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Tree peony. Tree peony: planting and care in the suburbs, pruning after flowering

Peony yellow

This ornamental perennial shrub - tree peony, is not yet very common in our gardens, but interest in it is increasing with each goal. Not everyone knows how a tree peony differs from a grassy peony, perhaps this is the reason for its low demand.

Tree peony - description

First of all, the difference lies in the fact that in a grassy peony, all the green mass dies off for the winter. Tree-like forms lignified shoots, like any perennial shrub who stay over the winter. In the spring, buds wake up on these stems, and the plant begins to vegetate, as seen in the photo.

The leaves are different tree peony. In grassy, ​​they are bright dark green in color, and their shape is somewhat different.

The tree peony can grow up to two meters in height. Flowers can be either a simple form, or double or semi-double. In some varieties, the number of flowers on one bush can reach up to 70 pieces, despite the fact that the size of each in diameter is 20-25 cm. The flower has a clearly visible core, big size stamens crowned with bright anthers.

The plant is frost-resistant, does not require shelter in central Russia. He also does not need careful care, since he is practically not affected by pests and diseases. It can be grown even in Siberia.

In garden culture, the following species are most often found - yellow peony, Potanin and Delyaveya. An uncovered bush of a tree-like peony, in winter it can freeze above the snow cover, but this is not scary. Even with severe frosts at 30-40 degrees below zero, the peony bush resumes, since adventitious buds remain at the base of the bush, from which new shoots grow.

Photo of a tree peony flower of some varieties.

variety Kuindzhi

Propagation - by seeds, rhizome division, layering, cuttings or grafting.

Where, how and when to plant a tree peony

The best place for this plant there will be a scattered shadow, but away from large trees and shrubs. Dislikes plant and constantly blowing strong winds. Planting a tree peony should be carried out on fertile soils, fertilized with rotted manure or compost.

The plant responds negatively to acidic soil with a heavy structure, clayey, saturated with moisture. Before planting, liming can be done with bone meal with the addition of superphosphate. Planting is not recommended if the site has a high level of groundwater. If a similar phenomenon is observed, it is necessary to make good drainage or arrange a high bed.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a landing pit in advance, which should be about 70 cm deep. Drains made of broken bricks, stones, gravel and sand are laid on the bottom. On top of the drainage, fertile soil is poured in a slide. You need to wait a couple of weeks with the landing, so that the soil settles. When planting a tree peony, the roots are spread over the poured soil and spilled with a bucket of water. When the water is completely absorbed into the soil, root system covered with earth. Need to support the plant upper part so that the root neck does not go underground. It should be level with the soil surface. The poured soil is easily crushed, but trampled down.

If a tree-like grafted peony is planted, then the grafting site must, on the contrary, be deepened by 15-18 cm, so that later the plant will form its own root system in this place. When several peony bushes are planted, it is necessary to maintain a distance of about one and a half meters between them.

Tree peony does not tolerate transplantation very well, so it must be planted immediately to a permanent place of residence.

Having chosen a tree-like peony for your flower garden, caring for it will consist in annual pruning of frozen and old, dried branches.

Everything else, as for the usual grassy peony. Timely watering, shallow loosening, top dressing during budding, shelter for the winter, in northern regions, in the middle lane so that not in the spring the buds do not suffer from recurrent frosts and the bright scorching sun.

published according to the materials

Tree peonies

In China, tree peonies are considered the epitome of beauty, and they are also called imperial flowers. The Japanese call it the flower of well-being and prosperity. There is not a single country where there would be no interest in these wonderful flowers.

Tree peony is a shrub reaching a height of 1.5-2 m, with large bright green double-pinnate leaves. One bush can have from 30 to 70 flowers. The diameter of each is from 20 to 25 cm, however, the peony grows very slowly, and you can get the maximum number of flowers from it only after ten years. The color of the petals is white, pink, crimson, lilac with a dark crimson spot at the base. Petals dense corrugated. Large numerous stamens with bright yellow anthers are clearly visible. There are forms with double and semi-double flowers. The flowering time of the bush is 12-14 days, and more in cool weather. The plant is decorative even after flowering due to the unusual shape of the leaves and fruits.

Tree-like peonies are divided into several groups: the Sino-European group - heavy and double flowers, the Japanese group - non-double and semi-double flowers, hybrids of the yellow peony and the Delaway peony. Varieties that are brought from China and Poland do not adapt well to the Russian climate and practically do not take root. But domestic gardeners are permanent job on breeding varieties of tree peonies. And today you can use such varieties as Moscow University, Stefan, Tatyana, etc.

Tree peony is a non-frost-resistant shrub in Siberia. However, with careful shelter, made in a timely manner in the fall, and the presence of snow cover, its culture in the Altai Territory is possible. In critical snowless winters, the shelter must be strengthened by the addition of straw manure.

Location: Choosing the right location for peonies is important. It should be away from big trees, not strongly blown by winds, provide shelter from direct sunlight (partial shade is considered ideal in this case). With this arrangement, the flowers last longer and do not fade. It is no coincidence that in Japan and China, peony bushes are often covered from the sun, wind and rain with a canopy.

Soil: must be permeable, fertile (rotted manure, compost, earth), with the addition of bone meal and superphosphate. Peonies prefer alkaline soils. Tree peonies grow mostly in deciduous forests and shrubs on mountain slopes, usually on calcareous soils. Therefore, they cannot be planted in clayey wetlands with high level standing groundwater. Peonies also do not tolerate excess water during floods, so plants need good drainage from sand and gravel. In China, tree peonies are often placed on raised terraces.

Landing: best time for planting a tree peony - the period from mid-August to the end of September. For this culture is very important proper fit, since not only the decorativeness of the bush depends on it, but also the duration of its life, because a tree peony can grow in one place up to 100 years.

If ground water stand below 2 m, the landing pit is prepared in the form of a cone with a depth and diameter of about 70 cm. Gravel is poured onto its bottom, broken brick or sand with a layer of 20-30 cm; on acidic soils, 200-300 g of lime or bone meal are added.

IN clay soils add sand, in sandy - clay. Soil is poured into the pit with a cone, a plant is placed on it and immediately poured big amount water to straighten all the roots. Then, when the water is absorbed, the pit is covered with earth, while the root neck of the peony should be at the level of the soil. Grafted plants are planted so that the grafting site is 10-15 cm below the soil surface. After two or three years, the scion forms its own roots.

If groundwater passes close, the plant is planted on a mound. A distance of at least 1.5 m is left between two specimens. The earth around the bush is not trampled down.

Care: in the spring, before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to prune the bushes. Every spring, it is necessary to cut out dried shoots, and shorten the old ones to a height of 10 m. Every 20 years in China, a bush is pruned almost to the level of the soil. It is believed that this not only does not harm the plant, but, on the contrary, contributes to its rejuvenation. Renewal occurs due to adventitious buds located at the base of the shoots.

If seeds are not needed, it is recommended to cut the faded shoots after flowering to the upper axillary bud. After such an operation, the plant will bloom more abundantly next year. The lifespan of a plant depends on whether the bush is properly formed. In China, there are 500-year-old specimens, they are carefully protected, but on average, the plant usually lives 100 years or more.

It is advisable to regularly loosen the soil around the bush, and before flowering, apply a full set of fertilizers (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus). In order not to burn the roots, the plant must first be watered. Do not get carried away with fertilizers, which contain a large percentage of nitrogen, as peonies become susceptible to gray rot. At the slightest sign of wilting of the stems, it is necessary to cut off and burn the damaged parts.

Tree peony is painful for transplantation. Often lush and strong specimens become emaciated after it and cannot recover for several years. When transplanting, the bush must be dug out along with a clod of earth.

The second option: the earth is washed off with a jet of water; diseased roots are cut out, and long ones are shortened; sections are treated with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a mixture of crushed coal and colloidal sulfur. The bush is transplanted as a whole or cut into two or three divisions, removing dry and damaged shoots until the live bud of renewal. In the second option, before planting in a new place, the plant is immersed with roots in a clay mash for 20-30 minutes.

Reproduction: dividing the bush, cuttings, layering and grafting.

Dividing a bush is the easiest way to propagate. Plants at the age of five or six years are carefully dug up in August, freed from the ground and divided by stretching parts of the bush to the sides at the root collar. The delenka must have three to five replacement buds and roots. Places of wounds are treated with potassium permanganate and sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Semi-woody cuttings are cut in the second half of June. The cuttings are cut like budding roses, that is, they take a bud with a leaf and a small piece of shoot wood. The leaf blade is reduced by half to reduce evaporation. The cuttings are planted in boxes with a mixture of peat and sand (1:1) to a depth of 1.5 cm. The boxes are covered with foil and constantly sprayed and watered. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into pots at the end of September and kept in a greenhouse until spring. In spring, the plants begin to grow, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by layering is carried out for two years. In the spring, well-developed shoots are chosen, carefully bending them to the ground. An incision is made from the lower side facing the soil, a small spacer is inserted into it and sprinkled with earth with a layer of 8-10 cm.

Tree-like peonies are also propagated by air layering before the flowers bloom. On the shoot, cuts are made and wrapped with moss, then with a film and bandaged. At the end of August roots are formed. However, this method is not very efficient.

When propagating peonies by grafting, the roots of a grassy peony are used as a stock. In early August, cuttings with two buds are cut from a tree-like peony. The lower part of the cutting is cut off on both sides in the form of a wedge. At the root of the stock, a cutout of the same shape is made, the scion stalk is tightly inserted into it and tied polyethylene film. Then the resulting plants are laid horizontally in a layer of moistened sawdust and placed in a shaded place.

A month later, rooted plants are planted in a greenhouse to such a depth that the lower eye is 5-7 cm below the soil level. Plantings from above are mulched with sawdust to prevent drying out. Plants are planted in a permanent place after two years.

Propagation by seeds is difficult. They have an underdeveloped embryo and need stratification.

Usage: a shrub of outstanding beauty, recommended for amateur gardens, group and single plantings on lawns, edges with well-drained, nutritious soil.

Partners: especially good in combination with lilac plantings or horse chestnut, on a dark background of coniferous and hardwood.

Vanyushina E. N. , Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher at the Center for Ornamental Horticulture, NIISS named after. M. A. Lisavenko

(Luck, September 2014)

Paying attention to plants and flowers in their area, gardeners and landscape designers often prefer shrub flowers. One of the luxuriantly flowering and unpretentious care is the tree peony. The plant comes from China, hybrid origin.

Tree peonies: description

Latin name - Paeonia suffruticosa. Semi-shrubs of the genus peony - perennials, about 1.5 - 2 m high with straight shoots, at the end with flowers. Flowers are lush and large. in diameter, at proper care, reach 18 - 20 cm.

Such an ornamental bush pleases the eye with different colors of flowers: red, white, yellow, purple, pink, as well as rare blue and green.

Distinguishes a tree peony:

  • The bush has a superficial root system.
  • The tree peony blends beautifully with different plant varieties without losing its charm.
  • Unlike a grassy peony, a semi-shrub has woody stems that do not die off, but every year a larger and more magnificent bush is formed.

Flowering tree peony

The plant blooms profusely in the third year.

If the flowers are weak, but bloom in the first year after planting, then they are removed while still in bud, so that the plant does not lose strength and takes root better.

This plant is widely used in the Moscow region, in the Urals and in Siberia, as it tolerates winter cold well. For the harsh regions of the country, separate varieties of tree peony have been invented.

Advantages of tree peony varieties for growing in cold regions:

  • winter hardiness;
  • early flowering period;
  • fast growth.

Outdoor cultivation

This plant is not fast growing. A landing site should be chosen, avoiding marshy stagnation, drafts, nearby buildings and large trees.

shrub peonies prefer bright areas, as they stretch in the shade, and therefore lose the roundness of the bush. In the cold regions of the country, in Siberia, the Sapphire species with a closed root system survives well.

Soil and site requirements

Ornamental shrub peonies are planted on any type of soil. Choose well-drained, loose soil.

Do not tolerate peony:

  • moisture stagnation;
  • increased acidity;
  • drafts;
  • more than 60% shading during a sunny day.

Planting a tree peony

The first stage in planting - how to choose a seedling:

  1. Pay attention to the root system - it should be healthy, not dried out, without rot.
  2. The plant has at least 2-3 stiff branches.
  3. We need a seedling with dormant buds that have not yet begun to bloom.
  4. The optimal height of sprouts is about 20-30 cm, larger plant it will be bad to take root.

In order for the tree-like peony to take root well and take root, you must follow the simple rules of planting:

  • Hole size - not too big or small. Tree-like peonies have a superficial root system, the optimal pit is 70x70 cm in size.
  • It is preferable to line the bottom with gravel, crushed stone, broken bricks or other materials for drainage.
  • Land for falling asleep holes interfere with compost, inert flour.
  • The peony must be placed so that the root neck is level with the ground.
  • Then the sprout is covered with earth, compacted, watered abundantly.

Planting in the spring

The landing feature of this ornamental shrub spring is that you need to choose a period when severe spring frosts. Despite the frost resistance of some varieties, young peonies that are not rooted in a permanent place are very vulnerable.

For successful engraftment, you can fertilize the plant when planting with nitrophoska, which promotes the growth of young branches.

Planting in autumn

When planting a sprout of a tree-like peony in the fall, it is necessary that the plant has time to take root before the first frost.

Following the basic recommendations when planting a tree peony, the plant should take root for two weeks. The peculiarity of the autumn landing is that the soil around the peony must be mulched, and before the onset of the first frost, the young plant shelter for the winter.

Growing from seeds

This method is very time consuming.. harvested seeds must be sown in the season when they are ripe. The place of crops is marked with something, since seedlings will appear in two seasons, and the first flowers can be seen in five years. Due to the slow growth and poor development of shrubs, this method of reproduction is rarely used.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest from large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Caring for tree peonies


Since peony shrubs do not tolerate excess moisture, watering for full growth is made abundant, but not frequent. Once every two weeks, 6-9 liters of water are poured under the bush. With a lack of moisture in the spring, the plant needs watering.

In hot summer period control the condition of the soil and prevent drying out. At the end of summer, irrigation is gradually reduced, completely removing additional watering.

top dressing

Trace elements that positively affect the growth of a tree peony:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • urea;
  • nitrogen (in small quantities).

Also, the plant loves fertilizers with organic means, such as:

  • wood ash;
  • compost;
  • bone flour.

Feeding rules:

  • Carry out the procedure in the morning or evening.
  • Before fertilizing, make abundant watering of shrubs.
  • For autumn top dressing, use superphosphate or a solution of ash with water.


The tree-like peony is pruned before the start of sap flow in the spring, as well as after the flowering period. How much to trim is curled because when the procedure is performed - in spring or autumn.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. In the spring, dried branches are removed, old shoots are shortened to 10 - 15 cm.
  2. After the flowering of the bushes, the faded buds are torn off, the shoots are cut off, retreating two buds from the top.

Such pruning forms a spherical shrub and helps to bloom abundantly in subsequent seasons. In some types of tree-like peonies, buds after flowering can not be cut off, spring pruning is enough.


Adult plants do not tolerate transplanting to another place well. Long take root, get sick. Therefore, if you need to transplant a tree-like peony to a new place, then this site should be prepared in advance. Loosen the soil, if acidity is increased, add a little bone meal. And also the site should be without drafts.

Pests and diseases

Tree peony refers to unpretentious ornamental bushes, which is very rarely exposed to diseases.

Of the diseases, peonies are most often harmed by:

  1. brown spotting;
  2. gray rot.

Treatment methods:

  • treatment of bushes with a solution of 1% potassium permanganate;
  • spraying with Bordeaux liquid;
  • if present, affected branches and leaves are removed.

Diseased peony leaf

Reproduction of tree peonies

These flowering shrubs reproduce in the following ways:

  1. The division of the bush. This is a common method when an adult plant is dug up and shoots with roots are divided into several smaller bushes. Then the sprouts are planted. Since the peony does not like transplants, it takes root by dividing for a long time, blooms in a few years.
  2. cuttings. With this method, the main bush does not suffer. For propagation, cut shoots with buds are used in late spring. The cuttings are planted in the soil, covered with a film, regularly watered. By the end of autumn, the sprouts will take root, then you can transplant.
  3. layering. To propagate a peony by layering, part of the stem must be attached to the ground and sprinkled with earth. In order for the layering to take root, it is necessary to water periodically and prevent the soil from drying out.
  4. Inoculation. The propagation method of shrub peonies by grafting is used to breed new varieties. Apply as follows: a tree-like shoot is grafted onto the roots of an ordinary grassy peony. This method is used at the end of summer. After the shoots have taken root to the root, they are grown for two years in greenhouses.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Care after flowering

To maintain life and prevent diseases of the bushes, the peony must be regularly looked after.

Care includes:

  • remove weeds;
  • loosen the soil around the plants;
  • mulch the ground;
  • fertilize;
  • watered in a timely manner.

Preparing for winter

Despite the cold resistance of tree peonies, they need shelter for wintering.

Step-by-step preparation of tree peonies for winter:

  1. mulching the soil around the bush;
  2. the shoots are not tightly tied together;
  3. shelter branches to produce with the onset of permanent frosts;
  4. you can cover with leaves, needles, spruce branches, bark.

Features of growing at home

The plant is unpretentious in growth and care, so every gardener can easily decorate his site with it.

Growing rules:

  • For landscaping a home plot with a decorative shrub peony, you need to choose a sunny place.
  • To make the bush look beautiful, it is cut in the spring to form a lush crown.
  • In order for the plant to take root and not hurt, the soil should not be too oxidized and not excessively wet. Since these plants do not tolerate stagnant water.
  • Planting such peonies is recommended immediately to a permanent place of growth, as they are very difficult to tolerate transplants.

Types and varieties of tree peonies

Abundantly flowering and beautiful tree-like peonies are hybrid plants that were bred and brought to us from China. Liked shrubs for beautiful and fragrant flowering, breeders bred in many varieties.

The most successful and common are the following varieties of peonies: sapphire, yin and yang, dragon, kinko, phoenix, michelangelo, rock.

Variety Kinko

Yin-Yang variety

Variety Phoenix

Variety Dragon

Roca variety

Variety Sapphire

They differ from each other:

  • shapes and coloring of flowers;
  • flower sizes;
  • cold tolerance;
  • flowering period;
  • growth rate.

Frequently asked questions from amateur gardeners

  • Why is the tree peony not blooming? This plant blooms once per season. The first flowering may appear in a three-year-old bush that grew in a permanent place. If the bush grows from seeds, then it will bloom in 5 - 6 years.
  • Why is the tree peony not growing? These ornamental subshrubs grow very slowly, so it looks like it doesn't grow at all. For support, fertilize the plant, then it will begin to develop faster.
  • What is the best way to save a tree peony before planting? If the stalk is already available, and it is too early to plant it, then you need to keep the plant in the cellar, having previously treated the sections of the roots with potassium permanganate or ash.
  • Is redness on the leaves normal? Redness on the leaves may be a reaction to an increase in lighting or a lack of nutrients in the soil. It is necessary to fertilize the plant with phosphorus and potassium.

Tree peonies in landscape design

These ornamental flowering subshrubs go well with all garden plants. They are planted in compositions and separately. Flowering looks very beautiful against the background of evergreens.

If there is no preference and time for frequent care tree peony behind garden plants perfect solution for landscape design.

Reasons why a tree peony should be planted on the site:

  • Colorful flowering decorates a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden or flower beds.
  • Combined with different types plants.
  • Watering is necessary, but infrequently, if the summer is rainy, then additional watering will not have to be organized at all.

In the photo - examples of the use of a tree peony in landscape design:

23.08.2017 5 007

Peony varieties - the most original, interesting and disease resistant

If you are going to plant beautiful flowers, you need to correctly select the varieties of peonies according to the desired color scheme and flowering time. First of all, pay attention to where the flowers will grow, in the Urals and in Siberia, the Moscow region, Leningrad region, in the Kuban or in other regions of the country, and then take into account desires, whether it be tree-like or herbaceous flowers, hybrids, non-double, double, anemone-shaped, dwarf, Japanese, semi-double, or others ...

tree peonies

The variety of flowers is amazing, there are more than 3,000 species, which are divided into tree-like varieties of peonies and herbaceous ones, some bloom already in the year of planting. Let's try to understand this diversity.

- the attractiveness of this semi-shrub is obvious, already in 3-4 years a small seedling turns into an openwork, fragrant hemisphere of one and a half meters in diameter. For healthy development, the seedling must be planted immediately in a permanent place, taking into account its future volumes.

New varieties of tree-like peonies, bred by breeders, tolerate winters well, they can be planted in the North-Western regions, grown in the Leningrad region, in the Urals and even in Siberia, these include white Lomonosov, Maria, lilac-beet Peter the Great, salmon Irina and Marianna, Stefan, Muse - these varieties are listed in the catalog of peonies and enjoy well-deserved popularity due to their winter hardiness.

Subshrub hybrids

Red varieties are the most popular color for a symbol of love and sexuality. The late Red Giant does not differ in high growth (up to 1.5 m), but it will give from 30 to 70 ovaries with a diameter of up to 18 cm - it is frost-resistant, normally tolerates a small shadow. Popular varieties are Silk Road, Flight of the Swallow, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Red Clouds of Baiyuan.

Several dozen varieties are pink peonies, they can be terry (Augustin) or non-terry (Anastasia Sosnovets). Shades range from pale pink (Dmitry Kapinos) to purple-pink (Yulia Durina, Nikolai Vavilov), these varieties of peonies are bred in Russia and take root perfectly in the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, the Urals and Siberia.

Pale pink with a scarlet heart, Sapphire has simple ovaries up to 50 pieces per bush and blooms in June, and late Transparent dew indulges in bloom with a bluish tint. The Green ball looks original, which blooms with green balls, gradually turning into transparent pink petals.

Yellow varieties of peonies - Kuindzhi and Akademik Sadovnichiy, one of the youngest classes bred, this is a very rare color, but is rapidly gaining popularity among gardeners.

Lemoine peony hybrids

Lemoine peonies are a hybrid of the Deoavel variety and a yellow peony, but with much big balls up to 15 cm in diameter. The growth of the bush reaches 1.2 m, which is not so much for a tree plant. This is a double pink peony with yellow balls, has medicinal properties- the roots and flowers of the plant thin the blood and help relieve swelling, are used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Herbaceous peonies and varieties of ITO hybrids

Herbaceous shrubs are the most durable and unpretentious, this is enough frost-resistant varieties disease resistant pions. Despite the fact that the plant does not bloom for long, openwork bushes are widely used in landscape design as a background for other flowers.

Ito hybrids are delightful varieties of peonies that are perfect for cutting for bouquets, they are frost-resistant, resistant to diseases, including rust. All these qualities are acquired by crossing grassy and treelike parents, as a result, powerful bushes are born with abundant flowering and incredible aroma.


Non-double (simple) flowers have a special charm, their advantage is the lightness of the ball, which does not require a garter, resists winds and rains. Peony Bartasella belongs to varieties that smell and bloom for a long time (from 2 to 4 weeks), the diameter of the flower reaches 20-25 cm, is painted in a bright yellow hue with raspberry touches, blooms from April to May. Openwork foliage acquires a bronze hue by autumn, which gives the plant a decorative effect.

Ito-hybrid of Scarlet Heaven peony has a scarlet color with golden staminodes, exclusive for this plant, 2-3 cup-shaped ovaries bloom on a branch, and the growth of a bush reaches 1 m.


Semi-double peonies are the most common species, they include the grassy Baikal Bell with large maroon flowers 18-20 cm, bush height up to 70 cm. The Coral Sunset variety has a magnificent coral color, reaches 90 cm in adulthood. Early peony Pink Hawaiian Coral - the owner of semi-double, coral-pink and white inflorescences.

ITO hybrid Lollipop blooms in the middle of the season, has light yellow petals and purple markings, is resistant to diseases. Yellow Crown is a herbaceous perennial with bright yellow flowers, painted with red blots at the base of the petals. Adolphe Rousseau, Sarah Bernhardt, Callie's Memory, Hilary, Cora Louise - the list of varieties of peonies in this group can be continued indefinitely.

Peony Black Beauty - the darkest of all existing colors, this early variety, blooming in May, has a slight smell and is quite large flower at 17-20 cm. The height of the bush is about 80 cm. ITO variety Pastel Splendor strikes with pale pink flowers with dashes of a lavender hue, a red-lilac blot at the base of the petals.

Japanese form

Japanese peonies - luxurious bushes with huge amount colors, original form flowers and long staminodes, among this group are popular peonies Japanese moon, painted in pale cream and yellow staminodes, Cup of beauty, Mrs. Hemerick.

Arkon - the owner of luxurious purple-wine petals and carved staminodes with carved tips, this species blooms late and has a rather specific aroma.

Ama No Sode is a large flower with two-row pink petals, stuffed with creamy stamens, a late fragrant appearance. Japanese herbaceous peony Boo Ti blooms late, is distinguished by excellent health and winter hardiness, has large snow-white balls up to 20 cm, a very strong plant.

Anemone varieties

Anemone peonies are plants passing from Japanese to double species, the shape of the bud is round, with one or two rows of lower petals and short in the middle of the flower. Layer colors may vary.

An unusual representative of this group is the peony Primavera (Primevere), the creamy white lower rows are in harmony with the central canary ball, the bud reaches 15 cm, the bush pleases with an abundance of ovaries.

An early view of Snow Mountain, a mid-early Rhapsody with a 16 cm color, pale pink petals and a beige-pink ball in the middle are representatives of this popular group.

Terry form

Terry bomb-shaped peony Top Brass strikes with tricolor - white-pink outer petals turn into a pink ball, in the middle of which canary stamens (petalodies) grow in a crown. It has strong stems, making the variety good for creating bouquets. Peony Balash Queen, 90 cm high, blooms with buds up to 15 cm of pink and yellow flowers.

Deidrim is a lactic-flowered densely double peony with large, pink-red blooms. Peaches and Cream grows up to 60 cm, blooms with spectacular mother-of-pearl pink buds with cream top petals. Peonies Sherbet, Armani, Peter Brand, Red Magic (bomb-shaped, densely doubled peony) are bright representatives of the decorative class.

Red Charm blooms with a red raspberry hue bud of a very large size, densely doubled, bomb-shaped peony up to 18 cm. Unusual Celebrity has a magical smell, a late bush.

Ito hybrid Canary diamonds blooms with wavy petals of light yellow color with creamy pink spots at the base, blooms for up to three weeks and pleases with a delicate, sweet smell.

dwarf peonies

Dwarf peonies are a special, compact group, not exceeding 60 cm in height, the flowers are great for balconies and small backyards, they look spectacular in the hall and on the terraces. Dwarfs are unpretentious in care, resistant to diseases and frost-resistant, the bushes are characterized by long flowering.

A prominent representative of the species is the Rome Patio peony, which blooms with pink buds and blooms for quite a long time due to abundantly growing lateral flowers, the variety takes root perfectly in flowerpots and tolerates transplants well, the height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm. For lovers of the species, milky white Madrid were bred , scarlet Oslo and ruby ​​Moscow.

To emphasize the beauty of the plant, it is necessary to choose varieties of peonies so that they harmonize with each other in color, and you can also make compositions that will bloom all summer. When choosing colors, please note that bright hues will look spectacular against the background of dark foliage, for example, in front of a hedge. Peony is a wonderful symbol of love and wealth, able to please others during flowering and after.

Tree peony - growing in the suburbs

The birthplace of the tree peony (lat. Paeonia suffruticosa) is China. In central Russia, gardeners actively grow tree peonies, planting and caring for them does not cause any particular difficulties. And when right choice varieties and compliance with the rules of watering and feeding - you can enjoy magnificent flowering for a long time.

The best varieties of tree peonies

The subspecies of tree peonies consists of 3 main varietal groups:

  • Chinese-European;
  • Japanese;
  • hybrid.

Acquainted with detailed description varieties of peonies can be in our material.

Tree peony - growing in the suburbs

In order not to waste time on self-cultivation of a crop, you can contact nurseries to buy tree-like peonies in the Moscow region - planting and caring for adapted seedlings will not be difficult if you choose them correctly.

How to choose good seedlings

It is worth giving preference to seedlings with an open root system, so you can assess the condition of the roots of plants. Such planting material must be kept in boxes with substrate. Visually, you can easily distinguish between grafted peonies and own-rooted ones:

  • grafted have thick, well-developed dark roots;
  • in own-rooted - the roots are thin and light. But despite this, it is these peonies that live longer.

When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its upper part:

  • the height of the shoots should not exceed 25 cm;
  • the presence of several healthy and intact kidneys is mandatory;
  • the presence of leaves is undesirable, there may be problems with such a seedling.

Choosing a place to grow a tree peony in the Moscow region

This culture prefers sunny, elevated terrain, away from the shade of trees. The soil should be prepared - light, loamy and nutritious. By choosing the right soil composition, tree peonies can be grown up to a hundred years, and at the same time they will bloom magnificently.

When and how to plant a tree peony in open ground

Landing is carried out in early autumn. The pit is prepared in the form of a cone with a diameter of 0.7 m. The recess is filled with drainage and a nutrient substrate. The seedling is placed in a hole, and poured with plenty of water - this will allow the roots to straighten out naturally.

In a similar way, a tree peony is planted in the northern regions; growing this shrub in the Urals requires additional shelter and the choice of more frost-resistant varieties.

Tree peony planting and care video

Tree peony care

When growing a tree peony, care and planting should include: good watering, aerating the soil around the bush, weeding and fertilizing.

Top dressing of a tree peony

Top dressing is carried out by analogy with herbaceous varieties: in the spring they increase the dose of nitrogen, in the summer they use a large number of potassium and phosphorus. But it is worth remembering that an overdose nitrogen fertilizers increases the likelihood of plant infection with fungal diseases.


The procedure is carried out in early spring, removing dried, diseased and damaged shoots. And last year's branches are made shorter by 10 cm. There is no need for strong pruning.

When growing grafted peonies, the root offspring of the stock should be regularly removed, they are cut off at the very base, and the rhizome is highly spudded.

Diseases and pests of tree peonies

Plants rarely get sick, but old and weakened specimens can be affected by gray rot (lat. Botrytis cinerea) and brown spot (lat. Cladosporium paeoniae). Bordeaux liquid is used for protection and blue vitriol.

The plant is practically not affected by pests.

Reproduction of tree peonies

When growing a tree-like peony in the garden, they are propagated by one of the following methods: dividing the bush, side layering, cuttings, grafting, and also grown from seeds. Many of them are carried out by analogy with herbaceous ones, you can read about the methods of reproduction in our article.

Transplantation and division of a tree peony bush

Tree varieties are hard to transplant to a new place and, accordingly, the division of the bush. But it is necessary to carry out the procedure every 5-7 years to rejuvenate specimens, therefore it is always combined with reproduction.

Unlike grassy, ​​the roots of a tree peony are not cut into sections, but stretched to minimize injury. If you still had to use a knife, the cuts must be treated with charcoal. Before planting, the roots should be immersed in clay mortar for a few hours. The rest of the procedure is carried out by analogy with herbaceous varieties.

Cuttings of a tree peony

Cuttings are harvested from semi-lignified shoots at the end of June. They are cut into pieces, each containing buds, leaves and a piece of wood. The leaf plate is cut in half, and the cuttings are placed in containers with sand and peat. The containers are covered with foil and kept warm, the sprouts are regularly moistened. By autumn, rooted plants are ready for transplanting into pots, and planting in open ground could be done within a year.

Reproduction of a tree peony by grafting

One of the most effective methods. For the rootstock, the root of a leaf peony is used, and the scion is a cutting of a tree-like variety with 2 buds.

The procedure is carried out in August:

  • the lower cut of the scion is formed in the form of a wedge;
  • a corresponding recess is cut out on the stock;
  • cuts on the stock and scion should be smooth and fit perfectly to each other;
  • the stalk and root are connected, and the grafting site is tightly wrapped with a film and tied;
  • the resulting cuttings are placed in a container with wet sawdust for a month, during this period the graft grows together;
  • the surviving cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, deepening the lower bud by 5-6 cm.

After 2 years, the finished seedlings will be ready for transplanting into open ground to a permanent place.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

Tree peony completes flowering at the end of June. Faded shoots must be cut to the base of the upper sinus, as they will dry out anyway.

Shelter for the winter tree peony

This culture is not afraid of frost, but shelter for the winter is necessary. In the spring, during the period of the first thaw, root buds may wake up, and further return frosts are detrimental to them. For protection in late autumn, the soil around the plant is mulched with peat, and the tree itself is wrapped with spruce branches.


Tree peony is a long-liver among its relatives. He practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests. Plants are difficult to transplant, and propagation of the culture is more difficult than that of deciduous varieties, but if desired, you can use grafting and layering to organize a peony garden on the site.