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Lavender: planting and care in the open field, types and varieties. Lavender

Lavender is a perennial but thermophilic plant. Not in every climatic zone shrubs endure winter. Most often it is grown as a potted plant.

How to plant lavender: by seeds, layers or cuttings

Lavender is used to decorate borders and rock gardens. Planting a plant must be approached consciously.

Bush cuttings

Lavender propagates quite easily by cuttings, which are not difficult to root. Prepared shoots are deepened into loose and moist soil. With proper care, after a month, the plants are planted in a permanent place.

The photo shows how to cut lavender

Important! For the successful rooting of cuttings, they are kept in a greenhouse.

Getting layering

In addition, lavender, which hibernates in the garden, propagates by layering. To do this, the shoots are tilted to the ground, pinned and covered with earth. As soon as the layers start to grow, they are carefully separated from the mother bush and planted.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

If the climate does not allow growing a shrub like a perennial plant, then plant lavender better seed... Let's dwell on this in more detail.

First of all, the seeds must be stratified, that is, kept at cold temperatures. It is best to carry out natural stratification and sow seeds directly into the ground at the end of autumn. In the spring, all that remains is to take care of the lavender seedlings in the open field.

But you can artificially stratify seeds before planting.

1. Dry seeds are mixed with river sand.

2. Place in a container with a lid.

3. Store seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

This procedure not only improves seed germination, but also makes the process more friendly.

After stratification, the seeds are sown in seedling boxes. Lavender seeds are small, so planting is carried out sparsely, trying not to bury the planting material in the ground.

Important! A shrub planted in this way will bloom only after 1-2 years. All this time will be forming root system plants.

How to care for lavender (photo) during the seedling period

After sowing, the container with seeds is covered with glass and placed in a warm and bright place. The optimum temperature for germination of lavender seeds is 16-22 C.

As soon as shoots appear, the shelter is removed. At the same time, they must organize additional lighting for seedlings, otherwise it will stretch out.

In a herd of two true leaves, the seedlings are picked or the seedlings are thinned so that a distance of at least 5 cm remains between them.

Water the seedlings very carefully so as not to moisten the soil too much. Lavender doesn't like that.

The seedlings are transferred to a permanent place only at the end of May, when there are no return frosts.

Planting lavender outdoors

Choosing a location and soil is very important for the successful cultivation of lavender.

Location of lavender

The shrub prefers lighted and warm areas, it can hardly tolerate shade. In insufficient light, lavender does not bloom well, it looks dull.

The root system of the shrub reacts poorly to high soil moisture, therefore, it is better not to grow it in swampy and low-lying places. If the groundwater at the site is high, and you want to plant lavender, then you must make a drainage layer. In this case, pebbles, broken brick and other material are used.

The soil

The quality and acidity of the soil is important when growing shrubs. Before planting, wood ash and lime are introduced into the ground, which deoxidize the ground well.

In addition, lavender prefers loose and breathable soil. On heavy soils, compost, sand and humus are used. This will not only make the structure of the soil loose, but also enrich it with useful substances.

Important! Lavender absolutely does not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds, so the soil is loosened before planting and the rhizomes of weeds are removed.

For the same purpose, mulching the beds with lavender is carried out. But the base of the bush should be open, which will protect the plant from rot.

The correct planting of lavender is as follows:

The depth of the holes is equal to the length of the root system;

The distance between seedlings is from 80 to 120 cm. It depends on the variety;

The roots are slightly trimmed before planting;

The seedling is placed in the prepared hole;

The root collar is deepened by 5-7 cm.

After planting, the plant is well watered and sprinkled with mulch.

Outdoor lavender care

It should be borne in mind that in the first year after planting, the shrub grows very slowly. If buds are tied, they must be removed. In order for the lavender to take root well, young seedlings are watered regularly. After each watering, be sure to loosen the soil or mulch the garden bed.

Top dressing

Without the use of fertilizers, lavender cannot be grown. Water-soluble mineral fertilizers for flowers are used as top dressing. They are brought in during the flowering period. The concentration of the working solution is 2%.

At the beginning of the growing season, lavender is fed with nitrogen-containing preparations so that the shrub grows enough green mass. In mid-July, such feeding is stopped, otherwise the plant will "fatten" and will not have time to prepare for wintering, will not bloom.

In addition, lavender is fed with organic fertilizers. Compost and humus have proven themselves well. A thick layer of mulch made from these materials allows you to completely abandon fertilization.


Cropping is optional, but useful procedure... With its help, lavender forms a lush bush, blooms better. You should not give up trimming.

The first time the plant is pruned immediately after flowering, while the shoots are shortened by only a few centimeters.

In the fall, a cardinal pruning of lavender is carried out, but you should not be too zealous, otherwise the plant will die in winter.

Preparing lavender for winter

Most often, lavender is grown in the southern regions of the country, where it winters well. In the harsh northern conditions the plant is not left in the open field, but transplanted into a tub. In this form, lavender hibernates indoors.

If the climate permits, then the shrub is left in the open field, but carefully prepared for winter.

Firstly, if a winter with little snow is expected, then the plant is additionally insulated with compost.

Secondly, the shrub is cut and covered with spruce branches.

Important! Warm lavender using the usual method - you cannot use dry foliage. She would rot under such cover.

Problems with growing lavender

In the open field, the shrub is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. But sometimes the plant is attacked by the slobbering penny, leafhopper and rainbow beetle. To get rid of pests will help radical measures: spraying and changing mulch.

Violation of the watering regime leads to gray rot. If time is lost, then the bush is uprooted and burned so that the disease does not spread to all plantings.

As you can see, planting and caring for lavender is not difficult at all, it is enough to adhere to all recommendations for choosing a place, feeding and pruning. With this care, the shrub will remain healthy, beautiful and bloom profusely.

The name of this plant comes from the Latin word lava, which means “to wash”.

And this is true, because it was primarily used for aromatic baths.

But in Lately despite its difficult nature, it is becoming more and more popular. And English gardeners have lavender as their favorite plant.

The history of the appearance of lavender in Russia begins in the 30s of the 18th century, when Peter I laid the foundation for the Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg. According to historians "... in the 30s of the 18th century ... among the collections of plants of this pharmaceutical garden there were: chamomile, sage, mint, mustard, juniper thyme, peonies, various bulbous lavender, roses, etc." However, further the history of all cultivation in Russia was interrupted for almost a century.

And again we meet the mention of lavender in connection with the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. It is generally accepted that it was then that it was first brought to the Crimean peninsula.

In domestic pre-revolutionary manuals, methods of making lavender sachets for repelling moths and aromatizing linen are given. To do this, our great-grandmothers ground her flowers into powder, then sifted them well and placed them in small paper or silk bags. Industrial cultivation of this culture began only in the 30s of the XX century in the USSR, and it remained small.

And now it can be found more and more often in our gardens. The easiest way to deal with narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), and if you are just getting acquainted with this plant, start with it.

Where to plant lavender

When choosing a place in your garden, find the driest and sunniest area for lavender. She can take root in the shade, but in this case, you should not expect long and abundant flowering. Special attention should

give the moisture level a pound, since the roots of the plant are very sensitive to excess moisture. Swampy areas and areas where groundwater flows too high are not suitable for planting lavender.

The drought resistance of the plant is evidenced by the narrow, silvery, slightly pubescent leaves, designed to successfully endure the prolonged drought of the Mediterranean climate. At home, lavender grows in Spartan conditions, on light mixtures with a neutral level of acidity. Therefore, it is not demanding on soil fertility and will successfully grow even on poor sandy or clay substrates.

However, if you prepare the soil for it with the addition of humus, then the flowering of the shrub will be more abundant.

Sowing lavender

If you want to propagate lavender - sow (only if you have a species plant, not a variety). Its seeds require cold stratification, for which in January they are sown in small bowls and kept at a temperature of about +5 "C in the refrigerator.

You can soak the seeds in warm water overnight to increase germination. After 2 - 4 weeks of stratification, they are sown in seedling containers with good drainage and covered with a bag to maintain moisture. Periodically, the top layer is sprayed with a spray bottle. Lavender seeds emerge in the light at an air temperature of + 15 ... + 22 ° C. After the sprouts appear, the containers are transferred to the sunniest place and grown like ordinary seedlings, gradually accustoming them to fresh air. At the end of May, ready-made bushes can be planted in the garden.

Cutting lavender

Lavender propagates quite easily by cuttings. If you have a mature shrub, cut 8-10 cm long cuttings from it in early July. A prerequisite is that the stalk should not bloom, since such branches do not give roots. It is easy to determine, during this period the flower stalks are already clearly visible among the greenery.

Stick the cut branches obliquely into the ground in a shady place under the film. After 3 - 4 weeks they will grow - a sure sign that they have roots. Carefully dig out the rooted cuttings and transplant to the chosen place. Lavender can be propagated by rooting woody cuttings in the fall. Such shoots are simply stuck into the ground in September - October. And in the spring, this is a ready-made bush, which usually blooms in July.

Using lavender in the garden

Lavender is an excellent plant for creating a border, it is good as part of a sunny mixborder. This "friendly" plant easily gets along with other crops, the main thing is to choose drought-resistant partners for it.

If you plan to use lavender not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a spice, plant it near your home, preferably on the south side, so the aroma will be stronger. It is better to collect flowers in full dissolution and dry in a well-ventilated, shaded place.

Top dressing lavender

Lavender is responsive to feeding; in spring, under adult bushes, it is recommended to apply complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 10-15 g per plant. In peat and acidic areas, a little lime or wood ash is always added to the pit to increase the acidity level. Regular composting in the spring is also helpful to ensure the soil is breathable and nutritious.

Lavender varieties: photo

Growing lavender - planting and care: sharing our experience

Growing lavender - benefits and care

In the spring of 2014, my wife and I bought several Crimean lavender bushes on the market. We could say they were buying a "pig in a poke", since there was no certainty that these were Crimean herbs. Now, after 2 years, there is no doubt that this is the same lavender, and I kind word I remember people who sold it to us.

Fragrant presents

A few months after planting, we harvested the first "crop" of lavender - we cut off young shoots. The fragrant seasoning turned out to be beyond praise - the tea from this plant made a splash. They brewed both pure lavender and green tea mixed, and combined with thyme and sage shoots. Guests invariably asked to make tea with lavender and were very happy with small presentations in the form of lavender sprouts or cut shoots for tea.

Queen of the garden

Lavender is native to the Mediterranean, where it grows wild. We, in the steppes, also have wild-growing lavender. In total, more than 30 species of this plant are known.

I compared 4 varieties of lavender (I exchanged seedlings with friends, and bought another variety in a store), and the Crimean one turned out to be the most fragrant of them.

For me, lavender is now the queen of the garden. It is easily propagated by last year's stiff shoots or seeds. It hibernates in Donetsk without any problems - it does not freeze even without shelter, although we sometimes have frosts down to -25 ... -270.

My lavender blooms profusely from June to late July. If at this moment you cut off the shoots by half the growth, then in late summer - early autumn, lavender will delight you with the second harvest and will bloom until the first frost. The color differs in different varieties, in some (more fragrant) the color is saturated, lilac-blue, while in others it is pale blue.

More sun!

Lavender loves sunny places, but grows well in the shade. Feels great on stony and clay soils. It is unpretentious to watering, but if the watering and soil are good, it will thank you with active growth of green shoots and abundant flowering.

Lavender looks very beautiful as a green fence. It is also suitable for decorating alpine slides and stone gardens.

For the winter, I always prune lavender - to lignified shoots. If this is not done, over time, the bush may lose its decorative form- the middle will be exposed, and side shoots on the contrary, they will grow.

Cut shoots can be dried for the winter, added to tea. use to prepare essential oil. Lavender is good as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, it improves digestion and stimulates appetite.

Only calmness!

In folk medicine, lavender-based teas and essential oils are used to treat headaches, various kinds of neuroses, they help relieve nervous tension and lower blood pressure. But we must remember that lavender tea has a mild hypnotic effect. Lavender can be packed in fabric bags and used to transfer bedding to create a pleasant scent.

Lavender tea.

This drink is used to treat viral infections. As a doctor, I can say that this is logical from the point of view of traditional medicine. Essential oils have an antiseptic effect, reduce inflammation, calm the nervous system - such tea is even indicated for herpes infections. Lavender is also used to treat skin problems. Lavender essential oils are based on linalool, borneol and geraniol. These polyhydric alcohols are used in cosmetology as part of cosmetic creams and medicinal antiseptic ointments.

Lavender baths.

The medicinal properties of lavender help relieve fatigue and have a beneficial effect on blood circulation. For 20 liters of warm water, you need to take 50 g of dried flowers or lavender herb.

Tincture of lavender.

It is used to treat eczema and sunburn... Pour 30 g of fresh or dried flowers or shoots with 500 ml of any vegetable (preferably refined) oil and heat in a water bath for 1.5 hours. The resulting essential oil can be used regularly for 30 days.

Lavender oil with honey.

In 1 tsp. natural honey should be added 2 drops of essential oil and taken twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. You can also add honey to warm lavender tea and drink in slow sips. This remedy is good for colds.

However, all of these remedies are not suitable for those who are allergic to lavender, as well as for women in the early stages of pregnancy.

Lavender or royal perfume

In design, lavender is widely used as a curb because it is compact and tolerates a haircut well, and also emits a pleasant aroma when it is touched by passing by.


The genus Lavender (Lavandula) has about 30 species common in the Mediterranean, on Canary Islands, in North and East Africa, Arabia, India. Lavender belongs to the extensive family of Lipoaceae (Lamiaceae), which also includes a number of other well-known essential oil plants: mint, thyme, hyssop, rosemary.

English lavender

English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula officinalis) comes from southern Europe. It is a semi-shrub with a powerful root extending into the ground to a depth of 2 m. Numerous shoots, 60-80 cm tall, woody in the lower part. Leaves are narrow, dense, greenish-gray due to dense pubescence, concentrated in the lower part of the stem. The flowers are small, bluish-lilac or blue, collected in 6-10 pieces in spike-shaped inflorescences on the tops of long stiff stems. Flowering period: July-August. In the conditions of central Russia, it winters with light shelter.

There are a number of garden forms and varieties that differ in plant height (dwarf forms up to 30 cm in height) and flower color (white, pink, bright blue).


French lavender smells nice but rather harsh.

But the English prude, although it contains less essential oil, compensates for all the shortcomings with its amazing aroma: strong, fresh, with sweet notes.

English lavender oil is considered more beneficial.

It is used for the production of elite soaps, perfumes, shampoos and other perfumery and cosmetic products.

Alcohol tincture of English lavender in medicine is used as an antiseptic.

Benefits of lavender

English lavender became known to science in the XIII century. and from then until the end of the 18th century. it was grown everywhere, from monastic and royal gardens to flower beds of townspeople.

First of all, the aromatic and disinfecting properties of the plant were appreciated.

The tradition of adding dry lavender flowers to some varieties of tea has survived to this day.

Dry bouquets are hung indoors, a mixture of inflorescences and flowers is placed in small wicker baskets or porcelain bowls and placed near a heat source to improve indoor air.

Lavender flower pouches are placed in linen for perfume.

Modern research has confirmed many of the properties of lavender known to folk medicine. Its oil has early healing and bactericidal properties, the aroma has a calming effect on the psyche. Lavender, like many other labiates, is an excellent honey plant.

French lavender

French lavender, or broadleaf (Lavandula stoechas, = Lavandula latifolia), is found naturally in southwestern Europe. Semi-shrub 50-80 cm tall. Flowers are small, collected in apical spikelets. The plant flaunts wide, bright bracts, which are located at the top of the inflorescence and are painted in the same color as the corollas.

There are many varieties of French lavender with a wide variety of colors of petals and bracts. In addition to the natural blue-violet range, they can be white, greenish, yellowish, pink, burgundy.

This species blooms in April-May. The flowering period lasts until June, in the fall it can come again.

French lavender is more thermophilic. In the south of France, there are extensive plantations where lavender is grown for its essential oil. It is widely used in the perfumery and cosmetic industry, medicine, to obtain a special varnish for painting porcelain. Like English lavender, French lavender comes in a number of varieties.

Garden hybrids

Hybrid lavender, or Dutch (Lavandula x intermedia, = Lavandula Vera), under this name combine garden hybrids of English lavender with other coliform species. Differs more large flowers and slightly later flowering times compared to English lavender. Not hardy.

Roman legacy

The history of lavender goes back much deeper than the early Middle Ages. This plant was known in ancient Rome, including as an ornamental plant.

With the expansion of the Roman Empire, lavender spread throughout Europe, even reaching the British Isles.

In the mild climate of Albion, she felt great and became very popular in the Middle Ages. Lavender water was used as a perfume, during the time of the plague, glovers smothered their products with lavender oil to ward off the infection.

Royal whim

The English Queen Elizabeth I was very fond of the fragrant plant, on whose table lavender sweets were always present, and her room was decorated with fresh flowers all year round. The royal whim served as a kind of challenge to English gardeners, who successfully coped with the task, at the same time learning how to manage the flowering time of a variety of plants.

In the gardens of another Queen of England, Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, long ridges of rare white lavender were grown. Queen Victoria, the greatest lover of lavender among the English monarchs, has kept her affection for the fragrant plant throughout her life, bouquets of which Prince Albert gave her, while still her fiancé ...

Tips from our readers

Lavender is a plant on depleted soil, so do not overuse fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, when growing it. Lavender needs special watering only during the rooting period.

Lavender requires a warm, sunny corner, sheltered from the wind. For the winter, a light cover of fir paws is recommended. The more thermophilic French lavender in central Russia can be grown as a container crop, bringing it into a cold greenhouse for the winter.

L. Ishchenko, Liski

Lavender grows well in containers, but, having a deep root system, requires large pots with a diameter of 30-40 cm.

Drainage is placed at the bottom, then nutrient compost with an alkaline reaction.

Container plants need regular watering.

Lavender is a spectacular plant that gives the garden a Mediterranean flair. But its main advantage is its valuable essential oil. The most fragrant part of lavender is the grayish calyx of the flower, covered, like the leaves, with thick hairs.

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  • In the Caucasus, in the mountainous regions of Europe, in Russia and the Crimea, a spice plant - lavender is found in abundance. Due to its beauty and wonderful aroma, the plant is becoming more and more popular among the owners of private houses and summer cottages in central Russia. For growing lavender, seedlings obtained from seeds are used.

    Preparing for landing

    Lavender is grown from seeds. Unlike many decorative crops for which store-bought material is recommended, lavender seeds can be harvested from own landings- daughter flowers will not yield to the beauty and aroma of the mother.

    In the regions of Russia, where the climate is cold, and the seeds are usually not sown directly into open ground, but lavender is planted with seedlings. Sometimes they are sown in a closed greenhouse. In any case, you must first prepare the seeds.


    Before sowing, the seeds are necessarily stratified, i.e. awaken. There is already prepared material on sale, but if it has been stored for too long, it will also need to be activated. Without the procedure, the seeds may not sprout at all or sprout too late. In addition, stratification significantly increases the winter hardiness of the material.

    Interesting fact
    In the seeds, the embryos of the future lavender are in a state of physiological dormancy and are waiting for optimal conditions to start growing. Since the summer in the middle lane is too short for lavender, it is necessary to "wake up" the seeds in advance.

    Stratification in sawdust:

    1. Take sawdust (there should be ten times more of them than seeds), pour over boiling water, and then excess moisture squeeze out.
    2. Mix the seeds with sawdust and place everything in an airtight container (such as a plastic bag, glass or plastic jar). There must be air in the container with sawdust and seeds.
    3. Leave the seeds with sawdust for three days at room temperature. During this time, both materials are saturated with moisture, the sawdust will swell.
    4. After three days, move the container to the refrigerator for 1-1.5 months. The optimum temperature will be from +3 to + 5 ° C. If it is higher, the germination period of the seeds will increase.
    5. As soon as white outgrowths appear on a quarter of the total number of seeds, the stratification procedure has come to an end and they need to be planted. It is impossible to allow sprouts to sprout out of the seeds, since when planted in a substrate they will be easily injured.

    Advice! Stir the sawdust with the seeds periodically to improve germination and prevent mold.

    To carry out stratification using soil in early January, moistened lavender seed is scattered over the surface of the substrate in a container not big size... Then they cover everything with foil and put it in the refrigerator on the lower shelf, on the glazed loggia, in the cellar or basement for 30-45 days. The temperature there should be approximately + 4˚ С.

    Lavender loves relatively loose and very fertile soil. The necessary soil is most often purchased in the store, but it will not be difficult to prepare it yourself.

    This will require:

    • 3 pieces of garden land;
    • 2 parts of humus;
    • 1 part coarse river sand.

    Advice! Take garden land from under the trees, as in these places the most fertile layer of it is formed.

    If there is no garden or forest land, then ordinary soil will completely replace it. Sand is needed to ensure that the soil is light and permeable to oxygen.

    It is recommended to disinfect the substrate before planting seeds. To do this, a couple of days before sowing, the soil is spilled with a hot pale pink (1%) solution of potassium permanganate, steamed, heated in an oven (at a temperature of 110-130 ° C) or exposed to cold (for example, in freezer). Then the substrate must be loosened: sift so that there are no large lumps left. It is also advisable to disinfect dishes and tools, since most rot and viral diseases of seedlings are not treated - it is easier to prevent them.

    The last preparatory stage is to pour a layer of expanded clay or small clay shards on the bottom of the container. The soil is placed on top.

    Advice! In no case should vermiculite be used for the drainage layer, as it often contains asbestos, although manufacturers do not indicate this on the packaging.


    Lavender is a thermophilic plant, so young bushes are afraid of frost, and they need to be planted in the ground after constant heat has been established, best of all at the end of June. In order for the seedlings to grow stronger by this time, the seeds are planted at home in February. In the greenhouse, the material is protected from cold weather, so it is permissible to sow a little later, in March.

    Place the awakened seeds in the prepared substrate together with sawdust to a depth of three to five millimeters and leave at a temperature of + 20-25˚C for germination. In order to strengthen the seedlings, they are periodically sprayed with Epin's solution.

    The container must always be in a plastic bag or under a lid; there is no need to open it for irrigation, since natural moisture is provided due to the accumulating condensate. However, you need to carefully monitor so that there is no mold, if this happens, the damaged areas need to be thrown out, and the seedlings should be allowed to air (the temperature in the room should be at least 20-25 degrees.

    Advice! Try to protect the seeds as much as possible during germination from temperature extremes. It is also important to ensure the optimal level of humidity in the room (approximately 60-65%).

    After about 15 days, tender sprouts will appear. From this time it is recommended to start hardening, daily removing the greenhouse cover for 10-20 minutes and gradually lengthening this interval. The sprouts must first prepare for room conditions, then to relocation to the garden.

    Seedling care

    As soon as the first shoots appear, move the container to a well-lit place. The sill of a south-facing window is best suited. Plants must be sure to get enough light for ten hours. Additional illumination with a phytolamp will help to provide the optimal amount of light. The most suitable temperature for seedlings is from +15 to + 22˚ С.

    Advice! The seedlings are elongated, they look weak, the leaves are pale - these are clear signs of a lack of lighting, it is necessary to extend the daylight hours.

    Root respiration is essential for lavender. In order to prevent excessive compaction of the soil, you should periodically carefully so as not to damage the roots and stems, loosen the soil with a sharpened match or a toothpick.


    At the stage of two true leaves, lavender seedlings need to be moved into large boxes or separate pots - this is necessary so that the roots and foliage of neighboring bushes do not interfere with each other's development.

    Transplanting should be done carefully, using the transshipment method, so as not to damage the root system. The sprouts are dug in with a small object (a ruler, the smallest baby scoop, a tablespoon) together with an earthen lump and transferred to the prepared hole. There should be at least five centimeters between the plants.


    Since lavender is a visitor from the tropics, it loves an abundance of water. The soil in the container with seedlings should always be slightly moist. The plant must be watered once a day with settled water at room temperature. But if the room is cool (within 18-20˚ C), then you need to water less often: excess moisture will lead to mold or rot, and the lavender will die.

    Advice! Water the root plants very carefully as the lavender seedlings are very tender. This is best done with a disposable small syringe or syringe.

    Top dressing

    Once every 7 days, it is recommended to feed lavender seedlings with specially designed complex fertilizers (sold in specialized flower departments and stores). Adult bushes need feeding nitrogen fertilizers and exclusively during the flowering period.

    Relocation to the garden

    After 60 days after germination, you can start transplanting. A good time is May-June, however, due to unstable weather over the past few years, it is preferable to relocate seedlings to the garden at the end of the first summer month. But before that, you need to correctly choose a site. For the flowering of lavender to be early and abundant, the bed should be well lit, but in a slight shade: direct sunlight harms the plant. In full shade, lavender will also bloom, but much later.

    The water level in the soil is equally important. Lavender will die from both excess moisture and moisture deficiency. For this reason, it is strongly discouraged to plant plants in swampy areas, in hollows and where groundwater runs close.

    The composition of the soil should be light enough, permeable to moisture and air, with a slightly alkaline reaction. A few days before the transplant, it is necessary to refresh and disinfect the soil. If last season the plantings were affected by disease or pests, and the soil was not renewed, it is necessary to remove the top layer and replace it with a fresh one. Then the bed is spilled with a hot, weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, it is thoroughly loosened.

    Advice! To ensure a slight alkalinity of the soil (if the pH is below 6.5-7.5), add a little wood ash or lime.

    Next, holes or trenches are prepared. At the bottom, a drainage layer of expanded clay, clay shards or broken brick is laid out. The bushes are transferred to a new place of residence by transshipment, so as not to damage the delicate roots.

    Planting care

    Once planted outdoors, lavender will need careful maintenance over several seasons. The plant develops rather slowly, needs weeding and moderate watering in dry weather. In late autumn, young plants must be covered with fallen leaves or spruce branches. This is necessary for insulation.

    Advice! Adding compost will improve soil aeration, air will easily penetrate to the roots. In addition, such a measure will saturate the earth with micro and macro elements.

    In the first year of life, lavender looks inconspicuous, this is due to the growth of the root system during this period. Plants gain green mass, bush and bloom only in the second or third year. To increase bushiness, you need to pinch the tops of the bushes - the first procedure is carried out when 6 pairs of leaves appear on the plant. Pruning first years to a height of 15 cm will also help to give a beautiful shape.

    Experienced gardeners recognize that caring for lavender seedlings is troublesome. But if done correctly, the result will not be disappointing.

    A few notes and tips to help you grow luxurious flowers:

    1. Growing lavender from seeds is a costly way to get plants, but one of the most reliable.
    2. Choose seed varieties that are suitable for the climate close to your garden.
    3. The most unpretentious care is considered to be broad-leaved lavender. Narrow-leaved is unstable to low negative temperatures, sensitive to excess moisture in the soil, often dies as a result of damping.
    4. Systematic ventilation has a beneficial effect on lavender, but it is afraid of drafts.
    5. The optimal time for plant transplantation is early spring or autumn.

    With proper care, even the most whimsical lavender varieties will delight you with deliciously scented flowers. Growing a culture is not too difficult, it adapts well, the main thing is accuracy and patience.

    The delicate aroma of lavender, enchanting and unique, envelops itself, relaxing and calming, and as if transports to a magical land where worries and sorrows do not exist. But the planting of lavender in open ground is carried out by the owners of summer cottages not only for the sake of the magical smell of the plant. When its seemingly modest fluffy bushes are covered with bright lilac flowers, turning a modest border into a magnificent living carpet, it is impossible to look away from this beauty. Growing lavender in the garden will not be difficult, but caring for it will still require some skill.

    Choosing a place for a shrub

    The basis for the full development of a plant in open ground, high decorativeness of its bushes, lush and long flowering is the correct fit. Lavender is photophilous, so it is better to place it in the country in open areas that receive the maximum amount of sunlight during the day. It can actively grow in the shade, but this will have a bad effect on its flowering. A warm climate is preferable for a shrub, it does not tolerate cold well. V northern regions it is better to plant it not in open ground, but in flowerpots, which, when the temperature drops, are immediately removed into the heat. All plant varieties are suitable for potting.

    Excessive soil moisture is contraindicated for lavender; in such conditions, its roots quickly rot. Therefore, a future flower bed or curb should not be broken in areas with swampy soil or in damp lowlands. It is also important to take into account the level of occurrence of groundwater, they should not come close to the surface. If the soil in the place where the flowers are supposed to be planted does not meet the moisture requirements, good drainage will help to solve the problem.

    The culture is demanding on the quality and structure of the soil. Preferred for her is a soil with a neutral reaction. To achieve it, the site where it is planned to plant the plants is dug up, having previously sprinkled lime or wood ash over it. Providing proper care for lavender will be difficult if you do not stock up on compost in advance. It will give the soil the necessary lightness and looseness, as well as increase its fertility. The answer to this concern will be the luxurious flowering of the plant.

    Much also depends on the biological characteristics of the selected variety. Broad-leaved lavender varieties are more hardy, so they will thrive in semi-shaded areas in the garden. They can also be planted in slightly acidic soil. Narrow-leaved plant varieties will require more complex care. They can withstand cold weather, but high soil moisture is destructive for them, and if they stay under a thick snow cover for a long time, lavender bushes can die from damping.

    Landing features

    It is not difficult to plant these mountain flowers. To do this, you can use:

    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • seeds;
    • mother bush by dividing it.

    Most often, planting lavender outdoors is carried out by seeds. They are sown into the soil in October, deepening 4 mm from its surface and slightly compacting the soil in the garden. If the autumn turned out to be dry, the procedure is completed with watering. In order for crops to survive the winter cold well, they are covered with a thick layer of snow.

    In sealed containers, lavender seeds can be stored for many years without losing their high germination ability.

    The successful cultivation of flowers in the garden is possible with spring sowing. But he will require preliminary preparation... In early spring, the seeds, mixed with wet sand, are placed in a refrigerator, where they are kept at a low temperature (best around + 5 ° C) for 2 months. After the completion of stratification, in May, they can be planted in the ground, using them to create an unusual flower bed or a luxurious border in the country. Seedlings will bloom only after 1–2 years, when their root system is sufficiently developed.

    When choosing a place for a flower bed, it is worth considering that adult plants often do not take root during transplantation. If it is still necessary, then the procedure must be carried out carefully, making sure that the roots are in a voluminous lump of soil. To make lavender bushes lush, they are rarely placed on a flower bed, at a distance equal to the maximum height. In curb landings, this interval is halved. Then the hedge will turn out slender and give the impression of solidity.

    It is even easier to propagate the plant with cuttings that root quickly and easily. They are placed in loose soil, covered with a film, after which it remains only to provide future seedlings with regular soil moisture. It is not necessary to deepen the cuttings, a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface is sufficient. After rooting, they are carefully dug up and placed on the prepared area.

    The subtleties of dressing and watering

    Caring for lavender outdoors provides for several activities that will have to be carried out in turn throughout the growing season. Plants need to be fed regularly. It is better to use fertilizers with a high potassium and low nitrogen content for this. It is not worth using manure to enrich the soil: an excess of nitrogen in the soil is fraught with the fact that lavender bushes will actively branch, delighting with dense juicy greens, but they form few buds.

    Watering should be done in moderation. The plant does not like excess moisture, but it does not tolerate a lack of moisture, responding to it with meager flowering. It is worth starting watering lavender in the garden only when the topsoil in the garden dries well.

    Hold in the ground necessary for plants moisture, and also to increase its porosity will help high hilling and mulching of the beds. Both procedures are carried out regularly - in the spring and autumn. They also increase the decorative effect of lavender bushes, influencing the formation of young shoots on their trunks. Decayed foliage works well for mulching. You can also purchase special multi-colored substrates in the store, which will make the beds even more attractive. The procedure will require attention. To prevent rotting of the flower, the soil at the base of its trunk is left uncovered.

    Caring for a plant in the open field involves its systematic pruning. It increases the lifespan of lavender bushes. It is carried out twice: after the end of flowering and towards the end of the growing season. When the buds of the plant wither, it is enough to shorten the stems on which they were located by 1-2 cm. Autumn care more intense, it involves removing most of the old shoots from the bush. No more than 4-5 young stems are left on it.

    Preparing for winter and possible difficulties

    Growing lavender successfully in areas with harsh winters, where the temperature drops to -25 ° C, is possible, but for this it will need to be reliably insulated. After cutting flowers on the eve of the first frost, they should be tightly covered with spruce branches. He will help the plant to survive a difficult period for him.

    Dry foliage cannot be used to shelter lavender bushes. Because of high humidity the soil under it can be affected by rot. The likelihood of damping out is also high in such conditions.

    To care for lavender in the garden to be complete, it is important to arm yourself with the knowledge of possible problems that growing a bush can bring. The greatest danger for him is gray rot. To prevent its rapid spread and death of plantings, regular inspection of the flower bed with the removal and immediate burning of infected plant areas will help.

    Gray rot creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of the penny, in which it lays its larvae. On lavender bushes, an ugly white foam appears that looks like saliva and protects the insect's offspring from predators. It does not harm them, but spoils the decorativeness of the plantings. It is not difficult to remove it from the plants; it is enough to wash off the formation with a water jet.

    Planting lavender in a summer cottage is a solution that is beneficial from all sides. Its single bushes will become an elegant decoration of a flower bed or garden, and numerous ones will form a lush curb from which it will be impossible to take your eyes off. During their long flowering, they will fill the air with a delicate, mesmerizing aroma. The cultivation of this mountain shrub is also practical: dangerous garden pests - the Colorado potato beetle and the moth - do not tolerate its smell. Just plant the plants between the roots and you don't have to worry about the safety of the crop.

    Caring for lavender is not difficult, but you still have to devote time to it. Choosing the right site for planting, competent watering and feeding, mulching and hilling the beds, pruning - performing these simple procedures will allow you to achieve the desired result.

    It is impossible to walk past the area where lavender grows. And the point is not even in the luxurious lilac bushes, but in the enchanting aroma that they spray around the neighborhood. And for a minute, freezing near this magic, you are already rushing home at full speed, elated. You need to find out as soon as possible: how capricious lavender plant is, are planting and care difficult, what is it sick of? After all, the fact that from now on she will be in your garden is a question that has already been resolved.

    Description: varieties and varieties of lavender

    Lavender is an evergreen, rather unpretentious plant widely used in cosmetology and medicine. The scent of lavender has a calming effect and helps relieve headaches. But not only medicinal properties are appreciated in lavender. It is widely used in perfumery and cosmetology. Lavender and cooking did not pass by, because this plant has a specific spicy taste. And in everyday life, dried lavender twigs are used as a reliable remedy for moths.

    There are many varieties of lavender. Which one to plant in your garden - choose according to your taste

    More than 25 types of lavender are known, but several varieties are most popular in garden culture.

    Narrow-leaved lavender(English). It is a bush not more than a meter in diameter. The leaves of this variety are medium-sized, narrow, gray-green. Blooms in June and July. The variety is unpretentious and tolerates low temperatures well.

    Broadleaf lavender(French). This lavender variety is considered the ancestor of the ornamental varieties. It differs from other varieties in a wide color range of inflorescences, as well as a very strong and not always pleasant aroma.

    Hybrid lavender(Dutch). This variety is considered the largest. Its bushes can grow up to two meters. It is a natural hybrid of narrow-leaved and broad-leaved varieties. Blooms in July. Its frost resistance is lower than that of the narrow-leaved one. Refers to industrial grades.

    Dutch lavender has the most beautiful flowers

    Lavender toothed. One of the most thermophilic varieties. Prefers to grow indoors rather than outdoors. It is the owner of soft silvery leaves and inflorescences of large flowers in all shades of purple.

    Planting a plant

    You can propagate lavender different ways: cuttings, dividing the bush, layering, seeds. Lavender seeds can survive for many years if you follow the rule: store them in sealed containers.

    Attention! Lavender seeds need to undergo preliminary processing - stratification. For this, the seeds must be kept at a temperature of +5 ° C for at least two months. Most often, for this purpose, the seeds are mixed into wet sand and placed in a refrigerator.

    Lavender seeds can be sown directly outdoors, but certain requirements must be followed.

    Lavender seeds

    The best time to plant lavender outdoors is October. It is sown to a depth of no more than 4 mm; the soil must be slightly compacted. If the weather is dry, the seeds can be watered. In winter, the area sown with lavender should be covered with snow as much as possible.

    In open ground, you can sow seeds in the spring. To do this, first, in March, you need to remove the seeds in the refrigerator for stratification, and in May sow in open ground in a previously prepared place.

    Advice. Choose a place for lavender in a dry and sunny area. This flower does not like waterlogging.

    Lavender care

    Water the lavender only when the soil is dry. Excessive moisture leads to root decay, but it is not recommended to dry out lavender either.

    In autumn and spring, shrubs need to be hilled, and cutting lavender significantly extends the life of the plant. A small pruning can be done immediately after the lavender has faded, but a more significant shortening should be done only at the end of autumn, leaving up to 4-5 new green shoots.

    Pruning your bushes will not only give them more decorative view but will also benefit the plant

    If your lavender will be hibernating outdoors where temperatures drop below -25 degrees, provide a warm shelter. To do this, it will be enough to cut the bushes before wintering and cover them with branches of coniferous trees.

    Attention! Do not cover lavender with foliage, as is usually done to protect plants from freezing, as this may result in plant decay.

    Fertilizing and feeding lavender

    At the beginning of flowering, lavender can be fed with a fertilizer solution "Agricola-Fantasy" (it is diluted in a proportion of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). The consumption of this solution is 3-4 liters per one bush.

    To make lavender bloom better - feed the plant with mineral fertilizers

    Instead of "Agricola" they also use a solution of organic fertilizer "Rossa Universal", dissolving 2 tbsp. spoons in 10 liters of water. And the third option for feeding: 2 tbsp. l. dilute nitrophosphate and half a liter of liquid mullein in 10 liters of water. The consumption of the last two solutions is 10 liters per bush.

    Plant propagation

    Lavender is propagated by division, cuttings or layering.

    Reproduction by division perhaps when there are already lavender bushes on the site. In summer, lavender produces a lot of young growth. It is something that can be rooted. To do this, you need to cut the plant and huddle in such a way that all the free space between the stems is densely filled with earth. And by the fall, the bush can be divided.

    Dividing the lavender bush

    Most suitable way for the propagation of lavender grown in a home environment - propagation by cuttings... For this it follows the lignified annual shoots divide into cuttings no more than 10 cm and root.

    Propagation of lavender by layering

    Most easy way breeding that is suitable even for novice gardeners is reproduction by layering... With this method, in the spring, 2-3 shoots are carefully folded back and placed in a groove 3-5 cm deep, fixed, sprinkled with earth and watered. These shoots need to be watered a little more abundantly in order for the formation of lateral roots to occur successfully. After a year, the processes are already completely independent, and you can plant them from the mother bush.

    Diseases and pests

    Monitor plant health and remove insects

    From garden pests on lavender, you can find a rainbow beetle eating leaves. You need to collect it from the plants by hand. But more often lavender is prone to the dominance of pennies, which do not cause any damage to the plant, but spoil the appearance pretty much, because they cover their larvae with a layer of white foam, which looks very much like saliva. Caring for lavender that has been attacked by pennies is very simple. It is enough to rinse off the foam with a stream of water.

    Lavender: Combination with other plants

    It is known that smells have a great influence on a person's subconsciousness. Therefore, when growing flowers, it is important that the flower bed is not only pleasing to the eye, but also enchants with its aroma. When planting plants, it is important to take care not only that the appearance of the flowers complements each other, but also that the floral aromas do not mix. This means that you will have to carefully consider the selection of flowers that you want to plant, otherwise you will hardly be able to rest or recharge in your garden.

    Lavender looks very good next to plants with contrasting colors.

    Lavender goes very well with sage and catnip. She also looks amazing next to yarrow and garden hydrangea, lyatrix, or surrounded by grown herbs and perennials.

    Lavender in landscape design

    Lavender, planting and caring for which is so easy that any budding gardener can handle it, is ideal for decorating an area. A significant advantage of lavender among other landscaping plants is its bright and intense color in various shades, from pale pink to bright lilac. This makes it possible to accentuate the grace of any corner of your garden.

    Lavender in landscape design

    Advice. Use decorative designs to highlight the originality of your flower garden.

    There are several options for decorating your garden with these flowering shrubs.

    1. Perhaps the most famous and common way is to plant lavender along paths and sidewalks. This design of your site makes it possible to visually limit, as well as create a clear division of the garden into zones.
    2. The second option is to plant the bushes in such a way that the lavender will grow in accordance with the order of the cells on the chessboard. But this type of landing will only work on a completely horizontal surface.
    3. Another unusual way to emphasize the originality of a garden plot or flower garden is to form a "carpet" of these shrubs. If you decide to choose this option, you need to immediately determine the height of the lavender and regularly cut it at this level in the same plane. Such a carpet will not become a semblance of soft grassy, ​​on which you can comfortably sit, but planting shrubs in this way will allow lavender to brilliantly show its color.

    Lavender is often planted along paths and fences.

    Of course, lavender in landscape design is not as common as planting roses or all kinds of loaches, but this is what will emphasize the uniqueness and originality of the decorative design of your garden.

    Growing lavender is the perfect way to highlight your garden or flower garden with color, shape, and an elegant scent that will impress everyone who walks by.

    How to plant lavender correctly: video

    Lavender in the garden: photo

    Lavender is a medicinal and aromatic plant that is actively used in various industries and in everyday life. People have been growing this for thousands of years. amazing flower to extract essential oil, brew aromatic tea, as a honey plant and just for beauty. A person who sees a lavender field will forever remain a fan of this plant and try to grow at least a small fragrant bush in the garden or at home.

    Lavender - flower description

    Species of the genus Lavender are usually evergreen herbaceous perennials or dwarf shrubs. The stems are actively branching, forming a low bush, and the central stem is absent. The leaves are narrow, silvery green. The flowers are fragrant blue and purple, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. There are varieties with a different color of the corollas.

    Features of growing a flower short description

    The plant is relatively unpretentious, requires minimal maintenance and is grown commercially. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting and not forget about the thermophilicity of the flower. Lavender is able to maximize its decorative qualities only in the open field, but withstand very coldy only some species are capable and only if there is a shelter.

    Planting lavender outdoors

    In the middle lane in the open ground, only narrow-leaved lavender is able to survive, if there is shelter. In warmer regions, as well as in indoor and pot culture, other species are grown.

    Planting methods

    The plant needs a hole 2530 cm deep. Lavender can be planted singly or in groups. For group plantings, the distance between the bushes should be 3040 cm, and for tall varieties up to 1 m.

    Interesting! Optimal distance plants can be identified by the height of the species or variety. Adjacent bushes should be spaced at a distance equal to their height. To obtain a high density fit, the distance should be halved.

    The most spectacular are group plantings. The plant can be used for carpet planting or for creating curbs. Good results can also be achieved when growing in tall beds.

    The flower grows well in pots and flowerpots. Such plants are often used to decorate balconies and terraces.

    Optimal planting time

    The optimal time for planting a plant is spring, after the night frosts have completely receded. In the southern regions, autumn planting is also allowed, but it should be carried out 2 months before frost.

    Plant soil

    Lavender does not tolerate heavy soils with stagnant moisture. The plant thrives best on sandy loam or gravel, well-drained dry soils of an alkaline reaction (pH = 6.58). The soil should not be too poor or too rich in nutrients.

    If there is a need for self-preparation of the soil mixture to fill the planting pit or when planting in a flowerpot, it is recommended to use the following components:

    • Leafy land;
    • Humus;
    • Sand.

    Lime or wood ash is added to slightly shift the pH to the alkaline side. It is also recommended to immediately add a complex mineral fertilizer to the soil mixture.

    Features of lavender care

    Lavender does not require constant maintenance. She is less likely to need watering and feeding than other plants. However, to get an ornamental plant, you will have to master the intricacies of pruning. At home, the plant needs more attention than when grown outdoors.

    Location and lighting for a plant in the garden

    A sunny and hot spot is best for planting lavender. Only under such conditions will the plant delight you with a lush, long flowering and strong aroma. The shrub can grow in the shade, but only single inflorescences will decorate it.

    It is worth considering! Lavender does not tolerate wet and swampy soils, so preference should be given to dry places. The plant will feel great on alpine slide or terraces.

    Air humidity

    There is no need for high air humidity; moreover, dry air is preferable. High humidity often leads to the development of fungal diseases. If the rainy weather continues for a long time, it is better to cut the stems.

    How to water properly

    Waterlogging of the soil and the bay leads to decay of the roots, therefore it is recommended to let the soil dry out between waterings. Abundant watering is required only during periods of prolonged drought. The plant tolerates the drying of the substrate much easier, but the prolonged absence of moisture leads to a reduction in flowering.

    Features of growing lavender in a pot

    Growing lavender in a pot is more difficult than growing in a garden. It is necessary to observe the watering regime and provide maximum illumination. The main feature of such cultivation is the need for annual transplants and a good outflow of water from the pot. Plant growth usually continues until the roots reach the bottom of the flowerpot.

    Top dressing and fertilization

    Long-term lush bloom requires a large amount of nutrients, therefore, during this period, the plant should be supported by the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers that contain a significant concentration of nitrogen, it is allowed to use only at the beginning of the growing season, during the growth of new shoots. Later, organics should be excluded if there is a desire to admire the flowering.

    Advice! Organic fertilizers will completely replace mulching the soil with compost.

    Pruning lavender

    Pruning is considered one of the most important components of care, and not only decorativeness, but also the existence of a plant depends on the correctness of its behavior.

    Pruning methods

    The plant needs constant pruning. This helps to maintain decorativeness for many years and keep the compact shape of the bush.

    Cropping to shape

    This type of pruning can be called radical because the shoots can be shortened by 1/3 or even 1/2. Most often, such pruning is resorted to after minutes of frost, or immediately after the spring planting of young plants. The shrub is pruned to ligneous twigs to give it a defined shape.

    Attention! With radical pruning, the shoots are cut to the level of lignified wood, leaving a small non-lignified growth of the current year. If pruned too much, the bush may not grow back.

    Sanitary pruning

    Held in the spring. During this period, all frozen and dried shoots that could not survive the winter will be removed.

    Pruning to stimulate flowering

    It is recommended to carry out this type of pruning immediately after flowering, without waiting for complete flowering. It is desirable that most of the flowers in the inflorescence have already faded, but blooming ones remain. The plant begins to grow new shoots, which bloom again.

    Advice! In northern regions, where the plant will not have time to bloom again, it is recommended to postpone pruning until spring, since young shoots may not have enough time to form, which will lead to freezing in winter.

    Rejuvenation of bare bushes

    Lavender cannot be stumped like many other shrubs. Such pruning will definitely lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, rejuvenation of bushes that have lost their appearance is carried out in several stages. In the first year, one half of the bush is cut radically, and the next year the second. This technique will save the plant and get rid of exposed branches.

    Pruning for the winter

    Autumn pruning is carried out in early autumn after the second flowering. Shoots are cut shortly, leaving 2-3 cm of young wood. In this state, the bush is easier to cover for the winter. It is also worth cutting off shoots that are too long, which can be damaged by wind or snow.


    A lavender transplant may be required for several reasons:

    • The bush has stopped growing;
    • It is necessary to move the plant to another location;
    • An overgrown copy needs to be divided.

    The root system of lavender is very strong, and the roots can go 3-4 m deep. Nevertheless, the plant tolerates this procedure well.

    Interesting! If the root encounters an obstacle, the plant stops growing. Therefore, when grown in an apartment, the plant has to be transplanted annually.

    Transplant methods

    When transplanting, the main thing is to try to dig up a plant with a large lump and at the same time inflict a minimum amount of damage to the roots. It is best to carry out this procedure in late summer or autumn, immediately after flowering. The plant needs at least 2 months before the onset of cold weather in order to root normally and take root in a new place.

    Plant propagation

    Lavender is relatively easy to propagate given the variety of methods available.

    Reproduction methods

    Lavender reproduces in almost every way that is used in horticulture:

    • Seeds;
    • By dividing the bush;
    • Layers;
    • Cuttings.

    Seed reproduction

    Lavender seeds germinate quite well, but only if stratified has been carried out. To do this, sow the seeds in a bowl with a wet mixture of sand and peat and put them in a basement, cellar or refrigerator for several months. The minimum period for stratification is 30-40 days. After that, the plants are brought out into the light and kept at a temperature of 15-21 ° C. After the formation of 3 leaves, the seedlings dive into pots of several pieces.

    Need to know! Some species, such as multi-cut lavender, germinate well without stratification.

    Reproduction by dividing the bush

    Mature, well-grown bushes can be divided into several parts. The bushes are dug out with a large clod of earth. The rhizome is cut with a garden knife into several pieces, each of which must have roots. Sections are treated with foundationol powder or crushed charcoal to avoid decay. Each piece is planted in a prepared hole.

    Propagation by cuttings

    This method is considered one of the most productive varietal plant propagation. Narrow-leaved lavender, cuttings well in spring and autumn, and for broad-leaved lavender, autumn cuttings are preferable.

    Autumn cuttings are more productive, since the plant has much more good shoots suitable for rooting. You can use cuttings from different parts of the stem:

    • Apical;
    • Average;
    • Lower.

    However, it is worth considering the characteristics of each type of cuttings. Completely lignified cuttings from the lower part of the stem take root very poorly, but withstand winter well. Apical cuttings form roots easily, but their winter hardiness is very low. The best option are semi-lignified cuttings from the middle part of the stem.

    The stalk is cut with a sharp knife. At the bottom, all the leaves are removed. The cut is treated with root, heteroauxin, or any other drug that stimulates the formation of roots. Then the cutting is placed in moist soil and covered with foil. The greenhouse is ventilated daily to avoid the appearance of fungal infections.

    Reproduction by layering

    The best time for this breeding method is spring. A branch of the plant is pinned to the ground and lightly sprinkled with soil. The place of contact with the ground is regularly watered. As a rule, roots are formed by autumn and the young plant can be separated from the mother plant.

    When the plant blooms, the flower shape

    Lavender flowers are small, collected in a spikelet inflorescence. The color of the petals ranges from sky blue to lilac and violet. Some varieties have white and pink flowers. Flowering lasts about 2 months. The first flowers bloom in mid-June. Timely removal of fading inflorescences helps to extend flowering until the end of August.

    Problems, diseases and pests in the flower

    Lavender is rich in essential oils that ward off most pests. No wonder this plant is actively used in the fight against moths and other insects. However, there is a pest that eats lavender with pleasure. It is a rainbow beetle. A very beautiful insect that can leave a plant without leaves in the shortest possible time.

    The most harmful disease is gray rot. Other diseases are extremely rare.

    Popular species (varieties)

    The genus Lavender has more than 40 species, but most often only 2 can be found in culture: narrow-leaved lavender and broad-leaved lavender. Other species are rarely grown.

    Narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula officinalis)

    This species is also known by the names: medicinal lavender or English lavender. Shrub up to 60 cm high and up to 1 m wide. Shoots at the base are lignified. Leaves are greenish-gray, as if silvery, narrow. The flowers are bluish-lilac, fragrant, collected in an intermittent spike-shaped inflorescence. Flowering period: July August. This species is considered the most frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures up to 20 ° C. The undersized variety var is known for this species. deiphinensis, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm.

    Various varieties deserve attention, which differ in the color of the flowers or in the form of growth. In ornamental horticulture, the white-flowered ‘Alba’ or cultivar with pink flowers‘Rosea’. Joint planting of various varieties looks extremely impressive.

    Lavender broadleaf (Lavandula stoechas)

    This species is commonly called French lavender. Considered the most beautiful view... Flowers can be the most different colors: blue, blue, green, white, pink, lilac. Flowering period: April-July, much earlier than other species. The most famous variety is ‘Papillon’ (Butterfly). It is characterized by very long bracts at the top of a fairly dense spikelet.

    The main problem when growing lavender is low frost resistance. In fact, in the open ground in the middle lane, only narrow-leaved lavender can survive and only under cover. Traditional leaf shelter is not suitable for this plant. Lavender covered with leaf litter will simply dry out over the winter. The best covering material is spruce branches. conifers... It is also recommended to mulch the root zone with needles.

    Answers to readers' questions

    Plant lifespan

    The life span of a plant in culture can be 20-30 years, but the bushes are often grown for no more than 10 years.

    Why doesn't the flower bloom?

    Flowering may be absent due to the early age of the plant if the lavender is grown from seed, or it may be caused by maintenance errors. Most often, flowers do not appear for two reasons:

    • The landing site is too shady;
    • The plant was overfed with nitrogen fertilizers.

    Flower care in winter

    In the garden in winter it is necessary to ensure that the bushes are well covered. When growing in an apartment, it is advisable to take the plant to a cool place for wintering.

    - a beautiful plant captivating with its graceful, delicate aroma. She has gained wide popularity among gardeners for a very long time. Fluffy bushes of lavender, dazzling with bright inflorescences-spikelets - a great plant for borders,

    alpine slides


    And you can learn about the beneficial properties of lavender from the article.

    "Lavender: beauty and benefit!"

    Of course, to get a luxurious flower bed, you have to try. Lavender care is required on a regular basis. The complex of measures must include:

    • loosening the soil;
    • elimination of weeds;
    • watering;
    • pruning;
    • fertilization;
    • preparation for winter.

    Lavender is a thermophilic plant. Therefore, to grow this


    in the open field it is not possible in any climatic zone. In cold climates, the bushes should be planted in

    and at the first hint of a cold snap, quickly transfer them to warm place... Any variety of lavender can be grown as a pot plant.

    Landing place

    The key to successful

    growing lavender- the right choice of landing site. Most of all, the plant will like open areas, well-lit by the sun's rays. The bushes will take root in the shade, but it will not be possible to achieve abundant and long-term flowering.

    Plant roots are sensitive to high level soil moisture. Therefore, you should refrain from planting lavender in wetlands and areas where they lie too high


    If there is no other option, you can try to build a hill and plant bushes on it. Excess moisture near the roots can be easily eliminated with a drainage layer.

    Any variety of lavender can be grown as a pot plant.

    Lavender is also demanding about the level of acidity and the structure of the soil. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to play it safe - before boarding, deposit in

    a little woody

    or lime. These are effective soil deoxidizers. And to ensure the porous structure of the soil, it is enough to regularly apply to the garden

    It will not only loosen the soil, but also supplement it with nutrients.

    Features of planting lavender

    Planting lavender- a responsible process. Adult bushes do not tolerate transplanting well, if you have to do it, then carefully and only with a voluminous lump of earth. It is better to immediately determine where the bushes grown from seeds, cuttings or cuttings will be located.

    The distance between adjacent specimens should be approximately equal to their maximum height. Then the bushes will be lush. And to get slender green


    we reduce this parameter by half. This way you can achieve the maximum solidity of the plantation block.

    Lavender curbs are great Lavender cuttings take root pretty quickly. The planting algorithm is simple: deepen a couple of centimeters into a loose soil mixture, cover with a film and regularly moisten the soil. Gently dig out the rooted cuttings and transplant to the chosen place.

    Layers are rooted branches of a plant. To receive planting material one of the lower shoots should be bent to the side in the spring. Fix the place of contact with the ground level and cover with soil. When a root ball forms, carefully cut off the cut with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the place of the cut with crushed coal to protect it from decay processes. That's it - the layering is ready for planting.

    You can choose lavender seedlings of various varieties in our catalog, where various online stores present their products. Choose lavender seedlings

    Sowing lavender seeds

    Lavender is difficult to propagate by seed. But if it is not possible to purchase an adult plant or twigs, you can also try sowing seeds.

    Lavender can be propagated by seed. A very important step is stratification. Lavender seeds need to be kept at low temperatures for some time. Here you can go in two ways: plant them at the end of autumn immediately in the ground or carry out artificial stratification. The first method is only suitable for warm climates. With significant frosts, seeds may die. Therefore, it is better to opt for the second option.

    For artificial stratification, the seeds must be mixed with a small amount of sand, poured into a container, wrapped in polyethylene and refrigerated. Keep them there for at least a month and a half. Better - longer. In this case, seedlings will appear faster. Then you can sow seeds in boxes (at the end of winter) or in

    outside (late spring).

    When sowing with seeds, it will take a whole year to expect flowering. In the first seasons, seedlings will only develop, increasing the root system. And only after a year, and maybe even after two, they will delight the gardener with cute spikelets-inflorescences.

    You can choose lavender seeds in our catalog, where products from various online stores are presented. Select lavender seeds

    Lavender grown from seed will only flower for 2-3 years. Photo from

    Soil processing near bushes

    Lavender does not like dense soils. Its roots really need good air circulation. In addition, of course, you need to get rid of pest weeds next to lavender. Therefore, loosening and weeding should become a regular procedure.

    You can do it easier - organize a good mulching layer on the lavender garden. As

    you can use the decayed

    or decorative multi-colored substrates. But in any case, near the base of the trunk, the soil should remain uncovered. This will keep the plant from rotting.

    Water the lavender very carefully. Abundant irrigation can lead to root rot and yellowing of the aerial part of the plant. Drought is also bad for the plant - the lavender will not die, but the bloom will not be as luxurious as we would like. The ideal watering regime is as the soil dries up.

    Pruning lavender bushes

    This stage of lavender care cannot be called mandatory. But only by pruning can you achieve the formation of beautiful lush bushes. Therefore, you should not give up a useful procedure.

    Pruning lavender The first pruning should be done immediately after the inflorescence spikelets wilt. You need to shorten the shoots literally by a couple of centimeters. At the end of the warm season, more drastic pruning is carried out. But here, too, you should not show excessive enthusiasm. If you shorten all the branches to the level of the lignified part, the bush may die.


    Great as a fertilizer for lavender


    complexes that are sold in all garden and flower shops. They should be applied at the beginning of flowering. Concentration - 2 tbsp. spoons in a bucket of water. With the resulting solution, you need to shed soil around the perimeter of the bushes.

    Responsible for the development of green mass

    nitrogen fertilizers

    (2 tablespoons per bucket). Therefore, they are indispensable at the beginning of the growing season (growth). But in the second half of the summer, it is forbidden to use them. Under the influence of nitrogen, the growing season is significantly extended. As a result, the plant does not have time to prepare for wintering.

    The use of fertilizers can be completely abandoned if there is a thick layer of compost mulch under the bushes. Decomposing under the influence of external factors, it will supply nutrients to the plant throughout the season.

    Preparing for winter

    For lavender bushes that have to winter outdoors, you can organize a reliable

    True, in warm climatic zones, you can do without this - according to experts, lavender will survive the winter well, even if the temperature drops to -25 ° C. If frosts are expected stronger than this mark, insulation is necessary. In addition, it will not be superfluous to play it safe in cases where the winter may turn out to be little snow.

    At the end of the season, lavender bushes are pruned. Branches are laid on top of the garden bed (best of all from conifers). But the usual insulation in the form of a layer of foliage is not suitable. Lavender can rot under it.

    In general, caring for lavender is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Using compost mulch will eliminate weeding, loosening and top dressing. Therefore, the gardener will only have to cut the bushes in a timely manner so that they grow strong and bloom profusely.

    Types of lavender

    Many people associate lavender bushes with a constant purple color. In fact, shades of different varieties conquer with variety. There are specimens with blue, white, pink and even greenish colors. And this is just the basic palette. And the shades of inflorescences-spikelets are even more. But the colors are not the only difference between different varieties lavender.

    According to the generally accepted classification, there are two broad groups:

    english and

    french .

    English lavender- the owner of narrow leaves and elongated spikelets-inflorescences. It is worth noting that it is this type that has received the most widespread use. Such varieties quietly winter in the middle lane, not needing to be dug up in late autumn.

    French lavender- a more capricious plant. Outwardly, it is similar to the previous species, but its leaves are wider, and the inflorescences are shorter. Traditionally used as a pot plant. Indeed, even minor frosts down to -15 ° C can instantly destroy the plant.

    French lavenderAll articles about lavender on our site

    It is impossible to remain indifferent, passing by lavender bushes. This is not because they look amazing on the outside, pleasing the eye with a purple color, but because the scent of lavender exudes incredibly enchanting. Inhaling the magic smell, an idea is already ripening in the gardener's head: to plant lavender bushes in his area. Before planting, you need to figure it out: garden lavender - planting and care in the open field - is it difficult? Is she capricious in her care and what diseases is she susceptible to? This is important because the gardener has made the final decision to grow these flowers in his garden.

    Varieties and types of lavender with descriptions and photos

    The plant is a perennial, a member of the labiate family. When it comes to lavender, the image of lilac flowers appears in front of your eyes. But, in fact, her tint palette is very different. Lavender can be: blue, pink, white, and other colors. It looks like a shrub that grows up to 50 cm in height. The flower looks like a spikelet.

    Features of English lavender

    This type is the most famous and widespread. The leaves of the plant are narrow, and the inflorescences are in the form of spikelets. English lavender has good adaptation to growing conditions in Middle lane RF. Often, it does not need to be transplanted from open soil into a greenhouse for wintering. Florists prefer these varieties:

    • Alba, which has white inflorescences, and grows to a height of half a meter;
    • Rosea - on this bush, whose height is 40 cm, flowers of a pink-purple hue grow;
    • in the Manstad variety, the bush grows up to 40 cm, and the flowers are bright blue;
    • a plant related to the Headcoat Giant - takes up little space in the flower bed, reaches a height of 60 cm;
    • The hidcoat blue bush is low - up to 40 cm, the inflorescences are lilac-blue.
    Lavender Munstead - Compact winter hardy variety Lavender Hidcote Blue - flowering period July-August Lavender Alba is a spreading shrub with densely spaced shoots, up to half a meter high Lavender Rosea is a compact evergreen dwarf shrub with many shoots

    French lavender

    The leaves of this plant are wider, and the spikelets of inflorescences are smaller in length (this is what distinguishes it from English lavender). This culture is capricious in its care. It does not tolerate low temperatures, which is why it is most often used to decorate houses. The most famous varieties of broadleaf lavender are:

    • in the Yellow Vale variety - the flowers have a dark lilac shade, the bracts are crimson, and the leaves have a yellow-green color;
    • a distinctive feature of Regal Splendur - are dark lilac flowers;
    • the newly emerged view of Rocky Road has big flowers shade of blue + lilac;
    • a feature of Tiara is the large flowers of a bluish tint, and the bracts are of a beige tint;
    • Helmsday has flowers in a shade that combines burgundy and lilac tones.

    Breeders have also bred other varieties of lavender that can be cultivated, but they are not planted very often.

    Tiara cultivar - hardy with large flowers RockyRoad is a new variety of broadleaf lavender

    Dutch lavender (hybrids)

    A group of very beautiful hybrids, presented in a wide range of colors, is classified as Dutch lavender. Important feature- their pungent aroma. They occupy a niche between English lavender and other species of the genus.

    This crop is large in size, with narrow leaves of a "silver" shade, and large elongated flowers on long peduncles. The flowers are very heavy, so the stalks bend under their weight. Hybrid lavender blooms in the middle of summer. K wide known varieties Dutch lavender are classified as follows:

    • a distinctive feature of the Alba variety - snow-white flowers;
    • the Arabian Knight bush is represented by flowers of a dark blue or dark lilac color;
    • the owner of flowers of light purple color, Sawyers variety;
    • represented by large-sized flowers of a lilac-lilac tone, the Grosso variety;
    • Richard Gray is small size a bush on which flowers are dark purple.
    Sawyers - bloom from April to October Regal Splendour - shrub grows up to 70 cm in height Richard-Gray - compact shrub, drought tolerant Grosso is the most popular variety for lavender oil production

    Scalloped lavender

    The Mediterranean has given the world toothed lavender. This is a plant, very loving warmth, and quite compact. He has delicate cut leaves of a shade of "silver", and fragrant flowers of large size, giving their flowering in the middle of the summer season. Lavender of this species is afraid of cold weather. The most popular type of toothed lavender is Royal Crown, which pleases the eye with purple flowers.

    Planting lavender outdoors

    Taking into account the growing conditions of the plant in wildlife, you need to choose a specific place for its landing. It should be: in an open area, with good moisture removal. Lavender needs plenty of sunshine. She loves dry times, since during this period the plant is enriched with complex ether compounds, and lavender exudes a strong aroma.

    Important! ”] Lavender doesn't like tall plants that grow nearby. If such are near, lavender will react to such a neighborhood by turning the color of its leaves gray-green, and the flowering will deteriorate.

    The shrub hates being transplanted. If the location is well chosen, lavender grows well for 25 years. That is why this particular plant should be planted according to the principle "once and for all" so as not to cause problems with transplants.
    Container (balcony) lavenders, reaching 4 years of age, lose their attractive appearance. This is due to the fact that their roots do not grow constantly. Their development is limited by the volume of the pot (or container) in which the lavender grows. That is why, after a certain period of time, they need to be changed to young ones.

    Royal crown Hidcote giant

    Lavender is not demanding on the nutrient content of the soil. But, all the same, it is advisable to plant this plant on moderately fertile loams and sandy loams, which have neutral or alkaline acidity (pH in the range from 6.5 to 7.5).
    Lavender is not demanding for fertilizers and watering.

    It can withstand occasional rainfall. Maybe with the help of their strong roots, get the right amount water and nutrients from the earth. In the case when lavender is grown on the balcony, fertilizers are necessary. You can't do without them.

    So that the shrub is not exposed to damping (soaking), it is advisable to immediately plant it in a higher place. This can be a hill, a raised flower bed, or a slope. There should be drainage in the planting pit, and it should also be poured there coarse sand or rubble.

    Lavender is planted in the ground at the site using different methods. Experts are convinced that only one method is not enough. It's not even worth using just one plant. To be on the safe side, they acquire and plant several pieces in different ways at once.

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    The planting itself must be carried out either at the beginning of spring (as soon as the snow melted), or in the fall - at the end of September before the time when the first frosts come.

    The easiest way to plant is to buy ready-made lavender. Why?
    Argument 1. Lavender that was purchased is propagated by cuttings to preserve the variety in case the wintering is unsuccessful.
    Argument 2. In case of its normal development and wintering, next year it will be possible to carry out the reproduction procedure by layering. For this, shoots are pinned into grooves of shallow depth 2, and then sprinkled with soil.

    It is worth taking into account: only 1 stem grows from the root of the plant. It will not be possible to use the usual division of the bush to propagate lavender. In the case when in the spring the plant is cut by 10 centimeters, it is huddled as high as possible, the earth is poured deep into the bush, almost all the stems will turn into layering. By the beginning of autumn, they will acquire roots, and they can be transplanted.

    This method has a minus. It's a pity, but not all the plants that were purchased will take root and overwinter perfectly. The reasons can be very different: lack of light, very acidic soil, diseases, poor-quality planting material, violation of the rules for caring for the plant.

    Advice! "] Experts advise for reproduction to ask friends or amateurs - flower growers a zoned variety that tolerates wintering well.

    Lavender cuttings

    Using propagation in this way, a large amount of planting material is obtained. But the gardener must have at least the most minimal skills related to rooting issues. You also need to have a winter garden (this is perfect option). Maybe it's a cold greenhouse or balcony so that there is no frost. And the temperature should be 5 to 10 degrees above zero.

    It is characteristic of lavender that the rooting of semi-lignified cuttings is best done. Unfortunately, in 1 winter, they do not tolerate low temperature indicators. To help the plant, it is necessary to provide it with conditions in the winter garden (if any) before planting lavender in the spring season.

    When there is no such garden, they try to “accelerate” the vegetation of lavender after winter by the fact that cuttings are carried out 30 days earlier than it should be. transferred wintering in open soil.

    How to carry out the process:

    1. at the beginning of spring, the bush, which was chosen for grafting, is watered with water (warm), slightly pruned, sprayed with Epin's solution;
    2. after that, you need to cover with agril every evening, and also during cold days until the moment when it is not established warm temperature;
    3. then the gardener watches the bush. As soon as spikelets appear, cuttings from 8 to 10 cm long are cut, cleaned of the lower leaves, placed in a rooting machine, and then planted in the composition of sand + wood shavings in a 2: 1 ratio. Can also be planted in sand or pure perlite. If this is a common container, use a 6x6 cm scheme. If pots, then plant cuttings 1 in each pot.

    In order for the cuttings to take root successfully, a greenhouse will work best. It is necessary to create conditions there: provide ventilation, spray the plants for 5-6 weeks.

    It is worth paying attention! ”] Accelerate the rooting process by providing the cuttings with bottom heating. Because if the temperature of the soil and environment the same, the root system does not develop quickly.

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    Practice has shown that the roots of plants that have been grown from seeds grow much faster than the roots of cuttings. This is why cuttings will need to be handled in small quantities when they are planted in containers.

    Growing lavender from seeds

    Gardeners find the process of planting lavender seeds difficult. Despite this, this method has irreplaceable advantages:

    1. So, using seedlings, you can annually carry out "repair" of frozen plantings on the site.
    2. Seedlings tend to adapt more easily even in difficult climatic conditions which are not entirely comfortable for lavender.
    3. When the seeds appear in lavender, which was grown in this way, then the new generation will have even more developed resistance to low temperatures. Over time, in this way, it will be possible to increase the cold resistance of various varieties.

    Interestingly, the seeds of lavender "Normandy" annual are the seeds of perennial lavender, which is a thermophilic plant. It is also known as L. multifida. Differs in rapid growth. In the first year, it can please the gardener with its flowering. If wintering is organized according to all the rules, this type of lavender can also become a container perennial.

    Poor germination of fresh lavender seeds has been noted. It is for this reason that one-year-old seeds with good germination are used for planting. Also, using stratification or soaking, the germination rate can be increased.

    How to soak seeds before planting

    The seeds are placed in a container with warm water, and leave overnight. Another option: you should pour in 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide into a glass with 100 ml of water, add seeds there, and leave them there for 3 hours.

    Stratification is performed in different ways:

    • the seeds are sprinkled with sand and placed in the refrigerator (on the lower shelf) for a period of 30 days, after which they are sown;
    • seeds are sown in a pot, after which they are dropped into the ground (in the garden), but in March they are brought into the house;
    • seeds are sown in a bowl and placed in the refrigerator until the time when shoots appear, etc.

    As soon as shoots have appeared, it is necessary to create a temperature for lavender seedlings from +15 to +20 degrees. In addition, you should ensure:

    • good lighting;
    • neat dosed watering;
    • a pick in the phase of 2 leaves;
    • pinching at a height of 5 cm;
    • as well as hardening before planting (it is advised to do it in mid-May).

    When conditions are good, the strongest seedlings can be expected to bloom as early as 1 year old.

    Lavender care

    Lavender is not a moody plant. Despite this, it is necessary to care for the bush so that it is strong and beautiful. Those gardeners who have great-looking lavender probably take great care of it.

    How to water lavender

    Lavender loves moisture in moderation. This means that you need to water it as soon as it becomes clear that the soil is dry. Typically, in the summer, watering frequency is 2 to 3 times a week. In the off-season, this figure is 1 time in 7-10 days.

    Loosening and top dressing of the soil

    Usually, the land in which lavender grows is monitored. It is noticed that if the soil is loose and saturated with oxygen, the plant grows well, and the inflorescences are very beautiful.

    Note! ”] Lavender is a shrub whose roots are not as deep in the soil as other shrubs. When the gardener loosens the soil, he must handle the tool as carefully as possible so as not to hurt the roots and not destroy the entire plant.

    Fertilizers like lavender. She can very quickly absorb top dressing, which will soon affect her growth and color. The use of both mineral complex fertilizers and organic stimulants is suitable.

    How to prune lavender

    Lavender bushes differ in that they have a disordered shape. To ensure a well-groomed appearance flower beds, periodically, the crown of the bush needs to be pruned.

    Pruning is performed, depending on which genus and species the bush belongs to. But there are general rules pruning for all plant types:

    • The inflorescences must be cut off after the first flowering.
    • Do not touch the stiff plant pillar, only a young shoot should be cut.
    • The cut off part should not be more than 5 cm.

    Preparing for winter

    It is necessary to provide the bushes with a reliable shelter, because they have to withstand very low temperatures in winter, hibernating in open soil. Of course, if the region has a warm climate, you don't have to worry about it.

    Experts say lavender is frost-resistant even when the temperature drops to -25 degrees. When the temperature is even lower, you need to take care of the insulation of the bush. It will not hurt to provide warmth in case there is little snowfall in winter.

    When the season comes to an end, it is necessary to prune the bushes. Branches are placed on top of the garden bed (preferably pine or spruce). The usual type of insulation, in the form of a layer of leaves, in this case, will not work. Lavender will start to rot under this cover.

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    It turns out that caring for lavender is not as difficult as it might seem right away. If you use compost and mulch, you will not need to weed, loosen, fertilize the soil. The gardener will only have to trim the bushes at the right time in order for them to become strong and delight the eye with abundant flowering.

    Benefits of lavender and its uses

    Lavender is a multifunctional representative of nature. A man has long studied its properties, and found them to be used in different areas of his life.

    The plant, possessing incredible attractiveness, and so it is a magnificent decoration of the garden site. During the summer months, it blooms and smells sweet. In winter, she will delight the inhabitants of the house with picturesque landscapes. What could be more beautiful than green bushes wrapped in flakes of snow on a frosty winter day?

    Indispensable helpers in everyday life are lavender flowers. The moth will not be able to harm things, as lavender flowers will reliably protect them from harm from this insect. You just need to dry the plant, put it in a cloth bag and put it in the closet with clothes.

    • Excellent spices are made from this plant. They are ideal for meat dishes and soups.
    • Lavender tea is a good relaxing remedy. With its help, you can get rid of headaches and migraine attacks.
    • If you dry the lavender, you can create an unusual flower arrangement by decorating your home.
    • Lavender flowers are used to make hand cream and scented hair balm.

    Video: Lavender - planting and care in the open field in the suburbs