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What does rough finishing in a new building include? Where to start renovating an apartment with a rough finish? Independent rough finishing of an apartment in a new building

And separately standing houses. Clients are invited to choose not only the footage, number of rooms and floor, but also the finishing option for the property. Depending on whether you plan to do the repairs yourself or want to move into an already prepared living space, you can choose rough or fine finishing. All work is carried out by contracting companies with extensive experience, which makes it possible to implement communications, installation and renovation work, in accordance with European standards.

What is included in the rough finishing from the developer

What's happened rough finish apartments? This is a set of activities that includes the necessary, preparatory work for subsequent renovation of premises. Without carrying out the initial finishing and repair work, it is not possible to put the apartment into operation. The apartment is being prepared for completion, decorative works. The possibility of further transformation of the apartment directly depends on the quality of the rough work performed. They include:

  • Glazing of windows, balconies and loggias.
  • Cement-sand screed floors
  • Leveling walls and ceilings.
  • Installation of entrance doors.

The apartment has electricity, running water, gas and a heating system. The installation of water supply and drainage risers was carried out, but without pipe routing. Electrical wires have been brought into the room, the primary wiring has been connected to sockets and switches. An electric meter is being installed. Electric wires are removed from concrete or brick blocks and insulated.

It is worth considering that this type The work does not include installation of plumbing fixtures (bathtub, sink, toilet).

What are the benefits of rough finishing a room?

You receive an apartment fully suitable for renovation work. High-quality rough finishing allows you to realize any design fantasies. You don't have to waste time on basic work. Material, color palette and the methods of implementation depend only on your taste and financial capabilities.

What you need to remember when choosing an apartment with a rough finish

You must understand that, with minimal repairs, it is not suitable for living. You receive a concrete box, before moving into the apartment, you will have to carry out a set of measures to connect the installed communications, install plumbing and other work to ensure comfortable living and coziness.

Take care of the quality and safety of objects, and do everything possible to ensure that customers receive cozy apartments with maximum amenities. When choosing an apartment with a rough finish, you should take care of hiring specialists who will help you realize your design ideas. You should not skimp on this aspect, since unprofessional work can ruin even quality materials and lead to the need for urgent, repeated repairs.

If you want to buy new apartment Many people are faced with the concept of rough finishing. This term does not have a clear definition, so for future owners it remains a mystery until the very end in what form they are offered to purchase housing. But you don’t always need to go and see an apartment with your own eyes to find out what it is like. We will tell you about what initial finishing work is carried out during a rough renovation.

Rough finishing of an apartment is preparing the home for finishing decorative design. As part of such renovations, various preparatory and repair work can be carried out in the rooms, and therefore apartments with rough design can be quite different from each other. But there is also a set of mandatory works that must be performed on the premises so that the new owner can unnecessary problems begin cosmetic repairs immediately after signing the purchase and sale agreement.

Rough finishing includes various repair work, so there may be significant differences in apartments with such finishing

In order for an apartment to be sold to the owner, it must be properly built, using a project from one of the design institutes. The project conditions must be fully met in order for real layout residential property complied with the calculated and design solutions. On modern market objects with a free layout are presented, that is, only the apartment was built, and the construction of interior partitions falls on the shoulders of the new owners, although it is not necessary to create them; you can always divide the apartment into functional areas using visual zoning means. Absence cannot indicate poor or insufficient rough finishing.

Mandatory elements of the rough or preliminary design of an apartment include:

  1. 1. Floor screed. The screed is usually performed cement mortar with the addition of sand. If the project for building a house does not have special amendments, the floor screed in all rooms is done at the same level, although this is not always advisable and sometimes does not meet the requirements of the users.
  2. 2. Plastering the walls. Plaster is necessary to level vertical surfaces in the apartment. Only smooth walls can be veneered with any products on the market without additional investment finishing materials, including wallpaper, paint, paneling, etc. If the project does not specify additional requirements for the alignment of partitions, plastering is carried out with cement or lime mortar.
  3. 3. Installation of windows and doors. The windows and doors installed in most apartments are the simplest, cheapest and of the lowest quality. However, many construction companies proceed to installation steel doors and plastic windows, which greatly simplifies subsequent redecorating in the apartment.
  4. 4. Installation gas system, sewerage and water supply. According to the project, water supply and drainage risers must be installed in the apartment, and gas is supplied to the kitchen. However, indoor piping may not be completed, and the gas stove in the kitchen is not always connected to the stove.
  5. 5. Installation of heating network. The pipes of the general house heating system are led to the walls, where radiators are connected to them. Location, specifications and the amount of heating means is specified in the project.
  6. 6. Installation of the power supply system. Electrical network at home it is brought into the apartment, an electrical panel with a meter is installed. From the electrical panel, power supply wires are laid throughout all rooms of the apartment to points of electrical consumption (sockets, switches, chandeliers). The wires are led out of the wall and insulated, but are not connected to energy consumption devices.
  7. 7. Thermal insulation of walls. In some modern houses during rough finishing is carried out outdoor installation thermal insulation materials on the walls.
  8. 8. Waterproofing of floors. In “wet” areas of the apartment, waterproofing is required, which can be installed during rough finishing, but not always.

This is an approximate list of what rough finishing includes. Premises less prepared for further cladding are extremely rare on the market. More often you can find dwellings in which, according to the project, additional facing works, not listed.

It is believed that walls are the most important surfaces in a modern home, which form the visual appeal of the home as a whole, and also have an important functional purpose, because they divide the space into separate areas, rooms and areas. Walls in modern apartment buildings can be made from various building materials. Most often there are objects with brick, block, panel, concrete and plasterboard partitions.

During the rough finishing process, the walls must be leveled

The main purpose of the roughing is to level them. During construction, they do not strive to give ideal evenness to the materials used, as a result of which the partitions may have great amount shortcomings that make complete repairs simply impossible. To level the walls, they are plastered according to beacons, using the manual labor of repair crews or modern equipment. The developer usually tries to complete repairs and preliminary finishing in the shortest possible time and with minimal financial investments, therefore rough finishing of surfaces often cannot provide adequate evenness.

Unlike the developer, the owner is interested in ensuring that the repairs are carried out to the highest possible quality. Because of this, it is not recommended to immediately cover walls with a rough finish with the selected wallpaper or other materials. Professionals recommend re-leveling surfaces on your own using high-quality Supplies, or order the services of repair teams.

Rough finishing of the floor and ceiling - is additional preparation required before repair?

Rough finishing of the floor - screed installation, carried out immediately after the construction of structural elements apartment building. For screeding, use the cheapest and simple technology pouring concrete with further smoothing along the beacons. The solution is pumped into the room with a special pump and leveled using vibration. In general, this method of installing a screed allows you to achieve a decent result - the floor is quite flat, but almost always has various shortcomings and flaws, expressed by small differences in height and all kinds of irregularities.

Such rough screed provides semi-decent performance. The owner himself will decide whether to install the floor covering on a rough finish, or to carry out preliminary work to level the floor. If you decide not to leave floor imperfections, eliminating them is quite simple with the help of special self-leveling mixtures and products for self-leveling floors.

The ceiling is often considered the most problematic part of the entire rough finishing of an apartment. Ceilings erected according to the project may have very significant shortcomings and horizontal deviations. And in modern houses, the evenness of the ceiling can surprise even seasoned repairmen. Rough finishing of the ceiling most often involves sealing the seams between the individual floor slabs, after which the surface can be plastered or whitewashed. In order not to spend a lot of time and effort on, many owners simply install modern suspended ceilings during renovation. This finishing technology involves installing finishing sheets on previously assembled frame, that is, the evenness of the floor slabs will not affect the visual characteristics of the room at all. There is no need to level the floors during installation suspended ceilings, but in all other cases it may be necessary preliminary preparation surfaces.

In general, rough lining aimed at preparing interior spaces for further finishing, simplifies the repair procedure and eliminates the majority of defects and flaws that appeared during the construction stages. But this does not mean that repairs can begin immediately after purchasing a home. Very often, surfaces have to be additionally leveled in order to finishing make a really attractive interior.

If you buy an apartment in a new building, as a rule, you have two finishing options to choose from: rough and fine. In the finished apartment, the developer has already installed the plumbing, made the floor, and then the walls. All you have to do is bring in the furniture, and the apartment is ready to move in. But there is a minus to this - the design will be made to the taste of the developer, and the choice of finishes has limitations. So if you want interesting interior, which no one else will have, buy an apartment with a rough finish.

Just 10 years ago, people were wary of ready-made finishes. It was chosen by only 10% of buyers from common market. The arguments are usually the following:

“I don’t trust the quality of work or materials”

“I want to control the repair myself”

“I’ll do everything myself”

Today, approximately half of future new residents buy apartments that are ready for renovation. To immediately move in and live there. And the other half prefers " Blank sheet» for future repairs. And in this article we will tell and show what a rough finish should include. Even though it looks simple “ concrete box", exists mandatory list what the developer is obliged to provide you. These components are prescribed in the agreement for the purchase of an apartment in the section “Apartment Characteristics” with considerable detailed description. The contract should contain the following clause:
(text from the real contract of the author of the article)

Read your contract carefully and know what you are entitled to.

Different developers have slight differences in the list. For example, plastic windows or wooden. But the windows themselves must be there. So

The points

Ceiling. Absolutely no finishing, just concrete slabs.

Floor. Concrete screed made of cement, covers the material from which the house is built. This is done to level the floor and smooth out possible differences in height. If the screed is made without large roughness, you can lay the floor covering (tiles, laminate, etc.) directly on it.

Walls. There are two options here. Either the walls are left bare like the ceiling, or they are leveled and covered with plaster. Discuss with the developer.

Electrics. Wiring with panel, meter, wiring throughout the apartment and installation of sockets and switches. If you later want to have sockets and switches in more convenient places, you will need to redo the wiring yourself.

Water supply. Main pipelines of hot and cold water. With meters and without wiring throughout the apartment. In fact: risers from which you need to lay pipes to the faucets in the bathroom, in the sink, to the toilet and in the kitchen. There will be no plumbing itself. There will only be a heated towel rail, uniform and appearance which is different for all developers. Please check.

Bathroom. Floor screed with waterproofing. Walls without plaster.

Heating. Panel radiators are being installed, which means there will be batteries.

Window. Plastic or wooden frames, double-glazed windows. Most often plastic and white. With window sills. If you want a different color and non-standard window sills, get ready to change the glazing.

Doors. There will be no interior rooms. Entrance doors All residents are given the same ones. And then there are two options: very simple, easy and not inspiring confidence. Usually buyers change them immediately after renovation, before moving into the apartment. If the quality of the front door from the developer is satisfactory, it will be enough to change or add locks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rough finish

You cannot move into an apartment with a rough finish immediately after acceptance and receipt of the keys. At a minimum, you need to install pipes and install a toilet. Ideally, lay the floor, install a bathtub, sink and faucets.

During final finishing, sockets and switches are installed at the discretion of the developer. Therefore, if you want to move switches or sockets, it is much more convenient to do this before repairs. That is, in the case of rough finishing.

You may also simply not like the shape of the sink and bathtub. And if the plumbing from the developer suddenly starts leaking or the sink suddenly cracks, everything will have to be redone.

An apartment with a rough finish will give you the choice of how to plan everything inside to perfectly suit your needs. After all, buying real estate is a serious matter, and it is not bought for a couple of years. Everyone wants to live in a beautiful and cozy interior. And no matter what finishing option you choose in the end, we have different rates to suit any request. Prices can be viewed.

The final finishing of the apartment in the new building is completed and the developer invites you to receive the keys - this is a long-awaited moment for every shareholder, however, in order for the joy of receiving the long-awaited apartment not to fade, it must be preceded by two stages:

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  • checking the finishing of the apartment;
  • signing documents on acceptance of the apartment.

It is necessary to become more familiar with the intricacies of apartment acceptance so that you do not subsequently have to eliminate defects at your own expense.

The difference between fine and rough finishing

When buying a home, we quite often see the phrase “finishing” in an ad. However, not everyone knows what the final finishing of an apartment is, and how it differs from the rough finishing. On the primary market, an apartment is usually sold with rough finishing. In this case, the apartment uses the simplest and cheapest materials, and it is rented with “bare” walls, floor and ceiling. Of course, you can’t live in such an apartment; cosmetic repairs need to be done. Apartments and houses with fine finishing are much more expensive. During the final finishing, all plastering and puttying work has been completed, as well as other work that will allow furniture to be installed, moved into the room and used for its intended purpose immediately after acceptance.
However, the definition of “fine” finishing is just a common term in everyday life, while only provisions recorded in documents have legal force. Therefore, before acceptance, it is necessary to understand what is included in the final finishing of an apartment in a new building. Certain standards regulated by law that define the concept finishing does not currently exist. IN this issue the parties, as a rule, are guided by business customs, as well as generally accepted concepts in construction. As a rule, a shareholder accepting an apartment with a rough finish has the right to expect to receive a bare box, but the apartment must be equipped with the necessary communications and interior partitions, namely the following work must be performed:

  • plastering walls;
  • floor screed;
  • heating system installation;
  • sewer line;
  • supply of hot and cold water supply;
  • electrical distribution without connecting electrical appliances;
  • telephone, radio and television cable connections;
  • installation of windows and front door.

Finishing must contain everything that rough finishing provides and in addition to this:

  • a covering must be laid on the floor (laminate, linoleum, etc.);
  • the walls must also have a coating (wallpaper, tiles or paint), under the coating the walls must be plastered
  • in addition to electrical wiring, switches and sockets must be installed according to the project;
  • the kitchen must be equipped with electric or gas stove, which must be installed and connected;
  • windows, interior entrance doors must be either made of a material that does not require painting (plastic) or painted;
  • if the building is multi-apartment, the elevator must function and, accordingly, be put into operation.

Given the lack regulatory requirements Regarding the list of works that should include finishing, in this case it is necessary to follow project documentation and an equity participation agreement concluded between the debtor and the developer, which must reflect a complete list of all finishing works s and materials. The developer can be required to fulfill obligations only if they were secured by contract, an oral promise regarding the characteristics of household and plumbing fixtures window door and finishing works cannot be taken into account.

Features of acceptance of an apartment with fine finishing

Work on finishing the premises is one of the most labor-intensive and costly. If you rush to accept the apartment without recording all possible shortcomings and hastily signing the apartment acceptance certificate, you will have to eliminate them at your own expense. Law No. 214 FZ tells how to accept an apartment from a developer with a fine finish. It provides for a special acceptance procedure, which has several stages:


The shareholder is notified of the need to accept the apartment by mail. The timing and procedure for notification should also be fixed in the contract. If the approximate deadline has arrived, and the developer does not send an invitation for inspection, you must contact the construction company yourself and request to schedule an inspection of the apartment.

Advice to the shareholder! If the developer ignores the requests of the shareholder or unreasonably postpones the inspection period, it is necessary to go to court and demand termination of the contract and the return of the money paid.

Inspection of the apartment

Before starting the inspection, familiarize yourself with the documents for putting the house into operation, which the developer should have ready by the time the apartment is inspected. It is better to inform the developer in advance about your intention to study the documents. writing so as not to disrupt or delay the inspection procedure. The following should take part in this procedure:

Advice to the shareholder! It is in your best interest to invite a construction expert to inspect the property, who will point out violations and monitor compliance with building codes and standards.

Fixing construction defects

A detailed description of the condition in which the apartment should be rented must be contained in the contract; you should take it with you for inspection. During the inspection you should:

  • inspect the apartment for cracks in the walls, ceiling and floors;
  • check the ventilation operation using a piece of paper or fire;
  • check the operation of windows and doors, the operation of fittings, the absence of cracks and damage to double-glazed windows;
  • evaluate the quality of wallpaper and flooring.
  • check the operation of plumbing and electrical appliances;
  • compare the actual layout of the apartment with technical documentation, it is advisable to double-check the area of ​​the apartment.

All defects should be recorded in your notebook in order to later transfer them to the appropriate documents.

Elimination of defects

If defects are discovered, the shareholder has the right to demand from the developer:

  • eliminate defects within a reasonable time;
  • reduce the contract price by the amount necessary to eliminate them;
  • demand that third parties be invited to eliminate defects at the expense of the developer;

The shareholder can choose any type of requirements at his own discretion.

Repeated inspection of the apartment

After the developer eliminates the defects, the shareholder will be invited for inspection again. The procedure in this case will correspond to that described above.

Signing the apartment acceptance certificate

Only after the quality of the apartment and the finishing touches satisfy the shareholder can you agree to accept the apartment, sign the appropriate acceptance certificate and register ownership of the apartment.

Documentation of the apartment acceptance procedure

A document that reflects the shortcomings of the accepted apartment is called an inspection sheet or a defect sheet - the developer must issue such a paper upon acceptance of the apartment. The more detailed the document is drawn up, the greater the chances the shareholder will have in the event of an conflict situation, defend your rights in court. The defect report should indicate:

  • serial number of the record;
  • a clause in the contract stipulating requirements for the condition of the apartment at the time of delivery;
  • a detailed description of the construction defect;

The act is drawn up in the presence of all participants in the inspection and signed by them. If for any reason one of the parties refuses to sign, this is recorded in the act, after which it is sent to the party by post with notice.

Important. Not signing the apartment acceptance certificate until all detected deficiencies are eliminated is the right of the shareholder. If the developer does not eliminate them within the agreed time frame, he will be obliged to reduce the cost of the apartment by the amount that the upcoming repairs will cost.

So, if the housing does not meet the quality requirements, the equity holder has two options:

  1. Do not sign the apartment acceptance certificate until the developer eliminates all deficiencies.
  2. Sign the act, additionally drawing up an annex to it, indicating the acceptance of the apartment with defects, which will reflect in detail all the shortcomings made by the developer.

In both cases, the shareholder will have the right to recover moral and material damage from the customer in court.

Protection of the rights of shareholders

Having reflected all the shortcomings in the defective act, you should keep one copy, and give the second copy to the developer; if he refuses to accept it against signature, send it by mail with acknowledgment of delivery. After this, the developer will have 45 days to eliminate all the defects specified in the defective act, or compensate for the cost of elimination if the shareholder eliminated them at his own expense.

If the shareholder refuses to accept the apartment and the developer agrees with such refusal, then the period for returning the money will also be 45 days.

Important. In accordance with Law No. 214-FZ, which regulates issues of shared participation in construction, a guarantee for an apartment for a period of 5 years also applies to interior decoration. This issue must be spelled out in the contract. For houses that are not covered by this law, the warranty period is 2 years. However, very often developers do not indicate warranty periods at all in the contract. Therefore, when concluding an agreement, you should pay attention to the presence of such a clause.

If the construction defect turned out to be hidden and was discovered only during the operation of the apartment, after the act was signed, in accordance with Law No. 214-FZ, it is necessary before the expiration warranty period contact the developer with written notification of any deficiencies identified. The developer is obliged to eliminate the defects at his own expense or compensate the costs of the shareholder who eliminated them independently.

If after your appeal the developer remains inactive, you can safely go to court. Shareholders who have decided to take such a step can be given some advice:

  1. Before going to court, collect as much evidence as possible indicating the developer’s unwillingness to correct defects in the work and, accordingly, to properly fulfill the contract.
  2. Submit all claims to the developer in writing and save correspondence.
  3. Invite expert builders to inspect the apartment;
  4. Record all defects in as much detail as possible.

There is no point in going to court without first preparing for this process, as shown by arbitrage practice, most often the judge rejects the claim if the plaintiff’s demands are not supported by convincing evidence.

Developer's responsibility

When concluding an agreement providing for participation in shared construction, you should be aware that the developer, accepting the fulfillment of obligations to carry out construction, bears responsibility in accordance with the law and the agreement. If the developer violates its obligations under the contract, the shareholder may use the following civil measures against the developer:

  • Terminate the contract (Article 9 of Law No. 214-FZ), as a result of which the developer will be obliged to return the money to the shareholder with interest, taking into account the refinancing rate of the Central Bank. The contract will be considered terminated from the moment when the corresponding notice of unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract is sent to the developer.
  • Collect a penalty (Article 6 of Law No. 214-FZ). In addition to the requirements of the law, a contract may provide for a penalty. In this case, the contract can only increase the penalty provided for by law. If the terms of the contract reduce it, they are illegal and can be challenged in court.
  • Collect damages. Several legal acts provide this right to the shareholder: Civil Code (Article 15), Law No. 214-FZ (Article 10), Law No. 2300-1 (Article 28). The shareholder's losses are understood, for example, as the cost of renting housing for the period the developer eliminates construction defects. The shareholder can demand damages simultaneously with the collection of the penalty.
  • Compensate for moral damage (Law No. 2300 -1 Art. 15). Its size is determined in each specific case individually. The nature and degree of moral and physical suffering must be proven by the shareholder.
  • Compensate for legal expenses (Article 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure) All expenses incurred by the shareholder in connection with the appeal to the court, provided that the claim is satisfied, can be recovered from the developer.

In addition, it is possible to bring an unscrupulous developer to administrative and criminal liability. State supervision in the field of shared construction is authorized to be carried out by Rospotrebnadzor bodies, since this area legal relations are covered by legislation on the protection of consumer rights and executive authorities.

By understanding the rules for accepting an apartment and studying the rights guaranteed by law, you will definitely be able to become the owner of quality housing and nothing will overshadow your joy from your housewarming. And in the event of a dispute with the developer, you will have the opportunity to legally demand compensation for future material costs, as well as moral damage caused by the actions of the developer.

Rough finishing is the preparation of the floors, walls, ceiling of the apartment for their final finishing. Anyone who has not come across the definition of what rough finishing is should visit a new building. It will immediately become clear what types of work are needed to prepare the premises for final stage. In essence, this is an apartment with a minimum amount of work, the purpose of which is to put the housing into operation. Therefore, rough finishing will be more economical when you start it from scratch.

Rough finishing in a new building is an important event, without which
The apartment cannot be put into operation. There is no specific list stated anywhere.
activities that the developer must complete in order for it to be called ready
rough repairs. Eat compulsory work and those that the developer can
perform additionally. Let's consider why rough finishing is needed and its purpose.

Carrying out electrical installations, heating, water supply, installing door and window units is also included in the concept of rough finishing of an apartment.

What does this include?

It is impossible to clearly identify what exactly refers to rough finishing. Each construction company determines the amount of work independently. But there are major works that need to be completed. What are they?

  • primary wiring;
  • minimally leveled walls and ceiling;
  • entrance door insert;
  • window openings are glazed;
  • the floor is leveled using a screed;
  • minimal communications have been carried out.

Sometimes builders include all dirty, dusty work under rough work. In other cases - only floor tracing, presence load-bearing structures. It is important to read the contract carefully and check what exactly is included in the dirty work. You can ask for a photo of the apartment with a rough finish and see what the room will look like before renting.

A construction company can also include the following meanings in this concept of rough finishing:

  • glazing of loggia/balcony;
  • leveling walls with plaster;
  • warm floor;
  • connecting meters;
  • waterproofing floors in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet;
  • thermal insulation of external walls.

What won't happen

The house may not have plumbing before it is rented out, interior doors, division into rooms. Will not be:

  • wall coverings - paint or wallpaper;
  • flooring;
  • the ceiling will not be whitewashed.

Apartments with this type of finishing are sold cheaper. You can immediately make repairs that you like.
Builders usually screed the floor without best quality. Quite often it has to be redone. The walls and ceiling may not be level enough to allow wallpapering. Sometimes the developer just leaves brickwork inside the rooms. Often you have to finish something, correct it and redo it. All this is usually compensated by the price of the apartment.
Disadvantages and advantages of rough finishing
If the rough finishing is carried out by the developer, then you need to be prepared for serious shortcomings. It can be:

  • cracks under window sills, above doorways;
  • voids under plaster;
  • Dirty windows, radiators, pipes are difficult to clean at any stage.

Such imperfections and shortcomings are easier to correct at this stage than in an area that is ready to move in.

As advantages it is worth noting:

  • cheaper cost compared to completed objects;
  • you can zone and decorate the premises at your discretion;
  • You can do the repairs yourself.

What to consider

While searching for an apartment with a rough finish, one comes across a renovation varying degrees completeness and quality. Some errors and shortcomings can be ignored. Others are important to notice and not buy such an apartment.

Critical violations:

  • cracks in the floor screed;
  • cracks in load-bearing and internal walls;
  • severe curvature of the walls;
  • large differences in floor height;
  • the wiring is not routed;
  • there is no water supply or heating.

With such problems you can only buy at a discount:

  • Windows are of poor quality or poorly installed;
  • the front door is missing, crooked, damaged;
  • rusty batteries;
  • the water supply or sewage system is of poor quality, the pipes will have to be replaced.

You need to look at the documentation, the project, check for the presence of all the actions and work described there. If the contract specifies a floor screed, there must be one. Entrance doors must be installed. If they are absent, demand that everything necessary be installed in the apartment.

What work needs to be done before moving in?

In many cases, walls are prepared by plastering them. A high-quality result is obtained by applying plaster along the beacons. Visible irregularities are eliminated with putty. Such surfaces are suitable for painting, wallpapering, and tiling.

  1. In bathrooms, toilets are used instead of plaster. plasterboard sheets. It saves time, but it takes usable area. If necessary, installed interior partitions. They are made from gypsum plasterboard, foam blocks or bricks.
  2. When starting to decorate the upper part of the rooms, you need to imagine its design. It matters whether a suspended or suspended ceiling is installed. In other cases it is leveled. Seal cracks and tile joints. The surface is primed, plastered, then leveled with putty and cleaned. For suspended ceilings use sheets of plasterboard. For tension, leave everything in its original form.
  3. It is necessary to prime the surfaces of walls and ceilings. A layer applied with a roller or spray provides additional good adhesion. In addition, it has protective antibacterial properties.
  4. Depending on the type of flooring, the base is prepared. If there is a large difference in height, a screed is laid. It is made from dry building mixtures. If the difference is small, then self-leveling mixtures are used. At the junction of the rooms where they are laid different materials, you need to monitor the floor level. Screed for rooms with parquet and linoleum will be different thicknesses. The screed needs to stand for at least a month. It is during this period that it gains the required strength.
  5. In the case of underfloor heating, installation of cables and pipes is carried out. First, thermal insulation is laid, then cables and pipelines. Then fill with self-leveling mixtures.
  6. On preparatory stage The heating system also needs to be redone. It is advisable to replace installed radiators for new ones. Plumbing fixtures are not installed, but pipes for supplying hot and cold water are installed at their connection points.
  7. Electrical installation is carried out without connecting Appliances, sources of light. If the wiring of electrical networks is hidden, grooves are punched for it or laid under the plasterboard.
    The more thorough the rough preparation is, the better the final finish will be.