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When to plant spinach properly: professional advice. How to grow spinach in a summer cottage? When to sow spinach

Parsley, dill, lettuce leaves are familiar and familiar to us greens in the garden, in the country. And you can diversify your diet with spinach. For good harvest, you need to know how to properly grow spinach from seed.

For a good and rich harvest, you need to know how to properly grow spinach from seeds.

Spinach belongs to annual plants family of haze, to a number of early ripening. It is a root rosette of large leaves up to 20 cm high. Male plants, as a rule, have few leaves and are unsuitable for eating, so it is better to remove them when thinning. The plant is cold-resistant and can withstand temperatures as low as -8 ° C. The optimum temperature for growing spinach is 15-20 ° C. Spinach grows best when the day length is 12-15 hours. You can harvest spinach seeds almost all year round, renewing crops in 2-3 weeks.

Spinach is used in fresh adding to salads. Mashed potatoes are made from it, which can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. To do this, it must be crushed, boiled and rubbed through a coarse sieve. Fresh spinach leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. It is not recommended to pre-wash them so that the leaves retain their freshness.

Spinach is very rich in vitamins B, C, D2. The leaves contain many nutrients such as iron, calcium, secretin, salts, proteins, and do not contain acids. The content of carotene in it is correlated with the amount of carotene in carrots. V folk medicine spinach is advised to be eaten by those who have problems with digestion, cardiovascular system, with anemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, anemia. However, spinach is contraindicated in cases of gout, people with kidney problems and liver problems. Spinach is great for baby food.


Spinach is very rich in various vitamins that are beneficial to health.

  1. Giant - early ripe, has a slightly raised medium-compact rosette, leaves are large, light green in color, elongated-oval, slightly bubbly.
  2. Victoria - late ripening, compact rosette adjacent to the ground, leaves are rounded, bubbly, dark green, slowly arrows.
  3. Fat-leaved - late ripening, leaves are raised, medium, slightly bubbly, green.
  4. Virofle - the rosette is raised, the leaves are large, ovoid, slightly corrugated.
  5. Matador - spinach hybrid, mid-season, gives high yield... After germination, the first crop can be harvested in 40-45 days. The leaves are gray-green in color, smooth, juicy. The yield reaches 8-9 kg per 1 m2. By planting this variety in mid-May, you can harvest from July to autumn. It tolerates frost well.

Less popular are such varieties as "Space", "Melody", "" Dolphin "," New Zealand thermophilic "," Sporter ".

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The soil

Spinach does not like acidic soils; loamy soils suit it best. If, nevertheless, your soil in the country belongs to the first category, sprinkle it with ash or lime. Make the beds low so that the earth does not dry out. It is advisable to grow spinach in a place well warmed by the sun. So that the water does not drain off during watering and retains moisture longer, make bumpers around the perimeter.

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Are planted in spring early varieties spinach, late April to early May. The best interval between crops is 15-20 days. It takes 4-5 weeks from sowing to harvesting. Late varieties planted until mid-August, they yield within 6-7 weeks.

Spinach, like all greens, loves water, therefore it must be thoroughly and regularly watered.

Spinach seeds must first be soaked for 1-2 days, changing the water after 6-8 hours. Then they are dried a little so that they do not stick together. The seeds are sown in rows in the ground, keeping a distance of 20-30 cm between them, to a depth of 2 cm. There should be 5-8 cm between the seeds. They germinate at a temperature of + 2 ° C ... -5 ° C. Squeeze the ground with your palm or tamp the rake with the back side. Water the garden bed and cover with burlap for 3-4 days. Cover top plastic wrap on a frame installed above the garden bed at a height of 20 cm. Seeds sprout in 10-14 days. When two or three leaves appear in the outlet, the spinach needs to be thinned out.

In addition, spinach can hibernate. It is planted in the fall around mid-October. Seedlings have time to form small rosettes of leaves. Spinach planted in autumn rises early in spring and is ready to eat in 2 weeks.

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Spinach loves water very much. Therefore, in order to grow juicy, fleshy leaves, water should be based on the calculation of one bucket of water per 1 m2. In dry weather, water the crops at least three times a week, since the root system is no more than 25 cm. In addition, it is necessary to weed the weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil. If the spinach starts to shoot, break off the tops.

Interest in healthy eating: environmentally friendly, rich in minerals and vitamins, easily digestible, does not cause allergies, useful for children and adults - this is how it should be. Spinach grown on its own site meets all these requirements.

Why grow spinach

The green vegetable, which is very popular both in Europe and America, is still not very popular with us. And in vain:

  • it is growing rapidly;
  • surprisingly unpretentious;
  • little susceptible to disease;
  • unsurpassed in the richness of its composition.

For comparison, in terms of the amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, spinach is several times higher than the popular cabbage. And it contains more protein and essential vitamins.

When and how to sow

Cold-resistant spinach can be sown in the most early dates, as soon as the surface layer of the earth thaws slightly. Seeds sown in early spring are well saturated with moisture and will sprout together. If the soil is dry, seedlings may be delayed as it is difficult for the sprouts to break through the dense seed coat. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to soak the seeds for several hours in slightly warm water, and thoroughly water the furrows before sowing.

The sowing depth should be at least 2-3 cm. Sowing deeper in sandy soil, and shallower in clay soil. The distance between the rows is 15-25 cm, depending on the type of plant. Between the seeds in a row, it is advisable to make an interval of at least 5 cm so that the sprouts do not stretch out and the bushes grow dense. The sown seeds should be pressed to the ground, thereby increasing their contact with the soil. Seedlings will appear in 10-14 days.

About a month after germination, you can start harvesting the first crop. Crops can be repeated every two weeks until mid-May for a continuous conveyor of fresh nutritious greens. In summer, spinach grows poorly: it quickly "goes into the arrow", the foliage becomes smaller. This feature of the plant makes it possible to use spinach as a compacting crop or as a precursor plant for heat-loving vegetables that are planted only in May-June: tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers. Joint landings are also recommended because spinach roots release substances that have a beneficial effect on root system other plants.

At the end of summer, crops are resumed. Sowing spinach is permissible until the end of September, then it will have time to grow before winter. But, even if you are late in harvesting, spinach may well overwinter and be the very first vegetable from your site next spring.

Spinach is also sown before winter. Optimal timing for this they come when the soil temperature drops below 5 degrees, usually at the end of October. The second option for winter sowing involves preliminary preparation beds, cutting furrows, into which the seeds are sown after the soil has frozen and sprinkled with the soil that was kept warm. Winter crops use all the rich supply of spring moisture, temper and give chunky lush bushes.

Care features

In order for a vegetable to be born wonderfully well, it needs two main conditions: good soil and timely watering. The best soils for spinach are loams with ample organic matter. Sandy soil is the least suitable for spinach, but it can be improved by systematic application of organic matter. However, in the year of planting organic fertilizers it is impossible to introduce, this rule applies not only to green crops, but also to most vegetables. The fact is that organic matter contains too many microorganisms, many of which can be dangerous to humans and plants.

Regular watering has a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of the crop. If there is an opportunity to organize them daily or every other day, this will be ideal. It is permissible to water the spinach once a week, but in this case, watering should be abundant, and the aisles should be mulched or covered with any covering material to limit the evaporation of moisture.

Spinach does not need feeding. It develops too quickly and it usually has enough of the available mineral elements in the soil, and the plant simply does not have time to process the additionally introduced substances. Therefore, feeding can make the product practically unsuitable for human consumption. It is permissible to add a small amount of urea to the soil when sowing.

It is undesirable to be late with weeding. Spinach is a very light-loving plant and even slight shading negatively affects the quality of its foliage, the amount of nutrients in it. Fortunately, with a little bit of strength, spinach spreads its leaves wide, limiting the growth of new weeds.


They begin to harvest spinach bushes when 5-6 leaves are formed on them. Collecting grown rosettes of spinach is combined with thinning it, while increasing the intervals between the remaining bushes. A plant on which 9-12 leaves have formed is considered fully ripe.

At the final harvest, it is recommended to cut the rosettes under the first leaf. So the plants are less polluted, and the roots remain in the ground, continuing their beneficial effect on the soil. Best time collection - morning. You should not delay harvesting, the leaves begin to coarse over time, and the nutrients they contain disintegrate. In addition, the amount of unwanted oxalic acid in the foliage gradually increases. The deadline for harvesting spinach is the period when the peduncles appear. After that, the nutritional value of the culture decreases sharply.

Some of the plants can be left to receive seeds. It should be borne in mind that spinach - dioecious plant: there are specimens with staminate and pistillate flowers, both must be left. After pollination, the male plants will soon dry up, and the female plants will grow until the seeds ripen, which are located in small groups along the top of the stem.

Growing spinach is a great opportunity to enrich your table wholesome food, provide adequate nutrition for children. Spinach means family and vegetable health!

Spinach has recently become a very popular crop with. Growing spinach is not troublesome, but pleasant, learn all about growing this crop from our article

Just like dill, parsley, and lettuce, spinach can be grown on open ground or in a greenhouse.

The health benefits of spinach

Spinach preserves useful components, both fresh and after thermal processing or freezing. It contains carotene, vitamin C, oleic, oxalic, linolenic acids. There is the presence of phosphorus, manganese, iodine, potassium and iron, as well as vitamins P, K, B, E, PP.

Studying the features of spinach, it was found that the juice of the plant helps with anemia, poor appetite, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and restores the nervous system.

However, experts warn that it is not worth eating a lot of spinach for the elderly and children, as well as for people with liver and kidney problems.

Spinach soil

Soil for spinach should be fertile, rich in organic matter, drained. Spinach grows well on loam and sandy loam. The acidity is important for the plant, the pH of which is 6.7-7.0. In acidic soil, the plant may die. In heavy soil for spinach, organic fertilizers need to be applied, carbonate or limed will not work, since they do not contain the right amount gland.


The dosage is recommended to be selected based on the fertility of the soil. So, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus are added to the fertile land in the fall, and at a distance of each square meter - about 6-7 kg of humus or manure, which is perepil. Fertilize during digging.

Fertilizers are added to poor soil right before sowing a crop, namely: for each square meter, 5-6 g of phosphorus, 10-13 g of potassium, 10 g of nitrogen.

It should be noted that fertilizers should be applied carefully, since the plant is capable of accumulating nitrates, therefore nitrogen is added to the soil only if necessary.

How to grow spinach from seeds

Spinach is often grown from seed.

For spinach, the ground must be prepared in the fall. When digging up the soil, fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium, as well as compost, are introduced into it. You can add 1/3 of the usual dose of nitrogen. Before planting spinach, the soil for sowing is cultivated and 2/3 of nitrogen is added to it.

Sow spinach in stages so that you can have fresh greens for longer. At the end of the summer period - the beginning of autumn, spinach is sown in the ground, then the greens will appear at the very beginning of spring.

Spinach, which is planted in the fall, will release the first rosette of leaves before the arrival of winter, then the plant hibernates, and 12-15 days after the snow has melted, you will see the first sprouts of healthy and juicy greenery.

Before planting seeds in the ground, they should be properly prepared so that the seedlings are good. Soaking the seeds for a few hours will not be enough as they do not absorb water well. Therefore, it is necessary that the water temperature is 25 degrees; bubbling is also used. After holding the seeds in water for 2 days, they should be dried, then they will become free-flowing, and then sown into the soil.

There are several methods of sowing spinach - in rows and in beds. The method of sowing in the beds is used when the land is heavy, sowing in rows in any other land. The seeds do not deepen much - about 2-3 cm, a distance of up to 30 cm should be made between the rows of spinach.

How to care for spinach?

It is necessary to observe the seedlings, caring for them. The beds must be clean so that weeds do not interfere with the sprouts. Also, the plant should not be planted too densely. Water the spinach in time, then it will not stalk. Try to keep the ground from drying out, especially in hot weather.

During the growing season, it is allowed to introduce additional food after the rain has passed or when watering the plant. Then you need to loosen the ground. While the spinach is growing, weed at least 2-3 times and loosen the soil a little between the rows. In addition, remember that you need to harvest new seedlings so that the rows are not too dense, then productivity will decrease, also remove weak male seedlings.


The finished crop can be cut from the garden when the plant has 6-8 leaves. The latest harvest time is during the growth of the peduncles. You can cut or mow the crop, some uproot the plant along with the root. This is what you like best.

Spinach is stored for almost a week, it can be prepared or immediately used for food. In the event that you need to preserve the plant longer, then you can freeze fresh spinach leaves.

List of spinach varieties that are suitable for giving

There are several of the most the best varieties spinach, which gardeners often plant in their gardens:

  • Spinach Godry;
  • Victoria;
  • Gigantic;
  • Virofle;
  • Matador;
  • Fatty;
  • Strawberry.

Choose the variety that you like the most and the most suitable and then growing spinach will only bring you joyful moments!

Spinach is an early maturing plant, which makes it possible to harvest from April to August. It is a cold-hardy annual crop. Optimum temperature for growth, an indicator of 15 ° C is considered. But this plant can also withstand frost. Spinach has begun to gain popularity recently, but due to the presence in its composition huge amount nutrients and vitamins, the demand for this culture is rapidly increasing.

Spinach has a significant nutritional value... His distinctive feature is the ability to preserve useful elements in any state. After heat treatment or freezing it will be almost as healthy as it would be raw. Spinach contains ascorbic, oxalic, linolenic and oleic acids, as well as carotene, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, vitamins K, E, P, PP, B. Spinach helps to strengthen nervous system, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps stabilize the condition of anemia. But its use must be limited in case of impaired liver and kidney function.

Spinach varieties

There are many varieties of this culture. Let's consider the most common:

  1. Among the early ripening varieties, the varieties "Giant" and "Stoic" can be distinguished. It takes 15 to 20 days to ripen.
  2. Mid-season varieties include "Matador" and "Krepysh". These cultures ripen within 25-30 days.
  3. It will take from 30 to 35 days to get a harvest from late-ripening varieties such as "Victoria" or "Zhirnolistny".

Soil preparation

Planting spinach is carried out in fertile sandy loam and loamy soils. But this culture is unpretentious to the growing environment and is capable of producing crops on other soil, subject to certain rules. Spinach grown in sandy soils should be watered abundantly. When choosing a place for planting, it should be borne in mind that this plant needs sunlight. Lack of lighting will reduce the vitamin C content in the leaves of the crop. Before planting, it is recommended to prepare the soil in advance.
This process is carried out in two stages:

  1. In the fall, over the area where the crop is supposed to be grown, it is necessary to distribute humus, and then dig up the soil. Then the soil is enriched with superphosphate and potassium chloride. If there is a need for liming, fluff lime is added, dolomite flour or crushed chalk.
  2. V spring urea is used to saturate the soil with the necessary elements. It is not recommended to use manure in the spring, as it will negatively affect taste qualities culture.

Planting spinach

Growing spinach makes it possible to continuously include fresh herbs in the diet throughout the season. This crop can be planted in autumn or spring. If you plant seeds in September with the arrival of spring, spinach can already be harvested. The first shoots will appear even before frost, and 13-15 days after the snow melts, the culture will mature. In the spring, spinach is sown until April 15th.
Before planting, seeds must undergo preliminary preparation:

  1. They are placed in warm water, with a temperature of + 25 ° C for 48 hours, while the liquid must be changed every 4 hours.
  2. Then the planting material must dry.
  3. On the site, shallow trenches are made at a distance of 20 cm.About 1 m is consumed about 5 g planting material.
  4. Seeds land 5 cm apart. They should be buried approximately 2 cm into the ground, then pour a layer of earth on top and water the culture.
  5. The first shoots appear in 2 weeks.

How to grow spinach in your vegetable garden

Spinach is a moisture-loving crop. Water it up to 4 times a week. For 1 m, about 10 liters of water are used so that the liquid can penetrate to a depth of 10 cm. During the period of precipitation, the rate should be reduced. If all the necessary preparatory measures have been taken before planting, the soil in the process of growing the crop does not need additional enrichment. nutrients... But if the spinach does not develop well enough or has a pale color, it should be watered with urea diluted in water.
This crop must be thinned out so that neighboring plants do not touch each other with leaves. During this procedure, small and weak shoots are removed. If the spinach starts to fire early and quickly, this process can be delayed by placing an arc and covering the area with an opaque film. The soil should be weeded regularly to prevent the spread of weeds.


It will take 20 to 30 days for the culture to mature. The main sign of spinach readiness for consumption is the presence of 5 to 7 leaves. Features of harvesting and harvesting crops are given below:

  1. Leaves must be harvested before stem formation.
  2. Most the right time for collection it is considered earlier in the morning, since such spinach retains its appearance... It can be uprooted or cut off.
  3. Store the leaves in a refrigerator for a week.
  4. During this period, the culture retains all its useful properties.
  5. For longer storage, spinach must be frozen.

Strawberry spinach: how to grow

This culture got its name from the presence of fruits that have an external resemblance to strawberry fruits. You can eat both leaves and berries. It is an annual cold-hardy plant belonging to the family of Hibiscus. Strawberry spinach differs in unpretentiousness to growing conditions. It can be planted in any soil. The culture can withstand a drop in temperature to -10 ° C, it tolerates hot weather well.

There are two ways to grow this spinach:

  • seedling;
  • reckless.

The first option allows you to get greens in early spring. To do this, in early March, they begin to grow seedlings. Pour soil into prepared containers, place seeds in it, sprinkle them with earth and water. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the pots are covered with foil. This creates a greenhouse effect. The first shoots will appear after two weeks. The film should then be removed, otherwise mold will appear on the plant and fungal diseases... When 4-5 leaves appear on the spinach, it can be planted in open ground.

You can start growing with a seedless method immediately after the snow melts. For planting, you need to prepare holes, which should be placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Several units of seeds are placed in one hole. When the seedlings grow up, the culture must be thinned out. Strawberry spinach is drought tolerant, but should be watered if possible. Abundant watering will allow you to get juicy and large fruits... Also, the crop must be weeded, especially on early stage growth. When the spinach is older, you can skip weeding. Its overgrown branches will become a kind of obstacle to the spread of weeds.

Fertilizers for spinach

One of the conditions for obtaining a high-quality spinach crop is the enrichment of the soil with nutrients. This can be done with organic and mineral substances. Consider the fertilizer used to saturate the soil before planting spinach.

  1. Urea is added to the soil. This substance it has a high concentration of nitrogen. This fertilizer has White color, available in granular form. It must be dissolved in water before use. When applied to the ground for 1 m 2, 15-20 g of this agent is required.
  2. Urea can be used as foliar feeding. To do this, it is diluted at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water for spraying an area of ​​100 m 2. Simultaneously with urea, superphosphate or lime should not be added.
  3. Superphosphate belongs to phosphorus fertilizers. Available in powder and granular form. It contains phosphorite and phosphoric acid. For 1 m 2, 50-60 g of the substance are used. This fertilizer is suitable for acidic soils, since due to the presence of calcium sulfate, it does not increase the acidity of the soil.
  4. Potassium chloride is a representative of the potash group of fertilizers. Appears in the form of a white, gray or pink crystalline powder. It contains potassium oxide. It is introduced into the soil at the rate of 30 g per 1 m 2. Potassium chloride is enriched in the soil structure mainly in the autumn period.
  5. Dolomite flour is a magnesium fertilizer. Contains calcium and magnesium, used for the purpose of liming the soil.
  6. Humus is a dark, loose mass formed from the decomposition of manure. This fertilizer contains the maximum concentration of nutrients. But in order for them to be preserved, humus must be properly stored. For this purpose, it is necessary to take small area on dense ground. If this is not possible, sandy soil is also suitable, but it must first be covered with plastic wrap.

Peat or straw is initially laid on it in a layer of 25-30 cm. This is necessary to absorb the slurry. Then fertilizer is placed on the laid layer and compacted. The height of the manure should not exceed 1.5 m, and the width - 2 m. The length can be arbitrary. If manure is placed on long-term storage on top of it, you need to cover it with a layer of earth of 20 cm. For short-term storage, ordinary film is suitable. 5-6 kg of such fertilizer is used per square meter of soil.

  1. Compost improves the structure of the soil and saturates its top layers with nutrients. For the compost mass, you can use food waste, grass, shredded branches, coffee grounds, tea leaves, sawdust, straw, hay. To prepare this fertilizer, you need to prepare a pit or container with a height of 1.5 m and a width of 2x2 m. It is not recommended to use a capacity exceeding these parameters, since the mass will overheat and not be sufficiently ventilated. In such conditions, the necessary microflora does not develop. In a smaller container, the fertilizer will not warm up to the required temperature.

Branches are placed at the bottom of the container, which will play the role of drainage. Next, you can stack organic waste. The thickness of each layer should be between 30 and 50 cm. To speed up the decomposition process, the mass should be stirred periodically. The compost is ready to use when it is crumbly and dark in color.

Diseases and pests

Spinach can attack fungal diseases such as root rot and downy mildew. The presence of the first disease can be determined by the blackened root. Rot affects the entire root system, causing the plant to die. The spread of the disease is facilitated by soil compaction. To prevent the appearance of rot, the soil should be periodically loosened.

If spots appear on the leaves yellow color and gray-purple bloom, the plant is affected by downy mildew, and appropriate action must be taken. The leaves are smeared with colloidal or ground sulfur, after which the culture is treated with mullein infusion or sulfur suspension.

The miner fly is a spinach pest. In early June, on the back of the leaves, she lays eggs, from which larvae subsequently appear. They bite into the leaf, as a result of which swollen spots appear on it and the plant dries up. The following measures will help protect the crop from this pest:

  1. Do not plant spinach near beet beds.
  2. It is necessary to regularly remove the affected leaves and weeds.

Aphids can also infect spinach. You can get rid of it with a solution of household or potassium soap. 10 liters of water will require 300 g. This agent is sprayed on the affected areas for 7-10 days. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


Spinach is pretty unpretentious plant, which makes it much easier to grow. Caring for this culture involves standard actions: thinning, watering, weeding. Enriching the soil with nutrients will help to get a high-quality harvest.

Spinach. Video:

There are many useful for human body plants. But some are a real storehouse of vitamins. Spinach is an essential source of iron and helps to raise hemoglobin. It is recommended for women, teenagers and even small children. Today we will tell summer residents how to grow a crop using seedlings, by sowing in open ground or a greenhouse, as well as about the rules for autumn sowing.

Spinach is an annual dioecious vegetable growing up to 45 cm in height. Experts call Iran its homeland. The culture was already known to the ancient Egyptians. Spinach came to Europe from Spain back in the 15th century. Generally. The history of culture is over 5 thousand years old. Outwardly, it is a culture with triangular-lance-shaped leaves, green and small staminate flowers, collected in inflorescences. Pistillate flowers are arranged in tangles in the axils of the foliage. The fruits are oval and are found in lignified bracts. The flowering culture falls in June-August. Why do many gardeners choose to plant spinach on the plot? Because it contains vitamins of groups P, PP, C, E, D, B3, B6, K. There is 1.5 times more protein in spinach than in milk powder. It is rich in magnesium, iron, folic acid.

Novice gardeners and gardeners are often interested in when to plant spinach on the site? It is resistant to low temperatures, therefore, cultivation can be carried out not only in summer period... It is able to recover normally after minor frosts.

When planting seedlings, you can feast on the culture before May. It reacts normally to the neighborhood with many crops, so choosing a place for spinach in the garden is not difficult. You can sow spinach in a well-sunlit area. It is advised to choose the soil with any structure, except for clay and one that has an excessive level of acidity. It is advised to build high bed, in the lower layer of which there will be organic residues. Next, it is better to add fresh or rotted manure. To prevent nitrates from accumulating in plants, it is customary to cover the plantings with a layer of sawdust about 2 cm and a layer of organic residues.

In the presence of excessively acidic soil, you can save the situation by adding lime. When growing, regular watering is required, which affects high yield... Popular varieties are such as Godry, Krepysh, Virofle, Gigantic, Matador.

Planting seedlings

Good for lovers of early greens seedling method cultivation. Seeds should be sown in March - early April. Drawers, paper or plastic cups are required. Seed material is advised to deepen into the prepared soil by no more than 1 cm. Further, the earth is compacted. Cover the top with glass or film, remove the container in warm place... In a greenhouse microclimate, the planted material quickly sprouts. The film or glass must be removed. The container is placed on the balcony or veranda. Regular watering is required.

Seedlings grow well on the southeast or south windowsill. Germination of seeds occurs at temperatures from 4 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to plant spinach in open ground when the earth warms up normally. It is recommended to put arcs and cover the beds with special non-woven agrofibre. This will keep crops from scorching sun and temperature differences.

Sowing in open ground or greenhouse

Sowing spinach in a greenhouse is carried out with an eye on the climatic features of their area, the quality and arrangement of the greenhouse, the varietal characteristics of the planting material. All year round you can grow vegetables by creating a system in a greenhouse artificial lighting and heating. Budget option the film construction remains. But in practice, it retains heat poorly, especially if there are frequent frosts at night. Therefore, spinach and its planting and care will not be difficult, provided that certain rules are followed, it is often grown in polycarbonate greenhouses.

Planting in a greenhouse is carried out when the air is already warming up well during the day. Wells are spilled abundantly with boiling water. The seeds are covered with 2 cm of soil. Next, agrofibre is placed. It allows you to save required level humidity and the amount of heat. The ideal temperature is + 15 degrees. Plants can withstand frosts down to -10 degrees. If the temperature stays above + 20, varieties that are unstable to flowering are capable of producing arrows. Harvesting agrofibre is advised after germination.

The culture is usually planted in early spring at the same time as onions for herbs, lettuce, radishes. To extend the yield, spinach should be sown at 7 to 10 day intervals. Then you can get friendly and even seedlings.

If you need to save space in the beds, this plant can be sown as a thickener. This is done most often between tomatoes, dill, radishes, carrots, beans. In order not to carry out frequent watering and loosening of the soil, it is recommended to mulch it with sawdust and add a little urea. At the time of the appearance of a pair of full-fledged sheets, thinning should be carried out. There should be enough boron in the soil where spinach is grown. You need to dilute 10 grams boric acid in 1 bucket of water and water the crops with a watering can.

It is customary to prepare the soil for spinach in the fall. For this, the site is dug to the depth of the humus layer. Fertilizers are applied there at the rate of 30 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium chloride for each square meter. In early spring it is customary to make about 20 grams of urea per sq. meter under the rake.

Vegetable crops of spring sowing are ready for harvesting after 8 - 10 weeks from the moment of germination, summer crops - after 10 - 12 weeks. If the harvest is late, the summer resident risks getting plants with coarse leaves and too lost their taste. It is better to harvest spinach in the morning. But do not do this immediately after watering or if it has rained. The yield of the crop is normally up to 2 kg per sq. meters.