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It hurts me in the soul what to do. Soul hurts: Causes of problems and ways to solve it

If you are worried about something inside, and you ask yourself a question why soul hurts, and you want to cry, or just a constantly feeling - rare it happens just like that. Most often, a person begins to suffer sincere due to certain reasons, but not always guessed about them.

Of course, there are also clear and outstanding cases that we will also talk about in this article, but there are more confusing cases in which it is necessary to seriously understand. In any case, you will have to do something, because rarely when there is mental pain and suffering pass on themselves, according to the magic wand.

Understandable cases - personal tragedies

It happens when a real tragedy happens in life. Suppose the death of a loved one, or a complex psychological situation (someone may have violence, a critical case, and so on). That is, the reason that the soul hurts is clear and open.

In such cases, the most important thing is not to keep this mental pain, do not tolerate and not try to simply "forget." You need these sufferings to smell (especially and first of all a woman). It is necessary to speak everything that is stored and reproached, to fall out this to someone.

This may be a close person who can listen carefully, or may be a mentor or clergy. In any case, it should be a person who is older than you, wiser and who is able to take all with you what happened, to withstand emotional heat, and calmly perceive it.

If you can speak, you thus remove your mental pain, clean up. And you can safely live on.

The worst thing that can only be for a woman, in such severe cases - it is to be closed in yourself, and silence. In this case, the suffering will be copied as a snowball, grow to unimaginable sizes, and they will implore you. Will eate your mental and physical health.

Therefore, drive away from yourself away people who tell you: "Well, do not cry, calm down." You exactly what you need - to buy, it is possible to arrange a pair of hysterics, and thereby clearing your mind.

When the soul hurts, but it is unclear why

But all that is described above is about situations in which the cause of your misfortune is clear. And how to be if you feel dissatisfaction, in something inside something, but you can not understand because of what?

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Here, let's understand. You need to understand the source, because the soul does not deceive. You can cheat yourself, and consciousness, and your brain can start you to deceive, and show some cases, and your life in a more advantageous light than it really is. But the inner voice will never allow you to calm down. He will be like an alarming bell - ring and shout: "In your life is not all right! It's time to change something! "

So because of what can really sow soul?

1. You do not live your destination

This is one of the most common cases in modern times. A man walks on the same work year after year, for many years, and everything seems to be ok. But inside something is constantly fond. And it seems to work normal, sometimes even money is paid decent - that's just not really like you.

And your soul will not let you forget - you are intended for something else, more significant. You can live your real lifeAnd there is a deal in which you could achieve great success, or at least make it every day with great pleasure - because this is what nature has prepared for.

But no, you go again on unloved workAnd you do what you do not like at all. Of course in this case, your inner protective mechanism It will shout that it's time to change it.

How to be in this case, if you found similar symptoms? Yes, perhaps everything should be thrown at once and make a favorite thing will not be for everyone. But you can do your favorite activity in free timeAnd try to start slowly in this business. How? Here you already need to think more detailed, but almost any business can bring income - you only need to think carefully.

If you really are intended to do this, you will begin to earn more in your favorite thing to earn more than on the main job. And when you do only to what the soul is going - you will feel that there is a mental pain.

2. You communicate and live with people who are not close to you

This also happens completely and nearby. A person forms a certain circle of communication that many years have not changed. And he is settled, and nothing is not going to change anything.

That's just all the conversations are not particularly interesting to you ... and boring. And I want something else, I want to discuss other things, but when you are trying to raise the most interesting topics - people look with misunderstanding, sometimes with condemnation, sometimes just ridicule you.

All this happens, because you were not the environment. And somewhere there are people who are with you on one wave, who have similar interests with you, and you could communicate with them soul in the soul .... But no, you live in a cage that they have built for themselves.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot for a man, but if there are no harmony at the level of signs, the relationship will be very tense. It is very desirable to learn accurate compatibility It is your sign of the zodiac with a man's sign. This can be done by clicking on the button just below:

Is it possible to change this situation? Sure you may. The question of time in your desire. Many are so tied to old friends that keep them until the last moment when it is already obvious that your roads are diverged, and you need another communication. But you do not need to be afraid to let go of people from your life. No need to be afraid to go to new people, and communicate with those who are really interesting for you.

In this case, when you find people you need, and plunge into the atmosphere of real communication - your soul will immediately give you to understand that you go faithful expensive.

3. You do not understand your true values

And the last item, about which I would like to tell - these are cases when a person does not understand what is really important for him. It runs such a poor fellow in the waves of life, like rows with all his might, but everything is not there, and efforts are spent in vain.

All because it does not know nature, and does not know that it is essential for him. After all, most people regret much before death, and repent that they spent their time gap on things very minor.

Sometimes people are immersed in work so that it seems to make the value of your family, but at the same time the family itself is practically scored - do not spend time, you do not pay attention ... as a result, it seems like a man's money brings money to the house, and the family itself loses.

Or another case - when a woman actually really wants and loves children, but under the gift of her husband, and because of the wrong constructed relationship, agrees to not give birth. And she lives such with constant pain in the soul, but herself deceives itself, and he says - it doesn't matter to me.

And there are many such cases! When people lie to themselves, live in other people's lives, live as others imposed. And only when they can lose everything. Suppose when a person dies - then the eyes open. Or the tragedy happens.

At the same time, a person can have a soul to hurt for years, and decades (!), But he continues to live as he lived. And closes his eyes to everything.

But, I repeat once again - you can deceive anyone, yourself, other people, hide behind the vehicle employment, important cases, explanations, and everything. But do not deceive your soul! And if she feels that you are not going there - she must declare about it!

If you want to be with your beloved man - you need to figure out whether you are compatible with the sign of the zodiac?

Find out accurate compatibility with a man - clicking on the button just below.

Pain and their causes alphabetically:

pain in the soul

The soul, in contrast to the body, invisible, it is impossible to grab his hands. At first glance, it will not get to her - neither draw nor take a picture. But, despite its ephemeralism and difficulty in learning, the soul attracts attention to scientists at least than the body.

Psychology - Science, studying the soul, our psyche, forms of human behavior. Psychology is owned by two ancient greek words - "psycho" and "logos", which means shower and teaching, or science about the soul.

Under which diseases there are pain in the shower:

The main reason for the appearance of pain in the soul is most often in early childhood situations in which you were very, very bad, but you did not have the opportunities to change such a state of affairs. It is clear that the child rarely can withstand an adult, and in nature needs love.

An example of such situations may be humiliation, unreasonable punishment, violence, prohibitions, unfulfilled promises, repulsion, restrictions, when the child is left against his will and explaining anything at home, in the hospital, in children's garden And many other cases ending with disappointment, deep offensive, fears of death, loneliness, injuries of unnecessaryness, abandonment, devotion.

As a result, the situation in all parts and details literally cuts into the memory of an adult, plus all the terrible feelings that the person experienced, and the conclusion to which he came, for example:
- to believe it is impossible;
- life is not fair;
- I can throw me;
- nobody needs me;
- I can not love me;
- So will always (in the sense, bad);
- Nothing is impossible to change ...
And many others who destroy our lives. And this is the real pain of the soul, by which you can not pass on and on which you can not cover your eyes.

Further in life, situations occur sooner or later, somehow reminding the experienced shock, and since in memory everything is written together - details of situations, feelings and conclusions, they also pop up all together, generating inadequate response. Figure out why I did not own in, it would seem, a simple situation, it is very difficult, because it lies with the roots and focuses in much more early period.

Soul sometimes sobs, and it hurts at all from different unexpected situations. There are sick topics that affect patients and even wounds. They preferably "salt not to pour", and then there may be a painful reaction in which a person does not answer for himself.

What can be done? First, it is reflected, analyze situations and your behavior. Try to understand yourself - the benefit of our time a lot of literature type "Himself a psychologist." In it, you will find a lot of advice, how to change your life, how not to worry about and without reason how to spill the aggression if it accumulates how to think positively. And this is fine, because, as in the case of a runny nose, with the simplest situations you need to be able to cope with yourself and if this is not done, the mental experiences can become chronic, which is much more difficult to be treated and is also fraught with complications.

Many of our people believe that patients are treated for a psychologist, but this opinion is absolutely incorrect. With mentally ill people whose psyche is overloaded and whose actions are not amenable to explain, a psychiatrist is working. The psychologist, or psychotherapist, is a person working with healthy people. It helps to find the causes of internal anxiety, get rid of him or, say, remove the nervous spiritual tension, find the cause of pain in the soul and eliminate it.

Basically, when we feel bad when the soul hurts, we are taking care of help to their loved ones or girlfriends. But truly they can not help. And this is not because your relatives are not experts in the field of psychology, but above all because they see the situation with your own eyes. People close to you can not be objective, in our decisions they are guided by love for you and pity, if it hurts you.

The psychologist is objective, he can assess the situation on both sides, will try to identify the reason for the current situation and find a way out of it.

What do doctors contact, if there is pain in the shower:

Do you feel pain in the soul? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment to the doctor Euro.lab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, examine external signs and will help determine the disease in symptoms, they will advise you and provide required help. you also can call a doctor. Clinic Euro.lab Opened for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kiev: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select you a convenient day and an hour of visiting to the doctor. Our coordinates and travel scheme are indicated. Look more detailed about all clinic services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously been performed any research, be sure to take their results for a consultation to the doctor. If the studies have not been fulfilled, we will do everything you need in our clinic or our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have a soul hurt? It is necessary to carefully approach your health as a whole. People are not paying enough attention. symptoms of disease And do not realize that these diseases may be vital. There are many diseases that at the beginning do not show themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, they are already treated too late. Each disease has its own specific signs characteristic external manifestations - so called symptoms of Disease. The definition of symptoms is the first step in the diagnosis of diseases in general. For this you just need several times a year take a survey from a doctorSo as not only to prevent terrible disease, but also maintain a healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a question to a doctor - use the online consultation section, you may find answers to your questions and read tips for care. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors - try finding the information you need. Also register with Medical Portal Euro.labto be constantly in the know latest news and information updates on the site that will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom card is intended solely for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate; For all issues relating to the definition of the disease and the methods of its treatment, please contact the doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in some other symptoms of diseases and types of pain or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

When headaches you can drink a pill. And what to do if the soul hurts? What is the reason for such a moral condition and, how to return peace and joy in your life?

What is mental pain and its causes

Even skeptics that do not recognize the existence of the soul, feel feelings of attachment, love, compassion. In case of loss close man Or at the sight of someone else's trouble, there is a feeling of gravity in the field of solar plexus. Often, mental pain is manifested in the form of longing, bitterness, regret. A person literally does not find himself from the suffering that he cannot describe words and convey others.

Why does a soul hurt in a person? The reasons for this may be:

When we do unfairly with other people, offended by loved ones, sooner or later repentance comes in the deed. Conscience flour often cause rather severe mental pain. The best way Get rid of her - ask for forgiveness from the one who offended, and to upload their guilt.

If for some reason it is impossible, we advise you to turn to God, put a candle in the church for the health of a person who caused evil. If you are an atheist, write a letter with sincere apologies and burn it. Promise yourself that this will not happen again.

  1. The death of a loved one.

Everyone has a special circle of expensive people. When a mother, father, daughter, sister or the second half leaves from life, everything loses its meaning. The mental pain literally fills every cell of the body and borders with physical. The brain constantly returns us to memories to happy days. The awareness of what does not return anything literally kills physically.

In order for pain from the loss of a loved man, you need time. Give yourself the opportunity to smash, you have the right to sorrow. Take a vacation at work and leave all the incidental cases. Distribute clothes and personal things of the deceased, mentally release it.

A close man wished you happiness and did not want to hurt you. Write to him a letter, tell me that you love him, but let go. And promise that you will live happily and save only warm memories of the days spent in the shower.

  1. Love suffering.

Often causes mental pain that is not enough to share with others. Those who have not experienced such feelings are unlikely to understand the flour of undivided attachment. One of the best drugs from this pain is to switch your attention to something else, enthusiastically with work, study, physical exertion.

Plan every day so that there is no time to be alone with you. Do you feel as if inside the unkind wound? So do not try to make it even more daily torment that everything could be different. Give it the time to "heal", drive away bad thoughts.

  1. Compassion.

Increased sensitivity to someone else's grief does not allow you to sleep at night. You feel sorry for everyone who is somehow deprived of the fate - old men, disabled, homeless animals, abandoned children. After watching evening news, you are upset because of how much injustice in our world. Compassion is a wonderful feeling that makes us people. But if it prevents living, you need to slightly reduce the sensitivity threshold.

"Extension armor". It is not necessary to be cynical to not suffer from someone else's pain. It is enough to realize the fact that even Mother Teresa and Dalai Lama could not help everyone in this world. If you can support the other in trouble - make a good deed, but if it is impossible - do not torment yourself. In addition, in our world more goodthan injustice. Pay more attention to good than bad.

Relationship with close man

People who experience mutual love feelings have a relative or spiritual relationship with each other, may experience mental pain, if a close person got into trouble. This is an interesting phenomenon, not fully studied by science. If you have noticed this, appreciate this gift.

But this phenomenon has the reverse side of the medal. Very often experiences about loved ones who are far away, are far-fetched. If your imagination often draws pictures of terrible events that can happen to children, spouse, mother or you, then you need to fight. The reasons for this may be:

  • excessive impressionability;
  • desire to keep everything under control;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • fear of loss or death;
  • fear in front of the future;
  • nervousness and overwork;
  • "Black Stripe" in life.

In your power to deal with such states. First, try to determine yourself why you have such thoughts. How often does this happen? Do you have panic attacks? If necessary, consult a psychologist, pass the necessary assays. Hormonal background disorders are one of the most common causes of an increased threshold of anxiety.

Sometimes it is enough to adjust the daily schedule, get enough sleep, pay enough time physical Loads, eat right. Contact the therapist so that it is prescribed vitamins that strengthen nervous system. Practice Relaxing breathing techniques. And get rid of the habit of all control!

Depression and mental pain

Moral suffering can lead to depression. In this case, it is worth the alarm. We recommend to turn to a psychologist. Long depressive states cannot be launched. They can lead to a fatal outcome. Heart attack, stroke, suicidal behavior, rejection of food, water and contacts with other people - these are only some " side effects»Peace pain.

Often close people notice that a person literally fades, but do not take any measures. It is considered indecent to interfere in other people's personal suffering, as they say - "in the soul to climb." But sometimes excessive tactfulness can cost human life.

If you notice the signs of depression in a loved one or at home, consult a psychotherapist. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor. The earlier you begin treatment, the faster return to normal life!

Fall illusions

Sincere pain often satellite personal growth. Stages of changing their ideological views can not pass without loss. Often the events themselves who served as a catalyst for such changes entail disappointment, feeling of longing, pain from falling illusions.

The main culprit of spiritual torments is often self-deception, which sooner or later can no longer close the eyes to what brings discomfort in life. A woman who is justifying the inaction and alcoholism of a husband suddenly begins to understand that not everyone lives like that, and she can no longer put up with it. A man in one day "twitters" and realizes that his second half does not like him for a long time and is interested in the exclusive financial side of the cohabitation.

Suddenly, a student can admit that he chose the specialty, and the family man realizes that big account is he - bad father. Mother understands that her son went "on the curve of the track." A careerist with horror acknowledges that his passion for work is nothing more than a fear of admitting herself that he has nothing more to fill his life.

Such sudden illnesses often entail mental pain, but in this case it is an excellent pain. She is a harbinger of a new stage. It remains only to draw conclusions from your mistakes and take a step forward. Do not be afraid to say goodbye to the past and its illusions. Life is a journey. Rejoice with change and every new turn of fate!

Elena, Moscow

Each person has many different emotions daily. And if with positive everything is extremely clear, then negative person Sometimes it is very difficult to fight. That is why in this article I want to tell about how to cope with spiritual pain.

What it is

At the very beginning it is necessary to say that the concept of "soul" is very abstract. This is a certain substance that has no color, no smell, nor weight. However, it is precisely the entire basis of a person's life, a body engine, his leader. It must be said here that such concepts, as spiritual health, wound or mental pain, are also very abstract. After all, what does not even have forms cannot be sick. However, such feelings at least once in life experienced, probably, every person living on the planet Earth. It is a very difficult and dangerous thing, because it is impossible to cope with it in a short time with the help of tablets or special medical procedures (as in the case of physical pain). We need time and a certain set of actions.

Components of mental pain

I also want to say that any mental experiences (according to modern psychologists) consist of several simple elements:

  1. Emotions.
  2. Thoughts.
  3. Unpleasant sensations or discomfort in the body.
  4. Visual images (ideas, some pictures before your eyes).

If a person has a soul hurts, what to do? Often there is a logical question. After all, I do not want to suffer too much time and spend in difficult thoughts. The first advice says: time treats. And this is true. This truth is known since time immemorial. All soul experiences Ancient doctors treated exclusively with time (well, labor). A person needs some time to enjoy his experiences. At this hour, everything is necessary to think about it, to live again by past events. You need my pain again - the last one is to feel. Only after that a feeling of completeness may appear. Often, after that, people are already starting to let their problem, gradually say goodbye to her. It will take place, and the trace will not remain from the experiences. It should always be remembered, looking into the future, and not in the past.

However, this Council has one "but". Using how to cope with spiritual pain, you can not too link in your problem. After all, she can "tighten" for a long time in its networks. If during the week the condition does not improve, then you need to look for help on the side. After all, so you can gradually drive yourself into a long depression, to cope with which is very and very difficult.

Soul hurts! What to do, how to help yourself? Why not apply for an extraneous help? In this case, there are several ways to exit negative state. The first and, probably, the most important is the help of a psychologist. A specialist on the basis of the already couple of conversations will be able to figure out the problem of his patient and help him find a way out of the current situation. Attention: you need to remember that no one will solve the problem better than its owner. No need to hope that the psychologist will solve all the disturbing soul questions. Not at all, he will show ways out of the situation. Next, you will have to act independently. Next option exit difficult mental situation - Help parents or others it is worth remembering that no one, except the most expensive and relatives and relatives, can help better. Mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt-uncle - these are those who are sincerely worried and will try to do everything to help their relative. Always need to seek help from relatives, because they often give very seld advice. And the last way, how to relieve mental experiences, feelings - seek help from friends. These are those people who will not, most likely dig in the past, and will open their eyes to the present (especially if we are talking about young people). Only good comrades can be chopped into a cycle of the day without giving their friend a minute of breathing. Study, fun, searching yourself, cinema, exhibitions, discos ... There will simply not be time for self-vaccination and extra experience. And there I. time passesAnd everything will gradually subsides and rushing.

A few words about medicines

How else can you help if the soul hurts, what to do in such a situation? So, sometimes you can hear a simple tip: you need to take certain medicines. These are so-called antidepressants or simply soothing drugs. But this advice Very dangerous. The thing is to independently assign any medicines very and very dangerous. It can extremely negatively affect health. Antidepressants must prescribe an exclusively attending doctor after a certain inspection and diagnosis of the disease. Here you need to clarify: not so much there are many such mental problems in which medication helps. You need to learn how to cope with everything yourself, without the influence of foreign chemicals.

A few words about relaxing means

Many people can tell how to get rid of spiritual pain. After all, the most commonly used method is the reception of various relaxing drugs. It may be alcohol, light drugs. Undoubtedly, in a short period, they can bring relief, tuting consciousness. But it is not a way out of complex situation. After all, the next day the feeling is returned, and heavy is still mixed. the physical state. So worse becomes doubly. In addition, the reception of the above-described means negatively affects a person, and in some cases leads to the dependences with which it is not easy to cope with.

If a person has a soul hurts, what to do to cope with this state? So you need to tell about your problem. However, to open in front of a person, albeit close, far from always easy and simple. In this case, the diary is perfect. You need to try to pour all your feelings and experiences on paper. Make records need at a time when it is very bad. Write will have to have a minimum of week. Next, everything will need to reread. Already after reading written, it can become much cleared. Something will seem ridiculous, and from something will come out and so get rid of. It is worth remembering that, looking at the problem from the side, it can be better understood and clarified for myself some moments.

How to calm negative spiritual feelings? You need to try to forget about the problem that is disturbing. For this you have to work a little. Namely - get rid of everything that reminds about the difficult past. For example, if parting with a loved one happened, you will have to throw out or distribute all gifts and destroy joint photos. Surrounded, nothing should remain, which can cause pain or memories.

The next council, how to get rid of mental pain - to do your favorite thing. You need to do everything to just not remember your problem. Best of all in such a business will help creativity. Embroidery, drawing, cycling, music are those things without which it is simply impossible to imagine a normal life. After all the time, the negative thoughts and despondency simply do not have enough time.

If a person is tormented by various mental suffering, you can try to engage in volunteering. In this case, you need to go to the nearest public Organization And offer yourself as an assistant free of charge. At the same time, you can talk about the causes of such a deed. In this case, a person can send to various meetings where people are divided by their problems. After listening to the stories of others, it can make a simple conclusion that his problem is not so terrible that you can cope with it. After all, there are more complex and terrible situations. At the same time, helping people, you can understand perfectly, realizing that it is still very useful to society and other people. And such thoughts have very positively affect the process of recovery from mental suffering.

What to do if a person has a strong soul wound? You can try to cope with it in a similar way. For example, if the cause of suffering is a gap with a beloved person, you need to start meeting other people. If they fired from work or expelled from the Institute - you can go to courses and master new profession. We must always remember that there is no. Fate loves punching and moderately arrogant, so you never need to lose heart and lower your hands. After all, who knocks out, they open.

It must be remembered that life is alone. The second time it will not be possible to live. Therefore, you need to try to do everything that you can at this moment, here and now. As they say, it is necessary to take a maximum from life. If it is possible to periodically return to the past, you can not have time for changes that occur today. However, say is not to do. Everything is much more difficult here. Simple advice, how not to think about what was: if such a desire arises, and thoughts return back, you just need to bring yourself to visualize a different future. This is a great way to speed up sincere recovery. We must come up with a picture of a bright future and come back every time. And if everything is done correctly, the peaceful world will soon become a reality, and life will go back on the uplink.

Everyone is known to the simple truth: you need to give more, and not get it. After all, it brings great moral satisfaction. If the shower is bad, you must try to improve life to all others. You can help mom make general cleaning, Give dad long-awaited spinning or take a walk with a sister's child. Gratitude and encouragement from the part perfectly increase the mood and give only positive emotions. And so with severe memories to cope much easier.

Here it is not about egoism, but that you need to give yourself a maximum of what can please. At this time, you can try to implement at least one cherished dream - jump with a parachute, go to the sea or just go to the moon park. Waiting for something beautiful and positive emotions perfectly coped with multiple mental problems.

Simple conclusions

And so that various mental illnesses and problems do not arise, you must always try to think positively. After all, all those tests that fate sends should make a person just stronger. And besides, it should always be remembered that there will always be white for the dark life stripe. Waiting for the beautiful, soon it can be waited.

Causes due to which painted to cookmay be diverse, while it is not only about pathological factors, but also the individual structure of the body. Pains during feces are found both in adults and children, but most often people suffer from them, old age and those who lead a low-wear lifestyle.

Give an unambiguous answer to the question - why it hurts- It is quite difficult. Provoke the problem can external factorssurrounding everyone concrete personSo and features in its physiological structure.

In addition, the defecation process affects the lifestyle and availability harmful habits. So, for example, people who use alcoholic beverages, acute food and those who feed on the dryness are more often complaining about constipation and pain during fear.

The following factors can provoke painful sensations with defecation acts:

  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the colon;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • prolonged reception of some drugs;
  • hypodynamine;
  • consumption of products that increase gas formation in the intestine;
  • lack of fiber diet.

Most of the above factors negatively affect the structure of the feces: feces hardened and become stone, so their exit is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

It's very painful It becomes when the movement of the fracturing accumulated masses damages the walls of the colon and leads to an anus break. Such a defecation is often accompanied by blood discharge, and each subsequent trip to the toilet causes repetition until the injuries obtained will be healing.

Why painfully caked after constipation

Most often, people who have problems with a chair are complaining of pain during feces. This is due to the uneven yield of carts, which, with long-term finding in the body, lose moisture and become more solid and dense.

Hurt after Constipation Because the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal opening has a lot of nervous endings. Injury the walls of the colon and the anus itself leads to the formation of wounds, which do not have time to heal until the next defecation. Therefore, pains have often repeated in nature.

Pains during feces during constipation are also observed due to such pathologies:

  • sphincter rupture (occurs when a person is very much);
  • damage to hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • the fracture of the anal hole;
  • anchopper pain syndrome;
  • cryptite;
  • paraproktitis, etc.

Permanent pain is observed in chronic constipation, accompanied by partial feces. Passing your way, hardwood masses each time reinforce the walls of the intestine and the anal hole. It does not give the wounds to drag on, and the pain each time becomes tangible.

In the case of inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes in the cartoons may be present blood. The pain in a detergent itself has a burning character, because of what a person tries to keep the urge to defecation, than only aggravates constipation and pain.

Painful defecation after childbirth

Many giving birth women know no obstacle about pain during the act of defecation. Almost all the fences face this problem, and there is nothing terrible in this, since she is eliminated simple funds, enveloping intestinal walls.

Pains may arise both during the toaling of the baby, it is already after delivery. In the first case, the causes of unpleasant sensations in the detergent is a growing fruit, squeezing the gastrointestants and the intestine itself, which provokes constipation.

Also during pregnancy, problems with blood circulation often arise, negatively affecting the host of the intestines and leading to the development of hemorrhoids.

Maybe for several reasons:

  • changes in hormonal background, depressing the work of the intestine and peristalsis;
  • postpartum hemorrhoids;
  • obtained during the gods of the gaps;
  • non-compliance with drinking mode and incorrect meals after cesarean sections.

To deal with pain, it is enough to contact your gynecologist or a proctologist. If the pain is caused by the gap of hemorrhoidal nodes, then help themselves at home, with applying a cool compression for the crotch and the use of special candles.

How to understand that the child hurts to kak

The problems with emptying in children arise quite often, and the constipation can be observed constantly or appear unexpectedly. Most often, the lack of chair and pain in the detergent worried and children up to three years.

If adult child is able to independently say about the presence of pain, then with small children in this regard problems arise. The fact that the child hurts to Kaka, can be understood by the following signs:

  • fear before defecation;
  • cry during emptying;
  • hardened feces;
  • cry during the wiping of the priests;
  • fearful pot.

In addition, to suspect that the baby hurts to deteriorate not only on restless behavior, but also by the presence of anal cracks and blood in the feces itself. These signs indicate constipation, so the child should look at the child.

Sometimes pain when emptying can even be with a soft fender and a regular chairs. Most parents are misleading, they cannot understand for a long time, what is the reason for the hysterical of the child during defecation.

If the child hurts to Kakk, what to do parents to facilitate emptying? First of all, attention should be paid to the kid's diet. With balanced nutrition and proper drinking mode, children rarely arise with a chair. If this is not enough, then the child must show a doctor.

What to do with painful fooling during constipation

Publishers and soreness during emptying associated with them are best not treated, but to prevent. But if problems, nevertheless, began, then the first thing should be understood in their reason.

If it hurts and constipate, then the first thing you need to change the diet, eliminating the harmful food and turning on more fiber. With a problem chairs and a solid feces, which causes pain, it is necessary:

  • daily use fresh vegetable food;
  • avoid suceatics;
  • add to the finished food for several drops of oils (olive, linen, pumpkin, etc.);
  • increase consumed the amount of water;
  • there are dry fruits like dried and prunes;
  • include fermented milk products without thickeners.

But what to do if it hurts Due to the presence of the disease of the lower departments of the gastrointestinal tract or colon? In this case, treatment includes not only a special diet, but also by accepting medicines. Therapy differs depending on the ailment, so only a specialist can assign it.

If the pain in the detergent causes hemorrhoidal nodes, then you can help with rectal candles and herbal baths that will advise a proctologist. In the case of neoplasms in a colon therapy, the therapy is more serious and starting it from visiting oncologist.