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What are CSP boards made of? Cement particle boards: properties and characteristics, areas of application, reviews from builders and home owners

High performance and technical specifications CSP (cement- particle board): its dimensions, weight, cost and other physical characteristics have pushed this building material to the TOP of the ranking of demand in modern construction technologies. For any standard sizes of CPU specifications make them universal in use, since the working composition includes small wood shavings or large sawdust, and high-quality cement with additives that level out harmful reactions between the components. Production and application in housing construction of CBPB environmentally friendly. The production itself is based on the mineralization of substances, therefore harmful emissions excluded from the atmosphere.

Characteristics of DSP

The manufacturing technology consists of forming a three-layer base of cement and shavings. Large chips are pressed inside using a high-pressure hydraulic press. Ready-made cement particle boards have a solid structure that does not delaminate or crack under various external influences.

In the construction industry, cement bonded particle board, the characteristics of which allow it to replace products such as plasterboard, chipboard, plywood and other sheet building materials, is suitable for cladding external or interior walls buildings, they line columns with it, use it as a screed for a subfloor or flat roof, and screen ventilated facades.

  1. Specific density of products – 1100-1400 kg/m3;
  2. The standard weight of a slab measuring 2700 x 1250 x 16 mm is 73 kg;
  3. Indicators of elasticity for compression and bending – 2500 MPa, elasticity for tension – 3000 MPa; with lateral loads – 1200 MPa;
  4. Deformation after a 24-hour stay in water: height – 2%, length – 0.3%;
  5. Sound insulation – 45 dB;
  6. Thermal conductivity parameters -0.26 W/m °C;
  7. Flammability G1 – refers to low-flammable materials;
  8. At normal humidity indoors it can be used for up to 50 years.

Positive aspects of the products:

  1. Environmentally friendly products in the form of slabs, panels or sheets of different thicknesses;
  2. High frost resistance;
  3. Fire safety and fire resistance;
  4. Moisture resistance and thermal insulation make the use of products in demand when finishing any surfaces;
  5. Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) in the product prevents rotting, mold and fungal diseases;
  6. Good resistance to longitudinal loads and deformations;
  7. The characteristics of CBPB allow the slabs to be used in the same design with wood, polymer elements, metal and glass;
  8. Easily amenable to mechanical processing - cutting, sawing, drilling;
  9. Ease of installation and cost-effectiveness when working with the material;
  10. Universal use in finishing works;
  11. They do not accumulate static electricity, do not interfere with the passage of electromagnetic fields of natural origin, and according to their properties they are classified as insulation materials.

Application of slabs - floor screed of the second floor


  1. The heavy weight of cement-based slabs makes it difficult to install them on upper floors without using special equipment, which causes extra costs;
  2. When used outdoors, the guaranteed service life is reduced by three times - up to 15 years.

Construction DSP boards are produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26816.

Dimensions of one slab, cmWeight of one plate, kgArea of ​​one slab, m2Volume of one slab, m 3Standard weight of products in 1 m 3, tonsSlabs in m 3, pieces
Length of the productWidthThickness
270 125 0.8 36.45 3,375 0.027 1,3 37.04
1.0 45.56 0.0338 29.63
1.2 54.68 0.0405 24.69
1.6 72.90 0.054 18.52
2.0 91.13 0.0675 14.81
2.4 109.35 0.081 12.53
3.6 164.03 0.1215 8.23
320 125 8.0 43.20 4,000 0.032 1,4 31,25
1.0 54.00 0.04 25.0
1.2 64.80 0.048 20.83
1.6 86.40 0.064 15.63
2.0 108.00 0.08 12.5
2.4 129.60 0.096 10.42
3.6 194.40 0.144 6.94

Upon registration individual order DSP products with original characteristics are used to manufacture DSP products of free sizes, for example, lengths of 3050 mm, 3780 mm, etc. The width also changes at the request of the customer, and the thickness remains standard, indicated in the size table. DSP boards, panels and sheets can be used in construction:

  1. In the construction of prefabricated housing;
  2. For arrangement permanent formwork;
  3. When finishing facades, including ventilated ones;
  4. In interior decoration, including for the arrangement of partitions, floors and ceilings;
  5. In the construction of fences.

Slab certification and composition components

Most small size The thickness of the slabs is 4 mm; accordingly, the weight of such products allows them to be used in high-rise buildings. The production of ultra-thin CBPBs has been mastered in order to reduce the cost of the product, since thin sheets produced using modern technologies, does not need to be brought to the required quality using grinding equipment.

There are also embossed boards with a smooth surface - they contain finely dispersed substances. Such slabs are used to decorate facades “under facing brick"or "natural stone". Embossed sheets do not need to be further treated with special substances or primers, painted or sanded - they are ready for installation immediately after purchase.

ParameterNumeric value
Specific Gravity1250-1400 kg/m 3
Humidity of the composition9+/-3%
Swelling per day, ≤2%
Water absorption per day, ≤16%
Flexural strength:

Product thickness 10,12, 16 mm ≥

12 MPa
Product thickness ≥ 24 mm ≥10 MPa
Product thickness ≥ 36 mm ≥9 MPa
Perpendicular tensile strength ≥0.4 MPa
Flexural elasticity ≥3500 MPa
Viscosity9 J/m2
Frost resistance after 50 freeze/thaw cycles ≤10 %
Roughness Rz according to GOST 7016-82 ≤

For unsanded surfaces

320 mm
For sanded surfaces0 mm
Maximum and minimum thickness deviations ≤

For sanded surfaces

±0.3 mm
for unpolished products with thickness:±0.6 mm
12-16 mm±0.8 mm
24 mm±1.0 mm
36 mm±1.4 mm
Maximum and minimum deviations in length and width±3 mm
Thermal conductivity0.26 W/(mK)
Linear expansion0.0235 or 23.5 mm/(linear meter C)
Vapor permeability0.03 mg/(m h Pa)

When laying DSP sheets on the floor, there is no need to finish the resulting surface - it will be smooth enough to lay linoleum on it or paint it. Before painting, it is recommended (but not required) to prime the cement-bonded particle board or cover it with a special water-repellent compound. The appearance of such slabs will meet any design requirements.

It is important to carry out high-quality and correct installation sheets so that during operation they do not become loose, warp or begin to peel, which will reduce their service life. This is especially true for outdoor conditions of using CBPB boards.

The wide range of applications of DSP is due to the competitive cost of this building material. Despite low price, the quality of the products does not suffer, allowing the use of DSP in any conditions to solve wide range problems. So, when laying DSP boards as a subfloor, they will also serve as an additional layer of thermal insulation, in addition to a strong and durable base for a decorative floor covering.

Installation and finishing work of DSP

Before using CBPB slabs in construction, they must be delivered to the construction site, and this is done only on the edge. The sheets are stored horizontally and secured to the installation site in at least 3 places with press washers, for which holes must first be drilled. One of the disadvantages of cement-bonded particle boards is fragility, so they should be handled carefully.

The easiest way to finish the slabs is by painting them with silicone, acrylic paints, or water-based paints. When installing between adjacent slabs, it is necessary to leave air gap 2-3 mm to compensate for the expansion of products with changes in temperature and air humidity. The airtight and smooth surface of the slabs allows the application protective paint without preliminary priming of the plane, on the side of the slab on which the cement layer is located.

Joints and gaps between slabs cannot be puttied; it is permissible to use sealant to mask the seams, since it does not crack from exposure to precipitation and temperature. It is also recommended to seal seams and joints wooden slats or metal strips

The finishing of DSP walls is facilitated by their absolutely smooth bottom surface. Panels mounted outside or inside the house can be finished by plastering, painting, laying porcelain or tiles, wallpapering, laying linoleum, laminate, carpet, etc.

In the building materials market, cement particle board, whose technical characteristics compete with traditional materials, costs almost the same as other board products, depending on the dimensions, weight of the product and the volume of the order.

To decorate the walls of a house, they often use the technique of decorating with red or finishing bricks. Such an exterior of a private house will give the home respectability with minimal financial and labor investments.

Cement particle board (DSP) can be very useful in construction and repair, being used quite often for finishing and flooring frame structures. Such material is a leader in many respects on the modern market.

It will be a very advantageous option when used in ordinary living rooms and public spaces, but especially where the humidity level is constantly higher than normal: in bathrooms, showers, kitchens, swimming pools.

Such slabs can also be irreplaceable when arranging facades and paved paths; as a thermal and sound insulator; for the construction of window sills, canopies and other similar structures.

DSP board– a multicomponent material produced in a factory by pressing and subsequent fermentation. A mixture of various materials is used as components of the composition:

  • Portland cement is the main one, containing about 65% of the total volume;
  • wood shavings are the second most important component (24%);
  • During manufacturing, various minerals are also added as binders;
  • other chemical ingredients and water.

This composite material ultimately takes the form of sheets different sizes, corresponding state standards. The resulting building element, which has been relevant for a number of decades, has quite a lot of positive properties. Let's list the most important of them.

1. Multifunctionality. The use of slabs is multifaceted: they are perfect for decorating premises for various purposes; there are special slabs for flooring; DSP is widely used for the construction internal partitions rooms.

2. Environmental friendliness. The boards contain only safe substances. The release of harmful vapors and elements into the atmosphere during production is completely eliminated.

3. Big choice material parameters. Dimensions of the CBPB board are widely represented in the assortment. Modules of 3200x1250 mm are considered standard. But significant deviations are allowed depending on the thickness of the sheets, which can be from 8 mm and much higher. If the last parameter is large, it is also possible to change the length and width upward.

4. All products have a quality passport, certificates and comply with GOST. Therefore, when purchasing products from a large manufacturer, there is no doubt about their quality.

6. Durability. With external similarity to wooden structures, the material is more reliable. Therefore, most often, it is preferable to wood. This indicator is ensured by a three-layer structure. The outer layers, located on both sides, consist of small chips. The internal contents contain stronger formations.

Here you should also add the smoothness of the material, its resistance to moisture, ease of installation and affordable prices, possibility of operation in difficult conditions. A separate disadvantage can be considered the short service life in a particularly aggressive environment. But it is also about one and a half decades. However, having created additional protection, it is possible to significantly extend the quality life of the material.


There are three types of DSP. Studies of the material have accurately shown that each of them does not lose its valuable properties even during multiple cycles of significant temperature increases and subsequent defrosting.

Resistance to fire and particularly humid environments, negative biological factors. But each type of slab has its own characteristics, consisting in the method of production, differences starting materials, characteristics of finished products and scope of application. Among the types you can indicate.

1. Fiberboard. Its basis is the so-called wood wool, which is long-fiber shavings. The composition also includes inorganic binders.

Wood strips produced on special machines are impregnated with solutions of calcium chloride and liquid glass. The raw materials are pressed into molds and subsequently dried. The thickness of such slabs can reach 150 mm, but there is whole line much more subtle parameters.

These building elements, characterized by significant strength, are excellent for thermal insulation. A similar material is also used as an acoustic material.

It is easy to process and soft, for this reason it is in demand for multifaceted repairs, as well as reconstruction work of various structures. During construction operations with slabs, due to their low weight, lifting equipment is not required, because of this, their use is very economical.

2. Wood concrete. It is classified as lightweight concrete and contains small shavings, sawdust, reed chaff or rice straw. Most quality slabs This variety is made from wood chips.

If the basis of the composition is wood shavings, then the material is usually called wood concrete, if sawdust - sawdust concrete. The two types mentioned have slightly reduced performance characteristics compared to the first one mentioned above.

They are heavier, denser and subject to unpleasant deformations, but they are also somewhat cheaper. The scope of application of wood concrete is quite wide. But mainly it is in demand as a material for low-rise private construction, and is especially popular in the manufacture of wall partitions, as well as for finishing and thermal insulation.

3. Xylolite is most often known in application as a coating. DSP for flooring. Plates, similar to those previously described, are made from wood waste, differing from other types in production technology. On sale, the presented assortment pleases with a variety of colors.

The material is distinguished by excellent thermal insulation qualities and increased strength. IN open fire does not burn, but only gradually chars; even when boiling, it does not get wet in water and is only slightly thermally conductive; It has enviable elasticity and is hard like stone, but at the same time it is easily processed like wood: drilled, planed and sawed. In addition to the above, it is ideal for use as cladding for stone, covering stairs, window sills, and roofs.

An important characteristic is weight of the CBPB board. Such indicators are simply necessary to know during construction and other work. The specified data is very useful in transporting cargo and at the time installation work. The mass of one module directly depends on the thickness and, knowing this indicator, it is easy to calculate. After all, for every 10 mm there is approximately 54 kg of tile weight.


Using slabs to cover the floor is extremely convenient. To acquire an aesthetic appearance, there is no need for subsequent finishing. Their surface is easily treated with paint of a special composition.

It is also possible to use water-repellent dyes or regular ones. Such panels look advantageous against the backdrop of any interior, without disturbing the aesthetics, satisfying even the most picky and demanding taste.

Of course, excellent quality installed slabs there is a chance to enjoy only after best installation carried out according to all the rules. If the modules are carelessly secured and poorly processed, this will significantly reduce not only appearance general design, but also service life DSP.

But use of slabs in the process of finishing the walls and floors of various rooms in the right way, gives as a result of practical use great result. In addition, if necessary, it provides almost perfect thermal insulation and very durable coating.

Laying on the floor is done by screwing it to the sheathing using self-tapping screws with a countersunk head. During installation, everything depends on the material of the array. If it is steel, then the screws are screwed in by 10 mm, but if it is wood, they should go into the base of the beam by 20 mm.

It should be remembered that despite their wonderful properties, the basis of the material is wood. This means that the slabs, albeit slightly, have the ability to expand under the influence of moisture. Therefore, when finishing with DSP boards the presence of an expansion joint is often necessary. This is mandatory:

  • next to walls, thresholds, columns and others vertical structures;
  • if you plan to change the type and thickness of the floor;
  • in case of a large coverage area.

These slabs play an important role in creating formwork. Moreover, in this and other cases, the choice of this particular material will entail many advantages: it will help to build reliable design, in a short time and with absolutely minimal costs.

In this case, additional cladding will not be required here, since the structure will already have a completely finished, certainly attractive appearance and high-quality characteristics. For the reasons listed above, such slabs are in great demand.

And when choosing the required thickness of the modules, it is better to obtain preliminary special consultation. It can be clarified that when finishing the floor optimal indicator fluctuates around 30 mm.

It is recommended to use special DSP boards for facade. This material in this quality looks extremely advantageous in appearance. For the best protection, it is better to choose external coating modules of the maximum possible thickness.

This will protect general design structures, as well as the foundation, from negative external factors: strong winds, heavy rains and other things. Advantage of application DSP facade slabs is the possibility of further painting in any desired color, while the surface will appear as smooth as possible, which is very suitable for varied and original design solutions.

At the same time, the combination of contrasting colors looks extremely advantageous. color ranges so that the walls and roof of the house are different colors, which will provide wonderful results.

They look especially attractive, even stylish, when used for finishing and creating an additional barrier of protection between internal elements buildings and the external sphere DSP boards for brick or stone.

They differ from other types in their composition, built exclusively from the smallest particles of raw materials. Such sheets are in undoubted consumer demand.

Their convenience is that there is no need for subsequent processing with paints and other special compounds. That is, immediately after release they are ready for installation, and therefore are considered a popular finishing material.


The low cost of the material does not affect its quality characteristics, which is ideal for solving many construction problems. Moreover, tile production technology is regularly improved and tries to adapt to complex and sophisticated consumer needs.

For example, the range has recently been updated with ultra-thin slabs, the thickness of which reaches 4 mm. The advantage of this type of product is that there is no need to use grinding machines to process such slabs, which undoubtedly affects the cost of the product offered.

A brand that has become especially famous lately is Tamak. The company produces finishing materials that are of great interest to the market. CSP boards are available in a variety of sheet sizes with thicknesses starting from 8 mm.

When choosing such a material, individual characteristics should become the object of close attention. Among important indicators: size parameters, properties, composition. At normal humidity, according to existing standards:

  • the slab should swell by less than 2% of the total volume of the material;
  • the ability to absorb water cannot exceed 16%;
  • density should not be more than 1300 kg/m2;
  • The roughness of the panel for plates processed by grinding must be 80 microns.

Retail prices of CBPB boards are invariably dependent on leaf sizes. average cost material:

  • with a thickness of 10 mm it averages about 950 rubles;
  • if the thickness is doubled – 1,700 rubles;
  • three times - from 2000 rudders and above.

When purchasing material, it should be borne in mind that prices for wholesale buyers are undoubtedly significantly reduced.

When planning to build a large private house several floors high, it is better to choose the thickest slabs when purchasing to subsequently achieve stability and strength in the structure.

Of course, such sheets will cost much more. As a rule, slabs that go on sale come in the most simple colors, intended for further coloring, according to the choice of the desired shade.

But from the point of view of aesthetics, it is better to choose samples with a decorative coating; paint adheres better to them, and the color options are purely individual and do not have repetitions.

The modern market provides enough slab products. However, DSP boards are recommended by experts as among the best, having wide application at any stage of construction. At the same time, only rare ones can compete with them in quality Construction Materials.

DSP board (cement particle board)- a popular construction and finishing material consisting of wood chips, Portland cement, water and special additives that provide the necessary performance characteristics.

The slabs are made by pressing. The result is durable sheets with smooth surfaces and ends, which allows you to significantly save time during their installation. This is a non-flammable material, so it is recommended for widespread use in construction.

DSP is used:

  • as cladding of columns, internal and external cladding walls, entrance door trim
  • for the construction of moisture-resistant partitions and wall cladding in wet rooms
  • as a front covering for floors, ceilings, window sills, creating a base for roofing
  • as permanent formwork for building foundations

Technical characteristics of cement bonded particle board

DSP, whose technical characteristics are among the best among wood-based panel materials, is widely used in construction, agriculture and other areas of our lives. In this table you can see the main technical characteristics of cement bonded particle boards.

Index Unit Meaning
Modulus of elasticity in bending, not less MPa 3000-3500
Impact strength, not less J/m² 1800
Density kg/m³ 1100-1400
Tensile strength perpendicular to the slab layer, not less MPa 0,35-0,4
Humidity % 9±3
Water absorption in 24 hours, no more % 16
Reduction in bending strength (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity influences), no more % 30
Thermal conductivity (m-°C) W 0,26
Flame Spread Index 0 (flame does not spread over the surface)
Smoke generation group D (does not emit toxic gases and vapors)
Warranty period of operation in building structures years 50
Flexural strength MPa 7-12
Hardness MPa 45-65
Specific resistance to pulling screws out of the formation N/m² 7
Frost resistance cycles 50
Swelling in thickness in 24 hours, no more % 2
Swelling in thickness (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity influences), no more % 5
Specific heat kJ (kg-°C) 1,15
Fire resistance limit min 50
Biostability class 4
Flammability group G-1 (hard to burn)

Advantages of DSP

  • Environmentally friendly. Cement particle boards do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere and do not contain components hazardous to human health.
  • Fire safety. Does not spread combustion and does not ignite within 40-50 minutes of exposure to fire.
  • Compatible with other materials. The DSP sheet has a smooth surface, so you can lay tiles on top of it, glue wallpaper, or paint without prior leveling.
  • Water resistance. The material has low water absorption and retains its original dimensions after drying.
  • Biostability. Not susceptible to mold and mildew, does not attract insects and rodents.
  • Durability. The material has a high mechanical strength, retains operational characteristics for at least 50 years.

Dimensions of DSP

Look at the sizes and thicknesses of the CBPB sheets:

Manufacturer Tamaksky plant Manufacturer Kostroma plant
2700x1250x8 mm 3200x1250x8 mm 3200x1200x8 mm 2700x1200x8 mm
2700x1250x10 mm 3200x1250x10 mm 3200x1200x10 mm 2700x1200x10 mm
2700x1250x12 mm 3200x1250x12 mm 3200x1200x12 mm 2700x1200x12 mm
2700x1250x16 mm 3200x1250x16 mm 3200x1200x16 mm 2700x1200x16 mm
2700x1250x18 mm 3200x1250x18 mm 3200x1200x18 mm 2700x1200x18 mm
2700x1250x20 mm 3200x1250x20 mm 3200x1200x20 mm 2700x1200x20 mm
2700x1250x24 mm 3200x1250x24 mm 3200x1200x24 mm 2700x1200x24 mm

Where to buy cement bonded particle boards

DSP boards can be purchased at our warehouse complexes in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can order delivery of material with payment on the spot. It is possible to form prefabricated machines with

Cement particle boards (CPB) are classified as universal sheet building materials. The raw materials for cement particle boards (CPB) are Portland cement, crushed wood shavings and additives that reduce the influence of substances contained in wood on the formation of cement stone.

Manufacturing technology of cement bonded particle boards (CPB)

The technology for manufacturing CBPB can be briefly described as the formation of a three-layer “pie” from two types of cement-bonded particle mixture: a mixture with fine-bonded aggregate forms the outer layers, and a mixture with coarse aggregate forms the inner layer. The laminated board is then molded under high pressure hydraulic presses and obtains ideal smoothness and thickness.

Application of cement bonded particle boards (CSP)

DSP is used:

  • As cladding and cladding along guides or frames, vertical - for walls, partitions, racks, ventilation casings, etc., both for interior decoration and for facades.
  • As an outer screen layer of a ventilated façade.
  • In floor and flat roof structures.

DSP is not a serious competitor to fibreboards, plasterboard, gypsum fiber board and bakelized plywood, due to the variation in the characteristics of these sheet materials. All these plates are in demand depending on the working conditions and the required performance qualities.

DSP board size

The standard sizes of DSP are 2.7 * 1.25 m and 3.2 * 1.25 m with gradations of thickness in mm 8; 10; 12; 16; 20; 24 and 36.

Main technical characteristics of cement-bonded particle boards (CSP)

Let us list the main characteristics of CBPB boards:

  1. Specific gravity (density) – 1250-1400 kg/m3. A standard DSP sheet with dimensions of 2.7 * 1.25 m and a thickness of 16 mm weighs 72.9 kg.
  2. Ultimate bending strength for thicknesses of 10, 12, 16 mm - 12 MPa; with a thickness of 36 mm - 9 MPa.
  3. Tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the slabs is not less than 0.4 MPa.
  4. Modulus of elasticity in bending – not less than 3500 MPa.
  5. Classification by flammability - group G1 (classified as low-flammable).
  6. Frost resistance of 50 cycles with a guarantee of a decrease in strength by no more than 10%.
  7. Thermal protection properties. Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.26 W/m*deg C.
  8. The value of the coefficient of linear expansion is 0.0235 mm/m*deg C.
  9. Vapor permeability coefficient 0.03 mg/m*h*Pa.
  10. Specific resistance when pulling out screws is from 4 to 7 N/m.
  11. Based on biostability, they are classified as class 4 products
  12. In terms of sound insulation - with a thickness of 12 mm, the airborne noise insulation index value is 31 dB. When laid on a reinforced concrete base made of load-bearing slabs, the penetration of impact noise with a thickness of 20 mm CBPB reduces by 16 dB. When laid on elastic materials - by 9 dB.
  13. Linear increases in size after exposure to water for 24 hours are 2% in thickness and 0.3% in length.
  14. Service life when used in dry rooms is at least 50 years.

Pros and cons of cement-bonded particle boards (CSB)

Let us list the main advantages of CBPB boards:

  • Environmentally friendly. DSP does not contain any harmful or dangerous substances either in its composition or in its manufacturing technology. There are no phenolic-formaldehyde resins in the particle filler.
  • Frost resistance is good - at least 50 cycles.
  • Fire resistance G1 is a definite plus for facing material.
  • Moisture resistance of CBPB boards that do not have a protective layer of hydrophobization is weak, protection from moisture is required - minus
  • Sound insulation and noise protection qualities are excellent.
  • Good biostability. Fungus and mold do not form on the surface of the slabs, even when used in a humid environment.
  • Excellent resistance to longitudinal deformation, used for cladding along guides in frame houses any number of floors.
  • It goes well with other materials and structures, such as wood, polymers and plastics, metals and ceramics.
  • High technology, simplicity and speed of processing. Cutting and drilling possible. Installation is simple, most hardware is suitable.
  • Almost all types of finishing using DSP are possible, you can paste over any types of wallpaper, including heavy ones, plaster, tile, paint with any compositions - water-based, acrylic, oil, alkyd, etc.
  • The smooth working surface of the DSP and perfectly even thickness allow you to save on finishing. On the smooth (cemented) side of the DSP sheet it is possible to apply a layer of paint without priming, especially since the adhesion is excellent.
  • In terms of cost, CBPB boards are quite competitive with other sheet cladding materials, with favorable strength indicators.

The disadvantages of DSP boards include:

  • The sheets have a significant mass, up to 200 kg depending on the thickness. When working on the upper tiers, you cannot do without lifting mechanisms, which leads to a certain increase in cost. Installing heavy slabs at height is also difficult.
  • The service life is not very long - in contact with external environment no more than 15 years. Manufacturers guarantee fifty years of operation only under normal humidity conditions, which is not always realistic.
  • Thin, from 8 to 36 mm, DSP sheets with a significant area - about 4 m2 and weight cannot but have some fragility. Working with DSP is not so easy; it requires care. The slabs may break during installation.
  • Sealing joints and seams between DSP sheets is not possible with any material. They recommend sealants that can mask the seam, provided they are elastic in the presence of moisture. Putty compounds that have properties of rigidity after setting cannot be used for sealing joints; this can lead to deformation of slabs operating in weather conditions and to a reduction in their service life. Sealants based on rubber bases are considered the best option for CBPB.
  • DSPs are hygroscopic, and linear expansion when cladding facades is inevitable. Plaster of a façade on a DSP without a reinforcing mesh and protection of the DSP from moisture rarely does not crack after five or even less years of operation. If there are errors in installation - insufficient fasteners or frames and work in humid conditions, the DSP sheets can go in “waves” and even come off the fasteners. Sometimes experts recommend protecting the CBPB from external moisture under the plaster with damper layers of polyurethane foam, fastened with clamping rondoles (or other types of disc fasteners). This option requires elaboration regarding the fulfillment of the vapor permeability conditions for external walls. In winter, the dew point should not be allowed to fall on the inner plane of the CBPB.

Transportation and storage of CBPB

Weather protection is required, possibly long-term storage exclusively in horizontal laying, but the CBPB is transported in the “edge” position.

Installation and surface finishing with cement-bonded particle boards (CSP)

Installation and surface finishing of DSP boards is carried out in the following order:

  • Before fastening the CBPB sheet with self-tapping screws to the frame or base, it is necessary to drill holes for the self-tapping screws, and the CBPB sheet must have a solid support along the plane (it is impossible to drill the CBPB “in weight”).
  • Vertical cladding and cladding are usually made with slabs 16 mm and 20 mm thick.
  • The most economical and fastest type of final finishing on DSP is painting with compositions based on acrylic, latex or silicone. Compensation gaps at sheet joints are required.
  • DSP sheets are characterized by a very smooth surface and no porosity. Priming on cemented sides of sheets can be omitted, provided DSP work not in a humid environment.
  • Sealing of seams and joints of DSP is possible with sealants that mask the seams, and wooden, plastic or metal strips are used for finishing. This finishing is used to imitate facades in half-timbered styles, and in particular due to the excellent smoothness and geometry obtained when cladding with DSP, the appearance is simply ideal. The “picture” of the half-timbered structure is quite realistic and has its own charm.

For leveling for final finishing, DSP sheets are considered one of the best materials due to their good rigidity and ideal smoothness of the sheets. Finishing and leveling with DSP boards gives excellent result. Finishing materials may be paintwork, plaster mixtures, facing tiles, wallpaper of any type, natural and artificial linoleums, laminates, cork, soft materials such as carpet and others.

Cement particle board (CPB) is a universal sheet building material. It is made from crushed wood shavings and Portland cement with the addition of special substances that reduce the harmful effects of one material on another.

The technological process of its production looks like this: a three-layer “carpet” is formed from the raw material mass prepared in the mixer (small chips are placed in the outer layer, large ones inside).

Along the conveyor line it goes to Hydraulic Press where it is molded under high pressure. The result is a perfectly smooth multilayer slab.

The use of cement bonded particle board in construction is extensive: it is used for cladding walls both indoors and outdoors, for cladding columns, as a screed for flat roof and floors, and also serves as an external screen for ventilated facades.

Today, DSP has become a serious competitor to such building materials as fiberboard, plywood and drywall.

Specifications, pros and cons

  • density - 1100-1400 kg/m3;
  • weight of a standard sheet (2700x1250x16mm) – 73 kg;
  • elasticity (for compression and bending - 2500 MPa; for tension - 3000 MPa; for shear - 1200 MPa);
  • change in linear dimensions after 24 hours of exposure to water (thickness - 2%; length - 0.3%);
  • sound insulation ability - 45 dB;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.26 W/m °C;
  • flammability group - G1 (low flammability);
  • service life (in a dry room) – 50 years.

Like all building materials, cement particle board has its pros and cons.

DSP - environmentally friendly pure material, does not contain toxic substances such as phenol and formaldehyde. In addition, this material:

  • - frost-resistant;
  • - fire resistant;
  • - moisture resistant;
  • - soundproofing;
  • - non-rotting (due to the calcium hydroxide contained in the slab, the development of fungus and mold is excluded);
  • - resistant to longitudinal deformation (can be used for cladding frames) multi-storey buildings);
  • — well combined with wood, metal, polymers;
  • - easy to process (can be cut, sawed, drilled).
  • — technologically easy to install (facilitates construction and does not require extra costs);
  • — suitable for all types of finishing (plaster, wallpaper, tiles, painting).
  • — the large weight and size complicates the installation of cement bonded particle board on the upper floors of the building; special lifting mechanisms are required;
  • - relatively short service life (with active contact with the external environment - 15 years).

Standard sizes of CBPB sheet:

  • length – 2700, 3200, 3600 mm;
  • width – 1200, 1250 mm;
  • thickness – 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 mm (can reach up to 36 mm);

The weight of the sheets varies from 36.5 to 194.5 kg depending on the size of the sheet.

DSP boards are manufactured according to GOST 26816.

Features of installation and finishing of DSP

The slabs should be stored only in a horizontal position, and transported on their edges. The sheet must be secured in at least three points with self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes for them on a hard surface. The recommended sheet thickness for vertical cladding is 16-20 mm.

You need to work with cement particle board carefully (the large weight and area of ​​the sheet make it fragile).

The easiest way to finish DSP boards is to paint them with acrylic or silicone-based compounds, leaving deformation gaps between adjacent sheets. Since the surface of this material smooth and non-porous, then application of paint is allowed without pre-primer(along the cement side of the sheet).

The use of putty to seal joints is not allowed. A good option A sealant is used to “camouflage” the seams - this material does not crack, expanding and contracting when exposed to precipitation.

In addition, you can close the joining seams with metal or wooden strips.

DSP boards are one of the best materials for preparing the base and creating a perfectly smooth surface for finishing. It is equally suitable for both outdoor and interior work taking into account the subsequent application of materials such as plaster, paint, ceramic tile, wallpaper, linoleum, laminate, carpet, etc.

Compared to analogues, the cost of cement bonded particle boards is quite competitive. It depends on the size and quantity of the material ordered. On average for standard sheet(2700x1250 mm, thickness 10 mm) sellers ask 700-900 rubles.

Approximate prices for slabs of other “running” sizes look like this:

  • 2700x1250x12 mm - 800-1100 rub.
  • 2700x1250x16 mm - 1000-1200 rub.
  • 2700x1250x20 mm - 1200-1400 rub.

Sheets 3200 mm long will be more expensive by an average of 5-10%.

From the point of view of practicality and design it is very interesting finishing façade with DSP slabs imitating brick. It gives the building a presentable appearance with a minimum of labor costs. The price of such panels measuring 3200x1200x10 mm is 2200-2600 rubles.

You can make sure that you have chosen this material correctly by reading reviews from those who have already used CBPB sheets for repairs and construction. Practical experience and important nuances handling them will be very useful to you.