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Peony grassy mix Description. Herbatous peonies: landing, care, reproduction, varieties

The history of growing herbaceous peonies goes back to the VII century. Come from Japan and China, they were brought to Europe in times crusades And since then has won tremendous popularity. AT ancient China Flowers were a symbol of well-being and wealth. They decorated the gardens of the Imperial Palace and they were so highly appreciated that they were inherited or in the dowry, and to buy a particularly valuable look, it was necessary to pay gold.

For centuries, people thought about peonies as the most beautiful colors In the world, in front of their magnificent flowering, even temporarily retreats to the background.

The name of the plant comes on behalf of Pean - a student of Asclepia, greek God Medicine and healing. Asclepius began to envy his student, and Zeus, guarding him from anger of the teacher, turned into a beautiful flower.

The numerous genus of peonies is divided into groups: grassy, \u200b\u200bwood and intersection, obtained from crossing the first first groups. Most often grown herbaceous peony. Landing and care for it does not represent difficulties, and cultivation over the centuries has made it possible to create a huge variety of luxurious hybrids and varieties that differ in shape, color and aroma.

The magnificent flowering of peonies can turn any garden into a magnificent flower show. The plant is friendly with any plantings and is ideal for any.

Flowers of herbaceous peony

A bush blooms abundantly with huge flowers. Usually one bloomer produces one flower. Only three types (P. Emodi, P. VeiTchii and P. Lactiflora) also produce side floral buds. Usually gardeners are removed to get one strong flower and even slightly extend flowering. Flowers can be simple, semi-grade and terry with all the shades of white, pink, cream, yellow and red. Orange hybrids were presented at the last exhibition of Chelsea Flower Show.

The duration of flowering, which comes from May early, about 7-10 days. The flowering time depends on varietal groups and hybrids, therefore, planting various varieties on the site, it is possible to ensure the flowering of grassy peonies for 5-6 weeks. Late flowering varieties They can only dismiss partly if the weather is standing at the beginning of summer.

During flowering plants, the plants are already fully formed and do not produce new stems and leaves. In the summer, the bushes form kidneys at the base of the stems that retain the germination until next year. At the end of September, the plants are ready for the rest period, the duration of which hesitates depending on the variety.


Herbaceous peonies are long-livers and sometimes live in one place under 50 years old if you create them comfortable conditions And do not disturb. Because it is so important to choose originally right place For landing. The plot must be solar, at least half the day, the water was not stood, but the soil had good moisture intensity.

The landing of grassy peonies is carried out at the turn of August and September. Because of its sizes, they require a lot of space - it is necessary to plant 2 bushes per 1 m². The distance between the seedlings should be from 30x30 cm (absolute minimum) to 50x50 cm. For many, the peony planting at a distance of the half meter may seem to be exaggerated. It should, however, keep in mind that in a few years the large busty will need a sufficient number of space.

The plant should be planted not deeply - the kidney aging should be covered only by 3-4 cm layer of land. Be careful, because both small, and too deep landing delays flowering. Culture does not like transplants and may not bloom 2-3 years after this procedure until it is completely acclimatized in a new place.

Before boarding, the soil should be prepared. Culture grows better in the ground with a pH, close to neutral having a good drainage and high content of organic substances. Ideal will be loose fertile loam.
If you have clay soil, then you need to provide a drainage layer. Good decision is a mixture of compost, stone crumb or small rubble. For better water permeability make coarse sand (bucket on the well). In the sand add clay and compost bucket.

The depth of the hole is approximately 50 cm. If the depth of the soil treatment is small, then the roots will be located close to the surface of the soil and suffer from lack of food and moisture. By 2/3, fill the well with a mixture of a garden land mixed with a compost (humorous) and ash. Then place the roots above the fertilized layer and fall apart with loose soil. Pour plenty.

Herbatous peonies require a moderately humid substrate without moisture. They should not be too often watering, and, above all, one should not spray the leaves, as this can cause the appearance of fungal diseases. Only in the arid periods is recommended abundant watering of plants. At the base of the stems it is useful to make a mulch from a pine crust or compost that will help keep moisture in the soil. Some high varieties need support during flowering, as less plant, the stronger is stalking.

In the fall, when the leaves on the bushes are losing a rich green color, yellow and losing decorativeness, the stalks are cut, leaving 10-15 cm above the ground. The leaves should not be used for garden compost, since the disputes and bacteria are not dying in the process of its formation.


In the fall in the ground around the bush, compost and ash are made and carefully hammered on a small depth. It is useful to use potash-phosphoric fertilizers that stimulate the development of new kidneys.

In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, when the first sprouts appear, it is performed with a mineral complex fertilizer, which contains a lot of nitrogen. The plant responds well on natural feeding -, 200 g of ash, humus. During the procedure, avoid getting fertilizer on the neck of the plant. Before feeding and after it, a rich watering is necessary.

Protection for the winter

Snow protects the lower parts of frost shoots. In colder areas, young seedlings are at the base to climb the earth or to cover the nest. It is not recommended to close the whole bushes, as it accelerates the spring development of the kidneys and can lead to frozen in the spring frost.


Herbaceous Peony breeds the division of the bush. This is the easiest and best way to get new copies. Conduct the procedure carefully, trying to damage the roots as little as possible. Drop the plant, shake the roots from the ground and rinse with water to see better in which places can be divided. Remove damaged and touch the root foci from the roots. Sections Curtain the activated carbon.

The root consists of four parts: large dormant roots, small fibrous, couping crown and growth points (eyes) at the top. Divide root system into parts. Each delena must have at least one strong tube-shaped root of at least 20 cm and 3-4 peephole at the top. The smaller the Dellenka, the more time it will be needed by the plant to gain strength for flowering. For the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended for a couple of minutes to lower the roots into a single-percent solution of the bordeaux mixture or to be treated with a fungicidal preparation.

Why doesn't peony bloom?

Probable reasons:

Planted too deep;

Too little sun;

Too young - be patient. The preparation for flowering takes about 3 years: the first year develops the roots, the second year - the roots and stems, on the third year of the blooming;

Disadvantage or excess fertilizers;

The use of mulch from bevelled grass;

Fungal diseases;

Too wet soils with water stagnation are a common factor leading to a worsening of growth and flowering.


When caring for grassy peonies, be attentive - the bushes can be amazed with gray mold, which covers the affected parts with a gray bloom and causes fading and motioning young shoots, buds and leaves.

Puffy dew

Bushes can also be amazed to milder dew - fungus, which covers the leaves whitish flaw. This can be avoided or reduced by landing on the full sun and leave enough space between the bushes.

Ring spot virus

The annular spot is a virus that causes the appearance of characteristic irregular yellowish rings on the foliage. The presence of a virus usually does not create serious problems in the process of developing infected plants, but to prevent its distribution, sterilize the secator after trimming.

In general, culture is sufficiently resistant to diseases. The main method of prevention is planting peonies into well-drained soils, it is also necessary to ensure sufficient air circulation around the plants, which is a key factor in the prevention of fungal diseases. The overabundance of nitrogen fertilizers is another reason leading to diseases.

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Growing grassy peonies

Herbatous peonies ( Paeónia)- Perennial decorative plants, without transplanting growing in one place under 20 years and even longer. But in order for the bush at the same time, it develops normally, glad gardener and lush blossomIt is important to comply with the landing rules and adhere to the right agricultural engineering. Care for grassy peonies does not differ in great complexity and consideration.

Choosing a place to landing peonies

Peeons need light, but they grow well in half. If you put the peony on the open sunny PlaceIn severe heat, he may need shading in the afternoon. To avoid fungal diseases, it is necessary to provide a good air circulation to Peony. To do this, you should not put the bushes of peonies too close to other plants.

When it is not recommended to plant plants in the same place earlier than ten years. This is due to the fact that when digging in the soil, parts of the rhizomes can remain, which are rotated and caused the disease of the transplanted plant.

Peonies have high demands for soil moisture, but they do not tolerate the stagnation of moisture, from which the roots of the plants are reinforced. Therefore, peonies cannot be planted on low, wetlands. It is necessary to choose well drained soils with sufficient moisture intensity; Alultured loams having moderate acidity are preferred.

Rules for landing and fissioning

The optimal time for planting peonies and dividing bushes is the period from the last decade of August to about 20 September. In this case, the plants are better to take root and have time to root before the onset of frosts.

The landing pit is made of 50 x 50 cm in size, and in the depth, too, 50 cm. When preparing a landing site, it should be borne in mind that the peony bush forms a developed root system that penetrates deep into the level of soil processing. If the depth of processing is small, then the roots are located in the upper layers of the soil, which does not allow the plant to obtain enough food and moisture.

2/3 planting pit is filled with soil mixture consisting of garden land, humus, with the addition of bone flour or double superphosphate, ash or potassium sulfate. The bottom of the pit should be predetermined, if necessary, make drainage using gravel or crushed stone. For high level Soil acidity make lime. If the soil is heavy, river sand is added to the ground (one bucket on the landing pit); If the soil is sandy, make up to one and a half vendors of crushed clay.

When landing, the rhizome of peony is located in the upper part of the landing pit in the fertile layer of land, not containing fertilizer. Kidneys must be approximately 4 centimeters below ground level; Strong bulbing root leads to lack of colors. Fill the pit with loose soil, gently crimping his hands around the plant so as not to damage the kidneys. After landing, the bush is abundantly watered.

Ponii division is recommended after landing no earlier than three years. The stalks are cut, the rhizomes are carefully digging and washed away from the soil. The knife for division must be sharp; It is desirable to disinfect it. The roots of the plant are shortened to 10 cm. Sections on Dellets should be treated with chopped charcoal, delinka to move in 1 percent solution copper Kaper or a dark solution of potassium mangartage. It protects plants from mushroom diseases. Each delinka must be from three to five kidneys.

Peonies: annual care and varieties

Peonies are appreciated by gardeners for the beauty of their colors. The varieties and hybrids of peonies differ in the timing of flowering and the shape of flowers. Peonies can be not naught (for example, varieties Flame, Moonlight, White wings); semi-grade (such varieties like Pink Parfait., Buckeye Belle); terry (for example, varieties Kansas, Choosing a mother).

In the form of the petals and the structure, the flowers of anemonovoid type are distinguished (their stamens resemble petals; are such, for example, varieties White Cap, Cora Stubbs.); Cactic flowers (thin and sophisticated, like a variety Lois Kelsey.); Japanese (imperial) flowers (their outer petals wide, concave, are located in one - two rows; varieties Butterfly dance, Bowl of Beautu.); Bombing type flowers (for example, varieties Red Charm., Edulis Superba., Ruspberru Sundae.).

Many peonies are used for cutting. In order not to weaken the bush, cutting flowers, at least half of the stems on it must be left. Flowers for bouquets are recommended to cut, as soon as buds are dissolved; On the stem, at the same time they leave at least three sheets.

If peonies do not bloom, first of all you need to make sure that the bushes are planted correctly. Most often the lack of colors is caused by too deeply planting roots. Another reason can be too soft winter - In order for Peony to bloom, he needs a cold winter.

Flower herbaceous peonies in different times. Most often, the varieties with terry flowers bloom later. Early blossoms Rady pion medicinal (P.Officinalis) I. peony ingenic (P.Peregrina.). As the bush grows, the number of buds, which it forms, and heavy colors caps are bend thin stems. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the trust for bushes in a timely manner. Young bushes in the first year buds are removed, because the plants still not enough for flowering.

Features of the care of peonies consist in their demand for watering and in timely feeding. Peonies are sensitive to soil moisture, so in dry weather they are watered at least once every ten days. Watering peonies, you need to avoid moisturizing their foliage.

Feed the plants three times per season. The first feeding is carried out early in spring, even in the snow; Use 100 g nitroposki on square meter. The feeder is repeated in the period when buds are formed. For the third feeding (immediately after flowering), Calimagisia is used (15-20 g per sq.m) or a mixture of 25-30 g of granulated superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium sulphate dissolved in water bucket. When feeding, consider that the excess of nitrogen fertilizers worsens the flowering of peonies.

Decorative not only flowers, but also foliage peonies. Bordeau-red stems make their way in early spring, and then unfold, decorating the flower bed with graceful greens. There are sorts of peonies, which, by the fall of the foliage, acquires a bright red color - for example, a variety Lois Van Houtte. Unusual thin leaves peony narrow-leaved, or tod-colous (P.Tenuifolia.), Dark green narrow long leaves Peony ingenic. Depending on the variety, the peony forms a bush from 35 to 120 centimeters in height.

Stems of peonies begin to filure at the end of September, and to prevent them from the rotation and development of mushroom diseases, the bush should be trimmed. Pruning is performed with a sharp knife, cut leaves burn.

Peonies are generally resistant to diseases; In adult, the bushes are practically not affected by diseases. The exception is the Mushroom Botrytis, the defeat which is manifested by fading the stalks and leaves of the plant. The amazed parts of the plant are removed. For the prevention of diseases, 0.6% solution of copper chlorokysis or burgundy liquid is used. Spraying is carried out at the beginning of the growth of peonies; It is recommended to handle bushes in the early morning. It is also important to cut the faded flowers and damaged leaves in a timely manner, giving the plants. This is brief, a list of works required when growing peonies.

To date, approximately estimated, there are over 6000 sorts of peonies, most of which are from China.

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Spring flowering of peonies is similar to the awakening of life. These impeccable flowers can be considered long-livers in the history of gardening - they become known for more than one and a half years. According to legend, the one who conquered wealth and glory, always bought the peonies landing and care mean that a person is worthy to have this symbol of knowledge, courage, love and prosperity. Peonies are often planted in prominent places, which is not surprising: they always attract attention to their brightness. In different epochs, some varieties of these colors were valued very high, often the exchange was only on gold.

Herbatous peonies can long time Grow in the same zone without requiring a transference. The main rule is to provide a plant a favorable place that should not be too wet, should not be seated under the trees and close to buildings - this species does not like darkens. These varieties are most popular: multitilly, patio, ice breeze, black pearls, coral Sansset, Pink Hawaiian Coral, Sarah Bernard.

Planting flower culture in spring

Before putting peonies in the spring, it is worth knowing that herbal peonies do not like peat. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to add to the landing pit even in the form of mulch. Peat has a sour reaction, while for peonies is favorable neutral medium. Herbate types of peonies belong to the living plants that carry dry and frosty periods. However, the flowers are poorly related to drafts and constant shadows, and excessive watering can cause root rot. In constant shadow, peonies will be poorly developed, there will be no flowering.

Since the flowers are well shown in a neutral environment, PION is grassy: planting and care of the plant should be accompanied by the acidity check in the place of falling flowers. As you know, mineral fertilizers score the soil, so it is advisable to conduct the limestation of the soil. The sizes of the pit for disembarking should be made within 60-70 cm, since in loosening ground the roots of the flowers penetrate to 90 cm.
The pit itself is recommended to form in the form of a cone, while planting the roots of the plant to distribute over the entire surface.

One of the representatives of the type is the peony of a thin collar: landing and care for it corresponds to the same cultivation rules. Throughly peonies also love an alkaline environment, in the absence of drainage in planting During the spring floods, the plant can fade and start rotting. Tod-rayful subspecies differ good tolerability winter periodIt often does not require any shelter, resistant to plant diseases, but can be attacked tool.

Growing and care for plants

Proper cultivation of peonies and care assumes periodic tidil and soil looshings, mandatory irrigation into dry periods so that moisture reached the root system. To strengthen flower kidney, many gardeners practice watering with potassium and phosphorus before and after flowering. For grassy peons, it is useful to periodically perform prophylaxis against gray rot (before flowering) and spotty (after flowering) - spray using copper chloroksi.

Gray rot is one of the dangerous diseases of these colors. Growing peonies: landing and care in the open soil should take into account the likelihood of the occurrence of this disease, so often experienced flowerflowers They advise to collect fallen petals and not allow them to be left on the leaves, because in a wet environment (rain, the appearance of dew) almost instantly produced marks of gray rot.
To prepare for winter, all its ground part of the peony is removed to the level of soil immediately after the completion of the first frosts.

One of the popular herbatous varieties Peonies is a flock of butterflies - an intensely growing plant with saturated pink colors and noticeable yellow stamens. Abundant bloom usually goes in the middle of the season, the variety looks good on group disembarks. This plant is better free to release bright or gentle sections. Herbaceous peony flock of butterflies: landing and care begins with pre-making fertilizers, the flower needs abundant watering in the first 1-2 weeks after planning into the soil. The variety tolerates cold times well, but with too severe temperature conditions needs shelter.

Tree peonies: features and varieties

Despite the fact that herbaceous peony blooms no more than two weeks, it continues to remain one of the most popular plants from amateurs gardeners. Huge peony flower caps on the description resemble gigantic terry roses with a pleasant, rich aroma. Each flower has its own secrets of cultivation of peonies, with many of them you can read on this page.

Description of a long-term bulbite plant peony

Bulb plant peony (lat. Paeónia.) Refers to the Peon Family. The generic scientific name is given by the name of the ancient Greek deity, the disgusting of the evil of Peana, who was a doctor of the Olympic gods. With the help of a plant received from the mother of Apollo - Lety, he cured the very Aida from the Russian Academy of Sciences, applied to Hercules. Pean coped so well with the responsibilities of Hekar, which caused the envy of his teacher, the god of the healer of Asclepia (Eskulap). The latter decided to poison Pean, but Asid in gratitude for healing turned him into a beautiful flower, resembling a huge rose.

Meets in the northern and northeastern regions of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, south Western Siberia.. It grows in floodplain and rarefied hardware and mixed forests, by edges, on taiga meadows, in the mountains.

This perennial and representative of the Peon family was so long been domesticated by man, which is now difficult to meet him in the wild. Nevertheless, Southeast Asia is considered the natural habitat of peony.

Herbate Perennial Pion Plant Height up to 1-1.2 m with powerful shortened polyvoy rhizome and long spine-like roots. Numerous stems, as a rule, with single flowers. Cube leaves, dark green with twice-triple-separate plate, up to 30 cm long and almost the same width. Lancelted lobes, unequal widths from different populations.

As can be seen in the photo, peonies are large (diameter up to 10-12 cm), with numerous yellow stamens:

Fruits at the Garden Plant Peony - leaflets filled with black large brilliant seeds. Flowers in May - June. Seeds ripen in July - early August.

Peony is one of the most popular garden plants; And one glance at him is enough to understand why. It is difficult to find brighter, spectacular and lush flowers. In addition, peonies have bright juicy greens and a strong saturated aroma. Flowers from May to mid-June.

Bouquets of this plant have always been and will be popular. Special attitude to Peony in China, where this flower loves very much. Interest in peonies forced Chinese breeders to spend many years to bring unique varieties.

Below you can see photos, familiarize yourself with the names and descriptions of the species and varieties of peonies.

What are the plants of peonies: photos, titles and descriptions of colors

Most of the most famous varieties occurred from the milk-filled, or Chinese peony, and other Chinese species.

Peony whitecellular (Paeonia Albiflora Pall.), or pION MILK FLIGHT (P. Lactiflora Pall) - A perennial grassy plant, blooming with white flowers, fragrant like roses. His flowers, as well as the colors of peony tree, were depicted ornamental as decorative motifs for expensive fabrics, considered symbols of love, dignity and honor. When describing the plant, the PION must necessarily noted that the decoction of the root of this type in folk and eastern medicine is used as a drug.

Known to many garden peony - Very beautiful big fragrant flower. Its color - from white, pink to dark raspberry, there are yellow, cream, brown, opal peonies that are similar in color and with ivory, and with a mother of pearl.

Some varieties are not only a view, but also the smell resemble roses; The smell of others is similar to the smell of violets, lilies and even a balsamic poplar. Mostly peonies - thick flowers with petals of different shapes and the values \u200b\u200blocated in different variations. This type of plant peony blooms 10-15 days, but the bush remains decorative, since the plant has beautiful carved leaves. According to the beauty of forms and coloring of flowers, flavors and elegant green peonies belongs to the right one of the first places among the best garden perennials. These flowers can live without transplanting dozens of years. There are cases of peonies stay in one place even more than a hundred years.

Peony Maryn Root(Paeonia Anomala L.) - Decorative and medicinal plant. Perennial with a thick cheese root, up to 60-100 cm high, with almost three times peristrase sheets. This type of peonies are single, large, purple-pink, up to 15 cm in diameter. Basically, this is a Siberian view that is also coming to the north of the European part of Russia to the south-east of the Kola Peninsula. Area includes areas of Mongolia and North China

Floral peonies can be decorated with a room, but it is possible to do this no earlier than April.

Previously, others blooms peony Tricolous (P.Tenuifolia.), low, but a completely charming plant with dark burgundy flowers and dark green leaves, thin as fluffy dill branches. This species of peonies has a height of only 40 cm, but it has an exceptionally elegant appearance, very suitable for stony slides. In addition to his appearance, a thin-colored peony is interesting, in addition to his appearance, that he does not like good nutrition, does not require watering and does not even tolerate excessive moisture, but that's what he loves much, so this is the sun. There is a disadvantage of this peony - early (in August) fading foliage, so it must be planted under the cover of plants, long retaining their greens (for example, geranium meadow).

"Persuade" peonies blooming earlier than this happens on the open soil, it is possible by distillation. The most suitable for disturbances are the following types of peonies: white-colorful, drug, thincase. Sanding from autumn into large pots, peonies put in a cool room (5-7 ° C, that is, it is best in the refrigerator) after the camorrowing, usually at the end of December. Peony Tricarless does not need big Gord.. In February, peonies are made in warm rooms. The blurred plants in the spring are planted into the ground.

It is not enough that he has a luxurious blossom and marvelous fragrance during flowering, but the bush itself retains decorativeness all summer, and therefore it decorates your garden all season. Therefore, peonies are often used in chapels and mix bears, which are located along the tracks or along the walls of the buildings.

If peonies are located piecewise or a group of two or three bushes, a different period of flowering, it is also very beautiful.

Many refuse these luxurious plants, because their branches are low under the weight of flowers. But who prevents you from putting supports for them? It's so easy!

Flowers Peonies: varieties and hybrids

Peonies are divided into flowering timing. There are very early peonies, usually they are on a low stem and their terry is a very large spherical flower, but odorless. They are easy to distinguish from others on the light green color of the stems (while in later grades, the stem has red and even dark red color).

The most successful of them is a group of captivity:

Alba captivity with white flowers,

Rosa captivity with pink

and most common from this group variety of the Rubra of Captivity with Dark Red Raspberry Flowers.

These are very reliable peonies, there are no problems with them, as they are well adapted to our northwestern climate.

Next group - early peonies. Here is very big choice and pink, and white, and sunken, and red. Among them, there are also very stable varieties.

The early colors of peonies bloom a week later very early. Later blooms widely known early grades, resistant to fusarium, and therefore popular among gardeners pink sarah Bernar.

Then the medium bloom, and among them the wonderful white peony, is also very famous, Maxim Festimabut having a mediocre odor.

There are inhabitants of dry forests, suit:

peons of Crimean,


moldavian (other name - ingenic) capable of exist without irrigation.

The most drought-resistant - peony is thincase.

If you are lucky and you will find pink grass Peony Value, I will get a great pleasure from his luxurious, huge, very dense flowers and a gentle aroma.

If you are offered a lilac peony, then do not share, there is no such colors for peony flowers, and there are pink with a lilated tide.

There is a very beautiful middle-bed peony with large bright raspberry flowers Arkady Gaidar.

Usually to get more large flowersRecommend two buds growing from the sinuses of the side leaves near the main booton, pull out as early as possible. But Arkady Gaidar does not need to do this, because both side flower are not inferior in size, and he is not just big, he is huge. When you cut such a compliance of three flowers, it turns out big bouquet On one stem.

There is a group of very late, it is extremely rare and expensive peonies. From this group the most common white Peony Ann Kazens (In some directories, it is called Ann Kazens).

From pink latest

this is Virginia Li.,

and still there President Wilson.

And from black and red interesting late variety Varnishes old,

which blooms at the end of July as well ANHLOV.

Knowing what are peonies by type, you can plant a row of plants from different groups - it will help to have flowering cultures from the end of May, until the end of July.

Red flowers. Nexle, or simple form:








Helen Cowuli,

Henry Blokxtos,

Diana Pax.,

Black monarch.

White colors painting. Terry.

Simple shape: blue.



Claire de Lun

Minnie Sheilor.


White sail,

Polar Star.

Pink. Semi-form:





Frost Rose,

Angelo Cobb.

Red. Character shape:

Cruiser Aurora,


Edwin Billz.

Pink shape:

Mary Brand,

Karl Rosenfeld,

Felix Cons

Felix Siprim.

Pink. Character shape:

Maxim Festival



Gagarin's memory,


A.E. Kundandt.

Coronated shape:

Miss America,



In the form of peonies there are spherical, semi-shaped, terry, semi-world, non-none. So the choice is great.

Among the peonies, the most expensive and most interesting of them are a tree-shaped peony, which falls out the leaves in the fall, but the stem is winning with him, and does not disappear, like herbaceous peonies. In winter, there is a root of an unsightly tree. Typically, these peonies do not terry, but it is huge flowers, a diameter of 15-20 cm. But, unfortunately, they can have to freeze in the north-weder, and therefore, as a rule, they require shelter for the winter. In addition, they are steal, since they are very expensive.

The most reliable and non-additive are species peonies that grow in natural conditions And in due time served source Material To create cultural varieties. They bloom, as a rule, before cultural peonies, in the northwest already in mid-May. They, like all the native children of nature, are unusually durable (several decades in one place without transplant).

Poni's ability to persist in bouquets and vases is inconvenient - one stand ten days, and others fall on the second day. Of course, you can use advertised additives into water. But if you accurately comply with the rules, i.e. cut the flowers early in the morning in dry weather with a stem of at least 30-35 cm, and putting flowers in the vase, cut them into the water so that the air does not get into the stems, then such a bouquet will have five or six days . Water must be changed daily, and in the heat - and twice a day, updating the stem slice. Peony clay soil Or Suglinka, will stand in a vase longer for two or three days.

It must be remembered that peonies do not like acidic soil, which often causes redness of the leaves and provokes the disease with fusariosis.

Precious peonies when growing and leaving the most unpretentious and resistant to fusariasis, which is a beach for their cultural relatives, but they do not like acidic soil, but prefer to grow on fertile land, in places covered by the eastern sun (with the exception of thincase) , love feeding ashes. The optimal time of planting colors of peonies is August (in North-West).

Agrotechnical cultivation of grassy peonies: landing and caring for flowers in open ground

Caring for the cultivation of peonies is not complicated, only a good planting material And the right landing. Peonies are improving for 30 years, moreover, they do not like transplants, so before you buy them, you must first take care of good place For plants.

Cultivation of peonies in the open soil can not be produced near the walls and near big trees. The distance from the wall or large trees should be at least two meters. The landing pit should be well prepared in advance. It should be 50 × 50 × 50 cm, at a minimum, and even better 80 × 80 × 80 cm. If you have a close soil waters (50-60 cm), then the pit of a depth of 80 centimeters will be difficult to diverge, it will be filled with water. Then the roots of peony will fall into the water and rotate. In this case, it is necessary to pour a flat hill with a height of about 40 cm with a single landing or ridge with a height of about 40 cm for planting several peonies in a row.

Bushes can be planted at a distance of 80 centimeters from each other. One peony plant is very unprofitable, too much work for the sake of one plant, but nevertheless it looks great and in single landings in different parts Garden.

Observing the correct agricultural machinery of growing in the open ground, on the eve of the evening before planting, it should be poured with water to the soil in the landing pit or on the ridge. In the center of the pit (or in the deepening of the ridge or the hill) you make a small hollyk. On this holmik you spread the Delleka. It is necessary to put it obliquely, at an angle of 45 degrees, rapid kidney is up (it is at the very basis of the future stem), the rest of the deteen down. Then you begin to gradually fill the soil the rest of the pit (or pour from above the holmik). Further you plunge forefinger In the soil near the tops of the decene, when the finger in it will be wound, then two phalanges of the finger should be in the soil. That is, the kidney must be broken into the ground by 4-5 cm. If the growth kidney is higher than you, then it will definitely get out, and if it is deeper, then it will definitely rotate.

Care of peonies in the spring and summer after landing (with video)

One of the features of the cultivation of peonies is a regular watering. Watch that the growth kidney does not expose if it happens, then you still need to plug soil. At the end of September - early October, and in the late autumn you can at the end of October, you must feed the Peony for the winter, otherwise it can freeze, because it has yet been poorly rooted. To do this, pour the bucket of the recovered compost or peat right on top of this landing, and this is enough. Just in case, who is very afraid of losing the peony, you can put a bit of a few fabrics on top. But in the spring, the napnik must be very early to remove, at the very beginning of April, otherwise the peony under such warm blanket Wakes up too early and premature will go into growth.

After landing when leaving the peonies in the spring, in early May, as soon as pink sprouts appear, they should immediately make a protective spraying against the fusariosis-rotting rhizomes. Either use phytosporin, or use the solution of any drug containing copper, including a burglar solution of the liquid.

The easiest all in cold water and metal dishes (right in the watering can be divorced chlorine copper oxide (xom).

When leaving the peonies in the spring, you are not hurry to defaming the plants, you can easily break very fragile sprouts.

Around each peony to leave two glasses of ashes or one glass of dolomite right along the wet soil and slightly buried. The ash is a good deoxidizer, while completely free.

Remember that an important condition for the cultivation of peonies is proper primer - These plants do not like acidic soil, it contributes to the disease of the fusarium.

After May 10 in the north-west almost always there are quite strong (up to minus 6 degrees) night frosts. At your hand, you should always have a girlfriend to cover landing if you are not a happy equal owner who can make plants under the evening on the eve of the declared freezing and once again the next morning.

Pay attention to that the pink peonies are not afraid of frosts and never frozen, because in pink color they are stained with anthocian substance, which enhances the frost resistance of plants. But the young, just that the bundles of frost peonies are afraid, so constantly use the ECOBERIN drug or cover the landing at the night of Loutrasil. By the way, Loutrasil can not be removed until the end of frosts, if you rarely visit the site. But in this case it is better to pull it on the arc, since the gentle young ends of the stems of peonies be defeated under it and become curved.

When growing and leaving peonies in the garden, never feed them, like all other plants with nitrogen, while there is a threat to frosts, since nitrogen significantly reduces the frost resistance of plants.

In early June, when the peonies already have leaves and there is no risk of breaking fragile sprouts, they need to scholim, checking the right depth of the root. The center of the body must be bundled for 2 phalanges of the finger, that is, 4-5 cm.

Check out the video "Growing and Care of Peony", where all major agricultural machines are shown:

Feeding when leaving peonies

After landing when leaving the peonies in the open ground is important right feeding. After the end of frosts, you can give nitrogen feeding, which should always be given simultaneously with potash. In addition, phosphorus needs a phosphorus in blooming plants. Therefore, the most suitable spring fertilizer is azophoska (or any complex mineral fertilizer, for example, Kemira). It is necessary to stir 2-3 tablespoons of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and use two liters under the plant. Do not pour the solution directly to the center of the bush.

In addition, feeding peonies when leaving for plants is important at the time of the disclosure of buds. If the soil is atskard (and the indicator of this is light foliage), then it is necessary to pour the peony with a solution of any organic fertilizer, in particular, the infusion of weeds, diluted with water 1: 5. To feed the fresh manure or bird litter is categorically impossible (this can provoke the rotor rotting). The best deal is all summer to pour the soil under the peonies of fresh grass or crazy with green weeds, moving this mulch with radiance (to speed up mulching). Either just pour the soil under the peonies (and generally under any landings) with phytoosporin solution together with the Gumi.

When leaving the peonies during the flowering of the plant should be filled with potassium and phosphorus (on one tablespoon on 10 liters of water), since the blooming strongly depletes rhizome. You should not use chloride potassium - peonies do not like chlorine.

And it is better to use sulfacy or carbon dioxide or a calmagnesia and a double granulated superphosphate.

On the restoration of depleted flowering rhizomes need leaves. Therefore, do not cut over a third of the colors and buds, because at the same time a lot of leaves are cut.

It is recommended when planting a peony, and then in the future every three years, around the perimeter of the bush crown into the grooves of centimeters 3-4 depth, close the tablespoon of granular AVA fertilizer and more than mineral fertilizers, which, of course, greatly simplifies the feeding of any plants. Peony is very responsive to making this fertilizer. The number of colors increases sharply, the intensity of their coloring and smell increases.

After landing when leaving for grassy peonies with the beginning of flowering, it is necessary to put supports for them. Their heavy flowers, especially after the rain, are inclined to the earth itself, and the bush loses his decorativeness. You can make support yourself, but there are also special backups.

If you want to have very large flowers, then immediately remove the stuffing buds. However, modern varieties on side stepsing near the main flower give almost the same large flowers as on top of escape. So, cutting off one stem, you immediately get a bouquet of flowers.

When Peony blooms the first time, the first bouton is better to pull out as early as possible, so as not to weaken the tuber that you planted. During flowering, the tuber is strongly depleted and will be able to recover until the end of summer, it is not known.

Even a powerful bush begins to grasp, bluntly blossom due to the fact that he does not restore the tubers. If 2-3 buds appear when first bloom, you can leave one bud. In the future, you must normalize the number of colors depending on the condition of the bush.

How much can budins on one bush? If the bush is young and strong, then about 10-12 colors. If the bush is very strong, it is 6-8 years old, then 20 colors can also be allowed, and 25, it all depends on how he feels. The foliage shows the condition of the peony immediately. If he has wonderful glossy, bright green leaves, then the bush is healthy, they begin to fill up - this is the first sign that the peony begins to weaken. You need to then dramatically limit the number of colors, leave pieces 5-6, and cut the flowers will have to be with a very short stem so as not to touch the leaves.

On the flowering and education of seeds, any plant spends all its strength, so you can not allow seed boxes to be formed, and as soon as the flower fades, loses his decorativeness, you immediately have to break it away.

After flowering, the plant from the watering can be hammered by drugs containing copper (or phytosporin solution) directly in foliage. Prepared a solution, first try it on one stem to make sure that the solution of such a fortress does not cause the burn, and then water the entire bush. When watering phytoosporin, do not exceed the concentration of 2-3 tablespoons of the solution on 10 liters of water, then the sample does not need.

If annually in the spring and autumn to water peonies (as well as autumn asters, bearded irises, phlox and roses) phosporin, especially in a pair with gums or a solution of Hom, then you will not hurt these plants.

Late in the fall, when foliage was already coughing, around the perimeter of the crown of the plant should be made overwhelmed compost or manure, and even fresh, but only horse can be used. This will be quite enough for excellent flowering next year.

In the fall, you can not cut foliage if it is healthy. Freezing grill stems, they dug themselves and attach the rhizome to the winter. You simply at the end of the autumn sunk a bucket of peat or soil on top of the bush - and that's it. But if there are problems with foliage, it is necessary to treat it in the summer, and it can be removed in the fall and at the same time it can be put into compost. After cutting such leaves, you water the bush containing copper with medicine and focus the peony for the winter.

Peony has a malicious pest - this is an ant. He loves to settle under the tubers of Peony. Distrowing part of the tuber, make a nest in the hole. Formic acid is very harmful to peon, and he begins to die.

Please note that often in spring on the peony is the mass of ants, which gnaw the drop-down bud, is also very bad. The ants damage the edge petals, after disclosure, such flowers have a uncoded look. Muravyov needs to be destroyed, for example, an ant. Divide the ampoule in 10 liters of water and pour under the peony. But you can do differently. If you remove the soil layer 2 cm under the peony, where the ants are fussing, you will see the egg laying. Just sprinkle ant eggs and accumulations of antixine or ant ants. In addition, to protect the peony buds from the commercials, you for each stem side to the soil on one drop on the stem of any gel against ants (for example, absolute or great warrior).

And the Peony suffers from a formidable disease, which is called the fusariosis of rhizomes (rotting), which appears externally in redness of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots on them. As soon as these signs appeared at least on the same sheet, immediately spin empty directly along the "head" with a solution of the copper preparation, tinting on each plant 1-2 watering cans.

Peonies are old to 20-25 years. Such an old bush is no longer so thick, the number of colors begins to decrease. The bush needs to be rejuvenated, and this can be done only in August. You need to dig a peony on the one hand, raise the pods and put it, cut off approximately half.

One piece to use for breeding, separating individual decene. The remaining part of the bush should be lowered again into the pit and fall asleep with fresh fertile land. And you can destroy the noncommunicable bush in half a strong blow of the ax. One part to dig up, lean or divided into delays, give or sell. All sections of the remaining peony and the decene sprinkle ashes well. Add fresh soil to a pit. And all! Such rejuvenation gives a very good young increase, and Peony will still be 10-15 years old perfectly live and blossom.

So, early in the spring when pink sprouts appear to pour them with a solution of copper sulfate (or chom), sprinkle the soil around the peony ashes. At the time of the appearance of buds, pouring the peony and soil with a solution of phytoosporin plus Gumi.

In the fall after cutting overhead part (or right on it), before dipping, to pour the peony with a solution of any preparation containing copper, to plug around the coland of the ash (at least a glass). Healthy blooming bush is provided to you.

In addition to the main purpose of this delightful flower - decoration garden plot, Peony is also suitable for other purposes, for example, medical.

Drug Use: useful properties It has only the peony evading, distinguish which from the rest can be primarily on small nonachhrovaya flowers. Its infusion has a soothing effect and is widely used in folk medicine, especially with non-traditional treatments practiced in Tibet. There are serious nervous diseases, such as epilepsy.

Some of the miraculous properties of Peony have already been confirmed after serious scientific experiments conducted by representatives of official medicine.

It is proved that the composition of the peony juice includes disinfecting, painkillers and sedatives. According to traditional medicine, PION perfectly copes with diseases of the liver and kidney, and also serves as an excellent agent for cancer prevention.

Herbaceous Peony applies to plants that make their bloom in the first half of summer. As soon as the earth is panstone A little warms up, on its surface after a short period of time, you can watch red-made thickened sprouts.

Initially, they do not differ in the large size, but they are already very soon turning into high and strong stems, on which buds are formed.
There are also such peonies, compliance with which can reach up to 20 cm in diameter.

Those who love them for abundant flowering and a lush shape of a bush, strive to extend the time of pleasure to their view and plant varieties different times flowering.

Herbatous peonies most often have such colors:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

Pion care

Gardeners love peonies for what they are perennial plantswhich do not require special conditions of content. In order for a long time to enjoy his lush bushes, the flower must be abundantly watering (because evenly-appointed roots are at depths) and loosen the abnormal space.

At the beginning of spring, when the peonies only begins the vegetative period, the plants are recommended to feed the nitrogen-containing complex. The secondary feeding will be appropriate during the formation of buds, only this time it will be necessary to choose phosphoric fertilizer.

In order for the bushes to bloom longer, it is necessary to get rid of the brute shoots with a knife.

For the third time, fertilize the bushes of peony is necessary after flowering when the plant will need potassium and phosphorus.

All types of herbaceous peonies may suffer from diseases, among which are often found. gray Gnil. Moreover, any part of the plant is affected by the fungister:

  • trunk;
  • foliage;
  • inflorescence;
  • roots.

In the event that this disease was discovered on the bush, it is necessary to remove all damaged places with a sharp knife and disinfected the plant with a drug containing copper.

AT autumn period The ground part of the peonies is subject to cut. In the shelter, peonies do not need the winter, as the cold is experimenting. Only in its first wintering, young plants are recommended to be insulated with observer material.

Poniov reproduction

Those who conceived to propagate this flower with the help of seeds that ripen in boxes on the site of the former bud, it is recommended to abandon it. Varietal features Peeons are most often not saved at the same time, and waiting for flowering will have at least five years.

The best way to breed peonies is root division. Do it better in autumn or at the end of August.

Roots dig up when the bushes are subject to update. The need for this occurs when peonies are growing very long time and flowering becomes scarce.

The tree peony is both a shrub, and a flower.

It is only worth landing at this plant, and you can get a magnificently growing inflorescences. decorative shrub. In height tree peony May grow up to 2 meters.

It all depends on the fertility of the soil, the year of life and care.
These flowering plants are long-livers.

These shrubs can grow in one place for 90-150 years. The most ancient long-liver is the tree-like peony, which is 300 years old.

Peony grows slowly and as they grow every year gives 10-70 inflorescences, and sometimes hundreds. Flowers most often have a shape of a ball or bowl. They decorate the bush for about two weeks.

Among who care for tree peony are most common hybrid varieties. They have long filament leaves, and the flowers reach 25 cm in diameter. We are in demand and dwarf tree peonies.

Requirements of tree peonies

For the normal content of tree peonies, it is advisable to provide them with a sufficient amount of light and protected from drafts.
If the peony bush is located under the shadow of a small tree, he gets scattered sunbathing and blooms longer. But under the open sky, the bushes bloom abundant.

Soil under the peonies should be a fertilized, drained and with an alkaline reaction.

If there is a need to transfer a plant or landing new ones on, then the most favorable time for this is the period from the end of August to mid-September. Also, the woody peony can land in early spring, but it must be borne in mind that in this case it will be most vulnerable during freezing.

See also:

Czakely Miracle - Portulak

Flower planting pit is prepared in advance. She is attached to the form of a cone. The base should have a size of two times longer than the diameter on the surface.

Principle of landing

First, it is necessary to pour a thick drainage layer on the bottom ( broken brick, gravel and sand). Then all this should be filled with humus. At the end, put the root of the shrub and sprinkle the top fertile layer of soil.

If severe winters buffet in the region, then flower products are recommended to perform protective dry shelter. Especially this need young plants or newly planted shrubs. As an injection material can be used:

  • napnik;
  • reed;
  • dry needles.

After wintering, in April, the plant inspect and remove all the dry branches.

In any garden there is a place for these beautiful plants. They look gorgeous on the background of lawns, even at the moment when flowering will pass. Landscape designers note the demand for this shrub, go towards their customers and use the tree-like peony both in single and group landings.

Why the peonies do not bloom

During flowering, a bush of peonies is very violent greens and lush, bright inflorescences with a drunk aroma. But it happens that some owners peonies do not bloom.

The first reason for the lack of flowering may be the wrong landing site. For peony does not fit too shady, with moisture stagnation, place. Also, this plant will not bluff bloom close to high trees and shrubs.

Soil acidity should not be higher than 6.5.

Of great importance is the depth of planting a peon bush. If the plant is planted too small, its kidneys will not be protected by soil and winter can suffer from frosts. And, on the contrary, too deep landing prevents flowering. Optimal option It is the deepening of the kidney of peonies, which are located at the base of its stems for five cm in the ground.

Also, the cause of the lack of flowering peonies may be errors in feeding. If the soil is poor on trace elements, the bushes of this plant will bloom, but poorly and small inflorescences. And when re-fulfilled fertilizers, they will acquire too violent green mass, but bloom may not come at all.