Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Wooden porch with a canopy: step-by-step construction with your own hands. Do-it-yourself wooden porch step by step: calculation, choice of design, construction Wooden porch in a private house

A porch is an integral attribute of any home, both private and multi-apartment. The main purpose of this extension is to provide a convenient approach to the door and protect those entering from bad weather. In addition, while we climb onto the porch, most of the street dirt or snow falls off our shoes.

These buildings received this name for their design: first, a frame of timber is erected, and the frame is already attached to it. The next photo shows a classic example of such a porch to a wooden house, although not the simplest one. Quantity support pillars, frame boards and stringers may vary depending on the size of the building. In addition, there are many variations of canopies and roofs for porches.

Dimensions, structure and finishing of the porch wooden house can be anything, it all depends on your desire and technical features main building

And speaking of different quantities support pillars at the porches. Most often they are made from two pieces, but there are models on one pole. The pressure here is partially transferred to the wall of the house, to which the porch platform is attached, as well as one of the stringers. This the old way buildings, today it is hardly used. Wooden porch, with the photo below - exactly this, rare, on one support.

Beautiful carved wooden porch, with one support

And the next photo is an ordinary wooden porch, on four supports, open. The technique of its construction is the most elementary, requiring a minimum of time and financial costs. At the end of this article you will learn how to build a wooden porch with your own hands.

Wooden porch of a private house. Photo of frame structure

Log porch

A log porch is much less common than a frame porch. This is due to the difficulty of working with the main building material – logs. Thus, creating a porch from timber with your own hands, and in particular the joints of logs - locks, requires the builder to have certain skills in carpentry. Plus, a rounded log in the first store you come across building materials you won't buy it.

Despite all its complexity in construction, a porch made of timber (150x150) and steps made of half-logs can become a real decoration of the house. As a rule, it is not built simply, but with a good-quality roof made in the same style. It is also worth saying that such buildings are traditionally coated only with varnish, and almost never with oil and other paints that cover the texture. The wooden porch, the photo of which you see, is assembled from rounded logs.

Types of the porch of a wooden house. Photo of a log structure

The log porch in the photo above was added to the house after it was built. But the next option, as a rule, is designed simultaneously with the entire building, and is erected under the same roof with it. This extension is close in area even to the veranda, while the first photo is by and large just a staircase and a small platform in front of the door.

Closed porch of a wooden house. Photo of an extension made from logs

Calculations required to build a wooden porch

You can easily design a wooden porch yourself. You will not need any special knowledge of geometry and construction, just a small amount of free time. Next, we will present the basic calculations and construction nuances that you may need.

Sizes and shape of the site

You can choose the shape and size of the platform that you like and will be comfortable. The main thing is that the width of the structure is no less than 90 cm. If it is smaller, then inconvenience may arise when opening the door outward. Also, if the platform will pass under the window of the house, it should end at least 20 cm beyond the border of the window frame.

The height of the porch platform is determined by the height of the threshold front door: measure from the ground to the upper limit of the threshold and subtract 3-5 cm. This is especially critical if the front door opens outward, since in winter, due to the formation of ice or snow deposits on the site, problems with opening it may arise.

A few words about ice: the platform itself should be made with a slight slope outward, 1-1.5 degrees. When walking, such a slope will not be noticeable, but it will ensure the outflow of rainwater and other water that will reduce the formation of ice on the wooden surface.

We calculate stringers and steps

Counting the height and number of steps. As a rule, risers are made about 18 cm high, so to start calculating we take this figure. We divide the height of the platform by 18, the resulting number is the number of steps. If the output is a fraction, then round it up. For example: 150:18=8.33 pcs. We round 8.33 to 8, count: 150:8 = 18.75 cm. So we got 8 steps with a height of 18.75 cm.

You can calculate the length of the stringers in the following way: a 2 +b 2 √22.65. Here a is the height of the porch platform, b is the distance from the lower support to the front landing beam. The width of the stringer is the height of the riser multiplied by two. The figure is rounded only to big side. Based on these calculations, you can draw up a project for the porch of a wooden house.

How to make a wooden porch: we take the necessary measurements

Important: if you are designing a porch on two sides, then the calculations of the stringers are made twice, with the measurements repeated on both sides. The height of the platform may not be the same, and a stringer prepared according to measurements on one side may not be suitable for installation on the other side.

We build a frame porch with our own hands

It starts with a sketch, from which a drawing is already made. After this, you need to make an estimate for the materials and tools that will be needed. Everyone’s drawings and estimates will be different, so the exact dimensions will not be given here, we will only give general description works It is better to choose lumber from larch or other durable wood.

Installation of support piles for a wooden porch

First we need to install the support piles. We will make them from wood, but it will quickly rot in the ground, so in order for our porch to last longer, we will do the following: we will concrete it in the ground iron pipes, into which wooden posts will then be inserted. Preparing materials and tools:

  • Sand-concrete mixture.
  • Pieces of pipes 70 cm long and of such a diameter that the piles fit tightly into them.
  • Hand drill.
  • Cellophane.

We make six holes in the ground with a drill, 50 cm deep: four for the supports of the porch itself and two for the lower supports of the stringers. We install it inside the pipe. We level them using a level and fix them in the desired position with several boards. Fill the holes in the ground with concrete, cover the top with cellophane and leave until the mixture hardens completely. The principle of pipe installation is visible in the picture below.

We make a porch for a summer house from wood or a country house: concreting pipes in the ground for support pillars

After the concrete in the pits has hardened well, you can begin installing the support pillars. We drive them into the pipes; if necessary, we trim the tree a little on the sides. For a tighter installation, we tap the pillars on top with a mallet, then check everything with a level. We fix the piles in the pipes very tightly, they should not “walk” even a millimeter.

DIY porch made of wood. We install platform supports and stringers in concreted pipes

Framing piles and assembling a flight of stairs

For this stage of work we will need:

  • Beam with a cross section of 15 cm.
  • Construction staples.
  • Two stringers.
  • Treads and risers.
  • Pins or anchors.
  • Boards for flooring.

On one of the beams, which will serve as a platform beam, we make cuts for attaching stringers. Next, we tie the previously installed piles. We fasten using construction staples. Then we connect two supports for stringers with a piece of timber.

Now let's start assembling the flight of stairs. We install the stringers in place, fasten them with anchors or dowels to the upper and lower supports. We fasten the risers, and then step onto the stringers using self-tapping screws. Next we lay it on the harness flooring. Bottom part the porch can be covered with boards to hide the support posts. In case you plan to use the space under the porch in some way, you can think about installing a simple door there.

The wooden porch is almost completed. All that remains is to install the landing fencing and the staircase railings

Installation of railings and canopy

Now we need to build the porch platforms. If the building is intended to be open and will have an independent structure, then we install six supporting balusters 80-90 cm high. Two supports on the sides of the lower step and four at the corners of the porch area. Intermediate balusters are mounted between them, and railings are installed on top.

Whether the house is made of wood or stone is at your discretion. For example, a fence with balusters can be replaced by its simplest version, with smooth wooden slats. It all depends on your skill and desire.

Important: You can build a wooden porch only from well-dried boards. Raw wood may subsequently “sink”, and the building will be skewed. Correcting such a flaw will be quite difficult, up to a complete redesign of the structure.

DIY wooden porch. Photo of the finished building

If the roof over the wooden porch is of a dependent type, then we replace the two front support balusters with support pillars. The second side of the visor will lie on support beam(10 x 3 cm), which is attached to the wall using anchors.

Then everything is simple: we install the rafters on the supports, lay the sheathing of boards on them. If the porch is to be made closed in the future, then we first lay a moisture-proof membrane on the sheathing. If not, we immediately begin installing the roofing material.

Important: After finishing the construction of the porch, before covering it with varnish or paint, you must treat the wood with an antiseptic composition. This way you will protect the building from atmospheric influences and damage by fungi and rot, which means you will significantly extend its service life.

The diagram shows how to correctly build a canopy: the rafters rest on one beam attached to the wall with one edge, and on the other vertical supports

Any happy owner of a country plot rejoices at the opportunity to relax from the bustle of the city in nature. For creating comfortable conditions existence, you need a beautiful, warm, spacious house, bathhouse, and outbuildings.

There is no way to get by without building a structure. It largely depends on how the entrance group is designed. appearance buildings. Let's look at what the porches of houses can be like, what they can be built from, and we'll also look at how to make a porch at the dacha with your own hands.

Finished construction

For almost all buildings, the entrance door of which rises above the surface of the ground, a porch in front of it is a mandatory attribute. It should perform two functions: decorative ̶ to be a decoration of the facade and practical ̶ to ensure comfortable and safe movement, as well as protect the entrance group from the influence of unfavorable external factors.


  1. Ladder. This is the main element of the porch structure.

Requirements for stairs and their components are prescribed in SNiP 31-02-2001 “Single-apartment residential houses”, GOST 8717-2016 “Concrete and reinforced concrete steps”, SNiP II-25-80 “Wooden structures”, GOST 23120-2016 “Flying stairs and steel fences”.

IN individual buildings It is allowed to deviate from current standards. When arranging them, owners can focus on their own taste and ease of use for family members and guests.

The parameters of the staircase elements that allow you to move comfortably along it are as follows:

  • Staircase width: at least 90 cm.
  • Step depth: 25-33 cm.
  • Riser height: 15-20 cm.
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs should not exceed 45 degrees.
  1. Area.

The platform should be 5 cm below the edge of the entrance door. Its dimensions for convenient opening of the door: length of at least 1 m, width - one and a half times the width of the door leaf.

  1. Canopy or roof.

The canopy must withstand wind and snow loads, protect people and the entrance group from precipitation and scorching rays of the sun.

  1. Walling.

Fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails at a height of at least 0.9 m, and withstand loads of 0.3 kN/m. When installing baluster posts, it is recommended to leave a distance of no more than 20 cm between them, and if there are small children, no more than 15 cm.

There are many manufacturing options, but a staircase, even if it consists of two or three steps, and a small platform must be present.

The main elements of the porch structure are shown in the photo:



Let's look at the various options.

Designs can be classified according to the following criteria:

Example of a structure

  1. On the construction of the foundation. The building can be built on a common foundation with the building or be an extension on a separate one.

Building on a separate foundation

  1. According to the shape of the structure.

There are a huge variety of types: from simple, rectangular or semicircular, to the most complex, sometimes even bizarre shapes.

  1. By operating time. The structure can be built temporarily, for ease of climbing into a building under construction, or as a durable structure.

Temporary structure

  1. By organizing the entrance into the building, structures can be made with one or two lateral lifts.

But the most popular options are those with a front entrance to the house.

Straight lift option

  1. According to the degree of security of the area in front of the door. Buildings can be equipped with canopies, fences, and have completely blank or only partially closed walls.

Fully closed type

The choice of design is often determined by the financial capabilities of the owners, the requirements for the porch structure (to provide protection from falls, bad weather, prying eyes).

Open with canopy

The platform can be used not only as an entrance to the building, but also to create additional recreation areas. If size allows, the building can be turned into a cozy terrace or veranda for organizing gatherings with family or friends.

Terrace option

By equipping the terrace with wicker furniture and decorating it with decorative elements: curtains, flowers, lanterns, you can completely transform the appearance of the building.

  1. By the look of the stairs. It can be monolithic or arranged on guides (stringers and bowstrings).

These elements can be replaced by a frame or cast reinforced concrete structure.

  1. According to the material from which the structure is made.

The construction of the building must be in harmony with the architectural style of the entire building. You can immediately select suitable materials and not use cladding, or first complete the base structure, which is then finished in accordance with overall design facade.

Materials for porch structures

Here are the materials most used by builders for stairs:

  • Tree. This material is still one of the most popular for country houses. His big advantage consists of accessibility, aesthetics and the ability to make a porch yourself.

Wooden type

Wooden structure, perfect would be better suited for a building also made of wood.

Important! Special attention Care should be taken to carefully treat the wood from fire, moisture and insect damage.

  • Metal. A structure made from this material has many significant advantages. Structures made from it are strong and durable, but do not forget about periodic treatment against corrosion.

This type can be ordered from the manufacturer, however, if you have any idea about the work welding machine, then it is quite possible to build a simple structure with your own hands. Without finishing, metal does not look very attractive.

Wood, WPC, and various types of tiles are often used for cladding. Forged elements add a special charm.

Application of metal

  • Brick. Another type of material, the use of which will ensure the durability of the extension to the house. If you have any idea about brickwork, it’s quite easy to build a beautiful brick structure with your own hands at the dacha.

Application of bricks

A brick structure will look ideal on the facade of a building lined with bricks or blocks. A very interesting option would be to move away from straight lines in the form of steps.

  • Blocks. Blocks of various types are less commonly used in the construction of porches, but this option also has a right to exist.

application of blocks

The porch, built from blocks (like the whole house), needs to be finished due to its not very attractive appearance.

  • Concrete. Concrete building Made using technology, it will last a long time. It is durable, safe, and not susceptible to weather disasters. The appearance of such structures, of course, leaves much to be desired, but when used facing materials you can get a real work of art.

Concrete type

Cladding materials

The facing material serves to give the extension an attractive appearance and also ensures its durability. It must be durable, unaffected by weather, safe (non-slip).

As finishing materials you can use: siding, WPC, wood, brick, various types of tiles, panels, natural and artificial stone.

Materials for fencing and canopies

  • Railing. Fences for porch structures provide protective and decorative functions. They protect people from falling and make them look attractive.

Fences can be screen or lattice. Materials for their construction can be: glass, WPC, PVC, metal, polycarbonate, wood, stone.

  • Roofs and awnings. To ensure a comfortable stay for people in any weather, as well as to protect the entrance area from precipitation and sunlight, canopies or roofs are installed over the structure.

Canopies are mounted either directly to the facade or supported by vertical supports. The type of fastening depends on the area and weight of the structure itself and the condition of the building wall (ability to withstand loads).

The frame of canopies is usually made of wood or metal, and the canopies themselves can be made of glass, polycarbonate, metal, metal tiles, slate, and soft roofing materials.

When arranging a canopy, you should provide a drainage system to protect against excess moisture and provide comfort to people.

Having familiarized ourselves with the possible designs of porches and the materials for their manufacture, we will consider options for how to make a structure at the dacha.


For a more complete introduction to how to make an extension of this type to a country house yourself, a video is offered in this article:


  1. Preparatory work. You should start with preparation, which includes: choosing a structure (including the type of foundation), taking dimensions, selecting materials, making a drawing, clearing the area.

Sample sketch

  1. Purchase of materials.
  2. Foundation construction. The foundation can be pile, slab, strip and columnar. When choosing the type and depth, the type of soil, groundwater level, and massiveness of the structure should be taken into account. It should be noted that for concrete structures and brick porches the foundation must be solid. You must remember to lay waterproofing on top of the finished foundation.

Strip foundation

Important! The foundation should not be in contact with the foundation of the house. For insulation, a special layer is used, for example, mineral wool.

  1. We are building. Let's look at the most popular options.

Wooden porch

Manufacturing instructions:

  • For work you will need: bars for supports (100x150 mm), logs (their thickness is determined by the size of the platform and the load on it), boards for stringers (50x300 mm) and steps (35-40 mm in thickness), material for decking the platform, balusters, handrails, fasteners. All wooden parts must be impregnated with fire retardants and antiseptics.
  • The platform frame is installed. To do this, vertical supports are installed, as shown in the photo. When the supports are immersed in the ground, a cushion of sand and crushed stone is placed in dug holes (at least 50 cm deep), then flat stones are laid. Beams are installed level. After this, the remaining space is filled with cement mortar.

Important! The solution should harden completely.

The height of the vertical beams is leveled. The logs are placed on the supports using a tongue/groove connection or special stainless steel brackets.

  • A staircase is being installed in the country house. Stringers are attached (with pre-cut recesses for treads and risers). The upper end of the stringers is fixed to the beam, the lower end is best attached to the foundation.


  • The risers and treads are secured to the stringers with self-tapping screws (in addition, you can coat the joints with glue).

  • Using self-tapping screws, the flooring of the platform is laid.
  • Railings are being installed. To do this, support pillars are mounted in the corners. A bar is stretched between them, to which the racks are attached, fixed on top with handrails.

  • If required, a canopy is installed.

Wooden look

Concrete type

The construction of a concrete porch takes a lot of time, so you will have to be patient.

To make it, you can use a ready-made solution or prepare the mixture yourself. The problem of how to make a mortar for pouring with your own hands is not difficult to solve: you will need a concrete mixer, cement grade no lower than M400, river sand, crushed stone and water. The mixture is diluted with water, starting from the ratio: cement (part), sand (2 parts), crushed stone (2 parts).

  • Installation of formwork. This is the most important point in the manufacture of a concrete extension. Boards, plywood, chipboard, sheet metal or plastic (if you need to make rounded shapes). The formwork elements must be firmly fixed. Wooden elements It is recommended to cover it with drying oil to facilitate dismantling.


  • Reinforcement. For this purpose, reinforcement bars with a diameter of 10 mm are used, which are connected to each other at a distance of 10-15 cm, or metal grid. In order for the reinforcement to be in the “body” concrete structure, it should be placed on stands, the role of which can be played by broken brick. Broken stones and bricks can also be placed inside; they will increase strength and save mortar. If railings are installed later, you can install embedded elements.

  • Pouring concrete. The prepared concrete is poured into the formwork. To compact the mixture, it is worth processing using a deep vibrator. The surface is leveled according to the rule.

After this, the structure should be covered with film. The formwork material can be dismantled a week after pouring; all other work must be left until the structure has completely dried (a month).

Concrete look

To finish a concrete structure, the materials described above are used. If planned by the project, fences and a roof are installed.

The article discussed possible options installation of porches for dacha buildings, as well as advice on how to build a porch at your dacha with your own hands.

Wood will always remain our favorite material, because it is alive and natural; stone, even natural, does not have this property, and especially glass and concrete do not. As long as a person lives, they will build with their own hands. A wooden house has a peculiarity - it can easily be matched with a porch made of wood, but almost never one made of metal or plastic. You must be a great specialist in the field of design wooden houses to organically integrate a modern “metal” style into the facade of a wooden house. And it’s even more difficult to do beautiful porch with your own hands without a project.

Choosing a porch project for a wooden house

The task of working with your own hands is greatly simplified if you take into account several rules for the mutual combination of the features of the porch and the facade of the house:

  1. Porch for wooden house can be done in the same style as the house itself. But do not make a small copy of the house, but ensure that its design looks like an integral part of the building. Look at a few photos. In all cases, a beautiful porch looks harmonious due to its functionality and thoughtful style;
  2. You can make a contrast between the beautiful texture of the porch and standard view an ordinary wooden house. Against the background of a boring, neat look of a wooden house, the porch will look more impressive.

Important ! Majority beautiful projects attracts with its simple and stylish design, in which there are no unnecessary elements or “empty” decorations.

Please note that in the above photos you can select a whole photo gallery of the most successful projects with minimum quantity decor, beauty is achieved only through natural characteristics wood

Interesting porch designs for a wooden house

The bulk of do-it-yourself wooden house projects are made either in the old “chopped” style, or stylized as wooden ones with extensive use of metal, ceramics, and wooden beams. Both styles of houses are very beautiful, and correct selection the porch takes on the appearance of a work of art.

House and porch in “chopped” style

Much in the beauty of a house and porch depends on the right style wooden building. For example, a standard cottage, which does not have any special refinements in form and design in the photo, changes dramatically in perception after the addition of vertical racks from tree trunks. Their unusual shape made it easy to stylize the entire building of the house with an unusual “forest” look. “Hut on chicken legs” style.

Often wooden houses are built with their own hands using old old-fashioned method from large wooden logs. Almost always, such “log houses” turn out to be large two-story buildings, reminiscent of medieval Siberian houses. But with the correct location of the porch and compliance with the general style, the house can greatly benefit from making a beautiful “antique” carved porch, as in the photo.

Oddly enough, but most houses built of wood repeat modern architecture, which does not fit well with the old “chopped” style. The desire to do complex roof and the log vault of the walls leads to the appearance of a kind of “remake” - the texture of an old wooden house, mechanically transferred to a new architectural appearance. In such options, a beautiful carved porch practically saves the entire ensemble.

Some lovers prefer a classic wooden house based on the patterns and canons of the 18th century. Particularly interesting are the options typical for the northern latitudes of the country. Even in the photo, such projects look simple and very functional; there is nothing unnecessary in the design of the roof and walls, but one feels that the house is unusually strong and reliable. An openwork porch with beautiful stairs very accurately complements the beauty of a wooden house.

Almost always, the porch looks very beautiful and organic, it can complement and emphasize the beauty of the house if it is small in size, so the design of a small porch is not lost, but correctly complements the main building, as in the photo.

Stylization for “chopped” buildings

The proportionality effect forces lovers big houses artificially increase the size of the porch in order to maintain correct proportions in the house. In the appearance of the facade of a beautiful wooden house, the main role is given to the porch; it is made of wood, but looks very modern and stylish, thanks to the laconic and beautiful design and well-chosen tinting of the supporting supports and wood cladding Houses. The achieved effect speaks for itself in the photo.

The most successful and attractive wooden houses are not of the “chopped” style, but those stylized log house. The architecture of such a house is more elegant and modern. In the photo you can see how to use a beautiful carved ornament that is organically combined with the general ideology of the wooden structure of the house. The porch turned out to be very spacious and bright, the carved ornament goes very well with the overall decor of the wooden house.

The walls and porch made of wood look more modern and stylish, and there is no excess in the use of antique decorative elements. Moreover, the porch itself is very beautiful and complements well the facade of the wooden house, in the photo. But in such solutions, in order to maintain the overall style, the porch was faced with ceramic tiles of a very well-chosen shade. In this design, the monumentality of the building and the finishing of the timber under expensive varieties wood requires an exquisite texture of material for a wooden porch, so the stone steps are made with ceramic cladding.

Not a wooden porch for a wooden house

There are many successful options when builders and architects manage to combine with their own hands the warm style of a wooden house with a cold one. modern style, in which the porch of the house is built. Wood goes very well with stone and ceramic tiles

The metal and plastic from which the porch is built do not at all spoil the appearance of the wooden house, although the structure itself looks a little unusual, but not alien, thanks to the successful wooden texture of the cladding and the design of the house itself.

It is not always possible to harmoniously combine a wooden house and a non-wooden porch. The complexity of this approach lies in the need for painstaking selection of a compromise between the bright appearance wooden facade and understated porch style. Sometimes this is achieved by using a minimum of metal and glass in the porch. For example, in the photo we managed to solve the compatibility problem thanks to the use of forged elements and thin openwork pattern the buildings. In addition, the shading formed by the pine trees growing around it has a beneficial effect on the overall background of the house.

Advice ! One of the secrets to properly building a porch with your own hands is to use the right color scheme.

For open and brightly lit areas, a wooden house is usually made in light colors; they try not to highlight the porch too much. In conditions where most of the façade is covered by trees, it would be more organic to use more subdued tones and a minimum of varnished surfaces.

A simple solution, beautiful and tasteful

A beautiful porch does not necessarily have to impress with its size and richness of decor. For small houses you can use the most simple solutions from the stairs and side railings. In this case, the main emphasis should be placed on reliability and comfort due to the wide upper platform, comfortable steps and very beautiful exterior finishing using special varnishes and wax compositions as in the photo.

The option in the photo below will be optimal for a summer house or country house. Such a porch can be considered a whole terrace. Often, due to the beautiful natural shade, the porch parts are not even painted, but are treated with wax mastics, so that the texture of the elements resembles freshly cut wood.

A simple design does not mean wretchedness; one of the nicest projects is a porch with several steps for an ordinary residential building in the city.

Natural color and good solar lighting very well emphasized classic design porch. This typical option an attached scheme, when the staircase is, as it were, completed with your own hands to the landing in front of the front door of the house. At the same time, the canopy and the porch itself turned out very small sizes, do not take up much space, and are absolutely organically combined with the appearance of the house itself.

Important ! For the construction of such options, many construction companies released in ready-made kits standard projects porch, which you can assemble and build in front of the entrance to your dacha or small house with your own hands.


The most good options Do-it-yourself porches for a house are obtained by individually selecting a canopy, stairs, railings and an upper platform in front of the door. But even with this approach best choice will make it simple and beautiful design made of wood with a reliable canopy made of modern materials.

The porch of a house is not only decorative element facade, but also good protection from rain, snow and wind all year round. A wooden porch is characterized by ease of assembly, reliable construction and natural beauty. Having become familiar with all the intricacies of constructing a wooden porch in advance, you can complete such work yourself quickly and without much difficulty.

Preparatory work

It is possible to build a wooden porch with high quality and quickly, observing certain requirements for preparing a future project:

  1. We create a drawing. The plan includes general form structures, dimensions of all structural elements.
  2. We determine the type of wood for construction (the best option is hard rocks tree).
  3. We calculate the area of ​​the landing that is sufficient for the smooth opening and closing of doors.
  4. Let's calculate.
  5. Before you start building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to think about the general appearance of the structure and its design style. It is important that the design is in harmony with the facade of the building, being included in a single composition.

Wooden porch project

When attaching a wooden porch to a house, the following parameters are calculated:

  • Height of the stairs. It is easy to determine this indicator; to do this, measure the distance from the soil surface to the threshold of the doorway, subtracting 5-10 cm of indentation (taking into account seasonal fluctuations in the soil and changes in the thickness of the tree under the influence of precipitation).

Attention: if the height of the porch requires arrangement large quantity steps, experts recommend erecting a corner frame made of wood, in which one of the flights is placed along the facade of the building.

  • Length of stringer (string). The supporting beam of a staircase with a comb along the top line on which the steps are fixed is called a stringer. Bowstring is a structural element onto which steps are fixed using the groove method.

  • Width and height, number of steps. The calculation of these indicators is based on the width of a person’s step. On average, the height of a step is 18 cm, width (depth) -26 cm. You can determine the required number of steps using the formula K = i/d, where: K is the number of steps; i is the distance from the porch to the starting point of the base of the stairs; d is the length of the step.

  • Width of the flight of stairs. According to regulatory documents, this figure must be at least 70 cm.

Choosing a wood species

When planning construction, it is important to choose the right material for the job. The most durable, high-quality wooden staircase to the porch will be made from larch or pine. The log houses look very colorful wooden house from rounded logs.

Before purchasing lumber, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • dryness of the wood (the cut of the wood is smooth, without wet spots);
  • no traces of mold, knots, or bark beetle nests.

Design features

A wooden porch for a private house is a small extension to the facade of the building.

Device options:

  • open area with steps - simple design without railings (ideal for a small one-story country house);

  • partially enclosed area with low railings;

  • closed porch - a structure consisting of a staircase, a platform, railings and a canopy. Closed porch helps maintain silence in the house and increase the level of thermal insulation.

The advantages of a wooden porch

An undeniable advantage of wooden structures is the ease of processing lumber. It is also worth noting a number of positive points:

  • a large selection of models of wooden structures;
  • low thermal conductivity (wood canopies help increase the thermal insulation of a building);
  • wood does not require additional decorative finishing;
  • simplicity and speed of construction (no need for a reinforced foundation);
  • If repairs are necessary, there is no need to dismantle the entire structure; only a separate part of it can be replaced.

Cons of a wooden porch

Wood like natural material susceptible to destruction under the influence of moisture, fungus or mold. The surface of wooden steps wears out very quickly and dries out when exposed to direct sunlight. Of particular note high degree fires of structures made of timber and boards.

All of the above shortcomings are easily corrected. To do this, it is necessary to regularly impregnate wooden surfaces with special protective and fire-retardant compounds.

How to build a foundation

When constructing a wooden porch, you can use the following types of foundations:

  1. Columnar is an ideal base option for a lightweight wood structure. The number of support pillars depends on the total area of ​​the porch.
  2. Slab - concrete base monolithic slab Typically used for very heavy structures.

Let us consider in more detail the process of constructing the simplest pile (columnar) foundation.

Algorithm of actions:

  • According to a pre-calculated pattern, holes are dug in the ground.
  • A small layer of sand and gravel is poured into the bottom of the hole. It is necessary for high-quality moisture absorption and preservation of the pillars from premature rotting.
  • The support is installed in the prepared hole and filled with concrete solution. Important: the depth of the supports is 20 cm from the freezing level of the soil.
  • After waiting the required time for leveling and hardening of the concrete, check the height of all support pillars. If necessary, the required areas are trimmed. Important: in order to increase the strength of the structure, the outer supports are attached to the facade of the building with self-tapping screws.

How to build a wooden porch

Having determined the dimensions, type of design, purchasing necessary materials, you can begin construction.

When constructing a porch made of wood, you must adhere to certain rules and procedures:

  • as supports most suitable material pine logs will become;
  • an additional waterproofing layer must be laid between the wood of the stringer and the base of the foundation;
  • support pillars must be processed protective compounds;
  • support pillars are dug into the ground no more than 80 cm.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands

A clear algorithm of actions has been developed, following which you can easily and quickly build a wooden porch with your own hands:

  1. We are designing a plan for the future structure. We calculate the dimensions of all structural elements and the amount of material required.
  2. We are laying out the foundation.
  3. We build a staircase to the porch made of wood with our own hands.
  4. We arrange a canopy and railings.
  5. We cover the entire structure with protective compounds.

We arrange the flooring, steps and fencing

There are several ways to lay deck boards and steps:

  1. A wooden beam or board is tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Important: in this case, the slope of the site is at least 2°C.
  2. The boards are laid with some gap (no more than 3 mm).

Installation of steps must begin from the bottom of the string. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

The final stage is the installation of the railings. There must be a fence if the height of the stairs exceeds three steps.

Installation of a wooden porch floor platform

The site is built from durable thick boards that can withstand the daily movement of a large number of people. A small gap (gap) is left between the flooring boards, which is necessary for the free flow of rainwater and the unhindered movement of air.

Important: the boards for the site must be laid out under small angle tilt

Care and protection of a wooden porch

A canopy will help protect your wooden porch. Visors made of wooden beams above the porch frame.

You can extend the life of a wooden structure by adhering to certain rules and requirements:

  1. Wood requires periodic treatment with protective compounds. The wood is processed for the first time before construction begins, then protective layer applied during the operation of the structure.
  2. Give more decorative look During construction, painting or finishing with varnish will help to reveal the beauty of the wood. Apply paint and varnish compositions several layers are required.

Important: do not coat pine wood with transparent varnishes. For soft woods, water-based, alkyd or polyurethane paints are most preferred.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a wooden porch yourself

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to follow a clear sequence of actions:

  1. Project development and calculations required quantity materials. The quality of the work performed, reliability and durability of the erected structure largely depend on the accuracy of the calculations.
  2. Construction of the foundation. For a wooden structure, it is enough to build a foundation from a pile. This easy-to-install base ensures the porch is reliable and durable for many years.
  3. Construction of a wooden porch frame - forming a bowstring.

It is easy to assemble a single structure; all elements are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove method. Metal staples will help strengthen the frame.

  1. Arrangement of the platform, steps, railings. The easiest way to arrange a wooden porch area is to cover it with boards. The elements of the risers and feet are fixed to the frame using self-tapping screws. Installation of steps begins from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

Wooden or metal railings ensure safe movement on stairs.

It’s possible to make a beautiful wooden porch with your own hands, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the process in advance and strictly follow all stages of construction.

When you build a solid country house, you can’t do without a good wooden porch. It’s so nice to sit on it on a warm summer evening! In addition, it will also perform economic functions. Therefore, today we will talk about how to build a wooden porch with your own hands so that the cottage looks finished and cozy.

What is a porch for?

First of all, this building has an aesthetic purpose and serves as a decoration for the facade. But it also has very important practical functions. In winter, the porch will save the front door from skidding, and will also serve as additional thermal insulation. In the summer, it will perform many more tasks: the porch can be used as an impromptu gazebo, and you can leave shoes and household items, such as buckets, on it.

There are three main types of wooden porch:

  • simplified;
  • built-in;
  • attached.

If you want a more original and multifunctional design, you can build a porch-patio, fashionable in Western Europe, reminiscent of an open terrace.


Typically, a wooden porch consists of elements such as a foundation, supports, steps with railings (or without railings) and a canopy.

Now let's talk about the mistakes that beginners in construction often make when they want to build a wooden porch with their own hands. This will help us avoid our own shortcomings in the process.

  1. The most common mistake is buying materials or not suitable quality, or in larger quantities than necessary. This will lead to unacceptable financial costs. It is imperative to fully plan the entire work process and calculate the amount of materials.
  2. Often people without construction experience exaggerate the real complexity of the task. You should not choose a very complex, textured design if it is not necessary. Moreover, a simple porch will definitely fit into the building with taste.
  3. If you think that a wooden porch does not need a foundation, then you are mistaken. A solid foundation will protect the structure from premature destruction.

Now let’s take a closer look at all the stages of construction of a wooden porch.

Choosing a porch to your liking

Preparatory stage before the start of construction

So, first of all, we need to draw up a plan for the future porch. When creating it, follow the following recommendations:

  • take into account factors such as the general appearance and size of the site, as well as the size of the flights of stairs;
  • think over the design so that it is subject only to operational loads;
  • constant exposure external environment(weather conditions, wind, soil movement) is also important;
  • the site should be spacious enough so that the porch elements do not interfere with freedom of movement and use of the door.

Now select the required material. In our latitudes, pine is most often used to build a wooden porch, as it is a common, inexpensive, wear-resistant and easy-to-work material. You will need:

  • pine beams 100 X 200 mm or logs for rafters and floor beams;
  • boards for canopy 50 X 150 mm or 50 X 200 mm thick;
  • boards for landings, steps, railings, side posts.

Use pine logs or timber for the foundation

Having purchased the necessary materials and drawn up a drawing of the future building, proceed to laying the foundation. The best option for the porch there will be a pile type of foundation, it is simple to implement and inexpensive.

  1. Before making the foundation, treat the timber or logs for support with antiseptic agents. While the work is going on, the wood will have time to soak and dry.
  2. Constantly referring to the drawings, dig holes for supports. The depth must be at least 80 cm.
  3. Place the supports into the holes, fill the gaps with soil and compact them.
  4. If you want to make the platform and supports more secure, fill them with cement. In this case, you will have to wait until the solution is completely dry, and only then proceed to the next stage.
  5. Once the supports are fully installed, make sure that their height is equal. Trim them if necessary. After this, you can prepare the cuts by removing excess wood.
  6. Hollow out nests in the prepared joists and put spikes on them. Errors and unevenness can be corrected using small bars.
  7. One of the support posts of the structure can be attached to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws to provide greater reliability.

The foundation is completely ready, and now you can begin step by step creation the porch itself.

Making steps: basic rules and operating procedures

First of all, we need to make a so-called bowstring, or kosuor. It can be of two types - with cut out ledges or embedded steps. The first option is much simpler, so we will rely on it.

To make a bowstring you will need:

A template will be needed to determine the size of the step recesses. The sides of the pattern must correspond to the tread - the horizontal part of the steps and the riser - to the vertical part.

General view of all elements of a wooden staircase

The dimensions of the steps and their number are also determined according to certain rules. For example, the quantity must be odd. The most convenient, and therefore constant, width of the steps is 37–45 centimeters, the height is a maximum of 20 centimeters. Optimal width the porch itself is one and a half times the width of the front door.

After you have carried out all the required calculations, mark the profile of the future bowstrings on the board. One edge of the support must be securely connected to the joists that are installed on the floor of the porch. To do this, spikes are cut into stringers or bowstrings.

If you decide to build a porch-patio, you will need to make an additional two stringers and two bowstrings. The dimensions of all these elements must be the same. After installing them, measure the structure again to identify possible errors and correct them at this stage.

In order to connect bowstrings and stringers with floor joists, use the simplest “tenon and groove” option. To do this, attach a board with grooves to the platform beam. The tenons of bowstrings and stringers need to be inserted into the grooves of the board. For greater reliability, the resulting structure can be additionally reinforced with steel brackets or metal strips. This is the last step in preparing the frame for the lower part of the porch - the stairs and landing.

Installation of the platform (wooden porch floor)

This stage of building a wooden porch is quite simple.

After some time, the boards from which the flooring is made dry out, which is why gaps, sometimes very wide, form between them. This not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but can also be dangerous. To avoid this, lay the boards as close together as possible.

When the flooring is almost ready, and the stringers and bowstrings are securely fastened to the joists, we move on to the next stage - installing risers and treads. These elements are also connected using the tongue-and-groove method and attached to the bowstring.

Note! Some believe that fastening all these elements can only be done with nails and self-tapping screws. In fact, such a design will not stand the test of strength.

Options for attaching stairs to the foundation

That's it, your porch is ready. Compliance building codes and rules guarantees that it will serve you long and reliably. But do not forget that it is not only the quality of joinery and carpentry that matters here. The durability of any wooden structure largely depends on how correctly the wood was prepared and processed.

Here are some tips that will definitely come in handy:

  1. Do not install an attached staircase too close to the front door. In winter, the frozen ground will raise the stairs, which will impede the movement of the door or even jam it.
  2. The foundation for the porch must be deep enough. It would be a good idea to waterproof the wood so that moisture does not subsequently lead to swelling and rotting of the wood.
  3. Make sure the wood has been thoroughly dried. Be sure to treat it with an antiseptic.

A simple, and at the same time stable and functional frame of a wooden porch is ready. If you wish, you can decorate it to your liking: install railings, make a canopy, a canopy, and add decorative elements.

Video about building a wooden porch with your own hands

We have offered you the simplest option for constructing a wooden porch. This work does not require any professionalism or construction skills from you; on the contrary, even beginners can do it. We hope that our tips will help you make your cottage even more comfortable. Ask any questions you have in the comments or share your experience. Good luck!