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Emotional intelligence and its formation in the learning process at a higher educational institution. A new method for measuring emotional intelligence: the Emin questionnaire

Scales: emotional intelligence (the ability to understand one's own and others' emotions and control them), interpersonal (understanding the emotions of other people and managing them), intrapersonal (understanding one's own emotions and managing them), the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions, the ability to manage one's own and other people's emotions ...

Test purpose

Diagnostics of various aspects of emotional intelligence

Test description

The questionnaire is based on the interpretation of EI (emotional intelligence) as the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions and manage them. The ability to understand emotions means that a person can recognize an emotion, that is, establish the very fact that he or another person has an emotional experience; can identify an emotion, that is, establish what kind of emotion he or another person is experiencing, and find a verbal expression for it; understands the reasons that caused this emotion, and the consequences to which it will lead.

The ability to manage emotions means that a person can control the intensity of emotions, especially to muffle overly strong emotions; can control the external expression of emotions; can, if necessary, voluntarily cause this or that emotion.

Both the ability to understand and the ability to manage emotions can be directed both to one's own emotions and to the emotions of other people. Therefore, we can talk about intrapersonal and interpersonal EI. These two options involve the actualization of different cognitive processes and skills, however, presumably, they should be related to each other. Thus, in the structure of EI, two "dimensions" are a priori distinguished, the intersection of which gives four types of EI.

The EmIn questionnaire was conducted on 218 subjects. This sample consisted of 187 students from universities in Moscow and Veliky Novgorod, trained in the specialties of "psychologist" and "manager", and 31 specialists in various fields. It included 62 (28%) male subjects and 156 (72%) female subjects, the average age of the subjects was 21.8 years.

To assess the reliability of EmIn, we calculated the internal consistency indices of Cronbach's α for all scales and subscales. The internal consistency of the main scales is 0.80 and higher, which is quite high for questionnaires. The internal consistency of the subscales is somewhat lower (around 0.7), but it can also be considered satisfactory, with the exception of the SE subscale (0.51).

To study the internal structure of the questionnaire and its compliance with the proposed scales, a factor analysis was carried out. The factors were identified by the method of principal components. The measure of the sampling adequacy KMO was 0.790, the significance of the Bartlett sphericity coefficient was less than 0.001. This testifies to the high reliability of the calculation of the correlation matrix.

Test instructions

You are asked to fill out a questionnaire consisting of 46 statements. Read each statement carefully and tick (or tick) the box that best reflects your opinion.


Answer form

Nothing like
I agree
Rather not
I agree
Rather agree I completely agree
Nothing like
I agree
Rather not
I agree
Rather agree I completely agree
1 24
2 25
5 28
6 29
7 30
8 31
9 32
10 33
11 34
12 35
13 36
14 37
15 38
16 39
19 42
20 43
21 44
22 45
23 46

Emin questionnaire text

No. Subscale Approval Key
1. I notice when a loved one is worried, even if he (she) is trying to hide it MP +
2. If a person is offended by me, I do not know how to restore good relations with him MU -
3. It's easy for me to guess about a person's feelings by the expression on his face MP +
4. I know very well what to do to improve my mood VU +
5. I usually cannot influence the emotional state of my interlocutor MU -
6. When I get annoyed, I can't help it, and I say whatever I think to VE -
7. I understand well why I like or dislike certain people VP +
8. I do not immediately notice when I start to get angry VP -
9. I can improve the mood of those around MU +
10. If I am fond of conversation, then I speak too loudly and actively gesticulate VE -
11. I understand the state of mind of some people without the words MP +
12. In an extreme situation, I cannot, by an effort of will, pull myself together.
13. I easily understand facial expressions and gestures of other people MP +
14. When I'm angry, I know why VP +
15. I know how to cheer up someone in a difficult situation MU +
16. People around me consider me too emotional person. VE -
17. I am able to calm my loved ones when they are in a tense state MU +
18.I find it difficult to describe how I feel about other VPs -
19. If I am embarrassed when communicating with strangers, then I can hide it VE +
20. Looking at a person, I can easily understand his emotional state MT +
21. I control the expression of feelings on my face VE +
22. It happens that I do not understand why I experience this or that feeling of UR -
23. In critical situations, I can control the expression of my emotions ВЭ +
24. If necessary, I can piss off a person MU +
25. When I experience positive emotions, I know how to maintain this VU + state
26. As a rule, I understand what emotion VP + is experiencing
27. If the interlocutor tries to hide his emotions, I immediately feel this MP +
28. I know how to calm down if I'm angry WOO +
29. You can determine how a person feels by simply listening to the sound of his voice MP +
30. I do not know how to control the emotions of other people MU -
31. I find it difficult to distinguish between guilt and shame VP -
32. I can guess exactly how my acquaintances MP +
33. I find it difficult to cope with a bad mood WU -
34. If you closely follow the expression on a person's face, you can understand what emotions he is hiding MP +
35. I can't find the words to describe my feelings to friends of the VP -
36. I manage to support people who share their experiences with me MU +
37. I can control my emotions VU +
38. If my interlocutor begins to get annoyed, I sometimes notice it too late MP -
39. It is easy to guess from the intonations of my voice that I feel VE -
40. If a loved one cries, I get lost MU -
41. I have fun or sad for no reason VP -
42. It is difficult for me to foresee the change in the mood of the people around me MP -
43. I do not know how to overcome the fear of VU -
44. It happens that I want to support a person, but he does not feel it, does not understand MU -
45. I have feelings that I cannot pinpoint the VP -
46. ​​I do not understand why some people take offense at me MP -

Processing and interpretation of test results

The questionnaire measures emotional intelligence (EI), which is interpreted as the ability to understand and manage your own and other people's emotions. In the structure of EI, interpersonal EI (MEI) stands out - understanding the emotions of other people and managing them, intrapersonal EI (VEI) - understanding your own emotions and managing them, the ability to understand your own and other people's emotions (PE), the ability to manage your own and other people's emotions ( UE). The EMIn questionnaire gives points on two subscales that measure different aspects of MEI, and on three subscales that measure different aspects of MEI. The values ​​on the MPEI and VEI scales are obtained by simply summing the corresponding subscales, that is

VEI = VP + VU + VE

Another way to summarize subscales gives two more scales - PE and UE.

PE = MP + VP
UE = MU + VU + VE

You can also use the integral indicator of general emotional intelligence OEI.

OEI = MP + MU + VP + VU + VE

It should be borne in mind, however, that the interpretation of individual scales is more informative, because they are relatively independent (the correlation between MEI and VEI is 0.447, the correlation between PE and RE is 0.529)

Interpersonal EI

MP scale... Understanding other people's emotions. The ability to understand the emotional state of a person on the basis of external manifestations of emotions (facial expressions, gestures, sound of a voice) and / or intuitively; sensitivity to the inner states of other people.
MU scale... Managing other people's emotions. The ability to evoke certain emotions in other people, to reduce the intensity of unwanted emotions. Perhaps a tendency to manipulate people.

Intrapersonal EI

EP scale... Understanding your emotions. The ability to be aware of their emotions: their recognition and identification, understanding of the reasons, the ability to verbal description.
VU scale. Managing your emotions. The ability and need to manage your emotions, evoke and maintain desirable emotions and keep unwanted ones under control.
SE scale... Expression control. The ability to control the external manifestations of their emotions.


The norms given below are derived for 479 subjects. The principle of their construction: very low values ​​correspond to 10% of the lowest points, low values ​​fall in the range from 11% to 30%, average values ​​- from 31 to 70%, high values ​​- from 71 to 90%, very high values ​​- from 91 up to 100%.

Scale Very low value Low value Medium value High value Very high value
MP 0-19 20-22 23-26 27-30 31 and above
MU 0-14 15-17 18-21 22-24 25 and higher
VP 0-13 14-16 17-21 22-25 26 and higher
VU 0-9 10-12 13-15 16-17 18 and higher
VE 0-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16 and higher
MEI 0-34 35-39 40-46 47-52 53 and higher
VEI 0-33 34-38 39-47 48-54 55 and higher
PE 0-34 35-39 40-47 48-53 54 and above
UE 0-33 34-39 40-47 48-53 54 and above
OEI 0-71 72-78 79-92 93-104 105 and above

Sources of

Lyusin D.V. A new technique for measuring emotional intelligence: the Emin questionnaire // Psychological diagnostics. 2006. No. 4. P. 3 - 22.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (1995), Associate Professor (2005) of the Department of General Regularities of the Development of the Psyche, Faculty of Psychology, Institute of Psychology. L. S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities.

Research interests and field of scientific activity:

Research interests - emotional intelligence, perception and identification of emotions, connection of emotions with cognitive processes, the problem of cross-cultural specificity and universality of emotions.

Scientific and pedagogical activity:

At the Russian State Humanitarian University since 2000. Reads courses of lectures "General Psychology", "Modern Psychology of Emotions", "Workshop on Psychometrics", "Computer Technologies in Science and Education", "Statistical Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Education".

Main publications:

  • Lyusin D.V. Basics of development and application of criterion-oriented tests. A textbook for students of courses for the improvement of pedagogical qualifications. Moscow: Research Center for the Problems of the Quality of Training of Specialists, 1993.
  • Lyusin D.V. Organization of knowledge about emotions: the internal structure of the category of "emotion" // Cognition, society, development / Ed. D.V. Ushakov. M .: Institute of Psychology RAS, 1996.S. 88-101.
  • Vysokov I.E., Lyusin D.V. Internal structure of natural categories: productive frequency // Psychological journal. 1997. T. 18.No. 4. S. 69-77.
  • Vysokov I.E., Lyusin D.V. The internal structure of natural categories: typicality // Psychological journal. 1998. T. 19.No. 6. S. 103-111.
  • Lyusin D.V. Empirical analysis of the categorization of emotions // Questions of psychology. 1999. No. 2. S. 50-61.
  • Bylkina N.D., Lyusin D.V. Development of children's ideas about emotions in ontogenesis // Questions of psychology. 2000. No. 5. S. 38-48.
  • Lyusin D.V. The ability to understand emotions: psychometric and cognitive aspects // Social cognition in an era of rapid political and economic change. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. October 20-24, 1999 / Ed. G.A. Emelyanova. M .: IP RAS, 2000.S. 25-35.
  • Bonis M. de, Lioussine D. Emotions, expressions faciales et primitives iconiques // Emotions, Interactions et Développement. Actes du Colloque international de Grenoble / Ed. par J.-M. Colletta et A. Tcherkassof. Grenoble: Editions Jérôme Millon, 2001. P. 69-73.
  • Lyusin D.V. Emotional regulation of cognitive processes // Cognitive psychology. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. V.N. Druzhinin, D.V. Ushakov. M .: Per Se, 2001.S. 333-346.
  • Lyusin D.V. What does the facial expression express? // Studies of learning in the context of a cultural-historical approach. Materials of the second readings dedicated to the memory of L. S. Vygotsky. Moscow, November 15-17, 2001 / Ed. HER. Kravtsova, V.F. Spiridonova, Yu.E. Kravchenko. M .: Smysl, 2002.S. 243-253.
  • Lioussine D. Components of emotional intelligence and their relations with personality traits and gender // Psychology in dialogue with related disciplines. 8th European Congress of Psychology. 6-11 July, 2003, Vienna, Austria. Abstract Book. Wien: European Federation of Psychologists "Associations, 2003. P. 196.
  • Lioussine D. Gender differences in emotional intelligence // 11th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Studies of Individual Differences. 13-17 July 2003, Graz, Austria. Abstract Book. Graz: University of Graz, 2003. P. 98.
  • Dyadyunova M.P., Lyusin D.V. The relationship between the personality traits of the listener and the perception of music // Cultural-historical approach and problems of creativity. Materials of the third readings dedicated to the memory of L.S. Vygotsky. Moscow, November 17-20, 2002 / Ed. HER. Kravtsova, V.F. Spiridonova, Yu.E. Kravchenko. M .: RGGU, 2003.S. 46-50.
  • Lyusin D.V. Modern concepts of emotional intelligence // Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research / Ed. D.V. Lyusina, D.V. Ushakov. M .: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2004.S. 29-36.
  • Social intelligence: theory, measurement, research / Ed. D.V. Lyusina, D.V. Ushakov. Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2004
  • Lyusin D.V., Mikheeva N.D. Psychometric analysis of the Russian version of the social intelligence test by J. Guildford and M. O "Sullivan // Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research / Ed. By D. V. Lyusin, D. V. Ushakov. M .: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2004.S. 119-128.
  • Lyusin D.V., Maryutina O.O., Stepanova A.S. The structure of emotional intelligence and the relationship of its components with individual characteristics: an empirical analysis // Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research / Ed. D.V. Lyusina, D.V. Ushakov. Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2004.S. 129-140.
  • Roberts R.D., Matthews J., Seidner M., Lyusin D.V. Emotional intelligence: problems of theory, measurement and practical application // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. T. 1, No. 4, 2004. S. 3-26.
  • Ovsyannikova V.V., Lyusin D.V. Cognitive characteristics associated with the processing of emotional information // Cultural-historical approach and research of socialization processes. Materials of the fifth readings in memory of L.S. Vygotsky (Moscow, November 15 - 17, 2004) / Ed. V.F. Spiridonova, Yu.E. Kravchenko. M .: RGGU, 2005.S. 280-293.
  • Lyusin D.V., Morozov V.P., Esin I.B., Yampolsky A.Yu. Perception of emotional expressiveness of speech and emotional intelligence // Proceedings of the international conference "Functional styles of sounding speech": September 5 - 7, 2005, Moscow, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. - M .: Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2005.
  • Lyusin D. Emotional Intelligence as a Mixed Construct: Its Relation to Personality and Gender // Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, vol. 44, no. 6, November-December 2006. P. 54-68.

The basis Lyusin's emotional intelligence questionnaire the interpretation of emotional intelligence as the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions and manage them is laid.

The ability to understand emotions means that a person:

  • can recognize emotion, that is, establish the very fact of having an emotional experience in oneself or another person;
  • can identify an emotion, that is, establish what kind of emotion he or another person is experiencing, and find a verbal expression for it;
  • understands the reasons that caused this emotion, and the consequences to which it will lead.

The ability to manage emotions means that a person:

  • can control the intensity of emotions, especially to muffle overly strong emotions;
  • can control the external expression of emotions;
  • can, if necessary, voluntarily cause this or that emotion.

Both the ability to understand and the ability to manage emotions can be directed both to one's own emotions and to the emotions of other people. Therefore, we can talk about intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence. These two options involve the actualization of different cognitive processes and skills, however, presumably, they should be related to each other. Thus, in the structure of emotional intelligence, two "dimensions" are a priori distinguished, the intersection of which gives four types of emotional intelligence:

  • Understanding other people's emotions
  • Understanding your emotions
  • Managing other people's emotions
  • Managing your emotions

Interpersonal emotional intelligence includes scales:

MP scale. Understanding other people's emotions. The ability to understand the emotional state of a person on the basis of external manifestations of emotions (facial expressions, gestures, sound of a voice) and / or intuitively; sensitivity to the inner states of other people.

MU scale. Managing other people's emotions. The ability to evoke certain emotions in other people, to reduce the intensity of unwanted emotions. Perhaps a tendency to manipulate people.

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence includes scales:

EP scale. Understanding your emotions. The ability to be aware of their emotions: their recognition and identification, understanding of the reasons, the ability to verbal description.

VU scale. Managing your emotions. The ability and need to manage your emotions, evoke and maintain desirable emotions and keep unwanted ones under control.

SE scale. Expression control. The ability to control the external manifestations of their emotions.


You are asked to fill out a questionnaire consisting of 46 statements. Read each statement carefully and choose the one that best reflects your opinion.

The questionnaire is based on the interpretation of EI (emotional intelligence) as the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions and manage them. The ability to understand emotions means that a person can recognize an emotion, i.e. to establish the very fact of having an emotional experience in oneself or another person; can identify an emotion, that is, establish what kind of emotion he or another person is experiencing, and find a verbal expression for it; understands the reasons that caused this emotion, and the consequences to which it will lead.

Purpose - diagnostics of various aspects of emotional intelligence. In the structure of EI, the following are distinguished:

  • 1) interpersonal EI (MEI) - understanding the emotions of other people;
  • 2) intrapersonal EI (VEI) - understanding one's own emotions, managing them;
  • 3) PE - the ability to understand one's own and others' emotions;
  • 4) UE - the ability to manage your own and others' emotions.

Students - members of our sample were asked to fill out a questionnaire consisting of 46 statements (see Appendix # 1). It was necessary to read carefully each statement and put a cross (or a tick) in the column that best reflects their opinion.

To calculate points, the answers of the subjects are coded according to the following scheme:

  • * for direct key assertions:
    • - "I do not agree at all" - 0 points;
    • - “rather, I do not agree” - 1 point;
    • - "rather, I agree" - 2 points:
    • - “completely agree” - 3 points;
  • * for reverse key assertions:
  • - "I do not agree at all" - 3 points;
  • - “rather, I do not agree” - 2 points;
  • - “rather, I agree” - 1 point;
  • - "completely agree" - 0 points.

The values ​​for the MEI, VEI, PE and UE scales are obtained by summing the corresponding subscales:

MEI = MP + MU;

VEI = VP + VU + VE;

PE = MP + VP;

UE = MU + VU + VE.

After calculating the values ​​on the indicated scales, we have the results shown in Table 4. Also, for scientific accuracy, we have created the following bar diagrams, built on all "EI" scales.

Table 4. "Results for the test" Emotional intelligence ""

1. Danil B.

2. Sophia G.

3. Marat G.

4. Ruslan G.

5. Alena Z.

6. Cyril K.

7. Milena K.

8. Nikita K.

9. Nikita K.

10. Daniel L.

11. Daniel L.

12.Andrey M.

13. Irina M.

14. Julia M.

15. Julia N.

16. Daniel P.

17. Katya P.

18. Sasha P.

19. Lena P.

20. Artem P.

21. Misha P.

22. Alyosha R.

23. Pavel S.

24. Vanya S.

25. Gleb S.

26.Sasha T.

27. Masha Sh.

This diagram shows that on the scale of interpersonal EI (MEI - understanding the emotions of other people) 3 people have a high value (47 - 52), an average value (40 - 46) - 6 people, a low value (35 - 39) - 5 people , very low value (0 - 34) - 13 people.

This diagram shows that on the intrapersonal scale (VEI - understanding of one's own emotions, managing them), 2 people have a very high value (55 and above), 2 people have a high value (48 - 54), and an average value (39 - 47) - 13 people, low value (34 - 38) - 7 people, very low value (0 - 33) - 3 people.

This diagram shows that on the PE scale (the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions), 8 people have an average value (40 - 47), a low value (35 - 39) - 4 people, a very low value (0 - 34) - 15 Human.

This diagram shows that on the UE scale (the ability to control one's own and other people's emotions) 3 people have a very high value (54 and higher), a high value (48 - 53) - 4 people, an average value (40 - 47) - 13 people, low value (34 - 39) - 3 people, very low value (0 - 33) - 4 people.