Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Style and choice of building materials. How to choose quality building materials

If you are buying building materials for the first time, you will need a small cheat sheet with questions for sellers. By asking them, you can find out whether certain products are suitable for you. We have collected 8 basic questions for purchasing cement, lumber and blocks.

How to buy cement

Question 1: What brand of cement is this?

The strange numbers and letters that indicate cement contain very important information: what load can the hardened solution withstand and what is the proportion of various additives in it. Be careful and always pay attention to the cement markings.

The first part of the marking is the letters “PC” (sometimes they write “M” instead - don’t be surprised) with a numerical designation. The numbers represent maximum load which 1 cubic centimeter can withstand: for example, PC 400 means that 1 cm of this cement will withstand 400 kg. In general different types cement can withstand from 300 to 600 kg of load per 1 cubic centimeter.

The second part consists of the letter “D” and the number 0 or 20 (the most common options). “D” stands for “supplements.” This refers to special mineral substances that are added to some types of cement to improve its qualities. This improved cement may cure faster, be stronger, or have other attractive properties. Cement marked “D 0” does not contain mineral additives; in “D 20” their mass fraction can be up to 20% of total weight dry mixture.

If there is an “H” after the marking, you can rejoice: this means that the clinker crumbs in the mixture are standardized, and therefore have constant, clear characteristics. Standardized mixtures are quite rare. “B” - designation of quick-hardening cement.

Question 2: Can you show the cement quality certificate?

The certificate is the key to your peace of mind. The problem is created by unscrupulous manufacturers and packers, adding to cement mixture fine gray sand. As a result, the quality of the solution suffers greatly. In particular bad cases the cement may not harden even after the required 28 days.

What not to ask

Is this pure cement?

Does this cement contain any slag?

Cement cannot be “pure” by definition: it is a complex mixture of clinker with ash, sometimes with special plasticizers and other substances. It is impossible to find cement without them - it simply does not exist. However, you can try asking these questions to see if the seller is taking you for a fool. If you get a confident “yes,” feel free to turn around and go in search of a more conscientious seller.

How to buy lumber

Question 3: What parts of the log are the boards made from?

When you cut a tree trunk, it produces several boards. The outermost ones retain a natural semicircular bend and bark on one side. This board is called a slab because of its “humpbacked” edge. It can only be used for rough work that does not require particularly strength.

The next layer of the trunk goes on the side boards. They are more durable than slabs, but are still not suitable for use in slabs and load-bearing structures. But beautiful location wood fibers allows the use of side boards for finishing rooms.

Center and core boards are the strongest. They can be used to make floors between floors or be used in the construction load-bearing walls. They withstand heavy loads well and do not deform over time.

The strongest boards are obtained by cutting wood radially (from the center to the edges). They can be used not only in construction, but also for making furniture. Such boards are very expensive due to large quantity waste during production.

Question 4: What is the moisture content of the board or timber?

Wood is one of the most reliable building materials, but it can play a cruel joke on you: if the humidity is too high or too low, the boards and beams will bend. To prevent this from happening, be sure to check the moisture content of the lumber before purchasing it.

The moisture of the board, which goes to the handrails, external and interior lining walls, platbands, should be equal to 9-15%. The best option is in the middle - 12%. Floor beams have different moisture requirements. Solid wood may be more humid, up to 20%. If laminated wood is used, the permissible humidity is the same 9-15% as for cladding boards.

If you are offered boards or timber that are too wet, but you are sure that the rest of their quality suits you, the lumber can be dried after purchase. However, be careful: if it is dried incorrectly or over-dried, the wood begins to deform and become covered with cracks.

Question 5: Is this solid or laminated timber?

Solid timber is made from a tree trunk and is essentially a very thick board. Just like a board, a beam can be made from a certain part of the trunk, located closer to the edge or center. The closer to the center the section of wood for this beam was located, the greater strength it has. Main disadvantage solid timber - if it gets too dry, it can curl up like a screw.

Laminated timber consists of many boards different widths and thickness. They are connected using special adhesive compositions, which do not highlight harmful substances into the air and are absolutely safe for humans. Glued laminated timber is stronger than solid timber. It is also more resistant to some changes in temperature and humidity and usually does not warp.

How to buy bricks and building blocks

Question 6: What is the frost resistance of a brick or building block?

Frost resistance is indicated by the letter F with the corresponding numerical value. This number represents the number of freeze and defrost cycles that a brick or building block can withstand without any modifications (including external ones). Considering the characteristics of Belarusian winters with numerous rounds of frost and thaw, it makes no sense to purchase bricks with frost resistance below F 30. The best option is F 50 and higher.

Question 7: Do you have a wall or partition block in front of you?

Gas-silicate, expanded clay and other building blocks can be used for walls and partitions. The former are used for the construction of load-bearing and external walls. They are characterized by great thickness and frost resistance. Partition blocks are used to internally delimit space. Thanks to their smaller thickness, they save space. Sometimes they are used for outdoor work - for example, to create fences.

Question 8: Is this a construction or facing brick?

Building bricks often have an inexpressive or not particularly attractive texture, but they are distinguished by great strength and excellent thermal insulation - necessary qualities for the walls of a house. Facing brick - mainly decorative material. Its main purpose is to create a beautiful facade of the house. However facing brick still retains most properties of its construction type: external brickwork at the same time it is a good insulator.

Use building brick for cladding - not the best good idea. Firstly, its surface is not so beautiful. Secondly, the facing brick has a special treatment, thanks to which it is not afraid of sun rays, rain and other influences environment. Because of them, the building brick will not collapse, but will significantly lose its appearance.

Armed with these questions, you will feel more confident in talking with your counselor. Of course, they will not give you a complete picture of all the properties of cement, brick or timber, but the answers to these questions are enough for you to understand whether a particular product is suitable for you.

Let's give practical advice for the purchase of environmentally and hygienically harmless building materials.

Having started redecorating home, it is necessary to pay attention not only to practical and decorative properties building materials, but also their safety (environmentally friendly).

Inexpensive finishing materials that emit toxic substances are not recommended for use in residential premises.

They can cause headaches, nausea, various types allergic reactions, as well as a significant deterioration in general health.

What building materials are environmentally friendly?

Safety criteria are primarily met by natural materials - stone and, of course, wood.

In addition, they contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate, as they have the ability to maintain optimal humidity and temperature.

However, along with the advantages, natural materials also have disadvantages.

For example, wood has low fire resistance, and stone is heavy, which makes it an unsuitable material for the construction of multi-story buildings.

Often optimal choice- This artificial materials, created on the basis of natural materials, such as: , glass, .

If we talk about unsafe building materials that emit toxic substances during operation, the black list is headed by inexpensive paints, as well as low-quality varnishes and mastics, the composition of which is characterized by the presence of copper, lead, and narcotic compounds - cresol, toluene and xylene.

No less dangerous to health are:

  1. polyurethane-based thermal insulation boards;
  2. foams containing styrene and provoking the development of myocardial infarction;
  3. extruded polystyrene, expanded polystyrene - in order to reduce their flammability, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), which the European Chemicals Agency included in the list of the most toxic chemicals, is used.

Popular foods can potentially cause harm to health decorative coverings based on PVC (polyvinyl chloride): vinyl wallpapers, decorative film and linoleum.

What to look for when purchasing building materials?

Many articles about different materials you will find on our website - use the menu to find the information you need.

This knowledge will allow you to find mutual language with the seller, and also purchase the most suitable products.

Directly in the store you need to consider the following:

1. Products must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate

To ensure the safety of the product, ask the seller to show a health certificate. This document confirms that the material has undergone special testing and does not pose a threat to human health.

Pay special attention to products containing chemical additives or waste from various industries, for example, textile or chemical.

This group includes fiberboard, chipboard and various polymer products.

2. The material should not have a pronounced specific odor

If the product has a persistent “chemical” smell, it is better to refuse to purchase it.

Firstly, there is a high probability that it will release toxic substances.

Secondly, bad smell negatively affect the comfort of your home.


Paper, textile and plant wallpapers (made from bamboo, reed, jute fibers) are highly environmentally friendly - their composition is dominated by natural ingredients that are safe and have good breathability.

Wallpaper from Eco Tapeter and AS Creation have excellent properties.

Vinyl wallpaper is based on PVC, so it is recommended only for the kitchen or hallway.


Stone wool - has optimal practical characteristics and good environmental friendliness, which is why it is recommended for use in residential premises.

High-quality products are produced by the international concern ROCKWOOL.

Glass wool is fragile, so its use is impractical.

Expanded clay is environmentally friendly, but due to its low efficiency and complex installation not applicable for interior work.

Polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are durable materials that are low in cost, but due to low air permeability they contribute to the formation of condensation on the walls.

When burned, they release harmful substances.

Floor coverings

Parquet - environmentally friendly, durable coating, but it is very important to choose a safe varnish. Can be laid in any room, including a child's room.

Cork covering- durable, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.

Can be used for finishing floors in children's and bedrooms. Meister products are popular.

Carpet is an environmentally friendly and safe covering. However, if anyone in the family suffers from allergic diseases, it should be used with caution: mites can live in the carpet fibers.

Ceramic tile- reliable, environmentally friendly coating, but used only in the kitchen or bathroom.

Harmful compounds can be released from the laminate and, in to a greater extent, linoleum, so it is advisable to use these floorings only in the bathroom or hallway.

To choose the right building materials, you need to understand at least a little about their production. To do this, it is worth asking what modern materials are the most popular today, and which modern technologies used for their production.

Try to get acquainted with the estimate of all the building materials that will be needed to build your house, starting from the foundation itself and ending with the roof. Once you start studying them, you will soon be able to figure out for yourself what you will buy on your own, what you need to purchase with the help of specialists, and for what it is best to contact an online building materials store.

The materials required for the foundation, such as concrete mortar, reinforcement, crushed stone and sand, are always marked and therefore you just have to select them by calling the suppliers by phone. Choose a supplier of building materials with the most reasonable prices and the most favorable delivery terms. In the same way, select and buy materials for walls, floors and ceilings: brick, porcelain stoneware, aerated concrete blocks, drywall, laminate, reinforcing mesh and other materials. But the choice of lumber should be entrusted to specialists who have experience working with them. Wood materials, such as logs, beams, wooden lining, require careful selection so that there is truly high-quality lumber without any special defects. Roofing material should be chosen based on the principle that the price must correspond to its quality.

Entrust the purchase of pipeline fittings for laying communication networks to plumbers, having previously discussed the project, installation of networks, place of purchase and the possibility of providing discounts. Electrical equipment should be purchased after consulting and discussing all details with the builders.

Materials representing dry mixtures and used for interior decoration, such as plaster, putty, primer, you should entrust purchasing to specialists who understand their quality or do it yourself, after consulting with them first. It is better to buy them in specialized large construction stores, in which there is a rapid turnover of building materials, which means that you will not come across expired products. The shelf life of a product directly affects its quality. The purchase should be carried out in parts as they are produced, determining their consumption and calculating their quantity. Window designs and parquet is best purchased from their suppliers and dealers.

Here's a choice paint coatings and materials may cause difficulties. For today great amount sentences can confuse anyone. Therefore, discuss all the details of the purchase with professionals who will not only purchase these materials, but will also carry out the painting.

Catalogs on the websites of online building materials stores will help you choose building materials.

From quality finishing material a lot depends, for example, how long the coating will last and how hygienic it will be. Wherein performance characteristics the material must fully comply with the functional purpose of the room in which it will be used. For example, in living rooms It is advisable to apply to the surface of the ceiling and walls only paper wallpaper . Film or film are not suitable for this purpose. roll materials, because they do not absorb moisture and do not allow air to pass through. In turn, this can cause a violation of the humidity regime in the room. Also, similar ones should not be used when arranging kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

To decorate the walls in the hallway, it is best to use moisture-resistant film. Great option may become baseless self-adhesive films, fabric films, linkrust or vinyl. For finishing the walls of the bathroom, as well as other rooms characterized by increased humidity conditions, you should use only appropriate moisture-resistant materials, for example, oilcloth, baseless film or fabric-based film. Films consisting of paper based. As for the toilet and kitchen areas, it is recommended to cover them with film or roll materials, with the exception of linkrust.

In the selection process, patterns, texture and color of products play an important role. They can influence the perception of the room, as well as create the necessary comfort in the home.

Based on the purpose of the room, it is necessary to select the color of the materials. Brown wallpaper is more suitable for work rooms. For bedrooms it is best to use blue tones.

The design of film materials and wallpaper also plays an important role. For visual expansion premises should be used when decorating the premises with wallpaper that has small drawing. The height of the room can be increased by using vertically arranged patterns.

In the process of finishing large premises Sometimes you can use a layout of wallpaper that differs in texture and color. This approach will require preliminary marking of all surfaces in the room, as well as cutting out shaped pieces from the wallpaper according to templates.
Wallpaper for residential premises should be selected based on the type of furniture available. If the room is located light furniture, then you should choose lighter or, conversely, darker wallpaper so that it forms the background.

It is worth noting that roll materials, having a textured or film surface, visually reduce the internal space. In addition, color various wallpapers may look different in a room with both artificial and daylight. It is worth taking this into account when arranging your interior design.

The interaction of different building materials is something that needs to be taken into account. Sometimes even the most original ideas do not have a worthy embodiment due to the appearance of inappropriate contrasts.

To avoid such mistakes, let's look at what characterizes each such combination.

Concrete + wood

The interrelation of these elements forms a clear interior based on contrasts of opposites. Grayness and coldness - the emotions that concrete carries, are completely dissolved in the warmth and homeliness created by wood. Any decorative and interior items installed inside such a room have a special accent that everyone will like.

The slightly rough surface of concrete looks great in the context of a smooth ceiling made of wood. Such a design move creates special atmosphere allowing you to achieve the highest degree of calm and peace of mind.

Using wood as the main material for the ceiling covering, the variety of which is distinguished by a light shade, allows you to relax while taking a bath and completely forget about the abundance of stone that surrounds you. It is this combination of colors in the interior that has the most positive effect.

A distinctive feature of such an interior is that specific planes are decorated using the same materials. That is, if these are walls, then they are made of concrete, if this is a ceiling, then wood is used accordingly.

One could go even further and do wooden floor, and also use this material to decorate other elements of the interior decoration, which are located in the horizontal plane. But the designers decided to limit themselves to a small percentage of visual load.

The reason for the visual effect. Concrete has a neutral color that goes very well with brown shades natural materials. Well, don’t forget about the emotional interaction that occurs as a result of using these names.

Steel + wood

Steel, along with concrete, is the main building material of our time. With the participation of these names, not a single event aimed at building various buildings and structures.

Therefore, it is not surprising that these two elements have similar characteristics, both physical and emotional. Just like concrete, steel lacks visual warmth and warmth.

Therefore, it is no wonder that in this case, when forming various options In interior decoration, wood comes to the rescue. All the same functions, in the form of giving comfort and a positive atmosphere, are required from wood in this case.

Except aesthetic properties wooden elements in this case provide high level practical side. Being a poor conductor of heat, wood interacts well with steel as an excellent insulating material allowing you to maintain optimal temperature conditions.

Also, insulation, which includes natural elements, can independently maintain a comfortable level of humidity, which eliminates the possibility of corrosion on metal products.

Here you can see an excellent combination of steel, in the form metal frame, supporting the upper tier of the building and the roof itself, as well as the wood that was used to cover this luxurious dome.

Wooden elements, unlike metal ones, have some limitations in size, so in this case we used original technique, which created the appearance of layering of planks.

Thanks to this, the resulting image turned out to be even more voluminous and bewitching, while maintaining the effect of the grandeur of the metal and the warmth of natural materials.

The reason for the visual effect. An excellent combination of strict lines and correct forms, the source of which is steel, with the somewhat rough and warm surface of wood. The formed image absorbs all these characteristics, which has a positive effect on its visual perception.

Glass + bright colors

Availability of transparent glass elements, having dimensions from the floor and ceiling, allows you to competently redistribute attention in the conditions of the existing corridor.

In this situation bright hues can peacefully coexist with the brighter shades with which the staircase is decorated. The screen, made of glass, in this case performs a dual function. It simultaneously separates and connects two components of one space.

Let's imagine this interior without a glass screen. A cacophony of colors that generates a strong visual load is what will necessarily accompany small rooms, which is the presented zone.

It is unlikely that you will feel at least a little comfortable in such conditions. Decorating everything in a single neutral light is, of course, a way out, but it will not bring the desired result that can be compared with the existing image.

The reason for the visual effect. Glass smoothes out any interactions between elements decorated in different color scheme. Plus, this material itself has the ability to give the room special style and a certain charm.

White color + white color

White color It is used everywhere in the interior. The reason for this phenomenon is the ability of such a design to convey a feeling of spiritual purity and expand the visual space of any room. Let's take a closer look at the properties of this technique using a specific example.

Light and shine are the main stylistic components of the design of this bathroom. The dynamics of the radiance of all the elements used, which fascinate and attract attention from the first seconds, are based on the alternation of materials with different surface textures.

Matte, mirror or chrome - all these are descriptions of objects that make up the image of the presented interior decoration. Therefore, it is not surprising that every person who finds himself in such a room feels quite comfortable, without fear of slipping or accidentally staining something from the surrounding idyll.

Any light that enters here is reflected many times from the white surface, creating the illusion of a huge space. By the way, such a technique is well suited for those for whom such a topic as the interior of a small bathroom has become a real punishment.

Any element of the design of this bathroom, despite certain differences in design, is in principle neutral and does not draw unnecessary attention to itself.

This background, resulting from the use of exclusively white components, is ideal for small color accents. The red flower located on the shelf in this case is like an explosion that completely changes the idea of ​​the formed image.

That is, you can always change the direction of the design with the help of small additions, the role of which can be played not only by flowers, but also by various accessories, as well as bright decor.

The reason for the visual effect. White color is a classic. In addition, it perfectly emphasizes the beauty of brighter elements.

White color + wood

This combination allows you to use a small amount of wood. Even a few natural elements are enough to revive the entire image, giving it life and special comfort.

A flight of stairs, made exclusively in white, creates the illusion that the steps are floating in the air and lead not to the top floor, but to the realm of unearthly light and the brightest emotions.

With this combination of colors, only a few wooden spans are enough, the rest can be made from more cheap material. This is very relevant in cases where family budget is not limitless.

A staircase that has an open design, where the function of steps is performed by small ones, looks very original. wooden boards. This approach allows you to maintain the seriousness of the style of the formed interior and at the same time harmoniously weave in emotional touches home comfort, which, you see, is very important for a living space.

The reason for the visual effect. White color in the interior guarantees internal space the presence of an element of lightness and airiness, which is in no way affected by wood, which brings exceptionally warm emotional touches.

Black + white

An interior in black and white is a classic, and images created through the use of this stylistic technique are guaranteed to be successful.

This style is able to hide any shortcomings of the room, is suitable for any scale, and creates a special mood where the feeling prevails. exquisite style, unique charm, and a correct, and most importantly, healthy attitude towards your person.

In this case, in addition to color palette, the materials that were used in interior design deserve attention. Steel and glass are the names of the elements that formed the basis of such design components as stairs and stylish furniture.

Due to the presence of this factor, interior decoration the premises acquired cosmic shades, which allows us to classify the image as ultra-modern and very original.

The reason for the visual effect. Everything here is like in black and white photographs, which, despite the subtleties of their thematic content, arouse keen interest among any public.

Brick + steel

Brick, as a building material, has been used by humans for several hundred and even thousands of years. Steel, as a highly functional metal alloy, was invented relatively recently.

That is why the combination of these elements in the construction industry almost always results in the creation of amazing designs.

The brickwork of the facade gives the entire building a somewhat vintage look, which makes the use of the metal from which the frames are made window frames and garage doors, somewhat unusual.

But despite everything, all these actions are quite relevant, and the resulting image was not only able to preserve a piece of history in its appearance, but also acquired new memorable modern stylistic touches.

The reason for the visual effect. Smooth mirror surfaces The steel harmonizes perfectly with the heterogeneity of the bricks that were used during the construction of the building.

Wood + stone

The combination of these natural materials in any case leads to excellent result, and the interior, in the creation of which a similar design move was used, is simply doomed to success.

In this case, the stone plays the role of a kind of stylistic anchor on which the entire design of this room is based. Choosing a relief structure stone wall allowed to provide interesting game chiaroscuro, the effect of which everyone can enjoy. Wooden steps perfectly complement the design of the staircase, making the interior decoration harmonious and visually attractive.

The combination of stone and wood in this case creates a magnificent image that has its own stylistic philosophy. It’s simply incredible how two materials that are different in all respects can complement each other, showing an example of incredible harmony, which has a special effect on the existing atmosphere, filling it with sacred meaning.

White marble surface, framed wooden elements, which were used to decorate the walls, represents a kind of altar, which you can admire for a very long time.

The reason for the visual effect. These natural elements perfectly complement each other due to the fusion of completely different emotional components.