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Cherry's disease - eliminate the main threats to the life of cherry trees. The appearance of rusty spots on the leaves of cherry of cherry disease and the fight against them

Not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners Very often you care about why the cherry is not fruiting, as well as what basic cherry diseases are most dangerous to the plant and threaten the lack of delicious and useful harvest.

In any case, the manifestation of such signs, as wilting, yellowing or focusing, as well as any other changes in the appearance of the leaves require a more detailed inspection of the plant, which will help determine the root cause of damage and develop the most effective schema Treatment.

Major diseases and their treatment

Klaasternosporiosis or holes

The causative agent is a fungal infection that can affect not only cherry trees, but also a plum. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the leaves of rounded light brown spots with red-brown or crimsoning.

A week later, the formation of holes on the leaves is observed, which is accompanied by drying and falling out foliage. Berries are also affected by the disease and covered in purple color with spots that can necrotize the fruit to the bone. Previously, the manifestation of the disease may be accompanied by the kidney intake and flowers.

Treatment is timely distance with the subsequent destruction of the affected parts of the plant. Preventive measures are preventing crown running and spraying plants after a burglar of a 1% burglar liquid or preparation "Topcin".

Hommind or gamyethery

The disease is most often manifested in the bone plants that have been subjected to frozen and affecting fungal infections. The disease is enhanced in conditions of significant overcohulling or rejunction of fertilizer.

The first sign of the disease is the discharge of the gamble of the gum from the stem and shoots of the plant, which, when frozen, forms transparent influx. Such a disease is quite common, and the result of the plant may become his result.

The prevention of the disease is to comply with the agricultural engineering in cultivation, as well as increasing the immunity of plants and timely processing of any damage with the help of garden preparation. P oboe and branches characterized by severe defeat are subject to immediate destruction.


The disease is the result of the lesion of the plant with a silent fungus Soslais Hiemalis. The defeat is most often observed on the foliage of the cherry and is characterized by the formation of reddish spots. In conditions high humidity On the back of the leaves, a characteristic pinkish color of the flare appears. Foliage first acquires brown staining, and then dries and falls. The plant will weaken and even with minor frosts may die.

The prevention of the disease lies in the destruction of fallen foliage and timely processing of the soil in early spring, as well as after harvest. In order to combat the coccorosis, it is recommended to conduct a three-time spraying at the stage of bootonization, flowering and after harvesting the copper chloroocycy solution at the rate of 40 g of the preparation on the water bucket.

Monylize or gray rot

The disease causes the escape and branches of Cherry with their subsequent fading. Damage to the core characteristic, similar to burns. In addition, the disease causes the rotation of fruits with the formation of small, gray Forms, chaotic located.

The fight against the disease is to comply with the basic rules of agrotechnology and the competent conduct of care activities, including the destruction of affected berries and foliage. Garden plantings should be sprayed immediately after grazing with 1% burgundy fluid or solution "Zinb".


Fungal defeat of most bone and seed garden trees. The fungus strikes the foliage of the plant and causes the appearance of peculiar swings-pads, which have orange or red-brown staining resembling rust.

For treatment, timely collection and the destruction of the foliage affected by fungal infection should be carried out, as well as spraying the cherry to the flowering stage with the drug "HOM" or a solution based on chlorocycy copper.


Refers to the category of the most common diseases of cherry and cherries in our country. The affected fruits are characterized by the presence of brown spots. Similar spotting appears on the foliage of a fallen plant. The leaves are collapsed after a while and sharpened, and green berries do not switch to the ripe phase and crumble.

The basic measures of the fight against the pair are in timely soil resistance among garden plantings, as well as the collection and subsequent destruction of fallen foliage and berries. A good result is observed with a three-time processing of plants with a 1% bordrian solution of liquid.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with the material of the article in which it is described.

Monylize or monilla burn

Fungal defeat, which is observed on most bone. The main period of the disease falls on the cherry blossom phase. Not only the fruits are affected, but also wood plants. Branches and shoots acquire an burnt look than and the name of the disease is explained - monilial burns. Weakened plant disease significantly reduce yields.

Moniliosis prevention is proper choice Places for the landing of cherry seedlings, protection of plants from mechanical damage and timely performing sanitary trimming. A good result shows the processing of a 1% burglar solution of the liquid.

Root cancer

It is characterized by the appearance of peculiar growths on the area of \u200b\u200bthe root cervix and the root system of wood as a result of the damage to the soil bacteria. At the stage initial stage Diseases of growths have grayish-white staining. After some time, the growths on the root system are decorated.

Fast development of the disease is promoted by planting plants on the soils with an alkaline medium. Disease is capable of B. short term Stop the growth and development of cherry.

Treatment is to cut out growths, followed by disinfecting the location of the cut 1% solution copper Kaper and boric acid. Correct care For cherries and compliance with agrotechnology reduces the likelihood of the disease.

Cherry Diseases: Cockclock (Video)

Causes of Cherry State Changes

It is very important to carry out regular inspections of garden plantings, which allows us to determine the presence of the disease as a short time and develop a plant for the treatment and protection of the plant.

Cherry dries

The reasons for this may be:

  • ripening the root neck as a result of a significant blowjob;
  • the defeat of garden plantings in such a pest, like a coroede;
  • plant damage to a dangerous disease called moniliosis.

Cherry yelloweet

The yellowing of the cherry can occur for the following reasons:

  • lack in the soil, on which garden planting, nitrogenous substances or boron are cultivated;
  • fungal defeat - kokkkkomikosis or moniliosis;
  • carrying out untimely or irregular irrigation;
  • frose Plants B. winter;
  • the appearance around the cherry tree of anthills.

Cherry falls

Cherry is not fruit

Why is this happening? The fruction of the tree can threaten the following factors:

  • lack of insect pollinators;
  • wrong selection of varieties for disembodies;
  • cultivation of garden plantings on too precipitated soil;
  • defeat by fungal infection or root cancer.

Cherry hanging out

The main reason is an insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. As a rule, it is enough to carry out comprehensive mineral fertilizer or execute extra-corner subordinateto bring the plant to normal.

Cherry does not bloom

No cherry blossom may indicate next shortcomings Agrotechnology:

  • the root neck of the plant is too or, on the contrary, it is not sufficiently shuffled into the ground;
  • freezing of flowering kidneys, which is most often characteristic of insufficiently frost-resistant varieties of cherry;
  • excessive introduction to the soil of nitrates.

It is possible to correct such situations with the implementation of the proper planting of seedlings, abundant irrigation at the stage of active vegetation, as well as feeding using Zauri or Buton preparations.

Cherry sluggish

This happens for the following reasons:

Protection against birds and rodents

To ensure the protection of garden plantations from rodents, which are activated in the winter period, special traps should be installed, as well as wind the cherry trees with a fine grid.

Equally important is competent activities for protecting the crop from birds. To this end, on the branch of the plant, it is advisable to post a special ratchet and a rustling foil or an ordinary brilliant New Year's "rain". Low rise plants can be covered with special grids.

How to cure cherry from diseases (video)

Only strict adherence to all preventive measures and agrotechnical requirements will create healthy and abundantly fruiting garden plantings that will be happy to rejoice. high yarms Quality berries.

Cherry (Prunus Subg. Cerasus) - Pink Pink Plum Plant Pink Plants. The name "Cherry" is consonant with the German Weichsel (cherry) and Latin Viscum (bird glue), based on what the meaning of the word "cherry" can be perceived as the "Bird Cherry with a sticky juice." The ancient Romans called these fruits "Cerasi" by the name of the city of Kerasund, which became famous for tasty sweet cereals, or "bird cherries." From the Latin word Cerasi, Italian, French, German and english name Cherries. It happened and russian word "Cherry", which is called the oldest of the species - the very bird of cherry, or a cherry, whose cultivation began at least five thousand years ago. Width of cherry in Asia, Europe and the North of the United States. In an industrial scale, the most cherries are grown in Iran and Turkey. In our country, Cherry is distributed since time immemorial. Cultural species of cherry There are many: cherry felt, cherry sandy, or dwarf, cherry iron, cherry shrub, or steppe, as well as cultivated in our region ubiquitous kind of cherry ordinary. Various varieties Ordinary cherries grow in every private garden, and even in landings along the roads. The most famous among them at all on hearing is Cherry Spancan, Chocolate, Cherkin, and others. The cherry is eaten in the fresh form, use for the manufacture of wines, liqueurs and emphasis, jams and jams, dried and canned as a blank for pies, pies and dumplings. Despite the fact that the cherry in our area grows at every step, its popularity among the gardeners is still high, besides, the right landing and care for cherries can provide you abundant harvest Delicious high-quality berries for many years.

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Cherry tree - Description

Cherry is a leaf fall tree or shrub of a 3-4 meter tall with oblong, oval, pointed, gear or saws on the edge of the leaves of a dark green color from above and lighter from the bottom side of the plate. Length of leaves 5-7 cm, width - up to five cm, there are leaves on branches in another order. White or pink cherry flowers have a pleasant odor and form umbrella inflorescences. Fruits - juicy bonuses of red or black with one seed with valuable food qualities. Cherry ordinary is a relative of such bone treeslike Sakura, plum, apricot, cherry and. Actually, there are assumptions that it is from the crossing of cherry, or bird cherries, with a steppe cherry kind of cherry ordinary and occurred. Today, the form has about 150 varieties. Cherry ordinary frost resistant, drought-resistant and unpretentious. Fruit begins at the age of 3-4 years.

Cherry dries

To the question "why the cherry dry", there is no definite answer. This phenomenon has several reasons. One of them is the rising of the root cake of the cherry tree due to the fact that it turned out to be too deep underground. The fact is that when watering the tree, water falls precisely on a swallowed neck, from which she rotes, and one day you suddenly discover that the cherry dried. Save the drying tree will not succeed, but it is possible to prevent such a development of events if the tree is not under the trunk, but on the furrows, laid through the periphery of the rolling circle. Another reason that the leaves and branches of the cherry will gradually dry, is the defeat of the tree core. Consider, and if you find small round holes on the branches covered with gums, immediately spire and burn those branches and shoots that are especially covered with gum. And then type the Bi-58 solution in the syringe and injected it into each hole you detected on the branches and the trunk. Young cherry can recover, her wounds will quickly delay, but the old, loose tree is better to remove from the site. Third and, unfortunately, the most common reason that the cherry freezes is a disease of moniliosis, and we will tell about it in the next section.

Moniliosis cherry

Sometimes suddenly in the midst of the normally started in the growing season is found that the cherry dried after flowering. Why the cherry dries out, After all, yesterday nothing foreshadowed such trouble? Wine to this dangerous fungal disease of the cherry moniliosis, or monilila burn, from which the cherries will dry the branches, and may die all the whole tree. Young leaves, flowers, wounds, the tops of shoots dry, and the branches look like after a fire - such are the first symptoms of the disease, resembling the result of fire or frost. Then the crust appears on the crust, rot and fall out of the cherry fruits, covered by chaotic gray-colored formations - gray rot. The branches are covered by cracks, they are a gum, forming glances, and they die. Cut the drying seats of branches, capturing a healthy cloth, collect and destroy all the affected fruits and treat the tree by oleocupritis, ancient, chipping or other fungicide. Spraying the cherries by burgundy liquid or copper chlorokis in that time when the leaves were already blocked on the cherry, it could lead to their burn. To defeat moniliosis, it will take not one processing of cherries by fungicides, but if you do not wait for the cherry getting sick, but you will conduct preventive treatment of garden trees from diseases and pests, then you do not have to worry about the health of trees and the quality of the crop.

Cherry yelloweet

Why yellow cherry? This symptom can be observed with a shortage in the soil of nitrogen or boron with the difference that with a lack of boron leaves the cherries not only yellow, starting with the upper young shoots, they are deformed, and the veins on the leaf plate are blushing. Trees suffering from nitrogen deficit, begin to shut down from the lower escapes, their leaves are minced and sometimes fall. About how, when and what to feed the cherry, so that it does not have a lack of food, read in the appropriate section of the article. Swimming leaves of cherries and from moniliosis, simultaneously with the drying of the branches. In the same way, the fungal disease of the coccording is manifested, to get rid of which it is necessary to the same methods as from moniliosis. Sometimes the cause yellow leaves There are ants, and if there is an anthill in your garden, then get ready for big trouble. Leaves yellow and from irregular wateringAnd because the cherry peered in winter. Sometimes on the bottom of the cherry barrels, the drums are growing or mushrooms, which will certainly lead to the death of the tree, if they do not fight with them.

Cherry falls

Why leaves cherry If in the yard summer? This is usually due to the yellowing of the leaves and is the development of a painful process that was not detected on time. Analyze and define that it was the cause - moniliosis, coccording or any other disease, lack of nutrition, moisture, pest attack, or damage to cherry roots.

Cherry is not fruit

Why doesn't the cherry be fruitful, and what is needed for her normal fruiting? Most of Cherry varieties forms ovary only when the pollen of other varieties of the same species are transferred to their flowers. Such varieties are called cross-pollinated. But the presence of a different grade cherry tree at a distance is no further than 25 meters, not the only condition for good fruiting. It is important that both wood bloom at the same time, because Cherry's pollen is capable of pollination for only five days. A very much in the process of pollination depends on the weather, and at this time of the year in the middle band, the frost is just frequencies, from which if the temperature drops to 1 ºC, the marking of the cherries dies, and for the death of flowers and buds, it is enough to lower the temperature to 4 ºC. Negatively affect the polling process such factors as strong wind, fog, flower damage insect pests. Nowadays, when insects, pollinators are massively dying, and insect pollinators are massively dying, together with harmful insects, is very important during Cherry flowering to attract bees to the garden. This can be done, spraying the cherry with a solution of 15-10 g of sugar or a tablespoon of honey in a liter of water.

The cherry grows poorly and fruits on sour soils, so regular additives in the soil of alkaline components - limestone and dolomite flour are required.

Cherry hanging out

Why is cherry molded? It happens that the cherries bloom, but do not be fruit, throwing the wound. Even if a lot of zeroshi was formed, her tree drops, leaving only 5-7% - as much as they are able to grow, and it is considered a normal harvest. But sometimes the tree drops the whole zeror because he does not have enough nutrition. In this case, spend an extra-corner feeder by adding epin fertilizers, and do not forget to water the cherry, if there has been no rain for a long time. Fertilize the soil around the cherries, watch the health of the tree, and then you can count on a harvest in the future.

Cherry does not bloom

Why not blooms cherry? The cherry is a cherry culture, nevertheless, the cherry, fruiting on the second and even the third year - an infrequent phenomenon, so be patient and let the tree gain strength and grow up. Cherry does not bloom in the case if the root neck of the tree is shrouded in the soil or, on the contrary, the bare. Remember: The root cervy of the cherry tree should be at the surface level. If the cherry was already fruiting and suddenly did not bloom in the last time, the reason may be in the freezing of flowering kidneys in the non-fat-resistant varieties of cherry in the frosty winter. Or perhaps you perebed the tree with nitrates. What if the cherry does not bloom? Abundantly water the cherry in the heat, but not cold water, climb the rolling circle by humus, beveled grass or compost, adopt the cherry phosphates, treat the tree several times with zerovy or bud. Maybe it makes sense to "scare" a tree, bringing it a barrel to several microtrams. Just do not forget to handle them later sadovy Vary.. Next early in the spring, remove the roasting pigs of the cherry and the spire a few large branches, treating the cuts with copper vitrios, and then smearing the garden harr. It is very possible that after such manipulations, the cherry will bloom.

Cherry sluggish

Causes: Monyliosis, attack of the shield, the neighborhood with Apricot. How to deal with a fungal disease, we told you, the shields are destroyed by AcTellik, Bolkol, Mospilan in accordance with the instructions, and how to send a cherry with apricot, decide.

Other diseases of Cherry

In addition to moniliosis and kokkkomicosis, there are other cherry diseases that can lead to death not only harvest, but also the tree itself. For example, the so-called "witch broom" - a fungus, from which the leaves of the cherries will pale or acquire a reddish shade, are minor, become fragile, crumpled, and on the edges wavy. The branches affected by the fungus are cut off, and the tree is treated with a solution of copper mood at the rate of 75 g per 10 liters of water or iron Municipality, dissolving half aologram of the chemical in the same amount of water. If you need, repeat the processing in two weeks. Do not confuse this disease with an upgr - a phytoplasma disease with the same source name "Winth broom", but from which, unfortunately there are no medicines.

Cherry spottedness

Ajust the cherry brown and holey spottedness. The latter is also called slurporosis. Both spottedness are manifested by brown, light brown or yellowish spots with a dark or reddish border on the leaves, with time on these stains there are black spores of the ridge fungus, then the fabric leaf in the center of stains crumble, holes are formed, and the affected leaves dry and fall. On the fruits of the tree infected with swaxenosospieriosis appear small, depressed purple stains, increasing to 3 mm in diameter and turn into brown warts. In place of the defeat, the flesh dries and grows to a bone. From cracking spots on the branches, the gum flows, the flowers are tremendous, and the kidneys affected by a holey spottedness die, black and look like lacquered. Remove the affected branches, clean the wounds to a healthy fabric and process them for disinfecting with a single-surfactant solution of copper sulfate, three times with an interval of 10 minutes, soda sodes with freshly kneaded leaves and smear the gardens of water. Tree and land of the rolling circle four times for the season are treated with burgown liquid: the first time - to the dissolution of the kidneys, the second - immediately after flowering, the third - in two or three weeks after the second processing and last time Not later than three weeks before harvesting.

Mushrooms on the cherry

Sometimes mushrooms - whatever or drovers - germinate in the body of the barrel at the bottom of the tree and cause white rot Woods. Mushroom needs to be removed, wound to clean, finishing with a three-percent copper vitriol, and smeared with garden water. Try to cut the mushroom no later than July, when it has already formed a fruit body, but did not have time to contempt the dispute. You can protect the cherry from germination of mushrooms, covered after wintering her trunk and skeletal branches of lime and feeding the tree fertilizers.

Cherry fruit and past

Quickly sprawling brown rotting spots on the surface of the fruit is a fruit rot. Over the course of the disease, white anti-concentric circles appear on the berries. Remove the affected berries and treat the tree with a zircon. In the future, we carry out treatment against fruit rot, as against the brush, which is sometimes striking the cherry. It manifests itself by velvety olive-brown spots on the leaves and cracks on mature fruits. Prevention against pasta - Spraying the cherries and the rolling circle by nitrafen to the dissolution of the kidneys. Treatment is a three-four-time treatment of a single-percent bordeaux liquid or other fungicide. The first is at the time of opening the leaves, the second - three weeks after the first, the third - after harvesting and the latter, if there is a need for it, two weeks later.

Antraznosis cherry

Increasingly began to hit the cherry trees anthracnose - too fungal disease, the symptoms of which the appearance of dull stains on the berries, turning into dark tubercles, which form a pink flask on the fruits. As a result of the development of diseases of the cherry berries, mummify. Especially dangerous anthraznosis in a wet summer - from it can die up to 80% of the harvest of berries. The best remedy for anthrax is the triple processing of the tree with a solution of polyrama (20 g of the preparation on 10 liters of water). The first spraying is carried out before flowering, the second - immediately after flowering, the third - two weeks after the second processing.

Cherry pests and fight against them

TLL on the cherry

Sometimes the cherry trees are striking the trouble, and the seedlings of Cherry are especially suffering from it. Early spring races and shoots that appear on the leaves and shoots are formed by whole colonies, and their flying female elaims will be dealt tool throughout the garden. How to deal with aphid on cherry? At the time of the appearance of the larvae, until the renal dissolve and at air temperature is not lower than 5 ºC, the cherry is sprayed with nitrafen or oleocupite, but a little later, but before the start of flowering, carbofosomes, metaphos or phosphamide are treated. During the summer, if necessary, processing insecticides can be repeated.

Wormies in Vishne

As an outdoor, the gardener happens when the long-awaited harvest is hopelessly spoiled - the worms of the cherry is far from all. Where do worms are taken in Cherry? The wines of everything cherry fly is a tiny pest, conducted by winter in the cocoon in the upper layer of the soil, and as soon as it gets warm, fly crashes and feeds with a trend and juice of cherry fruit, laying eggs in them. Flushing for two or three weeks of the larvae eating the flesh of fruits, making the moves around the bone, then they crawl out of cherries, fall to the ground and build a cocoon around themselves in anticipation of wintering, and the fruits affected by them rot and shuffle. Early varieties Cherry Cherry Fly is striking much less often than the average-growing and late. Processing insecticides (sparking, actar, lightning) against cherry flies is carried out twice: the first - when the earth warms and the air temperature will become above 18 ºC, and flies will become massively flying out from under the ground. Focus on the flowering of acacia. Spend re-processing 10-15 days after the first, but no later than two weeks before the ripening of fruits.

Ring Silkworm on Cherry

If you notice on the branches of Cherry web, it means that you are dealing with a ringed silkworm - night butterfly beige colour With a dark strip on the upper wings, the dark gray shaggy caterpillar of which up to 6 cm long feeds by the kidneys and the leaves of the cherry, whipping the pawless nests in the branch fork - that's where the web is from the cherry. Live caterpillars with colonies, poking in rolled leaves. Remove the discovered egg layouts in cloudy weather manually and burn them, in the spring before flowering, treat the cherry carbofosomes, metaphos, chlorophos, a zone or similar insecticide. Treatment of wood until the kidneys is dissolved by nitrafen or oleocupite also gives a good result.

Other insects pests cherry

Unfortunately, the cherries have many enemies in the world of insects. Cherry pests are almost the same as plum and sweet cherries, and it makes it easier for gardeners to fight insects. So, besides those pests that we have already told you, the cherry is amazed: brown fruit tick, cherry runner, fruit striped and fruit moths, cherry, yellow plum and mucous sawmaker, cherry and pear tubes, sore, western unpaired core, winter spine , Pooose and unpaired silkworms, a red apple tick, mining mole, a spiderman rushed, podkorovka leaflet and apple glass. However, if you withstand in your garden high level Agrotechnology, watch the health of trees and do not neglect the preventive work, you can never know what these insects look like.

How to protect cherry from birds

As it happens, if the long-awaited, grown with love, the harvest of Cherry does not get you, but birds, mercilessly sprinkling the fruits of Cherchers. So that this does not happen, haggildish on trees brilliant rusting items - Foil, New Year's "rain", etc. It should scare birds. If they continue to glue the cherries, cover the trees by observing material, preferably transparent, and secure it with clothespins or other clips. After harvesting, the film can be removed. And leave some berries to birds.

What to treat cherry - prevention

When and how to make a cherry

The first spring preventive treatment of cherries should be carried out before the start of the deploration. Pre-trimming cherries, cutting sections with single-surfactant solution of copper sulfate, followed by a coating of large wounds of garden water. Do not forget to whiten the trunks and skeletal branches of lime. Then dissolvent 700 g of urea water in ten liters of water and spray cherries and rolling colors around the trunks. The urea will protect the trees from the coastal circle of pests in their cortex and in the soil will destroy the pathogens of fungal and infectious diseases, and also supplies the cherries necessary for the development of green mass by nitrogen. If you are late, and the kidneys on the cherry have already begun swell, urea can cause their burns, so instead, we treat trees with nitrafen, phytverm, akarin, agvertine or another drug of this action. At the same time, perform treatment with cherries with zircon or eckerin to increase its resistance to disease and weather cataclysms.

In the fall, after the fallout of the leaves, conduct sanitary trimming of branches with subsequent treatment of sections, wounds and cracks with copper vitrios, and then a garden boiler. All plant residues together with fallen foliage collect and burn. After the first frosts, perform treatment of cherries and soil under the crown of five percent urea solution.

Processing of cherry from diseases

At the beginning of the bootonization, the cherry is treated from moniliosis, kokkkomicosis and a slurry of copper grain suspension at the rate of 35 g per 10 liters of water or a single-surge solution of burgundy fluid. Immediately after flowering, perform reproduction of cherries by fungicides (burgundy mixture or copper chlorokis) from fungal diseases. If you are late, and the leaves will already begin to open, instead of these chemicals that cause a burn of the leaves, take advantage of other drugs - aquicker, phthala, caption. The third processing of cherries by burgundy liquid or copper chlorine is carried out three weeks before harvesting, and the fourth - after it.

Cherry processing from pests

After the first spring processing of the urea cherries from the insects wintering in the core and in the soil, which is carried out before the renal dissipation, the second, carried out during the bootonization period. It can be combined with spraying of cherries from diseases by adding 80 g of carbofos or 60 g of benzophosphate into a solution of copper chlorokysis. Immediately after flowering, the trees spray against the peelers with a solution of benzophosphate (60 g per 10 liters of water) or carbofos (80 g per 10 liters of water). Three weeks before the ripening of fruits, we treat the cherry with a solution of carbofos or other similar preparation against the frozing. After harvesting, once again spray the cherry carnos, benzophosphate, a variable or other chemical of a similar action.

Facing Cherry

What to feed the cherry

The first spring processing of cherries and the rolling circle of urea is complex. It is also protection against pests and diseases, and feeding nitrates at the same time. During flowering, you can easily eat the cherry with liquid chicken litter, but it is not necessary. After flowering in the rolling circle, a manure is made under a pixel or in the form of a solution. You can use dry nutrient organic mixtures in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If during this period there is no rain, then it is better to carry out liquid feeding.

In the summer two or three times there are extraxanle spraying of cherries by nitrogen-containing drugs: the first - in mid-July, and then not earlier than three weeks later. If you find that the cherry lacks any element, carry out an extractive feeder with a drug containing it. After fruiting fertilize the rolling circle with a compost, overwhelming or another organic.

Autumn feeding should include mineral formulations Calcium, potassium and phosphorus. In the same period, there is no acid soil loving. After the first frosts, we enter into a rolling circle under the step to a depth of 8 cm of potassium-phosphoric fertilizers.

How to get rid of cherry

How to deal with cherry

New modern varieties of cherries are not allowed, and if you decide to buy seedlings in the store, you should know that cultural varieties of cherries are divided into three groups:

  • currency: These include Vladimirskaya, Shubinka varieties, Apukhtinskaya and others. The trees of these varieties form a bare pig loose, but siblings retain all varieties of differences and are perfectly suitable for replacing the old tree;
  • varietary cherries: Malinovka, youth, Rastorguevskaya - form a sharp from the richkov, which is best removed;
  • varietary cherries on seed ingredients: from the seedlings of Vladimir and Shubinka, for example, they do not give off.

If you do not want to fight the pig, give when buying seedlings a third group preference - by the fact that on seed inventions. But if you have already growing a tree that gives an unnecessary piggy, the question arises how to withdraw the cherry, which grows and takes food from the maternal tree. Instead of loosening, use the mulching of the priority circle, watering the cherry rarely, but abundantly, regularly spend the sanitary trimming of the tree, remove the fallen fruits from the cherries so that the shoots do not grow from their bones - these measures contribute to the decrease in the formation of root offspring. The emerging shoots need to be removed immediately as they appear, but the trimming of the overhead unit is not enough, since the kidneys will remain in the Earth forming more powerful shoots. Better in the late autumn or early in the spring to dig out the stroke shoots from the horizontal root of the cherry and cut off with them with an ax, not leaving the hemp, and the location of the log is to smear the Garden Wara, so that nothing has grew anything else. It is possible to limit the area of \u200b\u200bgermination of the root row, the insertion around the cherry to the depth of the slate slices.


After this article usually read

Cherry is a plant that appeared about five thousand years ago. Places where it grows, a lot, yes and species exists a large number of. Cherry varieties can be seen almost every garden. They are unpretentious and can even grow by the road. In our country, this plant is very popular, the fruits are eaten in any form: fresh, dried, boiled, in pies, dumplings, in jam, liqueurs, etc. But that there is a good harvest, it is necessary to correctly care for the cherries and watch it.

Diseases cherries, unfortunately, make up a rather big list. There are many more them, and each in its own way is dangerous. Therefore, it is very important to learn them to recognize and treat.

Cherry: Diseases and Fighting with them

In cherry trees, all diseases can be divided into several groups:

  • Fungal. These include moniliosis, homamom, klyashetosporiosis, kokkkomikosis.
  • Cherries diseases that appear from pest insect activities (golden, cherry weevil, sawmill, cherry mol and others).
  • Others: Parsha, rust, growing, root cancer.

Cherry disease treatment is faster if the affected areas are removed from the plant immediately.

Fungal diseases

Consider the most common diseases of the cherry, description and treatment:

  • Klaasternosporiosis (holey spot). It can completely spread to all tree. It begins with the fact that light brown spots appear on the leaves, and then holes are formed, and the leaves will dry and fall off. If such a fungus got into fruit, then they become indulged, juice begins to flow out. When flowers or kidneys are affected, they simply fall off. How is the treatment of this disease cherries? If you have become observed such signs, then rolling the affected areas. Treatment and prevention of this disease are carried out with the help of Bordeaux fluid or copper chlorocycy. Spraying is made after flowering.
  • Kokkkomikosis is the disease of the leaves of cherries and fruits. You can recognize this disease in small bright red spots. His danger is that in winter the tree has worse protection. Be sure to trim the affected parts of the tree, near the land of the land, boil both in the fall and in the spring. Spray copper chlorok: first during the formation of buds, then after flowering, and the last time after harvesting.
  • If we consider the diseases of cherry fruit, it is necessary to mention moniliosis. With this fungal infection, berries begin to be covered with dark spots. IN summer time It is necessary to clean the fruits constantly. And when the entire cherry is collected, then process copper vitrios. When you tear rotten cherries, do not touch healthy berries.
  • Gommind. Often such a disease is striking the felt cherry, which is still a little frozen in winter. When some gardeners try to fade more than the soil, it is even more likely to pour the homamose more often. The first sign of such a disease is cherries - the selection of the comedy from the fruits and the trunk. A single thorough copper cunery will help here. If it is not, then use the garden Warrier. And wound wound with petrathathum.

Felt cherry: diseases and pests

For gardeners, the most sore topic is when the garden begins to attack insect pests:

  • Hawshitz, falling on the leaves of Cherry, literally makes the leaves of the web. With this ailment can be struggling to "Corsary" and "AcTelly". Spraying the cherry at the end of the summer with these solutions, you will destroy young caterpillars.
  • Zlataguka, or a white butterfly, can harm cherry, so do not wait for it. Before the start of bloom, it is necessary to treat a tree with a 0.3% carbofos solution.
  • With a weevil come in the same way as with a white butterfly.
  • The mucous sawmill on the leaves is destroyed by a carbofos solution, but already at a concentration of 10%.
  • Escape mole also causes much harm to felt cherry. It is destroyed by the same solution.

Root cancer and growing

Bacteria that are contained in the soil may cause root cancer. And if the weather is dry, it is even more with such a fear. On the roots of trees begin to appear the growths, from this tree does not grow, and the seedlings die. The growths should be trimmed, and the rest of the roots to treat 1% copper sulfate solution. Everything gardening ToolsUsed, it is necessary to process chloramine or formalin.

Growing, or bush, can be attributed to fungal diseases, but many do not agree with this. Because for him is uncharacteristic stains, points, seized leaves. And the signs of this ailment in the fact that small colorless shoots appear. The main problem is too much. By appearance Such trees can be easily identified. The affected plants must be poured by a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Drying cherry

Immediately answer the question of why the tree dries out, it is impossible, because the reasons can be a lot. For example, the ripening of the root cherry root. This happens because the tree is too deeply planted. When watering water in the ground hits the neck, and it starts to rot. After a while you will see that the tree dries. Of course, the cracked cherry no longer save, but you can conduct prevention. And for this, it is necessary to water the tree not at the root, but in the grooves that are proceeding along the periphery of the priority circle.

The tree can dry because of the koroedov. If you carefully look at, then you can see small holes on the branches. Immediately spire those branches that are strongest covered with such holes and have a lot of gum. The following solution of the preparation "Bi-58", scored in the syringe, injected into those holes that remained on the trunk. Young tree Maybe still recover, and if it is old, then it is better to cut it at all.

And another reason for drying the tree is moniliosis, which was mentioned above.

Cherry does not bear fruit

Cherry basically begins to form marks when pollination occurs with the colors of the same varieties of cherry. Well, if the trees bloom at the same time, since pollen pollution is possible only for five days. We also influence the weather: if the frosts are lowered below one degree Celsius, then the marking dies. And the flowers and buds die even at four degrees. Also bad on pollination strong wind, insect pests, the use of chemicals. Well, if the bees bloom in your garden, when the cherry becomes blossom. You can make a sugar solution.

If the soil is acidic, then the alkali composition additives should be introduced into it, because the cherry trees are poorly growing on such a soil.

Cherry protection from birds

If you managed to save your cherry trees from diseases and pests, then another enemy appears - birds. They flush on the trees and begin to peck the fruits. To this not happened, you need to take and rave brilliant items on the branches, for example, foil. This will help scare birds. But if this option does not help, there is another. You can buy obverse transparent material And wrap it with all the tree. And when you collect the harvest, you will remove the film. You can leave a little berries on the tree so that the birds do not remain completely without food.

Folk recipes

Consider the diseases of the cherry and their treatment with folk remedies.

Cherry trees need to be protected before the time how the ailment will begin to overcome them. Folk recipes will be such:

  • In winter, dry branches from trees are trimmed.
  • The roasting stroke should be removed until the kidneys are formed.
  • Before flowering, Cherry should shake all the beetles on the litter, preferably in the morning.
  • When the ripening of fruits occurs, then near the trees put stuffed, ratchets to scare birds.
  • If berries begin to crack, then you are too much watering the trees.
  • After collecting the fruits, the leaves that fell on the ground should be collected and burn.
  • In the fall, you should switch the soil around the trees. This in the future will provide a good harvest.

Prevention of disease

Cherry, the fight against pests and diseases of which is very important, needs preventive measures. They are completely simple:

  • Do not plant trees on raw pieces and low places, because the humidity will always be high.
  • Lighting should be good, so do not plant trees in shaded places.
  • In the fall, it is necessary to spray the cherry fertilizers with nitrogen to carry out the primary prevention of diseases.
  • Also, a solution based on copper oxide helps well when treating trees.
  • Frosty winter - good prevention All diseases of this plant.

How to handle a cherry for prevention?

Even before the start of the Socialization, the first preventive treatment should be carried out. First, the cherry is cut off, all sections are treated with a solution of copper sulfate and shrink the garden. All trunks and basic branches of lime. Then 700 grams of urea dug with ten liters of water, process the cherry and the place near it. This solution will protect the tree from the pests that were wintering in the trunk. But if you did not have time to perform such treatment, then take the "nitrafen" or "Akarin", and you can also have other analogs, and treat the trees with this solution. For disease resistance to be better, it is necessary to spray the trees "zircon" or "eckerin".

IN autumn periodWhen the leaves are already faltered, perform the sanitary trimming of the trees. And the sections are also treated by vitriol and temper the wrair. During the first frosts, treat trees under the crown of urea solution five percent.

How to feed cherry trees?

When you spend the first processing of urea trees, it will be also feeding nitrates. When the trees have already started bloom, you can pour a chicken litter, but not necessarily. The flowering has passed, and you can add to the ground under the tree a manure, which then you need to swap. Also in the store are sold dry nutrients. If it is dry weather, then better feeder Water.

In mid-July, they process bushes with drugs containing nitrogen, then after three weeks. After harvesting, make compost or manure into the root system.

In the fall in feeding should include substances such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Loving is also made in the fall. And when you drop the soil around the trees, add fertilizers consisting of potassium and phosphorus to it.

How to deal with the growing cherry?

All cherry varieties can be divided into three groups:

  • Correspondence - they have formed root PoroslBut all the qualities of the variety remain.
  • Varietary cherries - the pigstream they already have a rich, so it must be deleted.
  • On the seed houses, they do not happen.

If there is no desire to remove the pins constantly, then plant the trees of the third group. Well, if the tree is already planted, you can beat it and insert around the slate to the depth of half the meter. Also in the fall, excessive piglets will be cut, the wound is embarrassed by the Garden Warrier. Because the secateur simply cut off the branches will not work, you do not get rid of the cherry thickets.

In this article, we looked at the main diseases of the cherry and their treatment. To achieve good harvest, It is necessary to ensure the trees proper care and follow their health. Cherry, diseases and pests of which reduce yield and often lead to death, requires timely adoption of measures to combat ailments and on their profyline.

Cherry plowed with a lush snow-white flowers. Fruits flooded, and to enjoy the gardener, enjoy the fruits of their works if there were no insidious fungal diseases that are so often harmful crops. One of the common problems - black dots on cherry berries. Why They appear and how to deal with this attack - we will understand.

By studying reference book and Internet blogs managed to reveal three reasons for the appearance of black dots on the cherry:

Cockclock on cherry

Cherry cockel - fungal disease. The reason for its occurrence is a mushroom, which in winter "sleeps" in the fallen leaves, plant residues, and in the spring is activated. Therefore, it is so important to remove all plant residues from the site. Clean - pledge of health!

Signs: Black spots arise on berries. The leaves of the cherry are early yellow and fall.

Measures of struggle:

  • Spray the soil under the tree and the plant itself with the means containing copper: copper vigorous, borobos liquid, Xome, oxicha, and polish. It is necessary to prepare 1% solution based on one of the listed means (2 tbsp. Spoons on 5 liters of water). Spraying spend each spring and summer after harvesting berries. Only regular processing will help extend the life of a fruit tree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure it.
  • Another option: spraying with Zircon. This is a modern biopreparation. Prepare a highly concentrated solution: 1 zircon capsule for 2 liters of water. Spray soil and plant itself several times a year: when the kidneys is dissolved, when the buds are dissolved, after fruiting.
  • You can also apply "phytosporin". This is also one of the modern biological products. Prepare a solution according to the instructions. Spraying is carried out repeatedly and regularly: every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.

Monylize (gray rot) on cherry

Monylize Cherry - fungal disease, another name - gray rot. The cause of its occurrence is favorable for spreading fungus Weather conditions, especially - raw, cool, protracted spring.

Signs: In the spring during the flowering period, the leaves and young shoots suddenly darken, then they rapidly wither and dry out. It happens literally in a few days, the tree is burning like. Then the branches again turn foliage and everything seems to be good. But in the summer the picture is repeated again. Young shoots are infected from the victims in the spring, the fungus penetrates in the deep layers of wood, the bark is damaged. But the most important thing is black and gray dots, stains on the cherry berries. Fruits are often cracking and puments, there are them becoming impossible.

How to treat:

It is believed that it is impossible to save an infected tree, you can only extend your life. An annual integrated processing with special drugs will help:

  • Spring and in the first half of summer - Spraying "Zircon". Prepare a solution: 10 drops are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Dosage increases if required large quantity Solid. Plants spray during the blown of the kidneys, during the bootonization before flowing, after flowering and after collecting fruits. In spring, it is good to combine a zircon with epinoma-extra.
  • In August - Dry branches remove and spray the cherry tree with copper-growing drugs (copper sulfur, bordlock liquid, Xome, oxych, and polych).

It is important to carry out these events every year, otherwise the tree will die.

Weevil on cherry

Signs: Black dots and holes in the berry, until the bone. Insects damage the leaves, and then the flowers and the fruits of the cherry.

What to do?

  • It will die for autumn soil under the cherry in the fall, then the larvae will die for the most part. After all, together with the fallen fruits, they fall to the ground to climb into her and fall.
  • To clean up from the site and burn all the fallen fruits, because they are sitting in the insects. It is better to do it not even in the fall, do not wait until you fall, but try to remove damaged fruits since the tree.
  • Traps. In early spring Beetles are activated, crawled out of the soil and rush to the cherry to eat and dilute their offspring. It is important to get the pests, catch them before they get to their goal. Under the tree around the barrel is tightly unfolded with a straw, with the result that insects cannot get to the trunk. Beetles are confused in straw, and they burn it with them. The second way: if weedons have already crawled onto the cherry, they simply shake them, putting up the film prudently under the tree. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure at a temperature of up to 10 degrees of heat. For the spring season shakes need three times, then it will give the result.
  • Treatment of acarin biological preparation, according to the instructions.

Material prepared:

President of the Association of Gardeners of Russia (APPEAPM), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Dorokhova E.V.,
Specialist of the Association of Fruit Producers, Berries and planting material

Using the material of the site

Main diseases of cherries and measures to combat them

Juicy and sweet berries of sweet cherry love almost all adults and children. And, of course, every owner pricework I would like to have your own cherry tree. But, unfortunately, grow a cherry - the task is quite complicated, because it can be amazed huge number Diseases. The main diseases of cherry and will be discussed in our article.

Brown spotty (philostose)

On the leaves there are round brown minor spots surrounded by a narrow dark rim. Subsequently, the fabric in places of spots falls and holes are formed on the leaves. In places of spots on both sides of the sheet noticeable Picnides PhylLosticta Prunicola in the form of black dots. Picnides are along with spherical, black, about 100 microns in diameter. Conidia ellipsoidal or egg-shaped, single-cellular, colorless or light olive 4-6 x 5-3 MK.

PHYLLOSTICTA Pruni-Avium and pH are also installed on the boneless. Circum-Scissa Cooke, which differs from the above-described type of diagnostic signs. With a strong development, dried spotting of the leaves can cause a drying and partial squeezing of sweetheart leaves.

Fight measures. It is necessary to remove the affected branches and treat the wounds. To do this, they are cleaned, disinfected with 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water), rub on fresh leaves of sorrel (3 times with an interval of 10 minutes) and smeared the garden water.

In the gardens, trees and soil are sprayed with nitrafen or 1% copper vitriol. Spraying is carried out to the dissolution of the kidneys early in spring.

If necessary, a burglar liquid can be used to combat the disease (100 g per 10 liters of water), conducting spraying in the phase of the green cone (at the beginning of the scattering of the kidneys) or in the phase of the nomination of buds. The second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% burgundy fluid. The third spraying is carried out in 15 - 20 days after flowering. When using copper chlorocycy and burgundy drugs for the third (summer) spraying, it is necessary to pre-make sure that they will not cause leaves burns. For checking, check branches are chosen and sprayed only them. Burns are manifested in the form of necrotic spots on the leaves or grids on the fruits. The latest processing is carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

In the case of a strong infection of the garden, the brown spotting is another treatment of trees is carried out in autumn after leaffall, using a 3% burglar solution (300 g per 10 liters of water).

Picture № 1. Defeat of leaves Bura Spotty

Klaasternosporiosis (holey spot)

The disease is striking the disease: kidneys, flowers, shoots, leaves and branches. The disease is manifested brown spots, the edge has a darker kaima. The stains will grow into holes, the fabrics are dying on shoots, the fruits dry out, the leaves are falling. Winter mushroom is experiencing in the cracks of the tree cortex or in the tissues of shoots.

Fight measures. It is necessary to remove the affected branches and treat the wounds. To do this, they are cleaned, disinfected with 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water), rub on fresh leaves of sorrel (3 times with an interval of 10 minutes) and smeared the garden water. In the gardens, trees and soil are sprayed with nitrafen or 1% copper vitriol. Spraying is carried out to the dissolution of the kidneys early in spring.

If necessary, a burglar liquid can be used to combat slurry (100 g per 10 liters of water), conducting spraying in the green cone phase (at the beginning of the scattering of the kidneys) or in the phase of nomination of buds. The second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% burgundy fluid. The third spraying is carried out in 15 - 20 days after flowering. The latest processing is carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

Spraying is carried out in compliance with all rules.

It is necessary to remove all the fallen leaves under the trees (it is there that the arms of the mushroom argues) and pull the soil in right Circle. All the brown leaves remaining on the trees need to be assembled and destroyed.

Photo number 2. Manifestation of abstraction

False shutter

False brothing causes the core white rotten rot. The wood struck wood becomes soft and very light, such trees are easily broken by the wind. Inside wood is noticeable black bodies that permeate or bordering the affected areas.

The fruit bodies of the rotor are ridiculous perennial growths, hoof-shaped (sometimes shiny). Mushroom can be different coloring - from yellow to dark brown. The upper side is covered with small cracks.

Usually false drovers grows out of cracks at the bottom of the tree trunk.

Fight measures. It is important to raise the winter hardiness of fruit trees and choose a zoned variety.

It is necessary to bleach the lime trunks and skeletal branches of trees in the fall, carrying feeding after frosty winters.

All activities, preventing trees from damage to the bark should be carried out.

All wounds need to be disinfected with 3% copper sulfate solution and smear the garden water.

Trees affected by drums are irrigated and burned. If there is no possibility to destroy the tree, it is necessary to periodically inspect them and cut the appearing mushroom bodies to non-proliferate its dispute. Formed wounds need to be disinfected. It is necessary to cut the drums in July, when the fruit bodies have already formed, and the disputes have not yet matured.

Photo № 3. False drove


Sulfur-yellow causes a brown heart-shaped rotten rotting, in which cracks are formed with noticeable mushroom spores. The affected wood is easy to fall apart. Fruit bodies are distinguished by large sizes, in the form of wavy dissected hats of light yellow or brown.

Fight measures. The same as with false drums.

Gray rot (monilion)

The shoots and branches of trees will boil, wither and become similar to undetented.

The fruits are replete. On their surface there are small, gray thighs having a chaotic location. This is distinguished by a gray rot from the fruit, at which the growths are arranged by concentric circles.

It is important to conduct preventive measures to combat caterpillars, frozing, weevils, a barrlast and other pests and diseases.

When harvesting, care must be taken care not to apply mechanical damage to fruits and berries.

In the gardens, trees and soil are sprayed with nitrafen, iron vigor, copper vitriol, oleocupite or 1% burgundy liquid. Spraying is carried out before flowing.

The second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% burgundy liquid (100 g per 10 liters of water) or cinet solutions, copper, captain, phthalan, downtown and other fungicides.

When using Copper Copper and Bordeaux Bordeauxes for summer spraying, you must first make sure that they will not cause leaves burns. For checking, check branches are chosen and sprayed only them. Burns are manifested in the form of necrotic spots on the leaves or grids on the fruits.

Only the fruits without mechanical damage are needed for storage. If the first signs of the disease appeared on the stored berries of cherries, plums, cherries, alchi, apricot, they need to immediately remove from the repository.

The development of gray rotches is constrained by the whores of the stamps and the skeletal branches of fruit trees, held late in autumn.

Photo number 4. Fruits affected by gray rot

Empting branches

On the cortex of dead branches, wart-colored lights of light pink colors appear (the size of each with the pinhead). The growths can be located alone and groups.

Fight measures. The affected branches must be cut and destroy (burn). The resulting sections (wounds) are lubricated by the Garden Warr.


On the leaves of cherries there are small reddish dots. On the underside of the sheet, these stains are covered with a pink chain. The leaves of the cherry are gradually yellowing, raging and dry.

Especially common is the disease in the regions with a wet climate.

Fight measures. It is necessary to regularly collect and destroy the affected fruits, remove the dead branches.

In the spring, the trees are sprayed with iron vigor (300 g per 10 liters of water).

Immediately after flowering and falling out the petals (when the first leaf is dissolved), the cherry and the cherry spray the chorus preparation (2 g per 10 liters of water). Re-spraying with the chorus spend 20 days after flowering and 20 days after harvesting.

Photo number 5. Cherish cockere.

Parsh Cherry and Cherry

The leaves are covered with brownish-brown spots and contaminated among them are coated into the tube. Over time, they dry and crumble. Green fruits stop growing, and begin to dry.

Fight measures. IN early periods Spring, autumn in order to eliminate this disease, you need to dwell the ground with the foliage; Get rid of sleeping fruits, leaves. It should also spray plants, firstly, when green buds are separated, secondly, the plants are sweated and, thirdly, when the fruits were already collected. Spray copper chlorok (40 g / 10 l of water) or 1% burgundy liquid.

Photo number 6. Parsha on cherry leaves.

Cylindrosporosis (White Rust)

The hospitator of the disease is a mushroom, causing full fond of trees leaves by mid-July, as a result of which they wearly weaken and with a colder winter you will freeze.

Fight measures. Fallen leaves are collected and burned; Dry and sick branches cut out.

Mosaic sickness of cherry

On the leaves there are clear yellow stripes located along the veins. The sheet acquires a bizarre form, twisted, abnormally develops. After some time, the leaves on the sick trees blush, they will be drunk and dying prematurely.

Cherry trees, affected by mosaic disease, weaken significantly.

Fight measures. Viral diseases are practically not subject to treatment. Cherry trees, with signs of mosaic diseases should be haroring and burned. Methods of dealing with the disease are only prophylactic in nature - the use of a healthy planting material, timely treatment of plants against sucking insects for non-proliferation of mosaic, compliance with quarantine measures.

Photo number 7. Mosaic cherry disease

Mosaic cherry rod

On the leaves appear pale green or whitel rings. Especially good rings are visible if you look at the leaf on the lumen. Gradually, the leaf fabric inside the ring dies and sharpened, holes in the leaves are formed.

The disease may not manifest themselves on infected cherry plants for two years.

Fight measures. Also as under mosaic disease.

Photo number 8. Mosaic Cherish Ramp

Cherish gamot

Non-infectious common disease. The sweet cherry is especially predisposed to this disease, as the tree is stronger than cherry or drain, grows in thickness. As a result, enzyme transformations occur in cells and gums are formed. The disease is manifested in trees damaged from unfavorable wintering or already affected by swasteporiosis, moniliosis and other diseases of the bone cultures.

The trees grown on acidic or highly moistened soils are especially affected, as well as after the use of high doses of fertilizers with strong humidity.

Symptoms of gamotture: the selection of the gum on the trunks of trees, which freezes in the form of transparent vitreous formations.

Fight measures. It is necessary to comply with all the rules of agricultural engineering and cultivation of cherry (increase the winter hardiness and resistance to mushroom diseases, timely and correctly feather trees, follow the water regime).

Wounds formed on the crust after trimming or for other reasons, it is necessary to smear the Garden Warrier (petrolatum).

Wounds that distinguish between gum cleaners are cleaned, disinfect with 1% copper sulfate solution, then rub the fresh leaves of the sorrel 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 minutes. After all, it is lubricated with a garden harrier or nigrol smear (70% nigrol + 30% sifted oven).

Photo number 9. Frozening gum