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Psychology of youth. Psychological Features of children in adolescence of young men 16 17 years old Development Features

Psychology of adolescent age has many features. This is a undoubtedly complex and important period for children and their parents. How to understand a child, be in good relationship and support it?

We will try to help you find answers to these and other questions.

In most cases, adolescents are 16 years old know how to argue in an adult, arguing, arguing their point of view, to build logical chains, to predict the possible course of events, etc. He has an worldview and norm of behavior, but it is still looking for himself and is very naive.

The behavior of a sixteen-year-old teenager, his relationship with close and friends are closely related to how he spent the previous years of life

It can be calm and behave like a full, but inexperienced adult. Or rebel, get away from home, fall into dubious companies, etc. One of the main reasons for such actions is that the child did not find understanding and consolation in the family. Also, the reason may be the search for yourself.

Teenager and money

Finance is undoubtedly needed. However, at the first request, you should not give money. He can have a certain amount of pocket expenses, this is enough. So he learn to distribute money correctly and know the price.

And to engage in the development of financial literacy, if you have not done this before - necessarily. It is convenient and interesting to do in practical courses for finance. You can, along with choose an interesting internship or part-time job, to acquaint my son or daughter with your work.

Having their earned money in his pocket, he will feel more confident and independent, will see his own opportunity

Rigor and control in education

One of the ideas of educating a person whose essence is that the older the child is

This is a gradual process of becoming a child in a full-fledged independent person.

Now he already has a lot of rights and obligations. He is not much controlled, he knows how to make decisions. A sense of responsibility appears, which is well preparing a tinaceger for adulthood.

5 tips on how to talk with a teenager about sex maturation and sex.

It is possible to talk about sexual maturation in 16, it is already late, but still it is worth openly and discuss the issues of sex education, contraception, about respect for your body, to learn about the opinion of a schoolboy on these issues.

  1. Argument and explain your worldview in detail, but do not impose.
  2. Tell us about the STI (sexually transmitted infections). Better if IPPP not only tell, but also show visual examples.
  3. Let me understand that you are ready to answer questions.
  4. Show the negative consequences of rapid actions.
  5. Be accessible and open.
  6. Give clearly understand your worldview. Otherwise, it can easily succumb to any pressure. Why not?

It will be fine if you find a suitable book that reflects your opinion and well explains everything. Examine it together or give it to an independent reading, and later discuss.

Frequent parents' errors in the upbringing of a boy and a girl

Strictness in the education of the daughter

Do not keep it in strong rigor - you need to talk, explain and keep up to date

Do not push friends, whatese how if they were not - you need to listen and help make a choice

If you want to know the child's friends closer, then invite them to joint watching movie or tea drinking

Do not cry chimanus or "Men don't cry"
This is one of the ways to bring up cruel, insensitive and in this case of an unhappy person. It is important for the boy to understand and be able to show your feelings. So it will only be stronger and better. He needs support, help and parent warmth no less than a girl.

If you have 2 children
Never take one of the parties. You can discuss mistakes later, but conflicts children must decide. Protecting someone, saying: "He is less" or "she is a girl", etc., you will only strengthen hatred to each other and a sense of competition.

6 most common problems in 16.

  • Self-determination. Search yourself. The choice of profession and the future as a whole.
  • Exams and pressure from teachers.
  • Pressure from family and friends.
  • Love is possibly unreasonable
  • Bulling or cyberbulling.
  • Complexes. Diffidence
How to help teenage?

Bear next.

Consider, but do not read the notations.

Pay attention to the interests of the child. Help him reveal yourself, see its strengths.

Listen, sympathize and allow me to speak If he needs it. Find his love language and use often (it can be words, touch (embrace), time, gifts, help).

Love and show your love.

Teach the child to say: "No." Respect that

Help solve problems. If a child is overweight, then it is impossible to hide it. Do not eat sweet together and after six, do sports, it will help him become slimmer, strongly strengthen your relationship with him. If necessary, refer to the nutritionist.

Believe in it - adolescents it is very important to feel in the unquestionless love and support of parents.

The opinion of adolescents is 16 years old on important issues

Tell me about your relationship with your parents and about being happy you.

"My father is the one with whom you can consult. He is my mentor. And mom is that who fun and can be laughed. "I feel happy"

"I have a very good relationship with my parents. Mom is a girlfriend, but I don't like that sometimes behaves like a teenager. " "I feel happy."

"I don't have a very good attitude with my parents, but I am grateful to my mother for listening to me, trying to understand, supports (or trying to at least) and spends time with me." "I feel partly happy"

"Parents do not want to listen to me! My opinion for them, unfortunately, does not mean anything. Maybe they are right, but you know when they prohibit something, I really want to do this, prove that I am even able to do something, I stand something. Waiting for when I eat from them. " "I can't say that happy"

"Father I saw the last time in seven years. And I hate him. I'm so afraid to be like him. Because of this, I hate myself. I involuntarily offend my mother, although I love her. She always orders and very rarely praises me. And it grieves. Very often it seems to me that I worse than all. That I'm insignificant "

Tell your opinion about Mate and about bad habits

"I do not like to reveal. And the Mat in vocabulary itself is rare. Often the mat repels. With understanding I have to all. For me, alcoholics, drug addicts, these are people who in trying to drown pain, have become slaves. People stuffed with dependence chains. And I do not want to depend on something "

Give advice to your parents or all parents of adolescents

Love your children sincerely. Listen to them.

We need your advice, but we need freedom.

"I would very much like the parents perceive me as an adult, listened and took into account my opinion, and did not relate to the dog, whom they say to" sit "and will immediately sit down. Then I most likely would be more obedient "

Parents, speak nice words to your children and love them. Try to be more attentive. Forgive them. They love you

15 tips from psychologists for parents of sixteen teen

  1. Instruct Instead of reading notation. Try to listen and sincerely understand the child, and after giving advice.
  2. Show an example for yourself. It is impossible to demand from the tinacer what you yourself do not do
  3. Show real examples from life. About sexual life, smoking, alcohol, about drugs or the like. It is important to see negative consequences, and the brighter will be an example, the better will remember. Let it come to the right conclusion himself.
  4. Let's have a chance to make a mistake.
    Warn about possible consequences, but the choice of a child should do himself and does not matter about choosing a clothing or educational institution. He must make mistakes and it is normal. Just be close, and everything will be fine
  5. Slowly train independence. Do not do everything for a child, and then sharply hang all the responsibility on him. Smoothly and slowly educate independence. If it fails to do this in the family - motivational courses are a good option.
  6. Love and do not hide your feelings. Your child will feel more confident.
  7. Support. Do not skimp on compliments
  8. Listen and sincerely interest, Asking questions not as "How are you?", And deeper, "How do you feel today?" "How are your relationship with Sasha?" "What made you smile today?" T.P. Share, communicate, like a friend. Listen. If you do not want to communicate, then let's time and try again.
  9. Hug. If the child likes it, and if not, resperate his borders
    Do not insist on frankness, create a comfortable atmosphere.
  10. Arrange the boundaries with clear conditions
    Wrong: "Don't come late home" right: "Be at home no later than 11"
    If it did not work, find out the reason, and let it understand that it should not be repeated
  11. Dedicate him time. Go to the cafe, shopping - where it will be good to everyone. Look together with Discuss a movie. If he is bad, he does not want to talk to you, you can turn on the film, buy different tacities and spend time together.
  12. Sometimes do pleasant surprises.
    They should not be frequent, but pleasant.
  13. Help. Do not work for it. But be prepared to explain and help. It does not always have to give out of immediately. A wise decision will set the correct question that will lead your son or daughter to answer.
  14. Have your time your borders, your feelings and your passion
    If you spend at least 1-3 hours a day on yourself and your hobbies, you can relax and be happier.
    The child will respect you stronger. The hobby will make you not only by the parent, but also a separate person.
    This is the creation of borders. The habit of knocking on the door and ask permission to enter after your or his room, make a child more understanding to others and to themselves. After all, you show that everyone has the right to personal space.
    Speak that you have your affairs, or you need to relax, and after tea drinking you gladly give time to him.
    When you put the borders, it is important to observe them at the same time
  15. Speak about your feelings instead of accusations. "Where were you!!!?" - "I was very worried about you"
    "As you dare ..." - "Your act disappointed me disappointed", etc.
    This will strengthen the relationship and instead of screaming, hysterics and misunderstandings you will get sympathy, although it may not immediately, and attempts to change the situation.

Help in educating adolescents - courses in the center K.O.T.

Very often at the age of 16 years, children need additional support, confidence, they need to get additional skills for life. Their psychology has many nuances.

And not always parents can help, sometimes you need help from the side. In this case, the reliable version of the solution of issues. Professional guidance, communication and confidence, business and financial literacy - the choice is huge.

In our center, effective interesting programs are developed, leading - specialists in working with adolescents. In addition, participants of trainings are waiting for interesting acquaintances and new friends, support and assistance.

Choose together in your child, and he will tell you thanks. Because it is not easy at 16 to understand yourself, others and find our place in life.

Psychological Features of children 16-17 years

There are no accurate chronological borders of young people in psychology, and in different authors they are determined differently. In addition, it is worth noting that the border between the teenage and youthful age is sufficiently conditional, and in some scientific sources it affects age from 14 to 17, when scientists consider it as the completion of adolescence, and already in other ages refer to youth.

Shapovalenko I.V. It gives the following imposition of adolescence: "Youth is an important period in the development of a person, during this period a person's entry into mature life is committed. This is a world that exists between the world of adults and children. This is the time of the end of physical maturation, the central signs of which are skeletal maturity, the appearance of secondary sexual signs and a rose leap "(Shapovalenko I.V. Age psychology (developmental psychology and age psychology). M.: Gardariki, 2005. 349 p.)

At this age, important changes regarding future reflection are sorted. In the youthful age, the subject of thinking mainly becomes a way to achieve the final result, and not only the final result itself. This is a period of social, personal, professional, spiritual self-determination and the basis of this process of self-determination is the election of the future sphere of activity. And in modern sociocultural conditions, it becomes quite difficult to solve the task of professional orientation. This happens also because parents and teachers themselves are not always confident in the correctness and logicality of their advice.

Some psychologists believe that the specific feature of youth is the independence of the meeting with a changing world in general. Since as opposed to other ages, the child is faced with a new one for himself, but a stable form of the next age.

But the most significant thing is that a high school student is a completely adult man, so the appeal to him should be as it requires that it requires to be with an adult person (Shapovalenko I.V. Age psychology. M.: Gardariki, 2005. 349 p.)

Thus, we can highlight the following nodal mental neoplasms of early adolescence:

  • 1. Increased attention to its appearance. This manifests itself in a traction to find physical deviations even where they are not. This may well generate even chronic mental disorders of a neurotic nature.
  • 2. The overall emotional state of young men and girls becomes more even. There are no sharp bursts of emotions, like adolescent children.
  • 3. Opening of your inner world. In early youth, the child begins to be interested in his spiritual world. At schoolchildren, the 10-11 class students begin to form an idea of \u200b\u200bits own individuality, uniqueness, the exclusivity of his own "I". They begin to argue about the outdoor world and their reasoning seem to be unique, unknown to anyone. Hence the arrogance and uncertainty, courage in judgments and decorated in actions. High school students are easy to choose new ideas, but, but it is very difficult to retreat from their own opinions.

The child of the Youth Age begins to realize his inner world as a very important, joyful and exciting event, however, which also causes a lot of restless, dramatic unrest. The child at the same time begins to conscious of his uniqueness, nursing with other children, and a sense of loneliness. These pipes cause a strong need for communication and at the same time an increase in its selectivity, the requirements for personal space and loneliness (Aleksandrovskaya E.M., Kokourkina N.I., Kurekova N.V. Psychological support of schoolchildren: studies. Manual for stud. Higher. Ped. studies. Institutions. M.: Academy, 2002. 208 p.)

High school students need to assist in the formation of self-consciousness. This assistance may be relying on the following three significant principles:

  • 1) Support the opinion of high school students about personal uniqueness. But personal uniqueness cannot be considered a manifestation of personal superiority over the rest of peers, because each of them is just as convinced of its uniqueness. Respecting his uniqueness, it is necessary to read the uniqueness of the rest of the people, to be tolerable to someone else's opinion, try to realize the opinions of others, not to impose their principles around;
  • 2) to draw schoolchildren's attention to the experience of adults, on mistakes of mankind and on the history of their own life;
  • 3) to detect the future of schoolchildren's life, to present the options for their future, especially because the dreams of the future occupy the main place in their experiences.
  • 4. Another major neoplasm of early youth is self-determination. Self-determination is professional and personal. This is a new inner point of view, which determines a person as a member of society, and accepting its place in it. A person is accepted to understand the temporary perspective. The child begins to manifest a dynamite of the focus on the future, when he builds his own life plan, compared to the fact that he used to live only today (Shapovalenko I.V. Age psychology. M.: Gardariki, 2005. 349 p.).

In a general education organization, the training activities of high school students becomes a teaching and profile, which sells professional and personal aspirations of young men and girls. Training activities acquire the features of selectivity and consciousness.

Cognitive processes and mental abilities of boys and girls are well formed. High school students know how to allocate the problem and solve it on their own. They are interested in universal issues of existence, they can argue about abstract things for a long time. The extensiveness of intellectual hobbies in early youth is often combined with the scattering and lack of a system in classes.

For students in grade 11, issues of professional self-determination inevitably go to the main plan. Before them, the choice of a future profession is once sharp. In addition, activities related to the preparation for a single state exam is significant, immediately in several subjects, as well as in some cases, preparations for entrance exams in the Higher Educational Institution. Aleksandrovskaya E.M. Determines the main feature of the high school student to the future, which often exceeds all other areas of life (Aleksandrovskaya E.M., Kokourkina N.I., Kurekova N.V. Psychological support of schoolchildren: studies. Manual for student . M.: Academy, 2002. 208 p.).

In turn, the young men and the girls of this age are rather difficult to represent themselves in 5 years, that is, the creation of a temporary perspective is quite difficult for them. Often, moments arise when young men are acute feel the irreversibility of time, but in turn it is not desired to notice its current. For them, as if time stopped. This manifests itself that postponing solving problems for later, young men do not want to take into account really significant questions. During this period, the inclusion of parents in communication with children is important. Parents are obliged to support their child and help draw up the plan of the last school year, in order for the final month a rush and excessive mental stress. At the same time, it should not be formed too nervous when conversations run into the future of the child.

5. Schoolchildren of high schools begin to appear an attraction to confidence in cooperation with adults. This is mainly due to the formation of self-consciousness.

Due to the fact that young men are aware of themselves by adults, but they still largely depend on their parents, relationships with parents are quite contradictory. Provided that parents follow the democratic style of education when they are friends, advisors or partners for their child, only then the optimal relationship between high school students and their parents will be formed (Schapovalenko I.V. Age psychology. M.: Gardariki, 2005. 349 p.).

Nevertheless, young people and girls are difficult to understand each other. Communication with peers is intimate personality. The young man joins his feelings, interests, hobbies around.

For early youth, the idealization of friends and friendship itself is also characteristic, so real friends are becoming less and less, and the number of comrades is growing.

The emotional tension of friendship decreases when a sense of love begins to manifest. During this period, true love may occur. However, youthful dreams of love displays, most often, the need for self-discharge, understanding, mental intimacy. Erotic motifs in it are almost uncorrected or not comprehended. The need for self-discharge, intimate human intimacy and sensual erotic desires often do not coincide and can be addressed to various partners.

Thus, based on the foregoing, it is necessary to build a methodology for conducting volleyball classes so that the tools and methods take into account the psychological features of the age of children are 16-17 years old.

First chapter

We performed an analysis of existing scientific developments and scientific literature on the issue of research. Specified material concerning the technique of performing direct, accelerated, slow (fraudulent) types of attacking strike in volleyball. We studied the technique of performing an attacking strike and possible errors that may arise from engaged in adolescents in the process of its execution. Considered the opinions of specialists about the methods of teaching an attacker strike. Find out about the peculiarities of the psychological and anatomy-physiological development of children of 16-17-year-olds.

After ten years, each child begins a new and completely different life. Do not deceive nature: the first changes appear, both in physiology and in other areas. The clinical psychology of children and adolescents shows that every year of life is a new step in development.

From a child to a teenager

At each stage, both a child and his parents, expect new and interesting features. Often, the older generation scares or alarming the behavior of the child, and they do not even understand what should be taken and where to appeal. Therefore, it will be useful for them to know about age-related changes that occur with each person. And also to understand what the psychology of the teenager at 13 and 16 is different.

12 years old - already a teenager or another child?

Many parents relate to their children subjectively and consider them not entirely adults, sometimes even despite the fact that those reached the "solid" age. But in order not to have problems, it is worth understanding that a twelve-year-old person already applies to the category of "adolescents". And from this age, parents must perceive their child more seriously, given all the features that the psychology of a teenager has. 12 years old - age when the child begins to undergo the first changes.

From about this moment, the person is trying to associate himself with an adult contingent. This can occur in the form of copying the strangers of the manner in order to appear older. Boys begin to pay attention to their physical condition. The question of how they look, becomes for them in the first place. Girls also begin to pay special attention to their external data. During this period, they can already experiment with cosmetics. Therefore, it is not worth the parents to scare this and prohibit. It is best to choose a child better products with the smallest content of "chemistry".

At the first stage of the adolescence, a person appears some slowness. It is not necessary to frighten - this is a normal phenomenon, since at that moment the connection between memory and thinking changes. The child understands that the thinking process is inherently connected with the ability to remember those knowledge that were previously obtained. There is a more conscious memorization and understanding of the material read. During this period, a person begins to listen to what adults speak about it. This sensitivity to the opinions of others often leads to the appearance of contrived fears.

13 years old - teenage dawn

Amazing and unpredictable psychology of a teenager. 13 years - age when changes are occurred on a hormonal background. Therefore, the child may noticeably change the mood. And if he suddenly became more smartly, sharp - it does not confirm the fact that the "difficult" teenager grows in your family. Such changes are a normal psychological factor. The child begins to perceive himself as an adult who has the right to his opinion, his desires. And it is partly correct. After all, he should strive for independence, and after some period, to produce "separation" itself from parents. Of course, it is very difficult to accept parents with this, and often they make the biggest mistake, trying to suppress any desires of the child. This can lead to deposits.

Apply to the intimate sphere of change that the psychology of a teenager has. 13 years old - age when there is an increased sexual attraction, and, oddly enough, it happens more from the side of the girls. Of course, the boys begins to interest this topic, but the peak of interest they happens a little later. At this age, teenagers critically refer to their external data. This is due to the fact that there is a desire to be similar to his idol, who has an ideal figure, excellent hair and the most beautiful eyes.

14 years old - age awareness of themselves as a person

At 14, the teenager actively begins to defend its rights. Sometimes the parents can create such a feeling that their child is doing everything to be called and on the opposite. But it is completely wrong. At least, the teenager does not put a certain goal for himself - to challenge everything. Often he himself is not sure that he really needs and important. But the desire will stand out, show - "I am another!" - Huge. Therefore, misunderstanding between parents and children appears. In order not to exacerbate the situation, when brewing a conflict, it is better to smooth sharp moments. It is important to understand that the child is not trying to pour out you or specifically derive of itself - these are features of age.

Communication is important!

Also during this period, the child pays great attention to communicating. It is very important for him to be accepted, but not rejected. And also have friends with whom you can talk about everything. After all, at this age, there are a lot of exciting topics and delicate questions, with whom you will not go to my parents.

The psychology of the teenager at this age, of course, undergoes significant changes. And if the parents noticed this transition on time and were able to change tactics in relations with the child, then it often minimizes problem moments. In such a situation, the teenager is in no hurry to get out of the house or do something out of a series of outgoing. He hears his parents and can compromise.

16 years old - the path to the majority

What is remarkable age psychology? A teenager becomes completely adult. At this age, many have already appeared first love, possibly the first disappointment. In some adolescents, this age means the emergence of sexual relations. But you should not panic: not everyone is ready to go to this step at sixteen. Nevertheless, parents should start talking on sex, so that the child was aware of all the consequences. If dad or mom cannot start a conversation, then you can buy appropriate literature and give a child. A teenager must understand - that this period is when he is responsible for all his actions. By the way, in Cuba this age is considered to be adulthood.

At this age, the psychology of the teenager is more extensive and multifaceted. In addition to physical, sexual, hormonal changes, there are other features - the child begins to pay attention to philosophy. His views on life change markedly. And those questions that were not worried before him, today stand on the fore. During this period, a person can exaggerate his abilities, as everything looks simpler, affordable and rainbow. This is the psychology of a teenager. 16 years is a huge reservoir in which there is a lot of faith, desire, aspirations. Man is at the peak of his emotional development.

Note to parents

Do not be afraid of transitional age. This is an inevitable stage in the life of every person. And if you want to soften this time, try to understand why the child goes exactly, and not otherwise. The psychology of the teenager can seem to you strange and unpredictable, but it is completely wrong. Only you are capable of how no one else understand your child and help him overcome this period. For him, he may be even harder than for you. After all, the teenager just begins to understand himself and others, and all changes for him are complex and incomprehensible.

Children of senior adolescent age fall into the situation of a new social position in society, which in turn becomes a new area of \u200b\u200bpsychological difficulties. The study at this stage is associated with the development of the specifics of the high school of high school, deepening knowledge on subjects and specialization and the choice of the future profession to move from school to the university or professional practical sphere. Adolescents are changing priorities, communicating with the opposite sex, the creation of microgroups, which include young men and girls. Preparation for admission to the university gives students from actively participating in class and school life.

Interpersonal relationships are of particular importance at this age. As you know, for normal life, it is necessary a certain ratio of incentives causing positive emotions. In the modern Russian school, adolescents often feel the deficit of positive emotions.

The main biological content of senior adolescence is puberty and, as a result, enhancing sexual entry, with which teenagers are hard to cope. This biological platform is the basis of emotional instability and a sharp increase in behavior conflict characteristic of this period.

During this period, the main task of adolescents is to cope with rapid and very significant bodily changes and adapt to a new image of the body. It is also necessary to get used to general changes in sensations expressed in increasing genital sensitivity and response. During this period, adolescents spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, causing misunderstanding and irritation from their parents, but this is a normal phenomenon associated with the construction of the image of a new ripening body. In this regard, the teenager is shy, tries to change clothes only alone, the parents are embarrassed if parents joke on this topic. Another extreme is some adolescents become exhibitionists, raised in front of their parents at home, sometimes completely naked.

There are two universal phenomena characteristic of this period: dancing and telephone. Dancing is a channel for dropping the energy that the older teenager is filled with, in addition, they allow you to express all sexual gusts without implementing your fantasies into life. Parents are upset that children are indecent dancing, but the more the teenager realizes his impulses in dancing, the less likely he will lead them to life. If the younger teenagers do not dance with couples, and in the group (which is very important, since it allows them to contact them), then the elders are closely touching the bodies. The adult becomes teenagers, the closer dance. The same applies to the phone. Telephone communication is an ideal teenager solution: there is an intimate contact at a distance. The phone gives the opportunity to leave the house, in fact without leaving it. It annoys parents, but gradually they reach a compromise with children (agree on the division of the telephone time, they put the second phone, etc.). Dancing and phone is a means of compensation.

The main form of sexual activity among senior adolescents is masturbation. Masturbation is a normal manifestation of development at this age, the initial study of its body. However, it is almost always accompanied by a sense of guilt and shame. Even an explanation that this is normal, does not help the teenager to get rid of the idea of \u200b\u200bharming themselves. Many adolescents are shy of acne on the face, because in their fantasy is a consequence of their masturbation activity. Interest in sexual intercourse in the younger and middle teenage age is purely physical. Emotionally and moral and ethically teenagers to it are not ready. Even if under the influence of circumstances or under pressure from group norms, adolescents enter into sexual contact, then for them it remains a purely mechanical act. The ability to social interaction in sexual acts in adolescents is developing only by 18-20 years.

The psychological content of the adolescence is - (by E. Erickson) identity crisis. Under identity it is understood as defining itself as a person, individuality. Her crisis comes after the collapse of the children's "I," when the child does not yet separate himself from parents in psychological and social terms. Actually, the search for identity has the most important, self-sufficient value for this period. It is in the problems of this search and concentrated all the causes of violations of the behavior of adolescents during this period. The factors of the surrounding world are less important. At this age, man begins to ask questions: "Who am I?" And "What can I?" The teenager begins to feel that some changes occur in it, it ceases to feel like a child, he has a lot of questions to which he does not yet know the answers, he still wants to attract attention to him, becomes very sensitive to opinions and estimates of the surrounding people. .

As a rule, a teenager identifies himself with that man who is for him the carrier of the most attractive model of behavior. A person is looking for someone who could become his "mirror" through which he would check his actions. He chooses the idol, and the remaining adults makes dependent on their relationship to his choice. Most often, the "teenage ideal" is characterized by rapid behavior, refuting the rules of the morality of the "older" generation. A teenager makes from this idol "Fighter for Justice." In this situation, parents suffer most. By virtue of other installations formed in adolescence, which at middle age is already rigidly enshrined in consciousness, parents counteract the enthusiasm to the idol, they negatively speak his address, protesting against the manners to dress "in the style of the ideal", etc., so the parents teen often put forward The role of its "enemies".

The cognitive development of adolescents during this period also undergo significant changes. The level of thinking increases, in particular, an abstract-logical thinking is formed. Older teenagers feel their intellectual opportunities. These phenomena are associated with these opportunities such as the search for errors in adults (they begin to logically trace everything), looking for a rare interesting information, especially if it contradicts generally accepted points of view, and presenting it to anyone from adults. In general, this can be described as an inspection of previously developed solutions and the adoption of new to occupying their own niche in the world of adults.

Nevertheless, for thinking of older adolescents, certain features, superimposing a serious imprint not only for intellectual, but also on the behavioral sphere.

First, they are peculiar to the extreme options for evaluating facts and events - exaggeration or understatement.

Secondly, they strive for globalization of thinking and make decisive and final conclusions from incomplete, single information.

And finally, thirdly, they are based on the extreme degree of maximalism, not distinguishing the nuances. For them there is a dichotomous black and white thinking. Maximal is a bright distinctive characteristic of senior adolescence.

Teenager is looking for and seeks to take his place in the world of adults, somehow designate it and achieve recognition of his rights to him. Often he overcomes the strongest resistance of adults, which (often unconsciously) do not want to appear competitors in their own world. For a teenager, this is the first experience, since before, being a child, he was deprived of the right of such a choice. He begins to create his own world and does not want to invade him without permission. The older teenager wants to prove his independence that he is no longer a child. The search for personal autonomy and deep intimate relationship begins. A person seeks to recognize the right to the existence of his own thoughts, feelings, ideas.

Interpersonal problems of adolescents are just based on the search for deep intimate relationships with another person, often generally devoid of sexual population. The inconsistency of this situation is that, "fighting" against adults, he allocates some among them, raises the pedestal and honor the most unquesting, constantly fulfilling everything that the teacher says. He needs such a person who would explain him his own changes and the world around him. The authoritative adult appears even with good relationships with their parents, since for a teenager it is important that he did not see, did not know him small, they met only now. The role of an authoritative adult and idol coincide extremely rarely, as we carry different functions. The idol is an ideal, often unattainable, to which you need to strive to be transferred to unrealized and undifferentiated sexual needs, which acts as a sample to imitate. Authoritative adult performs explaining, encyclopedic function.

Many adolescents are panicly afraid of loneliness. For them, communication is very important, especially with peers, to be accepted into the group of peers. Identification of yourself with peers is part of the identity search and the method of emancipation from parents. This is a period of romantic love, which is based on not only sexual satisfaction, but also the experience of the experience of loved ones, intimate relations with another person, the opposite sex representative. Very often in adolescent groups of older, testing of oneself in different situations and areas of activity. In these groups, adolescents have the opportunity to apply a certain "role moratorium" for society: for a long time not to be determined in the role status for the whole society, and try different roles, for the most part of criminal nature (hooliganism, pranks, theft, etc.).

The main task of object relations is the final separation from parents. The main components of this process are the refusal of parents from both the main objects of love and overthrow them from the pedestal. Images of parents as ideal formed in early childhood. At that time, the thinking of the child was egocentric, and he considered parents as wonderful only because they held a central place in his life. The teenager, although cling to the children's image of those who love almighty parents, are increasingly inclined to consider them as disappointing, inadequate, misunderstanding, incorrect. This leads a teenager to a sense of loss of internal support and a combination of feelings of devastation with hunger on relationships.

To meet the need for relationships, filling the void and maintaining self-esteem on its path to mental independence, the teenager appeals to peers. The groups of peers provide support for its attempts to resolve internal conflicts associated with attachment to child objects of love - parents, other adults. It can be a relationship with remote fantasy figures: movie stars, athletes, show business favorites, etc. These figures are very important, since with them you can play sexual relationships. If it is a relationship with real people, most often they are the character of adoration. In real life, teenagers begin to be friends with teachers, family friends. When a teenager understands that the new figure adored by them begins to dominate him, he can change the object of affection. Adults often do not understand this and offend, but for a teenager it is a necessary part of the growing.

Another teenage trait is the ability to abstract thinking. Philosophical reflections begin, questions about the meaning of life. This is also one of the signs of struggle for becoming an independent, separate personality from the parents. It is difficult for parents to "lose" their child, but also a teenager literally we rule the contradiction: on the one hand, the desire to remain a child and the desire to separate and grow up on the other. Therefore, the periods of the uprising are replaced by periods of the oppressed state associated with the feeling of the loss of parental love.

Especially difficult to parents are recognized as a teenager's right to make their own choice. But the mistake will be the provision of complete freedom. Teens at the same time strive for freedom and do not reject completely control. After all, a truly older teenager has no ability to complete control. It is impossible to confuse the concepts: "Understanding a teenager" and "permissiveness." After all, adolescents have no sufficient knowledge and skills to cope with many difficulties of adulthood. It is necessary to give space and gradually expand it, but it is important to hold and the rules.

Personal changes always occur at normal teenagers. Adults seems to be the perfect teenager: hardworking, obedient, modest, but such a teenager does not cope with the tasks of gaining themselves as a person. In the future, he will probably have unresolved personal problems and conflicts.

In most cases, the rebellious conflict adolescence is gradually adapted to the requirements of adults. The completion of the process of fully separation from parents is evidenced by a young man who has a more or less pronounced state of emotional stability, a sense of responsibility for their destiny, as well as the transition from the position "to receive, befell" to the position "Give himself".

Adult complaints about the fact that in childhood parents were inadequate and inappropriate to them reflect the deeerizing the children's objects of love and, therefore, the unfinished process of the teenage department. If an individual process is completed (naturally or with the help of psychotherapeutic intervention), a person usually begins to accept his parents as normal, quite acceptable. This is usually accompanied by an understanding and sympathy for their shortcomings and difficulties.

It often happens that the depressed feelings and unresolved conflicts of adolescence constitute the cause of the vital difficulties of an adult. Return to the consideration of children's-teen conflicts, their re-experiencing in the situation of emotional security with the social worker frees significant internal resources of the individual, which can now be aimed at creating a full-fledged social and emotional life.

It is extremely important for the transformation of the entire communication system with society, largely predetermining their attacking conflict.

Senior schoolchildren with teachers are becoming much more complex and differentiated. This constitutes one of the reasons for school-making adolescents. Like parents, a teacher has a number of functions in the mind of a child: the replacement of parents, the power, disposal of punishments and promotions, a reputable source of knowledge in a certain area, senior comrade and friend. The junior schoolboy does not yet distinguish these functions, perceiving the teacher as a whole and evaluating the same criteria as parents. With age, the situation changes significantly. The teenager no longer sees the embodiment of the father and mother in the teacher, begins to make a number of requirements with the corresponding maximalism. So in the form of an "ideal teacher" on the fore, its individual qualities are published: the ability to understand, emotional response, cordiality. In second place there are professional competence, the level of knowledge and quality of teaching, on the third - the ability to fairly dispose of power. Naturally, not all teachers have a harmonious totality of these qualities, hence the pronounced differentiation of teachers and relations themselves with them from adolescents on "bad" and "good", "evil" and "good." There are all sorts of conflicts, often leading adolescents to the stubborn reluctance to attend school. On the other hand, there are cases of attachment to the beloved teacher in the form of passionate hobbies and rejoisseable devotion, but there can be many such affections, most teenagers have a close emotional connection with one, less than two teachers.

As one of the common causes of school, adolescents should be noted quite frequent discrepancy between students and teachers in the assessment of the same psychological situations. So, for example, one of the sociological studies conducted aimed to find out if there is a contact between teachers and students. The difference between teacher and student responses was huge: 73% of teachers and 18% of students claimed that there is contact; 6% of teachers and 47% of students celebrated partial contact; 3% of teachers and 28% of students are the absence of contact.

Apparently, the gap in the estimates is due to the fact that the teachers and students understand the word "contact" in different ways. Under the word "contact", the teachers mean a normal psychological climate that does not interfere with joint work, while teenagers dream of emotional warmth and psychological intimacy, which are never massive. And if the consciousness of students is illusory in the light of maximalism, because the requirements that have them cannot be achieved, the consciousness of adults is illusively different: they overestimate the degree of their proximity to educate, and thus the measure of their influence on them.

And yet the main obstacles that interfere with the mutual understanding of the student and teachers are formalization of role-playing relations, the naive-bureaucratic "school" and "educational system", followed by a low level of training of teachers, unwillingness, and sometimes the fear of seeing personality in their studies. It should be remembered that a personal approach is not just a consideration of the individual characteristics of students, but a consistent, sincere attitude towards the student as a responsible and independent person. It would be appropriate to recall the ancient saying of xenophon, which in the "Socrates" said: "No one can learn anything from a person who does not like."

The need for communicating with peers who cannot replace parents, children occur pretty early, and with age increases. The behavior of adolescents at the very essence is collective-group.

Communication with peers represents a very important specific channel of information, according to which older teenagers learn many necessary things that are not communicated by the adults. For example, an overwhelming part of information on sexual issues, a teenager receives from peers.

In addition, communication of adolescents is a specific type of interpersonal relationship. A group game and other types of joint activities produce the necessary prerequisites for social interaction, the ability to obey collective discipline and at the same time defend their rights, relate personal interests with public.

And finally, this is a specific type of emotional contact. Awareness of group accessories, solidarity, friendly mutual assistance not only facilitates adolescent authonization from adults, but also gives an extremely important sense of emotional well-being and sustainability.

The psychology of communication in adolescent and youthful age is based on the controversial interweaving of two needs: the separation and need for accessories, the inclusion in any group or community.

The feeling of loneliness associated with the age difficulties of the formation of a person gives up adolescents a tireless thirst for communicating and grouping with peers, in whose society they find what adults refuse: emotional heat, salvation from boredom and recognition of their own significance. Some psychologists tend to consider communication with the leading activities of adolescence and youth. The intense need for communication turns into an irresistible herd feeling: they can not be not only for the day, but also to stay outside their company. Especially strong such a need for boys.