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Western Thuja Danica (Danica). Thuja Western Danika - Beautiful evergreen shrub

Coniferous plants have long won the hearts of gardeners and landscape designers. Today in the markets, in horticultural centers and in special stores is offered great amount evergreen conifers very various varieties, species, configurations, shapes and colors. Coniferous cultures Ways to delight your saturated foliage throughout the year, they allocate very valuable substances for human health, called phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on human health.

Among numerous relatives in a huge family of coniferous, Tui Western Darnik is far from last. It is unusually popular with gardeners, as it has outstanding external data: it is neat, beautiful and very miniature. It seems that the real master of plant sculptures was worked on her forms, and the village became a true masterpiece of garden art.

This conifer belongs to the cypress family, and has a direct attitude to the species of Western Thuja. The name is associated with the name of the breeder - Dane, which brought this original variety, with beautiful crown and miniature size. Duration of this amazing Plants About 200 years, but the increase is extremely slow. Just imagine, in a year, the thuus grows only by 5 cm, and in the volume it increases only by 3-4 cm. Those seedlings that we see in nurseries, only after 12-13 years old will be able to achieve maximum height, which will correspond to only 80 cm. The volume of the green "ball" will also be small and will achieve the same size.

Branches are located towards up and look very compact, it is also large feature, Thin scaly cupllies, which are the softening crown of them very soft and pleasant. When the plant is in young age, Coupling look like small needles. Thuja is quite rarely blooming and fruits. Fruits are similar to small brown lumps, reaching the size of just half a centimeter.

Danika is extremely attractive and good, it can become a real decoration, especially in mass landings or in compositions with other coniferous plants, other in shape. The reproduction of culture can occur in several ways, we will talk about them.

Reproduction of Tui Danik Seeds at home

As a rule, the reproduction of this culture occurs through the shilling, but in rare cases it is possible to grow a tree and seed. Of course, it is the second method that is used exclusively when it does not have the slightest opportunity to accommodate this conifer. Fruits in the form of cishchers are going to autumn periodThe later, the better. Sometimes it can occur in almost winter, the fact is that it is necessary to wait for the full aging of seeds and their natural rash. After the seed material is obtained, it must be dried, and then put on stratification under the layer of snow.

Next, the sequence of actions is as follows: In the first half of the spring, the seeds should be sown directly into the soil on the half-meter and with a distance of 8-10 cm. On top of the seedlings must be put thin layer The needles are best crushed, mixed with soil. Be sure to moisten the soil and wait for the first germs that are extremely well and together appear, but they grow insanely for a long time. Only after reaching a three-year-old age, the seedlings will be ready for a transplant to a permanent place. W. this method There is a significant drawback - those plants that will result in seed breeding, Save varietal signs concerning the externally side.

Danika Tui reproduction

This is the most effective method receipt required plantsIt is used more often on even inexperienced gardener.

Boot necessary number planting material It is made only in cloudy weather. Take exclusively annual shoots. Before the gardener, proceed to landing, cuttings need to soak in water with manganese and withstand no less than a day. Next is prepared soil in the box or on open placeBut in the form of a small greenhouse. Branches will interfere in the ground under small angle At a depth of 5-7 cm.

Planning a landing in different periods is this: when staring in spring deadline Saplings are rooted in the current season. And if it is soaring later, in summer or autumn, a callus will grow throughout the year, and only a year later the first roots will appear.

Note! You need to take cuttings from central twigs, otherwise, the future krone village may not be proportional and even.

Undoubtedly, the cultivation of Tui Danika and the other way requires patience and accuracy from gardener, and it should not be afraid of difficulties and possible misses. By virtue of all the difficulties that can be encountered when independent cultivation Plants, many prefer to acquire a ready-made conifer in nurseries, paying considerable money for him. This ensures the instant effect and the guarantee that conifers are processed from possible diseases and pests.

Landing and care

Thuja Western is considered rather unpretentious and noncairus conifer. It can grow perfectly both on the outdoor and sun-warmed places and in the priene corners of the garden. As for the soil, there are no special preferences here, the soil for Danika will suit any, if only he should not be too acidic. The plant loves calcium very much, as well as all this family, so it is necessary to take care of this as a landing and make this mineral in the soil.

A tree can do without irrigation for some time, but it is better not to experience it for strength, and water in time and abundantly, it belongs to moisture lovers. Exception can only be the case if close to the surface of the Earth groundwaterIn this case, without drainage in the landing point can not do.

In order for the tree to feel comfortable and looked healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to occasionally feed it with mineral fertilizers, where calcium and nitrogen will be the main elements, and on those lands, where the pH is exceeded, the lime should be added.

The landing pit is made on the basis of the size of the pot, in which the plant was sold, that is, the well should be somewhat exceeded the size of the capacity. A seedling need to remove their pots along with a room of land and put it gently into the ground, straightening the roots. Then flood the soil and mulch.

At this, the basic landing rules are complete, and the period of care for evergreen plants occurs. Tuya is not burdensome and will not require a lot of time and costs from the owner. If the landing was carried out correctly, it remains to wait until the thua is strengthened and takes on a new place. After successful adaptation, care is reduced, mainly to watering, rare feeding, processing from diseases and harmful insects. It may be necessary to cover for the winter, if the cold season does not induce snow, and frosts are quite strong and long. Here you will need a burlap, a noodle, nonwoven material.

As for the pests, the set is the same as all coniferous cultures: the solar cypress, the shield, the tower mole, a web tick, funks and other representatives of crawling, flying, sucking and ricking. They spoil the chew, thereby disturbing it to the crown, the color of the plant may change, to break the integrity of the "ball". Here you can take advantage of the most powerful means and not bent radical measures. Fufanol, spark and others chemicals They will help drive the "enemy" and save the swift from death.

Sometimes some types of fungal diseases are attacked, then the insecticides and fungicides of the Fundazole type should be used and apply them according to the instructions. The main thing is that the ailment is noticed on time and also take timely measures. In some cases, the fungus can spread very quickly, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it, then if Tuya grows next to other "relatives", the best measure will have its elimination from the population, since infection is inevitably.

Use in landscape

It is impossible to overestimate the western Diana and its capabilities in landscape designFor specialists in this area, it is considered a real store. What not to do with it, and as soon as it is not used: the front entrances can be perfectly decorated with these miniature balls, original borders from the thuy are considered to be the riding perfection, they are placed in the design bids and exhibit in the balconies, in the patio, in a cafe and on the lawns . They are good both alone and in a composite solution, tolerant for haircuts and open extraordinary opportunities in the topiara. Sculptors on the landscape make their Tui a wide variety of figures and adorn private gardens and public squares and parks.

Plant this evergreen "ball" in my site, adding some more coniferous plants, and the territory will immediately become stylish and modern, together with this new opportunities and flight of fantasy will open.

Landing: There are no special requirements for landing any coniferous plant. All plants purchased in the proxim nursery are provided with modern prolonged (long-playing) fertilizers and can be implemented in your garden center without additional feeding throughout the year. Saplings are better to buy in plastic containerSo the plant is not exposed to digging with the inevitable damage to the root system and after the landing is guaranteed.

On the poor sandy soils of Polesia, including the Kiev region, we recommend using a spoken-free organic humus obtained from manure or compost. An organic agent changes the structure of "lungs" soil and "launches" the natural eternal engine of soil bacteria. Cryves themselves from neighbors to you migrate and start a chain reaction. If you learn to support it, then forget about expensive mineral fertilizers forever.

Care: It needs to water, remove weeds, sanitary haircut, spraying the crown, mulching peat or sawdust with a layer of 5-8cm. For the first time, 2-3 years after the landing, we recommend pronounced from the Winter and Spring sun burns. And in adults of the ball row from the end of February, the end of March, we recommend removing snow from the inside to avoid the ice (snowy) lenses, which in a few days can smear the inside of the plant's cushion. If the ice fixed in the inside of the ball and it is not possible to get it without damage to the needles, - we recommend sprinkling the ice in the middle of the thuua black low-lying peat or black earth - ice will fall out without burning plants.

Feeding: Near surgeless circles I scatter 3g at 1kg of the imaginary coma balanced NPK + ME (with trace elements) in the spring - nitrogen, in summer - phosphorus, August - September - potash. Regular extraxanitic treatments mineral and organic fertilizers With an adhesive with acidified water, for example Valago, planfol, megaphol, etc.

Diseases and pests: In hot dry weather coniferous plants Attack is subject to attack custom tickAs a result of which the needles begins to yellow. The main thing is to determine the pest (make a diagnosis) in order to correctly select the plant protection agent.

Unprocessed plants may affect anthracnose (spottedness of leaves), muced dew And tool. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to process the plants by fungicides (soon, switch, Maxim, Ordan, Chorus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). In the spring and re-invent the insecticides (actar, entor, Aktellik, Match) are carried out again in the summer.

Modern gardener with the help of the Internet, can independently identify the enemy and choose drugs that will help in protecting the plants. It is better to carry out prophylactic treatments 1 time per month, how to treat when the pest is multiplied and "feeding" the plant. An example is the war of the gardeners of Ukrainians with Colorado beetles, which, like their human "wadded" namesakes - Kremlin invaders of "Colorads", are increments and climb in other people's gardens. The first and second must be destroyed to the spreading of large areas.

Ground pests: The untreated plant can damage the scoop. Compared with a voracious larva of the May Khushch, the remaining pests on a well-kept plant are rare. In the last 10 years, Khrushche, especially on rich in humus, clean from weeds soils turned into dangerous pest garden plants Ukraine. One larva of the Khrushche can for 1 day to glue the root system of the young 10-30 cm seedling, completely destroying it. From mid-April, seeing the first flying beetle, urgently process the crown by any of the numerous drugs based on imidacloprid, for example, the prestige (Bayer), antichruption, and the part of the solution must be on the trunk (10 cm above the soil) and the root neck and not shed aside . Similar processing We repeat every 40-50 days of the season of vegetation. Singing into the ground according to the instructions, the actor is also effective. Processing on crown and filling along the root cervix in the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days. Aktara 1GR per 1 liter watering under the root of 30-100 grams for a plant depending on the size.

Thuja Western Character - This is a plant of a cypress family, which belongs to the dwarf Tui. This variety of Western Tui was bred back in 48 in Denmark. It is for this reason that the plant and called "Danika". Thua is a bowl shrub. Read and how to care for her.

Spherical Shape Shape - Thuja Western Danika

Description Tui Danika

Tuya refers to plants that are very popular with landscape designers.

  • The height of the Tui of this variety reaches a level of 0.5 m.
  • In the diameter of Krone, the spherical is about one meter.
  • Tuya character Danika It develops incredibly slow. Over the whole year, the plant grows in the height of only 4 cm, however, the increase in the width is equal to the same.
  • Croon Tui Danik is distinguished by density and spherical shape.
  • The needles possesses the following properties:
    • Green;
    • Soft;
    • Scaly.
  • The sprigs can be attributed to the peculiarities of the plant, which grows in a vertical position and thin chevings. It is at the expense of this feature that this variety is popular.

  • As for flowering, it is absolutely not typical for this variety.
  • The bumps on it are formed quite rarely and reach the size of 6 mm.
  • The needles of a young plant represents vertical thin needles, which in length are only 0, 1 cm. These needles got a name - "jewelry".
  • With age, these needles replace scales that grow so that they lay down on each other.
  • According to experts, these dwarf plants for proper care can please their owner saturated green For the whole year.
  • She resistantly tolerate frost. Only rapid year-old plants worth covering.
  • Thuja of this variety can develop and grow over a hundred years. About the Breeding Breaklet Read here:

Varieties and types of Tui Danik

In Russia, this specification dwarf Tui It appeared relatively recently. But today it is perceived as one of the best representatives decorative view Tui. This plant is very similar to the Western Tuy Golden Ball. These varieties differ only in the color of the needles and the crown diameter.

The most demanded today is the grade of Tui Danik Aurea. This variety has won its popularity only due to the appearance, but also for the fact that this type is able to withstand the temperature to -29 ° C. It should be noted that in the first two years of life, the plant requires protection against low temperatures.

Stock Foto Tui Danik in landscape design

It will be comfortable to feel in flower ensembles near the administration building, on household country areas or in a modern paleyadic. Excellent character Thuya Suitable for landscaping at japanese style Or for small alpine Gork. Thanks to the unpretentiousness, you can also use as decoration for the terrace or balcony.

Excellent spherical dwarf thuza is suitable for the formation of hedge. Due to their advantage and adaptability, it can "take" completely any shape, up to the image of the animal.

An experienced gardener can create even geometric shapes from Tui.

Landing and care for Thuy Danik

The variety of Danika stalling is multiplied. For its cultivation, they take a stupid stalk and germinate it in a greenhouse. You can proceed easier and buy a trimmed plant in the nursery.

To plant a plant in the soil, you need:

  1. prepare drainage from crumbs or rubble,
  2. check for flowing water
  3. sprinkling the plant so that the root neck is at the ground level.
  4. Plus it is worth a mixture of sand, nitroammophos, sand and turf.

The first few months to water the plant follows weekly.

Tip! It follows the spring, in the autumn period, the gardener exposes a young seedling to serious tests. In addition, autumn will need to fertilize the plant.

Caring for the Thay of this variety requires a lot of time. It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil, to feed it and pay attention to the root system, if it starts to make sure, then save the plant will not succeed.

Price to Tyu Western Danika

Thuja Danika is a form of Western Tui, which refers to the genus of cypress. This species was presented in the Danish kingdom (from the name of which the name is formed) in 1948. Externally, Diana is a shrub resembling nothing else like a ball. Its height averages about 7 millimeters, and the diameter of the crown is not more than one mm. Danik is distinguished by a long height: for the year the plant grows by no more than about 4 centimeters both in the width and height.

Danika has a sufficiently compacted ball-shaped crown. It is worth noting that the needles are green and soft, micro-way. Characteristic for the village, presence of graceful cheops and raised vertically branches. Their position for a couple with a fortress regular crown causes the prevalence of the species.

Flowering is not characteristic of Danik. Little cones (no more than 6 mm, brown, rounded) are quite rare. Along with other plants of a kind (cypress), thuja possesses the following distinctive feature: The needles of early seedlings is a needle, long to 10 mm. Then, as the plant grows, flat chasuits, lifting on each other, come to change.

Tuya in landscape design

To create various flower beds (for example, alpinarias), it is recommended to use the variety of Danik. A spherical shape of the plant is preserved even without trimming. Also this species It is suitable for use in a container gardening or patio.

Landscaping designers are really considered to be a veterinary plant. Thuja looks extremely spectacular in completely different places of planting: these are small or big gardens, and landing alone, and mountaineering. Danic fits perfectly both in the free style of the landscape and in strict. Thuja can also improve the appearance and coniferous-shrub decorative flower beds, a plot in the country or in the village.

The plant will be comfortable and in urban conditions (garden, lawn). Due to the type of crown (in the form of a ball), the plant is perfectly suitable, for example, under, or heather garden. The unpretentiousness of the tree allows you to grow it as a decorative plant for a balcony, loggia or terrace.

Danika is very valued in lovers of living hedges. Little trees closely located relative to each other form small decorative borders. Taking into account the fact that Danika calmly transfers the change in the shape and length of the branches, gardeners with taste can make a peculiar work of art in the form of animal figures, for example.

Danika - the plant is unpretentious, which will become a favorite plant in the garden. It will delight with its unique ball-shaped crown of greenish color without interruptions. With proper conditions and appropriate care from gardeners, this evergreen plant can delight the eye with its existence to two hundred years.

Also, in addition to the Green Tui, as the advantages, thanks to which Thuja plays an important role in the garden, its magnificent fragrance can be noted, as well as high frost resistance and high humidity, stable condition of comfort, even with a long stay in the shade. Thanks to this, Tuya and won the hearts of the gardeners of the whole world, participating in landscape design.

Tui look good and without participation in various compositions of plants, by themselves. But this does not mean that they should not be used next to other plants. You can call any plants as excellent neighbors. Also look Thuja will be near or, dreamer nine, or purple echinacea.

Tuway almost impossible to remain indifferent. Total one plant planted on your site, for the next year, overlooking and motivating you to plant another one, and maybe a completely different variety. This shrub allows you to experiment in a different way, do not spend the type of site. Tui in absolutely any period of time will be to the place, and in general and look really unimaginably.

Types and varieties

From the varieties of Western Tui Danika there is only one species, this Danik Aurea.

Just like a more popular variety, it is very valued for its small dimensions. It has a gilded color, and in itself it looks concise. Often, it is operated in the mountaineers, also in group landings with at all. More different designers advise to use Aureu, if you planned to issue your own garden in.

And, of course, like the Danik, the plants are used in order to wake rocaria.

The growth rate is actually similar, except that very little less - 2-4 centimeters per year, and maximum height Reaches about 0.8 meters. Experts recommend the first couple of years to protect the blooming ball from winter and spring burns.

  • It has scaly chew, the same soft, the same thick as Tui Danika.
  • Growth conditions must be observed. The variety is light-minded, growing, as a rule, on fertile soils.
  • A feature is that in the winter acquires a pronounced shade of bronze.

Has an extremely high winter hardiness, but the implementation of certain conditions is required, namely, Danik Aurea needs shelter from the early Sun in spring periodWhat is very important. Regarding Spring - This season it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment from any pests, even though Aurea is distinguished by an unusually high resistance to disease.

especially in the spring, however, only a few years after the landing, unless of course there were fertilizer consisting of minerals. At the very first month it is worth spending ten liters a week on a watering and sprinkle. In conditions of dryness, to which the plant is rather weakly transported, the order of twenty liters should be spent, twice a week, otherwise the crown of the plant will be rare that few people like.

Landing, care and reproduction

Warm cuttings are most often used by Danika for breeding. They are subjected to heteroacexine processing, and then germination in proper greenhouse conditions.

In the case, it was not possible to get a cutlets of the necessary fortress, buy ready-made seedlings will be the best option. It is best to plant the Danik in the spring, because for summer period resistant root system It will be time to form, it turns out that the plant will be rooted to the cold winter period. In the case of landscaping the site is planned at other times, perhaps at any other time of the year, except for winter. We need a sublibious place, with high fertility. It will be fine if there is no soil ox nearby. In the event that it is impossible, it is necessary to take care of a 20-centimeter gravel drainage system.

Sand, peat and land with nitroamophosque make up a mixture that is used for the pit for the landing. After stirring, pour out into the pit it is necessary in the shape of a slide. This allows the root neck to be not lower than the level of the ground, but approximately along with it. After all this, plants are watering. The first month he is carried out once a week. Landing Danika implies that the distance between the trees when landing will be from 30 cm to 3 meters. For a living hedge, a width distance is about half a meter, and in a row a little less, about 40 cm.

In case of dry summer, it is necessary to water every seedling in volumes of 15-20 liters. After irrigation, a shallow breakdown is recommended. Mulching is welcomed, for example, by humus.

Despite the high resistance to the rebupping or lack of anything, for everything you need to know the measure. The plant will grow well in a small shade with the required volume and the amount of watering and feeding, respectively. This will significantly increase the density of the crown, the needles will look more saturated. It also improves her decorative properties. In the late spring or early summer, it is strongly recommended to make fertilizers organic and mineral to the roar zone.

Plant care is carried out by cleaning dry and damaged branches in spring. You can also modify the crown, crop the plant, transplant it. In winter, salvation from cold and winds will serve a burlap that can cover the plant. Such protection is no longer needed for faster shrubs.

Video - Overview of Tui Danik

The most popular Western Thuja Danika is very attractive and at the same time unpretentious plant. Many gardeners prefer this dwarf variety due to its charming appearance and many positive qualities.

Thuja Danika - Description

Danik's compact thuja variety is coniferous evergreen shrub From the family of cypressov, it reaches a height of 80 cm and diameter 1 m. Its crown is made up of a variety of thick-covered terry cheese of shoots. The main part of the branches is directed to the wind, which gives the bustle a special fluffiness. The needles of the Tui Danika scaly, saturated green, is distinguished by soft and gloss.

AT winter The color of the needles changes slightly - they appear a brown-brown tint. Shrub is characterized by slow growth - for the year it adds 4-5 cm in height and 3-4 cm in width. Like all the boys of this kind of Danika blooms almost inconspicuous. Appearing occasional cones have a rounded shape and a diameter of not more than 6 mm. For favorable conditions Such bushes may live up to 200 years.

Thuja Danik in landscape design

Evergreen Tuya attracts decorative external species Throughout the year and is actively used in landscape design. It looks spectacular in large stony gardens, on miniature areas, in, group or a single landing. It can be used as in the parisader country cottageand lawns near public buildings.

Thanks to the spherical thick Crown, the shrub fits well in japanese design, Effectively complement the heather garden and. The compactness of the plant allows you to place it on the terraces, balconies. Beautiful looks hedge From Tui Danika. Freshly pressed dwarf bobbies form compact decorative curbs. Diana cancels the haircut and circumcision of the crown, such plants can be given beautiful forms - geometric, animals.

Tuya Danika - landing and care

Evergreen Thuja Danik Lights, care and cultivation should be produced in a bright place or in a half. Bustic that receives a sufficient amount of sunlight has an elegant and lush cron. With their lack of needles, it becomes less attractive. Thuja Danika is undemanding to the composition of the soil, the humidity and nutritionality of the soil is important for it. The shrub grows well on all non-dry lands, from sour to alkaline.

Tuya Danika - landing

It is planted landing Tui Danik in the spring. Rules of procedure:

  1. The landing pit is digging a little more coma of plants, about 60-80 cm deep.
  2. So that the roots of the shrub did not suffer from excess moisture, the Drainage layer is laying onto the bottom of the wells - clamzit, gravel, broken brick 15 cm thick.
  3. For landing, the mixture of sand, peat and leaf (sod) earth in combination 1: 1: 2 is optimally suitable.
  4. For better growth Plants in the pit are added 100 g of nitroammophos.
  5. The plant from the pot along with a room is placed in the pit so that its root cerv is at the ground level.
  6. The roar circle is covered with soil, slightly tram, peat, dry foliage, chips.
  7. The Tui group is planted with a distance of 30 cm from each other, in single landings - at a distance of 50 cm from other crops.

Tuya Danika - Care

After landing, the care of the Thuy is in regular watering, pinching mulch, tracking the crown state. How to take care of Danik:

  1. Shrub must constantly get water. It must be systematically watering - once a week a bucket of water, in heat it is necessary to increase the volume of water. This plant moisture evaporates a lot, because he loves watering and sprinkling. With a protracted drought, it is advisable to irrigate with heated water.
  2. The feeder is carried out in the spring so that Krona had a beautiful shade. Comprehensive fertilizers are suitable for feeding - for example, "Kemira wagon" 50-60 g / m 2.
  3. In the growing season, the Earth must be loosened to a depth of 10 cm and sprinkle a mulch-bevelled grass or peat. In the fall, it can be replaced with a napnik to avoid the nesting of the field mice.
  4. At the end of the autumn, the shrub is covered with burlap, tape tape so that the krone does not suffer from wet snow and icing. Thuja Danika after the winter needs close care. If she was not covered, from the end of February until the end of March it is necessary to jam on the snow. Otherwise, the first sunny rays on the wet needles can cause a burn.

Trimming Tui Danika

Often the Thuja Danik does not need a special forming pruning. But without removal of old, dead or incorrectly branched branches do not do. In the spring of Tuway, the donika haircut is still needed, during her:

  1. Remove dry branches.
  2. Cutting broken by snow or breeze.
  3. Consoriate a cheva desired by the spring bright sun.

How to propagate the same Danik?

Most reliable way Breeding Tui Danika - reproduction with cuttings. For this:

  1. In the fall, there are several shoots of 50 cm long from the middle of the custa. At the end of the process, a little wood bark should remain - it's a "heel" than it is longer, the better for rooting.
  2. The lower branches on the shoots are cleaned - the needles should not touch the peat to avoid posting.
  3. For falling down fragments it is necessary to prepare a pot with peat and leaf ground (1: 1). The cutlets deepe on 2 cm into the ground at an angle of 60 °. Around it the soil must be pressing with a finger and sprinkle with sand.
  4. The cuttings are watered and covered glass jar. After that, you need to put the pot into a bright place with a temperature of + 23 ° C.
  5. It is better not to water it, but spray with water.
  6. As young twigs appear, the cuttings need to be transferred, gradually increasing the period of ventilation.
  7. In the spring with warm weather - regularly endure them outside for quenching.
  8. With the onset of heat, young rooting thui can be planted into the garden, they are well covered with a sweetheart for the winter.

Diseases of Tui Danika

Sometimes the Tui can meet the following diseases and pests: