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The benefits of baked apples and positive effects from the dish with weight loss. Do you have baked apples? What are useful to loss baked apples, during pregnancy and in other cases

Baked apples with heat heat out of the oven is an excellent dessert, not only delicious but also useful. Bake apples on fire Our ancestors began a lot of hundred years ago. And almost immediately found that they are favorable on health.

The greatest advantage of this uncomplicated dessert is that baked apples are easily absorbed by the intestine. Even people with a sore intestine do not cause unpleasant consequences in the form of bloating or heartburn.

Useful properties of baked apples

In addition, baked fruits are easily absorbed by the body, the thermal treatment almost destroys the nutrients in apples, reducing, for example, the content of vitamins A, C, iron, etc., but at the same time gives a lot of advantages for nutrition with a weak intestine. Therefore, they are recommended to eat small kids in the form of mashed potatoes, as well as patients after extensive operations and simply weakened disease. Baked apples act like a soft laxative, activating the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps the most active useful substance in them is pectin. It is pectins that make slags and toxins from the body, they neutralize bad cholesterol. They are useful in dysbacteriosis, restoring the useful intestinal microflora.
For the same reason, baked apples are recommended as a means of preventing the development of various tumors and disorders of the liver and the rectum.

Useful substances in baked apples:

  • vitamins A, B, H, RR, E;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose.

Folk Medicine considers apples in the liver form by panacea with violation of the digestive system. It is believed that their daily use is able to restore damaged intestinal tissues within a month.

The benefits of baked apples for weight loss

Of course, raw fruits are suitable for weight loss. But their overdose can lead to heartburn or diarrhea. Baked apples have a mass gain - with the help of various ingredients, the diet can become more diverse and useful.

With all this, 200 grams contain about 120 calories, 9 grams of carbohydrates and 5-7 grams of fiber.

How much can eat baked apples

There are no restrictions on baked apples. You can have any way. If the body is already refused to take them, then it is necessary to pause.

How to cook baked apples

Bake them can be in an oven or microwave. For baking, only hard fruits are suitable, without any visiting.

From the washed and dried fruits, it is necessary to cut the core into which you can put the filling and spices. For example, cottage cheese, cinnamon and honey.

Attention! Sprinkle with sugar apples can not! It is better to do it after cooking.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Apples are familiar to us since childhood: their taste, their benefits, their prime crunch. The aroma and taste of baked apples also reminds of many times when they were children. An interesting fact: the benefits of baked apples are much larger than fresh. I wonder why?

Baked apples - the use of the oven

First of all praise baked apples, benefits Which is the topic separate, for a gentle and delicate taste. However, if you can argue about tastes and argue, then useful baked apples are completely accurate - they are removed from the body a bad cholesterol, and also help the connection of free radicals, because they contain many pectins. They are a good means of preventing various tumors, as well as help with constipation, as we cut the contents of the intestine.

The benefits of baked apples are obvious and in helping the treatment of dysbacteriosis. Pectanis contained in apples, contribute to the absorption of bacteria in the intestine. Also, baked apples restore the digestion after the abdominal cavity operations.

Baked apples - how to choose and how to cook?

When buying, try to choose those apples that quickly darken with an incision. Before you start cooking, they are worthwhile in the water. After cutting the core, making a cone-shaped incision and remove all seeds. The main thing is that the incision is not through.

The easiest recipe for cooking is to pour a small amount of water on the tray and gently decompose apples. Before that, slightly moisten apples with water and pour a little sugar inside. Bake should be baked, not more than 20 minutes. This dish will be not only a delicious dessert, but also a wonderful garnish for meat or fish!

The recipe is more interesting - the traditional Sattle of Western Europe or Apples in Caramel. Wash apples. Thin knife make a deep incision around the fruit, remove the core. Mix 1st.L. Sugar with ground cinnamon. Pour in the middle of each apple equal portion of the resulting mixture. Preheat oven to 220ºС. Apples are placed up in a heat-resistant shape, pour out some water (layer about 1 cm) and put in the oven. Bake 5-7 min., Depending on the size of the apples. Melt the creamy oil in the sauinee, without bringing it to a boil. Add remaining sugar. Stir, reduce fire to medium and cook, constantly stirring while sugar does not start caramell, 5-7 minutes. Remove apples from fire and pour caramel. Give caramel to frost.

Burning apples are a delicious dessert, when cinnamon, nuts or honey are added to them. They serve as a great dessert for meat or fish, they can be served as a separate dish. The only thing - do not forget about the measure of the abuse of this delicious dish, some reflection of the stomach is possible.

An apple is the most famous and loved by many fruit. But this article will be discussed about baked apples allocated by doctors - nutritionists in a separate category of useful dietary dishes. We will talk about the benefits and harm to the health of baked apples, their calories and chemical composition, use in folk medicine.

We will give a simple and affordable recipe for the preparation of therapeutic for a variety of product organs.

We will answer the site website for questions, what nevertheless apples are useful and better absorbed by the body - baked or fresh, can there be pregnant and nursing women and is there any reason to eat this dietary dish ...

Apple and its benefits

Apple - Fruit growing in most gardens. Fruit, full of vitamins, was always popular and in demand by the population. A certain advantage of apples is that it is possible to use them all year round, as these fruits are grown in almost all corners of the world.

No wonder the described fruits in fairy tales are called "Molding Apples", because the apples really help to improve health and immunity, and also affect the rejuvenation.

Especially popular in Russia, since in our climate they can even grow in their own garden.

Composition and calorieness of baked apples, photo

Baked apples - Delicious and fragrant dish. The composition of such a treat includes dietary fibers, which are the main components of the baked apple. Speaking of vitamins, all Vitamins of Class B and Vitamins A, C, H, E, K are consisting in baked apples.

Considering mineral substances in the composition of the products, such minerals are noted as potassium, iron, manganese, sodium and calcium. Folic and ursolic acids are also included in the baked apple.

The calorie content of the baked apple exceeds the caloric content of fresh apple and is 50-70 kcal per 100 grams.

The benefits of liver apples for health

Apples baked in the oven are undoubtedly useful for health. Many doctors prescribe them into some diets or with any diseases. They also advise to make baked apples in their daily diet.

  1. Speaking about the benefits of baked apples for the body, it is worth noting the fact that they are much easier to assimilate them.
  2. They are perfectly suitable for the diet of people having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as they stimulate his work, coping with.
  3. Another advantage of baked apples can be called cleansing blood vessels from superfluous
  4. Baked apples have a diuretic property, contribute to the healthy work of the kidneys.
  5. Help in reset overweight.
  6. Also, fruit dessert protects against the development of oncological diseases.
  7. Baked fruits contribute to the active work of the heart muscle. Especially they are advised to use people aged, so as not to worry about the sore heart.
  8. The use of baked apples will safely affect both on, as they improve the health of the retina and protect the disease with eye infections.
  9. The calcium and phosphorus content in the baked apple will contribute to improving the quality of dental enamel. These components prevent sharp and development of caries.
  10. As we have already spoken, baked apples are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they also have a beneficial effect on the skin of the skin.

Application in folk medicine baked apples

Often, baked apples are used not only as a delicious dish to the table, but also as a medicine. Having a large range of useful properties, baked apples are excellent natural medicine.

The folk use of baked apples is the prevention of many diseases. Also, many conduct unloading days, feeding out by baked apples.

This agent is advised to apply in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity, depression, and cardiovascular diseases. Especially useful baked apples for children, elderly people and future mothers, or at the stage of breastfeeding.

Also, baked apples are used during or intoxication.

Often, baked apples are used in the manufacture of natural masks and balms. Such means are used in acne treatment, allergic rashes, dermatitis. They gently affect the skin, helping in getting rid of skin diseases.

The use of baked apples is known as a means for weight loss. The baked apple contains a minimum calorie and it is small in size. But with all this, it contains many vitamins and nutrients. This is useful for those who seek slimming.

Also, baked apples contribute to the normal functionality of various organism systems. Baked apples remove unnecessary fats from the body and directly affect well-being.

Contraindications, harm baked apples

With the use of baked apples, you also need to be careful and observe contraindications to their use. For example, the contraindication to the use of baked apples can serve:

  • aggravated ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • long diarrhea or constipation.

Applying baked apples in food, it is worth considering the norm. Do not overeat baked apples, as they can disrupt or lead to an exacerbated diarrhea.

The main and possibly the only harmful property of the baked apple can be considered the occurrence of problems with digestion. To avoid these problems, you need to comply with the rate of eating baked apples per day. For each age, taking into account possible diseases there is its own standard of use of baked fruit.

Recipe for cooking baked apples

To prepare baked apples, choose whole and fresh apples. So they will be invalid and useful for the body.

  1. Wash apples thoroughly and carefully cut the apple core.
  2. Making a narrow slice in an apple, remove seeds.
  3. Prepare form for baking apples and put fruit there.
  4. To taste, add sugar, honey, nuts to the apple, and the like.
  5. Pre-warm the brass oven to 180-200 degrees and put apples there for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Follow the process of baking. The readiness of the baked apple depends on the skin condition - if it began to crack, then the baked apple is ready.
  7. Before feeding, wait until the dish cools. When applying can be added to the baked apples ice cream, liquid caramel or chocolate, cinnamon, cottage cheese.

The rate of use or how many baked apples can be eaten a day

There is nothing to expect strong side effects from the use of fruit delicacy. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to abide by the norm of the use of baked apples. The average daily rate is 3 large or 5 small baked apples. Children - 3 small apples, diabetics - 1 large apple.

Baked apples should not be on the night, as they strongly affect the work of the digestive system.

Drinking baked apples standing after taking the main meal. They are perfectly suitable as dessert.

How many baked apples are stored

Of course, the dessert is tastier and more useful. There is a dessert immediately after cooking, but if there is such a need, you can be stored in the refrigerator. They are allowed to cool and then put in the closed dishes.

True, to be honest, the taste of them with the time of storage will deteriorate, the fruits flow, wrinkled.

Is it possible to nursing and pregnant baked apples

Baked apples will not harm nursing and pregnant women. On the contrary, they contain many vitamins and minerals needed both to mom and child. Especially worth noting:

  • a large amount of fiber;
  • content of useful vitamins;
  • lack of allergens;
  • relief of pregnancy symptoms;
  • reducing excess weight

Many mothers scares that apples of different color colors have different allergic effects. But this is delusions. Baked apples are not allergic and very helpful. The main thing is to use them in normal quantity, not overdoing.

But it is worth considering that in breastfeeding, baked apples are allowed to consume only after the age of the kid reached 2.5 - 3 months. Do not be afraid to eat baked apples during feeding, as it will not cause any harm to the child.

It is baked apples that are very useful for pregnant women. They will help to cope with toxicosis, eliminate and bloating. A special problem during pregnancy is heavy load and weight gain. The product described will strengthen the muscles and vessels - it will help to cope with weights during pregnancy.

Is it possible baked apples with diabetes

It is possible and even very useful, only in the cooking process should not be added sugar, honey, there are excellent recipes on the Internet of baked apples with cottage cheese.

Also, acidic varieties of apples can also be used with diabetics and in the fresh form, the main thing is to observe the norm - 1-2 pieces per day.

Can there be baked apples with diarrhea

Unlike raw fruit, yes, it is possible, but it is worth abide by moderation, no more than 300-350 gr per day, it is one big or 2 small apple.

Is it possible baked apples with gastritis

Baked apples will be equally useful and those who have increased acidity, and those who have been lowered.

Baked apples with pancreatitis

These fruits in baked form can be used even with the exacerbation of pancreatitis, but no more than 2 apples per day and better sweet varieties. Preferably not an empty stomach, in order to avoid discomfort in the abdomen.

What apples are more useful - fresh or baked

It is impossible to definitely answer this question. And baked, and fresh apples are equally useful.
Having exposed to heat treatment, apples do not lose their beneficial properties and presence of vitamins.

Baked apples have elements in their composition, contributing to the normal operation of many important organs.

Unlike fresh apples, baked apples can serve as a light laxative. Also, baked apples are easier to eat, as they are softer fresh apples, will more suit people aged with teeth and their absence, gums.

Choosing apples for use in original form or for baking, it is equally necessary to pay attention to the quality of the fruit. Prefer to choose apples grown in your area. If you bought an apple imported production, you should clean it from the skin, since it is almost impossible to wash the wax that is on the apple.

Agree that the topic of health was interested in people at all times. It is enough to recall the fact that the ancient Greeks and Romans worked intensively in this direction, having laid the foundations of many modern areas of medicine. But, since it is more likely to resemble the "conveyor business", people are more likely and more often turn to folk knowledge embodied in recipes for health and beauty.

In particular, questions often sound: baked apples - the benefits and harm of which have recently from everyone "on the ears", really have healing properties? The answer to it will follow immediately: Yes, their use is very beneficial effect on the entire body.

They, for the most part, do not treat one or another disease in the usual for all understanding, affecting as a medicine, but satisfy the body with the necessary substances so that he himself can cope with the ailment, facilitating, with the activities of most of its systems.

The Chinese, more than a thousand years ago, noticed: The body is able to remain in an ideal physical and mental state if it is provided to all necessary for it, nutrients.

And modern science only confirms this fact. Undoubtedly, high-quality apples baked correctly are health benefits, as well as extremely tasty and affordable delicacy. You can gladly eat them yourself and feed their children and grandchildren. And in order to extract from this maximum benefit (and do not cause any harm, which is practically excluded).

Calorie and composition of baked apples

Calorie (or, as it is stillked - the energy value) of baked apples depends on the method of their preparation, varieties, and also, in many respects, from what they are baked: apples themselves - without additives, with sugar or honey, cinnamon or cottage cheese and so on.

Calorie . Immediately it is worth noting that it is now, and further in the article, will go about apples without additives. So, their exemplary caloric content is about 58-60 kcal per hundred grams of product. It is almost the same as the apples of fresh, only torn from the tree.

They are almost unrealistic to gain weight, even if they use them in large quantities, is purely theoretically. But, for those who, for example, adheres to the diet to lose weight, and considers calories consumed by the body per day, information about the energy value of the product can be useful.

Regarding the composition of apples - it should be allocated separately, since it is due to him, they have such pronounced useful properties for the body.

So, in the apples of the baked there is: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vitamins in them - mass. Perhaps for this reason, doctors claim: so as not to hurt at all, it is enough to eat 2-3 apples of medium size every day.

And even if it is a little exaggerated, we will not forget that in every "legend" there is its own share of truth. One thing is not amenable to doubts: easily-friendly vitamins from apples, moving under the "control" of the body, after their use and suction of the intestine, wonders are creating and in 1-2 weeks completely solve problems with the deficit of vitamins.

Vitamins There are in the apples, in one or another dosage. In particular, the most, among them: C and E, A, and N, PP, as well as - absolutely all vitamins of group V.

Minerals. , according to its "assortment" contained in these fruits, is also not inferior. Among them, it is necessary to highlight so useful: magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and others.

Note! With the right baking of apples, they practically do not lose their useful properties, since the absolute majority of the vitamins and minerals contained in them are not destroyed. And this is very important, since there is an opinion that thermal processing destructively affects the nutrients in products. This is not quite like this: much depends on the consistency, the structure of the product itself, the method of its processing and other, equally important factors.

Baked apples - all benefits and harm

When it comes to healthy influence on health, and even on the appearance, such a unique product, like baked apples, then here you can speak infinitely, since it is really a practically inexhaustible topic. First of all, it should be noted how beneficial this product affects the gastrointestinal intestine!

From the state and performance of the gastrointestinal tract depends on 80-85% and the condition of the whole organism: immunity, cardiovascular and nervous system, musculoskeletal system and general physical well-being, hair condition, skin, and so on.

It can be said that our gastrointestinal tract, and the entire digestive system as a whole, is the rod, the base of the whole organism. And it is without exaggeration.

And since the baked apples are very beneficial on them affect, it becomes a clear pattern: their use is to strengthen health and a significant improvement in well-being, improving performance.

If we talk about the benefits of apples, prepared by the method of their baking in general, you can select the following:

Benefit for children and adolescents

As well as other dried fruits and berries, bears colossal benefit to the health of children and adolescents.

Very helpful for the heart and blood vessels

About problems with heart and vessels Such apples are often appointed by doctors, as well as are recommended by dozens of recipes of traditional medicine. Potassium - Panacea for the heart. Also, the condition of the heart muscle, the fortress and, at the same time, the elasticity of the vessels will significantly improve. And they will become much cleaner, because cholesterol plaques will not form, and those that are, over time will be, although not significantly, decrease.

Benefit for kidneys and at edema

There is a good effect in terms of normalizing the normal functionality of the kidneys. This, in turn, allows us to significantly, and pretty quickly, improve well-being, get rid of many types of edema. And also, they bring fine sand from the renal channels.

Useful for athletes

Such apples are shown to use and people experiencing increased physical and psychological loads in view of the specifics of their work activity, as well as recommended for athletes. After all, they strengthen the muscle system and the musculoskeletal system, protect against the wear of the joints.

Cleansing the intestines from slags

Baked apples are very saturated with light carbohydrates and unique dietary fibers, therefore, is very useful for people who hold a healthy diet. Such apples are nutritious, but not due to the high calorie content, and due to their ability to linger in the intestine, gradually digescing so. At the same time, the fiber effectively purifies its walls from the liner.

Use for vision

Such a product is useful for reliable protection of organs of vision from, often, inevitable age degenerative changes and from common eye infections. Want to keep the sharpness of your vision to deep old age? Then - do not forget about the periodic use of apples, including baked.

Improving blood formula

Blood formula and, in particular, the content in it - red blood cells will significantly improve, due to the content of iron in apples necessary for their effective production in sufficient, from a physiological point of view, volumes.

Improved brain performance

The product improves the functioning of the brain and its blood circulation, protects this body, whose value is impossible, from atherosclerosis and age-related changes.

Normalization of blood pressure

Apples allow us to normalize blood pressure at the expense of its abilities in maintaining the optimal water-salt balance. With severe hypertension, of course, some baked apples will not be enough, but even in such cases they are able to exercise a good positive effect.

Strengthening the body and immunity

Direct antimicrobial and antifungal abilities baked apples do not have, but, due to the fact that protective forces, their regular consumption is capable of raising a new level, the threat of infection is significantly reduced.

Baked apples are perfectly absorbed by the body, which reduces the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, unloading it and, at the same time, having received a maximum of use so rich in the content of product healthy substances.

And also, apples prepared by the method of their baking make it possible to normalize the weight of the body, are shown in disabilities of the pancreas, intestines and liver. This will be discussed further.

Who can harm baked apples?

And right now about who, with the use of baked apples, should be careful!

1. Those who have individual allergies on them.

2. When aggravating the stomach or duodenal ulcers.

3. Apples are not very pronounced, light diuretic effect, because they are not recommended in large quantities in urolithiasis, prostate, and also - prostate adenoma and so on.

How much can you eat on the day of baked apples?

In general, it is not necessary to abuse this product.

The optimal "dose" for an adult per day is about 2-3 apples.

For children from 2 years - half of the apple once a few days.

For children 5-10 years old - 1 apple every two days.

These doses are approximate, they are given to an approximate understanding of how much this product can be eaten for its useful impact on the health and exclusion of negative consequences from it for the body.

The benefits of baked apples for our liver

For this body, it is incredible. As already mentioned, apples are not so much treated, how much they allow it to unload, allowing to recover naturally.

And the set of valuable minerals and vitamins entering the body together with the flesh and the leather apples will undoubtedly contribute to this.

The work of the liver will be normalized in whole or in part, depending on its current state, if the baked apples can be used regularly, as well as the maximum to eliminate the negative effect of provoking factors: normalize nutrition, reduce alcohol consumption, avoid stressful situations and so on.

What is the benefit - baked bowel apples

They clean the intestines and warn the development of constipation.

Intestinal irritation, foci of inflammation in it, stacking, hiding masses - all this will be neutralized.

Apples - emergency benefit for intestines. But, in raw form, they may not all be allowed to use. But in baked - this is exactly what is needed for the rehabilitation of the intestine and maintain it in the optimal physiological state within the course of the year.

Baked apples for weight loss, if the benefits?

Apple diets, their recipes, dozens and hundreds of variations, practically flooded the Internet. But, the overwhelming majority are ineffective, it is ineffective at all or even harmful.

One day every two weeks, at regular intervals, eat 1-2 baked apples in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, as well as - on the apple in the breaks between them, on the other days, simply adhering to a normal power mode (at least - not moving) And you will notice positive changes on your figure after 1-1.5 months.

And even with usually nutrition, but inclusion in the diet of baked apples in doses, which are recommended for an adult, you can make sure that they contribute to weight loss.

Improving metabolism, increasing the efficiency of the liver and intestines, deriving excess liquid and slags from the body, and deliberately, can be considered a dietary product!

Baked apples with pancreatitis - the main benefit

Such apples are a dish, allowed and in acute, and in chronic species of pancreatitis, including the stage of its exacerbation.

When baking apples, their acidity is reduced, neither easily digested, perfectly absorbed even with a lack of pancreatic enzymes, unloading it.

Meteorism and dysbacteriosis, constipation and toxins, cholesterol - all these problems are solved, thanks to baked apples.

And since the pancreas is part of a single digestive system, then positive changes in it cannot but affect the state of the gland itself!

Is it possible baked apples with diabetes mellitus?

Responding to a common question: Is it possible to diabetics baked apples, endocrinologists unambiguously and unanimously argue what is possible, but only in moderate quantities, focusing more on sour varieties.

Please note that baked apples for diabetes mellitus are considered to be the most useful among all ways to prepare these fruits.

Apples baked during pregnancy and breastfeeding

With breastfeeding, apples baked in different ways will help you quickly restore the strength, the energy of a nursing mother, having a beneficial effect on her health and baby health.

Only 1 apple per day, and you can satisfy the need of nutrients and minerals, vitamins.

Many mothers, or future mothers, fear to eat red apples. But, when baking, allergic substances in them almost all collapse. The same applies to green fruits (in color, and not according to the degree of maturity).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, compote or uzar of them are also useful.

Contraindications of baked apples

As already noted, contraindications for their use, with the exception of several, very rare, cases, practically no one. Therefore, boldly eat them in food.

It is delicious and incredibly useful. Do not believe? Ensure yourself. After all, you can buy them inexpensively in one of the nearest stores! Be healthy!

Everyone knows about the high nutritional value of fresh fruit, in particular apples, but few people think about the fact that they are no less useful in the liver form. This method of culinary processing allows you to preserve many vitamins and microelements in the fruits, as well as reduce their calorie content and neutralize other negative factors. You can use baked in food almost all people, although, of course, there are some limitations here. Information about the benefits and dangers of baked apples are not a secret for seven seals, but many neglect such knowledge, depriving themselves to the safe source of valuables. Therefore, nutritionists advise everyone who is concerned about their own health, to draw the closest attention to this dish.

What is useful baked apple?

One of the advantages of baked fruit is the simplicity of their preparation. To do this, it is enough to simply wash whole fruits, remove the core from them, put in heat-resistant dishes and hold 10 minutes in the oven. You can cook apples and in a microwave, although it will be a little longer and take 20 minutes. In addition, some experts believe that the microwave oven destroys the nutrients contained in apples and other fruits, so it is better to use it only for heating food. The benefits of baked apples in the oven does not cause any doubts. In their huge numbers there are vitamins and trace elements: vitamin C, A, K, group vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc., as well as pectins, food fibers, antioxidants, etc. All these substances from baked food will absolce much better than fresh apples, especially if a person has problems with the stomach or intestines.

The list of beneficial properties of baked apples is quite wide. They are very well cleaning the vessels from harmful cholesterol and help maintain the level of this substance in the blood at an acceptable level. Baked fruits optimize the intestinal work and save from constipation. They are almost safe for the gastric mucosa, since it is annoying it much less than fresh fruits with a large number of organic acids in the composition. But still you should not even have baked apples on an empty stomach to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, they have a diuretic action, shag from the body, improve overall well-being. The diet from baked apples doctors is prescribed to those who live in highly contaminated territories, for example, near large factories and enterprises. These fruits are well introduced free radicals, heavy metal, protect against the development of oncologies. And they also well suppress feeling of hunger, and therefore help relieve overweight.

In addition to the benefit and harmful apples also have. They can provoke allergies or intestinal disorder when used in too large. In addition, people with gastritis, ulcerative disease or elevated The acidity of the stomach should also eat these fruits carefully in any form. And to those who follow the figure, it should be remembered that any ingredients added during the preparation of baked apples, such as honey, sugar, add calorie dishes. So, can provoke the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

Unloading day on baked apples

The generally accepted utility of baked apples makes them an ideal product for diet food. It is possible to improve my help with their help even in one day, during which you can only eat this dish, and drink outstanding tea and water. The portion should not exceed 300 grams, and you can eat five times a day. Fruit for a discharge day should be prepared without sugar, honey and nuts, you can add cinnamon or ginger.