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Spruce - types and varieties. Norway spruce Norway spruce age

A representative of one of the many species of conifers of the Pine family, well-known to everyone, spruce owes its name to the ancient Romans. This is what the translation of the word "resin" sounds like. In the green kingdom, spruce occupies one of the first places and belongs to a genus in which there are almost 50 plant species distributed throughout the world: from Northern Europe and Central Asia to North America. What kind of spruce is it, what kind of tree is it? How long does it live on Earth and what forms does it take? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Spruce description

Tall, straight-stemmed, evergreen slender trees with a dense cone-shaped crown, narrower in young age, fir trees are covered with branches to the very base. Their trunk is difficult to see - it is hidden by the widest spruce "paws". Young trees have smooth bark. gray color with a brownish tint, on old spruce trunks it is thinner, peeling in places. The needles are needle-shaped and can stay on the branches for up to 7-9 years, although with the deterioration of the environment, these periods are reduced, and in an urban environment, the duration of the preservation of needles does not exceed 3 years. The needles are single, tetrahedral or flattened, spirally arranged on the branches. Cones hanging, elongated, cylindrical. Ripening in autumn, they open when the seeds are dispersed. Seed flakes of a cone with a wide base cover small seeds, equipped with wings cupped around them.

Characteristic features of the plant

The description of spruce is unambiguous: this is one of the rather unpretentious plants on Earth. It is undemanding to soil fertility, perfectly takes root on very poor soils. She is not afraid of shady slopes and slight waterlogging of the soil cover. It is incredibly frost-resistant, and it is not afraid of a sharply continental climate. But most species do not withstand gas and smoke, nevertheless, the tree is used in urban landscaping and is used both in single and in group plantings for park alleys and snow protection strips. Dwarf or undersized decorative forms perfect for decorating the landscape of small household plots, slides and rock gardens.

European spruce, or common

The name of this tree speaks for itself and accurately indicates its habitat. European spruce grows in She is the basis that forms the taiga. In the north of Siberia and European Russia, the massifs of common spruce are gradually replaced by Siberian spruce. What is this tree? There is no clear distinction between these species. In the choice of growing conditions, spruce differs significantly from larch and pine, but there are no sharp intraspecific differences. They are so shade-loving that it is quite difficult to grow in open treeless areas, since even at the stage of shoots that have started to grow, they are damaged by return spring frosts or receive sunburn. In addition, they suffer greatly from grass fires provoked by seasonal arson.

Periods and features of tree growth

For the first 10 years, the spruce tree grows slowly. Then the growth rate rises sharply, and after 100-120 years it stops again. Uneven, spasmodic growth distinguishes European spruce. That this is a recognized long-liver has long been known. If conditions allow, it easily lives up to 250-300 years. The best soils for it are loams and sandstones. On them it forms a deep root system holding it firmly to the surface. But spruce is a lover of quite damp places. On excessively moistened soils, the tree forms a small surface root system and, with strong gusts of wind, may not hold on and collapse to the ground. Spruce tolerates even a slight waterlogging, if it has a flowing character. It should be noted that spruce has significantly less than pine, which explains its instability in winds. A feature of the tree is that its lower branches do not die off and remain dry, so it is rather dark and damp in spruce forests.

spruce growing conditions

Spruce can be grown in most regions of the European part of Russia, in Siberia and in the south of the Far East. But it is a very delicate wood species.

It is better to plant it under the canopy of more stable representatives of the flora - oak, birch or pine. This is especially important for rather dry and poor soils, on which spruce grows hard, since well-moistened soils are preferable for it. Spruce is much more demanding on growing conditions than pine, which can grow well on dry sandy soils. That is why spruce and pine rarely grow side by side - too different conditions they need.


Spruce is easy to grow from seeds, which are very easy to collect: just cut a few in the fall and hold them at home until completely dry. You don't need to peel them. Once dry, the buds will open on their own and produce seeds that usually have excellent germination. They should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then placed in pots with calcined river sand, deepening by 1-1.5 cm. Containers are installed on the top shelf of the refrigerator for stratification. This procedure is necessary, since in nature all conifer seeds are exposed to cold. Stratification stimulates the germination of seedlings. Untreated seeds can lie in the ground for several years, but never sprout. Containers should be kept in the cold for 3 months. After this time, containers with planted seeds are placed in a bright and warm place.

Landing dates

The ideal sowing time is considered to be the end of October - November. If you plant seeds during this period, then you should take the container out of the refrigerator in February-March. This is the most favorable time for germination, as spring comes, daylight hours increase, and all plants start to grow.

Watering and care

The germination period of seedlings requires especially generous watering, as one should act in accordance with natural conditions. After all, in spring, during snowmelt, the soil is especially moist. Heat and humidity are the main conditions for the activation of coniferous seedlings. After a couple of weeks, a baby spruce should rise. That this is a real conifer is immediately evident: the needles appear first. Now you should be careful and strike a balance, that is, water the sprouts as much as necessary, avoiding both underwatering and excessive moisture. Once every two weeks, young Christmas trees need to be fed and the upper soil layer loosened.

When it warms up outdoors and the return frosts recede, small seedlings can be planted in the ground. Compost or humus mixed with the ground is added to the hole before planting, and some complex mineral fertilizers. More Christmas trees are not fed. Having placed the seedlings in a hole, the roots are carefully covered with soil, tamped, well spilled with water and create a small
greenhouse made of covering material, film or glass jar.

This is necessary for faster acclimatization of seedlings.

Seedlings in greenhouses should be ventilated every day. They need to be opened, condensate removed and soil moisture checked. After 7-10 days, the shelters can be removed, and the soil around the Christmas trees can be mulched to maintain soil moisture. As a rule, spruce seedlings are grown in containers in nurseries for 3-4 years. Since the tree grows very slowly, such a period is considered optimal for successful further development ephedra under the name of this age are more adapted to temperature extremes, they are no longer afraid of frost and sunburn. They are also planted with one top dressing and good watering.

Spruce varieties and their use

Like many conifers, spruce is quite decorative. She has always been an adornment of the Russian estate, gardens and parks. Today, thanks to the great breeding work, many types of spruces used in gardening have been bred landscape design. A Christmas tree, personally grown from seeds, will not only decorate the site, but can also become the ancestor of family traditions. This method of growing spruces from seeds is suitable for all tall species. In addition, such cultivation is a guarantee of excellent adaptation of the seedling to climatic conditions terrain. From existing species Special attention landscape designers are attracted to dwarf spruce. Low-growing varieties usually do not exceed a meter height, have a wide dense crown.

They are great for decorating garden compositions, stone and alpine slides. One of the most spectacular and sought-after representatives of these species is Nidiformis spruce.

Dwarf forms: description

Nidiformis - cultivar c round shape crown and central recess. The height of the tree barely reaches 1 m, and the crown reaches a diameter of 3 m. The flattened crown is formed in the form of a nest, since the main branches of the tree are absent, and numerous shoots grow fan-shaped. Gorgeous short dark green needles, very dense and evenly covering the branches. The tree grows very slowly, adding no more than 3-4 cm in height and 5-7 cm in width per year. The herringbone is undemanding to the soil, grows well on moderately fertile sandstones of any acidity level, but can die if groundwater is constantly located near the root system. This spruce, like all low-growing coniferous trees, the photos of which are presented, is very decorative. And its slow growth allows you to save the once created landscape for many years. Nidiformis is hardy, but young plants are best covered if there is a threat of spring frosts.

Evergreen dwarf conifers: reproduction

Undersized forms are not pure species and propagate exclusively vegetatively - cuttings and layering, but not seeds.

The fact is that such plants appear as a result of mutation various kinds conifers, and from their seeds, as a rule, ordinary tall, and not dwarf conifers grow. Photos of decorative undersized species can be found in the special literature. If you cannot grow such a conifer on your own, there is only one way left - to the store. usually sold in containers. The main rule when buying this rather expensive acquisition is the firm belief that the root system of the seedling is strong, well developed, not damaged either mechanically or by pests. And before going to the store, you should familiarize yourself with information about the shape of the crown, features, size of the plant and caring for it.

Many coniferous species retain good shape for many years, regardless of variety. Undersized species may initially have a spherical crown, and over time form a cone. Nevertheless, spruce and pine are such common trees that it is impossible to imagine Russia without these majestic conifers.

Botanical name: spruce european or common.

Homeland: Europe.

Lighting: moderate.

The soil: moist, nutritious.

Watering: moderate.

Max Height: 50 m

Average life expectancy: 250-300 years.

Landing: seeds and cuttings.

European spruce (ordinary) - the most common in Europe conifer tree. Its range is so extensive that it does not affect only the North German Plain and British Isles. At favorable conditions a tree can live up to 400 years.

European spruce: species description

The height of the tree is 50 m with a trunk width of 1 m. This is a slender tree, the crown is dense, pyramidal. Branches - horizontal or drooping, falling low along the trunk. The branches are collected in whorls. In the presence of sufficient lighting, the lower tier of branches remains for a very long time. The bark is smooth and brown when young.

By old age it becomes scaly-rough, gray or Brown color. Shoots of yellow or brown shades. May be naked or covered with red hairs. The kidneys are light brown. The needles are quite hard, green.

The shape of the needles is flattened-tetrahedral, the length is 1-3 cm. The needles stay on the tree for about 7 years. Mature cones of European spruce have an oblong-cylindrical shape. Their length is 10-15 cm, width - 3-4 cm. The cones ripen in October, but the seeds, as a rule, fall out in January-April. The length of the seeds is 3-5 mm. The seed has a yellowish wing, which is easily separated from it. The tree blooms at the age of 25-30 years.

Spruce wood has a yellowish white color with a slight pinkish tint. It is characterized as soft, light, shiny. The root system is horizontal, superficial, due to which the tree freely turns out of the ground even with strong winds.

Of all the species, Norway spruce (European) is the fastest growing. At a young age (up to 10 years), the increase is small, but increases rapidly with age. The annual growth is 50 cm. From 100-110 years old it begins to decline and by the age of 250 the plant begins to dry out. In some cases, it can live up to 500 years.

To date, several ornamental varieties of this species have been bred: weeping, compact, pin-shaped. All these varieties are often used in landscaping and landscaping. Norway spruce is often found in hedges from highways and railways.

Growing spruce

Sandy, loamy, fertile, slightly moist soils are preferred. It tolerates short-term flooding, but does not tolerate long-term stagnation of water. Shade tolerant but needs adequate light to renew. Frost resistance is due to thin scales that protect the kidneys from frost. It tolerates a haircut perfectly, but suffers from polluted air, although it itself has phytoncidal, ionizing properties. Because of surface system the location of the roots of the tree is afraid of windblows.

Very often seedlings can develop on a fallen trunk or a collapsing stump. This is explained by the fact that the plant tends to absorb nitrogen compounds. Mycorrhiza (a symbiosis of spruce roots and edible cap mushrooms) helps spruce to get nutrients from the soil. It is mycorrhiza that explains the presence of a large number of porcini mushrooms in spruce forests.

Reproduction occurs by seeds or layering. Moreover, the lower branches of the tree take root directly on the soil, which is rare for conifers. But it is better to propagate by cuttings and grafting, since during seed propagation there is a loss of characteristic decorative qualities.

European spruce care

New plants are unstable to dry air and soil. Therefore, on hot days, they require daily watering at the rate of 10-12 liters per 1 plant. Crown sprinkling is also desirable. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil in trunk circle, weeding and mulching with peat.

If spruce grows as a hedge, then it requires special shaping. With cropping, you can achieve the effect of an impenetrable green wall. In other cases, in autumn and spring, diseased, dry, broken branches are removed from the trees. And the main formation of a beautiful regular crown occurs naturally. However, with the simultaneous growth of 2 tops, one must be removed, cutting it out at the base.

From childhood to Christmas and New Year people are accustomed to smelling spruce branches. Mixed with the smell of tangerines, this fragrant coniferous aroma was a harbinger of a miracle, gifts, new experiences and the New Year.

For many centuries, Spruce personified the symbol of a new cycle. In ancient times, remaining evergreen, Spruce was an allegory of eternal youth and immortality, longevity and fidelity.

For the same reasons, spruce "spruce" has been and remains in many villages a sign of a bygone life. During the course of the funeral procession, a “lapnik” of spruce branches is thrown at the feet, saying goodbye to the departed. Their age has ended, but passed into eternity.

In Scandinavia, spruce was used for ritual fires. Resinous firewood gave the fire a unique strength.

names of spruce

The word "Spruce" comes from the old Slavic word "jedlъ", which means "prickly".

The first mention of this tree in Russian scriptures appeared in the 11th century. One-root words are found in all languages ​​of the Slavic group.

The Latin name for Spruce is Picea, which means resinous.

Where does El grow?

Spruce forests are found throughout Russia. Basically, these are dense, dense thickets with a small amount of undergrowth.

Despite the fact that Spruce develops best on open space, there are her shade-tolerant counterparts.

The most common type of tree is Common Spruce. It is found in the European part of Russia, in Finland and northern Europe. Spruce groves are found in Siberia and the Urals.

Fellow Spruce Common can be found in the Caucasus and Far East, on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Even in North America and China grow certain species of this prickly fragrant tree.

What does El look like?

Spruce is a tall stately tree with a straight strong trunk and a dense crown. The branches are arranged in the form of a pyramid and have prickly needles. The bark of Spruce is dense and covered with scales.

The height of Spruce can reach 30 meters, while the volume of the trunk of many species exceeds 1.5 meters.

The average life expectancy of a tree is 250 - 300 years. There are centenarians of 600 years of age.

After 10-15 years of life, the tree changes its root system, getting rid of the main root. That is why in the forest you can meet these wind-blown giants with uprooted roots.

When does spruce bloom?

Female flowers form small cones, which, after pollination, turn into those same spruce decorations.

Male flowers form elongated catkins that scatter pollen in May.

In October, seeds ripen in cones and become the prey of forest rodents. fluffy squirrels tend to prepare seeds for the winter.

Healing properties of spruce

IN medicinal purposes use fir cones, needles and resin.

Daily use of 3-4 spruce needles for a month can restore immunity and increase resistance to a number of viral diseases.

Several spruce branches placed in a vase in a room can kill harmful bacteria indoors, leaving a pleasant aroma in the air.

Spruce cones are rich in tannins and essential oils. They also contain copper, manganese, aluminum, iron.

Essential oils are used in the fight against acute respiratory infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Spruce kidney syrup is prescribed for microinfarctions.

A decoction of pine needles is used for inhalation to treat tonsillitis and sinusitis.

Spruce resin or resin has antiseptic properties and can be used as part of ointments for healing wounds and ulcers.

Spruce Applications

spruce wood- the most common material for construction and fuel. The wood is also used to make paper.

spruce wood very soft and straight. Despite its widespread use in construction, untreated wood is short-lived and rots quickly. That is why spruce wood is treated with antiseptics and mordants.

At the same time, Spruce wood is part of many modern materials, such as fiberboard, chipboard, glued laminated timber and others.

The musical properties of spruce wood have been noticed for a long time, so soundboards, bodies and other details are made from this fragrant tree. musical instruments.


In spite of great amount useful properties, preparations from Spruce have contraindications. Inhalations from spruce needles are contraindicated in patients with asthma.

In the presence of individual intolerance to the substances contained in spruce cones and needles, it is necessary to be careful when using Spruce for medicinal purposes.

Too frequent use of decoctions and drinks from Spruce can be dangerous for the kidneys.

In the old days on new year holidays The spruce was hung with its roots up, and not installed in a corner, as in modern times.

In Scandinavia, spruce branches cover the paths followed by the corteges of rulers.

Blue Spruce has gained its distribution in cities not only because of the beauty of the needles, but also due to resistance to polluted air.

From the dead spruce root, young shoots can grow, which later become real trees. Thus, the tree clones itself.

In Sweden, a similar tree grows, whose age is approaching 10 thousand years.

Spruce cones are often depicted on flags different countries. This fruit symbolizes lofty goal and top.


Norway spruce (Picea abies)- tree 30 - 35 m high, crown diameter 6 - 8 m. In favorable conditions, it can grow up to 50 m. The needles are needle-shaped, tetrahedral, 1-2 cm long, dark green. Annual growth 50 cm high, 15 cm wide. Up to 10-15 years it grows slowly, then quickly. At Norway spruce the crown is cone-shaped, with spaced or drooping, rising branches at the end, remains sharp until the end of life. The bark is reddish-brown or grey, smooth or fissured, varying degrees and nature of fracturing, relatively thin. Shoots are light brown or rusty yellow, glabrous. Sensitive to pollution and dry air. Tolerates shade well. Durability 250 - 300 years.

Size: height 15-20 m, diameter 6-8 m.
Root system: superficial, widely procumbent, strongly branched; deep on drained soil.
Growth rate: up to 10-15 years is low, then it accelerates to 70 cm per year, after 100-120 years the growth slows down again.
Light: sun, partial shade, shade.
Soils: moderately moist loams, light soils with a slightly alkaline reaction of the environment (see).
Watering: during dry periods, watering is required.
Winter hardiness: USDA zone 3 (see).
Fruit: cones 10-15 cm long and 3-4 cm thick, light green, brownish-brown when mature.

Planting and caring for spruce ordinary

Soil compaction and moisture stagnation should not be allowed. The landing site should be away from ground water. It is imperative to make a drainage layer, in the form of sand or broken brick 15-20 cm thick. If fir trees are planted in groups, then the distance for tall fir trees should be from 2 to 3 m. The depth of the planting pit is 50-70 cm.

It is important that the root neck is at ground level. You can prepare a special soil mixture: sheet and sod land, peat, and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. Immediately after planting, the tree must be watered abundantly with 40 - 50 liters of water. It is advisable to apply fertilizer (100-150 g of nitroammophoska, root 10 g per 10 l, etc.).

Spruces do not like dry hot weather, so during the hot season they need to be watered once a week, about 10-12 liters per tree. Carry out shallow loosening (5 cm). For the winter, sprinkle peat around the trunk with a thickness of 5-6 cm; after winter, the peat is simply mixed with the ground, not removed. Spruces can be planted in winter.

Approximately 2 times a season, fertilizer for coniferous plants can be applied.

Usually spruces do not need pruning, but if they form hedge pruning is allowed. As a rule, diseased and dry branches are removed. It is best to prune in late May - early June, when the period of active sap flow ends.

To protect the decorative forms of spruce from autumn and winter frosts, they can be covered with spruce branches. (cm. , ).

Spruce - universal decoration any area. In winter and summer, it remains beautiful, enlivens the landscape and gives it respectability. The most important thing is to choose the right spruce for the site, the species and varieties of which number in several dozen.

In nature, spruces are tall evergreen trees with a narrow cone-shaped crown and an even trunk. Thanks to breeding, new varieties have been bred, and spruces are of great interest due to the variety of needle colors and unusual shapes.

Did you know? Many have noticed that it is easier to breathe in a coniferous forest. This is because spruces contain phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.

Norway spruce (European)

Spruce (in the common people - Christmas tree) belongs to the pine family, the spruce genus has more than a dozen species and varieties that differ in the location of branches, size, crown shape and color.

plantings different types this beauty occupy the bulk of the forests in European territory. In urban conditions, such spruces practically do not grow, because a large number of gases in the air adversely affect growth and are practically fatal to them.

IN vivo Norway spruce (Picea abies) is very easy to change, thanks to which a huge number of varieties have been bred. The most common are these varieties:

  • . It has the shape of an irregular cone or bush. The size and shape depend on the conditions in which Acrocona grows. Under favorable conditions, it can grow up to three meters in height and four in width. However, the usual size for a ten-year-old spruce is 1.5 meters. Young needles are light green and darken with age. Young bright red cones, growing profusely at the ends of the shoots, turn bright burgundy in spring. Thanks to this decoration, Acrocon belongs to decorative types, fits perfectly into group plantings and looks good alone. Winter-hardy species that feels great in the shade. Dry salty soil and stagnant water in the soil are not suitable.
  • . It has a dense crown formed by strong branches growing vertically. The needles are saturated green, the buds are large. Small fir trees are spherical in shape, stretch out over time and become oval. When growing on the site, it is recommended to occasionally trim to get the desired shape. Perfectly fits into compositions.
  • Wills Zwerg (Will's Zwerg). Narrow-conical dwarf variety with a dense crown. The height of an adult tree is 2 meters, the diameter is 1 meter. The needles are light green with a yellowish tinge.
  • . These spruces are traditionally grown with a "weeping" crown, for which the trunk is attached to a support at the beginning of growth. Grows up to 6-7 meters in height with a needle diameter of 2 meters. If you do not take care of the Inverse, it will not grow above 50 cm and will spread strongly along the ground, growing by 25-40 cm per year. Due to its unusual shape, it can become original decoration.
  • . If you are thinking about which spruce to choose, pay attention to Maxwelly. This is a dwarf species maximum height which is 2 meters. The crown is spherical or cushion-shaped with yellowish-green needles. The width of the crown of an adult tree is 2 meters. It tolerates shade and harsh winters well.
  • . dwarf spruce, whose height in adult form does not exceed one meter with a crown diameter of two meters. The shape of the crown is nest-like. Does not like waterlogging, resistant to frost. Young trees need to be covered.
  • . A slow-growing spruce that reaches 6 meters in height and 3 meters in diameter when mature. The crown is dense, spherical or wide-conical. Young bright red cones become reddish-brown by the end of ripening. It does not tolerate both dry soil and stagnant moisture. Does well in acidic and alkaline soils. It tolerates shade and frost very well. Before choosing this spruce for giving, you need to consider that it can over time obscure the site.
  • . dwarf variety growing up to 1-1.5 meters. The diameter of the wide-conical crown is 1.5 meters. Feels great in the sun, in partial shade, the soil is not demanding. The crown almost does not need additional care and pruning.
  • . It has an elongated shape and grows in a horizontal plane, due to which it forms a natural dense coating. In order for this spruce to grow vertically, during its growth it is necessary to form a trunk and tie it to a support. Thus, you can get a "weeping" spruce with thick fluffy needles. Formanki can be used as indoor spruce. Ideal to decorate the area with outdoor terrace.
  • . It is distinguished by a spherical crown of dense structure with small bluish-green needles. It grows for a long time, so it does not need frequent pruning. Small dimensions allow the use of such spruce on small areas in group or single landings.
  • All these types of common spruce are quite unpretentious and grow in almost any climatic conditions.

    Important! Young spruces in hot summers need weekly watering (12 liters under a tree) and loosening the soil.

    Another name for this beauty - Caucasian spruce (Picea orientalis). In nature, it grows up to 50-65 meters in height, while having a crown with a diameter of 22 meters. The shape of the crown is pyramidal, with hanging branches of a beautiful brown hue.

    Young Christmas trees are light brown (sometimes reddish) in color, slightly pubescent, shiny. At the top of the young, droplets of resin stand out. The needles are slightly flattened and bent upwards, due to which they are not prickly. The needles are hard, dense, golden at first and dark green at maturity. A distinctive feature - the needles seem to be varnished.

    The color of mature buds can vary from reddish to purple-purple. Grow at the ends of shoots in the upper part of the crown.

    Important! The growth of eastern spruce does not tolerate direct sunlight at all. This species can grow on thin soils, but is sensitive to dry winds and drought.

    In landscape design, it is used in group plantings, but it looks more impressive alone.

    Prickly spruce (blue)

    The Latin name for this species is Picea pungens. Frost, wind and drought resistant. It tolerates gas contamination better than other species and differs long duration life (almost half a century).

    Prickly spruce belongs to the pine family, the genus of spruce has more than a dozen varieties, the appearance of which always arouses admiration. This is a slender, large (up to 40 m high and 3 m wide) tree, which is considered to be native to North America. The cones of this species are light brown, ripen in September and decorate the Christmas tree until spring.

    Decorative forms of needles can have yellow, blue and gray shades - it all depends on the thickness of the wax coating. With the onset of winter, the plaque disappears, and the needles turn dark green.

    Blue spruce is rich in luxurious ornamental varieties. For cultivation and design are good:

    All these varieties of ornamental spruce fit perfectly into the design of the site and do not require special care.

    Spruce black

    This coniferous tree grows up to 20-30 meters in height, has a narrow conical crown shape. The branches of mature trees tend to the ground.

    Young shoots are red-brown with a dense glandular, reddish edge. The needles are tetrahedral, prickly. Mature cones are ovoid (sometimes spherical) in shape. Color is purplish brown.

    It is frost-resistant, well tolerates shading, unpretentious to the quality of the soil. In dry periods, it needs additional watering.

    Did you know? IN wild nature black spruce grows in North America. It has been cultivated in Europe since 1700, and in Russia it has been cultivated since the middle of the 19th century.

    This type of Christmas tree grows slowly even in favorable conditions, which allows it to be used in small areas.

    If you want to choose spruce for the site, pay attention to the following varieties and types:

    Designers recommend the following varieties of black spruce for the garden:

    Did you know? The Latin name for spruce, Picea, comes from the ancient Roman Pix, which means "resin". These forest evergreen beauties have been known for thousands of years and are long-lived - they can live up to 300 years.

    Serbian spruce (Balkan)

    No matter how many species of spruce exist in nature, the most slender is considered Serbian spruce. In the wild, it is rare and is grown mainly artificially. Distinctive feature of this species is a low-pubescent narrow cone-shaped crown. Traditionally used in New Year's celebrations.