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Eight months of pregnancy - how many weeks? The eighth month of pregnancy: development, sensations, sex, premature birth and other features The child was born on 8 months of pregnancy.

8 month of pregnancy is the penultimate month of the child tooling period. Fatigue is becoming more and more tangible, and the excitement in front of childbirth is growing every day.

Learning how to feel
To the eighth month, sex infection accuracy
pulls discomfort hard

Consider, with which one weekly 8 months of pregnancy begins, what changes are happening now and what to do a future mother in anticipation of the baby.

Feelings of the future mother

Speaking that this is for the period - 8 months of pregnancy and how many weeks it lasts, it can be noted that it begins at 32 weeks, and ends at 36. The woman has time to feel all the difficulties and delights of the late dawning of to-wear, all her thoughts are engaged only by the upcoming clan and future child.

On 8 months of tooling a woman hard to lead a familiar lifestyle:

  • it is difficult for her to walk, breathe, perform work on the house;
  • most inconvenience delivers a huge belly, wearing which is becoming more difficult;
  • dyspid appears because of the belly, and the heartburn occurs more and more often;
  • the child is already large enough, all his shocks are felt quite clearly, and can be very painful;
  • due to the pressure on the bladder, urinary bubble becomes very frequent.

What a stomach looks like on 8 months old can be seen in the photo.

Due to the increase in size in the future mom, problems arise when walking, with breathing

The body gradually begins to prepare for childbirth - for 8 months of pregnancy quite often appear, so-called, training contractions or brutefone - Hicks. Such contractions are almost completely painless, represent short-term cuts of the uterus that a woman feels like an increase in tone.

They differ from the present in that they are not regular, and also do not enhance over time. In addition, a pelvic bottom of childbirth begins to prepare a pelvic bottom: the joints are diverted, and the ligaments relax - all this happens so that the baby can be easily able to go through the generic paths.

What can I do?

Many are interested in what is possible, and what can not be done on the 8th month of pregnancy. Specialists usually give such recommendations.

What to do the future momWhat is not worth doing a future mom
  1. To engage in its physical form, perform special exercises for pregnant women in the 3 trimester. Of course, this can be done only by consulting with the doctor, do not overvolt, and with any unpleasant feelings to stop training. Properly performed exercises will help you prepare for childbirth, relax, remove the load from the spine, improve blood circulation, as well as raise the mood.
  2. To walk in the fresh air daily - the longer the walk will last, the better. However, it must be remembered that the term is already big, and theoretically, childbirth can begin at any time, therefore it is better not to leave far from home and walk accompanied by a husband or girlfriends. Be sure to take care of comfortable shoes, wear antenatal bandage for a walk, and, if necessary, special compression linen, which will protect against varicose veins.
  3. Prepare for childbirth. If you have not yet visited classes for future mothers, it's time to go there during 8 months of pregnancy. In addition, the video will help you learn to breathe correctly during childbirth, will give an idea about this process. If you are planning partnerships, then be sure to prepare together with your husband.
  1. Make flights by plane without much need. Increased loads can cause premature childbirth or badly affect the well-being of mom and child. Some airlines do not sell tickets to women with a long time, as they do not want to take responsibility for the health of women. If you need to fly, you will need a certificate from the gynecologist with an indication of the period of pregnancy and permission to the flight. It is not recommended to fly without accompaniment.
  2. To visit the bath or sauna. This can lead to premature birth due to a possible cutting pressure change. In addition, bath procedures can harm the internal organs of a woman, such as the heart, the liver, lungs. The body and so much weakened during pregnancy, so the strong load on the organs and the circulatory system can lead to negative consequences.
  3. Overeat. Some women literally perceive the phrase "there are two", due to which they cease to control the amount of food eaten. It can not only lead to problems with digestion, but also to cause a sharp increase in weight, and this is considered dangerous for mom and baby. At this time, it is permissible to gain 300-400 grams per week.

What happens to the child?

For the period of pregnancy 8 months, the child's development goes to the final stage. It is already enough formed that in the case of premature births, do not require special efforts to survive.

Usually, children born on this period can already breathe, suck the chest, their weight is 2 -2.7 kg, and the growth of 44-46 cm. The child, born for 8 months of pregnancy, presented in the photo, is no different from the rest of the newborn .

From the 32nd to the 36th week of intrauterine life with the kid, the following changes will occur.

  1. If the fruit was incorrect before that period, during this period, it would take the necessary "head" position with a large share of the likelihood.
  2. He adds in weight and grow every day - for the month, the baby can score to one kilogram.
  3. The child is becoming more closer in the mother's belly, so his movements become less sharp and more reminiscent of sipping or rolling.
  4. He has a fully developed respiratory, swallowing and sucking reflexes, most of the time he sucks a finger, and from time to time you can hear how the baby is playing, the glot of amniotic fluid.
  5. All of its bodies are already formed, now the final "finish" of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems is being completed.
  6. The fruit in the mother's womb is already able to react to strong stimuli, such as bright light or loud sound.
  7. The lungs are sufficiently developed, they accumulated a sufficient amount of the story, so that the newborn can, if necessary, be breathed independently.

The child is already well heard during the 8 month of pregnancy, so it is now very helpful to talk to the baby, and also include pleasant quiet music for him - it has a beneficial effect on his well-being and nervous system.

Sexual relationships - Is it possible?

In order to make sure the possibility of intimate proximity, consult your gynecologist

In most cases, modern doctors believe that a woman can have sex for 8 months of pregnancy without fears. However, this rule works only if the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Whether intimate proximity is permissible in your case - only your gynecologist will be able to answer reliably.

Usually, sex for 8 months of pregnancy can not be engaged in the case of:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • with increased tone of the uterus;
  • if there is a preview of the placenta;
  • it is also worth refrain from this classes if in the past you already had miscarriage or premature birth.

If there are no contraindications, you can allow yourself to make love on this period. The removal of sex stress will help relax, improve the mood, and the hormones of joy, which are produced during physical proximity, are useful for the health of mom and child. Try to choose the most convenient postures that do not get discomfort to you or your pregnant tummy.

Painful feelings in the stomach

In case you feel that childbirth begin - Call your doctor

Birth for 8 months of pregnancy may well begin, so future mothers listefully listen to all signals of their body, and often at the slightest abdominal pain in real panic. However, not always painful sensations testify to the start of the bout.

Belly can be hurting for a very different reasons:

  • tension of ligaments, press muscles due to a growing belly;
  • the problems of the gastrointestinal tract - the growing fruit can interfere with the intestinal work, which causes painful sensations;
  • preparing the uterus to the process of childbirth is accompanied by stress and light pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • elevated uterus tone. The pain lasts for a long time, does not pass in the lying position and after the adoption of but-shops. In this case, you need to refer to the doctor;
  • if the belly has already dropped - the pain may occur due to the pressure of the head on the articulation of a small pelvis.

By the eighth month, the fruit is too big and does not fit on the device monitor

In the 8th month of unionless pregnancy, the childbirth should not begin. However, if you feel a strong periodic abdominal pain with increasing intensity - do not slow down and call a doctor.

What will ultrasound show?

For 8 months, pregnancy spend the third recent planned ultrasound. Usually it is done on 32-34 week. During this study, doctors will evaluate the state of the placenta and the physical condition of the fetus:

  • first of all, the specialist will measure all the physical indicators of the child: its growth, head circumference, a tummy, the length of the femoral bone;
  • all measurements are compared with the adopted standards to establish a correspondence of the level of kid's development.
  • in addition, the doctor will examine the state of the internal organs of the fetus to identify possible defects before birth.

For 8 months of pregnancy in photography of the fetus, you can see in detail the various parts of the body of your child. It is already too large to fit completely on the device monitor, but you can consider tiny handles, legs or face with small spout and mouth in all details.

However, the main objective of the third ultrasound research is the assessment of the state of the placenta. Determine the thickness of the placenta, its location, the degree of maturity and the state of the vessels in the umbilical cord. These parameters are important for drawing up a guide plan, as well as to assess the risks for the child, because the premature aging of the kindergarten or its pathology can lead to the hypoxia and the death of the baby.

What do allocations say?

In the occurrence of sexual infection, it is necessary to refer to the doctor gynecologist

The selection on the 8th calendar month of pregnancy is moderate. They are homogeneous, light white color with a slightly acidic smell. The presence in the secretions of pus, foam, curly bunches requires a mandatory appeal to the doctor, since these symptoms talk about sexual infection. In the Late time, such diseases must be treated, otherwise there is a risk of infecting the child during childbirth.

  1. If you notice the mucous membralls with strengths of blood, then it is likely that you have a mucous plug that protects the entrance to the uterus. This speaks about the imminent beginning of childbirth.
  2. Blood sections are most dangerous - usually they accompany the placenta detachment. This is an extremely dangerous pathology that can threaten the life of mother and fetus. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance.

The 8th month of pregnancy will fly very quickly, and you close approach the final stage of pregnancy. Cut this time with benefit, try to take care of your health. Do not forget that the health of your baby directly depends on this.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, doctor ultrasound, genetics

This means that it is already very soon for you to have the main meeting in your life -Vstrencha with your child! So it is all overcome! The main thing is positive emotions and no stress ...

8 month of pregnancy. What happens in the body of the future mother?

This month you increase fairly quickly in size. Now the uterus rose to the ribs, and it seems that there is not enough air, and the child rushes with legs literally at your heart. During this month, the bottom of the uterus (her top) will rise above the pubic joint by 38-40 cm and will take its highest possible position.

You should not compare your stomach with the abdomen of "companions" waiting. After all, the same belly does not happen, as well as there are no women with the same figures. The shape and magnitude of the abdomen during pregnancy depends on so many reasons, and the size of the child is not defining. The appropriate assessment of the development and state of your baby can only be given by the doctor on the basis of both the direct measurement of the abdomen and the pelvis and the data of vaginal research and ultrasound.

Your weight continues to increase. Growing weight on average for 300-400 g per week. If for the week the purchase will be more than 500 g, then this may be associated with hidden ekings, it is better to consult a doctor: perhaps the doctor will appoint unloading days. On average, by the end of the eighth month you can add 8-13 kg, depending on the initial weight - the less weight was before pregnancy, the more you can add.

Some women notice another not very pleasant phenomenon accompanying late pregnancy. The hormonal background contributes to increasing the amount of hair on the skin. In pregnant women dropping significantly less hair than new, in the usual state, these processes are synchronous. After childbirth, on the contrary, the "extra" hair will fall out faster and perhaps you will be concerned about the amount of hair remaining on the comb. But you should not be afraid, all this is natural processes.

8 month of pregnancy.Future child

The child adds in weight every day, he is already closed in the uterus. Therefore, its movements are not so intense now, as before, and more reminiscent of rolling and squeezing. Sometimes you can experience unpleasant sensations when driving, especially in the hypochondrium. By this time, most children are already unfolded down. When examining the doctor will easily determine this moment.

The last strokes remained in the development of your baby's bodies. Handers acquire infant roundness, thick cheeks appeared, the face became smooth - there is a preferential accumulation of fatty fiber. On the fingers of the nogot reached the edge of the nail phalanx, and on the legs - there is still no. A layer of lubricant covering the baby, has become more abundant, and the germinal gun (Lanuga) gradually disappears. Crying nasal and ears become harder.

The child knows a lot, he mastered the respiratory, sucking and swallowing movements, sleeps a lot and probably sees dreams, in any case, his pupils during sleep move in a manner characteristic of rapid sleep. Now the great set of nervous bonds between the cells of the brain is being formed, the nervous system is actively developing.

The bones of the skull in the child are quite soft: during the passage of the generic paths, the head will reduce its sizes (one can say a little flatten). In the liver of the fetus, iron is accumulated, which will participate in blood formation in the first year of life. Maximum development reaches adrenal glands, their size in the eight-month-old fetus and adult is the same, and hormones they produce ten times more than adult adrenal glands. After birth, the size of the adrenal glands will significantly decrease. The boys clearly marked the testicles.

In this period, the lungs are entirely developed, the level of surfactant - a substance lining the lungs needed to ensure respiration is sufficient for independent respiration in the event of childbirth. Such a child is often called not premature, but "early born." The difference lies in the maturity of the pulmonary fabric, and in the general maturity of the fetus. Early born babies breathe independently and no intensive care do not require.

During this month, the child will grow from 40 to 45 cm, its weight by the end of the month will exceed 2500 g. It grows not by day, but by hours, on average, adding 15-30 g per day in weight (1% of their body).

8 month of pregnancy.Feelings of the future mother

This month is not in vain called "heavy". So that you do, you will always accompany discomfort. Fatigue from pregnancy accumulates, besides, you can not even like to sleep. Looks into bed, you begin to fall or reinforce back pain. To conveniently get a job, you have to paint in bed a lot of pillows and rollers, and as soon as you manage it ... you have to go to the toilet. During falling asleep you may be disturbed by the captured painless or low-touch sensations that appear in the upper part of the uterus, then spread down and subside. This is the fights of braces-hicks - cuts in the uterus, which are training. While you decide whether it is not the beginning of premature birth, many thoughts appear in the head that will not fall asleep for a long time. Do not take sleeping drugs especially without the recommendation of the doctor. Try to walk before bedtime or do a lot of physical difficulty and drink less on the night.

Often the heartburn arises - even when receiving a small amount of food. This is due to the fact that the bottom of the uterus rose to the highest point for the entire pregnancy. With heartburn, you can cope if there are small portions, then the evacuation of food from the stomach will be faster and less content will reach back to the esophagus. If it does not help, ask the doctor to advise safe drugs.

It is hard and walks. In addition to the aforementioned shortness of breath, fatigue and rapid urination, during a walk the fruit can be very pushed, the movements are actively felt in the upper parts of the abdomen, in particular in the field of liver - it is in the upper sections of the belly of the child's legs with a head prepayment of the fetus, which is found in most cases. It is quite painful, but there are no ways to deal with it.

After long-term walks and trips, pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back can appear. In this case, you certainly need to lie down, you can take a tablet but-shops. If the pains are saved longer than 30 minutes, you need to consult a doctor.

Psychology of the eighth month

Anxiety and concern about the first plan in your emotional state. You alternately overcome a variety of fears: then you are afraid of childbirth, you fear for the health of the future kid, then worry about whether you will be a good mother, then you will be able to return to work. You will be concerned about different trifles, you will worry about completely unnecessary things, your own appearance is annoyed, you do not get enough sleep, and it is already hard to do the usual things.

However, this happens with all pregnant women, so you are not alone. Moreover, all this is temporary. In order not to allow negative emotions to take you pronounced, remember that pregnancy is a very short and unique moment of your life, discuss your fears with the future dad, with your mother, girlfriends, talk to your doctor, and even better - sign up in a group of psychological support in Maternity school. Justifying all his alarms there, you can share them with others, moreover, it will allow others to better understand your sudden mood swings and will contribute to creating a benevolent comfortable environment around you if you feel good to distract your attention to the city or campaign on Exhibition, theater. Watch your appearance. If you already have children, make older children to a meeting with the baby, allow children to touch your belly and talk to the future brother or sister.

Possible deviations from the norm

One of the most terrible complications of the later deadlines of pregnancy is prime. This disease is also often called late toxicosis, nephropathy or preeclampsia. Causes of gestosis are not defined. It is known that the factors predisposing to its appearance are: increased blood pressure before and during pregnancy, kidney disease, diabetes, stress, hereditary predisposition, multiple pregnancy, too young or mature age of pregnant and much more.

The symptoms of this disease are the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, an increase in blood pressure. The first thing woman herself can notice is swelling. If you have added more than 500 g per week, you can not remove the wedding ring or notice the trace from the rubber on the legs and the waist is a signal for an extraordinary visit to the doctor. It is for the exclusion of gestosis a doctor so extremely assesses your weight gain and measures pressure. The Deceit of Gesstose is also that if a woman has no explicit swelling, it may not feel an increase in blood pressure at all: the headache joins the later stages of the disease. The emergence of symptoms such as headache and dizziness, noise in the ears, flickering of "flies" before the eyes, nausea, and vomiting, pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium, is evidenced about the heavy form of gestosis of pregnancy. Any of these symptoms -Ad to immediately appeal to help, especially if you have problems with arterial pressure during pregnancy. Without treatment, these disorders can lead to a deadly complication - eclampsia. Eclampsia is characterized by the sudden appearance of convulsion and loss of consciousness due to brain edema. The seizure begins suddenly: there are strong cramps covering the whole body. This complication can lead to the death of the mother or fetus.

The treatment has begun in a timely manner avoids formidable consequences for mother and fetus. Treatment starts with the creation of maximum peace and beddown with an intensification of activation only in the necessary cases (to eat, go to the toilet). It is necessary to lie on the side, better on the left, it helps your kidneys work more efficiently and enhances blood flow to the placenta. Most often, medical treatment of pregnancy gestosis is carried out in stationary conditions. If against the background of the treatment, the state of the woman worsens, it is necessary to resort to early delivery in the interests of preserving the life of the mother and the fetus.

Necessary medical events for 8 months of pregnancy

Every two weeks you have to visit the doctor, even if you feel good and nothing bothers you. Each visit is controlled by the following indicators:

  • Your well-being.
  • Preasing weight.
  • Arterial pressure.
  • The standing height of the bottom of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen.
  • Position of the fetus in the uterus.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • The presence of swells.

By the end of the eighth month you will be offered a planned inspection on the chair. During the inspection will take a control analysis of the smear. According to the results of this study, the question of the need to treat identified infections will be resolved. Now many analyzes are repeated already before the kind of kinds: for example, a general blood test, blood-to-sugar, biochemical analysis and analysis of blood coagulation. Before each visit to the doctor, urine analysis must be taken.

A brief description of the visit is entered into the exchange card, which you should always carry with you, leaving the house.

On the eighth month, the latest planned ultrasound examination is carried out, during which the size, mass and position of the fetus, the location and state of the placenta, the number and transparency of the accumulating waters are cited. In addition, it allows you to identify some types of fetal pathology that could not be detected in earlier time, a possible delay in the development of the fetus, as well as to judge the maturity of the pulmonary fabric of the fetus.

In addition to the usual ultrasound, revealing anatomy, i.e. Static characteristics of the fetus, plants and accumulate waters, there is a study technique based on measuring the speeds of moving objects based on the Doppler Effect. This technique is called Dopplerometry. During this procedure, the bloodstream in the vessels of the mother, placenta, umbilical cord and fetus is investigated. According to the results of the study, it is possible to judge the presence of circulatory disorders in these organs and predict oxygen starvation from the fetus.

Lifestyle pregnant

It is advisable to buy or rent outdoor scales. Make sure that there are no resumes of weight jumps. This is a kind of indicator showing any deviations. If the doctor did not limit the amount of liquid you consume, drink in the amount (including first dishes, fruits, vegetables) at least one and a half liters of fluid per day, but prefer clean water, eliminating sweet and salty drinks. But the salt in the diet must be limited: not more than 3-5 g per day, which is one teaspoon without top, as the use of salt provokes the appearance of edema. It is better to cook food without salt, putting it up immediately before meals. Prefer protein food, significantly limiting the easily accessible carbohydrates and fats. It is not currently 2-3 times right, but 6-7 times a day, but in small portions: so you will feel better to feel, the feeling of gravity in the stomach will fall, heartburn will decrease. Plan a last meal 2-3 hours before sleep, and choose "Light" Malocal Organic products - non-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables. Remember that the placenta passes many substances from you to the child, so bonded allergens, that is, such products that are very often allergic (tomatoes, citrus, strawberries, food dyes, chocolate, honey, chicken eggs and chicken), in late pregnancy better limit. If you or the future dad are ourselves suffer from food allergies, then these products, like those on which you have ever had an allergy, should be completely excluded.

Walks are still included in your day of the day, they must be short and non-evil. Walking preferably 2 times a day. Better, if you start, and finish your day you will be a leisurely walk.

Household cases for 8 months of pregnancy

At the end of the eighth month, take care of the birth of a child. It's time to choose a maternity hospital where you are going to give birth, it would be good to get acquainted with your doctor who will be with you during childbirth. Find out in advance what service awaits you in the maternity hospital and how best to get it. Specify whether the maternity selected is close to the planned prophylactic sink. If you are going to give birth to a natural way, think over the plan of childbirth, your attitude to stimulation and childbirth, discuss the possible partnerships with her husband. If you for any reason, a cesarean section is shown, discuss with your doctor a preliminary hospitalization date.

By the end of the month, collect things that you would like to take in the maternity hospital, and separately - which will come up immediately after childbirth, in a bag prepared for a roar, put cotton socks, washable slippers. In the second bag, there will be hygienic gaskets with high hygroscopicity, well breathable (2-3 packs), mesh panties or ordinary free cotton, bra for nursing mothers, clothing at discretion. For the baby, prepare one-time diapers, a children's cream - under the diaper and moisturizing, baby soap, compact packaging of wet napkins. It is better to stock cream for nipples, relieving pain with cracks and abrasions. It can be Purelan, Bepanten, Salkoeril, Aktovegin.

Pregnancy for months:

The eighth month is the middle of the third and last trimester of pregnancy. A woman becomes no longer so easy to cope with her condition. But any difficulties are overcome, if there is a meeting with the welcome baby! It is now important to maintain a mental balance, avoid stress and physical exertion.

What happens in the female body

Raising weight and in a woman, and the child is so great that the uterus is intensively increasing in size, while under the most ribs. It is high as high as possible above the level of the LONA joint (38-40 cm), and until the birth will not take a higher position. Nevertheless, on this period, some of the women retain a rather slim figure, have a small neat belly. And they, and in the owner of the impressive size, all parameters are laid at the genetic level, and all the options are the norm if an obstetrician-gynecologist believes that pregnancy is developing normally.

The optimal weight gain on this period of pregnancy is up to 400 g per week. A more solid gain testifies to hidden edema. For the prevention of excessive increases, unloading days should be applied, the methodology of which the doctor appoints. In general, on this time, the woman has from 8 to 13 extra kilograms of body weight gained from the beginning of pregnancy. Such a scatter is due to the peculiarities of the Constitution - the miniature was a woman, the more she can add in weight.

Another feature of this month - hormonal influence has its own effect on the growth of hair on the skin, they are becoming more. At the same time, the woman notes that the hair on the head becomes curly, and hair loss, if it took place, does not bother. After delivery, this process will turn back - the hair on the skin will fall out, but also on the scalp of their head their number will decrease. Do not worry too much about this, as soon after the birth of the child, all the processes are equalized.

Video about the features of the flow of 8 months of pregnancy, about the symptoms of gestosis, how to properly collect a bag in the hospital:

Matter for 8 months

Due to the excessively increased uterus in women on this period of pregnancy, stressful incontinence of urine can be felt. Intensive pressure on all organs of the abdominal cavity causes them to push and sunbathe. The pressure on the bladder leads to the selection when, laughing and sneezing a small portion of urine.

A significant increase in the mass of the uterus together with the fruit and the placenta causes. Together with pain from fairly pronounced, the kid such sensations can be very unpleasant. Easy them will help the exercise "Cat back", and wearing antenatal bandage.

Development of the fetus for 8 months of pregnancy

Places in the uterus on this period of pregnancy becomes much smaller, and the baby can no longer move intensively in it. It can be squeezed and rolling with a small amplitude of movements, and in most cases has already turned out the head down, occupying the most rational position for childbirth. While visiting a gynecologist, he immediately states this fact.

The accumulated layer of subcutaneous fatty fiber gives the future child a classic appearance of a newborn baby - chubby cheeks, rounded handles and shoulders, a smooth face. On the handles of the nails reached the edge of the last phalanx, and on the fingers the legs did not yet grown to this state. The lubricant on the body of the fetus, helping to slide freely by the generic paths, becomes all the thicker, and the gun on the body, on the contrary, disappears. The nose and ears of the baby consist of more dense cartilage. The bones of its skull are soft enough, they have a property during childbirth to enter each other, thanks to which the head volume decreases somewhat in size.

And respiratory, and sucking, and the child's swallowing movement mastered. At this stage, the cerebral cortex is being improved, the number of convulsions increases, the relationship between neurons increases. The baby has a sleep and wake mode, and in the sleep phase, according to research. Perhaps sees dreams. At least, his pupils under the buried centuries move in a manner inherent in such movements of the eyes during fast sleep.

Endocrine glands are so developed that the size of the adrenal glands is the size of this gland in an adult, and their performance is several times higher than the amount of hormones produced by adults. After birth, the size of the gland will become less. The testicles of the boys have acquired the form designed to them and size. The liver of the future child has accumulated and continues to accumulate iron, the purpose of which is to participate in the blood formation of the first year of life.

The level of a surfactant, allowing to be easy not to fall in the phase of the exhalation, so much increased that the early birth of a child would not prevent him from breathing independently. This fact allows you to call such a baby born to the deadline, and not prematurely.

Daily weight gain ranges from 15 to 30 g, almost kid adds 1% every day. The weight of the child by the end of 8 months is 2500, the growth is 45 cm.

Feelings for 8 month pregnancy

The sensation complex can be called in one word "discomfort". Most of all, he manifests itself during falling asleep and sleep. A woman annoy the back pain and the lack of oxygen, the need to go to the toilet often. Brequeston-Hicks are fairly tangible, painless cuts in the uterus become painful. They start at the top, waitually pass throughout the surface and calm down. To fall asleep easier and stronger sleep. It is possible to walk before bedtime, perform a simple physical activity - the means acting instead of the contraindicated pregnant scenery.

Very often because of the highly raised under the action of a pregnant stomach woman feels. It is caused by the fact that the food lump-treated with gastric juice falls back to the esophagus, causing discomfort there. Effective remedy for heartburn - meals with small portions so that it leaves the stomach faster. With severe unpleasant sensations, the doctor will recommend safe antacids.

It is becoming increasingly harder to make walks, the woman is quickly tired, forced to visit the toilet often, she suffers from shortness of breath. The fruit begins to move actively, and since his legs are located in the upper part of the uterus, painful sensations it feels in the field of liver or under the upper ribs. With a long walk, the pregnant woman appears with drawing back pain, at the bottom of the abdomen. At the same time, it is necessary to lie down, adopting the drug but-shp. Long pain is a reason to appeal for urgent help.

Psychological peculiarities

The main feelings owned by the woman on this period are concern and disturbing expectations of childbirth. If a woman fails to fully get enough sleep, she feels helpless and harsh, even ridiculous trifles can annoy the future mom. The concern about how childbirth will be, whether the baby will be healthy, it will be possible to return to the former rhythm of life - these are the main problems that occupy a woman. For psychological support, it is important to contact your family, sign up to the motherhood school.

It is important to try to look good, care for your appearance. Do not avoid visiting exhibitions, theatrical performances, short trips to nature. When communicating with the elder children, it is advisable to discuss future changes with them in life, say that they will not be less loved with the advent of the baby. It is advisable to let them touch the stomach, suggest talk to the baby.

Late toxicosis, nephrisosis, pre-eclaims are synonyms for the diagnosis of "Gesters", a dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Causes of gestosis:

    Multiple pregnancy

    Too young age, or late pregnancy,


The brightest symptom of the late toxicosis is swelling that can be explicit or hidden. On edema says the impossibility of removing the wedding ring, traces from the linen on the waist or from the rubber socks on the legs. The hidden edema may indicate weight gain. Additionally, increased blood pressure, protein in the urine. The fact that she has little glands, a woman may not guess, as it does not feel the pressure, but does not know about these tests of urine tests.

Additional symptoms:

    "Flies" in sight,

    Pain in the right hypochondrium

If, during pregnancy, the woman was stated with blood pressure jumps, each symptom could lead to a severe complication - anclass. This state comes suddenly, manifested by strong convulsions and loss of consciousness. Such symptoms suggest that brain swelling began, leading to a fatal outcome of a mother or child.

The treatment of gestosis is carried out in the hospital, in the conditions of beddown. It is permitted to get up to a woman in extreme cases for food and self-service. It is desirable to lie on the left side to activate the placental blood circulation and stimulation of the kidneys. If necessary, they cause premature birth, allowing to preserve the life of a woman and a child.

Visit to the doctor for 8 months

At the age of 8 months, visits to the doctor are planned every 2 weeks even with excellent well-being. Before visiting the doctor, you need to pass urine analysis.

An obstetrician gynecologist is interested in the well-being of a woman and controls the following parameters:

    Arterial pressure,

    Body weight;

    The height of the bottom of the uterus,

    Abdominal circumference

    Child heartbeat

    Presence or absence of edema;

    Prelation of the fetus.

At the end of the month, the woman is offered to hand over the smear to the purity of the vaginal flora and pass the inspection on the gynecological chair.

Before childbirth, you will have to update the results of the tests:

    On sugar

    On blood clotting;

    On biochemistry;

    Common clinical blood test.

All results are necessarily recorded in the exchange card of the pregnant woman, which she should always have.

On this period of pregnancy, the third planned ultrasound is held, which determine:

    Fetal parameters,

    The dimensions of the uterus,


    The state of the placenta

    The volume of accumulate waters,

    Possible pathology of the development of the fetus, developmental delay,

    Maturity of pulmonary fabric.

If ultrasound with dopplerometry is carried out, the doctor appears the opportunity to study the blood flow in the placenta, in the blood system of the mother and the child, reveal oxygen fasting and circulatory disruption.

For the prevention of edema, the doctor recommends consuming no more than 1.5 liters of fluid, including the juice of used vegetables and fruits, the liquid of the first dishes. It is advisable to replace all drinks, and sweet, and salty. An additional measure is a salt limit to 3-5 g per day, and it is advisable to prepare food without salt and disappear after, already before meals.

The larger in the diet of the woman's protein, and less fats and carbohydrates, the easier it will be to keep the optimal weight, without limiting the child in nutrients.

It is often important and gradually, 6-7 times within a day for the prevention of heartburn. The last time you need to dine 2-3 hours before sleep. Better, if it is fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Forming a menu, preferably in the last months of pregnancy not to use products causing not to provoke allergens penetration through the placenta. This is honey, chocolate, chicken eggs, strawberries, citrus, chicken meat.

There is no single opinion about whether sex on this period of pregnancy will admit.

It is best to consult with a doctor leading pregnancy, there is no contraindications for intimate relations:

    Danger of placenta detachment;

    Prelation of the placenta;

    Risk of bleeding;

    Allocating unclear etiology.

At the end of 8 months, it is advisable to collect things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. Most likely, it will be slippers that can be washed, socks, pads, linen, bra for nursing mothers.

The newborn will also need "dowry":


    Children's soap and cream,

    Wet wipes.

It is possible to use cream for the treatment of cracks and abrasion of nipples (Actovegin, Bepanten).

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency (2010). In 2013, graduate school in Nima is finished. N. I. Pirogova.

The eighth month of pregnancy means that training and rehearsals ended, from now on, the most realized preparation for childbirth. Before the appearance of the baby, it remains quite a bit, and their inexorable approachment mommy feels increasingly frequent periodic, called brackstone-higs fights. Normally, the uterus in the 8 month of pregnancy is not accompanied by sensations of severe pain, and the duration and frequency of abbreviations are not long, and not intense. But mom needs to be known that if suddenly the fights became painful and lasts longer than an hour, you need to urgently contact the doctor - perhaps the baby "tired" sit in my mother's tummy, and began premature birth.

It is very important to continue to keep proper nutrition , more walk, breathe fresh air, more often rest. The belly for 8 months of pregnancy reached huge sizes, and to his end of the uterus, a woman will take its most high position. Because of this, it becomes more difficult to breathe a pregnant woman, and the pushes of the child comes along the risks that can be quite painful. A big belly brings certain difficulties with a choice of posture for sleep. Specialists are recommended, categorically not to sleep on the back during the last time of pregnancy. In this position, the lower hollow vein is clarified, the result of which can be the element of heartbeat, "seizures" of dizziness, and just bad well-being.

It is important to remember that different women the anatomical features of the body are different, and therefore comparing their belly for 8 months of pregnancy with the sizes of "colleagues" to dry out the child absolutely meaningless. Some women have a belly on this period very impressive sizes, and others have "compactness" and "miniature" to the kind. But, let's discuss the eighth month of pregnancy in more detail.


· Child development for 8 month pregnancy

The child's development on this period already allows him to distinguish darkness and light. The baby finally formed and only improved day by day. By the beginning of the month, its growth is approximately 40- 43 cm, and the average weight is 1.7 kg. While it will go to the eighth month of pregnancy, Kroch will recruit on 200 grams. every week.

Within 32-33 weeks, the child in Mom's womb takes the position in which it will move towards this world. Ideally, this position is down the head (head - Fig. 1). However, in 4-6%, the baby is located on the head up (a berium, pelvic preview - Fig. 2), and even on the eartout of the mother's abdomen (cross-preview - Fig. 3). While there is 8 months of pregnancy, you should not worry about this thing - the child still has time, and it may well have time to turn over, taking the head preview.

The future little man is already experiencing emotions, mood changes, pain. He distinguishes odors, feeling taste, hears, sees and needs attention. The child knows how Mamino's heart knocks, recognizes the sound of blood moving along the umbilical cord, and the sounds of the peristalsis. Among the many sounds of sounds, the kid allocates the voice of Mom and recognizes the voice of the Father.

For 8 months, he constantly develops the muscles of the lipper, by sucking his thumb. This training will allow the newborn baby without much difficulty to get the first in life and the most important food - colostrum .

The baby is almost ready for birth - all the main bodies and life-supporting systems are developed and functioning, it remains only to finally develop easy. And, if a child for some reason "decides" to appear on the light of 8 months of pregnancy, then the speech will be conducted soon to single-strength, and not about premature birth.

At this stage, the child is almost no different from the most ordinary person: he sees, hears, knows how to pushed, frown, blink. Nailing reaches the ends phalange of nail plates. Skin color is aligned, the face and shoulder are rounded due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Gradually disappears from the skin of the germs of Lano's gun, the first hair on the head makes their way, there are eyebrows and eyelashes. At the same time, the primary lubricant layer continues to thicken, it will facilitate the infant "travel" by the generic paths, allowing you to slide.

Scientists believe that the child in the third trimester already sees the dreams - its eyelids move in the rhythm, which is characterized by the fast sleep phase. Its brain is increasingly complicated and improved - multiple nervous bonds between cells are formed, and already formed brain cells acquire a protective mellio shell. And, although the bones of the crumbs are already pretty strong, and the coolers of the ears and the nose are solid, cranial bones remain soft so that the child is fine, the birthway has passed without injuries.

A huge work is doing the liver of a child: at this stage of development, it must accumulate iron in quantities required by the body for independent bleeding during the first year of life of the infant.

The eighth month of pregnancy is significant for intense weight gain: to its ending the fruit will weigh the fruit of 2500-2700 gr., And the growth will increase to 45-6 cm from the tephide to the heels.

· Sensations and possible problems of the period

The eighth month of pregnancy is often full of anxiety and excitement on the upcoming childbirth, health and well-being of the child, strengthened preparation of "dowry". All this is happening against the background of the absentness and the feeling of strong fatigue of a woman from pregnancy, and in emotional, and physical plane.

The active growth and development of the child continues, leaving less and less space for movement. Feelings are now very distinct, especially sharp and perturbed blows on mother's ribs. Be patient a little more, soon the place will fall closer to the pelvis and it will become much easier. Physical sensations for 8 months call pleasant difficult: Skiddy, problems with movements and sleep, attacks of heartburn, frequent urge to the toilet, for sure, aggravated the problem of constipation, back pain. The grimber-karapuz squeezes the internal organs, so the eighth month of pregnancy for mommy is marked by rapid urine and shortness of breath. It is not necessary to scare the incontinence of urine - at this stage it is a normal phenomenon, do not tolerate, more often go to the toilet, without giving urine to shake. The pelvic bottom with the approach of childbirth begins to expand. This condition can cause unpleasant painful sensations during pregnancy and other inconvenience to a woman in position.

Gait, the future milf is similar to the clarification. Lightweight training contractions are more tangible and regularly. A breast of women already stands out the brosiest - the very first and important food of the newborn. Now the pregnant is very quickly tired, and is not able to walk for a long time. And therefore, it's not worth far away from the house, how to walk alone. Despite all, daily walks on the street must be truly an unstable rule for Mom - the baby is now vital! Go up a few more weeks and not "Customize" the descendant to the exit to the world.

On this period, shortness of breath is quite a normal symptom, which rises to the maximum height of the uterus, squeezes, including the lungs. The main thing is that on the background of difficulty with breathing, other symptoms are manifested, such as the bias of the lips or fingertips, chest pain, accelerated heartbeat and respiratory rhythm. If this takes place - immediately call the ambulance brigade.

In the body of the future mother, the amount of fluid is significantly increasing, which is manifested by the extraction of the swelling of the face and limbs. For "severity" and the spread of edema, it is necessary to monitor, as well as the arterial pressure of the pregnant woman: strong swelling and increased blood pressure may indicate.

To "calm the baby" a little and relieve pain in the ribs, which is characteristic of this term due to the intrauterine "acrobatics" of the child, it is recommended to do the exercise "Cat back".

The eighth month of pregnancy, among other things, anniversaries and back pain arising from a significantly increased abdomen. They often increase after a walk, starting to give in the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to lie down and relax, if very hard, you can have a half or a whole tablet of Nos-Py. With pains ongoing more than half an hour, it is urgent to cause an ambulance.

There may be sensations of the ears and nose, the appearance of spontaneous nasal bleeding, bleeding of the gums, the cramps of the muscles of the legs. Also, it is not necessary to be afraid if the selection of white from the vagina is somewhat increasing: in the absence of physical discomfort, changes in the color and consistency of the released, the reasons for excitement does not have such amplification.

Changes in hormonal background are able to entail a rather unusual and unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - increased hair growth on the body. This is temporarily, after delivery, after stabilizing hormonal processes, the situation is permitted by itself.

· Premature childbirth for 8 month pregnancy

The third trimester is a period of pregnancy, when the miscarriage is no longer a reason for anxiety, with his offensive talking about premature births, and closer to the end - about early. Premature birth means that the body of a woman cannot bear the kid to the end of the deadline. The reasons for this phenomenon are mostly known or not studied at all, since many factors are capable of provoking the birth of a child. Among known reasons: infections, hypertension, smoking, taking drugs, problems with the placenta, injury, the anomalies of the cervix or the very uterine of a woman.

Premature labor is more often observed in the summer months, which is explained by the high level of liquid loss by the body of a pregnant woman. Remember: it is necessary to maintain the optimal liquid mode at any time of the year, and in the summer, especially. In the event of the first signs of premature birth - immediately in the hospital!

The reason to urgently cause "ambulance" in women who observe the following signs of premature births:

  1. active uterine reductions began, the frequency of which is five and more than one hour;
  2. there were allocations of scarlet blood from the genital paths by the third trimester of pregnancy;
  3. pain when urination;
  4. for a short time, the swelling or swelling of the face or hands appeared;
  5. there are sharp or long-term abdominal pains;
  6. the continuous or acute vomiting began;
  7. at the bottom of the pelvis appeared strong pressure;
  8. sudden extension of waters from sex tract - transparent water fluid.

For a woman in the third trimester, premature births are not particularly different from timely, but you can't tell this baby. First of all, the child appears, without having time to achieve a sufficient degree of physical maturity required for autonomous existence. Despite the earlier appearance, the exhausting of premature babies today has a huge chance. Modern medicine in the power to preserve the child life and prevent the majority of pathologies of development related to early birth.

However, enough about the difficulties and dangers. You are already on the "finishing band", just on a little more separating you from a significant, wonderful meeting with your bloodstroke, your chance!

· Power in pregnancy 8 months

The eighth, and the ninth month of pregnant women will also accompany the problems with digestion, the provocateur of which is the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs of pregnant women: heartburn, constipation, bloating. The main condition for the reduction of these unpleasant phenomena-compute the proper nutrition and an exception from the ration of products that contribute to digestive disorders.

In the last periods, proper nutrition plays without exaggeration a very big role. His principles are still unchanged: it is better to eat gradually, but more often, avoiding overeating. Freezing is often connected with a large number of food intake: the stomach of a pregnant woman grown up with a growing uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. Help to avoid heartburns can failure from oily and fried food in the diet, from smoked, acidic food and sweets. It is not recommended to fall immediately after the food intake - it is preferable to resemble at least half an hour.

In order not to exacerbate the manifestations of the swelling, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt, and in addition, do not drink fluid before going to sleep. The same goal can be pursued, preferring bollard and cranberry fruits as a drink: they have a small diuretic effect and allow you to improve the removal of the liquid from the "pregnant body".

Powering during pregnancy is 8 months old must continue to contain lean meat and fish, but it is advisable to monitor their consumption without abusing them in the last months. Meat and fish, however,, like cereals, it is preferable to eat in the morning, it is possible for breakfast and lunch, it is later better to include breast food in the ration.

Considering, enormous consumption of calcium fruit extracted by him from the body of mommy, the daily menu should include fermented dairy products and cottage cheese. Previous anemia helps beef, liver, spinach, greens, green apples in the diet of pregnant.

In general, the nutrition requirements remain the same: the most natural, familiar, home food, the categorical exception of semi-finished products and fast food products. On time to forget better about coffee and strong teas. And yet: acquiring cottage cheese or yogurt in stores, you must pay special attention to the expiration date and the date of manufacturing the product! Overdue fermented milk products - a very favorable medium for reproduction of an intestinal stick, which can cause very tangible damage to the flow of pregnancy and the development of a growing child.

· Sex for 8 month pregnancy

Last deadlines - the most relevant period for the question of whether sex is possible and justified now, for 8 months of pregnancy. Unfortunately, only a doctor who leads pregnancy will be able to give a woman definiteness in Initima. It is with him that you will have to solve this dilemma, and only he will be able to bear a "professional" conclusion, or no sex for 8 months of pregnancy is possible for you, justified or not the presence of physical proximity for you in the penultimate month of tolerance.

Contact literature of such a sense, even exclusively medical, in fact, meaningless - different sources "dictate" opposite postulates. Some declare that on 8 months of pregnancy has the full right to exist, subject to the absence of contraindications and situations where the mammy hits twins. According to other sources, the eighth month is not time for sex, the sex is strongly recommended to refuse, referring to the fact that you can "disturb" a child who has taken the right position in the gathering uterus, that is, the head preposition.

One way or another, and the priority to the presentation of the final response to the admissibility of sex in each individual case, remains behind the doctor who is aware of all the nuances of your "interesting situation". As for the unambiguous contraindications for "sessions" of intimate proximity, their number includes: bleeding of unexplained origin, the presence of the placenta, the branch of the child's place, damage to the fetal shells, the risk of premature birth.

· Analyzes, surveys, ultrasound for 8 months

Visits to the doctor at this stage will take off, however, a two-time study of a pregnant woman during one month had to appoint a month earlier. In general, from now on "visiting" the doctor needs at least two times.

An already familiar doctor of women's consultation measures the weight of pregnant and blood pressure, it will definitely listen to the heart of the child. Committed procedures: Inspection of the hands and feet of the mother in order to evaluate the degree of swelling; Traditional overall analysis of urine on identifying protein and assessment of sugar levels in the body.

The third ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out at 8 months. Actually, the eighth month quite often becomes time to hold the latest planned ultrasound. The tasks of ultrasound during pregnancy on the eve of childbirth are as follows:

  1. to eliminate the possibility of premature aging of the placenta, the degree of its maturity determine the ultrasound;
  2. determining the real size of the uterus, assessment of the state of the cervix, its preparedness for generic activity;
  3. determination of the state and the number of accumulating water;
  4. assessment of the state of the internal organs of the child to exclude possible deformations in its development;
  5. elimination of intrauterine hypotrophy and definition of fetal size;
  6. determination of the location of the umbilical bodies and the prelation of the fetus.

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8 month of pregnancy, video:

The eighth month of pregnancy is a difficult period. The baby finished forming his body and constantly makes itself felt with the jolts and movement. A woman who was tired for the previous seven months, would like to quickly give birth and it seems that this will happen from day to day. However, there will be a lot of time, before the mother sees the child. During this period you need to be patient, calmly wait and prepare.

What has already been done to the eighth month of pregnancy

8 months The development of a child in the womb was going on a clearly established plan. A large complex organism has gradually formed from a single-celiac egg.

Now the embryo is already similar to a person, it has developed and work all the basic systems of life support, only the lungs are slightly behind.

The fruit occupies the final position in the uterus, according to its head, the head should be directed down and go out first (head preview).

If at this time the childbirth begins for any reason, they are called early. The birth of a child for 8 months of pregnancy in most cases is successful, the kid has all the chances to survive and develop normally. Difficulties sometimes arise from the lungs, which are not yet ready for the complete respiratory cycle and can fall on exhalation.

What else to do

It will be better if the child waits a little more before going to the world. The development of the body did not end, you need to make some important things and bring to mind what has already been done.

Changes in the body of a woman

Eight months of pregnancy did not pass without a trace for the future mother. Her body has changed, accompanying gestation processes make themselves felt different, not always pleasant symptoms:

Birth close

Despite the fact that it remains for more than a month, the signs of their approach appear now.

It may occur with the so-called training bouts, in which the muscles of the uterus are chaotic. The cervix does not reveal.

The child moves lessThe sooner, but more intense. His shocks are very painful, especially if they come along the ribs.

Surveys in the eighth month

If the gestration proceeds without complications, the future mother on this period should come to the inspection twice a month. At the same time, the doctor measures the weight of the pregnant, arterial pressure, the height of the uterine bottom, listens to the palpitation of the fetus. Be sure to make urine analysis.

Important information gives Ultrasound examination, which is often held during this period. The ultrasound is determined by:

  • maturity placenta;
  • state of the uterus and her neck;
  • prevention of the fetus;
  • the degree of development of its internal organs;
  • the presence or absence of pathologies;
  • approximate delivery time.

Possible complications

If the tone of the uterine muscles is increased, the threat of premature labor appears. The main symptoms of this state are the strong pulling abdominal pain and blood in vaginal discharge. It is important to immediately cause an ambulance, since the process can develop rapidly.

A serious danger on the eighth month represents late toxicosis of pregnant women or prestal. The disease is accompanied by severe headache, swelling, nausea and vomiting. Unlike the first trimester, when toxicosis was a normal phenomenon, now he is a serious danger For mother and fetus. You can diagnose gestosis according to the results of urine analysis, which is why it is important to regularly conduct a survey.

The most terrible complication of pregnancy in the eighth month can be eclampsia - brain swelling, accompanied by strong convulsions and loss of consciousness.

In order to save the mother and the baby, the doctors can cause premature childbirth or to hold a cesarean section.

Pregnancy is already approaching its logical conclusion, but still before childbirth is far away. The remaining time needs to be carried out with maximum benefit.

A woman should pay special attention to his health, because only his child's well-being is now dependent. One should not overvolt, lean, squeeze the stomach. Future mom should not be sick. More time you need to carry out in the fresh air, it is properly and diverse to eat, follow hygiene and chairs.

Equally important to prepare psychologically, correctly set up yourself and the future father, cope with fear of childbirth.

And finally, it's time to prepare everything that needs the baby immediately after birth.