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Insulation for walls choice. Choosing inexpensive but effective insulation for your home

Insulating a house is a very important and responsible process. If thermal insulation work is carried out correctly, the rooms will be noticeably warmer in winter, and cooler in summer. This allows you to create a comfortable microclimate that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Arriving at the building materials market, one can only be surprised by the huge variety of insulation materials produced: they are rolled up in rolls, poured into containers in the form of sand, powder and granules, cotton wool peeks out of packages, etc. Moreover, each type of thermal insulation material will be most effective for insulating that or other surface.

Performance characteristics of insulation materials

It is possible to judge which is the best thermal insulation material only after considering all its main properties together. All insulation materials have almost the same set of properties, only the degree of their manifestation is different:

  1. Thermal conductivity is one of the most important characteristics, which determines the ability of a material to transmit heat. Since thermal energy spreads in space in 3 ways (convection, thermal radiation and thermal conductivity), the thermal conductivity coefficient depends on physical properties(porosity, humidity, etc.) and the degree of heating of the insulation. The heat-protective properties of some materials used to insulate houses sharply decrease when they reach certain temperatures, which limits their scope of application. Thermal conductivity coefficient different materials different. The lower its value, the thinner layer thermal insulation will be required.
  2. Water absorption - determines the ability of a material to absorb moisture and retain it in its own pores. Due to the fact that water conducts heat well, when wet, the insulation loses its beneficial qualities.
  3. Fire resistance is the property of a material to retain its structure when exposed to high temperatures. Not all insulating substances have this parameter. Among modern materials, only mineral wool, foam glass and airgel have good fire resistance.
  4. Air permeability is the ability of a substance to allow air and other gases to pass through. For example, during strong wind external air pressure on the insulation increases, which leads to the penetration of cold masses through protective layer. Therefore, insulation materials with high porosity require additional wind protection.
  5. Strength – the ability of a material to withstand strong static and dynamic loads without big changes its thermal insulation properties. Particularly durable materials include extruded polystyrene foam, foam glass, airgel and polyurethane foam.
  6. Environmental friendliness - since insulation is used both in external and internal work, it is very important that during its entire service life it does not emit harmful substances. human body substances.

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The choice of insulation depending on the conditions of use

Each thermal insulation material has its own area of ​​application where it will be most effective. Most experts say that high-quality thermal insulation can be achieved when every structural element in the house is insulated to the greatest extent possible. suitable material. Therefore, when choosing the best insulation, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of its use.

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External and internal wall insulation

External insulation for building walls differs from internal insulation in a different set of requirements. Usually the thermal insulation process is combined with decorative finishing facade. And this requires increased strength of the material used. That's why the best material in this case there will be a basalt slab, extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or plaster. All of them have the necessary performance characteristics for outdoor work.

Basalt insulation can be used both for external insulation walls, as well as internal ones. It has low thermal conductivity, high density and increased strength. This material can be mounted in different ways: in one case it is glued to the wall, followed by reinforcement and lining with decorative plaster, in another case it is laid behind a ventilated facade (for example, under siding).

Extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are the best insulation materials for the exterior decoration of building facades. Its characteristics allow not only to produce high-quality thermal insulation of the house, but also to treat the facade with decorative plaster. Insulating walls with foam plastic is by far the cheapest option.

Among positive qualities plaster can be noted high strength, which is quite difficult to damage mechanically. In terms of its composition, the material from which warm plaster is made is an ordinary cement-sand mortar with the addition of various fillers that reduce the thermal conductivity of the mixture. The thermal conductivity coefficient of such a solution will directly depend on the selected fillers.

For internal insulation On walls, only vapor-permeable substances can be used, which include mineral (mineral wool) and natural (cork wallpaper) insulation materials. Mineral wool is absolutely environmentally friendly material, having good vapor permeability, so it is best suited for internal use. Its only disadvantage is its relatively high price.

The advantage of cork wallpaper is not only its environmental friendliness, but also its versatility, since it can simultaneously be used not only as insulation, but also as a decorative material.

After the introduction of a new standard for the thermal protection of buildings, insulation has become relevant even for those houses that were previously considered “safe”. Owners of older buildings don't have to do anything, but they must be prepared to pay rising energy bills. And designs for new houses will not be approved if they do not meet the requirements of SNiP 02/23/2003. There are several technologies that make it possible to ensure standard indicators for buildings made of any materials. The main thing is to choose the right insulation for the exterior walls of a house in each case.

The house must be kept warm

Why external insulation and not internal

The most understandable argument for a non-specialist sounds very convincing, although this is a secondary factor - insulation from the inside “takes away” the useful volume of residential and office premises.

Builders are guided by the standard according to which insulation must be external (SP 23-101-2004). Insulation from the inside is not directly prohibited, but it can only be carried out in exceptional cases. For example, when work on the outside cannot be carried out due to the design features or the facade “belongs” to a house that is classified as an architectural monument.

Video description

The result of proper internal insulation of a house in the video:

Internal insulation of walls is allowed provided that a durable and continuous vapor-tight layer is created on the side of the room. But this is not easy to do, and if warm air with water vapor gets into the insulation or onto the surface of a cold wall, then the appearance of condensation is inevitable. And this is due to the “dew point”, which will move either inside the layer of thermal insulation material or to the border between it and the wall.

Even such protection from the inside will not provide a 100% guarantee against the wall getting wet - water vapor will find its way into the film joints and fastening points

That is, when deciding how to properly insulate a house, in the vast majority of cases, the answer will be based on clear regulatory recommendations - from the outside.

Popular thermal insulation materials

From a large list thermal insulation materials We can highlight several of the most popular ones and those that are used if the budget allows or for other reasons. Traditionally, the popularity of materials is determined by a combination of good thermal insulation characteristics and relatively low cost.

  • Expanded polystyrene

Better known as "foam". To be precise, in addition to slabs, this material is also used in granular form as bulk thermal insulation.

Its thermal conductivity varies with density, but on average it is one of the lowest in its class. Thermal insulation properties are provided by a cellular structure filled with air. The popularity is due to accessibility, ease of installation, good performance compressive strength, low water absorption. That is, it is cheap, quite durable (as part of the structure) and is not afraid of water.

Polystyrene foam is considered low-flammable, and those marked PSB-S are self-extinguishing (does not support combustion). But during a fire, it emits toxic gases, and this is one of the main reasons why it cannot be used for insulation from the inside. Its second drawback is low vapor permeability, which imposes restrictions on the use of “breathable” materials when insulating walls.

Insulating the outside of a house with foam plastic

  • Extruded polystyrene foam

It differs from polystyrene foam by a fundamentally different manufacturing technology, although the raw material is the same polystyrene granules. In some respects it is superior to its “relative”. It has the same percentage of water absorption (no more than 2%), on average, thermal conductivity is 20-30% lower (Table D.1 SP 23-101-2004), vapor permeability is several times lower and compressive strength is higher. Thanks to this set of qualities, it is the best material for insulating the foundation and basement, that is, the walls of the basement and the “zero” floor. The disadvantages of EPS are the same as those of polystyrene foam, and it costs more.

Eps is usually made “colored”

  • Stone, also known as basalt, cotton wool

This is a subtype of mineral wool, the raw materials of which are rocks of stone (most often basalt). A completely different type of thermal insulation material, low thermal conductivity which is ensured due to its fibrous structure and low density. It is inferior to foam plastic and EPPS in terms of thermal conductivity (on average 1.5 times higher), but unlike them, it does not burn or smolder (flammability class NG). Refers to “breathable” materials - according to the new standard this sounds like low “breathing resistance”.

Mineral wool mats for wall insulation must be “hard”

But there are other materials for insulating a house outside, which, although used less frequently, have their own advantages.

Thermal insulation materials - new products on the market

Additionally, you can always consider new options - they are a little more expensive, but often somewhat more effective than traditional ones.

  • Foamed polyurethane

Common polymer material"household use". Also well known as furniture foam (in the form of “soft” mats) or as polyurethane foam for sealing cracks. When insulating, it is also used in the form of slabs or sprayed insulation.

Polyurethane foam slabs have low tear-off holding properties, so they are not used in “wet façade” systems.

But this is a common thermal insulation material for making sandwich panels. The same technology underlies the production of thermal panels for facade cladding. Such a panel is a heat-insulating board with a decorative layer already applied at the factory (clinker tiles or stone chips). Two types of insulation: polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. In the first case, the thermal panel is two-layer, in the second – three-layer (as load-bearing base costs OSB or moisture resistant plywood). Two mounting options: dowels/anchors ( open method) or your own hidden fastening system.

Three-layer thermal panel

Sprayed polyurethane foam is in demand if it is necessary to create a seamless layer of thermal insulation on complex surfaces. Until recently, the only technology for applying such a layer was using professional installations, working with a two-component composition (mixing occurs during spraying).

Spraying polyurethane foam onto the base of a house

Now in Russia for household use production of one-component polyurethane foam has been launched, which is produced in aerosol can capacity 1 l. As manufacturers assure (there are two competing companies), insulating 1 m2 with your own hands is much cheaper than concluding an agreement with specialized enterprises that use professional equipment. And this option for insulating a house from the outside is quite attractive if literally 2-3 cm of the thermal insulation layer is missing.

Insulation using sprayed polyurethane foam "Teplis"

  • Ecowool

A relatively new thermal insulation material. The technology for insulating enclosing surfaces is based on cellulose fiber material, which is applied to the walls using a special installation. There are two options for insulation: filling the plane between the wall and the cladding, spraying with an adhesive binder onto the wall with installed sheathing (and subsequent installation of facade panels).

Among traditional materials, glass wool (a subtype of mineral wool) can be mentioned, but due to its fragility and the formation of tiny “dust” with sharp edges during installation, it has been replaced stone wool, safe both during installation and operation.

The better way to insulate a house from the outside - standards for the number of layers

If you follow the regulatory documents, there are two options for how to insulate a house from the outside in terms of the number of structural and thermal insulation layers: two-layer and three-layer. Moreover, in the second case, external paneling or plaster is not considered an independent layer, although they thermal insulation properties are taken into account. In three-layer walls, the outer (third) layer is the structural material.

Brick cladding with insulation

In addition to this classification, there is also a division based on the presence of a ventilated and non-ventilated layer.

  • brickwork, reinforced concrete (with flexible connections), expanded clay concrete - all types of solutions;
  • wooden houses– enclosing structures with two-layer, three-layer walls and with a ventilated air gap;
  • frame houses with thin-sheet cladding - three-layer walls with thermal insulation in the middle, as well as with a ventilated and unventilated air gap;
  • cellular concrete blocks - two-layer walls with brick cladding, as well as with a ventilated or non-ventilated layer.
In practice, for insulating low-rise buildings, such a variety of solutions comes down to the choice between a “wet” or a curtain wall. Although, it is those recommended by the standard that are considered as thermal insulation materials - mineral wool or expanded polystyrene (EPS as an alternative).

But each case has its own preferences.

Video description

The video shows how to choose how to insulate a house from the outside:

The better way to insulate a house from the outside, depending on the wall material

For insulating a brick house, there are no restrictions when choosing technology. Different options can be considered only depending on the chosen method of finishing the facade:

  • Facing brick. This is a classic three-layer wall construction with flexible ties. Even using polystyrene foam, it is necessary to provide a ventilated air gap to ventilate water vapor and prevent wall materials from getting wet.
  • Wet facade. You can use mineral wool and polystyrene foam. The first option is preferable - ceramic bricks vapor permeability is higher than that of foam. And according to clause 8.5 of SP 23-101-2004, the arrangement of layers should facilitate the weathering of water vapor to prevent moisture accumulation.

"Wet facade" scheme

  • Ventilated facade. With lining wall panels or large-format porcelain tiles on the sheathing. The insulation is traditional for all suspended facades - mineral wool.

Scheme of a ventilated facade

Wooden houses (logs or beams) are insulated exclusively with mineral wool using curtain façade technology.

For them, you can find examples of using polystyrene foam and plaster using the “wet facade” method. In this case, a ventilated gap is created between the wall and the foam boards using spacer sheathing. Although in this case the main advantage of the “wet facade” is lost - simplicity of design and installation.

How to calculate the thickness of insulation

If you look through SP23-101-2004 or a similar but later set of rules SP 50.13330.2012, you can see that calculating the thickness of the insulation is not so easy.

Each building is “individual”. When developing a project and approving it, such thermal calculations are made by specialists. And here a whole complex of parameters is taken into account - the characteristics of the region (temperatures, duration of the heating season, average number of sunny days), type and area of ​​glazing of the house, thermal capacity of the floor covering, thermal insulation of the roof and basement. Even the quantity metal bonds between the wall and the cladding matters.

But if the owner of a previously built house decides to insulate it (and the new standards introduced in 2003 are much stricter than the old ones), then he will have to choose between three parameters of the “standard thickness” of insulation - 50, 100 and 150 mm. And here the accuracy of calculations is not needed. There is a diagram that shows the equivalent dimensions of the thickness of different materials (in average form), the wall of which will meet the new requirements for thermal protection.

Only a house made of aerated concrete blocks with a thickness of 45 cm does not need insulation

And then it’s simple. They take the thickness of a wall made of a certain material and see how much is missing from the standard. And then they calculate in proportion what thickness of the insulation layer of the outside wall of the house should be added. Taking into account that a wet facade also has a layer of plaster, and a ventilated one has an air gap, plus interior decoration facade walls, you can be sure of sufficient thermal protection.

And the question of insulation of the roof, floors and choice good windows decided separately.

It’s even easier - use one of the many online calculators. The figure here is, of course, approximate, but rounded to big side to the nearest standard insulation thickness, it will give the required result.

How to properly install insulation on a facade

Before installation, the façade must be prepared: cleaned of old decoration, remove dirt and dust, dismantle hanging elements engineering systems, remove ebbs and canopies (you will still have to replace them with wider ones), remove signs, plates and façade lamps. Then the surface of the wall must be strengthened - cracks and chips must be repaired, crumbling areas must be cleaned, and a deep penetration primer must be applied.

Application of primer

For securely fastening polystyrene foam or rigid mineral wool mats in the system wet facade The surface of the wall should be as smooth as the unevenness can be smoothed out with an adhesive solution. If the height difference is up to 5 mm, the solution is applied over the entire insulation slab, with unevenness from 5 to 20 mm - along the perimeter and in the form of “cakes” on 40% of the slab surface.

The first row of slabs is mounted with emphasis on the starting bar, which also sets the horizontal level. The second and subsequent rows are placed with a vertical seam shift (at least 200 mm), leveling the surface of the insulation in the area of ​​the joints so that the height difference is no more than 3 mm. When insulating the walls around the openings, make sure that the seams of the slabs do not intersect in their corners. Each slab is additionally secured with umbrella dowels at the rate of 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Before applying plaster, the surface of the slabs is reinforced with fiberglass, fixed in the middle of a layer of adhesive solution with a total thickness of 5-6 mm.

The density of polystyrene foam is chosen to be 25-35 kg/m3.

Video description

Visually about mineral wool insulation in the video:

Mineral wool mats of Russian brands for the “wet facade” system must correspond to index 175, imported ones must be marked “facade” and have a density above 125 kg/m3.

Attention. In the “wet facade” system, the insulation is installed in only one (!) layer. A vertical surface made of two layers of “soft” slabs loaded with plaster behaves unpredictably, especially with changes in temperature and humidity conditions. Do not be fooled by arguments that the second layer of slabs overlaps the seams of the first and eliminates “cold bridges”.

The ventilated facade uses rigid mineral wool mats with a density of 80 kg/m3. If the surface of the mats is not laminated, then after attaching them to the sheathing, the surface is covered with either fiberglass or a vapor-permeable membrane.

The spacing of the lathing is chosen 2-3 cm less than the width of the mats. In addition to fastening to the sheathing, the insulation is additionally fixed to the wall with umbrella dowels.

The size of the air gap between the insulation and the cladding should be in the range of 60-150 mm.

Important. The size of 40 mm is standardized for non-ventilated air spaces.

To ventilate the layer in the cladding, inlet openings are installed in the base area and outlet openings are installed under the roof eaves. The total area of ​​the holes must be at least 75 cm2 per 20 m2 of wall.

Ventilation grilles in the wall

As a result, is it worth insulating?

Insulating your home is a profitable investment even in the short term. The investment will quickly pay for itself by reducing heating and air conditioning costs.

Our website also presents companies specializing in facade and finishing materials, which are presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

The most important condition for comfortable living in your own home at any time of the year and with the lowest possible costs for energy resources used for heating and air conditioning is a reliable Moreover Almost all areas of the building must be insulated. Roofing is no exception, which, by the way, is not always remembered by inexperienced novice developers.

If you look at the percentage of heat losses of any building that does not have proper thermal insulation, you will see that the “lion’s share” of them falls on the attic floor and roof. Specifics of this site general design the house also imposes special requirements on the materials used for its insulation. Let's try to understand this issue to help the reader exclude possible mistakes and make the right choice. So, what is the best roof insulation?

The need for roof insulation

First of all, it is necessary to dispel doubts about the need for roof insulation. Let's start with this.

The limited area of ​​land for building a house, and simply considerations of the most efficient construction with the lowest possible costs, often encourage owners to make useful use of the attic space. Attic “floors” are very popular these days, when the attic turns into a full-fledged living space, no different from other rooms in terms of convenience and comfort. Can be placed in the attic utility room, for example, a warm pantry, office or workshop.

It is clear that with this approach to beneficial use in the attic, there is no doubt about the insulation of the roof. Whatever type roofing neither was elected - none of them will provide the required protection from the winter cold. And in the sultry summer period The roof slopes heat up to such an extent in the sun that staying in an uninsulated attic becomes not only uncomfortable, but even completely intolerable from the heat. This, by the way, should never be discounted - insulation, or more correctly, thermal insulation of the roof helps to ensure an optimal microclimate in the attic at any time of the year.

But what about those whose immediate construction plans do not include converting the attic into a useful space? Maybe limit yourself to only high-quality thermal insulation attic floor?

How is the attic floor insulated?

The ceiling of a room bordering on top of an unheated and uninsulated attic becomes not a “bridge”, but an entire “highway” for heat losses. This can be eliminated by performing a whole range of thermal insulation works.

– read in a special publication on our portal.

  • Of course, we can limit ourselves to this. But it would be better to listen to the arguments in favor of insulating the roof slopes, even if this is associated, of course, with additional costs: All details rafter system And interior design

. Sometimes such work cannot be carried out without temporarily removing the roof covering. In short, it will be much more expensive. So it makes sense to think ahead in advance.

Criteria that roof insulation must meet

To make the right choice, you need to know the criteria by which this material should be evaluated. There are many of these criteria, and it should immediately be noted that not a single insulation material fully meets all of them. So you often have to choose which advantage to give preference to.

  • Of course, thermal insulation qualities should be placed in the first position. The material must have low thermal conductivity, that is, create the maximum possible resistance to heat transfer under specific application conditions. This indicator can be assessed by looking at the thermal conductivity coefficient, which must be indicated in the list of thermal insulation characteristics. To insulate the roof, where you can’t really “scatter” with the thickness of the insulation and the weight of the thermal insulation structure, they try to use materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of no more than 0.05 W/m×C°. And the lower this figure, the better.
  • The second most important factor is the density of the material. Nobody needs unnecessary overloads on the rafter system. So the less the insulation layer that is sufficient to create comfortable conditions weighs, the better.
  • The problem with many insulating materials is their excessive hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture literally from the air. And overmoistening always leads to at least a loss of thermal insulation qualities. This means that ideally the insulation should have a minimum moisture absorption, and even better – pronounced hydrophobicity. This is especially important in roof conditions, where exposure to moisture cannot be avoided.
  • The insulation material must maintain its qualities over a wide temperature range. That is, thermal insulation should “work” equally well both in extreme frosts and in the peak of summer heat.

  • The most important qualities of a material, especially used for roof insulation, are fire safety indicators. This concerns fire resistance, the ability to become a flame spreader, smoke generation, toxicity of combustion products. The ideal material appears completely non-flammable, but, alas, in this matter many insulation systems are far from doing well.
  • The stability of the material, that is, its durability under real operating conditions. An ideal insulation should not change shape or volume, be resistant to chemical or biological decay, spontaneous or due to external negative influence of one type or another.
  • The insulation should not serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms, nor should it be an attractive place for nests of insects, birds, and mice. And this, by the way, is also a very difficult problem to solve.
  • Thermal insulation material during operation should not pose a danger in terms of the release of fumes harmful to human health or other environmental pollutants.
  • For those who are going to carry out thermal insulation work on their own, the clarity and simplicity of working with the material is important, which does not require excessive effort, special experience, or special equipment.
  • Finally, an important criterion for any building material, including for insulation materials, there was and remains affordable price.

As you can see, there are a lot of criteria for assessing the quality of thermal insulation materials. And now we will begin to “try on” them with insulation materials that are suitable for thermal insulation of a pitched roof.

What insulation can be considered the best for roofing?

This publication will mainly focus on the most common V private construction pitched roof. Flat roofs have their own specific thermal insulation properties, and the materials used for this purpose may be different. Thus, bulk insulation, special mortars with special filling, high-density mineral wool slabs and other materials are widely used. This issue requires a separate detailed consideration, so it will be omitted in this article.

And for pitched roofs, where on The insulation itself will not have a significant mechanical impact; they still try to use materials with a low specific gravity. They can be divided into three groups:

  • Insulation with fiber structure.
  • Rigid insulation with a gas-filled porous structure.
  • Sprayed insulation.

These groups are also heterogeneous - materials can vary significantly in both basic composition and performance characteristics.

Insulation materials with fiber structure

This group of materials has one thing in common - they all represent an interweaving of thin fibers, due to which a layer of immobilized air is created enclosed in them. And this, in turn, becomes a thermal insulation layer. And here starting materials for the production of fibers can have serious differences, even down to their “nature” - mineral or organic. The first includes all types of mineral wool, the second subcategory includes cellulose-based ecowool.

Mineral wool

For thermal insulation of building structures in residential buildings, two types of mineral wool are used. In the first of them, fibers are formed from a melt quartz glass, in the second, the raw materials for production are rocks of the basalt group. Hence the names - glass wool and stone (basalt) wool.

There is another type of mineral wool - it is made from waste metallurgical enterprises, slag. But it has not become widespread in residential construction, since it is inferior in both insulating qualities and durability. Yes and from the point of view of environmental safety Not everything is all right with her either. In a word, there is no particular point in focusing your attention on it.

Prices for mineral wool

mineral wool

But you should take a closer look at glass wool and basalt wool.

Mineral wool based on glass fibers

For the production of glass wool, broken glass and purified quartz sand are used as raw materials. After the mass is melted in furnaces, it is pulled out special technology fine fibers, which are then compressed into “carpets” using binding additives. At the final stage of production, the products are cut into blocks or mats of standard sizes.

The production process has been worked out for a long time, there is also no shortage of raw materials, and therefore the cost of glass wool is quite affordable, which predetermines its wide popularity. Inlet form - blocks (plates), mats in rolls and in Lately Easy-to-install slabs in rolls are also used.

TO dignity m of glass wool include the following:

— The specific gravity of the insulation is small, and therefore its installation does not require much physical effort, and the thermal insulation system does not exert a significant load on the roof structure.

— Glass wool blocks or mats have good elasticity. That is, they can be laid in spaces that are somewhat smaller in size - after straightening, they fit quite tightly to each other and to the enclosing elements (in this case, most often to the rafter legs).

“The same quality allows us to significantly reduce the volume of material when packaging it on the production line. This property allows you to reduce overhead costs for transporting insulation. And after removing the packaging, the blocks or mats, expanding, take on the specified dimensions.

— The material is flexible, that is, it can be used for thermal insulation of complex, for example, curved or broken areas without additional cutting into smaller fragments.

At the same time, glass wool also has certain flaws which must not be forgotten:

— This insulation has a fairly high hygroscopicity. Therefore, when using it Special attention addresses the creation of a reliable vapor barrier from the attic side, and the possibility of free evaporation of moisture from the roof side. Otherwise, the insulation will quickly become damp and lose all its thermal insulation qualities.

— Glass fibers are quite fragile. This means that vibrating effects are completely contraindicated for glass wool. Small broken particles of fibers become a serious irritant to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes of the respiratory system, that is, thermal insulation work should be carried out in compliance with special protective measures. Measures should be taken to completely eliminate the possibility of these particles entering the atmosphere of the living area of ​​the house during operation, as they cause allergic reactions.

— The emission of formaldehyde, which is part of the binders, is also one of the disadvantages of the material. But this is more typical of cheap insulation of unknown brands (or even those that do not have any trademark at all - this happens!) Leading manufacturers are trying to reduce emission indicators to nothing, and many modern types of glass wool are approved for use not only in residential and public spaces, but even in educational and medical institutions.

A few more words can be added about the “branding” of glass wool. The fact is that the construction market is filled inexpensive materials of very dubious origin. In the production of such glass wool, either outdated technologies are used, or the process of technological control is completely absent. Such mats are characterized by high fiber fragility and strong shrinkage, and glass wool can turn into dust in just a few years. Naturally, there can be no question of any quality of thermal insulation of the roof here. So the pursuit of cheapness often results in considerable additional costs.

If you have already decided to use glass wool for roof insulation, then you should pay attention to high-quality products, for example, from the companies Ursa or Isover.

For example, let's take a closer look at the insulation from the line « UrsaGeo". For roof insulation from this series are suitable « A private house» , "M -11" rafter system "Pitched Roof", whose name speaks for itself.

The basis of all these materials is glass fiber with the addition of special mineral components that reduce the disadvantages characteristic of glass wool. Products from this range are considered completely safe for both humans and the environment.

The products of the Ursa company are characterized by a number of special advantages:

— The material belongs to the group completely non-flammable insulation materials. Not only does the insulation not ignite on its own, it can become a barrier to the spread of flame.

— The company’s technologists managed to reduce the emission of binders organic compounds to such a low level that it can not be taken into account at all - it does not in any way affect the cleanliness of indoor air.

“Thanks to special mineral additives, which are the company’s technological secret, the glass fibers received additional elasticity, that is, it was possible to reduce their characteristic fragility.

— In many types of thermal insulation “Ursa Geo”, in particular, in “Pitched roofing”, it is used interesting technology"URSA Spannfilz". This expression can be literally translated as “elastic felt.” The special structure of the fiber board gives it increased elasticity, and the insulation blocks fit very well between the rafters, which makes it possible to do without even additional fastening. And the tight fit eliminates the formation of voids, unfilled with insulation.

— Insulation materials are produced in a form that is very convenient for installation. For example, the “Pitched Roof” material consists of slabs in a roll, which greatly simplifies cutting to the desired size, if necessary.

— The manufacturer guarantees a long period of correctly laid thermal insulation without loss of its insulating properties, without shrinkage and destructuring– at least 50 years.

The main characteristics of fiberglass insulation from the Ursa Geo line, which is excellent for thermal insulation of a pitched roof, are given in the table.

A private houseM-11Pitched roof
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×°С0,045 0,044 0,040
Vapor permeability, mg/m×h×Pa0,65 0,64 0,64
Fire safety classKM0KM0KM0
Flammability groupNGNGNG
Operating temperature range, °C60÷+22060÷+22060÷+220
Water absorption in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1 1 1
Release formmats on a rollmats on a rollslabs in roll
Dimensional parameters, mm
- length8350 7000;
- width1200 1200 1200
- thickness50 50; 10 150;200
approximate cost1100 rub/m³roll 1200×10000×50 mm - 1220 rub.980 rub. with a thickness of 150 mm;
1070 rub. with a thickness of 200 mm.
Basalt-based mineral wool

Fibers obtained from molten rocks gabbro-basalt groups have a number of advantages over glass ones. They become thinner and longer, they have more elasticity and much less fragility. All this gives mineral wool on this basis higher performance qualities. All the advantages inherent in glass wool are also inherent in basalt wool, and there are, in addition, a number of advantages.

Prices for basalt wool

basalt wool

It is even visually noticeable that high-quality basalt wool has a clearly homogeneous structure; it is given clear geometric shapes. It is much easier to work with such insulation - it is certainly not worth neglecting skin and respiratory protection, but it does not cause as much irritation as glass wool.

Basalt wool is also better at being hygroscopic - special treatment sharply reduces moisture absorption, and the products of some manufacturers even have properties close to hydrophobicity. But this still does not give grounds to refuse vapor barrier. Vapor permeability is high, that is, when the necessary conditions are created, even moisture that accidentally penetrates into the material will easily evaporate through the ventilation gaps of the roofing pie.

Products famous brands Everything is going well with formaldehyde emission indicators - insulation materials have sanitary certificates with approval for safe use in any residential premises. By the way, it would never be a bad idea to check for a copy of such a certificate when purchasing any insulation material.

Basalt wool slabs are extremely easy to install - both due to their precise “geometry” and due to their pronounced elasticity. And besides, manufacturers provide other “chips”. For example, “ROCKWOOL LIGHT BUTTS SCANDIC” slabs, popular among builders, have an edge “spring-loaded” using a special technology, which ensures their precise and reliable fixation at the installation site - between rafters, beams,

An excellent solution for roof insulation - ROCKWOOL LIGHT BUTTS SCANDIC slabs with a springy edge zone, which makes installation simple and very reliable

There are no significant disadvantages of basalt wool (if we're talking about about truly high-quality products from well-known brands) – not much. Perhaps this can only be attributed to the higher cost of the material.

The range of basalt insulation materials is quite wide. Along with the “heavyweights” in this area of ​​​​production - the companies ROCKWOOL, PAROC, TechnoNIKOL, the companies Basvul, Isobel, Izovol and others offer quite worthy products. Before purchasing, it makes sense to take a closer look at the brand you like - trustworthy companies always have informative Internet portals, and a network of representative offices has been organized throughout Russia.

As an example to familiarize yourself with the physical and operational characteristics, you can take the already mentioned above insulation “ROCKWOOL LIGHT BUTTS”. By the way, another advantage is that during packaging in production it is compressed by more than half due to vacuum technology. But when the packaging is removed, the slabs take on the specified dimensions without any loss of their performance.

Name of the main operational parameters of the materialIndicators
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m×°C):0,039
Specific gravity (kg/m³)30
Flammability groupNG
Fire safety classKM0
Vapor permeability (mg/(m×h×Pa), not less0.03
Moisture absorption when partially immersedno more than 1kg/m²
Dimensions800 ×600 mm
(XL slabs - 1200× 600 mm)
thickness50 or 100 mm
(XL slabs - 100 and 150 mm)
approximate cost- with a thickness of 50 mm - 145 rub./m²
- 100 mm - 285 RUR/m²
- 150 mm - 430 rub/m²

The service life of such thermal insulation is estimated at no less than 50 years.

Organic-based fiber insulation – ecowool

This insulation appeared in widespread use not so long ago, and is even unknown to many. Meanwhile, it shows very good thermal insulation qualities.

The basis for the production of ecowool is ordinary cellulose fibers obtained from wood waste, paper and other waste raw materials. The total cellulose content in this insulation reaches 80 ÷ 85 percent. The rest is additives that ensure the biological resistance of the material ( boric acid) and special fire retardants that increase the resistance of cellulose to fire.

Thermal performance indicators of ecowool are very decent: the thermal conductivity coefficient is approximately in the range from 0.038 to 0.043 W/m×° WITH, that is, quite comparable to mineral wool.

The material is famous for its ecological cleanliness(hence its name), and antiseptic treatment reliably protects it from decay and decay, from damage by pathogenic microflora. Rodents and insects do not make nests in ecowool.

According to the degree of flammability, the material belongs to group G 2 - low-flammable, self-extinguishing. Combustion products do not contain toxic substances, which is typical, for example, of synthetic insulation.

Ecowool is quite hygroscopic, so issues of reliable hydro- and vapor barrier will definitely have to be thought through. But due to the capillary structure of natural fibers, moisture also easily evaporates from the material without disturbing its qualities. Interestingly, in this way, ecowool insulation stands are able to “automatically” maintain optimal humidity balance in the room.

Prices for ecowool

Ecowool is laid using “dry” and “wet” technologies. But application by the “wet” method, that is, by spraying, is not particularly justified on roof slopes that have a negative slope on the attic side - there will be too much waste. Therefore, most often this insulation is blown into cavities that are created using vapor barrier membranes or internal lining attic space.

Insulation of roof slopes with ecowool - the material is blown into the created cavities using a special installation

The density of the insulating layer, depending on the application method, ranges from 40 to 75 kg/m³.

TO shortcomings Similar insulation includes the following:

— Even the “dry method” of laying ecowool (with the exception of floor insulation) requires a special installation. In addition, to perform such work well, well-developed skills are needed.

— The process of laying ecowool is very dusty in any case. Without funds personal protection you can't start it.

The cost of ecowool ranges from 20 to 35 rubles per kilogram. Usually she comes on sale in sealed plastic bags, packaged in 15 or 20 kilograms.

It seems - not so much. But if you look at the price lists of services provided by manufacturers or distributors of such insulation, you will see that you will also have to pay approximately the same amount for installation. And without special equipment it is extremely difficult to do this. This, perhaps, is the most important “minus” of such thermal insulation.

Sprayed insulation

One of the most effective ways to insulate a roof is spraying. foam insulation from the back side of the roof slopes. With this approach, the thermal insulation layer becomes almost seamless, that is, without leaving cold bridges.

There are several types of such materials. But the closest thing to “ideal” in terms of all criteria for thermal insulation quality is polyurethane foam.

Perhaps the most reliable and effective method of thermal insulation pitched roof– spraying polyurethane foam

The thermal conductivity coefficient of polyurethane foam is very low, estimated at less than 0.03 W/m×°C. The material shows excellent adhesion to almost all surfaces. A closed cell makes the insulation layer vapor-tight, which means that in some cases you can do without additional costs for vapor barrier.

However, all the advantages of the material are also combined with quite at a high price on him. Moreover, polyurethane foam is synthesized directly on site from two initial components, for which special installations are used. That is, “lovers of independent creativity”, one way or another, will have to resort to calling a brigade. And this also costs a lot of money.

There is, however, a caveat - in construction stores Recently, disposable mini-installations for spraying polyurethane foam have appeared. However, their price is no lower than the cost of professional services.

If you look at the price lists of construction companies in the Central region of Russia, the cost of spraying polyurethane foam 100 mm thick on an area of ​​1 m² ranges from 1100 to 1400 rubles, depending on the manufacturer of the initial components. Agree, it’s very expensive.

We can talk a lot about polyurethane foam, but we will limit ourselves to the brief information given above. The fact is that on our portal a special publication is devoted to this type of insulation. By the way, it also talks about another type of foam insulation - penoizol, which can also be used for thermal insulation of roofs.

Prices for polyurethane foam

polyurethane foam

Special thermal insulation technology - foam insulation

These differ from all other insulation materials, first of all, in their special application technology. Read about the advantages and disadvantages and the features of working with them in a special article on our portal.

Synthetic-based rigid insulation boards

Polystyrene based materials

This group of insulation materials includes the familiar white foam and extruded polystyrene foam. Despite the relatedness chemical composition, the difference in the performance qualities of these materials is very large.

  • Let's start with foam. And here we will immediately express a categorical judgment, with which some may not agree. However, using foam plastic for thermal insulation of roof slopes is extremely undesirable.

There are no words - foam plastic captivates with its low price, quite decent thermal insulation characteristics, lightness, and ease of installation. What more could you want?

But let's take a closer look at its shortcomings:

— The production of polystyrene foam is a fairly simple process that does not require highly complex equipment. And they do this business everywhere, very often without observing any technical requirements. So talking about any quality standards is simply ridiculous.

— The main disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its flammability. And this material not only spreads flame very well, but also emits deadly toxic substances when burning. Literally a few breaths - and a person receives powerful poisoning, leading to the most tragic consequences. Statistics of fire tragedies show that if polystyrene foam catches fire, people have little chance of surviving even in a not very large fire. Is it worth planting such a “bomb” on someone so vulnerable from the point of view fire danger section of the building, like the roof?

Prices for PIR boards

The main component of such boards is polyisocyanurate foam (abbreviated as PIR). It is a gas-filled rigid structure with isolated cells.

Thanks to the special production technology and the specifics of the polymer itself, insulation boards are still considered unsurpassed for its thermal insulation qualities. Thus, the manufacturer claims an absolutely fantastic thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.022 W/m×° WITH! In reality, in real conditions, it may, of course, be more, but even 0.025 is a very good indicator.

The material is highly mechanical strength– up to 120 kPa at 10% deformation. At the same time, the density of the slabs does not exceed 40 kg/m³

Wide operating temperature range: from – 70 to + 110 °C.

Almost completely hydrophobic - a closed cell prevents moisture from penetrating inside.

PIR boards can be covered with foil, which gives them additional slickness against moisture. Other types of coatings are also practiced.

Many slab models have convenient tongue-and-groove locking connections, allowing large areas to be covered with a seamless coating.

One of the “pioneers” in the production of such thermal insulation was the Russian company Technonikol. Its product range includes slabs for insulating any areas of the building, including the roof. At the same time, the company also offers ready-made solutions - sets of materials for thermal insulation of the roof between the rafters, under them and on top of them - at the choice of the consumer.

The standard dimensions of the water bowls are 600×1200 mm. The thickness is selected according to need - there is a range of slabs with a thickness from 25 to 150 mm.

There is no doubt - such thermal insulation materials have a great future. But so far they have not become widespread - simply because of the high cost. So, depending on the specific type, the type of external coating and the thickness of the slabs, the price for them varies from 11 to 15 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

TechnoNIKOL is not the only company that has mastered the production of these innovative materials. Watch a video about the insulation of a pitched roof with PIR boards from the company " PirroGroup."

Video: Insulation of roof slopes with innovative thermal insulation - PIR-boards “PirroGroup”

Appendix: How to determine what thickness of insulation is required?

If there is certainty with the choice of insulation, then the question will inevitably arise - what thickness of thermal insulation should be made to ensure comfortable conditions in the attic. We will need to make a small calculation, and a convenient online calculator will help us with this.

The calculation is not particularly complicated. The algorithm is based on the fact that the thermal insulation system being created must create a total resistance to heat transfer no less than that established by the standards for a particular region, taking into account its climatic characteristics. You can find out the normalized thermal resistance from the attached diagram map. Please note that in this case we are interested in the red numbers - for coatings. This figure in the “three” is always the largest.

The second quantity required for calculation is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulating material. The operational values ​​of these coefficients for insulation materials, about which discussed in this publication.

If desired, you can also take into account the lining of the attic space, if it is solid. The materials of such cladding also have certain thermal insulation qualities. And this can, although not particularly large, still reduce the required thickness of the insulation. However, this item is optional, and if the skin is not taken into account, simply leave its thickness at the default value of 0 mm.

The final result will be shown in millimeters. All that remains is to bring it to the standard thickness of the selected insulation, rounded up. For example, it turned out to be 132 mm. You can use two-layer insulation with slabs 100 and 40 mm thick, or use slabs 150 mm thick. Here you can already choose for reasons of economics of one or another possible option and according to the planned insulation installation scheme.

Global trend towards frugal spending natural resources dictates new energy saving standards. New types of thermal insulation are being developed that can significantly reduce energy consumption during the cold season. Consumers just have to choose the appropriate insulation.

Which thermal insulation is better

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Very popular today fiber insulation and rigid slabs of extruded polystyrene foam. It makes sense to compare the materials of these two groups.

Which insulation is better: polystyrene foam or mineral wool?

Foam plastic is rigid slabs of various sizes and thicknesses, which are often used to insulate foundations, walls, and ceilings. Polystyrene foam consists of many air bubbles, therefore it has a minimum thermal conductivity coefficient. It is resistant to rotting, practically does not absorb moisture, and does not collapse due to temperature changes.

Mineral wool is produced by pulling fibers from molten rocks. The material is available in the form of mats or slabs, has a fibrous structure, and is characterized by resistance to extreme heating. In addition, mineral fibers do not rot or rust, and they are not eaten by rodents and insects. Cotton wool is often used for external insulation of baths, saunas, and house walls.

Comparison of polystyrene foam and mineral wool



Mineral wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Bending strength, MPa

Moisture absorption,%

Relation to fire

Which is better: basalt insulation or mineral wool?

There is no answer to this question because both materials are the same thing. Mats obtained by pressing fibers of basalt, slag, and various rocks are called mineral wool. And the concept “basalt” refers to only one type of insulation of this group and denotes the name of the mineral from which it is made.

Expanded polystyrene or basalt wool

Extruded polystyrene foam is essentially the same foam plastic, but sold under different trade names and produced using more modern technologies. It is also worth understanding that there is still a difference between the types of foam that were produced earlier and new materials. Technical and performance characteristics Over time, the slabs were improved and the main shortcomings were smoothed out. Their main advantage is the ability to operate with constant contact with groundwater and in conditions of high humidity.

Comparison of extruded polystyrene foam and basalt wool



Basalt wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Bending strength, MPa

Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(mhK)

Moisture absorption,%

Relation to fire

Does not support combustion, but emits acrid smoke

Vapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m*h*Pa)

Maximum heating temperature, °C

Basalt wool or glass wool

Both materials belong to the same group, but in the first case basalt is used as the starting material, and in the second - glass. Modern glass wool no longer crumbles and generates dust during use; it is flexible and elastic, therefore it is often used to insulate structures of complex shapes. Basalt mats are thicker and heavier, but they settle much more slowly and, with high-quality vapor barrier, are considered almost eternal.

Comparison of glass wool and basalt wool


Glass wool

Basalt wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Bending strength, MPa

Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m*K)

Moisture absorption during partial immersion,%

Relation to fire

Vapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m*h*Pa)

Maximum heating temperature, °C

Polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam

It is also difficult to compare here, as in the case of basalt wool and mineral wool. The materials are similar in structure. Extruded polystyrene foam is produced by extrusion, so it is stronger, harder and more rigid than polystyrene foam. In addition, many manufacturers add fire retardants and rodent repellents to the material.

There is a wide choice of insulation materials for wooden houses; they can be used to insulate a house outside, and some even inside the house. What types are suitable for a frame house? Which is the best, let's look at their characteristics in this article! If carried out correctly, it will not be superfluous in any climatic conditions.

When it is done correctly, then under its “protection” the house will not only be warmer in winter, but also noticeably cooler in summer.

Installation of insulation will create a comfortable microclimate in a room for any purpose - in a residential building, office or production workshop.

In addition, saving heat means obvious financial savings. It is completely unreasonable to heat the street, given that the technologies used today provide an opportunity to save energy resources already at the initial stage of construction work. Most of all, those parts of the building that are most adjacent to the building require the use of insulation. external environment- , And .

The material produced in this way has excellent properties; moreover, it is not flammable and therefore does not pose a fire hazard. But a huge part of the wonderful qualities of insulation can be irretrievably lost when it gets wet. This should be taken into account.

Stone wool

Stone wool

This is a fibrous material that is sold in the form of rolls and portioned slabs, and has an extremely low thermal conductivity.

The highest quality product is made from rocks called gabbro-basalt. This non-flammable material is used with equal success in the construction of private facilities and the construction of various industrial facilities. The wide range of uses is also explained by the possibility of its use at extremely high temperatures, reaching one thousand degrees.

The insulation's complete immunity to fire is complemented by its excellent resistance to moisture. This is a hydrophobic material, the peculiarity of which is that it does not absorb water, but repels it.

This ensures that the insulation remains dry even after a long period of time. This, in turn, will allow her to maintain her high performance qualities. The unique properties of basalt wool allow it to be used even in boiler rooms, baths and saunas, where high humidity and high temperature are combined. Strength in this case is not directly dependent on the density of the material.

This is a fairly soft material, but at the same time has a sufficient margin of strength. Its structural stability is determined by the special arrangement of the individual component fibers - chaotic and vertical. The material has high anti-corrosion properties.

It can coexist quite peacefully with concrete and metal, without the occurrence of various kinds of chemical reactions. High biological stability provides it with immunity to various biological pests: damage by insects and rodents, the emergence fungal diseases,

The basalt insulation passed the combustion test, but the organic insulation burned out

Basalt rock is the main raw material for production of this type cotton wool. Treatment with formaldehyde resins gives the material a sufficient level of strength, and the modern technologies used guarantee the complete elimination of harmful phenols at the stage of material production.

The final product reaching the consumer is a harmless and environmentally friendly material with high insulating qualities.

It is actively used for insulating floors of residential and production premises, for thermal insulation of roofs and facades, including as external insulation.

It has found wide application in rooms with extreme levels of humidity and temperature. The best basalt insulation, stone wool made from rocks, is the key to quality for a long time.

Glass wool

The missing 7% comes from specially added flame retardants. Insulation fibers contain lignin, which becomes sticky when humidity increases. All elements included in the insulation are non-toxic, absolutely non-volatile and harmless to health. Cellulose insulation is resistant to combustion and rotting, and has excellent sound and heat insulation properties.

Can hold approximately 20% humidity while maintaining its performance. The material releases moisture to the outside and dries quickly, maintaining all its performance qualities. The disadvantage of ecowool is the difficulty of manually applying it to the surface, as well as the impossibility of arranging a “floating floor” due to its inherent softness.