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A set of seeds for a flower bed of continuous flowering. Flower garden of continuous flowering from perennials: types of flowers and schemes

Flowers are the decoration of any garden, no matter where it is and no matter what size it is. Thanks to the successive color spots, even the most inconspicuous corner comes to life, only each flower garden requires careful and painstaking care.

The only way out of this situation is, which should be successfully picked up once, and the problem of annual planting and digging will be forgotten for several years. Only planning such a flower garden will have to take into account several important rules.

perennial flower garden layout

First of all, you should choose a site for the future flower bed and decide on the shape of the flower garden. There are no special rules and restrictions here, however, from any side, the flower bed being built should look decent.

As for the selection of perennial plants for a flower bed in the country, it is important to build on not only the preferred colors, but also on the type of parameters of the plants themselves:

  • The center of the composition should be perennials with the largest and brightest flowers.
  • They should be supplemented by more modestly flowering plants.
  • Small and undersized perennials are used for gap filling and edging.

When choosing, it is important to see not only flowers, but also leaves: their shape, color and size. Greenery is no less decorative than flowering plants.

Tall plants are planted away if the flower bed is against a wall or. If the flower garden can be walked around, then the most large plants must be in the center of the composition. In such a structure, you can enter existing plantings: trees, shrubs or garden buildings, for example, an arch or a gazebo.

The best perennials for flower beds

These perennials are the most popular, unpretentious and spectacular at the same time, only on their basis you can create many options. original flower beds that will decorate the garden for several carefree years:

  • Astilbe - this unique plant, capable of being extremely decorative even in dense shade, and depending on the variety, they can be different sizes and have different colors of fluffy panicles - flowers that work for a record long time, up to ten weeks.
  • Helenium. Its flowering is abundant and long, from June until frost.
  • Geranium is magnificent- famous not only for large flowers, but also for decorative foliage, it grows in partial shade, under trees and in mixborders with other perennials, blooming from May to June, and then pleasing the eyes with feathery reddish leaves.
  • Kotovnik- unpretentious, resistant to any conditions and any light, but blooms especially luxuriantly in the sun.
  • Oriental poppy- unique in size of magnificent flowers. There are varieties that bloom in May - June, and later in June - July.
  • Cuff one of the most durable and unpretentious perennials for a flower bed with spectacular leaves.
  • sedum- able to revive planting at any time of the year, it is unpretentious and multiplies rapidly.
  • Rudbeckia- illuminates the garden with its flowers in late summer and autumn. The plant itself loves light and nutritious soil.
  • yarrow- his baskets different shades decorate flower beds from June to September.
  • hosta- one of the few shade-loving perennial flowers for the flower bed. classically combined with astilba.
  • Sage- decorates the garden with inflorescences of all shades of purple, and a delicate aroma from June until autumn.
  • Japanese anemone- this is the most beautiful perennial among the unpretentious. delicate flowers of all kinds of colors are magnificent not only in flowerbeds of perennials, but also in bouquets.

Perennial flower beds of your own design

When thinking about creating a flower bed from perennials, you should not particularly trust the beautiful photos on the bags of seeds. In order for plants to please with friendly and long flowering, much more important characteristics plants that will be useful when planning a flower garden.

You should not chase the number of species, it is more important to choose plants by color and flowering time.

First, determine the size of the future planting and, based on the surrounding landscape and personal preferences, select specific perennial flowers for the flower bed.

This takes into account:

  • the timing of flowering of each plant, so that at least three species constantly bloom in the flower bed;
  • conditions of growth and care;
  • harmonious combination with other species, such as flower size or coloration.

A certain number of plants are planted per square meter, depending on the growth of a particular perennial:

  • At a height of 1 to 2 meters, 2-5 plants are planted.
  • With a height of 50 cm to 90 cm, 5-9 plants are required.
  • With a height of 20 cm to 40 cm, 7-12 plants are required.
  • Ground cover and undersized species are planted in the amount of 10-16 pieces.
  • Bulbous plants, regardless of growth, are planted at the rate of 12-25 pieces.

It is better to plant perennials according to pre-applied markings.

In an effort to achieve a dense cover in a flower bed, you should not plant perennials too closely. This will not allow the plant to grow and bloom in full force in the future.

Flowerbed of perennials for beginners

  1. Phlox purple or crimson;
  2. Astilba with pink tassels, blooming luxuriantly throughout the summer;
  3. Daylily with purple or lilac cups;
  4. Geichera with decorative frost-resistant leaves;
  5. Geranium is magnificent, pleasing with both flowering and variegated foliage.

Only five types of common and very unpretentious perennials for flower beds, it turns out, can become the basis of a very attractive composition of long flowering.

Flower garden of perennials on the background of the lattice

In such a flower garden, not only the horizontal plane is used, but also the vertical one. This decorative lattice, on which the clematis (15) and tender (14) that make up the background of planting are based. A little closer to the viewer medicinal echination (13) and decorative balls allium (7), tall Korean mint (12) and lofant.

In the center of the composition are cone-shaped boxwood (10), silvery feathery wormwood (11) and deep purple multi-grate (8). On the sides, the flower bed is bordered by verbena (9), hybrid yarrow (6) and one of the types of cinquefoil (5).

In this example, the shortest species were closest to the edge of the flower bed: geranium with azure flowers (3), stonecrop (4), thyme (1) and cuff (2).

It is not at all necessary to copy with maximum accuracy the schemes and photographs of flower beds with perennials that you like and found in the network or gardening magazines. Any of the plants can be completely replaced if you choose another one with similar flowering periods and comfortable growing conditions. In the same way, you can change the color scheme of the flower bed, reduce or increase its size, adjusting it to your needs.

Healing flowerbed of perennial plants

Perennials are good because they allow you to experiment from the heart and create unique flower beds, even from not the most ordinary plants. For example, why not make a flower garden of medicinal herbs in some ownerless, but not sunless corner?

The above diagram shows how the plantings of each plant are located, and also gives the concept of colors.

When creating this flower garden, the following names of perennial flowers for the flower bed were used:

  1. Echinacea, blooming together until mid-autumn,
  2. Marigold,
  3. Unpretentious tansy or flax,
  4. Veronica officinalis,
  5. Lavender or sage similar in parameters,
  6. Badan, which creates dense bright spots, or oregano,
  7. fragrant basil,
  8. plantain lanceolate,
  9. Mullein, decorating the flower garden with powerful peduncles,
  10. pulmonaria,
  11. Yarrow.

Similarly, you can plan a flower bed of spicy-flavoring herbs, replacing tall and short perennial flowers for a flower bed, the photos and names of which are indicated in the source for no less attractive crops. In the background of such a gastronomic flower bed, you can plant juniper, catnip, lavender and lemon balm, place mint, sage, all kinds of onions and oregano closer in the path, and you can border the flower bed with thyme and borage.

Perennial plants require control over their reproduction, otherwise over time they will run wild, flowering will decrease, and the flower bed will lose its shape.

Flowerbed of perennials of continuous flowering

However, the dream of every gardener is a flower bed that blooms from the moment the snow melts until the onset of winter. It is difficult to plan such a miracle, but if you take into account the sequence of flowering plants and ensure proper care for the plantings, then the task will be quite within the power of many flower lovers.


  1. Muscari or Pushkinia;
  2. Pulsatilla meadow;
  3. Arabis;
  4. Tulips of undersized varieties of cream color;
  5. Parrot or double yellow tulips;
  6. Aquilegia;
  7. Daffodils of delicate colors with a short crown;
  8. Yellow large-flowered daffodils;
  9. Fringed yellow tulips in a vase;
  10. Wintering east;
  11. Multi-flowered pastel rose with medium-sized flowers;
  12. Lilac medium flowering.


The dominant feature in a perennial flower bed in summer is a biennial stock rose, but it can be replaced with foxglove or another shade.

Decorative planting in the summer months give:

  1. Multi-flowered rose;
  2. Lilac;
  3. hare cabbage;
  4. Eringium;
  5. Lavender;
  6. Blue cereal;
  7. Kosmeya;
  8. Lily Tibetan;
  9. Feverfew pink;
  10. Malva or foxglove;
  11. Oregano ordinary;
  12. Delphinium.

When planting, it is important to take into account the competition among the planted plants.


In autumn, the flowering of many perennials ends, but the task of providing decorativeness is taken over by the foliage and grasses that change colors.

  1. Small-flowered spray rose;
  2. Hare cabbage or stonecrop;
  3. Eringium;
  4. Blue cereal or kneeless;
  5. Kosmeya;
  6. Feverfew pink;
  7. Chrysanthemum Siberian;
  8. Hubei anemone;
  9. Black cohosh is simple.


The decorativeness of the flower beds, right up to the snow itself, is retained by naturally turning into dried flowers, which finished their flowering in the fall, as well as:

  1. Wintering east;
  2. stonecrop;
  3. Giant eryngium;
  4. Lightning.

Perennial Care

Perennials cannot be called overly whimsical, but they also have their own preferences and requirements for planting and care conditions:

  • For perennials, loose, light, nutrient-rich soils are preferred.
  • If wild plants are planted in a flower bed, then it is important to create conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible.
  • To retain moisture and create protection for plants for the winter, you can use mulch, sawdust and needles.
  • Watering and fertilizing even the most unpretentious perennials for a flower bed should be done very carefully to prevent waterlogging under the sockets.
  • Should be created reliable protection flower garden from the wind.
  • Marigolds and lavender planted along the edge of the flower bed will become a natural protection against pests.

A careful approach to the selection of perennials and their care is the key to creating an exemplary flower garden, which for many years will be a true decoration of the site, and a source of pride for its creators.

Video - perennial flowers for the garden

With the onset of the first warm days after a long winter, all land owners rush to their gardens, someone to the beds to grow fruits and vegetables, and someone just to relax on fresh air away from the bustle of the city. The flowers planted around delight the eye with their bright colors, bring indescribable sensations of pleasure from subtle aromas. To make the feeling of joy last longer, flowerbeds of continuous flowering are specially created - flower masterpieces with well-chosen plants with different periods blooms.

Important aspects in creating

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In order not to spoil all your work, at the stage of planning a flower garden, you must take into account several important distinguishing features:

  • There should be an extensive list of plant species. From the first days of spring to the very cold weather, the flower garden will have a constantly blooming appearance.
  • Plant more perennial varieties. Such species require less attention in care, are not afraid of cold weather. For the next few years, you can not worry about the design of the site, because the process of growth and blooming of flowers will take place annually on its own. It is only necessary to take care of the plants on time. They will grow very strongly every year.
  • Stop the choice on non-capricious plantings. They will have to coexist with each other, so they shouldn't suffer from it. Unpretentiousness to the conditions will help them not to feel discomfort
  • expressiveness big picture will give large color spots. It is not advisable to plant flowers singly, because. the fragmentation of the composition, the predominance of small elements in it will only irritate the eyes. Plants that bloom at about the same time are best grouped together.
  • The dimensions of the flower bed should correspond to the general style of the site. If the territory does not allow you to make a large flower bed, then the effect of constant flowering can be achieved by planting several small seasonal flower beds. The same option is suitable for areas where there is a large predominance of straight lines. The flower garden will not look very nice if you try to squeeze it into a strict framework.

Plant selection

Read also: Perennial flowers (33 main types): garden catalog for giving with photos and names (Video) + Reviews

Choose colorful elements landscape design troublesome. But the process is incredibly enjoyable. The real skill is to be able to combine green spaces. It requires some knowledge and work, because they are so different from each other in their forms, colors, sizes, and flowering time. The result in the form of an abundance of natural colors and unique aromas throughout the summer will reward you a hundredfold for your efforts.

It is necessary to think over everything in advance to the smallest detail, take into account the many nuances in the landscape, draw detailed diagram, with a clear idea of ​​​​the future flower garden at each time interval of the season.

conditions for growth

Each combined group should have similar requirements for soil type, frequency of watering, types and amounts of fertilizers, necessary access to sunlight. We must try to create all the most favorable conditions for the whole season. This will help avoid problems with yellowing foliage, withering during growth or flowering.

  • Crops that are adversely affected by the abundance of the sun are planted in the shade.
  • With a lack of light, light-loving species bloom poorly and stretch in height
  • Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. The only exceptions are those varieties that love constantly moist soil.
  • Excess fertilizer also adversely affects the plant and its flowering.
  • flowering period

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A flower bed should always produce good impression from your kind that is, new ornamental plantings or annual flowers that have grown by this time should cover the old ones that have faded, and the foliage has already begun to lose its attractiveness.

Flowers are selected and grouped according to their color shades. Strict rules in this process are not possible. It can be a harmonious combination or a complete contrast. Properly designed territory design, the right combination of color shades is of paramount importance.

Each color separately affects the mood of a person and is the most controversial and complex element:

  • yellow shade - creates a sense of celebration, the presence of the sun in any weather
  • warm colors pink and raspberry give comfort, romance
  • Red- a touch of vivacity and energy
  • White the color is ideal for dreamy and romantic people
  • cool, calming, bewitching, soothing color is blue

Read also: TOP 55 Blue flowers and plants for your home and garden. Indoor and outdoor, perennial and annual (85+ Photos & Video) + Reviews

It is worth taking very seriously the choice and combination of color shades. Do not use all colors at once. Oversaturation of colors causes boredom and irritation.

Blues, greens and whites are chosen to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Red, orange, yellow colors delight and delight.

garden coloring- knowledge of color perception. Already have ready-made schemes selected plants according to the color of inflorescences and leaves, which are developed by professionals. Using them will be a win-win option. But each creator has his own views, which, with the advent of experience, become more demanding on trifles. Achieving harmony is not always the end goal. Playing with colors satisfies the need for variety. But everything is good in moderation.

Plant sizes

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It is necessary to take into account how quickly each individual planting grows. Then the result will not disappoint. Cultures with fast-growing foliage require constant care for themselves, otherwise they will interfere with other flowers and spoil the whole look of the flower garden. To plants with different height did not cover each other, they must be placed correctly, so you need to first consider from which sides the flower bed will be viewed.

Plants grow over time, so you need to arrange them so that they do not interfere with each other. In large flower beds, special areas and narrow paths are made. This gives free access to any plant. Helps avoid maintenance issues.

All flowers suitable for flower beds can be divided into 3 groups:


This category reaches a height of up to 35 cm. Flowerbeds look great both from one type of such flowers, and from several. Universal option to decorate any area. Very popular to create carpet And various figures on the ground. They look great bordered with miniature flowering specimens or as a backdrop for taller flowers. The list of beautiful undersized plants is huge. They are annuals, biennials and perennials.

Read also: Flowerbeds and flower beds: description of varieties, original ideas for creating from improvised materials (70+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Some popular undersized species:

  • Ageratum- a flowering undersized carpet from this plant is very fond of sunny places. Propagated by seed. This flower is planted when the night frosts are already behind. It is not capricious to the nature of the soil, but it is desirable that there be nutritious, light and not acidic soil. Loves moisture. The plant should be pruned as needed. Then there will be a plentiful, lush and beautiful color.
  • Iberissmall flowers, constituting umbellate inflorescences. It blooms very profusely, often the leaves are not visible. The plant is also frost tolerant. This must be taken into account when landing. Likes sunny areas. You need to water only in very dry weather, because. does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the roots. In care, you only need to remove wilted flowers and cut the stems 1/3 of the length after flowering. This will give the bushes a neat look.
  • undersized lobeliaunpretentious plant, blooming all season. One requirement is regular watering. He loves open sunny areas, but light shading is not fatal. After the first flowering, the shoots are pruned. New shoots appear very soon, and the plant blooms again

Combination of petunias and marigolds

  • Petunia- the most popular plant in all countries. It has a wide variety of varieties. A slightly tricky plant. You can grow seeds or buy ready-made seedlings. Blooms profusely only in loose, fertile soil. You need to water in moderation, because. excess or lack of moisture is detrimental to the plant. Watering and fertilizing is carried out only in the evening in sunny weather
  • Marigold- inflorescences in the form of baskets of yellow, brown and orange hues. Very beautiful and unpretentious treatment plant. Often used in traditional medicine. They bloom luxuriantly in the strongest sun. Watering should not be very plentiful, because. moisture should not stagnate
  • pansies, despite all their touching appearance, they do not belong to sissies. Flowers are loved by flower growers for the richness of colors and frost resistance. Get along well with other plants. The most favorable conditions open space and soil with good drainage
  • Carnation can grow up to 25 cm. Graceful flower with a wide variety of colors. All species are very fond of sunny places, but will put up with partial shade. Waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. The soil is preferred neutral, slightly fertilized

  • forget-me-not- modest, but very attractive flowers that feel comfortable in the shade. They do not require special care. Watering is moderate
  • Adonis- flowers solitary, glossy, bright red or yellow flowers. They like constantly moist soil. The first 2 years it is undesirable not to cut the flowers, because. it is at this time that renewal buds are formed that cannot be damaged
  • Daisy flaunts along the paths with a carpet path with inflorescences in the form of baskets. He loves the sun very much. Safely endures frosts. Excess moisture is dangerous for the plant
  • night violet opens its whisks in the evening, and throughout the night spreads pleasant aromas throughout the region. During the period of growth and color set, you need good watering. The plant needs light, well-drained soil.
  • sea ​​alyssum or Kamenka - a profusely flowering plant until frost. Does not require special care. With a lack of moisture, it drops inflorescences and buds

medium height

The height of adult plants does not exceed 60 cm. Used in the creation of complex flower beds. This category is a dividing barrier between the undersized threshold and higher counterparts. Varieties in this group are also a great variety.

Some popular mid-sized species:

  • gypsophila- a shrub in the form of a flowering openwork ball up to 1 m high. It tolerates a short period of drought well and cold winter. The plant needs to be pruned for the winter.
  • irises- unpretentious, very graceful plant with various colors. In one place can grow up to 10 years. In care, it is required to water in dry weather and cut flower stalks
  • lilies– with their royal grandeur and beauty they attract all eyes. Loves sunny areas, does not tolerate drafts. Often found in the wild
  • daylilies- has unpretentiousness. Does not require regular watering and top dressing. Blooms all summer. Handles winter very well

  • Phloxes- decorate any flower bed, both alone and in combination with other flowers. They do not tolerate a thick shadow, but direct rays can also cause problems. Water only when the soil is dry
  • cornflower- will give any area warmth and tenderness. Blooms well in full sun. Water the plant only when there is no long rain.
  • chamomile- the simplicity and duration of flowering, which occurs twice a season, attract almost all flower growers to this flower. Need regular watering and timely fertilization of the soil. Looks beautiful in any corner of the garden, even if it is a lonely bush


With a wide variety flower crops on the special place there are tall plants. The average height is 800-100 cm. There are also real giants - with a height of 1.2-1.5 m. There are spring, summer, and autumn kings. They delight with their beauty until the first snow.

Some popular tall species:

  • Delphiniums- uniquely beautiful and charming flowers. The height of some species reaches 2 m. He loves open sunny places, but is afraid of getting burned. Therefore, the place where this plant grows should go into the shade for at least 2-3 hours. It tolerates winter frosts well, even -40 0 С
  • Buzulnikornamental plant with an elegant bush and beautiful flowering. A very hardy plant. Not afraid of frost. Grows on any soil
  • Digitalis- a tall lush plant with large flowers, similar to openwork bells. Loose, moderately moist, fertile soil is required for lush bright flowering.

annual flowers give an excellent opportunity every year to transform the flower bed in a new way into bright and colorful colors. The updated lot view will create good mood the whole season.

perennials also bloom all summer, but bloom a little later.

So that the flower bed is not empty, properly selected annuals will come to the rescue. They are divided into 3 groups:

  • spring plants such as petunia, begonia
  • Flowers blooming at the end of May- marigolds, marigolds, cornflower
  • Crops that bloom until late autumn e.g. snapdragon, calendula, aster

Snapdragon in the city

Despite the wide variety of annual flowers, preference is still given to biennials and perennials. In most cases, they are not demanding in personal care, they bloom for a very long time. For several years, you can grow flowers in one place and not dig them up for the winter. Plus, it's more cost-effective. No need to worry about buying, planting seeds or seedlings every spring.

Perennial varieties grow very quickly in a flower bed and so that they do not obscure other plants, they must be enclosed, for example, with stones or other suitable materials.

Basic Rules

At the very beginning, when creating a flower bed, you need to decide where it will be located and from which sides it will be viewed. The beds can be geometric or freeform. The diagram shows sunny and shady places.

The soil is being prepared for future plantings. Often this process is done in the fall so that the soil is ready in the spring. It will be enough just to dig it up.

The dream of any summer resident is to create a flower garden that will bloom and delight with its picturesque view all 4 seasons. This is possible if you still plant conifers and some species tall herbs. Even in winter, the site will look very elegant.

The number of plants that are supposed to be placed will depend on the size of the flower bed. A large variety of species in a small flower bed will create a feeling of confusion and discomfort.

Low-growing species are always located in the foreground. They show their special beauty when they are in groups. The next step is plants of medium height. The background or center remains with high cultures.

It will be impossible to create an ideal project in one season. Therefore, do not be upset if any shortcomings pop up. Everything can always be fixed.


The flower gardens familiar to us have a significant drawback: they delight the eye in spring or in the first half of summer. Then comes a lull, which lasts, as a rule, until September, when the asters bloom. Do you want to know how to make a flower bed of perennials so that it blooms all summer long, and begins to please the eye in the spring?

I analyzed the materials, collected diagrams and will share my opinion on how to properly make a continuous flowering flower bed. The article will serve as a guide for me and in a year you will be able to see the results. If, after reading, there will be additions - you are welcome in the comments. I will definitely learn everything.

Rules for the design of flower beds of continuous flowering

Where are there no rules. They are always there. What should be considered before starting work?

  1. Plants should complement each other throughout the warm season.
  2. We need to pick shrubs. The rule is relevant if you want to make mixborders. When creating ordinary flower beds, it can be ignored.
  3. A large flowering group of plants looks more attractive than scattered islands. Therefore, when creating a flower bed, you need to group the plants according to the timing of flowering.
  4. You can achieve the desired effect only with the help of an irregular flower bed. In other words, in different months they will bloom different plants, so the color of the flower bed will change.
  5. The size of the plot plays an important role. A beautiful flower bed of continuous flowering is obtained only on large area. But on a plot of 6 acres, you will have to make several small flower beds.

The rules seem to have been sorted out. Now let's look at the diagrams.

Schemes of flower beds of continuous flowering

Scheme No. 1. For beginners

If before that you have never made flower beds that bloom all summer, then this scheme is just for you. To be honest, for me too. Look at the image.

How was this composition composed?

  1. Phlox paniculata pink color.
  2. Astilba pink.
  3. Daylily purple-silver.
  4. Geichera.
  5. Geranium.

The emphasis of this composition is on tall and medium-sized flowers. Such a flower bed can decorate the corners suburban area. To achieve continuous flowering, combine early, medium and late varieties.

Scheme No. 2. For romantics

This scheme is more complicated. Plants of many species are grouped here, so you have to try and cook for everyone the right soil. See the detailed diagram (decoding under the picture).

In this scheme, plants of the following species are used.

  1. Lavender angustifolia.
  2. Turkish carnation.
  3. Veronica spike.
  4. Carpathian bell.
  5. Chrysanthemum garden.
  6. Liatris.
  7. Knifofia berry.
  8. Daylily hybrid.
  9. Iris bearded.
  10. Peony lactiferous.
  11. Coreopsis whorled.
  12. Chamomile.
  13. Phlox paniculata.
  14. Delphinium terry.

Please note: in this scheme, a group planting of flowers is used. It is better if they grow not one at a time, but in a group.

Scheme No. 3. Rabatka along the paths

If the layout of your dacha or rural estate involves the use of straight paths, then you can decorate them with a flower garden according to this scheme. Rabatka is a rectangular flower bed, reminiscent of ordinary garden. Combining perennials, taking into account the timing of flowering, you can create a composition that will delight the eye all summer. See drawing.

In this bed of continuous flowering plants of the following species are grouped.

  1. Delphinium.
  2. Scabiosa Caucasian.
  3. Echinacea purpurea.
  4. Hosta patriot.
  5. Anemone oak.
  6. Astra pillow.
  7. Noble baker.
  8. Bruner large-leaved.
  9. Peony lactiferous.
  10. Erngeron.

It is desirable to supplement such a composition located along the paths with non-flowering plants. Then their green leaves will favorably highlight different inflorescences and it will be possible to create the appearance of natural plant growth. Stones arranged in a picturesque order will not be superfluous.

Scheme No. 4. Compact flower bed

If your area small size, for example, 6 acres, this option is just for you. You will be able to do beautiful flower bed perennial plants in a small area. The background, which focuses attention, is created using a lattice along which clematis winds.

The scheme involves the planting of two varieties of clematis: early and late. At the same time, the choice of coloring flowers is not limited, you can create your own composition that is not similar to anything.

The following plants were selected for this flower bed:

  1. Thyme.
  2. Cuff.
  3. Geranium.
  4. Stonecrop.
  5. Bloodroot.
  6. Yarrow hybrid.
  7. Allium with spherical inflorescences.
  8. Purple polygon.
  9. Verbena.
  10. The box is cone-shaped.
  11. Wormwood pinnate (silver).
  12. Korean mint.
  13. Echinacea officinalis.
  14. Lavater.
  15. Clematis

Such a flower bed of continuous flowering will please the eye from the first days of July to the beginning of September. In this case, the shades will change as some plants stop flowering and others bloom. The composition is chosen so that even without flowering plants it will look great due to the shades of foliage and stems of plants.

Scheme No. 5. imitation stream

If you have long dreamed of decorating the site with a pond, but do not have such an opportunity, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a dry stream will suit you. And to make it more natural, the arrangement of perennial plants will help, which will cover the borders of pebbles and serve as an additional decoration. As a result, you will create a realistic illusion of a dry river.

In this scheme, plants play certain roles. However, see for yourself.

  1. Leaf bamboo. The plant is not flowering, but, due to the shape and size of the stems, creates the effect of the beginning of a stream. In addition, this is a tall plant and therefore in the composition it is accentuating.
  2. bearded iris.
  3. Lobelia.
  4. Creeping tenacious.
  5. Poskharsky's bell.
  6. Shaving hybrids.
  7. Brunner large-leaved.
  8. Mshanka awl-leaved.
  9. Creeping tenacious.
  10. Again bamboo or another similar plant.

Please note: not all plants in such a flower bed are flowering, most of of them serves to imitate the banks of the stream and only a few dilute the green background with bright inflorescences.

Scheme No. 6. "Quick flower bed"

What should the most impatient gardeners do? After all, almost all plants do not bloom in the first year after planting, but I want to quickly enjoy the result of labor. In this case, you can use the diagram below.

With the help of such a flower bed of continuous flowering, you can easily hide a fence or an ugly wall. The following plants are used.

  1. Stock roses. Match flowers in different colors to create a beautiful backdrop.
  2. Decorative sunflower.
  3. Mac Icelandic.
  4. Gaillardia.
  5. Lobelia cardinalis. With its help, a red strip is created, focusing the attention of the viewer.
  6. Depths of three grades at your discretion.
  7. Poskharsky's bell.
  8. Katananhe is blue.
  9. Avens.
  10. Geichera.

The last two types of flowers will provide an elegant look to the flower bed until the first frost.

All plants used in the scheme are selected taking into account the peculiarities of care. You will not need to rack your brains, leaf through reference books, create your own growing conditions for each group. Therefore, this option is suitable for beginner flower growers. However, sophisticated lovers of flower beds will also be delighted.

Scheme No. 7. "Bright Arch"

The gate looks beautiful if it is framed in the form of an arch. Is it possible to make it constantly blooming? Can. If you choose the right plants, such a composition will decorate your site all summer and part of autumn. And the following diagram will help you with this.

The creation of such a flower garden is based on the principle of multi-tiered, therefore, the following types of perennial plants are used.

  1. Liatris spikelet
  2. Stonecrop rocky.
  3. Oak sage.
  4. Cushioned aster.
  5. Stonecrop creaker.
  6. Wand millet.
  7. Veronica long-leaved.
  8. Yarrow meadowsweet.
  9. Hollyhock.
  10. Annual sunflower (an exception in the composition).
  11. Clematis Jackman.
  12. Climbing rose.
  13. Buddha of David.
  14. Rudbeckia glossy.
  15. Astra New Belgian.
  16. Yarrow meadowsweet.
  17. Rudbeckia is brilliant.
  18. Astra cushion.
  19. Peristoschetinnik foxtail.
  20. Fire bell.

Such an arch goes well with fences and walls made of any materials. Flowers look especially good against the background of brick, stone, picket fence.

Scheme No. 8. "Love of penumbra"

If you need to decorate a lightly shaded area, then this principle of placing flowers is best suited. Here are selected plants that tolerate a little shading.

You will need to plant the following plants.

  1. host.
  2. Dicentro is great.
  3. Episedium red.
  4. Liriope muscaris
  5. Geranium.
  6. Tender honeydew.
  7. Spring umbilical.
  8. Violet.

The peculiarity of this flower bed is that it will bloom from May to October, gradually changing colors and shades. At its core, it is a mixborder, which means that it can be placed near walls and fences.

Address to readers

There are many options and schemes. I picked up the most interesting, in my opinion, ideas for continuous flowering flower beds to talk about them all - the article is not enough. Schemes of flower beds of their perennials that bloom all summer, as well as other options, will be published every Saturday.

How to make a flower bed of perennials to bloom all summer

I associate summer with flowers, but there were periods when, apart from greenery, there was not a single inflorescence in the garden. After the flowering of tulips and daffodils in the second half of May, the garden looked featureless. The same situation was at the end of June, when the peonies and the bluebell completed their mission, and the lilies had not yet opened their buds.

Then I thought about creating a flower bed of perennials on my six acres. I had to study the characteristics of flowering plants, as well as learn how to select them according to height and color. For example, in autumn, when yellow flowers predominate, pink or blue inflorescences give rabatka cheerfulness.

I suggest you start learning the basics of floriculture. After meeting, imagine where a certain plant should take place and begin to draw up own schemes on paper, and then create a unique flower bed in your backyard.

Mallow or stock rose

Mallow is a bright, tall plant that can be a great backdrop for other perennials. Flowering begins in July and continues throughout the summer.


In June, delphinium inflorescences will perform solo. Plants are planted in a group in the background to look spectacular. Different coloring and winter hardiness makes the plant versatile for flower beds of continuous flowering perennials.

Previously, flowers were located in different flower beds. Now planted in a group in one place. Delphiniums bloom blue flowers. After flowering, I prune, feed with organic and mineral fertilizers. In autumn, the skewer again decorates the garden with blue inflorescences.


Phloxes are tall plants and begin to bloom in July.

There are white, crimson, purple colors. In my flower bed it is lilac.

Gladiolus and dahlias

TO perennials include gladioli and dahlias. They usually peak in the second half of summer. Even in some shade, the gladiolus fires arrows.

The inflorescences delight the eye for about two weeks, then they are cut off so that the bulb forms by autumn. Plant gladioli in the middle of the flower bed next to tall flowers.

Dahlias vary in height. Hence the location on the flowerbed: tall ones are planted, like gladioli at a distance, of medium height - in the middle.

To increase the flowering time, use the technique: plant a tuber in early April in big pot or box. Then in May it will be a decent height. Plant the dahlia in a permanent place where it will bloom earlier.

Medium height flowers

the Rose

A rose looks good in the center of the flower bed. Experience suggests that 3-4 plants will create a floral mood from mid-June until winter. A group of lilies is planted next to the roses. They must be placed behind the flower queen. I cut lilies for a bouquet or because of wilting. And behind the roses, the drying stalks of lilies are not visible.


Another noble plant is the chrysanthemum. Favorite color is yellow. Blooms in July.

Aquilegia and cloves

In the middle of the flower bed I plant aquilegia and Turkish cloves. In June, they form a bright crimson spot.

Peonies grow on the side of the flower bed: burgundy and Pink colour. It is these flowers that will pick up the flowering baton started by primroses.

From the edge, closer to tall plants, I plant a kupen. In May, giant stems grow with flower stalks resembling lilies of the valley.

I plant tulips and daffodils of various flowering times between perennials - 2-3 groups are enough for a small flower bed. In the foreground I place crocuses, muscari and primroses, which are the first to start the flower marathon.

Scheme of an alpine slide with perennials

form Alpine slide peeped in a floriculture magazine and realized the project with my own hands. To create an unusual flower garden, she took enough large area– about 8 square meters. Alpine hill consists of two levels.

In May, Kupena blooms in the background. It is located behind a small rise, where two large boulders are the accent. In front of them, tulips bloom in May. In the foreground of the alpine hills are primrose and muscari. When they fade, their stems cover the leaves of the hosta.

A little further away from her, yellow irises pick up the baton. In June, the top of my alpine mountain is covered with a snow-white felt sapling, and a silvery edelweiss sprouts next to it.

To the left of the top of the Alpine hill, blue iris and aquilegia also bloom in May-June. At the end of June, a plot with lilies reminds of the crown of summer and looks rich against the background of greenery.

When creating a flower bed, rely on ready-made schemes from the Internet, if there is no specified plant, replace it with another one. The main thing is to follow the rules for planting low-growing plants that are demanding of light.

Will help design a flower garden and video:

Rules for the care of perennial flowers

  1. Low-growing plants especially need sunlight. When planning, consider whether the site will be lit during the day, whether it will be shaded by other plants and trees. Once I ignored the request and lush flowering did not wait.
  2. If vegetable crops and greens are plentifully fed in spring nitrogen fertilizers to form a mass, then for flowers it is better to use complex mineral fertilizers. The optimal content of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus will contribute to the formation of flower stalks.
  3. Grateful any flowers and for making organic fertilizer- a solution of rotted manure or a diluted concentrate of green manure.
  4. Regularly weed weeds that spoil appearance and take nutrients from the soil. The flower bed looks aesthetically pleasing when there are no weeds on it.

Selection of colors

Most perennials bloom warm colors. Therefore, neutral white, blue or purple colors are chosen for the background.

Humans enjoy the contrast. Designers confirm the main rule for choosing a palette:

  • yellow looks good with blue and purple,
  • red with green.

Plant crimson or purple flowers for the patio area next to the gazebo. Creating a calm composition will add pleasant emotions while relaxing.

A bed in pastel shades will create a romantic atmosphere.

Any ornamental plant, even without flower stalks, will decorate a flower bed of continuous flowering. The variegated hosta will release lilac flowers in June, and will delight with lush foliage the rest of the time.

Experiment every season. I like to be a designer, to draw schemes myself and to embody from the available perennials flower beds of continuous flowering.

I make them multi-colored, but you can create the same color, but different shades. I also plant annual flowers in the garden, which I grow with seedlings: petunia, marigolds, lobelia.

An example of a flower bed in yellow-brown tones that blooms all summer, I spied on a friend. In the foreground, she planted low-growing yellow marigolds, behind them grows rudbeckia up to 1 meter high, and Jerusalem artichoke stands in the wall, the inflorescences of which resemble sunflowers only of a small size.