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Life of the Yeniseis province of the end of the XIX - early XX century - history in photos. Social and ethnic composition of the population of the Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX

The indigenous and Russian population on the Yenisei North in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Indigenous and Russian Population In The Yenisei North In The Second Half of XIX - Early XX Centuries

D.Yu. Khomenko d.Yu. Khomenko.

Yenisei north, inter-ethnic relations, christianization of indigenous peoples, "omnicuchiviva Russian", water development.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between the indigenous peoples of the Turukhansky Territory and the Russians in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. Types, forms, character of these relations are considered. It is estimated to estimate the level of christianized indigenous population.

The Yenisei North, Ethnic Relations, Christianization of the Indigenous Peoples, Obyakuchivanie of Russia, Water Organization.

The Article Analysees The Relationship Between The Indigenous Peoples of The Xix In The Second Half of The Xix - Early XX Century. IT Examines The Types, Forms and Nature of these Relationship. IT Estimates The LEVEL OF CHRISTIANIZATION OF THE INDIGENOUS POPULATION.

The problem of research is inter-ethnic relations between the indigenous peoples and the Russian population of the North Sea North. This topic is not Nova in the scientific literature. The large scientific material was accumulated in pre-revolutionary (V. Anuchin, M.F. Krivoshapkin, P.I. Tretyakov, A.Ya. Tugarinov, P.E. Ostrovsky, V.L. Isachenko, KM Rychkov, etc. ) and Soviet historiography (B.O. Dolgikh, V.I. Vasilyev, Yu.B. Simcrhenko, E.A. Alekseenko, I.S. Gur-HIV, L.V. Khomich, etc.). However, the problem was mainly considered in the ethnographic aspect. In the proposed article, an attempt is made to identify the nature of the inter-ethnic relations between the Russian and the indigenous population of the Turukhansky region in their dynamics since the middle of the XIX century. until 1917 and consider the influence of the capitalist factor on their evolution.

By the middle of the XIX century. The ethnic map of the Turukhan edge was mainly formed. She was distinguished by a great variety. On the left bank of Yenisei, Nensei (Yuraki) and Selkup (Ostsia-Samoyed) lived, on both shores - Kets (Yenisei Ostyaki), on the right - Ence (Samoyed), in the Taezhnaya zone, in the interfluve of the lower, podcate tangcock and hangars - tribes Tungus (Evenkov). Near Oz. Essey and

r. Khatanga lived Yakuts. The Russian population, which constituted the minority, lived mainly along the r. Yenisei, as well as a small group of peasants of Zalundrinsky society - in the pool r. Hatanga. The north of the rest lived ancestors of Nganasan (Avam and Vadeevsky Samoyed), and along the Khatanga tract - Dolgans.

The number of the indigenous population had a steady tendency to increase, although in certain periods it decreased significantly. The cause of high mortality surges were usually massive epidemics and unavailability of medical care.

The economy of the indigenous peoples of the North of the North-Seitorial Siberia in the second half of the XIX century. I wore the assignment and included fisheries, hunting and reindeer herding. The choice of this or that type of economic activity depended on geographical and climatic conditions. For Nganasan, living in the tundra relatively isolated from other nations, the main occupation was the hunt for a wild deer. They moved along the tundra followed by herd deer herds: the winter was performed in a forest tundra, in the spring, moved to the north, to the sea coast, and in August, they returned back.

In the second half of the XIX century. Contacts root

Table 1

Dynamics of the population of the novel of the north

Nature 1848 1859 1863 1871 1881 1897 1899 1921

Tungus (Evenks) 1156 2731 - 1487 401 (part) - 1762 4543

Nganasans 504 - - - 158 (part) - 681 554

Dolgans 764 690 - 573 657 - 691 1224

Yakuts 662 579 - 568 531 - 581 2274

Samoyed (Enza) 444 721 (together with Nganasanov) - 1093 (together with Nganasans) - - 440 756

Ostiabi (Sellock) 865 - - - - - 861 1359

Yuraki (Nenets) 473 798 - 343 - - 443 2817

Yenisei essays (kats) 550 2298 (together with sodmkups) - 1604 (together with sodmkups) - - 948 1465

Just indigenous peoples 5418 7817 4633 5668 7745 6407 14992

Russian peasants - - 1139 1108 - 2655 -

Sources: RGIA. F. 970. OP. 1. D. 1005. L. 11-14; GAIO. F. 24. OP. 9. xp 96. K. 1736. L. 174; The memorable book of the Yenisei province at 1865-66. St. Petersburg: Type. K. Wulf, 1865. P. 182; Tretyakov P.I. Turukhan Territory: His nature and residents. St. Petersburg: Type. V. Reason and Comp., 1871. P. 121; Gakk. F. 117. OP. 1. D. 1007. L. 1 OB.; The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire, 1897. T.73: Yenisei province. St. Petersburg: Type. V.P. Meshchersky, 1904. P. 29; Gakk. F. 595. OP. 30. D. 1204. L. 172-176; Dobrovaya Yadrintseva L.N. Natives of Turukhansky Territory: Experience of the study of the economic situation. Novonikolaevsk: ed. Sib. roar. Coma, 1925. P. 12-13.

russian populations are noticeably activated. You can distinguish two zones of the most dense interaction between the Russian and the indigenous population of the Turukhansky region: the valley r. Yenisei and the territory of "Zauntundra": along the line of Russian machines on the Khatanga tract and in the river basin. Hatanga. Here, as a result of inter-ethnic contacts, the process of "embracing" of the Zadundrinian peasants was followed. Ethnographer V. Vasiliev, examined at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian population in the area, noted that the few Russian peasants who lived in Het and Khatange, in the image of life did not differ from the local "foreigners", completely losing their original physical and spiritual appearance. "The Russian language them is completely lost, or they speak it only a few, the Yakutsky language became native to them," he wrote [Vasilyev, 1908, p.31].

The cutoff of the peasants of the Zalundrin society from the rest of the Russian population, accommodation in unusual climatic conditions led to a change in their economic activity: they took over the surroundings of the Yakuts and Evenkov, the occupation of reindeer herding, moved to the nomadic lifestyle. The reason for this could be the conditions of habitat, in which reindeer herding was presented by the most economically advantageous form of the economy. Their material culture has changed - they adopted the tools of labor, dwellings from the indigenous people.

In addition, mixed marriages led to the change in the appearance of the Zalundrin peasants. The result of rapprochement of the Zalundry peasants, Yakuts and Evenkov was the emergence of a new nation - Dolgan.

In the culture of Dolgan, the synthesis of elements inherent in Russian, Eventers and Yakuts is observed. Thus, the Evenk Chum became the main home of Dolgan, but at the same time a part of the inhabitants built Russian horses, part of living in the Yakut yurt - Balagans (RGIA. F. 970. OP. 1. D. 1005. L. 2). In addition, the first of the ethnic of the Far North began to use the beams - the house on the polls, or the Nariate Chum, borrowed from the Russian merchants. Standing nets that they used were divided into Yakut (from horse-old) and Russians (from yarn) [long, 1963, p.132]. In the Dolgansk folklore, Yakut traditions were combined, Evenk stories and Russian fairy tales [Ethnic history ..., 1982, p. 77-78].

The territory of the joint residence of the Russian and indigenous population was the coast of r. Yenisei. For residents of villages (machines) located along the river, the main occupation was fishing.

In the development of fishing fishery in the bottoms of the Yenisei, several stages can be distinguished. Before organizing the shipping report on Yenisei fishing fishery on Yenisei, local residents were engaged in Russian, Russian peasants and

walking in the summer on the shores of the "Foreigns" river. Their activities have come down mainly to providing fishing fish, for sale about 230 tons per year. In 1863, after the appearance of a private shipping company, the challenge of fish was halved (450 tons) and, gradually increasing, in 1897 reached 825 tons [Berezovsky, 1926, p. nine]. The extracted fish went to Yeniseisk.

The shipping owners monopolized the export of fish products, as a result of which the farms for which fish mining was the main fishery, found themselves in disadvantageous conditions: they could sell fish only at the prices that shipping owners offered, and they have to buy the necessary goods: bread, tea, guns Fishery and others.

The fisherman was considered the area from the axis-novsky machine down to the mouth of the Yenisei. Water use was carried out on the basis of the usual law, according to which "each machine considers the water of the Yenisei, from half the distance from the underlying machine and up to half the distance to the overlying machine belonging to this machine" [Materials ..., 1914, p. 10]. One of the machines (Shorokhinsky) was populated by saddled Yakuts (RGIA. F. 970. OP. 1. D. 1005. L. 2). There were practically no disputes between Russian machines about fishing sands. Residents of each machine independently determined water use: Only those who have served water chart have had the right to uninstall ones, on others - all residents.

The indigenous inhabitants who came to Yenisei in localities where the constant Russian population lived (from Art. Osinovsky to Art. Dudinsky), they used free fishing areas. Disputes due to these territories are not fixed. In 1913, 11 nonsense families, 10 Enets, 42 Selkup, 5 Evenki and 100 Ketes [Materials ..., 1915, p were reached the fishing fishery. four].

Keta interacted most tightly with the Russian population, adopting economic techniques and elements of life. So, at the end of the XIX century. Kets who lived in the Russian villages of the Bright and Vorogovo, built themselves the first log houses. Later, such houses appeared in other settlements. True, in the houses were predominantly those kets that directly

but they lived in Russian machines, working for hiring Russian owners. The most wealthy part of Ketov, which was engaged in nomadic reindeer herding, retained traditional forms of dwellings. Russian influence was also traced in the diet of Ketov: they "learned the stove pies, cook soup, fry meat and fish in the dishes with the addition of fat" [Alekseenko, 1967, p. 101, 131]. In the downtime of Ketov, the purchased products of Russian production appeared: fabrics, ready-made clothing, dishes of factory manufacturing [Ethnic history ..., 1982, p.113].

In the lower reaches of Yenisei, it constantly lived extremely few Russians, they regularly went out for the summer for the fishery of Enza, Dolgan, Nenets, Ostiaria. It is known that in the 1860s. They were not allowed here the sucked fish workers. As a result of isolation, the lower peasants at the beginning of the XX century. In fact, they were assimilated with the indigenous population, having undergone their tongue, clothes, and even threatened with some foreign families [Materials ..., 1909, p. twenty].

With the opening of the shipping message in the lowering of Yenisei began to arrive at the fishery Arteel both from among the inhabitants of Tourukhan machines and hired by fish farms outside the edge. In the 1870s. For those who wanted to unbearable in the lower reaches of Yenisei, the so-called non-aqueous fee for the right to use fishing areas recognized as "foreigners", from the Brehov Islands down by Yenisei.

For the poorest farms that did not have their own means of production, there was a system of "settings": rich local or sedent fish workers supplied workers to the tools of labor, food, clothing on credit, departled by the future catch. There is nothing to say that these conditions were bonded and led to many years of debt of local residents to their creditors. The situation system was subjected to both indigenous residents and impoverished Russian peasants. Ethnographer, secretary of the Yenisei provincial statistical committee P.E. Kulakov at the end of the XIX century. noted that most Russian peasants behave independently, while among the foreigners of independent owners practically

no [Kulakov, 1898, p. 82]. And indeed, the absolute majority of the "foreign" farms published in 1913 within the lives of Russians on fishing fishery were debtors of the Russian population. Families who would have had a debt to Russian fish workers, there were one at Selkups and Evenks and three - at Ketov. Senior fishing specialist, one of the participants and organizers of the Yenisei Scientific and Industrial Expedition 1908-1915. V.L. Isachenko showed the dependence of the amount of debt from the duration of fishing classes - the longer the family goes to the fishery, the higher the amount of debt [materials ..., 1915, p. 56-57]. A similar picture is shown both by indigenous peoples that went to the fields in the lower reaches of the Yenisei. The census materials of 128 chumbies discovered by the expedition in 1909 show that out of 91 of the nonsense debt family before the Russians did not have

2, out of 14 Dolgan - 1, of 18 of the Enets - not one, out of 5 Ostyatsky - 1 [materials ..., 1909, p. fifteen]. However, it should be noted that the existing statistics concerns only those farms that were engaged in fisheries on Yenisei. It is generally recognized that the most impurgeless, small and continuous farms of indigenous people resorted to fisheries as the main fishery. This, we must assume, and explains such a large number of debtors among the Aborigines.

However, not only the indigenous inhabitants fell into Kabalu to fish farms. The poorest peasants also used the system "Situations". Statistics, participant of the Yenisei Trade Industrial Expedition A.G. Schlichter pointed out that 39.5% of peasant farms ended the year with a budget deficit, which means that they remained indebted to their owners [Materials., 1916, p. 90].

It is difficult to say whether the operation of the indigenous population was discriminatory. It is known that Russian Low Eve Yenisei called their debtors "My Asians", and those, in turn, the lender was not called anything other than the "master" [materials ..., p. 17]. However, the Russian peasants called the "owner" of their creditor [materials ..., 1916, p. 89]. The root cause of challenge "foreigners" was their

disappearance economic situation, not ethnicity. In the preserved few evidence of relations between Russian and indigenous people, the facts of xenophobia are practically found, reports of conflicts caused by the rejection of someone else's culture. Rather, on the contrary, even in the families of prosperous Russians who kept in employees of foreigners, the desire to somehow facilitate communication with them with the help of learning Russian language and literacy. So, the Alic Peter Spiridonovich Bolin, who consisted in employees from the merchant Ermakova, is much later, in the 1930s, recalled that his owner's sons taught his diploma. True, the owner himself forbade them to do [Vasilyev, 1963, p. 49].

In 1906, a stateless shipping message was organized with the lower reaches of Yenisei, which led to a massive influx of fish farmers. In this situation, the question of belonging to fishing tones is exacerbated. There were cases when the sucked fish workers did not allow indigenous inhabitants in the territory, where those sincerprove were fraught with fish [materials ..., 1909, p. 17].

Siberian authorities in order to resolve disputes arising between the local population and private capital, adopt the rules according to which the whole terrain north of 69 degrees S.Sh. declared non-aggravated, and fishing sands on this territory were announced by state ownership, leased with trading. According to the results of the results from 125 newly formed fishing sites in 1909, 73, and 52 were submitted to the use of local residents. More than half of the plots went to the "Yenisei Shipping Company", which did not organize their own fishery, but gave them to the Subare to the local population. Under the terms of the lease, the company received half of Ulov at the price that she herself prescribed [Essays., 1909, p. 23]. Thus, the indigenous and local Russian population turned out to be in branch dependence on major capital. The indigenous people have lost their income from the non-aqueous collection, and the Russian local population turned out to be in unprofitable

fit from the distribution of fishing grounds. However, despite the explicit damage, incurred by the local population as a result of the introduction of new rules, no organized protest followed. First, the events touched upon a few group of the population, and secondly, the population itself, divided by ethnic and social characteristics, was completely unable to protect their rights.

An important factor that inflicted on inter-ethnic relations was the policy of the Christianization of the indigenous population. The closer the northern people lived to Russians, the more Orthodox met among them. So, according to the data for 1884, 93% were among the Entsents; Nenets - 87%; Selkups - 76%; Ketov - 69%; Tungusov (together with Dolgans) -59%. Only among the Avam and Vadeyevsky Samoyloins (Nganasan's ancestors), not a single baptic (calculated by: GAKK. F. 667. OP. 1. D. 26. L. 75 OB. - 76 OB.).

Orthodoxy was one of the factors of ethnogenesis Dangan: both Yakuts, and the dolgan tungs, and the more Russians were baptized, they wore Christian names and surnames, revered the icons.

Orthodoxy was part of Russian culture, so Christianization was an important element of incorporation of the indigenous peoples of Siberia to the cultural space of the Empire. Appeal in Orthodoxy, let it even formally, climbed the indigenous people to the Russians: they received Russian names and surnames, partially adopted rites, etc. For example, Keta at the end of the XIX century. They began to put the crosses on the graves, to keep the shrines among others. Icons and crosses [Alekseenko, 1967, p. 169].

However, on the Yenisei North, this process was far from completion. The indigenous residents were superficially related to the adoption of baptism and went to this step, mainly pursuing purely mercantile goals - the liberation of the fastest from Yasak for three years. The reports of Orthodox priests contain a lot of evidence of the preservation of numerous liasns of paganism among the indigenous population. Missionary Hieromona Plato in his report

it gives an example that among 11 baptized "foreigners" no one knew the name given to them during baptism [report, 1900, p. 13]. Similar examples from their practice led in 1893 a priest of the Tazovskaya Nikolaev Church V. Zavodsky (Gakk. F. 667. OP. 1. D. 58. L. 3B-4). The priest of the same church M. Suslov noted that the Christianization of the indigenous peoples of the Yenisei North is bizarrely combined with the pagan views. God in their representation has anthropomorphic origin, "he also drinks and eats and dresses as a person" (ibid. D. 14. L. 86-86B.).

The execution of church rites by residents of the Turukhan Territory was extremely irregular. So, in 1893, only 17% of the region's population (including both Russians) came to confession [Extraction, 1894, p. thirty]. Among the indigenous population, marriages were often met, not consecrated by the church ritual, a rare was to visit the temples in Christmas and Easter, did not accumulate among them and the rite of Christian burial [report ..., 1900, p. 186-187].

The existing material shows that the government did not conduct any targeted policy on the incorporation of indigenous peoples in the imperial cultural space. It was quite indifferent to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cultural missionary Russian peasants. The Russian peasant was essentially abandoned by the government for the mercy of fate. In the conditions of the Far North, where it was impossible to maintain the usual agricultural economy, the Russians moved to fisheries or reindeer herding. The loss of Russian national identity was not even noticed by the administration: they continued to be listed by the peasants of the Zalundrin society.

Government transition at the beginning of the XX century. The Turukhan regime touched the politics of active Russification. The indigenous peoples who lived here were left in the former legal status of "stray foreigners." Watering activities on their scale were incomparable with land seizures, which were made to the needs of Stolypin settlers in Khakasov, Buryat, Bar-Binsky Tatars, etc.

List of abbreviations

1. Gakk is the State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

2. GAIO - State Archive of the Irkutsk Region.

3. RGIA - Russian State Historical Archive.

Bibliographic list

1. Alekseenko E.A. Kets: historical

ethnographic rates. L.: Science, 1967. 262 p.

2. Berezovsky A.I. Fish fishing of the prone-Seysky region and the path of its development. Krasnoyarsk, 1926.

3. Vasilyev V.I. Forest ents // Siberian ethnographic compilation. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1963. T. V., Tie. T. 84. P. 33-70.

4. Vasilyev V. Ugasy Russian Culture in the Far North // Siberian Questions. 1908. No. 1. P. 29-34.

5. Long B.O. The origin of Dangan // Siberian Ethnographic Collection. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1963. Ti, Tie. T. 84. P. 92-141.

6. Extraction from the report on missionary activities in the Yenisei diocese in 1892 // Yenisei diocesan statements. 1894. number 2.

7. Kulakov P.E. Fisheries and fish trade in the lower reaches of the Yenisei (in Turukhansky Territory) // Russian shipping. 1898. No. 12. P. 49-104.

8. Materials for the study of p. Yenisei in fishing relationship. Krasnoyarsk:

a type. M.I. Abalakova, 1909. Vol. 2. 31 s.

9. Materials for the study of p. Yenisei in fishing relationship. Krasnoyarsk:

a type. M.I. Abalakova, 1914. Vol. 8, h. 1. 190 p.

10. Materials for the study of p. Yenisei in fishing relationship. Krasnoyarsk:

a type. M.I. Abalakova, 1915. Vol. 9. 62 p.

11. Materials for research p. Yenisei in fishing relationship. Krasnoyarsk: EN. lips. El. Type., 1916. Vol. 8, h. 2. 99 p.

12. Report by the Yenisei Diocesan Committee of the Orthodox Missionary Society for 1899 // Yenisei Diocesan Vedomosti. 1900. № 7-8.

13. The report of the Yenisei Diocesan Committee of the Orthodox Missionary Society for 1900 // Yenisei Diocesan Vedomosti. 1901. № 7.

14. Essays of Siberian Life // Siberian Questions. 1909. No. 20. P. 18-24.

15. Ethnic history of the peoples of the North. M.: Science, 1982. 269 p.

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  • Charity and patronage in the Yenisei province at the end of the XIX century. Great social significance in the Yenisei province of the end of the XIX century. He had the support of the local bourgeoisia of educational institutions. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • Bourgeoisie in the Yenisei province at the end of the XIX century. Guild merchants in the Yenisei province of the end of the XIX century. He occupied team heights in the economy of the province, appropriating the lion's share of profit in industry and trade. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • City self-government in the Yenisei province in the 60-70s. XIX century In the 60-70s. XIX century An important prerogative of the Krasnoyarsk City Duma was the adoption of the city budget, the sources of which were payments for the rental of urban lands and missions, real estate taxes, fees from entrepreneurs and other indirect taxes. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • The provincial government at the end of the XIX century. At the end of the XIX century. The Yenisei province was divided into district, the power in which was presented by the district head and the district council. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • The provincial traps at the end of the XIX century. At the end of the XIX century. Contemporaries ironically compared the Siberian roads with the eighth miracle of the world. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • Railway transport in the Yenisei province at the end of the XIX century. In December 1895, the first train arrived in Krasnoyarsk. The local newspaper "Yenisei" wrote in this connection: "The day on December 6 should start a new era in Siberia in general and for the princess region in particular." Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • Agriculture in the Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century. In the structure of crops in the Yenisei province of the second half of the XIX century. Grain crops - rye, wheat, oats, barley occupied the prevailing place. Their ratio was determined by the natural and climatic conditions. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • The gold industry in the Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century. In the early 1890s. The golden industries in the Yenisei province began to arise the first joint-stock companies. The pioneer in this process was the Minusinsky merchant and the gold miner who founded the joint-stock company Minusinsky gold mines. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.
  • Research and educational activities are exile in the Yenisei province at the end of the XIX century. Many exiles, being in the Yenisei province, began to study the culture and life of the local population, to engage in local history, write scientific works and books based on research material. Yenisei province in the second half of the XIX century.

If you like to look at pictures from the past, then appreciate this selection. These pictures captured life of people who lived at the end of the XIX - early XX century in the Yenisei province.

(Total 38 photos)

1. Cheludon Peasants G. Krasnoyarsk.

The snapshot was made in Krasnoyarsk at the end of the Xih century. Photo and Negative entered the museum in 1916
A pair photo portrait of the Krasnoyarsk peasants, shot on the background of a log building.

2. A.D. Zyryanov - Peasant with. Shushensky minusinsky county of the Yenisei province.

Snapshot made in p. Shushensky in the 1920s.
In 1897 A.D. Zyryanov settled in his house who arrived in the link in p. Shushenskoye V.I. Lenin.

3. Elderly peasants village of Brikina Yenisei county.

The picture is made in the village of Brikina in 1911
A pair photo portrait of peasants filmed against the background of an old chapel.

Priangarya is the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower flow district. Angara and its inflows with a total length of more than 1000 km, located on the territory of the Yenisei province. This is one of the oldest regions of the settlement of Eastern Siberia, consisting mainly from Olders. In 1911, an Angarskaya tour (expedition) headed by the Museum worker Alexander Petrovich Yermolaev was organized on the means of reimportal administration, with the aim of examining the material culture of the Angarsk population.

4. Elderly women village of Brikina Yenisei county in festive clothing.

Photographer is unknown. The picture is made in the village of Brikina in 1911
A pair photo portrait of two older women in festive clothes.

5. Peasant family from the village of Lovat Kansky County.

The picture is made in the village of Lovat Kansky County no later than 1905
The peasants in festive clothes stand on the steps of the porch, set by household rugs.

6. The peasant family from the village of Bright Yenisei County on a festive day on the porch at home.

7. Family of old-timers-older on r. Mane.

R. Mana, Krasnoyarsk District, Yeniseis province. Until 1910

8. Rich peasant family from s. Boguchansky Yenisei County.

9. Teenagers with. Boguchansky Yenisei County.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

10. Young peasants with. Boguchansky Yenisei County.

A paired photo portrait of young peasants standing near a barn with a low door and a staircase.
Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

11. The peasant girls from the village of Bright Yenisei county in festive clothing.

August 1912 Photo entered the museum in 1916

12. The group of peasants d. Bright Yenisei county.

In 1911, the peasants were shot near the sled, on the background of a mill with a low, under-the-porcetic door. Dressed in working casual clothes.

13. Festive suit suites.

Snapshot made in p. Boguchansky in 1911
A photograph of a young man in a festive suit of the attitude with golden crafts.

14. A. Aksentyev - Caidizer Site by r. Tala in the Yenisei district

The caretaker on the gold mining machine is an employee who carried out supervision and monitoring the order of work, he also took gold from the waswaves.

The male suit captured in the picture is very peculiar: a mixture of urban and so-called portrait fashion. The shirt of this type was worn by workers and peasants, such a style was used more often for the weekend. High heel boots and blunt nose were fashionable shoes in the 1880-1890s. Hat and clock on the neck cord or chains - objects of urban luxury - added a suit of the originality and a viewing charm.

15. Maria Petrovna Markovskaya - Rural teacher with family.

Ilansk. July 1916

Right left: on hand with son Sergey (born in 1916) sits M.P. Markov; Nearby is Olga's daughter (1909-1992); Sits at the foot on a stool Daughter Nadia (1912-1993); Nearby, with a handbag in his hands, the mother is sitting - Simonova Matrius Alekseevna (Ur. Podgorbunskaya). Girl in a checkered dress - Senior daughter M.P. Markov - Vera (born 1907); sits on the railing daughter Katya (born 1910); standing near O.P. Gagromonyan, sister M.P. Markovsky. The extreme left is the head of the Efim Polikarpovich Markovsky, the railway master.

16. Feldsheritsa with. More-Uluy Achinsky County Anastasia Porfiryevna Melnikova with sick.

On the back of the photo text text: "An. Per. Melnikova in the position of Feldsheritsa B. Uluy Hospital. Referring (but) The settler, 34 years old, in the depicted form passed to the hospital 40 of the verso with frost at 30 degrees on the reomuur. "

The village is more-Uluuskiy, which is the center of a more-Uluy parish, was on the r. Chulam. It has a medical mobile station and a peasant migrating point.

17. Truck-pottery from p. Atamanovsky Krasnoyarsk County.

The beginning of the twentieth century The village of Atamanovskoe was on the river. Yenisei, in 1911 there were 210 yards. Every Tuesday in the village passed the bazaar.
The photo entered the museum at the beginning of the twentieth century.

18. Fishing Tugun on the Verkhne-Inbatsky Tourukhan Territory machine.

Upper-Inbatsky machine. The beginning of the twentieth century
Tugun - freshwater fish of Sigov.

Photo entered the museum in 1916

19. The Angarsk peasant goes to check the Uda. Priangar.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

20. Foot fishing of fish Freak on r. Hangar. Yenisei county.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

21. The alloy of the murdered Cochatian by r. Mana of the Yenisei province.

R. Mana (in the area of \u200b\u200bKrasnoyarsk or Kansky counties). The beginning of the twentieth century

22. The peasant that went hunting.

About d. Bright. 1911
The hunter stands on wide short skiing attached to the foot straps. There were no sticks on such skis.
Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

23. Angarsk dog hunter.

D. Yarkina Yenisei County. 1911
The hunter was removed against the background of the chlev with a low milk door and he hook for the hay at the top.
Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

24. On the peasant yard in p. Kezhemsky Yenisei County.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

25. Mine flax in the Yenisei district.

Yenisei county. 1910th. From the receipts of the 1920s.

26. Portist on Yenisei.

Krasnoyarsk. The beginning of the 1900s. Photo entered the museum in 1978

27. Bratka on Yenisei.

Krasnoyarsk. The beginning of the 1900s. Reproduction with negative 1969

28. Impellers of rope in the village of Bright Yenisei County.

1914 On the back of the photography, the inscription pencil: "Svat Kapiton for Vintage Rope."

29. Tobacco cleaning in the Minusinsk district.

1916 on the tasks of the peasant estate, in the garden, there is a cleaning of tobacco, part of which is pulled out and was laid by rows.
Photo entered the museum in 1916

30. Weavky Stan-Crosna in C. Upper Usin Usinsky Border District.

Snapshot of 1916, entered the museum in 1916

31. The billet of the Borisov brooms in p. Uzhur Achinsky County.

Snapshot of the late XIX - early twentieth century. In Borisov, the day, July 24, the fresh brooms were blank for baths, hence the name - Borisov brooms.

32. Out on the streets of the Znamensky glass plant in the shints.

Krasnoyarsk County, Znamensky Glass Plant, 1913-1914.
A group of men and women dance under the harmonica on the street. Previously, the photo was published as a postcard.

33. The game in the towns in the village of Kamenka Yenisei County.

The beginning of the twentieth century Reproduced according to the book "Siberian People's Calendar in Ethnographic Relationship" Alexei Makarenko (St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 163). Photo of the author.

34. "Run" - a contest between the horse and walk in the village of the Palace of the Yenisei County.

1904 was reproduced by the book "Siberian People's Calendar in Ethnographic Ratia" A. Makarenko (St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 143). Photo of the author.

In the foreground two competing: on the left of a young guy in a shirt released over the ports and with bare feet, on the right - a peasant sitting on horseback. Next to the beds installed a stick - meta, which is the beginning of the distance, the second meta is not visible. Behind the crowd of men - peasants of different ages in festive clothes watching what is happening. The competition takes place on the village of Village, a part of its right side with several residents and economic buildings is visible. This kind of "run" between horseback and footers were arranged by Siberians in a summer time on holidays and fairs. The distance is small, necessarily turns on the rotation of 180 degrees. That is why hiking often won: the horse entered

35. Peasants-immigrants for temporary housing.

Minusinsky county. The beginning of the twentieth century

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform, the flow of immigrants from the Southern and Western regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine hurt Siberia to Siberia. They were called new-sellers, and those who lived in Siberia are not one generation were older.

36. Khokhlusha-migrant from the village of Novo-Poltavka Minusinsky County.

Snapshot of the late XIX - early twentieth centuries. In the picture: a young woman in a traditional Ukrainian costume sitting on the step of the porch. Admission of 1916

37. Khokhlush.

On the question of the "regionality" costume. This snapshot - from Album V.G. Kataeva 1911 Photo was made in a migrating settlement based on the lands of the Siberian Cossacks.

38. Wedding.

Kansky County, Karymov village, October 1, 1913, the family of Sokolovy, Novoselov from Tambov province.

Education of the Yeniseis province of the Yeniseis province is an administrative and territorial unit as part of the Russian Empire and the RSFSR in the years. At the suggestion of M. M. Speransky, who conducted a revision of Siberian possessions, Emperor Alexander I signed a decree on the formation of the Yeniseis province as part of the five districts: Krasnoyarsk, Yenisei (with Turukhansky Krah), Achinsky, Minusinsky and Kansky. The administrative center of the newly formed province approved the city of Krasnoyarsk.

The administrative division at the end of the XIX century included 5 districts and the Turukhan region, which is part of the Yenisei district: at the end of the XIX century, the province included 5 districts and the Turukhan region, which is part of the Yenisei district: District CenterClochetation 1Achinsky Achinsk (5,131 people. ) (1888) 2Niceskiy Yeniseisk (7,382 people) (1889) 3kan Kansk (4,607 people) (1893) 4Krasnoyarsky Krasnoyarsk (person) (1893) 5Minusinsky minusinsk (6,182 people) (1896)

The population in the 1760s 1780s reference to Siberia has gained massive. In the 1820s, exiles make up the second largest group of minusinsk residents. In 1863, exiles lived in the Yenisei province, which was 1/7 of the entire population of the province. According to the census of 1897, 570.2 thousand people lived in the province, including 62.9 thousand people in cities. (11.7%). The Orthodox 93.8% prevailed in religious composition, the Old Believers 2.1% were also, Catholics 1.1%, Jews 1.1%, Muslims 0.8% Lutheran 0.7%. Competent 13.7%.

The emblem of the Yenisei province coat of arms of the Yeniseis province was approved on July 5, 1878. In 1886, the stamp departments at the Department of Heraldi from the city shields were removed decorations. The coat of arms of the Yenisei province was approved on July 5, 1878. In 1886, the stamp departments at the Department of Heraldi from the city shields were removed decorations. The lion symbolized the force and courage, and the sickle and shovel reflected the main occupation of the inhabitants of agriculture and mining, primarily gold. The lion symbolized the force and courage, and the sickle and shovel reflected the main occupation of the inhabitants of agriculture and mining, primarily gold.

Culture Despite the remoteness from the cultural centers of European Russia in the Yenisei province, cultural life did not get silent. The works of M. Azadovsky, B. Kubalov, Mr. Kungurov, K. Bogdanovich, E. Petryaeva, V. Trushkin, V. Volkovova, S. Pihadze, A. Poskova, Bonconi, and many other modern researchers are talking about it.

If you like to look at pictures from the past, then appreciate this selection. These pictures captured life of people who lived at the end of the XIX - early XX century in the Yenisei province.

(Total 38 photos)

1. Cheludon Peasants G. Krasnoyarsk.

The snapshot was made in Krasnoyarsk at the end of the Xih century. Photo and Negative entered the museum in 1916
A pair photo portrait of the Krasnoyarsk peasants, shot on the background of a log building.

2. A.D. Zyryanov - Peasant with. Shushensky minusinsky county of the Yenisei province.

Snapshot made in p. Shushensky in the 1920s.
In 1897 A.D. Zyryanov settled in his house who arrived in the link in p. Shushenskoye V.I. Lenin.

3. Elderly peasants village of Brikina Yenisei county.

The picture is made in the village of Brikina in 1911
A pair photo portrait of peasants filmed against the background of an old chapel.

Priangarya is the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower flow district. Angara and its inflows with a total length of more than 1000 km, located on the territory of the Yenisei province. This is one of the oldest regions of the settlement of Eastern Siberia, consisting mainly from Olders. In 1911, an Angarskaya tour (expedition) headed by the Museum worker Alexander Petrovich Yermolaev was organized on the means of reimportal administration, with the aim of examining the material culture of the Angarsk population.

4. Elderly women village of Brikina Yenisei county in festive clothing.

Photographer is unknown. The picture is made in the village of Brikina in 1911
A pair photo portrait of two older women in festive clothes.

5. Peasant family from the village of Lovat Kansky County.

The picture is made in the village of Lovat Kansky County no later than 1905
The peasants in festive clothes stand on the steps of the porch, set by household rugs.

6. The peasant family from the village of Bright Yenisei County on a festive day on the porch at home.

7. Family of old-timers-older on r. Mane.

R. Mana, Krasnoyarsk District, Yeniseis province. Until 1910

8. Rich peasant family from s. Boguchansky Yenisei County.

9. Teenagers with. Boguchansky Yenisei County.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

10. Young peasants with. Boguchansky Yenisei County.

A paired photo portrait of young peasants standing near a barn with a low door and a staircase.
Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

11. The peasant girls from the village of Bright Yenisei county in festive clothing.

August 1912 Photo entered the museum in 1916

12. The group of peasants d. Bright Yenisei county.

In 1911, the peasants were shot near the sled, on the background of a mill with a low, under-the-porcetic door. Dressed in working casual clothes.

13. Festive suit suites.

Snapshot made in p. Boguchansky in 1911
A photograph of a young man in a festive suit of the attitude with golden crafts.

14. A. Aksentyev - Caidizer Site by r. Tala in the Yenisei district

The caretaker on the gold mining machine is an employee who carried out supervision and monitoring the order of work, he also took gold from the waswaves.

The male suit captured in the picture is very peculiar: a mixture of urban and so-called portrait fashion. The shirt of this type was worn by workers and peasants, such a style was used more often for the weekend. High heel boots and blunt nose were fashionable shoes in the 1880-1890s. Hat and clock on the neck cord or chains - objects of urban luxury - added a suit of the originality and a viewing charm.

15. Maria Petrovna Markovskaya - Rural teacher with family.

Ilansk. July 1916

Right left: on hand with son Sergey (born in 1916) sits M.P. Markov; Nearby is Olga's daughter (1909-1992); Sits at the foot on a stool Daughter Nadia (1912-1993); Nearby, with a handbag in his hands, the mother is sitting - Simonova Matrius Alekseevna (Ur. Podgorbunskaya). Girl in a checkered dress - Senior daughter M.P. Markov - Vera (born 1907); sits on the railing daughter Katya (born 1910); standing near O.P. Gagromonyan, sister M.P. Markovsky. The extreme left is the head of the Efim Polikarpovich Markovsky, the railway master.

16. Feldsheritsa with. More-Uluy Achinsky County Anastasia Porfiryevna Melnikova with sick.

On the back of the photo text text: "An. Per. Melnikova in the position of Feldsheritsa B. Uluy Hospital. Referring (but) The settler, 34 years old, in the depicted form passed to the hospital 40 of the verso with frost at 30 degrees on the reomuur. "

The village is more-Uluuskiy, which is the center of a more-Uluy parish, was on the r. Chulam. It has a medical mobile station and a peasant migrating point.

17. Truck-pottery from p. Atamanovsky Krasnoyarsk County.

The beginning of the twentieth century The village of Atamanovskoe was on the river. Yenisei, in 1911 there were 210 yards. Every Tuesday in the village passed the bazaar.
The photo entered the museum at the beginning of the twentieth century.

18. Fishing Tugun on the Verkhne-Inbatsky Tourukhan Territory machine.

Upper-Inbatsky machine. The beginning of the twentieth century
Tugun - freshwater fish of Sigov.

Photo entered the museum in 1916

19. The Angarsk peasant goes to check the Uda. Priangar.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

20. Foot fishing of fish Freak on r. Hangar. Yenisei county.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

21. The alloy of the murdered Cochatian by r. Mana of the Yenisei province.

R. Mana (in the area of \u200b\u200bKrasnoyarsk or Kansky counties). The beginning of the twentieth century

22. The peasant that went hunting.

About d. Bright. 1911
The hunter stands on wide short skiing attached to the foot straps. There were no sticks on such skis.
Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

23. Angarsk dog hunter.

D. Yarkina Yenisei County. 1911
The hunter was removed against the background of the chlev with a low milk door and he hook for the hay at the top.
Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

24. On the peasant yard in p. Kezhemsky Yenisei County.

Collection of Angarsk Excursion 1911

25. Mine flax in the Yenisei district.

Yenisei county. 1910th. From the receipts of the 1920s.

26. Portist on Yenisei.

Krasnoyarsk. The beginning of the 1900s. Photo entered the museum in 1978

27. Bratka on Yenisei.

Krasnoyarsk. The beginning of the 1900s. Reproduction with negative 1969

28. Impellers of rope in the village of Bright Yenisei County.

1914 On the back of the photography, the inscription pencil: "Svat Kapiton for Vintage Rope."

29. Tobacco cleaning in the Minusinsk district.

1916 on the tasks of the peasant estate, in the garden, there is a cleaning of tobacco, part of which is pulled out and was laid by rows.
Photo entered the museum in 1916

30. Weavky Stan-Crosna in C. Upper Usin Usinsky Border District.

Snapshot of 1916, entered the museum in 1916

31. The billet of the Borisov brooms in p. Uzhur Achinsky County.

Snapshot of the late XIX - early twentieth century. In Borisov, the day, July 24, the fresh brooms were blank for baths, hence the name - Borisov brooms.

32. Out on the streets of the Znamensky glass plant in the shints.

Krasnoyarsk County, Znamensky Glass Plant, 1913-1914.
A group of men and women dance under the harmonica on the street. Previously, the photo was published as a postcard.

33. The game in the towns in the village of Kamenka Yenisei County.

The beginning of the twentieth century Reproduced according to the book "Siberian People's Calendar in Ethnographic Relationship" Alexei Makarenko (St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 163). Photo of the author.

34. "Run" - a contest between the horse and walk in the village of the Palace of the Yenisei County.

1904 was reproduced by the book "Siberian People's Calendar in Ethnographic Ratia" A. Makarenko (St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 143). Photo of the author.

In the foreground two competing: on the left of a young guy in a shirt released over the ports and with bare feet, on the right - a peasant sitting on horseback. Next to the beds installed a stick - meta, which is the beginning of the distance, the second meta is not visible. Behind the crowd of men - peasants of different ages in festive clothes watching what is happening. The competition takes place on the village of Village, a part of its right side with several residents and economic buildings is visible. This kind of "run" between horseback and footers were arranged by Siberians in a summer time on holidays and fairs. The distance is small, necessarily turns on the rotation of 180 degrees. That is why hiking often won: the horse lick

35. Peasants-immigrants for temporary housing.

Minusinsky county. The beginning of the twentieth century

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform, the flow of immigrants from the Southern and Western regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine hurt Siberia to Siberia. They were called new-sellers, and those who lived in Siberia are not one generation were older.

36. Khokhlusha-migrant from the village of Novo-Poltavka Minusinsky County.

Snapshot of the late XIX - early twentieth centuries. In the picture: a young woman in a traditional Ukrainian costume sitting on the step of the porch. Admission of 1916

37. Khokhlush.

On the question of the "regionality" costume. This snapshot - from Album V.G. Kataeva 1911 Photo was made in a migrating settlement based on the lands of the Siberian Cossacks.

38. Wedding.

Kansky County, Karymov village, October 1, 1913, the family of Sokolovy, Novoselov from Tambov province.