium friability with high-quality care can reach a weight of 600-900 grams.
    • The dark blue berries have rather large dimensions of 22 mm x 34 mm.
    • The pulp is juicy and dense with a delicate harmonious taste.
    • The leaves of the vine are large, five-lobed and have an open petiole notch. They can be stored on bushes for a long period of time, until the end of September.
    • During cultivation, the shoots ripen early and completely. The variety has excellent frost resistance. Withstands temperatures up to minus 21 degrees.

      The vines are pruned into approximately 6-8 eyes. The variety is resistant to long distance transportation.

      For growing grapes, it is advisable to select the southern or southwestern slopes, since they protect the plant from the winds and have the ability to quickly melt snow. A soil that is soft and easy to warm up is ideal for growing grapes.

      When planting seedlings, clay soils and marshy areas should be avoided.

      It is important to pay attention to the depth before planting. groundwater... So, if the water is located at a close distance from the soil surface, then it is recommended to fill the soil approximately 1.5 meters. In addition, the soil should not have a high alkaline reaction, which can be determined using simple litmus paper.

      Features of planting and growing plants

      It is advisable to plant grapes in the spring season, having prepared the soil in advance in the fall. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to free the soil from excess water... In clay soils, drainage should be used to enrich the soil.

      If the soil has a low organic matter content, it is recommended to add peat, manure or humus to it.

      Depending on the climatic conditions, the plant can be planted from mid-April to the end of May. You should not rush early, plant the plant or be late with planting, since it has a short growing season and may not take root and die. So, in the middle zone of our country, planting in the autumn period of time will not be relevant.

      It is important to choose the right seedling for subsequent cultivation.

      Shoots and root system must not be damaged. Before planting, if there are roots, leaves and shoots that are already dead, you must carefully remove. The root system should not be in the sun or in the open wind for a long period of time, as this is fraught with damage.

      Planting Viking grape seedlings consists of the following stages:

    • Pruning shoots on seedlings of about 2-3 buds and placing the upper part of the shoots in garden var, paraffin or wax.
    • Dig a planting hole and fill it with nutritious soil or humus.
    • Before submerging the plant in the ground, root system must be immersed in a special mixture. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to dilute such components as rotted mullein, water and clay to the state of sour cream.
    • Immerse the plant in the hole and fill up the soil, carefully tamping the soil around it. Drizzle with warm water.
    • From the side of the upper part of the seedling, it is necessary to carry out the hilling procedure. And in the process of germination of shoots, it is necessary to control so that their number does not exceed 2-3, removing unnecessary shoots.
    • Competent planting of grapes will allow you to receive good harvest over the years.

      How to properly care for a plant?

      The distance between the planted seedlings should not exceed or be less than 1-1.25 meters. On early stages growth, seedlings require special attention to themselves and need high-quality care - loosening the soil, cutting off stepchildren, etc.

      In the process of growing a plant, you need to pay attention to fertilization:

    • V northern regions land has less nutrients, since it mainly contains clay and sandy soils.
    • The most optimal fertilization is manure, which is produced in the autumn.
    • It is not advisable to use fertilizers based on nitrogen elements, because they lead to a noticeable slowdown in shoot growth.
    • Peat, wood ash, compost, bird droppings are effective fertilizers for growing grapes.
    • Plants newly planted require regular feeding. With age, the amount of fertilizer decreases.
    • The less fertile the soil, the more it needs to be enriched with organic substances and microelements.
    • Over-watering should be avoided, especially in the second half of summer.

      Young shoots must be protected from the accumulation of large amounts of water. It is not recommended to rush to open newly planted plants after winter, as they are not resistant to frost. Compliance with these rules will help to grow a rich harvest.

      More information about the Vikong grape can be found by watching the video.

      Vici grapes (Viche) grafted. 50-60 cm

      The appearance of the maiden triangular Vici grape

      The Vici grape is a strong deciduous vine that reaches 15 (20) m in height. Its annual growth is 1-2 (2.5) m. This ivy-shaped grape clings to the walls with special suction cups, so it does not require special support. The plant has brilliant green leaves that form a dense decorative "carpet" on the walls. The leaves are trifoliate and resemble ivy in shape. In autumn, the foliage is painted in different tones: from yellow-orange to crimson-red. It blooms inconspicuously in June-July, after which small (6-8mm) fruits appear on the plant, which ripen at the end of September, acquiring a dark blue color (inedible fruits).

      Growing conditions: Vici grapes are not picky about soil conditions, but they prefer fertile, neutral or alkaline soils. Photophilous, but can grow in partial shade.

      Usage: The most popular vine for decorating brick, concrete and stone walls. To ensure maximum wall coverage, intensive pruning is necessary to stimulate the formation of side shoots.

      Grapes are not only delicious fruits, but also a great opportunity for transformation. Because it looks beautiful when the building is completely entwined with vines of maiden grapes. Any person where such a culture grows decorates his fiefdom with this greenery, which in the autumn period becomes red and even more beautiful. And everyone can create such conditions on their site, because maiden grapes are not whimsical and grows almost under all conditions, with the right care. You just need to know how everything happens!

      Girlish grapes, it is perennial, which mainly serves as a decorative function. Today you can find many of the most different types, the growth process occurs due to the existing antennae with which the plant clings. The grapes bear fruit, but these berries are not suitable for eating. But at the same time, the greatest luxury is foliage, under which it is easy to hide any unsightly wall.

      It is this culture that is growing quite quickly, which is a plus for some, but a minus for others. It's good when there is a need for short time create beautiful thickets. But if you do not maintain proper care, then soon such a plant will shade everything around.

      There is one more important indicator, before landing, you need to understand what is happening in autumn time leaf fall. Maiden grapes have their big plus, they create a good microclimate and suppress the bactericidal sphere. It is in the summertime that such foliage helps to escape the heat. To come to this, you need to understand how to carry out all the basic growing processes.

      Planting grapes!

      Before planting, you need to decide on the place, taking into account its growth characteristics. The plant is not whimsical and in any conditions it is comfortable. The only difference is the color of the foliage. But on the bright side, growth will go faster. It does not matter in what period such grapes are planted, it will take root. But, according to competent gardeners, the best period is autumn September. At the same time, the varieties of maiden grapes can be very different. The soil can also be any, but you need to perform the basic planting steps:

      • It is necessary to plant ready-made seedlings. But first prepare the soil. A week before the main process, the soil is dug up and all weeds are removed.
      • After it, holes are made at the chosen place, half a meter deep, drainage is placed in it, for this you can use everything that is on the sites of stones.
      • But you need to pour a little sand on the drainage.
      • It is better if you prepare the ground, everything is simple, one piece at a time, garden land, sand and compost.
      • Then grape seedlings are dug in.

      • Further, the growth and development of the plant begins. But in order to activate the processes, fertilizers can be used. You need to do this twice a year for the first time to help recover after winter - in the spring. Well, the second time to prepare for the cold - in the fall. This is not so difficult, because all the necessary formulations are available in specialized stores for free sale.

        Basic breeding methods!

        Many people wonder how to propagate girlish grapes? So, here you can distinguish several main ways:

      • Cuttings. You just need to take a stalk and divide it into several parts. On such segments, there should be at least four buds, which will give new shoots. After that, they will need to be planted in the ground; for this, at least two buds should remain on the surface. After that, the "recruits" are well watered and covered from the bright solar radiation... After that, you also need to slightly moisten the ground around. For cuttings, woody shoots are taken.
      • Layers. This method is one of the simplest and easiest. It is necessary in the spring to select such branches that are two years old. After that, the selected options are bent and fixed. The place that is near the ground is poured and watered. And the next year, you need to cut off the dug-in branches from the main plant and carefully digging them out to a new permanent place.
      • Use of seeds. This method is rarely used, since the seeds germinate for a long time. The seeds are sown in spring or fall. If it is spring, then the seeds need to be stratified, then in a month you can see the first shoots. But in the autumn, the sprouts will appear no earlier than summer, i.e. in a year.
      • Each method has its own characteristics and you need to do everything right. After all these processes, you need to take care of the girl's grapes.

        Care steps!

        As already noted, there will be no difficulties in caring for grapes. The first and most important thing is to create a support on which growth will take place. This is done right away as growth is fast. While the grapes are small, you can direct its shoots as you wish. And already in a large culture, the formation takes place with the help of circumcision of the unnecessary.

        An adult plant can also sow new shoots, if they are not needed, then it is better to get rid of them on time. Watering is carried out while the crop is young, after which it is not required. There is a big plus for pests and other problems, girlish grapes are not susceptible to. On winter time an adult culture does not require insulation, but in the presence of young seedlings, it is better to make protection. All this is not so difficult, and girlish grapes decorate any site well.

        Girlish grapes: planting and care

        Sometimes, walking through the city, you can see buildings completely entwined with luxurious vines of maiden grapes. The dense green foliage that adorns the facades of houses in summer, with the arrival of autumn, changes its color to bright red, thereby becoming even more beautiful. Even an inexperienced gardener can get this unpretentious plant on his site, since it takes root well in any conditions and does not require careful care. In this article, we will tell you about planting and caring for maiden grapes.

        Culture basics

        The maiden grape is a perennial plant of the grape family that mainly performs an ornamental function. The culture has about 10 different types and is widespread in the countries of North America and East Asia. Maiden grapes have special tendrils that are able to cling to rough surfaces and various supports - in this way, vines grow upward and cover vertical planes. The leaves of the culture are palmate, placed on long petioles. The grape has corymbose inflorescences and bears fruit with small dark blue berries that are not edible.

        This ornamental plant does not produce magnificent buds, and its fruits are unsightly and completely inedible. Meanwhile, the main decoration of the maiden grape is its luxurious foliage. Lianas plants, growing rapidly, are able to cover large areas - this feature is often used in order to disguise ugly places on a personal plot. An unplastered building wall, an old shed, or any other unsightly structure will look much neater under an almost impenetrable dense carpet of greenery.

        With the help of girlish grapes, you can create good shade in the gazebo, decorate the fence, protect the veranda, balcony or attic from wind and rain. The plant retains its decorative functions until winter. The red-colored leaves dilute the grayness of the surrounding autumn landscape and thereby cheer up.

        This culture is growing very quickly, which can be considered both a plus and a minus. This property is good in that it helps to fill a large space with green foliage in a short time. At the same time, if you do not take care of the grapes and do not cut off excess shoots, it will cover everything that it can reach. In addition, before planting this crop, keep in mind that every spring you will have to clear the area from a large number of fallen leaves.

        Maiden grapes, in addition to their decorative function, have other useful properties... It improves the surrounding microclimate by inhibiting the development of certain pathogens. Braiding a building or a gazebo, the plant prevents dust, gases and noise from entering inside. In hot summers, a dense carpet of green foliage can protect the house from overheating.

        Description of common varieties of maiden grapes

        Among known varieties culture, there are two varieties most common among gardeners in our country. Each of these varieties is quite unpretentious, disease-resistant, takes root well in any soil and feels good both in the shade and in the sun. Below we will consider these varieties in more detail.

        Five-leaf maiden grape

        This type of culture is also called virgin grapes. It is capable of twisting vertical surfaces to a height of at least 15 m. In the summer season, the plant produces bright green foliage, which, with the arrival of autumn, turns into a deep red hue. The leaves of this culture are oblong, pointed, slightly resembling chestnut foliage. The leaves are located on long petioles.

        Around the middle of summer, the plant produces small white inflorescences, from which small blue berries subsequently grow. The five-leaf grape is not capricious, grows well in shaded areas and perfectly transfers transplantation to a new place. The culture loves fertile soil, but it also feels comfortable enough on poor soils. Each year, grape shoots grow by about 2.5 m. As for pests, the five-leaf grapes are almost immune to their attacks. Slugs may occasionally appear on the foliage of the plant.

        Tri-pointed maiden grapes

        This plant variety has a second name - ivy grapes. This culture is widespread in China, Japan and Korea. The foliage of the plant is shaped like ivy foliage, which is why the grape variety got its name. Refers to frost-resistant species, with the arrival of autumn, it changes green to various shades of red. In turn, the triangular grapes are divided into several subtypes. In the purple type, the foliage is colored maroon, the golden type grapes have green leaves with yellow spots, but the most popular is the girlish Vich grape. It has small leaves with a smooth glossy surface, which turn into a deep orange color with the arrival of autumn. In a good climate, this species can grow by 4 m per year.

        Tri-pointed Vicha grapes are grown not only on vertical surfaces, but also on soil. Due to the fact that the plant has not too deep rhizomes, it is first planted in pots, and after a while it is transferred to open ground. This variety is not afraid of exhaust gases and smoke, thanks to which such a plant takes root well even close to highways.

        Planting maiden grapes

        A place to grow a crop

        Before planting a girlish grape, you should decide on the place where it will grow. This culture, as mentioned earlier, is absolutely not capricious and feels great not only in the sun, but also in a shaded place. The only thing that is affected by the light level is the color of the leaves. If the vines twine around the southern side of the building and are well illuminated by the sun's rays, then by autumn the grapes will change their shade from green to red, orange, burgundy, etc. In the event that the culture is planted on the north side of buildings, foliage can remain green until it flies around in winter. It should be added that in lighted areas, grapes develop faster, vines grow well, and foliage turns out to be larger.

        Planting time of maiden grapes and the composition of the soil for the plant

        This culture will perfectly take root in a new place, regardless of whether it is planted in spring or autumn. However, experienced gardeners advise planting in the first half of autumn - in September or October.

        As for the soil, this plant is just as undemanding to its composition as to everything else. Grapes feel comfortable in any cultivated soil. The planting process consists of several simple steps:

      • 7-8 days before planting the seedlings, the soil must be dug up and all weeds removed.
      • At the landing site, you need to dig a hole about 50 cm deep and lay drainage on the bottom. It can be made from fragments of bricks, small stones, pebbles, etc.
      • Pour about 20 cm of sand on top of the drainage layer.
      • The next step is to prepare the soil mixture. To do this, 2 parts of garden soil are mixed with 2 parts of compost and 1 part of sand.
      • The pit is filled with the resulting composition and a grape seedling is driven in.
      • Features of germination of seedlings of culture

        In order for the plant to develop faster, it must be fertilized. Top dressing is customary to carry out several times a season, the first time the plant is fertilized in the spring. For this, 1 m? mixed with 50 g of nitroammofoska.

        When the culture begins to grow actively, 100-200 g of Kemira Universal fertilizer is applied to the soil. With the arrival of autumn, the soil is additionally saturated with potash fertilizing, for this an ordinary wood ash or potassium magnesium.

        If you want the shoots to develop quickly, feed the grapes with "Aquamarine" at the rate of 50 g of substance per 1 m? soil. Do not forget at least occasionally to loosen the soil around the stems and remove weeds.

        Reproduction of maiden grapes

        Propagation by cuttings

        One of the methods of propagation of this culture is cuttings. To do this, take a stalk and divide it into several fragments. Each such part must have at least 4-5 buds, from which a new sprout will subsequently develop. When planting a cutting in the soil, do it so that 2 buds remain above the ground, and the rest of the buds are dug into the ground. When the planting process is over, water the sprouts and cover them with a light cloth to protect them from aggressive solar radiation. Moisten the soil near the sprouts periodically.

        Reproduction of culture by layering

        Reproduction by layering is considered one of the easiest ways. This is done very simply. With the onset of spring, branches are selected on the grapes, the age of which is at least 2-3 years. Then these branches are bent to the ground and fixed, for example, with the help of a sufficiently strong and thick steel wire... Places of attachment of vines to the ground are sprinkled with soil and periodically watered. A year later, at the beginning of spring, the branch is cut off from the mother plant, the roots of the grapes are carefully dug up and transferred to a new place.

        Planting maiden grape seeds

        Due to the laboriousness, the method is considered not the most popular seed reproduction... Few are engaged in it, since the whole procedure requires quite a lot of time, besides, the grapes germinate slowly.

        It is customary to sow the seeds of maiden grapes in the spring or autumn. If you plan to carry out the procedure in the spring, then the seeds must be stratified before sowing. This is done about 1.5 months before the expected landing date. To make stratification, take a suitable container and fill it with sand. Then the sand is moistened and grains are planted in it. The seed container is placed in a cool place such as a refrigerator. The refrigerator temperature must be kept constant at + 5 ° C. After stratification and spring planting, the grapes give the first shoots in a month, and if the seeds are planted in the fall, the sprouts will not appear until next summer. Crop seeds can be stored at room temperature for about 1 year.

        Girlish grapes: care features

        Caring for this plant is not difficult. First of all, having chosen a place for planting a crop, equip a good support for the vines. Since the grapes grow fast enough, an unreliable support may not support the weight of the plant and simply collapse.

        So that the vines have something to cling to in the process of growth, you can fix a trellis or a chain-link on the wall of the building. While the plant is quite young, its shoots should be directed in the right direction. After a few years, you will be able to correct the bush by cutting off excess branches.

        Maiden grapes reproduce well by self-sowing. If you do not need new shoots on the site, try to remove fruit bunches from the plant whenever possible. Of course, grape berries can serve as a kind of decoration, but after wilting, they do not look very attractive.

        Watering girlish grapes is necessary only at a young age. Adult crops thrive without additional hydration. As a rule, maiden grapes are not susceptible to diseases, pests and fungal infections.

        With the arrival of autumn, if there are fruits left on the grapes, and you want to use them for propagation, collect the berries for storage. After frost, most of the leaves fall off - they must be removed immediately, otherwise the soil under the plant will be too damp.

        Adult crops do not require any insulation for winter period, but young shoots are better protected from frost and covered with plastic wrap. In a snowy winter, ordinary snow can be used for insulation.

        When growing girlish grapes, you need to consider some subtleties:

    1. Maiden grapes very intensively build up green mass, and therefore, its weight is constantly increasing. Unreliable supports, as well as flimsy structures, may not support the weight of the plant. That is why it is not recommended to plant a culture near plastered walls. If under the plaster, moreover, there is thermal insulation layer, then after a few years the coating may simply fall off under the weight of the grapes. It is best to decorate brick, concrete or wood surfaces with this plant.
    2. It is not recommended to allow the growth of girlish grapes on tiled roofs. Insufficiently reliable masonry can be damaged.
    3. The same goes for roofs covered with slate. If the structure has at least a slight slope, then the slate sheets under the mass of the plant can slide down. However, flat roofs such a danger does not threaten.
    4. When growing maiden grapes near the walls of a residential building, it is important to take into account the fact that vines are able to block ventilation openings, braid antennas, satellite dishes and gutters. To avoid problems, direct the growth of branches in the right direction and simply remove unnecessary branches.
    5. Maiden grapes cling to rough surfaces with special tendrils that can grow deep into the coating. For wooden walls this is not at all scary, but for plaster it is destructive.
    6. Girlish grapes in the design of the site

      Very often, this culture is used to mask unsightly areas of the garden. Growing up in a short time, maiden grapes in just a few years are able to close an old shed, a farm building, a peeling wall of a house. But not only nondescript places on the site are decorated with this plant, grapes are often used to decorate pergolas, gazebos, verandas, and building facades. As for the gazebos and verandas, in this case, grapes serve not only as a beautiful design element, but also create the necessary shade. The attic, braided with green vines, is the best place to hide from the heat of a summer day.

      If a translucent fence is installed in your garden, and you want to hide from prying eyes, then girlish grapes will help create an almost impenetrable barrier through which nothing will be visible.

      This culture can be used not only for decorating vertical surfaces, but also for growing on slopes. In such a case, maiden grapes grow on the ground in a dense green carpet.

      This plant is very popular in southern-style gardens. The fact is that not all liana plants can normally exist in our climate, and maiden grapes perfectly tolerate cold and frost. Therefore, this culture helps to create a southern design in a northern climate.

      Sometimes girlish grapes are combined with other types of climbing plants. This culture looks very harmonious with ivy. A particularly beautiful effect is achieved in autumn, when the grapes take on a red hue, and the ivy is still green. The composition of maiden grapes and climbing rose looks no less impressive. Rose uses vine as their own support, and the two cultures grow upward together. A great effect can be achieved by planting maiden grapes next to mountain clematis. White, lilac or pale pink buds in combination with carved green leaves look just great.

      How to arrange grapes properly

      Having planted the culture near the support, watch where the young branches are heading. If the shoots are growing in the wrong direction, redirect them and fix them on a support. But if even after that, the vines are directing their growth in the wrong direction, just cut them off.

      Adult plants may not be tied to a support, but preventive pruning of shoots should be carried out at regular intervals. In the process of such pruning, weak or damaged branches are removed from the plant. It is important to remember to cut the lash just above the healthy kidney.

      If you have not taken care of the plant long time, and the branches have become too long, you must first shorten them to the required length, and then remove the woven, weak and thickened shoots.

    Maiden or Vici grapes are used to form hedges, decorate fences, disguise unsightly buildings, and decorate gazebos and verandas. On a sunny day, there will be a shade in the gazebo entwined with liana foliage on a sunny day, in which you can hide from the hot midday sun. In addition, the plant has attractive flowers and fruits that can beautify any area. In order for Vici grapes to grow well and quickly, they must be properly planted and grown. We will tell you in detail about the correct fit and the nuances of care in our article.

    Maiden grapes - description

    Homeland of deciduous decorative-deciduous liana is the southwest of Primorye, the Korean Peninsula, China, Japan. Best of all, it takes root and grows in temperate climates.

    The tree-like plant is distinguished by its beautiful green leaves, which turn purple or red by autumn. The length of the whip of an adult liana can reach twenty-five meters. In the first two years, they grow up to three meters. Young shoots are reddish, while adults are brown-green. Petiolate palmate leaves on the shoots are arranged alternately.

    Well-branching thin whiskers grow from the nodal part of the foliage, with the help of which the vine clings to supports and fences. On paniculate inflorescences, small pale yellow or pale green flowers form and bloom, from which small fruits-berries are formed.

    Types of maiden grapes

    Liana has several types, each of which is represented by varieties with different leaf shapes.

    Ivy or triangular

    Plant with cordate, lobed, rounded, three-lobed or triangular leaves of bright red, bronze or golden yellow hue. Also, this type of grape is distinguished by a large number of suckers and branched tendrils. It has oblong clusters of inflorescences on which unattractive flowers and bluish-black fruits are formed.

    The tri-pointed vine is not winter hardy, therefore it is rarely grown in the middle lane. Without shelter, she is able to withstand short frosts with temperatures of at least -15 degrees.

    All tri-pointed varieties are resistant to exhaust gas and smoke, so they can be grown near the road and used as a hedge.

    Virginian or five-leaf grapes

    A large, shade-tolerant, fast-growing liana grows up to twenty centimeters in length and is distinguished by finger-like complex leaves, which consist of ovoid or oblong leaves with a pointed tip. Above, the leaf plate has a dark green color, and below it has a bluish tint. Young reddish shoots of the plant turn green with age. Umbrella inflorescences consist of three to six flowers, of which blue-black fruits with a bluish bloom are formed by autumn.

    Winter-hardy species, therefore it is widely used in all regions of our country. The most common varieties are:

    The five-leafed species is resistant to various insects and diseases, tolerates urban conditions and reproduces in different ways.

    Planting Vicha grapes

    The plant will grow well both in the shade and in the sun and is not demanding on the soil. Therefore, you can sow seeds or plant seedlings in any part of the garden. However, the growth of grapes and the color of its leaves directly depends on the light. In the sun, their colors will be much brighter. than in the shade. It is not recommended to plant a plant in an area where a cold wind blows.

    Soil for girlish Vici grapes is suitable loamy, slightly alkaline, slightly acidic or neutral. Before planting seedlings, dig up the soil and remove plant residues from it.

    In prepared holes fill up the drainage in the form of pebbles, rubble or brick breakage. The drainage layer is covered with medium-grained sand and nutrient soil. For vines, you should prepare the soil from the following components:

    • compost - 2 parts;
    • garden soil - 2 parts;
    • sand - 1 part.

    After planting in the hole, the seedling is watered abundantly.

    Care features

    Caring for Vici grapes includes regular, timely watering, weed removal, top dressing, and pruning.

    The plant should be watered only three to four times a season. but if the summers are hot and dry, more frequent watering will be needed. You will need one bucket of water for each bush.

    At the beginning of summer, the liana is fed with nitrophos, and at the height of growth in the middle of the season - with complex fertilizers with minerals. After watering, the beds with plants are freed from weeds and loosened. Bare roots are covered with earth.

    Helps to retain moisture, nourish bushes and prevent weeds from developing mulch that can be spread around plants ... You can use peat for this., humus or compost, sprinkling them in a layer six centimeters thick.

    Pruning creepers

    During the care of the Vici grapes, the branches are pruned throughout the season, with the help of which the plant is formed. In the summer, you can prune green shoots, and in the fall, woody branches are pruned.

    When propagating by seeds in the first three years, pruning can be omitted, since the plant is still small at this time. In the future, shoots are removed in order to form a reasonable density and a certain shape of the bushes. The cut with a secateurs should be done over a healthy kidney.

    After the formation the main skeletal branches, in the future, when caring for the vine, it will only be necessary to limit the growth of shoots, and carry out sanitary pruning. The bushes should not be allowed to grow strongly, otherwise they will turn into ugly sloppy thickets.

    Winter care of Vici grapes

    In warm regions, the triangular liana winters well. But in areas with little snow, cold winters, it can die. To protect it from freezing, mulch should be laid under the bush first, and then spruce branches and lashes of the plant. From above, the branches are covered with spruce branches... In this case, you need to make sure that the bush does not come out on warm days.

    Vici grape propagation

    Liana can be propagated in several ways:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • root suckers;
    • layering.

    Seed reproduction

    Sowing seeds can be done both in spring and autumn. Pre-planting material must be prepared by keeping it for one and a half months at a temperature within +4 degrees. After this procedure, the seeds will sprout together in about three weeks. Stratification is carried out when planting seeds in the spring. And the collected autumn seeds can be sown immediately on the prepared bed.

    Propagation by cuttings

    Cutting from woody last year's cuttings in spring and summer, you can use them to get new plants. For better rooting, cuttings with small outgrowths are used, in which there are already rudiments of future roots. Cuttings with two to four knots can be rooted in water, but the best results will be when planted in the ground.

    Before planting pruning are treated with special preparations that stimulate the formation and growth of roots. The containers are filled with a mixture of peat and sand, into which the cuttings are buried. Spring trimmings need to be deepened to the bottom node, and summer ones are deepened so that there are at least two buds underground.

    Caring for new plants consists in good lighting and timely watering. Until next spring, they are grown in a warm room, after which they are planted in open ground.

    In regions with warm climates grape cuttings can be immediately planted in the garden by digging holes for them seven to ten centimeters deep. The distance between plants should be at least one and a half meters. At first, cuttings that have not yet taken root need shading and timely watering.

    Reproduction by root suckers

    With this method of propagation of grapes, root suckers are dug out of the soil. They are first planted in a temporary bed, where they are grown for a year or two. When planting the offspring, you need to make sure that the neck of the plant remains at the same level as it was. Grown and strengthened bushes are transplanted to their permanent place.

    Reproduction by layering

    Experienced gardeners propagate Vici grapes by layering. To do this, the lash is pressed and fixed to the ground. The place with the buds is sprinkled with nutritious soil. For a short branch, a groove is pulled out into which the whip fits completely. Only the tip, about twenty centimeters long, should remain. As long as the cuttings do not give roots, they need to be watered regularly. When they start new shoots, young plants are separated from the mother bush and planted in a new place.

    Pests and diseases

    The plant is resistant to various pests and diseases. But if on its leaves you find settled insects that feed on plant juices, then insecticidal preparations can be used to destroy them.

    With improper care, roots can begin to rot. The fact that the plant is sick will be said by diseased leaves and shoots. They need to be removed, the bush must be treated with fungicides and the care of the grapes must be reviewed.

    Vichi maiden grapes, like other species of this plant, do not require special care and are able to reproduce independently. Even a novice gardener will be able to plant and grow this culture on its site, decorating with it a gazebo or veranda, covering a utility block or a shed, decorating a fence or wall of a house.

    A florist who wants to see his plot elegant and unusual should definitely think about growing girlish grapes.

    It is easy to plant and care for, it grows well on different types soil, and vine can be propagated in different ways. Vici can become original decoration territory at any time, but its leaves are especially beautiful in autumn.

    Description and popular varieties

    Vines have many varieties, and they all grow very strongly and twist well. With the help of wild grapes, you can turn any surface into a dense blanket:

    • lattice edge of the gazebo;
    • the wall of the house;
    • balcony;
    • fencing around the site.

    Parthenocissus is the botanical name for maiden grapes. Translated, it means "virgin ivy". There are 19 species in the genus, but they are grown in private territories two possessing decorative properties and unpretentious:

    • parthenocissusguinguefolia - tri-pointed maiden grape;
    • parthenocissustricuspidata - five-leafed.

    In both species, the leaves are similar to the palm, only in the first case they consist of five parts, in the second - of two. This structure is called finger-like. Those who have seen maiden grapes at least once will understand what this is about, and for those who are not familiar with this culture, a photo is offered. The leaves of the plant are pointed, obovate or oval in shape.

    Virgin ivy grows well when it has support. Liana throws out antennae that twist around wire, rods or other shoots, and continues to grow. During the summer, the length of the shoots can reach 18 m. In June or July, flowering begins, then small, inedible fruits are formed. Neither flowers nor grapes have any particular beauty.

    All the charm of the tree-like liana becomes noticeable towards the end of summer, when the leaves take on red, orange, yellow, crimson and crimson shades. It is impossible not to notice such a spectacular decoration in the garden. It is characteristic of a plant that it clings tightly with its antennae to any suitable object. There are suction cups on thin filamentous formations, so it is more likely to pull the vine out of the ground by its roots than to tear it off from the support to which it has managed to attach itself.

    The five-leafed shrub is more cold-resistant than the tri-pointed shrub, but in general they both thrive in winter. In the south, shelter is not required, and in the north, it is necessary to protect from the cold.

    Popular maiden grape varieties:

    • Attached. Great for indoor growing.
    • Henry. Grown as a bonsai, in a room or on a balcony. Deep tubs or containers required.
    • Enelman. It grows quickly, covered with small, densely planted leaves. Suitable for open ground.
    • Hairy. Young shoots and leaves are covered with fine hairs. The variety is poorly cold-resistant.
    • Vici is one of the most popular varieties, valued for its thick ornamental leaves, which acquire a bright color in the fall. Clusters of dark blue berries ripen in autumn.

    Less whimsical with regard to planting and care of Vici grapes. If possible, it is worth starting growing vines with it.

    Landing rules

    Virgin ivy is not very picky about soil fertility, but it grows poorly on saline, acidified soils and in arid conditions. Feels good both in the shade and in the sun, but looks more expressive in full lighting. The disadvantage of planting in a shaded place is that in autumn the leaves do not turn red for a long time, and sometimes they remain green. In addition, in poor light conditions, grapes may not bloom.

    Liana can be planted in autumn or spring. Gardeners say that it is enough to place the stalk in the ground and water it well, nature will do the rest. After a while, you will have to remove excess shoots, ivy grows so quickly.

    The land is prepared about a week before disembarkation. Dig a hole 50 cm deep and with walls of the same size. A bucket of sand and the same amount of rotted manure or compost are added to the extracted soil. They mix everything, then prepare the pit:

    • pour on the bottom drainage material, for example, brick breakage, expanded clay, crushed stone, pebbles;
    • small pieces of wood or fragments of slate are placed on this material so that less earth falls into the drainage;
    • soil mixture is poured up to half of the hole or a little more;
    • put a seedling, straighten the roots, fill the hole with the remaining soil;
    • make a small depression so that water does not spread;
    • watered and mulched.

    It is necessary to ensure that the root collar is not higher or lower than the ground level. Water it once is enough, but abundantly. When planting several seedlings as a hedge, a distance of 1 m is left between them. With this arrangement, the vines form an openwork wall. If you want to get a dense carpet, the culture is thickened by placing the seedlings at a distance of 60 cm, and 3-4 plants are placed in one hole.

    Young vines need support. They are tied to pegs and set the direction of growth. It should be borne in mind that when virgin ivy gets older, it needs solid support. Without this, the plant will creep along the ground.

    Subtleties of care

    The main activities for the care of a tree vine are watering and sanitary pruning. If you do not remove overgrown shoots, the green wall will look sloppy. Winter shelter is not required, because even when some shoots freeze, the rest will give replacement buds, from which new vines will develop. Vines damaged during the winter are cut to the place where healthy tissue begins.

    The most active development of the root system occurs in the early years., therefore, twice a season, you can feed the liana with complex fertilizer. During growth, tendrils are constantly formed, capable of attaching to any rough surface. In 1 year, the shoot grows several meters.

    The difficulty is that without pruning, the vine can turn into impassable thickets, and soon you will have to think about how to get rid of it. The next year after planting, during the season, remove all shoots growing in the wrong direction. It will not harm the plant. When the skeleton is properly formed, the subsequent haircut is not difficult. In addition to incorrectly oriented shoots, damaged and weak vines are cut off, as well as those that make ivy look sloppy.

    Top dressing is carried out at the end of spring and in the middle of summer, it is no longer needed. Nitroammophoska in the amount of 40-50 g per 10 liters of water is ideal. Consumption - 5-6 liters per 1 sq. m. or for an adult plant.

    Reproduction methods

    V open ground Vici grapes and other popular varieties can be propagated in several ways. The gardener can choose the one that suits the best. For example, there is not always a place to bend the layers, and some do not want to spend a lot of time getting ivy from seeds.

    Ivy is propagated by cuttings in autumn or spring. Shoots at the age of 3-4 years are chosen and cut into several parts. Each segment should have 5 buds. Leaves are cut completely or in half. Cuttings are planted in grooves, sprinkled with earth and watered. 2 buds are left above the surface, and the part that will be in the ground is scratched in several places so that roots appear faster. This technique is used by gardeners with extensive experience.

    Important: ivy planted on open place, it is worth shading until the first shoots appear. Watering is necessary more often than a crop placed in partial shade.

    Seed propagation is rarely practiced, since this method is the most difficult and time-consuming. In the fall, the fruits are harvested and kept in warm place until the pulp rots completely. Then the seeds are removed and washed. Until the onset of spring, they are kept in the room.

    About a month before planting, the planting material is lowered into ice water for several hours, take it out, dry it and put it on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, where it is kept for 25-30 days. When the weather is right, they are planted in the holes.

    The easiest way is to separate the root suckers. They are formed in a large number wherever the vine comes into contact with the soil. The gardener can only carefully separate the shoot from the rhizome and plant. Where to go. There is one important point: the root collar should not be buried, otherwise the vine will start to undermine.

    Protection against diseases and pests

    For most harmful insects, the vine is not of interest. Aphids sometimes settle on decorative grapes, but this is rare. If the trouble still occurs, the insects can be washed off with a jet from a hose. When the aphids have already managed to form a colony, it is recommended to spray the culture with one of the following means:

    • solution laundry soap with alcohol (1 bar of soap, 10 water, 20 liters of alcohol);
    • insecticide "Fufanon";
    • biological product "Fitoverm".

    Virgin ivy in landscaping

    In the garden, girlish grapes go well with all climbing plants. So, in the vicinity of him, you can plant clematis. The leafy vine will protect the roots of the delicate flower from the sun.

    Against the background of Vici, hops look beautiful, but not any, but the one with decorative green-yellow foliage. The Aureus variety is excellent. Gardeners often plant a climbing rose with decorative grapes. This arrangement looks impressive, but we must not forget that climbing roses solid support is required, and it does not have to be ivy. Let both types of plants climb more strong frame... This can be a fence, pergola wall, arch or pergola.

    When placing a tree liana along the fence, it is worth considering for which plants it can be the background. For example, in front of a vertical green carpet, you can plant plants of a similar or contrasting color:

    • barberry;
    • dogwood;
    • thuja; juniper;

    In different seasons, such compositions form whimsical combinations. For example, in autumn, when the leaves of the creeper turn crimson, some plants remain green, others shed their foliage, and others also acquire a bright color.

    To get the desired combinations, the gardener should see in advance how this or that culture looks in different months, and then correlate this with appearance girlish grapes. The procedure is not easy, but it is worth spending time on it. Then you can admire the implementation of a creative idea every year.

    Using girly grapes wisely, you can disguise, decorate and hide anything. For 2 years, the vine is able to completely cover the wall. two-storey house... Often, decorative ivy, planted at vertical supports, is obstructed compost heaps, netting, old fences, septic tanks, sheds and other buildings. Vici grapes allow you to decorate a stump or old tree that for some reason cannot be removed.

    An area with a dense leaf wall always looks luxurious. It seems that the owners spent a lot of time and money on its design, although in practice this is not always the case. The culture has only one significant drawback: when the leaves fall off, a chaotic jumble of vines opens up to the eye, which does not look very beautiful. You need to think in advance how to attract the attention of an observer in the winter. Let it be bright accent, garden figure or an unusual flowerpot - any object, in combination with which the liana will not be conspicuous.

    On a flat area, the plant can be grown as a ground cover. This is not a completely familiar accommodation option, but the more interesting it is. You should not walk on such a carpet, so as not to break the vine, and it is advisable to leave a place for ease of maintenance. Finally, ivy can be used to decorate the wall of the house. In the summer, the vine will protect against overheating, and in the fall, it will delay the wind a little.