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Black spots on aloe leaves. Improper care of aloe as one of the causes of drying leaf tips

Why does aloe dry? This means that the plant long time no transplant. The roots have taken up all the free space in the pot, because of this, aloe does not receive enough nutrients. He has to feed on older leaves, so the tips dry. In this case, you need.

Before transplanting, it is better not to water the plant for several days, then it will be easier to pull it out. The new pot should be free and spacious:

  • if the roots have grown on the sides - you need to take a wider pot;
  • if the roots grew down - the pot should be higher.

Leaves are curling

Why do aloe leaves curl? So the plant shows that it lack of care. It is necessary to wipe the leaves from dust, spray clean water once a week (twice a week in summer).

thin leaves

Why does aloe have thin leaves? Possible two reasons:

  • lack of lighting - the leaves with all their might reach for the light, while stretching and thinning;
  • lack of watering - the leaves do not have enough moisture, they become less juicy.

In general, aloe can be watered with two different ways- from above and through the pallet. The main thing to remember is that all the earth in the pot must be spilled properly. If you water only the top layer, the lower roots will not have enough water and nutrients. At the same time, the earth will dry out quickly, you will have to water more often - aloe can rot.

The best option is to pour water into the pan. The main roots of aloe are lower, they will take for themselves required amount water. After an hour, the remaining liquid must be drained.

Leaf tips turn yellow

Why do aloe leaves turn yellow? What to do? This usually happens with a lack of nutrition. Agave needs to be fed once a month with special fertilizers for cacti or. In winter, aloe rests, additional nutrition is not required.

Also, the leaves may turn yellow if the aloe does not have enough light. In this case, it will be enough just to rearrange the plant in a more lit place.


Depending on the type of spots on aloe and their color different problems can be diagnosed:

  • brown spots indicate that aloe lacks moisture (you need to change the watering system);
  • if the spots are soft and dark, the plant may be infected with a fungus (needs to be treated with an antifungal agent);
  • the leaves may become covered with black spots - this means that they are very dirty (it is necessary to wipe them from dust more often).

The leaves turned red

Thus the agave only answers too bright sun, nothing to worry about.

If you rearrange it to more shady place The leaves will soon return to their green color.


It happens that aloe dies right before our eyes:

  • if the leaves suddenly begin to fall off - the water for irrigation is too cold (it is better to always keep water in a watering can next to aloe, then the temperature will be optimal);
  • if the leaves take on an unhealthy appearance, wither and turn pale - there is too much water in the ground (irrigation must be urgently adjusted).


Basically, aloe at home suffers from two diseases - root rot and dry rot. It is important to recognize the disease in time and have time to save the plant.

root rot

Roots start to rot from excess water in a pot. The reason is very frequent and abundant watering. You can recognize this disease by the following signs:

  • the stalk of aloe dries out;
  • the plant does not respond to watering;
  • does not grow long time aloe does not change its size.

This disease can be tried to cure. The plant needs to be dug up, carefully cut off all rotten roots. Sprinkle the rest properly with sulfur or coal powder, then plant the aloe in a spacious pot. It is good if there is a large amount of sand in the soil.

After aloe root rot, it is best not to water for at least three weeks.

Even if the disease affected not only the roots, but also the leaves, you can try to save aloe. For this you need to use the method of "apical cuttings":

  • the very top of aloe is cut off (about 15 cm);
  • dried for at least two weeks in a dry and warm room;
  • a dried cutting is planted in dry soil in a small pot and so waits for spring;
  • in the spring, you need to gradually begin to water the aloe, quite a bit;
  • if young green leaves appear - the plant is saved!

The rotten parts of the aloe must be thrown away along with the pot in which it grew. The disease is perfectly preserved in the ground and on the walls of dishes, so another plant may get sick.

Dry rot

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to recognize this disease in time, therefore, in most cases, aloe dies.

There is only one symptom - the plant dries from the inside, but outwardly this may not be expressed in any way.

The only way to save timely prevention.

To do this, periodically aloe must be sprayed with a fungicide (antifungal agents).


  1. Shchitovki- pierce the leaves and stems of the plant, drinking the juice.
  2. They are covered with wax shields, which is why they got their name. The shield is easy to identify - the affected aloe leaves seem to be covered with sugar syrup, shiny and sticky to the touch.

    You can try to wash off the shield. To do this, wipe the leaves of aloe every day. plain water, once a week - with laundry soap.

    If there are too many scale insects, ordinary wiping may not save. Then it is better to treat aloe with special chemicals. First you need to properly spray the plant with the preparation, then dilute the remnants of the product with water and pour over the aloe.

    To prevent the appearance of scale insects, you can spray aloe with diluted vinegar. Also, vinegar will help at the very beginning of the lesion, when there are few scale insects on the plant - you need to wipe off the individuals and larvae with a cotton pad dipped in vinegar.

  3. spider mite.
  4. It cannot be seen with the naked eye due to small size. The only sign is the leaves covered with cobwebs. It is important that the tick easily and quickly passes to neighboring plants, affecting them as well.

    To combat spider mites on aloe, you can use an alcohol solution or tincture of garlic - spray the plants with them. You can also use acaricides - special chemicals against ticks. For prevention, you can spray aloe cold water- the tick does not tolerate it. Naturally, this can only be done in the warm season.

    At the first sign of a spider mite on aloe, you should immediately place the plant separately from others, preferably in a well-ventilated area (for example, on a balcony).

  5. Mealybugs- also suck the juice from aloe; unlike ticks, mealybugs can be seen without a magnifying glass.
  6. In addition, they leave traces of their crime on the aloe - white pieces that look like fluff or cotton wool.

    Can fight folk remedies, for example, wipe the affected areas with garlic tincture. For cooking, you need to chop a few cloves of garlic and soak them in alcohol for a while.

    If the plant is affected too much, you will have to use chemicals.

  7. thrips- Insects that live best in hot and humid areas.
  8. It is not difficult to determine the defeat of thrips - silvery stripes appear on the aloe, which the pests leave behind when moving.

    To combat thrips, only chemical agents can be used. It is important that these pests quickly acquire immunity to the drugs used, so the substances can be combined - for example, spray one and water the other.

    After processing aloe from thrips, you need to withstand a week and repeat the procedure. This will help get rid of the larvae and surviving individuals. In order not to infect neighboring plants, it is better to move the affected aloe to an isolator.

    When transferring aloe to another place and during processing, care must be taken - thrips larvae fall and thus fall on other plants.

    Basically, all pests feed on aloe juice, which leads to a slowdown in its growth.

Aloe (Aloe) - Aloe

Aloe (Aloe) or agave is a genus of xerophytic succulent plants of the Asphodelaceae family. The name of the genus comes from Arabic, in translation from which it means "bitter".
The genus Aloe combines perennial leafy herbaceous, shrubby or tree-like succulents with thick fleshy xiphoid leaves, collected in dense rosettes and arranged in a spiral. The edges of the leaves can be smooth or serrated, seated along the edge with sharp spikes or soft cilia. The flesh of the leaf is divided into characteristic cells that retain moisture reserves during a drought. The flowers are small, tubular, white, red, yellow or orange, borne on a long peduncle in an apical multi-flowered raceme.

Some types of aloe have been used medicinally since ancient times. aloe juice still in Ancient Egypt used to embalm the bodies of the dead. Myrrh and aloe incense is mentioned in the Bible.
Many types of aloe have long been brought to Europe as medicinal and ornamental plants. Even at the beginning of the last century, these plants adorned the collections of our oldest botanical gardens in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the rooms, most often grown aloe tree (A. arborescens), which has long received popular nicknames - agave, doctor, etc.

Aloe types

Tree Aloe Aloe arborescens - the most widely distributed in our country, a medicinal plant. Motherland - Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. AT room conditions in a temperate climate, this plant blooms extremely rarely, and it is with this feature that its popular name is associated - agave, as if blooming once every hundred years, however, when good care may bloom every year. Aloe arborescens in a pot gives numerous side shoots and grows well in height and width. The leaves are narrow, juicy, up to 20-30 cm long, with thorns along the edges. It grows very quickly reaching a height of up to 30-100 cm (in nature up to 3 m) Scarlet tree is very decorative and easily propagated by cuttings.

Folded Aloe Aloe plicatilis - a small tree with a short, branching trunk. 10-16 bluish-green leaves sit on branches in two rows.

Terrifying aloe Alou ferox - has thick fleshy leaves, with reddish-brown small spines all over the surface, which make it warty. It grows up to 45 cm. When flowering, it forms a branched spike-shaped inflorescence with red flowers.

Aloe aristata - it is often confused with haworthia - numerous thick leaves with whitish-transparent soft spikes on the lower surface. The leaves are arranged in the form of a basal rosette - 8-10 cm in diameter. A white serrated border runs along the edge of the sheet. Easily blooms in spring and summer indoors.

Aloe variegated Aloe variegata - a low plant, up to 30 cm high. The underside of the leaf is boat-shaped, dark green with transverse wide and light stripes-spots. A light thin strip stretches along the edges of the sheet.

Beautiful and suitable for breeding in rooms - with triangular variegated leaves; - with an almost round rosette of pointed triangular leaves of a greenish-gray color; pearl aloe - with green leaves arranged in a rosette and covered on both sides with rare pearl-shaped white warts; Aloe chess , which has spirally arranged olive-green leaves, covered on the upper side with a checkerboard white painting.


Aloe - unpretentious plant. He needs good lighting, acidic sandy or rocky soil with good drainage.


Aloe is a light-loving plant, prefers southern windows, but in spring it should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight to avoid burns.

In winter, when the plants are at rest, light plays a lesser role. However, in the stems of aloe, physiological processes do not stop. Therefore, it is better to keep aloe in the brightest place in winter or use LB lamps for 16 hours a day. Practice has shown that such supplementary lighting helps to finally ripen the summer growth and contributes to more abundant flowering summer. Indeed, in nature, aloe receives a sufficient amount of light in winter.

As the spring days approach, there is more light, the plants begin to emerge from hibernation. A sharp increase in the amount of light and heat can cause sunburn. Plants that have become unaccustomed to bright light during the winter must be accustomed to it gradually. The easiest way is to shade with gauze or a mosquito net. Gradually increasing the amount of light, after a couple of weeks, the grid can be abandoned.

In the summer months, it is recommended to take the aloe outdoors (to the balcony), but protect it from rain and wind. Plants get enough light and ultraviolet radiation which is absorbed by the window glass. Plants grown outdoors differ from window aloes in stronger spines and a better formed stem. In warm dark rooms, aloe grows rapidly, stretches, becomes pale.


Water moderately as the soil dries out. In winter, watering is rare. Highly great importance has the quality of water used for watering succulents. You should pay attention to the water temperature: rare watering in autumn-winter period should be done with water with a temperature of 5-8 ° C higher than the air temperature; during the growth period, it can be from 20 to 35 ° C. It is best if there is always a certain supply of water in the watering can - then it will always be at the right temperature.

Aloe can be watered in two ways:
1. From above from a watering can until water appears in the pan.
2. And from below, from the pallet.

The second method has a number of advantages: the substrate is not washed out in pots and is not washed out so quickly. nutrients from an earthen mixture: most of the suction roots are located in aloe in the lowest part of the root system - at the bottom of the pot, so the flow of water to this part of the earthen coma is justified, while wetting the thick main roots is not only useless, but also dangerous.

If half an hour after watering there is still water in the pan, it must be poured out, otherwise such dampness will lead to rotting of the roots.
However, when watering from below, if the drainage height is relatively large, the water does not always reach the top of the clod. For watering, you can put the pot with the plant in a vessel with water, then remove the pot and let the excess water drain.

When watering from above, it is important that the entire lump is saturated with water. You can not water little by little, then only the upper part of the soil will get wet and the neck of the stem, sensitive to decay, will be in a constantly moist environment. In this case, the lower part will remain dry, the roots will dry out, and the plant will stop growing.

Air humidity

Aloe can be left unsprayed or sprayed occasionally and very carefully. Water should not get into the sinuses of leaf sockets.


The temperature in the room should be moderate from spring to autumn. In winter, plants are kept in a bright and cool room, preferably at 10-13 ° C, but they also tolerate a temperature of 6 ° C quite well. Aloe species from Madagascar prefer temperatures of at least 15 ° C.
Unlike most other indoor plants, succulent plants they like the night and day temperatures to be quite different.
Temperatures should be moderate in summer and cool in winter. In the summer, it is better to place it in fresh air (in the garden or on the balcony).

The soil

Drainage is required. You can add charcoal and brick chips. Since at home it is usually required not very a large number of soil, it hardly makes sense to prepare it yourself. If you are planting aloe in a commercial potting mix, use one that is made for cacti and other succulents. Depending on the amount of minerals in the soil, it is suitable for sowing, for young or mature plants.

If you decide to prepare the soil for transplanting yourself, then it must be borne in mind that at home, aloe grows on dry, often clay soils with a high iron content, so the soil mixture should be light. There are many different recipes for aloe earthen mixtures. An earthen mixture of soddy soil, leafy soil, humus and coarse sand(2:1:1:1). In the soil, you can add a little charcoal, which has disinfecting properties, and a little broken brick, giving the soil additional friability. When transplanting aloe, peat is not added to the soil mixture, which is part of almost all soil mixtures. Soil pH should be slightly acidic.


During the growth period, aloe needs top dressing once every two weeks with fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

To feed aloe, liquid complex mineral fertilizers are used, making sure that their drops do not fall on the stems of plants.
From May to August, aloe should be fed every two weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer for cacti and other succulents. Regular fertilizing at this time stimulates growth and improves the overall condition of the plants.
Top dressing is carried out only after the earthen ball is watered and soaked with water, otherwise the plant may suffer from too high a concentration of salts in the soil. Fertilizers can only be applied to moist soil.
During the growth period of the plant, top dressing should be started two to four weeks after purchase. If you planted the plant yourself, start feeding it only after the sprouts appear.
Young or newly transplanted plants do not need additional feeding in the first six months.
If the plant is in soil or a special soil mixture, it is not recommended to feed it heavily.
Mineral top dressing is applied in liquid form either from above, onto moist soil, or from below, through a pallet.
Feeding can only be applied when the plant is healthy. It is harmful to sick specimens, they must first be cured.


Aloe is easily propagated by cuttings. The cuttings are dried for several days before planting. It can also be propagated by leaves, seeds and cuttings.


Seeds should be sown immediately after ripening at a temperature of 21 ° C. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February-March in bowls. The earth is taken of the following composition: sheet, light turfy earth, sand (1: 1 / 2: 1). Seedlings dive into boxes. The composition of the earth is the same. The grown seedlings are planted in 5 cm pots one by one. Composition of the earth: soddy, leafy earth, sand (1:1:1/2). For 1 m3 of this mixture, half a bucket of broken bricks and charcoal is added. In summer, young plants are brought into greenhouses. Watering plants is not plentiful, as rotting is observed from excess moisture. The next year, in the spring, transshipment is given to the plants. Subsequent plant care is normal. At seed propagation splitting is often observed, therefore cuttings and division are mainly used (especially for valuable decorative forms and hybrids). When propagated by seeds, young plants acquire decorative look after 2 years.

Aloe juice stimulates the growth of cuttings and increases the germination of seeds. The seeds are soaked in water, where aloe juice is added, for 8-20 hours. If you drop a little juice into the irrigation water for indoor flowers, the latter begin to grow much more intensively.


Cutting succeeds almost all year round but better in spring and summer. The shoots are cut into pieces 10-12 cm long. These cuttings are dried on a shelf for several days, the cuts are sprinkled with charcoal powder. Landing is carried out in wet sand at a distance of 3-5 cm to a depth of 1 cm. The cuttings are not sprayed or covered glass jar. It is watered occasionally so as not to create excessive moisture in the substrate (rotting is possible), do not shade. When roots appear, watering is increased, and soon young plants are planted in 7-centimeter pots, one at a time. They make up an earthen mixture of soddy and leafy earth, sand (1:1:1/2). Broken brick and charcoal are added to this mixture. For the summer, plants are brought into a greenhouse (or left in a greenhouse). In winter, plants are watered moderately, set closer to the light, kept at a temperature of 10-12 ° C. In the spring they are transferred to 9-centimeter pots. The composition of the earth: turf and leaf earth, sand (2: 1: 1/2), broken brick and charcoal are added.

Reproduction by the top of the shoot and shoots

Aloe also reproduces by the top of the shoot and the shoots that form at the base of the shoots. Care is the same as for cuttings. After cutting the cuttings, they are dried on a rack for 3-4 days, and then planted in pots for rooting, deepening into the substrate with the lower end by 2-4 cm; after planting, they are tied to a peg.
Care for them consists in spraying and maintaining a temperature of at least 18 ° C. After rooting, they proceed to regular watering: in autumn and winter, watering is limited. Transshipment is done in the spring. The composition of the earth mixture: turf and leaf earth, sand (2: 1: 1). Young plants are transplanted annually, at the age of 3-5 years - every 2 years, older than 5 years - every 3 years or when the tub rots. In summer, top dressing with slurry and full mineral fertilizer is necessary every 2-3 weeks.


Young plants are transplanted annually in the spring, adults - once every two years. Prepare dishes for transplanting different sizes. By removing the aloe from the old pot and shaking off the earth, you can determine the size of the required pot. If the roots have grown in width, closer to the walls of the pot, then a new pot must be taken with a larger diameter; if the roots grew predominantly down, i.e., into the depth of the pot, the tone pot should be larger than the previous one in height.
Dishes, no matter what material they are made of, must have a good hole (at least 1.5-2 cm in diameter) in the bottom for unhindered water flow. If the pot is very large, you can make several holes. Often, old aloe sheds its lower leaves and becomes ugly. In this case, you can cut off the bare part of the stem and root the plant again.

Pests and diseases

Aloe is rarely affected by pests. Usually, aloe is attacked by both specialized, “succulent” pests, obviously imported from natural habitats, and non-specialized ones. The key to a successful fight is the correct and timely identification of the type of pest. Most pests are visible to the naked eye, but some can only be seen with a magnifying glass.
Major diseases can be: root rot and dry rot.
root rot
Usually this disease occurs when the content is incorrect, too wet, especially in cool weather. It is possible to save a plant only with early diagnosis of the disease.
External signs
Rotting of the roots causes a long delay in the growth of aloe (especially during the growing season), drying out of the stem, and lack of response to watering.
Control measures
If the root rot is only partial, all the affected parts of the roots must be removed, and the rest are well sprinkled with coal powder or sulfur, and aloe is planted in fresh soil with a large proportion of sand. After three weeks, very carefully watered. If the roots are completely rotted, you can save upper part stem, rooting it like a cutting. At the same time, part of the stem is cut off so that only healthy strong tissues remain.
If the plant is completely damaged, then it must be discarded along with the pot, as the fungus can persist in the soil for many years.

Dry rot
The disease appears when the plant is improperly maintained.
External signs
Outwardly, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time and rot is not observed. The plant seems to dry out, without noticeably changing color and shape, but at the same time it turns out to be completely dry inside. Moreover, all this happens so quickly that the period of “partial defeat” usually does not have time to be noticed.
Control measures
Since this disease is transient and no methods have yet been invented to combat it, the plant dies. But you can prevent the disease by periodically spraying the plant with a systemic fungicide.

Medicinal properties of aloe

Aloe juice is widely known as a universal therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It can be used both externally and as a drink.

Aloe juice has been used as a remedy for more than three thousand years ago. In modern folk medicine aloe juice can be found in many recipes, the aloe plant grows in almost every home. How is aloe juice obtained? It is obtained from the leaves of the aloe arborescens, which must be cut in autumn or winter. At home, aloe juice is obtained from indoor aloe plants, the thick fleshy leaves of which are ground in a meat grinder. It must be remembered that home-made aloe juice should be consumed immediately, until aloe juice has lost its medicinal qualities.

How to harvest and apply aloe?

Medicinal raw materials are leaves with a length of at least 15 cm. The best results are obtained by plants that are more than three years old. Cut them in the winter-spring period.

In order to properly prepare aged (biostimulated) aloe juice, do not water the plant for 2 weeks before cutting. Whole leaves of aloe at the age of 3-5 years, preferably on the vine, wrapped in black paper (a tube with through ends) and kept in a dark place (for example, in a refrigerator on the bottom shelf) at a temperature of 4-8 degrees Celsius for 2 weeks . Then rinse them in cool boiled water, grind and pour water in a ratio of 1:3. Leave in a dark cool place for 1.5 hours. The resulting juice is squeezed and filtered.

A few words about aloe recipes. Aloe juice can be drunk before meals to increase appetite, lubricate wounds, suppuration, rinse your mouth or make compresses on your head from it.

Aloe treatment is very effective due to the fact that aloe juice contains anthraglycosides (nataloin, emodin, rabarberon, aloin), resinous substances, as well as a certain amount of vitamins, phytoncides and enzymes. Aloe juice can also be used for the prevention of diseases, since aloe juice increases the protective and immunoreactive properties of the body. Aloe juice is used to treat such complex and painful ailments as stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Aloe juice treatment

To treat these diseases with aloe, aloe juice should be taken half an hour before meals, one teaspoonful.

For the treatment of rhinitis, aloe juice is instilled into the nose. For serious skin diseases, wounds, burns, ulcers and boils, an ointment is used, which is made from aloe extract. Aloe juice improves digestion and appetite, normalizes the digestive glands. With a disease of the oral cavity, diluted aloe juice is used as a rinse. Sabur is the evaporated aloe juice.

Aloe juice in the form of sabur is known as one of the most effective means with chronic constipation. But even such a useful product in all respects as aloe juice should be used with caution. Sabur or aloe juice used in too large quantities can cause inflammation of the colon.

The medicinal properties of aloe extract are widely used in the pharmacological and cosmetic industries. If you do not want to grow and process aloe plants at home, then in any pharmacy you can buy medicines and cosmetics for face and body skin care that contain canned aloe juice.

If growing conditions are violated, aloe has pronounced symptoms that indicate one or another disease. Possible problems are listed below.

Rolling leaves. If the leaves are curled, then they lack care. The leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth, removing settled dust.

Leaves turn yellow. Excess moisture adversely affects aloe. If the leaves turn yellow and soften, then you need to moderate watering. Water should only be settled and warm.

In order to be able to pull the plant out of the container, you need to stop watering for 3 days.

The new pot should be larger and more spacious, taking into account the direction of growth of the roots:

if the roots grew in length, the dishes should be deeper;
if the roots have gone wide, then you need a pot with a large diameter.

Rotting roots. Root rot. With excess watering and low air temperature, root rot may occur. You can save the agave only at the initial stage of this disease.

If growth is delayed, the stem dries out, and watering does not correct the situation, then you need to inspect the roots.

If rotten areas are found on the roots, they are removed, the remaining intact roots are sprinkled with coal or sulfur and the flower is transplanted into soil with a high sand content. Watered only after three weeks.

If the roots are completely rotted, then aloe can be cut using a healthy tip.

Dry rot. This process does not appear outwardly, the plant dries out from the inside, so timely diagnosis is almost impossible. The only measure is prevention, which consists in spraying with antifungal drugs.

Aloe doesn't grow. Important conditions good growth aloe are:

  • special soil for succulents or cacti;
  • adding brick chips and charcoal to the soil;
  • top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer 2 times a month, which should be carried out from mid-spring to early autumn;
  • the absence of pests that significantly inhibit the growth of aloe.


Once examining aloe, you can find on it uninvited guests. In case of damage by pests, the first step is to isolate the plant, as its "neighbors" can become infected.

Aloe pests are different: mealybug, nematodes, thrips. Correct identification of the type of pest will help the successful fight against the disease.

Mealybugs can be seen with the naked eye. These are mobile insects 2-5 millimeters in size, covered with white hairs on top. Leave behind a waxy, cottony discharge.

Signs of defeat: the plant is covered with pieces of "cotton wool", growth slows down.

If there are few insects, then the damage sites should be treated with garlic tincture on alcohol, and then the plant should be hidden from light for several hours.

If the whole plant is infected, you need to use special preparations - insecticides, for example, Intavir, Decis, Fufanon.

These insects are different types, affect either the trunk or leaves. Root nematodes more insidious than other pests of aloe, since their presence can only be determined by the roots.

Signs of defeat: growth slows down, after examination, nematodes in the form of small grains are found on the roots.

Treatment is difficult. Damaged roots are removed and the plant re-roots. Then they are treated with Vidat and Tekta preparations.

Thrips are small winged pests 1-2 mm in size. At elevated temperatures and high humidity, they spread rapidly.

Signs of defeat: growth slows down, silvery streaks appear, which are left behind by thrips.

The treatment is carried out by spraying with the preparations "Intavir", "Fitoverm", "Decis". However, the fight against these pests is complicated by the fact that they have developed immunity to basic medicines. It is recommended to add a strait of soil "Confidor".

spider mite
spider mite it is not so easy to see on aloe, because its size does not exceed one millimeter.

Signs of defeat: cobwebs on the leaves, discoloration of the stem. The stem at the initial stage acquires yellow, and on the later - red.

Against such a pest, all previous means of control are not valid, because it belongs to arachnids. It is necessary to use special preparations - acaricides. Along with this, you can additionally spray the plant with garlic tincture. This will enhance the healing effect.

Pest control and prevention

One week after the first treatment, a second one is produced. In a week, new larvae will hatch from the eggs and they must be destroyed.
The place where the flower pot stood is well cleaned.

Prevention consists in regular inspections of the plant and keeping the plants clean. You need to carefully monitor such factors as:

  • sufficient lighting (in winter - addition of artificial light);
  • warm temperature (in winter - not lower than 12 degrees Celsius);
  • special composition of the soil;
  • moderate watering;
  • regular top dressing in spring and summer period s;
  • watering only with settled water at room temperature;
  • aloe transplant every three years;
  • transplanting into a convenient pot, taking into account the growth of the root system;
  • avoiding drafts and accidental hypothermia;
  • inflow fresh air in hot summer conditions.

Subject to all the basic aloe, it will grow healthy and strong and give its healing properties. At the same time, the immunity of aloe with good condition can on his own early stages deal with diseases and pests.

Prevention of aloe diseases should be carried out regularly, then the risk of damage will be less.

The sooner the disease is detected and the fight against it begins, the more effective will be Taken measures to save aloe.

A photo

See more photos aloe diseases:

Each of us, or friends and relatives, grow aloe on their windowsills. Old people say that this plant is very useful in healing various diseases. It should be said that plant care does not take much time. It is not demanding on water and easily adapts even in the most difficult conditions.

Aloe and its features

Many say that aloe lives for more than 100 years, and blooms only once during this period. This is not true. Experience shows that this plant can bloom almost every year.

The juice is bitter in taste and is used for masks and the treatment of certain diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, choleretic, soothes burns and has a wound healing effect. In addition, the juice medicinal plant increases the secretion of the digestive glands, improves appetite and digestion, increases the immune and protective functions of the body.

Aloe Care Tips

If you do not water the aloe for a month, it will not die. But if you want to be healthy and big plant, must follow simple instructions care:

  • Use a light potting mix with low brick chips and charcoal for cultivation.
  • It is strongly not recommended to add peat to the soil, as this has Negative influence on the root system plants.
  • Do not abuse watering in the summer. I know this from my sad experience. It is better to leave it outside at night, because it collects dew.
  • When it gets cold (below +10 C), bring the plant indoors. It can be a cool room with a temperature of 12-14 C. I personally place the pot in the hallway or on an insulated balcony.
  • You can fertilize the plant with fertilizers intended for succulents and cacti. Saturation of the soil with mineral and nitrogen-containing fertilizers, from time to time.
  • Be careful when transplanting shoots. Young plants should be transplanted once a year, 3-year-old - once every 3 years. Plants that are more than 5 years old are called old. They are the most valuable as they contain many health benefits.

Propagated by seeds, stem and leaf cuttings and division of tubers. Use propagation methods, it will not bring any harm to the plant. Never transplant an aloe during flowering.

Everyone knows that aloe is a light-loving plant. Thus, it is preferable to place it on the south windows, but in the spring it should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight to avoid burns.

Don't think he doesn't need light in winter! 12-15 hours a day, but if daylight hours are less than this time, you must use additional lighting for normal growth.

Remember that the spring sun can damage the leaves. This can lead to redness and you will need to cut off damaged leaves to save the plant.

In addition, it is well known that this plant grown outdoors differs from plants grown indoors and has a more harmonious stem shape. Warm and dark rooms not suitable for the plant, it becomes pale.

The most common diseases and pests of aloe

root rot

As a rule, it occurs when watering is abused. You can restore the plant in the initial stage of the disease. Signs: stunting and drying of the trunks.

Dry rot

This can happen in case of improper care of aloe. If the plant looks weak. The disease can be prevented by periodic spraying with a fungicide.

Basic rules for planting aloe

Now that you know how to care for a plant, you should also learn how to plant and prune it.

1.Do not water it before planting. The soil must be dry.

2.After removing the plant from the pot, clean the roots of the old soil with light tapping.

3. If you find damaged roots, they must be removed without damaging healthy tissue. Chopped parts should be sprinkled with ground sulfur or charcoal. Trimming should be done with sharp scissors.

4. After transplanting the plant, it is important not to water it for 5-6 days. Place the pot in the shade. If you did everything right, aloe will quickly take root.

Reproduction by seeds

If you do not know how to plant aloe seeds, follow the instructions:

  • They are sown at a temperature of 21 ° C immediately after maturation.
  • It is better to do this in February or March.
  • Use bowls of soil containing the following ingredients: leaf, light peat and sand soil, add some broken brick and charcoal to the soil.
  • When a small plant has 2 leaves, you can plant them in pots.

leaf care

If you don't take proper care of your aloe, you may notice that the leaves curl or turn black. Use a clean water spray, clean them once a week in winter and twice a week in summer.

Dust can accumulate on flat leaves, so be careful and don't forget about your plant.

Aloe needs light to stay green and healthy. If it lacks light, it may turn yellow, pale green, or become thin. You have to repot it or add fertilizer. Follow the care instructions to keep the plant healthy.

Aloe Vera is a useful medicine against many diseases

How to use aloe vera?

If you buy vitamins in pharmacies, you think that you care about your health. Aloe Vera is much better than chemical nutrition. In addition, it is the treatment of dozens of diseases, with essential vitamins and minerals (calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc, vitamins A, B-group, C and E, folic acid and niacin).

With the help of this plant, you can treat teeth and digestive problems, reset excess weight and make your immune system work. Burns, cuts and other minor injuries can be successfully healed with this magical plant. So if you want to have a doctor at home, start by planting aloe vera in your garden or on your windowsill.

It is recommended to take the juice of this succulent plant for treatment. The gel has a special bitter taste. The normal dose is 10 ml. You can also buy this drug at a pharmacy. Remember that you can only use old (at least 5 years old) plants to get a quality gel.

An indoor aloe flower grows on the windowsills of many townspeople who use its shoots and juice as a natural medicine. The flower is relatively unpretentious and the only thing that gives trouble to its owners is aloe diseases. At home, dealing with them is quite difficult if you do not know when and how to do it.

aloe root rot

This aloe disease usually occurs when the flower is kept wet in cool weather. If the disease is detected in the early stages, then aloe is quite possible to save.

External signs of aloe root rot disease are a long delay in plant growth, especially during its growing season. Also, the decay of aloe roots causes the flower stem to dry out and its lack of response to watering.

Fight aloe root rot as follows:
- if the rotting of the roots is partial, then all affected parts are removed, and the rest are sprinkled with coal powder or sulfur. The flower itself is transplanted into fresh soil with a high content of sand and watering begins after three weeks, very carefully.

If the aloe roots are completely rotted, then you can save the upper part of the flower stem by rooting it like a cutting. At the same time, only the strong healthy part of the stem is cut off.

If the aloe is completely damaged, then the flower is thrown away, moreover, along with the pot, but like a fungus in a pot, it can live for many years.

Aloe disease dry rot

Aloe dry rot occurs as a result of improper flower maintenance. Outwardly, the disease manifests itself weakly, the shape and color of aloe does not change, but, “suddenly”, it turns out to be dry inside. This happens very quickly, and flower owners usually do not notice any early signs of dry rot.

This aloe disease proceeds very quickly, measures to directly combat it have not been invented. It is only possible to periodically spray the flower with a fungicide in order to prevent dry rot.

Other aloe diseases

Usually, aloe ailments arise from mistakes that owners make when keeping a flower and caring for it. So, with very frequent watering, aloe roots begin to rot, and with a lack of lighting, especially in winter, aloe leaves stretch out, become crayons and their number decreases.

Aloe malaise can also be caused by planting a flower in a severe clay soil, from which moisture evaporates poorly and in which there is no aeration.