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Growing hops for decorative purposes in your own dacha: care, varieties, features. When to Harvest Hops? How to grow hops

There is no person who has not tried the intoxicating drink beer. But many people think that growing is expensive and not feasible on small ones. But if desired, this vine is easy to grow at home for both brewing and medical purposes. Let's figure out how to plant hops on.

Perennial description

Hops belong to the Hemp family. Its inflorescences resemble small spruce cones, but only Green colour... In fact, the fruit of the hop is. During the period when the perennial does not bloom, it looks like.

Its branches also curl, and the leaves are divided into several oblong parts, serrated at the edges. Sometimes its leaves are simple, do not separate. Hops used to belong to the same family as mulberries, that is, to the Mulberries.

But in the second half of the 20th century, in the course of a number of studies, they were excluded from there. There are two types of hops in nature. One of them grows in Japan and is called climbing hops.
It is used only as a vine, because it is annual and does not form inflorescences. The second type is ordinary hops, which includes varieties that are regularly used in production.

Common hops are what beer is usually made from. It is this species that forms those very pineal female inflorescences. In the scales of "cones" you can find the substance lupulin, a small amount of which causes poisoning of the human body.

But if we touch on the topic of brewing, then in the process of processing hops, lupulin breaks down into derivatives - lupulone and humulin. In this form, the substance cannot harm a person. also has male inflorescences in the form of panicles.

Common hop grows in all corners the globe... However, the homeland is not known.
Common hops have a powerful root system, which is located in the upper layer of the earth (up to 1 meter deep). Wherein main root goes into the ground to a depth of 4 meters.

Choosing a place for growing

Liana develops healthy in partial shade, and scorching sun can weaken her and she will be exposed. Many people say that it is best to plant hops on the south side to protect them from the northerly winds, but this is a misconception.

Did you know? The beer has a golden or dark hue thanks to lupulin.

In fact, because of their powerful shoots, hops are not afraid of the wind. They should be in the chosen place: most often they are single-plane with a visor. You can also make them yourself.


Make sure that the water does not stagnate. It is also not desirable to have groundwater, which should be located no higher than 2 meters from the top layer of the soil.

Proper planting of hops

With proper care and correct fit common hops will yield a generous harvest. You need soil before planting. Or a hoe will help with this. A garden rake is also useful to loosen the remaining large clods of soil.

All garbage is removed from the site: branches, other grass. The process is carried out two weeks before planting the hops. Then the soil is fertilized or. Usually half of the fertilizer is applied before the soil is loosened.

The rest is applied three to four weeks after loosening the site. Pits for seedlings or cuttings are made at a distance of 1 meter from each other. The depth of each of them is 10 cm. If it is a cutting, then it is completely covered with earth.

The timing of the first shoots depends on the material used. For example, in seedlings, they are 7-11 days, and in cuttings - up to 2 weeks.

Do not forget that the seedlings must be guided along the wire on the trellis carefully and within a few days. Thus, you will help, and then it will independently begin to wind around the support clockwise.

Plant care

Growing hops at home is a time consuming process that is influenced by smallest details... susceptible to many pests and diseases.

Therefore, sanitary pruning is carried out: basal leaves are removed from the shoots (1 meter along the shoots). Such pruning is carried out after 3-4 months of active growth. After landing, you can carry out.


Intoxicating lianas are responsive to abundant. It is important to provide the plant with moist soil. Make sure the water does not stagnate. Enough once a day in summer. Watering can be done less frequently after harvest.

Growing hops at home obliges you to provide full feeding in caring for it. It is held as standard for everyone: in autumn and spring.
In the rainy season - in the fall, it is important to apply a sufficient amount of compost, and in early spring- fertilize the soil with potassium-phosphorus or mineral additives.

Did you know? Hops for beer began to be used later than the direct production of the drink began. Now beer cannot be imagined without this element, which, by the way, was added for the sake of increasing the shelf life. Hops are a natural preservative.

Weeding and soil care

Weeding is carried out neatly due to the close location of most of the roots. Usually the soil is removed and a little loosened - so it is saturated with oxygen, and the shoots become stronger. This should be done infrequently, but as needed.

Many have seen what the plant cones themselves look like, but few know exactly what a hop plantation looks like. Since the plant does not have a vine, but powerful shoots, a strong and high support is needed. Places of mass cultivation, for example, are like vineyards.
But the fact is that hop shoots can be up to 10 meters in length. Therefore, the support must be strong. Summer residents make it on their own.

It is possible to make a support on the south side of your house. To do this, it will be enough to lower the string from the roof and fix it to the ground.

How hops are propagated

Planting hops is a protracted process, but shoots emerge quickly. There are several ways of reproduction: seeds, cuttings, seedlings. Usually planted in May, because the growing season of a representative of the Hemp family lasts 120 days. It is important that during the planting period there is dry weather and the temperature is above + 10-12 ° C.

Important! For hop shoots, trellises are required at least 7 meters in height.

Hop seeds are very small. The weight of 1000 pieces is only 4 grams. The seed sowing procedure is standard, as for all plants. Only in this case, the seeds are usually not carried out, because the shoots of the plant are removed for the winter.

However, sift into the soil the right amount seeds, water and cover tightly. When young shoots begin to appear, open and maintain the room temperature at + 20-24 ° C.

The fashion for green hedges is always relevant. Lianas are often used, for example hops. It is grown to decorate an inconspicuous fence, to make an arch more spectacular, to braid the pillars, turning them into trees. In a short period of time, the lashes will wrap any support - a gardener's dream for a bold and fantastic composition. Shoot length reaches 12 m. Life activity - up to 30 years.

Planting hops in April. Flowering begins in July, and begins fruiting in August. Hop fruits are cones, they hang down unusually and outwardly look like New Year's tree decorations. Harvested when fully ripe, when they become yellow color and half open. At this time, a wonderful aroma emanates from the liana, for which many gardeners have this liana in their favorites.

Disadvantages of hops on site

Despite the temptation to grow hops in your garden, think a hundred times. This is the option when "Once you hit, you can't kick it out":

  • the roots grow rapidly, trying to capture the entire area. Do not be surprised that over time, vine shoots will appear on the flower bed in the place where it was not planned;
  • in time, uncircumcised shoots begin to entwine "neighbors", including fruit trees and shrubs;
  • hops in a humid environment and shade attract aphids, weevils, nematodes and spider mite... Liana becomes a breeding ground for disease;
  • absorbs everything nutrients soil, there is an active depletion and oppression of the growth of other crops. After hops, fertilizing with a complex mineral fertilizer and humus;
  • gives self-seeding, from which.

Landing - confident and without hesitation

If all fears are not terrible and are ready to keep the hops under control, then go ahead to planting!

The best place for this will be the perimeter of the site, where the soil is not so sorry and so far will not interfere with anyone. Prefers slightly acidic pH, with deep groundwater.

Saplings and cuttings

Hops are planted in the spring when the weather is stable. Make a groove or separate planting holes. The distance between the seedlings is kept 1 m. A support is installed near each specimen, along which the whips will go up.


At the beginning of April, fill the seedling box with soil mixed with humus. Spread out the seeds and sprinkle with earth on top with a layer of no more than 0.5 cm.Cover with transparent film or glass and place in warm place(22 ° C). Water occasionally and open to ventilate to remove condensation. When the leaves appear, the shelter is removed.

Transplanted into open ground in early May, when the period of return frosts has passed. When transplanting, an earthen lump is left. The distance between plants is kept 0.5-1 m, depending on the desired density of landscaping.

Liana care

As soon as the hop grows, take a closer look at the shoots, remove the weak ones immediately. In the first 2 years, organic matter is introduced, watered regularly, especially in the first half of summer and formed. Further, fertilizers are applied every 3-4 years.

In order to avoid the raid of pests, plantings are sprayed with infusion or wormwood is planted in the aisles. When a white bloom appears on the leaves, they are treated with fungicides.

Hop control

So that the vine does not turn your site into a jungle, its growth must be restrained, namely:

  • plant hops in metal barrels, without a bottom, the height of which is not less than 1 m, so that the roots cannot crawl to the sides and give growth;
  • collect cones, falling to the ground, they will begin to give new shoots;
  • trim the lashes regularly, giving the desired shape to the composition. Don't let the vine expand its boundaries;
  • in autumn, cut all stems at a height of 15-20 cm from the soil surface and burn to destroy pests and diseases.

Collecting cones

Harvesting fruits for maximum benefits should be at full ripeness. They can be used to make pillows and mattresses with a massage and soothing effect. Dried specimens are added to bread and drinks.

When the buds reach full maturity, they become dense, dry, and when pressed, the trace quickly disappears. The color changes from bright green to yellowish. Stickiness appears and aroma is enhanced.

The cones are collected individually, leaving the stalks. The easiest way is to cut off the largest ones first, then the smaller ones, thus sorting. Fold loosely, do not seal.

On its basis, they make a world-famous alcoholic drink, which is actively used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. But this is not the whole spectrum of its application, because hops are also an ornamental garden plant, very cute and unpretentious. This liana able to create excellent hedge in one season, while growing well in partial shade and resistant to all kinds of natural surprises.

Hop breeding methods there are several: hops are propagated by root shoots, cuttings and seeds. The simplest of them is the undergrowth, which appears in abundance in the spring. If you can't get it or a hop stalk, then you should try to grow the coveted vine from seeds. It is worth noting that one type of hop, Japanese hop, is annual plant and growing it from seeds is the most optimal way reproduction.

Planted hop for seedlings around April. For planting, choose a fertile soil, acquiring it in the garden center or mixing a share of garden land with equal shares of leaf and humus substrate. The seeds are buried in the ground by 0.5 cm. It is advisable to create greenhouse conditions for the seedlings by covering the containers with the planted seeds with film or glass. The temperature favorable for seed germination is 20 - 23 ° C.

The crops are watered and wait for the shoots to appear, which begin to appear a week after planting. From this period, the shelter from the containers is removed for a couple of hours a day, and when the first real leaf appears at the seedlings, it is removed completely. The entire period of development, seedlings must be kept in a well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight.

When the seedlings reach a height of 4 - 5 cm, they must be dived, that is, planted in separate containers. Carefully, along with a lump of earth, the plants are transplanted into individual pots, in which they will grow until they are planted in a permanent place. It is very convenient to use peat pots for planting, in which plants are planted in an open priming... Their indisputable advantage lies in the fact that during the subsequent transplantation, the seedlings are not injured. root system, and plants adapt faster to new conditions.

Like most garden plants, hop seedlings are planted in open ground only after stable warm weather has been established. In the future, hops will endure frosty winters, but it is better to protect young plants from sub-zero temperature... The hop-growing area can be either sunny or semi-shaded. The soil prefers fertile, therefore, even before planting, it is advisable to add to the soil organic fertilizers: manure or compost.

Planted seedlings must be watered regularly. Hops - moisture-loving plant, and with a lack of moisture, it will not look so impressive. In the first half of summer, this vine grows very quickly, and when the shoots reach a height of about half a meter, they need to be provided with support.

To achieve the greatest decorative effect of hops, it is necessary to use fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out mainly in the first half of summer, when the plant develops most actively. Hops are very responsive to foliar feeding, in connection with which it is recommended to regularly sprinkle the leaves with a solution of zinc sulfate (0.02%) and a solution boric acid(0.05%). It is also recommended to feed with complex mineral fertilizers twice a month.

When autumn frosts come in the first year, it is recommended to cover the perennial hops with foliage or spruce branches to protect them from frost. Adult plants are frost-hardy enough and do not need such protection. With the onset of frost, the aerial part of the plant dies off, and with the onset of spring, many young shoots begin to grow rapidly from the ground.

It should be noted that in regions where more warm climate, it is practiced planting seeds directly in open ground. This procedure is carried out in May in the same way as when planting seedlings. In this case, the soil should be fine and as homogeneous as possible. It is recommended to add a little humus to it to increase the nutritional value and sand so that the substrate is well permeable to moisture.

Crops are also covered for the first time to protect against temperature extremes. When the seedlings grow a little, it must be thinned out, leaving only strong and healthy seedlings. Further transplantation should be carried out in such a way that the distance between the plants is about half a meter.

Hop- one of best options fast vertical gardening. This plant can grow to a height of 6 m in a season, and its fruits in the form of small green cones look great against the background of a thick curtain of carved leaves.

With all the advantages and benefits of hops as an important component in different areas application, do not forget that the vine is also wonderful decoration garden. It can be used to create huge green hedges and vertical landing of a different kind, because the hop shoots reach a height of more than 10 meters. Fast growing climbing plant perfectly tolerates cold winter, and its fruits in the form of decorative knobs give it a kind of unique look.

Distinguish between two perennial species hops grown in the garden, namely the common Japanese climbing and climbing. The difference between these types is only in the fact that the first is able to curl along the support, and the second can cover vertical walls, creating a solid decorative curtain... Depending on the area that needs to be quickly landscaped, you can choose exactly the plant that suits these characteristics.

An annual type of Kunashir hop, used exclusively in decorative purposes... None useful properties does not possess. Its shoots grow just as quickly, decorative inflorescences have an attractive shape.

Reproduction and cultivation of hops from seeds

There are several methods of reproduction, among which the most popular and not laborious is the separation of the shoots from the rhizome, which allows you to quickly grow required amount plants.
The rather laborious and lengthy process of growing hops from seeds is usually preferred by experienced gardeners.

Ripe seeds are harvested in September. In April they are sown for seedlings. It is best to use the most fertile and loose soil. It must be placed in a greenhouse container. Spread the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and sprinkle them with a layer of earth no more than 2 cm thick. temperature regime not lower than 23 ° C and maintaining a constant humidity contributes to the emergence of quick shoots.

For the entire period of growing seedlings at home, she needs to provide enough good lighting... But at the same time, direct sunlight negatively affects the young leaves of the sprouts, so provide bright, but diffused light.

Seedlings dive, after the appearance of 3-4 true leaves. Divide the plants carefully, try not to disturb the root system too much, and place them in a separate pot along with the clod. It is possible to plant young vines in open ground only when the threat of night frosts has passed.


Before planting in a permanent place, natural fertilizers should be applied in the form of manure or. Hops prefer fertile soil, where they will develop faster and look more decorative. Since this plant is moisture-loving, do not forget about regular watering. If you do not provide the necessary soil moisture, then the stems will have sparsely located leaves and will lose their attractiveness.

After disembarking, it is necessary to install a support along which the vine will curl. Shaded and sunny areas will be equally good for growing hops. A hardened plant tolerates the sun's rays much better than young plants.

When freezing occurs, the vines planted in the ground in the current season should be slightly insulated with spruce branches. Adult specimens do not need this procedure. It is worth noting that all the leaves and shoots of hops die off for the winter. Only the root system remains, which, with the onset of heat, begins to actively develop and release numerous fast-growing shoots.


Almost all of us instantly associate the common hop plant with the epithet "intoxicated", but it is used not so much by brewers as by masters of poetry. Intoxicating aromas turn the heads of lovers, evoke philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, touch, delight, conquer, bewitch, enchant. But in fact, that very ordinary hop has almost no smell, and it appearance also does not differ in special charm, although there is some kind of zest in it. Photo: Common hop (Humulus lupulus)

origin of name

Common hops grow in the wild, and carefully cultivated wherever it is not too hot. You can even meet him at North Africa... Where did the name "hop" come from, no one can say for sure, they only assume that it is either Slavic, or Chuvash, or German, or someone else. Each of these peoples has a word that sounds like "hop" and denotes some of it characteristic feature... For example, for the Germans it is "hummeln", that is, "groping, feeling", as if crawling and wrapping around everything that comes in the way, and in Latin it is "humus", which means "earth", a plant creeping along the ground ... In Russia, ordinary hop is found everywhere, with the exception of regions with a very harsh climate. We call this plant differently - a hop flower, a beer flower, wild grapes, a gorky, a beer cone.

Botanical description plants

Common hops can be characterized as extremely tenacious, creeping, coiling, very tenacious. This plant has interesting feature- in the fall, its entire aboveground part dies off, and in the spring from overwintered rhizomes new shoots develop with fantastic speed, stretching over 6-7 meters in length. These herbaceous vines grow literally before our eyes and in a month are able to climb several meters up the supports, braid a fence or a gazebo. Moreover, it wraps around supports and barriers only clockwise. The stems themselves are hollow inside, tetrahedral. The rhizome is also long, and also creeping, only underground. Common hop is attractive for its rich green leaves, a bit like grape leaves and creating thick curtains. Interestingly, the lower leaves have three or five lobes, and the upper ones, slightly smaller in size, are solid, similar to hearts.
Not everyone knows that the cones, thanks to which common hops are so appreciated, are female flowers, more precisely, cone-shaped inflorescences. The flowers themselves are hidden under the scales. They, as expected, have a pistil, with the help of which all plants form fruit ovaries.
In addition, nature has endowed these unusual flowers with special glands, which contain the substance lupulin, which has the richest chemical composition, thanks to which common hops are used in medicine and brewing. But the male flowers of the plant are completely inconspicuous, similar to small green panicles, but they cope with their role to pollinate the female and form fruits perfectly. Common hop belongs to the group of dioecious plants (male and female), that is, to get fruit, they must be planted side by side. Hops bloom in the second half of summer, closer to August, and its small fruit-nuts ripen in about a month.

Quite a bit of history

Despite its modest beauty, common hop has long been in honor of many peoples. Most of all, people were impressed by the extraordinary endurance and vitality of the plant, its rapid growth and the ability in spring, as it were, to rise from the dead. Thanks to this, even in the days of paganism, ordinary hops became a symbol of fertility, prosperity, stamina and vitality, and later they added flexibility, wisdom, and the ability to seal the union. Therefore, in the old days, the newlyweds were showered with hop cones, and huts were decorated with branches on holidays and weekdays, the girls woven them into wreaths.

Photo: Common hops, liana leaves

The first historical mention of hops dates back to the reign of Prince Vladimir. The oath at the conclusion of his peace with the Bulgarians says that if suddenly it is broken, the hop will drown, and the stone will float.
In that era, our ancestors had a very bright ritual deity Yarilo, that is, a symbol of fertility. It turns out that ordinary hops were often present with this Yarilo in the same company, he was even called Yar-Khmel. With his participation, of course ritual, our glorious ancestors organized festivities in honor of harvested, sang songs until morning, danced around the fires. They had a belief that a guy or a girl, whom Yar-Khmel looked at, would surely fall in love. The hops were also honored by the players who were not afraid to risk their fortune. They firmly believed that a plant symbolizing well-being and prosperity would certainly help them enrich themselves. And ordinary hops "saved" honest people from the intrigues of witches, ghouls and other evil spirits, therefore, hop cones were always worn in the pockets of clothes, in boots and bast shoes, and of course, they were hung at front door.

But as the main component of beer, our ancestors did not use hops - they did not know that he was an assistant in this matter. In general, the ancient Slavs drank little (according to historical data), they used hoppy drinks mainly on holidays, so they did not see anything shameful in glorifying a plant that was intoxicating the head. Later, when these almost fabulous traditions were violated and they began to drink a lot, ordinary hops fell into the category of plants given to people by devilish forces. I must say that the ancient Romans and even the wise Greeks who preferred grape wine, and the role of an unworthy drink to beer, was biased towards hops. The Bible also mentions hops as an unseemly plant, because, at the instigation of the insidious serpent, it helped to water Noah and destroy his ark. But the ancient Jews, on the contrary, it was thanks to beer on hops that they escaped from a terrible sore - leprosy, which was once a real punishment of the Lord.

Hops and beer

Be that as it may, ordinary hops, having lost their importance in Russia as an accomplice in fertility and a protector from evil spirits, gained new recognition as a component of the beverage, beloved by many, - beer. They cooked it in Russia, as they say, even during the reign of Tsar Pea, but they did not know how to preserve it for a long time. That is, it was only a seasonal drink. Only when it occurred to ancient brewers to add common hops to beer recipes did things go well. Now this plant is widely used in brewing. It turns out there are many varieties of hops. The type, strength, taste and aroma of beer depends on which one is used in the recipes. So, there are Alpha hops, Aroma hops, Bitter hops and others. It is added both to the hot wort and to the cold wort, which also affects the quality of the final product. Now they have already learned how to make extracts and compressed concentrated tablets from hops, which are increasingly used in breweries, gradually replacing the original raw material - hop cones.

Photo: Common hops, female cone-shaped inflorescences

Hops in landscape design

Gardeners and summer residents use ordinary hops not for making beer, but for decorating their plots. This amazing and energetically light plant is capable of extravagantly decorating a gazebo, braiding a fence, covering an unseemly place, for example, a barn or a garbage dump. The only inconvenience that he can deliver is that in the fall he will have to remove his dried vines in order to provide a place for new ones that have hatched from the ground in the spring.

Common hops, planting and care

Anyone who is going to start a hop, you need to get acquainted with the simple rules of caring for it. Appropriate place it is not difficult for him to find. It can be partial shade or a bright corner, but the sun should not fry there all day. Soil for hops is loamy, neutral, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic. Of course, common hops grows better on fertile soils. He loves moisture very much, so watering is necessary for him, but it is impossible to pour hops too much, since an excess of moisture can become destructive for him. The elements of caring for a plant include the construction of supports for it, if it is planted away from those, weeding and fertilization. As a rule, ordinary hops do not deliver any special difficulties. Planting and caring for him is within the power of even those who do not understand gardening at all. This plant is so unpretentious that it can grow without leaving at all. In addition, it is quite frost-resistant. Its rhizomes tolerate winters well with temperatures down to -30 degrees. The only difficulty for green hop lovers is super overgrowth of its rhizomes. To prevent the plant from turning into a malicious weed, you need to make a barrier in the ground for its roots with the help of improvised materials (pieces of slate, bricks, etc.).


Photo: Common hop, fragment of creeping rhizome

Unpretentious, discreet handsome ordinary hop, planting and caring for which are so simple, and does not cause difficulties in reproduction. This is more often done in vegetative ways. It is most rational to use fragments of rhizomes with living healthy buds, and they are separated without digging the mother plant out of the ground. In the spring, as soon as the plant wakes up, and the first shoots appear from the ground, with a shovel, but carefully, they isolate small pieces and plant them in a chosen place.
You can also propagate common hops by rhizome cuttings, which are harvested before the start of sap flow. The rhizome is dug up, divided into fragments with living buds and planted again, where they found a place. Anyone who wants to can grow these cuttings on a separate bed, and in the fall move them to permanent residence. By the way, hops live for about 30 years.
A very simple way to propagate ordinary hops by layering. Planting and leaving in this case I have the following technology: the selected liana is tilted to the ground somewhere in the middle of summer, pinned and sprinkled with the same soil. In this position, the structure is left until spring, when it will be necessary to dig out the resulting new rhizome and plant it in a chosen place.

There are cases when you can only propagate hops by seeds, for example, when you want to grow unusual variety, or when large plantations are planted at the same time. The seed method of reproduction is also simple, but it is better to start it in a greenhouse or in a house. For this, containers (boxes, bowls, whoever has what) are filled with prepared soil, watered. For seedlings, care is the most common, like for any flower. The grown plants are transferred to open ground and looked after, as well as adult hops. Ordinary hops will start to please with their fast growth in the second year, and bumps will appear on it in a couple of years. Not a very convenient feature of growing by the seed method is that as a result, you can get too many male plants, that is, be left without bumps. To overcome this situation, experienced hop growers plant hop seedlings closer to each other, and then remove the extra sterile plants.

How to properly plant ordinary hops in open ground

In order for young seedlings to develop faster (seedlings grown from seeds, or fragments of rhizomes) in the fall, where the place is chosen for hops, they dig holes up to 50 cm deep.They are half filled with rotted organic matter (best with manure), add earth on top and leave everything it's until spring. During planting, the seedling is placed in ready-made holes, covered with soil, tamped, watered. If there is no difference, male or female plants are needed, and also, when the "sex" of the seedling is already known, they should be placed at a distance of about a meter from each other, and the row spacing should be maintained about 3 meters. If you plan to break through the seedlings, you can make holes more often.

Photo: Common hop perfectly disguises fences and creates a hedge itself

Diseases and pests

Common hops withstands weather conditions, but suffers from some pests. Aphids, nematodes and other leaf-gnawing trifles, which are best dealt with with insecticides, are especially annoying to him.
Unfortunately, common hops are also susceptible to plant diseases. It:
- powdery mildew;
- downy mildew;
-the withering of hops is verticillous;
-root rot;
-bacterial cancer;
- mosaics (hop, chlorotic, arabis);
All this fungal diseases... They develop under favorable weather conditions for fungal spores, improper cultivation of hops, vegetative propagation methods (many fungi, such as root rot, cancer, fusarium enter the plant through wounds on the rhizome) and lead to a decrease in yield, and bacterial cancer and root rot can kill the entire plant.
You can understand that ordinary hops are sick by the spots on the leaves, white bloom(at powdery mildew), wilting of shoots, their weakening, other external modifications unusual for hops. Fight diseases appropriately chemicals, plus strictly follow all the rules for caring for the plant.

Photo: Common hops at the time of flowering, female plant


Breeders do not ignore ordinary hops. Thanks to their efforts, about a hundred interesting varieties with green, red and red-green vines. The red varieties are considered the best. Their advantage is the early ripening of the crop, but the disadvantage is that their buds open very quickly and lose lupulin. Green varieties are late maturing and easier to harvest, but the lupulin in their buds has a less subtle flavor and lower quality. Both red and green varieties are regional and selective.
Here are just a few of them:
"Brewer"... This variety belongs to the medium in terms of growing season. It will delight with lush greenery for about 4 months. "Pivovar" copes well with frosts in the growth phase and frosts in the resting phase, with drought and with prolonged torrential rains, is resistant to many diseases. Its yield is average, but the cones have a refined aroma, for which this variety is used with pleasure in brewing. The leaves of "Pivovar" are again medium in size, slightly wavy, but if this variety is planted for the purpose of braiding obstacles, it will not form a very lush crown-crown.
"Triumph"... This variety is equally good for creating landscape designs, and for the production of delicious beer. His buds are medium in size and contain alpha acid.
The following varieties are also popular: Gaidamatsky ", "Alta"(alpha acid in it up to 12%, which is much more than other hops), "Slav", "Clone-18"(alpha acids only up to 4%), "Zagrava", "Promin".
The value of each variety is determined by yield, cone uniformity, ripening, cone structure, lupulin content, color and aroma. Varieties in which cones are formed unevenly, ripen poorly, have a small amount of lupulin, spotting and multiple traces of pests are considered less valuable.