Bathroom renovation website. Helpful Hints

What birds winter in the middle lane. Children about wintering birds

Our children already know that many birds fly to warmer climes with the advent of autumn. But it will not be superfluous to remember this again.

What birds winter in our area? Consider illustrations.

Talk to your child about the birds that are left to spend the winter. Better yet, try to see them and observe them.

Why do some birds fly away

and others stay winter with us?

Do not rush to answer for the child, give him the opportunity to reason a little, help with leading questions.

Where do ducks and geese live? That's right, by the rivers and ponds. The river for them is both a home and a dining room. What happens to rivers in winter? That's right, they freeze. This means that waterfowl need to look for another home.

And what do swallows eat in summer, what do they feed their chicks? Flying insects. Do insects fly in winter? No, they hide from the cold until spring. It turns out that in winter many birds have nothing to eat, so they are looking for a home in other places, warm and satisfying.

Why, then, do not sparrows and titmouse, crows and jackdaws, jays and woodpeckers fly away? It's just that all of them can find food for themselves in winter: seeds and fruits of plants and even insects with their larvae under the bark of trees. And if you move closer to people, you can profit from the remnants of food, which are sure to be found nearby.

Flocks of sparrows can be seen almost always on scattered bushes and trees.

Learn the verse:
Why do I love sparrows?
Because he is like me:
When the cold comes
Doesn't fly anywhere.
(V. Levin)

perky titmouse- also frequent guests. They feed mainly on insects, which are pulled out of cracks in the tree bark. See how the chickadees scurry up and down the trunks in search of insects.

Watch crows and magpies with your child. These birds are omnivorous: they eat insects, and grain, and all kinds of food waste.

The small birds that stayed to spend the winter with us are having a hard time. Still, getting to the food is not easy - it is often hidden under ice and snow. And in winter it is very cold, and the bird needs more food than in summer.

Our children already know about the great benefits that birds bring. If they "forgot", tell them how titmouse and other small birds save trees from harmful insects. The more birds in a forest or garden, the healthier the trees.

Explain to your child that birds do not die of cold in winter, but of hunger. After all, a well-fed bird will not freeze even in the most severe frost. And if you and your child make and hang a feeder in the park, on the edge of the forest or near the house, then you will not only be able to watch the birds, but also do a good and necessary deed.

If dad agrees to help, you can build feeder according to the rules. To do this, you need a small plank or plywood, to which you need to attach low sides. It can be hung on a branch at four corners, or even better - strengthened on a wooden "leg" driven into the ground. Then the feeder will not sway from the wind. A wooden roof doesn't hurt either.

If the feeder hangs in the park, and you and your child cannot go there often, it is convenient to do "automatic" feeder. To do this, fill the bottle with food, turn it upside down and fix it above the table at a distance of several millimeters. As the birds eat the food, a new one will spill out of the bottle. So that the bottle does not scare the birds, first coat it with PVA glue, roll it in sand and dry it. Now she looks more "natural" and natural.

If you can’t make a wooden feeder, the design can be greatly simplified. For example, by cutting a large window in a plastic bottle or a milk carton.

What to feed the birds?

The best delicacy is sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

You can sprinkle crumbs of white bread. Any bird will love this treat.

All kinds of cereals (millet, oats, millet, etc.) will most likely attract only sparrows.

Bullfinches love rowan and elderberries.

Titmouse can be pampered with pieces of unsalted lard or meat. Just do not put the fat directly on the table - the crows will drag it away. Hang it on strings or wires from tree branches. So it is difficult for a crow to grab the fat, and the tit will peck, clinging to a piece with its paws.

Who can be found at the feeder? If it hangs in the yard near the house, then your main guests will be sparrows and titmouse. Not only all kinds of tits, but also woodpecker, and nuthatch.

Birds very quickly get used to the feeder and visit there constantly. If you walk with your child at about the same time every day, try this experiment. Every day at certain hours, pour food into the feeder. And very soon you will notice that the birds know the time of dinner and gather at the feeder "on time", waiting for a treat. Sometimes the whole flock arrives at once, and sometimes, several scout sparrows. The child will surely enjoy the opportunity to observe the birds and their habits during lunch. Having got used to people, the birds will let you close enough. Just be very, very quiet.

Wintering birds are birds that do not need to migrate during the winter. They remain in their native lands and look for food in their place of residence. Wintering birds are among those who can find food for a period of severe cold. Most of these birds are individuals that can eat grains, dried berries and seeds.

Persistent wintering birds

Wintering birds are distinguished by great stamina, since the winter period is very difficult for them. From morning to evening, they have to look for food for themselves, as a well-fed body allows you to produce more heat, which allows you not to freeze. In extreme cold, birds try not to fly, so they look for food in feeders and on the ground. In winter, even those birds that normally live alone can flock in flocks.

List of wintering birds

In appearance, a small and gray bird is very fearless. Wild sparrows try to fly closer to the city or village in winter in order to find food among people. Sparrows fly in groups, so if one bird finds food, it will start calling the rest. To keep warm on a winter night, birds sit in a row and periodically change places and warm up in turn.


Due to the structure of the paws, the pigeon is not adapted to live on a tree. In the choice of food, this bird is not whimsical. A distinctive feature of pigeons is their attachment to their place of residence.

In autumn, the crows fly away for short distances towards the south. Moscow crows fly to Kharkov, and Arkhangelsk crows end up in Moscow. With enough food, the crow remains faithful to its site. In winter, the birds switch to a nomadic lifestyle and gather in flocks.


This northern bird, in search of food, can fly long distances. Crossbills are adapted to frost and low temperatures. Resistance to cold allows birds to incubate eggs even in sub-zero weather. They insulate their nests well with moss and animal hair.


In Russia, they nest mainly in spruce forests near rivers, and also live in cities. Bullfinches stay in small flocks. In the cities they eat mountain ash and wild apples, as well as seeds.


It does not stock food for the winter, so in cold weather it is quite difficult for it to soak. Most often, these birds survive in the winter only because of additional feeding by humans. They love lard, dried fruits, seeds and nuts.


These birds are omnivorous and love to eat. In winter, it moves to berries, nuts and seeds. In cold times, they unite in flocks and roam in search of food.


A migratory bird feeds on plant and animal food. Able to make food supplies for the winter in the form of stocks of acorns.


Even magpies look into the feeders in winter. They lead a settled way of life and do not go far from the nest even in the cold seasons.


Sedentary birds, in the north of the region are able to roam for short distances. They gather in flocks in search of food.


The forest bird feeds mainly on cedar seeds and other nuts in winter. In winter, there is no shortage of food.


In harsh winters, owls can move to cities and hunt sparrows. These birds store food in their nests during the winter.


This wintering bird is thrifty. The nuthatch does not experience a lack of food in winter, since it begins to stock up on grains, nuts and berries since autumn. The bird hides food in its habitat.


For many birds that remain overwintering, it is very difficult to survive the cold period. Since it gets dark early, the bird spends all daylight hours looking for food. A good help for wintering birds are feeders in parks and near houses. Such food often helps to save the lives of many birds.

Most often we meet birds in the winter forest. First of all, of course woodpeckers.

The most common is the great spotted woodpecker. It is his knock that we hear - the woodpecker hammers cones and takes out seeds - its main food in winter. Males and females are easily distinguished, the male has a red "cap" on his head, the female does not.

Much less often you can see the yellow, or black woodpecker. This is the largest woodpecker in our forests, about the size of a crow. It takes out insects hiding there from under the bark, from rotten trees, their larvae, pupae. Males differ from females in a red "cap" in their entire heads, in females it is very small.

The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, the size of a sparrow, is found where there are many rotten birch trees. Insectivorous, but, on occasion, does not disdain seeds, it is fed on feeders. Like the great spotted woodpecker, the female does not have a "cap".

Tits are the most famous and numerous group of birds that stay with us for the winter. The great tit stays close to human habitation in winter, but it is also found in forests. Other types of tits prefer the forest, only some individuals live near villages and towns. Flocks of tits, often mixed, consist of several species, sometimes accompanying woodpeckers and nuthatches. It happens that pikas roam the forest with tits. All of them feed mainly on insects, extracting them from under the bark, and on occasion they also feed on seeds. Ordinary visitors to the feeders.

The largest species of tits is the great tit.

Lazorevka is a small, neat, very lively titmouse.

There is also a white tit, or princeling, but it is extremely rare.

Brown-headed tit - puff.

Crested tit - grenadier.

On the forest edges, in the floodplains of streams and rivers, you can see cute small long-tailed titmouses - polovnichki.

The nuthatch is a bright, lively bird. Deftly crawls up and down the trunks.

A pika is also a great master of climbing tree trunks.

Corvidae are large omnivorous birds. Of these, the raven stands out for its size. Unlike the gray crow, in winter it is found in our forests only. His guttural, peculiar voice can be heard from afar.

Jay - bright, unlike the rest, black and white corvids. The voice is harsh, creaky.

There are few gray crows in the forest in winter; they prefer to feed near human habitation at this time of the year.

Everyone knows the magpie, like the gray crow, it prefers to stay on the outskirts of the forest and closer to housing.

It is easier for finches to feed in winter: seeds, buds. Unlike tits and corvids, whose sex is almost indistinguishable, male and female finches are well distinguished in appearance. Males stand out for their bright, one might say tropical color, females are much more modest. This difference is clearly seen in the example of bullfinches.

Flocks of tap-dancers feed in birch forests, on the edges.

Quite a rare bird - shur, crimson male and modestly colored female.

Among these birds there is a special one - a crossbill, for its bright color and curved beak, it received the name "northern parrot". We have several types of them: spruce, pine, white-winged. The most common spruce. These amazing birds build nests and lay eggs already in January - February. They raise their chicks in winter. It was at this time that the forest abounded with their food, spruce seeds. In March, when the sun begins to warm, the cones of conifers open and scatter their seeds. Therefore, crossbills have to hurry.

When you go skiing, you might encounter one of the birds shown in this post.

In winter, it is cold and hungry for our feathered friends - wintering birds. It is about them that we will talk in our Internet lesson on the world around us.

Let's see what kind of birds there are.

  • migratory- birds that, with the onset of cold days, fly to places rich in food,
  • wintering(sedentary) - those of our feathered friends who stay with us for the winter.

What birds winter in our forests?


The bird got its name from its tick-like beak. Crossbills feed on spruce and pine seeds throughout the winter. In these plants, the seeds ripen by winter. This means that the most food for crossbills happens at this time of the year. Therefore, these birds breed their chicks in winter. Snow and frost all around, and babies in the nest. But they are not afraid of cold, because they are always full.


For the property to appear with the first snow - and they called him a bullfinch. Most often, in photos or paintings, these pichugs are depicted sitting on rowan branches. Her berries are their favorite food. Moreover, they do not eat the pulp, but only peck out the seeds. Because of this, gutted red crumbs of berries are always scattered under the tree in the snow. In winter, bullfinches eat the seeds of alder, maple, ash, hornbeam, and elderberry. In the summer, in the fields, they feast on the seeds of quinoa, burdock, horse sorrel and other herbs.


Who among us has not heard how the restless drummer of our forests, the woodpecker, is knocking, hammering on a tree. But you can recognize a woodpecker not only by knocking, but also by a characteristic cry similar to “ki-ki-ki”. Everyone calls him a forest doctor because he heals trees - he pulls out harmful insects and their larvae from the trunk and from under the bark. With its cone-shaped sharp beak, the woodpecker hourly hollows out the bark of a tree. To a depth of up to 10 cm, he hollows out a funnel and takes out an insect with a sticky tongue. The tongue is long, up to 4 cm.


You will see an etuptitsa with us only in winter - it flies to us to spend the winter from the north. You recognize her by her beautiful plumage, large tuft and sharp loud voice. The waxwing got its name from the sounds that it makes when singing: sw-ri-ri. In winter, their main food is the berries of mountain ash, viburnum, wild rose, lingonberries, and indeed any berry bushes. Waxwings eat a lot, stuff their stomachs tightly. But most of these berries are not digested, so in winter the place where the crested beauties feasted is easy to recognize. Under a bare tree, the snow is all strewn with bright spots of half-digested berries with seeds and pecked peel.


Sparrow is one of the most famous birds that live in the neighborhood of a human dwelling. Here he finds good conditions for building nests and a lot of food, nests in separate pairs, sometimes in colonies. Sparrow nests can be found in the crevices of buildings, in burrows in clay ravines, in tree hollows. The bird can also occupy a birdhouse and a swallow hole. Sparrows feed on seeds. They love hemp, sunflower, wheat grains, but they will also peck at bread crumbs. Watch how skillfully they fight in the yard with pigeons for their piece of bread.


Perhaps the most famous bird in the city is the dove. These birds are so accustomed to life in the city that they are not at all afraid of people, often taking food directly from the palm of a person. In addition to seeds and bread, pigeons eat various grains, seeds, plants, and berries. Pigeons also drink a lot of water so that solid food softens faster. These birds find places where they can hide from the cold, but at the same time fly out every day in search of food. Most often, attics of residential buildings serve as such a refuge for them. In winter, it is very difficult for birds to find food for themselves, and without food it is difficult for them to cope with the frost, so we must not forget about them and periodically feed the birds in the cold season so that they do not die.


The titmouse is a very mobile and fidgety bird: it will not sit still.Its beak is sharp and strong, and its paws are very tenacious, which allows the bird to cling to a branch and hang upside down.He sings loudly: “Xin-sin, ping-ping”, knows how to whistle and crackle. For her singing, she received the name "tit".Titmouse arrange their nests in hollows, mouse holes, various cracks and voids. Tits live everywhere: in forests, mountains, villages, parks and gardens. In winter, tits fly closer to humans. These birds eat everything in a row: grains, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat, lard and even cottage cheese.


Magpie lives in the forest. The nest is high up in a tree of branches. A magpie flies through the forest - it chirps, and flies up to the nest - it falls silent, does not want to show it to anyone.The magpie finds different food for itself: it eats beetles, larvae, caterpillars, loves bird eggs very much, steals them from the nests of other birds. For this, they called her the magpie-thief. It catches forty mice, frogs, and can drag a chicken.Magpie finds food at any time of the year, winter is not terrible for her. In winter, beetles and larvae do not appear, they hide from the cold under the bark of trees; in winter, there are no eggs in bird nests. So the magpie flies out of the forest closer to people.


. The crow is an omnivorous bird.All kinds of food waste is the usual and favorite food of the crow, so a large accumulation of these birds is often observed in city dumps. The crow feeds on insect larvae that teem in manure. In the absence of animal food, the crow eats plants and their seeds, fruits and vegetables. A modern urban crow can open a carton of milk, break a walnut, soak a rusk in a puddle, open a tin can. ATsevere frosts, you can watch their huge flocks that fly from place to place.The life expectancy of a crow in nature is 15-20 years.

Test your knowledge about wintering birds Birds of our region Grade 1 Mosaic Winter Birds

Why you need to feed birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter.
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
Need a handful of grain
One handful -
And not scary
They will have winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

Dining room for birds

Birdwatching in the winter canteen

You can not only feed the birds, but also watch them. And write down all your observations, i.e. try yourself as an ORNITOLOGIST.

Questions to help you in birdwatching.

  1. You can write by day what birds fly into the feeder.
  2. How they behave, whether they quarrel with each other, whether they drive away other birds from the feeder.
  3. What do they prefer from food.
  4. Do they fly in flocks or alone.
  5. What time do the birds arrive in the winter dining room.
  6. Do they eat food right in the feeder or grab a grain and fly away to another branch.

V. Bianchi

Who is full, the cold is not terrible

V. Bianchi

Forest newspaper No. 12. Month Endure until spring.

Video about wintering birds

wintering birds

Wintering birds. Educational video for toddlers

Project type: information and creative.

Project type: group.

Duration: short.

Age of participating children: 5-6 years.

Members: teacher, children and parents of the group.


In the cold season, it is vital for wintering birds to feed themselves. Available food is becoming much less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die.

After conducting a diagnostic conversation, offering the children demonstration material (cards depicting wintering birds), it was possible to establish that out of 22 pupils surveyed, less than half of the group (10 children) recognized and named correctly almost all the birds presented, every third (8 children) was able to recognize and confidently name 6 birds, and every eighth (4 children) could remember and name only 4 birds. It follows that children have little experience of bird watching in nature. Most of the children surveyed do not have the skills to help birds in winter.

Target: expansion and enrichment of knowledge about wintering birds.


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds.

2. Replenish the group's developing environment with materials and equipment related to the project topic.

3. Raise the desire to help birds in difficult times for them.

Preparatory stage

- Determining the level of knowledge of children about wintering birds.

- Survey of parents.

— Definition of the project theme, tasks, strategies and mechanisms.

- Selection of the necessary literature on the topic.

Main stage.

Interaction with children.

1 Week.

Task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds.

Monday - conversation "What do you know about birds?"

Tuesday - didactic games "Birds on feeders", "What kind of birds you will not see in winter".

Purpose. To clarify the knowledge of children about the characteristics of the habitat of wintering birds (what they eat).

Rice. one. Wintering birds.

Reading fiction: V. Zvyagina "Sparrow", S. A. Yesenina "Winter sings, calls out", T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds", Y. Nikonova "Winter guests".

Examination of images of wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Wednesday - Guessing riddles about wintering birds.

The breast is brighter than the dawn,


At the snowman.

I will visit everyone in a day,

Everything I know, I will break.


Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

little black cap

And a strip of scarf.


In a gray feather coat,

And in the cold he is a hero

Name it soon

Who is jumping there?


Like a fox among animals

This bird is the smartest

Hiding in frosty crowns,

And her name is...


These birds with a tuft,

Very bright though.

They flew to the mountain ash,

These birds...


Look at the balcony

He's been cooing here since morning.

This bird is a postman

Any route will fly.


Above the beetle and bark beetle

He always wins.

Knock and knock on the trees:

Who is a true friend for the forest?


Drawing "Bullfinches on a rowan branch"

Target. Learn to convey the appearance of bullfinches.

Thursday - making caps - masks with images of birds for outdoor games.

Rice. 2. Magpie mask.

Friday - didactic games "The fourth extra", "One - many".

2 weeks.

Task: to replenish the developing environment of the group room with materials and equipment on the topic of the project.

Monday - make a selection of literature about birds in the corner of the books.

Tuesday - memorizing the poem "Sparrow" N. Rubtsov.

Wednesday - album design: "Wintering Birds".

Thursday - registration of a card index of riddles, poems about birds.

- keeping a diary of observations of the arrival of birds to the feeder (daily).

Rice. 3. Winter birdwatching calendar. 1 - older; 2 - preparatory group.

Friday - design of the poster "Wintering Birds".

3 weeks.

Task: educate the desire to help the birds in difficult times for them.

Monday - conversation"It is difficult for birds to winter."

Tuesday - memorization of poems by A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches", A. Barto "Whiskers", tongue twisters, counting rhymes about birds.

Wednesday - drawing "My favorite bird".

Friday - reading thin. literature: L. Voronkova "Bird feeders", V. Sukhomlinsky "Like a tit wakes me up", O. Grigoryeva "Tit", A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter";

- preparation of food for birds;

- outdoor games "Flight of birds", "Birds in nests", "Owl - owl";

Interaction with parents

1 Week.

Monday design of the screen "Wintering Birds".

2 weeks.

Consultations "Feed the Birds in Winter" « They stayed for the winter, we will help them.”

The final stage.

Interaction with parents

craft competition- "We make bird feeders"

Photo 1. Birds at the feeder.

Interaction with children.

Quiz "Who knows more about birds?"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, the ability to distinguish them.

Expected Result:

Children have a system of knowledge about wintering birds;

— the necessary conditions have been created in the group for the formation of a holistic view of the life of wintering birds.

The children had a desire to help the birds in the winter season.

Project Broadcast:

Speech with a message from the experience of working at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

Project outlook: In the future, I plan to develop the spring project “Migratory Birds”.

Scenario of the holiday "Sinichkin's Day" with children 5-6 years old


  • support and stimulate attempts of independent knowledge of the surrounding world by children, establishing connections between its objects;
  • continue to teach children to take care of the birds that live near us;
  • use environmental knowledge and practical experience in productive activities.

Materials and equipment: laptop, projector, screen, audio recording of the songs “How beautiful this world is” (lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov), “Three titmouse danced” (lyrics by A. Barto, Czech folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger), easel, pictures with images of wintering and migratory birds, a feeder, a birdhouse, sunflower seeds, boiled rice, pork fat, crackers, raw oatmeal, nuts, dried fruits, cheese, a spoon, plastic trays and containers, an apron.

Dictionary activation: wintering birds, Titmouse Day, ingredients, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, rice, container, dried fruits.

Event progress

Sounds likeaudio recordingsong "How beautiful this world is." The music hall is decorated with drawings depicting wintering birds, posters on the theme "Take care of the birds", "More tits in the gardens - less damaged apples."

Educator. Hello guys. It was not in vain that we included the song “How beautiful this world is, look!”. It is she who urges us to stop and look around. Yes, he is really beautiful this world, full of wonders and mysteries. Every day we meet with his secrets. Sometimes, in a hurry, we pass by without noticing them. Sometimes we accidentally try to guess some riddle of nature.

An unusually amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. Without bird chirping, the world would be boring.

The song “Three Titmouse Danced” is performed, words by A. Barto, Czech folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger.

Educator. So the golden autumn died down, the crowns of the trees thinned out. They threw off their colorful foliage. September turned with leaf fall, October rained noisy, November met us with the first frosts.

And as soon as it got cold outside, many birds began to fuss, as if someone had frightened them. Why is this happening?

There are different types of birds

Some are afraid of blizzards

And fly away for the winter

To the kind, warm south.

Others - those people are different:

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

More terrible than a fierce cold.

To their ruffled feathers

Snowflakes don't come

They are under the powder

They frolic for a warm-up.

K. Muhammadi

The children answer.

Educator. Yes, some birds flew to warmer climes, while others, on the contrary, flew to us for the winter. Now we will check if you know wintering and migratory birds.

The game "Find the wintering birds" is being held.

The teacher invites the children to choose for themselves a picture of a bird.

Educator. And now you will turn into a flock of birds. According to the conditional musical sound, wintering birds should gather in one flock, and migratory birds in another. Then each pack looks to see if there are strangers in their ranks.

The game is repeated with the exchange of cards.

Rice. 4. Cards for the game.

Educator. Do you guys know that for a long time in Russia November 12 was celebrated Titmouse day- the day of the meeting of wintering birds. From time immemorial, people have been preparing feeders for this day, reading poems about birds, guessing riddles, playing and just admiring the winter birds. Why is this day called Titmouse Day? Yes, because the people said that "the titmouse for Russia is a bird of God." Previously, in the old days, they guessed at her: they threw bread crumbs, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck at lard, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it begins to peck bread crumbs, then there will be prosperity in the house. The people said "The titmouse bird is small, but it knows its holiday." What other signs related to birds do you know?

The children answer.

Educator. Not only the titmouse stays with us to spend the winter, but other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks. How can we help birds in winter?

Children answer that you can make feeders, bring food, feed the birds.

Educator. Yes, our task is not to let birds die of hunger in winter, to make feeders for them and feed them daily. Feathered friends are beneficial, and who among you knows what?

Prepared children take turns speaking

1 child. Woodpeckers, starlings and tits exterminate a huge number of insects. A tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs itself.

2 child. A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day.

3 child. A family of swallows over the summer is about a million different harmful insects.

4 child. The rook destroys up to 400 worms and plant pests per day.

5 child. Birds peck seeds and fruits of weeds, reduce the weediness of the area.

6 child. Many birds are orderlies and contribute to the improvement of the area.

Educator. And we must do everything so that our feathered friends constantly feel our care.

Educator. The guys with their parents made feeders, let's look at them.

Adults and children show the feeders and tell how they were made.

Photo 2. Bird feeders.

Educator. And now a fun challenge awaits you. Count how many birds flew in at this hour?

We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Nuthatch, forest - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter.
Visit the first day of the week.
The tits have come to us.
And on Tuesday, look
The snowmen have arrived.
Three crows were on Wednesday.
We didn't expect them for dinner,
And on Thursday from all over -
A flock of greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The dove ate porridge.
And on Saturday for cake.
It's seven forty.

Z. Alexandrova "New dining room"

I suggest you simulate this task. Choose pictures of birds in the required quantity and put them in the feeder.

A model of a feeder and pictures of birds are demonstrated. Children attach images of birds to the feeder using magnets.

Rice. 6. Feeder model.

Educator. Count how many nuthatches, tits, sparrows, pigeons, forty flew to our feeder? Answer the questions:
1. What birds flew first to the feeder?
2. On what day of the week did the crows arrive?
3. How many crows flew in?
4. What did the pigeon eat at the feeder?
5. What did the magpies eat?
6. How many were forty on the feeder?
Well done guys, you got the job done!

Educator. Since today is Sinichkin's holiday, then the birthday girls need to prepare a treat. And what is the main treat on the festive table?

Children offer different answers.

Photo 3. Treats for the birds.

Educator. I suggest you make a cake for tits. Our cake will be three-layer, a group will work on the manufacture of each layer. Form three groups and approach the table. On the table are the ingredients you will need to make the cake.

Task for the first group. You will need to prepare the largest layer of the cake. The main ingredient of this layer is melted lard, breadcrumbs and sunflower seeds. Your task is to mix all the ingredients and place in a large container.

Task for the second group. You have to prepare the middle layer of the cake. Ingredients: boiled rice, peeled unsalted nuts, cheese. Mix everything and place in a medium bowl.

Task for the third group. You will prepare the topmost layer - it is the smallest. Ingredients: soaked oatmeal, dried fruits. Mix everything and place in a small container.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. Korzh are ready. Now they need to be placed in the refrigerator for a while so that they freeze. In the meantime, we will have a rest, we will hold a quiz and sing!

The quiz "What do we know about birds" is held.

The adult asks questions, the children answer. The participant with the most correct answers wins.

Questions for the quiz:

1. What is the largest bird on earth?

2. What is the smallest bird on earth?

3. What birds cannot fly?

4. What birds arrange dances in the swamps?

5. Chicks, what bird doesn't know its mother?

6. What bird is called the "forest doctor"?

7. What bird is called the "forest orderly"?

The game "Bird Concert" is held.

Each group of guys from 3 people is given the name of a bird and is invited to demonstrate in chorus how these birds sing:

Sparrows - chirp - chirp.

Tits - ting - ting.

Crow - kar - kar.

Woodpecker - trrr - trrr.

Bullfinch - du - du - du.

Klest - tsok - tsok - tsok.

Waxwing - tyr - tyr - tyr.

Educator. The cakes are ready, now, let's build a cake from three layers and decorate it festively with dried fruits and candied fruits.

Children take out frozen cakes, stack them one on top of the other according to the pyramid principle and decorate them.

Photo 4. Cake for birds.

Educator. Here is our cake. Guys, let's remember that in winter our feathered friends are cold and hungry. Out of 10 tits, only one survives until spring. And our task is to prevent our wintering friends from starving to death in winter. And here comes the titmouse.

Tit(pre-prepared child).

The winter days are getting shorter.
You won't have time to eat
The sun will set behind the fence.
No mosquito, no fly
Everywhere only snow, yes snow.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a kind person.

Y. Sinitsyn

Educator. Guys, here's a family assignment for you. Hang bird feeders in your yard and feed the birds in the winter. And now, when you are all dressed, we will go outside and hang the feeders on the site. When you pour food into them, then say: “Bird, bird, here are crumbs from my palm for you.” At the end of our meeting, I would like to give each participant the booklets "What Birds Love" and "How to Feed Birds". Pass them on to friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Once you start feeding the birds regularly, they will become your regular guests!

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you like home

Stakes on the porch.