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A hedge in a dacha (44 photos) is a beautiful and practical solution for a site: types and order of planting. Fast-growing perennial hedge in the country

In most of Russia, the climatic conditions for gardening are not the best. Nature presents many unexpected surprises.

Therefore, gardeners who decide to make a hedge with their own hands should carefully select plants. They must be unpretentious and cold-resistant.

There are many such plants. This different varieties trees, shrubs and climbing plants. You just need to choose them wisely, taking into account what kind of green fence you have to make.

If you live in middle lane Russia should not rely on plants such as oriental thujas and cypresses, Korean and balsam fir. In this region they do not take root well: they can only winter under a thick snow cushion. It is better to use evergreen plants adapted to the local climate for hedges. They will not only decorate the area and purify the air, but will also hold back snow and wind.


It can be a dwarf Canadian spruce or gray spruce, a tall or dwarf species of prickly spruce. And common spruce of different heights or one and a half meter Serbian spruce, the needles of which are distinguished by shiny dark green needles with two bluish stripes.


This is one of the most popular and numerous representatives coniferous plants. They will look very good in a hedge most unpretentious species juniper: Virginia, horizontal, Chinese, Cossack and ordinary.


Fir is not a city dweller; smoke damage harms its development. Only outside the city does it take root well and delight with its noble beauty. For the middle zone, types such as whole-leaf, single-color, and balsamic are suitable.


In gardening, cold-resistant and unpretentious species of this plant are most often used. Scotch, mountain and Weymouth pine are truly decorative.

Cypress pea

An evergreen plant with species of the most different forms, sizes, colors. It withstands winter troubles well. From the genus of cypresses it stands out for its unpretentiousness.


Champion among evergreens in terms of frost resistance and endurance. It will feel good in a living fence located in a shady corner. Species such as berry and Canadian yew have proven themselves especially well in central Russia.


From the large family of this culture, it is worth paying attention to the western thuja. Will withstand any vagaries of the Russian winter. This species is rich in forms and varieties. You can choose a dwarf western thuja, which will grow to only 60 cm (variety Danica) or its opposite - a 15-meter giantess with a spiral crown (Spiralis).

Plants for deciduous hedges

They differ from evergreens in that their decorative effect is not year-round, but only while the foliage is alive. Many deciduous plants bloom beautifully, are honey plants, and are used in folk medicine, bear fruit.

These are the most famous shrubs and trees: acacias, chokeberry, euonymus, elderberry, hawthorn, cherry, elms, hydrangea, derain, honeysuckle, willow, viburnum, cotoneaster, maple, lilac, currant, jasmine mock orange.

Fast growing shrubs

Of these crops, the most impatient hedges are created. Although it cannot be said that they are losing in some way, because many plants grow quickly - both evergreen and deciduous. In addition, each of them is beautiful in its own way and can withstand negative atmospheric influences.

  1. Deciduous Thunberg barberry is a plant whose shoots - purple-red, yellow - stand out in bright spots against a green background. One of the most favorite plants for garden construction In the countryside.
  2. Euonymus. Both in summer and autumn it amazes with the multicolored foliage: from white to purple. The leaves will fly around - the bush is still beautiful, hung with bright berries.
  3. Privet. Trimming this bush is a real pleasure; any fantasy can be realized, you can get either a smooth green wall or any shape. The only drawback: it is afraid of frost, so in the middle zone it requires shelter for the winter.
  4. Cotoneaster. Flowers have a modest appearance, but they are not its main decoration. The decorative effect of the shrub is given by a lush crown of shiny dark leaves, which gradually acquire a purple color by autumn. Added to this splendor are the red spots of the berries, which remain on the branches until severe frosts. When pruned, cotoneaster can easily be given any shape that does not lose its outline for a long time.
  5. Hawthorn. It attracts attention both during spring flowering and in summer, when ripening fruits acquire yellow, orange, and red colors. In autumn it shows itself in all its glory bright foliage. An indispensable plant for fast-growing hedges in the Moscow region and other regions of the middle zone.
  6. Forsythia. Also very decorative. It is usually planted when creating dense green fences. Its flowers look beautiful against the backdrop of dense, lush foliage.
  7. Boxwood. It is not afraid of moderate frosts, but can die from winter wind or spring sun rays. If you treat it with care, it grows quite quickly, a bright green outfit - all year round. Can also be used in trimmed hedges.
  8. Yew. This evergreen shrub has dense but not prickly needles. Depending on the species or variety, it can grow in the form of a regular bush or ball, candle, cone, or creeping. Very convenient for cutting.
  9. Thuja. Evergreen fast-growing shrub. Gardeners love it for its dense crown, clear shape and pleasant aroma. For a hedge, you should choose western thuja, which does not need special care and withstands cold weather.

Plants for living fences of different heights

The single-tier height of a hedge is usually dictated by saving space on the site. This means that it will require trees whose branches grow from the very base of the trunk. These are poplars, lindens, maples.

If the gardener does not face such a problem, it is better to create a multi-tiered green fence that will well cover the area on the windy side. It will turn out that, selected by height, trees and shrubs will not cover each other, but will be beautifully combined in color and alternately bloom and bear fruit.

1. The highest row can be occupied by linden, elm, poplar, ash, maple, buckthorn, willow, and rowan.

Trees such as white or blood-red derain, common and Amur barberry, buckthorn, narrow-leaved and silver oleaster, spiked and smooth serviceberry, chokeberry, hazel, Tatar honeysuckle, mock orange, chokeberry, Hungarian and common lilac, maple will grow up to three meters Ginnala and Tatar.

2. For hedges with a height of 1.2 to 2 meters, gray and wrinkled roses, brilliant cotoneaster, Russian broom, willow spirea, Thunberg barberry, alpine and golden currant, blanket and alpine honeysuckle.

With plants of this height, well adapted to the local climate, you can mark the border with your neighbors and divide your plot into separate zones.

3. Even lower fences - from one meter to 1.2 m, will be created by the following shrubs: low-growing species of Thunberg barberry and mock orange, Bessey and ferruginous cherry, steppe almond, Japanese and three-lobed spirea.

4. If you are planning a border fence half a meter high, you need to plant dwarf caragana (varieties Pygmaea and Nana), Thunberg barberry (Aurea, Atropurpurea Nana, Green Carpet), Japanese spirea (Golden Princess and Little Princess), mock orange (Gnome and Dwarf) , as well as lingonberries.

Formed plantings

Clipped plantings look especially impressive. They are compact, neat, and retain their given shape for a long time. And after a few years an impassable hedge. To get this result, you need to choose the right plantings that will retain their shape and easily recover after cutting.

All these qualities are found in linden, brilliant cotoneaster, hawthorn,

honeysuckle varieties Alberta, Alpine, Tatar, blanket. They are also possessed by honeysuckle, white derain, alpine and golden currants, barberry, maple - Tatarian and Ginnala, poplar - Canadian and Berlin, and purple-leaved willow.

Coniferous trees can also be formed. For a trimmed hedge there will be good choice common spruce, European larch and two types of thuja - Smaragd and Brabant. Larch is especially impressive after pruning - it is good both in its green state and after the needles have fallen.

Plants for prickly fences

A hedge of plants with thorns is a real “locked border”. Dense thickets are difficult to overcome not only for humans, but even for domestic animals.

Mixed hedges

It is preferable to install these types of combined green fences in spacious areas. Plants with different terms flowering, fruiting, with different leaf colors.

A hedge made up of two species that have different heights. In this case, a low-growing shrub will cover the bare branches of tall plants with its foliage.

IN mixed plantings Such varieties of lilac as Amur, Hungarian and drooping lilacs are successfully combined with tall species of mock orange jasmine, viburnum (Gordovina and Boule de neige), and forsythia.

Climbing (climbing) plants

Perhaps the most decorative. "Convolvuli" have long shoots, beautiful leaves and luxurious flowers. Tendrils and hooks help them rise quite high, while forming a continuous carpet of greenery and flowers. The flowering of many climbing plants is long and abundant.

It is especially valuable that the full decorative effect is achieved much faster than with other garden crops. In addition, they make the gardener’s work easier without the need for special preparation for winter.

Perennial climbing plants

They are the ones who are the most best material for a living fence.

1. Climbing rose. For a green fence, you should choose only winter-hardy varieties that do not need shelter, otherwise the owners will have to deal with the annual hassle of preparing the bushes for winter.

These plants are good because they bloom for a long time, and some varieties bloom many times. Colors include white, red, yellow, pink and maroon.

2. Honeysuckle honeysuckle. A plant famous for its wonderful aroma. It is able to withstand severe cold without shelter, so it can not be removed from its supports for the winter. Grows well in elevated areas, in moderately moist soil.

3. Clematis. Belongs to the ranunculaceae family. The most popular is purple clematis. Its vines reach two meters in length, the flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter.

4. Campsis. A beautiful deciduous vine with aerial sucker roots and bright scarlet or orange tubular flowers.

5. Wisteria. A rather capricious climbing plant native to the southern regions. White, pink or blue flowers are collected in hanging clusters.

6. Calistegia. Birch is similar to wild bindweed, but its flowers are larger.

7. Common ivy. Although the plant belongs to the evergreens, in the middle zone it does not always survive the winter safely and needs shelter or a thick snow cushion.

8. Maiden (wild) grapes. An excellent climbing plant for building a hedge. It grows wherever it is planted, in any soil. It is especially beautiful in autumn, when the leaves turn purple and the inedible fruits turn dark blue. Does not require shelter for the winter.

Flowering plants

The sight of a flowering hedge is itself a charm. Tall shrubs, showered with flowers, emitting a fragrance - this is not the dream of any amateur gardener.

The following plants are suitable for forming a picturesque fence:

  • Syrian hibiscus. A two-meter shrub that blooms from July to September. Flowers come in a wide variety of colors.
  • Hydrangea. A shrub up to one and a half meters high, continuous flowering lasts for several months. Mostly the flowers are white, but if you plant large leaf hydrangea, it will give flowers of amazing colors - pink, blue, red or lilac.
  • Japanese spirea. Reaches a height of one and a half meters. It remains in bloom all summer. Looks great framed with pink or purple flowers.
  • Fragrant mock orange. Three-meter bushes bloom from late spring to early summer. The flowers are white, with a strong spicy aroma.
  • Multi-flowered rose. Can grow up to 4 meters. Blooms in early June and blooms until mid-summer. An interesting property: the flowers change color: at first they are white-pink, then pure white.
  • Deytsia. The height of the bush is from two to five meters. Blooms with the onset of summer heat. The flowers are white and do not emit a scent.
  • Tatarian honeysuckle. Also blooms in early summer. Flower color is white or pink. Produces inedible orange or red fruits.
  • Common rose hip. Height - up to one and a half meters. Flowering continues all summer. The fruits ripen by mid-autumn.
  • Barberry Juliana. Height - up to 2.5 meters, covered with yellow flowers in the first summer month. Produces black or red fruits.

We hope that our article helped you understand popular plants for creating a hedge.

A worthy alternative to heavy concrete and metal fences today is a much more environmentally friendly hedge, which perfectly copes with all the functions of a fence and at the same time serves as a decoration for the site. Let's consider how you can make a perennial fast-growing hedge yourself: what type of evergreen plants is best to use and how to properly care for them.

The main advantage of using green spaces instead of traditional fences is their appearance. Lush greens It will certainly be pleasing to the eye, and at the same time protect your area from dust from the road. Moreover, the bushes will actively produce oxygen, which is also an important argument in favor of this choice.

Here are some more benefits of hedges:

  • fencing made of shrubs does an excellent job of camouflaging, thanks to its fairly high density;
  • during the period of flower pollination, the hedge serves as a bait for beneficial insects;
  • to create a full-fledged hedge from fast growing plants you won't have to wait too long;
  • thorny bushes for hedges allow you to create impenetrable fences for humans and animals;
  • quite a large variety of existing perennials garden shrubs, blooming all summer. Photos and names contained in the catalogs allow you to choose an option that will decorate the site throughout the warm season.

It is important to understand that the care of such a fence will be quite specific due to the fact that the plants require care: cutting, fertilizing, and sometimes watering. However, if you consider that a traditional fence also requires attention and periodically you will have to paint and repair it, we can say that the effort and time required are almost the same.

Do-it-yourself hedge at the dacha: what plants can be used

Many different plants are used to create a hedge. Sometimes you can find options that use small trees. The choice largely depends on your financial capabilities, as well as individual preferences. Let's consider two main groups into which all plants used for this purpose are divided.

Coniferous plants. Due to their ability to always remain green, these bushes are very popular among those who want to make a hedge. It is important to note here that only decorative varieties are suitable for this purpose. It is also worth taking into account the growing characteristics of each species: some conifers grow better in shaded conditions, while other species prefer sunny places.

Helpful advice! It is not recommended to plant coniferous plants if your site is dominated by clay soil or groundwater located close to the surface. In addition, it is worth maintaining a certain distance between the bushes: 25-55 cm.

The second group of plants – deciduous – offers much greater diversity. Due to their high growth rate, already in the first year after planting they will reach a sufficient height to fully serve as a hedge.

In the process of caring for a fence made of deciduous plants, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • green spaces of this type can develop in completely different ways, so during the growth process it is worth paying attention to their formation;
  • if you use climbing plants, then you should take care that your own and neighbors’ beds do not suffer from them;
  • you can plant fruit-bearing varieties of shrubs or trees;
  • planting bushes with thorns and thorns can provide you with additional protection from strangers entering the area.

When making a choice, it is worth taking into account many available factors, including climate, soil type and topography of the site. It is also better to ask in advance how the plants you choose get along with each other.

Trees and shrubs for hedges: photos and names of fast-growing plants

In order to make the right choice, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with all existing options. It is enough to get a general idea of ​​the requirements of a particular plant, and you can easily determine the most suitable one.

We will mainly consider those options that are relevant in the Moscow region. The fast-growing hedge plants on this list are quite capable of surviving in the local climate.

Barberry: planting and caring for shrubs

It is preferable to plant barberry bushes in the spring, but in rare cases it is also possible autumn planting. A barberry hedge is extremely unpretentious and requires minimal care. Not afraid of wind and drafts. The only undesirable factor for barberry is the increased acidity of the soil.

The instructions for caring for barberry bushes are universal for absolutely all varieties and types. During normal times, the plant does not require additional watering, but during periods of excessive heat or drought, you can moisten the soil once a week. It is important to try to avoid getting water on the leaves.

Excessive precipitation is much more dangerous for barberry bushes than drought. This is due to their ability to accumulate water and rot. For this reason, it is recommended to regularly get rid of growing weeds and loosen the soil.

You can start pruning a year after planting the bushes, removing weak and dry branches. This procedure has both formative and sanitary significance, so it must be carried out.

Periwinkles are classified as herbaceous plants with erect shoots or creeping subshrubs. They have many different colors (most often blue, but pink, purple, and white inflorescences are also found) and bloom in spring.

There are no difficulties in growing or caring for them. Planting periwinkle in open ground can be done at almost any time of the year: in spring, late autumn and even on cloudy summer days. The plant is not too sensitive to external factors and takes root well both in sunny and shaded areas.

Additional watering is not required for periwinkle, unless you take into account periods of prolonged drought, which occur infrequently. The rest of the time, flowers are quite capable of taking care of themselves. Weeds are also not a problem for them, so weeding can only be done according to at will. It is important to trim the plant after a long flowering period has ended to help it renew itself and form.

Euonymus: planting and caring for a hedge

Euonymus is whole family plants, which includes both shrubs and trees. Bushes are often used to create hedges. Their main difference and advantage is the unusually beautiful coloring of the leaves, which can combine red, orange, yellow, white and purple shades.

Euonymus belongs to the category of fruit-bearing plants, but its fruits cannot be eaten due to the presence of toxic substances. However, as a decoration autumn garden its fruits look simply incomparable.

Caring for shrubs involves regular pruning and removal of dry damaged branches. By forming a fence, euonymus allows you to create not only even borders, but also give it a wide variety of geometric shapes. The plant does not require additional watering, but during frosts at a young age may be sensitive. Therefore, it is better to cover newly planted bushes in case of frost.

Privet: a hedge made from this plant

Privet is one of the most popular fast-growing shrubs for hedges. This unpretentious plant, which easily takes root in shaded areas. In addition, it copes well with drought. The only thing that can become an obstacle to full growth is excessive dryness of sandy soils or their increased acidity.

Regarding the period that is best suited for transplanting privet, opinions are divided. Some argue that it is best to do this in the spring, before the new cycle begins and the buds open. Others believe that it is more reliable to transplant in early or mid-autumn.

The main principle on which watering privet is based is a rare but plentiful supply of moisture to the soil. With the exception of particularly dry periods of summer, natural precipitation is sufficient for this plant, so there is no need for additional watering.

It is also worth buying privet because it is ideal for mastering the technique of topiary trimming of bushes, since it can easily hide all the inaccuracies and shortcomings, very quickly producing new shoots.

Helpful advice! As soon as the bush planted in the ground takes root, it is necessary to trim the top so that it is denser and does not grow too much upward.

Hawthorn for hedges: buy seedlings or grow yourself

Not everyone knows about the possibility of creating a hedge using hawthorn bushes. For this purpose, certain varieties are used that are able to survive in fairly harsh climatic conditions and have a fairly dense crown that can be formed.

This plant prefers open sunny meadows, as there is a deficiency natural light may cause the bush to not bloom. However, hawthorn is quite frost-resistant. Its stems are covered with thorns, and after flowering, a period of fruiting begins, characterized by the appearance of orange or reddish fruits.

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Photos with plant names will help you navigate the huge variety of flowers and make the right choice for your site.

The best time to plant hawthorn bushes is spring. It is during this period that it is best to carry out everything excavation. But here it is important to understand that hawthorn is not a fast-growing plant and therefore the period for growing a full-fledged hedge can reach 10 years.

You need to start pruning and shaping from the fourth year of the plant’s life, and then regularly maintain its shape. This can be done at any time of the year, depending on the need. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary pruner.

Spruce: a hedge of conifers

The popularity of spruce hedges is explained by several factors, the main one of which is the ability of this tree to always remain green. Unlike deciduous bushes and trees, which fall off in the fall, spruce trees can hide your site from prying eyes at any time of the year.

Other advantages of this solution include:

  • coniferous trees have a very positive effect on the environment, helping to clean the air and neutralizing unpleasant odors;
  • such a fence serves reliable protection both from dust and snow in the cold season;
  • coniferous plants are quite resistant to various kinds of diseases;
  • Trimming and shaping fir trees should not be done too often. This is due to the rather slow growth rate.

Despite all these advantages, it is worth noting that spruce, like many other conifers, prefer a humid climate. They don't respond too well to increased dryness soil.

Honeysuckle is one of the varieties of honeysuckle, which belongs to the “liana” type. Its height can reach 6 m, and the color of the shoots can vary from green to red. The flowering period of this plant is late spring and early summer.

Note! Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits are poisonous and unsafe to eat.

If you want your honeysuckle hedge to bloom actively, it is better to choose an open one for it. sunny place. The spring months are best for planting. In order for the plant vines to form a complete fence, it is necessary to install special supports.

Neutral acidic soil is best suited for honeysuckle. This plant does not like soil with a high clay content or excessively dry soil. At the same time, quite high resistance to frost is noted.

Caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle involves removing weeds, regular and abundant watering, as well as pruning and shaping.

Willow: a weeping tree hedge

A natural willow fence is one of the most simple options that you can find. It's connected with unique ability this tree can take root even from twigs. That is, in order to create a full-fledged hedge, you do not need to plant traditional seedlings with an already formed root system. It is enough just to stick a willow twig into the moist soil and soon it will sprout on its own.

Once the twigs have sprouted and become established, your main task will be to monitor the formation and, if necessary, limit the growth of the trees. Another property of these plants is their extremely high growth rate, which, on the one hand, allows you to create a full-fledged hedge in as soon as possible, and on the other hand, it requires constant attention and control.

Helpful advice! In order to make a living fence more reliable, it is quite acceptable to use wire that is attached to the vertical supports of the fence. Thanks to the greenery, it will be hidden, but will prevent unwanted guests from entering the site.

Campsis grandiflora: planting and care

Popularly, Kampsis has several other names, for example, tecoma or trumpet flower. The plant belongs to the category of tree-like perennial deciduous vines and in some cases can reach 15 m in length. During the growth process, young shoots twine around support pillars in a spiral, and then, becoming stiff over time, retain their shape.

The long flowering period of this plant is also pleasing - from June to September. Almost all summer you can enjoy scarlet or bright orange inflorescences, consisting of individual flowers that are shaped like small gramophones.

Warmth and plenty of sunlight are considered favorable for the growth of campsis. And although the plant can survive in almost any soil, a slightly acidic or neutral environment is considered the most favorable for it. In this case, flowering will be more abundant.

Campsis vines grow very quickly, so pruning should absolutely not be neglected. The growth of the fence must be constantly monitored by trimming and guiding the vines. In addition, it is recommended to remove old branches to make room for new ones that are more suitable for flowering.

Cotoneaster brilliant: photo of a hedge

The most important thing that gardeners who decide to use shiny cotoneaster for a hedge should understand is that this plant is not at all the same as an ordinary cotoneaster. And this type definitely won’t be able to provide you with edible berries. Looking through the photo of the brilliant cotoneaster, you can see how beautiful such a fence looks.

The cotoneaster itself is a bush, which is formed by erect stems tightly spaced together. Maximum height The height that this shrub can reach is 2 meters, but you will have to buy brilliant cotoneaster in the form of seedlings. At the same time, its crown is very thick and fluffy.

You need to take care of the brilliant cotoneaster regularly. This includes watering, loosening the soil and mandatory trimming of bushes. Although it is worth noting that as the bushes take root and grow, they require less and less attention. So, over time, you can stop watering, except during periods of severe drought.

You can carry out sanitary pruning, designed to remove all unnecessary and old branches, at any time, regardless of the time of year. This must be done both for the purpose of forming and rejuvenating the bushes. The main formative pruning is carried out mainly in the spring, before the first buds appear.

Helpful advice! In progress spring pruning It is recommended to eliminate one third of the growth to ensure the plant has the opportunity to fully grow, while maintaining the desired shape of the hedge.

Lawson's cypress: a green fence made from a coniferous plant

Lawson's cypress can confidently be called one of the most beautiful coniferous plants that are used to create hedges. If you pay due attention to choosing a planting site, you will not have any difficulties with its cultivation in the future.

The ideal location for this cypress tree can be considered a clearing located close to a permanent source of water. These plants love moisture very much and constantly need it. In addition, it is highly desirable that the landing site is also protected from strong winds.

In summer, each tree requires daily watering at the rate of 8-10 liters. In addition, you can additionally spray the crown with water. You need to fertilize the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers at least once a month.

Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, simultaneously removing all dried branches and controlling growth. At the same time, you can also fertilize to support the plant.

Cupressioparis Leyland: an evergreen hedge of trees

Leyland's cupressociparis is an evergreen plant that consists of trees whose height can reach 20 m. The crown of these trees is dense and has a symmetrical shape with shoots hanging down. The plant can grow 1.5 m per year, so it is classified as a fast-growing plant.

Kupressociparis lives quite calmly in the shade and has few requirements for external conditions. If we talk about the most favorable environment for it, then it prefers moderate humidity and soil saturated with minerals. As for acidity, this indicator is not particularly important. During the dry season, young trees need periodic watering, but the rest of the time natural precipitation is sufficient for them.

Helpful advice! Trees can be planted in open ground only after their root system is sufficiently well developed. Until this point, they must be kept in special containers.

In search of fast-growing bushes for hedges, many people pay attention to a plant such as cherry laurel. Most of its species grow rather slowly, but cherry laurel is an exception and is therefore used by gardeners quite often.

Separately, it is worth noting the beauty of the flowers of this plant. Long (up to 12 cm) inflorescences consist of a large number of small flowers and give the hedge a decorative and aesthetic appearance.

Cherry laurel perfectly withstands any difficulties, including severe frosts. It is quite shade-tolerant, but requires moisture. If the soil is too dry for a long period, the plant will stop blooming and bearing fruit and will grow worse.

A fast-growing cherry laurel hedge requires pruning and shaping twice a year. The first time this must be done is at the end of next summer after planting the seedlings.

Holly: photo, planting and caring for the bush

Holly is a shrub that has dark green foliage with a glossy surface. Its leaves are prickly, which allows you to create an almost impenetrable fence, the height of which can reach several meters. The plant is unpretentious and can fully grow and develop both in conditions of sufficient sunlight and in partial shade.

A hedge of holly bushes takes 4-5 years to form, provided that sufficiently developed plants have been planted in the soil. At the same time, during the planting process, it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 60 cm between the bushes to give them the opportunity to grow.

Planting can be done twice a year: in autumn (October-November) or spring (April). But pruning is recommended to be done in mid-summer (best at the end of July).

Balsam fir: care features

Balsam fir is a plant that prefers to grow in shaded areas. Shade or partial shade is good for it. Also, its development will be positively affected by the close location of the reservoir. This is due to the fact that fir loves wet and rich in microelements well-drained soil. At the same time, stagnation of water in the soil is not acceptable for this plant.

To disembark at open ground use seedlings that are at least 4 years old. It is best to plant in April, but you should choose a cloudy day for this. Preparation must begin in advance by digging holes suitable size two weeks before disembarkation.

Despite the fact that fir is quite resistant to frost, sudden changes temperatures can cause frostbite on the tree trunk. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches during periods of severe frost. Of course, this applies more to young plants.

Helpful advice! It is important to remember that the fir root system is quite shallow, so strong winds can damage the plant. During the planting process, it is better to select places where the trees will be protected from strong gusts.

Garden ivy: photo of a hedge and nuances of cultivation

Garden ivy is one of the most unpretentious plants you can find to create a hedge. Planting and growing it will not cause any trouble to the owners. The plant grows well in both shade and sun. However, he does not tolerate it very well high humidity and severe frosts, so it is advisable to cover the plant for the winter.

The landing site is selected from following criteria: absence of drafts and strong winds, mostly elevated. At first, ivy grows quite slowly, adapting and getting used to new conditions. Therefore, it is best to disembark in early spring so that during the summer months the plant has the opportunity to gain strength.

Garden ivy does not require frequent watering. Even during periods of drought, 1-2 times a week will be enough. Closer to autumn or during periods of natural precipitation, it is worth abandoning this too.

Helpful advice! To maintain the health of the plant's root system, it is recommended to loosen the soil immediately after rains to prevent the formation of dense areas that will not allow moisture and oxygen to freely penetrate to the roots.

Boxwood: planting and caring for hedges in the garden

Boxwood - incredible beautiful bush, which allows you to create unique hedges in garden plots. At the same time, this plant has requirements, compliance with which will allow you to grow healthy and beautiful bushes. So, the most suitable soil is considered to be one with moderate humidity and a sandy or loamy composition. Boxwood reacts poorly to increased soil acidity.

The development of the root system is also adversely affected by increased level groundwater. As for the plant’s love for direct sunlight, we can definitely say that boxwood prefers shaded areas, although when creating a hedge, it can be difficult to meet this condition.

Boxwood should be planted in the spring. For this purpose, you need to prepare trenches, the depth of which will be twice the size of the root system of the seedling. During the planting process, pay attention to the condition of the root system, as well as the crowns of the plants.

Thuja Brabant – ornamental plant, which cannot be called whimsical, but at the same time it requires compliance with a number of conditions for planting and maintenance in order to maintain functions. First of all, it is worth noting that this thuja does not tolerate shadows well. A lack of sunlight can cause the plant to lose its original bright green color.

At the same time, extreme heat is no less harmful. Perfect option– partial shade, when the plant is exposed to sunlight for part of the daylight hours and is hidden in the shade the rest of the time. This can be achieved by planting thuja on the western or eastern side of any building on the site.

Taking into account the peculiarity of the shape of these plants (wide crown and narrowing at the top), seedlings for hedges should be planted at a distance exceeding 50 cm from each other. So saving space in this case will not work.

Dry exhausted land cannot become a worthy basis for growing thuja, which in its own way decorative characteristics will be able to meet all the requirements, and most importantly, your expectations.

Thuja Smaragd: a hedge made from this plant

Having made a choice in favor of thuja for a hedge, it is worth considering another variety of this plant as an option. Thuja Smaragd can reach a height of 3-5 meters. At the same time, its girth will reach 2 m. Such serious dimensions of an adult plant should be taken into account in the process of planting seedlings, leaving a sufficient gap between them, even if in the end you want to get a dense green hedge.

The tree grows quite slowly and its annual growth does not exceed 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width. Thuja can live for 150 years. As for the conditions, the trees are quite unpretentious and can grow both in sunny areas and in shade.

Which thujas are best for a hedge - everyone decides for themselves, based on their appearance, as well as the conditions existing on the site. But one thing can be said with confidence - both a hedge made of thuja Brabant and a fence made of its brother Smaragd will be an excellent decoration for your site throughout the year.

Perennial fast-growing hedge: general tips

As can be seen from the list above, many plants are quite unpretentious and require owners to increased attention only at the stage of choosing a suitable location and landing. In the future, only periodic pruning will be required to maintain the fence in proper condition.

Buying shrubs for hedges is also quite simple. Garden centers or greenhouses that grow seedlings of shrubs and trees are best suited for this purpose.

What is the best way to make a hedge?

After reviewing the photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for your dacha, you will be able to evaluate which option is preferable for you. The choice should be made based on the following criteria:

  • available conditions for plant growth: type of soil, illumination of the site, climatic features, amount of precipitation, etc.;
  • the amount of time and attention you are willing to devote to maintaining your hedge. Different trees and bushes for hedges require different efforts from owners. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to this issue, it is better to give preference to a simpler option, which will allow you to get by with formative pruning once or twice a year;

  • aesthetic component - no less important aspect choice. Much depends on how you see the fencing of your site, whether you want an evergreen or deciduous plant, etc.

The choice of fast-growing plants for hedges is quite large, so choosing the right option for you will not be too difficult. The main thing is to consider as much as possible big photo with the names of perennial bushes for the garden, the pruning of which implies formation. And after you make a choice in favor of one option or another, read the detailed instructions on how to make a hedge with your own hands using one or another plant.

An important role in the design of any site, be it a summer house or a large estate, is played by fencing. can be an excellent alternative to traditional wooden or stone fence . The green fence will play not only a protective role, but also an aesthetic and health-improving one. The protective role consists in the standard hiding of the site and the house from prying eyes, the aesthetic one is also understandable - it will delight the owners and become part of landscape design

. But with health, everything is more interesting. Not only will the dust not pass through such a barrier, since most of it will remain on the foliage, but also much more oxygen will be released than under normal conditions. In addition to all the other advantages of a hedge in the country, the air with its help will be more saturated with beneficial essential oils

. True, this directly depends on what our fence will consist of. Therefore, let's figure out which plants are best to choose for a hedge on your site.

Plants and shrubs for hedges The ideal option, of course, would be oleander and similar trees. But, alas, it grows very slowly, just like all coniferous trees. We need a fast-growing hedge at the dacha

First of all, it is important to know that it is better to make a two-row green hedge. The first row should be given to low-growing shrubs. Plants such as rose hips, barberry, honeysuckle, black currant, sea buckthorn and others are suitable for this. It is necessary that representatives of the outer row tolerate pruning well. The second row can be represented by: lilac, yellow acacia, some conifers (if you manage to buy and plant seedlings at least 1.5 m tall) and other tall shrubs for hedges.

Stages of planting a hedge at the dacha

At the first stage, it is necessary to stretch and secure well a cord of medium thickness along the entire perimeter of the future green fence. You will need to deviate from this line by about 50 cm.

A little mineral fertilizer should be poured into the dug trench, but peat (humus or manure) should be poured in sufficient quantity. After this, you need to give the soil a drink and leave it for a while to absorb the moisture.

Now we proceed directly to planting the hedge. It is necessary to plant plants at a short distance, but not close to each other. It is best to make something like a chessboard: the bushes of the inner (second) row are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm, and between them and slightly in front - low growing shrub outer row.

  1. The hedge needs to be watered without allowing the plants to become thirsty. Remember to water your hedge especially during long hot periods.
  2. Feed hedge plants periodically (at the same time or before watering). After planting, it is advisable to prune the bushes heavily.
  3. The best time to install a fence is in mid-autumn. The plants will have time to strengthen before frost, and in the spring they will delight you with renewed greenery.
  4. Beautiful design You can start working on hedges in your dacha already next season: interweaving branches, giving any shape to shrubs.
  5. Don't forget to trim your hedges at least in the spring before the growing season begins. Because otherwise it will not be a garden decoration, but an ugly thicket that has suddenly grown around the perimeter of the house.
  6. To create a green fence, you can also use climbing plants. These can be all kinds of ivies and grapes, as well as creeping roses, wisteria and even hops.

In general, don’t be afraid to imagine and make the green hedge at your dacha lively and beautiful, then relaxation and even work on the site will bring only pleasure. In addition, in addition to standard hedge shapes, you can create real masterpieces from it by trimming it in a variety of shapes, similar to green topiary sculptures.


Practical advice and examples of hedges. Description of the shrubs and trees used to improve the landscape on your site.

A row of trees or shrubs planted along the border of the site is not just a fence, but also a decorative element.

The purpose of a fence is to mark the boundaries of a property, make it difficult to access, and provide isolation for the occupants of the home.

This can be a high wall made of stone, brick or wooden elements, an openwork fence made of metal mesh, twigs or... “hedge”.

A row of trees or shrubs has a major advantage over other types of fencing, since it is also an integral part of the green composition of the garden.

It is also worth realizing that not only those trees and shrubs that need to be shaped independently are suitable for a “hedge”.

There are many plants that only need to be planted to provide complete insulation.

Complete advantages.

A “hedge” performs all the functions of a good fence, in addition there are other advantages.

Trees and shrubs, even with fallen leaves, trap dirt and dust.

A thick “hedge” is a barrier to gusts of wind. In summer, it also limits the influx of hot air generated from the roadway heated by the sun.

The green screen reduces the noise level by dissipating and absorbing the acoustic wave.

A “hedge” is a decoration for a vegetable garden, and the sight of greenery has a calming effect on the human nervous system.

A dense wall of thorny plants is often a more serious barrier to an uninvited guest than a fence made of metal, brick or boards.

The “hedge” has only two disadvantages:

Unfortunately, you will have to wait for the planted trees and shrubs to grow and become a fence. In order to reduce the waiting time, you can plant a “hedge” on an earthen bank along the borders of the site.
The plants that make up such a hedge require systematic care: watering, fertilizing and cutting (this especially applies to front gardens that are being shaped).

Types of “hedges”.

Trees and shrubs suitable for creating a front garden must have the appropriate qualities: dense and abundant growth, numerous branches, as well as the ability to quickly form new shoots (required for hedges that undergo regular trimming).

Natural or formed.

Many types of trees and shrubs do not need to be trimmed to create an attractive hedge that effectively encloses an area. It will be enough to plant the plants more densely and select species whose natural height will correspond to the expected level of the “living” fence. For a low hedge (up to 1 m) that does not need to be cut, meadowsweet (Spiraea x bumalda Burv.), barberry (Berberis thunbergii) are suitable; for fencing medium height(1-2m) - eternal mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius L.), rough deutzia (Deutzia scabra Thunb.), viburnum-leaved bladderwort (Physocarpus opulifolius "Diabolo"); for tall (above 2m) - blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm), Canadian or white or gray spruce (Picea glauca Moench), common oak (Quercus robur Fastigiata).

It should be noted that plant growth is greatly influenced by the quality of soil and water. In order to obtain the expected height of the hedge, both natural and formed, the best conditions should be created for the plants.

Also important is the selection suitable friend friend of plants, that is, it is impossible, for example, to deliberately trim trees low, because you can form a hedge of the required height from shrubs.

For creating a low hedge that can be shaped, boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is very suitable; for a medium-height fence - hawthorn, cotoneaster, privet (Ligustrum) and barberry; for tall ones - hornbeam, plum, thuja.
Evergreen or with deciduous leaves.

The advantage of evergreen trees is that a fence made from them will decorate the site and provide good insulation all year round. However, the choice of tree varieties for this is not so great. Of the evergreen deciduous trees, only boxwood and purple pyrocanthus are mainly used, because the rest of the species from this group freeze in our climatic conditions. At the same time, coniferous trees tolerate winter well: juniper, thuja, yew, Canadian or common spruce. Just remember that evergreens and conifers are less resistant to air pollution than those that shed their leaves in the winter. If you still want to plant them on your site, then choose the hardiest one - thuja, black pine or European larch (original and unusual tree, which sheds its needles for the winter).

Trees and shrubs that shed their leaves in autumn grow faster than evergreens, and it is from them that a “hedge” will turn out faster. In addition, their appearance changes throughout the year, which should also be considered one of their advantages. First of all, due to the large selection, it is easy to find a breed that will meet all expectations, as well as local climatic conditions.

Blooming or prickly.

A “hedge” should not be a green monolith. It can be made from spectacular flowering and fruiting plants, such as jasmine, forsythia, tavula, quince, snowberry (Symphoricarpos Duhamel), cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) or purple pyrocanthus. Such front gardens look very impressive if you plant side by side plants that bloom in turn, or those whose leaves change color in the fall, as well as with species decorated with fruits.

For those who want to create a barrier to entry from a green hedge uninvited guests, other people's dogs or wild animals, deciduous trees and shrubs with thorns or thorns should be planted (for example, sea buckthorn, rose hips, hawthorn, barberry, blackthorn, purple pyrocanthus, honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)). Such plantings should be provided with plenty of space, because frequent trimming of these plants will deprive them of the thorns and thorns for which they were planted.

Planting a hedge.

Distance. The number of plants in a hedge depends mainly on the selected species, as well as on the planting method (in one or two rows). Most often, plants are planted in one row, but sometimes, to obtain dense thickets (mainly when creating thorny fences), planting is done in two rows. A common mistake is planting plants too densely. In this case, the plants develop incorrectly and “fight” among themselves for water, mineral salts and light.

In fences that do not need to be formed, as well as in high trimmed plantings, plants are usually located at a distance of 0.5 to 1 meter, with a hedge height of up to 1 m - 20-50 cm, and in low plantings - every 10 cm.

Landing. On a strip of land allocated for planting, you should first thoroughly weed and remove the weeds, and then dig a hole a little deeper than required by the plant’s root system. It will be good if you put a little compost or black soil at the bottom. Place the roots of the plant in the recess, cover them with soil and lightly trample them. The ground around the plantings should be covered with a 5 cm layer of humus to reduce the evaporation of water from the soil and limit the number of weeds.


Fertilizer. This is very important point, since the plants in the fence are planted frequently, and the soil quickly becomes “empty”. Mineral fertilizers It should not be used immediately after planting, but only after making sure that the crop has taken root (that is, when new shoots appear). Only half the recommended dose of fertilizer should be used and only from next spring the whole portion can be given (it is best to use manure consisting of many components). Fertilize should be 2-3 times a year, from May to July, or use long-acting manure, applied only once (in the spring).

Watering. It should always be done after fertilizing, in the intervals between rains. You need to water directly the soil around the plant. It is better to do this less often, but more abundantly, than more often, but little by little.

A haircut. Green hedges that do not require trimming also sometimes require such procedures. However, this is not necessary in order to rid the plants of their natural shape, but in order to thin them out (make them as dense as you need), and also to remove green shoots that have appeared in large quantities, dried out or tangled. You should cut your hair no more than once a year.

Plantings that need to be shaped independently should be trimmed regularly so that they become thick and take on the shape you need. The first pruning of trees and shrubs planted in spring or autumn that shed their leaves for the winter should be done after the end of frost, but before the growing season (late February, the latest date is the end of March). In subsequent years, the main period for shaping the hedges will be the end of June - the beginning of July. It is during this period that it will be necessary to remove at least half of the shoots that appeared this year. And only after the plants have reached the desired height, they should be cut regularly two, or even three times a year, leaving a few centimeters of previous growth each time. Shaping at the end of the growing season should be done especially carefully so that in a leafless state the shoots do not spoil the overall appearance of the plantings.

Fences made from coniferous trees do not need to be trimmed for the first few years (the only exception is European larch, which should be cut low in the first year). Then, when the plants approach the height you need, they should be cut once or, at most, twice a year. For the first time, such trees and shrubs should be shaped in the spring, before the first shoots appear, and the second time - in the summer, but no later than mid-August.

Hedges- one of best solutions fencing problems land plot and dividing it into functional areas. Trees, shrubs, and sometimes herbaceous perennials are used as planting material.

But a hedge is needed not only to protect against intrusion by strangers, it is also an element decoration plot.

With the help of hedges, you can drape an unsightly fence, hide outbuildings from the eyes of guests, enliven right corners of paths, separate a recreation area from a sports field or a play area from a vegetable garden.

A hedge can be given a geometrically finished look if it is made up of plants that tolerate pruning well. It can be planted in a single-row, double-row or multi-row planting (usually no more than five rows), depending on the required degree of protection of the site.

Tall hedges

For edging relatively large areas it is usually used tall hedges(3-4 m). The following plants are suitable for a tall hedge:

    Small-leaved elm,

    Berlin poplar,

    Tatarian maple,

    Siberian hawthorn,

    Golden honeysuckle,

    Small-leaved bush linden,

    Thuja occidentalis.

If you do not want to deal with shaping the crowns of shrubs and trees, then you need to opt for planting an unshaped hedge. The planting density in the rows of such a hedge is 0.5-1 m; between rows - 0.5-0.7 m. Tall unshaped hedge can be created from plants such as:

    Common lilac,

    Hungarian lilac,

    Siberian apple tree,

    Golden honeysuckle,

    Tatarian honeysuckle,

    Irga spicataflora,

    Irga Canadian,

    Viburnum common,

    Common mock orange.

It will add special pomp and solemnity to the site. high hedge of coniferous plants. A coniferous hedge provides good shade for solitary and group plantings of shrubs, exquisitely shaped trees, or flower beds and ridges on an emerald lawn field. The following coniferous plants are suitable:

    Thuja occidentalis,

    Yew berry,

    Juniper columnar,

    Juniper medium,

    Chinese juniper,

    Lawson's cypress,

    Cypress pea fruit,

    Canadian spruce,

    Prickly spruce,

    Common spruce.

Medium height hedges

To drape outbuildings or protect fruit trees from cold winds, planted middle hedge(up to 2 m tall).

If you want to further shape the hedge, then you need to choose plants that are easy to trim and remain attractive for a long time, these are:


    common barberry,

    Barberry purple,

    What plants can be used to create a hedge?

    A hedge is an elegant solution for any design project. It will not only protect the territory from uninvited guests and prying eyes, but will also become an excellent green fence from noise and dust.

    The fence can be built at any height; the parameters are selected depending on the purpose. For decorative fences used to delimit zones on a site, they are suitable small sizes fences up to 1 m high, and to protect the territory from external invasion - over 2 m.

    The purpose and purpose of a hedge

    Most often, green fencing is installed to improve the territory. Regardless of the size, the fence is always beautiful in both winter and summer. It fits perfectly into any landscape. Hedges can be trimmed to any geometric shape.

    If you select plants of the same species with different flowering periods, the blooming greenery will be pleasing to the eye. long time, and possibly the entire season.

    With proper planning and planting of greenery, the fence does not require additional financial investment. Green spaces reliably protect the area from wind and dust. They are often planted as a fence on the side of a road with active traffic flow. A thick green fence is a reliable impenetrable obstacle for animals and strangers.

    Types of green fences

    Living fences are formed from plants that can hold their shape for a long time. With the help of a haircut, they are given various geometric shapes and bizarre outlines. Plants can even grow wild; such plantings are either never trimmed or trimmed very rarely.

    Based on appearance and height, green fences can be divided into three categories:

    • up to 1 m high are intended for delimiting flower beds, lawns and garden paths, serviceberry, ovate-leaved privet, and currant are suitable for them;
    • 1-2 m high allow you to divide personal plot or a public garden into functional zones; thuja, hawthorn, yew, boxwood, juniper, and bird cherry are suitable for them;
    • 2 or more meters high are planted on the border of the territory as a continuous green wall for protection from outsiders; thuja, linden, willow, and elm are suitable for them.

    The green fence is formed in single row or in two rows. When laying a fence in two rows, plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern. Both shrubs and trees are suitable for such planting. Three-row hedges are less common. They are formed in steps from plants of different heights. The disadvantage of a three-row fence is the large size of the occupied area, but such a fence will best protect against unauthorized entry and prying eyes.

    About landing, further care and haircut you can learn from this article.

    How to form a hedge from spruce at your dacha with your own hands - read.

    What are the options and how to build a fence yourself from plastic bottles for the garden, you can read in.

    How to choose plants for a hedge?

    First of all, pay attention to the hardiness of plants: seedlings must be resistant to the local climate and frost. Plants for fencing are selected with a dense crown and decorative qualities. Shrubs and trees should recover easily from adverse conditions and careful pruning. Varieties with small foliage are suitable for forming a uniform surface. Hawthorn, turf, spirea and forsythia, and virgin grapes do not require pruning.

    You can form fences from plants of different types with different colors of flowers. They are selected in such a way that color shades over the entire size, the fences were located evenly, combining with each other. To improve the aesthetic appearance, greens with different flowering periods are selected, with preference given to varieties with long flowering.

    A fence is laid away from buildings. The distance from buildings to the living fence should be at least 2 m, between the permanent fence and the greenery - 0.5-1.5 m.

    The width of the fence trench is 40-50 cm, plus 50 cm for each additional row. Planting density per linear meter depends on the height of the plants. In low hedges the planting density is 5-7 plants, in medium hedges - 4-5, in high hedges - no more than two.

    Coniferous fence

    Evergreens delight us with their greenery at any time of the year. They are planted in a lighted area so that they do not shade other plantings. The distance between the conifers depends on their size and is approximately 20-50 cm. If the hedge is not trimmed, the distance is increased, it will be 30-70 cm.

    Most species need to be planted in only one row, otherwise in poor light Bottom part conifers are losing needles.

    Most conifers can be trimmed several times a year. The exception is spruce trees; they are pruned once. Other types are most often trimmed twice a year. You should not cut conifers in the second half of August, the new growth will not have time to grow stronger, and such branches may freeze. Pyramid types are trimmed only in cases of overgrowth, excessive height and baldness; they usually keep their shape well.

    There are several optimal and most commonly used plants.

    Thuja occidentalis Brabant- grows the fastest of all varieties. A three-year-old specimen has a height of 3-4 m with an annual growth of up to 30 cm. The needles are light green all year round. Prefers fertile soil and moisture, tolerates partial shade and pruning. Frost-resistant.

    - a long-lasting plant with dark green needles up to 25 m high. The annual growth of greenery is about 40 cm. The needles are blunt, arranged in the form of combs in the same plane. The crown is pyramidal, mature plants have a blunt apex. Does not tolerate drought and stagnant water. Prefers loam or fertile soil, frost-resistant.

    Yew berry Elegantisima has rigid branches located at an angle of 45°. The height of the bush is 3 m. Annual growth is up to 10 cm. The needles are glossy, soft, light yellow, and turn white by autumn. The fruits are red berries. High resistance to strong shade and frost. Prefers fertile soil and tolerates shearing well.

    Juniper horizontal Alpina Ideal for border hedges. Its height is about 40 cm. The needles are grayish-gray, turning brown by autumn. Does not tolerate heavy soils, requires high humidity, prefers sandy loam soil. Frost-resistant.

    Trees for living fencing

    Large-leaved and small-leaved linden suitable for forming alleys. They form hedges more than 3 m high. The crown is wide, the branches are slightly lowered down. The leaves are dark green and heart shaped. It blooms in mid-summer, emitting a strong aroma. It easily tolerates crown trimming and can grow in partial shade. Prefers a humid microclimate and is frost-resistant.

    Elm rough (mountain elm) has a high crown and rough leaves. Demanding on soil moisture and the presence of nutrients. Shade-tolerant, goes well with spruce trees. There are varieties with a weeping and rounded crown, as well as low-growing species.

    Choosing a bush

    Attracts landscapers with its appearance and low maintenance requirements. It is named so because the berries appear without fertilization by pollen. The shrub has dark green foliage in summer, which changes color from yellow-red to crimson in autumn. It tolerates frost well and is easily restored after cutting. The branches can grow up to 20 m, while freely weaving along vertical surfaces. Do not allow vines to penetrate under the roof or into gutters. Various varieties are suitable for hedges.

    cotoneaster has over 40 subspecies. There are deciduous and evergreen forms. The plant branches well and has dark green foliage. various shapes, which turns red in autumn. The fruits are bright red or black, not poisonous.

    Dogwood (dogwood) has a similar name to cotoneaster. Its berries are also edible. Unpretentious and high-yielding. The leaves are green and shiny, light on the inside. Over 50 varieties are used in landscaping.

    Rose hip attracts the attention of landscapers with its thorns. A rosehip fence is not only very beautiful, but also absolutely impenetrable. It is recommended to plant plants in two rows. The bush easily grows in different directions, so the hedge must be systematically trimmed to maintain the desired shape. Not demanding in care.

    Privet- shrub up to 3 m high. Has many decorative forms. The leaves are dark green and do not fall for a long time. There are varieties with yellow and bluish-silver leaves. Only young bushes require watering. Recommended for trellis fencing. It tolerates cutting well; privet is used to form figures of various shapes and sizes.

    attracts landscapers with a wide variety of flowering forms, which differ in the shape and color of the flowering brushes. It grows up to 8 m high, forming many trunks. Not demanding on conditions, but prefers open areas. The shrub can be shaped into a tree by constantly removing shoots. The leaves are heart shaped. Some species retain greenery on their shoots for a long time. Excellent for pruning.

    Other design options

    - an unpretentious plant with high decorative qualities. The crown is spherical and spreading, the branches hang down slightly. Leaves are corrugated. It tolerates shade, but its leaves fade. Tolerates urban conditions well, grows on various types soil. It needs careful pruning and crown formation, which has a good effect on the growth of branches and is winter-hardy.

    Irga does not require care, is winter-hardy. Grows in the form of a tree or shrub. Does not tolerate elevated groundwater levels. Resistant to city conditions and smoke. The fruits are edible and used in folk medicine. They ripen unevenly. Tolerates slight shading, looks optimal as a hedge up to 2 m high, it is recommended to limit the height.

    attracts attention beautiful flowers. Suitable for border hedges, requires a lot of space. Does not tolerate open sunlight well, preferring shade. It grows poorly in the sun and the flowers become crushed. The plant is moisture-loving; it is recommended to mulch the soil to retain moisture. It is recommended to cover well for the winter. The acidity of the soil affects the color of the flowers.

    Boxwood Suitable for warm regions with mild climates. It grows slowly, the hedge is evergreen. Excellent haircut, it is recommended to trim every 6 weeks. It can be grown in any soil and tolerates sun and shade equally. In cold regions it needs to be covered.

    The video discusses all the main types of hedges for a summer cottage, discusses their pros and cons, and features of planting and care:

    Ugly fences spoil the countryside landscape. Planting a hedge in your dacha will help to mark the boundaries of the site and not disturb the natural harmony. It's nice to relax, admiring not rotten boards or concrete plates, and on flowering shrub. Creating such a fence is even easier than building a permanent wall, and it will perform its function perfectly for many years.

    What types of living fences are there?

    Depending on the purpose and tastes of the owners, fences come in different types. If you need a fence to protect the area from livestock and people who want to pass directly through your territory, you need a tall, preferably thorny, bush with strong, tall trunks. Other herbaceous plants are also suitable for decorative screens and dividing the area into different zones.

    Plant fencing can be divided into categories according to different criteria:

    • high, medium and low;
    • evergreen and deciduous;
    • formed and freely growing;
    • solid and translucent;
    • single-tier and cascade;
    • homogeneous and mixed.

    Depending on which type you like best, you need to decide what to plant to create a living fence in your dacha. Not only shrubs, but also herbaceous perennials can be used as low borders: peonies, phlox,. Such borders will perfectly frame the paths and divide the flower garden into several parts.

    A labyrinth would be a good idea on the playground. For children, there is no need to plant tall bushes so that children do not get scared when they get lost on the paths. For teenagers, you can create a more serious puzzle with various branches and walls of tall plants. If you leave an empty area in the center, you can have small picnics there, set up a barbecue and relax with the whole family.

    Where to begin?

    You have received a new plot. Where to start mastering it? Of course, from the fence. The fence must be high enough, solid and strong. Immediately avoid plants with unusual, beautiful flowers and tasty fruits if you don’t want every passerby to take away a piece of the hedge with them.

    To design the boundaries of the territory, the following are suitable:

    • juniper;

    It is better to plant plants at the borders of the site that do not require pruning and can grow freely. At the same time, you need to remember that your plantings should not shade the territory of your neighbor; it is advisable not to purchase species whose height is more than 2 m. If you make a solid wall of fluffy Christmas trees on your northern border, in a few years they will grow into huge trees and block you from the southern sun half of the neighboring plot. IN conflict situation you may be forced to cut down trees.

    Perhaps the neighbors in the country have already installed ugly concrete structures and in your area you feel like you’re in a prison yard. The situation is easy to fix. In the first year, plant climbing plants along existing structures, which will quickly create a green screen:

    • bindweed;
    • decorative beans;
    • wild grapes;

    In the fall, you can replace annuals with long-lived shrubs. In this case, you no longer need to be afraid of garden thieves and you can plant roses and other attractive crops.

    Dividing the site into zones

    You have fenced off the territory, now you need to decide which zones you want to separate on your site. If the area is small, you can arrange living fences that serve as a screen and at the same time supply you with crops.

    Around the playground and rest areas you can plant:

    • grape;
    • currants;
    • raspberries;

    In spacious areas you can arrange a fancy cascading hedge. The back row consists of free-growing shrubs, the remaining tiers are formed at the request of the owners. Fences made from plants of the same species, but with different colors of leaves and flowers, look stylish. You can cut the rows evenly to create a clear step, or you can give them a wave or jagged shape.

    Low curbs provide enormous scope for imagination. Their task is not to close or protect the territory, they simply emphasize the boundaries. Such a fence does not require either thickness or strength. Small bushes trimmed in the form of balls, cones or animal figures will look impressive. Corners and edges can be marked with blue Christmas trees or other trees with unusual color foliage.

    Sometimes a fence is needed not for many years, but only for a couple of seasons - for example, to close the area on which you are building something. A rope stretched at a height of 2 m and climbing annuals will help you solve this problem:, decorative beans. Bricks, pits and other unsightly pictures are not visible behind the green wall, and when the work is finished, it will not be a pity to destroy the fence.

    Living lattices

    The decoration of the site can be trellis fence, reminiscent decorative grille. To make it, take a shrub with not very thin trunks: hawthorn, willow. Plant plants on minimum distance from each other. Prepare trellises in advance or wooden structures, on which the shoots will be attached.

    The first year, let the bushes grow freely, and in the fall, cut off all the shoots, leaving stumps no higher than 12 cm. After a year, leave strong shoots and intertwine them with each other at an angle of 45⁰. At the junction of the branches, cut off the bark and firmly fix the shoots. The result should be a grid of diamonds.

    The decorated fence is attached to trellises or a lattice frame. In the future, remove all shoots that do not grow in the plane of the screen, and trim the tops along an even line. The fence turns out to be narrow, takes up little space, and in terms of decorativeness it can compete with a lush multi-tiered structure. A living lattice will help hide both a concrete fence and an ugly building.

    Tree fence

    A hedge in a dacha can be made not only from shrubs, but also from trees. Such a wall will take a long time to grow, but its beauty and strength will justify the wait. Immediately after planting, the main trunk must be cut off, leaving about 15 cm in height. After this, the lateral branches will begin to develop intensively. In a few years, neither man nor animals will be able to get through the thick hedge.

    For planting, you need to choose trees that tolerate pruning well: maple, hornbeam. Poplar grows quickly, provides excellent protection from dust and noise, and can be trimmed, but this plant has very fragile branches. At strong wind a huge piece of wood can break off and damage crops or injure people. The second reason why it is undesirable to plant poplars on the site is great amount fluff.

    A fence made of coniferous trees is very beautiful, but over time it will reach too great a height, and you cannot shorten the tops of the trees. Such a wall can be built with north side plot if it borders a river or forest and the shadow will not bother anyone. If over the years the lower branches begin to dry out and die, you can grow a solid wall of bushes between the trunks.

    Purchase of seedlings

    For hedges, it is better to use plants that originally lived in your area and have adapted to the climate. If you build a fence at your dacha from capricious exotic bushes, they may develop unevenly, some specimens will get sick or die, and you won’t get a continuous beautiful fence. Unpretentious willow, lilac or hawthorn are much more reliable.

    For small areas, seedlings can be grown from cuttings. This option is suitable for low borders; already the next year after planting, the plants will reach the desired height. Grow your own planting material for a high fence at the dacha is possible only if you agree to wait several years.

    If you need to fence the perimeter, you need a lot of seedlings and they must be quite large. Choose bushes no older than 6 years. When purchasing, pay attention to the roots, make sure they are moist and healthy. The crown should be developed evenly in all directions.

    Dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide. If you want to make a cascading fence, increase the width by half a meter for each tier. Place sand on the bottom for drainage. Place the top fertile layer separately when digging; it will be used to backfill the roots.

    Plant trees at a distance of 1 m from each other, tall bushes can be placed every 0.7 m. The lower the plants, the denser the planting should be. Fill the trenches well with water and throw fertile soil mixed with organic fertilizer and hydrogel to the bottom. If you purchased seedlings in containers, plant them together with a lump of earth. Open root system it is advisable to treat it with a growth stimulator. Cut off all dry, damaged and diseased shoots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the bushes in the trench.

    For tall plants, install stakes to prevent them from being swayed by the wind during the rooting period. Fill the trenches with soil, compact them lightly and water them so that there are no air pockets. Mulch the top layer with grass clippings, compost or peat.

    You can purchase decorative sand and pebbles as mulch. different colors. With their help, you can lay out various ornaments along the plantings.

    Green hedge care

    To ensure that your green fence at the dacha is always pleasing to the eye, it needs good care. First of all, provide enough moisture so as not to spoil your mood with the sight of drooping leaves and wilted inflorescences. If the ground is not covered with a layer of mulch, loosen the top layer in both directions to a distance of at least 50 cm. Spill the soil big amount water so that it is saturated with moisture to a depth of about 40 cm.

    Feeding depends on the type of plant and on whether you will eat the fruits. In the spring, add organic fertilizers– 5 kg per m2. In summer, feed with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. In the fall, prepare a composition of 50 g of ammonium sulfate, 30 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate.

    Particular attention should be paid to trimming a living fence. You need to do this work regularly, otherwise the decorative hedge will turn into a dense jungle. In young plants, during the first 2 years, pruning is done several times a season to stimulate the development of new shoots. Mature trees and shrubs are pruned in spring and autumn. At the same time, all diseased, damaged and dry shoots are removed, as well as branches that grow in the wrong direction or thicken the crown too much. After this, the shoots are removed and shortened, which give the fence an unkempt appearance.


    A green fence at the dacha does not require large material costs, but the plants need careful care. Weigh all the pros and cons: can you constantly water and trim many bushes or is it better to install finished design and forget about her? In corners where dust and dirt do not reach, you can make a fence from fruit crops, which will supply you with vitamin supplies.

    To plant a living fence, you need to choose plants that tolerate pruning well and look beautiful all season long. Coniferous and evergreen crops, as well as shrubs with variegated leaves, look great. You can choose varieties of the same species, but with different flowering periods, then the fence will delight you with bright colors all summer long.

    To prevent your hedge from looking sloppy, you need to learn how to trim the bushes correctly. If the wall is too long, you can not design it the same height along its entire length, but make teeth, elevations, and balls. A green fence will protect your territory and fill it with beauty and the wonderful aroma of flowering plants.