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Construction of houses from foam blocks in stages. House of foam blocks: a comfortable, reliable and economical home with your own hands

Low-rise construction using foam concrete blocks is very popular today. This building material has a lot of characteristics that make one-story foam block houses quite profitable by many criteria. Among which one cannot fail to note the speed of the construction of the building, as well as the relative cheapness.

The choice of material for the construction of one-story houses from foam blocks

Foam concrete has good heat and sound insulation properties, and the relatively large size and low weight of the blocks can significantly increase the speed of construction.

In terms of volume, one foam block is on average equal to eighteen bricks, which gives a significant saving in time and money spent on the construction of a building, and also allows you to perform this process on your own. Foam blocks are easy to process, they can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw and it is easy to screw self-tapping screws into them, which are firmly fixed in this material.

To build a house, you should choose foam blocks with a homogeneous structure, without defects and oil stains on the surface. When selecting a material, it is necessary to strictly take into account its operational requirements:

  • Blocks for internal partitions must have the D100-D400 brand and dimensions 100x300x600
  • Structural wall blocks - brand D600-D1000 and dimensions 200x300x600
  • For external walls in cold regions, it is recommended to use D600-D900 structural and thermal insulation blocks, which can carry heavy loads and effectively resist wall cooling

Calculation and laying of the foundation

In most cases of low-rise construction, it is customary to use tape reinforced concrete, capable of providing reliable support even for heavy buildings of several floors. This margin of safety is excessive for foam block houses and requires unreasonably high costs. Therefore, you need to deviate from the standards and choose a less expensive type of foundation.

If the construction is carried out on a wetland or on very wet soil, then it is advisable to use a slab concrete base. Such a foundation will protect the structure from the harmful effects of seasonal soil movements caused by its freezing or thawing. However, such a base is also very expensive.

The most rational choice for a one-story house made of foam blocks would be a foundation built using pile-column technology. It is highly reliable and the most affordable.

The method of manufacturing a pile-column foundation is based on the general principles of these technologies and is as follows:

  1. Prepare a site for building a house, clean it and level the surface
  2. Places are marked for the installation of pillars (piles) in compliance with two prerequisites:
  3. They should be located at all intersections of the walls.
  4. Under the walls, the distance between the supports must be at least 2 meters
  5. Screw piles are screwed in at the marked places or dug out recesses for pouring reinforced concrete pillars with a depth of 1-2.5 m (depending on the climatic zone)
  6. Pouring piles and binder reinforced concrete grillage, on which the walls will be laid

The instructions for the manufacture of pile foundations indicate that such a foundation perfectly withstands not only the loads exerted by light one-story buildings, but also reliably resists the seasonal movement of soils.


Some experts recommend starting laying the walls at the highest point of the foundation, since it is rarely possible to create it perfectly even, and in this case it will be possible to gradually align the horizontal plane of the rows with the help of mortar. However, it is not recommended to abuse this method of fitting, since the characteristics of a foam block house largely depend on the thickness of the connecting seams: the thinner they are, the stronger the building, less heat loss and lower construction costs.

Walls are erected in the following order:

  1. A waterproofing layer is laid, which will prevent moisture rising from the ground from contacting the foam blocks and spreading it along the walls. To do this, a thin layer of cement mortar is laid over the entire area of ​​the leveled foundation and roofing material is laid on it. The sheets are overlapped by at least 100 mm
  2. Start laying from the corner. The first corner stone is oriented exactly horizontally on all sides using a level and a rubber mallet to ensure perfectly flat walls
  3. Line up the corners to a height of about 5 blocks, and then lay the remaining space between them
  4. After finishing the laying of the first row and aligning it as accurately as possible with respect to the horizon, they carry out the laying of load-bearing and internal walls in accordance with the project and taking into account the location of door and window openings, communication lines, etc. For laying communications in the blocks, recesses or holes are made. Since the briquettes are easy to process, it will not be difficult to do this.

Before covering the foam concrete house with a roof, it is necessary to "tie" the walls with a reinforced concrete belt. It will connect the upper part of the walls into a monolith and prevent them from cracking in the event of foundation subsidence. To fix the Mauerlat on the wall, anchor bolts are concreted in the armopoyas.

Roof installation

When the concrete acquires strength, they begin to arrange the roof:

  • Mauerlat is installed on the anchors along the perimeter of the bearing walls
  • The roof rafter system is assembled by erecting inclined rafters. Rafter legs cut in the mauerlat
  • A wooden crate is attached to the rafters
  • They equip all elements of the roofing cake, the design of which directly depends on the selected coating:
  • For the crate, OSB boards are laid to create a base without cracks and openings
  • For slate, corrugated board, nothing is required except for the lathing, the elements of which are located at a distance of 0.3-0.5 meters, depending on the type of roofing material

For one-story houses made of foam blocks, the shape and number of slopes does not really matter, so the type of roof can be chosen at your discretion.

The roof should also be lightweight. As a roof, corrugated board is suitable, which is described in. The less the weight of the roof, the better.

Decorating houses from aerated concrete

Foam concrete is a breathable material with good vapor permeability. But due to its high porosity, it is very hygroscopic, therefore foam concrete requires protection from atmospheric moisture... To do this, it is enough to sheathe the walls with plastic siding or revet them with stone. Houses from foam blocks do not need additional insulation.

Also, one-storey houses made of foam concrete can be protected with plaster, for example, of such a type as "bark beetle": it is very durable and creates an attractive appearance of the building. Often, a coat made of cement mortar is applied to the surface of foam concrete walls by the "throwing" method, which adheres well to the porous material.

For finishing the inner surface of walls made of foam blocks, a variety of materials and methods can be used. The easiest way to level them is by gluing drywall onto a special mixture. You can also apply plastering or cladding with plastic or wooden clapboard.

In the foam concrete walls, strobes are easily made for laying communications, water supply and heating pipes. If the walls are sheathed with clapboard, then all engineering wiring is hidden in the wall. It is recommended to cover the walls of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet with ceramic tiles, which are securely attached to the wall and provide good protection against moisture.

With proper adherence to technologies and recommendations, the construction of a one-story house from foam blocks does not require much physical effort, so all work can be performed by one worker. If there is a desire to build your own house with your own hands, then even an inexperienced developer can do it.

Video about the construction of one-story houses from foam blocks

Step-by-step instructions for building houses from foam blocks

The rafter system of the house from foam blocks

Wall masonry from foam blocks

Do-it-yourself method for building a house from foam concrete

Projects of one-story houses from foam blocks and two-story houses

One of the most popular materials used in modern house construction is a foam block. It is chosen by many people planning the construction of a one-story or multi-story dwelling.

It is worth considering the features, pros and cons of private houses built from foam blocks, as well as some interesting projects of similar structures, in order to find out how they need to be built with your own hands.


It's no secret that the modern building materials market has a rich assortment, from which you can choose the right products for any budget. Many consumers today prefer not only reliable and durable, but also inexpensive materials for the construction of private houses. All of these requests are answered by foam blocks. They are good in that they make strong and sturdy structures that do not cost their owners too much.

The foam block itself is a building material that is lightweight. Thanks to this feature, it is quite easy to work with it. In addition, foam blocks are also distinguished by a special porous structure, although the latter factor cannot be called positive, since it affects the strength characteristics of such a material.

You can build a house from foam blocks with your own hands. In our time, such buildings are very common, because they are inexpensive and built in a short time. Some craftsmen compare the construction of such a block house with assembling a constructor, since they fasten these building materials without using a special solution, and the blocks themselves are very light and voluminous.

Despite such distinctive features, for the construction of houses from foam blocks, you need to draw up clear plans, as is the case with any other constructions. Only with a well-drawn up plan, you can build a really high-quality, reliable and safe block house.

Many users are wondering what distinguishes foam blocks from all known gas blocks. It should be noted that the former have a geometry inferior to gas blocks. The process of forming in cassettes makes it possible to maintain the most accurate dimensions if the company has good tooling, but this is extremely rare.

In most cases, foam blocks are made by small manufacturers. Large investors prefer to invest in high-tech equipment for aerated concrete.

Due to defects associated with the shape of foam blocks, after the construction of houses, problems often arise in leveling various surfaces. It is impossible to leave the masonry without this modification, as this can lead to the appearance of cold "bridges". Despite such nuances, foam blocks still remain popular materials in construction. They are chosen not only because of their cheapness, but also because you can build a house out of them with your own hands. You do not need to have extensive experience or special knowledge for this. You just need to be patient, have free time and good instruction, from which it will not be possible to depart at any of the stages of construction.

Cons and pros

Foam block houses are not uncommon these days. They are found on almost every street. The popularity of such constructions is explained by the following positive qualities:

  • one of the main advantages of foam block buildings is their low thermal conductivity, thanks to this characteristic, such buildings are quite warm and cozy;
  • foam blocks themselves are lightweight, which distinguishes them from many similar materials, thanks to this quality, houses from such materials can be built with your own hands, without even asking helpers - everything can be done alone;
  • due to their low weight, foam block houses do not give too much loads on the foundation;
  • foam block houses are well soundproofed;

  • such materials are quite voluminous, therefore, houses from them are created in a short time and without much energy consumption;
  • another important advantage of foam block houses is that they are inexpensive; this pleases many consumers who are not ready for too serious spending;
  • if necessary, the blocks can be filed without problems, which speaks of their pliability and ease of use; in addition, if necessary, various holes can be made in them without harming the block itself;
  • in most cases, foam blocks are environmentally friendly, they do not harm health and do not cause allergic reactions; of course, synthetic raw materials are sometimes used in their production, which cannot be called absolutely safe, but such components in blocks make up less than half a percent;
  • such constructions can boast of low hygroscopicity;

  • foam blocks are durable materials from which the same durable houses are obtained;
  • such buildings are not afraid of fire, since they are not flammable and do not support combustion;
  • many people believe that only rather boring and monotonous buildings are obtained from foam blocks, although in reality this is not the case; from this material you can build a house in any style, the main thing is to turn on imagination and stock up on the necessary skills;
  • such buildings do not require decorative finishing; usually they resort to it in order to give the structure a more aesthetic appearance, but such components do not have special functional significance in this case.

As you can see, there are quite a few advantages of foam block houses. That is why they are so popular nowadays. But do not flatter yourself and think that such constructions are flawless. They have a number of negative qualities that you definitely need to know about if you decide to build a foam block house on your site.

  • First of all, it is very important to take into account the fact that such buildings shrink 2-3 mm per 1 running meter, therefore, it will be possible to move on to their interior decoration only after six months, or even more. Shrinkage in this case is caused by a rather long reaction between the individual components of the foam concrete solution.
  • As mentioned above, foam blocks have a pore structure. Thanks to this feature, such materials become less heat-conductive, the installation of fasteners in them is not so easy. Because of this, during construction work, craftsmen have to stock up on special fasteners designed specifically for foam blocks.
  • It is not necessary to decorate such block houses, but without such an addition, the construction may not look the most neat and aesthetic. Here you need to take into account that for such bases, you should purchase specialized paint and plaster designed specifically for foam concrete.
  • Foam blocks need reinforcement. The reinforcement must be laid in the openings. In addition, reinforcement will be needed on every 4–5 row of blocks. If you do not ensure the construction of a high-quality reinforced belt, then you will not be able to install reliable floors and a strong rafter system.

  • The modern construction market is literally flooded with counterfeits. Since the raw materials for the production of foam blocks are inexpensive, they are often made in an artisanal way. As a result of such work, low-quality building materials are obtained, which are not recommended for the construction of a residential building.
  • One of the most important disadvantages of block buildings is that the foam block is a rather fragile material. Of course, because of this, it is much easier to get off and is light in weight, but it cannot boast of a good load-bearing capacity.
  • If you want to build a house from foam blocks, then you should take into account that for this you need to carry out special calculations of the load on materials. You will have to very carefully and scrupulously calculate the thickness of the walls and partitions, taking into account any loads. Walls in such houses are most often built with a small margin of safety.

  • Houses made of cell materials cannot boast of a solid and rich appearance. There is only one correct way to eliminate this drawback - to use high-quality finishing materials.
  • For foam block houses, it is necessary to equip the form-building foundations. Such structures make it possible to level not the highest indicators of bending strength, which are characteristic of foam concrete.
  • As mentioned earlier, foam blocks do not have ideal geometry, like, for example, the same gas blocks. Because of this, each individual part has to be sanded or cut during construction, which often takes a lot of time.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there are plenty of disadvantages for foam block constructions. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of a particular product. No less important is the skill of the person who took up the construction of the block house.

If you decide to build such a dwelling on your own, then all the listed disadvantages should be taken into account in order to avoid many possible problems and shortcomings.

Types and choice of material

There are several types of foam blocks. These building materials can differ both in the direct manufacturing technology and in the main characteristics.

All types of foam blocks are divided based on the following parameters:

  1. difference in density level;
  2. what technology was used;
  3. what method of hardening was used;
  4. for the specific construction of the foam block.

According to their performance characteristics, these building materials are divided into several subtypes.

  • Structural... These types of foam concrete blocks can withstand impressive loads. Often they are used in the construction of multi-storey buildings. Large building objects made of structural foam blocks are additionally insulated, since this material has high thermal conductivity.
  • Heat insulating... Such options for foam blocks are fundamentally different from structural specimens. They are not thermally conductive. Thanks to this feature, the living rooms in the house are perfectly protected from the cold from the street. However, it should be borne in mind that the heat-insulating varieties of foam blocks cannot boast of good strength characteristics. For this reason, if this material is used in the construction of a private house, then it is usually used as an additional layer designed to improve the thermal insulation qualities.
  • Structural and insulating... These types of foam blocks are versatile. They combine increased strength and excellent thermal insulation. These materials are ideal for the construction of load-bearing wall slabs or conventional partitions. Often, structural and insulating blocks are used in the construction of baths, low-rise buildings or residential private houses of one or two floors.

These building materials also differ in production technology. In this case, the decisive role is played by the equipment that is used in the manufacture of foam blocks.

  • Molded... These building materials have a "self-explanatory" name - in the process of their production, special forms are used, which have additional partitions in their design. The manufacture of molded foam blocks is considered to be as economical as possible, although it has one serious drawback - the dimensions of the resulting blocks are not precisely verified.
  • Sliced ​​types of foam blocks made from a special ready-made mixture of the basic composition by cutting into various elements with a steel string. A distinctive feature of such materials is that they have perfectly even corners, and also have sufficient geometric accuracy.

Foam blocks differ from each other and in their designs, which are worth considering in more detail.

  • Wall... These types of materials are the most popular and in demand. They are in high demand. Wall foam blocks are used in suburban construction, and we can talk not only about a residential building, but also about any outbuildings. The properties and characteristics of wall blocks allow them to be used in both residential and commercial construction.
  • For partitions... There are foam blocks designed for the construction of partitions. They are distinguished by their small thickness - 100–150 mm. They are excellent materials for the construction of strong and fairly reliable internal partitions in the house. The main distinguishing feature of such blocks is that they are very easy to trim if necessary. Thanks to this quality, from the materials of such a modification, the craftsmen make very original curly partitions or chic wide openings with arches.
  • Special purpose... For the manufacture of special trays, foam blocks for special purposes are most often used. It is in these trays that reinforcement is usually laid during construction.

  • Reinforced... These materials are structures made of a foam block, reinforced with a reliable steel frame. As a rule, reinforced types of blocks are used as lintels instead of the classic reinforced concrete options.
  • Non-standard... Today on the building materials market there are also special foam blocks of non-standard modification. If necessary, various manufacturers produce non-standard copies to order from consumers.

All types of foam blocks are divided into the following types:

  1. autoclave- go through the process of drying in an autoclave;
  2. non-autoclave- dry under standard conditions or in special steaming chambers.

When choosing a suitable foam block for building a house, several important criteria must be taken into account.

  • Density of material a. The specific purpose of this or that foam block directly depends on this parameter. Thus, structural parts have a density of 1000–1200 kg / m³, structural and insulating parts - 600–900 kg / m³, heat-insulating ones - 300–500 kg / m³.
  • Block variation... There are classic options, blocks with voids and Lego foam blocks. The latter type greatly facilitates installation work.
  • Sort and category of foam block... If you plan to additionally finish a block house, then it is permissible to purchase foam blocks of absolutely any category. The second grade differs from the first in that it has no defects. Differences in geometric dimensions are compensated for by the size of the seams. However, the selection of individual blocks can "stretch" the time of work, as well as the consumption of adhesive. For this reason, experts recommend buying higher quality materials of the first grade.
  • Blocks of the third grade have more serious damage. Moreover, their porous structure may have certain deviations. It is not recommended to purchase this type of material for the construction of a residential building.

  • Pore ​​size... It is worth paying attention to the pore size of the foam blocks. The larger they are, the higher are the thermal insulation properties of materials, but their strength will be lower.
  • Place and storage conditions... In conditions of high humidity, foam concrete does not seriously suffer, unlike aerated concrete. However, some of its characteristics are still reduced in such an environment.
  • Block color... It is worth paying attention to the color of the foam blocks. The color must be uniform and uniform throughout the part. The lighter the material, the less cement is present in it.


From foam blocks, you can build houses of absolutely any modifications. These can be buildings with one or two floors, with an attic and a basement, or with a garage.

You should consider several attractive ready-made projects of foam block private houses of different designs and layouts.

House with an area of ​​86 sq. m

For wall material, you can use a combination of foam block and aerated block. As a finish, a high-quality facing brick will be an excellent option. In the role of floors, it is permissible to use wooden beams. Such a structure can have a regular square shape and one floor. A small porch should be built at the back door.

Inside the house, the main area should be reserved for a spacious living room combined with a kitchen. This area should be separated by a wall, behind which there will be two bedrooms, additionally separated by a partition. There is a place for a bathroom in front of the second bedroom, and after that it will be possible to build another bedroom (in the corner of the building).

Between all the listed rooms, you need to equip a small hall, right opposite which there is enough space for a boiler room, a storage room and a small vestibule.

Such a house will be completed with a neat gable roof, trimmed with flexible tiles.

Two-storey house 6x6 m

A foam block can be used to build an attractive two-storey country house with a size of 6x6 m. The living area in such a construction will be about 40-60 m². On the ground floor, a hall with a staircase upstairs (right after the front door), a bathroom (right behind the hall) should be located, and the remaining space should be allocated for a wide living room combined with a kitchen. On the second floor, behind a partition to the right of the hall, a small but comfortable dressing room will find its place. The remaining half of the floor needs to be divided into two separate bedrooms.

For the exterior decoration of such a construction, it is permissible to use decorative stone or brick, and put flexible tiles on the roof of a complex structure.

A small porch with a canopy can lead to the entrance to the house.

A two-storey house with an area of ​​200-300 sq. m

On one side of the building, at the front door, you should build a small porch with a neat shed canopy. On the opposite side, on the ground floor level, there is a place for a terrace. Inside the house, immediately after the porch (opposite), a vestibule should be placed, and a boiler room should be located to the right of the entrance zone. This part of the house will be used for heating and water systems. In front of the vestibule, an area should be set aside for the hallway, which, as it were, will divide the rest of the space into two halves: on the right there will be a bedroom and a pantry with a staircase, and on the left - a large living room and kitchen. The hallway area can be "closed" with a compact bathroom and another bedroom to the left of it. In front of the kitchen-dining room, located next to the living room, a terrace of 12.8-13 m² will look great.

On the second floor, a staircase can separate the bathroom and the corner bedroom and lead directly to the hall. This area will share another bedroom on the left and a second bathroom on the right. The remaining half of the second floor should be set aside for two spacious bedrooms and a small dressing room between them. In the conditions of such a second floor, it will be possible to build 2 balconies at once. One of them with an area of ​​8.7 m² will find its place near the corner bedroom on the left, and the second, a small balcony (5.7 m²) - near the bedroom located directly in front of it.

For the exterior decoration of such a chic house, you can use a special peach plaster for foam blocks. Red-brown tiles will look great on the roof, and the lower part of the house should be trimmed with decorative stone.


A house from foam blocks can be built with your own hands. To do this, it is important to adhere to the instructions and not dismiss any of the stages of work. It is worth considering how to properly build a house from foam blocks, from choosing a foundation to finishing work.

Choosing a foundation

In order for a block house to be as reliable and complete as possible, it must be erected on a suitable foundation that can easily withstand its weight. Before proceeding to the construction of the foundation, it will be necessary to make a geodetic breakdown of the axes on the site, based on the drawn up project.

When determining the specific type of foundation for a block house, it is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater at the site, as well as the depth of freezing, the specific type of soil and the direct load that will be applied to the foundation. In most cases, when the owner builds a house on his own, he neglects the design work due to the fact that they often cost a tidy sum. If the level of groundwater and a specific type of soil can be determined by yourself by making a well of 2.5–3 m, then it is recommended to entrust the exact calculation of the loads on the foundation foundation, as well as the depth and type of it to the appropriate specialists.

Usually, if the groundwater level is located at a depth of less than 2 meters, a monolithic slab foundation is installed. If the specified value exceeds the mark of 2 meters, the level of soil freezing does not reach 1 meter, and the soil is weakly porous or generally non-porous, then you can build a foundation of shallow depth - the tape option. Even an inexperienced master can prepare such a structure.

You should consider the step-by-step instructions for installing the foundation using the example of a strip structure.

  1. To make the correct markings, dig a trench of the required width and depth. A gravel-sand “pillow” 15–20 cm thick is placed on its bottom.
  2. Next, formwork is made from planed boards. Their thickness should be approximately 5 cm. The spacers should be placed keeping a distance of 1 meter. This is necessary so that the concrete does not deform the resulting structure.
  3. Making the formwork, you can start laying the reinforcement. Before proceeding to concreting, the boards are moistened with water, and then the concrete is gradually laid out with a compactor of each layer by vibration.
  4. After completing these works, the foundation must be closed with a cloth or sawdust. In its raw state, it must be kept to avoid cracking.
  5. After that, you can dismantle the formwork and proceed to waterproofing work. They are required to protect the foundation from the destructive effects of groundwater and any precipitation. Waterproofing coatings should be applied to all external surfaces using a variety of methods and materials.

After completing all the above work, you should plan the specific layout of the area surrounding the house, providing a drain from the building. After 28 days, the foundation structure can begin to be loaded and proceed to the construction of the walls.

Building walls

When the foundation is finally fixed and gains the necessary strength, it will be possible to proceed to the construction of walls.

This process includes several steps.

  • Before laying the first row of foam blocks, you need to make sure the base is horizontal using a level. Any deviations should not exceed 30 mm.
  • It is necessary to put a cement-sand mortar in a layer of 1–2 cm, and then lay on it a waterproofing material in a roll. It is advisable to lay it with a slight overlap (about 15 cm).
  • This is followed by a very serious work - this is the laying of the first row of external walls. It should be borne in mind that foam blocks must be installed only according to the project, since all subsequent rows will depend on the very first one.
  • First, the blocks must be placed in the corners on a cement-sand mixture. The top of the materials should be checked with a level, they should be strictly horizontal.
  • Stretch a special lace between the parts in the corners. Intermediate blocks should be laid relative to it.
  • If you need a block with non-standard dimensional parameters, then it should be filed. You can use a hand saw for this.
  • You can go to the masonry of the second row after a few hours, when the solution of the first row is fixed. Blocks are also laid from the corners, and then fill in the gaps left between them.
  • Each new level is laid out with dressing to the previous one to a depth of at least 100 mm. It is worth removing any dirt with a brush.
  • The joining of the inner walls to the outer ones should be done with a bandage.

  • To put partitions, use special ties that fit into the seams. At one end, the anchors are placed in the wall, and at the other end, between the foam blocks of the partition. It is worth installing special flexible connections every 2 rows of block masonry.
  • To further strengthen the walls and give them stability, reinforcement should be made. It is necessary to lay the reinforcement in the cavities present in the building material, which are made in advance with the help of a wall chaser.
  • To organize lintels over windows and doors, ready-made structures of suitable dimensions are used. It is worth paying attention to the support area and the accuracy of the installation. In order for everything to be done clearly, the jumper should be knocked out with a rubber mallet. If its length is more than 125 cm, then additional support parts should be used that will support it.
  • If the house will have more than one floor, then you need to pay special attention to the arrangement of floors. Plates should not be resting directly on foam blocks. To do this, it is necessary to pour a monolithic reinforced concrete belt on top of the block bases. Floor slabs will be laid on such a plane.
  • The reinforced belt will bind the supporting structures around the perimeter and will be responsible for the uniform load on the walls. The dimensions of the armopoyas are usually standard: a height of 200 mm and a width of 300 mm.
  • When the concrete solution in the reinforced belt hardens, slabs are laid on it.
  • The second floor must be done in the same way as the walls of the first. Any irregularities should be removed with a planer. Remove excess glue with a spatula, and cover all cracks with grout.
  • As for the attic floor, it must be done in the same way as the interfloor one. You can, of course, build a structure with beams. They can be made of metal or wood.

Roof installation

Having placed the walls, you can proceed to the manufacture of the roof. A similar design can have one slope, two slopes, be hip or mansard.

To equip a high-quality roof of a block house should be in the following order:

  1. elements such as roof beams are installed first;
  2. after that, you should proceed to the design of the lathing and counter-lathing;
  3. followed by work related to the installation of thermal insulation;
  4. the next step will be the laying of roofing, the range of which is now more rich than ever; especially popular at the present time are materials such as flexible shingles, presented in different colors, metal shingles, roofing steel or lightweight coatings in rolls.

After completing all the above work, you can safely proceed to the final stage - finishing the house.


It is necessary to carry out the interior decoration of a foam block house, taking into account some of the features and nuances associated with buildings of this type. First of all, it should be remembered that in such buildings it is not recommended to turn to the so-called wet works. This is due to the fact that the water absorption of foam blocks should not exceed 12% of the original actual volume. It is because of this that it is quite problematic to cover foam block walls with a plaster mixture. It is recommended to purchase high-quality finishing materials that are designed specifically for such bases, or turn to frame-based finishing.

For this, options such as are best suited:

  1. plastic / PVC panels;
  2. drywall sheets - the specific type of this material will depend on the room in which it will be installed, for example, for a kitchen or bathroom, you need to buy moisture-resistant drywall sheets;
  3. gypsum fiber sheets.

All of the above materials are installed on pre-prepared frames. They are made either from metal guides or from wooden blocks. The surfaces of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets after completion of installation work must be additionally covered with a high-quality putty. After that, you can proceed to their design with decorative coatings, for example, wallpaper, paint or plaster mixture.

In addition, in rooms in which there will be an increased level of humidity, the walls must be thoroughly vaporized. This is necessary so that excess liquid and moisture does not accumulate in the foam blocks, since over time this can lead to their destruction and failure. So, in the conditions of the same bathroom, a vapor barrier film is installed on the walls in advance, and already a special infrared structure made of gypsum fiber sheets is laid on it, on which it will be possible to glue the tiles in the future.

The finishing of a block house should be approached very responsibly. You don't have to skimp on quality and suitable materials. Regular paint or plaster for foam block walls simply will not work... So, you can not only not create an aesthetic interior, but also significantly harm the building materials.

If a decision is made to build a foam block house on your own, it is necessary not only to rely on step-by-step instructions, but also to take into account some recommendations from specialists so as not to face the common mistakes of most masters.

  • It should be borne in mind that the foundation foundation must be made not only under the external, but also under the internal wall structures.
  • The walls of the foundation can be insulated with different materials. Most modern DIYers prefer cheap styrofoam.
  • In the process of laying the first and further rows of foam blocks, one should not forget that it is necessary to leave the openings necessary for the future installation of door panels and windows.
  • Do not neglect the reinforcement of door and window openings. This should be done both at the top and at the bottom. A lintel must be made over the doorway. The principle of action is the same in both cases.
  • If the foam blocks that you want to purchase for the construction of a private house have a heterogeneous color, then this may indicate that they were made in violation of the technology. For example, materials may have been rushed dry, which is a gross violation. It is better not to buy such products.
  • Based on their experience, many owners of private houses advise not to take away the excavated soil far away - it may well be useful when arranging a vegetable garden.
  • When carrying out construction work, you need to remember that it is not recommended to leave concrete in direct sunlight during the process of drying. In addition, it will need to be moisturized from time to time. Otherwise, it may crack.

At the design stage of the house, you will need to choose the wall material. Currently, there are many proposals on the market that will allow you to build a quality building and reduce labor and financial costs. It is necessary to deal with one of the options - building a house from foam blocks. How justified is this event and how to properly implement it.

Foam blocks as wall material

The production technology of the material makes it possible to obtain aerated concrete. Such products are also called lightweight concrete. Compared to conventional ones, they have a number of advantages, namely:

  • Weight. Aerated concrete houses can reduce the overall weight of the structure. The density of the products is in the range of 500-1200 kg per cubic meter. The technology assumes that blocks marked 500 and 600 are used only for thermal insulation work.

Only those types of density can be used as a carrier material, the marking of which is 700 or more. For comparison, the densities of reinforced concrete and bricks are 2500 and 1800 kg / m 3, respectively. The most popular block for the construction of a private house has a density of 900, which is two times lower than that of a brick. Due to this, the load on the foundations is reduced and their final cost is reduced.

  • Thermal conductivity. This is an extremely important quality for the material from which the external enclosing structures are made. Building a house from foam blocks compares favorably with concrete, the heat-shielding characteristics of which are 8-10 times worse. If we compare blocks with bricks, then here they also benefit: thermal conductivity is about one and a half times better. Why is thermal conductivity so important? This value characterizes the ability of the material to conduct heat and, accordingly, to give it to the whole house. The higher it is, the thicker the outer walls will be, the more massive the foundations and the more expensive the entire building. Even if additional external insulation is carried out, the use of foam blocks becomes more profitable: you can choose less thick thermal insulation, reduce material consumption.

Benefits of foam concrete

Manufacturing technology of products involves the use of Portland cement as a binder. For filling, quartz sand, river sand, ash or blast furnace slag are added. The last two should be treated with caution. Their origin is extremely important, since wastes obtained in the process of various hazardous industries can be hazardous to human health.

During the invention, they tried to obtain such types of concrete, the properties of which would be close to wood. In terms of thermal conductivity and density, only blocks with a density of 500 and 600 can be called a satisfactory result. It is their characteristics that are closest to natural softwood, but such products are not allowed to be used as load-bearing structures, only to create a layer of thermal insulation.

Types of houses made of foam concrete

Before you build a house from foam blocks with your own hands, you need to understand the differences in materials. Depending on which production technology and aggregate were used, the following types of blocks are distinguished:

Foam concrete wall masonry

Layout of exterior walls made of foam blocks

To know how to build a house from foam blocks, you need to determine the way to connect them together. There are two options here, the choice between which depends on the accuracy of the geometric dimensions of the finished products. Materials allow you to lay them in the following two ways:

Step-by-step installation instructions

Houses made of foam concrete blocks can be one-story, two-story, maximum three-story. Higher wall heights will require a more durable material. Additionally, it is possible to make block reinforcement, which will increase the bearing capacity of the fences. Laying of reinforcing meshes allows to increase the stability and crack resistance. For their manufacture, you can use a material with a diameter of 3-4 mm.

The pitch of the rods in the grid is taken equal to 50 or 100 mm, depending on the load from the floors and the roof.

Instructions on how to build a house from foam blocks with your own hands is as follows:

Reinforcement scheme for foam concrete masonry
  1. It is worth starting work by cleaning the surface of products from dirt and dust. This can be done with a stiff brush.
  2. As one-story, and with a greater height of the walls, the building begins with the laying of the first row. The material is laid on a waterproofing layer made along the edge of the foundation. Work starts from the corners of the house. The cement mortar is applied to the waterproofing with a spatula, after which the block is installed. Lay several corner elements, remove excess mortar, check the filling of the seams (there should be no "waste"). After that, it will be necessary to pull a cord between the corner blocks, which will allow the ordinary elements to be laid evenly.
  3. After completing the first row, proceed to the second. It is laid with the provision of dressing (that is, the displacement of the vertical seams relative to each other). The dressing should also be provided in the direction of the width of the wall, that is, through cement joints, which lead to the formation of cold bridges, are not recommended. Laying is carried out to the full height of the wall up to the floor slabs. Under the ceilings, it is necessary to carry out measures to strengthen the blocks in the places where the plates are supported. This can be done by pouring a monolithic belt made of reinforced concrete. Due to the fact that concrete does not have good thermal protection, it will be necessary to insulate this place. Effective materials such as expanded polystyrene and mineral wool can be used.

It is possible to make an armored belt with a thickness of up to 20 cm. Reinforcement is performed with spatial frames. After pouring the belt and gaining strength (about 2 weeks), you can proceed with the installation of floor slabs. All subsequent floors are built in the same way.

Houses made of lightweight building materials - foam blocks - are durable and have high thermal insulation. Thanks to the block structure, the walls maintain the internal microclimate. And the technical properties of the material itself make it possible to equip even foundations from foam blocks.

Practical and affordable foam concrete blocks are used for the construction of private houses with their own hands with different storeys. The composition of the building material includes environmentally friendly components:

The result of production is a porous-looking material that will provide warmth and prevent noise from the street. The walls of such a house are completely environmentally friendly and "breathe". The latter condition excludes the appearance of condensation and fungal processes.

For construction, you can choose a block of a suitable size. This will significantly speed up the work with your own hands on the site and will save on estimated costs.

Attention! One foam block, which is usually used for the construction of suburban real estate, has a size of 60 * 30 * 20 cm, which corresponds in size to 15 bricks.

An important condition is the absence of the need to equip a complex type of foundation. Lightweight building material does not have a strong effect on the base of the house and involves the use of:
1. a shallowly buried foundation;
2. pile;
3. slab.

This provides additional savings in material costs.

Videos with the stages of production of foam blocks can be found on the Internet.

First row masonry

Foam blocks, porous in appearance, are distinguished by their ability to absorb water. To protect future walls from excess moisture, the arranged foundation is covered with a waterproofing material.

The first row is first laid without the use of mortar. This will help to correctly lay out whole blocks and determine the required dimensions of the split structures. At this stage, all openings are marked with end blocks.

Do-it-yourself masonry starts from the highest corner of the foundation. This parameter is determined by the level and the ruler. Spread the blocks of the first row on the cement mixture. The solution is applied to the foundation itself, the bottom and sides of the block. After laying the corner blocks, lay out the remaining space.

They monitor the even laying of all elements of the row. If necessary, level it along the stretched cord with a mallet - a hammer with a rubber nozzle. The stretched "order" moves with each row. The nails with the attached cord are driven into the formed concrete joints between the blocks. This allows you to control the level masonry and the future load-bearing wall.

Video of the masonry of the first row of blocks

The first row laid on the foundation is again checked with a level for irregularities. All drops are cleaned, excess solution is removed. This will allow you to continue laying perfectly even rows.

Working with the second row

For this and subsequent rows, a special type of glue is used. The blocks are placed in a checkerboard pattern, starting from the corner. The technology provides for the displacement of the elements of each upper row by 10–20 cm. This will allow building a stronger wall. The dressing is also used for joining external walls and internal partitions.

In the process of dense arrangement of blocks, "cold bridges" are formed. Builders make gaps for seams in certain places:
a narrow board with a square section of 1.5 cm is placed on the block;
put a layer of solution or glue on top and let it dry;
the rail is removed and a hollow space is obtained in the middle of the block filled with mortar.


The places of the proposed openings (doors) are determined immediately after the foundation is poured, or after the first row of masonry. On which row the window opening will begin, depends on the size of the blocks used. The standard height of the beginning of the window openings is 900 mm, and taking into account the arrangement of the floor, pouring the screed, it must be increased. To overlap the top of the opening, use:
1. factory concrete blocks;
2. Manually build a concrete formwork, pour a concrete lintel.

Wall reinforcement

Wall reinforcement is mandatory. Work begins with the first row and is periodically repeated in every second row.

For reinforcement use:
reinforced mesh, which is laid on the layer of the first row with a small allowance on the sides; a layer of solution is applied on top;
fittings; 2 parallel strips are drilled on top of the blocks with their own hands and metal rods are laid there; the formed grooves are concreted on top and carefully leveled.

The laying of the last row of the wall is completed with a concrete armored belt. From above, the structure is covered with waterproofing and the installation of the roof is carried out.


To build a roof, a 150 * 150 mm beam is laid on the walls from above, which is called a Mauerlat and serves to fasten the lower part of the rafters. A ridge bar is laid at the top and the rafters are installed.

The rafters are installed at a distance of 50 cm to 1 meter. A waterproofing material is laid on top of the rafters, a counter rail is nailed, and then the crate is equipped. Roofing material is laid on the crate. A training video for installing all kinds of roofing can be easily found on the Internet.

Working with a solution

With a mortar of concrete of the M-50 brand, the first row is placed on the foundation. The mixture is prepared before work in order to eliminate the hardening process. It is applied to the blocks with a special spatula. The teeth on the instrument form grooves that allow better adhesion of the solution to the blocks.

A thick type of solution is applied to the base of the masonry up to 5 mm thick. This will allow you to correct the position of the block using the shift method.

Attention! In the process of laying with your own hands, you need to adhere to the technology of mixing the solution. The density of the resulting mixture should "hold" the foam block and not spread on the sides. The strength of the whole house will depend on the quality of the masonry.

It is possible to withstand the applied solution for up to 10 minutes. After the lapse of time, the mixture will begin to set and will not allow the material to be laid correctly.

To work with the upper rows, use a special glue for foam blocks. This mixture helps to quickly complete the construction and firmly install all the elements.

Facade works

The ability to absorb large amounts of moisture requires careful exterior finishing of the building material. Facade work for buildings made of foam blocks is done by hand in the following ways:
Treatment with silicone-based heat-insulating paint. Such material is intended only for outdoor decoration and perfectly protects walls from cold and moisture. A substance with a thick consistency is applied in a dense uniform layer. In the photo, these houses look quite modern.

Use of facade plaster on a special basis. An ideal option would be an acrylic mixture that is resistant to weather conditions and mechanical stress.
The use of ceramic facing materials (brick, decorative stone).
Installation of ventilated facades.

You can preview photos and videos with different finishes in advance and choose the right style.

Important nuances

An important point will be the device for isolating the foundation using sheets of roofing material or a coating of hot bitumen. This will protect the walls of the house from moisture absorption.

Use only high-quality cement or dry adhesive mixtures. Poor quality material will affect the strength of the entire structure.

Allows mixture thickness up to 12 mm between blocks. All excess is removed and rubbed at the seams.
Be sure to perform the reinforcement of rows of foam blocks. This will make the building resistant to natural influences and possible soil subsidence. Reinforced walls will support the weight of the roof or additional superstructures (attic, balcony, terrace).

The erected walls of foam blocks must "stand" for 15–20 days for the mortar to completely harden and the building to shrink. Only 3 weeks after construction can you do finishing work.

The price of foam blocks, today in our country is not high, so this material is in great demand for the construction of suburban real estate with your own hands.

Video. Wall masonry from foam block

04/16/2016 by
Categories: home

You have always dreamed of building a home away from noisy highways and heavy city air. Dreams tend to come true. You have in your hands the documents for a plot of land in a great place, and now it's time to think about what your house will be built from, what size, how it is faced and many other questions. We recommend that you build a house from foam blocks with your own hands and are ready to provide step-by-step instructions.

What is it that attracts builders to the use of foam blocks? The answer is very simple:

  1. Walls made of foam blocks "breathe" and do not sweat just like a structure made of wood.
  2. The porous structure of the material perfectly keeps the house warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather.
  3. Excellent sound insulation performance.
  4. An environmentally friendly material that does not need complicated processing.
  5. The use of foam blocks for building a house will allow you to save on heating in the future.
  6. Foam concrete increases its strength indicators with age.
  7. For the manufacture of foam blocks, the simplest ingredients are used: water, cement, sand and foam, which significantly reduces financial costs.
  8. One foam block replaces on average 15 bricks and its weight is half as much.
  9. The technology of construction from foam concrete is much simpler than laying bricks.
  10. For buildings made of aerated concrete, it is not necessary to lay a foundation that can withstand heavy loads.

Step # 1. Obtain all permits for the development of the site. Order a house project, including the development of an individual water supply, ensuring drainage, a heating system.

Step # 2. Before starting construction work on the acquired site, it is necessary to provide a constant water supply, a place to store building materials and tools, and a temporary structure for yourself and your assistants. You will need 3-4 people physical assistance. Individual water supply can be an Abyssinian well or a well. Before you start drilling, mark the location of future structures on the site.

Step # 3. Purchase of building materials for the construction of the foundation. Preparation of a pit for laying the foundation of a house from foam blocks. The most optimal option is the construction of a strip foundation. According to the project of the building, markings are made on the construction site, along which a foundation pit is dug manually or with the help of special equipment.

The fertile soil layer should not be taken out far, it will come in handy on your site. For a house measuring 12 * 10 meters, four people will dig a foundation pit in two weeks. The depth of the pit depends on the freezing depth in your region, and it can be from 30 cm to 170 cm.

It is better to purchase building materials at the current stage of work, so as not to clutter up the construction site.

Step # 4. Construction of a pit. Before laying the foundation in the pit, pour up to 30 cm of sand, and on top of the same layer of crushed stone and compact. This is a cushion for a concrete foundation. Continue the work by assembling the reinforcement cage. It is necessary to connect the reinforcing rods to each other firmly and efficiently.

It's time to set up the formwork. To do this, you will need strong boards fastened into shields. It is easier to install them in the pit and remove them at the end of the work. Place the shields strictly parallel to each other so that the foundation pit turns out to be even. At the top, connect the opposite shields to each other with transverse boards.

Along the entire foundation, you need to lay transverse pieces of asbestos pipes that act as ventilation holes.

To prepare high-quality concrete per unit volume of M500 cement, add three units of sand and a little fine crushed stone. First, fill the foundation cushion with a small amount of mortar without rubble, and then begin work on the construction of the entire structure. The width of the foundation tape can be from 30 cm to 50 cm, and the height is not less than 70 cm.

The foundation work is over and you can rest from 7 to 10 days. During the rest, take care of the delivery to the construction site of foam blocks (it is better to use the D800 brand), special glue, reinforcing rods, waterproofing material in the right amount.

Step # 5. Wall masonry. Now is the time to start raising the walls of the future home. A waterproofing layer is laid on the finished foundation. For laying foam blocks, a notched trowel and a special layer are used.

The level of laying of foam concrete blocks depends on the quality of the first row. During work, use a laser level or level. For each wall, plane marks are marked, along which the blocks of the first row are then grinded, if necessary.

When deciding how to make a house made of foam blocks strong and durable, one must not forget about the need to bandage the blocks. It must be performed in the same way as when working with a brick. In each subsequent row, the blocks are shifted half the length in relation to the previous row.

Prepare the adhesive solution for foam blocks according to the instructions on the package. Using a notched trowel, first apply glue to the side walls of the block, and then to the lower part. Lay down the block. Each row of stacked blocks is checked with a level.

Reinforcement will help reduce and eliminate wall cracking during shrinkage of the house. Having laid out the first row of blocks, you need to cut grooves on their surface (40 by 40 mm), departing from the edge of the block by at least 60 mm. Make two parallel grooves along the entire contour with rounded corners. Thoroughly clean the grooves from dust and fill with glue. Lay reinforcing rods with a diameter of 8 mm. Continue laying blocks. After making four rows, repeat the reinforcement.

Install metal corners above the window and door openings on both sides of the masonry. The length of the corner must exceed the width of the opening by at least 60 cm. For wide openings, this dimension must be increased. Before installing the corner, cut a groove in the wall and grease with glue. The corner is laid in the vertical plane of the inner and outer lines of the wall.

For a team of four people, only 7-10 days are enough to lay the walls of a house measuring 12 * 10 meters, if you work at a good pace.

Step 6. Ceiling, attic and roof. For overlapping ceilings, ready-made factory slabs or wooden beams are used. When buying beams, you need to pay attention to keep them dry. Use a 30 mm plank to tie the ceiling beams.

The attic structure is assembled on the ground and lifted up for installation. The rafter structure is sheathed with boards, a waterproofing layer and a roof covering are laid.

Step 7. Installation of doors and windows.

Step 8. Finishing the facade of the house from foam blocks. If you do not make the exterior decoration of the built house from foam blocks, after a while the walls will darken and will not look very attractive. In addition, the exterior finish will enhance the quality characteristics of foam concrete and make the house even warmer and stronger.

Finishing methods:

  • Decorative panels or siding. Be sure to leave an air gap between the wall and the curtain wall.
  • The use of mixtures intended for aerated concrete plaster.
  • Finishing stone or brick.
  • Grouting and painting walls made of foam blocks with silicone vapor-proof paints.

The interior decoration of a house made of foam concrete can be made of absolutely different materials.

Additional Information

To perform a groove for an electric cable, a chasing cutter is used. With a drill in the foam blocks, it is easy to drill sockets for switches and sockets.

Foam blocks are perfectly amenable to drilling. It will be easy and simple to screw in a small screw. If you need to screw in a large screw, use special self-tapping dowels for foam concrete.

Use a coarse-toothed hacksaw to cut the block into pieces you want.

For the complete construction of a house from foam blocks, a team of four will need only one season.



You can see all the stages that were described above in this video.