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Healing properties of tricolor violet. Violet tricolor: medicinal properties and application

Violet tricolor (Viola tricolor).

Other names: pansies, tricolor, brothers.

Description. An annual herb of the Violet family (Violaceae). It has a thin, slightly branched tap root.
Stems 10-35 cm high, erect or ascending, simple or branched, shortly pubescent with curved hairs downward. The leaves are alternate, simple, oblong or ovate-cordate, serrated along the edge (the upper ones are serrate). Relatively large stipules are located at the base of the leaves.
Flowers axillary, irregular, bisexual, on long peduncles, different in color (blue, yellow, purple). The corolla is five-lobed. The upper petals are purple or blue-violet. The side ones are lighter or bluer. The lower petal is yellow with 5-7 dark stripes. Blooms from late May to August.
The fruit is an oblong-ovate, greenish unilocular capsule. Seeds are small, light brown. Fruit ripening begins in June. Violet tricolor grows in dry meadows, among bushes, like a weed in fields and gardens. Distributed almost throughout Europe, in the Caucasus, Far East, v Western Siberia, Asia Minor.

Collection and procurement of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, tricolor violets are used and harvested. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out during the flowering of the plant. The cut above-ground part is laid out thin layer and dried under a canopy in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. Dry raw materials are stored in closed glass jars... The shelf life is 1.5 years. Supplied by pharmacies.
The composition of the plant. Violet tricolor herb contains flavonoids, rutin, saponins, essential oil, inulin, violin, vitamin C, salicylic acid, mucus, tannins, bitterness, carotenoids.

Medicinal properties, application, treatment.
Violet tricolor has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bronchodilator, expectorant, weak choleretic and antispasmodic properties.
The herb infusion is used in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchopneumonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, kidneys, and kidney stones. Moreover, in folk medicine tricolor violet infusion is used to treat gout, polyarthritis, hernia, toothache, scrofula, tabes.
Tricolor violet infusion inside is indicated for the treatment of skin diseases (urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, poorly healing wounds, trophic ulcers, furunculosis, acne, pustular eruptions). To enhance the therapeutic effect, externally wash the problem areas of the skin.
Freshly squeezed juice of the grass of violets lubricate rashes with impetigo, herpes, pustular eruptions, aphthous ulcers in the oral cavity and on the genitals.
In the treatment of diseases, the tricolor violet can be used as one plant, or as part of a collection with other medicinal plants.
For cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, tricolor violet can be used together with hop cones and lingonberry leaves.
In the treatment of chronic eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, tricolor violet is used in a mixture with centaury small, medicinal smoke, bittersweet nightshade, marsh wild rosemary, European hoofed grass.
In the treatment of scrofula and diathesis, tricolor violet is also used in combination with other medicinal herbs - a series of tripartite and bittersweet nightshade. This mixture of herbs is called Averin tea.

Dosage forms and doses.
Tricolor violet herb infusion. 1 and 1/2 tablespoon of dry chopped herbs, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1.5-2 hours, drain. Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Infusion for external use. 3 tablespoons of dry chopped tricolor violet herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5-2 hours, drain. Apply externally as a wash for skin diseases.

Infusion for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones.
1 part dry chopped tricolor violet herb;
1 part dry chopped hop cones;
3 parts dry crushed lingonberry leaves.
1 tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Take half a glass (100 ml) 3 r. in a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 2 weeks.

Infusion for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis. To prepare the infusion, take:
2 parts of dry chopped herb of tricolor violet;
2 parts of dry crushed herb centaury small;
1 part dry crushed herb fume medicine;
1 part dry chopped shoots of bittersweet nightshade;
1 part dry crushed wild rosemary herb;
1 part dry crushed leaves of European Clefthoof.
1 tablespoon of this mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water (200 ml), infused for 1 hour, filtered. Take a third of a glass of 3 r. in a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 2 weeks.

Averin tea. Consists of tricolor violet grass, tricolor grass succession and chopped shoots of bittersweet nightshade, taken in a ratio of 4: 4: 1.
1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insisted until cooled. Give children 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day as a remedy for diathesis and scrofula.
Juice of fresh herb violet tricolor. Rashes with impetigo, herpes, pustular eruptions, aphthous ulcers in the oral cavity and on the genitals are smeared with juice.

Contraindications Tricolor violet preparations should not be taken during pregnancy, as they tone the uterus. Excessive use of violet tricolor preparations can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Amazing flower violet tricolor, not overseas, own, growing in meadows and copses in middle lane and gradually appearing in Siberia. The perceptive villager, looking at the flower, gave it many affectionate names. Pansies, ivan-da-marya, moths, three-flower. The garden forms of cultivated plants are called Vittrock violets or Viols.

Distinctive features of the violet tricolor

If the snow did not have time to melt in the spring, and the leaves of the overwintered violets appeared on the thawed curtains, then we are in the middle part of the Trans-Urals. In Central European Russia, the violet is an indigenous inhabitant of meadows and hollows, but not of acidic marshy soil.

A low bushy plant has a root rosette of leaves of various shapes, but always with teeth. The peduncle rises high above the leaves, revealing a complex flower that biologists refer to as simple inflorescences. The five-lobed corolla has a different configuration of colored plates. The lower one is usually triangular multicolored, the lateral ones are painted in one color, the upper ones are elongated blue or two-colored. Inside, a curious or sad eye is clearly visible, depending on the mood of the beholder. Even the cilia on the petals can be seen.

The classification divides the tricolor violet into several subspecies:

  • subspecies of Curtis;
  • subspecies Macedonian;
  • subspecies morning;
  • subalpine subspecies;
  • subspecies tricolor.

Several legends and beliefs are associated with pansies, in which there are also beautiful girls who have turned into flowers, and symbolizes thoughts of a beloved. If in some places this flower was desirable in a garden and a bouquet, in others it was considered a symbol of sadness and eternity, an adornment of graves.

Be that as it may, at present, the sad annoys have turned into luxurious beauties, mysteriously calling in, on the balcony, to the flower bed. The selection has gone from an inconspicuous bush, which is getting rid of like a weed, to elite varieties with giant gems hovering over no less beautiful leaves... The photo of the tricolor violet only confirms the possibilities of selection.

Care and breeding of pansies

In nature, the tricolor violet reproduces by seeds and overgrowth of bushes. In culture, it is possible, and most often used seed propagation, but especially valuable hybrids convey the properties of the mother bush only when cuttings. Up to 40 new specimens can be obtained from one mother plant.

Depending on the task, you can get:

  • early flowering bush;
  • second wave;
  • profuse long flowering in the middle of summer.

It depends on the care of the violets and the formation of young plants, in which at least 70 days must pass before the first flowers appear. Therefore, for flowering in early summer, it is necessary to attend to in the previous season, sow seeds and leave young plants by autumn, so that they overwinter and bloom early. But later they will have to be replaced, since pansies bloom only once a year. Seedlings are already ready to replace them, which were grown at home or in greenhouse conditions. Transplant of violets grown in cups, The best way flower bed rejuvenation.

Dug out bushes can be arranged in an inconspicuous place, get seeds from them and sow again, for next year. Even if the rosettes do not get stronger, they winter well under the shelter of spruce branches and shavings so that they can breathe.

Seedling breeding is most often used. In a shallow container, filled with a steamed composition from the garden soil and in equal proportions, seeds are spread over the surface, which are sprinkled with snow on top. Sowing is done in February, early March. Melting snow carries small grains to the desired depth. Violets germinate quickly, after 10-12 days the seedlings are freed from the blanket and exposed to light. In a cool place, the seedlings will not stretch, the roots will begin to work. You need to find a place so that the roots are warm, and the air is warmed up to 15.

With the appearance of real leaves, the plants dive into cups and grow before the time of planting in the ground. Violets tricolor are unpretentious, can grow on poor soil and in partial shade. But on humus fertile soil, the flowers are brighter and larger in size, flowering longer. On the open sunny place flowers are bright, but quickly fade.

With seeds from your garden, you can plant varietal violets. Hybrids are propagated vegetatively or each time they buy seeds in specialized stores.

In order to propagate the violet by cuttings, you need to use two nodes from the tops of the shoots in early summer. Under the canopy of a shady tree, arrange a place under Kindergarten by planting the cuttings to a depth of 1 cm. They must take root in the atmosphere high humidity, therefore, cover with geotextiles for several days of planting so that there is air exchange.

Spray, water. you will have to weed often, but within a month the cuttings will give roots and they can be transplanted to a permanent place with shelter for the winter, but it is better to leave compactly until spring. So, it will be easier to keep them in the winter.

The healing properties of the violet tricolor

The healing power of the violet tricolor has long been known. Harvested during flowering. The entire green part of the plant is used. Like all herbal preparations, violets are dried in the shade in ventilated awnings. In rainy weather, you can arrange the grass in a thin layer in the attic. The dried material is crushed and stored in a glass container under a glass or metal lid for up to 2 years. At the pharmacy, violets can be bought separately or in herbal preparations.

The medicinal properties of the tricolor violet are due to the presence of essential oils, polysaccharides, saponins and biologically active substances in the composition. The complex chemical composition of the plant allows the collection to be used in many cases:

  • in the treatment of colds, prolonged cough;
  • for anti-inflammatory purposes;
  • with skin diseases.

The list of diseases when it is recommended to use infusions, decoctions and even tinctures of violets is large, but the use of medicinal forms for each person is individual. Without appropriate knowledge, expert advice, uncontrolled self-medication can be harmful. This plant has serious contraindications for use.

Growing from seeds of tricolor violets - video

Violet tricolor is the plant most often found in dry meadows and among shrubs. It is widespread in the Caucasus, Asia Minor and throughout Europe.

Most commonly used for medical purposes Distinctive characteristic is the presence of a white upper petal.

This article will discuss in detail medicinal properties and contraindications of tricolor violet, as well as its use in the field of traditional medicine.

Description of the plant

The people call the tricolor violet "pansies". She got this name because of the interesting shape of the flower.

In addition to beauty, the violet is known tricolor properties of a therapeutic nature. They will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

In the beginning, the plant was wild. Therefore, today it is unpretentious and can grow in almost any conditions.

The plant is annual or biennial. Belongs to the violet family. Plant height can reach 35 cm. Violet begins to bloom in early spring. Fruiting occurs in June.

Plant growing procedure

Violet tricolor blooms very beautifully. It can also be grown in the garden, but for this you need to choose the right place. The soil for it should be loose and loamy.

Reproduction of tricolor violets occurs seedling method... In late June and early July, seeds are sown in greenhouses. For this, special small grooves are made.

After the seedlings that have appeared, it will be necessary to thin out. There should be a distance of about 9 cm between them.

Then in August they need to be dropped off at a permanent place. The width between the rows should be about 65 cm.

For tricolor violet you need good care... To do this, you should constantly loosen the ground and remove weeds around the plant. The violet differs in that it winters well, and it blooms very early.

How is the collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials carried out?

This process must be done when the plant is in bloom. For medicinal raw materials, the herb of tricolor violets is harvested.

So, first you will need to cut off the aerial part. Then it is laid out in a thin layer. The plant should be dried in a well-ventilated room or in the air under a canopy.

The smell of harvested raw materials is sweetish. The dried violet herb will need to be placed in glass containers. You can store raw materials in this way for about two years.

Also, the plant in this form can be purchased at pharmacies. It is usually sold in cardboard boxes, inside which there are filter bags with grass.

What is the biochemical composition of violets?

The plant's components are violaquercetin, a flavone glycoside, and anthocyanin glycosides. The latter include violanin, delphinidin, and peonidin.

In addition, the biochemical composition of the violet tricolor herb includes essential oil. The last component consists of salicylic acid and methyl ester.

Also, the biochemical composition of the plant is represented by mucous polysaccharides, tannin, ascorbic acid, saponin, carotenoids.

Violet tricolor: medicinal properties

This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is explained by the presence of mucus-like substances in the aerial part of the violet, as well as pharmacologically active essential oil. They have an antiseptic effect. In addition, they help to increase the secretion of the bronchial glands. These substances also make it easier to remove phlegm.

Thanks to the saponins in the tricolor violet, the medicinal properties are also determined by the bronchodilator and diuretic effect.

Also, when taking drugs that include the plant in question, both choleretic and antispasmodic effects are noted.

Tricolor violet tea is used to stimulate labor. In order to overcome the signs of rheumatism, you should use an infusion of this herb. It will have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.

In order to get rid of scrofulous scabs, ointments and baths from this plant are suitable.

To purify the blood in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, one should use violet tea.

You need to know that after preparations and infusions from this plant, urine will acquire a "cat" smell. Therefore, you should not panic about this effect.

What are the contraindications for a tricolor violet?

You should not abuse drugs from the plant. As it can irritate the intestines.

Violet preparations should not be used for more than 30 days. If you need a second course of taking them, then in this case you should take a break of one month.

Also remember that botanists classify the tricolor violet as poisonous. Therefore, you do not need to overdo it with its use. Of course, before using it, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will be able to advise and give instructions on the use of infusions and teas.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to certain components of the plant. As a result, an allergic reaction occurs. In this case, you must immediately stop taking the drug and take an antihistamine. If you have any other type of complications, consult a specialist.

How is the plant used in traditional medicine?

Usually, medicinal herb tricolor violets are used in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases. It is this plant that helps well with coughs, in which there is a difficult discharge of sputum.

For acne and skin diseases, tricolor violet extract is also used.

Fresh juice from this plant is used in the treatment of mouth ulcers. To prepare it, you will need 2 tablespoons of the herb. It is poured with boiling water and insisted for two hours.

Violet essential oil is also very useful. As a rule, it is used by perfumers. But it is also very valuable in the field of traditional medicine.

It should be used for headaches, for soothing and strengthening cardiac activity, as well as in the fight against pustular skin diseases.

This plant will also help with cystitis. It is usually used with lingonberry leaves and hop cones.

For the treatment of psoriasis and chronic eczema, a special collection is used, which also includes a tricolor violet.

And for the fight against diathesis and scrofula, "Averin tea" is perfect. It includes violet, bittersweet nightshade and tripartite succession.

How to prepare an infusion from a plant?

To prepare it, you will need one tablespoon of the herb. You will need to pour a cup of boiling water over it, wrap it in a blanket and wait until it cools down. After the contents must be filtered.

Drink this remedy for half a glass three times a day. It is usually used for colds and skin diseases.

Infusion of violets helps with vomiting. But it should be remembered that it can be used only for not very complex poisoning. In severe cases, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

The benefits of tea from the plant

Collection of violets, string and leaves walnut advise to drink a woman who had a difficult birth. These herbs must be taken in equal amounts. Then everything is poured with one liter of boiling water. This tea should be consumed 4 times a day. Thanks to this tool, the uterus will be quickly cleansed from postpartum discharge.

Violet is very useful plant in the treatment of cough. It has an expectorant effect. It should be remembered that the amount of tea for children should not exceed one glass per day.

How is violet herb used in cosmetology?

The plant's use in this area is attributed to its anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. It is actively used in the treatment of pustular diseases, as well as for seborrhea of ​​the head and face.

To combat the latter ailment, violet oil is used. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of herbs and 10 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. This mixture should be infused for a couple of hours. Then all the contents are sent to a water bath to heat up for half an hour. After that, the resulting oil will need to be filtered. They should lubricate the scalp, it is recommended to rinse the hair with a decoction of tricolor violet.

Violet oil is used as an anti-aging and emollient. It is usually used for dry skin. To prepare it, you will need 6 large spoons of plant flowers and 300 ml of oil. Such oil should be infused for a month. The contents should be placed in a closed container. After the oil is poured into a dark glass container.

How is the plant used during pregnancy?

Nursing and women in position should use the plant with caution. External use of violets does not cause any negative effects, but its use inside can cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This, in turn, will lead to miscarriage or premature onset of labor. Therefore, before using preparations from this plant, it is imperative to consult a doctor. In this situation, you should not self-medicate.


The tricolor violet is not only a beautiful flower, but also a useful plant. It is only important to remember that any herb has a number of contraindications and side effects... Before using the funds, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Violet tricolor will perfectly help get rid of cough with poor sputum discharge, as well as different kinds rashes on the body. Also, the oil from this plant will help to cope with seborrhea on the scalp. It is also used as an emollient for the face. It is also recommended for massage procedures. Violet oil goes well with lavender, orange, jasmine. It relaxes the body, improves appearance skin.

Violet is not only beautiful flower that grows in flower beds and in pots, but also medicinal plant, which has a number of medicinal properties and has long been used in treatment. There are many legends about the violet, and the ambiguous interpretation of the meaning of the flower different nations gives it even more charm and appeal. How medicinal herb, it attracted the ancient Romans, they added it to drinks, wine, and the flower accompanied religious holidays and solemn events. Now hundreds of varieties of violets are known, some of them are actively used in folk medicine.

The wealth of plant species does not mean that all of them are used for treatment. The most famous of them found in Russia:

  • violet Vittrok - cultivated in gardens;
  • fragrant - it is more often grown in park areas, in cemeteries;
  • field - a weed on agricultural land, on roadsides;
  • tricolor (pansies) - grows on hills, fields.

In nature, there are Saintpaulia flowers from the Gesneriaceae family, in appearance they look like violets. Thanks to the selection, varieties have been obtained that amaze caring flower growers with their grace and beauty. These unpretentious plants delight the owners with a long flowering, but for medical purposes, flowers of the "violet" family are more often used.

Violet where the description grows

The Violet family, Violaceae in Latin, has more than 500 species. This short annual or perennial flower distributed all over the world. It can be found both in the Andes and in North America, Japan, South Africa, Australia and other countries and continents.

On the territory of our country, the most common are field violet, tricolor violet and fragrant violet. These types of violets grow practically throughout the territory of Russia, ranging from southern regions to the Urals, the Far East and Siberia.

These types of plants differ from each other in the shape of the leaves and the color of the flower petals. In addition to the common name, they are united by the presence of five petals:

The field violet has elongated oval leaves and a lower yellow petal;

Fragrant violet - with more rounded, elongated at the end, leaves and petals, mostly from deep blue to purple, less often white;

Violet tricolor - elongated lanceolate-shaped leaves and with petals, as a rule, the upper two are from blue to deep purple, and the lower one is white. The middle petals are light blue. Now many decorative varieties, which are distinguished by a variety of bright colors of petals. The people affectionately call her "Pansies" or "Ivan da Marya", although the latter refers to a completely different plant.

Why violet is useful chemical composition

The use of violets is due to the content in it:

Organic acids: mainly ascorbic, salicylic;

Essential oils;

Alkaloids (in the roots): morphine, caffeine, cocaine and others;

Flavonoids: rutin, orientin, vitexin;





Having such a varied chemical composition allows you to use the plant for medicinal purposes. Due to the presence of essential oil, it is used as a remedy with antiseptic properties for problems of the digestive tract. Saponins determine its use in bronchopulmonary diseases, facilitate sputum discharge and soothe coughs.

The healing properties of violets

The medicinal use of violets goes back to the most ancient times. Mention about healing properties the flower is in the writings of Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, Avicenna and many other healers of that time.

Violets have properties such as:







Wound healing;






The flowers and stems of violets help to thin phlegm, soften the throat, promote rapid recovery from bronchitis, whooping cough, ARVI, pneumonia. The herb is used as an auxiliary treatment for severe cases of the disease, or as the main type for a mild cold.

Such a variety of medicinal properties allows it to be used both in official and traditional medicine.

Violet application

WITH therapeutic purpose the aerial part of the plant is used: flowers and leaves. The violet found the most widespread use for coughs for colds and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract as an effective expectorant.

It is used for:


Sore throat;



Stomach pain;

Inflammation of the eyes;


Sexually transmitted diseases;

Angina pectoris;



Intestinal disorders;

Rickets in children;

Skin rash;

Violet is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, poultices, essences. Its roots, infused with vinegar, are used as compresses to treat gout.

Most often, tricolor violet is used for the following diseases.

In the form of a decoction, infusion or tea for treatment:

Cough, including chronic bronchitis, common cold cough, whooping cough, tuberculosis;

Lavage of the sinuses with sinusitis;

For rinsing for sore throat, oral diseases: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis;

In the form of trays for thrush.

As a poultice for treatment:

Itchy skin, whether it is caused by a disease or sweating;

Arthritis or arthrosis, gout (daily use for a week can relieve pain);

Infectious skin diseases: eczema, lichen, dermatitis, boils, seborrhea; trophic ulcers (it accelerates the regeneration and healing processes).

Vegetable oil, infused with flowers and leaves, is used to treat:



Stomach pain;

Inflammation of the oral mucosa;


Ointments are made from dried and ground into powder raw materials, which are used for grinding at:


Skin cancer.

Sometimes in folk medicine, plant seeds are used, which in large doses act as a laxative and emetic.

Violet tricolor has the ability to normalize metabolism and burn fat. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is often found in herbal mixtures for weight loss.

Violet is actively used in cosmetology, adding its extracts to creams, lotions and other skin care products.

Contraindications and side effects

As an expectorant, the violet is easily tolerated by adults. The only exceptions are preparations containing a plant root. An overdose provokes nausea or vomiting: the alkaloids included in the roots have a calming effect, and their excess in the body causes poisoning.

It is not recommended to use violet for the treatment of diseases in pregnant women: it tones the uterus, and taking it can disrupt the natural process, and an overdose contributes to the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea in expectant mothers.

Children are prohibited from taking drugs based on a violet: it has a mild toxic effect, and excessive and uncontrolled use can lead to unpredictable consequences.

This herb is contraindicated in hepatitis and glomerulonephritis. Prolonged use may result in vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or skin rash.

Violet tricolor recipes for use

Violet herb is used in different forms. Medicines can be prepared both from a mixture of leaves and flowers, as well as by preparing leaves and flowers separately.

Infusion of violets

The classic recipe for infusion is prepared like this:

1 tablespoon of dried raw materials is poured with a glass (250 ml) of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Then filtered and used:

For rickets in children - 1/3 cup 4 times a day;

For coughs, insomnia - 100 ml 4 times a day for adults. Children are smaller depending on the age.

Typically, the course of treatment lasts 5 days. Then you need to take a break for a week and repeat if necessary.

Violet Vinegar

3 tablespoons of dried flowers of a violet tricolor pour 50 ml of natural vinegar and insist in a dark and cool place for 10 days. When insisting, shake the container daily. Filter the ready-made infusion.

Such a remedy helps with severe headaches, migraines, which must be rubbed into the scalp in the area of ​​the temples and back.

Cough syrup

Brew 2 tablespoons of fresh flowers with 500 ml of boiling water and, wrapping it, insist for 10-12 hours. Strain the infusion and pour into a saucepan.

Add 600-650 grams of sugar and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the syrup thickens. A minute before the end of cooking, add lemon juice by squeezing it out of one lemon.

The syrup is good for coughing, promotes the discharge of phlegm. Take it 1 teaspoon up to 6 times during the day.

The syrup can be made using honey instead of sugar. They take it as much as the broth turned out.

Violet tea

To prepare medicinal tea, you need to brew 1 teaspoon of 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for about 20 minutes.

It is useful to drink tea for blood diseases. Drink no more than 2 cups a day, adding honey for flavor.

Alcohol tincture

Pour 50 grams of grass flowers with a glass of alcohol or vodka and insist in a dark place for 7 days. Shake the container periodically while infusing. Filter and store in a dark glass bottle.

Tincture is used for angina and oral diseases. To prepare the solution, add 10 grams of tincture to a glass of water.

Infusion, thinning phlegm

25 g of dry herbs are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, steamed at room temperature for an hour, reception: 3 times 1 tablespoon.

Decoction of flowers and leaves

Pour a tablespoon of raw materials into a container, add 200-250 ml of water. For boiling, use the "water bath" method or set a slow fire. They languish for no more than 15 minutes. The resulting liquid is poured into a separate bowl, diluted to the original volume with boiling water. They drink when they have a severe cough 3 times a day, a tablespoon.

This remedy is good for softening the throat when coughing in children. A compress is made from the remaining cake on upper part chest, it is kept for an hour. First you need to warm up a little.

Infusion on milk for insomnia

3 grams of flowers (1 dessert spoon) pour 200 ml of hot milk and leave for half an hour. Drink milk before bedtime and eat flowers.

Tea for rheumatism

Boil 30 grams of violet herb (6 tablespoons) with 1 liter of boiling water and insist. Drink instead of tea during the day.

External use of violets

Acting as an anti-inflammatory, violet is considered a leader among other plants in the treatment of skin conditions.

Violet for skin diseases, together with the prescribed therapy, enhances the effect of complex treatment. An infusion prepared from a tablespoon of raw materials and 400 ml of liquid is moistened with a soft bandage and applied to the surface of the skin.

Averin tea

Violet is included in medicinal tea under the romantic name "Averin". This tea is used for diathesis and scrofula in children. It consists of 4 parts of tricolor violet herb, 4 parts of string herb and 1 part of bitter nightshade herb.

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture and brew with a glass of boiling water. Insist to room temperature and filter.

Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times during the day.

WARNING: take strictly after consulting a doctor, as violets can cause nausea and vomiting, and nightshade refers to poisonous plants... Discontinue use immediately if allergies or side effects occur.

A mixture of 1 part violet and 0.5 part nightshade is taken as an expectorant for coughing. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and 1 glass of boiling water. Insist for 30-60 minutes and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Collection and drying of raw materials

To obtain medicinal raw materials, violet grass is harvested during the flowering period in May-June, cutting off the upper part of the plant with a knife or scissors. Dry in a dry ventilated room, having previously laid out flowers and stems in a thin layer on the surface. When drying in an electric dryer or oven, the drying temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees. Raw materials can be considered dried when they break well.

The shelf life of the harvested grass is one and a half to two years. You need to store the violet in canvas bags, cardboard boxes or paper bags.

Treatment with any herbs independently and uncontrollably often leads to sad consequences. Their effect on the body can provoke symptoms of other diseases. Violet is no exception among other plants, so people use it with the utmost care both as an auxiliary and as a main means. And before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Exists interesting legend about the origin of this flower. Her story goes back to ancient Roman mythology, which tells how once the goddess Venus decided to swim and, having chosen a secluded place for this, saw mere mortals there. For such ignorance, she asked the god Jupiter to punish them by taking their lives. But Jupiter ordered his own way, turning them into beautiful flowers which we know today as violets.

For Christians, it is considered the flower of the Holy Trinity. V dark spot located in the center of the flower, they saw the eye of the Almighty, and in the surrounding spots - the glow of the halo. The three sides of the triangle, which form the petals, they considered the three faces of the Holy Trinity, which come from the eye of the Saint.

The blue violet flower was considered by Christians to be a symbol of love and fidelity. They were given to their loved ones on Valentine's Day. It was enough to send a violet and this was considered a declaration of love. This custom was especially popular in England.

Learn more about the medicinal properties of the tricolor violet

Violet tricolor, or pansies, - Viola tricolor L. - one- or biennial plant from the violet family (Violaceae) with erect or ascending stems up to 15 cm high. The leaves are alternate, oblong, with petioles, equipped with large lyre-split stipules. The flowers are single, located on long pedicels, large (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), with a five-membered irregular corolla: the upper petals are dark blue or purple, the lateral ones are lighter, the lower petal, equipped with a spur, is always yellow or pale yellow. Fruits are oblong capsules with small seeds. It blooms from April to late autumn, the fruits ripen in different time starting in June.
The tricolor violet is widespread in different regions of Eurasia. In our country, it is found in the European part, in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia, as a drift is noted in the Far East. It grows like a weed in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, often settles on young fallow lands, also grows in meadows, forest edges and clearings.
Widely cultivated in flower gardens, pansies, represented by numerous varieties and forms, cannot be directly derived from the wild tricolor violet. In fact it is special kind complex hybrid nature. It occurred as a result of hybridization of several species: tricolor violets, Altai violets (Viola altaica Ker-Gawl.), Yellow violets (Viola lutea Huds.), Possibly others.
For medicinal purposes, other similar species are harvested, in particular the field violet (Viola arvensis Murr.), Growing in settlements, by roads, in fields, wastelands, glades in almost all regions of Russia. According to its medicinal properties, the field violet, apparently, does not differ from the tricolor violet, in any case, when harvesting raw materials, these types of collectors, as a rule, do not distinguish.

The medicinal value of tricolor violets and methods of medicinal use of tricolor violets

The aerial part of the violet, which received the wrong trade name "ivan-da-marya herb", has a medical use (botanists use this name to refer to a completely different plant from the norichnikov family). The violet herb contains up to 300 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotenoids (provitamin A), flavonoids (including rutin), saponins, essential oil, coloring and tannins, bitterness, mucus, salicylic acid.
Tricolor violet preparations have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect in the gastrointestinal tract, facilitate expectoration of sputum, reduce vascular permeability and have antiallergic, diuretic and some choleretic properties. They are prescribed mainly as a good expectorant and soothing cough remedy for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough. Infusions and decoctions of violets are also used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. In combination with other plants, it is used in the treatment of urolithiasis. This plant is also used for exudative diathesis, eczema, allergic dermatitis in the form of lotions and baths.
In folk medicine, the use of violets is much wider. Her broth and infusions are taken when female diseases, headaches, epilepsy, rheumatism and gout, cancer, as well as rickets and various skin diseases. It is used as an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent for gastritis.

Infusion of violet tricolor: 1 tablespoon of dry herb for 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for articular rheumatism, gout, arthritis.

In case of acne (damage to the sebaceous hair apparatus), use the following collection: tricolor violet herb, Veronica officinalis herb, tripartite herb - all equally. 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink 800 ml of infusion per day one hour after meals. The disease is typical mainly for adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

With angina, 1 tablespoon of the mixture (tricolor violet, succession, nettle corollas, strawberry leaves - equally)
melt in 200 ml of boiling water. Take as tea 3 times a day, 200 ml.

With arrhythmias of the heart - drink tea from the flowers of the tricolor violet.

With atherosclerosis, they drink violet tea (15 g per 1 glass of boiling water) 2 - 3 times a day. The general condition improves within 1 month after the start of treatment.

In case of acute bronchitis, they drink tea from the herb of violets: the herb is brewed with boiling water in a ratio (1:10), heated for 15 minutes. and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
In case of prolapse of the rectum in a child, if you crush the violet petals well, squeeze the juice, mix with sugar and give him a drink, this will help.

When mastitis, apply the herb crushed into gruel in the form of a compress. After 3-4 hours, replace the compress with a fresh one.

With exudative diathesis, take 4 - 8 g of dry tricolor violets and insist overnight in 300 ml of water. In the morning, the infusion is boiled and given to drink on an empty stomach mixed with sweetened milk. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

For the treatment of skin diseases, violet oil is prepared. For this you need to take 100 ml olive oil(or sunflower), 10 g of tricolor violet flowers and 5 g of ivy budra leaves. Cook all this for 10 minutes, then insist and strain. Apply oil-soaked wipes to skin rashes.

For the treatment of diathesis in children, people use averin tea, which contains crushed violet grass, string and bittersweet nightshade in a ratio of 4: 4: 1. For its preparation, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and insisted until cooled. Assign 1 tablespoon of Zraza a day after meals.

For gout, the whole plant is harvested during flowering for treatment. Most often they use a pair of tricolor violets: 20 g per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 100-200 ml of Zraza per day. Large doses irritate the intestines.

As an expectorant, dry powder of tricolor violets is used, 1 g (for children - 0.5 g) 3 times a day.

For colds, 20 g of the aerial part of the tricolor violet (without the lower bare stems) pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 - 3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as an expectorant.

With psoriasis, brew 20 g of grass in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 100-200ml 3-4 times a day before meals. It is noted that with psoriasis, the success of treatment is achieved without the parallel use of external agents (ointments, lotions, etc.).

Infusion of violet tricolor herb: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials for 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, drain. Take 1/2 glass 2 times a day with increased nervous excitability, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, for gargling with laryngitis, with difficulty urinating, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages.

Tricolor violet decoction: 1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials for 1 glass hot water, boil for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, mouthwash for toothache, stomatitis, bad breath.
In folk medicine, the use of violet herb for the treatment of scrofula and some skin diseases is widely practiced. It is believed to be especially effective for thrush and eczema in young children. For skin diseases in children, it is used by adding an infusion of tricolor violets to the water used to prepare children's food.

There are known successful attempts to use the infusion of violet tricolor for rheumatism and gout.
An infusion of tricolor violets is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs are poured with 250 ml of hot water and infused for 10 minutes. Drink 2 - 3 glasses of infusion daily. You can also mix raw tricolor violets in equal parts with linden leaves and drink tea from this mixture to prevent hypothermia.

Homeopathic remedy Viola tricoloris is obtained from fresh flowering plants violets tricolor. It is prescribed for skin rashes, dry and weeping eczema, thrush and itching in the vaginal area. This remedy shows good results for rheumatism, as well as for night sweats in adolescents.

Infusion of flowers (1: 5) on vegetable oil it is used as an external agent for malignant skin lesions.

Warning. Long-term use of violet preparations or their use in large quantities causes vomiting, diarrhea, and an itchy rash.
Paul Sedir reads: “Good for the chest and heart. Root (Saturn) and seeds are poisonous. Grass and flowers - from stone disease; as an emetic and laxative; flowers from epilepsy, seizures and other nervous seizures; syrup - for suffocation. It is used as a magical smoking: flaxseed, pselium, violet root and celery in equal parts represent smoking, which serves as an aid in fortune-telling about the future. "
The violet contains the powers of Venus and Mercury. Collect on the third quarter of the moon, on the 16th or 17th lunar day, at sunset, in the evening dew.

Features of harvesting violets tricolor

Violet grass is harvested during budding and the beginning of flowering of plants, plucking by hand or cutting with a knife or scissors. They are dried in shaded places (under awnings, in attics, in sheds), laid out in a thin layer on a clean bedding. Store in a wooden or glass container for up to 2 years.