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How to properly dilute succinic acid for watering indoor flowers? Succinic acid for plants is a unique product at an affordable price.

Lovers indoor plants for a long time already used in the practice of flower care such a remedy as succinic acid for orchids. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is also sold in garden stores. Let's consider in what cases amber can be used for orchids, what effect is observed and what are the contraindications?

Succinic acid and its effect on plants

The pharmaceutical preparation "Amber Acid" or as it is also called - YaK, is sold in regular pharmacies as an antioxidant and immunomodulator. A dietary supplement is produced in tablets and in the form of a powder for injection. For human body amber renders whole line positive effects in stress, infections, psychoemotional and physical stress. Of course, this drug has a positive effect on plants as well.

Feeding orchids with succinic acid has a beneficial effect on plant tissues. Due to the participation of dietary supplements in the process of cellular respiration in organisms that breathe oxygen, the effect can be pronounced in plants with a very slow metabolism, which include orchids. Succinic acid has the following actions:

  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antihypoxic;
  • metabolic.

Succinic acid improves the process of oxygen exchange in plant tissues, removes harmful toxins from cells, and succinates (active compounds of amber) also have adaptogenic properties that reduce stress levels and improve resistance to bacteria and infections.

However, the use of amber can be great harm to the orchid if used incorrectly. When used, all processes, including pathological ones, are accelerated, and therefore diseased plants can significantly accelerate the metabolic process, which will lead to death. So, quite often flower growers note that in case of mistakes in care, especially when improper watering, succinic acid can provoke the development of a fungal infection in the root system.

Therefore, it must be applied correctly, using only on healthy plants, as well as for the purpose of resuscitation by wiping the leaves. It is also important to know correct dosage for solution preparation succinic acid as there are lethal doses of this drug.

How to prepare a solution

It is not difficult to use succinic acid for orchids, the main thing is to know how to prepare the composition. YAK is a water-soluble drug, but cold water will not work, for the solution you will need heated up to 35-40 degrees. In addition, there are various forms release, so it can be difficult for beginners to calculate the proportions.

We recommend taking the drug in tablets of 250 mg: it is both cheaper and easier to use. 1 tablet should be crushed into powder and not added a large number of warm water... After complete dissolution, add water until the right amount... There is a small nuance here - for different indications, the proportions may be different:

  1. When fertilizing on a leaf to reduce stress after transplanting - 1 tablet per 500 ml of water.
  2. For root feeding and spraying the upper part of the plant, dilute 1 tablet per 1 liter of water.
  3. For the resuscitation of orchids, in the case of building a new root system, the leaves are wiped with a solution in the ratio of 1 tablet to 100 ml of water 2-3 times a day.
We do not recommend watering with a mixture of succinic acid and garlic, because, in addition to fighting the pathogenic flora, it reduces the quality of microorganisms useful for the orchid living on the substrate.

If you want to feed the plant, the drug can be mixed with B vitamins, vitamin C and epin to enhance the anti-stress effect. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to dilute succinic acid for an orchid. Let's talk further about how to use the YAK correctly.

Rules and method of application

Speaking about the preparation of an aqueous solution for tropical beauties, we have already mentioned the methods of using the drug. As a rule, YaK solution is used for:

  • wiping leaves to support reanimated plants and after transplanting;
  • for root feeding by spilling or soaking;
  • for spraying the ground part of the plant.

In the second and third cases, the solution is used both according to indications and as preventive measures. What is the correct way to apply amber in each case?

Wipe the leaves

Such a feeding method as wiping the leaves requires a lot of time and effort, however, it is used mainly on the most "heavy" orchids. Rubbing the leaves is the most in a safe way for reanimated indoor flowers, since the ingress of moisture with a powerful metabolite into the trunk or into the leaf axils is fraught with the rapid spread of infection and decay of the growth point.

To wipe the leaves of an orchid, you can use cotton pads soaked in the prepared solution. In especially difficult cases, wipe it several times a day, but it is advisable to do this during daylight hours.

Root feeding by watering

As many home orchid lovers know, there are several ways to water these plants:

  • strait;
  • soak;
  • immersion.

The treatment of roots with a solution of succinic acid is carried out regardless of the season, and the frequency should be 1-2 times a month, provided that other fertilizers are not used. If phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium are used for feeding, then it is not necessary to use succinic acid by irrigation. It is better to use the method of sprinkling the ground part.

Sprinkling the top

You can spray with succinic acid several times a week. Orchids after such events look very beautiful and well-groomed. The only caveat is that you can spray only on the leaves and upper part.

Important! It is not recommended to spray with a solution of succinic acid flowering plants and . This will cause the flowers to fall off quickly.

Succinic acid application table

Target Drug concentration Mode of application Application frequency
Watering 1 tab. for 1 liter of water Use the immersion method for 30 minutes. Apply 1-2 times a month. Do not use during flowering and dormant periods.
Spraying 1 tab. for 500 ml of water Spray warm solutions in the morning. Stimulate flowering: every morning, stop when flowering starts. Treatment: spray every other day until the result appears. Prevention: 1 or 2 times a week, with the exception of periods of flowering and dormancy.
Root processing 1 tab. for 500 ml of water Spray or soak for 1-2 hours. Spraying: every 2 days, until results appear. Soaking: 2 times a week.
Leaf turgor 1 tab. for 250 ml of water Wipe the leaves with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. Once every 1-2 days as needed (until the turgor is restored).

Application features

Like many industrial drugs, succinic acid has a number of features:

  1. It is impossible to use YaK on diseased plants, since the drug significantly accelerates all metabolic processes in tissues, and this, in turn, feeds pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dilution proportions: too concentrated solutions create overfeeding that do not want to either bloom or multiply.
  3. You should not use amber even during flowering - this reduces the life time of flowers.
  4. Store succinic acid away from sources high temperature... It is better to store the prepared solution in a cool place by pouring it into a dark bottle.
  5. To prepare the solution, it is best to use a glass or plastic dishes... Try not to use aluminum objects.
  6. Do not prepare a lot of solution for future use. The prepared solution must be used within three days. If white flakes appear, it means that the solution has deteriorated and can no longer be used.


Summing up, we can conclude that treating the orchid with succinic acid is very beneficial for the plant. This is especially true for varieties that have lower immunity at home, are more sensitive to stress and may not bloom for a long time. In addition to the anti-stress effect, UC also has an immunomodulatory effect, improves oxygen exchange in tissues and enhances the metabolic process.

It is not difficult to dilute succinic acid, depending on the indications, it is diluted in warm water and the leaves are treated with a solution by wiping or spraying. The solution can also be used for dipping, soaking and spilling irrigation.

How do you use succinic acid?

Succinic acid is an inexpensive natural substance that is very useful for both garden and home plants. It is not a fertilizer per se, but only supplements it. The purpose of this product is to normalize the soil microflora and help flowers in the assimilation of essential minerals. This preparation is suitable for absolutely all representatives of the fauna. A striking effect is achieved both as a result of watering and spraying the plants.

When and how often flowers should be watered

Succinic acid cannot harm the flowers in any way, but it is still recommended to use it no more than 3-5 times a month. This is especially necessary if the plant has begun to wither, has become fragile, when it is required to strengthen its root and ground part. The use of this tool is important for improving growth and increasing the resistance of flowers to negative environmental factors (sun, wind, cold, etc.).

Garden plants are best watered in the evening when the sun is no longer active. So they will dry out more slowly, and the drug will work much more effectively.

For home flowers, there is no difference when they are watered, the main thing is not to leave them on the window after processing.

Plants are especially acutely in need of succinic acid in spring, when they are practically deprived of all their strength. To strengthen them, it is advisable to use the drug 2-3 days before watering the flowers. plain water... It is very useful to apply it immediately after planting (seedling treatment) and before their flowering (April-September).

What you need to work

You need to prepare:

  • succinic acid in the form of powder (about 50 g) or tablets (10-15 pcs.);
  • clean water - from 5 to 10 liters;
  • sprayer;
  • a small watering can;
  • Cup;
  • spoon;
  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • a cosmetic cotton swab or piece of gauze.

General rules for working with the drug

Despite the safety of the drug, it is advisable to work with it with gloves and glasses. It is important to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. If this happens, you must immediately rinse them with plenty of pure water... This will help prevent skin inflammation and redness.

During the preparation of the solution, it is not allowed to be near children. It is necessary to dilute the powder immediately before using it. The leftovers of the funds are stored for no more than 3 days in a cool place, otherwise it will not be so useful. Despite its effectiveness, watering with this flower acid cannot replace standard fertilization. Therefore, it is very important to use it in combination.

Store undiluted acid at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The room must be dry and dark. The presence of children, food and medicine in the immediate vicinity is not allowed.

Methods for using the solution

Treatment of plants with a solution of succinic acid is possible at all stages of their development. There are several options for it:

  • rubbing leaves;
  • spraying;
  • watering the root part;
  • soil nutrition.

Ideally for full care for flowers you need to go through all these stages. You can do this not at once, but after a week break, but preferably in the same order as indicated.

When leaving, keep in mind that the higher and more luxuriant the plant, the more solution it will need for it.

How to prepare a concentrate

To obtain the initial concentrate, dissolve 1 g of powder in a glass of warm water. It is very important that nothing remains of the dry ingredient, it should not settle to the bottom. Therefore, before watering the flowers with succinic acid, stir the composition well and, if necessary, whisk it. Next, you need to add to it such an amount of water at room temperature, which will allow you to get a solution of the desired concentration.

It is not at all necessary to dilute the solution with water, the initial one, prepared according to the proportions indicated in the table, is quite enough:

Most of all, the soil needs succinic acid; the minimum concentration is used to wipe the leaves and stems.

The prepared solutions can be diluted with water, but not more than 5 liters per 1 liter of concentrate, otherwise there will be no effect. This is quite enough to scare off beetles, caterpillars, slugs.

Processing in the bud formation phase is carried out with a 0.002% composition (prepared according to the table above). A solution at this concentration can be used for any of the purposes listed in the same table. During and after flowering, the concentration for spraying should be 2-3 times higher than usual. In order to revive the plants, it is necessary to water the shoots, leaves and roots at the rate of 0.25 g of succinic acid (1 tablet) per 1 liter of water.

VIDEO: Succinic acid for orchids is a real doctor

How to use an already finished product

For prophylactic purposes, the corresponding areas are treated with the resulting solution. You should start watering the flowers from the leaves, then move on to the stems, and then spray the entire plant. The final stage is the processing of the root part and the soil near it.

The order of work is usually as follows:

  1. Rubbing leaves and stems

This can be done with a cotton pad or gauze cut. It is well moistened in the composition and, without squeezing, they pass from the top of the plant to the bottom. At the same time, movements should be circular and smooth, so as not to injure the plant. For convenience, you can hold the leaf or stem at the base with your palm. Then he needs to let it dry.

  1. Spraying

To do this, use a hydraulic or manual sprayer. The latter is quite enough when processing domestic plants, but in the garden you cannot do without the first. If the flowers have inflorescences, you need to try not to fall on them, otherwise they may wither. Between such processing, a pause of 3-4 weeks must be made. Eyes must be protected with goggles while working.

  1. Watering the root part

It is carried out from a regular watering can. For home flowers, it should be smaller, and for garden flowers, more. It is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees and, without touching the stem, the soil is moistened. Watering flowers with succinic acid, do not pour out the entire volume at once, you must do it slowly, evenly distributing the liquid over the entire surface around the plant.

  1. Soil nutrition

Before that, it should be loosened a little. A diameter of 20-25 cm around the bush will be enough. It is very important that the solution penetrates deep into the ground, at least 5-10 cm. About this distance from the surface of the ground are the roots of most flowers. Therefore, you can make depressions in it and partially fill them with concentrate. For 1 time it needs about 2-3 liters.

Using a solution for watering flowers with succinic acid in tablets or powder, you should not avoid feeding with special and standard fertilizers (humus, ash, products based on vermicompost). Only in this way will the plant remain healthy for a long time and delight you with its appearance, and some even with its aroma.

VIDEO: Methods for using succinic acid

For different plants succinic acid is used quite often. This substance serves as both a growth regulator, and an anti-stress drug, and a normalizer of the natural microflora of the soil. The drug helps plants to better absorb nutrients from the soil, to cope with such unfavorable conditions natural environment like extreme heat and drought, frost, excessive humidity. In addition, succinic acid for flowers helps them recover from pests or diseases, grow intensively and produce large quantity chlorophyll.

What is this substance?

Before considering how to water flowers with succinic acid, you need to know what kind of drug it is. This product is obtained by processing natural amber. It is mined in the Baltic Sea. Moreover, this substance in small quantities it is a part of plant organisms and animals. The largest concentrates are found in amber and brown coal. When processing in a special way maleic anhydride it is obtained in artificial conditions... Produced in the form of succinic acid tablets for plants or in the form of powder crystals, which dissolve easily and quickly in water, alcohol or ether. The product is absolutely odorless.

The use of succinic acid for plants does not require the use of special precautions. It is absolutely non-toxic to people, pets and is safe for the environment.

Can flowers be watered with succinic acid?

This natural substance does not belong to fertilizers and does not replace it. This natural component only helps to better assimilate the fertilizers introduced by flowers, acts as a natural activator of vitality, prevents excess accumulation of nitrogenous substances in them. The application of succinic acid to individual parts of plants stimulates their growth. That is why spraying, soaking, and watering with this solution are used in floriculture. Its effect can be manifested even at low concentrations.

Effects on plants

The use of succinic acid for plants provides a number of positive effects:

  • The drug stimulates good growth colors. Its action improves the quality of absorption from the soil. nutrients, helps to survive in hostile and stressful environments.
  • Succinic acid for flowers normalizes the quality and interaction of microorganisms in the soil where the flowers grow.
  • The product has no harmful effect on environment, no special disposal required.
  • Plants can be fed with this acid for different purposes. Watering flowers with a solution activates root formation, accelerates the growth of the green part of plants.
  • Knowing how to water flowers with succinic acid, you can always help plants restore the disturbed processes of their vital activity.
  • Treatment of cuttings and seeds with the preparation increases their germination.
  • This natural component is effective even in very low concentrations.
  • The product is completely harmless to people, vegetation and animals, since it is completely absorbed by the microflora of the soil.

Despite a fairly large number useful properties, this tool cannot replace conventional fertilizers. How to water flowers with succinic acid, we will consider later in the article.

Basic properties

Succinic acid has the following beneficial properties:

  • participates in the stimulation and regulation of plant growth;
  • increases the synthesis of chlorophyll in foliage;
  • promotes the assimilation of applied dressings;
  • participates in the formation of a protective layer that prevents negative impacts toxins and excess accumulations of nitrogenous substances;
  • improves soil microflora;
  • increases the viability of plants when exposed to unfavorable factors;
  • reduces the risk of plant diseases.

Preparation of solutions

As a rule, succinic acid is used once every 2-3 weeks. Correct proportion to prepare a working solution - 2 g of this component per 1 or 2 liters of water. In this case, the substance is initially diluted in a small amount of lukewarm water and then diluted with water at room temperature to the required volume. The prepared solution retains its beneficial properties for three days. After this period has expired, its decomposition begins to occur.

There are other ways how to breed and how to water flowers with succinic acid:

  • To spray orchids, you can prepare a 1% solution. To do this, add 1 g of this acid to a small amount of slightly warmed water, then mix well so that the powder dissolves completely. Thereafter, water is added until one liter is obtained.
  • To ensure faster germination of seeds, they can be pre-soaked in a diluted acid solution for one day, after which they can be well dried and sown into the soil. The seeds can also be germinated directly in the solution.
  • Flowers are best treated with a 0.02% solution. To obtain such a proportion, you need to add to cold water(0.8 l) 1% concentration solution (0.2 l), prepared in advance.
  • You can help dying plants by feeding flowers with succinic acid. To do this, they are treated with a more saturated solution, which is prepared in a ratio of 0.25 g of this acid per 1 liter of warm water. Watering and spraying the soil will help revive the flowers.

When using the solution, you should not be afraid of an overdose at all, because this drug is absolutely non-toxic.

What flowers can be watered with succinic acid? Any, including indoor.

Application methods

In floriculture and plant growing, there are several ways to use this product.

  • Spraying flowers and other plants with a solution of this acid even once for several weeks will significantly enhance their development and growth. Spraying can be carried out just before flowering. Processing can be carried out several times. Basically, during the growth of flowers and other plants, the number of treatments is increased. They also make a more concentrated solution (increase its concentration up to 5-10 times).
  • For the formation and growth of new roots, the root system is soaked in a solution for about 40 minutes. Then the roots are dried for half an hour and planted in the soil.
  • For better rooting of cuttings, they are soaked for a day, immersing them about 2 cm in the solution.

The substance should be stored in an undiluted form in a dry and dark place. In this case, the air temperature should not exceed 24-25 degrees. Proximity to the preparation of food and medicines is unacceptable. Keep succinic acid out of the reach of children and pets.

How to work with the solution

Knowing how to plant and how to water flowers with succinic acid, you can greatly improve their growth and appearance... But when using it, it is very important to follow some rules:

  • It is advisable to use a ready-made working solution as soon as possible. You cannot store it for more than two to three days.
  • Feeding flowers, especially orchids, is often not recommended as it is impractical.
  • When preparing a solution of this acid and processing flowers, smoking and drinking are prohibited. It is undesirable to do this in the presence of small children.
  • It is recommended to take precautions to avoid getting the solution in the eyes, as this can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. If this happens, they must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

Applying a solution for indoor flowers

The use of the substance in home floriculture helps to strengthen the immunity of plants and flowers, increase resistance to diseases and bacteria. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on their appearance, their preservation of health, noticeably accelerates the natural processes of flowering and vegetation.

It is very good to carry out processing of flowers with such unfavorable factors like overheating or excessive humidity. Despite the fact that succinic acid is not a fertilizer, it helps any indoor plants in a noticeable way.

It will be useful for many flower growers to know how to water the flowers with succinic acid in tablets and how to dilute them for this? Why are these procedures carried out, when should they be carried out, especially feeding?

Succinic acid - properties

This substance is a natural component widely used not only in plant growing, but also in medicine. Succinic acid has a significant quality of useful properties, beneficially affecting all types of plants.

Succinic acid, first of all, has the ability to improve the course of reactions of tissue respiration and photosynthesis, which enhances the plant's biomass, normalizes the processes of assimilation of water and nutrients, and increases the plant's resistance to external negative factors.

This substance is able to suppress the growth and development of pathogenic microflora, bacteria and soil fungi, which is a measure of prevention of various infectious plant infections.

It is also important that properly prepared drug solutions do not have a detrimental effect on the environment. Moreover, succinic acid is completely harmless to humans and pets.

Treatment of seeds with succinic acid solutions significantly increases their germination. Moreover, such plants grow faster and build up biomass, get sick much less often and tolerate negative influences more easily.

How to prepare a solution

Succinic acid tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy. Moreover, the cost of a package containing 10 100 mg tablets is only about 25 rubles, which, you see, is not expensive.

It is recommended to prepare solutions of the drug immediately before use. In most cases, it is recommended to take 400 milligrams of succinic acid (4 tablets), put them in a container, pour about 50-100 ml of water, preferably warm, and then mix well. The tablets should dissolve completely.

How to dilute succinic acid?

How to water indoor flowers with succinic acid?

For soaking seeds, weak solutions of succinic acid are also used. The recommended soaking time is usually exactly 1 day. To increase germination, the soil can also be treated with such solutions.

To try to revive a dying plant, it is recommended to use more concentrated acid solutions. In this case, only the soil is subject to processing. In some cases, this procedure can help.


Succinic acid is natural, safe and effective Chemical substance, which can significantly improve the condition of indoor plants. Moreover, it is completely safe for humans.

The orchid is considered a beautiful and unpretentious indoor flower in terms of growing. However, in order for it to bloom, caring for it must be balanced. This article will tell you why succinic acid is used for orchids when grown at home.

Succinic acid is a crystalline, colorless substance that is completely soluble in water or alcohol. You can buy it at any pharmacy. In floriculture, this substance is used as fertilizing and biostimulation. Especially often she is fertilized different kinds orchids.

The use of succinic acid for orchids is due to its following positive effects:

  • prolongation of flowering duration;
  • activation of rooting of cut cuttings;
  • resuscitation (treatment) of plants after the stress they endured (transplantation, transportation);
  • root formation stimulator for plants;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • increasing the resistance of flowers to adverse factors;
  • stimulation of the intensity of growth, as well as saturation of leaves with chlorophyll. Allows to grow new leaves.

You can also use this substance to improve the quality of the soil. Feeding orchids with succinic acid improves the microflora in the pot, as well as destroys substances toxic to indoor plants.

Now it is clear why this tool is so popular among flower growers. However, in order for these effects to be possible, flower growers must know how to use this drug correctly.

When using succinic acid, it is necessary to understand that this is not a complete fertilizer, but a biostimulant. Its action is aimed only at stimulating growth processes. Therefore, the use of this substance for feeding without the introduction of other fertilizers will not have the desired effect.

How to prepare a solution

Phalaenopsis orchids are very often fed with this drug. It comes in two forms:

  • powder;
  • tablets. Before use, crush the tablets to a powder.

To obtain fertilizer, it is necessary to dilute succinic acid with water in the right proportion. Using any form of product, it is necessary to correctly calculate the concentration. For this, there is an instruction containing important points application of this tool. It will indicate how to dilute the drug and how to apply it in each case.

Succinic acid tablets begin to work already when diluted in 500 milliliters of water. For an orchid, 1 gram of the substance should be diluted in 5 liters of water.

To obtain the required dosage of feeding, you must carefully wipe the tablets. Take one tablet, grind and dilute in 1 liter of water. In a diluted form, the substance is not visible. To achieve this, the product is first diluted in 200 ml of water, and then brought to the required volume.

How to dilute the powder? You take the substance at the tip of a knife and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water. You can find another recipe for making a powder solution. For example, 1 g of powder is added to 1 liter of liquid. Use only warm water.

Compliance with dosages is the main rule if you want the succinic acid solution to bring only positive points... If the dosage has been exceeded, then the agent is harmful. It is necessary to adhere to a strict dosage and when using folk remedies where garlic and other plants appear.

When the solution is ready, they should treat the plant (roots, leaves, etc.). The flower can only be processed with fresh solution. The solution, after 2-3 days, can no longer be used to feed the plants. This is due to the fact that it loses its beneficial properties.

Rules and method of application

For orchids, succinic acid is an ideal biostimulant as it has several uses. However, its use must be approached carefully so as not to overdo it.

Let's consider in detail each option of how succinic acid can be used for orchids.

Wiping the leaves

Often, flower growers wipe orchid leaves with a solution of succinic acid. To do this, a cotton pad or a piece of cotton cloth should be moistened with the solution and used to wipe the surface of the platinum sheet. Avoid getting the product on the base of the sheet.

To remove the drug, after two days, gently wipe the leaves with a clean napkin, which has been moistened with plain water at room temperature.

A solution of succinic acid can be used to spray the flower. In this case, you need to pour the drug into a spray bottle and spray the flower every 2-3 weeks. This action will build up on the stem.


In addition to wiping and spraying, the orchid can be watered with a solution prepared by yourself. In this case, a standard approach is applied to the dilution of the agent.

Watering is done with a small watering can. The solution is introduced into the soil slowly. It must fill the entire surface of the substrate. It is worth stopping watering when the liquid began to flow out of the drainage holes. In this case, its surplus must completely drain into the pallet. In this case, the roots are well saturated with fertilizer. In this way, you do not need to feed the flower often, so as not to overdo it.

For root growth

Often, succinic acid is used to treat the roots of phalaenopsis. This will make it possible to stimulate the plant to form new roots.

This treatment should be done before transplanting the flower into a new pot. This procedure is performed by soaking the roots in a specially prepared liquid. If the roots were badly damaged, then the flower is placed in the solution for 2–2.5 hours. If the roots are healthy, then half an hour processing is sufficient. After her, anyone, even the most big flower will be much easier to grow.

After processing root system dry well. The plant is then transplanted into a new sterile pot. It should be noted that a new transplant is being purchased. It is not recommended to use old soil, as it can be affected by pathogenic microflora. Also, during the growth of the flower, it could be completely depleted.

In growing roots, such treatment will stimulate the formation processes. new fabric... At correct processing, as well as carrying out the transplant procedure, the orchid will begin to actively grow in about one week.

Precautionary measures

Like any medicine, the description of succinic acid has a number of precautions. If you do not adhere to them, then you can apply indoor flower irreparable harm.

It is forbidden to use this supplement during the period when the orchid is in the following states:

  • rest period;
  • bloom;
  • ovary formation;
  • pollination.

The branches, cuttings and leaves of the flower should be processed after the end of the flowering period.

If the agent is used for the intended purpose and in a strict dosage, then it does not carry Negative influence... However, the following personal precautions should be followed when using it:

  • do not rub with hands contaminated with the drug, mucous membranes and wounds;
  • do not touch the eyes. Succinic acid may cause slight irritation in eye contact. To eliminate discomfort, you should immediately rinse the eye with water;
  • you need to work with the product only in protective clothing and gloves. The substance, in contact with the skin, may provoke the development of irritation or allergic reactions;
  • it is necessary to work in a protective mask. Inhalation of vapors may cause irritation of the respiratory tract. However, this reaction is considered individual and is extremely rare. If it develops, you need to seek immediate medical attention.

For humans and animals, this drug is considered harmless. If irritation develops, the skin area should be thoroughly rinsed with water. If after this irritation has not passed, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist.

If the succinic acid tablet is swallowed by a pet, you do not need to take any action.

Succinic acid is an excellent remedy for quick resuscitation of a large orchid. Remember to get positive effect it is enough to use a solution of low concentration.

Video "Watering an orchid with garlic and succinic acid"

From this video you will learn about why watering an orchid with garlic and succinic acid.