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Tips to help your child do well in school. Attention parents! How to improve your child's performance in school - Document

Every day we receive so much information that the brain does not always have time to process it. Adults, albeit with difficulty, but cope, for example, learn to manage attention and time. But for schoolchildren, this load is many times greater.

Already in the first grade, the child has 3-4 lessons a day, at least 9 compulsory subjects and optional classes, such as a foreign language. There are more and more lessons every year, and life is not limited to school: it would be nice to go in for sports, music, read books, draw. But the first-grader gets tired even at the elective.

Loads, of course, affect academic performance. But a child may fall behind in some subjects, not only because of overload, but also because of a lack of interest in the subject or study in general, problems in the classroom, or banal laziness.

The good news is that these problems are being addressed. The main thing is to correctly determine what prevents the child from learning and doing everything.

What prevents a student from studying well

Now almost all children go to circles and sections in addition to school curriculum: foreign language, tutors in all subjects, sports sections, creative studios. Parents often think that the more developmental activities, the better. But in fact, for development, the child needs to rest more, sleep a lot, walk and communicate with friends.


Try to reduce the child's workload to the main lessons at school and 1-2 extra classes per week. When the child becomes comfortable at this pace and the performance indicators return to normal, it will be possible to connect a new lesson. Gradually, the child will get used to higher loads.

Reason 2. No interest in the subject, laziness

Perhaps the child is lagging behind in the subject simply because he does not find anything exciting in it. For example, he likes mathematics and other exact sciences, but literature with its lists for the summer is uninteresting and takes too much time.


try non-standard ways to instill in the child an interest in a subject to which he does not have a soul. For example, while studying a topic, draw an analogy with a schoolchild's favorite characters from cartoons, comics and films. It is much more interesting to study biology using the example of Spider-Man or solve problems in algebra and problems in physics in order to become as cool an engineer as iron Man. Or arrange from the usual homework on an unloved subject, a quest with a prize at the end.

Reason 3. Problems at school

Maybe the child does not get along with classmates or there is a conflict with the teacher. It is difficult for him to answer at the blackboard and show himself differently in his studies, because this is followed by a negative reaction of the offenders. All this can affect his performance.


Try to help your child develop the right tactics for interacting with society, teach him to defend his point of view and not pay attention to attacks in his direction. You can explain to him that school years will end, but knowledge will remain, so it is important to learn how to prioritize correctly.

Reason 4. Inability to concentrate, focus

Many children are constantly distracted from the lessons and hardly overcome the paragraphs of the textbooks, because every now and then they return to the beginning, not remembering anything from the first time. The inability to concentrate greatly affects the progress of the child, because the speed and quality of the tasks depends on it.


In order for the child to succeed in all subjects, it is necessary to teach him to learn - that is, to help him master the principles of productive work with information. So he can quickly assimilate new data and not get hung up on something uninteresting, but mandatory. And his school performance will increase again.

15 tips to improve student performance

There are many ways to improve efficiency. We have compiled a list of tips and tricks that can be combined and upgraded based on the characteristics of the child.

1. Determine the easiest way for the child to remember information: by ear, visually, or in text format.

2. Conduct classes in game form, that's more interesting.

3. Apply various techniques memorization of information (mnemonics, cards, associations, etc.).

4. Help your child feel confident: do not scold him, listen carefully, encourage him for success.

6. Create a trusting atmosphere in which the child will not be shy to ask questions, discuss, share his point of view and will not be afraid of criticism.

7. Prioritize: It's best to go from complex to simple, from important to unimportant, and don't forget to rest.

8. Create comfortable conditions for classes.

9. Follow a clear schedule of lessons and sections, set aside a certain amount of time for homework.

10. Teach your child to take notes, so the information is absorbed better.

11. Find the most interesting topics for the child and explore them, find connections with those school subjects in which the child is lagging behind. Learn additional material by topics.

12. Use the timer method: 25 minutes study, 10 minutes rest, or 50 minutes study, 20 minutes rest.

13. Create a learning wall with cards at home, write down everything important and interesting there, sometimes check your knowledge with a quick survey.

14. Enroll your child in speed reading, thinking and memory development courses - these classes will help you learn more productively.

15. Keep track proper nutrition and the child's sleep pattern so that his resources are not depleted.

It is possible to improve academic performance, the main thing is to find the most convenient approach and teach the child to work with information correctly. The ability to quickly assimilate the material will be useful to the student in the future and will greatly facilitate his life.

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Is your child's academic performance falling year after year, or is he only getting average grades, although you think he could qualify for the highest score? Knowing his abilities, you are sure that he can be more successful in school. And it drives you crazy because you understand how important it is to study well now in order to go to university later or just finish school with dignity. You worry, grumble and reproach him for laziness, lack of motivation and irresponsibility. You just don’t understand why the child is so uninterested in learning, and you come up with different ways additional motivation. But often the situation does not improve, but only gets worse.

It is difficult for us parents not to worry about the academic success of our children, because we know how important it is for their future. From our point of view, the fact that a child values ​​friends or electronic gadgets more than studies is simply absurd. The truth is that most children are actually motivated, though not in the way we think they should be motivated. Try to look at it the other way: when it comes to something exciting like video games, music, social media and a choice of cool jeans, the child demonstrates high motivation and complete absence any laziness. There is one catch here: if you put pressure on a child to motivate him, the situation, as a rule, only gets worse.

Understand that children themselves must realize the value of labor. Think about it in terms of your own life experience. You know perfectly well that you need to eat right, but you don’t always stick to a healthy diet! Your child must learn for himself the importance of academic success. Of course, there are also objective factors that can prevent getting good grades (for example, mental or physical ailments, learning or behavioral disorders, family problems, and the abuse of certain harmful substances). They also need to be taken into account.

There are people in whom all the components of success are concentrated - motivation, relevant skills, the ability to achieve results and get the most out of it. But for most of us, the path to motivation and success is much more tortuous and rocky. If you think about it, not every child turns to teachers for help, does homework on time, repeats the material covered every evening and puts aside everything that distracts him from his studies. Because children who have a more developed frontal brain and therefore have so-called good executive functions do this, it is they who play a significant role in school achievement.

The executive functions of the brain help regulate emotions, promote concentration, perseverance and flexibility. In many children, these functions develop later - only in adolescence. And, of course, it is very hard for parents to see how their child lags behind in academic performance for a long time. It's hard to believe, but these kids aren't lazy, irresponsible, or lack motivation. If you do not agree or do not believe this, then, of course, you will become annoyed, upset and angry in response to the child's apparent laziness, which, in turn, will contribute to his resistance and fight against you. Here are some tips to help you avoid this kind of negativity.

Maintain an open, respectful, and positive relationship with your child. Always stay on the side of the child, do not take a position on the opposite side of the barricade. This will allow you to maintain your authority and influence, which is the most important tool education. Punishment, moralizing, threats and manipulation will lead nowhere, destroy your relationship and the motivation of the child. Of course, your frustration, feelings of anxiety and fear are normal and understandable. But reacting to children's behavior in this way is completely ineffective. Remember, your child isn't behaving this way to make your life miserable or because he's a useless slacker. AT next time When you feel yourself starting to get angry, try saying to yourself, "My baby just hasn't gotten around to it yet." Remember: your task is to help him learn to be responsible. If you are negative and turn it into a moral issue, your child will tease you without trying to get to the heart of the problem.

Enter the "when" rule. One of the lessons of life says: we get pleasure when the work is completed. If you practice scoring goals, you end up scoring more points and the team wins. Work is also paid after it is completed. Therefore, start talking like this: "When you finish classes, you can go to visit Dima." Or: "When you do your homework, we can watch the movie you wanted to see together." Enter this rule and stick to it. If your child is not yet capable of planning and initiating independently, stick to this rule stubbornly. Thus, you will help him learn to do what his own brain cannot yet provide - teach him to structure time.

Get involved in the learning process. If your child does not study well and his performance falls, you have to get involved in the learning process. You need to connect proactively and help him create the optimal structure of classes, which the child himself cannot yet create. This structure implies a well-thought-out schedule with time allocated for classes and time for rest. You will have to make sure it is followed. For example, turn off your computer and say, "No video games or TV until homework is done." You will also need to think about and decide how much time the child should devote to studying. During this time, do not allow the use of electronic devices (phone, tablet, etc.), as nothing should distract the child's attention. You can enter next rule: even if the child has done all the homework and school time has not expired, he must continue to study. Let him repeat, read or check for errors. Enter the rule of one and a half hours of silence, no electronic devices, only training. Some children learn best by listening to music, but any other electronic devices must be turned off. These rules should not be reminiscent of punishment, they are designed to help the child develop an effective work regimen and focus on school subjects.

Ask a teacher. If your child's grades and performance are not up to par, you can work with their teachers to develop a rescue plan. For example, the teacher can check if the child took everything he needed from school, and you check if he packed his bag well for school. As soon as you see that the child began to better manage and manage his time, do homework, repeat the material before control work, this will be a signal that it is time for you to retreat a little.

Decide on a place to practice. You may need to sit next to the child while he does homework, or at least be there to help him at the right time. Maybe the child will need a quiet place to study, away from noisy brothers and sisters. Or maybe, on the contrary, the child will be better engaged in a common room with all family members. Help him put it to the test. But once you have determined what is the best place to practice, let the child be there. No need to do homework instead of the child. Your help may be to check the completed task and ask the child how he learned this or that material.

Divide large tasks into small parts. Together with your child, think about and decide: it might be better if you divide the tasks into small parts, and he will complete them every day. For the record daily quests you can use a large wall calendar or a white board. You can also enlist the help of a teacher or hire a tutor.

Be kind but persistent. Do your best to be a kind, helpful, consistent parent and steadfastly resist the temptation of punishment, overindulgence, and control. After each negative interaction with your child, try to create ten positive ones. Try to focus on supporting and encouraging the child instead of worrying and nagging. When you start to reflect and think that your child’s academic performance is a reflection of yourself or the quality of your upbringing, and that it is you and only you who are responsible for its result, then you end up in the child’s place, and not in your parental place. And this is harmful and inefficient.

Lack of motivation or anxiety? Sometimes a lack of motivation (or what looks like irresponsibility) can actually be a child's anxiety or shame for failing in class or not doing homework. Most people worry about getting things done and avoid them like the plague. Sometimes children simply cannot explain this, because they are not always aware of their worries, anxieties, fears and worries. Here is a typical case. Let's say a child tells you that they didn't have any homework assigned to them today, when they didn't. Lies make you anxious. And if you react with shouting and criticism, your child, driven by anxiety, will further distance himself from both you and homework. A small amount of anxiety can motivate a person, but too much anxiety blocks a child's ability to think, as well as the part of the brain responsible for motivation. Keep your emotions under control, remember that the child's anxiety (fear) is not laziness. Your goal as a parent is to keep your emotions in check and respond appropriately to your child's worries.

Sometimes your child's feelings of shame, inferiority, or anxiety can be misinterpreted by you, and you may mistake them for a poor attitude towards learning, lack of motivation, and irresponsibility. Ignoring such emotional reactions of the child can lead to his reaction, withdrawal, refusal or defiance. Remember that what is happening now may look very different when your child is older. In the meantime, in a positive way, help him optimally structure the learning process. And, understanding the whole picture of what is happening, calm down yourself.

Teach your child to find a balance of interests. Don't forget to keep in mind big picture what is happening. Instead of getting angry about your child's grades, help him find a life balance between friendships, school, volunteer work, and family activities. Take part in the child's school affairs, show interest in school projects.

Don't project the future. When we see that our child is not interested in anything in life, it is easy to start projecting such behavior into the future. If he has no interests other than video games and friends, we think that he will never succeed and even hardly be able to function independently in society. This builds up our anxiety and fear. But the truth is that we cannot foresee the future. Focusing on the negative only increases the tension between you and your child. Better focus on it positive features and help your child develop them. Is he sociable, always in a hurry to help, or does he love animals? Focus on those qualities that bring up the developed, successful person and not just on school grades. Help your child develop socially, creatively, emotionally.

When a child falls behind in school, parents worry so much that it often leads to constant quarrels, but academic performance never improves. If you, as a parent, calm down and understand that the reason for poor academic performance is not only a poor attitude towards learning and lack of motivation, but also that you cannot force the child to be motivated, then you will become better at treating him and helping the child when he needs help . Remember: your goal is to stop the negative reaction and solve the problem.

Mothers of schoolchildren are often concerned about the performance of their own children. Sometimes it even comes to mind that the words "school" and "parents' meeting" did not sound so frightening at a time when they themselves were students.

Now you have to keep abreast of the progress of your son or daughter. The question of what to do if the child does not do well at school is considered relevant for every third mother. Only now, many parents are beginning to understand their elders, who were worried about their grades and unfulfilled lessons.

Of course, a lot also depends on teachers, but today not even an experienced teacher can cope without the influence of parents. Homework, perhaps, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, has not yet been canceled. This means that the responsibility of teachers and parents in the matter of children's progress is divided approximately equally.

How to improve your teen's performance in school

If the child begins to "grab" bad grades, then the logical question is how to improve the child's performance in school. And it is much more important to understand the reason similar situation. Having carefully looked at her child and immersed herself in the entire educational process, as a rule, any mother will be able to determine exactly why this is happening. Sometimes there are several reasons for failure:

  1. Incomprehensible topic. It happens that while the son or daughter was sick with the flu, the class went ahead, and the topic remained undeveloped. And although it would seem that quite a lot of time has passed, there is still a weak link, and if it is mathematics, then such a problem can grow like a snowball, because in this science one clings to another.
  2. Conflict with the teacher and prejudice. It happens that the teacher and your child can not find mutual language. There are children who need a special approach, there are those who do not like to "walk in formation", there are those who require more attention than their peers. An experienced teacher, of course, will not allow such a situation. But all people are different, and teachers, alas, too. Therefore, low grades due to personal bias towards the student are not so rare.
  3. Influence of classmates. Find out who your child is sitting with in class. Suddenly, he, and so not particularly attentive and thoughtful, is distracted? Can he see what the teacher is writing on the blackboard?

Paying attention to this, the problem of how to improve the performance of a child in school will not seem so intractable.

How to increase your child's interest in learning

Naturally, the main point in learning is the interest of the student. It will seem to someone that the question is how to increase the motivation to study in a teenager, for example, or even a student lower grades, this is entirely the problem of teachers. It is they who should ask a similar question, then there will be fewer losers.

But parents can also do their part. Find out what subjects he is really interested in. Someone is drawn to the humanities, others are closer to exact subjects. But many will say, "my stretches to walk and play computer games". Here it is necessary to agree. Then, having done all the lessons, retelling oral subjects to you, and having learned a poem, your child will be able to go to friends, go to the skating rink, sit at the computer for a while.

The main thing is not to let everything take its course, but to control this process. Remember that young children, and even most teenagers, do not yet have responsibility. This responsibility must be brought up, by the way, by example, as well.

How to improve student attention

The problem of how to increase the attention and concentration of a student is also solved. It is enough to pay attention to the following points:

  1. student mode. Your child should get enough sleep, walk and rest in moderation. Do not abuse the TV and gadgets.
  2. Good nutrition, oddly enough, also affects mindfulness and memory. With iodine deficiency, for example, distracted attention is a common story that is solved by the additional use of this drug.
  3. Neighbor's party. Make sure that the classmate who sits with your child in the lesson does not distract him. It's difficult, but possible. If your child is a follower, then he is not recommended to sit with a loser, talker or bully. Ask the teacher to change it.


Get started with strengthening own forces. After all, if your body does not have enough resources, you will not be able to with all your desire. Review your daily menu. Nutrition should be balanced, and the number of calories consumed should correspond to your loads.

Schedule the day. Allocate time in it for a four-time meal, study, entertainment, extra activities and sleep. Determine how much time it actually takes you to complete each item. If necessary, increase it by “taking away”, for example, from entertainment (you should not save on sleep and food). If you are too busy with activities in circles and sections, you may have to sacrifice one of them - the one that you go to for your own pleasure, without planning to apply the acquired skills in professional activity.

Decide for yourself what results you want to achieve in . On a piece of paper, write down your goals, and with them, the efforts that need to be made. At the same time, goals should be taken into account both for the near future and long-term ones.

If you want the child to take all the words you said, then come closer to him and hug him. This helps increase the level of attention.

Try to teach your child to listen thoughtfully. To do this, it is necessary to end each question with the question: “What do you think?” Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the situation when the child listens and automatically agrees with everything, but in fact all his thoughts are about something else.

Try to make eye contact with your child while talking. If the child begins to look away and look around and at the clouds, you can return him to his place with a light touch.

To help your child learn school material better, ask him to retell what he learned to one of the family members. Most The best way to learn something new is to tell it to another person.

Help your child relax and get their imaginations out on paper.

Parents should also understand that frequent physical and psychological stress leads to a decrease in performance. Therefore, do not burden your child.

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Life now and then throws up puzzles, the solution of which requires the flexibility of the mind, ingenuity and ingenuity. The human brain, like muscles, requires constant training, otherwise the ability to cope with problems and unusual situations will gradually weaken.


The most effective and widely known way to develop is, of course,. Gnawing holes in the “facade of science”, you arrange an excellent workout for your own brain. To improve your memory, start learning by heart the poems of your favorite Russian poets, as well as memorize the words of a foreign one. When reading a book, do not just get carried away by the plot, but also pay attention to the author's idea, the drawing of characters and the use of speech means. Having met an unfamiliar word, do not be too lazy to look it up in the dictionary, expanding your vocabulary.

Try to perform the usual actions of the second, not working hand. If you are right-handed, then hold a spoon, fasten and unfasten clothes, draw, if you are left-handed, then vice versa. Gradually complicate the task. This exercise helps to activate the work of both hemispheres.