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Hydrangea with the largest inflorescences. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

A heat-loving shrub with huge caps of inflorescences came to Europe from Japan in the 18th century. For a long time The hydrangea remained a home plant, but both amateur gardeners and professional breeders of the Old World worked hard to bring this fragrant shrub into their gardens. TO late XIX century, the work was crowned with success, and fans of the plant received frost-resistant varieties that feel great in a temperate climate.

Types and varieties

The hydrangea family has about 100 species. However, not all of them are suitable for planting in a summer cottage and in the garden of our climatic zone... We found out what types and varieties of hydrangeas for the garden take root well and grow successfully in our latitudes. Let's dwell on the most popular plants among gardeners. These include: panicle hydrangea (varieties White Moth, Floribunda, Unique), tree hydrangea (varieties Anabel and Snowball), serrata hydrangea (Bluebird variety), Sargent's hydrangea, petiolate hydrangea, oakleaf hydrangea (Snow Queen and Snow Flake varieties), and the most common garden hydrangea or large-leaved (Quadricolor, Lilacina, Nigra, Grandiflora, Perfecta varieties, Altona). A little more detail about each.

  • Paniculata - white-cream flowers, collected in pyramidal inflorescences, in the process of flowering take on a pink hue, which acquires a density of shades by autumn. It grows very quickly, therefore it requires constant pruning. Long bloom in autumn.
  • Tree-like- visually resembles viburnum, inflorescences are white-cream, spherical. It grows up to 2.5 m, the leaves are pointed, the flowers are tightly adjacent to each other. Flowering lasts from July to September.
  • Serrated- this species loves the sun, relatively low (up to 1.2 m), the Bluebird variety is especially beautiful, with delicate blue flowersforming a plane-shaped ball. Long flowering period (June to September).
  • Sargent- leaves with a velvety surface, inflorescences are very large (up to 30 cm in diameter), with exquisite color transitions, from a rich violet inside and pale pink edges around the edges. Can grow up to 4 meters. Flowering begins at the end of summer.
  • Pereshkovaya - refers to curly species, the leaves are dark green, the stems are red-brown, prefers partial shade, blooms for several weeks in early summer.
  • Dubolistnaya- leaves resemble oak in shape, grows up to 2 meters, cone-shaped inflorescences. By autumn, rough foliage takes on purple and burgundy hues. The flowers are white, in the Snow Flake variety they are double.
  • Garden, large-leaved- bright green oval leaves, slightly pointed, with spherical inflorescences, growing up to 2 m. Flowers, depending on the variety, are colored blue, white and pink. It is thermophilic, it is necessary to cover for the winter.

Idea!Another species - ash hydrangea - is often used as a hedge. She has small flowers and dull green leaves.

Care features

Only with a correct and serious approach to the requirements of the plant itself can a positive result be predicted.

IN proper care for hydrangea includes:


When choosing seedlings, carefully examine the root system. A common practice is to plant the plant in late spring.

Advice!If root system the bush is highly developed, then the planting of hydrangeas can take place in September. For two or three warm weeks of autumn, he will have time to solidify in the soil and survive the winter well.

Preparing the soil for planting consists in introducing peat with sand and earth with needles. Dig a hole 50x50 cm, drain it. Fill it with soil, if necessary (if the soil is alkaline), add an acidifier fertilizer.

When planting hydrangeas in spring, the rhizomes should be slightly shortened and cut off the annual shoots, leaving only 3-4 pairs of buds. After planting the bush in the soil, water it, wait until the water is absorbed, and mulch it with peat or sawdust in a layer of 6-8 cm.

To create a hedge, seedlings are placed at a distance of 0.7-1 m from each other. If you want to get one, but a dense and lush bush, take 4-5-year-old seedlings for planting, digging a hole of slightly shallow depth (35-40 cm) and 50-70 cm wide.


Pruning bushes is mandatory procedure, whatever type of hydrangea plant is. With uncontrolled growth, the branches of the bush grow so that they lose their aesthetic appearance. Please note that the first healthy flowering begins in the 3rd year after planting, ruthlessly cut off everything that appears earlier. This will enable the bush to develop correctly.

For already established plants, a spring rejuvenating haircut is carried out, aimed at forming a bush. The procedure is carried out before the start of sap flow in the plant. If you notice that the hydrangea inflorescences are weakening and decreasing in size, cut the bush "into a stump" (when cutting, only the stems are left 15-20 cm from the ground). The plant tolerates such a cardinal manipulation well and grows quickly, restoring the splendor of the flowers.

Thinning pruning is also necessary for hydrangea hedges. Do it at your own discretion, but not before the bushes gain strength.

Advice!Do not peel off the inflorescences by hand, cut them carefully with a pruner so as not to affect upper part branches with buds.


The heat-loving hydrangea flower loves moisture. It is important that the soil under the bush is always in a state of light moisture. To do this, it is necessary to mulch the soil under the plant twice a year using pine needles, leaf humus, shavings or bark.

Water the hydrangea bushes 2 times a week in dry weather, and 1 time if it rains during the week. Pour 30-50 liters under each bush. The water should be soft.

In autumn, on dry days, abundant watering is useful for the plant, it will help the hydrangea calmly survive the frosts.

Advice!When the soil is mulched with peat, abundant watering of the plant should be carried out less often, about 1 time per month.


The successful cultivation of hydrangea is impossible without competent feeding. After planting, at the beginning of the growth of the seedling, add superphosphate (30-40 g) under the bush, urea at the rate of 20-25 g per one square meter, sulfuric potassium (30-35 g).

During the formation of buds, the plant needs additional portions of fertilizers: superphosphate (60-80 g) and sulfuric potassium (40-45 g).

At the end of August, prepare the hydrangea for wintering by placing 15-20 kg of manure (rotted) or compost under each bush. Treat the branches well with Bordeaux liquid. Closer to mid-October, it is necessary to spud the bushes to a height of about 30 cm, and in November, the branches of the hydrangea should be bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

the beauty personal plot plays no less role than its practical significance, and in some cases even more. Beautiful flower bed with flowers can decorate even the most dull landscape, constantly raising the mood of its owner. One of the most attractive flowers in the flower beds of households is the hydrangea. A beautiful flower, the number of varieties of which is numbered in dozens, is able to decorate a personal plot with a wide variety of colors and shapes.

Hydrangea is a decorative flowering shrub... Previously, trees and vines were attributed to this plant species, however, now they are classified as a separate family. The habitat of wild hydrangea is mainly concentrated in Asia and the coast The Pacific... These are mainly separate regions of China, Japan, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin. Several plant species are found on the American continent. With its large natural variety of species and varieties of hydrangea, only a few of them are cultivated.

The most interesting for practical cultivation are:

  • Hydrangea paniculata.
  • Hydrangea.
  • Ashy hydrangea.
  • Hydrangea serrated.
  • Hortense Bretschneider.

The rest of the varieties of hydrangea flowers are not so common among gardeners, although they are quite attractive.

Most hydrangea is a deciduous plant with opposite, oval, simple leaves. Their size is quite impressive, along the edges they have a jagged shape. The end of the leaf is pointed, and veins are visible along its entire length. There are also evergreen types of hydrangeas. They grow preferably in countries with warm climates.

The flowers of the plant have a rather interesting structure. Conventionally, all hydrangea inflorescences can be divided into two groups:

  1. Bisexual small, they are also called fertile or fertile.
  2. Asexual or sterile, with 4-5 large petal sepals.

The color of hydrangea flowers is varied and depends on the type of plant. Among the colors of the color, white and cream prevail. At the beginning and end of flowering, the inflorescences have a greenish tint. In almost all varieties of hydrangea, the inflorescences turn pink, especially if they are under the sun.

The shape of the inflorescences of a plant is different. Depending on the type of hydrangea, it can be flat, spherical, semi-flat or pyramidal. All of them are united by the fact that the inflorescence itself is corymbose.

In some varieties of hydrangeas, the flowers are randomly located, however, as a rule, fertile ones are located in the center of the inflorescence, while sterile ones surround them.

Hydrangea tree: varieties

This type of plant is one of the most popular among domestic gardeners. In most cases, the tree hydrangea is called "white bush hydrangea"Or" white globular ".

This type of plant is a shrub with a height of 1 to 3 meters. This variety is native to North America. The similarity of the climate has become the reason that this plant has taken root perfectly in our latitudes. Inflorescences tree hydrangea have a spherical or flat shape... Their diameter can reach 20 cm. The inflorescence is formed at the ends of annual shoots, at first the flowers are green, as they bloom, they become white or cream. In the inflorescences of treelike hydrangeas, fertile flowers prevail, and the number of sterile ones is not great. There are varieties of this type of plant with completely sterile inflorescences.

Treelike hydrangea is a rather unpretentious plant. It tolerates frost and lack of sunlight very well, therefore it grows and blooms successfully in shady places. By the beginning of winter frosts, young shoots of tree hydrangea do not have time to mature to the end and die off, which causes certain damage to the shrub. However, after spring pruning, the plant "comes to life" again and can bloom already this year. In our latitudes, the tree hydrangea blooms in mid-summer (towards the end of July), which makes it the first plant of this species. It continues to bloom until late autumn.

The most common variety of tree hydrangea is Sterilis. It is distinguished by rather large hemispherical inflorescences, which consist of small sterile flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm.

Hydrangea paniculata: varieties

The homeland of this plant species is Asia, namely Japan, China and the Eastern regions of Russia (Kuriles, Sakhalin). IN wildlife a panicle hydrangea shrub can reach a height of 5 meters. IN garden conditions this type of plant can be grown both as a bush and as a tree - single-stemmed or multi-stemmed. Due to the fact that the brown annual shoots of this species grow lumber quite quickly, in contrast to the tree-like hydrangea, the plant tolerates cold well.

Inflorescences of panicle hydrangea are formed at the ends of annual shoots. The plant blooms quite abundantly, which pleases the eye of the owners of the infield. Although flower buds appear in early summer (around mid-June), they bloom closer to mid-August. The shape of the inflorescence is predominantly pyramidal. At the beginning of bud formation, flowers have predominantly green color, which transforms into white or cream as it blooms. Due to exposure to sunlight, flowers of this species acquire pale pink, brick and even pale purple color closer to autumn. Towards the end of the flowering cycle, the flowers return to a faint green color.

Like many types of hydrangeas, paniculata is a fairly unpretentious plant that can grow successfully in places with a harsh climate. The most popular among domestic gardeners is the Grandiflora variety. It is distinguished by rather large dense inflorescences, the length of which reaches 30 cm. They consist mainly of sterile flowers. At the top of the inflorescence, there are a small number of fertile flowers. Besides the beautiful appearance, the flowers of the panicle hydrangea emit a honey aroma attractive to insects. That is why a large concentration of bees can often be observed around the plant.

Large-leaved hydrangea: varieties

As with most species of this plant, this variety is native to China, Japan and the Far Eastern territories of Russia. In the wild, the plant's bush can grow up to 4 meters high. Cultivated plants usually have a height of no more than 2 m.Some varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, which are adapted to growing in flower pots, have a height of no more than 0.6 m. The shoots of plants of this species are green, herbaceous. They become lush only a year after regrowth. This leads to a rather low frost resistance of the plant. Like most types of hydrangeas, large-leaved inflorescences are formed at the ends of annual shoots. However, if in paniculate hydrangea almost all new shoots are covered with inflorescences, then in this species only those that have grown from the upper buds of last year's shoots.

The shape and color of the inflorescences of large-leaved hydrangea are varied. The Japanese variety of culture has umbellate kaline-shaped inflorescences, while the changeable hydrangea has a hemispherical shape.

A feature of the latter type of plant is an unstable color, which depends on the composition of the soil on which the bush grows. If it has the usual balanced composition of minerals, then the plant has a pink inflorescence color. On acidic soils with inclusions of aluminum and iron ions, the color of the inflorescences can be blue.

Petiolate hydrangea

This type of plant differs from the previous ones in that it represents climbing vine... In the wild, and it grows in China, Japan, the Kuriles and Sakhalin, the plant can reach a length of 25 meters. Thanks to aerial roots, this plant can be perfectly attached to any type of support. It grows well and, spreading along the ground, however, in this case, the culture simply does not bloom. Inflorescences are loose umbrellas up to 25 cm in diameter, pinkish, white-green or lilac shades. The plant is moderately hardy. Young shoots petioled hydrangea they do not tolerate frosts quite well, so it is better to remove them from the support for wintering under a snow cover. Adult vines can successfully recover even after severe frosts.

Variegated or multi-pubescent hydrangea

Similar name given view got plants thanks to its leaf. The fact is that one of its sides is much lighter than the other and has pubescence. Among the varieties of this species, the Bretschneider hydrangea is the most common. This variety is distinguished by strong shoots that quickly turn wood, which makes it possible for the plant to calmly tolerate even very coldy... The leaves of the culture are elongated. Inflorescences - viburnum, like most types of hydrangeas, are formed at the ends of the first-year shoots.

At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences have white color, after a certain time, they begin to darken. The middle of the inflorescence of Bretschneider's hydrangea has a more convex shape. Even after the end of flowering, the inflorescence does not fall away from the shoot, but continues to hang on it in a dried form. Due to this, this type of plant is often used for drawing up ikebans, dry bouquets or herbaria. Like many plant species, Bretschneider's hydrangea is not whimsical and grows successfully in shady places.

The best varieties of hydrangea: video

Hydrangea is a genus of flowering plants of the Hortensia family. The family mainly includes small trees and shrubs. There are about 80 plant species. It grows in Asia, America, and most species are found in Japan and China. Some varieties have taken root well in russian gardens... The plant got its name in honor of Princess Hortense, sister of the Prince of the Roman Empire Carl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen. Japanese name hydrangea - Ajisai, which translates as "a flower that looks like a purple sun." It is mainly used for decorative purposes.

Several dozen species of hydrangea are known, most of them are short shrubs with large foliage, small trees or vines. Due to its beauty, the plant can increasingly be found in Russian gardens. Gardeners identify several of the most common species in our latitudes.

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata

It's incredible beautiful view, is a small tree, the height of which does not exceed 10 m. It grows in China and Japan, in Russia it can be found on Sakhalin. In nature, it occurs on the edges of forests and oak thickets. The leaves of the plant are elliptical, slightly pubescent from above, more pubescence from below. Their length reaches 12 cm. Flowers gather in large panicles. They have an excellent aroma, which makes them excellent honey plants.

Attention! The culture grows very quickly, therefore it needs periodic pruning.

It is preferable to plant a plant in shady placebecause inflorescences become small in direct sunlight. You should also protect the panicle hydrangea from the wind. The flowering is profuse and long, begins in June and lasts until October. This species is resistant to frost, it can withstand up to -25 degrees. Therefore, it is perfect for growing in the central and northern part of Russia. In the northern zones, it is recommended to plant hydrangeas in the spring. And in those regions where there are no severe frosts, you can land in autumn period... Reproduces well by cuttings. Hydrangea paniculata has an incredible number of varieties.

  1. Grandiflora - a popular variety with large sterile flowers that gather in wide pyramids. The flowering period is a little later than that of other representatives of the species. During the blooming period, the flowers are creamy, later it becomes snow-white, and in the fall - greenish-red. This is due to the peculiarity of the variety.

    Grade Grandiflora

  2. Brussels lace - an elegant variety. It has a considerable number of flowers that bear fruit. Slightly similar to Floribunda.

    Brussels Lace variety

  3. Kyushu - frost-resistant variety. But despite this, young shoots of the plant may freeze. The flowers have a pleasant smell and are white in color. Some of them are sterile, others are fruiting. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and lasts for 3 months.

  4. Limelight - a variety with large inflorescences. A shrub with erect stems. Its height is only 2 m. The leaves are green, velvety. Flowers are collected in panicles, the length of which can reach half a meter. Initially they are green, but during the flowering period they turn cream or white. Flowering begins in late July. The duration is just over one month.

    Limelight variety

  5. Mathilda - interesting variety, changing color of flowers during the entire flowering period. At first they are creamy, then turn white, turn pink and turn red-green at the end of flowering.

    Mathilda variety

  6. Pinky winky - perennial shrub with white flowers that gather in cones. Over time, they turn pinkish. Bloom from August to October.

    Pinky Winky variety

  7. Pink diamond - a variety common in Europe and Russia. The flowers of the plant are divided into sterile and fruiting, initially their color is creamy white, later they turn pink and red.

    Pink Diamond variety

  8. Floribunda - a variety different abundant flowering... It has round flowers on long pedicels.

    Floribunda cultivar

  9. Unique - low bush. Growing rapidly. Flowering begins in August and lasts until cold weather. Initially, the flowers of this variety are white in color, but then they become deep pink. Frost-resistant look. Looks good in single and group plantings.

  10. Dart's Little Dot - a bush about half a meter high. Perfect option for small areas. Flowers of pinkish color are collected in panicles.

    Dart's Little Dot variety

Large-leaved hydrangea (or garden)

Ornamental shrub, perennial. On average, it reaches two meters in height. It has erect stems, does not bear fruit. The flowers are pinkish, lilac, blue or white. Their color depends on the state of the plant and the acidity of the soil. Leaves are simple, green. It is a fast-growing species, demanding on the composition of soils. Dislikes limestone. Flowering lasts from August to November.

Warm and light-loving plant. It has an average frost resistance (up to -30 degrees). Therefore, it grows well in the south of Russia. Thanks to agrotechnical efforts, the large-leaved hydrangea reached the suburban areas near Moscow. These are mainly frost-resistant varieties of this species.

Among the most popular varieties are the following:


Also known by the names smooth and wild hydrangea. Unpretentious plant... It is considered winter hardy, due to which it took special place on summer cottages in the middle latitudes of our country. She does not need shelter. A bush of medium height (up to 2.5 m). Stems are erect, bare. The leaves are smooth, rounded. Flowers come in different colors.

Prefers shady or semi-shaded areas. The plant does not tolerate drought and likes abundant watering. It is unpretentious to the ground. Bloom lasts from June to September. Pruning of tree hydrangea is carried out annually in winter time... The fastest and in a convenient way The propagation of this species is by cuttings.

The main varieties of hydrangea tree-like:

  1. Annabelle - the most popular variety of tree hydrangea. Possesses high frost resistance. The height of the shrub is no more than a meter. Flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences. Perennial. The variety is light-requiring, but it can grow in the shade. Afraid of drafts. If you water a bush with dye, then its flowers will be colored in the appropriate shade. Blooms from July to September.

    Annabelle variety

  2. Sterilis - an abundant and long-flowering variety. Bloom lasts from July to October. The flowers of the plant first have a greenish-white tint, later they are snow-white. Hydrangea branches bend under their weight.

    Sterilis variety

  3. Hayes starburst - a bush with snow-white double flowers. Height and width about 1.5 m. Refers to the 4th zone of frost resistance, that is, it can grow at temperatures not lower than 34 degrees. Infrequently exposed to diseases and attacks of pests.

    Hayes Starburst variety

  4. Invincibelle Spirit - innovation in the field of breeding. When blooming, the flowers have a dark pink color, which later changes to a hot pink.

    Invincibelle Spirit variety

  5. Incrediball - large-flowered variety. It has inflorescences in the form of huge balls of white color.

    Incrediball variety

  6. White dome - a dense shrub, the height of which is 80 cm. The leaves are large, green. The flowers are creamy, the marginal flowers are sterile. Perfect for group and single plantings.

    White Dome variety

Stalked hydrangea (climbing)

A rare variety that is only gaining popularity in Russian gardens. It is a liana, the length of which can reach 25 m. In Russia, it is found in the Kuriles and Sakhalin. Grows vertically, curls along the support (if available). The leaves are smooth, green in color. Flowers of snow-white and pink shade collected in shields. Is an excellent honey plant... Grows in partial shade. Suitable for the southern regions of our country, and also grown in middle lane.

Stalked hydrangea

Attention! Stalked hydrangea is demanding on the composition of soils - it prefers moist loams.

Hydrangea oakleaf

It is a perennial two-meter shrub. It has red shoots. It got its name due to the similarity with oak leaves. White flowers gather in panicles. Flowering begins in June and ripens in September.

Hydrangea oakleaf

Prefers rich soils without lime. Watering should be moderate. In central Russia, the bush can freeze, but with age, the plant becomes more resistant to frost. Suitable for southern areas. Propagated by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. Pruning is done twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Hydrangea radiant

Shrub up to 2.5 m. Leaves are oval-lanceolate, pointed at the top. The plant has many white sterile flowers, collected in scutes. Flowering begins in July and lasts only one month. Maturation takes place in September. Winter hardiness is low, so the roots should be covered with dry foliage or spruce branches. It grows very quickly. It reproduces in different ways, but the best option is grafting. Suitable for landscape design in the south of Russia.

Hydrangea radiant

Ash hydrangea (gray)

Shrub with straight stems. Its average height is 2 m. The leaves are wide, ovate. Moisture-loving plant... Faded inflorescences are cut off before winter. Relatively winter hardy. Suitable as a hedge. Heat-loving species. An excellent option for the southern regions of Russia. The inflorescences can be used as dried flowers.

Ash hydrangea (gray)

Hydrangea serrated

Arboreal shrub. Its height can reach 1.5 m in height. Has a spreading crown. Leaves are oval, pointed towards the top, bright green color. Annual. The inflorescences resemble a ball. Inside the inflorescence, the flowers are blue, closer to the edge - pale blue. After flowering, they turn pink. The color of the flowers depends on the acidity of the soil.

Hydrangea serrated

The plant blooms from July to September. Hydrangea tolerates transplants well. Loves moderate watering. Preparation for winter is as follows: wilted inflorescences are cut off and covered with a film. It is unpretentious in leaving. Not susceptible to disease and pest attacks. Looks great even as a herbarium. Suitable for planting in the middle zone of our country.

Hydrangea Sargent

The height of the shrub is 2-3 m. It grows rapidly in breadth. Blooms from August to September. The leaves are large, opposite. Their length reaches 26 cm. Umbrella inflorescences. The flowers are lilac, purple, after flowering - blue and white. Prefers moderate watering. Frost-resistant, but winters with shelter, therefore it is grown mainly in southern regions Russia.

Hydrangea Sargent

Hydrangea is a wonderful plant. Mostly abundant. Demanding on soils, prefers moderate watering. Widespread throughout the world. Some varieties that are resistant to frost are grown in Russian gardens. Used in horticulture.

All about hydrangea: video

Hydrangea varieties: photo

Hydrangea is a lush and long-flowering deciduous shrub. The scutellum inflorescences consist of fertile (bisexual) and sterile (sterile) flowers. They can be chaotically located, but more often they form viburnum-shaped inflorescences with fertile flowers in the center and sterile along the edge. There are varieties with only one type of flower. The scutellum can be flat, spherical, hemispherical, or pyramidal. Tree and panicle hydrangea settled well in Central Russia, largely due to their resilience. In the Moscow region, hydrangeas grow best in the open sun; in the southern regions of Russia, it is recommended to plant them in partial shade. In the care it is important to ensure regular and abundant watering (it is not for nothing that the Latin name for hydrangea hydrangea is translated as "a vessel with water"). ABOUT best varieties hydrangeas, we will tell you in detail in our review.

In Russia, varieties of 3 types of hydrangea are common: tree, paniculate and large-leaved.

Hydrangea paniculata (Hydrangea paniculata). A shrub or standard tree 2 - 5 m high. Wild forms are found in Japan and China. Panicle hydrangea Differs in dark green leaves and burgundy shoots. Inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the current year. The buds bloom very slowly, so abundant mass flowering occurs in August. The inflorescence is a pyramidal scutellum, reminiscent of a panicle. At the time of dissolution, a greenish tint is present, then the color becomes pure white or cream, and by autumn pinkish tones with a brick tint and again a greenish tint appear. Flowering bush attracts bees with its aroma and is a good honey plant. The high frost resistance of the species makes it possible to grow it even in the North-West region. In the Moscow region, panicle hydrangeas winter without shelter. Shoots woody quickly and winter well.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). Shrub 1 to 3 m high, native to North America... Unpretentious and winter hardy. Loves shading. It is capable of tolerating short-term drought: drooping leaves "come to life" immediately after abundant watering. Spherical or flat shields are formed at the tops of annual shoots. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences have a greenish tint, and in full dissolution they become creamy. In the inflorescences, fertile flowers prevail, and there are few sterile ones. But there are varieties with sterile inflorescences. Shields are large, 10-15 to 20 cm in diameter. Blooms from June to September. Young growth often does not ripen and freezes out, but after spring pruning, the bush grows back well. Freezing does not affect flowering.

Large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla). Shrub 1 - 2 m high. In winter it leaves with green herbaceous shoots, which will become lignified only the next year. This biological feature leads to strong freezing of young growth in a harsh climate. In winter, all leaves are removed, the shoots are tied, bent to the ground and covered with lutrasil. Inflorescences are not formed at all annual shoots, therefore, the flowering is not as abundant, unlike other types of hydrangea. The inflorescences exceed 20 cm in diameter. Dwarf varieties good for container growing. The shape and color of the inflorescences is varied. Varieties of the "changeable" variety are able to change the color of the inflorescences depending on chemical composition soil. Large-leaved hydrangeas grow best in acidic soils.

Hydrangea is a genus of flowering plants of the Hortensia family. The family mainly includes small trees and shrubs. There are about 80 plant species. It grows in Asia, America, and most species are found in Japan and China. Some varieties have taken root well in Russian gardens. The plant got its name in honor of Princess Hortense, sister of the Prince of the Roman Empire Carl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen. The Japanese name for hydrangea is Ajisai, which translates as "a flower that looks like a purple sun." It is mainly used for decorative purposes.

Several dozen species of hydrangea are known, most of them are short shrubs with large foliage, small trees or vines. Due to its beauty, the plant can increasingly be found in Russian gardens. Gardeners identify several of the most common species in our latitudes.

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata

This is an incredibly beautiful view, it represents small trees, the height of which does not exceed 10 m. It grows in China and Japan, in Russia it can be found on Sakhalin. In nature, panicle hydrangea is found on forest edges and oak thickets. The leaves of the plant are elliptical, slightly pubescent from above, more pubescence from below. Their length reaches 12 cm. Flowers gather in large panicles. They have an excellent aroma, which makes them excellent honey plants.

Attention! The culture grows very quickly, therefore it needs periodic pruning.

It is preferable to plant the plant in a shady place, since the inflorescences become small in direct sunlight. You should also protect the panicle hydrangea from the wind. The flowering is profuse and long, begins in June and lasts until October. This species is resistant to frost, it can withstand up to -25 degrees. Therefore, it is perfect for growing in the central and northern part of Russia. In the northern zones, it is recommended to plant hydrangeas in the spring. And in those regions where there are no severe frosts, you can plant in the autumn. Reproduces well by cuttings. Hydrangea paniculata has an incredible number of varieties.

  1. Grandiflora - a popular variety with large sterile flowers that gather in wide pyramids. The flowering period is a little later than that of other representatives of the species. During the blooming period, the flowers are creamy, later it becomes snow-white, and in the fall - greenish-red. This is due to the peculiarity of the variety.

    Grade Grandiflora

  2. Brussels lace - an elegant variety. It has a considerable number of flowers that bear fruit. Slightly similar to Floribunda.

    Brussels Lace variety

  3. Kyushu - frost-resistant variety. But despite this, young shoots of the plant may freeze. The flowers have a pleasant smell and are white in color. Some of them are sterile, others are fruiting. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and lasts for 3 months.

  4. Limelight - a variety with large inflorescences. A shrub with erect stems. Its height is only 2 m. The leaves are green, velvety. Flowers are collected in panicles, the length of which can reach half a meter. Initially they are green, but during the flowering period they turn cream or white. Flowering begins in late July. The duration is just over one month.

    Limelight variety

  5. Mathilda - an interesting variety that changes color during the entire flowering period. At first they are creamy, then turn white, turn pink and turn red-green at the end of flowering.

    Mathilda variety

  6. Pinky winky is a perennial shrub with white flowers that gather in cones. Over time, they turn pinkish. Bloom from August to October.

    Pinky Winky variety

  7. Pink diamond - a variety common in Europe and Russia. The flowers of the plant are divided into sterile and fruiting, initially their color is creamy white, later they turn pink and red.

    Pink Diamond variety

  8. Floribunda - a variety with abundant flowering. It has round flowers on long pedicels.

    Floribunda cultivar

  9. Unique - low bush. Growing rapidly. Flowering begins in August and lasts until cold weather. Initially, the flowers of this variety are white in color, but then they become deep pink. Frost-resistant look. Looks good in single and group plantings.

  10. Dart's Little Dot - a bush about half a meter high. Ideal for small areas. Pinkish flowers are collected in panicles.

    Dart's Little Dot variety

Large-leaved hydrangea (or garden)

Garden hydrangea - ornamental shrub, perennial. On average, it reaches two meters in height. It has erect stems, does not bear fruit. The flowers are pinkish, lilac, blue or white. Their color depends on the state of the plant and the acidity of the soil. Leaves are simple, green. It is a fast-growing species, demanding on the composition of soils. Dislikes limestone. Flowering lasts from August to November.

Warm and light-loving plant. It has an average frost resistance (up to -30 degrees). Therefore, it grows well in the south of Russia. Thanks to agrotechnical efforts, the large-leaved hydrangea reached the suburban areas near Moscow. These are mainly frost-resistant varieties of this species.

Among the most popular varieties are the following:


Also known by the names smooth and wild hydrangea. Unpretentious plant. It is considered winter-hardy, thanks to which it has taken a special place in summer cottages in the middle latitudes of our country. She does not need shelter. A bush of medium height (up to 2.5 m). Stems are erect, bare. The leaves are smooth, rounded. Flowers come in different colors.

Prefers shady or semi-shaded areas. The plant does not tolerate drought and likes abundant watering. It is unpretentious to the ground. Bloom lasts from June to September. Pruning hydrangea trees is carried out annually in the winter. The fastest and most convenient way to propagate this species is by cuttings.

The main varieties of hydrangea tree-like:

  1. Annabelle - the most popular variety of tree hydrangea. Possesses high frost resistance. The height of the shrub is no more than a meter. Flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences. Perennial. The variety is light-requiring, but it can grow in the shade. Afraid of drafts. If you water a bush with dye, then its flowers will be colored in the appropriate shade. Blooms from July to September.

    Annabelle variety

  2. Sterilis - an abundant and long-flowering variety. Bloom lasts from July to October. The flowers of the plant first have a greenish-white tint, later they are snow-white. Hydrangea branches bend under their weight.

    Sterilis variety

  3. Hayes starburst - a bush with snow-white double flowers. Height and width about 1.5 m. Refers to the 4th zone of frost resistance, that is, it can grow at temperatures not lower than 34 degrees. Infrequently exposed to diseases and attacks of pests.

    Hayes Starburst variety

  4. Invincibelle Spirit - innovation in the field of breeding. When blooming, the flowers have a dark pink color, which later changes to a hot pink.

    Invincibelle Spirit variety

  5. Incrediball - large-flowered variety. It has inflorescences in the form of huge balls of white color.

    Incrediball variety

  6. White dome - a dense shrub, the height of which is 80 cm. The leaves are large, green. The flowers are creamy, the marginal flowers are sterile. Perfect for group and single plantings.

    White Dome variety

Stalked hydrangea (climbing)

A rare variety that is only gaining popularity in Russian gardens. It is a liana, the length of which can reach 25 m. In Russia, it is found on the Kuriles and Sakhalin. Grows vertically, curls along the support (if available). The leaves are smooth, green in color. Flowers of snow-white and pink shades are collected in shields. It is an excellent honey plant. Grows in partial shade. Suitable for the southern regions of our country, and also grown in the middle lane.

Stalked hydrangea

Attention! Stalked hydrangea is demanding on the composition of soils - it prefers moist loams.

Hydrangea oakleaf

It is a perennial two-meter shrub. It has red shoots. It got its name due to the similarity with oak leaves. White flowers gather in panicles. Flowering begins in June and ripens in September.

Hydrangea oakleaf

Prefers rich soils without lime. Watering should be moderate. In central Russia, the bush can freeze, but with age, the plant becomes more resistant to frost. Suitable for southern areas. Propagated by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. Pruning is done twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Hydrangea radiant

Shrub up to 2.5 m. Leaves are oval-lanceolate, pointed at the top. The plant has many white sterile flowers, collected in scutes. Flowering begins in July and lasts only one month. Maturation takes place in September. Winter hardiness is low, so the roots should be covered with dry foliage or spruce branches. It grows very quickly. It propagates in different ways, but the best option is cuttings. Suitable for landscaping in the south of Russia.

Hydrangea radiant

Ash hydrangea (gray)

Shrub with straight stems. Its average height is 2 m. The leaves are wide, ovate. Moisture-loving plant. Faded inflorescences are cut off before winter. Relatively winter hardy. Suitable as a hedge. Heat-loving species. An excellent option for the southern regions of Russia. The inflorescences can be used as dried flowers.

Ash hydrangea (gray)

Hydrangea serrated

Arboreal shrub. Its height can reach 1.5 m in height. Has a spreading crown. Leaves are oval, pointed towards the top, bright green color. Annual. The inflorescences resemble a ball. Inside the inflorescence, the flowers are blue, closer to the edge - pale blue. After flowering, they turn pink. The color of the flowers depends on the acidity of the soil.

Hydrangea serrated

The plant blooms from July to September. Hydrangea tolerates transplants well. Loves moderate watering. Preparation for winter is as follows: wilted inflorescences are cut off and covered with a film. It is unpretentious in leaving. Not susceptible to disease and pest attacks. Looks great even as a herbarium. Suitable for planting in the middle zone of our country.

Hydrangea Sargent

The height of the shrub is 2-3 m. It grows rapidly in breadth. Blooms from August to September. The leaves are large, opposite. Their length reaches 26 cm. Umbrella inflorescences. The flowers are lilac, purple, after flowering - blue and white. Prefers moderate watering. It is frost-resistant, but hibernates with shelter, therefore it is grown mainly in the southern regions of Russia.

Hydrangea Sargent

Hydrangea is a wonderful plant. Mostly abundant. Demanding on soils, prefers moderate watering. Widespread throughout the world. Some varieties that are resistant to frost are grown in Russian gardens. Used in horticulture.

All about hydrangea: video

Hydrangea varieties: photo