The portal about the repair of the bathroom. Useful advice

Is it possible to keep curly flowers in the house. Dangerous neighborhood

Each owner knows how with the help of ordinary indoor plants to improve the interior of the dwelling, create comfort and peace, and it should be remembered about the signs.

In addition, home plants improve mood and atmosphere, ionize air, give special freshness to space. Geranium, cacti, trechin language, orchids, sicky tail - for many beautiful plants it is not difficult to care for many, they don't have to spend money on them. Why not make several vases?

However, you should not hurry, there are many will take pictures. Floriculture is a complex science, and it's not just a botany, but also in the esoteric aspect of the question.

Flowers are also living creatures in a certain kind. Each of their kind carries its unique energy and affects one or another sphere of the daily and personal life of a person.

Choose plants into the house where you live, it is reasonable, guided by folk signs. It is worth knowing which plants can be kept at home, and what flowers can not or undesirable. Some of their types negatively affect the space and per person, in this space of the dwelling.

Signs and superstitions in the world of colors

Do not hurry to scare - in fact, everything is quite simple. It is worth remembering some types of plants, see their photos online and know - you can not start them, it is better to choose others.

It happens that a person suddenly, without any reason begins to feel no matter whether a headache or dizziness appears, insomnia or depression begins. It may be a reaction to an inappropriate flower with negative energy. It is better not to risk and explore the signs before getting green friends.

Flowers incredibly powerfully perceive the surrounding energy field. And they can not only adversely affect the person, taking its energy, but also to take the negative, clean the space.

When choosing a home green pet you need to pay special attention At your well-being and perception - if you do not like the flower, you do not need to buy it and carry it into the house. Choose only those plants that instirm optimism and joy that you like to contemplate. Among the same hazardous plants Signs allocate the following:

  • Fern.
  • Lilies.
  • ILLES.
  • Cacti and succulents.
  • Lilac.
  • Diffenbahia.
  • Teschin language.
  • Picky tail.

Such plants have a lot of features that it is worth considering more.

Dangerous flowers

It would seem that the flower is the harmless creation, what is dangerous in it? But the simplest and inephony plant can spoil the health and psyche, to deprive sleep and even personal happiness, so take away to the signs in moderation seriously!

1. Keep the ferns at home - these are "vampires", they suck in a person by vital energy, he will weaken and feels the decline, laziness, apathy. Avoid all kinds of ferns - it is completely unsuitable for the house of the plant.

2. Lilies are beautiful, but no matter how pleasant for your eyes, they should not be kept at home, especially - where you sleep. First, these are flowers, which, like ferns, are "vampires" and take the strength.

Secondly, lilies, in contrast to the majority of representatives of the kingdom of flora, absorb oxygen and isolated carbon dioxide. If the lilies are at home, especially in the bedroom - the next morning you will not need to get out of bed and make yourself actively act. Will be bad mood and the decline of forces.

3. Slas and any curly plants can absolutely be kept in a residential room. They have aggressive male energy, it acts on the space is not favorable.

The house will be uncomfortable to men - and the man will strive to leave the house, will disappear somewhere. These are not just signs, you can easily make sure or ask the owners who have ivy in a cozy house - they will confirm.

Also, Ils and Busines are vampires and suck vitality, optimism and mental health. But keep them in the yard, outside the house - useful! This is not only aesthetically, what can I justly judge by different photosBut also favorably - negative energy does not pass inside the housing. Signs testifying: ivy - a reliable defender.

4. Many cacti love, but it is believed that young girls and women can not keep him in their room. Whatever you like the types of cacti and succulents, it is better to keep them in the kitchen, but in the bedroom exactly they are not a place. Ancient signs say that such a plant destroys women's happiness and negatively affects the personal life of the girl.

5. Lilacs have no place in the residential room. Yes, it smells perfectly and very beautiful in appearance, but do not drag the lilac branches into the house - this is a "dark" plant that attracts bad energies and negative.

If you like the view of the blooming lilac too much - put on the monitor beautiful photo This bush, or hang a poster. Even in the courtyard of a private house, it is not recommended to plant lilac - she ruins harmony and peace in the family.

6. Do not keep the diffenbach in the house. What beautiful and unusual leaves from this plant, on any photo you can see what color they have and a noble form.

They conquer many - but, alas, the plant is not only poisonous, it also takes the health and strength at the residents of the room. The only exception - the Diffenbachy can be kept in a large room, open from two or more sides - in the corridor, lobby, lobby.

7. Tekhchin's plant is very covered. It is considered negative for the female dwelling, especially for the bedroom - Tekhchin language has a negative energy and takes women's force.

In addition, cunning Teschin is preventing the girl to get married and as if "chasing" men from the room, it is noticed by many girls. It is better not to start in the house of Teschin language - there is a mass of other beautiful plants.

8. Sansevieria, or a sick tail - also a dangerous plant. His leaves really resemble the tail of the fish, it is beautiful, but be careful - this plant is dangerous for family lifeHis energy is destructive. This is a shame - the sick tail beautifully flowers and exudes a pleasant fragrance, but he, according to the signs, contributes to loneliness.

Choose room flowers standing with the mind, to trust taste and intuition. It is best to choose such plants about which if there are signs, the most pleasant and good. These are hyacinths, camellia, roses, geranium and many others.

Flowers can not only please the eyes and give pleasure, but also positively influence the energy of space, clean the air and even improve fate and life. The main thing is not to refer to the choice of rashly, and be observing.

If suddenly after the acquisition of the flower, any negative change began to manifest themselves - pay attention to it and try to remove the flower from the house. If everything goes - there is no doubt, the home "resident" does not suit you.

Be careful and do not rush, and let your green friends bring you only joy and happiness!
Posted by: Vasilina Serov

To understand the range of room representatives of flora offered by agrofirms and flower shops, sometimes difficult even experienced flower. It seems that it may be easier to buy a plant in a pot, bring home and care what is required. But not everything is so simple. Many of them are potentially dangerous: some contain poison and can cause poisoning, others are considered energy "vampires", and the third is not allowed to keep in the apartment according to folk signs.

Poisonous plants

The list of poisonous plants grown in residential buildings and offices is quite large. Most often, these are representatives of the family of aroid, courtyard, milkness and pasty, but there are also other varieties that are dangerous to human health. Of the most popular and attractive in appearance, poisonous are:

Dangerous indoor plants include:

  • aglionm;
  • adenium;
  • azalea;
  • acalifa;
  • brovalia;
  • brunfelsia;
  • hyacinth;
  • hippeastrum;
  • betting;
  • calla;
  • codium;
  • oleander;
  • pahipodium;
  • poinsettia;
  • philodendron.

The juice of these crops causes irritation or burn when hitting the skin, when swallowed - drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting, when in the eye - a violation of vision. The fragrance of some of them is so strong that it can provoke the development of allergic reactions and even faint (oleander).

Despite the potential threat to human health, poisonous plants are bred and grow thousands of flowerfields in their apartments. The main thing when leaving them is to comply with security measures:

  • in transplantation and trimming to wear latex gloves;
  • do not use a kitchen knife;
  • carefully flush all the tools;
  • do not put in the nursery;
  • place in places inaccessible for kids and indoor pets.

When all the requirements are observed, the danger of poisonous indoor plants is reduced to zero. If necessary, you need to take measures of first aid: cause vomiting and drink activated carbon or other absorbent, washing the skin with soap, and the eyes - running water.

Many indoor culture They are completely harmless plants, but in some people they are able to cause an allergic reaction in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, headache, insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms. This is Lily, Hoya, Hydrangea, Orchid, Tubery, Primula, Cyclamen, and even familiar Geranium since childhood. It's all about the individual heightened sensitivity to smells and phytoncides, which distinguish flowers. If such a reaction arose after the new green friend appeared in the house, it will have to get rid of it.

Choosing for own house Or apartment houseplants, it makes sense to listen to the advice that Fengsui gives. According to this teaching, it does not matter, to which species there is one or another flower, much more important, in what condition it is. The main rules of the Chinese practice of organizing space clearly indicate which flowers can not be held at home:

  • dried;
  • faded;
  • antipathy;
  • old, for a long time not blooming and not giving young shoots;
  • patients whose treatment does not bring results for a long time.

If such copies are in the apartment, they spread around themselves negative energywhich adversely affects the state of health, the success and well-being of residents.

According to Fenzui theory, each plant has the features of a female or male beginning, that is, the flowers can be divided into two groups - Yin (women) and Yang (men's). The optimal will be the option when there is an equilibrium between female and male start. It is quite easy to organize it: it is enough to purchase several Yin flowers (Senpolia, Begonia, Cyclamen, Crassus) and add chlorophytum to them, room lemon Or dragera, which are considered men's plants.

Chinese wise people advise when placing room colors to adhere to the basic rules:

  • give preference to cultures with round-shaped leaves;
  • do not put a lot of pots in the bedroom or children's room, especially next to the bed;
  • to attract positive energy into the house, choose plants, shoots and leaves of which are directed up;
  • avoid varieties with sharp leaves and spines, as they bring quarrels and scandals to the house.

The most dangerous to the house from the point of view of Fengshui is bonsai. This is a dwarf tree grown by special technology. Thanks to certain techniques, the seedling of ordinary wood is artificially stop in growth, not allowing normal to develop. As a result, a plant in a miniature is obtained, which so like flows. But if you keep bonsai in the house, you can say goodbye to the well-being and successful career.

The Chinese practice of the harmonious organization of the surrounding space advises to pay attention to the list of health benefits and family of plants:

  • prettyanka or money Tree - brings wealth and well-being in the material plan;
  • bamboo - absorbs negative energy and gives positive;
  • lemon tree - develops independence and increases vitality;
  • ficus - extinguishes aggression, neutralizes negative energy streams;
  • mytov Tree - promotes the revival of family relations and harmony between spouses;
  • geranium - improves metabolism, soothes nervous system, acts favorably on the human body as a whole;
  • maranta - helps to gain harmony in professional activity And the meaning in life.

It is believed that the flower will bring maximum benefit if the zodiac sign of the apartment inhabitants will correspond. Recommended cultures are presented in the table:

Zodiac sign Name of room flowers
Aries Coleus, room grenade, chlorophytum, mushroom, begonia, echona, red / pink geranium or azalea
Twins Chlorophytum, Asparagus, Ivy, Fern, Tradesska, Canotis, Motley Palm
Cancer Fuchsia, Pecheromia, Aloe, Cupid, Calanechoe, Havorti, Echeveria, Philodendron, Aglionm, Begonia
a lion Calcolaria, Amaranth, Calla, Camellia, Gardenia, Acalifa, Geran, AFALANDRA
Virgo Roikissus, Monster, Aukuba, Philodendron, Singonium, Drazena, Fatsia
Libra Skluberger, Croton, Heliotrop, Hydrangea, Hibiscus, Code, White Azalia
Scorpio Oleander, Ginur, Staplia, Aloe, Cactus, Dragono Tree, Faucaria
Sagittarius Nematatatus, Ficus, Clivia, Shepherr, Sansevieria, Hemantus, Palm
Capricorn Crasusla, Ficus, Drazena, Litops, Lavra Tree, Coniferous Cultures
Aquarius Abutilon, Alocacy, Drazena, Stromant, Reo, Calatea, Fittonia, Nolina, Koleus
Fish Ripzalis, Geranium, Orchid, Crasusla, Highway, Heltsina, Ficus

These plants will help strengthen positive character traits. concrete person And soften its negative qualities.

Listening to the Councils Fengshui, do not fully rely on the above truths. After all, in any teaching there are certain contradictions. So, cacti covered with sharp spines and are carriers of heavy energy, but at the same time reduce rage and irritability. Therefore, it is useful to keep them in the office or a common room in apartments where hot-tempered nature live, but you can not put in the bedroom or children.

Similar situation with hibiscus ( chinese rose): Some experts claim that she helps to cope with depression and gives a charge of cheerfulness, others believe that it elegant plant Suspens the life forces from man.

Folk signs and superstition

It is impossible to bypass the side and numerous prejudices regarding room plants.

Room Flowers bringing family happiness

Plants located in the house are able to provide positive influence On the relationship between all households. However, in addition to favorable exposure, they can make a disharmony in family relationships. Look at your windowsill, it is likely that it is where the reason for misunderstanding and the frequent conflicts in the family is.

Ficus It has very powerful positive energywhich applies throughout the apartment. Big Ficus will look good in the kitchen. This indoor plant helps to smooth conflict situations and makes harmony in family relationships.

Cactus absorbs harmful radiation emanating from household appliancesAnd also protects the dwelling from evil forces. However, this plant is not recommended to put in the bedroom, because it is capable of making a disharmony into sexual relations between spouses. The needles of this room plants are able to cool the passion.

Monster Rades strong positive energy. Monster also helps get rid of headaches. If you feel a caustic longing, then this is a house plant will help to overcome apathy and depression. Family people, this flower helps to achieve an understanding, quarrels between spouses occur much less often.

Dracaenait is a symbol of well-being, success and execution of desires. Get in your apartment in the apartment is a truly magic room plant to make it easier to overcome everyday problems.

Room Flowers bringing

Lonely people dreaming of finding family happiness, you can give spathifylum. This unusual indoor plant will be a reliable assistant for a young unmarried girlwhich has already desperately gain family happiness. However, Nickythillum cannot be given to anyone or take out of the house. Together with a plant from the house can leave and happiness.

Violet It is a symbol of devotion. This beautiful indoor plant will help get rid of loneliness and find a suitable satellite of life.

Hibiscus - This is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. This room flower also helps to get rid of loneliness

Zamokulkas - This is a houseplant that is revered from various nations of the world for a long time. This exotic flower attracts good luck and helps to find a life satellite.

Indoor Flowers bringing financial well-being

Pretty - This is a houseplant, which is specifically crowning in order to attract money to the house. To strengthen the energy of this plant, put it in a bright red pot, and put several coins on the bottom.

Also brings wealth to the house. This houseplant is a symbol of financial well-being and stability.

Bamboohe has many shoots that arrive rushes upwards. Bamboo brings good luck to its owner in all spheres of his life.

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  • Houseplants of happiness

Many people will take help people in attracting material wealth in house. In addition, there are some simple ruleswho contribute to becoming richer. Believe in them or not - the decision is individual. In any case, knowledge of such will not have prevented anyone.


If in house Came a lot of money (salary, premium, inheritance, etc.), one bill will definitely postpone, and never explicate it. It is she who will attract money in house.

Manicure and simple nail processing only on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is how one of the people will take to attract wealth to house.

For attraction greater money In the evening, on the young moon, stroking a gray cat, say: "Koteshok-Batushch, give us a lot of money."

In order for in the new year in house Came good luck, Meet January 1 with beautiful hairstyle, white pantyhose and new underwear. Prepare at least seven on the table different dishesthat surely try yourself. And put seven coins on the chair, who after the battle of the chimes, distribute your loved ones and familiar.

If walking through the forest, you heard cuckoo, be sure to make coins. So you will attract good luck at house.

Three days before the full moon, spread a white tablecloth on the table and put a large bill under it.

After you spent the guests, crumbs from the table shake out to the street to good luck never appeared.

Homemade colors for many not just a hobby or a desire to refresh the interior, but a real passion, passion on the verge of art: not all the flowers are combined, not everyone tolerate the neighborhood with yourself similar, some are dangerous at all, and it is impossible to keep them in a residential premises.

Objective reality

One of their objective reasons that does not allow to keep some types of plants at home is the content of poisons in the leaves or fragrances of the latter. For example, one of the most common office plants - Diffenbachia - has a dangerous juice for human health. In an adult, a contamination with a broken sheet of diffenbahia occurs, there is a burn, the children have asphyic reactions.

Justice and its views (for example, beautiful and static crotone) also have juice. And the liquid obtained from the oleander, and can lead to blindness at all if you have a drink or consumed with food.

Japanese Ralea causes spasms of voice ligaments, and Azalea is cramps.

Innocuous with the form of Mimosa shame does not have a dangerous juice, but her phytoncides lead to human baldness, so keep it in residential rooms Not recommended.

Lilia is also not poisonous, but its dopeful aroma, as well as the fragrance of the valley, provokes headaches and nausea, besides excessively actively absorb oxygen. If you love this flower very much, try to post it on open sites With a good air inflow.

Geranium - common room flower. It decorates the dwellings of many people, but not every person thinks about the fact that in addition to the beauty, this flower has beneficial properties. Geranium is one of the strongest and powerful plants on the effect on the body.

The beneficial properties of Gerani are known for many millennia. Today, scientists were able to prove that this flower is able to clean the air from various bacteria. He kills even staphylococcus. Geranium essential oils fill the house with an excellent aroma and the organism is comprehensively affected.

The composition of Gerani

In Gerani, there are many useful substances. These are tubyl substances, salts, starch, organic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanis, essential oil, calcium and substance - Geranine, which is still understood. Due to this, the plant has spasmolitical, anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antiseptic effect.

So, young leaflets in fresh form can help with dysentery, diseases of the kidneys, problems with intestines. A fairly wide flower is used in the treatment of inflammatory throat and nose diseases. It can be used in tonsillitis, otitis, angina and other diseases. Geranium facilitates tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmias.

Gerani essential oil

Geranium essential oil has a pronounced soothing effect. Thanks to him, a person can get rid of depression, oppressed states and nervous disruptions. It is recommended to place a few pots with this flower in the bedroom, then there will reign the atmosphere of rest and pacification. In addition, geranium oil helps with vessels spasme. Due to this, headache is leaving, blood circulation is improved. Also, this plant treats neuralgia, root syndrome and neuritis, lowers sugar levels.

Diseases that geranium treats

In some types of Gerani, anticoagulants are present, they impede the formation of thrombot and the development of thrombophlebitis. If you use the infusions of the green part of this plant, they will have a binder, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It will help this agent for gout and rheumatism, solvent deposits in the kidneys. Ramars are recommended to drink with dysentery, long-term diarrhea, as a hemostatic agent.

In addition, geranium in the form of decoction and infusions is used in insomnia, fever, epileptic seizures, dental pain and neuralgia. The infusion of blood-red geranium roots is an effective soothing agent that also reduces blood pressure. Also, red geranium rhizomes will help to stop the growth of malignant tumors.

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Decorating the bedroom in room colors is a wonderful solution, especially if you correctly care for plants. They should not be too much indoors where you sleep, because at night they absorb needed man oxygen.


However, a pair of slow-growing flowers with large rounded leaves in no case will prevent, such plants are qualitatively purified by air from various chemical discharges, which then protrude on the surface of the leaves in the form of dust. It is very important to regularly wipe the leaves so that poisonous crystals do not return to the air. Do not put plants to bed too close.

Chlorophytum is a wonderful plant that has a property to neutralize poisonous substances (including formaldehyde) in the air and purify it from microorganisms. This plant moisturizes air. It has been proven that four adult healthy chlorophytum can completely clean the air in small room per day.

Spathifulum is another very useful plant. Spathifylums are absorbed harmful substancesthat fall into urban apartments through the windows. This wonderful flower contributes to the normalization of sleep and will suit anyone.

Aloe has a property to absorb most Formaldehyde highlighted by furniture made of chipboard, this plant lowers the level of poisonous substances in the room, distinguishes oxygen in the dark and takes carbon dioxide. The same properties have a calangean, which, besides, can take away depression. It should be noted that both plants are extremely unpretentious, so even suitable people who do not have time to take care of.

Begonia (especially for Begonias) has a property to neutralize malicious microorganisms and substances. It is considered a symbol of material success, and its fragrance can remove depression. This flower recommends placing the bedrooms of older or sick people.

Geranium can ozonize air and kill microbes. It contributes to the removal of the internal stress, the normalization of the female hormonal background. Geranium is very useful in insomnia, but, unfortunately, it can often cause allergies.

Cacti - very useful plants. It is best to buy them with long needles. Cacti reduce air ionization, protecting the room from electromagnetic emissions. In addition, these plants kill microbes. It is believed that cacti is best to place in rooms with a TV or a computer, so if you have a similar technique in the bedroom, cacti - your option. It is very important that these plants get enough light and heat.

Lavr is considered so good plant To decorate the bedroom. Since ancient times, cribs were decorated with branches of this plant so that children would be better sleeping, but the laurel affects the sleep of adults.

Flowers are not just a decor for the bedroom. The flower in the bedroom creates a special atmosphere, refreshes air and promotes healthy rest. But it should be borne in mind that the flowers in the bedroom need to pick up carefully, given their possible impact on a person.

You will need


Scarlet - flower first-aid kit for the bedroom

Aloe is a wonderful flower for the bedroom. At night, this plant actively absorbs carbon dioxide and no less actively distinguishes oxygen. It is believed that aloe protects the accommodation and its hosts from accidents. This belief is most likely based on medical properties This flower. Washed and peeled leaves Aloe leaves have long been applied to the treatment of infected wounds, and also part of many funds from traditional medicine.

Camellia - awakening sexuality

The bedroom is not only a room for night rest, but also a place in which the most intimate passions of family life will be launched. Red Camellia is not easy luxury decor For sleeping bag, but also a kind of "psychological" assistant, eliminating sexual problems. Bright flower For the bedroom, it is just perfect, as it is absolutely deprived of a smell that can disturb sleep.

Violet - manage emotions

Gentle violets will serve as an exquisite decoration for your bedroom. Pay attention to the colors - white violets acting in the bedroom are appropriate, as well as purple, helping spouses to find mutual language. Pink and red tint violets give a feeling of joy from communication. Such flowers are better to put in the bedroom, if you want a trust atmosphere of love and mutual understanding there.

Chlorophytum - Clean the air in the bedroom

If you want to be sure that the air of your bedroom is cleaned of pathogenic microorganisms and harmful evaporation, set in it chlorophyteum - a flower for a bedroom with a bedroom unique properties. Several such plants in just 24 hours will make air bedrooms flawlessly clean and fresh. To enhance the plant efficiency in flower pot You can put several activated carbon tablets.

Geranium - get rid of insomnia

This unpretentious flower For the bedroom will help you to get rid of stress and insomnia caused by him. In addition, geranium flowers are separated into the air biologically active substances that are destructive on staphylococcus and streptococcus.

Ficus - We are planning a pregnancy

If you are planning a pregnancy, put the ficus in the bedroom. Clean the flower for the bedroom, regularly rub his wide leaves from dust, and also talk to him. According to belief, it is believed that the ficus, spoiled by the attention of the hostess, contributes to a speedy conception, and also favors the calm course of pregnancy.


In the bedroom it is impossible to put flowers with a sharp aroma. It can cause headaches and cause insomnia and restless sleep

Useful advice

Note that during the daytime, all the colors allocate carbon dioxide. Therefore, there should be many green plantings in the bedroom.


  • What flowers to put in the bedroom

Room plant "Women's Happiness" has green oblong leaves and white flowers on a long leg. In addition to the external appeal, it is believed that the flower has magical properties.


Spatifylum (Spathiphyllum), the people called "Women's Happiness", is an evergreen perennial tropical plant. The plant received its scientific name from two Greek words: "Spaged" - bedspread and "philum" - leaf. The name characterizes appearance The flower, namely, the specific shape of the bedspread, resembling the form of an ordinary leaf of the plant, but white.

White with greenish tint flowers grow on long (up to 30 cm) flowers. The bedspread, which is usually in length from 7 to 12 cm, covers on one side white, green or yellowish pulp. A large leaves on long stiff grow from the rhizomes, which at the surface of the soil are assembled into the root roset. The leaves have an extended, oval or lancing form, the length of which ranges from 15 to 30 cm.

Spatifylum requires special care. The lighting for it should be bright, but the direct sun rays must be excluded. In the room you need to maintain a temperature of 18-25˚ S. drafts of the plant are contraindicated. AT summer period Flower should be unscrewed, but with a decrease in temperature ambient Watering should be moderate. Between watering the land in the pot must dry. Water should be defended. In addition, it is tropical plant He loves moisture, so it needs to be systematically sprayed. With insufficient watering and humidity of the air, spathiflow leaves are yellow, and if the flower is too often watering, they can turn.

Spatifylum does not need a spacious pot, in the cramp it will even better bloom. With annual spring transplant A drainage should be put on the bottom, and the weakly acid substrate is ideal as soil. In addition, some flower products advise additionally periodically acidify the soil with a solution of several drops of vinegar and liter of water.

As for the second name of Spatifylum, the nickname "female happiness" flower received due to the beneficial effect on the life of his mistress. The people say that the flower brings to the house family well-being. It is believed that a lonely woman soon finds his soul mate, unmarried women waiting for the cherished march of Mendelssohn, a shaded marriage marriage - begins, and the dreams of motherhood come true.

Folk signs say that in order for the flower to fulfill his magic mission, he must be definitely donated, and not bought. In addition, "Women's Happiness" requires a special careful and gentle relationship and care.


It has long been noticed that indoor plants are able to influence the energy of the residential space and the health of the owners - as spiritual and physical. Each flower in its own way affects the atmosphere of the house, so correctly picking up houseplants, you can harmonize the space around yourself, make the situation in the apartment more comfortable and even improve your well-being.


People prone to melancholia, it is recommended to decorate our house with plants with bright colors Yellow, red and orange tones. But the colors of cold shades (blue, purple, blue) are more active and even aggressive individuals. Such plants pacify the dust and bring confusion.

Plants in the house should be placed depending on their energy properties, features of the surrounding space, as well as the parties of the world. For example, if you follow a popular Feng Shui teaching today, plants with white flowers, light edging leaves or silver spots on them, placed along the western wall. Plants with bright colors resembling flames, and reddish foliage are appropriate in the south, since this side of the light corresponds to the fire sector. To the south.

In some cases, care can be taken when choosing indoor plants. For example, it is not desirable to put the curly plants into the bedroom, because according to believe it may adversely affect the relationship of spouses. In other rooms, they are permissible, but they must be directed up to ensure the energy of the development and harmonization of feelings. However, if there are many protruding corners of the disharmony into the atmosphere of the dwelling, it is possible to use plants hanging down (binders and advocates) in the house.

In the recesses and niches, that is, in those places where energy is stamped, it is recommended to settle down plants with thin, sharp shoots and narrow leaves. In the living room or in the kitchen, their presence is extremely undesirable.

It should be known that some plants affect a person especially strongly. Such, for example, orchids, absorbing positive energy. Therefore, weak, unsure people are not recommended to keep their homes. Ferns, on the contrary, utilize negative energy, and therefore are shown irritable personalities, as well as people prone to depression.

Geranium is good to strengthen immunity and increasing endurance. This popular indoor plant charges optimism and normalizes the energy of space.

For a long time, the most popular rooms are violets and ficuses. And this is not by chance. It is believed that violets contribute to pacification and harmony. These tender flowers Gas aggression and prevent scandals. The same qualities are attributed to the ficus. These plants will best take care that there are never quarrels between the owners.

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People have long known that the plants have a property to charge them around them. Because of this, they are used in the interiors of office and school offices, gardens and houses, of course. In general, everywhere where there are clusters of people. Even the parks in the urban environment are created in order for a person to enjoy the gifts of nature, recharge the next week of natural energy and relax from the past week.

Leaves in plants are the main conductors of any energy. They take photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide, and instead they give oxygen and natural, natural energy. It is over the leaves that can determine where to put the plant so that it brings the maximum benefit.

Plants with large and smooth sheets, for example, a monster or chamedoriy, walk in any part of the room. They quickly clean the air from harmful impurities and at the same time balancing the energy balance of the surrounding Mirka. Despite the terrible myths about Monster, she personifies the comfort and harmony in the family.

Flowers with small leaves, for example, the ficus or emerald tree, you need to have breaks around the windows, doors or turns in corridors. They act pointfully, directing the incoming energy from the routes in the room.

Round fleshy leaves of plants Emit a soft and tranquil energy. They are able to smooth out a quarrel in the family, contribute to harmony and monetary well-being. Such plants include Crassula or cash ingredion, in common, as well as peperomy and other succulents.

Spiral and spiral sheets The plant speaks about constant energy movement. Place of such plants - a study or table. Bamboo or Albuka Spiraloid will help with fatigue, lead your thoughts in order, will lead you to the vigorous arrangement of the Spirit.

Cacti And it looks scary because of the barns are their defense. According to myths, these plants have strong and aggressive energy. Use them with the mind - put cacti on sunny window sills, where they will not have dangerous under the rays, passing your home from unfavorable outdoor energy.

Do not forget that the plants give only what they get. Therefore, take care of them, and they will respond to you.

It is difficult to find an apartment where there would be no room plants. Many of the green inhabitants of the house are useful, but there are among them and dangerous specimens. See the list below the list of such plants and check if a poisonous tenant was settled in your house.

The list of poisonous plants is quite large. There are very beautiful in their ranks, and seemingly completely harmless flowers, but in fact they can cause tangible harm to health.

1. Ivy
Ivy is elegant with. He looks very beautiful and can decorate any apartment. However, not everything is so cloudless, as it may seem at first glance. Its leaves are toxic and affect rodents. If your house has animals, place ivy so that they cannot get to it.

2. Fatsia
This is a miniature tree with brilliant bright leaves, reaching a width of up to 35 cm. It is necessary to care for her with all caution and try not to damage the leaves. It is contained that toxic substances. If you have small children and pets, remove the plant into a hard-to-reach place.

3. Diffenbahia
This plant can often be found in apartments. It looks very attractive and beautiful, but its leaves contain dangerous juice. If you get on the mucous membrane, it causes a strong, and in rare cases and blocking breathing. Diffenbachy Nelia put in homes where little children and animals live. If you make the most dangerous plants, it will rightly take first place.

It is a plant with beautiful narrow leaves with silver pattern or white spots. The juice of Aglionma, getting on the skin, causes severe itching and irritation. Put it away from the children and try not to damage the leaves during care.

5. SzindapSus
This liana is a frequent resident of offices and various public places, as it does not require much care. The substances that are contained in it cause strong poisoning. That is why the scysdapsus is undesirable to keep at home.

6. Family Parenic
This group gets grazing, re and browality. These plants are dangerous to keep in the house with young children. Toxic substances contained in them cause poisoning. The first symptoms: vomiting, drowsiness and pain in the abdomen.

7. Amarilisov family
It includes, hymenocallas and others. Of course, these plants bloom very beautifully, but they better refuse them if you have pets that can taste poisonous leaves and bulbs.

Tip 11: What should be added to the water so that the flowers stand in longer?

Cut flowers will delight with their beauty and fragrance longer if used to extend their lives simple advice. You can apply both home tools and purchased in the store.

Of course, the flowers will be best in a vase filled with spring water. But in this case, it is necessary to be realistic: it is almost impossible to find it in urban, especially in a short time. So you need to use the usual water water. It must be most cleansed. It is recommended to boil the water, and then bring it to room temperature. You can also dip in the water copper or silver coin, it is believed that this tool helps to clean water. Remember that the water should be changed once a day.

Flowers are recommended to add several sugar spoons into the water, it will serve for colors with a feeding. For disinfection, mangalls or alcohol is suitable. It is not worth pouring a lot of concentrated liquid. Half alcohol teaspoon will be enough. For activation useful properties Water use vinegar - just a few drops.

When you have nothing at all at hand, you can add a little dishwashing to water. You can also use a pinch washing powder. Soap water will help to stop the rapid development of malicious bacteria, and the flowers will live for a few days longer.

Shopping elixirs

To extend the lives of bouquets in specialized stores for sale effective means. They are produced in the form of powders, cost inexpensively. Bouquets with their help stand in the water longer than usual. Water can become a little muddy, but there is no unpleasant smell. A few days after the first use of the powder, the procedure can be repeated.

It used to be believed that the water is best added aspirin, then the flowers will preserve many days. But the flowers are paints. And what can be good for lilies, not quite suitable for daisies. Therefore, it is better to add those powders that are neutrally acting on all kinds of colors. At the same time, it is important to comply with the instructions.

Remember that the flowers are desirable to keep in a bright place. But on scorching sun It is not worth it. It is believed that the perfect temperature for the life of flowers in the apartment is T 19 degrees. At night, flowers love coolness.

Flowers - a gift for all occasions. Do you give him for a holiday or to embello weekdays - in any case it will bring you, and to the one who you are handing them, only positive emotions. Provided, of course, what you do everything right.


Useful advice

Following these tips, you will not be afraid to give flowers and hardly make a mistake. After all, everyone knows that getting flowers is nice. So why not everyone guess what to give them - too, pleasure? Express your feelings with colors, give flowers more often. And better - without reason.

A list of what flowers should not keep at home: photos and signs are small. But, there are plants from which superstitious people immediately stay away. It is possible that on the very fact the flowers are completely harmless, but when a superstitious person learn a certain will accept, then all problems in life writes off the flower.

There is also a certain group of home plants, in the stems and the leaves of which the poisonous juice flows. If only adults live at home, there is nothing to fear and such plants can be bolder. But if there are small children or animals at home, it is better to give the plant to the family where there are no risk groups.

Flowers that select the energy of love and happiness

In the list, what flowers do not keep at home: photos and signs with photos, any curly plants are always the first. Yes, they look indoors effectively and are capable of even the small room of a city apartment Create a real winter Garden. But, with such indoor colors, it is necessary to behave extremely carefully.

A brief list of curly plants that are not suitable for home:

  • Golden mustache;

  • Tradesska;

  • Rafidophore;

  • Epipremnum;

  • Campelia;

The people say that the content of any of this flower at home can lead to the fact that the husband will take away from the family. These are bloody flowers that take away the energy of love and actively absorb the energy of happiness, not giving anything in return.

Interesting! Even the Eastern Philosophy of Feng Shui to any curly colors also relates to fear. On Feng Shui, such flowers in the residential room keep strictly not recommended.

Plants that contain poison

If the previous group of colors is considered dangerous for some unacceptable reason: plants absorb positive energy, then this group of domestic flowers has clear negative manifestations. In particular, the flowers are considered to be poisonous, unless, of course, taste them. Here you need to highlight a fairly popular diffenbahia . It is characterized by spectacular appearance and beautiful big leaves, but if the leaves are broken, you can see the juice that is poisonous. So, if there are kids, cats, dogs and other living creatures, then better at the time of growing this flower to refuse.

Too fragrant plants

Other plants, for example, lily or Geran , have a strong smell. It can affect the human well-being. In particular, the smell of lilies is so strong that it is annoying the nervous system and it is impossible to relax in the room. Moreover, lilies are actively breathing with us oxygen, highlighting carbon dioxide.

As for the smell of Gerani, he often causes headaches. Many people have different allergic reactions for geranium. They talk about a sharp aroma, it is also worth mentioning such a flower as oleander . It is also distinguished by a sharp smell that causes dizziness. The oleander juice is dangerous to such an extent that there are cases when he caused blindness. Now you have even more information about what flowers should not keep at home: photos and signs.

And what about orchids?

Is it worth saying that it is orchids today are the most popular home flowers. They bloom beautifully and extremely simple in care. But, whether orchids include the list, what flowers do not keep at home: photos and signs? Here you can say with confidence that there is no. Nor in the people, nor in science there are no testes or evidence that the orchids negatively affect the space or on the person himself.

Like any blooming indoor plants, orchids are not recommended in the bedroom. But in any other room of residential or office space, they can safely occupy the most beautiful places.

Fortunately, a list of what flowers can not be held at home: photos and signs are small. Moreover, many folk signs do not have at no scientific basis. And if you are not married and do not be afraid that your husband will leave for another woman, then any curly plants can be bolder to grow. But on a group of poisonous colors with a sharp smell you should pay increased attention. Especially if you are inclined to allergies or at your home there are children, pets.



It is believed that they can be kept in any room. In more detail about what flowers should be in the house can be read in the article.

(Perhaps the list is incomplete, add other plants if you know))

Now general information about which plants can not be kept at home.

What houseplants can not keep at home, photo

At this point, everything is extremely ambiguous. If the plant is "harmful" from the point of view of Fengshui, then in Slavic tradition it is quite acceptable; If on folk signs, it negatively affects the relationship, it is quite possible to keep in the kitchen, and not in the bedroom; If it is poisonous, then in the house where there are no small children and animals will be quite appropriate.

Let's still try to disassemble in groups, what flowers do not keep at home and why.

What houseplants that can not keep houses on Fengshui

In accordance with this ancient science Cacti is prohibited in the house.

Sometimes it is observed that poisonous plants are also undesirable, but since I have no familiar Master Fengshui, it is not possible to figure out this.

About cacti. I want to say a few words in their defense, because I love them very much)).

Cacti in the house is good or bad?

Even Fengsui himself is not so categorical, experts advise carefully applies to these "barns", cactus, milk, and do not keep them in the bedroom or children's. It is believed that they contribute to quarrels, as they make people "prickly". But the workbook, the kitchen or the hallway will be suitable.

And although scientists categorically declare that cactis do not absorb the harmful electromagnetic waves (remember how one time all brought before the monitors of small pots with cactus? 😉) Outgoing from the TV or computer, the cactus, which will be used in the office, it is believed that it stimulates mental activity and improves performance.

Folk signs do not advise you to keep a cactus unmarried women who want to meet their narrowed, for he scares the potential grooms with his sharp needles.

But if you are already married or completely there are not going to 😉 boldly put cacti on the window in the room where you are not constantly, as the same spines cacti "distil off" from housing negative energy.

Houseplants that can not keep houses on folk signs

Surely everyone heard that not in honor of curly plants and lianas, which allegedly "do not allow" to linger in the house of men. This, for example, TRONESCTION,


Golden mustache.

Here again there is your own "but".

In accordance with the teachings of Fengshui, it is the curly and ivy-like plants that are able to protect the house, reflecting the attacks of "poisonous arrows of Sha" that is a negative energy that comes from items and is directed to a certain place in your apartment. They will also help compensate for the bad energy of the "defective" wall in your home.

WITH scientific Vision Many of them perfectly clean the air. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards the curly pets.

I do not know how the tradeskania "expelled", as it is considered a symbol of well-being.

This is a flower that has a high energy sensitivity and with its help you can determine if there are problems at home, and are not found by family members in the depressed state.

If there are such negative moments, then the tradeskania begins to wither, dry, leaves are lowered and fall. If everything is in order, it can charge the house with positive energy.

Houseplants that can not keep houses on "scientific" reasons

WITH poisonous plants It is clear - with them just need to be neat. Watch that their juice will not get into her mouth and eyes, as well as that children and pets do not touch them.

Such plants are desirable to know "in the face."

The flower is very popular with flower flower, but possessing "increased poisonousness." Even only from his aroma, dizziness may occur, not to mention the juice that causes burns, when entering the esophagus - poisoning, and, hitting the mucous eye, can cause blindness. Be careful, even if there are no small children in the house, transplanting oleander, wear gloves.

Poisonous, albeit less, are:



Some varieties of Mokha region.

"Vampirism" of some plants is very substantiated from a scientific point of view. So, in the recreation area, you do not need to place Monster. Although it is not a vampire at all, but simply absorbs oxygen in large quantitiesTherefore, the feeling can be created that out of you "pulled positive energy."

The same can be said about Yucca.

As a result: indoor plants that are unambiguously worth keeping at home simply does not exist, because they and indoor 🙂

Add big lyrical postscript)) The fact that indoor plants have energy and, I would even say, with our own feelings and "concepts", I convinced me the case that happened at work. In the office of the deputy chief, young sport manThe beauty grew by the Chinese rose.

In the fact that she was "woman" doubtedly did not have - smooth bends of twigs, constantly blooming red buds and gentle appearance confirmed her belonging to the "weak floor".

She was clearly not indifferent to his owner, the bluish beautiful buds were constantly injected. But he, as many men, did not appreciate her love and "looking" to another - a miniature violet in a small pot, decided to replace a high rose and pulled out from the office to the receptionist, asking to look after her employee who was an avid daccus.

Every day we watched how a rose was getting worse, she sniffed, lowered the twigs and sadly dropped leaves when her former owner passed by, despite his "infidelity," Rosa continued to love him.

Than just not fertilized her experienced dachanitsa, as soon as he did not rearrange from the Sun to the Tenk and back - Rosa Chakhla. Once again, looking at almost bald harsh bush, the heart of the deputy heads drown, he moved the miniature "favorite" into the corner and brought back to the cabinet dying rose.

And, you know, she forgave him))) Purchased, let down new shoots and leaves, and soon decorated with gentle buds. Still, she could not be ugly in the presence of a beloved man!

She "lived" with his owner to her old age moving from place to place as the head of posts and cabinets change, but, despite the change of the situation, he never faded and did not quack, and indeed this if which you can't live ...

I wanted to describe in the article, is it worth it to breed all the famous geranium and keep home reeds at home. But the topic was so extensive, just the material for scientific))) Therefore, what specifically room plants should be put in certain rooms I will write in the next article with which I will try not to linger.

Let you please your "green pets" :)