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The role of the social environment in the development of the personality of a preschooler. The environmental factor in the formation of personality


State educational institution higher professional education


Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology

Department of Ecology

Department of General Ecology

Zhuk Alexandra Evgenievna









Personality is a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual, a product of social development and the inclusion of individuals in the system. social relations through active subject activity and communication. Personality properties - this is what brings individuals together due to the commonality of historically and socially determined features of their life. An individual becomes a person in the process of mastering social functions and developing self-awareness, i.e., realizing his self-identity and uniqueness as a subject of activity and individuality, but precisely as a member of society. The desire to merge with the social community (to identify with it) and at the same time - to isolation, the manifestation of creative individuality makes a person both a product and a subject of social relations and social development simultaneously. The formation of personality is carried out in the processes of socialization of individuals and directed education: the development of social norms and functions (social roles) by them through the mastery of diverse types and forms of activity. The wealth of which determines the wealth of the individual. The alienation of certain types and forms of activity inherent in a holistic generic person (due to the social division of labor, fixed in a class-antagonistic society by its social structure) determines the formation of a one-sidedly developed personality that perceives its own activity as unfree, imposed from outside, alien. On the contrary, the appropriation of the entire integrity of the historically established types and forms of activity by each individual in a society devoid of class-antagonistic contradictions is an indispensable prerequisite for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. In addition to social, the personality acquires features arising from the specifics of the living conditions of special social communities, of which individuals are members, that is, class, socio-professional, national-ethnic, socio-territorial and age and gender. Mastering the features inherent in these diverse communities, as well as the social roles performed by individuals in group and collective activities, on the one hand, is expressed in socially typical manifestations of behavior and consciousness, and on the other hand, gives the individual a unique individuality, since these socially conditioned qualities are structured into a stable integrity based on the psychophysical properties of the subject. As a subject of social relations, a person is characterized by active creative activity, which, however, becomes possible and productive due to the mastery of the culture inherited from previous generations. CHAPTER II CHILD'S PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS

The formation of a person's personality is a consistent change and complication of the system of relations to the surrounding world, nature, work, other people and to oneself. It happens throughout his life. Particularly important is the age of childhood and adolescence. Human development is a very complex process. It occurs under the influence of both external influences and internal forces which are characteristic of man, as of any living and growing organism. To external factors are primarily human environment natural and social environment, as well as special purposeful activities for the formation of certain personality traits in children (education); to internal - biological, hereditary factors. The development of a child - not only a complex, but also a contradictory process - means his transformation from a biological individual into a social being - a person.

The human personality is formed and developed in activity and communication. During development, the child is involved in different kinds activities (playing, labor, educational, sports, etc.) and enters into communication (with parents, peers, strangers, etc.), while showing his inherent activity, this contributes to the acquisition of a special social experience. For the normal development of a child from birth, communication is of great importance. Only in the process of communication can a child master human speech, which, in turn, plays a leading role in the child's activities and in the knowledge and development of the world around him. The leading personality traits develop as a result of external influence on the personality, its inner world.

Human development is a process of quantitative and qualitative change, the disappearance of the old and the emergence of the new, the source and driving forces of which are hidden in the contradictory interaction of both natural and social aspects of the individual.

The natural side of a person develops and changes throughout his life. These developments and changes are age-related. The source of the social development of the individual is in the interaction of the individual and society.

Three factors influence the formation of personality: upbringing, social environment and hereditary inclinations.

Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influence on a growing person in order to transfer the accumulated social experience.

The social environment is of paramount importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature public relations determine the nature of the activity and worldview of people.

Makings - special anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the ability to different types activities. The science of the laws of heredity - genetics - suggests that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute hearing, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. But the inclinations by themselves do not yet provide abilities and high performance. Only in the process of upbringing and education, social life and activity, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person, abilities are formed on the basis of inclinations. The inclinations can be realized only when the organism interacts with the surrounding social and natural environment.

A newborn bears a complex of genes not only of his parents, but also of their distant ancestors, that is, he has his own richest hereditary fund inherent only to him or a hereditarily predetermined biological program, thanks to which he arises and develops. individual qualities. This program is naturally and harmoniously implemented if, on the one hand, biological processes are based on sufficiently high-quality hereditary factors, and on the other hand, external environment provides the growing organism with everything necessary for the implementation of the hereditary principle.

Skills and properties acquired during life are not inherited, science has not identified any special genes for giftedness, however, each born child has a huge arsenal of inclinations, early development and formation, which depends on social structure society, from the conditions of education and training, the cares and efforts of parents and the desire of the smallest person.

At any stage of its development, a person is a natural being, and therefore obeys biological laws. But if the biological, natural, exists in both man and animal, then in both cases it differs significantly, since human biology is inextricably linked with social conditions that have developed in the process of human development as a result of communication between people. The human environment is always social in nature and has the greatest influence on the growing and developing organism of the child. You can especially actively influence the child's body with the help of such socially controlled factors as upbringing in the family and the children's team, adherence to the regime, rational nutrition, adequate physical exercise, physical education, tempering procedures and so on. Correct use of these factors can provide physical and spiritual development child and contribute to the correction of many defects of a genetic nature.

The social and biological in man are not two parallel components independent of each other. In each personality, they are so closely intertwined and interdependent that researchers distinguish two the most important factors- heredity and environment, which are both sources and conditions of development.

In the course of human evolution, in the process labor activity not only his body was improved, but first of all the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system generally. human features of the brain were fixed in the genetic material and passed on by inheritance. However, the mental development of a person as a person is still possible only in the process of education, through the daily instillation of purely human skills in a child. If a human child, even with the “best” structural features brain falls into conditions of isolation from human society, then its development as a person stops. This has been repeatedly confirmed in cases where children early age fell into packs of wild animals or were subjected to artificial isolation. The mental development of a child as a human being is possible only in the environment of other people with active and passive learning of behavioral skills.

The development of the child's social behavior occurs in the process of education. In the first six months of life, he learns everything new in the full sense of the word with mother's milk. For food unconditioned reflex contributes to the consolidation of the first conditioned reflexes. Children fed with mother's milk and having direct daily contact with their mother during the first year of life grow more calm, balanced, better learn everything new, kindness and sympathy for other people prevail in their character. In the second half of life, the child is more and more interested in other people around him, while still retaining attachment to his mother.

The development of the social behavior of a young child is carried out not only with the help of targeted upbringing measures. More often it occurs on the basis of the child's observation of the behavior of adults and older children. In this regard, the environment plays an important role. As a rule, the closest social environment a child enters is the family microenvironment - parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. It should not be thought that the influence of the microenvironment comes into force only when the child speaks. Already in the very first months, the nature of adult care for children largely determines their mental development. Lost during this period is difficult to make up in the future. Isolation of children from their parents can lead to limited, lack of communication with others to adverse changes in their development, even to the emergence of some psychopathic traits. For the formation personal qualities child, the family atmosphere in which the child lives is significant: do the parents take a single position towards him or different, do they show predominantly strictness and exactingness towards him, or whether tenderness and courtesy are warm, friendly in the family, or officialdom prevails in them coldness, etc. It has been noticed that in those families where parents, not showing sufficient warmth to the child, often replace it with obsessive control, edification and moralizing, allow insults and humiliation, ridicule and physical punishment for mistakes and failures, children grow up insecure, have little initiative, with low self-esteem and claims. These qualities interfere with the full development of the child, not only in the preschool years, but also in later life.

Children brought up in an atmosphere of benevolence and support have many advantages - they have more opportunities to develop their activity, they more often show creativity, originality, friendly feelings, reveal more emotionality in their relationships than their peers living in conditions of excessive severity, lack of warmth, affection.

The structure of the family and the nature of intra-family relations have a great influence on the health of the child and the development of his personal characteristics. The harmonious development of personality is often hampered by long-term conflict situations in the family, divorces of parents, raising an “only” child, etc. In such families, children often suffer from neuroses, study worse, lag behind in physical development often suffer from various somatic diseases.

If such a child falls ill, further asthenization of the body occurs, leading to a decrease in physical and mental activity, to a weakening of its reactivity in relation to other adverse environmental factors and predisposing to new diseases.

Many physical, biological and social factors are involved in the complex process of personality formation. The long-term negative impact of these factors on the growing and developing body of the child can lead to abnormal personality development and contribute to the emergence of neuropsychiatric disorders. For the education of a harmonious personality and the prevention of neuropsychiatric disorders in children, the socio-economic structure of society, the system of state and medical preventive measures are of great importance. In the process of development, the child is formed as a person, reflecting the social side of his development, his social essence.


The environment is considered as a set of conditions for the existence of living organisms and humans. The term "environment" has many meanings.

The human environment covers the totality of natural (physical, chemical, biological) and social factors which can directly or indirectly, instantly or permanently affect the life and activities of people.

For a person, the environment is the world that exists in his communication, interaction, interconnection, communication and other processes.

A person's environment is his natural and social environment, which has a complex of influences, conditions and opportunities.

Consider the macro environment (natural), social, home environment as part of the social and macro environment, since in every unit of time a person is influenced by them.

Macro environment - refers to the environment around us space. Numerous observations, facts, experiments have confirmed the influence of the cosmos, the special arrangement of stars, comets, and actions on intrauterine development, not to mention the born person. magnetic storms on the sun, changing phases of the moon, lunar and solar eclipses, magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth.

Social environment - a set of social relations that are taking shape in society (way of life, traditions surrounding a person, social conditions, environment, as well as a set of people connected by the commonality of these conditions), dominant social ideas and values. A favorable social environment is one where the dominant ideas and values ​​are aimed at the development of a creative, proactive personality.

The home environment is the cradle of the beginning of life, the environment of loved ones, material conditions; it's a whole world. The development of the child is ensured by friendship and love in parental relationships, relationships with loved ones. Of particular importance in enriching knowledge and life experience is communication with parents and adults. The child develops a need to communicate with others, which becomes the most important source of his versatile development.

The home and social environment can also have a negative impact: drunkenness and swearing in families, rudeness and ignorance, flagrant humiliation of children, the negative influence of comrades and friends, especially older ones and adults, everything negative that happens around us.

The microenvironment is the features of an apartment or a workroom, microwaves and magnetic influences, vibrations, etc.

The psychological position is to study environmental influences on the development of the child in order to form its anatomical and physiological structures, and to form spiritual foundations; in a conscious understanding by parents, adults, teachers of the problems of forming a full-fledged personality.

The reality in which human development takes place is called the environment. The formation of personality is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographical, social, school, family. By the intensity of contrasts, the near and far environments are distinguished. When psychologists talk about the influence of the environment, they mean, first of all, the social and domestic environment. The first is attributed to the distant environment, the second - to the nearest.

The social environment is a broad concept. This is the society in which the child grows up, his cultural traditions, the prevailing ideology, the level of development of science and art, the main religious movements. The system of upbringing and education of children adopted in it depends on the characteristics of the social and cultural development of society, starting with public and private educational institutions(kindergartens, schools, art houses, etc.) and ending with the specifics of family education.

The social environment is also the immediate social environment that directly affects the development of the child's psyche: parents and other family members, later educators kindergarten and school. It should be noted that with age, the social environment expands.

Outside the social environment, the child cannot develop - cannot become a full-fledged personality. There are cases when children were found in the forests, lost very young and raised among animals. Such "Mowgli" ran on all fours and made the same sounds as their adoptive parents.

The social environment is everything that surrounds us in social life and, above all, the people with whom each individual is in a specific relationship. The social environment has a complex structure, which is a multi-level formation, which includes numerous social groups which have a joint effect on the mental development and behavior of the individual.

The more and more fully a person uses the possibilities of the environment, the more successfully its free and active development takes place: “A person is both a product and a creator of his environment, which gives him a physical basis for life and makes intellectual, moral, social and spiritual development possible.”

In the process of development of the child's personality from birth to three years, the family dominates, and his main personality neoplasms are associated primarily with it. In preschool childhood, the influence of family is added to the influence of communication with peers, other adults, appeal to available means mass media. With admission to school, a new powerful channel of educational influence on the personality of the child opens through peers, teachers, school subjects and affairs.

In infancy, the predominant influence on the child is the mother or the person who replaces her, who directly cares for the child and constantly communicates with him. In general, the family begins to actively influence the child from about an early age, when he masters speech and upright posture. In the early years, family educational influence is mainly reduced to a variety of influences on the emotional sphere of the child, as well as on his external behavior: submission to elementary disciplinary and hygienic norms and rules. AT preschool age to the described family influences are added influences aimed at educating the child's curiosity, perseverance, adequate self-esteem, the desire for responsiveness, sociability, kindness, as well as the moral qualities of the individual, which are primarily manifested in relations with people: decency, honesty, etc. Here participation in raising a child, not only adults begin to accept, but also peers with whom he plays a lot and in a variety of ways, and this happens in role-playing games with rules that are typical for preschool children.

The development and complication of gaming activities puts the guys in front of the need to agree and plan their activities in advance. The main need for communication is the desire for cooperation with comrades, which acquires an extra-situational character. The leading motive of communication is changing. A stable image of a peer is formed. Therefore, attachment, friendship arises.

The emotional-practical form of communication encourages children to take the initiative, influences the expansion of the spectrum emotional experiences. The situational business environment creates favorable conditions for the development of personality, self-awareness, curiosity, courage, optimism, creativity. And the non-situational-business one forms the ability to see a self-valuable personality in a communication partner, to understand his thoughts and experiences.

A teacher who is aware of the role of the social environment as a factor in the formation of personality attaches the greatest importance to the organization of the educational environment.

The educating environment is a set of circumstances surrounding the child, socially valuable, influencing his personal development and facilitating his entry into modern culture. The content of the environment as a factor in the social development of the individual is the subject-spatial environment, the socio-behavioral environment, the event environment and the information environment - their totality unfolds against the background of the child's natural environment. The teacher, professionally using the objective influence of these social agents, gives this influence a target orientation, translating the social situation of development into a pedagogical one, thereby becoming aware of the educational environment.

A teacher who does not take into account the influence of the environment, closes his eyes or even rejects the possibility of such influence, or passively ascertains the random nature of factor environmental influences on the child, leaves chance, elements, circumstances to determine the formation of the personality - thereby inevitably refuses education.

So, education is an environment organized by a teacher, which acts as a factor in the social development of a child due to the fact that it unfolds a way of life in front of him at the level of high culture, allowing him to master all the achievements of culture and naturally enter the context. modern child culture.

The professional purpose of the teacher is to organize the process of personality formation - as they said, to organize the life of the child, as a constant walking towards culture, so that in the course of such interaction the maximum development of the personality occurs, and at the level of this development he enters the context of social life.

social emotional personality preschooler

3.3. The influence of the environment on personality development

A person becomes a personality only in the process of socialization, that is, communication, interaction with other people. Outside of human society, spiritual, social, mental development cannot take place.

The reality in which human development takes place is called environment. The formation of personality is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographical and social, school and family. When teachers talk about the influence of the environment, they mean, first of all, the social and home environment. The first is attributed to the distant environment, and the second - to the nearest. concept social environment has such General characteristics, as social order, system of production relations, material conditions of life. Next Wednesday - family, relatives, friends.

A great influence on human development, especially in childhood, reveals the home environment. The first years of a person's life, decisive for the formation, development and formation, pass in the family. The family determines the range of interests and needs, views and value orientations. The family also provides the conditions for the development of natural inclinations. Moral and social qualities personalities are also laid down in the family.

The relationship between the individual and society is called "socialization". The concept of socialization as a process of complete integration of the individual into the social system, during which its adaptation is carried out, was formed in American sociology (T. Parsons, R. Merton). In the traditions of this school, socialization is revealed through the concept of "adaptation".

concept adaptation, being the leading concept of biology, means the adaptation of a living organism to environmental conditions. It was extrapolated into social science and began to mean the process of adapting a person to the conditions of the social environment. This is how the concepts of social and mental adaptation arose, the result of which is the adaptation of the individual to various social situations, micro- and macrogroups.

With the concept of adaptation, socialization is interpreted as the process of a person entering the social environment and its adaptation to cultural, mental and social factors. The essence of socialization is comprehended somewhat differently in humanistic psychology, whose representatives are G. Allport, and Maslow, K. Rogers and others. creativity, overcoming negative impacts environment hindering its self-development and self-affirmation. Here the subject is considered as a self-developing system, as a product of self-education. These two approaches do not contradict each other, but define a two-way process of socialization.

Society for the purpose of reproduction social system, preserving their structures seeks to form social stereotypes and standards (group, class, ethnic, professional, etc.), patterns of behavior. In order not to be in opposition to society, a person assimilates this social experience by entering the social environment, the system of existing social ties. However, in connection with its natural activity, a person retains and develops a tendency towards autonomy, independence, freedom, the formation of one's own position, not a repeated individuality. The result of identifying such a trend? development and transformation not only of the individual, but also of society.

Thus, the essential content of socialization is revealed in the totality of such ITS processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-regulation. their dialectical unity provides optimal development personality throughout a person's life in interaction with the environment.

Socialization is a continuous process that continues throughout life. It consists of stages, each of which "specializes" in solving certain problems, without which the next stage may not come, be distorted or inhibited. In domestic science, when determining the stages (stages) of socialization, it is believed that it is carried out more fruitfully in labor activity. Depending on the attitude to labor activity, the following stages are distinguished:

- To labor, containing the entire period of a person's life before the start of labor activity. This stage is divided into two more or less independent periods: early socialization, covering the time from the birth of a child to his entry into school; youthful socialization - training at school, college, university;

- Labor the stage covers the period of a person's maturity;

- Pislyatrudova stage, occurs in old age in connection with the termination of active labor activity.

A.V. Petrovsky identified three macrophases of the social development of the individual at the labor stage: childhood- adaptation of the individual, mastering the norms of social life; adolescence- individual, which is expressed in the individual's need for maximum personalization, in the need to "be a person"; youth- integration, which is expressed in the acquisition of personality traits and properties that meet the needs and requirements of group and personal development.

What are the factors of socialization and personality formation? Factors socialization are called such circumstances under which conditions are created for the implementation of the process of socialization. A.V. Mudrik singled out the main factors of specialization, combining them into four groups:

- Megafactors(mega - very large, general) - space, planet, world, which, to one degree or another, through other groups of factors, affect the socialization of all the inhabitants of the planet or very large corpses of people living in individual countries;

- Macrofactors(macro - large) - a country, an ethnic group, a society, a state that affect the socialization of all residents living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by other groups of factors)

- Mesofactors(meso - "middle, intermediate") - the conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished by the place and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, town, city); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, cinema, etc.); by belonging to one or another subculture.

- Microfactors- these are those that directly affect a particular person - family and home, peer group, microsociety, organizations in which social education is carried out - educational, professional, public, etc.

Microfactors influencing the development of the individual through the so-called agents of socialization, that is, persons in direct interaction with whom her life takes place. At different age stages, the composition of agents is different. So, in relation to children and adolescents, such are parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, peers, neighbors, teachers. In youth or youth, agents are also husband or wife, colleagues at work, study and military service. AT adulthood own children are added, and in the elderly, members of their families.

Socialization is carried out using a wide range of means specific to a particular society, social status, age of a person. These include ways to feed and care for an infant; methods of encouragement and punishment in the family, in peer groups, in educational and professional groups; types and types of relationships in the main areas of human life (communication, play, sports, etc.). The better social groups are organized, the more opportunities to show a socializing influence on the individual. However, social groups are unequal in their ability to influence the personality at different stages of its ontogenetic development. So, in early and preschool age, the family has the greatest influence. In adolescence and youth, the group of peers increases and exerts an effective influence, while in adulthood, the first place in importance is put forward social status, labor and professional collective, individuals. There are factors of socialization, the value of which is preserved throughout a person's life. This is a nation, mentality, ethnicity. Now, scientists are attaching more and more importance to the macrofactors of socialization, including natural and geographical conditions, since it has been established that they influence the formation of the individual.

Socialization factors are a developing environment that must be designed, well organized and even built. The most important requirement to the developing environment is the creation of an atmosphere in which humane relations, trust, security, and the possibility of personal growth will prevail. At the same time, the role of social factors in the formation of personality cannot be overestimated. Even Aristotle wrote that the soul "is an unwritten book of nature, experience puts its writings on its pages." D. Locke believed that a person is born with a pure soul, like a board (tabyla rasa) covered with wax. Education writes on this board whatever it pleases. The social environment in this case was interpreted metaphysically as something unchanging, fatal, such that determines the fate of a person, and a person was interpreted as a passive object of environmental influence.

Reassessment of the role of the environment (Helvetius, Diderot, Owen) led to the conclusion that in order to change a person, you need to change the environment. But the environment is, first of all, people, so it turns out vicious circle. To change the environment, you need to change the people. However, a person is not a passive product of the environment, it also affects the environment. By changing the environment, a person thereby changes himself.

The recognition of the activity of the individual as the leading factor in its formation raises the question of purposeful activity, self-development of the individual, that is, the question of continuous work on oneself, on one's own spiritual development. Self-development provides the possibility of a consistent complication of the tasks and content of education, the implementation of age and individual approach, the formation of the creative individuality of the student, the implementation of collective education and stimulation by the individual of his further development.

The nature of personality development, the breadth, depth of this development under the same conditions of training and education depends mainly on her own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that she shows in various types of activity, of course, with an appropriate adjustment for natural inclinations. It is precisely this that in many cases explains the differences in the development of people, including schoolchildren, who live and are brought up in the same conditions and experience approximately the same educational influences.

Domestic pedagogy is guided by the position that the free and harmonious development of the individual is possible in the conditions of collective activity. Of course, under certain conditions, the collective levels out the individual. However, individuality can develop and find its expression in the collective. Organization various forms collective activity (educational, educational, labor, artistic and aesthetic, etc.) Helps to identify the creative potential of the individual. The team with its public opinion, traditions, customs is indispensable as a factor in the formation of social positive experience, as well as socially significant skills and habits of social behavior.

Both in theoretical and practical terms, an interesting question is: what has a greater influence on human development - environment or heredity? There is no single answer to this question. But, for example, the English psychologist D. Shuttleworth (I935) came to the following conclusion about the influence of the main factors on mental development: 64% of the factors mental development falls on hereditary influences; 16% - for differences in the level of the family environment; 3% - for differences in the upbringing of children in the family; 17% - on cumulative factors (interactions of heredity with the environment).

Each person develops individually and the "fate" of the influence of heredity and the environment is different for everyone.

External and internal conditions of socialization and the role of a social teacher in their harmonization.

Socialization proceeds in the interaction of children, adolescents, young men with huge amount various conditions, more or less actively influencing their development. These conditions acting on a person are usually called factors. In fact, not all of them have even been identified, and far from all of the known ones have been studied. About those factors that were studied, knowledge is very uneven: quite a lot is known about some, little about others, and very little about others. More or less studied conditions or factors of socialization can conditionally be combined into four groups.

The first is megafactors (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to some extent through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.

The second - macrofactors (macro - large) - the country, ethnic group, society, state, which affect the socialization of all living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by two other groups of factors).

The third is mesofactors (meso - medium, intermediate), the conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, township); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); by belonging to certain subcultures.

Mesofactors influence socialization both directly and indirectly through the fourth group - microfactors. These include factors that directly affect specific people those who interact with them are family and home, neighborhood, peer groups, educational organizations, various public, state, religious, private and counter-social organizations, microsociety.

The concept of the social environment denotes a specific originality of social relations at a certain stage of their development. In this it differs from the concept of socio-economic formation and complements it. The concept of the social environment characterizes not the essence of social relations, but their concrete manifestation. Capitalism as a socio-economic formation is subject to the same socio-economic laws. But, manifesting itself in specifically special forms, the operation of these laws creates a specific social environment that differs from other social environments. It is in this particular social environment that individuals and groups operate. Moreover, if historical personalities and large groups (classes, nations) operate in a broad social environment, then the sphere of action of small groups and their constituent individuals is the microenvironment, the immediate social environment.

A specific social environment acts in psychological aspect as a set of relations between the individual and groups. The relationship between the social environment and the individual has a rather significant moment of subjectivity. If a class cannot change its place in the socio-economic formation without destroying itself as a class, then a person can change his place in the social environment, can move from one social environment to another and thereby construct his own social environment to a certain extent.

Of course, the mobility of the individual in the social environment is not absolute, it is limited by the objective framework of socio-economic relations, the class structure of society. Nevertheless, the activity of the individual, especially in relation to the microenvironment she chooses, cannot be underestimated. The practical significance of this issue is revealed, in particular, in the analysis of the causes of crime.

The social environment in relation to the individual has a relatively random character. This randomness is especially great in psychological terms, since the character and characteristics of certain personalities leave their mark on their relationships. But even this randomness is manifested only up to certain limits. It is limited by the necessity of relations determined by a certain socio-economic system.


State educational institution of higher professional education


Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology

Department of Ecology

Department of General Ecology

Zhuk Alexandra Evgenievna









Personality is a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual, a product of social development and the inclusion of individuals in the system of social relations through active objective activity and communication. Personality properties - this is what brings individuals together due to the commonality of historically and socially determined features of their life. An individual becomes a person in the process of mastering social functions and developing self-awareness, i.e., realizing his self-identity and uniqueness as a subject of activity and individuality, but precisely as a member of society. The desire to merge with the social community (to identify with it) and at the same time - to isolation, the manifestation of creative individuality makes a person both a product and a subject of social relations and social development at the same time.

The formation of personality is carried out in the processes of socialization of individuals and directed education: the development of social norms and functions (social roles) by them through the mastery of diverse types and forms of activity. The wealth of which determines the wealth of the individual. The alienation of certain types and forms of activity inherent in a holistic generic person (due to the social division of labor, fixed in a class-antagonistic society by its social structure) determines the formation of a one-sidedly developed personality that perceives its own activity as unfree, imposed from outside, alien. On the contrary, the appropriation of the entire integrity of the historically established types and forms of activity by each individual in a society devoid of class-antagonistic contradictions is an indispensable prerequisite for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. In addition to social, the personality acquires features arising from the specifics of the living conditions of special social communities, of which individuals are members, that is, class, socio-professional, national-ethnic, socio-territorial and age and gender. Mastering the features inherent in these diverse communities, as well as the social roles performed by individuals in group and collective activities, on the one hand, is expressed in socially typical manifestations of behavior and consciousness, and on the other hand, gives the individual a unique individuality, since these socially conditioned qualities are structured into a stable integrity based on the psychophysical properties of the subject. As a subject of social relations, a person is characterized by active creative activity, which, however, becomes possible and productive due to the mastery of the culture inherited from previous generations.



The formation of a person's personality is a consistent change and complication of the system of relations to the surrounding world, nature, work, other people and to oneself. It happens throughout his life. Particularly important is the age of childhood and adolescence. Human development is a very complex process. It occurs under the influence of both external influences and internal forces that are characteristic of man, as of any living and growing organism. External factors include, first of all, the natural and social environment surrounding a person, as well as special purposeful activities to form certain personality traits in children (education); to internal - biological, hereditary factors. The development of a child - not only a complex, but also a contradictory process - means his transformation from a biological individual into a social being - a person.

The human personality is formed and developed in activity and communication. In the process of development, the child is involved in various types of activities (playing, labor, educational, sports, etc.) and enters into communication (with parents, peers, strangers, etc.), while showing his inherent activity, this contributes to the acquisition of a special social experience. For the normal development of a child from birth, communication is of great importance. Only in the process of communication can a child master human speech, which, in turn, plays a leading role in the child's activities and in the knowledge and development of the world around him. The leading personality traits develop as a result of external influence on the personality, its inner world.

Human development is a process of quantitative and qualitative change, the disappearance of the old and the emergence of the new, the source and driving forces of which are hidden in the contradictory interaction of both natural and social aspects of the individual.

The natural side of a person develops and changes throughout his life. These developments and changes are age-related. The source of the social development of the individual is in the interaction of the individual and society.

Three factors influence the formation of personality: upbringing, social environment and hereditary inclinations.

Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influence on a growing person in order to transfer the accumulated social experience.

The social environment is of paramount importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature of the activity and worldview of people.

Inclinations are special anatomical and physiological prerequisites for abilities for various types of activity. The science of the laws of heredity - genetics - suggests that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute hearing, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. But the inclinations by themselves do not yet provide abilities and high performance. Only in the process of upbringing and education, social life and activity, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person, abilities are formed on the basis of inclinations. The inclinations can be realized only when the organism interacts with the surrounding social and natural environment.

A newborn carries a complex of genes not only of his parents, but also of their distant ancestors, that is, he has his own rich hereditary fund inherent only to him or a hereditarily predetermined biological program, thanks to which his individual qualities arise and develop. This program is naturally and harmoniously implemented if, on the one hand, biological processes are based on sufficiently high-quality hereditary factors, and on the other hand, the external environment provides the growing organism with everything necessary for the implementation of the hereditary principle.

Skills and properties acquired during life are not inherited, science has not revealed any special genes of giftedness, however, each born child has a huge arsenal of inclinations, early development and formation, which depends on the social structure of society, on the conditions of education and training, cares and efforts parents and desires of the smallest person.

At any stage of its development, a person is a natural being, and therefore obeys biological laws. But if the biological, natural, exists in both man and animal, then in both cases it differs significantly, since human biology is inextricably linked with the social conditions that have developed in the process of human development as a result of communication between people. The human environment is always social in nature and has the greatest influence on the growing and developing organism of the child. It is especially possible to influence the child's body actively with the help of such socially controlled factors as upbringing in the family and the children's team, adherence to the regime, rational nutrition, adequate physical activity, physical education, tempering procedures, and so on. The correct use of these factors can ensure the physical and spiritual development of the child and contribute to the correction of many genetic defects.

The social and biological in man are not two parallel components independent of each other. In each personality, they are so closely intertwined and interdependent that researchers single out two most important factors in the basis of a child's development - heredity and environment, which are both sources and conditions for development.

In the course of human evolution, in the process of labor activity, not only his body was improved, but, first of all, the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system as a whole. The human features of the brain were fixed in the genetic material and were inherited. However, the mental development of a person as a person is still possible only in the process of education, through the daily instillation of purely human skills in a child. If a human child, even with the “best” structural features of the brain, falls into conditions of isolation from human society, then his development as a person stops. This has been repeatedly confirmed in cases where young children fell into packs of wild animals or were subjected to artificial isolation. The mental development of a child as a human being is possible only in the environment of other people with active and passive learning of behavioral skills.

The development of the social behavior of a young child is carried out not only with the help of targeted upbringing measures. More often it occurs on the basis of the child's observation of the behavior of adults and older children. In this regard, the environment plays an important role. As a rule, the closest social environment a child enters is the family microenvironment - parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. It should not be thought that the influence of the microenvironment comes into force only when the child speaks. Already in the very first months, the nature of adult care for children largely determines their mental development. Lost during this period is difficult to make up in the future. Isolation of children from their parents can lead to limited, lack of communication with others to adverse changes in their development, even to the emergence of some psychopathic traits. For the formation of the personal qualities of the child, the family atmosphere in which the child lives is significant: whether the parents take a single position towards him or different, whether they show him mainly strictness and exactingness towards him, or tenderness and courtesy, whether the family has a warm, friendly character or they are dominated by formality, coldness, etc. It has been noticed that in those families where parents, not showing sufficient warmth to the child, often replace it with obsessive control, edification and moralizing, allow insults and humiliation, ridicule and physical punishment for mistakes and failures, children grow up insecure, have little initiative, with low self-esteem and claims. These qualities interfere with the full development of the child, not only in the preschool years, but also in later life.

Children brought up in an atmosphere of benevolence and support have many advantages - they have more opportunities to develop their activity, they more often show creativity, originality, friendly feelings, show more emotionality in their relationships than their peers living in conditions of excessive severity, lack of warmth, affection.

The structure of the family and the nature of intra-family relations have a great influence on the health of the child and the development of his personal characteristics. The harmonious development of the personality is often hindered by long-term conflict situations in the family, divorces of parents, the upbringing of an “only” child, etc. In such families, children often suffer from neuroses, study worse, lag behind in physical development, and often suffer from various somatic diseases.

If such a child falls ill, further asthenization of the body occurs, leading to a decrease in physical and mental activity, to a weakening of its reactivity in relation to other adverse environmental factors and predisposing to new diseases.

Many physical, biological and social factors are involved in the complex process of personality formation. The long-term negative impact of these factors on the growing and developing body of the child can lead to abnormal personality development and contribute to the emergence of neuropsychiatric disorders. For the education of a harmonious personality and the prevention of neuropsychiatric disorders in children, the socio-economic structure of society, the system of state and medical preventive measures are of great importance. In the process of development, the child is formed as a person, reflecting the social side of his development, his social essence.