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What are the levels of English. English levels on international classifications

What level should I own English? Who needs it and why?

What does own language speaking on one of these levels and who invented them in general? Where to go to learn?

How to link language proficiency levels with a system of international certification?

What is linguistic certificates and where can they get them?

This year, my colleague decided to enter the magistracy on finance. Like all perfectionists, life he complicated himself as much as possible: a serious university and a course was chosen for admission, which is read in English.

The problem was that the University website was unequivocal from "TOEFL and a professional interview", and the colleague was owned by the English language, according to my estimates, at the level of Landon from Ze Capital City of Great British.

To clarify the level, the teacher from the promoted language school was invited, which after two hours of testing and interviews sentenced the "confident intermediate" sentence. In this place, I was very surprised and once again plunged into reflections on how deeply in our life penetrate foreign languages, and not only now, and not only English. And how important is to own at least them ... at what level do they need to own? What kind of levels and what does own language hold on each of them? And how to link language proficiency levels with a system of international certification?

What will we measure?

We measure an immeasurable. How can I estimate the degree of knowledge of the language? By the number of words? Of course, this is an important criterion. But Lion Shcherba and his "Gloc Cool" almost a century ago proved to the world that the main thing in the language is grammar. This is the spine and the basis of the foundation. But to talk, read the book and watch the film, the basics of the basics are not enough. If you do not know the vocabulary, the meaning of what is happening still will escape from you. That is, again vocabulary?

In fact, it is also important that both, and more knowledge of the history, culture and modern realities of that country, whose language you are studying, which is what your competencies are made up.

Each of us something has heard about the levels of proficiency. For example, in English, one of the initial levels is Elementary, in Hebrew the study levels are called the letters of the Jewish alphabet (Aleph, Beth, Giamel, etc.), and in Polish, they correspond to the pan-European classification (from A0 to C2).

In addition to the division division systems for each individual language, there is a pan-European classification. It describes not the amount of grammatical knowledge, but what knowledge and skills owns a person speaks how well readers, perceives speech by ear and explicitly. To formulate the evaluation criteria common to all languages, "it knows this" from grammar, and with a vocabulary knows how to contact this. "It is impossible. European languages \u200b\u200balbeit each other, but have their own characteristics: the presence / absence of childbirth, cases and articles, the number of times, etc. On the other hand, the similarity is enough to still create a common assessment system for all Europe.

European languages: levels of study and possession

Obino-European Competences of Ownership Foreign Language: Study, Teaching, Evaluation (Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR) is a foreign language ownership system used in the European Union. The corresponding directive was developed by the Council of Europe as the main part of the project "Learning Languages \u200b\u200bfor European Citizenship" (Language For European Citizenship) between 1989 and 1996. The main goal of the CEFR system is to provide a method for assessing and learning applicable to all European languages. In November 2001, the resolution of the Council of the European Union recommended the use of CEFR to create national language competence assessment systems.

To date, this classification offers us three levels, each of which has two sublevels:

Initial (A1)

In class. The student understands and consumes phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific tasks. (Remember, in foreign lessons: "Sit down, discover textbooks"? This is it.) It may be introduced to the other person himself, to tell and answer simple questions about your family, home. It can support a simple dialogue - provided that the interlocutor speaks slowly, clearly and repeats three times.

In life. Yes, this level Where Are You From and London Is The Capital City of Great Britain. If in someone else's country you can call yourself by name, report in the cafe that you want tea, poke your finger in the menu, ordering "this", and ask the passerby where the Tower is, this is the level of survival. "TU TIKETS TU DABLIN", so to speak.

Below average (A2)

In class. The student understands certain proposals and frequency expressions associated with the main areas of life (information about yourself and family members, shopping in the store, general information about work), and may also tell about it and support the conversation on household topics.

In life. At this level, you can already answer the standard question of the seller in the store (package needed?), Make money in an ATM, if there is no menu in your native language, clearly tell the seller on the market, how many perch kilograms you need, instead of expressively gesticulate You can navigate in the city, rent a bike and much more.

The free dialogue about Nietzsche is still very far away, but as you noticed, the keyword in determining this level is the main. From this point on, for survival in someone else's city of your knowledge will be enough.

Middle (B1)

In class.The student understands the essence of communications, clearly formulated in the literary language. Message Topics: All that surrounds a person during work, study, recreation, etc. While in the country under study, is able to communicate in most standard life situations. It can make a simple message to an unfamiliar topic, describe the impressions, tell about some events and plans for the future, justify your opinion on any question.

In life.The name of this level is self-sufficient ownership - it assumes that you can be in someone else's country and to act in most situations. Here are meant not only and not so many stores (this is the previous level), but also hiking to the bank, by mail, appeal to the hospital, communication with colleagues at work, teachers at school, if your child is learning there. Having visited the performance on someone else's language, you are unlikely to fully appreciate the acting skills and the talent of the director, but you can already tell with colleagues, where exactly we went, what was the play and did she like it.

Above average (B2)

In class. The student understands the total content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including the texts of narrowly specialist. He speaks quickly and spontaneously to communicate with the native speakers without much effort.

In life. In fact, this is the level of language that most people use in everyday life. After all, we do not discuss with colleagues at lunch the theory of strings or the features of the architecture of Versailles. But often discuss new films or popular books. And the most remarkable thing is that they will now become available to you: you do not need to look for adapted films and editions adapted for your level - with many works, not only modern, you will great cope with yourself. But before reading the special literature or a complete understanding of the terminology of the series "Dr. House", of course, far away.

Advanced (C1)

In class. The student understands the volumetric complex texts on various topics, recognizes metaphors, hidden values. Can speak spontaneously, in a rapid pace, without picking up words. Effectively uses a language to communicate in professional activities. Owns all ways to create texts on complex topics (detailed descriptions, complex grammatical structures, special vocabulary, etc.).

In life. At this level, you can participate in seminars, watch movies and read books without restrictions, communicate with native speakers as free as with our compatriots.

Professional (C2)

In class. The student understands and can make up almost any written or oral communication.

In life.You can write a dissertation, read a lecture and participate on a par with native speakers in the discussion on any common or your professional topic.

English: learning and possession levels

The classification of English ownership levels is somewhat different. It is not always clear that they mean teachers of English courses, promising you achieve the advanced level from scratch for the year, and what the employer wants, if indicates the announcement of the vacancy, the Upper-intermediate level. To clarify, comparable to the levels of ownership by European languages \u200b\u200band English (see table).


Yes, in our table this level is not specified. This is the beginning began. Not about any knowledge of the language at this stage of speech does not go, but this is the foundation on which the house will be built is your own language. And on how strong this foundation will be, how beautiful, large and reliable will be this house.

Knowledge and skills at the Beginner level. At this level, you will begin with the study of the alphabet, phonetics of English, numerical and main

features of grammar: three simple time, direct order of words in sentences, lack of cases and childbirth.

Special attention is paid to phonetics, try to understand how the intonation is different in question and narrative offers.

Proceed pronunciation. When you learn a language well, the terrible emphasis will not only spoil the impression, but also make it difficult to communicate. Then it will be much more difficult to correct it.

Training period. Usually, in order to acquire such a luggage of knowledge, it takes about four months of classes in the group. Cocking with a tutor, such a result can be achieved much faster.

As a result.If an Englishman comes to you on the street with a request to help him find the embassy, \u200b\u200byou will be upset, because the word "embassy" you will also discern, and everything else he will pronounce that it is unlikely that you generally recognize the Englishman in it.


This level corresponds to the level A1 in the European classification and is called survival level. This means that if you get lost in someone else's country, you can ask and then on the instructions to find the way (suddenly the phone with the navigator is discharged), you can easily go to the hotel, buy products not only in the supermarket, but also in the market where you have to enter the seller Let in a short, but rather live dialogue. In general, from now on you will not disappear.

Knowledge and skills at Elementary level. If you have reached this level, you know much more.

Our recommendations. Do not try to pursue a vocabulary to jump through grammar - it only seems simple, in fact, many nuances appear with an increase in the level of complexity. If you do not pay attention to them, it will be difficult to eradicate errors in speech.

Learn the numeral and methods of their formation to full automatism.

Record into dictionary names of those subjects that surround you and memorize them. So you can ask for a handle or needle in the hotel with a thread, to offer a glass of a glass of water, not buying on the market. "That's it," and avocado.

Training period:6-9 months depending on the intensity of classes and your abilities.

As a result.Now our Englishman has a real chance to get to the embassy.


This is a "pre-upgrade". That is, on the porch you are badly glanced. Now stand in front of the threshold, and your main task is to step it up. This is in any language so, not only in English. At this level, suddenly becomes really difficult. A lot of new vocabulary appears, the volume of knowledge of grammar, which the teacher diligently invests to you in the head. New information covers you like a wave. But if you are now saving, then almost guaranteed to learn this language.

Knowledge and skills at Pre-Intermediate. At this level, the list of your knowledge and skills is significantly replenished.

In fact, it can be said that from this level begins language proficiency. You will not only survive in an unfamiliar city and will be able to get acquainted, but also begin to independently improve your level of knowledge. You will begin to come an understanding of what vocabulary is missing first of all, you can clearly see your weaknesses and you will know what you need to take to pull them out.

In addition, here you can already talk about the application of the language in work. The secretary who owns English at the pre-intermediate level may not be able to call the hotel, clarify the details of the reservation, but it will be quite accurate to write a letter there. From it will also be able to make a message about holding a meeting, take guests and start with them as popular in the SMALL TALK English environment.

Our recommendations. In no case do not give up! You will handle. If you understand that some topic is not given to you, do not be lazy to figure it out - contacting the teacher, or yourself, or with a lot of numerical Internet resources. Without all sorts of tests, you will suddenly find how much you already know and how much it turns out. At this point you can safely walk through the threshold - go to the next level.

Training period: from six to nine months. And here it is better not to hurry.

As a result. Our Englishman guaranteed to get to the embassy thanks to your recommendations. You will also be extremely satisfied with you.


This is the first self-sufficient level. Congratulations if you have a language at such a level. This means that you entered a new world where you are waiting for many amazing discoveries. Now borders for you - conventionality. You can get dating in all corners of the globe, read news on the Internet, understand jokes in English, comment on photos of friends from the USA on Facebook, communicate in a common chat with friends from China and Peru when watching the World Cup. You have gained a voice.

Knowledge and skills at the level of Intermediate.In addition to the above-listed levels, you know and know how to:

The level of intermediate is not for nothing that many employers require. In fact, it is the level of free communication in the office (if you, of course, do not have the habit of discussing the principle of operation of the steering power engineer). This is a level of working with documents and maintaining a free conversation for general and general professional topics.

Yes, while this is not free possession. You still choose words in mind, use the dictionary when reading books - the word, until you can "think in the language." And no, it will not be easier for you. But you will be really interesting. You can no longer stay.

Our recommendations.At this level, you can increase the reserve of professional vocabulary. The solid vocabulary on the topic of discussion is automatically and very noticeably increases your level of language proficiency in the eyes of the interlocutor. If you have where to apply knowledge (work, study, hobby), do not neglect such an opportunity. Remember also that language is alive, it is constantly developing.

Read not only the adapted classics, but also the books of modern authors in English, see videos on the topics you are interested in, listen to the songs.

Training period: 6-9 months.

As a result. Perhaps you have half an hour - why not spend this cute English gentleman to the embassy.


This is the first level of language proficiency, sufficient for trouble-free residence in another country. You can chat with your neighbors, and go to the party, and even in the theater. Not to mention the work. Most specialists who receive employment proposals in another country own a language at least at this level.

Knowledge and skills at Upper-Intermediate.So, what's new you know and know how:

In fact, B2 is already free possession. No, of course, there are still restrictions. It is hardly possible to "Dr. House" or the "Theory of the Big Explosion" will be under power - there are a lot of special vocabulary in them, and even words of words. But looking at the classic performance, you will not only understand what it is about, but also you can enjoy the game of actors.

You will stop listening to half of your favorite songs, because you will understand what nonsense is in the text. Your world will be much more, not to mention that with such a level there is a chance to go to work abroad and enroll in a foreign university.

Read as many artistic texts as possible to make your speech rich and figurative. It will also help you to make less mistakes on the letter - constantly meeting the word in the text, we remember how it is written.

Spend your vacation in the country of the language studied and you say as much as possible. It is best to go through any intense language course, for example in Malta. But this is a very expensive event. On the other hand, it is in such places that you can make useful business dating. So consider spending on such a trip as an investment in a happy future.

Training period Depends on very many factors: your efforts and abilities, as well as how intensively you do and how good is your teacher. You can meet per year.

As a result.So far, they went with the Englishman to the embassy, \u200b\u200bcasually chatted and even giggled a couple times.


This is the level of free English language. Above it is only the level of carrier. That is, around you when you will master the tongue at this level, there will be almost no one who knows the language better. After all, the truth, 80% of your communication in English falls on communication not with native speakers, but with those who just like you, he learned him. As a rule, at such a level, the graduates of Philfak are posted in the specialty "English". What does free possession mean? What you can speak to any topic, even if you are almost not understood in the subject. Yes, as in Russian. Having achieved this level, you can get one of the certificates: CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), IELTS - by 7-7.5 points, TOEFL - at 96-109 points.

Advanced knowledge and skills

Congratulations, you gained freedom! For everyday life and office, this level is quite enough. You intend to explain to your boss why you need a salary raising, and the Englishman's husband - why it seems to you that he does not love you.

Our recommendations. Having achieved this level, you not only speak the language, you know how to think. Even if for some reason you will not use it for a long time, then in a short time it will completely fully restore all the knowledge.

As a result.You had a pleasant time, by conducting the Englishman to the embassy and swallowing with him on the road. And did not even notice that he would whispel.


This is the level of educated native speaker. Educated - keyword. That is, this is a person who graduated from the university and has a bachelor's degree. The level of spiciency is close to the level of proficiency in the carrier. As a rule, only people who have completed the university in the country under study (and not always) know it.

Knowledge and skills at the level of Proficiency. If you know the language so good, it means that you can take part in scientific conferences, writing research, you can get a scientific degree in the country under study.

Yes, it is this level of "Doctor House" and "Theory of the Big Bang." This is the level on which you will not have any difficulty in communication: you will be equally well aware of the grandmother from Brooklyn, and professors from the University of Massachusetts, and the Englishman who will tell you on the way to the embassy why he considers insolvent

the theory of the Big Bang. Owning a language at this level, you can get a CPE certificate, IELTS (8-9 points), TOEFL (110-120 points).

Prospects in work. As you can see, if you write a free possession in the resume, the employer will decide that you have at least the level of Upper-intermediate. The most funny at the same time, that your level may be lower, and it will not notice it, because most often the employer needs an employee with English at the level "Good afternoon. Do you have tea or coffee? ", But at the same time, in the requirements for the applicant, he writes" free possession ".

Free language is required when working with expatrut or in a foreign company. Or if you are charged with only a personal assistant, but also a translator. In all other cases

it is quite enough to fulfill its duties and comfortable stay at the Intermediate office.

It is also very important to remember that even if you know English at the level of Upper-intermediate (B2) and above, then when preparing for negotiations, a speech, a conversation on a specialized topic should be a glossary.

Maybe you ever noticed that some translators do not translate part of phrases during the negotiations. Most often it is irresponsible translators who were too lazy to prepare and teach new vocabulary. They just do not understand what we are talking about.

But some mining engineer in the same negotiations, which is familiar with only Present Simple, may be much more useful than a professional translator. Because he works with the technique, he knows all the words, the scheme on the pencil leaves is drawn - and now everyone has understood each other. And if you have an AutoCAD, it does not need a translator, nor even Present Simple: and so great each other will understand.

Certificates for language knowledge

What certificates are we talking about all the time? This refers to official documents confirming your knowledge of English.

Cae. (Certificate in Advanced English) - English exam, designed and conducted by the University of Cambridge University, developed and conducted by the University of Cambridge.

Developed and first introduced in 1991. The certificate corresponds to the level of C1 of the pan-European classification of languages. The validity period of the certificate is not limited. Need for admission to universities, where there is training in English, and devices for work.

Where to get a certificate: In Moscow, the CAE exam is accepted by Education First Moscow, Language Link, BKC-IH, Center for Language Studies. Other educational organizations are taken, but they only work with their students. A complete list of centers where you can pass the exam, available on the link:

CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) - an English exam developed and conducted by the University of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The certificate corresponds to the level of C2 of the pan-European classification of languages \u200b\u200band confirms the highest level of English proficiency. The validity period of the certificate is not limited.

Where to get a certificate: pass courses and pass the exam offers the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages:

Testing and exam preparation centers in other cities of Russia and the world can be found on the link:

IELTS. International English Language Testing System) - International testing system to determine the level of knowledge in the field of English. The system is good because it carries out the knowledge check in four aspects: reading, letter, audition, skill talk. Need for admission to universities Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland. And also to those who plan to leave in one of these countries on permanent residence.

Where to get a certificate, see here:

TOEFL (Test of English As A Foreign Language, a test for knowledge of English as a foreign language) - a standardized test for knowledge of English (in its North American version), the delivery is required for non-English-speaking foreigners when entering universities in USA and Canada, as well as Europe and Asia . The test results are also taken in a number of other English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries when entering universities with English learning. In addition, the test results can be in demand when recruiting in foreign companies. The test results are stored in the company's database for 2 years, after which they are removed.

The certificate also estimates the knowledge of the language in four aspects.

Where to get a certificate:\u003dToeefl.

Where to go to learn?

This is the most important question. Of course, if you have completed the English department of Philfak, he is not worth it. In all other cases, you have to do this difficult choice.

Tutor.Courses or tutor? I am for the tutor. And for the classes in the group of two people. Three many, and one - expensive and not so effectively.

Why individual training? Because in this case, the teacher sees all your strengths and weaknesses, he has no task to bring the course to "acceptable" for the level exam and forget about the group, he has a task to really teach you a language, because thanks to the supragan radio it will appear Students and, therefore, earnings.

In addition, the specificity of the tutor profession is that every minute of its working time is paid. And when a person works in such conditions, he can not afford to chelting.

Work in a pair is better because it disciplines. You can cancel the occupation due to bad weather or the attack of Lena - the reheeter you pay where it goes. But to rip the lesson that is scheduled for two, the conscience will not allow.

Where to find and how to choose a tutor?First of all, on the recommendation of acquaintances, whose successes are inspired by you.

If there are no such acquaintances, you need to find courses with a solid educational institution: university, institute, consulate. There are trying to take good teachers - hold the brand. And teachers go there, because they consider such courses as a free advertising platform for a set of individual students. You can go there to the stage you need, and there are already agreeing with the teacher. By the way, now language schools often represent the teaching staff on their sites, and you can search the Internet about specialists on the Internet.

Language schools. If you decide to learn from courses in the language school, choose accredited centers where you can pass the exam for one of the certificates. As a rule, there are a good level of teaching in such schools, there are various exchange programs, learning abroad, teachers in them are native speakers.

Skype. Another option is to learn English by Skype. Why not?

You can do it at work if the conditions allow, and at home. Of the international well-proven schools, we advise you to pay attention to the "Iron":

Training courses abroad.

If you have the opportunity (financial) and knowledge of the language not lower than the level of the Intermediate, you can choose courses for learning a language abroad. For example, here: Yes, there is training in Australia. And there is also summer camps for adults. In Malta. And in Ireland. And a lot where else. It is expensive, but very effective.

Tricks and utility when learning a language

Teach grammar. Read the adapted literature is boring. Useful, but unbearably. Teach grammar is generally a nightmare. But grammar in the language - as in mathematics of the formula. We learned them - you can move on and take new heights. No - it will be only worse, and with each step less chances to get to the top.

Use all available resources.In pursuit of knowledge, all means are good: interactive Internet resources, comics, video games, boulevard literature, beauty blogs - anything.

The more interesting for you will be the topic, the easier you will be trained. And still try to find or organize a conversational club (you can create a group at least in WhatsApp) and there is discussing the themes exciting you. No, no books you liked from read this year, and what qualities you infect you in your partner, for which you are still offended by my mother and when you finally finish the stadium on the Cross Island. When a person is interested in the subject, he will find a way to say this.

Read books. Starting from the level of Intermediate you can safely read:

Books Sophie Kinsella;

Her works under the name Madelin Wickham;

Series about Bridget Jones;

Jane Austen;

Somerset Moem.

Choose the books of modern authors where there is no swirling detective plot, complex allegority, excessive philosophies, a large number of special vocabulary. You need a simple narrative text: she wanted to marry him, and he wanted to become a cosmonaut. And so three pages. You will get used to modern British / American / other English, recognize the will-unilous new words and at the same time do not get confused in the plot and high feelings of the main character.

See movies and TV shows:

Any militants, especially with subtitles, are few dialogues, the video is beautiful;

Comedy in the Spirit "One House", "We Millers", "Beethoven" - no reasoning about the philosophy of Nietzsche, a simple and understandable plot, a lot of household vocabulary;

Melodramas of the format "Eat, pray, love";

Series "Sex in the Big City", "Friends", "Simpsons", etc.

Learning language is a long and difficult way. And he is very interesting. In addition to language knowledge, you will get a nice bonus - you will begin to understand how his carriers think. And this will open you another world. And if not enough motivation, just remember that you have no choice. Modern man should know English. And point.

Determine the level on the website of our school by completing the author's test on knowledge of English →

From many people often have to hear the phrase: "My friend (brother, wife, etc.) is perfectly owned by English." But, first of all, the concept of perfection is different, and secondly, how far you actually do in this matter will help you learn the most different tests. Determining the level of English - This is what the study begins or continues. It is necessary to determine the level of the language, at least in order to find out how much you have advanced in this process. In addition, it will be needed if you decide to learn that the teacher can understand where to start learning.

How to determine the level of English proficiency

  • Beginner.
  • Elementary.
  • Pre-intermediate
  • Intermediate
  • Upper Intermediate
  • Advanced

So, the definition of the level of the English language begins with the level " Beginner. ", Or zero. This is exactly the level that those who have never studied English have. This is the level that will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bEnglish and equip you with initial knowledge. By the way, many course teachers accurately determine how long you need to master the English language. If you hear the exact time - go immediately. Send the language - it means to embrace the immense. You can master the tongue to some extent, but it is impossible to gain what is if you have a living organism. After all, language is a living organism that is constantly growing, constantly changes.

Elementary. - You can explain to the most elementary themes, but, alas with a little. If you received when testing this level after many months of study, do not despair. There is a rule - a little spent - I received little! And if this level is a reward, then you are approaching the next level ...

There are certain difficulties with the definition of the level of English Pre-intermediate . Like everything in the world, this level is relative. The reason for this is too thin line between this level and the following, but, nevertheless, it is believed that students with this level should not only adequately use English in familiar situations, but should not be lost in unfamiliar.

Intermediate . You can understand English and effectively communicate with in life situations, still sometimes experiencing difficulties.

Upper-intermediate . You can more or less successfully use English in different situations. This level of knowledge for those involving the beginning of work or learning abroad.

Level Advanced ensures the use of English almost in the same amount as the Russian language, but sometimes allowing minor errors.

On our site you can determine your level of language proficiency, passing the following tests:

  • A comprehensive test for determining the level of English on the website of our school

The levels of the English language are, in fact, the system that allows you to evaluate how well the person owns the language, that is, the result of learning itself. There are several classifications, they can be systematized accordingly:

Russian Simple version has only three levels of knowledge. It:

  • elementary
  • middle
  • tall

However, this classification is rather amateur, and it is not enough for professionals looking for a job. The employer, considering all sorts of resume, seeks to identify not only theoretical knowledge, but also the practical degree of training. Therefore, the applicant usually indicates the following levels:

  1. Using a dictionary
  2. Speaking speech skills
  3. Medium (Intermediate)
  4. Free possession (FLENT)
  • Basic Knowledge Of Business English - basic knowledge of business English

International system for determining knowledge levels

The international version is more complicated, in it a larger number of steps, due to the additional division of the average and higher degrees of English. For convenience, each category is indicated by a letter with a digital index.
the scale of knowledge of English so, below - table COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCECEFR. (Competence pan-European scale)

Language level level Competence
A 1. Beginner. Elementary Knowledge of simple nice languages:
  • alphabet
  • keywords and phrases
  • basic Basic Dictionary
A 2. Elementary. Elementary
  1. Vocabulary and knowledge of elementary grammar sufficient to build ordinary phrases, offers.
  2. Ability to write letters and talk on the phone
B 1. Lower Intermediate Lower middle
  1. Skill read and translate simple texts
  2. Clear and understandable speech
  3. Knowledge of the basic rules of grammar
B 2. Upper Intermediate Above average
  1. Understanding the text "On the fly" and the ability to distinguish his style
  2. Large vocabulary
  3. Skill to discuss with various people with the least amount of lexical errors
  4. Competent writing of official and informal letters and reviews on various topics
C 1 Advanced 1. A great
  1. "Furious", almost unmistakable speech with the right intonations and the use of any conversational style
  2. The ability to write texts with an expression of emotions, as well as complex narrative texts (research, essays, articles, essays, etc.)
C 2. Advanced 2.
(Upper Advanced)
In excellence All the same, but adds:
  1. Your full confidence and knowledge of absolutely all unknown "spots" of English grammar
  2. You are able to talk, read and write as a native speaker

With this table, you can determine which category you are trained. For example, in order to get a set in some Call Center, it is enough to achieve the level A 2 - elementary. But to teach you someone English and 2 is clearly insufficient: for the right of teaching the minimum category is B 2 (above average).

Professional classification language scale

However, in more often, when drafting a summary of international standards, the next professional classification is used, in which the elementary step is used as initial, and the "near-ground" is actually three. In other scales, 7-level division is used (in this case, the initial stage goes without a category).

In the following table, consider more details exactly Intermediate (middle)

Language level level Compliant
A 1.
The same as in Beginner CEFR
The same as in Elementary CEFR
Pre-intermediate Below average (prey) A 2. The same as in Lower Intermediate CEFR
Intermediate Middle B 1.
  1. The ability of a holistic perception of text on the hearing and detection of context from non-standard text
  2. The ability to distinguish the carrier language and not media, official and informal speech
  3. Maintaining free dialogues in which:
    • clear, clear pronunciation
    • emotions are expressed
    • it is expressed by my opinion and finds someone else
  4. The ability to write quite competently, namely:
    • be able to fill in various documents (questionnaires, summaries, etc.)
    • write postcards, letters, comments
    • freely express your thought and attitude
Upper-intermediate Above average B 2. The same as in Upper Intermediate CEFR
Advanced A great C 1 The same as Advanced 1 CEFR
PROFICIENCY. PRESENT IN PRACTICE C 2. The same as in Advanced 2 CEFR, with the difference that the improvement of knowledge is not conducted with the help of textbooks, but in practice, mainly among native speakers.

As you can see, the concept of "level" is quite subjective: for someone, a fairly initial or elementary for learning on an amateur scale, professionals and Advanced It may seem insufficient.
Level PROFICIENCY. It is considered the highest, it is most valuable and allows a highly qualified specialist to get well-paid work abroad, and a student - get an education in a prestigious university or college.
In our native "fenats" medium (intermediate) is quite sufficient, in order to:

  • understand the language and communicate
  • watch movies and read texts in English
  • lead official and informal correspondence

Test your level of knowledge of English

How to determine which level of knowledge you are? There are many tests, here is one of them.
Test your English level How to get a little higher on this stairs? Only by learning!

This is the topic without borders. Visit our headings English courses and books and textbooks and choose your favorite technique.

English knowledge levels on European scale

It is no secret that American and British English options are somewhat different, and the international classification is more oriented towards the American version, since most of the foreigners are studying this, easier, option. However, for Europeans, American English is alien. Therefore, the European scale of knowledge levels of English was created.
European Scale Language Language Levels

  1. A1 Survival level (Breakthrough). Corresponds to the international scale of Beginner, Elementary levels. At this level, you understand slow clear English speech and you can talk using familiar expressions and very simple phrases for everyday communication: at the hotel, cafe, shop, on the street. You know how to read and translate simple texts, write simple letters and congratulations, fill out the formulars.
  2. A2 Pre-upgrade (Waystage). Corresponds to the international level of pre-intermediate. At this level you can about your family, your profession, about personal hobbies and preferences in the kitchen, music, sports. Your knowledge allows you to understand ads at the airport, texts of advertising, shop, inscriptions on products, postcards, you can conduct a business correspondence, and you can also read and retell not complex texts.
  3. B1 threshold level (THRESHOLD). The international scale corresponds to the level of Intermediate. You may already understand what we are talking about in radio programs and television programs. You know how to express your own opinion, you know how to justify your views, to conduct a business correspondence of the average difficulty, retell the content of read or seen, read adapted literature in English.
  4. B2 threshold advanced level (vantage). According to the international scale - Upper-Intermediate. You freely own a spoken language in any situation, you can communicate with a native speaker without preparation. You know how to clearly and in detail on a wide range of issues, to convey your point of view, leading weighty arguments for and against. You can read non-adaptable literature in English, as well as retell the content of complex texts.
  5. C1 Professional Proficiency Level (Effective Operational Proficiency). Corresponds to the international level Advanced. Now you understand the various complex texts and you can reveal the subtext in them, you know how to prepare, fluently express your thoughts. Your speech is rich in the language means and the accuracy of their use in a variety of situations of everyday or professional communication. You can speak clearly, logical and in detail for complex topics.
  6. C2 level of ownership of perfection (MASTERY). According to the international scale - Proficiency. At this level, you freely perceive any oral or written speech, you can summarize the information obtained from different sources and submit it in the form of a connected and clearly reasoned message. You know how to lean your thoughts on complex issues, transmitting the finest shades of values.

Strive for perfection!

Those inclined to self-criticism love to repeat that they do not know anything (although in fact they can own the language at the level closer to the average and continue to registed in English courses), and prone to vanity assured on the interview, which speak English in excellence (when Actually, again, can be "middling").

For the most impatient, which check your level after each cup of coffee, the buttons are removed at the top. This is done for your convenience: no tedious searches for text, click on health and get your certificates - we do not feel sorry.

And for the most inspiring, which are not accustomed to guessing on the coffee grounds, we suggest to plunge into multi-level English. With a sense, really, we will tell you about what Elementary differs from Intermediate and is strained by Advanced, like his little.

Basically, it will evaluate the fundamental base - i.e. grammar. However, it is from it that depends on the degree of ownership of a foreign speech. Because you can chat without silence in English, but at the same time hesitate so much mistakes that the interlocutor will hardly be able to guess what the conversation is going on. And in oral speech, it is possible to compile sentences slowly, weighing every word without making gross errors - and thus create the impression of a person who speaks English well.

Level 0 - Full Beginner (or full ... Newbie)

That's just no need to say that it is you. If you know the name of the letter "I" or even remember something from a school type "Teacher", "Book" - boldly step further. Zero level - only those who have studied in school another language. Or did not study anything at all.

Level 1 - ElemanTary (Elementary)

Holmes would be happy to be the name. And most of those who graduated from the usual high school are also. Because this level, unfortunately, the most common among those who taught English through the stump deck and at the final exam was happily received "three".
What is characterized by elementary: you can completely read many words (especially without gh, th, ogh), in the dictionary reserve there are Mother, Father, I Am From Russia and other the most running phrases, and you can sometimes catch from the song then familiar.

Level 2 - Upper-Elementary (Highest elementary)

Such a level boasts a good ordinary school with learning English. And also quite often precisely on the Upper-Elementary for some reason, those who have studied the language independently decide to stop. Why? Because the illusion of knowledge of English arises: the vocabulary is already decent enough to support some basic topics for a conversation (in any case, in the hotel abroad can already be expressed without indecent gestures), reading usually goes quite well, and even American films The original becomes more or less understandable (percent on 25).
However, such conclusions are deceptive. Especially if you see other levels of English.
You can jump from the usual Elementary to Upper you can watch 80 hours if you work in the feet.

Level 3 - Pre-Intermediate (Lower average level)

If you have passed a test on the level of English and got such a result - our congratulations. Because it is a very decent ownership of English. It is found among the excellent students of the usual school, the good specialized school and the main mass of those who combine English courses with trips abroad.
What is characterized by this level: in pronunciation there are no "F" or "T" instead of [θ] and in general, this disciple does not have a strong Russian accent, the written is competent and completely understandable, you can even communicate with unfamiliar topics with simple proposals. In general, among the levels of English, Pre-Intermediate is most often found in seriously studying.

Level 4 - Intermediate (Average level)

Very worthy result. Practically unattainable for schoolchildren in ordinary school and quite real for those who did not have Halturil in English lessons in a specialized school. Among the independently studying English to this level, not all comes. Usually surrendered on the previous one, because it is possible to reach Intermediate it is approximately six months of foreign courses with accommodation, a year of good courses or a year of classes with a tutor.
What is characterized by this level of English: a clear pronunciation, a good vocabulary, the ability to communicate with different topics, the ability to compose complex written appeals (up to official documents), films in English with subtitles go to bang.
With this level, international TEFL, IELTS tests can already be given.

Level 5 - Upper-Intermediate (Top medium level)

If you have passed a test for the level of the English language and received such a result, you can almost without deception to write in a resume for office: "English is free possession." Until such a level, college graduates at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200breact.
What is characterized by: skillful manipulation by different styles in his speech (business, conversational, etc.), almost flawless pronunciation, the ability to act as a synchronous translator in an informal setting, a quick reading, understanding of the most complex style - the language of newspapers and magazines in English, Sustal drawing up even especially complex design designs.

Level 6 - Advanced (Advanced)

This is probably a vertex that can be achieved by learning English in the country where it is not official. Who manages to talk at the level of Advanced, are perceived by the interlocutors usually as people who have lived in the United States or another English-speaking state.
In fact, to achieve Advanced, you can even at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin College, not to mention universities. And this proves that 5 years, during which will be unwound for 1-2 hours a day to study English, enough. And if you choose intensive courses, the result will be achieved even earlier.
What is characterized by the level of English Advanced: rightfully this is free English language ownership. Pronunciation of almost without accent, maintenance of the official and informal conversation, work by a simultaneous translator, a complete understanding of films / books / songs in the original, the lack of grammatical errors in writing speech and the minimum presence of errors in oral speech, an understanding of idioms and spoken expressions. You can confidently plan a career abroad, as well as training in foreign universities.

Level 7 - Super-Advanced (Superfilled)

Are there such such? If so, then the computer, most likely, has failed on the test in the level of English.) For language proficiency at such a level - the Aboriginal residents living in the country, where the public language adopted English.
What is characterized by the level of Super-Advanced? Imagine ... yourself speaking in Russian. You will understand any speech, even if it is a conversation of two teenagers EMO, discussing the subjects unknown to you. You will understand even a hottest speech. But with all the same, you also own the art of the word, deftly operating the terms and folding them into beautiful sentences, without errors (including stylistic). And now - the same in English. How?

Diaphrd! Do you already feel itching in your fingers? Belts are fastened? And you still have here?
Click on the button - and go ahead! Do not forget to insert paper into the printer to print the certificate and proudly demonstrate it to all interested.

especially for

Make your choice and get a certificate

If you know in English only the terminator's phrase or decided to check the theory of the probability "And what if you answer at random" - do not bother, get a newcomer certificate ("Full Beginner") and rejoice.

And for all those who suffer, test their knowledge and enlist the documentary confirmation of their success - the button "Determine your English level" and pass the test. Be honest with yourself!

And may English will be with you. Advanced.

How to raise English

1. Continue to engage in the teacher

"I don't know why grab first of all" is one of the main reasons why it is difficult to overcome the effect of the plateau. At the average level, there are many roads in front of you: you can listen to podcasts, read books, watch movies, etc. Therefore, many English learners from this level throw classes with a teacher and begin to engage in their own. However, the right way to choose the right way to study English is difficult, because you first ended up on a similar fork. Therefore, in order to quickly increase the level of English, we advise you to continue to engage in your teacher who experienced the effect of a plateau on himself and his students and knows how to cope with him. In addition, the lessons with the teacher discipline: you will have less tempting to skip the occupation or postpone something "for later."

2. Try lessons with a native speaker

A speaking is the skill over which it is necessary to work hard. And on the average step by an effective way to develop this skill will be classes with a carrier of English. He will teach you to communicate naturally, use in speech idioms, phrase verbs, slang - those "highlights" of a language, which are distinguished by a human speech with a high level of English proficiency from a person on a middle level of knowledge. That is how you can go to the next level of owning a foreign language. If you wish, you can combine lessons with a carrier and lessons with a Russian-language teacher, this will also be effective.

3. Do not reduce the tempo

It would seem that at the achievement of the average level of learning, you can reduce: you seem to know quite a lot, and it remains only to improve your knowledge. In fact, this is not the case: the material on average and high levels of learning is more difficult and greater than in the preceding steps. That is why we recommend not to reduce the pace, and even better - to speed it up. Moreover, to increase the intensity is best due to independent activities, and if you are in a group or with a teacher, you can also increase the duration of classes. In the lessons with the teacher, you give the maximum time to spoken practice so that you are taught to speak competently and run.

4. Find interlocutors to conversate in English

This is the most difficult and at the same time the most important task, because we teach English first in order to speak on it. Use any opportunity to talk at the studied language: Go to English language discussion clubs, attend group lessons and speak with one-logbooks, find yourself a friend on the site for language exchange, etc.

5. Prepare for the exam

The surest way to find out whether you reached the next level of English, - to pass an international exam, in which case you will receive an independent assessment of your knowledge. For example, if your knowledge is at Intermediate, put yourself a goal to pass the FCE. In this case, during the preparation, you will solve various tasks corresponding to the following level - upper-intermediate, and you can see what you should know on this new steps for yourself. And after you give a certificate about the successful surrender of the exam, there will be no trace from the plateau.

6. Teach English grammar for continuing

It would seem that the level of Intermediate You have already met with all the times of English, but there are important grammatical designs that are mandatory to go to the next level of knowledge.

Sources of knowledge:

  • Without have a nice textbook It will be difficult to study grammar, because everything is systematized in the book. We recommend that continuing "blue Murphy" - the textbook "English Grammar in Use" level of the Intermediate (it will also fit the upper-intermediate). You can also take OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR level Intermediate. In these books, a theory is brief and understandable, a lot of practical exercises are presented.
  • To familiarize yourself with the theory and work it with the help of practical exercises, look at our blog, where you are presented, select the Middle Level tab.
  • As grammar studies test yourselfTo see how the Plateau effect is gradually replaced by the effect of lifting to the next level of knowledge. In the article "You will find resources to verify your achievements.

7. Continue to learn new words.

Your vocabulary is already large enough, but the more you will expand it, the faster you can raise the level of English.

What words to learn continuing:

  • Vocabulary from special textbooks. Textbooks on the study of English vocabulary are the best helpers for continuing. Their value is that you are given the thematic selections of words presented in texts, dialogues and practical exercises. Such benefits teach you not just new words, but the rules of their use. We recommend continuing the following textbooks: "English Vocabulary in Use" levels Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate or Upper-Intermediate - Advanced, "Oxford Word Skills" level Intermediate or Advanced, 3000 Essential English Words. In these books there are answers to all tasks, so you can learn on them even on your own.
  • Strange words from texts. Books or articles in English is a valuable source of new vocabulary. We write out unfamiliar words that are often found in the text or play an important role for understanding the meaning of read, and learn them. At the same time, prefer modern literature adapted for your level of knowledge books and articles on the Internet in English.
  • Synonyms and antonyms of already familiar words. The words Good and Bad are good to use in the initial levels. On the middle of the stage, it is necessary to expand their vocabulary synonyms and antonyms of such words. Fortunately, they do not even have to look for themselves, you can always find this information in electronic dictionaries. For example, in the search string on the site, enter the word Good, and under the heading "Related to Good" you will see a rather extensive list of synonyms and antonyms to it.
  • Phrasal verbs. Phrase verbs are also used as wide and learned as difficult as idioms. We recommend to study such a vocabulary using a special textbook "PHRASAL VERBS IN USE", as well as take up the application "The Phrasal Verbs Machine" (,).
  • Collocations.. Collocations are stable phrases. They need to be learned in order for you to make it easier to competently pick up words to each other and make suggestions. In addition, phrases are easier to remember than individual words. Learn such phrases is best on the textbook "English Collocations in Use Intermediate". In addition, you can use a special dictionary "".
  • Idioms. This vocabulary will decorate your speech, make it more natural and expressive. Language media use idioms everywhere, even in formal speech. We advise you to use the special textbook "English IDIOMS IN Use Intermediate", it presents various practical exercises to help remember sustainable expressions and rules for their use. Teach proverbs and idioms are not always simple, so we wrote several useful articles: "", "". In addition, you can install applications for studying by Idiom "English IDIOMS AND PHRASES" () and "english idioms illustrated" () to your gadget.
  • Slang. Slang words and expressions will be found in almost all books, films and TV shows. Therefore, it is important to pay the time to memorize such vocabulary to increase the level of knowledge of English. The value of slang expressions can be found in the specialized dictionary.
  • Lists of words from tutorials blogs. Pay attention to the articles of the series "" on the website of the online dictionary Macmillan. In each of these small notes, there are examples of proposals with a useful vocabulary for some particular topic.
  • Words on special electronic resources. Special sites for studying words for continuing will help you learn new vocabulary with various tests. We recommend using or, they are just focused on people with a middle level of English.

8. Listen to the audio and watch the video.

It is important to develop the skill of perception of English speech by ear. Moreover, if earlier it was necessary to understand at least something of what was said on a simple entry, now it is necessary to complicate your task - try to understand 70-80% of what heard. In addition, listen to more complex audios and watch the videos on which people speak with different accents, and then try to explain the idea of \u200b\u200bthe video in your own words, at the same time, take the spelling and speaking.

  • Podcasts - Excellent "coach" for studying English. In addition, this is also a portable simulator: you can save files to a smartphone or tablet and do when it is convenient for you. We recommend where you find a lot of free educational materials. Also pay attention to the resource where you will find fascinating video tracking on any subject of interest.
  • View movies and TV series - The most pleasant and fascinating reception that helps improve the perception of English speech on the rumor. You can just watch them in your free time for your pleasure, but it is better to take advantage of the receptions from the article ".
  • Online dictations will help you develop and spelling skill, and spelling. We suggest you visit, there you will find short tasks of different levels of difficulties. Such training does not take a lot of time and will benefit.

9. Read in English

Reading texts in English - a great opportunity to see how "working" the studied grammar and vocabulary in practice, and learn new words, and is just just an exciting occupation.

  • Adapted books Convenient that you will not need to often contact the dictionary. There will be no more than 3-10 unfamiliar words to the page, and there is a dictionary at the end of each publication. Adapted literature can be found on the site and.
  • Literature in the original is a good challenge for the average level of knowledge. It may not be easy to read the book first, but you will learn a lot of new words and enjoy reading the work in the form in which the author created it. Find a lot of books in English on the site.
  • Modern articles on the Internet - a convenient alternative for those who have no time or desire to read a long work. Small articles of a variety of subjects can be found on. And you can read more serious and complex material in the online newspapers "The Guardian", "The Washington POST", "The Daily Telegraph".

10. Write in English

When you write something in English, you learn to formulate your thoughts on the language studied, you can use just learned words and consolidate them in memory. If it is necessary to subsequently say a similar phrase in a conversation, it will be easier for you to formulate it, so the letters skill should also be improved to those who want to cross the plateau and raise the level of English.

How to improve letters skill:

  • Translated exercises Teach you properly to build offers in English. And this is also useful for writing, and for oral speech. Check out our article "", from it you will learn what to do similar exercises. And in read about 2 best allowances with translation exercises.
  • Online dictants. We have already written about them in the previous paragraph, so we can say that this is a universal exercise that will kill two hares at once.
  • Essay. With the help of the essay, you will achieve two goals for different topics: learn to express your thoughts in English and learn new words. The recharge of the vocabulary occurs if you are not limited to the use of vocabulary already familiar to you, and you are looking for new words in the dictionary and use them in your essay. Thus, you immediately use a new word in the context, and when the letter also use the mechanical memory, which also facilitates memorization. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that such work makes sense when it checks the person who knows English well. Therefore, for maximum benefit, try to find a teacher or other person who will deduct your essay.
  • Groups on social networks. In Facebook and Vkontakte, you can count more than one hundred groups to study English. In such public correspondence in English is only welcome: you can comment on the posts you like or communicate in one of the open topics. Pay attention to our English learning groups.