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In the Ministry of Health, they told what to do with the bite of wasps and bees. First aid rules for insect bite: What you need to do primarily when medical care is needed

Animals bite, And not only wild, but also home. Yes, if you have bitten your cat or hamster, then worrying, as a rule, is not worth it. Do not forget that pets bite not with anger, but during the game, from excitement or too big love for the owner. Naturally, if your favorite Alabai beat you, almost grabbing your hand, then you should take the necessary measures. We have already talked about first aid in the bite of snakes in another article, here we will touch on a slightly different plane of the question.

But in general, the reason for anxiety There may be any bite if the skin is damaged and there is a bleeding, even a small one. Again, if your pet spends time on the street, then contact with infected animals is possible. Then, when bitten, it is better to progress, because one of the reasons for the attack on the owner may be rabies.

Pro wild or stray animals And there is nothing to say - they live on the street, eat that they will find, and their teeth have a whole bouquet of a wide variety of bacteria. Try to avoid contact with stray dogs, in no case, do not try to stroke the wild animal, which you met - the beasts infected with rabies themselves are looking for contact with a person, so it's not worth going to meet a chanterelle, who runs away from the forest. The problem of wild animals The fact that rabies among them extends to the striking speed, because there is no obstacles. Yes, in particularly severe situations, quarantine is introduced in the area of \u200b\u200binfection, however, this does not cancel the fact that any wild or stray animal may be painfully rabies.

Signs of rabies in dogs

Rabies It has one interesting feature. It gradually develops as the bite of the brain approaches. In other words, if you were bruited in the leg, the course of the disease would be rather long. Symptoms in this case will manifest and grow gradually. If in the neck - then you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, since the virus will reach the brain as quickly as possible. The same rule applies to animals. If your pet was bitten into the neck, then you need to immediately contact the veterinarian. Well, if for the tail - then, consider that you have some time of time.

At the initial stages Determine the presence of the disease in the dog is quite difficult, but you can. She becomes a restless, excited, then she begins to run away from the house, swallow objects. She may have vomiting. In recent stages, the dog begins to throw without barking and she has abundant salivation. Contrary to the problem, a pet may not be afraid of water during illness.

First assistance in animal bite

So, what do you need to do with the bite of an animal? We will analyze more.

  • First of all, the wound must be rinsed. For this you can use conventional water, but better, of course, soapy solution.
  • At first, the bleeding is better not to stop, because it, to some extent, removes the saliva of the animal. Of course, if the bleeding is strong, it makes sense to slide it a little harness or a belt to avoid blood loss.
  • Process the place of damage to the antiseptic. For example, iodine, mangall, alcohol, and even vodka, depending on what you have at hand.
  • Enter the bandage on the wound, preferably sterile. But, if any, it does not have, then just clean fabric.
  • Maximum quickly deliver the victim to the medical institution. There will be qualified assistance and will be checked whether infection occurred.

How to assist a person whom the wasp or bee was bitten? The Ministry of Health published a special memo in which he said, what to do with the ubules of insects - to them, except the bees and OS, also include bumblebees, hornets, wheels.

Specialists of the Office report that even one bite of such an insect in a few minutes can lead to death if a person suffers from allergies. 500 bites can lead to a fatal outcome of the non-allergic reaction of a person, although there are cases with lucky who survived even after 2000.

Doctors say that the less time it takes to the development of symptoms, the worse the forecast. Usually the reaction occurs within a few minutes (up to an hour). A short-term pain may appear around the bite space, itching, an increase in temperature. Redness of the skin, the appearance of urticaria, limited edema of lips, tongue, ringtone, shortness of breath, colic in the stomach, diarrhea should alert the victim - this is a disturbing symptoms. The doctors of the doctors include a grayish-bluish color of the skin, convulsions, loss of consciousness and the inability to breathe due to the respiratory edema. It is because of such edema, when a person cannot breathe, 40-60% of deaths occurs. Prosic to allergies, people doctors advise just in case to carry a medical bracelet or necklace, where it would be indicated about their possible response to bites. They are especially dangerous to eye bits or mouth, as well as multiple insect bites. For other, not suffering allergies, the danger represent bites in the throat - for example, if they swallowed insect insect or inhaled the wasp, the fleeing too close to the open mouth. In this case, the respiratory tract can also occur.

Specialists of the Ministry of Health affected by insects are advised to provide the first assistance of the Ministry of Health.

  1. Inspect the bite place and make sure that the skin is not left. It can only remain after the bee bite. If necessary, delete the sting, because from it within 2-3 minutes after the bite, the poison continues. Pretty the sting of the nickname or blade of the knife, scissors - do not squeeze the end of the sting ending over the skin.
  2. Rinse the bite with water with soap or wipe with alcohol.
  3. Attach the ice pack for 15-20 minutes to slow down the suction of poison and reduce pain.
  4. To reduce pain and itching, accept analgesics (paracetamol). This, as a rule, is enough.
  5. The place of bite can be lubricated with ointment or cream containing corticosteroid hormones (hydrocortisone) to remove itching and swelling. In early use, eliminate local symptoms can antihistamines ("Dimedrol", "Supratin", "Claritin").
  6. Watch the condition of the victim of at least 30 minutes, paying attention to the development of signs of an allergic reaction. The victim, prone to allergies, can be given "prednisolone" or other antihistamines. But doctors warn: antihistamine drugs in tablets are better to take for prevention - they act too slowly, so they cannot help with a threatening life of an allergic reaction. Heavy allergies can help "adrenaline" (without a severe allergic reaction it cannot be administered during bites) - the drug is valid for a long time, so if necessary, it is introduced every 15 minutes, following the patient's condition and renewable signs of an asphylactic reaction.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

First assistance in animal bites: What is the danger of cat bites, dogs, mice, raccots, rats, foxes and other animals? What should be done in case a person bit an animal? What should be done not to infect with rabies from the bite of an animal?
Both home and wild animals attack people quite often. In most cases bites They come from dogs, cats, mice, rats, raccoons, hamsters, foxes. The danger of the bite of a particular animal is determined immediately by several factors. Accounting is taken in both the contagiousness of the animal and the depth of bite, its size, as well as efficiency first aidwhich should be provided to the victim. The bites like wild and domestic animals are dangerous, first of all, the fact that they can cause human infection with rabies. In addition, such bites can provoke an appearance of an ulcer, as well as the infection of the wound. The first aid for animal bites provides for a thorough washing of the affected area of \u200b\u200brunning water, the imposition of a sterile dressing, as well as timely consultation of the doctor.

The bites of both cats and dogs, as well as numerous wild animals, are considered sufficiently dangerous for the human body. It is explained by the fact that in the mouth of animals there can be a huge number of microscopic organisms, which tend to cause the development of certain infectious pathologies. Especially dangerous are animal bites that suffer from rabies. Frenzy is an extremely serious viral pathology, which is very often caused by the death of a person. This fact makes it extremely seriously taken to the bites not only wild, but also pets. In most cases, bites come from dogs, a little less often people bite cats. Dye animal bites are extremely rare.

Need to remember that:

1. Feline bites in most cases provoke the development of local infection. Most likely, this happens because the bites of these pets are not particularly alarming people. In addition, the cat's oral cavity marks the accumulation of numerous microbes. Infection from such bites is observed approximately fifty percent of cases.

2. The bites in the field of the lower and upper extremities, as well as the palms exposed to infection especially often and all because it is these parts of the body almost constantly in relationships not only with microbes, but also with dirty surfaces. The bites in the face of the face are also very easily infected.

3. In the case of ordinary wounds, more frequent infection is observed, since with deep lesions, people most often consult with specialists, but there are no minor wounds that do not particularly worry.

4. Pets are much less likely are carriers of rabies, rather than wild animals.

5. Especially dangerous for a person is considered to consider rat bites, since these animals are very often infected spirochetamiwhich is characteristic of provoking in the human body the development of fever accompanied by an excessive increase in body temperature and the emergence of numerous sharp symptoms.

6. Almost all wounds from animal bites have uneven edges, while damage to both vessels and muscles, as well as tendons.

7. Almost always such wounds contain saliva animals.

First aid for animal bite

In the event that you either or someone from people close to you bitten the animal, then you need to act according to the following rules:

If the bite is nelyumpy, It is necessary to start to prepare twenty percentage of soap solution and rinse them the affected area. This solution is prepared very easily: we take one piece of toilet soap or the third part of the soap of the economic and dissolve it in two glasses of water. In fact, in such cases, it is best to resort to the help of an economic soap that contains the greatest number of alkali. But it is alkali who is intended to fight the rabies virus. The resulting solution thoroughly rinse the affected area for five minutes. Then use an antibacterial ointment in order to prevent the development of the infectious process. We apply an ointment, after which we impose a sterile bandage. Even minor wounds require particularly close attention. Remember, in such cases the wound should be wrapped in very quickly. If in the place of the defeat there were purulent discharge, redness appeared either swelling, then as soon as possible, we will receive a consultation of a specialist. When developing an infection, an increase in body temperature may be observed.

If the bite is deep And accompanied by bleeding, then in the first of all it is worth remembering that such bleeding helps to clean the wound from the animal saliva, so it's not worth stopping it. To begin with, rinse the wound twenty percentage with soap for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, treat the skin around the wound by ethyl alcohol or an iodine alcohol solution, then impose a clean bandage. Watts in such cases are best not to use, as it can stick to the wound and then it will be very difficult to remove it. As soon as all this is done, go for medical care, since only specialists doctors if necessary, to introduce you vaccination against rabies.

When the bite of an animal, cause ambulance doctors is really necessary in case:

  • The bite of the animal is insignificant, however, a person does not know whether an animal was or was not vaccinated.
  • Very deep bite, in which there is an excessive lesion of the skin, not allowing the opportunity to see the bottom of the wound.
  • The man was bited by an animal, which had a large amount of saliva from the mouth, while it was attached to a person without any reasons.
In such cases, rabies are quite possible, so the victim should urgently hospitalize. If the bite was applied by a dog or a cat, then the victim should be treated with particular attention to the further behavior of the animal, which will indicate the fact of the presence or lack of rabies. If everything has become wizzy, then rabies, then you will need a special course of therapy. And even to identify the presence of rabies should be observed for the behavior of the animal, and not affected, since dogs and cats incubation period in most cases are much smaller.

To prevent the bites of those or other animals, you should:

  • Storing unfamiliar animals, even if at first glance they do not pose a danger.
  • Do not play, do not catch and not feed wild animals such as rats, protein and raccoons.
  • Do not disturb the animal at the time of feeding offspring or eating.
  • Stay even in those moments when you play with your homemade pet.
  • In zoos and pet stores do not stop the fingers into animal cages.

Expert - Stanislav manov, Instructor Methodist of children's and teenage programs of the first aid school

Insect bites (mosquitoes, OS, bees) are usually not too painful, they quickly pass, but can cause an allergic reaction of varying severity. If the allergic reaction to the bite once has already arisen - the parents are important to be ready for it: in the summer it is to use protective equipment to have antihistamines with themselves. Tick \u200b\u200bbite is dangerous: the tick can be a carrier of encephalitis or borreliosis. If the baby bit the dog or another animal - it is necessary to consult a doctor: an animal can be infected with rabies.

What if stung wasp (bee)?

Immediately after the bite in his place, swelling and redness appear. If the sting is noticeable - it can be carefully squeezed (by reinfecting pre-nails), and the wreck is treated with hydrogen peroxide. To remove the edema, you can apply a cold compress. First aid does not imply the use of drugs, but if there is confidence that the child does not have an allergic reaction to the previously used medicine - it is possible to give it an antihistamine tool to reduce swelling. When bitters, allergies are especially dangerous: the edema develops quickly, an anaphylactic shock may occur - a rapid allergic reaction in the form of a strong itching, a larynx swelling, causing bronchospasm and respiratory disruption, strong heartbeat, a fainted state.

Does snake bite dangerous?

Yes, snake bites are dangerous, violet bite even can be fatal for a child. The main risk of snake bites is the poisoning of the body: the poison of the snake teeth penetrates through the wound and applies further through the blood, the child appears weakness, pallor, rapid breathing. It is impossible to try to suck the poison, cut the rude, catching up or dragging it with a harness. When first aid, the child directly on the place where he was biting, an adult must remember that the snake can stay nearby and again to attack. A damaged limb (a bite is usually subjected to a hand or foot) It is necessary to be tightly bandaged in the direction of the body to the fingers, before it is to attach a cold (ice or cloth moistened with cold water) to reduce swelling. The limb needs to be immobilized and fixed with a tire, to ensure peace and immobility: thus it will reduce the intensity of the spread of the poison with blood in the body and its kidney entering. If there is an opportunity, you need to water the child - this will allow the kidney to be better cleaned. The child should quickly deliver to the doctor; If the snake is dead - it is better to capture her: the doctor will be useful to know the type of snake, the choice of treatment technique may depend on this.

What if a tick is found on the child?

First of all, the ticks must be pulled out with a tweezers (slowly swaying the tick or turning the "winding" movements) or the loops made from the thread and threw on the head (the loop must be tightened and gently pull the ticks. It is important to get ticks carefully, while retaining its integrity to then transfer it to the analysis. Rank should be disinfected, and ticks for 1-2 days to take to check in a special laboratory - especially if the disease is registered with encephalitis (viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain). According to the results of the analysis, it is possible that the child will need an injection of anti-boring immunoglobulin or blood test (infectious disease that causes the integrated defeat of the joints, heart, nervous system).

How to act when the dog bite?

With such a bite, the risk of infection of the wound is increased. An even more dangerous complication is the possible rabies of the animal. About the easy severity of bites they say if injuries are limited to superficial scratches, and the animal is homely; On the average - if the abrasions are small and superficial, but the animal is without veterinary control. A severe degree of bites - the presence of extensive, deep wounds, an animal without veterinary control, died or noticed in attacks on people.

The bite place should be treated in the same way as the usual wound process: rinse, disinfect, if necessary, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine. Even if the wound is small - you need a doctor consultation. If the dog is home - it is necessary to find out from the owner the presence of vaccinations from her if the dog is healthy - no additional actions will be required. If the child bit the stray dog, you can try to catch it and take it to the inspection to the vet. In the case of such a bite, the doctor will most likely offer immunization against rabies - a modern method does not require a long course of injections, usually 5 doses of vaccine or a single administration of immunoglobulin.

With the arrival of the first warm days, many different insects wake up. And some of them are far from being so harmless, as it seems. The wasps, bees, spiders, ticks - these little bugs sometimes bring much more harm than big animals. Such insects are terrible primarily by the fact that with the bite they produce a certain dose of poison in the human body, which in turn causes an allergic reaction to varying severity.

If urban residents think that modern megacities will be able to protect them from insects, they are deeply mistaken. However, in urban conditions, it is much easier at the first signs of bite to consult a doctor, but in nature it is quite problematic. Therefore, you need to know how to help the affected person.

Most often, small children suffer from insect bites, as well as those people who tend to allergies. The bits, neck and region of the chest are most dangerous. In some, especially severe cases, a serious allergic reaction is developing in the bite of an insect - anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to behave in such a situation and what to do before the arrival of ambulance.

What if it was stung by wasp or bit the spider? What measures should be taken? How to give first assistance to a bite man? You can find answers to these and other questions by reading the next article.

Actions during the bite of wasps, harder, bumblebee or bee

In the poison of such insects, biogenic amines are contained, the fall in the blood of a person can cause strongest allergic reactions.

The most basic symptoms in the bite of bees, harnesses, bumblebees or OS are itching and burning in the place of bite, sharp pain, redness and swelling of fabrics. In some cases, there is an increase in body temperature, light chills, malaise. Probably the appearance of nausea and.

In particularly severe cases, especially in people predisposed to allergies, various allergic reactions may occur. From the lungs - and itching, to the heavy - swelling of quinque, anaphylactic shock.

First of all, it is necessary to know what no way cannot be done. First, it should be understood that the combing of fabrics in the bite area can lead to the further spread of the poison, and thus it is very easy to decide in the infection that only aggravates the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Secondly, it is impossible to use water from nearby natural sources for cooling or washing, since this in most cases leads to an infection, and sometimes to infection with a tetanus.

Also, you should not take alcoholic beverages and sleeping pills, because their effect enhances the effect of poison.

First assistance in the bite of such insects includes:

  1. Disinfection of the affected place with alcohol, soap solution or chlorhexidine.
  2. Cooling the place of bite of ice wrapped in a towel, freezing or cold package. Such actions will help to remove the swelling and reduce pain.
  3. Reception of the antihistamine preparation, as well as the use of antiallergic ointment or cream.
  4. Providing victims of abundant drinking and full rest.

When the bee bite, you can try to pull out the sting, grabbing it with tweezers as close as possible to the skin cover. If you fail to pull it out, or it is scary, then you need to contact the nearest trauma for its extraction.

Tick \u200b\u200bbite actions

It should be remembered that diseases that are transferred to mites cause severe and unpleasant complications ending with disabilities. Therefore, the retrieved tick must be attributed to the laboratory for analysis.

First assistance in the bite of ticks:

  1. If the tick is detected under the skin, it is necessary to urgently visit the surgeon to extract the tick completely and most safe way.
  2. In the case when the access to a specialist is not possible, it is necessary to remove the tick on its own. To do this, you need to use special tongs, which, following the instructions, it will be possible to remove the insect without risk to break it into several parts.
  3. Be sure to treat the affected place by any antiseptic drug :, chlorhexidine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide.
  4. An extracted insect must be placed in the glass container filled with water-impregnated with wool. It is sealed to close the capacitance with a lid and within two or three days after the bite to attribute it to the laboratory.

In addition, you should know which actions can not be performed when tick bite:

  • apply a screwdriver to remove ticks from under the skin (needles, tweezers, pins and others), since the insect can not be removed completely, which will cause the subsequent suppuration of the bite place;
  • catch the insect, as such actions will lead to the exact opposite effect and the tick will be introduced under the skin even deeper;
  • put into the insect, since in this case the possible pathogens of the diseases that it transfers can get into the blood and lead to infection;
  • to lubricate the place of bite of fats (kerosene, butter and others), as this will lead to the fact that the tick goes without access to oxygen, not having time to get out.

Actions in the bite of spiders

Any spiders are usually poisonous. In the world there are a great many varieties of spider-shaped and some of them even deadly. But the spiders are most common, the poison is not very toxic, and its number is very small in order to provoke the occurrence of heavy symptoms of poisoning.

In our latitudes, the most dangerous spoofers are Karakirts and Tarantulas.

Karakirts are pretty small, up to two centimeters in length, spiders of black color with red spots on the trouser.

Tarantulas are spiders of black or dark brown, usually three or four centimeters in length. However, some individuals can reach twelve centimeters. The most characteristic feature of Tarantula are hairs covering the entire surface. Moreover, due to its more terrible type, Tarantuly cause more fear than Karakirts, but their bite of serious danger does not represent. Bite of the Karakurt is much more dangerous. But at the same time, it should be known that just so spiders are not attacked by a person, but they bite only if they are disturbed, for the purpose of self-defense.

Spider bite himself is almost painless, and the first symptoms are manifested only after a few hours. These include:

  • dizziness and general weakness;
  • and rapid heartbeat;
  • redness and small swelling at the bite place;
  • an hour after the bite, a strong pain appears, propagating in the lower back, the blades, the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and the calf muscles;
  • shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • increase body temperature up to forty degrees;
  • enhance arterial pressure.

In particularly severe cases, there are sharp drops of emotional state - from to overexcitation, severe, severe shortness of breath and lung swells appear. Three to five days after the bite of the Karakurt, skin appears, and weakness and general discomfort are observed for several weeks.

The nucleus of Tarantula is much weaker, and he manifests itself with swelling and swelling at the place of bite, redness of the skin, weakness and drowsiness, apathy, small painful sensations and severity in the whole body.

A few days later, all the symptoms pass.

First assistance in the bite of any spider:

  1. Processing the bite of antiseptic.
  2. Put and hide the victim, warm it up and ensure full peace.
  3. Give an anesthetic drug.
  4. Richly rinse the victim.
  5. When the limb bites, it should be tightly bandaged, starting from a distance of five centimeters above the bite, and ensure its fixedness. With increasing swelling, the bandage should be loosen. The limb must be fixed below the heart level.
  6. If the bite occurred in the neck or head, the place of bite should be pressed.
  7. Immediately seek medical attention.
  8. In serious condition, if it is impossible to show the affected doctor, it is necessary to give a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug.

What can not be done in the bite of spider:

  • scratching or rubbed the place of bite, as this leads to the further spread of poison and contributes to the emergence of infection;
  • do shorts in the field of bite;
  • catch a bustful place;
  • such a poison, because through anyone even the smallest rush in the mouth, the poison penetrates into the blood of man.

First aid for anaphylaxis

In particularly severe cases, a serious allergic reaction can develop with insect bite, anaphylactic shock. This reaction is terrible in that it occurs and develops rather quickly - within a few minutes. The most exposed anaphylaxis people who have a tendency to allergies, as well as asthmatics.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis when bite of spiders or other insects:

  • strong and sharp pain in the bite place;
  • skin itching transmitted to all parts of the body;
  • rapid heavy and difficulty breathing, severe shortness of breath;
  • pronounced pallor of skin;
  • weakness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting;
  • circulatory disorder in the brain, confusion;
  • strong swelling of the oral cavity, neck and larynx.

All these reactions are developing within a few minutes, and as a result of violation of respiratory activities and blood circulation, death may occur from lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is very important to know how to give first aid to a person with anaphylactic shock. Such actions can save him life.

First aid for anaphylaxis:

  1. In just promptly, call urgent ambulance by phone 103 or 112.
  2. Give the victim horizontal position and raise your legs.
  3. Cool the place of bite.
  4. With loss of consciousness, it is necessary to control the breath of the victim every two minutes.
  5. With ineffective breathing (in an adult, less than two exhalations for ten seconds, a child is less than three), it is necessary to perform cardiovascular resuscitation.
  6. To give the victim antihistamine: Suprastin, Tueva and others.

Summing up

The bites of any insects almost always entail the unpleasant and negative consequences, most often expressed in allergic reactions. Especially hard to transfer their children, people suffering from bronchial asthma, as well as those who are susceptible to allergies. In some cases, even such severe conditions may occur as an anaphylactic shock, a delay in which can cost the affected life. Therefore, it is imperative to know what to do in such cases and be able to provide first aid in the bite of various kinds of insects to help a person wait for the doctor's arrival. In some cases, especially with anaphylaxis, such actions can save the victim of life.

Specialty: infectious, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist.

Common experience: 35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1mmi, San Gig, Higher Qualification, Infectious Physics.

Science degree: Higher Phone, Candidate of Medical Sciences.