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Why cries the tops from tomato in the greenhouse. The reasons for twisting the upper leaves in the tomatoes of the top seedlings of tomatoes are twisted

Twisting leaves in tomatoes, which grow in a closed soil, can be noticed quite often. For the most part, such leaves can be seen only on separate tomato bushes, sometimes they suffer from almost all tomato plants planted on the plot. Consider the main reasons why the leaves in the greenhouse begin to curb the tomato and how to deal with it.

Increased air temperature in the greenhouse and severe heat, established during the cultivation of tomatoes, leads to the fact that the moisture of them begins to evaporate strongly, the turgor falls in the tissues, because of the plants the leaves begin to curb. So that this does not happen, in the closed soil you need to create certain conditions so that the temperature for a long time is not raised above 25-30 ° C day.

If the temperature rises above 30 ° C, and even at low air humidity in a closed room, then, in addition to twisting, leaves may also be discharged by plant plants and has already formed the ovary. The result of long-term heat is often predictable and leads to a reduction in the yield of tomatoes.

It is possible to quickly reduce the temperature of the air in the greenhouse, if after each watering, open the doors and all the vents and leave them open to ventilating for a while.

You can also boil the glass or film coating outside with chalk, lime or cover with light cloth to create protection against the penetration of direct sunlight inside the greenhouse. Tomatoes should be more often watered in the morning and in the evening to increase the volume of water entering the plants. And in order to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the ground, it needs to be inspired by vegetable underfloor material: straw, hay or put on the bed of agriched.

If the leaves on tomatoes are twisted strongly, then you can help plants - feed them, spraying with urea solution. Prepare it at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. l. This nitrogen fertilizer is 10 liters. Consumption rate - 1 l for each tomato plant.

A sharp decrease in temperature

A sharp change of air temperature in a greenhouse can also lead to the fact that the seedlings of the tomatoes are twisted. For example, it can be observed after its transplantation to the main place of cultivation, especially if seedlings were not well ordered. In adult tomato plants grown in greenhouse conditions, the leaves can also be twisted when exposed to cool air due to a sharp cooling.

Wrong watering: disadvantage or excess of moisture

It is believed that the most frequent foundation so that tomato plants can begin to twist and deform the leaflets wrong watering: both drawback and its excess.

Tomatoes, like culture, love the abundance of moisture, but it must be properly made: they need to water, not when it is necessary, and without pouring right away a large number of Water under each bush, and regularly and moderate portions. The frequency of irrigation, as well as the dosage disorder and the cause of leaf twisting at tomatoes.

Especially strongly suffer from lack of moisture of the plant, just planted on greenhouse beds (until they rooted). At this time, they need to be watering as often as possible, but not to pour them, but to water in small volumes until they grow new roots. After that, subsequent irrigation should be carried out with a frequency of about 1-2 times every week. After mass flowering and during the fruit of the plant again, they begin to water as often as possible and more abundant to give the opportunity to flood the sleeping fruit.

Signs of lack of moisture that adult plants are experiencing, the following - the tomatoes are twisted the leaves inside, forming like a tube. it defensive reaction Tomatoes themselves - so they try to minimize the volume evapoable from the surface of the leaves of moisture. Such a state of leaves serves as a signal to the fact that it is necessary to immediately start watering the plants. However, too much water is not necessary to immediately pour out, so as not to provoke stress in plants, it is better to water them every day gradually, in small portions so that the tomatoes gradually have a moisture and were able to straighten the leaves.

If the leaves of tomatoes in the greenhouse are twisted up, then this feature is not a shortage, but on the contrary, excess moisture: so they enhance evaporation and get rid of an excessive fluid coming from soil roots. It is possible to help plants, if you immediately stop the watering and do not irrigate tomatoes about 1-2 weeks.

You can also prevent leaf twisting in the fact that watering the greenhouse plants into suitable time is: not during the day, but in the morning and evenings, when evaporation in plants is minimal. For irrigation, it is necessary to take water or well-resistant water or well, but necessarily warm (room temperature, but not cold, from which plants receive temperature stress, and their roots will not be able to pull moisture from the soil).

Excess or lack of fertilizers

It is known that without regular feeding of good and abundant harvest Tomato fruit will not be. But it is necessary to make it correctly, because both excess and the shortage of many important for the vital processes occurring in plants, trace elements leads to a violation of their content in plant tissues, which causes the twisting of tomato leaves.

For example, if the edges of the leafy plates at tomatoes rise up, as with an excess of moisture in the soil, but at the same time bottom part Tomato bushes becomes purple, then this is a sign of oversupply in the soil of the zinc microelerant. If there are a lot of manganese in it, the tomato leaves are first twisted, after even more dry and shuffle, they acquire a bright green color. When an overlapping nitrogen in the soil, tomatoes usually wreck. It is possible to neutralize the effect of excess nitrogen on vegetative tomato plants, if you make a potassium fertilizer: potassium sulfate (8-10 g) or ordinary ash (50-80 g). Such a volume of fertilizers is designed for 1 square. m. beds.

Calcium deficiency in the ground beds with tomatoes is manifested by the fact that the plates of the sheets are twisted upwards, and the fruits appear a vertex rot. It is possible to eliminate the lack of an element by making a calcium saltper into the soil (on a bucket of water to take about 20 g of fertilizer, add 0.35-0.4 kg of ash and 10 g of carbamide to it.). With this solution to pour 3-4 square meters. m tomato plantings. If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, the leaves of tomatoes are also twisted and acquired a grayish color. It is possible to introduce an important phosphorus for plants in the form of a solution of the known fertilizer of superphosphate (on a bucket of 80-90 g), which will need to be poured at 3-4 square meters. m beds.

Copper deficit in the soil is manifested in twisting of tomato leaves and in the acquisition of them not characteristic of the culture of yellow. On their leaves can also appear small yellow specks, which will then begin to black. You can feed the tomato plants with copper, if you treat them with copper-containing preparations, for example, such as copper chlorine.

Damage to the root system

It often happens that the leaves of the seedlings of tomatoes, just planted on a greenhouse garden, quickly twist in the "Bariums of Rog". This happens because the plants quickly lose moisture due to the damaged by negligence when planting the root system. The sluggish plants are restored for some time after that, grow roots, and it is possible to help them in this, often watered them and make fertilizers as needed. After adapting and rooting seedlings with twisting of leaves, tomatoes have to face usually much less often.

Tomato diseases

Twisting sheets in tomato bushes in greenhouse conditions can be observed in certain diseases. Tomatoes sick can be sick under different circumstances: if they are hustled, posted in those areas where the relatives themselves previously grew and if the agrotechnical rules of growing plants are disturbed.

Of the diseases characteristic of tomatoes, such a symptom as a twisting of the leaves, has a chance of a column. It is the appearance of this disease that can answer the question why the tops of tomatoes are fed, they deformed and twisted the top leaflets, and their color changed to light pink or purple. Another symptom in which the occasion can be determined - this is the fact that the lower leaves in plants are usually acquired yellow. To treat this disease, you can use the preparation of phytoplasmin, from which you can observe the maximum possible effect. Prepare a working solution of this drug before spraying plants is needed in accordance with the instructions attached to it.

Why the tops of tomatoes are stuck

Twisting leaves can also be observed not only in adults of tomato plants, but also in the seedlings of tomatoes, which was recently transferred to the greenhouse. The reasons why the tomato in the greenhouse is twisted with tops, as follows:

  • strong excess or moisture deficiency;
  • cold, not having time to warm up the earth, in combination with warm air;
  • cold weather;
  • heat and sun rays, fast drying plants;
  • dry air in the greenhouse;
  • disadvantage or excess nutrients in the soil (especially nitrogen);
  • a small amount of containers in which the seedlings are grown (not enough nutrients and oxygen in the ground).

Measures to combat leaf twisting on tomato plants in greenhouse conditions are as follows:

  • cultivation of seedlings in the container of sufficient volume, if necessary - transplanting it into more suitable in terms of capacity;
  • protection of plants with a dense observer material from night cooling;
  • protection of tomatoes from sunlight shading;
  • moisturizing too dry air in greenhouse premises spraying soil with simple water;
  • feeding tomatoes fertilizers cooked strictly in accordance with the recommendations given by manufacturers of these funds;
  • timely removal of steps and the formation of a bush according to the scheme recommended for a particular tomato variety or a hybrid;
  • undercalinking tomatoes growth stimulants and complex fertilizers for their better development.

All these agrotechnical events should help the gardener to protect the seedlings of tomatoes and prevent or reduce the likelihood of the appearance of twisted and deformed leaves on plants.

Twisting leaves at tomatoes is frequent problem When growing culture in greenhouses. In the open soil, such a nuisance is less common. .

Causes of leaf twisting

The main reasons is

  1. The greenhouse is too hot.
  2. Tomatoes lack moisture.
  3. Lack of batteries.
  4. Excess fertilizer.
  5. Damage to the roots when disembarking seedlings or subsequent tomato care.
  6. Untimely removal of stepsins. The leaves are twisted, also when you remove too many stepsing at the same time.
  7. Pests are sometimes the cause of twisting of tomatoes leaves.
  8. Features of the variety.

Depending on the cause of the leaves, the leaves are twisted or uploaded or down in the form of chicken legs.

cause 1. Temperature regime

In the greenhouse, the temperature is always at least 5-7 ° C higher than on the street, even if the doors and window doors are open. Therefore, at a temperature in a greenhouse above 27-28 ° and low air circulation, to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture, the leaves twisted into the tube. At night, when heat falls, they straightened again.

Very often the leaves are twisted due to high temperatures.

What to do

To prevent the leaf twisting in hot weather, greenhouses leave open and night. To reduce the temperature, the greenhouse is shared. Inside it should be constant circulation of air. Even in cold weather it must be tired.

cause 2. Moisture shortage

With insufficient watering, especially in the heat (and in the greenhouses these factors are inextricably) tomatoes, also reduce the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation by twisting the leaves.

  • It is recommended to water tomatoes in the greenhouses at a temperature of 16-20 ° С times in 7-10 days.
  • At a temperature of 20-25 ° С 5 days
  • At a temperature of 25-30 ° C every other day
  • Over 30 ° C - daily, but very moderately.

This applies only to greenhouse plants for open soil Such a watering mode is not suitable, because there tomatoes are additionally dispersed. When choosing a watering mode, the conditions of cultivation should always be taken into account on its plot.

If the tomatoes twisted the leaves, then the first thing to do is to ventilate the greenhouse and pour a culture.

Immediately pouring plants should not. It is better to conduct watering for several days in small volumes. Especially observed this mode is necessary during the period of fruiting.

cause 3. Lack of batteries

If neither watering nor ventilation helped, and the leaves remained twisted, then the problem is more serious than expected: plants. The leaves are twisted in different ways, depending on what element in deficiency.

Lack of phosphorus

Leaves twist up and acquire purple shade on the bottom. Phosphorus is a macroelegen, its tomatoes are consumed in large quantities.

To replenish the deficiency of phosphorus, the culture is watered with extractor from superphosphate. For its preparation, 1 cup of fertilizers is poured with 1 liter of boiling water (otherwise it will not dissolve) and insist 12-18 hours, mixing regularly. The finished extract is bred by water to 10 liters and pour tomatoes under the root. The rate of 0.5 l under the bush.

You can make ash or superphosphate in dry form, but then the effect will have to wait for 7-10 days longer.

Tomatoes must be filing with phosphorus.

Lack of media

The lack of an element is much less common (especially when treating tomatoes with copper-containing drugs from diseases), but its deficit is not such a rare phenomenon, as we assume. With a lack of copper edge of the leaves, tightened up. On the leaves, yellow blurry spots appear, which, with acute shortages, black.

Stains are much and they are randomly over the entire sheet surface. The leaf looks healthy, but yellow and twisted. To eliminate the problem, tomatoes spray with any copper-containing drugs. By the same solution you can pour the bushes.

Both spraying and watering not only fill the deficit of the trace element, but also protects tomatoes from many diseases well.

Requires feeding microelements.

Lack of potassium

The leaves are folded up with a tube, on the edges a brown border is formed. Tomatoes consume potassium slightly less than phosphorus, so it is desirable to make it with each feeding. With a pronounced shortage, the bushes feed with any inchlit potash fertilizer.

The best for tomatoes is a potash nitrate, which also contains a small amount of nitrogen. 1 tbsp. l. Fertilizers are divorced in 10 liters of water. The irrigation rate is 0.5 liters on the bush.

An excellent fertilizer will be a lifting of ash: 100 g of ashes are poured with boiling water and the day insist, regularly stirring. Then the solution is filled and pouring tomatoes under the root. Consumption rate of 0.5 liters per bush. If a spraying is performed as a solid infusion, 40 g added to the working solution economic Soap as an adhesive.

Such bushes require potash feeding.

Nitrogen shortage

It usually happens on poor soils and with gross violations in agrotechnology of cultivation. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves acquire a yellowish tint and minor. As the nitrogen starvation increases, the leaves begin to spin down, turn yellow and dry.

Urgent feeding is needed by any nitric mineral fertilizer. If it is not, then tomatoes are fed by manure or in the infusion of grass. 0.5 liters of infusion are bred in 10 liters of water and fed plants. The rate of making 1 l on the bush.

Pale leaves at tomatoes due to lack of nitrogen.

Lack of calcium

Leaves twist up. A vertex rot appears in the fruits. Follow the Calcium Selutyra Tomatoes: 10 g / 10 liters of water.

And here it is required to feed Calcium.

cause 4. Excess fertilizers

Some daches seeking to get a maximum harvest bring so many fertilizers (especially organications) that the plants begin to suffer from their surplus, and this, in turn, very quickly leads to diseases.

Excess nitrogen

The leaves on the top of the bush are twisted, the rest are very powerful, normal. All organic feeding stops are stopped for neutralizing excess nitrogen. Under the bushes make an extract from wood ash or any potash fertilizerChlorine.

Excess nitrogen can also harm.

Excess zinc

It is not so often, but most dacms cannot recognize it and only exacerbate the situation. This happens when the multiplicity and the frequency of making microfertres are disturbed. Leaves twist up and hang like when drought.

The main feature of the excess zinc is the appearance of a purple shade on the bottom of the stem (not higher than 20-30 cm). To correct the situation, tomatoes are fed by an organica, and trace elements at least 15-20 days do not contribute.

Some varieties have a genetically determined purple shade. But then the stem is evenly painted in such a color.

Excess zinc is difficult to recognize.

cause 5. Damage to the root system

After disembarking, especially in a greenhouse, tomato leaves can slightly twist. This is normal. The root system in seedlings is usually weaker than developed than overheadTherefore, a few days after disembarking, the leaves in plants are twisted. If after 5-7 days they did not acquire a normal form, it is necessary to pour the tomatoes in the stimulants of Korniner or heteroacexin.

When disembarking seedlings in the ground, try not to damage the roots of the plants.

Often roots are damaged with deep loosening of tomatoes. The leaves twisted up evenly throughout the bush. Neighboring plants look healthy. To correct the situation, tomatoes are poured by the stimulants of the root formation (confidence, corneser) and substances that support the immunity of plants: epin-extra, zircon.

cause 6. Incorrect passing

The late removal of steppes leads to leaf curls. Steying is removed when their dimensions are not more than 5-7 cm. If they have already been turned around, it is too painful for the plant, so they will have to leave them, or delete gradually for several days.

Removal of overgrowing steps can be reflected in the leaves of tomatoes.

If large stepsings and tomatoes were reacted to this twisting of the leaves, the only thing that can be done is to spray the tomatoes with zircon or epinoma-extra.

cause 7. Pests of Tomatoes

Very often affects tomatoes in greenhouses a greenhouse whiteflink. This is a small butterfly, laying eggs on the bottom side of the leaves. Feed on the juices of plants of larvae and adult individuals (butterflies). Insects allocate a sweet pair on which a sage fungus is located. Insect breeds very quickly. Set over the youngest and gentle leaves on the tops of the plants.

Do not allow a large accumulation of pests on the bushes of tomatoes.

Signs of defeat.

  1. The leaves are deformed and twisted, and then yellow and fall.
  2. On the underside you can detect the selection of insects in the form of adhesive paddies and small white scales - the remains of cocoons.
  3. Loofing bushes in development.
  4. The appearance on the skes and leaves of black spots of a sage fungus.

What to do

When spreading the whitebird, fight it is very difficult. The pest multiplies extremely quickly, and on eggs and older larvae, most insecticides do not act. Therefore, emergency measures should be taken when the pest is first discovered.

When shaking the bushes infected with a blonde, butterflies take off and easily notice them.

  1. For the catch of butterflies, glue traps are used, which are placed on the tops of the bushes.
  2. With a small propagation of the pest use phytodeterm. Spraying spend on the bottom of the leaves. And tomatoes can be removed 2 days after processing. Spraying is carried out repeatedly with an interval of 3-5 days to destroy newly emerging individuals, since the drug does not work on eggs. With strict observance of the intervals of treatments, the number of pests can be significantly reduced.
  3. Simultaneously with phytodeterm, tomatoes spray phytoosporin or alianin-b for the prevention and destruction of sage fungi.
  4. With mass infection of tomatoes, the pest removes all the fruits in the phase of technical ripeness, and the bushes are treated with the drug Aktar. Processing is carried out on the underside of the leaves at least 3-4 times at intervals of 4-7 days. After spraying, tomatoes cannot be eaten for 20 days.

cause 8. Sort features

Some leaf twisting is a genetic feature. Basically, Cherry and fine-flowing varieties of tomatoes are inclined.

There are such tomatoes.

Usually in this case, the sheet plate is twisted down, forming a "chicken leg". But some varieties can be twisted and up. In this case, it is not necessary to take anything in this case, it will not help either feeding, no watering, nor torture. This is just a feature of the variety.


If the leaves on tomatoes are massively twisted throughout the greenhouse, then this is either a violation temperature modeor lack of moisture.

If the leaves are twisted only on separate bushes, then most likely it is a lack of nutritional elements. In this case, they are twisted gradually first on one plant, then on the second, third, etc.

First of all, these bushes carefully examine, and then on one of them make feeding the necessary fertilizers. If the measures applied gave the result, the rest of the plants are fed. If there is no result, then continue to select need fertilizer Before receiving a positive response. Only after receiving a positive reaction to the feeder, all other tomatoes feed the same fertilizer.

With your help with the acidity of the soil, I have done in my opinion. Tomatoes are well evolving. Flowers, powerful, leaves dark green. But in the middle row opposite the doors in the tall tomatoes of the top, as it were, "bored", twist in the "cam". I read lithua. Explanations are different. Basically, they pour over with water. No, because I evoke the soil, it is dry. There may be insufficient watering. The average number is practically blowing and the land will dry faster than lateral beds. Plants tall, powerful, bloom. I think they need good watering. Not 2 times a week, as they write in various reference books. With such a heat in polycarbonate Teplice Land dries very quickly. Maybe I'm wrong. Tell me what to do. Previously, there were no such problems in the cultivation of tomatoes in homemade greenhouses. Sincerely, Valentina.

Hello, Valentine! With this problem, many daches face. Curly leaves of tomatoes can different reasons. One of them you indicated correctly - insufficient watering during the heat. The plant behind the lack of moisture is twisted by the leaves. Thus, the tomato can reduce the evaporation of moisture due to the decrease in the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet plate. At the same time, the lower leaves, illuminated less rays of the sun and better ventilating, remain normal.

Important! Choose watering mode, focusing on appearance Plants. But remember that excessive moisture Provocates the emergence of mushroom diseases.

Excess nitrogen in soil

If there is an excess amount of nitrogen fertilizers in soil soil, then the plant begins to live. At the same time, plants have powerful stems, dark green leaves and curly tops. All power of the plant directs the growth of green mass. Big harvest Fruits, alas, will not, if not take action.

It is necessary to balance the number of fertilizers in the ground, having completed the paliest, which is contained in woodwind. Run a glass of ash in a bucket of water and span tomatoes. Helps and spraying the leaves with a solution prepared from one teaspoon of potassium sulfate and liter of water.

Tli Training

Crop the leaf twisting can be a small black fault, which first settles in the sinuses of the leaves, and then it moves to the stem and pets of the leaves. The failure when sucking juices introduces a specific substance in the plant tissue, which deforms the stem and twists the leaves. Insects hidden in the folds of leaves are difficult to destroy insecticides.

Important! When spraying, try to moisten all the sinuses and folds of the leaves.

The patient plant under the onslaught of Tly looks just as you describe

Curchasost virus

This is perhaps the most unpleasant reasonBecause the virus diseases of tomatoes are not treated. Plants are infected through insects and cutting tool. Sick tomatoes are better to remove immediately, so as not to infect the rest of the plants. Hanging handle manually without using a secateur.

Often homeland owners notice the problem, growing tomatoes: top leaves are tightened in plants. Twisted tops prevent full-fledged photosynthesis, and the plant begins to stick from the shortage of nutrients. Why does this happen?

A possible reason for the seedlings of tomatoes, the leaves began to curl, - damage to the roots during disembarking. Over time root system Recover, and tomatoes will come down. This is the most innocuous version of the twisting of tomato tops.

Such required proceduresAs pinching and steaming, can also cause twisting of tomato leaves if they are wrong. The first pinching is carried out 20 days after the seedlings falling into the ground, then 1 time per week. In this case, you can delete no more than 2 lower leaves per 1 procedure, otherwise the plant will weaken. You can only steps that have reached 10 cm long. Excess steps - stress for tomato bushes, capable of tightening leafy tops and fall apart.

There are more serious options why tomato leaves began to spin.

Humidity and high temperature

Excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient humidity can affect the leaf twisting. When the plant twists the leaves up, the "boating", it means that he lacks moisture. So tomatoes compensate for its deficit: reduce the area with which the liquid evaporates, "save". Avoid drought will help abundant, but rare watering (enough 1 time per week, in the heat - 2 times). Excess water adversely affects the roots, leads to their rotting. At the same time, the plant ceases to receive in sufficient quantities. nutrients And oxygen, as a result, twisted tops. Tomatoes are whimping vegetable culture. The soil should always be loose, so that excess moisture accumulates at the roots of tomatoes. Therefore, mulching - mandatory procedurewhich will help not only cope with excess water, but will also prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Tomatoes do not like a strong heat. If the temperature in the greenhouse or on the street exceeds + 34 ... + 35 ° C, the leaves in tomatoes are twisted into the tube. In the evening or at night, when the temperature is noticeably lower, the tops that twisted are straightening and returning to the previous state. Will help save tomatoes from high temperature thick layer of mulch, shelter bushes from direct exposure Sun rays with a light-tight material. If a we are talking About greenhouse, then in addition to these measures, it must often be told.

Lack and excess of trace elements in the soil

Insufficient content in the soil of nutritional trace elements will lead to twisting and change the color of the leaves from tomatoes. Basically, the plant may experience a deficiency of potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Insufficient maintenance of potassium in the soil leads to the twisting of the leaves of leaves up, the change in their color on the brown, light spots appear in ripe tomatoes. Phosphoric failure can be defined by leaf-twisted leaves and purple rates. Zinc deficiency is manifested by twisting of large tomato leaves, and their reverse side acquires a purple shade. Fill the lack of microelements can feed ash or mineral fertilizers (Superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Excessive feeding of nitrogen fertilizers can also lead to twisting: the leaves are rolled into the ring. The stem becomes thick, new, powerful sprouts are formed. Tomato will delight lush green leaves, but to good harvest It will not lead. Nitrogen overlaps the roots access to such important trace elements as phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Need to stop nitric subcord and fill the missing trace elements.

Tomato diseases (video)

Beaming insects and infectious diseases

Can cause leaf twisting up and damage to their pests: black tool, by a paustic tick and blonde. Insects populate the back side of the leaves, sucking juices from them. This leads to the fact that the affected part of the plant is twisted, yellowing, then dries out and falls. At first, pests are hiding in leafy sinuses, where insects are difficult to immediately detect, and then affect not only all the leaves, but also a tomato stems, which can lead to the death of the whole bush. Thorough treatment of tomato bushes (each sheet, each stem) insecticidal preparations will help get rid of insects.

Another threat to growing tomatoes is the defeat by microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. At the affected by bacteriosis, the plants twist all the leaves and stems down, the tops and flowers are minced, become pale and fall. Some pests may be carriers of infectious diseases, or seeds were originally amazed by microorganisms. Sick bushes need to be carefully destroyed. The infection affects both the soil, so all neighboring plants and beds from under infected tomatoes should be disinfected by the pharmacy-iodine or other antimicrobial drug. In the future, it is advisable to plant cruciferous sites, radish or mustard on this place to completely deliver the soil from infection.

Finding out in a timely manner why the leaves of tomatoes are twisted, and promptly eliminating the cause, it is possible to achieve success in such a difficult agronomical business as the cultivation of tomatoes.

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