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Socio-cultural work. Socially cultural activity who can work

The most common exams when admission:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • History - by choosing a university
  • Foreign language - by choosing a university
  • Russian language - by choosing a university

Specialists of the direction are professionals with fundamental theoretical knowledge in the industry, high levels common culture and wide range. Graduates know how to effectively use in their professional activity Innovative socio-cultural techniques and technologies to ensure safety cultural heritage And its increases. The activities of the future specialist are based on the most urgent needs of personal and social development. The main object of the professional activity of the graduate of the direction becomes a person considered as an object of socialization and education, inculturation and education.

Conditions of receipt

SCD specialists carry out selection, storage, production and subsequent distribution of cultural values \u200b\u200bwithin the region of activity in the state and international Level. The tasks of the future specialist include planning, organization and practical implementation of cultural and leisure activities. Applicants who choose this direction as follow-up professional activity must be prepared for the delivery of entrance exams on disciplines:

  • russian language:
  • literature (profile);
  • history, social studies (on choosing an educational institution);
  • foreign language (at the request of the university).

Future profession

Professional activities of future bachelors are implemented in the field cultural Policy, socio-humanitarian knowledge, marketing, management and cultural education.

Objects of specialists are:

  • management systems of institutions and public associations of the socio-cultural sphere;
  • leisure industry objects;
  • processes of creative and cultural activities;
  • processes of pedagogical, methodological support and ensuring leisure activities, cultural and educational work.

Where to do

To date, the following universities of the country are engaged in training specialists of the direction:

  1. International University in Moscow (Mum).
  2. Moscow State Academy of Communal Services and Construction.
  3. Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU).
  4. Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow (Moscow State University of Moscow).
  5. Moscow State Humanitarian Institute (MGGEI).

Training period

The normative date of full-time education is 4 years, correspondence - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course

The tasks of the future specialist include the organization of cultural and educational activities in accordance with the socio-cultural interests and needs of people of different ages, professions. Development innovative technologies The development of the leisure area requires the future specialist of fundamental knowledge of cultural studies, pedagogy, psychology, political science, sociology, management theory and law. The main courses are:

  • pedagogy leisure;
  • literature;
  • methodology and methodology of the CCD;
  • fundamentals of cultural policy;
  • the history and theory of the CCD;
  • art history;
  • movie history;
  • music history;
  • informatics and basics of information culture;
  • social and cultural work abroad.

Acquired skills

The main means of implementing the socio-cultural activity of the future specialist are:

  • word;
  • technical and visual funds;
  • ammunition;
  • works of art;
  • works of culture.

The implementation of professional activity requires the existence of such competences as:

  1. Guide to cultural institutions (recreation and entertainment centers, cultural parks), organization and planning of their activities, search for sources of financing and selection of personnel.
  2. Organization of leisure activities of various social and age groups.
  3. Development methodical instructions Regarding cultural events.
  4. The implementation of preparation and implementation into the practice of recreational and animated programs.
  5. Formation of public opinion regarding cultural works and the cultural heritage of the state.

Employment prospects for profession

Graduates of the direction successfully carry out professional activities as producers, directors of concert and promotion organizations. The tasks of experts enter negotiations with concert agencies, television, radio stations, recording organizations, etc.

This area represents a wide range of employment opportunities after completing learning. Graduates - bachelors can choose a profession:

  • animator;
  • image maker;
  • art manager;
  • culturologist;
  • instructor methodist;
  • cCD manager;
  • tourism manager;
  • organizer of the holidays;
  • leisure organizer;
  • teacher organizer;
  • social teacher.

Most often, novice specialists receive from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. As the competence of a specialist and the level of self-improvement increases wage Increases: the leaders of individual divisions can count on income to 50 thousand rubles.

Heads of production centers, achieved success in the selected field, measure their own fees with six-digit numbers.

Prospects for professional graduates

As already noted, the salary of the future specialist depends on the level of its professionalism. Training in the magistracy provides the future graduate the opportunity to continue the process of own self-improvement in the scientific and research sphere, deepen theoretical knowledge of the disciplines of the cycle and increase the level of organization skills. Master's diploma does not require re-certification In the exercise of professional activities outside our country, which is also important for the specialists of this direction. Continuing training is also possible in graduate school and doctoral studies.

Socio cultural activity - This is a process that is aimed at creating conditions for self-affirmation, development and self-realization of a group and personality in the field of leisure. At the same time, the variety of problems associated with the organization of free time is solved: with communication, creation and assimilation and other. The manager takes part in the formation of a satisfactory environment and population initiatives in the field of leisure, in solving the tasks of religious, historical and cultural, environmental spheres, family problems and children, using peculiar forms and methods.

Recognition and social status of action in more than depend on the level of development theoretical foundationsrevealing goals, object, functions, patterns. Social and cultural activity has its own, only inherent in the features. First of all, it is produced in leisure (free) time, it is distinguished by the voluntariness and initiative of various teams, the activity of individuals. Social and cultural activities are determined by regional, national-ethnic traditions and features. It is distinguished by a variety of species, which is based on artistic, political, educational, household, professional and other different ages. Implementation is carried out in non-relational and institutional forms. Socio-cultural activity is free from of different kind manufacturing, training processes, profit motivation, business. When choosing a leisure lesson associated with self-realization, self-development, pleasure, communication, recovery and other things, the needs and

Social and cultural activity is characterized by a deep individual orientation. This is due to the fact that it bears the features that are determined by the socio-political and biological structure of the individual. It should be said that the activities under consideration can be both collective and individual. It is characterized by focus. The goal, delivered consciously, leads the process in motion. Thus, preliminary thoughts after the definition of tasks, the analysis of the situation in which the choice of means and methods of achievement will determine the sequence of activities in the socio-cultural sphere.

When considering the main features, a special way developing, humanitarian character. This is due to the fact that, as its basis, activities have cultural purposes.

An analysis of the essence of the organizational process under consideration reflects the interaction of creative, reproductive, as well as mixed (reproductive-creative) elements. Forming activity is considered prerequisite in the existence and development of man. Reproductiveness is inevitable and mandatory in many forms of leisure activities,

Main professional educational program It is realized:

On full-time learning reception is carried out on the basis of basic general education and medium (complete) general education. Learn of study 3 years 10 months Assigned qualifications - a manager of social and cultural activities.

For training in correspondence form, the reception is carried out on the basis of the average (complete) general education. Learn of training 2 years 10 months Assigned qualifications - organizer of social and cultural activities.

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities of graduates: the development and implementation of socio-cultural programs, the organization and formulation of cultural events, theatrical ideas, cultural and leisure programs.

The objects of professional activities of graduates are:

  • organization of socio-cultural sphere, regardless of their organizational and legal forms;
  • institutions of cultural and leisure type;
  • regional I. municipal governments (cultural departments);
  • houses of folk creativity;
  • socio-cultural and cultural and leisure programs;
  • cultural and educational and cultural events; Theatrical ideas.

Preparing for the following activities:

Preparing for the following types Activities:
Organizational and managerial activities.
Organizational and creative activity.
Management in the socio-cultural sphere.

Social and cultural organizer must have common competencesincluding the ability:

OK 2. Organize your own activity, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3. To make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.
OK 4. To search and use the information necessary to effectively fulfill professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
OK 6. Work in the team, effectively communicate with colleagues, leadership, consumers.
OK 7. To take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), the result of tasks.

The organizer of socio-cultural activities must have

Organizational and managerial activities.
PC 1.1. Develop and implement socio-cultural projects and programs.
PC 1.3. Provide differentiated cultural service of the population in accordance with the age categories.
PC 1.5. Use modern techniques Organization of social and cultural activities.

Organizational and creative activity.
PC 2.2. Develop and implement scenic plans of cultural events, theatrical ideas, cultural and leisure programs.
PC 2.3. Implement organizational and rehearsal work in the preparation process cultural events, theatrical ideas.
PC 2.4. Use modern techniques and technical means In professional work.
PC 2.5. Use game technologies in professional activities.

Social and cultural manager must havecommon competences including the ability:
OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of its future profession, show sustainable interest.
OK 2. Organize your own activities, identify methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their efficiency and quality.
OK 3. Solve problems, evaluate the risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.
OK 4. To search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for setting and solving professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.
OK 6. Work in the team, ensure its cohesion, effectively communicate with colleagues, leadership, consumers.
OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and to online their work with the adoption of responsibility for the result of tasks.
OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training.
OK 9. Focus in conditions of frequent change of technology in professional activities.
OK 10. Perform military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men).

The manager of socio-cultural activity must have professional competences corresponding to the main types of professional activities:

Organizational and managerial activities.
PC 1.1. Develop and implement socio-cultural projects and programs.
PC 1.2. Organize cultural and educational work.
PC 1.3. Provide differentiated cultural service of the population in accordance with age categories.
PC 1.4. Create conditions for attracting the population to cultural and leisure and creative activity.
PC 1.5. Use modern methods Organization of social and cultural activities.
PC 1.6. Analyze the state of the socio-cultural situation in the region and the institution of culture.
PC 1.7. Determine the priority directions of socio-cultural activities.
PC 1.8. Use various methods collection and dissemination of information in the professional sphere.

Organizational and creative activity.
PC 2.1. To ensure the functioning of the teams of people's artistic creativity, leisure formations (associations).
PC 2.2. Develop and implement scenario plans of cultural events, theatrical ideas, pop programs.
PC 2.3. Implement organizational and rehearsal work in the process of training cultural events, theatrical submissions, cultural and leisure programs.
PC 2.4. Use modern techniques and technical means in professional work.
PC 2.5. Use game technologies in professional activities.
PC 2.6. Implement organizational and rehearsal work in the process of preparing pop programs and numbers.
PC 2.7. Carry out the activity of the animator.

Management in the socio-cultural sphere.
PC 3.1. Ensure the effective functioning and development of the institution of the socio-cultural sphere.
PC 3.2. Use knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship in professional Activities.
PC 3.3. Participate in the financial and economic activities of the institutions of the socio-cultural sphere.
PC 3.4. Work with the team of performers, comply with the principles of labor organization.
PC 3.5. Use information and telecommunication technologies for professional purposes.
PC 3.6. Comply with ethical and legal norms in the field of professional activities.

In the section on the question What is social and cultural activities? Posted by the author Put The best answer is The sphere of possible employment:
Tourist-sightseeing and cultural and leisure institutions
travel agencies
hotels various shapes Property
public Authorities of the Tourist Industry
producer centers
centers of contemporary art
movies and video centers
dance Hall
elite clubs
gaming centers
concert spectacular events
commercial and non-commercial organizations
information support services
marketing departments of cultural and leisure institutions of various profiles

Answer from European[guru]
Different historical periods of the CCD were called: -Excine education (until 1920) -politiko-educational work (from 1920 to 1970) -cultural and educational work (from 1270Po 1990) -cultural and leisure work (up to mid-90 For years) - social and cultural activities (from the Ser. 90s) until the 90s of the twentieth century, cultural and leisure work was politicized and closely related to the ideology of the CPSU. After the coup, the activities of the CD institutions were depoliticized, deideologized, i.e. it became free from the party exposure and was filled with new content, hence the new name of the CCD. CCD is activities aimed at creating conditions for the most complete development, self-affirmation and self-realization of the individual and group (studios, circles, amateur associations) in the field of leisure. It includes all the variety of problems on organizing free time: communication, production and absorption cultural values etc. The teachers of the organizers have to participate in solving the problems of family, children, in solving problems in historical and cultural, environmental, religious and other areas, in the creation of a favorable environment for the CCD and the population initiatives in the field of leisure. Cdd (cultural and leisure activities) component CCD, helps in solving many social problems Its peculiar means, forms, methods (art, folklore, holidays, rites, etc.) of the CRC (Cultural and educational work) is also part of the CCD, but, unfortunately, it is ineffectively used in the activities of cultural institutions (there are no lectures, lectures, People's universities and other previously proven forms of educational work.

Answer from Victor Faughin[expert]
The CCD is primarily a calling and if it is this driving force that is about salary there is no speech, by the way it is small. Yes, and where in our country I was visited what kind of leisure organization, the production of holidays, and the other turbidity is connected mainly with the work with children and adolescents that also did not relieve and pleasantly paid big money. The exception will be the case if only receive orders not from gardens and children's camps (now improving complexes) and for example from the administration. Then everything will be in chocolate! About the formulation of any theatrical actions to think this is not exactly another!

Social and cultural activities are such activities that aims to preserve and transfer cultural values, as well as the development, self-affirmation and self-realization of the individual and the Group through their attachment to these values. Usually this activity is associated with leisure. Specialists work on the organization of cultural events, help in the event of the difficulties of family and any other communication precisely through the organization of free-time children and adults.

Such activities are very important because it is aimed at solving individual public problems and satisfaction of the cultural needs of society. CCD diverse, it possesses large quantity different options and institutions, distinguished by exclusive voluntary and freedom of choice. Social and cultural activity performs recreational and wellness, cultural and creative, developing and informational and educational functions.

Where and how do it teach

In Russia, more than 60 universities that offer their programs to teach students of socio-cultural activities. Leading are Moscow universities, for example, Moscow state University Cultures and Arts, Moscow City Pedagogical University and others. Students study culture and art in all their diversity, their theory and historical development, Applied disciplines and humanitarian sciences are practiced in various cultural and produce centers.

Graduates of universities in this specialty work in and show business, they are mainly organizing activities, negotiate with the agencies, agree on the activities, as well as the promotion of stars on the career stairs. Experts work with actors, singers, circus artists, organize exhibitions in galleries and so on. Many students of this department emphasize the desire and the opportunity after the release to work in the specialty, high likelihood obtaining a profitable earnings that grows together with the experience and qualification of a specialist, as well as a whole range of classes that can be combined with learning. This is one of the most popular in modern world The areas of activity, with a competent approach, bringing real benefit to society and culture.