Bathroom renovation portal. Useful Tips

Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic". Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic" Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

To narrow your search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For instance:

You can search by several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a request, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is performed taking into account the morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

Department of History and Theory of Historical Science


Assistant professor

Academic degree

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Biographical information

Born in Moscow on February 19, 1972. In 1996, he graduated from the History and Archives Faculty of the IAI RGGU; 1996 -1999 - Postgraduate studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities: 2001 - Ph.D. (specialty - 07.00.09; scientific supervisor, doctor of historical sciences, professor A.P. Logunov). 1999 - 2000 - teacher-trainee of the department of Russian history of modern times, IAI RGGU; 2000 - Lecturer at the Department of Russian History of Modern Times, IAI, Russian State University for the Humanities; 2002-2003 - Lecturer of the Department (Department) of General Political Science and Special Political Science Disciplines; 2003 - Senior Lecturer, Department of History and Theory of Historical Science, IAI, Russian State University for the Humanities; 2004 - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor (2006) of the Department of Contemporary Communicative, Social and Political Theories; 2009 - Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Russian History, IAI, Russian State University for the Humanities; Since 2013 - Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Historical Science.

Field of scientific interests and field of scientific activity

Contemporary historiography, intellectual history, theory and methodology of historical knowledge, historical psychology, communicatology.


  1. Lukyanov D.V. Evolution of the intellectual foundations of scientific and historical knowledge in Russian historiography in the second half of the 1980s - 1990s. : abstract dis. ... candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.09 / Ros. state Humanities University M., 2001 .-- 23 p.
  2. Lukyanov D. V. Historicization of the present: selection of the past in social cognition of the late 1980s - early 1990s // "New Russia": Power, society, governance in the context of liberal values: Materials of international. conf. Moscow, March 22, 2004. - M .: RGGU, 2004. S. 56–62.
  3. Lukyanov D.V. Communication strategies of culture and humanitarian technologies. Historiographic knowledge and humanitarian technologies of our time // Communication strategies of culture and humanitarian technologies. Scientific and methodological materials. A team of authors. Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. - SPb .: LLC "Book House", 2007. P.74-102.
  4. Lukyanov D.V. Modern historiography as a humanitarian technology // Humanitarian readings of the Russian State Humanitarian University - 2008: Conferences. Scientific seminars: Sat. articles. Moscow: RGGU, 2009. pp. 179–196.
  5. Lukyanov D.V. The communicative space of the historiographic. Sci. ed. M .: "Soyuz", 2011. - 64 p.
  6. Lukyanov D.V. Research practices of the historical construction of reality in modern historiography // Modeling reality in the space of diversity: Humanitarian studies of social processes. Materials of Intern. scientific. conf. (October 25, 2012). M .: LENAND, 2012. S. 10–24.
  7. Lukyanov D.V. From "disciplinary ontology" to the theory of modernity: historical and scientific knowledge at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries // "Wall and bridges": interdisciplinary approaches in historical research: Mat – ly mezhdunar. scientific. Conf., Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, June 13-14, 2012 M .: Publishing house "Coincidence", 2012. pp. 258-270.
  8. Lukyanov D.V. Historical strategies for constructing the reality of our time // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Political Science. Social and communicative sciences ". M .: RGGU, 2013. No. 1 (102). Pp. 22–35.
  9. Lukyanov D.V. Cognitivism and Historical Knowledge // Dialogue with Time. Almanac of Intellectual History. No. 44. Moscow: IVI RAN, 2013. P. 34–43.
  10. Lukyanov D.V. The principles of the historical construction of reality in modern socio-humanitarian knowledge // The world of the historian: Historiographic collection. Omsk: Publishing house of Omsk State University, 2013. Issue. 8.104-122. Dmitrij Lukjanov Aggression der Sicherheit // Sicherheitskulturen im Vergleich. Safety Cultures in the Late 19th - Early 21st Centuries Deutschland und Russland / UdSSR seit dem spaten 19. Jahrhundert. Germany and Russia / USSR: late XIX - early XXI centuries. Munhen, 2014. S. 181-192.
  11. Lukyanov D.V. Aggression as a representative security practice // Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Series “Political Science. Social and communicative sciences ". No. 1 (123). Moscow: RGGU, 2014. P. 117–128.
  12. Lukyanov D.V. [review] On some methodological and theoretical issues of modern historical science (reflections on the new textbook for universities "Theory and Methodology of History" / ed. V. V. Alekseev, N. N. Kradin, A. V. Korotaev, L. E. Grinin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. - 504 p.) // History and modernity. 2014. No. 2. P.162–174.
  13. Lukyanov D.V. "Cognitive" source study and historical knowledge // Actual problems of source study: materials of the III Intern. nau.-practical. Conf., Vitebsk, October 8-9, 2015 Vitebsk: VSU im. P.M. Masherova, 2015, pp. 11–15.
  14. Lukyanov D.V. The search for a "theory of the present" and the possibility of achieving a "nomological synthesis" in the global understanding of the historical // Global history: modern problems and historical approaches: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conf. from international participation. Moscow: IVI RAN, 2015, pp. 22–28.
  15. Lukyanov D.V. Ideological and political project of Soviet historiography // "The future of our past: new approaches and interpretations of historical knowledge." Third Intern. scientific. Conf. Moscow, November 25, 2016 RGGU (electronic version). [Lukyanov DV] Chapter 1. Fundamentals of professional culture in the study of Russian history. Methodology, historiography, sources // History of Russia: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / ed. K.A. Solovyov. Moscow: Ed. Yurayt, 2016.252 p. Series: Bachelor. Academic course. S. 11-34. (in co-authorship with P.A.Alipov, E.A.Arkhipova, E.V. Barysheva, S.P. Dontsev, N.V. Ileritskaya, D.I. Oleinikov, K.A.Soloviev).
  16. Lukyanov D.V. On the benefits of the "communicatological" understanding of the concept of scientific revolutions by Thomas Kuhn // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Political Science. Story. International relationships. Foreign Regional Studies. Oriental studies ". No. 3 (9). M .: RGGU, 2017. S. 65–73.
  17. Lukyanov D.V. "Structure" and "events" of historiographic revolutions // "The future of our past-4: Historiography of revolutions and revolutions in historiography." Fourth Intern. scientific. conf. Moscow, December 13, 2017 RSUH (electronic version). (0.4 a.l.)
  18. Lukyanov D.V. "Ducks" and "rabbits" by Thomas Kuhn: revolutionary changes in science and modern "communicatological" discourse // "Walls and Bridges - VI": the practice of interdisciplinary research in history / Ed. ed. G.G. Ershova, comp. E.A. Dolgova; Center interdisc. humanitarian. research; Ross. state humanitarian. un – t. M .: Publishing house "Coincidence", 2018. P.204-214.
  19. Lukyanov D.V. Contingent changes in the structure of historiographic revolutions // MAVRODINSKIE READING 2018: Materials All-Russian. scientific. conf .. dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Professor Vladimir Vasilyevich Mavrodin / Under. ed. Dr. East n. A.Yu. Dvornichenko St. Petersburg: Nestor – Istoriya, 2018. pp. 564–568.
  20. Lukyanov D.V. Divergent spheres of modern scientific revolutions: mediography and historiography in the coalition of modern mediums // "Walls and Bridges - VII". Interdisciplinarity: what does the historian demand, what gives and what takes from him? Materials of Intern. scientific. Conf., Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, May 24-25, 2018 M .: Publishing house "Coincidence", 2019. 0.5 a.s.

Specialist in laser gyroscopy. In 1977-1998 - Head of the Department of ANUM, since 1998 - Professor of the Department of LINS LETI-SPbGETU.

[R. 07/31/1932, Leningrad]

He graduated (1957) with honors from the radio-technical faculty of LKVVIA. K. t. N. (1963), associate professor (1966), doctor of technical sciences. (1974), professor (1979). Since 1957 he worked as a technical engineer, deputy. shop manager of the Central Aviation Repair Base (Moscow military okrug). In 1959-1963. - Adjunct, in 1963-1977. - Lecturer, researcher, senior lecturer at LKVVIA.

Head of the scientific school of laser gonio-metric systems. The main direction of work is associated with the problems of laser gyroscopy, inertial navigation systems and optical information-measuring devices of space complexes, for which the theory of global space-time filtration and adaptation to non-stationary disturbing fields of the atmosphere.

On its basis, unique samples of military and civilian equipment have been developed that do not have a nick. analogs. In 1963-1977. participation in the development of radio-electronic equipment for space objects. Until 1991, he headed the seminar "Application of lasers in industry" at LDNTP. Organizer of all-Union conferences on laser topics. Author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 4 mono-graphs, from data abroad. Member of the editorial board of journalists "Gy-ro-scopia and navigation", "Instrument-building. News of universities", etc. Scientific secretary, deputy. chairman of the public editorial board of the publishing house "Radio and Communication", "Soviet Radio" (1970-1991).

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1996). Honorary Worker - Bot -nik of Higher Professional Education in Russia. Or-den "Sign of Po-Che-ta" (1985), medals.

Proceedings: Space radio-technical complexes. M., 1967 (in co-authorship); Laser gyroscope. M., 1975; Laser measuring systems. M., 1981.

D. A. Lukyanov, I. N. Mikhailova

midi - NETWORK interface

Application of digital music
tools with proper
cyclically new operational
opportunities, reveals a number of
new to household and music
electronics problems. One of them -
creating a simple, reliable and flexible
which control system and inter-
actions of digital music instruments

instruments combined into a group,
each of which contains in its
queue one or more processes
litter. When organizing communication between
dissimilar musical instruments
cops have found application of the principles
the creation of local computers
networks. Particularly cheap,
simple and reliable means of communication

zi has become accepted as a standard
that de facto digital interface mu-
language instruments (MIDI),
including the hardware standard
part and protocol of information exchange

From a technical point of view, MIDI
is the usual asyn-
chronic serial interface
th exchange with a transmission rate
31.25 kBaud type current loop, is
current source in which is
information transmitter. Speed
the change is selected as a multiple of the clock hour
tote sampling audio signal
la to reduce the level of interference,

simplify synchronization and
software implementation of the reception
Motransmitters in some models
KMC. To reduce the level of
the MIDI fur is electroplated
isolation between devices. For-
mat of transmitted information-by-
goods, and each package contains
one start, eight information
onykh, one control and two sto-
new bits. The check bit is always
yes is equal to zero. The interface is easy to re-
lizable by means of LSI KR580IK51
(fig. 1),

Local music institute network
rumen is a chain
chechny structure, consisting of basic
the new controller (in its role
control computer speaks
or the keyboard of one of the KMCs), and
slave devices that can
transfer information to the control
ler of the network at his request. Each device
the swarm in the chain serves at the same time
by means of a MIDI signal repeater
fishing for the next one. Such
communication system allows you to have two
control mode in the system, re-

lizable by the software add-on
MIDI protocol. Protocol reg-
lamented the exchange of information in
network with data blocks of various lengths
us-messages. In messages co-
holds the command code, the address is
receiver (channel number) and parameters,
specifying the command (Fig. 2, 3),
Accordingly, each receiver,
connected to MIDI, selects from
flow of transmitted messages only

to related to it by coincidence
your address with a log number
iChannel contained in
first byte of messages. Addresses for-
emulators can be installed either
hardware or software after
system reset commands
my midi system initialization,
i.e., in this way
flexible switching of physical devices
swarms to logical MIDI channels

Type 1 - control simultaneously
all tools. Carries out-
Xia unaddressed commands, called
received system messages.
Such messages can be
start commands, system reset,
real-time tags, required
for mutual synchronization of mu-
language instruments.

Type 2 - transmission of commands and para-
meters to individual devices,
It is implemented by including the command in the code.
receiver address. Broadcast
commands in MIDI switches the reception
nickname to standby, and then-
several bytes (number of bytes
depends on the type of command) accept
are tossed around like the body of a message. The rest
receivers ignore transmissions.
bytes up to the next
the next command byte. Transferred
the team can also initiate
transferring information back to
controller, but since this occurs
walks only in one of the modules,
conflicts during transmission over a single
no output line occurs.

Since the commands are different from
data set high by-
volume, and the channel number code occupies
in the command byte there are four digits (on
one MIDI output can be connected
connect up to 16 devices with independent
control), described by the
count implies only limited
a set of command types. but
for their transmission, you only need
1 "4 3 bytes, which corresponds to the output

Th on average 2000 teams / s. These

teams run so fast
changing parameters like
volume and frequency,

In order not to limit
future use of the standard,
also provides for "exclusive
system messages ", preliminary
sent by an unaddressed command -
Kerom messages. The body of such a
shcheniya may contain arbitrary
number of information bytes,
in particular, indicating identifying
the cutter of the tool to which it is
applies. All other devices
at the same time, they also ignore the transmission
input data. Exceptional co-
communication are analogous to
sequences in text
production and significantly expand the
bore of addressable devices and
numbered operations, however, at the expense of
reducing the speed of control
niya. This is not essential
disadvantage, since this way
transmitted most often enough
complex but rarely executed
commands corresponding to reconfiguration
guration, programming rhythms
of a drawing, etc.

The attraction of MIDI is
in the fact that, with exceptional
he is quite a working person.
own and extremely flexible
means of communication of digital devices
to the local network. Arising as
interface for musical instruments
cops with a clearly defined meaning
scrap teams and specific models
musical synthesizers, MIDI
can be used intensively in
studio equipment control
(tape recorders, mixing pulses-
tami, reverb, etc.), and
also for the creation of industrial
local automated
measuring and control complex
medium-speed owls.

Autonomous digital
MIDI programmers allowing
unqualified user
lyu - a musician to memorize sequentially
the sequence of messages on the backbone
when used as a con-
troller of familiar music
keyboards and then edit and
repeat this sequence.
The ability to autoformalize the
the process of creating and performing music
of great works were provided and
special programs and operations
onny systems for personal
computers working in the habit
terms familiar to musicians
noah recording and control panels
synthesizers, and based on
the ability to input-output on re-
assignable logical channels

Phone for inquiries: 132-65 * 86,


Lukyanov Dmitry Mikhailovich, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

From 1981 to 2003 he was a soloist, accompanist of the ASO MGAF percussion group. In 2003 he accepted an invitation to lead the percussion group of the Russian National Orchestra.

"D.M. Lukyanov is distinguished by virtuoso technical mastery of percussion instruments, an accurate sense of the style of the music performed, seriousness and depth of interpretation, creative search and passion for work" - this is how the People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR evaluates his collaboration with D.M. Lukyanov , Professor V.N. Minin.

Paying serious attention to pedagogy and teaching methods to play percussion instruments, Lukyanov D.M. creates a number of methodological works, collections of studies, transcriptions of pieces written for other instruments and his own compositions for solo and ensemble drumming.

Speaking about the performing and teaching activities of D. M. Lukyanov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor T. A. Dokshitser, in particular, points out: “Lukyanov Dmitry Mikhailovich is a bright and rare personality among orchestral musicians. Professionalism, competence, decency, intelligence, personal character traits make it possible to single him out as one of the leading figures in the performing and pedagogical art of our country. And in that, and in another area, his merits cannot be overestimated "

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Arts, Professor and Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Specializations of Musicologists of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory V.N. emphasizes “the extremely successful and fruitful activity of D.M. Lukyanov in the pedagogical, performing and methodological fields. Dmitry Mikhailovich Lukyanov is a well-known teacher and musician-performer who has acquired a steady reputation as a “father of laureates”, a brilliant soloist-performer and author of progressive methodological works ”

Among the students of Lukyanov D.M. soloists and artists of the leading orchestral groups of Russia, over 20 laureates of All-Union, All-Russian and International competitions, 15 of them are laureates of the first prize.

Graduates of the class of Lukyanova D.M. take leading competitive places in the best orchestral groups in Moscow:

Orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia conducted by V. Sinaisky: K. Semenov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, soloist, accompanist of the percussion group, laureate of the All-Union and All-Russian competition, V. Nosenko - orchestra artist, S. Vetrov - orchestra artist

GASO of Russia n / a V. Yurovsky: A. Bagirov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, soloist, accompanist of the percussion group, laureate of the All-Russian competition, N. Ermakov - artist of the orchestra, V. Terekhov - artist of the orchestra, laureate of the All-Russian competition, M. Putkov - artist of the orchestra, laureate of the All-Russian competition

BSO them. P.I. Tchaikovsky under V.Fedoseev: R. Sharaevsky - soloist-timpanist, laureate of international competitions, I. Krapenkov - artist of the orchestra

RNO under M. Pletnev: I. Melikhov - artist of the orchestra, laureate of the All-Russian competition, L. Lysenko - artist of the orchestra

NFOR n / a V. Spivakov: Yuri Gridasov - artist of the orchestra

ASO MGAF n / a Yu.Simonov: A. Bazik - soloist, drum group regulator, V. Martyanov - orchestra artist, laureate of the All-Russian competition, V. Gomyanin - orchestra artist, S. Ampleev - orchestra artist

Orchestra "Young Russia" conducted by Yuri Bashmet: A. Zubov - soloist, accompanist of the percussion group, laureate of the All-Russian competition

Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic": D. Utenkov - soloist, accompanist of the percussion group, laureate of the All-Russian competition, A. Dziuba - orchestra artist, laureate of All-Russian and International competitions, R. Mamleev - orchestra artist

Orchestra of the Novaya Opera Theater: V.Sych - soloist, accompanist of the percussion group, laureate of the All-Russian competition, M.Sepkhanov - artist of the orchestra, laureate of the All-Russian competition,