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Walls made of osb boards. Finishing from osb boards: options for interior finishing for leveling and lathing, how to calculate the quantity and install panels

OSB (oriented strand board) is a modern building material replacing plywood. Covering the walls of a frame house with slabs allows you to increase the functionality of the building and give it an aesthetic appearance. In this article we will tell you how to carry out internal and external wall cladding, and also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards.

Area of ​​application of the material

IN Lately OSB products received wide application in various directions, for example:

In construction, you cannot do without this product. Thanks to its unique manufacturing technology, the slab does not deform, does not shrink, and also allows you to hide all internal defects. If we consider the use of slabs in the context of work, it is used for:

  • Sheathing the walls of the house, which provides greater protection to the structure from the penetration of moisture, dampness, and also additionally insulates the walls. After covering, the product does not require any work finishing works. The construction of frame-panel structures, OSB increases the moisture resistance of the structure. The slab can be used in the construction of reusable formwork.
  • External wall cladding. Used as a base, and for interior work she serves as finishing material.
  • Manufacturing of sheathing, rafters and roofing. The slab can withstand any load and the weight of the roof itself.
  • Alignments flooring or to install it from scratch. This material is an ideal option for obtaining a durable and even floor.

For information! If the OSB product is located outside the building and needs to be painted, difficulties may arise, because... The coating used must reliably protect the product from external factors(wind, precipitation, sun rays).

Types of plates and their characteristics

All products are divided into 4 types, each of which is responsible for its own area of ​​application. There are types of slabs:

  • OSB-1 – designed for work in low humidity conditions;
  • OSB-2 - designed for construction and installation load-bearing structures indoors;
  • OSB-3 - designed for the construction of walls, partitions and durable load-bearing structures;
  • OSB-4 - designed for carrying out construction work accompanied by high loads.

For information! The oriented strand board market consists of 90% of the type OSB 3.

The main characteristics of the plates include:

  • Convenient product size that is ideal for various applications, for example, you can block two spans at the same time.
  • Ease of processing.
  • All products are easy to saw with any tool, and the cut area is smooth, without cracks or chips.
  • Durability, the product can withstand heavy loads and hold any type of fastener. The quality of the slab is not inferior massive board. Smooth surface.
  • The product does not require additional finishing or processing, after its installation you can immediately paint or cladding.
  • Low cost makes the product popular and in demand.
  • Light weight. Average weight The slab weighs 18 kg, which greatly simplifies the task of delivering and carrying it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The main advantages of the material include the following:

  • High strength: modulus elasticity, resistance to bending ruptures.
  • Moisture resistance due to special impregnation made of resin, which makes the slab resistant to rain and snow.
  • They absorb noise well. Due to the chips and resin, it is formed high density, which eliminates extraneous sounds.
  • Light weight. The product can weigh from 15 to 40 kg.
  • Easy to install. The product is easily attached and cut with absolutely any tool.
  • Environmentally friendly. The production technology uses a permissible amount of wax and resins, each product has a special “Eco” label.

Of the shortcomings, only one can be noted - the use of low-quality resins containing large amounts of formaldehyde, which can evaporate and harm human health. But to use such plates for external cladding The buildings are absolutely safe.

Exterior decoration of the building

The external cladding of the walls of a frame house requires compliance with certain rules that follow from the characteristics of the products. For outdoor work, products with a thickness of at least 11 mm are used. The work process is divided into stages:

  • The OSV slab is attached to the rack so that the joint is located in the middle.
  • There must be a gap of at least 3 mm between the plates.
  • The bottom trim must be covered with a sheet.
  • In a two-story building, the sheet must extend onto the rack of two floors, this will give greater rigidity to the structure.
  • Sheathing window openings is performed as a whole sheet, which allows all joints to be placed on adjacent racks. Window openings are simply carefully cut out.
  • To perform fastening, it is best to use spiral-shaped nails or self-tapping screws.

It is worth noting that when covering the outside of a frame house, experts follow certain rules:

  • fixation of slabs in intermediate areas is fixed at a distance of 300 mm; slab joints are fixed every 150 mm;
  • firmware is performed for every 100 mm outside;
  • to prevent splitting of the material, fasteners must be placed at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the product;
  • The slab should be fastened both horizontally and vertically, this will give greater strength and reliability to the building.

Interior decoration of the building

Sheathing a frame house inside with OSB boards is practically no different from drywall. The only thing is that when attaching the slabs it is necessary to use strong fasteners, because... the board weighs more than drywall. For installation, a wooden frame and 50 mm self-tapping screws are used. After fixing the products, they can be sanded and primed.

For information! The slabs can be laid as flooring to obtain durable coating it is necessary to place the panels perpendicular to the joists.

In addition to priming and painting, products can be treated with absolutely any facing material.

  • Varnish. The technology of use is the same as for installing floor coverings.
  • Dye. Water-based paints and varnishes perfect option, because they are able to best pass steam and provide a good indoor microclimate. As a rule, paints are used for ordinary wood.

Important! The use of water-based paints and varnishes will lead to deformation of the slab.

  • Wallpaper is glued only after thoroughly priming the surface, using wallpaper glue with the addition of PVA.
  • Plaster. The sheets can be plastered; for this purpose, a mixture is used for interior work.

Sheathing a house with OSB product is optimal and inexpensive option building material that can improve performance and improve the appearance of the building.

OSB or OSB board is an oriented strand board. Due to its strength, which is much higher than that of chipboard, this material is very popular in construction. Do-it-yourself cladding of a house with OSB slabs on the outside is relatively simple and a budget option.

Scope of OSB and types of boards

IN classic chipboard sawdust is mixed together with the variety epoxy resin As a result, in the finished frozen formation they are located chaotically. In an OSB board, they are oriented by vibration not only along the layers, but also in the direction of laying, as a result of which the board receives much greater fracture strength. In fact, OSB is one of the options for composite materials.

OSB boards vary in the degree of their resistance to high humidity, as well as by strength characteristics: How well they are able to withstand fracture loads. There are 4 grades of OSB: from OSB-1 to OSB-4. Each of these types uses its own types of adhesives, which impart the corresponding properties to the finished slab.

OSB is used for both interior and exterior decoration. Nessesary to use different types slabs according to their resistance to moisture. OSB boards are durable and practical; they allow the formation of complex facades for subsequent painting or plastering on the outside or wallpapering on the inside.

How to properly attach OSB to the wall

Most often OSB is used in the construction frame structures, where slabs are used as a structural material.

To create the outer wall plane, you should use boards of no lower quality than OSB-3. Only such material is sufficiently stable for the humidity of “outside” air at any time of the year.

When designing such a building, the following features should be taken into account:

  • The frame posts should be located exactly 2 times more often than the maximum length of the slabs intended for use. Then the panel will be quite rigid;

  • When forming the outer wall plane, you must first attach it to the frame posts windproof membrane, for which PVC film is suitable;

  • to the entire depth of the wall (which is the thickness of the wooden posts) in frame-panel houses there is a layer of insulation. To prevent it from becoming damp due to internal humidity, before installing the internal wall surface, a vapor barrier membrane (also polyethylene film) should be attached to the frame posts;

  • After this, OSB can be attached to the frame posts.

The slabs should be fastened with self-tapping screws or nails. It is important that their length is at least 2 times the thickness of the OSB used (they are usually produced from 9 to 12 mm thick). Of course, for the outer surface you need to choose thicker slabs than for the inner one.

Sheathing a house with OSB boards on the outside

OSB boards are widely used for constructing lightweight ventilated facades of brick or concrete houses. In this case, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Initially, markings are made on the wall surface where the U-shaped holders will be attached. They are fastened with screws on dowels;

  2. then a layer of insulation is laid on the surface of the wall with glue. It is most effective to use mineral wool. In this case, you initially need to calculate the required length of the U-shaped fasteners so that their holders remain 4-5 cm above the surface of the insulation layer. The ends of the holders must pierce the insulation layer;

  3. Next, we insulate the surface of the insulation with a moisture-proof membrane, for example, polyethylene film. This is necessary so that the insulation does not become damp, picking up moisture from the surrounding air;

  4. then wooden guide bars are attached to the holders. This is a sheathing for OSB panels. It turns out that a gap equal to the thickness of the guide is formed between the membrane and the OSB boards. It is necessary to ensure ventilation of the internal space. The guides must be made of completely dried wood so that there is no geometric warping in the future.

  5. then OSB boards are attached to the guides using nails or self-tapping screws.

Decorative finishing options

For interior walls, OSB boards are ideally smooth, sufficiently durable and absolutely dry surfaces, ready for further puttying, painting, and wallpapering. Also, after plastering, you can apply relief plaster. Then inner space will look original. This will require less effort.

For the outer surface of the walls, such panels also need to be plastered, and then they can be:

  • paint;

  • lay out with decorative facade panels;

  • trim with clapboard or siding.

Painting a house with OSB boards

Dyeing is the most inexpensive and practical way final finishing of walls formed from OSB. There are two options here:

  • painting without prior priming. In this case it is better to use acrylic paints or polyurethane varnishes. But you need to remember that the surface texture will definitely show through the pigment layer. If this is unacceptable, then you need additional processing.

  • By priming we mean plastering the surface. OSB is a completely dry material that adheres well to adhesive putty. Then comes the painting stage, after which the house will look elegant and attractive.

Covering OSB boards with siding

One of the options design solutions– covering the wall with OSB siding. But there is one subtlety here: the siding panels do not adhere closely to the OSB surface. They specially have a figured relief in cross-section so that the resulting space is ventilated.

Therefore, first you need to take care of OSB waterproofing. The best choice here would be to treat the outside of OSB boards with dispersed impregnation, which gives any surface water repellent properties. It is possible to place a polyethylene film on top of the OSB board, which will protect the panels from moisture.

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Today OSB panels are so popular that they are often used in repairs and construction for both interior and exterior finishing. Of course, with the right approach, it is even possible to paint OSB, or plaster on OSB, or stick wallpaper, but all this is not very reliable, and the result will even be costly. If you try hard, you can even lay tiles on this material, but how long it all lasts may depend on many factors, and such finishing is not at all applicable for exterior work.

Therefore, many are wondering how to cover the outside of OSB so that it lasts a long time, does not rot, and is not expensive. In our instructions you will learn this, familiarize yourself with necessary tools, and most importantly, how to do it all correctly.

How to sheathe OSB outside the house

If your house façade is made of OSB, you absolutely cannot leave it that way. After all atmospheric phenomena— rain, snow, temperature changes will very quickly render the material unusable. Therefore, if the OSB is laid correctly, which means that the seams are left at least 3 mm, and the OSB itself is impregnated on all sides with good antiseptic impregnation. You can already come close to the question of how to sheathe the outside of the house with OSB.


This is most likely the cheapest and fastest option for cladding the outside of a house with OSB panels. There is a wide variety of this material - which can imitate timber, boards, wild stone, brick, slate and much more. And the ease of its installation allows you to even cover the outside of the house with OSB yourself.

The choice can only fall on him because of his positive characteristics:

  • Siding is easy to install.
  • It does not require additional processing - painting, impregnation, etc.
  • The material does not require special care.
  • Does not change color from direct sunlight.
  • Easily withstands both positive and negative temperatures.
  • Long service life.
  • The material is fire safe and environmentally friendly.

And this may not even be all of its positive aspects.

But let's start with the installation. To cover the outside of OSB with siding, you must first secure the slats to the house. This additional step seems unnecessary, because at first glance, vinyl panels will easily attach to OSB without a grid. But we strictly assure you that you cannot do this.

The siding should be attached only to the sheathing, so that there is a space of 2-3 centimeters between it and the OSB. This will allow not only your wall to breathe, but also moisture to escape.

Those who haven't used correct method siding installations really regret it, just a year or two and the wall under the siding begins to rot and become overgrown with mold. And you have to remove everything, repair the wall and then re-attach the cladding, but this time to the sheathing.

Ideal for lathing wooden slats which are mounted vertically on the wall. If you are not going to insulate the walls, then their thickness should be between two and three centimeters - ideally the size of the slats should be 60x30mm or 60x40mm. Attaching such a lathing (which is also called ventilated façade slats) to an OSB panel is as simple as that; self-tapping screws of the appropriate length are used for this. Good screwdriver will help you do this job without special effort. Of course, if you tighten the screws with a regular screwdriver, you will simply get tired and waste a lot of time.

If you don’t have a screwdriver, be sure to buy one; you don’t even need to buy an expensive battery-powered version of the tool. You can also purchase one that works from the network; such a tool will come in handy more than once around the house.

The distance between the slats depends on the type of siding, but in most cases 60 centimeters is suitable.

Don’t forget to treat the sheathing with an antiseptic before installation, this will extend its service life and the screws will hold tighter.

Siding installation always begins with finishing the exterior and internal corners building.

To ensure secure fastening, strips are applied silicone sealant, and then install and screw the elements to the sheathing.

Self-tapping screws must be screwed into the middle of the oblong mounting holes.

When all the corners are mounted, we need to install the starting profile. It is attached at the very bottom, and we first need to determine its size so that it fits freely between the corner elements. The easiest way to cut in the right place is with a grinder.

When attaching the lower profile and the siding itself, the screws also need to be tightened in the middle of the oblong holes, but they should not be clamped all the way. This is done so that during the process of temperature changes, the material may move slightly, and a loosely screwed screw in this case allows it to do this.

At the end of the installation of each element, you should check whether the siding element can move and whether any tightly screwed screws are preventing it.

Their installation is very simple:

  • measure the required material size
  • Using straight-cut scissors or a grinder, cut off the required pieces.
  • Use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws to attach it to the sheathing in the right place.

When this procedure is completed, you need to close the front board; for this you can use a metal chamfer or a J-profile.

Even before installing the main siding panels, you need to trim the door and window openings. For this, a window profile is used.

Only after this can the house be sheathed with the main sheets of siding. If you choose the right material and do everything according to the instructions, your home will undoubtedly shine with beauty.

Other options for OSB cladding outside the house

Of course, you can cover the outside of the house with OSB not only with siding, but it is the most common and economical option.

Since OSB is afraid of moisture, it is best for you to choose options from ventilated facades (ventilated facade), they allow the wall to always remain dry.

Even with your own hands you can cover the outside of the house with OSB using ventilated facades; installing them is not very difficult, but the cost can be steep. Beautiful finishing options are obtained to look like brick.

There may also be a facade made of stone or granite.

How to cover OSB inside a house

If simple options finishes are not suitable for you - varnish, paint, plaster, wallpaper, then you can approach this issue creatively and sheathe the inside of the house with OSB plastic or wooden clapboard . Undoubtedly, this material is quickly installed and creates Beautiful design rooms.

But no matter how you finish the OSB panels, the surface should be carefully prepared. If you cover the panels with clapboard, you just need to apply an antiseptic. This will protect the material from various fungi and mold.

They don't look bad either cork wallpaper in the interior, but unfortunately they are expensive.

Wall decoration imitation timber inside the house is also not a bad option. Attaches quickly and creates an impression wooden house. And since in essence it is natural wood, then the effect will be significant - you will even feel the natural smell of this material.

If you are a third-party natural, then you can finish it blockhouse inside the house, it won’t look bad either. Of course, one room cannot be decorated with such materials; this option is only suitable for the entire house.

You can also cover the walls artificial stone . A rather inexpensive material - it is made from gypsum; to save money, you can make such material yourself.

Well, if you want to get classic walls, correct option cover the OSB with plasterboard, and only then plaster and paint.

As you can see, OSB can be sheathed inside a house using various materials, the main thing is to approach this issue creatively.

OSB board is a universal material that can be used for both finishing and construction work. Its distinctive feature is high strength, as well as an attractive price. Application of this material very wide - from furniture to the walls of houses built using energy-saving technologies, between which foam plastic or mineral wool is laid. Interior wall finishing with OSB slabs can be done very quickly and inexpensively. This article provides information on the purpose of OSB, determining the thickness of the panels, type, and also describes the specifics of installation.

What is OSB board?

OSB, or Oriented Strand Boards, is a flat, pressed wood panel with oriented strands. The material is highly resistant to adverse atmospheric conditions, as well as the ability to bear relatively large surface loads. This panel retains its shape stability, due to which it is widely used in construction.

OSB is formed during the pressing process of specially manufactured shavings bonded with synthetic resins. The panel usually has three layers. The chips compressed in the layer of the central part are located in the direction perpendicular to the chips of the outer layers. Thanks to this, the material retains its rigidity and shape stability. In sentences construction stores you can find models with various finishes. The blockboard, as a rule, has a decorative coating, and its edges remain smooth. In turn, OSB for flooring will have a tongue-and-groove system, thanks to which individual elements can be securely connected and placed in large spaces.

Types of OSB boards and their purpose

In the offers of shops and construction supermarkets you can find OSB boards for interior decoration, as well as universal and especially durable ones, which can even be used for finishing the facade of a house and as load-bearing structures.

Application of OSB boards in residential premises and construction

As mentioned earlier, this material has very wide applications. It is suitable for construction, repair, finishing and furniture work. Possible applications depend on the properties of each class.

Osb board - technical characteristics

Which slab is suitable for the floor and roof?

Tongue-and-groove OSB is well suited for floors and roofs of houses. Tongue and groove connection is very convenient to use when installation work oh, and it ensures that the seal remains sealed. The flooring slab should have a thickness of 18 to 25 mm. The panels are laid perpendicular to the beams. You should also remember to leave a gap. Before installation, it is worth analyzing all the dimensions of the panels and cutting them to the required format. The panel laid on the joists is fixed with special screws or ring nails.

The principles of installing panels on the roof are very similar. The thickness of the board depends on the pitch of the rafters. As a rule, panels with a thickness of 22 mm are used. It is also worth remembering that the OSB roofing board must be protected from destructive impact moisture. The maximum humidity of the slab during installation is 15%. To obtain this result, you need to store the material in a dry, protected area. This is quite important because installing OSB elements that are too wet can lead to later cracks in the roof sheathing.

Panels can be used for wall mounting frame houses. The preferred thickness is usually 12 mm. OSB can be mounted both horizontally and vertically. However, during installation work, you must always remember that around the window arches and doorways Gaps of at least 3 mm must be left. External frame walls require an additional layer of insulation. Mineral wool is usually used for this. Wall slab OSB is usually secured using long ring nails or self-tapping screws.

Osb board – price

Most panels are relatively inexpensive. When calculating the price, the dimensions of the slabs and their thickness are taken into account. In warehouses building materials, most often, we come across OSB 3 boards. The most common panels are 1250x2500 mm in size, although you can also find larger products: 2070x2800 mm, 1250x4600 mm and smaller ones, for example, 140x2500 mm in size. The thickness of the panels ranges from 6 to 25 mm. The weight of the material averages 660-680 kg/m³. Three types of edge finishes are available: straight or cut edges, which have tongues and grooves on both sides or all edges.

OSB boards for interior decoration - price

The approximate price list is as follows:

OSB 3, 8×1250×2500 mm – 411 RUR/piece.

OSB 3, 11×1250×2500 mm – 566 RUR/piece.

OSB 3, 15×1250×2500 mm – 916 RUR/piece.

OSB 3, 18×1250×2500 mm – 1101 RUR/piece.

OSB 3, 22×1250×2500 mm – 1353 RUR/piece.

The above price list was compiled based on the network's sales offer Leroy Merlin.

Basic rules for installing OSB boards

OSB board is easy to process. You can easily change its dimensions to suit your individual needs. The easiest way is to take the appropriate measurements in advance and cut the panels at the place of purchase.
Most supermarkets and building supply stores perform such services using precision tools.

The alternative is manual cutting, which will not be as accurate, but is still quite simple. Panels can be easily cut to the right size using a table saw or hand saw. Even simple hand saw will handle it.

All OSB boards should be connected using special nails or screws. The frequency of their placement is standard and is 30 cm in the middle of the panel, and 15 cm around the perimeter. Make sure that the nail or screw is no closer than 1 cm from the edge of the slab. Fixed too close to the edge, it will not perform its functions. It is also possible to fix the panels with glue, but this is a rather rare solution. When installing, you should also leave a small interval. This is important because the OSB board may slightly change its size under the influence of changes in humidity levels. The gaps will allow the panels to expand freely. They can be filled with flexible wood glue.

Currently, OSB is the most popular wood materials for finishing, repair and construction work. They are also great for interior finishing work. There are several types of such material, each of which has many uses.

A frame house is popularly called a panel house, but such elements are not used when assembling the structure. Any frame house needs additional cladding. Different materials are used for this. Construction materials that are used during external installation work must have a number of characteristics and requirements regarding product quality. If we're talking about about the new frame house, you should take care of high-quality external cladding before proceeding with the internal facing works. The facade of the house is then decorated using moisture-resistant materials.

Sheathing can increase the stiffness of the building frame by distributing the load on itself. To the main indicators and criteria by which to select facing material, there will be strength and no bending when the panels are compressed. During operation, shrinkage should be avoided. The surface and structure of the walls should remain unchanged after years, regardless of external influences and climatic conditions region. The material used must be resistant to moisture, pests, fungi and significant temperature changes.

Difficulties in the planned installation can arise at any stage, and they will lie in the subtleties of the upcoming manipulations, and not depend on the weight and dimensions of the material used. Provided that the upcoming work is planned to be carried out independently, the complexity of the work will play a paramount role, since hiring assistants is not expected. The building material used should be easy to drill and cut, not crumble and maintain its original performance. Replacing such cladding every few years is a costly endeavor.

Materials such as:

The characteristics of the materials are similar and are used in the construction of frame structures. In order to commit right choice, you should familiarize yourself with all possible options in advance.

The main thing about OSB

A material such as OSB (oriented strand board) is considered the most popular among modern building materials, largely due to its versatility and possibility of use in the construction of frame structures. They are structures consisting of several layers of pressed chips and shavings. The inner layers are laid transversely, while the outer layers are laid longitudinally. Wax and resins of synthetic origin are used as connecting materials, which have the characteristics inherent in water-repellent impregnations.

When pouring concrete structures, based on the ratio of cost and quality of the material, preference is given to OSB-3, which is widely used in private construction and when carrying out finishing work different levels difficulties. OSB is used:

The surface of the plates is capable of tightly holding nails (0.7 cm from the edges) and can be drilled, cut, and polished. Besides technical purpose, the casing serves as decorative covering. To do this, the surface is treated with paint or moisture-resistant varnish.

The disadvantages include:

  • content of formaldehyde and phenol - toxic compounds;
  • flammability;
  • low vapor permeability.

Installation of vapor barrier and OSB boards

To prevent moisture from penetrating the insulation layer, the material is protected. Walls with outside frame construction are covered vapor barrier film. Useful as fastenings construction stapler. The roll is rolled out into horizontal strips, which are attached with an overlap (5-10 cm) to racks located vertically. The film should adhere tightly to the surface, which should be checked. Afterwards, the vapor barrier layer is covered with OSB boards, which act as a base for subsequent finishing. A screwdriver and standard self-tapping screws are used as fastening elements. The panels are attached alternately; a jigsaw is used for cutting.

Installation of insulation

An example would be the use of insulation such as mineral wool, which is mounted on the frame plates. This material is characterized as elastic; no auxiliary method of fastening is required, which allows you to place insulation between the racks. The material will be held in place due to its own size. The insulation is laid in two layers in a checkerboard pattern. The butt joints of the first layer will overlap with the second exactly in the center. In this way, it is possible to avoid the formation of cold bridges in the future, which cause the formation of condensation and dampness in the premises. As a result, you won’t have to wait for fungus and mold.

After completing the installation work, installed slabs should be protected from strong gusts of wind, rain and snow. Sheathing of the material is carried out using the same technology that is applicable for internal walls. You will need to install a windproof and waterproof membrane that will protect the surface of the walls from wind and bad weather. For greater reliability, the membrane is fixed using a counter-latten.

We cover the external walls with panels

When carrying out external finishing work, OSB sheets with a thickness of 1.1 cm should be used. In the process of carrying out work, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. In order to sheathe window and door openings, you should use solid sheets, inside of which the corresponding openings are then made.
  2. When arranging a two-story building, the sheets should be installed in such a way that both floors overlap simultaneously. This will help give the frame the necessary rigidity.
  3. The junction of one of the sheets should be in the central part of the other. This way the frame will acquire the necessary rigidity.
  4. The gap between the panels will be 0.5 cm. Due to frequent temperature changes and humidity, the dimensions wooden structures may change and this will require extra space.
  5. Every 10-15 cm the plate is fixed, 20-30 cm in the center. To avoid splitting of the material, indentations of 1.5 - 2 cm are made from the edge.
  6. A small space is left between the panel and the waterproofing layer to allow for ventilation.
  7. Nails are used to fasten OSB sheets. Both screw and galvanized ring ones are suitable. The length of the element will be 3-4 times the thickness of the sheet used.
  8. The panels are mounted with the matte side facing inward. One slab must be in contact with three frame posts simultaneously to impart rigidity to the structure.

Any facing material can be used to process slabs. The use of OSB sheets is considered an acceptable solution when comparing quality and cost.

We cover the wooden frame with OSB boards

Recommendations regarding the material used for sheathing frame structures, are similar to those that apply to already erected walls. However, in this case the sheets will be considered the key or main stiffening element. The sheet thickness will be 1.2 cm or more. It is recommended to give preference to 1.5-1.8 cm thickness. Two approaches can be used: fastening OSB sheets without using sheathing and assembling the frame using sheathing.

Without sheathing

When considering methods that would provide structures with the necessary indicator of rigidity, only three are considered optimal. They can be combined with each other:

  1. Sheet material is attached to the racks on the outside of the building;
  2. Arrangement of jibs between frame posts;
  3. The material is fastened inside the house to the racks.

During the process of installing the material to the outer frame posts, the presence of lathing reduces the rigidity indicator by half. To increase the indicator, the lathing will be eliminated. The absence of sheathing indicates a violation of ventilation (gap), which makes it necessary to secure such a structure over the installed OSB sheets. Wind and water protection in the form of a vapor-proof film is installed on top of the sheets, followed by lathing and the selected façade finishing material. As such they are façade panels, wood, corrugated board or siding. Using Finnish technology construction of buildings on a “platform”, there will be no lathing between the OSB sheets and the frame.

This option is considered to be the most preferable, but other methods are also applicable. If the OSB sheets will act as facade decoration, and nothing is planned to be mounted on top of them, then a ventilation gap is arranged between the racks of the frame itself. To do this, the space will not be completely filled with insulation. A space of 2-3 cm is sufficient for a ventilation gap. The slats will be needed to secure the vapor-proof film. This should be done in such a way that the slats are on both sides of the racks.

As a compromise, another option is possible when oblique sheathing is used. The material is laid at an angle of 45°, which leads to an increase in rigidity compared to the straight version of the lathing. To improve the rigidity, boards with a diameter of 2.5 cm should be used. Fastening is carried out to each of the frame posts using two nails. The method is used extremely rarely due to the high complexity of the work to be done and high costs for materials.

Using sheathing

In the case when strong plates are attached to the frame, which are responsible for increased rate strength of the structure, a sheathing is mounted between the OSB and the frame. This provides a ventilation gap, which is necessary for ventilation of the insulating material and reducing the deformation rate of the load on the slab from the frame. The insulation is mounted between the racks. Insulation material is laid on top of them, waterproofing and windproofing are fixed in the form of a membrane that is capable of transmitting moisture. Then comes the turn of the sheathing and OSB boards.

In this way, savings are possible in the form of no need for subsequent finishing work. The surface of the slabs should be painted or varnished. If desired, any façade material can then be attached to the surface of the OSB boards. Fastening OSB in the absence of sheathing will allow you to achieve the maximum permissible structural rigidity. So, the waterproofing and windproofing will be located behind the slab, after which the sheathing will be installed, which will provide a ventilation gap to the walls. On top, if necessary, you can use facade material in the form decorative panels, boards, siding. The boards are attached to the frame using nails, the length of which should exceed the diameter of the OSB by several times. Nails should be used as fastening elements rather than self-tapping screws, which better withstand possible deformations of the sheets in the future. Self-tapping screws will not survive such changes.

Using a metal frame

The upcoming manipulations will be the same as in the case of the option of working with wooden frame. The fastening element will be self-tapping screws, the length of which should exceed the dimensions of the sheet by several centimeters.

Rules to follow

Regardless of which method of fastening OSB sheets is chosen, there are a number of recommendations that will help ensure the maximum permissible strength of the structure and ensure high service life construction and materials used.

  1. To make holes for door and window openings, you should use a circular saw or jigsaw. To obtain even cuts and joints, you should contact a furniture production workshop, having carried out the necessary measurements. For a reasonable fee, specialists will do necessary manipulations neatly and in as soon as possible.
  2. OSB boards do not fit close to each other. A gap of several millimeters should be left so that the subsequently expanded slab does not become deformed.
  3. A gap of a centimeter is made between the foundation and the bottom slab, which will prevent the accumulation of excess moisture.
  4. Self-tapping screws are mounted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. An indent of a centimeter is made from the edge of the slab.

Protection of OSB from insects, birds and mice

Almost any of existing methods installation OSB boards, provides for the arrangement of a gap for ventilation. Thanks to a small air gap an influx of air will be ensured, which will come from the lower edge of the wall from the environment and flow through the top back into the atmosphere. It is unacceptable to make the gap blind, which will negate the efforts and costs. A closed air cavity will not perform its intended functions. Birds, mice and bees penetrate into such places, thereby reducing the original characteristics of the wall surface. Protection from such visitors is necessary and should be planned at the first stage of construction or implementation. repair work.

Protection against rodents can be carried out in the following way:

  1. Application of perforated facade material at the top and bottom of the wall. This can be a soffit, which is used in combination with siding.
  2. Painting mesh. The cost of the material is reasonable, the strength indicator is low (rodents can handle it quickly).
  3. Installation metal mesh based on sheet material in which small holes are made in large quantities. Stainless steel will suit best way, since over time it will not corrode due to excessive moisture. Strips or a mesh of metal are attached to the upper and lower parts of the wall immediately behind the OSB sheets, which will not affect the appearance the buildings.

Video consultation on installation of OSB panels:

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