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All about the medicinal properties of the fat woman, the money tree, the benefits and contraindications. What is the use of the "money" tree

Healing properties of the money tree

Money Tree originally from warm countries. Many varieties of bastard grow in southern Africa, Australia and Madagascar. At home, a tree-like jellyfish is grown, which is called a money tree and is used as a green healer. The tree fat woman actually resembles a tree. It is a plant with a thick lignified trunk and a dense crown of fleshy green leaves. IN room conditions the money tree rarely blooms. And if this happens, then only after the fifth year of the plant's life.

It is noteworthy that the money tree is a kind of indicator of the health status of people living in the house where it grows. This tree seems to draw in negative energy unhealthy body and begins to wither. But as soon as a person recovers, he also returns to the tree healthy look... In a word, even at the energetic level, this amazing plant is closely related to humans.

And the money tree is also considered a filter plant. That is, it is able to purify the air in the room and thereby have a beneficial effect on the well-being of people. But the use of the money tree in folk medicine is due to its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It is believed that by the strength of its medicinal properties, this plant is not inferior to Kalanchoe and aloe. However, most often the bastard is used for external treatment. And the fact is that arsenic contained in its leaves can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even loss of consciousness when ingested juice and green pulp. Therefore, drugs from the leaves of the money tree can be treated only after consulting a doctor.

Money tree in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the juice of the leaves of the bastard and the gruel prepared from them is used for external and internal use... For example, medicinal properties fat women are used for abscesses, cuts, wounds and deep scratches. Gruel is made from the leaves of this tree and applied to the damaged area.

At the same time, several washed leaves are crushed to a state of gruel, trying to preserve the juice of the plant as much as possible. The resulting gruel is applied to a clean (or even better sterile) gauze or a bandage folded in several layers. Cover it on top with one more layer of the same and apply to an abscess or wound. The dressing is kept for four hours and then replaced with a new one. This treatment is effective for muscle sprains and bruises.

Herpes on the lips is treated with fatty juice. To do this, squeeze juice from the washed leaves and smear a sore with it every half hour. Or a cotton swab is soaked in juice, applied to the affected area and fixed with a medical plaster. For sore throats (tonsillitis, tonsillitis), make an aqueous solution of fatty juice. To do this, juice is squeezed out of ten leaves and diluted in an incomplete glass of boiled or filtered water. Gargle with this solution about five times a day.

For the treatment of arthritis, folk methods also use the juice of the leaves of the money tree, lubricating the inflamed joints with it at night. The juice of a fat woman relieves pain, itching and swelling with mosquito, bee and wasp bites. They are also lubricated with bites four to six times a day.

It's believed that medicinal properties of the money treehelp with stomach and duodenal ulcers. Traditional healers recommend for these diseases to eat two leaves of a fat woman one hour before meals, chewing them thoroughly. Infusion of the leaves is also used to treat kidney inflammation. To do this, grind five washed leaves of the money tree, fill them with an incomplete glass hot water and insist for an hour. The infusion is taken one tablespoon fifteen minutes before meals three times a day.

Apply leaves of the money tree to the corns. By the way, "callus" is another popular name for the fat woman. Only first you need to remove the upper transparent film from the leaf, and only then apply it to the corn, fix it with a plaster and leave it overnight. Cut the leaves of the money tree are applied to the burnt places, but only if the burn is not very strong and without blisters.

By analogy with the treatment of corns, the leaves of the money tree are used for an ingrown nail. The cut leaf is applied to the inflamed area, covered plastic wrap and secured with a plaster. As the sheet dries, the compress is changed, and the nail plate softened with the juice of the fat woman is carefully removed.

Infusion of the leaves is used to treat varicose veins. Floor- liter jar fill with leaves and green twigs by two-thirds of the volume and pour vodka to the top. The jar is closed with a tight lid and insisted in a dark place for about a month. Then compresses are made from the finished infusion. The same treatment is carried out for joint and muscle pain and edema.

Treatment with fatty juice and hemorrhoids helps. For cooking drug mix the juice of the leaves with liquid petroleum jelly, soak a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and lubricate the hemorrhoidal cones. The procedure is performed only after bowel movement and washing cold water... After applying the ointment, you need to lie down for twenty to thirty minutes, and the procedure itself should be carried out two to three times a day.

It is also called Crassula or Fatty, or Zhiryanka - for its plump fleshy leaves, similar to coins. Perhaps, it is for the leaves that the plant is called "money tree". Perhaps it really has a special energy for accumulating the energy of money where it grows ... The history of the plant begins in warm countries - to look for its roots should be in Africa, Madagascar, Australia. Presented in many types. A tree-like money tree usually grows on our windowsills - the older the plant, the more it resembles a small tree. Here is a photo of a money tree that grows on the windowsill in our apartment:

money tree good or bad?

Benefit or harm of the money tree.

Whoever has a money tree at home, the benefits or harms of the plant cannot but be of interest. Of course, it is useful for the home.

First of all, it should be noted that it purifies the air, absorbs odors. For these properties, Crassula is also called a filter plant.

The next useful property is the ability to absorb the negative energy of the room. It is noted that the fat woman accumulates bad energy when someone is sick. Even wasting away at the same time. And he recovers when a person recovers.

The plant does not have a pronounced odor and therefore, for allergy sufferers, the bastard is one of the few plants that can be grown without harm to health. There is no allergy to a fat woman, or a money tree. If it doesn't bloom. If the tree has bloomed, then, of course, an allergy to the pollen of the money tree is possible.

There is a legend originating in the east - a beautiful legend that the money tree brings success and prosperity to the house. This is another reason for the popularity of the fat woman. According to these beliefs, the money tree is best placed on the southeast window.

In addition to all of the above, little known medicinal properties money tree. It has phytoncidal, bactericidal properties.

The money tree is used in the treatment of arthritis, wounds, cuts, suppurations, herpes, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, kidneys.

Be careful!

However, you should be careful when using the jellyfish for oral administration at home, because arsenic is abundant in its leaves. If used incorrectly or overdose, there may be complications in the form of impaired consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion and up to serious poisoning. It turns out the plant money tree harm can bring us too! If mishandled, the fat woman may be poisonous plant and, accordingly, very dangerous!

Money tree care.

Taking care of your money tree is pretty simple. The plant needs to be replanted, but not more often than once a year. He does not like waterlogging of the soil. In the summer, watering should be done 1-2 times a week. In winter, if the plant is not near the battery, watering it once a month is enough. Grows well even in small pots. Prefers the soil "for cacti".

Minus - a very weak root system, so it is better to choose a more massive pot so that the “crown” of the tree does not outweigh. Light loves, but does not like direct sunlight. From overheating, the leaves turn red or brown. Crassula should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth. During the active growing season, it is better to feed the plant. A ready-made fertilizer "for cacti".

The fat woman blooms very rarely. If this happens, then not earlier than five years after planting.

It reproduces very easily by leaves. They take root quickly. After the leaf has been separated from the tree, it is better to dry it for 2-3 days so that the wound heals. Then dig into the ground, but very shallow, like cacti. It is important. It is possible to plant as usual by placing it in the water and waiting for the roots.

In addition, shoots often appear on the tree itself - right on the trunk.

money tree propagation

They also quickly take root and are quite unpretentious.

Reproduction by seeds is also possible.

Here is such a care for the money tree! Very simple!

In order for the fat woman to attract money into the house, you need to buy her very little and raise her yourself. So they say! So, that's the way to do it!

Good luck with your crop production!

The fat woman is a houseplant, better known as the money tree. It is believed that it brings well-being and prosperity to the house, and also positively affects its energy. But the benefits of the money tree are not limited to these properties: the plant is able to cure a number of diseases. Official sources do not mention this, but traditional healers have confirmed this.

Plant fatty: description, photo

The fat woman is also called krasulla, the coin tree, the fat tree and the tree of happiness. Is it one-year, two-year or perennial, numbering more than 300 species. Crassula's homeland is South Africa, now in nature it is found in almost all countries of the Southern Hemisphere.

The leaves of the bastard are juicy and fleshy, they have unique property - the ability to accumulate moisture, this allows the plant to survive in drought conditions. The stem is hard, woody, erect in most cases. Flowers - small, solitary or clustered in inflorescences, white or pinkish in color.

The most common types of money tree that are grown at home are oval bastard, tree-like crassula, Schmidt crassula. Each has its own characteristics.

Oval fat woman Is a perennial succulent tree that features dark green oval leaves with a pale red rim. It grows to a height of 1 m. It rarely blooms.

Tree crassula - perennial plant, reaching 1.5 m in height. The leaves of this species are gray with a red edging. The flowers of the tree-like crassula have characteristic feature: at the beginning of flowering they are white, and gradually turn pink over time.

Crassula Schmidt - an annual tree. Features of the species - bright coral flowers and pointed leaves.

The fat woman is unpretentious, tolerates drought and heat well. It is not difficult to take care of her, but it is important to comply with the basic requirements.

Flower care at home

In order for the money tree to grow well, a rounded crown was formed, and many leaves appeared, adhere to the following rules.

The plant should be in a well-lit area, but not in direct sunlight. The fat woman can be placed on the balcony or on the windowsill - on the southeast side.

Choose a pot based on the size of the plant. Please note: a pot that is too deep or wide is unacceptable, since the fat woman will spend all her energy on forming a root, respectively, the top will be low and lethargic.

The optimum temperature for Crassula is 10-25 degrees. It tolerates heat better, but it can disappear from the cold. Temperatures below 5 degrees are destructive for the plant, so hypothermia should not be allowed.

Water the tree once or twice a week in summer and water as the soil dries up in winter. When dust forms on the leaves, wipe them with a damp cloth, it is not necessary to spray.

Do not overdo it with fertilizers: it will be useful to "feed" Crassula in the summer 1 time in 2 weeks with means for succulents. This procedure is not required in winter.

Medicinal properties of the fat woman, recipes

Bearberry leaves contain important trace elements and volatile essential oils. Thanks to this, it has the following actions:

  • kills bacteria, viruses;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • relieves itching;
  • eliminates edema;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • heals wounds.

In folk medicine, funds from the leaves of the money tree are used to treat wounds, alleviate the symptoms of ENT diseases, eliminate itching with allergies or fungi, treat joint diseases and other ailments.

Fat woman with skin diseases

Most often, the bastard is used to treat herpes and facial rashes. There are several ways to get rid of the problem.

  1. Pick a few leaves from the money tree and squeeze the juice out of them by hand. In the resulting liquid, moisten a cotton pad and lubricate the inflamed area with it. Repeat every half hour if possible until the rash disappears.
  2. Break a freshly torn leaf in half and lubricate the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe face in half. Repeat every 30 minutes.
  3. Squeeze a few drops of fatty juice onto a cotton swab, glue it to the inflamed area with a plaster. Change the compress when all the liquid has been absorbed.

The result will be noticeable after several treatments.

Treatment of joints with fatty juice

Money tree juice relieves inflammation, relieves pain and restores mobility. However, do not limit yourself to just this method: only an integrated approach that includes active image life, weight control and special exerciseswill help get rid of the disease.

Hemorrhoid recipes

Hemorrhoids are also treated with Crassula. The flavonoids contained in the leaves relieve inflammation and itching, and phytoncides kill bacteria. Ointments are prepared from the plant, applications and compresses are made. Be careful before choosing this method consult your doctor.

For the ointment, you will need 10 fresh leaves of the money tree. Pass them through a meat grinder, put the resulting gruel on cheesecloth and squeeze well. Mix this juice with the same amount of petroleum jelly until smooth. Store the ointment in a glass container in the refrigerator. Lubricate the anus with it three times a day - after a bowel movement.

Hemorrhoids at the initial stage, if there are no tears, cracks and ulcers, can be treated with tincture. Finely chop the leaves of the fat woman with a knife. Pour 2 cups of such raw materials with 500 ml of vodka and send to a dark place to infuse for 1 month. From the finished tincture, make lotions 2 times a day: moisten a piece of bandage in liquid, then apply it to the anus for 15 minutes.

Compresses are also effective for hemorrhoids. Take a few leaves of the money tree and pass them through a meat grinder. Put the resulting gruel on cheesecloth, apply a compress to the anus for 40 minutes. Repeat 2 times a day, 10 hours apart.

Nasal drops

Nasal drops from a bastard are an excellent alternative to pharmacy sprays. They are not contraindicated for children, therefore they are popular with parents.

There are two ways to cook them.

  1. Cut a few fresh leaves of the money tree into small pieces and crush. Collect the juice with a pipette and instill it 3 times a day in each nasal passage. Dosage for children under 2 years old - 2 drops, 2-5 years old - 3 drops, over 5 years old - 5 drops.
  2. Tear off crassula leaves, wash them well, dry them, then put them in the refrigerator. Store for a week. Then grind the raw materials with a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of it and pour into a small container. Such drops should be dripped according to the previous scheme, but the difference is that these are stored for a long time in the refrigerator and do not deteriorate.

If a rash appears after treating a cold in this way, it is worth choosing another remedy.

Fat woman juice from nail fungus

The fat woman also has an antifungal effect. You can cure nail fungus according to the following scheme.

Pour into a bowl warm water, add a little antibacterial soap or baking soda to it and steam your feet for 15 minutes. Once the nail is softer, carefully trim it with nail scissors. Attach the peeled leaf of the money tree to the affected nail and fix it with a bandage and plaster. The procedure is performed at night, you can remove the compress in the morning. The course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days, depending on the neglect of the disease. If the stage is severe, combine the treatment with bastard with traditional medicine, then achieve positive effect it will be possible sooner.

Fat woman with toothache

If you have a toothache, chew the Crassula leaf for 10 minutes. Rinse it well beforehand and make cuts - so that the juice stands out more actively.

Attention: the leaves of the money tree contain arsenic, so it is dangerous to swallow raw materials or liquid from it.

Contraindications and harm

External use of the bastard is not dangerous, among the contraindications are only allergies or individual intolerance. Take a test: put a couple of drops of plant juice on your wrist, if a rash does not appear after 15 minutes, you can be treated.

Taking the leaves of the money tree inside is contraindicated due to the poison that is part of the composition - arsenic.

Rinsing with bastard products are prohibited:

  • pregnant and lactating;
  • children under 16;
  • people with plant allergies.

In case of occurrence side effects it is worth stopping treatment with Crassula remedies.

The fat woman has a fairly solid Latin name, quite convenient for the Russian ear - crassula, however, the name "money tree" stuck to him most of all. Thanks to final victory Feng Shui the fat woman is known and valued as a plant that brings wealth, not health.
Although in reality everything is just the opposite: financial utility of this plant, as they say, is not known to science, in contrast to the medical utility. They are attracted primarily by grace and a variety of forms, extreme unpretentiousness and resistance to disease, as well as the promised financial well-being, while not everyone realizes that they can be successfully treated. But in terms of the strength and spectrum of healing effects, the fat woman can be safely compared even with such a pillar of folk healing, like aloe.

Good day, dear friends... Today we will discuss the medicinal properties of the fat woman, the money tree. A beautiful powerful money tree can bring prosperity to the house. Many have experienced this generally accepted opinion, therefore magic plant trying to grow in their apartments. The benefits of indoor wood do not end there.

By planting this wonderful flower at home, you can get many pleasant surprises:

  • The tree has an attractive appearance, due to correctly performed pruning, you can form a chic crown and decorate the room with lively decor.
  • The well-known opinion: if you want to try your hand at being a magician, you can increase your family wealth.
  • The main thing is that with the help of a plant filled with strength and energy, you can restore health.

This, the most important property of a plant, will be discussed in the article. Read about how to grow a money tree here.

About the benefits and medicinal properties

It has been noticed that the money tree is able to make friends with the owners and support them in difficult life situations through the energy connection, taking on some of the negative energy. Reviews of amateur flower growers confirm that if a patient is present in the house, the leaves of the fat woman begin to turn yellow and wither.

A beneficial effect on the family atmosphere is noted on the part of the plant, in such cases they say that it is easier to live with it. In folk medicine, the fleshy leaf of the bastard is most in demand, its healing properties associated with the presence in the juice of a high content of arsenic.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Despite the generally accepted opinion that arsenic is a poison, in small doses it has been used for a long time, traditional medicine continues to use it with caution at the present time. It is most widely used to improve hematopoiesis, in oncological practice, dentistry, treatment of fever and nervous diseases.

When using a plant, do not forget the main thing, it contains arsenic, therefore, an overdose is fraught with serious consequences. It is categorically not recommended to take the plant inside without the supervision of specialists; when used externally, you should be careful.

Important information: an overdose of arsenic can lead to poisoning, which is manifested by characteristic signs - diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and even loss of consciousness.

Useful properties of juice

For treatment, the juice of the money tree is most often used. It is applied to a gauze bandage and applied to the sore spot. Popular is the gruel from the pulp of the plant, which can be obtained by chopping a leaf of the bastard, while avoiding loss of fluid.

The juice of the money tree exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, antifungal effect. These qualities are widely used in folk practice.

Benefits for the skin

Crassula juice is most in demand for the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, lichen, allergies. Here, the medicinal nature of the plant is manifested most powerfully. Consider the order of treatment :

  • Wash and grind a few leaves of the plant.
  • Wrap the pulp gently, without losing juice, in a gauze napkin.
  • Apply to the affected skin area. The dressing must be changed after 4 hours.

You can lubricate the places where the rash appears with squeezed juice from a fat woman. In the same way, bruises are treated, bruises and injuries are eliminated. Juice is used to treat bite sites.

One more, less famous name corn plant is obtained according to medicinal success. For treatment, the leaf is peeled and attached to the corn with an adhesive plaster at night.

Healing properties for hemorrhoids

Such an unpleasant disease modern man how hemorrhoids are treatable with a plant. A mixture of juice with liquid petroleum jelly is used. The resulting liquid is moistened with a swab and applied to the hemorrhoidal lump.

When using, several features of the recipe should be taken into account:

  1. The procedure is applied only to empty bowels.
  2. You should first wash the place of the future lotion.
  3. Action time from 15 to 20 minutes.

A good effect can be obtained if the nodes are periodically lubricated with freshly squeezed juice. According to reviews, short-term application of the sheet to the sore spot immediately provides relief.

Healthy recipes from the fat woman

The money tree can provide medicinal assistance in many cases. Most popular recipes:

Alcohol tincture for compresses and rubbing

Fill a 1/3 half liter jar with chopped leaves and twigs of a plant, fill it to the top with vodka or alcohol. Mix and leave in a dark place for 3-4 weeks.

When the time is right, put the jar in the refrigerator and use for compresses and rubbing. The tincture is good for muscle inflammation, bruises and back pain.

Fat woman for joints

When treating arthritis, it does not require special actions on the part of the patient. It is enough to periodically lubricate unhealthy areas with plant juice.

You can apply gruel from the leaves of the bastard on the sore joint. It is most convenient to perform the procedures at night.

With a runny nose

With a runny nose, squeeze the juice of one leaf and dilute it with boiled water, the ratio is 1 to 2. A drop in the nose several times a day is enough.

With a prolonged runny nose, rinse the nose with a solution from the juice of a fat woman. It is prepared like this: squeeze the juice of 10 leaves of a tree, mix with 150 ml of water. We wash the nose 3 times a day.

Toothache, sore throat, herpes

According to reviews, chewing a leaf of crassula helps with toothache, but such treatment methods should be taken with caution, since the plant contains arsenic. You just need to chew, you can't swallow saliva.

The broth obtained from the fat woman treats throat diseases. To do this, a dozen crushed leaves are mixed with a glass of warm water. Gargle 3 to 5 times a day.

When a cold, herpes on the lips appears, lubricate the inflammation with money tree juice several times a day.

With nail fungus

The healing effect of money tree sap is used to eliminate nail fungus on both the hands and feet. There are two recipes.

With nail fungus: recipe number 1

The procedure is performed in the evening in the following sequence:

  • Hands or feet must first be steamed for 15 minutes in a solution of soda, soap, you can use a decoction of celandine. This will soften the nail plate.
  • Trim the nail carefully, taking care not to damage the skin and prevent infection.
  • For treatment, a bearberry leaf is used, from which the skin is first removed. It is placed on top of the nail, covered with a small piece of bandage on top and secured with adhesive tape.

In the morning, the compress is removed and the nail is steamed again. This heat treatment further softens the nail and simplifies the process of its removal in the future. Most often, the course of treatment lasts up to two weeks. If necessary, the treatment is continued until a positive result is achieved.

With nail fungus: recipe number 2

Treatment according to the second option differs in that the grated leaf gruel is used, from which the skin has been removed. It is attached to the nail with gauze and adhesive plaster. In the second case, the effectiveness of Crassula is higher, this is due to the more complete use of the healing effect of the juice.

If fungal disease is stagnant, extinguished, the complex use of the fat woman in conjunction with other drugs is possible. A good effect is given by a combination of compresses with antifungal ointments.

Allergy to the money tree

Despite its medicinal properties, the fat woman can be harmful to health. A large number of allergens are contained in the pollen of a flowering plant.

Allergy manifests itself with the usual symptoms: lacrimation, runny nose, cough. May cause angioedema and asthma. In addition to drug treatment, which the doctor prescribes, the plant will have to be removed from the house.

Video about the medicinal properties of the money tree

As you can see, the money tree is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases. This is another reason to grow such a beautiful plant at home.

Before using the bastard for treatment, consult with your doctor. Be sure to check the body for an allergic reaction. Tear off a leaf and run the wet side over the skin at the elbow. Remember that the plant contains arsenic and therefore it is strictly forbidden to ingest it.

Today we have studied the medicinal properties of the money tree. Apply and be healthy and happy. The next article is about the magical properties of the tree, about the signs and superstitions associated with it. Don't miss it, it will be interesting.

The fat woman has a fairly solid Latin name, quite convenient for the Russian ear - crassula, however, the name "money tree" stuck to him most of all. Thanks to the final victory of Feng Shui, the fat woman is known and appreciated as a plant that brings wealth, not health.
Although in reality everything is just the opposite: financial utility of this plant, as they say, is not known to science, in contrast to the medical utility. They are attracted primarily by grace and a variety of forms, extreme unpretentiousness and resistance to disease, as well as the promised financial well-being, while not everyone realizes that they can be successfully treated. But in terms of the strength and spectrum of healing effects, the fat woman can be safely compared even with such a pillar of folk healing, like aloe.

    The jumbo family belongs to succulents and is extremely rich (about 350 species), the most famous medically representative of this family is the Kalanchoe, healing power which is also used by official medicine. Traditional medicine is most famous for such types of fat women as Crassula ovata (oval) and Crassula portulacea (purslane), she is "money tree".

    Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

    Although serious scientific research chemical composition and pharmacological properties the fat woman has not yet been carried out; traces of arsenic compounds were found in it. This circumstance is main constraintfor the use of the fat woman by official medicine. However, ancient doctors used arsenic quite widely for a variety of diseases. The flavonoids found in jellyfish help strengthen the vascular wall.

    The remedies used in folk medicine for treating the fat woman are associated with its anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial, antiviral, antipruritic properties.

    Application in traditional medicine

    One of the undoubtedly useful properties of the money tree is associated with its name. No, you guessed not, not a "money tree". This is her Latin name. If our lovely ladies were more often told that in Latin a fat woman is crassula (from crassus - fat), they would be much less complex because of extra pounds, but, on the contrary, would call themselves krasulireferring to the authority of the ancient language, right? And complexes are nerves, and nerves are these are extra pounds eaten ...

    But seriously, the presence of a fat woman on the windowsill gives healing effect already due to its ability to purify the air due to pronounced phytoncidal properties (the ability to kill pathogens). There is also an opinion that the house where the fat woman grows has very good energy.

    With antimicrobial and antiviral purposes in folk medicine, the juice of the leaves of the money tree is used for tonsillitis, tonsillitis, runny nose in the form of rinsing with an infusion of leaves of the throat and instilling juice into the nose.

    The widest use of the fat woman is outward... So they treat wounds, cuts, bruises, suppurationusing the regenerating and antimicrobial properties of the bastard. Lubricate the plant with juice, apply crushed leaves. The wounds are disinfected and heal quickly.

    When arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout bastard in the form of gruel applications or rubbing with leaf juice has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    It has long been known another popular name for the fat woman - "cornmeal", which is associated with the successful disposal of this plant from corns and corns, for which they make compresses, applying gruel from the leaves at night.

    The fat woman is a real find for people who often suffer from herpetic eruptions on the lips. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the affected area with a fresh cut of the leaf, it is advisable to do this at the first symptoms of the disease. The high antiviral activity of the fat woman will relieve you of discomfort and an external defect rather quickly.

    Fatty juice is also treated varicose veins, hemorrhoidsapplying gruel compresses to the inflamed areas, in the case of hemorrhoids - with olive oil... For the treatment of fatty varicose veins, alcohol tincture from the leaves is also used.

    The antipruritic property of the fat woman is valued by folk medicine: it can be used with insect bites, allergic dermatitisby simply smearing the itchy area with plant sap.

    Water infusion of the leaves of the bastard in folk medicine is treated inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and stomach.

    Contraindications and precautions

    Self-medication is not only harmful, but also dangerous! Internal use of the fat woman must be agreed with the doctor and strictly dosed!

    The fat woman is not poisonous. However, it continues to cause ongoing controversy in the scientific and pseudo-scientific environment. After all, the arsenic contained in it - even in such scanty amounts - does not give reason to consider it a completely safe plant. You should be very careful about advice “ chew two or three leaves of a fat woman before eating". Arsenic is a poison, its compounds - arsenides are able to accumulate in bone tissue, and this sharply limits the use of the bastard inside. In addition, it can cause individual intolerance. It is best not to allow your favorite money tree to be accidentally eaten by your even more beloved children and pets - in significant quantities, this can cause symptoms of poisoning.

    And you must first of all remember that it is always easier to prevent the disease than to cure, therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should not delay the visit to the doctor.

    Summing up, I would like to say, dear readers, if you still do not have this wonderful plant in every sense in your house - true friend and healer, and extremely picky and very grateful - hurry! Now the fat woman can be purchased at any flower shop. And if there is, but you expect something vague from him like cash flowwe are happy to tell you how to use this amazing plant reasonably, specifically and with health benefits. After all, health is the greatest wealth!

    Useful video

    In these videos, you can familiarize yourself with the healing properties of Fatty Woman:

Indoor plants are capable of not only pleasing the eye with their attractive appearance or bright flowering. Everyone knows the healing properties of the "green doctor" aloe, but not everyone knows that Crassula can also act as a home healer. It has many names, but most of it is known as a money tree, its medicinal properties and contraindications will be discussed in this article. From the materials of the article, you will find out what benefits a fat woman can bring, what a delicate connection it has with the owner, and also what harm it can cause to health.

Money tree (crassula): description, photo

The Latin name of the plant is Crassula, so sometimes you can find an inhabitant of the windowsill under this name. The genus Fatty includes more than 300 species of succulents from the Fat family. Most plants come from South Africa, tropical zones, Arabia, Madagascar. The main concentration of representatives of the genus is observed in the Southern Hemisphere. But the succulent's strong endurance, due to living in arid regions, has made it a favorite of flower growers all over the world.

It is interesting! The name "money tree" comes from the shape of the leaves that resemble coins. Also, sometimes exotic is found under the name "jadeite tree", because the color of the foliage is very similar to a semi-precious stone.

Most of the species included in the genus Crassula are perennials. The height of various representatives ranges from a few centimeters to 3-4 m. The leaves have a structure characteristic of succulents. On the cut, you can find special cells designed to store life-giving moisture. The leaves are located oppositely on the woody stem-trunk in the lower part.

In decorative floriculture, the most common is the oval (ovoid) bastard. The height of the trunk of adult specimens reaches 1-1.5 m. The foliage is round, fleshy with a solid edge. The surface of the plate is painted in a grayish-green shade, covered with thin layer wax bloom.

To see the blooming of a fat woman at home, you must strictly follow the rules for growing exotic. Usually panicles or flower clusters appear after 7-10 years. They consist of a large number of small fragrant flowers. The corolla is colored in white, cream, yellowish tones. Usually a flower has 5 petals and the same number of stamens.

Attention! Experienced lovers of indoor flora assure that the aroma of flowers is very strong, sugary-sweet, and often causes headaches. Experts recommend removing the plant pot from the bedroom.

As for care, the green pet is absolutely not whimsical. Nature has endowed him with the ability to endure difficult conditions external environment... The exotic does not like waterlogging, so watering should be rare. The transplant is carried out every 3-4 years, a substrate for cacti is used. Fertilize the tree only when necessary. An excellent option will be a complex fertilizer for succulents. Succulent loves the sun's rays, but it is better to avoid getting them on the foliage at midday.

The crown of Crassula is easy to form, so the exotic fell in love in the East. A little patience and you can make yourself a luxurious bonsai or trim a tree "like a baobab". It was in the East that the fat woman began to assign magical properties to attract wealth. Legend has it that if you throw a coin when planting under the roots, you can soon get rich. For the same purpose, it is recommended to spread it under the pot or hang a thread with three coins on the crown. And if Crassula blooms, then immodest profits will certainly await its owner in the near future.

Know! If oriental stories most questioned, then rarely anyone argues about the benefits of Crassula at home. Exot cleans perfectly ambient air, it is often called a filter plant.

Florists note the delicate connection between the plant and the owner or his household. If someone is sick in the house, experiencing stress, depression, then the pet begins to suffer. In the green ward, the leaves begin to wither, which is accompanied by massive abscission. As soon as the human health situation is normalized, the exotic begins to feel comfortable and grows new leaves. What are these unique abilities no one knows the succulent. Eastern sages claim that the African guest attracts negative energy, diverting its bad influence from the host.

It is very easy to grow a tropical guest, and in return she will share with you the healing power, give you health, and help heal a number of diseases.

Useful and medicinal properties of the money tree

There is another common name for representatives of the genus fatty - living tree... Obviously, it occurs either because of the life-giving power of the plant, or because of the pronounced wound-healing effect exerted by it.
An African guest is able to help a person in the following situations:

  • heal and disinfect wounds, burns, skin ulcers;
  • relieve itching after an insect bite;
  • cure herpes and stomatitis, suppress the development of the virus;
  • soften old calluses, corns, eliminate nail fungus;
  • to ease the manifestations of arthritis, arthrosis;
  • relieve gout pain;
  • relieve toothache;
  • eliminate severe sore throat, runny nose;
  • to overcome the manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • heal kidney disease, stomach ulcer;
  • eliminate cosmetic defects - ingrown nail, acne, pimples;
  • soothe irritated scalp with eczema, psoriasis.

For each described case, various folk recipes are suitable, which will be described in the corresponding section of the article. In terms of biological activity, Crassula is only slightly inferior to Kalanchoe and aloe. Leaves and plant sap are used as medicinal raw materials.

Important! To prepare crassula-based potions, take only selected leaves without visible signs of damage. If the foliage has acquired a reddish or brown tint, it is better not to use it.

The chemical composition of the plant

Although the healing power of succulent has been known to people for a long time, scientists have not carried out a chemical detailed analysis in order to study the composition of the fat woman. The Green Doctor contains volatile compounds with a pronounced antibacterial effect - phytoncides. Flavonoids have the same effect, but these chemical compounds there is a very important quality - flavonoids are the strongest plant antioxidants. They activate own strength organism to fight infection, have a pronounced anti-aging, wound-healing effect.

The further composition was not investigated due to the presence of arsenides in plant tissues - arsenic salts. Mouse was previously widely used in folk and traditional medicine... Dental treatment, requiring the destruction of a nerve, was not complete without this substance. Over time, scientists have proven that arsenic salts gradually accumulate in the body (in bone tissue) and cause severe poisoning.

Arsenic, which has been banned, has questioned the benefits of succulent. Although its tissues contain microdoses of arsenides, there were many opponents of the use of exotic for medicinal purposes, who declared the plant poisonous. In fact, this is not the case. The dosage of toxic substances is so small that it does not cause harm when applied externally. Another thing is that it is not recommended to use vegetable parts inside.

Attention! Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully weigh the expected benefits and possible harm, consult your doctor. Exceeding the recommended dosage is strictly prohibited.

Money tree for weight loss

The components that make up the bastard do not have any effect on fatty deposits, metabolism. Therefore, it is impractical to use succulent for weight loss.

The money tree in a healthy and healthy diet

Eating all parts of the plant is not best idea... None of the benefits can be compared to the harm that exotics can cause when ingested. We strongly recommend that you avoid eating crassula greens to avoid getting poisoned. In medical nutrition, a living tree is also not used.

Useful properties of plant juice

Jade tree sap has long been used as a powerful bactericidal, antimycotic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent. Such an effect on the human body is exerted by the phytoncides and flavonoids included in the juice. With the help of exotic juice, you can heal wounds, abscesses, herpes, hemorrhoids. The antifungal effect will help suppress the foci of the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Diseases oral cavitycaused by microorganisms - herpes, stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, can be easily cured with life-giving juice.

On a note! Plant nectar is able to soothe irritated skin, relieve itching, swelling, and rashes.

Another property of the extract from plant tissues is the ability to remove edema, which is very important for relieving heaviness in the legs with varicose veins. The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect will cope with the delicate problem of hemorrhoids, relieve joint pain in case of gout, arthritis and arthrosis.

To extract the life-giving liquid, take required amount leaves. Go through them and rinse thoroughly, blot with a napkin. Use a blender, meat grinder or sieve to turn the leaves into mush. Place the gruel in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Can be used with oilcake as an application or as a compress for quick skin healing. It is better to use fresh juice, rather than harvest it for future use. If you want to keep beneficial features, make an alcoholic tincture (preserve the nectar with alcohol).

Healing properties of the money tree for hemorrhoids

The appearance of a delicate problem in the form of hemorrhoids can complicate the course of an active life, but this problem can be difficult to cure. Hemorrhoids are distinguished by their location, can be both external and internal. In the first case, it is practically not difficult to cure the problem, the second option - the appearance of hemorrhoidal nodules in the rectum, requires more time for treatment.

Crassula will help to overcome such an unpleasant ailment. The anti-inflammatory effect of the plant sap will quickly relieve swelling and soothe the affected area, and help heal microcracks.

Important! Before treatment, you must first empty the intestines and thoroughly rinse the anus.

To get rid of hemorrhoids, you can use simple tools:

  1. Use a broken sheet of a fat woman, from which juice is actively released, to lubricate the external nodes and microcracks in the anus. You can put the gruel on gauze and make external applications.
  2. Make a healing compress by grinding the raw materials in a blender. Mix the resulting gruel with vaseline oil until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. A moistened cotton swab with medication can be applied to the external nodules or placed directly in the anus. The frequency of the procedure is 3 times a day for half an hour until the symptoms disappear completely.
  3. Make a lanolin-based medicated ointment. You can use it in the same way as described above - for indoor and outdoor units.

Whichever method of treatment you choose, succulent is sure to help restore your self-confidence.

Hemorrhoid ointment recipe

To prepare the ointment, take 5 tablespoons of lanolin and petroleum jelly, 3 tablespoons of juice squeezed from the foliage. Mix the ingredients, put the composition in a water bath. When all the ingredients have a uniform consistency, remove the dishes from the water bath, transfer to a tightly closed container and place in the refrigerator.

Know! Healing ointment can help relieve rheumatic pains. Lubricate the affected joint before bed and you will quickly feel relief.

Folk healing recipes

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the popular folk recipes based on a living tree.

For healing wounds, ulcers, abscesses, burns

Application from raw materials will help to quickly restore damaged skin tissues. Grind a few washed leaves of the bastard to a gruel state. The amount of raw materials depends on the size of the wound surface. Apply the prepared preparation on a gauze bandage, place on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Place a clean gauze pad on top. Change the applique every 4 hours.

For the treatment of joints, varicose veins

Joint pain with gout, arthritis and arthrosis can not only cause discomfort, but also deprive a person of freedom of movement. A decoction, infusion or fresh plant juice can eliminate the problem. You will learn how to prepare the first two products a little later. Apply a petroleum jelly applique or ointment to the sore joint every night. Already after a week, you will feel significant relief.

The ability of raw materials to relieve swelling is used to relieve heaviness in the legs and local anesthesia for varicose veins.

From calluses

The old name of the money tree is "cornmeal". For a long time, people have noted that coarse skin and calluses can be easily softened with the help of fleshy leaves. Remove the top layer of the skin from the sheet and attach it with a plaster to the hardened area. The next morning, the rough corns will soften. After steaming, they can be treated with a pumice stone for complete elimination.


Arsenic has long been used in dentistry to kill the dental nerve. This property can be used in practice to relieve toothache. Break the sheet and apply it to the sore gum.

Attention! The escaping liquid must be spat out so as not to get poisoned.

With herpes

The herpes virus manifests itself unexpectedly. A slight tingling sensation in the lips gradually develops into bubbles, spoiling the appearance. The antibacterial effect of succulent raw materials will quickly deal with a maturing problem. Apply gruel or lubricate your lips with a broken leaf every half hour until the herpes is completely eliminated.

With an ingrown toenail

Another cosmetic defect that Crassula can eliminate is an ingrown nail. Place a compress from crushed raw materials on the area of \u200b\u200bthe finger with an ingrown nail, wrap it with cling film. Soak it for 3-4 hours. When the skin has softened, it will be possible to gently remove the ingrown toenail.

With a runny nose

Instilling 2-3 drops of life-giving moisture into each nasal passage will help to stop the flow from the nose and soften the mucous membrane. The procedure is carried out three times a day, but you must first activate the plant material. This is done in the same way as with the xiphoid leaves of aloe. Tear off a fleshy succulent leaf, cut it in half, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, the cells of the pulp will begin to actively divide, releasing more nutrients.

For acne

Broken leaves of an African guest will make your face fresh and remove unpleasant cosmetic defects - rashes, pustules, pimples, acne. Wipe your face with a broken sheet several times a day.

Advice! Apply the crushed raw materials to the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes. This mask will perfectly cope with irritated skin and will give freshness.

For sore throat

Colds, accompanied by severe sore throat, are treated with an infusion of fresh foliage. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis will recede if you gargle every time after a meal. To achieve the desired effect, you should not eat or drink for half an hour after rinsing.

For hair

An exotic guest is able to soothe the scalp and strengthen the hair. Prepare a decoction according to the following recipe:

  • pour a handful of chopped raw materials with two glasses of water;
  • put the saucepan on the stove, bring to a boil and remove immediately;
  • after cooling, strain the broth, rinse the washed hair.

Do not rush to throw away the cake! It will serve as an excellent mask for the scalp. Using a blender, turn the cake into a puree, add a little kefir. Apply the resulting mask for 20 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

Infusion of leaves - properties and uses

The water extract is used in the treatment of kidney disease. Brew five chopped leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse until it cools completely, strain the infusion. The drug is taken orally in the dining room three times a day with a spoon half an hour before a hearty meal.

Important! Before using the drug, be sure to consult with your doctor. Even the smallest dosage when taken orally can cause serious consequences.

Alcohol tincture for compresses and rubbing recipes

The alcoholic tincture allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of plant materials for a long time. It is used for compresses and rubbing in for joint and muscle pain, varicose veins. The compress applied to the affected area is left overnight, after being wrapped in a dense cloth. Rubbing in alcoholic tincture is performed in the evening, followed by wrapping in warm woolen clothes.

Tincture recipe

To prepare a healing potion, you will need:

  • half-liter jar with a screw cap;
  • vegetable raw materials;
  • vodka.

Fill the prepared container with whole Crassula leaves by two-thirds. Pour in vodka to the top and place the container in a cool dark place for 3-4 weeks. Store the strained tincture in the refrigerator for up to two years.

Tincture from crushed raw materials

Take 1.5 tablespoons of chopped leaves (a rounded spoon). Place in a glass, fill to the top with vodka. Insist the tincture for 2 weeks in a dark place, strain, store in the refrigerator.

Remember! To prevent the medicine from causing harm, buy only high-quality vodka.

Money tree for nail fungus recipes

The antimycotic properties of exotics allow you to quickly get rid of fungal skin lesions. They will not only relieve itching and eliminate edema, but destroy the cause of the disease. To cure nail fungus, apply an oil emulsion.

Mix equal amounts of blended leaves with vegetable oil... Apply the composition to the affected area, wrap with cling film. It is best to leave the compress overnight. Carry out the treatment until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Features of storing crassula

Most folk remedies for treatment various diseases involves the use of fresh raw materials. The torn leaves are stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator. Decoctions and infusions are stored for a day, so it makes no sense to procure them for future use. The preparation of an alcoholic tincture will help to preserve the benefits of a living tree for a long time.

Why is it better to use the money tree externally

There are several common recipes that can heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional healers, despite the warning of scientists, recommend eating 2 medium succulent leaves on an empty stomach for stomach ulcers, and having breakfast in an hour. Due to the risk of arsenic poisoning, it is highly discouraged to use this method... For the same reason, external use of Crassula-based products is preferable.

Harm and contraindications of the money tree

Although an African guest is not considered a poisonous plant, it is recommended to place the pots in a place where pets and babies cannot reach them.

Neglecting the recommended dosage leads to the accumulation of arsenides in the bone tissue, causing gradual poisoning of the body. Symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, and confusion. At the first symptoms, drink a sorbent - activated carbon, Enterosgel and urgently see a doctor.

Contraindications include individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy and lactation. Tincture in the form of rubbing or compress should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

On a note! If there are contraindications, replace natural medicines with aloe juice, propolis, chamomile decoction.

Forum, reviews

We invite you to read the reviews of people who have tested the healing properties of an exotic guest:

  1. Victoria periodically suffers from cervical chondrosis. Stiffness and pain go away after the first rub alcohol tincture fat women.
  2. Natalia's husband was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. Having studied in detail the information about the effect of succulent on the body, the woman preferred to treat her husband to others folk remedy - aloe juice. The result was not long in coming.
  3. Student Karina was embarrassed by her appearance due to the large number of teenage acne on her face. A neighbor told her to wipe her face with a cut of a leaf and the skin returned to normal.
  4. Catherine knows firsthand what an ingrown toenail is. The problem was so severe that the surgeon suggested an operation to remove the plate. Remembering the healing crassula, the woman quickly took action and eliminated the cosmetic defect on her own.


Having learned about the medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the money tree, you will probably want to settle such a green doctor on the windowsill. When good care succulent will delight you with a beautiful appearance and help maintain health.

Let's consider what exactly the money tree flower is useful for human health, where it is used, how its healing properties are used.

This flower is known, thanks to the secreted phytoncides, for its ability to actively purify the air, including from bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Bastard juice has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, and it is mainly used to treat burns, skin irritations, and herpes infections. The gruel from the leaves helps in treating acne, relieves itching after insect bites, and with cuts - it can have a strong healing effect.

The peculiarity of the bastard plant is that the pulp and juice contains a small amount of arsenic. When the plant is consumed inside in large doses, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, confusion may occur. When applied externally, there are practically no contraindications, except for allergies.

Read more about the medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the fat woman.

Is it possible or impossible to keep a fat woman in the house?

Consider whether or not it is possible to keep it at home, whether it is harmful to health if there is a child in the apartment, whether the constant presence of Crassula is dangerous and why for a person. If there are pets or small children in the house who may accidentally taste the leaf, it is better to put the plant higher, in a place inaccessible to them, and not keep the flower in the nursery. In all other cases Crassula - very unpretentious and extremely useful flower which perfectly cleans the air and can help with some diseases.

What does Crassula contain?

Bastard juice has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Antipruritic and antifungal agents for fresh plant pulp are known. The plant contains in large quantities a variety of flavonoids and phytoncides.

Crassula's flavonoids protect the body from viral diseases... They help to strengthen the immune system, and they also develop anti-inflammatory effects.

Phytoncides inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, which is why fatty juice is used to treat sore throats, stomatitis, gastritis and kidney disease.

But the most effective in the composition of crassula is arsenic... When applied externally, it allows you to treat arthritis and arthrosis, helps fight inflammation, bacterial infections. Ingestion may be toxic.

Plant poisonous or not?

Arsenic is a poison for any living organism. But in the composition of the fat woman, its number is not very large. Can you eat the pulp of the plant?

Can adults ingest juice or pulp?

If an adult is careful and consult with a specialist - the juice and pulp of the money tree in small quantities, strictly according to the prescription, can be used internally to treat stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, increase metabolism, alleviate neurology, and kidney diseases.

Very effective and efficient to treat crassula infusions sore throat, herpes on the lips, cuts and abrasions.

What is dangerous for children?

Is a fat woman poisonous to a child? It is strictly forbidden to give juice and gruel of the money tree inside to children... The children's body is extremely sensitive to arsenic even in tiny doses, so even one eaten leaf can cause not only vomiting and diarrhea, but also loss of consciousness and severe allergies. External use of Crassula for children is safe.

Precautions for drinking Crassula juice

Most importantly, before starting treatment with bastard juice, be sure to consult your doctor. Before the first use, it is necessary to check if there is any allergy to the plant. To do this, apply a small amount of juice to the bend of the elbow and wait a couple of hours. If even a slight irritation has appeared, it is strictly forbidden to use the plant for treatment.

Begin with small doses - it is better to dilute juice for rinsing warm watergradually increasing concentration. For oral administration - start with a few drops and look at the state of health. If nausea, vomiting, confusion develops, treatment should be stopped immediately and the attending physician should be informed of the change in condition. In any case, taking inside more than three tablespoons of the infusion (3-5 leaves per glass of boiled water) of the fat woman is not recommended even if you feel great and have no allergies.

Thus, we covered the use of leaf juice indoor plant fat woman. - by its properties, a plant that is extremely useful in a home flower garden, which can reduce the number of viral diseases in the inhabitants of the house, clean the air in the apartment, help in treating burns, provide first aid for insect bites, and cure a sore throat.

Useful video

We offer you to get acquainted with an interesting and informative video about the useful properties of the fat woman:

It is only necessary to observe small precautions - do not drink juice inside without preparing and without consulting a doctor in advance, and keep the plant higher - away from children and pets.