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Born under the sign of Virgo. Zodiac sign of Virgo in what numbers of the month? There are interesting facts about the sign of the Zodiac Virgo

Mercury - Planet, which rules this decade. He gives the acute mind in this period of people, abilities to scientific activity, research abilities.

Important years: 16, 21, 24, 30, 31, 33, 41, 50.

This is the time of birth of calm and balanced people with a cheerful character who gives the surrounding warmth and joy. Sociable, benevolent maids of the Third Decade have many friends, enjoy honored respect for others, bathe in love.

September 13

FATE:This is the birthday of strong personalities with great power, independence and always having their opinions, to defend which is ready to finish. They are a bit stubborn, accepting the decision once, they are very difficult to convince. They with difficulty recognize their mistakes, even if they themselves understand the wrongness. Friends from these virgins a little, and enemies abound. Born on September 13 came to this world in order to work out karmic debts from past lives. They can always create a prosperous surroundings for themselves, choosing good roads, creating mercy and showing compassion.

Mystery of the birthday: Born on September 13, being taken for some business, they will not buy all their energy to spend. Endowed with solid determination and concentration, they often face big trouble. But on the way to success, they will not doubt the favorable outcome for a second. At times, some of the born on September 13 are confident that they have a magical power to overcome all the difficulties. But this is not superstition or excessive passion for the occult. On the contrary, they have a serious, direct approach to life. The most versatile of born on September 13 is subject to the solution so complex, heavy and heterogeneous tasks, which remains only to admire their ability to remain afloat. Often born on September 13, firmly adhere to certain views and ideas in any matter, but sometimes aware that they were mistaken. Thanks to their dedication and sincerity, they have discarded the well-deserved respect for the people's loved ones and others, and even zealous opponents. At a certain point, his life born on September 13 can radically change the direction by changing the plans. But most often, one day, choose the way, they go on it until they reach the end, and it does not matter: good or bad. No one can convince them when they have already decided on anything. Of the considerations of diplomacy born on September 13, some time are able to wait for not to hurt others, but then return to its plans.

In his family, these virgin are often highly tough and tyrannoe, they also apply to business partners. In general, they put the interests of their careers above all. As a result, their families often suffer from lack of attention. But such a zealous loyalty does not mean that born on September 13 is irresponsible. To his friends and loved ones, while their business is in order, they will relate to contemplate, until they need effective assistance.

Born on September 13, sometimes without any reason, they are accused of conservatism. But in fact, deeply passionism is hiding behind the outer visibility of conservatism. Absorbed and passionate, they refuse other promising undertakings, without even experiencing remorse. After all, there is nothing more important in the light than their passion.

Born on September 13 possess strong will, but do not refuse themselves in pleasure sometimes satisfy their small weaknesses. For example, they feel the sharp need to share their lives with an understanding person - a partner or spouse who is able to fully accept all their shortcomings. In turn, they will devote to their friend, but at the same time be constantly breaking between a career and personal life. Even the divorce or death of the spouse will not be able to temper the dust born on September 13 (especially women), they will invariably continue the work that, perhaps, began with a long-standing partner.

HEALTH: Born September 13 distinguishes high performance and good health. This was given their nature. However, the habit of abuse with its potential and spend the vital forces can irrationally provoke the occurrence of ailments. Born on September 13 is subject to stress, and on the line of heredity, they may threate cancer and diabetes. It is necessary to avoid carcinogenic products, to conduct a measured, calm way of life. Born on September 13 must learn to relax, enjoy communication with pleasant hearts, in such cases their life can last long and without adversity. If the rhythm of life is excessively intense, they will simply burn at work.

Tip: Show sensitivity to the needs and desires of others. Do not forget about the development of your spirituality, you do not need to suppress your emotional sphere. In life there are not only the most difficult paths that you prefer. A certain degree of compromise will make it possible to achieve the goal at the lowest costs.

September 14

FATE:This day people appear on a calm character. They are endowed with a sense of tact, sociable and diplomatic. Often they have many friends and acquaintances. However, their craving for frequent change of classes and places creates vital problems. In addition, they are sometimes wasteful. They need more serious about life, to matters, to money, be more targeted.

Mystery of the birthday: People born on this day are very reverent about their surroundings. They do not care what happens around them, they are also defenders and at the same time critics of their time and their homeland. It is vital to be addressed and spiritually and physically in important events, which, in their opinion, will be able to improve living conditions for people. Their appointment is to statenly open their eyes around them to the truth and, thus help them. Focused on visual images, they are endowed with the talent describe what they see that in understanding the terms. On this day, many famous writers and politicians were born.

For instance, ex-president Dmitry Medvedev was born on September 14, Dmitry Medvedev. Also on this day, Paul Apple was born, Igor Kirillov, Alexander Humboldt, Peter Lelie and Robert Cecil. Evaluating the work of others, they are guided the following criteria: "The world's largest opportunity is an enhancement opportunity." Therefore, they will never miss the opportunity to work with a specific proposal to improve some aspects of someone else's or their work. However, they are very acute responding to criticism, as well as are absolutely not considered a self-opinion, moreover, to teach others - their favorite occupation.

Born September 14 in family life Submissive and retain loyalty to the second half, but their excessive criticism in the assessment of life often becomes the reason that he leaves them. None, even the most interesting conversation, will not replace them the main need for care of household matters, as they are people actions. And they always insist that their welfarers take an active part in the arrangement of life, they do not intend to engage in the economy alone. Most often, born on September 14 know how to separate urgent matters from indispensable and know that they need to be done immediately, and what can also wait. But often they are very annoyed when they surround themselves with a delay.

Born on September 14, in assessing values, the first place is effective. They have dislike for uncertainty, to chaos that force them to clean the grooves and strengthen weak points, even if it is necessary to make mentally. Even if, due to excessive mental overvoltage, they will have to distract them from the surrounding problems, they will definitely return to them through time. These people love to make schedules, plans, they are very punctual and require punctuality from other people. At first, it may seem to be the impression that those born on September 14 love to argue in order to declare everything about his opinion on the problem under discussion. And in serious discussions, they have enough wisdom in order to limit their performance by what they are well versed. They contemptically refer to superficial and excessively speaking people who are trying to show themselves smarter than it really is. Such their intellectual aggressiveness of at times creates a problem for both them, and for them around them.

In the physical plan born on September 14, convenience and comfort are very much appreciated. They are connoisseurs of healthy sex, perfectly cooked food and full sleep. Constantly listening to the emotional side of his life, instead of initially limiting himself, and then arrange the gouans, they are stably work out every day. After all, they need it to implement all the intended plans that they have ambitious.

HEALTH: Born on September 14, very reverent relate to their health. Therefore, their motto - best treatment - This is prevention. Often, they observe various diets, run, harnessed, engaged various species Sports: from ordinary charge to massage. However, before that moment, the emotional pleasure is accompanied by the feeling of well-being. Therefore, people born on this day will suit team sports or competitive: tennis, squash, volleyball, basketball, etc. Calm, everyday rich sleep is very useful for these workers of the mind. Also to preserve health, they should not forget about sex, and about other carnal pleasures. Support your level of intelligence on a high bar. They will help the ability to take and give love. Born on September 14, they love to cook and are interested in various new recipes, they should not interfere with this.

Tip: Remember that your own conclusions are sometimes better to hold with you. Learn to be "gray cardinals." Do not exert excessive pressure, the path everything goes, as it goes. So safer. After all, no one has a monopoly right to mind.


FATE:On this day, fairly contradictory and dual people appear on this day. The fluctuations of this day are such that they exacerbate those traits of the individual who are inherent in the most. And if this person lives, guided by the laws of morality, good and humans, compassion and mercy, then his life will be joyful, carefree, bright and prosperous. However, if this person brings evil, contemptuously relates to people, to the near surrounding and to the world in general, then his life will be empty and bladder.

Mystery of the birthday: Born on September 15, there is a permanent need to find a burden, insignificant, or, on the contrary, noticeable, as it may seem at first glance. This is what they do intentionally, in order to be able to study their potential. They possess special skill to improve and specialize in one field and at the same time own to amazement complete information, regards all areas whose boundaries are practically impossible. Whatever role in life was given to personalities born on this day, they experience the need for the desire for professionalism in their industry without additional motivation and stimulation. However, their skill is flexible and easy control, and not the desire for perfection, which is characteristic of this sign of the zodiac.

Born September 15 are in childhood and youth very shy and modest people. In some cases, this period can delay up to 30 years. However, after this period, the surrounding need to be careful. After all, these people often have hidden ambitions, they accumulate and sooner or later manifest themselves to varying degrees. Born on this day usually time on their side, because they are ready to wait for dozens of years, with a pedanticity improving their skills and developing their talents, systematizing their ideas, and then make a jerk. And, despite the fact that those born on September 15 quite often have explosive individuality, allowing them to be completely enjoying the joys of life, there is a very characteristic secretion for this day.

For those born on September 15, various manifestations of materialism, no doubt, have significant attractiveness. The most outstanding personalities of this day have the skill to unite the alliance of spiritual and physical, while remaining kind and humane. Whatever heights they do not have mastered, they are always open to spiritual effect, and it is paramount to them for them. Those people who failed to achieve anything in life in a spiritual plan, with a lot of probability are in captivity of comfort, luxury and physical pleasures. They are also heavenly, come off with friends in full, deposit.

HEALTH: Born on September 15 very often suffer due to excess weight, they must control it with special care, if necessary, arrange unloading days and various diets. In addition to excess weight, they have problems with digestive and cardiovascular system, problems with pancreas and a bubble bubble. And if born this day want to live to a deep old age, then they should limit the use of oily, sweet, alcohol (especially concerns dessert wines). It is also not necessary to get strongly involved in medicines. In general, born on September 15 should cope with an exorbitant need to exercise their emotions in which they would not be expressed. It is better to save energy and spend on performing physical exercises. They are perfectly suitable such sports as run, aerobics, competitive sports.

Tip: Cut out moral principles Regarding inviolability. Without these principles, you will become much easier, as a leaf, developing in the wind. After all, your excerpt, the ability to wait sooner or later will bring excellent resultsYes, and with percent. Do not try to get a rapid award for the preferred compromise. And further. Try to control your physical weaknesses.


FATE:This day gives mankind of strong, self-confident personalities for whom their goals are fat feces. But quite often on September 16, stubborn and hot-tempered people are born with a complex arrogant character. Their straight is very offensive, so they have a little friends. However, it is the purposefulness and congenital idealism that makes excellent politicians and scientific figures. Also among those born on this day, there are people of art. As a rule, their life is secured, any activity, for which they would not be taken, brings their dividends, because those who were born on September 16, often do a favorite thing, investing in him the soul.

Mystery of the birthday: Those who were born on this day have an unrestrained assertive character, begging. If any activity awakened interest in them, we can safely say that it is here that they will show themselves as the best workers. At the same time, they are unusual for the pursuit of recognition or fame, they drive the spirit of knowledge and passion for his work.

Born on September 16 are endowed with the inner energy, which they are happy to share with others. Their company is warm and comfortable if they do not impose on other overestimated requirements. These people are not afraid of struggle. If they want to solve some problem, they either "bypass the mountain" or climb on it, but do not unfold back. However, this quality can sometimes bring to the skirmis with the authorities and even the authorities, since the unshakable spirit of freedom and justice rules these people in the emotional impulse. They love risk and often risk their lives and well-being, and in vain. These people need to learn to tighten their temper and say no "no". To re-educate a person born on September 16, almost the same thing that prohibits the sun shining. On all attempts to enjoy them, they do not pay any attention. They are absolutely not amenable to pressure from the side, slipping out of the hands of "freerly" as a yurkaya fish.

The child who was born on this day is simply impossible to teach to discipline and order: all attempts will be disappointing for both sides and can even lead to the opposite result. All you can teach this little rebellion is a personal example and respectful attitude towards his personality. Between the leadership and the Council should be the Golden Middle, only so you can make a child who was born on this day, obey. But, the 16th-September began to show interest in public life and can even become an excellent leader of some kind of team. These virgin are ready to pay any price, if only their team won. Having joined in adult lifeBorn on September 16 may well take the field of teacher and mentor, because they know how and love to share knowledge with other people. But often the stumbling block with students can become, again, their arrogance and intolerance. They are very demanding towards themselves and also require their work to be respected.

Some of those born on this day possess overestimated ambitions, framing them in the form of infinite dreams and unpretentious fantasies, since this world is ideal for them. Although most of them manage to keep their "Napoleon Syndrome" in the ultrasound and not allow the world of fantasy to lead them.

HEALTH: The born September 16 is easily excited and easy to rise, however, a pull for adventure and the feeling of their own invulnerability can lead to injuries and accidents. Although this trend is manifested only in young years, in more mature age they become more cautious. Since they have very expressed emotionality, they must learn to own themselves and not give will to their emotions, because stress and general tensions can bring them to chronic diseases. In eating, they should also be moderate and not overeat. Vegetables and fruits should be most of their diet. Boiled meat, cereals, baking need to be used in moderate quantities. Sexy background of those born on September 16 very high. They have elevated libido And should satisfy it if they do not want to be ever annoyed.

Tip: If people born on this day will be able to learn how to redirect their excess energy in the right direction, their lives will be much more pleasant and more profitable. Also, they should never miss the personal goals, even if the goals of other people are also important for them. But it is impossible to rush in extremes, cultivate harmony - this is the main task for high-quality life in all spheres.

September 17

FATE:Developed intuition, calm character and hardworking - this is what in more than characterizes people born on September 17th. Their mind has strong potential, they are very responsible, but they lack self-confidence to achieve high goals. In the second half of life, the fight against complexes can lead to victory, and then life will open for them the entire palette of paints. Mostly the fate of these people is happy, they often surround themselves comfort and have a favorite business.

Mystery of the birthday: As in the field of creativity and in another field of activity, people born on September 17 are famous for a tireless desire to achieve their goals. They know well what they want from life and certainly achieve this, even if career growth takes them many years of life. What they do not tolerate, born on that day, so these are pressure, and, if they put on them, they will be alien even own goalAs everything that is imposed on coercion, they bypass. If they have a persistent desire to achieve anything, then be it conquering Mount Everest or trip around the worldThey will persistently go to it, even when from the side it will seem that they do not attempt, they will definitely achieve their own.

Those who were born on September 17, nothing should be engaged in the fight against an obstacle on their way, they are not afraid of problems, but, on the contrary, they are attracted to the thorny paths, full tests. They are a sample of self-catering and a reference standard when it comes to their activities. They have a thin mind and impeccable logic, so it is very difficult to worry about them, they will easily prove that 2 plus 2 will be four. But at the same time, their character makes it makes it possible to deal with a controversy, waste energy forces on a useless business. However, as for loyalty and devotion, it is possible to say with confidence that people born on September 17 will never bring anyone. They have a sense of justice, so they often protect the disadvantaged and humiliated, thanks to this quality they become beautiful lawyers and arbitrators. They have enough conservative views on life with persistent moral principles.

Also a striking feature of people born on this day is a certain, rather aggravated sense of humor. They seem funny things that others will call extravagant. At first glance, excessive seriousness together with the period of alienation passes when they find out closer. In the company, expensive and people close to him they will be funny and fun, while unfamiliar people will seem unlike and closed. They are actually somewhat closed and do not need praise and enthusiastic speeches in their address, they are enough that they themselves think about themselves. The harsh emotionality in his personal life also makes itself felt, especially during courtship. For them to express their feelings, this is the same thing that the soul is revealed to the person, so the cherished three words about love they say not everyone.

HEALTH: Even if the one who was born on September 17 will choose a profession that requires non-good physical labor, he still shows a moderate physical activity, since excess weight And cardiovascular diseases will mostly be attacked. To always be healthy, you need to do exercises, keep a diet with a low cholesterol content, try not to be nervous on trifles and not join confrontation. Regular sex helps those who were born on this day, maintain a good physical form and a favorable emotional background.

Tip: No matter how you wanted to condemn and discuss other people, try to cultivate tolerance and tolerant attitude in our consciousness. Do not hide from noisy companies, try to spend time as much as possible, just so you can learn to condescertain to people. Do not be afraid that you feel in a numerous company uncomfortable, fight with your complexes.

September 18

FATE:People born on September 18 are able to surprise and conquer you with their decisiveness, energetic, fantasy and a sense of humor. These are passionate nature, which have a complex, secretive, hot-tempered character. To achieve life harmony and success, they need to be able to curb those harsh features that are inherent in their character, gradually making it as calm and soft. The areas of activity that are most suitable on this day: medicine, science, research activities.

Mystery of the birthday: Born on September 18 - Nature is separate and secretive. Often achieve success in public professions. You will not be able to immediately undermine them in trust, their inner world Very reliably hidden from strangers. The paradox of their character is that, even completely dependent on its partner, they can break down at one point love relationship Or years old friendship, if something seems wrong to them. Born September 18 can be divided into two polar opposite categories: some of them seek stunning success, others have a bad whole life. Very sensitive react to various manifestations of violence, cruelty, discord. This is due to the inability of born on September 18 to resist strong stress.

Their insecurity is capable of surprising everyone who faces them. Even possessing a bright appearance, they do not believe in themselves and their strength, sincerely thinking that they are inferior to others. But everything is not so bad, faced with any serious problems or failures, they are able to transform and give a worthy repulsive. Man born on September 18, used to comprehend the essence of things and events. Often, to thoroughly examine any item, they will retire and turn into the recovery. Too serious attitude to life makes them prone to thoughtfulness, depth of thoughts and actions. Most of them pay great attention to faith and develop in this direction or are trying to lead their surroundings to faith. Anyone, even the most difficult study, does not cause them difficulty. They approach such reality that requires constant concentration of attention. Naturally, it is difficult to emotionally, but it makes them a bit mysterious and very attractive people.

Born on September 18, do not like to return to the past. You will not be able to "awaken" their former feelings or nostalgia in the places in which they lived. Close people born on this day should know exactly what time they can ask one or another question, and when it is better to leave them alone with themselves. Perhaps this is the only possible component of success in relations with people born on this day.

HEALTH: People born on September 18 have a tendency to chronic illnesses obtained in accidents or during operations. Zones that are most susceptible to diseases - abdominal cavity, reproductive organs, kidneys and adrenal glands. It must be said that strong character Allows it to do not fall into panic when serious diseases appear, but begin to actively resist the disease. All tests they tolerate with proudly raised head and learn to live with a particular disease. Born on this day should not be neglected in the treatment of ordinary therapeutic methods, as well as control their appetites (in food and in sex), and do not fall into the state of neurosis when there are no symptoms of absence or, on the contrary, excessiveness in their lives. Remember that you need to balance your inner energy with the help of yoga, acupuncture, otherwise you yourself can harm your body.

Tip: You just need to teach yourself to the sequence in all your actions. There are situations when the need for conflict is obvious. Do not ignore the prompts that give you your body and body. You have a mystical nature, which sometimes burns the inner fire. Let in your life more humor and you will succeed!

September 19.

FATE:On this day, rebellious and very good natures, real fighters for justice appear. Often they enjoy universal respect and have many friends. Their life is overwhelmed with bright events, it has both takeoffs and falls. However, they, with the help of loved ones and faithful friends, always overcome emerging difficulties in life. They achieve a lot in their society, diplomatic and love for labor: both in material and in the spiritual sphere, they achieve stability.

Mystery of the birthday: Born on September 19, very preferably treat the things around them. They can very much to correct the non-existent fold on clothes or, for example, to buy unnecessary thing For the last money, which, following fashion trends, will be thrown as unnecessary than in a year. They think of their life of up to the trifles and have the ability to create one clearly functioning integer. Born on September 19 admire the beauty of the world around him, but they are especially admired by physical beauty. Where other personalities will pass by, without experiencing any emotions, they will definitely notice the detail: an elegant curl, developing a serene in the wind, a beautiful sediment of a stranger or a stranger, the noble appearance of the fallen woman who has lost all interest in life.

Dress up these personalities most often "with needles" and even if they decide to look ridiculously and slightly, then it will make it one goal - to hold the right impression on the surrounding decorations or costume. In general, born on September 19, the tastes of their surroundings are met, but, obeying emotions, in order to draw attention to their person, they can radically change their appearance beyond recognition. For example, in old age, to make the "under the punk" hairstyle or come to the welcome reception in a sports suit. However, even if their appearance shocks the public, they are difficult to blame in the utmost absence of taste. Sometimes those born on September 19, people consider superficial, taking into account their aspirations in any situations look immaculately, as from the cover of a fashionable glossy magazine. For this reason, they can for a long time Stay alone, which brings them huge suffering. After all, few people guess that a bright picture is hiding a deep and felt nature, which through itself misses all the offenses and the surrounding world.

Whatever it was, many of those born on September 19 are in the Golden Middle. They are broken by a strong desire to fully indulge in earthly pleasures and at the same time achieve success in fairly serious industries. And the key to solving this problem for these personalities is that you need to at least sometimes allow yourself to plunge into the world of entertainment, but at the same time adhere to elementary rules morality. After all, in the end, the husbands and wives are not at all necessary to talk about all their fun adventures in working time. Sufficient will be born on this day to come home on time and not even think of getting out of the family due to the momentary hobby.

And on the other hand, lost morality born on September 19, with a high probability, can comprehend disappointment in life and become less in love in those manifestations of the beautiful, which were previously found very attractive. In order to rise in the stairs of the evolution of its development, they will need to go through the stage of the rejection of material values, a rich environment and even its own developed to the details of the image. Born on September 19, who experience the need for money and are forced to conduct everyday struggle for survival, often show the talent to leave all the adversity in the past and start successfully moving up the career staircase. And often in the process of passing this path, they change greatly. A calm, shy and closed personality can literally turn into an energetic, succeeding and self-confident person. Born on September 19 should be feared to go too far and break all the threads with the past. Conservation of contact with its roots is important for their emotional equilibrium.

HEALTH: Born on September 19 carefully take care of the skin, hair, follow the purity of the body. However, if they want to look even better, they need to use antibacterial soap and hypoallergenic cosmetics, use useful fats, drink a sufficient amount of fluid so that their skin is soft. In addition, for teeth, nails and hair, it is recommended to use calcium, zinc, lecithin, selenium and iron. Thus, the system of proper nutrition is acceptable for them, which includes a variety of useful products. You should also periodically check the availability of proteins and fats. For an excellent appearance, you need eight-hour night sleep And the lack of emotional loads.

Tip: In any situation, stay ourselves and do not leave your relatives. With caution feel about any form of monetary dependency. You try to put spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the first place, develop emotional depth and loyalty.

September 20

FATE:On this day, contradictory nature appear on the world: on the one hand, they have many ambitions, on the other side they are unsure of themselves and in their own. The vibrations of this day multiplies the negative features of the nature of these personalities. A person can achieve a lot in life, only having resigned and promoting. If he is in life to radiate the energy of love and joy, it can create normal conditions for its existence. However, if it is captivated by the low-altitude qualities of the human soul, such as gossip, envy and intrigue, will sow evil and cause pain and misfortune, then its existence will bring little joy.

Mystery of the birthday: Born on this day are confident that they can get out worthy of any, even the most difficult situation. They are not a joke concerned about the problems of their environment and will make everything to implement the harmonious implementation of the project over which they work. Women are completely immersed in family problems, support homemade hearth. Men should be active in business and public circles. Men born on September 20, not even deepening in the essence of the conflict, give partners and their friends valuable recommendations. However, returning to the family, they prefer to leave outside the house of other people's problems and fully relax in home atmosphere Excellent accompanying life. Born on September 20 attach great importance to finance, they know the benefits of financial well-being and strive to make money and do favorable shoppingEspecially in the sphere of landscaping of the personal space, which they attach great importance.

When something wrong in their life, born on September 20, firmly know that they can fix it all and heal. Healing in their understanding can mean the cost of the quarrel, the specific help of his beloved person who has fallen into the complex life situation. Applying various ways: from massage to prayer, they are able to create a real miracle! Therefore, given the foregoing, they should be not very self-confident. If they begin to think that they have much greater power than it actually, they can stick over themselves dangerous consequences both for themselves, and for others. Born on September 20, usually shows reasonable reasoning, but sometimes they overestimate their talent to recognize the truth. And here the fundamental point is their ability or, on the contrary, the inability to recognize their own errors in order to adjust the course of action accordingly.

Those of people born on this day, who have the ability to draw conclusions from their mistakes, including serious, are able to achieve tremendous success. In another case, they are doomed to repeat their mistakes with enviable periodicity, many of which are created from nothing, they could be easily avoided. But you needed at the right time just to stop and think about the correctness of our judgments. Ultimately, they will be forced to admit to themselves that they lived in someone else's life, their illusions. Born on September 20 poorly controlling his emotion, especially this concerns a loving question. Slave passion, they forget about caution, thus bringing mountains close to them. If they are able to show possession of themselves and patience, they will certainly achieve a positive result. For them best second Halves are people with similar interests and those whose goals coincide with their. For those born on September 20, the desire to work in one team with spouses and achieve joint success in affairs, creativity and research.

HEALTH: Born September 20 is usually carefully monitored not only for his health, but also support beauty. These personalities should not forget about the importance of diets, physical exertion to maintain an excellent type and normal health state. However, they should be wary of excess concentration on the constant improvement of their image. Sometimes this can cause a significant health disorder, due to unnecessary passion by diets and too stressful physical exercises. Born on September 20 should be afraid of any emotional disorders, especially those that provoke hormonal disorders.

Tip: Make work on bugs. Watch out for your lifestyle, expose the results to the results - do you benefit or not. And if necessary, change the course without thinking. It is worth paying attention to its emotions, take them under control and learned patience.


FATE:On September 21, the day will be born volitional, ambitious people. They have a lot of energy and, strength, they are leaders from nature, constantly go ahead. They can easily overcome obstacles falling on their way. Nothing can knock them down from the way or stop, or, especially since turn reversal. Born on September 21, if desired, they reach a high position, surround themselves with luxury and comfort, but only when negative qualities can be defeated, such as balloon and syradiability.

Mystery of the birthday: Born September 21 is very strongly worried about tastes and trends that are currently in public life. It is also necessary to indicate that people who born on September 21 are completely modern, ranging from the image of thinking, at home, along and ending with the TV, which is at home or in the country. But in the case when such people are predicary financial position, they are very worried about this regard. That's then all their thoughts and energy rushed to achieve material well-being.

Often desire and desire to obtain material status will be dictated by the needs in comfort on the household level.

It is also necessary to recall those born on September 21, which do not worry material needs, for them are more importantly intellectuality and an extended horizon. These are their main wealth. People of this type more prefer the untouched nature of urban bustle and noise. In general, such people can attract ideas of a new plan, fashion innovations, novels that are not discussed by society. They are also waiting for the moment when the new technical directions appear. As a reason for this interest, it may be in step with time, and the very understanding itself that innovations of this kind will give them the opportunity to live and work efficiently.

Born on September 21, Madly love his own creations, regardless of their form. The most ideal occupation for such people may be generating ideas, and after that the embodiment of them into reality. Many of those who were born on September 21, try to be elegant, cause universal admiration, and in exceptional cases even worship! Beauty becomes important for them, in connection with this, aesthetics occupies a key position in their lives. Beauty and its idea inherent in such people often can be a bit bright and have the colors of the desires of an unusual nature and practically not to perform the functions of equilibrium, proportionality and harmony, as opposed to it is heading towards the unbrity and asymmetry.

Born on September 21, it can calculate the mystery of the beautiful, danger and unknownness - spicy, violence - acceptable. Interests of this nature must be sent in the channel creative, otherwise they become a destructive source of personality, by collapse and degradation. People who were born on this day will be able to trust in interesting moment, and quite ordinary earth things to present in a brighter light. But they must be able to beware of excessive sensitivity and not resort to surfaceness, regardless of the form of its manifestation.

HEALTH: Born on September 21, always try to keep up with the times, not lagging behind him. At the moment, it became very popular to take care of his health, and in this regard, they will begin to combine exercise and diet, in order to fully meet the increased requirements of the Company's standards. They may be interested diet, vegetarianism, aimed at reduce weight, including yoga, aerobics and other forms of activity of the physical plan. They must beware independently, assign harmful, albeit very fashionable systems for recovery. People who born on this day should constantly consult a doctor in order to fully be sure that they are going on the right path.

Tip: Try to find your values. Do not forget about the truths, tested by chasing sometimes at the values \u200b\u200bof ephemeral. Hold the selected path. It is not necessary to shy to demonstrate your uniqueness, but you do not need to be obsessed with this factor and listen to the opinion of a person close to you - a friend or relative.


FATE:On September 22, the day are born by people who are given excellent right to choose their own further fate. Most of all life events in their lives will be dependent on that, in a rich or poor, moral or immoral family, they grew. The imprint and influence of education on them is essential. In more mature age, they will get a unique chance to choose their own life path. If they grab in time for string, they will not miss the emerging opportunities, they will definitely achieve the desired success! Born for success, which will come over the years and the acquisition of maximum independence.

Mystery of the birthday: In people who appeared on September 22, life goes in the creative bed constantly: they like to start something new and interesting, in terms of work, personal life, hobbies and hobbies. Often, they immediately can start a new project, barely after completing the old one, while at all do not leave themselves to relax. In addition, they have another exceptional feature: they can take up at the same time several cases. Such people never bored, in connection with this, they are constantly required by the presence of friends, new acquaintances, travels that will help arise additional interest in known things. At one point they can be kind and fun. But after a second, they change dramatically and become completely closed from all and inaccessible close, as if warmed off the stone wall. Definitely, they possess a strong character.

Born September 22 can often fluctuate in relation to a defensive and offensive position, because in this case it is quite difficult to determine the border. But one thing is clear: the attack is considered excellent protection. Laying into the course of the arguments available, they try to be persistent, ironic and smart, in order to achieve the desired one. On September 22, they have an excellent sense of humor, but many people may not understand their jokes, because they may contain gloomy and sardonic shades. Born on September 22, often can demonstrate the shortage of the surrounding space. Often they have professions of a respected nature, but it may seem that what they do in their free timemay bring a sequence to their life, and they really need it.

People who were born on this day can fall into risky situations, as they have a restless nature and do not like when they are ordered, these people independently make a decision and cannot tolerate when others indicate them, especially if these are people with low intellect and try Teach their lives. In this regard, their main life concern is not to make enemies and not get into conflict situations With colleagues at work.

Born on September 22, mostly possess an unavoidable appearance. But despite this, they have a kind and hot heart. They try to help, but do not seek to show people how generous and kind they are. This is due to the fact that they are mostly realistic and perfectly understand what life represents, or more precisely, its irony. Thanks to this day, such people become permeable, capable of seeing everything in bright color. Born on September 22, wonderfully able to evaluate the character of a person, and can quickly understand who is who literally at first sight.

They allow few people into their soul, but they will appreciate them all their life, at the same time will never betray and will not forget. Often, it may occur so that both parents will fall into a common chain. Born on September 22 try to seem spectacular, but in fact they are usual, they simply have elevated ideals that are not peculiar to others. These are real warriors who try to evaluate the strengthening and the number of ammunition, while they apply them quite reasonable.

HEALTH: People born on September 22 are obliged to avoid isolation and manifestation of the depressive state. In addition, they need to try not to fall under evil looks and violence. In connection with their inner restlessness, such people can often fall into various complex situations, and in affective state are capable of harming the next to people.

Perhaps it will sound a little paradoxically, but in fact they have perfectly developed the abilities of healers. In addition, these people love to enjoy warm and fresh exotic foods and dishes and in connection with this they need to trace their body in order to not harm it with excessive acute and spicy dishes. If you stick to balanced nutrition, you can avoid negative consequences After the excessive use of spicy drinks and dishes. People who born in a given day must be engaged not difficult and light exercise Physical Plan.

Tip: Born on September 22, it is necessary to at least respect those people who are open than themselves. Try to maintain a warm relationship with your inner "I". Use a variety of points of view, before making the final decision. You need to dream from time to time and recharge with pure energy, and then your internal reserves are enough to accomplish the big plans.


FATE:On this day, interesting personalities with an independent character appear. Energy of this day thus affects people that those sides of the nature that they cultivate and develop are strengthened. The fate of these people will be happy, and life is favorable, provided that they competently take advantage of the abilities and opportunities that life will give them.

Mystery of the birthday: The topic, refreshing passing through the life path of those born on September 23, is to break through, no matter what, through all sorts of restrictions. People born on this day are essentially expansive individualists, and you should not wait for their identity to reveal before you on the first day of dating. As a rule, they must pass through the struggle and cope with all sorts of (whether it is physical or formal) obstacles. The struggle itself in most cases requires a lot of strength, and by and large continues even after a successful and extremely convincing victory.

Born on September 23 represent their lives only in the form of a constant, continuous chain of certain tasks that should be solved sooner or later. Analyzing the foregoing, it is safe to say that for those born on this day there is a suitable name: spiritual warriors. Of the variety of those born on September 23, it is possible to distinguish the category of the most enlightened - personalities who can use the fruits of their struggle for the benefit of all others, even if the symbol of determination to defeat any adversity. Not burdened by knowledge category of people born on September 23, can be too much influenced by various conflicts, blow out a lot of problems and eventually do not achieve any positive results.

For such people, it is important for some time to abstract from collisions that appear in their lives, bring relative order in thoughts, and determine where it is better to send their energy. If everything goes well, and they will do right choiceBorn September 23 are capable of much. But sometimes there comes such a time when they go into depression, and their vitality and energy are left. Of course, it has nothing to do with the laziness and irresponsibility, the whole thing is that they are not known to lie and need. After all, they could not fake enthusiasm, and in the absence of inspiration, they choose absolute idleness than unclaimed work. Born on this day are able to attract those or other events to themselves. It does not matter to people of what type they include (emotional, intellectual, etc.), they will begin to actively act and words will become only a means of achieving the goal. Naturally, most of Of these, they do not like to speak a lot, they express their attitude to any actions and actions.

Well, a category that possesses the talent to correctly express their thoughts, prefers a simple, elegant, not overloaded with superfluous information to communicate. People born on this day, at first glance, seem cold and impregnable, but they can become the most attractive and seductive. It should not be considered that some charm inherent on September 23 means an invitation to another, more close, acquaintance, in particular, sexual. For people born on this day, work is always of paramount importance. They are converging with people, so they do not have large number loved ones. Savefully admire these people without coming to close distance. There is also a reverse side: those who are born on this day are not very useful and concentrated only on world problems, excluding personal.

HEALTH: Born on this day should not be abused alcohol and drugs, especially in depressive periods. A variety of diets will be useful to your body; Physical exercises stimulate appetite and positively affect blood circulation. Take care of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Tip: The most important thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to enjoy intact periods. Just such periods are suitable for self-analysis. It should be ready to be ready for a variety of vitality.

Virgin is born in the period from August 22 to September 23, According to Western astrology. On this time cut, the sun is in the sign of Virgo. However, in a broader sense, it is believed that these numbers are inaccurate - and the countdown of the Dates of the birth of 24 August,continuing on September 23.

It should be borne in mind that there are no strict boundaries in astrology that dividing adjacent signs of the zodiac according to characteristic features. Of course, there are people who are pronounced representatives of their constellation. But in most cases, there are similar signs that have similar temperaments and character traits.

general characteristics

So, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac circle. His planet - Mercury, Element - Earth. "Landyled" Virgas are not treated in the clouds, they are practical, looking soberly, assesses the situation and their abilities are real. They know how to work well, live on their income, compulsory costs with desires and needs.

This is a reliable sign of the horoscope - Virgo will never betray you, will always come to the rescue if you refer to support in difficult moment. However, you will need a full-fledged return. Virgo will not tolerate deception and betrayal. Your relationships will be instantly torn if Virgo will suspect or delude you in lies.

The virgins are well developed intuition, logic, the ability to think and quickly make faithful solutions. Many representatives of this zodiac sign are quite erudited in various fields, show interest in everything new, especially for the technique. Virgo strive for excellence, constantly increase the cultural level of their development. They adore hiking to the theater, where they enjoy both the classical productions of well-known works and experimental entrepreneurs.

The best quality devices

Virgo in most cases have an outstanding mind. They reflect a lot on the topic of life, willingly learn from everything new. Hardworking, prefer entertainment classes with a favorite thing. They appreciate them at work, because they often take on the lion's share of responsibilities, and they cope with themselves.

Reliability and responsibility for virgins of blood. They are disciplined and punctual, never allow themselves to be late, without distinguishing the importance of events. Virginships come on both the planer and the party as an important business meetingand to parents for lunch. If they could not attend the event for any circumstances, it will definitely report it on the phone and will try to correct the situation.

Negative sides of character

Virgin is boring interlocutors. They do not know how to entertain guests, however, they manage to be charming. They do not bring critics to their address, but do not refuse themselves the pleasure of criticizing others.

Loyalty and love to the coffin - not about the virgins. They can go "to the side", and then, as if nothing had happened, return and arrange a house distribution for dirty dishes in the sink or for the unbearable garbage. By the way, Virgin, being non-permanent, very jealous. They do not tolerate married treason, and often jealous about and without. They do not like to put up, believing that the partner should apologize himself, but the Virgin is not ready for the light forgiveness. For this reason, among such couples a lot of divorces.

Many representatives of this sign of the zodiac are big mods. They adore beautiful and new clothes, often indulge themselves with new clothes, without noticing the state of the second half's wardrobe (wife, husband or girlfriend). They are important to look good, smelling well, shine in people in every sense. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but you should not build your appearance in the highest rank.

Women, Girls, Girls

Virgo-woman is beautiful, charming, sexy. She is windy, easily in love, prone to treason. Jealous. It does not endure at all when another woman praises in her presence (girl, girl). She infuriates insufficient attention to her person from the man. Adult Virgo loves to be the center of attention, in the company - she often leader, well, or wants to be.

Woman Virgo knows a lot about fashion. She like no other of the signs of the zodiac, knows how to pick up a set of clothes for any lifetime. She has the ability to cook dishes. This is an excellent hostess who will never leave their guests hungry. On the table, the Virgin always has a fish prepared according to a special recipe. They love to cut salad, whose recipes they also have a whole mountain.

In love and friendship, the virgin demonstrate their best qualities - they are disinterested, honest and reliable when necessary. These are strong people with a solid character, ready to help in a difficult situation. They are generous to friends, but not to households. It is important for them to create the appearance of their well-being and security in humans. If you accidentally get to visit the Virgin, it always finds something delicious for you.

Being girls, in adolescenceAnd often in more mature years of Virgo is very modest and shy. This quality is incredibly painting it, femininity is its strength. She is friendly in relationships with peers, she has many friends. But excessive modesty can transform over the years to the sense of inferiority, so the child of Virgo needs to be encouraged and praise. Do not be afraid to intercepted and "flood" girl's girl! She never dresses his nose, but will only better perceive himself, be in harmony with himself.

Virgo man - from a child to an adult man

Many men are reluctant to admit that they are virgin - this zodiac sign is undeservedly despised by them for the name. Meanwhile, the guy who has a celebration of the Virgin horoscope is endowed with many positive qualities character. Among the main features are present:

  • Kindness
  • Mind, erudition
  • Reliability in friendship and love, as well as in family relationship
  • Generosity, practicality
  • Ability to accurate sciences
  • Pedantic attitude towards their duties

At an early age, the boy of Virgo demonstrates his male qualities around him - he is warlikely, cutting, sometimes rude. But only this way he will be able to get prestige surrounded. A big mistake of adults is to scold a baby, and then a teenager, to point it to him a line of behavior. Children of the Virgin rarely enter the conflict with peers, but they do not mind goodburning over friends.

From an early age, a boy born under the sign of Virgo demonstrates the intelligence, he has a living mind, he is defiant and intelligent. He does not like to be the center of attention, preferring to remain unnoticed as long as possible. Children-virgin modest and shy.

At school, they gladly comprehend new. But if the subject seems to them boring, then make them engage in this science and bring good marks not easy. Boy-Virgo does not want the rest of the disciples to take it for "nerd", so in every way trying to hide his ability to quickly teach. He can walk the lessons, demonstrate a deliberate hooligan manner of behavior, get involved in fights. But in the depths of the soul, he remains a kind and clever child who just wants the surrounding him respected and admired them.

Compatible with other zodiac signs

Virgo women Will be happy in marriage and love with the following horoscopic signs:

  • Man-cancer - relationships based on attraction of opposites
  • Male Taurus - uniting qualities: practicality, dedication, love for stability, community of interest, care for children
  • Male Scorpio - an interesting union, complementing each other signs
  • Capricorn man - leaning attitude to finance, love for comfort, children, family hearth and well-being for them above all

Do not suit or a little suitable for marriage Woman-Virgin, Lions, Aquarius.

Men-Virgowill be happy with representatives born under the sign of the zodiac:

  • Female fish
  • Woman Scorpio
  • Woman Capricorn.
  • Woman Lev.

Do not follow a man-maiden to associate his life with a woman-autumn, aquiet, Sagittarius. Deva-Virgo Union will also not bring anything good.

Which stone choose a virgin as a talisman

Stones natural origin Play a big role in the life of the virgin. People born in the period from August 24 to September 23, You can stop your choice on minerals of calm neutral shades. Lithotherapeuts conventionally divide the time segment of each sign of the zodiac into three phases, taking into account the stones for one or another horoscopic sign.

For virgins born from 22 (24) August to September 2The best choice will be the following minerals and gems:

  • Amethyst - Talisman for Good luck
  • - Savings from the envious
  • Malachite - stimulates the manifestation of artistic taste and abilities
  • Jasma - will help you find a soul mate
  • Lazurit - Give good well-being
  • Mountain crystal - helps to cope with the negative
  • Nephritis - will strengthen the emotional perception of the world. In the event of problems with the owner, the stone darkens

The second phase of the virgins is calculated from September 3 to September 11For people who born during this period, stones are suitable:

  • Jadeitis - those who are not confident, strengthens the strength of the Spirit
  • - Stores from accidents
  • Pearl - stimulates sexual energy
  • Tsitrine - protects against lies and hypocrisy
  • Chalcedony - for success in affairs, attracts money
  • Heliotrope - security guard from enemies and misfortunes

Final Phase S. September 12 to September 23. Virgo, born during this period, must stop their choice on talismans from stones:

  • Topaz - Mascot for Love
  • Emerald - from diseases of the heart and organs of vision
  • Pomegranate - contributes to the establishment of relationships with loved ones
  • Chrysolite - protects from jealousy
  • - Suitable for women who can not get pregnant

Stones for virgins can be used both in the form of jewelry and as figurines, figurines, inlaid. It is recommended to periodically wash off the accumulated negative from stones. For this, the usual flowing water is suitable. Place a Stick Figure or Decoration water water And hold the thing for one or two minutes. At the same time, try to think positively, throw away all negative thoughts out of my head.

At the end water treatments Thank Water for the negative talisman shot from stone. Hold the product in your hands, install the energy contact with it, mentally talk to him that you are worried about. Ask you to help you. Purified item made from a suitable stone, will be your faithful assistant and defender!

Vika Di July 26, 2018

Virgo is a very mysterious zodiac sign, which is characterized by developed logical thinking, decisions raising, rational approach to the elimination of the problem. Virgin is always aware of eventsThey are not characterized by frivolousness - they do not fly in the clouds and confidently stand on their feet. It has a strong and volitional character.

Virgo is often very critical to others, but they do not notice their flaws. . Love order And equilibrium in all: domestic affairs, work, love front and friendship. This zodiac sign is distinguished by punctuality and pedanticity. Avoids noisy events, preferring to communicate in a narrower circle of people. According to Nautour all virgins are modestand do not like to attract unnecessary attention.

Do not tend to make rapid and desperate actions, cowardly

Always have a snack, very economical and overwhelming. Virgin achieves everything exclusively by their work. Virgin Cakes, I do not accept frostiness in appearance, also concerns at home - everything is in their places. Sometimes squeezing and petty.

Virgo is often very critical to others.

The sign of the Zodiac Virgo means a human virtue that is always ready to come to the rescue. Extremely practical And have a sharp sense of responsibility. If the virgin could be described in one sentence, then this is a person who knows his duties in life. They have a bright, beautiful appearance, but often live life alone, since they love head, not a heart. We strive to be secured in everything, but lives modestly, it will not spend too much.

There are interesting facts about the sign of the Zodiac Virgo:

  • the Spirit does not tolerate unclean people;
  • because of its leaning, he accumulates a bunch of trash that it is a pity;
  • the worst treason is treason;
  • at the intuition level, false feels;
  • does not like to impose responsibilities;
  • the main thing is loyalty to the partner.

Virgo loves and regrets animalsBut the rest of the street will not give. All his experiences hides deep inside, keeping external calm, which can adversely affect health. The sign of the Zodiac Virgo does not believe the phrase "means the fate of such", his fate peaks with his own hands.

Virgo feels a lie at the level of intuition

Dates of birth sign of the Zodiac Virgo

Virgo: compatibility with other zodiac signs

You wonder "Who comes to the Devs in Love?"?

They are suitable for a man discreet, calm, able to keep their emotions under control, not a conquer

The partner of the virgins should be extremely honest, to be for them with a friend and lover (- Tits).

The most suitable relationships for marriage with the devies will be referred to the representatives of the element of water (scorpion, cancer). It is also possible to marriage or a relationship for a long period with Capricorn and Tales.

Best sexual compatibility The virgins will work with such signs of the zodiac: Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio.

Other zodiac signsZodiac sign of Deva.
AriesNot easy union. Partners need to constantly work on relationships.
calfGood compatibility. Understanding and cooperation.
CancerExcellent compatibility. Full understanding and support.
a lionContradictory Union.
VirgoNot bad compatibility. Relationships are similar to business cooperation.
LibraDifferent tempers. Unsuccessful union.
ScorpioGood compatibility. Long durable union.
SagittariusBad union.
CapricornSuccessful and reliable union.
AquariusBad compatibility. Partners speak different languages.
FishUnion is unsuccessful. Few mutual understanding.

What kind of elements are Virgin?

Element of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo is the Earth, so it is characteristic of realism and landiness. Virgo are discreet and practical!

Born under the sign of the virgin is characteristic of realism and landiness

Children on the sign of the Zodiac Virgo

Railing a child-virgin is a pleasure, he does not give parents with almost no concern. Sometimes it can pick upin food and clothing. Already from the small years, it requires to move it into clean underwear if he was worn out. Many Babes of Virgin Poor tolerate Changes in the established schedule, mode fails to bad sleep, appetite and even digestive disorder.

Children-Virgin is very neat, it is noticeable even in small age

They love purity and enjoy the bath. Child-virgin from early childhood begins to ask parents a lot of questions And it is waiting for a complete answer from them, just will not be lagging behind.

If you choose a name for a child, then the boys and girls are better to give "feminine names", such as Vasily, Plato or Margarita, Vasilisa.

As a child's child's schoolboy very responsible, disciplined, learns with pleasure, studying him not in a burden. The best in class, it can even be put in an example to the rest of the guys. But sometimes the child Virgo can not find a common language with peers. This is due to its closeness and non-deputy restraint, it is silent. Children-virgin can convey or grieved.

Child-Virgo does not give parents with almost no concern

Baby Virgo loves to solve riddles logic tasks, play checkers and chess. He is typical of her needlework, because he is very happily and aims to result.

Often children-virgin grow closed children, incomprehensible even for parents, although they grew in gear and kindness.

Ideal profession for virgins

Virgo - cold Mind Peopleand accurate calculations, planning and systematization.

They are stubborn in achieving their goal, and inherent caution makes it even more successful in affairs

Since the virgin workaholiki, then and, and suitable the same professions!

Many devs occupy a leadership position or the position of a leading specialist. Among them are a lot of successful entrepreneurs. Thanks to the calculationthey are well mastered the professions of the accountant, economist, financier, tax inspector. There are virgin among teachers, professors.

They have proven themselves in the specialties where the analysis is required, observation. Inborn accuracy, accuracy and reliability gives them the opportunity to implement themselves in the field of medicine, psychology, programming.

Choosing a profession for virgins is extremely importantFor them it is the key to a successful future.

Virgo often occupy a leadership position

Symbols for the Virgin

The symbol of the Virgin is sickness signwhich cuts off the sheaf of ripened non-sections, which characterizes the main features of this sign of the zodiac: clarity, logic, reality, the ability to classify and share the result.

Tree and flower mascots for Virgin

Representatives of this sign patronize such fruit culturesas: apricot, grapes, apple tree and plum. As well as pine, lump, fir and oak. From the rocks of these trees is made by charm and talismans.

For the manufacture of flower talisman, such flowers are suitable: Gerbera, Astra, Fatsia and Aucuba Japanese, Rose, Hyacinth, Carnation, Philodendron, Monster, SzindapSus, Drazen, Victims.

Colors of virgins

Colors carrying worship happiness and good luck, it is green, brown, yellow (earth colors). Advise representatives of this sign choose muffled, natural tones And avoid bright palette.

Apple Talisman Virgin

Talisman, metal for Virgo

For the manufacture of a talisman for the Virgin, such metals are suitable as tin and copper. For protection, it is necessary to simply wear a piece of metal with you, hidden from prying eyes. If you combine these two metal, then their magic properties will increase.

Characteristic of a person born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo.

The secrets of happiness of the virgin

Your mark is by no means the sign of the greatest lover in the world. Your attitude to love and marriage is very weighted and traditional - with preference for amenities and safety of quiet home happiness Great passion that knocks all from the legs. In such a position, there is not too much romanticism, although you have excellent qualities - loyalty and resistance. This power of unshakable can serve you a great service much later, on a long distance. You will have durable and long, although not too rich relationships with a marriage partner. Look for this constancy and similar aspirations. A neat and clean home and a round bank can have very important for you.

Your tendency to concern is bordered by neurotic, although you deliberately bring victims for the sake of family and at home. Often, family disagreements may be caused by sexual problems. One sex cannot serve as a cement of your relationship - you need special, mental ties. Born under this familiar sexual disorders are possible - attention should be paid to it. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult a psychotherapist.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign of Virgo

Symbol: Virgo.

The ruling planet of the Virgin: Mercury.

Sign: Ground-changing-negative.

Criticism sign, secretary.

The nature of a typical "virgin": very intelligible, accurate and methodical, expressive, with developed ability Recognition, analytical, sincere, reasonable, mentally susceptible.

Positive qualities of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo: Methodology, mental susceptibility, accuracy and reasonableness, expressiveness, analyticality, insight.

Negative qualities of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo: Excessive tendency to criticism, excessive accuracy and rigor, cheepingleness over measures and search for flaws in other people, the undeveloped feeling of compassion, pickiness and weldability, stability.

The identity of the virgin

You are very careful and methodical, capable of careful planning and diligent execution of your plans; With your scrupulousness, you sometimes remind your computer.

We note and extremely meticulous attention to the details, often encouraging you to such sharp criticism that it may even hurt people. Your feature is an exacerbated insight and remarkable analysis ability.

Your sign - Virgo - gives you love for cleanliness. Cleanity is your passion, along with love for order, punctuality and accuracy. You are careful, careful and prudent. Your planet, Mercury, indicates both the mind and the ability of self-expression. Your sign is an earthen mark, which makes you practical and reliable, analytical and literally landed in many sides of your life. You also love gardening.

As a rule, in concerns about their health, the "Virgin" people tend to reach extremes, almost to the hypochondria. Sometimes you may cover unreasonable anxiety. You are really one of the diligent workers of this world - you are distinguished by forming hardworking. Even your sign is a sign of great performance, modest disinterested ministry and help of near. In fact, you are experiencing real pleasure from work and "not in its plate" in its absence.

Your attitude to sex is quite restrained - here you follow your ideal of cleanliness. No matter how hard it sounds, sometimes it can border the disease, becoming a kind of perversion. You are critical and analytical - disseminate even the most close to you and place them under your microscope; Often it makes you not too pleasant partner in life. You can also be stupid, although usually spend money with the mind.

Virgo as a friend

Here, "Virgo" is at the height, very reliable and constant, is always ready to help and full of practical proposals. "Once after becoming a friend - became another forever" - here is the right motto of your life. Your sign is a sign of ministry and life for the benefit of society. You hate tearing relationships with people.

Virgo as father

You tend to be unnecessarily critical and somewhat intolerable. Praise and promotion you only mean in the most meager doses. You may seem somewhat cold and alienated, not particularly gentle to your children. However, having many lessons even in moments of leisure, you serve them an excellent example in their extra-training hours, involving them in active and fruitful activities. However, as a rule, you can easily communicate and interact with your children.

Virgo as a mother

"Virgo" is unusually scrupulous in care for its children, contains them in immaculate clean and perfectly dressed up. As her children grow, she increasingly considers the motherhood of severe wear - endless work in the house. You should have a more rational and carefree attitude towards the homework and raising children, avoiding excessive criticality and not becoming so difficult in everyday life. Learn more often to give yourself a necessary respite.

View for decades

If you were born between August 24 and September 2 (first decade), then all your activities and actions are managed by Mercury, a lot of contributing to the completeness and accuracy of your work, giving you acute intelligence and hand dexterity. You are more sociable and friendly than other "Virgo", successfully act in the field of pedagogy, good in public speeches and when interacting with people.

If your birth was for the period between 3 and 13 of September (the second decade), then the Planet Saturn is ruled. You are very practical and persistent, although you can be stubborn and wayward, sometimes go too far in your decisiveness. You are very diligent and conscious in work and especially successfully act after thirty years. You may have a weak intestine and you can feed the tendency to melancholy. For you, money is very much mean - you are even able to turn into a pitiful scary.

If you were born between September 14 and 23 (the third decade), then your ruler is Venus, and you get both pleasure and benefit from art. You have a refinement and a sense of excellent and more impermanent than the other "Virgin". Do not become a pedant and do not expect too much from your life satellite.

About Double Nature People - For Changes Born on Days

If you were born in the period 21-4 August, then the date of your birth came at the time of the transition of Lion / Virgo.

Complex and confusing character; Conservative, critical, however, capable of successful cooperation. Your native brothers are great loyalty and nobility. You can not show too much warmth, but you are a true friend. Your asset is your intelligence, your deep feelings soften and revitalize it, thereby making you a more pleasant and cute human being. Therefore, do not hide your true face. A good actor, a wonderful organizer, a wonderful researcher - this is what I see you. Legislation, statistics, aviation, psychology, sports can also become an attractive activity for you. In the field of health, care is important about the stomach, intestines, heart, back, spine. The most important years There will be 1, 4-5, 10, 13-14, 19, 22-23, 28, 31- 32, 37, 40-41, 46, 49-50, 55, 58-59, 64, 67-68, 73 , 76-77, 82, 85-86, 91.

Your circle is children and animals. Yes, there is a certain contradiction, branching in your character, behavior, manner of thinking. You would like to like and put pressure, podium and criticize at the same time. It is not always possible and, therefore, you may have problems. In this case, it is very often good appearance, charm, arrogance, harmony and rudeness, going hand in hand with each other; Less often meet the ability to judge or evaluate, be a writer and criticism, lawyer or judge, a diplomat or a dancer, a psychologist and amellist, an artist and an accountant. Happy colors for you should be blue, orange and yellow. Health care may require special attention back and stomach.

Weak points of the body - kidneys, urinary tract, colon, intestines, solar plexus, genitals, feet; Possible rash.

The most important years: 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41-42, 50-51, 59-60, 68-69, 77-78, 86-87. Physical activity is urged.

Know what is successful for you:

Lucky number Virgo: 5, 14, 23, 32, 50, 41, 59 (series five).

- Happy color of the Virgin: white, orange, yellow, gray.

- Happy Virgin Day: Wednesday.

- Happy Flowers and Grass Virgin: None - Pink or Red; All is purple and blue, for example, violet, bellyness.

- Happy Maiden Stones: Topaz, Marble.

- Mascotman Virgin: Key, Owl, Bamboo, Snake.

Devs patronize Mercury. This short-legged God, the envoy of Zeus, was a focus of energy, both physical and mental, which is clearly manifested in the nature of the virgins. They are in constant movement, manage to do a lot. Born under this sign beautiful interlocutors and use their sharp mind on complete power. But high level Intellect may cause skepticism. Virgo can tamper their worst impulses, exposing them to carefully analyzing.

Element of virgin

Virgo - earth signAnd therefore most girls are solid people. Virgin can enjoy material benefits, although for them it is rather a desire to surround yourself necessary things. Born under the sign of the Virgin is extremely sensitive. But they can be restless, although they try to suppress these impulses. Virgin is extremely concerned about a healthy lifestyle. They are clean and tidy. Reliable and practical.

On temperament and virgin nature - One of the most complex and in-depth signs of the zodiac. They are smart, efficient, reliable and can do whatever, and they can be both mediocre and bore and the greatest thinker.

Virgo is a sign of impurity. But such a symbolism should not be perceived literally. It is better to say so: the virgins have adopted at their symbol such qualities as modesty and humanity.

Virgo - people quiet, prefer privacy. But they are by no means dreamers, they do not have any illusions. Just by nature they are loners, the secular life is not for them. And this is despite the fact that they are very attractive.

Many of them remain bachelors and old devices, but at the same time they are quite capable of finding married happiness and become devoted husbands and wives. However, neither men nor women love love never blunt her eyes: they always see the shortcomings of their partner. Virgin, as a rule, critics, and their criticism is always argued.

Mostly they are pleasant, helpful and attentive. Of these, good nurses can get.

They are always all right - and things and things. Exceptionally clean, they take a shower several times a day and carefully follow their clothes, although they dress a little conservative.

They do not like lazy people, do not like desets, do not cross the face of decency. Contact them - their instinct. They hate dirt, vulgarity and laziness. When faced with the manifestations of stupidity, ignorance and negligence, become irritable, nervous and grumpy.

They cannot sit for a long time in one place, they begin to worry and transplanted from the chair on the chair. But this nervous state rarely affects others. Virgo retains external calm. Strong spiritual experiences rush inside, which negatively affects health and can lead to disorder of digestion and nervous system.