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The comfort of my home. How to make your home more comfortable

Returning home from work, a person wants to go to cozy apartmentwhere happiness, warmth, comfort, harmony reign. Not feeling comfortable in own apartment - get started! Create coziness in the house with your own hands.

Depends on actions home comfort... To create coziness in a house with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of creating comfort.

Comfort in every home

Cozy living space takes into account the habits and wishes of all residents. Comfortable home it is illuminated with kindness, warmth, tranquility, convenience, smiles and good mood.

The owners of the house must independently create a favorable atmosphere for themselves in the apartment, making dreams come true, so that they would like to find themselves in a warm home environment after a hard day.

When creating coziness in the house with your own hands, it is important to take into account all the nuances:

  • features of windows, space, home rearrangement;
  • color range rooms;
  • the state of the kitchen, bathroom;
  • cleaning schedule for;
  • pleasant, unpleasant odors;
  • home houseplants;
  • musical accompaniment for comfort in the soul, to create have a good mood.

Considering all listed details when creating coziness, the house is filled with warmth, you will always go home with pleasure to plunge into home comfort.

Do-it-yourself coziness in the house using window decor

When examining an apartment, it may seem to you that the rooms are dark and dim. To saturate them with light, wash the windows, replace the curtains with brighter ones.

Considering the financial capabilities of your own family, replace the windows. Competent specialists will install plastic windows that will become the face of the house, fill your rooms with sunlight.

Large window sills can be decorated with a variety of indoor flowers in beautiful multi-colored flowerpots.

Plants for home comfort

What colors should you choose? To keep the room stylish, choose pots for flowerpots in the same shades as upholstered furniture or other home textiles. Place some pretty flowerpots on the windowsill of a small apartment.

Tall flowers look nice, standing on the floor as a separate composition. Home flowerpots create coziness in the house. They oxygenate the room. Flowers absorb a lot of oxygen at night, so it's better not to put plants in the rooms where you sleep.

Thanks to fresh flowers, comfort is created in the house, the air is purified, the energy of the house is improved. Flowers can be talismans and healers for homeowners. They also help to work fruitfully.

The color scheme of a cozy home

Think about whether you will be comfortable in rooms with walls of red, orange, purple? Or when the interior will be created in black and white?

These colors are now fashionable, original. But, they have a bad effect on the psyche, which is why a person is constantly irritated or agitated.

It is in such a room for several hours - it is possible, but it is not recommended to live permanently.

Decorate rooms with unobtrusive, muted environmental shades. For example, pale yellow, light brown, light blue, pale green colors. Such colors soothe a person, saturate the room with comfort.

What to do with old things?

Old things and furniture can heavily litter the house, kill all home comfort. Therefore, sort them out and discard outdated things without regret in order to make room for saturation with positive energy, adding something new and more comfortable.

Among old things, you can find a thing that is valuable to you and your family. Just wash a statuette, painting or vase, wipe it, renew it, refresh it with something and place it in a new place.

Some old furniture can be reanimated. For example, in a sturdy old sofa, change the upholstery, sew a stylish bright cover for it, or buy a new blanket.

Sometimes old furniture is much sturdier than new. Therefore, do not rush to throw it away. With updated furniture, you will create a cozy family corner.

You can remove the carpets from the walls and lay them on the floor. Decorate the walls with framed children's drawings or family photos. On the shelves, put crafts made with your own hands with the kids. Thanks to such little things, your interior in the house will be individual and cozy.

Home permutation

Having freed the house from unnecessary things, having refreshed old things with novelty, you can start rearranging. Measure the dimensions of the rooms and furniture. Draw a rough outline of the rooms on paper. Think about what kind of interior you want to get.

Consider various options... Having picked up the best option comfort, arrange furniture and interior items in their places. A cozy home will always delight and warm even in inclement weather outside the window.

Making a home rearrangement, you can find many lost and long-forgotten things, wipe all the dust. Cleanse rooms of bad energy and fill them with positive energy.

General cleaning will help create coziness

For comfort in the house good repair not enough. Keep your home neat and tidy every day. Perform a general cleaning of all rooms from time to time.

Usually after work there is no desire to cook dinner, where to take to cleaning. Therefore, set aside a day and do a general cleaning every fourteen days. Dust off every corner of your apartment.

Arrange things so that they do not wrinkle, and they could be easily removed from the closet at any time. Store the items you wear in summer in a separate place from winter items. The common efforts of the whole family in a few hours will lead to the fact that cleanliness, order and comfort will settle in your house.

In addition to the big cleaning, make a daily small cleaning schedule for all family members.

Your graph could be like this:

  • on Monday you need to clean the toilet, bath;
  • on Tuesday - a stove;
  • on Wednesday - wash the floors in the kitchen, in the hallway;
  • on Thursday - iron all clean things;
  • friday - sweep the rooms.

If you break down all cleaning tasks into the listed days, then cleaning will be very easy and quick. After all, it is easier to clean up a little than to redo all the things in one day.

Order in the kitchen

Coziness depends on the state of the kitchen, kitchen utensils, garbage bin, bathroom products, and cosmetic accessories.

  • It is important to place everything intelligently in the kitchen. You can hide everything under the sink in drawers kitchen itemsthat help in cooking.
  • Store all the necessary items in the drawers. Kitchen utensils that are rarely used can be stored in the back drawers. Place the pots and pans you use every day closer.
  • Place the covers on stands hanging in a prominent place. All bakeware, boards, jars can be stored in drawers located closer, so that they can be easily taken at any time.
  • Hang a few hooks on the doors to hang sorting bags or clean kitchen towels for hands and dishes.
  • For comfort in the kitchen, store soap, spray and kitchen sponges under the sink, carefully arranged so that you can easily get napkins or detergent at the right time. For convenient storage of such items, buy a kitchen cabinet with a rotating stand. By keeping all kitchen utensils and accessories in this way, the kitchen will always be clean and tidy.
  • Place the trash can under your hands, but out of sight. Hide it under the sink or in a lockable bottom cabinet kitchen set... To keep the trash bin filled compactly, dispose of waste paper separately, empty containers and food waste separately. Store recyclables in sliding boxes. Store plastic bags in chrome-plated holders. Having made a small cut in a container with bags, you can easily get the right amount sachets.

We create coziness in the bathroom

If there is storage space under your bathroom, store all your cleaning and dishwashing supplies there. All accessories used every day, put in an accessible place. Thanks to this storage system, everyday cleaning will be quick and easy.

Jars with detergents place in big box so that you can easily find the right tool. If there is still room in the cabinet, place an extra in the second box. toilet paper, sponges, rags and other cleaning items.

Store frequently used bottles separately in an easily accessible place.

When a large number makeup products, store them in your vanity units under the bathroom sink. Create separate boxes for each family member to store only those items that they individually use. Thanks to this approach, you will not have quarrels about the loss of some important cosmetic product.

Do-it-yourself coziness in the house with the help of scents

For a long time, next to the word coziness, there is always a pleasant and tasty smell of pies and aromatic tea. To make your home cozy with scent, you shouldn't choose incense sticks or eau de toilette, as such smells negatively affect human health.

Give your preference to an unobtrusive vanilla scent. Baking delicious pastries you can open the kitchen door to fill other rooms with scent. When frying fish, on the contrary, close the door and open the window, as the pungent smell will cause discomfort.

In winter, when going for a walk, ventilate the rooms if possible. Do not let dirty things accumulate, take out the trash regularly, and store food correctly. Inspect all refrigerator shelves once a week. Check the availability of products, and remove the spoiled ones.

For lovers of air fresheners, it is best to buy products with citrus scent, vanilla, cinnamon or bergamot scent. Delicate notes will add peace to your home.

Do-it-yourself coziness in the house with the help of music

Musical accompaniment helps to obtain positive emotions and maintaining a good mood. Play soft, melodic and monotonous music to feel great and comfortable.

If guests come, consult with them about the musical accompaniment so that everyone is comfortable.

From the article it became known how to create coziness with your own hands, so that you would like to return home after working days. Adhering to the above tips, maintain cleanliness and order on a daily basis, which create warmth and comfort for all family members.

Take care of harmony and home comfort own home... Love your home. Then friends-guests will be happy to come to you to enjoy communication, comfort and get a charge of positive energy. When it's cloudy outside, it won't ruin your mood.

Why is there no real comfort in the house, on the repair of which an incredibly large amount was spent? And in a small small apartment, where furniture has long been worth replacing and making overhaul, everything seems so cozy and sweet?

Many young housewives ask how to make the house cozy, but they want specific advice, but is it possible to answer such a difficult question so simply?

The comfort and warmth of your home depends on yourself, on your taste and desire to create your own unique stylewhere every little thing will be in its place and will delight all family members.

Family comfort in every home

It is impossible to buy comfort in the house. You can invite a professional to create unique interior, you can buy a lot of attractive things for the house, but for some reason, all the same, residents will not live happily in it.

You will get many interiors of the same type, where individuality will not be felt.

To the lifestyle of the family, to the habits of all family members, one should always strive to create cozy home... Kindness, warmth, calmness, convenience, comfort - this is what should be in it, and these qualities will be present only in the house where true love reigns.

What is meant by the concept of "comfort"? In all dictionaries, this concept is interpreted as a pleasant arrangement of life, environment. Only the owners themselves can create real comfort in your home. Who, no matter how they themselves, know best what they need in order to want to get home as soon as possible after work.

Let them say that with a sweetheart, paradise is possible in a hut. This is so if your hut will always have:

  • reign individuality;
  • dominate cleanliness and order;
  • a lot of light and space;
  • please at least one houseplant;
  • always fresh smell.

How to create a cozy home? We start with general cleaning

For some reason, many women believe that renovation is essential to create a pleasant stay. Of course, even a simple inexpensive redecorating will refresh your apartment, fill it with light and add visual space, if everything decoration Materials use only light ones.

But how unpleasant it will be if, several months after the renovation works, the door in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle will be covered with greasy stains, good-quality parquet will look like the floor in a barn, and new windows, due to dirty glass, will poorly transmit sunlight.

There should always be order, and the comfort in the house will follow. If the hostess always strives to keep the house clean, then even a poor environment will not be conspicuous. What could be easier than keeping your home clean? If a woman does not work, then this is so.

How to be modern girls and women who most they spend days at work, they do not even have enough time to cook dinner, and not to sweep the dust and vacuum the rooms every day.

Create a schedule with one day every two weeks dedicated to spring cleaning. It is clear that this will be a day off and better - Sunday. On Saturday you relax after the work week, chat with friends and relatives, but the next day with full strength you can start putting things in order.

You cannot deceive yourself. If you remove dust, then let not a single corner be left without your attention. If things after ironing are laid out in the cupboards, then put them so that it is convenient to take them later.

Store summer items separately from winter items. If the window is being washed, do not forget to remove the cobwebs in the corners of the window opening. Cleanliness should be established everywhere, not just where it is visible. Spend a couple of hours (provided that all family members help you: the husband, for example, washes the floor, the children fold books and toys) and the house has already been transformed.

IN clean house less often it creates a mess. Children who participate as much as they can in general cleanings tend to litter less. All family members strive to maintain coziness and comfort in the house. You might be advised to schedule some cleanliness activities every day of the week. Small cleaning, which does not take much time in one evening, will turn out to be laborious if all the items on the list are done in one day.

Here is an example of how the work of one hostess is scheduled. She comes home from work no earlier than seven in the evening, but always strives to do everything that was planned earlier:

  • monday - cleaning the toilet and bath;
  • tuesday - cleaning the stove;
  • wednesday - cleaning floors in the kitchen and in the hallway;
  • thursday - ironing;
  • friday - vacuuming rooms.

Cozy home with your own hands: no bad smells

Another component cozy home: it should smell good. No one calls to constantly bake pies so that the aroma of baking spreads even to the staircase. First of all, pleasant smells mean a fresh smell.

IN modern houseswhere installed plastic windows, broken natural ventilation: in winter period condensation appears on the windows, the corners become damp. Try to ventilate your home as often as possible.

If cleanliness is maintained, bad odors are less likely to show up . They arise from dusty curtains, a damp floor cloth in the bathroom, from undried shoes in the hallway, from cat litter... Do not leave dirty laundry in the washing machine; this will cause an unpleasant smell from washing machine, which is then very difficult to remove.

Store food properly. There is nothing worse when the refrigerator is opened, and the stench of rotten vegetables spreads from it throughout the house - cleaning the refrigerator, revising everything in it should be regular.

The fresh smell of the house is good, it can be supplemented with air fresheners, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, no one likes the pungent chemical aroma. Let there be things for comfort in the house: sachet with aromatic dried herbs, essential oils, fragrant candles.

The citrus aroma, the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, bergamot - your sense of smell from such delicate notes will not be irritated, but on the contrary will tune in to calm the nervous system.

A home of warmth and comfort begins with the kitchen. Put good hoodso that soot and the smell of rancid oil do not walk throughout the apartment. The presence of such a high quality kitchen appliances gives a guarantee that greasy deposits will not settle on the walls of the kitchen and all the furniture in it.

Making your home cozy with indoor plants

Houseplants are incredibly simple, but always in the top ten ideas for comfort in the house. Harmonious combination upholstery upholstered furniture with pots or any other textiles in color with the plant will make it possible to always look stylish.

Any style implies that there will be at least a small number of plants in the house. IN one-room apartment You won't be able to place much, but at least a couple of pots with useful indoor plants can always be placed on the windowsill.

In the style of minimalism, when everything is extremely light, indoor plants will become an accent - a bright living spot. Tall flowers located on the floor in a separate composition will look beautiful. Houseplants are purchased not only to create coziness in the house, but also to saturate the house with oxygen. Remember that they absorb it at night, so bedrooms, especially small ones, shouldn't have a lot of plants.

Many people prefer artificial plants to living plants. They look good, they are minimal in maintenance, but they are a real trap for dust, which can not always be removed from them efficiently.

Buy a live flower and it:

  • will create comfort in your home;
  • become a real healer for you;
  • will clear the air;
  • improve the energy of the house;
  • can become a talisman;
  • will help to work more productively.

It's so easy for a young family to start creating coziness in the house with their own hands and for this you do not need to spend large sums of money. Do not forget that your home should express your individuality, should be a place for you to return to, to live and relax in comfort and coziness. Everybody wants to live in ideal home, but it is impossible to get it without creating comfort in it.

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

Your home is not a warehouse or lost property, so it's time to finally dismantle the cabinets and throw out all the accumulated trash in the name of comfort.

Disassemble the clothes: hopelessly spoiled and frankly old things have a place in the trash can, and those that look decent, but just don't like, you can try to sell at online flea markets. Organize your makeup drawers and household chemicals... Everything spoiled down, you shouldn't use it.

Same story with household appliances... A constantly overheating mixer, an iron with a frayed cord rewound with electrical tape - seemingly trifles, but with frequent use, even small flaws begin to annoy.

At this stage, your goal is to get rid of anything that bothers you or gets on your nerves. Home is a place where we rest from worries and worries, so let nothing infuriate here at least.

2. Add unusual details to the interior

Sterile clean apartment, where everything lies literally on a ruler - this is not for life. Small details can help you get rid of the feeling that you are in a hotel room.

Photos, paintings, an unusual tapestry or a napkin knitted by your hands - these little things add personality. Your home is a reflection of your interests and tastes, so feel free to express yourself.

The only thing to keep in mind is functionality first. For example, a deep-pile rug might look great next to a sofa, but you'll regret buying a thousand times when you clean it. The same story with the abundance of figurines on the shelves - first you need to remove them, then dust off, then put everything in its place ... Try to find a reasonable compromise in choosing between beauty and convenience.

3. Keep it clean

In order not to kill all weekend for cleaning, break it down into stages - it's easier than trying to cope with what has accumulated in a week in a day.

Here's a rough plan for daily activities. You can add other tasks and change the order of their execution. The point is that keeping it clean is an ongoing process, not a fortnightly feat.

  • Monday: Clean the bathroom and arrange the laundry.
  • Tuesday: Iron your washed items.
  • Wednesday: dust off.
  • Thursday: Vacuum the floor.
  • Friday: Clean the stove and get rid of stuck food in the refrigerator.

Everything, by the end of the week your house is clean. There are only little things left, such as changing the bedding and washing the clothes you plan to wear next week. It is better to wash clothes on Saturday in order to iron them on Sunday and hang them in the closet. Change bed linen on Sunday, just start washing on Monday.

4. Simplify the cleaning process as much as possible

Than less effort required in order to put things in order, so much the better. Stock up on the right inventory: with it, even spring-cleaning will not be a burden.

Dusting with microfiber napkins is much faster and more efficient than using old T-shirts or a piece of a used duvet cover. If you wash the floor with water containing special means, wipe off dirt without special efforts it will work the first time.

Hate sweeping floors? Buy a good vacuum cleaner and you're done.

Upright vacuum cleaner Scarlett SC-VC80H10

The conditions are simple:

Cozy Home Recipes from Our Regular Contributor Anna Mulan

Most recently, I moved to new apartment... But I did not experience the expected joy from the move. I could sit in my favorite Starbucks until the night: work, relax and be inspired. It was more comfortable there than at home. When I felt that I was already 80% coffee, I realized that it was time to return home.

I wondered why it doesn't feel like it? Why is it cozier in a noisy coffee shop? And in general, what little things make a house a home?And here are the recipes for a cozy home that cannot be exchanged for a cafe. Verified by personal experience.

Well, I decided on a change in the house. But where do you start? Read a smart book, magazine, watch design tutorials on the Internet, or maybe hire a designer? But this would not make the apartment more comfortable, because the concept “cosiness ”Everyone has their own. This is something personal.

I started with a simple one - with the questions: “What kind of atmosphere in the house do I need at all? What feelings would I like to experience in each of the rooms? "

Take your time to throw out the old one and buy new furniture... The apartment will not become more comfortable. Ask the question: what do YOU \u200b\u200bwant? And for each room, choose at least three symbol words that describe the atmosphere you want to create.

A very cool book on this topic "". It makes it clear that before starting global changes in the house, you should first understand yourself.

My comfort was hampered by things that I haven’t used for a long time, but it’s a pity to throw it away (“same memory”). I'm sure everyone has faced this problem (our balconies are a temple of memory of unnecessary items).Trash accumulates and gathers dust for years. And old, already unnecessary, memories make it difficult to enjoy the present. By the way, on the topic of unnecessary things and order in the house, we have a separate

Do not be afraid to throw out the jars, bottles, sachets in bags, boxes - what you have not used for a long time. Yes, these things were once needed, but the time has come for something really important and new.

Recently I traveled to Sweden and noticed one detail: in each apartment there was a paper star-lamp on the windowsill. And the rooms and balconies were decorated with lights. Even on the street I felt the atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.Then I thought: “This is cool! And only a few lights ”. Mwe treat the light in the house superficially: we hung a chandelier and best case set the floor lamp. And light is a powerful cozier that creates an atmosphere.

Highlight each area in the room with light, do not allow dark corners. Put a floor lamp by the chair in which you like to read, hang a sconce over your favorite painting or photo, do not forget about table lamp and a chandelier with soft light.And, of course, candles are a warm and lively light.

Comfort's best friend is a dimmer: fit it to all lights for the right atmosphere.

Sofa - interesting thing... He is like a gray cardinal: it does not seem to be the basis of the interior, but it affects everything in the room.The sofa carries a great emotional load - it is a place where you can relax and unwind, chat with family and friends, wrapped in a blanket and watch TV with your soul mate. Take it seriously.

“Well, I'll buy some cheap one for the first time,” I mistakenly thought. Mine was uncomfortable and tough, and besides, it quickly broke down. I had to go in search of quality and new in order to make the apartment comfortable.

Quality is expressed in beauty and convenience. When choosing, look at the neatness of the seams, the coating, and most importantly, the filler. The ideal filling is down with a thin layer of foam rubber.

A moment of theory: LPPU or latex polyurethane foam is the ideal solution. Unlike simple foam rubber, in which bubbles burst under load (this causes the coating to bend and lose its shape), latex does not suffer from exploitation, but returns each time to its original position. You can check this by sitting on the couch. See how quickly it gets back in shape. Another surefire way is to ask a consultant or ask to see and touch the layer.

Do not skimp on a decent sofa - this is your comfort. We even have a whole article about this: "How to choose a good sofa?" And how to make it more comfortable - see below.

Plaid often travels from room to room on my shoulders. When I want warmth, I take it out of the bowels of the closet. But he can warm not only people, but also give warmth to the whole room.

The rugs thrown over the back of the chair or the armrest of the sofa seem to hint that they live in the room and use it. Cashmere, wool, cotton, plaid or striped. With them, any interior will be more homely and lively.

And the Pillows! To be honest, I only had one. She lay on the bed, covered with a blanket, and performed one function - transferred to the world of dreams.Pillows can update and even change the interior. Place one on the armchair and several on the sofa, and the room will look new!

But it's not that simple. In addition to beauty, convenience is also important here. If family members, friends, guests, sitting down, push aside or remove pillows, then there is no question of any comfort. No matter how gorgeous the pillow would be, first of all it should invite you to sit down.

Here are a couple of life hacks:

    pay attention to down pillows - they are the softest;

    if you are in doubt about the size of the pillow - make a big error;

    large square sofas (35-50 cm) , rectangular for armchairs (30x40 or 40x65);

    the color of the pillow must match at least three things in the interior (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, etc.)

Here is the formula for comforting a sofa \u003d a blanket on the back or armrest + 2 identical pillows in the corners + a rectangular pillow in the center. (More about the number, place and size of pillows in ours)

A lot of useful tips for soft cozies is in the book "Home Sweet Home". I read it in one evening and was inspired to buy new pillows!

The first thing people notice when entering a house is its scent. It stays in memory and makes the first impression. It is unlikely that it will be cozy in an apartment with the smell of dampness or mold.

This does not mean that you need to buy up a bunch of flavorings and spray where it smells unpleasant. The bottom line is that you should create a basic scent that is always in the apartment - you feel it as soon as you walk home from the street.

You can use the following:

    aroma mixture

Convenient to use sachets. Sachets - small pads or pouches filled with natural materials: petals, twigs, herbs, spices.

Such bags are placed throughout the apartment, and always in the hallway, so that they meet a pleasant aroma after a hard day at work.

    aroma candles

Depending on the season or our mood, we can change the smells of the house using aroma candles. They liven up any room and are appropriate almost everywhere except dining table - there is a place for the smell of delicious food.

Be careful. From candles made of cheap and low-quality materials, you will not get relaxation, but a headache. Choose from natural soy or coconut wax.

Have you noticed how a room transforms when there is a beautiful bouquet in it? Somehow immediately fresh, joyful, comfortable. But such transformations in the interior for most happen on holidays, when flowers as a gift migrate into the house.

I love fresh flowers. They invigorate the room and create a fresh scent. So I made it a rule to keep them at home. all year round (you can read about how to choose flowers). Nobody says that you need to buy huge gift bouquets. A couple of tulips, peonies or ordinary daisies - and the room becomes cozier.

Another option is indoor plants. They have such a homely and well-groomed look at the rooms. Choose cute and scented plants: jasmine, daffodil, amaryllis, geranium, citrus.

Just imagine, after a long renovation, you enter the apartment. The house is unrecognizable, everything is stylish and new. Walk around the apartment as if in a museum, examining every detail. Get on the posh and soft sofa and look around. Everything seems beautiful, but youuncomfortable. And all because it remains to addyourself.

Photos, paintings, books, memorabilia tell our story. With the correct arrangement of these objects, it turns outliving house, telling about the owner.

Making your home yours through:


This is what we love and what we admire. Through books, we are able to tell about our hobbies without even naming them. Therefore, you do not need to put them in boxes and store them in a closet.

Piles of books can be stacked on the floor. Can be placed on the shelves, diluting them with candles, figures, photographs.


I love live, casual shots. They accurately convey our emotions and state of the past. It is these photos that should be stored not on the smartphone, but on the walls in the apartment. How to do it, read

Print, hang or place anywhere in the room. Fill it with emotion.

Paintings and drawings

You surround yourself with creativity that inspires.

Hang pictures on the wall or just place them on the table, mantel, lean against a wall for a carefree atmosphere. (For information on how to do this, see the article "How to hang pictures without a headache?")

Recently, the magic of decorative mirrors was revealed to me. Walking into IKEA between showrooms, I noticed one living room. She was airy, fresh and light. And all because of the decorative mirrors in unusual frames.They multiplied the chandelier light reflected in them so much that the room became very lively. The diffused light illuminated the dark corners of the space and it turned out very cozy.

Do you understand what I mean? Mirrors won't hurt. Hang them on the wall instead of a picture, place them over a fireplace or next to some piece of furniture, place them between a pair of windows, over a sofa, over any shelf or dressing table.

If the house has a fireplace, then 50% of the comfort plan has been completed! Because fire is warmth, calmness, pacification, comfort.Alternative - electric fireplace: there is no need to throw firewood, it is impossible to get burned, there is heat.In general, if there is an opportunity to purchase this magical thing - do not hesitate!

These points helped me bring the apartment closer to a cozy ideal. But there is still important detail - the comfort in the house is created by its people.

Your comfort is yourself and the emotions that you bring. Positive or negative, they energize every corner.

And here is the ideal formula for coziness: sincere gatherings with family and friends + love + 10 tips mentioned above, and you will never exchange a house for a noisy cafe.

Every woman strives to create coziness in the house, it is instinctively laid down. Even modern design, new expensive furniture will not make the home comfortable. When doing repairs, think about decorating the interior with various accessories, they will give individuality and warmth. You can do many things with your own hands, for example, drag old furniture, paint a coffee table or chest of drawers, make a new lamp shade. Antiques will gain new lifeand your home will become cozy.

How to create comfort in your home

In creating a unique and cozy interior, you need to take into account what the house is built from, its layout, your individual preferences.

It is much more comfortable to be in a house with a fireplace, even if it is an electric model. And you can look at a real fire and listen to the crackling of logs almost endlessly. Old wooden furniture can be sanded, coated with colored varnish or paint. Upholstered chairs, armchairs, sofas are pulling.

Knitted napkins, tablecloths, embroidered sofa cushions - all this will find its application in the interior in Provence or country style. These lovely little things will remind you of your family, add warmth and comfort to your home.

How to make a room cozy

When choosing the color scheme of the interior, give preference to calm natural colors: light yellow, beige, brown, green, pale blue. These colors will have a calming effect, saturate the room with warmth and comfort. Fashionable black and white, gray, red colors are recommended for use in the design of offices, restaurants, shops.

A few tips from designers to create coziness:

For some, comfort in a room is associated with absolute order and cleanliness, while others love “ creative mess", Giving the room a living look.
Personal preferences must be taken into account so that you are the one who is comfortable and cozy in your home. After all, a simple design will not add soul and warmth, it will catch up with melancholy.

Cozy home with your own hands

In an effort to make your home cozy, it is important to get rid of all old unnecessary things. In addition to cluttering up the premises, old things have a bad energy. Clean up regularly, throw away broken toys, sheets of paper covered with writing, packaging and shopping cartons.

It is possible to add a piece of "soul" to the interior with various handicrafts. Embroideries, panels, mosaics, tapestries, knitted things will give the room a zest. Embroidery and panels can be placed on the walls, knitted rugs will decorate the floor.

You can also use wicker baskets and boxes for storage. of paper tubes available even for beginners. Old paper, glue, colored varnish are used. The flexibility of paper allows you to create unique items that can be stored in clothes, textiles and even food.

If you have basic sewing skills, you can sew beautiful curtains, bedspreads yourself. In this case, you can choose a fabric that is suitable for the interior and affordable. Soft draperies, lambrequins, woven or knitted lace will add sophistication and comfort to the room.

Ideas for comfort in the house

Interior in any style can be decorated with a transparent glass vase round shape... Depending on the style of the room, it is filled with:

You can install such a vase on a shelf, coffee table.

Give new life to the old coffee table, the box can be done using the decoupage technique. The variety of motives allows you to choose the most suitable overall design... The old coating is removed with sandpaper, then decor is applied.

Knitted, woven, sewn colored rugs will not only delight your feet with warmth and softness, but also create color accents.

With the help of fashionable patchwork technique, exclusive bedspreads, cushions, bedside rugs are made from various pieces of fabric.

The quilling technique creates unique crafts made of paper, able to decorate bookshelves, cabinets.

In order to lay out all the small things, books can be made racks, shelves with your own hands.

Cozy home: photo