Young shoots of a fern are useful. Where does the common bracken (fern) grow, the benefits and harms of the plant for human health

Fern Orlyak is very fond of eating residents of Russian Far Eastern countries. Korea, Japan and China do not forget about him either. Although our compatriots do not even allow how fern can be eaten, nevertheless it is consumed in many parts of the world.

What is a bracken fern?

This is perennial from the fern family. There are many varieties of this plant, but not all are edible. Orlyak just refers to those plants that can be eaten. Fern Orlyak grows in almost any conditions, so it has taken root in many countries. Only young shoots of this plant are eaten, the old ones are unsuitable for consumption, because they pose a danger to the body.

Shoots can be fried, boiled, pickled, etc. Orlyak is great for eating with meat dishes, fish, vegetable purees and many others. Bracken fern is widely distributed in folk and modern medicine.

Most often, this type of fern reaches 30-90 m in height, but there are also giants of 150-200 m. The leaves of the plant are dense and hard, have a sharp unusual smell. The plant has powerful and strong roots, which are located both vertically and horizontally. Sori are on the reverse side of the leaf.

The fern can be stored for up to two days before being eaten, if more time passes it becomes toxic. If you do not have time to use it within the specified period, then it is better to subject it immediately after collection. heat treatment let cool and put in freezer.

The chemical composition of the plant

This type of fern contains a lot of useful substances for human body. It contains the following elements: sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, etc. Fern is also rich in tannins.

Benefits of bracken fern

      • If you regularly eat the plant, the immune system is strengthened.
      • Improves heart function, blood circulation
      • Normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood
      • Displays harmful substances from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
      • Removes radionuclides from the human body
      • Helps strengthen bones and teeth
      • Helps to cope with depression and problems nervous system
      • Antioxidants contained in the plant stop the aging process and wear and tear of the body.

From the above, we can conclude that bracken fern has many useful substances for the body. But I consider it my duty not only to reveal it beneficial features, but also warn about contraindications.


      • It is forbidden to use this plant during pregnancy and lactation, since the effect of fern on the body during the period of bearing a baby has not been fully studied.
      • If you have any problems with internal organs, then before starting, visit a doctor and consult about taking fern shoots
      • Do not abuse, remember that everything is good in moderation

The use of fern in cooking

bracken fern palatability strongly resembles mushrooms, so you can cook it the same way. It can be served as a side dish or used in the preparation of various sauces. This plant is rich in protein, so the body does an excellent job of processing it.

Remember important rule:

Do not eat the plant raw. It must be subjected to heat treatment before it enters the human body.

Bracken fern: useful properties

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Despite its unique and unusual appearance, as well as belonging to ornamental plants, the fern is quite edible. Two types of fern are eaten, used both as an unusual seasoning and as an independent ingredient for salads. One of these species is the bracken fern.

What is useful bracken fern?

It is immediately worth noting, starting a conversation about the benefits of fern, that according to the studies of some scientists, there was an assumption that a frequent change conventional products nutrition directly affects the prolongation of youth and the preservation of excellent health for many years. So far, this point of view has not become generally accepted, but it is worth listening to when deciding on the inclusion of such an unusual product as bracken in the diet.

In addition, it has a very low calorie content, which undoubtedly makes it a valuable food during the period of weight loss. Its calorie content is 34 kcal. In addition, it contains in its composition almost as many proteins as carbohydrates 4.55 g and 5.54 g, respectively.

Its composition includes a large number of useful substances, without which the proper functioning of the human body is impossible:

  • Tannins, providing good digestion and removal of harmful waste products.
  • Flavonoids
  • alkaloids
  • Essential oils and acids
  • Young fern leaves are rich in substances such as vitamins carotene, tocopherol and riboflavin.
  • Its leaves contain phytosterols, substances of the catechin group, and catechins, mucus, bitter glycoside in the rhizome.
  • Young plants are rich in enzymes, especially thiaminase and glycosides.
  • It also contains such useful acids as nicotinic, aspartic and glutamic, as well as phenylalanine, asparagine and tyrosine.
  • Special mention deserve such microelements as iodine, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, copper, nickel and potassium.
  • The proteins that make up this fern are easily digested, resembling the properties of grain proteins in terms of the quality of assimilation by the body. But the benefits of bracken fern, first of all, depend on the presence in its composition of a large number of biologically active elements.

A useful plant for people who spend a lot of time in front of the TV and computer screen. It saves from radiation sickness and leukemia, having the amount of iodine necessary for the body. An important property bracken fern is its ability to quickly normalize metabolism, accelerating the fight against excess weight. It restores the lack of vitamins in beriberi and relieves tension and excitement, contributing to the normalization of the pulse.

The use of bracken fern

  1. From the young leaves of the fern, magnificent and unusual salads are obtained. The plant is pickled, fried, salted for future use, then used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. It tastes a bit like mushrooms. Old and uncooked bracken fern leaves are strictly not recommended.
  2. Its regular use contributes to the formation of bones, the normalization of the activity of the nervous system, metabolism, the removal of radionuclides and heavy metals from the body, the improvement of the endocrine system, and the increase in efficiency.
  3. For medicinal purposes, the leaves and rhizomes of the plant are used. A decoction of them in a strictly dosed volume is taken orally for aching joints, diseases of the intestines and spleen, chest and headache, diarrhea, tinnitus, dry pleurisy, stomach pain and even jaundice. It is also used as an anthelmintic, diuretic, laxative, antipyretic and analgesic.
  4. For scrofula, wounds, abscesses or eczema, a decoction of the rhizome is applied externally. You can use bracken fern infusion for the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, hemorrhoids, cramps and ulcers, making with it warm baths.

Contraindications for the use of bracken fern

But the bracken fern also has contraindications. Since it contains toxic substances, the plant should be used only after consultation with your doctor and under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor or herbalist. Even if it seems to you that you know everything about the healing fern, do not risk your health and the health of loved ones.

In no case should bracken fern be treated during breastfeeding, and even more so during pregnancy. In case of an overdose of decoction or infusion, headaches, convulsions, vomiting, nausea may occur. In very serious cases - a sharp decrease in pressure, difficulty breathing, weakening of cardiovascular activity and, in the absence of qualified and timely assistance, even death. Therefore, as soon as any of the above symptoms occur or the general condition simply worsens, you should immediately call an ambulance and wash the stomach.

For a long time, the bracken fern has become part of the daily diet of the inhabitants of Japan, Korea and Far East. As you know, centenarians are most often found in these countries. The beneficial properties of the plant are numerous and arouse well-deserved interest among adherents of proper nutrition. You just have to learn how to prepare it for the future and cook delicious dishes with it.

BRACKET FERN: useful properties and contraindications.

Orlyak fern is one of the favorite dishes of the inhabitants of the Russian Far East, China, Korea and Japan. And despite the fact that most of the inhabitants of our country do not even know how this plant can be eaten, the bracken fern is used in many parts of the world, as it has excellent taste and a wide range useful properties.

Description of bracken fern: Bracken is a perennial fern plant. Of the huge number of ferns, only a few can be eaten, bracken is one of them. The bracken grows almost everywhere the globe and is one of the most common ferns in Russia. Young shoots of bracken with leaves that have not yet blossomed are used for food, mature plant should not be eaten as it contains substances that are toxic to the human body. Bracken shoots are boiled, fried, stewed, salted, marinated, salads, hot dishes and cold appetizers are prepared from it. Orlyak goes well with meat, fish, vegetables, cereals and legumes. AT fresh bracken fern is not consumed. This type of fern is also used in folk medicine, industry and pharmacology.

Composition of bracken fern: The composition of bracken fern shoots includes minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, manganese, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and other macro- and microelements. Bracken fern contains fiber, sugar, carotene, vitamins C, E, group B, amino acids, tannins, flavonoids, phytosterols, glycosides and other substances beneficial to human health.

Caloric content of bracken fern: The calorie content of bracken fern is about 35 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of bracken fern:

  • Regular use of bracken fern helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Favorably affects the cardiovascular system, improves blood composition.
  • Helps normalize blood sugar levels.
  • fern renders positive influence on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system.
  • favors normal operation gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, removes toxins and slags from the body.
  • Bracken fern helps to remove radionuclides from the body.
  • Increases the efficiency of the body, improves the activity of the nervous system, helps to cope with stress.
  • Substances contained in bracken shoots slow down the aging process and help preserve youth.

Contraindications of bracken fern: During pregnancy and serious diseases of the internal organs, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using bracken fern shoots. As with the use of almost all products, when using bracken, you must remember that everything is good in moderation!

And remember a healthy lifestyle involves not only proper nutrition and the use of healthy products, but also the rejection bad habits, healthy sleep, physical activity and other components.

Bracken fern: useful properties and cooking recipes:

Bracken fern with its spreading paws adorns birch groves all summer Altai Territory, the Far East, Siberia and the Urals. Fans of hiking in these parts enthusiastically admire its mysterious glades, but few people know that this miracle plant is highly valued for its exquisite taste and beneficial properties. Recently, local gourmets have also become interested in fern recipes.

Unpretentious, beautiful and unkilled

The bracken fern is a herbaceous plant that looks like a low shrub. It usually grows in dense colonies united underground by a common rhizome. The bracken is found in different climatic regions throughout the earth. It is very easy to recognize by its beautiful feathery leaves, similar to acacia twigs. If the fern stalk is cut across and carefully studied its image, then you can see the eagle in it, which gave the name to this plant.

The common bracken is known for its vitality. In any soil, even in the most infertile, rocky or sandy, he feels great. Having settled once, he remains in this place for many years. Summer residents and farmers do not like him for this, leading a fierce struggle with him as with a difficult weed, which is almost impossible to eradicate. Even if a fire occurs that destroys everything in the forest, grove or garden where this plant grew, it will be the first to sprout and sprout new shoots.

From harm to benefit - one step

Despite the widespread attitude to ferns as weeds, two of their species are still classified as edible - this is the ostrich and bracken. It should be noted right away that these plants can be used for food only after observing certain precautionary rules. They cannot be consumed fresh, as they contain toxic substances that are poisonous to humans.

If there is such a risk, is it worth consuming bracken? The beneficial properties of this plant in many ways exceed the small danger that is easy to eliminate. This has long been understood by residents of many Asian countries, where ferns are not just a delicacy, but are considered a national dish. Such love makes it possible for those who live in Kamchatka and in the Primorsky Territory of Russia to have additional income.

Starting in May, when the first bracken shoots appear, many go to the taiga to collect this delicacy, which is bought in bulk from the population for export to China and Japan. Why is this plant so much loved in the East?

A storehouse of benefits, taste and health

Bracken fern dishes contain many useful elements that are found both in young shoots and in rhizomes. Leaves give the body the following substances:

1. Phytosterols - reduce the level of cholesterol in the body.

2. Flavonoids - strengthen capillaries, regulate blood clotting, improve vascular permeability.

3. Sesquiterpenes - have an anthelmintic, antihelminthic effect.

4. Tannins (catechins) - are indispensable for the prevention of cancer, as well as increase immunity, preserve youth.

When eating young shoots and stems of the bracken fern, the body benefits from elements such as essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, fatty oils, aspartic, nicotinic, glutamic acids, tyrosine, phenylalanine, iodine, phosphorus and many other trace elements and vitamins. Thanks to such a rich composition, the bracken fern is valued. Its beneficial properties stimulate metabolism and increase the level of stress resistance of the body.

Don't miss the short collection period

Let's now proceed to a detailed description of all the nuances that must be taken into account if you want a safe and tasty bracken fern to appear on your table. Preparation starts with proper collection. Although this plant can be found in forests, ravines, birch forests, and even in your garden during the entire warm season, it should be collected for cooking only in spring. The fact is that young shoots that have not yet released leaves are edible.

At the end of spring, the shoots begin to harden, the spreading paws with leaves turn into a shrub that is no longer suitable for food, since it contains large quantities contains bitter glycosides, and the level of toxic substances also increases significantly. It is important not to miss that short period when the bracken is still young, its stem is fragile, and the young shoots are bent into a hook. Such twigs are as easy to collect as dandelions - they break easily, and their delicate leaves are rich in a variety of substances.

Set goals and make time

Collected bracken fern should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. During this period, it must be processed, otherwise it will become completely poisonous. This must be taken into account when collecting. If your goal is to surprise your friends with an exotic dish, you should not collect it in large quantities. If you want to stock up while it is still edible in order to indulge yourself with its unusual taste throughout the year, then it is worth setting aside a few days for these purposes, as it will take time not only to go to the forest or grove for ferns, but also to its processing.

Having collected right amount raw materials, immediately proceed to its preparation. Start by sorting - select a small number of beautiful and uniform heads to treat yourself to this delicacy tonight. Put the rest in the refrigerator. We will process it for a long time in order to prepare it for the winter or for future use. To this end, the plants will need to be salted, pickled or dried, but more on that later.

Preliminary processing

So that the fern dinner is not overshadowed by food poisoning, you need to properly prepare freshly harvested raw materials. First of all, it is necessary to clean it from bitterness and toxic substances. Perfect option, which will maximize the preservation of useful substances and the presentation of the fern - this is soaking. The shoots prepared for cooking are dipped in a saline solution for a day, after which they are soaked in fresh water. Such Preliminary processing will make young bracken shoots completely safe and palatable.

If you don’t want to wait a whole day, then you can clean the fern from bitterness with the help of several stages of boiling. First, take a copper basin and pour a large amount of water into it. Bring it to a boil, add salt, immerse the shoots very carefully for two to three minutes. After that, you should replace the water - and bring it to a boil again. This should be done two or three times.

At the last boil, the shoots need to be boiled for about ten minutes, constantly monitoring the process. As soon as the fern heads curl into beautiful green rings, they should be removed from the heat. Now let's start preparing the bracken. The recipes for almost all bracken dishes are similar, differing only in the presence of ingredients. They are based on the same cooking methods that we are used to using when processing mushrooms.

We make stocks

Let us now return to the processing of the fern, which was put aside in the refrigerator. We want to stockpile these stocks of raw materials for a long period of time by salting them. To do this, you need to take a large capacity, it is best wooden barrel. Fold in it the collected fern, mixed with salt in a ratio of 3 to 10 (for three kilograms of salt, 10 kilograms of raw materials). Cover with something heavy so that a brine appears under the yoke. After two weeks, the brine should be drained and replaced with a new one, which is already prepared in a ratio of 2 to 10. Leave it again for two weeks, after which the fern, if desired, can be salted again in a ratio of 1 to 10. After that, the shoots must be folded into bunches and dry.

Salted bracken can be stored for as long as dried mushrooms. Before cooking, it should be pre-soaked, then used. In addition to salting, bracken can be prepared in pickled form according to the scheme that is used for mushrooms.

fern salad

The easiest recipe for how to cook bracken is to make meat salad out of it. Boiled beef or veal is best suited. You will also need hard-boiled eggs, green onion, hard cheese, fresh tomatoes and mayonnaise. All ingredients should be taken in equal amounts. Cheese, meat, tomatoes should be finely chopped.

Soak bracken in advance in water (salted) or boil (raw). Put the prepared shoots in a frying pan, in heated oil, and simmer to get rid of excess moisture. After that, evenly mix all the products and season the salad with mayonnaise. Garnish with finely chopped green onions.

It is impossible to embrace all the many recipes that cooks offer for cooking bracken. These can be not only the famous Korean pickled fern salads, but also Russian inventions, such as dumplings, pancakes and even pies stuffed with fried bracken. All these experiments became possible due to the fact that it tastes like mushrooms, so the same dishes are prepared from it.

Also to simple recipes include fried fern, which can be used as a gravy for any side dish. It is very easy to prepare it:

1. Finely chop one onion and fry until transparent.

2. Put 400 grams of boiled fern into the pan and fry for another 10 minutes with onions.

3. Separately, mix half a cup of sour cream with one tablespoon of flour.

4. Pour the mixture into the roasted ferns. Put in the oven. When a golden crust forms, take it out. Serve hot.


Fern is a herbaceous plant, a representative of the Osmund family. Scientists consider North China, Korea, and the Far East to be its homeland. There is a fern in the forests of Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Central Asia, Mexico. The plant is a green stem with pinnately dissected leaves (see photo). The fern is considered one of the oldest plants on the planet, originating in the Devonian period. Pressed fern wood, according to scientists, became the material for coal.

In order to understand what this plant is, it is necessary to trace the stages of its development: the fern stem grows underground, young leaves called fronds begin to form in spring, then the leaves grow and most of all resemble a huge snail, the leaves unfold and become like a hook . The fern does not bloom, but reproduces with the help of spores.

The plant received its scientific name Pteridium aguillinum (bracken fern) due to its resemblance to the wing of a huge bird (with Greek preton means "wing", aqulia means "eagle").

A lot has to do with the fern interesting legends. People were very wary of this plant, because it looked very mysterious. Our ancestors did not understand how this plant reproduces if it never blooms. Fern blossoming was expected by people as a special holiday. According to a well-known belief, a person who finds a flower of this plant on the feast of Ivan Kupala will be able to get incredibly rich, since the earth itself opens up on this night and shows hidden riches. In Russia, they believed that this plant opens any locks and that you cannot hide a single secret in front of a fern. According to ancient legend, the fern appeared thanks to the goddess of love Venus, supposedly she dropped her beautiful hair, and this grew out of it amazing plant. Another legend says that a girl fell off a cliff, and a spring sprang up in that place, and her hair became a plant that looked like a bird's wing.

calories: 34 kcal

Energy value of the product Fern:

  • Proteins: 4.55 g
  • Fats: 0.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 5.54 g

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of the fern are due to its valuable chemical composition. The plant is rich in alkaloids, starch, essential oils, flavonoids, tannins. Fern shoots contain carotene, tocopherol (vitamin E), riboflavin, or vitamin B2. The presence of alkaloids makes the plant an excellent pain reliever.

Fern contains a large amount of protein, similar to cereal protein, which is easily digested and has a positive effect on the body. With regular use, the plant has a positive effect on growth processes.

Fern has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, tones the body. There is evidence that the plant helps to remove radionuclides from the human body.

For medicinal purposes, the rhizome of the plant is used, which is harvested in September. Fern is effective for varicose veins, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, and cramps in the calf muscle. With these diseases, the course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Use in cooking

Ferns have been used in cooking since ancient times. AT food purposes only two types of fern are used - bracken and ostrich. Edible are the so-called rachis, or plant shoots. And its young leaves are added to salads, fried, marinated, used instead of seasoning. Fern shoots taste like mushrooms. Due to the high presence of proteins, the plant was loved by the inhabitants of Japan, Korea, and the Far East. The calorie content of this product is 34 kcal per 100 grams.

There are two types of fern preparation: boiling and canning. In any case, before preparing the plant, its shoots must first be boiled. You should not neglect this stage and fry fresh rachis: in this way you will spoil the dish, because the fern will be bitter. The leaves are washed in salted water. When the water boils, after a few minutes it is drained, the plant is washed and again poured with salted water. Next, the fern is boiled until tender. The shoots should not break, it is enough to bring them to a state where they will easily bend. The cooked plant is thrown into a colander and used according to culinary recipes.

A popular option for preparing fern is its salting. Thanks to salting, the product can be stored long time, besides, you get an excellent "semi-finished product", which can be turned into an amazing one very quickly tasty dish. The plant is thoroughly washed, then placed in glass jar and covered with salt, the ferns are folded in layers, sprinkling them with table salt. Next, the container with the plant is pressed down on top with something heavy and placed for 14 days in a cool place. After two weeks, it will be necessary to drain the brine, and transfer the shoots to another container. Moreover, the plant is folded again in layers with the difference that the layer that was on top should be at the very bottom. The fern is again poured with brine with a minimum salt content of 22%. In this form, the fern can be stored for several years.

On sale there is a specially harvested fern for food purposes. The purchased product must be soaked in clean water for a few hours to remove excess bitterness and salt. During this time, it is better to periodically drain the water and fill the plant with new water. After two hours, the fern is transferred to a saucepan and boiled for about 15 minutes without adding spices. In parallel, it is necessary to cut the onion and meat. Next, the meat and onions should be fried for vegetable oil. The fern after heat treatment is cut into small pieces and fried along with the rest of the ingredients. At the end of cooking, add 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce. The dish is served hot.

A well-known recipe for the preparation of this plant is “Korean fern”. Onions and carrots, cut into strips, stew on olive oil until golden. Fern sprouts are added to the vegetables in the pan and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mass is again thoroughly mixed and seasoned with seasoning for cooking carrots in Korean. Next, the vegetables are stewed until tender for 15 minutes.

Fern benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known to folk medicine. Fern is used as an analgesic for joint pain, headache. For rheumatism, it is recommended to take warm baths with fern decoction. Also, decoctions of the plant are effective for jaundice, diseases of the intestines and spleen. Externally, the plant is used for eczema, abscesses, scrofula. Fern root powder relieves congestion in the intestines and spleen.

A decoction of fern rhizomes can be prepared at home. To do this, boil 10 grams of crushed rhizome for 10 minutes in 200 ml of water. Take a decoction should be 1 tsp. along with bee honey. Sometimes the decoction is mixed with flour and taken by dividing the "dough" into 10 parts. Fern is a potent remedy, drugs on the basis of which it is impossible to take without medical indications. After taking the plant, be sure to put an enema and take a saline laxative. Taking other types of laxatives is strictly prohibited.

Outwardly, a decoction of fern is used as baths or rubdowns. In order to prepare a bath with a decoction, you will need 50 grams of rhizome per 3 liters of water. The broth is insisted for several hours, and then poured into a cool bath.

Fern harm and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body with uncontrolled use. It is better to use fern under the supervision of a phytotherapist or attending physician, since the plant is poisonous.

Fern is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Contraindications to its use are also fever, anemia, tuberculosis, liver and kidney disease, ulcers, chronic diseases.

In case of an overdose, the patient should wash the stomach and immediately seek medical help.

Interesting Facts

The fern is one of the oldest plants on earth, preserved until today. Scientists believe that the compressed wood of ancient ferns has become the main forming material of coal.

Everyone knows the belief that whoever finds a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala will be able to find all the treasures and open all hearts. It's just a legend - the fern never blooms.

The beneficial properties of the fern are primarily determined by the amazing ability to remove radiation, toxic substances from the body. The inhabitants of Japan were the first to pay attention to this feature: after the nuclear bombings, living organisms that easily survived them were ants. To be more precise - the kind of them that feeds only on bracken fern.

Subsequently, it turned out that of all existing varieties of this plant, only 2 are suitable for food, one of them is the bracken fern. It is used as a separate ingredient for various salads, as an unusual seasoning.

Bracken has a fairly low calorie content, which makes it an attractive ingredient. diet menu. By the way, many nutritionists successfully use this plant in their practice: they recommend that patients add it to salads and meat dishes, drink useful infusions and decoctions.

The calorie content of bracken is 34 kcal per 100 g. If we talk about nutritional value of this miraculous plant in its properties, it is amazing due to the unusual percentage:

  • carbohydrates - 5.54 g;
  • fat - 0.4 g;
  • proteins - 4.55 g.

The rhizome of this plant contains medicinal components:

  • tannins, which provide excellent digestion;
  • various essential oils and fats;
  • flavonoids;
  • eagle-tannin, glutamic, aspartic, nicotinic and hydrocyanic acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • starchy substances and saponins;
  • riboflavin, tocopherol and carotene (contained in young shoots);
  • various enzymes, in particular glycoside and thiaminase (an enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of thiamine).

The valuable composition of the bracken is represented by the following trace elements:

  • nickel and potassium;
  • magnesium, copper and sulfur;
  • phosphorus, sodium and manganese;
  • calcium and.

The proteins that make up the bracken, in their properties, are somewhat akin to cereals (wheat, oats). But the most important benefit of the fern is associated with a high concentration of biologically active elements.

Amazing Benefits

Doctors have long and very successfully used bracken in their practice: the beneficial properties of this plant help to treat many diseases. For example, it is indicated for patients who suffer from:

  • dry and wet pleurisy;
  • headaches and chest pains;
  • jaundice (Botkin's disease);
  • aching joints and pain in the bones;
  • diarrhea
  • tinnitus;
  • malfunctions of the intestines, stomach and spleen.

On this medicinal properties eagles do not end. A decoction prepared from its leaves and roots helps with constipation. The plant is also used to relieve pain, get rid of worms, excrete urine (in case of violation of the diuretic function).

By the way, people have known about the pain-relieving ability of this plant for a long time. Many centuries ago, the fern was applied to wounds, burns, and bruises. And he removed even the most severe pain.

  1. It is especially useful for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. For example, he spends a lot of time at the computer or watching TV.
  2. Due to the bracken saves a person from leukemia and radiation sickness.
  3. In an accelerated mode, it restores impaired metabolism, thereby contributing to quick and comfortable weight loss.
  4. Perfectly removes the excitation of the nervous system and strong tension, normalizes the pulse.
  5. Restores in full the lack of vitamins in spring beriberi.
  6. Removes heavy and harmful metals, radionuclides, improves the activity of the endocrine system. The working capacity of a person after the use of bracken increases significantly.
  7. Bracken is also used for ulcerative manifestations, convulsions. He actively treats rheumatism, hemorrhoids, sciatica.

As you can see, the medicinal properties of this variety of fern are truly limitless. The main thing is to learn how to harvest the plant and apply it correctly.

Rules for collection and use

If the fern leaves are young, they are used to make salads. In addition, bracken can be prepared for the future - pickled or pickled. It is an excellent seasoning for meat and fish dishes. But the old leaves of the plant should not be eaten, they can be dried and later used for infusions, lotions and decoctions.

If a person is concerned about sciatica, rheumatic and other pain, plant materials must be steamed and added to the bathroom.

For a fern to be useful, it must be harvested. in early spring. After all, in summer and autumn it loses some of its healing properties.

Young shoots should be stored in the refrigerator, and no longer than 2 days. If you do not have time to use bracken within the specified period, it will become poisonous and harmful to the body.

Harm and contraindications

Despite such an abundance of useful properties, bracken has its own contraindications. First of all, it should be remembered that this plant contains toxic substances in its composition. That is why it is necessary to consult an experienced herbalist or homeopathic doctor before using it.

The dosage should be observed during the preparation of the medicinal product. If you ignore this rule, you may experience nausea, severe dizziness, vomiting, convulsions, and severe headaches.

Even death is possible, especially if you used low-quality shoots or fern leaves for treatment. Have you noticed any of the above symptoms after using the plant? Call your doctor right away and have a good gastric lavage.

Plants are the oldest medicines that man began to use. Our distant ancestors, using not so much experience and knowledge as bestial instinct and intuition, used plants to heal diseases and wounds. Medicinal plants still play an important role in medicine and pharmacology today: great amount medicines made from plant ingredients.

In our country, there are many medicinal plants that are used by both traditional and non-traditional (folk) medicine. One of the very common and well-known plants that are used for treatment is bracken or common bracken. Also, this plant is used in cooking, dishes from it are especially popular in Asian countries.

General information

Common bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) is a perennial fern belonging to the Bracken family, one of the most common large ferns in Russia. This plant has a very wide geography, it is found almost anywhere on our planet, with the exception of the northern latitudes.

Inhabits both coniferous and deciduous forests, prefers sunny places and poor soils. Can form continuous thickets. Reproduces well with vegetative propagation.


Usually the plant is 30-100 cm in height, but specimens up to 150 cm are often found. The leaves are strongly pinnate, sitting on fleshy cuttings. The leaf plate is hard and dense, with a specific smell. The leaf has a triangular shape. The plant has several powerful vertical and horizontal rhizomes, which it uses, among other things, for vegetative propagation. Sori, like other ferns, are located on the underside of the leaf plate.

Active substances

Bracken fern contains a large number of different chemical substances, almost all of them can have a very strong effect on the human body. Here are just a few of them:

a nicotinic acid;

And it's far from full list. In addition, bracken is rich in trace elements that are very useful for our body. Among them are iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nickel, sulfur and phosphorus.

As you can see, this plant is very rich in active substances and they can both help a person from many ailments and cause serious harm if used improperly.

Fern in medicine

This fern has long been used in medicine for healing a wide variety of diseases.
Young shoots and leaves are used to treat digestive system and spleen. A decoction of the leaves is used against coughs, as well as for removing helminths. Rhizomes are used for diseases of the locomotor apparatus: aching joints, rickets, rheumatism. Bracken rhizome infusion is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, wounds or abscesses.

In the Middle Ages, bracken was used as an anthelmintic. Today medications from this plant also regularly help with many diseases. Many of the effects that these drugs have can be described in one term: improvement and normalization of metabolism.

What is the bracken fern valued for, what are its useful properties?

Growth promotion;
increased immunity;
stress relief;
improving the functioning of the endocrine glands;
increase in working capacity;
improvement of the metabolism of certain trace elements (iodine, potassium).

And yet, according to Japanese research scientists, as they reported in the press, bracken is a plant that removes radionuclides from the human body.

To whom is bracken fern dangerous, what is the harm from it?

Regardless of which medicinal plant fern - bracken is good, bracken is actually very dangerous, so it should be used with extreme caution. Do not self-medicate at random! An overdose of fern preparations can be fatal. And we are on this page of the site www.! The plant is poisonous and should be used only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Remember this!

It is contraindicated to use preparations from orlyak:

small children;
nursing mothers;
persons with individual intolerance.

The symptoms of bracken poisoning are as follows: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, severe convulsions, weakening of the heart and lowering blood pressure. Violation of the liver and kidneys. Various allergic reactions are possible.

Use in cooking

The bracken has long been used in kitchens different peoples peace. It is still widely consumed today, especially in Asian countries. Previously, it was also used in Russia. Today, fern shoots are considered a delicacy in Korea, Japan, New Zealand, and China.

For cooking, you can use only young, not yet unfolded shoots (snails). Therefore, it is important for the assembler to choose right time for harvesting shoots. If you missed the right moment and the shoot hardened, then it is no longer suitable for food. It becomes bitter and toxic.

Young shoots are rich nutrients and micronutrients. They can be boiled, fried, pickled, used in salads.

After collection, fern shoots can be stored for no more than two days, after this period it becomes poisonous. So, it is better to process the collected plants immediately. The collected shoots should be soaked for a day in salt water, and then rinsed in cold running water. After that, the shoots need to be boiled several times, and each time after boiling, change the water. Only after that you can fearlessly use the fern for cooking.

Fern can be salted and thus make it a long-term supply. To do this, you need to take a wooden container, put the bracken there and fill it with salt, in a ratio of 3 to 10 (3 kilograms of salt per 10 kilograms of fern). Cover the container with a lid and place a weight on top. After two weeks, drain the brine and make a new one, now taking a ratio of 2 to 10. After another two weeks, do the same operation with a ratio of 1 to 10. Then the fern is taken out and dried. Then it can be used after soaking.

Bracken is very similar in taste to mushrooms, so you can use it in the same way. Fern can be used as a side dish or as an addition to meat, fish, vegetable and other dishes. When crushed, it can be used in sauces or gravies. The amount of protein in bracken shoots roughly corresponds to its content in cereals, so bracken is easily absorbed by our body if it is cooked correctly.

And remember the most important rule of using this plant: it should not be eaten raw. Before use, the bracken must undergo heat treatment.

Bracken fern - cooking recipes

in Korean


600g ferns
70ml soy sauce
100ml vegetable oil
1/4 tsp hot ground red pepper
4 garlic cloves
1 tsp ground coriander


Soak the fern for about 12-13 hours, changing the water 4 times during this time. Put a 12 liter saucepan on a high heat and wait for it to boil. Cut the plant into 3 parts and throw into the water.

Once the water boils, cook for another 2 minutes. Don't digest! It is better to cook for only 1 minute than 3 or more.

Pour water into a colander.

Place the fern in a bowl. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, add pepper, coriander, pour soy sauce and oil. Connect everything. Salt as desired. Let it brew for a few hours.

Give a sample to the guests, use it to your health!

Fern stewed with pork


800g bracken fern
250g onion
100g soy sauce
5 heads of garlic
600g pork
vegetable oil
0.5 tsp hot ground red pepper

Chop the pork without bacon into strips, onion in half rings, cut the fern into 4 parts. Fry the meat in oil, add the onion and bring to readiness.

Put the chopped bracken into the pan. Add crushed or chopped garlic, soy sauce, red pepper, and table salt to taste there. Mix everything evenly and simmer for about 8 minutes until cooked.

Fern Orlyak is very fond of eating residents of Russian Far Eastern countries. Korea, Japan and China do not forget about him either. Although our compatriots do not even allow how fern can be eaten, nevertheless it is consumed in many parts of the world.

What is a bracken fern?

It is a perennial plant from the fern family. There are many varieties of this plant, but not all are edible. Orlyak just refers to those plants that can be eaten. Fern Orlyak grows in almost any conditions, so it has taken root in many countries. Only young shoots of this plant are eaten, the old ones are unsuitable for consumption, because they pose a danger to the body.

Shoots can be fried, boiled, pickled, etc. Orlyak is great for eating with meat dishes, fish, vegetable purees and many others. Bracken fern is widely distributed in folk and modern medicine.

Most often, this type of fern reaches 30-90 m in height, but there are also giants of 150-200 m. The leaves of the plant are dense and hard, have a sharp unusual smell. The plant has powerful and strong roots, which are located both vertically and horizontally. Sori are on the reverse side of the leaf.

The fern can be stored for up to two days before being eaten, if more time passes it becomes toxic. If you do not have time to use it within the specified period, then it is better to heat treat immediately after collection, let it cool and put it in the freezer.

The chemical composition of the plant

This type of fern contains a lot of useful substances for the human body. It contains the following elements: sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, etc. Fern is also rich in tannins.

Benefits of bracken fern

      • If you regularly eat the plant, the immune system is strengthened.
      • Improves heart function, blood circulation
      • Normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood
      • Removes harmful substances from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
      • Removes radionuclides from the human body
      • Helps strengthen bones and teeth
      • Helps to cope with depression and problems of the nervous system
      • Antioxidants contained in the plant stop the aging process and wear and tear of the body.

From the above, we can conclude that bracken fern has many useful substances for the body. But I consider it my duty not only to reveal it useful properties, but also warn about contraindications.


      • It is forbidden to use this plant during pregnancy and lactation, since the effect of fern on the body during the period of bearing a baby has not been fully studied.
      • If you have any problems with the internal organs, then before starting, visit a doctor and consult about taking fern shoots
      • Do not abuse, remember that everything is good in moderation

The use of fern in cooking

Bracken fern tastes strongly like mushrooms, so you can cook it in the same way. It can be served as a side dish or used in the preparation of various sauces. This plant is rich in protein, so the body does an excellent job of processing it.

Remember the important rule:

Do not eat the plant raw. It must be subjected to heat treatment before it enters the human body.